jonathanarcher · 2 years
On a similar vein of thought regarding Janeway and attire:
I am still massively annoyed that Our Lady of Voyager did not get the previously traditional Special Captain's Uniform™. That is her equivalent to Kirk's slutty Green Wrap Supreme, to Picard's highly textured Cardigan/grey undershirt combo, and to Picard's and later Sisko's uniform vest. She deserved a Special Captain's Uniform ™.
We NEED to bring back the captains special little outfits. It’s like in 3rd grade when you got an extra treat for reading the most books. She needed a tank top <- is saying this for horny reasons
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bisexuallsokka · 4 years
Zuko taller than Sokka this, Sokka being taller than Zuko that. You're all missing the comedic genius of Suki being taller than both and making them her armrests.
can suki please be the tallest member of the gaang. it feels right.
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oddthesungod · 3 years
I like the Anonymous Asker's Kirk and McCoy in Vulcan robes idea. But, I see that and raise them the entire crew wearing Vulcan robes some of them making them their own design and aesthetic. Scotty does a complete Scottish tartan pattern and modifies it to be kilt-like, Sulu fused the Vulcan robe with a kimono, Uhura and Dr. M'Benga model theirs with fusion elements from traditional Swahili dress and patterns, Chekov just tries (and fails) to add something Russian, and Chapel just prefers a classic look.
omg they would all look SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagining they are at a Vulcan diplomatic function for whatever reason and wearing those!! They definitely make some Vulcans swoon <33333
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reginaldqueribundus · 3 years
I'm filling an appeal for your prison sentence for inappropriate humo(u)r. We can't have you incarcerated for such a spurious charge.
The jury was hung like a horse
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captainpikeachu · 3 years
I like that your John Walker analysis is nuanced. It's nice to see that. To the point on people seeing him as fascist and/or white supremacist, umm yea, I don't see that either; it's simply not applicable. Is he a bit jingoistic, at times blindly servile to the US?, yes, but certainly not fascist; he mainly lacks patience and pause to see complexities around him. Does he have an excess of white privilege and perhaps too little introspection on that fact?, yes but a white supremacist he is not. Again he lacks awareness and curiosity of complexity of the people around him, he cares for and respects Lemar and not in a "have a Black friend" type of way, he respects Sam and only challenges him on tactics, he doesn't recognize the authority of the Dora Milaje not for any colonizer tendencies, but because he just doesn't have the familiarity with the Dora Milaje, the man just has an abundance of ill-utilized white privilege, nothing more sinister.
Do I like John Walker? It's complicated, yes and no for different reasons. Do I hate him? No, he hasn't reached that level. Wyatt Russell son of Kurt and Goldie Hawn acted the hell out of that character and deserves the nuance he put in.
Oh Walker definitely has white privilege and he is very servile to this sense of patriotic duty. But nothing he does is out of a sense of evil sinister mentality. He genuinely wants to do good and help. He just doesn’t always have the right way to do it. His heart is in the right place, but his flaws tend to steer him towards the wrong solutions. I think that’s what actually makes him a far more interesting character than if he was just played as this pure evil character. He’s a tragic/fallen hero, perhaps doomed to never be able to find the right way, and it’s interesting to watch where his unpredictable path might take him.
I think what’s really caused the issue with this character is that because the show so very effectively manipulated the audience through story framing into hating Walker from the beginning, any decency and good elements of the character they injected into little moments here and there are ultimately lost underneath the sea of bad iconography. In an ironic way, what they did so well in manipulating the audience actually kind of backfired on them. This is what’s causing such a dissonance in how people view the character to how the writers talk about the character.
I actually get into all of this in my upcoming huge John Walker character analysis that I’m working on, because I think it’s something important for viewers to actually recognize.
And as for Wyatt Russell, he is absolutely brilliant. I’ll be disappointed if he doesn’t win some awards for this because he took a thankless role and made it totally memorable. A lesser actor may not have been able to give Walker the nuance and unpredictable quality that he did.
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An alternate universe where Chekov is Worf's adoptive father. And Worf has, on top of his Klingon otaku thing, an unhealthy obsession with Russia.
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stonedtrek · 4 years
I'm hoping The Emissary, The Sisko, intervened in the fate of Shaxs.
yknow I originally said this too but the more I think about it, the more I hope he’s just made it to the celestial temple (if he’s actually dead and not somehow still alive which is a possibility since we didn’t actually see him die/his body and they’ve brought people back on less). He knew he was going to die if he didn’t leave on the shuttle too, which he did willingly to save Rutherford and the Cerritos, and is how he wanted to go. Some tenants of the Bajoran religion are humility and faith, which I think he exemplified when he sacrificed himself.
