#these two are MFEO
coreancitizen · 1 year
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"By chance, and this is very unlikely, but are you here because you were worried that I would be afraid due to what happened today ... and you came to protect me?"
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waltricia · 5 months
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These dorks. 💚
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meyerlansky · 1 year
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astarion's delivery is hilarious, this is known, but i think we are not appreciating enough halsin just casually being the funniest bitch on the planet
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
the thing you need to know about me is that i'm always replaying the last unicorn in my head. and right now i'm thinking.
Sam letting Lucifer out of the Cage 🤝 the unicorn and the harpy
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violetpurpleviolet · 11 days
Supernatural , Season 5 , Episode 22
Swan song
Also is this like the first time “Carry on my Wayward Son” is played? I know it’s like the theme song. But it’s the first time actually hearing it in an episode.
OG Percy Jackson fangirl , and can’t keep seeing Adam as Luke (Though i refuse to admit that movie exists)
The chuck intro was so sad?? Also his writing wasn’t that crappy as people claimed?
“A fiddle of gold against your soul, says I’m better than you.”
Wow, Jared’s acting here is peak. I love it!
Lucifer says “We’re two half’s made full , M.F.E.O.” When did Lucifer get all this slang? Is it like him taking a bit of Sam’s memories or something?
MFEO - I had to look it up , Made for Each other.
Also, Lucifer wants Sam happy.
Oh my Azaleas gang. Wait I’m still confused to why so many other were also fed demon blood for the plan then? If they knew it was Sam all along?
Chucks narration is killing me. I am killed.
“But they were never in fact homeless”
Why is Dean so.. Dean?
Is it bad that I feel Lucifer makes more sense? That no one can make “God” do anything.
Hahahahahah Dean.
I love that he’s doing it his way , and ofc he’ll give himself intro music.
“Hey , Ass-Butt” Iconic Castiel line.
“Castiel did you just Molotov my brother , with holy fire?”
“No one dicks with Michael but me” What the?
Bobby dies? :( (I know he’s there in later seasons)
“Sam it’s okay , I’m here , I’m not gonna leave you”
the Impala.
Wow. I loved that it wasn’t music , but just wind during that scene. It was wow.
“It’s gonna be okay Dean , I got him”
Did he take Michael in with him??? whaaaat?
Also , Sam’s look of fear before jumping. And then looking at Dean. And then falling in.
It reminds me of the scene where Dean is going to say yes , and then looks at Sam and says no.
Bobby is dead , Sammy is dead.
“Cas, are you god?”
oh Bobby is back too! :/
“What would you rather have Dean, Peace or Freedom?”
because he made a promise.
Did Chuck just disappear?
Uh? what?
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justanapparatus · 7 months
taylor swift should write a song that's actually two songs ala MFEO and Hard Feelings/Loveless. I think it would be good for the culture to bring back songs that are actually two songs
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rheaitis · 2 years
also, apropos of nothing, my nonexistent kingdom for stories where Draupadi is into all of her husbands and they’re all extremely into her. please please please.
And yes, I do mean all of them. What is the point of Shiva giving Nalayini five men to fulfill her ache for the perfect husband if they’re not all appealing to different aspects of her? Like, fine, if you want her and Arjuna to be MFEO, that can be the Love At First Sight part of her life. But he’s... gone for twelve years, and then gone again for months. Arjuna might be the Love of Her Life, but his brothers are the ones with whom she’s setting up a household for years and years. Please please don’t exclude them from her romantic and sexual life. What an awful fate for Panchali, to live with men she doesn’t want for a full 80% of her marital life and adult existence.
Just. no. nope. boring. pass.
Draupadi and Yudhishtira seamlessly transitioning from debates to making out back to debates;
Bheema lavishing all the care of his too-tender heart on his Princess, his rib-crushing hands so careful on her body;
Arjuna and Krishnaa travelling to Dwaraka without an entourage, falling back in love after his long absence;
Nakula teaching Yajnaseni to be comfortable on a horse, stroking her ankles as he helps her mount and dismount;
Sahadeva holding Panchali as she comes apart in his arms, because he knows what it is, to be the younger twin, to be the youngest sibling, to feel burdened by love
Hell, gimme Draupadi/Subhadra while you’re at it, two of Krishna’s favourite girls using their mutual adoration of him to find their way into loving each other.
