#these vamps literally gonna murder you girl stand up
drunkeddiediaz · 3 months
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#Louis GIRL GET UP!!
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promisedneverwrite · 3 years
Until Dawn
A Vamp! Poppy x Werewolf Bea fic
A retelling of Queen B with added story plot
Tag list: @somewillwin @veenast @stanzoeywade @shows-simp-card @barnibumblr @tragic-tm @baexpoppy @noixngn @ashleyfenner @zeusasterion @captainpowerless @louvmin @maskedalienfreak @thescarycatishere @feliiix @depressedfrenchfry @spoonanarmadillo @amswanmills @frozelemonade  @waterinathermostat @rayvenz3 @wolfietheduckyou @chipo1804 @soft-round-bees @lazynightmareblaze @somin-yin
Previous Chapter
Chapter XII
 Bea makes her way behind the bleachers and finds Zoey in front of the broken throne. Bea reaches Zoey checking her if she’s hurt. 
“Zoey, are you okay? What happened?”
“I’m fine. I don’t know what happened! I came to check things out and it was like this. Bea, I’m so sorry.” Bea stands in front of Zoey looking up a bit at her to meet her eyes, taking one of her hands in hers while the other rubs her arm comfortingly. 
“Don’t be, it’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re not hurt.” Zoey pushes her away a bit and frets.
“Maybe we still have time to fix the intro.” Bea’s heart twinges as Zoey looks a bit lost and distressed. Bea clenched her fist feeling her blood boil.
“Fix your intro? As if, losers. You’re over. It’s done. You might as well just, like, call an Uber and leave.”
“Ohmygod, chlo, you’re so bad.” Chloe and another blonde, Trixie strut up to her matching smirks, Bea hands twitch.
“You’d be lucky enough to meet him when I’m done with you. I’m in no mood for games right now, St. James. ” Bea glares icily, her voice deep with growing irritation. The two girls smartly stay far away from her but Bea could sense their fear even from where she stood. Trixe bounces from foot to foot, like she was holding something in when she blurts it out.
“Farmsville, you look hot! Poppy was too much of a cheapskate to buy us new outfits.” Chloe whirls on Trixie anger written on her face.
“Do not insult Poppy, when you can't even do a high kick right.” Bea silently watches eyes still on them. “Anyway, farmsville, so sad about your throne. But we’re innocent bystanders.” Bea’s eyes narrow at the hammer in her hands.
“You have a hammer.” Bea’s voice is soft, but it’s chilling.
“No I don’t.” Zoey glares and she gets out of her funk. 
“It’s literally in your hands. I would accuse you if playing dumb, if I didn’t know for a fact that you weren’t playing.” Chloe scoffs.
“Think what you want, oompa loompa one and two, there’s no video surveillance back here to prove me and trix did anything.” Bea turns slowly.
They all freeze. Bea’s form seems to grow slightly, eyes a lighter shade. “So there’s no cameras back here to see me completely erase you from this life. Hand me the not hammer, Chloe. I promise you won't feel a thing.” Bea slowly walks towards them, murderous intent leaking from her. 
“Ah, I just got my nails done!” Zoey tries to stop Bea but only proceeds to be dragged along as she just keeps walking, yellow eyes not straying from the two girls who scream and cling to each other as they run away. 
“Ah! Help! Farmsvills got rabies!”
“Ohmygod, she’s like, psycho! This is so bad for my energy.” They scurry off and Bea scoffs.
“Wussies.” Bea takes a second to calm down. “So that was shitty. What do we do now Cap.” 
“I might have a solution. It’s a long shot, but if it works, your performance would become a thing of Belvoire legend.” She taps away on her phone as she continues. “Your throne was to give you a grand entrance… but what if we can give your whole performance an upgrade?” Bea gasps and holds her hands. 
“You’re gonna perform with me!” Zoey laughs and kisses her nose. 
“Belvoire couldn't handle both of us, boo. I’m talking about star power here. Something… scratch that, someone that Belvoire crowd will lose their minds over.” Bea doesn’t understand, still looking at Zoey hopefully. 
“You’re so cute.” Zoey pinches her cheek and then shows Bea a picture of Jaylen Riaz. Bea’s squints, holding her hands together by her pursed lips.
“Uh hypothetically...right? Umm… Would you be disappointed if I didn't know who that was?" Zoey blinks.
“Babe.” Bea averts her gaze.
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
“We’ll talk, but for your info her tour just finished. It’s all hush hush, but she’s back in New York to record her next album. The single you’re dancing to is gonna be on it. Just say the word, and I’ll call up my mom and have her convince Jaylen to perform live during your performance.” 
“You’re really too good for me.” Bea looks at Zoey, emotions overflowing and she tears up a bit.
“I’ll take that as a yes! Oh my god stop crying, I’ll start crying too.” Bea wipes her eyes and hugs Zoey as she dials up her mom and starts negotiating. Thirty minutes later Bea, a bit more knowledgeable about Jaylen, introduces her to the football team. 
“Thank you for like the millionth time, Jaylen. I literally own you and Zoey in my life.”
“Thank you for inviting me! I love performing for local crowds. It just feels so much realer, you know.” Bea only nods, not trusting herself to not make a fool of herself. Carter grins as do the other boys pumped at the new addition.
“This is so cool! I listen to ‘Left me on read’ whenever I’m doing my cardio and it totally pumps me up.” Carter does a little dance to the song. Luis goes over to Jaylen smiling.
“My sister's a huge fan. Could I get an autograph for her?” Jaylen smiles 
“Of course, I’ll stick around for a bit after the performance.”
“Awww, this is the part in those cheesy sports movies where they do the team cheer. Hands in, everyone.” Zoey starts the team cheer circle. Bea spots Jaylen off to the side and grins at her and motioning her to come.
“Come on Jaylen, you’re part of the team now!” Jaylen laughs and comes over, putting her hand in the team circle.
“Aw, I love you guys!” Bea grins and turns to her team.
“Let’s show those dancing queens what dancing really is! Poppy’s girls may have their high kicks, but you know what we have?” 
“Natural groove?” Ford does his body roll which makes Bea laugh.
“Top notch flossing?” Erik does his dance with a smile.
“A celebrity with hundreds of performances under her belt?” Jaylen supplies.
“You, Bea.” Bea clutches her chest. Luis, bro.
“Aw, stop. We have all that and more. We’ve got teamwork, we’ve got passion. We’ve got what it takes to win this! So let’s dance hard and have fun!”
“I’m loving this hype!” Jaylen feels just as excited as the team does.
“Gooo team!” Carter hoots and everyone hoots after as they head back out just in time to catch the end of Poppy’s performance. 
“They’re good.” Bea looks up into the stands as people cheer for them. She spots Kingsley in the crowd smiling and throwing a thumbs up Bea smiles back. Bea shakes off the nerves as she waits on the side of the bleachers when Zoey comes over.
“Hey, don’t be nervous. You’re the fabulous Beatrice Hughes. If anyone’s got this, it’s you.”
Bea takes a breath and grins at Zoey.
“I’ll be waiting for my spoils I was promised, hope you didn’t forget.” Zoey raises a brow and an amused smile on her face.
“I didn’t, but who said I was buying you food you wanted.” Zoey pats her cheek and leaves to her seat in the stands. Bea stays still, trying to process what Zoey just said.
Give it up one more time for the Zeta House Dancing Queens! 
Bea raises a brow as Poppy struts over once again glancing at her searchingly before bumping into her shoulder. Bea sighs as Poppy once again ends up on the floor, she goes to help her only to be brushed off. 
“Jeez, it’s like you want to end up on the floor.” Poppy bristles as she dusts off her clothes, flicking her hair.
“My condolences for the little mishap with your chair earlier, but we all know there’s only one throne around here.” 
Next up, put your hands together for Bea hughes and the football team! 
 Bea smirks as the intro music starts. 
“Actually, Pinky, let me give you my condolences. I hope you’ll recover from this.”
Just then, Jaylen drives up in her convertible as her new single starts playing over the loudspeakers.
“Hop in, Bea.” Bea smirks at Poppy's surprised face as she passes her.
“Thank you, kindly.”
“No. It can’t be.” Bea hops into the passenger seat of the convertible waving her fingers at Poppy. Jaylen hands Bea the mic as she drives them onto the field. 
“I got a special treat for you thoroughbreds! Here to perform her newest single… make some noise for Jaylen Riaz!” Bea hands back the mic as gasps and screams of excitement roar through the crowd.
“What’s up, Belvoire! I’d like to give a huge thank you to Bea who invited me out here today! This song’s called ‘Concrete Jungle’.” Jaylen parks her convertible centerfield. You hop out as she belts the opening lines of her song. The guys move into position and Carter nods at her.