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captaincrusher · 4 years
Make up a fact regarding a hypothetical alternate universe where Harry Kim was assigned to Deep Space Nine. Please.
Jadzia takes Harry under her wings. And she becomes his wing man. Harry learns to play tongo and how to NOT be swindled by a Ferengi. He meets someone real cute with a lot of tendrils because Jadzia teaches him to see beyond the physical. She helps him become confident in his decisions and wise enough to both stand up for himself and know when he needs to step away. 
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weirdtrek · 5 years
Would you rather serve on the Enterprise-D or Deep Space Nine?
Deep Space Nine because: 
It’s a space port, so you get to watch the ships come in. The wormhole is beautiful. It gets shot at less often. Restaurant options. 
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ezrisdax-archive · 4 years
Opinions on:
1. Keiko Ishikawa (O'Brien)/Alyssa Ogawa
2. Tuvok/Harry Kim
Thank you. Live Long and Prosper.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it 
hm, well for both of these already I can say that with exception of a few times I tend not to ship characters who are already happily married (obviously jadzia is an exception and I do enjoy the miles/keiko/kira poly group)
It’s not a ship I’ve considered much, they could be interesting, I’d bet they’d have a lot to talk about with their interest in different sciences. I really sadly don’t have much to say here, sorry.
again not something I’ve considered, they could be fun though. I’ve always enjoyed the scenes they’ve had together and how the respect grew between them and Harry reaching out to be Tuvok’s friends. I do think we could have gotten more of that.
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whoneedssexed · 4 years
I always find it disturbing that discussions around weight loss/fat loss, physical fitness, and the like fail to have the finances of such "goals" discussed in any detail, neither in the short term nor in the long term sustainable. I mean, is the total cost of "eating healthfully" optimised for variety and nutritional balance for a full month even a known and regionalizable quantity? Even if there are healthy ways to "lose weight" how much does it cost and are those in poverty eligible?
We’ve seen that in most cases poverty contributes to poor diet and malnutrition, which can result in becoming fat. This is additionally compounded by the fact fat people are often stuck in poverty as being fat lowers their likelihood of getting well paying jobs.
I’ve seen graphics that tout the “cheapness” of “real” food that then get torn apart by the facts of what it means to actually try to obtain these foods. Things like the fact they only come in bulk, or that you have to have the energy and time to make these dinners, or that these foods expire quickly if not used, and so on make eating “healthy” incredibly expensive. Not to mention, once things start becoming part of the “health fad”, their price skyrockets and their availability plummets.
It’s been done many times to food that’s specific to certain cultures, and practices that were once shunned as things that “dirty” poor and often immigrant people did (such as home gardens in cities or eating wheat bread). Once the diet and “healthy eating” industries got to them, people who did these things for decades or centuries suddenly had it torn from their grasp.
The role of capitalism and classism, and at times racism and colonialism, in poor nutrition in the US is intricately woven.
- mod BP
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jonathanarcher · 3 years
Re: People horny for Tom Paris
Yes, Tuvok and B'Elanna are right there, I agree with the individual who stated that. Those are valid points.
But, if it pleases Your Grace, consider the fact that Harry Kim is more than available to be horny for. Harry Kim is more than deserving of horny-ness (and a damn promotion). Hell, Garrett Wang made People(?) Magazine's list of hot people one year and Rick Berman (fuck that guy) couldn't fire/kill off Garrett/Harry any more.
Literally my favorite fun fact about voyager is that Garrett Wang was literally too sexy to die
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bisexuallsokka · 4 years
I think it would be interesting to see the evolution of Probending once the Airbender population rises significantly. That is after a few generations post Harmonic Convergence when Airbenders number enough to add a fourth player on the Probending team. It would also be interesting to know what Airbending in a Probending style would look like.
omg wait this is a great point i have never thought of this
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jvlianbashir · 5 years
Good luck, Dear Doctor.
Tumblr media
Thank you, (plain, simple) friend!
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reginaldqueribundus · 5 years
Garak versus Dr. McCoy, not a fight of strength, but a battle of wits.
there would be no survivors
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captainpikeachu · 3 years
I am glad to see The Undiscovered Country so high on your list. It is a fantastic Trek film. It has one of the best soundtracks of Trek films and some truly great scenes. Chief amongst them anything with Sulu as Captain of the Excelsior namely "Fly her apart then!" The incredulous response of "Are you kidding?" when someone asks "Do we report this, sir?" And "Let's give them something else to shoot at." The man has all the sarcasm I want in a Captain. I also love the Surgery on a Torpedo sequence of scenes. And all the great Shakespeare.
As a poli sci nerd, this movie spoke to my soul. And Captain Sulu is just pure perfection. 👍
There’s so many things to love about it from story to performances. Just such a joy to watch!
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