Just, fill her days and nights and skies with love.
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kent and owen are BONDED? im going to pass out
listen, there’s no other way for those two. mfeo in any universe.
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amysnotdeadyet · 1 year
I wrote a Sandman fic! I marked it just for TV fandom because, having read the full comics series back in the late 1900s, I can’t actually see these two as MFEO, lol. But I will absolutely ship Dreamling for the tv series!
Anyway, Dream and Hob share some tea and use dream magic to substitute it for using their grown-up words. Rated T for mentions of the state of Hob’s cock.
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missmagooglie · 8 months
9-1-1 Fandom, let's have a chat.
First of all, I want you to know that I'm not mad,
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I'm just disappointed.
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I know, and you know, that Buddie Endgame is a ship that will stand the test of time. No one is denying this. But that doesn't negate the relationships they had before realizing that they're MFEO.
And when it comes to previous relationships? Evan Buckley followed THIS MAN RIGHT HERE
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to an entire different continent.
You're telling me that the two of them never explored each other's bodies? That they never "hey no homo, right?" sucked each other off? They lived together with 3 other guys in what has been referred to in canon as a "frat house". THERE WAS HANKY PANKY.
And then, years later, THIS MAN
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shows up in Buck's life again, with a wife, begging Buck to help them make a baby. And this woman
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shows up to Buck's apartment, pregnant with his child, and acts like she belongs there.
You're telling me the two of them never even THOUGHT about talking Buck into just cutting out the fertility clinic and getting them pregnant the old fashioned way? There wasn't even a flicker of "well if you're attracted to Buck, and I'm attracted to Buck, then maybe we should invite him over and see if Buck is attracted to us"?
Come on, gang. What are we doing here? 2 paltry works for each of those tags? If we had only been introduced to them for, like, an episode I would get it. But there was a SEASON LONG ARC about Buck knocking these two up! There is fertile ground for fic, here!
Anyway. If you want to read what is apparently fully HALF of the published work in the Buck/Connor tag (how? HOW?) I wrote some pre-canon PWP right here.
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marthashlyn3 · 8 months
The entire point.
God this entire time: “Y’all still don’t see these consistencies Marthashlyn is pointing out?! It is truly the end of days. Hold on! Get tf out of my places of business! And these two are MFEO because I’ve declared it so since they were born! Don’t tell me what to do. Stay in your place. ..And I’ve reimagined the prophecy in revelation. 😏”
Also God: “With these two together, I can get more work done. I need them together NOW!”
Also God: “I want a wedding for those two.”
Me: “I think they’ve gotten the message boss. 🫡👩🏾‍🔬👩🏾‍🎨”
Also me: “Do you all know how long our celestial spirit has been catching our attention speaking as loud as he has been for us high vibrational to instantly pay attention?”
Le monde is waiting for the bird class on the farm to get it together. The farm animals too. Y’all still human to me too. And the story is clear. Just eyes & leveling of oxygen & salt in the water. It’s greeky too. The lining is golden and the background is gray.
The real tea while the adults try to fix the spiritual issue that arose around 2016; I’ve entered gracefully of age around 2020.
See how I could point it out since then & many still do what they want to do? I’m waiting for God still. It’s interesting 🤔
Many suddenly wanted to attack me & I’m only a new entrepreneur focused on my spiritual growth.
A mass majority of people are never present as a whole. Mind, body, & spirit.
Witchcraft and perversion like crazy since our last senior pastor’s dismissal is evident everywhere every day.
Psycho mania as a result of being cursed by the lord for God knows what is also evident.
Many are lost in extreme self-comparison in feeling inadequate, overcompensating, burnt out.
Many are stuck in an extreme state of flight or fight.
Many are also sleep deprived from spiritual menaces & stress.
Private time for many are still interrupted by spiritual menaces who are actually terrorists for illogical reasons pertaining themselves never discussed too; many only pray & sing to keep rooted in their personal spiritual journeys.
The seven deadly sins are blindly linked. Many cannot stop. They’re blind in what they are doing & cursed.