“Bea, catch!” Bea catches it with a high jump and flourish. 
“This one’s for you, Belvoire!” Bea kisses the ball and throws it into the crowd right into a crowd of frat boys. They holler and cheer.
“Damn, girl’s got an arm on her!” 
The dance routine is more lively, an excited energy building up as they go through the moves. Bea ends up back to back with Jaylen singing. Bea smiles even more as she hears Chloe’s voice sing along. 
Flashes of lights go off as the boys do their solo dances and Bea does her own winking at the crowd as her hands roam over herself with her body rolls. 
Jaylen sings the part about calling shots and kissing who she wants. And the camera narrows in on Bea up on the big screen. 
Bea’s killing this dance solo. The dancing queens better be taking notes.
Bea’s eyes look at the crowd, eyes going to the bleachers and her eyes land on Poppy. Bea grins as she see’s Poppy’s eyes widening as she comes closer and closer, a plan formulating in her head.
That’s right, folks! It’s the KISS CAM! Who’s getting lucky today Bea!
“No way in hell, Farmsville! Get the hell away from me.” Bea gets close enough that she’s a step away from her then moves past Poppy and quickly turns around to wait. Poppy whirls around just as she hoped and Bea grins before kissing her lips. Poppy squeaks as Bea nips her bottom lip as she backs away with a smirk, Poppy's eyes still wide in surprise.
 "Made you look." She watches as Poppy slowly turns a different shade of pink. 
Bea turns to the kiss cam and sticks her tongue out with a peace sign of victory before she scrambles back onto the field as Poppy waves her fist around to hit her. Bea makes it in time for the last pose winking at Poppy who fumes off the side.
“BEST. HALFTIME SHOW. EVER! Hayley, tell me you got a vid of that finale?” Michael cheers.
“Already posted. That was so awesome!”
“Give it up one more time for Bea Hughes and the thoroughbred football team! I know who I’m hitting up for my next music video.” Jaylen smiles waving to the roaring crowd.
The crowd goes wild and she sees Zoey hop down the steps towards her. Jaylen stays for a bit signing autographs and taking pictures, and hugging the team before leaving with style in her convertible.
“Bea your performance worked! Look at what the T just posted!” Zoey shoves her phone in Bea's face. Bea pulls it away a good distance away before hurriedly reading it. She turns to Zoey who smiles at her widely.
“Ah, hell yeah! I knew Bea had it in her!” Ford claps her back and Bea laughs.
“No. No! Everyone shut uuuuup! This is all some kind of sick joke.” Poppy comes on the field but Bea gets tackled by Luis who thinks now is a good time to have a wrestling rematch. So Bea doesn’t hear the fall out of Poppy and Carter until the announcer voices it as Bea once again choke-holds Luis. 
Did I hear that right? Did Poppy just dump long-time boyfriend and football team captain Carter Jackson?
“EVERYBODY SHUT UP! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING! KICKOFF DAY IS MINE!” Bea releases Luis when Poppy turns to her.
“Beatrice Hughes, you small-town tramp! I don’t know what tricks you’ve been playing to get this far but they’re OVER!” She lunges at Bea who stares as the entire football team grabs her. She looked like a hissing cat. The crowd gasps. 
“Get off the field, Malibu Barbie.” 
“You’re an embarrassment to the thoroughbred name!”
“Bea Hughes is our real queen, imposter!”
 In a fit of rage, Poppy flips off the entire crowd and stomps off the field. Bea watches silent, and the crowd cheers for her still. Bea watches as Poppy glances back at her before she leaves completely.
“This is officially the best day ever. I think this victory deserves a little celebratory je ne sais quoi, don’t you?” Bea turns to Zoey pouting. 
“Did you really mean what you said about only buying food you wanted?” Zoey coos as she pulls Bea into a hug which Bea nuzzles into.
“Sweetie, I was just joking… kind of. We'll get you food okay?” Bea grins evilly as Zoey can’t see her face. Score! Bea pulls out of the hug and holds out an arm to her and Zoey accepts with a laugh as they make their way out of the stadium… right into a war zone. 
Poppy’s surrounded by Alpha’s and Zeta’s as she shrieks at the top of her lungs at a girl who lowers her gaze to the ground. 
“What in the hell do I keep you around for, Trish! I told you to do everything possible to make sure I beat Bea Hughes!” 
“What else was I supposed to do? You already had Chloe and Trixie ruin her throne.” The girl, Trish she believes, fiddles with the hem of her shirt head still lowered.
“Is there even one speck of intelligence in that tragically potato-shaped head of yours, you lump of pilly viscose?” Luis steps up brow furrowed.
“Whoa, Poppy, chill out. The girl didn’t do anything.” Poppy turns to Luis now, like a snake ready to strike.
“Exactly! That’s the whole problem! She doesn’t do anything! Nobody around her does anything!” 
“That’s a meltdown if I’ve ever seen one. Big yikes.” Bea whispered to Zoey tugging her away. Poppy’s eyes spot Bea and she turns a whole new shade of red, but surprisingly Poppy turns away, and leaves the area once again glancing back at Bea with that same look of confusion on her face before leaving completely. 
There was a certain feeling Bea associated when being watched. A tingle at the back of her neck, and goosebumps appearing on her arms. Bea frowned as she laid in bed that night, getting up to stand by her window to see the moon half full. The moon would soon become full in the coming days, she glanced to her desk seeing the package she got from home opened. There was a leather wrist band in it, magically enhanced to keep her urges in check during those times. Bea sighed then turned to look out onto the quad, narrowing her eyes as she saw movement further away. To wear or not to wear, that was the question.
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swiftsaltsweet · 3 years
Why Ch 24 of New Moon is the best chapter in the series
I’m taking no criticism, this is the best chapter and I’mma tell you why. While skimming through the series for reasons and....I never thought I’d say it but, I legit have a favorite chapter out of the entire Twilight franchise, and it’s in New Moon of all places. And I don’t know, I just need to gush ok? There’s just something about this chapter that’s amazing, it’s like a fever comedy. Like the absolute, unadulterated, feral chaos that is this chapter. It caught me completely off guard, esp considering we spent this whole god damn novel with Bella so depressed, like “it hurt to read I felt so bad for her” kind of depressed, with the last half having very clear PTSD reactions on top of that, before leading into some very clear suicidal tendencies for about the last quarter on top of that. It’s a heavy ass book. 
But then fucking chapter 24 and all it’s glory come along. We just spent a good portion of the last chapter with Ed explaining himself and trying to convince Bella that she is loved and has always been loved and he won’t leave and that she’s not dreaming. And then Bella, still not completely convinced, decides she needs to get his family to vote on her humanity. 
And like there’s some mushy stuff being said in the beginning, but that’s just there to lull you into a sense of security. Cause on the way there Bella let’s slip about the voices she’s was hearing and Ed’s just like “👁️👄👁️” And I’m low key screaming cause she’s being a biiiit to open about that, and then she’s like “Oh, that must’ve been happening cause you love me!” and now I’m high key screaming cause baby girl noooo! AND THEN Ed just smiles and is like “yeah that’s ok, that’s normal, btw it sounded like you were handling this better than me at least” and now I’m crying and screaming and the neighbor’s are calling the cops cause they think I’m being murdered. And at this point I’m like “Carlisle, please get these two a therapist or I’m gonna be thera-pissed.” And that’s before the fucking vote.
So they get there, call the family, the meeting begins. Alice is grinning like the literal devil she is (and we love her for it). Ed’s face is suddenly fierce, probably cause he just now saw the memory of his girlfriend asking his sister to eat her-I mean change her on the way to Italy. But we don’t have time to unpack that, we need to put this stuff to a vote.
BUT NOT UNTIL EDWARD PULLS A BITCH MOVE and says his lovely piece. Boy is off his rocker, but he’s going off it with a plan. Dumbass motherfucker over here thinks that he can play the most fucked up version of hide and go seek with the vampire government. And I don’t know what’s worse, 1) the audacity he has thinking Bella will go along with this plan, 2) the audacity that he thinks Alice will want to spend her time watching Demetri for the rest of Bella’s life (esp when she’s about ready to change her herself or get someone else to do it, Alice has no time for your foolishness Eddie), 3) the fact he thinks this plan can work, 4) the fact Emmett and Jasper think the plan is just swell while Rosalie/Bella/Alice think they all are fucking morons (thus showing, if there is at least one braincell in this whole fucking family, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward are not the ones holding it)
And then we have the vote, despite Emmett and Jasper drinking dumb bitch juice for a second, they end up not voting in favor of Ed’s plan. Probably cause Jasper is whipped and his wife already voted yes, and cause Emmett flipped a coin on whether Rose would hate it more if he fought the Volturi or just said ok to Bella being a vamp (yes that blessed himbo was still thinking about fighting the Volturi as he voted). 
