Okay. So i got a spoiler.
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"WHERES CASTIEL??" Oh you're one of those. The ones who only started for him. 💀💀 you're probably one of those people who also hate sam and think he's annoying even though he's the MAIN CHARACTER
no.. I like Sam.
I started cuz my sisters a fan.
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violetpurpleviolet · 2 days
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i finally figured out how to block certain tags 🤌🤌
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violetpurpleviolet · 2 days
Supernatural , Season 6 , Episode 6
You Can’t Handle the Truth
Ooh straight off the bat this episode seems interesting. The too harsh truths of everyone. I’ve always loved this concept. Oh damm she lasted like 10 minutes.
“Just don’t shoot him yet”
Gotta love Bobby.
OOOOOOH If Sam’s affected by the truth thing, would be good. Can find out what the fuck is up.
What the fuck is with SAM???? He’s being so rude to that poor lady.
Okay pedophile deserved that death.
The worst case is that it’s just Sam? No way , I don’t think so.
He’s so damm soulless. Is he like a demon version of himself? (Sam I mean but salt and holy water didnt work?)
Is the truth telling something else , like some other weapon from heaven?
Gabriel’s horn of truth. I was right.
They fight like an old married couple , who are too busy with work to spend time with each other , so they bicker because they cant spend time with each other.
oh yayayayayay , Dean’s gonna find out what happened to Sam.
Oh no Lisa, she called. While Dean’s cursed. Oh:(
Sam is still lying? I think? How? An Angelic weapon isint working on him? Now Dean feels bad for doubting Sam? Idk this feels off. Also if Sam really didn’t do it , he would have got super pissed of about now at Dean for accusing him of doing it.
Oh so it wasn’t an angelic weapon. Even still how did Sam not get affected by a goddess? I don’t believe that Sam was telling the truth.
Ohh I was right , he’s lying to her. OMG.
He’s not even HUMAN????? whaaat?
So he knows that something’s wrong , but because he can’t feel anything , he’s not worried or scared about it? Oh okay, kinda makes sense. Glad he finally asked for some fucking help tho. Oh my god he totally deserved that punch. Wait wait wait wait wait don’t beat him up noooo. He passed out?? Oh no.
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violetpurpleviolet · 2 days
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50 posts!
Fun stuff. Tumblr, I like it.
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violetpurpleviolet · 2 days
Supernatural , Season 6 , Episode 5
Live free or Twi-Hard
Is this supposed to be some twilight or TVD parody? She looks like Bella a bit.
Hahahahah it is a parody. “These aren’t vampires man , these… these are douche bags”
“He’s watching her sleep , how is that not rapey?”
Very valid point Dean.
Dean got called pretty by a dude again
WHAT THE FUCK? What in the actuallt fuck Sam?
NOOOO LISSSAAAAA. Istg istg if the writers make Dean hurt her. Good good he just saying goodbye.I know he’s gonna get saved. Obviously when it’s Sam and Dean they’ll find a cute and find a way to save the person , but when it’s someone else , oh no you turned , and get your head chopped. They try, but they try only real hard for Sam and Dean.
“You can relax , I didn’t drink anyone” Psh please like Sam hasn’t. Sammy a monster too then. ( Sorry for the Sam slander , but he got on my nerves for not saving Dean.)
omg what the fuck Sam??? what’s wrong with him!!!!!!
This season is so mysterious. Like nothing seems to make sense. Are the showing us the first ever vampire or what? Twins? what?
I don’t like this. What’s up with Sam? Sam used to be the more “don’t hurt anyone , save as many people as you can, don’t shoot the innocent person” What happened? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU SAMMY?
Dean’s cured. Did he forget everything that happened? So basically he just threw up the vampire blood inside him?
Oh no , Lisa..
“No matter what happens , I can always count on you. Right, Sammy?”
“Of course, Dean”
nooooo you can’t!
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violetpurpleviolet · 3 days
Supernatural , Season 6 , Episode 4
Weekend at Bobby’s
Invisible paint to capture Crowley. Istg Bobby is a genius. It just sucks it didn’t work
Oh I thought it was going to be an episode of the boys at Bobby’s. But I like this , this is better.
I like this episode. It’s different.
Ouch. Calling Bobby selfish. sheesh.
Damm. Sherif Mills is real nice.
How did they get to Scotland? Did Dean have to fly??? :o
Ah it’s cute , Dean had a fork on the flight.
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violetpurpleviolet · 5 days
Cas saying Dean and him have a special bond
save me 6.03 sastiel
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violetpurpleviolet · 5 days
Supernatural , Season 6 , Episode 3
The Third Man
I don’t like it that they have different cars.
I already miss the old Sam and Dean?
Hehehe Cas is gonna come down for Dean but won’t reply to Sam. hahahaha I was right
“Dean and I do share a more profound bound”
Hahaha I missed Cas.
An angel buying souls? or is it a fake angel? Why do I feel like it’s Crowley?
What happened to Cas??? He used to be nicer?? Even Sam!!!
Hahahahaha Sam’s car was destroyed! Silver lining indeed.
Seriously, how are the brothers not anaemic? with the amount of blood they regularly lose.
Why is Sam so chill about having been in hell??
Dean’s right. Something’s off.