An extremely perverted & corrupted reproved favorite is the real source of these issues with her boatload of parallel equals. Elderly & young adults alike. While all, also seeking to be loved by someone who wants nothing to do with them. As do many others. Lost in that. Their ears don’t work.
Others show evidence of extortion & exploitation, slaving and whoring one another, seeking to have that pass on the next generation
So, yeah the devil amongst plenty still..
I’m also a light worker providing insight as I grow on my journey.
Grey space simulator energy while I am not present in the room or stretching off to the side somewhere listening to music will not continue.
I only feel that energy. A serious grey spell with people stuck in a primitive psychopathic criminal state barely able to directly communicate was 2 to 3 sabbaths now. Lost in a traumatic way. They don’t even realize it.
I’ve walked the track at the park for 2 sabbaths in a row now. Spirit led. A third time, I’ve only stared at the building. I know nothing. Just energy change. After church, I only do my energy conversion.
Extreme reality falling apart & coming back together things. “Checkerboard” to me. A black whole may show up there.
I’ve already walked through a rip of white space there too a while ago. SOBER. Completely dry.
All of this, is added to God’s organic chemistry at work and chakra voodoo/Matilda tricks shared with the general public, among many other things
My reserved and I are waiting for a peaceful transition to be in completion, although, everything was finalized formerly in the lord.
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crushcandles · 1 year
Lactation kink
Penile piercings (e.g. prince albert, not the act of piercing)
Size difference
Anon, if you’re not the previous anon, then you two should meet up and hold hands because you are MFEO.
Lactation kink
FUCK yes. I’ve already been having the occasional thought about this, but now that this has come up twice it’s on the to-write list.
Penile piercings (e.g. prince albert, not the act of piercing)
Maybe you and I are MFEO, anon, because I have also been having bursts of thoughts about piercings lately after years of not caring about them. FUCK yes. Another thing to write soon.
Size difference
FUCK yes. I wonder if I could write all three of these things in one thing? 🤔
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vegaseatsass · 2 years
Second text post in a row before I go to my parents' just to say Laura and I finally finally finally finished Great Men Academy this afternoon, and !!!! WHAT A SHOW. I tried to type out a whole thing here but I'm getting tangled up in my own words but basically to ME it felt like pure unadulterated wish fulfillment around gender stuff, being loved and seen and accepted regardless of the shape/perceived gender of your body, in a way I def wasn't prepared for a show to just nail into so richly and joyfully. SPOILERS AFTER THIS POINT
Like my god I can't think of a better end than Tangmo/trans girl!Love? Like it IS important that Love can try again next year to wish for the body she wants because it wouldn't be hopeful otherwise, but the potential of Love and Tangmo having a year of dating where Tangmo legitimately just loves and sees the person inside any body she has and can't be shaken by any sex (or gender!) changes to come is 🧑‍🍳👌👌👌 But I also have many other ships I wanted to list very quickly!!!
Tangmo/Tangmo Huge bummer that VR!Tangmo didn't get to spend more time hanging out with his favorite person!! I was heartbroken for him!! "Hey there, handsome" is how my blorbos talk to each other in fanfiction, I mean cmon, and all VR!mo wanted was to stay by Tangmo's side. Not win the race or team up for pranks or anything else, he just wanted to sit with him and vibe. That is ship fodder if I ever saw it!
Vier/Tangmo This dynamic is ship catnip for me. If the canon wasn't so good I would be otping with all my heart and soul. Not going to start adding words but seriously some of the most emotionally impactful moments of the story for ME revolve around them and I have friends I want to rec the show to on the strength of their relationship ldkfjskldsd can you imagine. It's the Love show and here I am off in a Viermo corner.
Vier/Nuclear Now the first moment I really shipped this was when Nuclear told Vier he was disappointed in him. I was like "You're not angry you're just disappointed? D-daddy kink?" BECAUSE the one thing I didn't love in the whole show was trying to wrap Vier's annoying dad up in a bow with the rest of the happy endings, I would much prefer Vier get some real space from his dad, find his identity outside his dad, and find his daddy outside his dad in a pink-haired junior who used to worship him. But also esp w/ trans girl Vier (ESP w/ happily fat trans girl Vier) via @syzyg3tic's headcanons and the way Nuclear is w/ the ladies, oh man, please let us manifest this in their future
Love/Rose TELL ME MORE. SHOW ME MORE. GIVE ME MORE. You gave me a crumb and I gobblesnorfdevoured that crumb like a luscious feast and now you want me to just move on? Je refuse.