AND THEN Ed storms out of the room and starts wrecking shit like the beautiful unstable toddler that he is. BUT THEN, Bella turns to Alice, looks her dead in the eye and is like “Ok where you wanna do it.” and klfajlksdjdsafs Fucking Alice “I see everything” Cullen can only stand there in absolute literal terror. DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING DID YA PIXIE STICK? You seriously didn’t see, no couldn’t even conceive the level of Bella’s audacity and bullheadedness???? But then you remember, not like 5 chapters ago, like a day or two ago in real time, Bella practically jumped Alice on the damn plane to Italy practically screaming “Bite me now!” like did she forget???? Like, Bella was right Alice, y’all both co-owners of the idiot market. 
AND THEN Ed comes flying in fueled by pure rage, and starts asking Bella if she’s lost her gd mind. HER TALKING ABOUT VOICES IN HER HEAD?? NOPE A-OK! He hears them too except like, he’s supposed to cause he has that power, Bella doesn’t. But his own sister cucking him on transforming his gf? Oh no this is over the line! All sanity is lost! THE DISCONNECT FKDLASJKLSAJF And then Alice is over here experiencing for the first time of what is called “shitting yourself,” is like “there’s a few issues with your plan at the moment Bella, such as me not eating you.” And then Bella’s like “give it the old college try Alice!” And Ed is acting like he’s gonna rip Alice apart and Alice is like “👁️👄👁️ I’m gonna die” and like Jasper is???? Not even there anymore??? fkdlsfjlakjf Like he left, he’s gone! No more mention of him! Like Mr. “Someone breathes weirdly near Alice I’ll show them what their insides look like” isn’t, at this very moment, german suplexing Edward’s ass into the ground???? Is he, along with the rest of not Ed/Alice family just looking on in horror at the uninformed brazenness happening in front of them?? fklsdjafk Is everyone, sans Rose, thinking “Maybe we shouldn’t have voted yes????” 
AND THEN Bella is like “Fuck it, Carlisle?” And like, at this point Ed is clutching at Bella as if he’s gonna have to fight his whole family off of her, and Carlisle is like “Yeah.......let’s do it” and Ed’s just grasping at freaking, very understandable, straws and is like “CHARLIE WILL BRING THE POLICE FORCE DOWN ON US IF YOU DISAPPEAR AGAIN!” And Bella, beautiful Isabella “Fuck da police” Swan is like “You mean all three of them? :/” But they’re able to talk her down to waiting till things cool off and wait a bit.
BUT THEN Ed, after whisking Bella away from his family before this whole interaction could become even more of a shit storm than it already is, is now pacing in Bella’s room like a mad man, trying to think of a way to undo this disaster he didn’t see coming and then his little walnut brain is like “A-HA! You want to be a vampire? Then what if it twas I who changed you instead? YOu want that? Well then GIVE ME MARRAIGE!” And Bella is like “oh damn I actually do want that :/” BUT YOU’D THINK IT’D END HERE but no, Charlie comes in cause of the commotion, and he starts talking to Bella and the beautiful idiot let’s slip she went cliff diving to her father and he’s just like “👁️👄👁️” and while he’s trying to object to Edward, Bella’s like “I’ll move out buddy boi, it’s me and Ed, or no me at all. This crazy duo is a packaged deal buck-o! Now get along so I can shower!” and then yadda yadda some mushy stuff and end with these two love birds kissing. Like....STEPHENIE! You think you can just throw some mush in there, after I just witnessed an entire circus being set on FIRE???
#twilight#new moon#twilight renaissance#twilight review#long post#alice cullen#bella swan#edward cullen#they're the stars of this post I don't want to flood the other character tags#new moon is just '👁️👄👁️' the book#i forgot what this chapter was like#and i've listen to people reviewing this book and they just????? do they not see the disaster that was in front of them???#it's always sanitized like 'oh they vote on Bella's humanity' like did they just watch the movie version of this????#like the movie version is utter trash compared to the book scene omg#I remember one youtube review saying that 'the book was more formal than the movie cause they sat at a table' and now I'm like ???????????/#Yeah it tried to be more formal but it was a screaming match away from turning into a reality tv show omg#like yeah they sat at a table and tried making it a legit meeting but we got tweedle dumb and tweedle dipstick over here running the show of#of COURSE it was gonna spiral into a insane mess#btw I love alice and she's my fav character but I also love seeing stuff bite her in the ass#it's called duality#and like there's a few other more normal/mushy stuff happening at the beginning to lull you into a sense of security#i say it's the best cause I'm still re-reading eclipse and need to re-read breaking dawn#its' at least the best from bella's perspective AT LEAST#MS ed's off his rocker the entire time so hey we're channeling that energy yo#I don't know what's funnier to me the all seeing psychic being blindsided and terrified#or ed and bella just showing their wholeass to the family right then and there and everyone has to deal with it#none of the characters win in this chapter but I know at least I was the winner :')
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kiiseru · 4 years
Hi, kinda random but I was reading your VK asks and I wanna say I'm glad someone pointed out it was weird that Kaname as a 10K old vamp was so obsessed with this 1 teenage girl. If he did all the crap he did for some greater goal like "safety of the humans" instead of all his selfish acts for the sake of Yuki I woulda respected him more...I'm not even a Zeki but I can't stand how Hino tries to whitewash his crimes, what he did to the Kiryuus was just as despicable as Rido killing Juri's baby.
Also, I get why the other purebloods were pissed. Kaname went around killing ppl minding their own business sleeping in their coffins, yet their relatives that want revenge get portrayed as shallow villains. He was also prbly gonna kill Hanadagi even if Sara didn't show up, b/c why else would he sent Ruka and Kain to scout? The servant girl even tells them the Hanadagis don't want any trouble and to just leave them alone but Kaname had to go and screw them over.
Also, Kaname's parallels w/ Rido are valid. Even other than their "love", their actions can be so malicious. Rido locked up Shizuka and ordered her lover killed even tho he doesn't care about her romantically, instead of just letting her be. Then Kaname goes and takes advantage of her desire for revenge b/c he doesn't wanna dirty his own hands(uses her as a pawn), kills her & takes her power, & to put the cherry on top, lets Zero take the blame even tho he engineered the whole tragedy. Not cool.
Sorry I took so long to get back to you anon but fucking yes! Like i’m not gonna lie but his obsession and the way he essentially gave her no choice is what pisses me off the most. She was a child and he manipulated her, guilt tripped her and took advantage of her in more ways than one.
And honestly what he did to the Kiryu’s is on equal footing. He played a part in 2 young, innocent boys parents being murdered. Why Hino thought we should just over look that cos “uwu it’s romantic” is so fucked to me and honestly her handling of Kaname and the KanaYuu ship really...makes me question her own morality. Even if it is just a story her choices say alot. The fact every characters life literally went to shit because of him and so that he could live his best human life as well just is so gross to me. I am honestly only reading VK at this point as a casual reader because it really is horrible the way she treats every other character all for the sake of Kaname. He is a shallow, evil character who did everything for either himself or his sick obsession with a child.
Sorry I sorta used your message as a means to RANT about the shitshow that is VK lol like I just can’t see how Hino could in anyway redeem this story now. Ample opportunity to make the series in to something more interesting than her own hard on for Kaname but alas, that is where we are.
I agree 100 with everything you said tho! Thank you for your message 
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I started Twilight for the thousandth time because I hate myself and this time I recorded most of my thoughts and, since I have no one irl, I have To shout them into the Void
1. Why is all the dialogue so cringey?
2. Why would she remember her favorite dessert at a rando diner when she hasn’t been there in several years?
3. The coloring is just so blue
4. Why does she look SO PALE?! Is it because K Stew was actually supes pale or because the director wanted her to look vampiric?
5. Why does Bella sound like she’s gonna cry when she implies that the guys at school are sexually harassing her? Could it be BECAUSE THEY WERE DOING THAT?!
6. “Things were getting a little strange”? Just because he wasn’t in school? Bitch, you met him once and he was an ass, any sane person would just forget it.
7. “You’re not in Phoenix anymore, Bells”. They don’t have animals in Phoenix?
8. Why is every guy so invested in Bella?
9. Their first convo in class is SO AWKWARD!!! Is that bad directing and writing or is it genius?
10. “Any cold wet thing, I don’t really...” fast forward two years she’s getting dicked down by vampire cock
11. Her telling Edward about her mom and Phil is so awkward. Like, he needs to ask her to explain things that she should know need explaining. “Why’d you move here?” “My mom remarried...” “So, you don’t like the guy?” “No, Phil’s fine....”