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violetpurpleviolet · 6 days
guys i’ve been reading supernatural fan fiction. Super old ones (like 2010ish) so I don’t get spoilers.
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violetpurpleviolet · 6 days
Supernatural , Season 6 , Episode 2
Two and a Half Men
I like this seasons intro as well. With the breaking glass.
Also, previous season there was the half demon half human kid? that was super powerful? and he disappeared? I had actually thought he’d play a role in season 5 end. I forgot about him till now. Does he come back?
Sam freaked out over a baby? Ahahahhaa this episode is so cute!
This episode is breaking my heart. Sam’s stupid smile. Deans stupid smile. (My stupid smile)
Hahaha shifter baby.
Dean has trust issues (No shit?)
Baby’s back!!!
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violetpurpleviolet · 6 days
Supernatural , Season 6 , Episode 1
Exile on Main St.
Where is Baby????? Even if he works construction!!!
The holy water and gun under his bed..
Family? Samuel? What the fuck?
I don’t like this. Oh no, Bobby also knew. I hate this.
How dare they say Dean’s not a professional? I’m offended!
These people are snooping in Dean’s house. I hate it.
Haha Samuel saying Dean’s like his mom. Also why am I super suspicious of Samuel? Is my gut right? Idk. Something’s up. Also even Sam is a bit off. Something’s not right (Obviously they’re supposed to be dead , that might be it , but still)
I don’t like how Samuel judges Dean for living a normal life.
Something’s wrong. Why does Sam suddenly want Dean back? Something’s off! (I have trust issues)
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violetpurpleviolet · 8 days
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violetpurpleviolet · 10 days
Apparently I’m in a cult ?
All hail the spn cult, for another member has joined our ranks!
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violetpurpleviolet · 10 days
Supernatural , Season 5 , Episode 22
Swan song
Also is this like the first time “Carry on my Wayward Son” is played? I know it’s like the theme song. But it’s the first time actually hearing it in an episode.
OG Percy Jackson fangirl , and can’t keep seeing Adam as Luke (Though i refuse to admit that movie exists)
The chuck intro was so sad?? Also his writing wasn’t that crappy as people claimed?
“A fiddle of gold against your soul, says I’m better than you.”
Wow, Jared’s acting here is peak. I love it!
Lucifer says “We’re two half’s made full , M.F.E.O.” When did Lucifer get all this slang? Is it like him taking a bit of Sam’s memories or something?
MFEO - I had to look it up , Made for Each other.
Also, Lucifer wants Sam happy.
Oh my Azaleas gang. Wait I’m still confused to why so many other were also fed demon blood for the plan then? If they knew it was Sam all along?
Chucks narration is killing me. I am killed.
“But they were never in fact homeless”
Why is Dean so.. Dean?
Is it bad that I feel Lucifer makes more sense? That no one can make “God” do anything.
Hahahahahah Dean.
I love that he’s doing it his way , and ofc he’ll give himself intro music.
“Hey , Ass-Butt” Iconic Castiel line.
“Castiel did you just Molotov my brother , with holy fire?”
“No one dicks with Michael but me” What the?
Bobby dies? :( (I know he’s there in later seasons)
“Sam it’s okay , I’m here , I’m not gonna leave you”
the Impala.
Wow. I loved that it wasn’t music , but just wind during that scene. It was wow.
“It’s gonna be okay Dean , I got him”
Did he take Michael in with him??? whaaaat?
Also , Sam’s look of fear before jumping. And then looking at Dean. And then falling in.
It reminds me of the scene where Dean is going to say yes , and then looks at Sam and says no.
Bobby is dead , Sammy is dead.
“Cas, are you god?”
oh Bobby is back too! :/
“What would you rather have Dean, Peace or Freedom?”
because he made a promise.
Did Chuck just disappear?
Uh? what?
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violetpurpleviolet · 12 days
Supernatural , Season 5 , Episode 21
2 Minutes to Midnight
I had wrote a lot during this episode , but my post got deleted
So here’s the stuff I remember
Pestilence got his ring cut off really early into the episode (rare)
Cas is powerless , Crowley is a nice demon (don’t pull a Ruby on me, I like you) and he added a subclause in Bobby’s deal with him that he gave him back his legs
And of course the Sam asking Bobby about the deal being sealed.
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And Cas just dropped a bomb that Sam has to drink a shit ton of demon blood.
I liked the song they used for Deaths intro , “O death”
and i’m pretty exited to see Cas and Crowley interact cause they’re just so similarly dissimilar you know what I mean?
Also it’s a bit weird the split it , I get it that they had to , but still weird .
Dean’s got a date with deaaath.
Ooh Death is in Lucifers control. Ooh he on team anti Lucifer?
I love how Lucifer is repeatedly called a brat having a tantrum.
He’s just gonna give the ring? why is this too easy.
Chicago can stay because Death likes the pizza.
Sam is going to die? Again??? Seriously?
Wasn’t Supernatural originally supposed to end in season 5? Oh with Sam dead? ohh :(
“What are you scared of ?Losing ? Or losing your brother?”
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violetpurpleviolet · 13 days
ok gimmickverse let's all do this
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I would be oho-h-
@maryland-officially @the-real-catholic-church @north-dakota-unofficial @non-tyrannical-usa @thee0ne-whos-trying and anyone else!
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