Trans girl!Vier/not cis!Rose The best end for the two of them honestly. Vier wished to be over Rose but wouldn't it be really in keeping with the gender unicorn's style of doing stuff to not actually CHANGE his underlying emotions but just give Vier some time and space to be normal around Rose until they both fully self-actualize genderly, and the relationship between them suddenly looks refreshed and untread.
Vier/Nanai the mpreg guy from Girl from Nowhere I stand by the belief that Vier should help Nanai parent his baby. I came to this belief before I knew the full deal about Vier's father and now that I do know that deal I can't think of anything more suitable or joyfully redemptive for both of them, they are MFEO frankly Honorable mentions for
Love/You: I'm still mad they didn't demonstratively fake date with LOTS of PDA and it would be funny to have sibling/sibling double dates
Nuclear/Love: THEY WERE ALWAYS CUTE AFFFF and I love to see him continue to treat her like the bro-est bro, like Menn stop being weird a girl can be a bro and she is ours. It just does my heart good
Oh final note: Someone please talk to me about the worldbuilding in this show one day soon. I am bewitched bothered and bewildered. Was the unicorn narrating the reality tv show the entire time? What is the unicorn's relationship with spoiler the statue director?? What are the implications of a world with this level of VR and also unicorns -
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Hope you don't mind me asking, but what got you into samifer as a ship? Obviously the MFEO thing is like, blatant, but for me I really loved how Lucifer was patient and didn't pressure Sam in s5. It felt really refreshing, even not in a romantic way, for Sam's autonomy to be respected that I found myself shipping them without even consciously deciding to. Anyway, I'm interested to hear what your thoughts are ^^
Anon, I do wish I could give you an exact reason, but hell if I remember beyond knowing that I was in deep from day one. However, the reasons now have a lot to do with just how compelling their dynamic in s5, there’s just so much there to pick through. Lucifer-as-Jess in Sam’s bed being so tragically affectionate with him (stroking his chin? letting him kiss her? the hair petting??? The hair petting!!!!), their conversations that are always such complicated powerplays where Lucifer is making an effort to put Sam on his level (Sam’s consent is key, Lucifer even tells him about knowing about the horsemen’s rings in the s5 finale to keep the playing field as even as possible), and of course, the two parts of one whole vibes, which I always adore. I am a sucker for soulmates that are literally missing pieces of themselves that the other can provide.
(Anon, if you have not read the mirror conversation portion of the swan song script, I bid you to do it immediately. Sam enjoyed it. He enjoyed it!! Canon in the script!!!)
And then uhm well, continuing past that into later seasons, the Sam/Lucifer dynamic there awakened uhhmmmmm 😳 things.
and that’s all we should probably say on that topic lol.
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crent-trimm · 1 year
T*db*ccas literally acting like st*reks with their “this obvious sign that there is a PROBLEM between these two characters is a sign that they’re ~*~mfeo~*~” like lmao they are so disconnected and not communicating and spiraling down their very separate rabbit holes and I keep seeing gif sets captioned like “when it’s true love”
Lol. Lmao even.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 3 months
honestly, crafting an inconvenient soulmate au is maybe my favorite way of figuring out a relationship dynamic.
it’s not about saying “i think these two are mfeo”—you can make the argument that just about any pair of characters in a narrative are made for each other if you try hard enough. they were both made to be part of the same story so technically you can’t be wrong.
no, it’s about answering the question “what is the most annoying and/or awkward and/or disastrous way these two could learn they are mfeo?”
(which is really getting at the communication barriers and philosophical differences that exist between these characters, aka the fundamental conflicts at the core of their dynamic!)
anyway. y’all should send me two characters (this concept can work w romantic or platonic relationships) and i’ll tell you what type of soulmate au i’d put them in and why.
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