12. When there’s a vamp as attractive as Carlisle, why would she ever go for the son?
13. The big question is why would anyone go for Edward when Carlisle is RIGHT THERE!?
14. What I wouldn’t give for a book of Cullen origin stories: Jasper in the Civil War? Alice in the Salem Witch Trials? Rosalie getting epic revenge on her rapists? Carlisle’s everything!? YES PLEASE!!!!!
15. How Edward doesn’t realize breaking into someones room and watching someone when they’re sleeping is fucking creepy, I’ll never know
16. Rosalie shoulda knocked sense into Edward to not be a creeper
17. Bella is supes rude to Mike by just not paying attention when he’s taking to her
18. Jesus, Mike’s eyes are GORGEOUS. Don’t know how I didn’t see that before
19. I would want this guy as my science teacher
20. Has Edward ever talked to a girl outside his family? Like....ever?!
21. You don’t hit a bus door to get the driver to open it. Because of this movie, I did that one time and now I hate teenage me for that
23. Love that vampires don’t need to eat, but Emmett is eating in a cafeteria scene
25. KrimsonRogue said if you can use anything besides rape, don’t use rape. Maybe SMeyer should’ve heard similar advice and taken it
26. So Jacobs just not gonna introduce his friends?
27. “You caught that, huh?” They were a foot away from her and no one else was talking
28. I remember that in this beach scene, Bella was trying to seduce Jacob into talking. And she was like, 17 and he 15 which, even if not bad with age gap, still creepy. And she’s not good at it. And doesn’t need to do it.
29. Why she shrieking? It’s a goddamn rope he’s chasing her with
30. Why are the villain vamps so goddamn dramatic?
31. Why is Bella’s google searching so instantly effective?
32. Why does she go all the way to Portland to buy one book, flip to one page, take one word from one caption of one illustration, and then never touch the book again?
33. Bella is super not a good travel companion. Why didn’t she just drove her own self to Portland to go to the bookstore?
34. How she get so lost?
35. How did she not answer her cell while her friends were freaking out about where she was?
36. Why are her friends just leaving her with this very strange dude who never interacts with anyone?
37. That first line the waitress delivers to Edward feels like very bad acting.
38. It’s hilarious that corpse feet made her immediately think of Edward
39. How could she just barely graze Edwards fingers with hers and immediately have a shock reaction of “Your hands are so cold”
40. Okay, even with all this “evidence”, no normal person would be like, “Yup yup, he’s a vampire” and then have some dramatic confrontation in the forest during school
41. She just ditches her backpack in the forest. I assume she needs it
42. “Sometime you speak as if you’re from a different time” Bitch, when?
43. These are not normal conversations that happen in these movies
44. Bella is not normal. Dude she’s known for two days says he’s probs gonna kill her and she’s just like “Yeah, cool”
45. Why does he think his sparkle skin is a turn-off? I’d be like, “Hell, yeah, you never need to buy body glitter”
46. How she trust him after, like, two weeks and a couple conversations? I don’t trust people with my FEELINGS after two years, this bitch trusting an admitted murderer with her LIFE after two weeks
47. “I’m not afraid of you. Only afraid of losing you.” EXCUSE ME BITCH WHAT!?!? YOUVE KNOWN HIM TWO WEEKS
49. Okay, but why’d Angela say “Oh my god” before Bella even got out of the car? All that she saw was the car drive up and Edward get out
50. Why were people staring? That’s not how high school works. People don’t REALLY give a shit who’s dating who unless they’re queer
51. I get the convo montage is to indicate they’re spending a lot of time together, but they’d have to remember the exact place they left off in the conversation or just have the same conversation over and over
52. Only living on tofu would not keep you strong
53. Okay, that cut of him jumping from the rock and cut to him jumping into the truck bed is very good
55. If I were in Bella’s position, among other things I woulda done different, I woulda eaten the shit out of that Italian meal the Cullens prepares for me
56. The scene in Edwards bedroom is so goddamn awkward, but I feel like that works since she’s super awkward and he’s a 108 year old virgin who’s never spoken to a girl before her
57. Why she just turn his stereo on without permission?
58. I heard Claire de Lune is like, the most basic piece ever. Writers couldnta been more creative?
59. How is taking her on a tree climbing adventure making her dance?
60. “So, you and Cullen, huh? I don’t like it.” YOU KNOW WHAT MIKE!?! FUCK OFF!!! YOU HAVE NO GODDAMN SAY IN IT
61. What the hell was that twerking to the daughter of the chief while the chief was there?
62. So he’s been watching her sleep for the past couple months. She got there middle of the semester. So around March. A couple months would make it June. HOW LONG IS THIS SCHOOL YEAR!?!
63. Why Edward couldn’t have bounced with Bella before the villain group got there is beyond me.
64. THIS SCENE WHERE BELLA TALKS SHIT TO CHARLIE AND LEAVES THE HOUSE!!!! THIS IS THE PART I HATE THE MOST BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY GODDAMN WAYS SHE COULDVE LEFT HOME FOR A COUPLE DAYS!!!! “I’m gonna go stay at Jessica’s house for the weekend” “I’m gonna go to Angela’s house for the weekend” “I wanna take a weekend trip with Jessica” “I wanna go visit Mom for a couple days” LITERALLY ANYTHING EXCEPT THAT WOULDA WORKED THERE WAS NO GOOD REASON FOR HER TO HURT HIS FEELINGS LIKE THAT
65. If Rosalie could smell Bella across the field when there was no breeze, why can’t James smell her standing five feet from her?
66. Laurent really didn’t give them any helpful information. James is super dangerous? Yeah, Edward already got that. Victoria is dangerous? Yeah, that’s kinda common sense. Thanks for nothing, you French bastard
67. Man, why the tits did Bella not just tell Alice and Jasper about James supposedly having her mom hostage? Seems like she should trust the group of seven vamps to beat two
68. How did Alice see James going to the ballet studio but not James calling Bella?
69. “I don’t regret the fact that I’m gonna die because at least I got to meet Edward” is what she’s basically saying. As the great Ronald Weasley said, “She needs to sort out her priorities.”
70. The level of dependency Bella exhibits when Edward tells her she has to go to Jacksonville is truly terrifying.
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iheardarumorxxx · 4 years
Midnight Sun, Chapter 7 - Melody
Surprise bonus chapter tonight. Normally I do two a day, but I had extra coffee today so I’m ready to go, let’s recap this trash.
Aaaaand we start with Weirdo brooding in the car and sniffing up all the Bella smell in it. Thanks, I hate it. 
And do you wanna know what our favorite little Pire is brooding about in the car while he waits for his siblings to finish up their last class of the day? He’s sitting in the car, wondering if Bella thinks he’s pretty. I wish I was kidding, but no, this man is literally sitting there, wondering if Bella is attracted to him because when she is around him her heart rate and breathing picks up and she blushes. Oh, but rest assured, Bella would never have the same impure thoughts that Gross Jessica Stanley had about Edward. 
Leave Jessica alone.
Also, Eddie? Bullshit. As someone who lived in your girlfriend’s head for 4 books, I can absolutely tell you that she has all kinds of impure thoughts about your marble adonis self, and she should probably be confessing to a priest because of them. 
Anyway, Eddie thinks some impure thoughts of his own (yay double standards) and gets a boner in the car. He gets very flowery and harlequinn with his little fantasy about Bella, to the point where, had this not been SM’s writing, I would have not been surprised to read the phrase ‘heaving bosom’. It’s G rated sex at its finest, guys. Be grateful that you didn’t have to read it (unless you did, in which case, I applaud you.)
I had no memories of another kind of yearning.
Just say ‘I never got a boner before Bella’ and be done with it, Eddie. Also now is the time to make your 109 year old virgin jokes, if you’re so inclined. I personally believe that it is perfectly fine if Eddie never felt sexual attraction before Bella, nor would it be a problem if he never felt sexual attraction at all. Ace people do exist. What bothers me is that this is framed in a way that is basically saying ‘You’ll feel the wiggles down there when the right person comes along’ and absolutely ignores the fact that sometimes, people never feel those kinds of attractions. Also, if you do feel those kinds of attractions but its not toward your pure and true love, you’re gross and awful like Gross Jessica Stanley.
The rest of the Cullen brood show up, and of course because Bella is so Special and Wonderful, even Jas and Emmett think she smells delicious, though, not nearly as delicious as Ed does because he’s the Most Special Cullen. Rose is mad and Alice just does as she was instructed to do by her magic future sight. Eddie is put out that he can’t spy on his lady love through her thoughts when they get to her place because he can’t stand not knowing where she is and what she’s doing at all times.
The Cullens go home and start doing various boring things. Chess, computer, TV. Rose is still pissed about the Bella thing and honestly? She has ever right to be. This puts her in danger, her and her family. It puts her husband in danger. She has every right to be mad and SM trying to frame her as bitchy and over-reacting does nothing to make me think that she is.
And Eddie. Oh Eddie. He’s playing the piano. We all know that he’s writing that stupid lullaby for Bella, and Esme is just so happy that her sweet precious baby is playing music again that she has to immediately appear and start fawning over him. Listen, I think that playing piano is a very impressive skill. It takes talent to learn and master. But treating Eddie’s little song like the next mozart piece is just stupid and I hate how everything they do is just consider the BEST THING EVER.
Alice singing along just. Boo. Go away. This was already bad enough as it was, don’t make it worse.
You are the best and the brightest of us all.
Just come out and fucking say it Esme. Or rather, just come out and fucking say it SM. It’s obvious that SM thinks her little avatars are the best and most special things to ever exist. She genuinely thinks that she’s created something to parallel the greatest lit of all time, and that her Eddie is akin to Mr. Darcy. Edward Cullen is not a good character. And he is not an interesting character. And that’s that.
God, there is an entire little section here just shitting on Rosalie. Rosalie is vain and petty. She only cares about her looks. Her whole life she was only looked at because she was pretty and it made her shallow and care only about appearance. Etc etc. Ignore the fact that Rosalie is clearly smart enough to maintain a 4.0 with the rest of her siblings, that she is skill with cars, that she does, in fact, have interests and hobbies outside of traditionally fem ones. She’s just a dumb, vain, shallow girl.
Fuck you, Eddie.
I am of the firm belief that one should never force their own beliefs on others. Never be afraid to express what you believe in, but never tell someone else they’re wrong because their beliefs are different. There are a few exceptions. One is Trump. That man is a danger and needs to be stopped. Period full stop. The other one? Alice mentions that their normal vamp friends are coming and they hunt the normal way. The Cullens have no problem with this and, in fact, just let them hunt nearby. In BD they actually loan out cars to the vamps to help them get away to hunt. The Cullens don’t eat humans, great, but they sure do aide and abet their friends that do. Murder is fucking wrong, even if to these stupid Pires, it is just a lifestyle choice.
Eddie and Emmett are hunting, some real bro bonding time. I wish that was what it was, honestly. I am aware that the Cullens are not actually related, but the have been together for a long time, and clearly have a family dynamic in place. It sure would be nice to see them attempting to act like siblings. To talk to one another, to bond, anything. But that would take time away from Eddie obsessing over his one twu wuv, Bella, so. Can’t have that.
You know what, Emmett is genuinely trying to be nice and understanding to Eddie’s pain and worry. Its actually really sweet to see it. Of course, Eddie is a grade A dick, and does not care about the effort his brother is putting in for him.
 God, and Eddie is crawling into Bella’s window again. I really, really hate that, you know. Like, it’s one thing for the fucker to be obsessive and stalk her when she’s awake, but like... let her sleep dude. Just because you never have to sleep ever doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want when other people are sleeping. Also, what was your plan gonna be if Bella had insomnia, or if she woke up for some reason in the night and you were just there? Of course, she would never catch you, for you are so wise and brilliant and shit. But like. Dude. Seriously.
So after he spends a few hours staring at Bella while she sleeps, he’s off, and goes out into the woods to follow her scent trail. Bella always compared Mike to a dog, but... idk Mike never pulled that shit. He just really feels the need to tell us that he wants to know literally everything that Bella does ever. It’s weird and creepy, dude. Just chill out. 
And this chapter just kinda... fizzles out. Like, it doesn’t conclude so much as it just... ends. Kind of abruptly. And this chapter was just... boring. Like, the ones before this were bad, but they were at least bad with some flavor. This chapter was like a stale triscut. 
Hope you enjoyed! As always, drop me a message or a DM if you wanna chat about this book or recommend one for my next recap series. You can buy me a snack using the CashApp tag in my bio! Love you all, thanks for reading!
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whitewitchdani · 6 years
Infinitely Different: Chapter 16
Read Chapter 15 Here
Word Count: 1,819
Pairing: Winchester!Sister Reader x ???
Warnings: angst, language, fluff
A/N: Chapter 16 is here! I hope you guys like it, big things are coming in the future for the reader! As always please give me all of the feedback and let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
Infinitely Different Masterlist
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Dean was yelling after he picked up your body off of the floor where Klaus had let it drop. The Winchester and Salvatore brothers were now the only people in the house, as Elijah vamped after Klaus following the incident.
“SOMEONE ANSWER ME!” Dean exclaimed.
“I don’t know, Dean. It’s been two days. Elijah’s blood may have cycled out of her system by now. We won’t know for a few hours,” Stefan said. He was in shock; he had just seen his best friend be murdered in front of him. Although he knew it wasn’t what you wanted, he was praying to every deity ever thought to exist that you would wake up.
“We shouldn’t want her to wake up Dean, you know it isn’t what she wants,” whispered Sam. He brushed a piece of hair from your face as a single tear slipped down his cheek. Guilt flooded each of the Winchester brothers; you were the youngest, it was their job to protect you. And they had failed.
Stefan and your brothers turned when a crash sounded from behind them. Damon was breaking any piece of glass he could get his hands on. He had been ready to yell at you for not telling him about Elijah, but now all he wanted was to see your beautiful eyes again. He didn’t care about whatever was happening with you and Elijah. He just wanted you alive.
And Klaus’ head on a pike.
“Damon, you gotta calm down,” Stefan grabbed his brother’s arms in an attempt to calm him.
“Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Are you serious Stefan? She’s dead! She’s dead because of that goddamn Original who you told me would leave us alone once we left them alone. But guess what? You were wrong and Y/N paid the price.” Damon continued to break things as he yelled at his brother.
“It’s not Stefan’s fault, Damon. It’s our fathers. Once the trail for the yellow-eyed-demon went cold Dad went nuts in his new obsession of hunting the Original family. He only stopped after Y/N came into the picture because he couldn’t find the weapon to kill them. We’re hunters, it’s an occupational hazard.”
Damon huffed at the youngest Winchester brother, “It doesn’t matter. Just pray to God she wakes up.”
“It isn’t what she wants, Damon. She’s never wanted to be one of us, you know that.” 
The eldest Salvatore glared at the youngest, “IT DOESN’T MATTER! I’d rather her be alive and pissed than dead and, well dead!” Damon was pacing but stopped suddenly, “Call the girls, they need to know what happened. I’m gonna go lay her down in my room.” With that, Damon picked up your body and left the room.
Stefan sighed, “I’m sorry guys. I-”
“How long til she wakes up?” asked Dean quietly.
“If she wakes up, it should be a couple hours. I’m gonna go call Caroline and have her get everyone over here.” Stefan left the room to call the rest of the gang.
Sam turned to his brother, “What do we do Dean?”
“There’s nothing we can do. Except wait.” Dean sat down on the couch and rubbed a hand down his face. He was terrified. They both were. Their sister was lying dead in a bed upstairs and they were praying she would wake up and become a vampire; something they never thought they’d wish for.
An hour later, all of your close friends in Mystic Falls had gathered at the boarding house. Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena were sitting on one couch, the blonde comforting the other two as they silently cried over your death. Alaric stood by a window and quietly mourned, until he grabbed bourbon for both himself and Damon. He attempted to comfort the vampire, and felt he was moderately successful. The two Winchester brothers were on the couch across from the girls, and Stefan sat on the arm of that couch.
“So what happened?” asked Alaric as he sat on the arm of the couch the girls were sitting on.
Stefan sighed, “Y/N went to see Elijah and apparently Klaus saw her as she left and recognized her. He thought she was here to go after the Mikaelson’s and I guess just killed her before she could do anything.”
“But that’s not why she’s here! God this is all my fault, I’m the one who called her here,” Caroline dropped her head into her hands.
“It’s not your fault Care, Klaus is just a paranoid bastard,” Elena rasped through her tears.
“That I can attest to,” added Damon.
“Do you think she’ll wake up?” asked Bonnie.
“I have no idea. It’s been two days since Elijah healed her and I’m not sure how much blood Elijah gave her. So it could go either way really. If she’s gonna wake up, it’ll be soon,” said Stefan.  
“Stop saying if. She’s gonna wake up.” All eyes in the room turned to Damon, who was standing by the window. 
“Don’t, Stefan. I know this isn’t what she wants, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to be dead either. When she wakes up she’ll have a choice.”
“What do you mean?” asked a confused Dean.
“If she wakes up, she can choose whether or not to complete the transition. She can either feed and become a vampire, or do nothing and die permanently 24 hours later,” Alaric informed your brothers. 
“I believe Mr. Salvatore doesn’t plan on giving her that choice.”
Everyone’s heads shot around to find the source of the new voice that had entered the room. Damon’s fangs descended as he vamped across the foyer and pinned the visitor to the wall with a hiss.
“Take it easy, Damon,” Stefan warned.
The eldest Salvatore turned his head to glare at the youngest, “Take it easy?? Are you serious Stefan? IT’S HIS FAULT SHE’S DEAD!”
“You think I don’t know that?” he snipped as he shoved Damon off of him, “If I hadn’t invited her to my home and apparently checked my voicemail, none of this would have happened.”
Caroline looked at the visitor thoughtfully, “This isn’t your fault Elijah, it’s your brothers. I hope you realize he’s a complete psychopath.”
The eldest Mikaelson sighed, “Yes. Unfortunately we realized that long ago.”
“Do you think she’ll wake up?” Sam inquired quietly.
“I’m not sure.”
“Guess then,” quipped Dean.
“I’d say yes. With the amount I gave her, it should’ve taken at least three days to cycle out. But I must warn you everyone is different, so it is possible it already did. We should find out shortly.”
“You know you have a lot of nerve coming back here,” Damon interrupted. 
“I need to know if she’s alright.”
“Of course she isn’t alright,” Dean stood and walked towards the Original, “She’s dead, Elijah. And she may not wake up. Do you really think she’s gonna want to see you after your brother literally just snapped her neck?”
“Y/N understands the nuances of my family and vampire life, and I’ve come to know her fairly well. If she wakes up I can talk to her and if she sends me away, so be it.”
“Oh you are so not going near her. Back off, Grandpa Moses,” snapped Damon.
Elijah glared at the eldest Salvatore, “Last time I checked, you weren’t in charge of her. Let Y/N make the decision of whether or not she’d like to see me. Your jealousy does not make you her keeper.”
Damon turned red in the face and stormed towards Elijah only to be stopped by both Stefan and Alaric, “Let me go,” the men obliged, “I’m not jealous of you because you aren’t competition. You’re a Mikaelson; an Original vampire. Y/N is a hunter and knows what you and your family have done. How in the hell can you even begin to believe that she would choose you?”
Elijah smirked, “Because I’m nothing like my siblings. And she trusts me, even more than you. I haven’t even known her that long and she’s chosen to tell me her personal truths. Tell me, Damon, has Y/N told you the truth about her mother and father? Or her brothers who seem to shut her out for being their father’s bastard child?”
“You son of a bitch,” Dean stormed toward the Original but his brother halted his advance.
“Dean! Stop. He’s just trying to get a rise out of us,” Sam said in an attempt to calm his brother.
“Yeah, well, it won’t work. Leave, Elijah. You don’t belong here. When she wakes up she won’t choose you and I’ll be the one to help her comes to terms with this. So, uh, get bent.” With that, Damon turned and left the foyer, heading upstairs to check on you.
As Damon entered his bedroom he sighed. He approached your unmoving form and took another deep breath before sitting down next to you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. This is all my fault. I’m the one who pissed you off before your hunt and then I kissed you earlier and freaked you out. I should’ve told you how I felt before. God, I wish I could just talk to you.” He sighed once more as a singular tear slipped down his face. 
“I was so angry when I found out about you and Elijah; angry at you, angry at that posh asshole, angry at myself. I wanted to fight a goddamn Original for you. I don’t know what you see in him but I know it’s your decision. And I’m sorry I sprung my feelings on you, I know it freaked you out. According to Elijah, you’ve been having some problems and I know what I did had to add to that, and I’m sorry.”
Damon paused and wiped the tears away, “Please, Y/N, just wake up. I promise I’ll help you through it. I know it isn’t what you want, to be one of us, but it has its upsides I promise. I think you’ll love being a vampire personally; the speed, the strength. If you want, you could continue hunting, and be the best hunter in existence,” he smirked.
The eldest Salvatore took your cold, limp hand in his and gave it a kiss before leaning his forehead against it, “But you have to wake up. Please Y/N, I love you. Just wake up.”
Suddenly, a gasp sounded throughout the room. Damon’s head shot up as you sat up in the bed. Damon looked at you in awe, not believing his eyes. He may have vehemently denied out loud the fact it was unlikely you would wake up, but deep down, he doubted you were going to actually wake up.
He looked straight ahead and let out a shuddering breath, “Y/N?”
Read Chapter 17 Here
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sweetness47 · 6 years
Dominating the Night
Pairing Dean x reader
A/N: this is for #spnkinkbingo hosted by @fanforfanatic
Square filled: humiliation
Warnings: dom/sub, smut, bondage, spanking, dirty talk, humiliation MATURE 18+ ONLY
Summary: Dean has had the hots for you for some time, and you think he’s absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. What you don’t know is Dean is a Dom, and his need to control you is getting to much for him to hold back, especially with your constant flirting.
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Dean stared straight ahead as he drove Baby back to the bunker, barely glancing my way. I didn’t think I had pissed him off or anything, I mean we flirt constantly but it’s never been an issue before. Sam shrugged, also baffled at the silent treatment. Dean was usually more relaxed after a hunt, bantering with me and even conversing with his brother. I replayed the evening in my head but still came up with nothing out of the ordinary, at least none that seemed out of the ordinary. We did play truth or dare earlier while staking out the vamp nest but that shouldn’t have made him this angry.
We arrived home and I made some food for us to chow down on, all three of us starved and ready for a good hearty meal. I whipped up a batch of burgers and a salad to fill our empty stomachs, then I excused myself to take a shower. Dean said thanks for the food, but other than that remained silent through the entire meal, staring at me like I had just blown up a third world country or something. And for the life of me, I still couldn’t think of anything to spark this kind of reaction.
I entered my room and closed the door, ridding my body of the bloody clothing so I could clean up. That’s when I realized I wasn’t alone in my room anymore, I spun around to find Dean standing there, his eyes fixed on my now naked form, but I was too tired to care at that moment. I was more interested in why the one guy I like, who’s been looking at me like I murdered a group of children all evening, was suddenly in my room with the door closed.
I grabbed a shirt off my dresser and covered the front of my small frame while addressed his intrusion. “Dean, what the hell? Don’t you know how to fucking knock?”
His answer was to rip the shirt from my hands. “Stop talking. Kneel on the bed, now!” his voice vibrated through the room, commanding and strong. My insides quivered and my pussy was now wet. I did as he asked and got onto the bed, positioning my self so I was on my knees. “You will call me sir. Do not speak unless you have permission. Pick a safe word Y/N.”
I was stunned. Desire pooled in my folds, and I was sure I had just soaked the sheets. Dean was a Dom, and the sub in me was screaming inside for him to take charge of my body. Safe word, right. With careful consideration, I said, “Red.”
“Red, what.”
I faltered. “Red, Sir.”
He smiled, a darkness seemed to shadow his face, his eyes became almost black with lust, need. A shiver ran down my spine, my clit was throbbing at the idea of this man having me.
He brought out a pair of handcuffs and some silk ties from his jacket. Then he threw a few toys on the bed, then glanced at me again. I hadn’t moved, but I was watching what he was doing, which apparently was the wrong thing to do.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching you, Sir.” I replied.
“Did I give you permission to watch me?” his voice dripped with dark promises.
“No, Sir.” The answer that left my lips was barely a whisper, my head now bowing to face the comforter.
He nodded. “You’re right, Y/N. You didn’t have permission to watch me. You need to be punished now. You’re such a bad girl.”
I whimpered, but not from fear. He sat on the bed then looked over at me. “Lay across my lap, face down.” He commanded.
I scrambled over to him, placing myself over his legs, my bare bottom now exposed for his pleasure. My body braced itself as the first smack fell across my skin. It stung but the heat only heightened my pleasure. Then came another slap, and another. There were 7 in total, each more intense than the last. I moaned after each one, my ass stinging, sensitive to touch. He whispered at me. “Did you like that Y/N? Are you my filthy little slut, ready to please me? Hmmm? You, with your teasing and flirting, such a bad girl.” His fingers traced the red tender flesh of my bottom, then he gave one more good spank before he grabbed something off the bed and pressed it against my anus. “You naughty whore, my little slut, you need to have more punishment.”
The object that had been circling my anus was then forcefully shoved inside the tight sphincter. I cried out, earning me another two smacks on the bottom, which in turn enhanced the new sensations I was feeling from the dildo. I bit my lip as he began to move the large toy in and out, fucking my ass with a sense of urgency, my moans hidden in the lip I was biting to stop my cries. I felt my climax building, but that is when he stopped, and he pulled me to standing, the large rubber cock still deep in my anus. He stripped off his own clothing, and I really tried not to stare at his large erection as it sprang free from the confines of his jeans and shorts. I moved my eyes back to the floor quickly as he looked up, hoping he never saw me watch him.
Then he grabbed the cuffs off the bed, and put them on my wrists. He took the blindfold and placed over my eyes, making sure I couldn’t see, and then I heard the door open. “Dean, what…” I bit my lip as I realized what I had done and said. Not only did I speak out of turn, I didn’t call him Sir.
His silent response was to spank my tits, almost with the same intensity that he had used on my ass, which was still tender. My nipples were aroused, hardening at the onslaught of pain, the pleasure traveling directly to my core. Holy Fuck! Then he practically dragged me to his room, which if my navigational skill were correct, went directly past the kitchen area, where I was sure Sam was still sitting. My face turned more red than an apple, the idea that my guy friend had seen his naked brother drag his naked girl friend to his room. Once at his door, he shoved me inside and locked us in. His hands grabbed my cuffs and hooked them to something on his wall, so my arms were now securely anchored above me. He spread my legs apart and put them into clasps that were already attached to the wall, so now I was literally his prisoner. The dildo still secure in my ass, every step and movement causing me insane amounts of pain/pleasure, was joined by nipple clamps, then by another rubber cock, this one felt twice the size of the one in my bum, which was shoved inside my wet folds.
“You’re such a filthy slut, you are wet and I didn’t give you permission to do that.” He whispered in my ear. I whined a little, and more slick wet the area of his current assault. He moved to stand at my side, giving himself access to both dildos. Then he proceeded to fuck both my holes at the same time, finding a brutal but steady rhythm to work me over. “You aren’t allowed to cum until I say you can.” He warned.
I bit my tongue, knowing that was going to be a challenge in itself, especially with so much pleasure being forced on you at once. You tried your best to stifle your cries as he shoved one in and pulled the other out, back and forth, picking up speed till you couldn’t take it any longer. Just as your body was about to cave, he stopped again, leaving your senses in overdrive.
He removed the dildo from your cervix, and replaced it with fingers, three of them to be exact, frowning when he felt my desire pooling there. “Y/N, you are bad, you dirty little slut, getting turned on like this. What kind of girl are you? You should be in a whorehouse, you disgusting, filthy whore. What would your parents think if they could see you now, begging to be punished, finding perverse pleasure in pain, I’m gonna have to continue to punish you.”
That little talk only enhanced your desire, and you responded with even more juices coating his fingers. He growled and fingered you hard, bruising the tender folds that covered your hole. Again the pressure built inside your abdomen, your climax so close, you held your breath hoping it would go away. But the sensations were too much. You screamed Dean’s name as your orgasm flew over the edge, your body shuddering with the force of the explosion, waves of pleasure washing over you.
You hung your head at the insubordination you had just shown to your master. He unhooked your cuffs from the wall and forced your head down to meet his pelvic area. He pressed his cock at your lips, forcing them open. “Suck my dick now whore.” Was his response. You took him in, and he brutally fucked your mouth, hitting the gag reflex with every thrust. You moved slightly, opening your throat to the huge cock being forced down your esophagus, your tongue and lips relishing the feel of his smooth skin. You taste the saltiness of his pre-cum as he continues his assault. Then he grunts and he releases his hot seed down your throat, emptying his sac into your belly. Your tongue eagerly lapped up every single drop from his cock, from tip down the entire shaft, even his balls.
Once done you sat up, waiting for his next command. He brought you to standing, and bent down, his tongue now seeking out your wetness, diving into your folds. You could only gasp and grab his shoulders as he dragged over your clit, your labia, your vulva, sucking and driving you wild. Your moans filled the room, and you bit your tongue to distract your thoughts, trying to stop your orgasm from finding it’s release, not wanting to disappoint again. Just when you thought you couldn’t last much longer, you hear his words. “Cum for me my little slut. Bathe my tongue with your slick.”
I needed no further encouragement as my body exploded, fireworks shattering my very core, my cries echoing through the entire bunker. His mouth rode out my orgasm, until I was weak in the knees, drained. Then his hands were at the buckles that held my ankles to the wall, and the cuffs were being released from my wrists. His strong arms picked up my small frame and laid me on the bed, his lips capturing mine, our tastes mingled with each other’s, as he opened my legs with his own. His large hard shaft was at my entrance then, and found it’s way inside, the pleasure sending me over the edge. His movements were swift and full of passion, his thrusts hard and demanding. He growled as he took me, claiming me, leaving marks on my neck as a sign of ownership. I belonged to Dean Winchester now, never again to be with anyone else but him for as long as I drew breath.
@fanforfanatic @akshi8278 @legion1993 @spnkinkbingo
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albion19 · 8 years
Ring of Fire
Deadpool inspired AU. @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg (you said to tag you)
Or read it on Ao3
“Phasmatos incendia!”
They say that it can take a fifth of a second to fall in love. Now you might not believe me but it’s a scientific fact. They cut out a dude’s brain and weighed it or something but that doesn’t matter. Falling love is a rush, a hit or in my case a deluge of magic released from a 5’2 witch who has literally just set my ass on fire. Johnny Cash had it right, love fucking burns.
As a siphoner exiled from the coven that by rights should be mine I found myself at a disadvantage. But I haven’t let that stop me. If a coven, say south of the Mississippi, needed someone dead and that someone was a vampire? A vampire who has a drinking problem and liked to sleeze on pretty underage girls? Shit I’d almost do it for free.
Not really. I get paid with magic and money but mostly magic.
Damon Salvatore and his Boarding House of Horrors. He had slaughtered a coven during the 80’s or something and so far had got away with it. So I got amped on witchy woo and headed to Virginia for what I thought would be a simple vamp barbecue. I thought I’d even make a vaca of it, see some family…
I thought most of the Bennett witches burned in 1790. Clearly not.
She slammed me back out of the house with a vicious motus and now I’m on the grass. I’m attracting moths. I can see them fluttering. No, that’s my hair.
Bonnie someone shouts and the most beautiful woman in the world looks down at me. Her wavy brown hair glints in the fire, her green eyes shining like emeralds. The grass starts to burn around her feet. It could almost be romantic.
She screams and jerks back. “You’re alive?!”
“Only on the inside.”
She gasps and waves her hand and the flames dwindle until I lay smouldering. Smells like BBQ.
“Uh I’m like pork crackling. It’s making me hungry, is that gross?”
She grimaces as my skin starts to heal. I hope she stays around long enough to see me all shiny and new. “Oh my god. What – what the hell are you? You almost killed Damon!”
“He isn’t dead? Damn it. I wasn’t sure the shot landed between you setting me on fire and throwing me out the window. That was awesome, by the way.” I sit up and she looks aside. I’m half naked. My dick will have scabs. I cross my arms over my chest and start to shiver. She gives me furtive looks. She’s so pretty I want to staple my eyes open. 
“You better go or I’ll set you on fire again.”
I smile and she frowns down at me. Am I making a good impression? The borrowed magic inside me is exploding, a butterfly orgy. If anything it feels replenished. Am I soaking her up without realising it? God I wanna roll her up and eat her she’s so cute. She growls at me as I get on my knees.
“Just go!”
“I’ll only come back. I had a mission and I haven’t finished it.”
“To kill Damon? I won’t let you.”
“Then you better give me your sweater.”
“What?” she blinks.
“If you’re not gonna let me go then can I wear your coat? Or are you just gonna use me and leave me like this?” I motion at my bare chest, which is now completely healed. Bewildered she watches as I get to my feet and stretch. Her eyes totally flick down to my navel before snapping back to my face. Ha.
“I…I didn’t say I wasn’t gonna let you go.”
“Yeah you did. I don’t usually get captured but I admit defeat,” I offer my wrists to her but she stands there frozen, her cupid-bow mouth open in a perfect circle of confusion. Wicked, lovely thoughts fill it.
“Take me, I’m yours.”
“You – what?”
“Or you can let me go? I kill Damon and then we can go play some Skee Ball? Do you have that here? I also like ping pong.”
“Oh my god please stop talking,” she cradles her head, looking at the ground and then with sharp movements she rips off her long coat and flings it at me. It’s too small but it feels good against my skin. She smells like honey and magic.
I suck the traces of magic from the fibres and follow her away from the boarding house. Her friends have left her.
She drives me to a rundown old plantation house and I get stiff even before we reach the property. I hide it with her coat.
“Hundreds of witches died here a long time ago. It’s a magic hot spot so don’t think you can mess with me here. They burned to death,” she adds significantly, cruel, as she pushes me through the door.
“Oh, this place is a crack den to someone like me.”
“Nothing. So do you bring all your dates here?”
“This – this isn’t a date. You’re such a weirdo.”
Shaking her head she leads me down a hall towards a grand but dilapidated bedroom. I fling myself onto the bed which expels a puff of dust, making us both cough. She tells me not to move, those feline eyes slitted before rummaging around under the bed. I hear some rattling and smile as she brings out a length of chain. She’s obviously done this before. It sends a spike of jealousy through me but I’m too turned on to focus.
I open my mouth to speak – didn’t even buy me dinner, not even first base – when she lifts a long slim finger and tells me to shut up.
“It’s only been an hour but I know every gross thing that’s flapping around inside your head. So keep it to yourself.”
I smile and zip my fingers across my mouth. I watch her as she goes about chaining my wrist with a manacle and then climbs up on the bed to fasten the other end to the top of the metal bed frame. She’s so small she has to stand on tip toe to reach. The butterflies in my stomach are waltzing and dinning. Foreplay is next.
“You want some help?”
“I want you to keep quiet.”
I tickle her ankle and she kicks me in the chest. I grab her foot and she looks down at me with murder in her eyes. I want to kiss her feet, grovel like a dog.
“You kidnapped me, all for a vampire who has a longer rap sheet than I do. Let me do my job unhindered and I promise I’ll come right back.”
She stares at me for a long time before she laughs, pulling her leg away. “I didn’t kidnap you, you’re insane. You’re a killer.”
“I am but I only hurt bad people. Are you like the reverse of me? You protect killers and abusers? What’s the salary like? No judgement, just curious.”
I know this seems like the wrong thing to say as she proceeds to give me the worst aneurysm I’ve ever had but it does serve a purpose. She screams a spell and snaps her hand into a fist and my head flares white like a star going super nova. Fuck she’s powerful.
Powerful but self-agonising. No self-respecting witch lowers themselves for vampires and she knows it. I’m going to kill them and save her. I’ll do it for free.
“What’s your name?”
“Kai Parker…Hey you’d be Bonnie Parker if we got married. Like Bonnie and Clyde? That’s neat.”
She excels a long breath before talking. “What were you promised for killing Damon?” she sits in a chair at the end of the bed.  She had talked to her friends on her phone but warned them to stay away. She didn’t want our alone time interrupted. Sweet.
“Ten thousand dollars and a season ticket to see the Seattle Mariners.”
“Ten thousand dollars to kill a vampire?” her eyes bug out of her head.
“That’s chump change. Bagging an Original is in the millions because of the domino effect.”
Bonnie sits back in her chair in amazement and then laughs. “My mom took down Mikael and now she lives in the middle of nowhere and sells paintings on Etsy.”
“Money isn’t everything…it makes up like 40% of my pie…I heard what your mom did, we all did in Oregon. Being a badass runs in your family. Your talents are wasted.”
“Trying to butter me up won’t work.”
“I’m not, it’s just the truth but now you’ve said that I’m starving. Seriously I’m seeing it running all over your skin like honey.”
“You’re gross,” she says but this time she looks away with a small oh my god is this guy for real smile.
“Wanna go for some Korean? My friend Oscar makes a mean Dak Galbi and he taught me how. Is there a kitchen here?”
“Yeah but no one’s lived here for like fifty years. Anyway no one is cooking anything.”
“I get cranky if I don’t eat.”
“Thanks for the pants. I found a stick of gum in the pocket.”
“Lucky you,” she paces before the bed, looking suspicious. It’s been hours and the butterflies have now settled down and promises of marriage is on their minds. I twist the silver foil into a band around my finger.
“You’re looking antsy, you should relax,” I pat the mattress but she ignores me.
“If someone paid me a lot of money to get a job done I would not let myself get willingly captured.”
“Uh you did light me up like a Fourth of July cracker.”
She waves her hand. “You walked it off. I’d still like to know how?”
I wave my hand right back at her, making the chain swing. “Just a little transference.”
She frowns but quickly understands. “You mean you transferred your injuries to someone else?! You’re a witch?!”
“Yeah. They deserved it. Like I said I only target bad guys.”
“But you’re still here. You could escape anytime you wanted if you’re a witch.”
“I could yeah but you captured me fair and square. Do you wanna come back to Portland with me?”
She blinks and then laughs in shock. “What? No.”
“Oh, thought I’d ask. Is it the weather? It’s not raining all the time.”
“It’s not the rain. You’re an assassin! I’ve known you for four hours.”
“I know it’s crazy right? It only took one fifth of second for me to know.”
She steps closer, frowning. “Know what?”
“That we’d get married one day.”
She scoffs and leaves the room. I sigh, watch her go and it actually hurts. 
“Damn, you’re fucking whipped man.”
“Oscar! My little dumpling. Sorry I’m really hungry.”
A short, middle aged Korean man stands by the wall with a grin. My childhood friend, partner in crime and fellow siphoner. I used to buy pot off him at magic school, that’s how we met. He’s my best friend and when I got out of my prison world he took me in after my coven shunned me. Not like I was their leader or anything…
“Ssh. I don’t want her to roast me alive too. She got you good huh? I found scorch marks.”
“I’m in love.”
“I heard. It must be like Inside Out inside you right now, those little guys running around and freaking out.”
“I feel really weird but it’s a good weird. I’m gonna handcuff her to me and bring her to Portland.”
He winces, shaking his head. “Uh, ask her out on a date, that might work better. Handcuffs are only for police officers and role plays”
I nod. Oscar usually reels me in when I’m like this. Thank fuck he arrived. “Right. Okay. So good news?”
“Okay so previously on the Siphoner Diaries: I decapitated Damon Salvatore and I’m about to go back to New Orleans to present his fangs.”
I smile. “Under normal circumstances I’d be bummed but I’d give you my entire fang collection if it meant she’d set me on fire again.”
Oscar places a hand to his chest. He’s a good man, a complete hippy shit but a good man. “Damn, I’ve never seen you like this before. I’m so happy for you man, sincerely. So you’re staying put?”
“For now,” I say as he moves back into the shadows as Bonnie approaches. “I’m gonna take her back to Portland with me. Not in a bad way, I’ll do it right. We’re gonna have triplets.”
Oscar looks at the tattered remains of my clothes and chains before disappearing. “Yeah, good luck with that.”
“Who was that?” Bonnie demands, entering the room.
“A ghost from a Korean horror movie, thank god you got back,” I say as she scans the room but Oscar is gone. We decided to split the winnings, no matter who bags the head. It’s how we work. Bonnie rolls her eyes and moves to the side of the bed. She sighs. She doesn’t look upset so I guess she doesn’t know yet.
“I got you a Twinkie, it was in my car. It’s probably a dozen years old but -” I snatch it out of her hand before she can finish and rip it open with my teeth.
“You killed him!” she screams, slapping me out of a daze. The candy was nice but not enough. Even as an acne ridden teenager I knew the importance of a nutritional diet. No one else was gonna look after me.
“Damon! He was killed!”
“Well it wasn’t me. You’re my alibi.”
“Then who was it?!” she hisses, kneeling on the bed. God she smells so good. I want to lick her. I bet I could taste her magic in her sweat because I can smell it she’s so close. She yanks at my hair and I laugh.
“I don’t know! Probably another competing merc. We all get offered the assignment. It wasn’t me.” I shrug and I watch the anger drain from her face, replaced with guilt.
“Oh god, this is all my fault.”
“Hey, no it’s not. Come on, was he really your friend?”
“When’s his birthday?”
“What’s the last thing he texted you?”
“…I need a favour.”
“Which was?”
“None of your business,” she snaps.
“Did he say thank you? I’d say thank you.”
“Like you have any friends.”
“I do, a good one and we appreciate each other. I get that and I’m a fucking freak of nature. You deserve nothing less.”
She sits weakly, all fight gone and tears rim her eyes. She has long, fluffy black eyelashes, like spider legs. They’re drowning and I wipe the tears away with my thumb. She lets me. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“I want to. Why do you think I’m here? A fifth of second is all it took.” 
She stares at me for a long scrutinising time before shaking her head and looking aside. “You’re a sociopath.”
“Kinda, I mean I was. It’s a long story. So now that I’m no longer in Buffy mode you wanna hang out for real? Do you like Karaoke?”
She sniffs, blinking and then gives a small nod. “Yeah.”
“The taste of love is sweet When hearts like ours meet I fell for you like a child Oh, but the fire went wild…”
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