#these teatime asks are so cool...
blue--ingenue · 7 months
Ominis Gaunt headcannons - {Pt. 3}
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Author's Note: i'm back from the dead :) sorry for the extended hiatus! college is once again taking up all of my time, and my computational nuclear materials research is ramping up hehehe. i've been itching to write some Ominis fluff for awhile, and some lovely tags from @heyheyits-angel have inspired me to post for the first time in awhile :) hope you enjoy, and hopefully i'll see y'all in the next post in a few days!
at least one of the mermaids of the Black Lake fancies him. he often tucks into one of the plush armchairs near the windows looking into the lake with a book and steaming cup of Earl Grey. one of the mermaids is quite taken with his gentle demeanor and beautiful eyes, and a few students even swear she tries reading over his shoulder through the glass
Ominis never believes the students who try to alert him to this one-sided friendship. (he’s used to bullies trying to trick him into believing something they know he cannot see for himself). he finally believes them one day while he’s busy teasing a group of first-years. he tells them that a few hours of patient waiting may lead to an encounter when they suddenly gasp and exclaim that a mermaid is hovering near his shoulder on the other side of the glass
he’s about to open his mouth to tell them off when he hears tapping from the other side of the window
Sebastian teases him about his “secret admirer,” but Ominis, who hates the feeling of being watched, decides to curl up near the fireplace couches for the rest of term
extremely grumpy when he first wakes up. he takes great pride in his appearance, so he doesn’t want people seeing him before he’s finished putting himself together for the day
his tousled blonde hair is impossibly soft and falls over bleary eyes. his pajama pants are just a tad too long and pool slightly around his feet. his sleeves are also just a size too large, making his slender hands just barely visible from beneath the emerald silk
he has a major sweet tooth. growing up, his parents rarely afforded him candies and desserts. Noctua always snuck him a batch of biscuits or a few chocolate frogs when his parents weren’t looking
similar to potions, he isn’t particularly skilled at baking. the house elves prepared everything for him at his family’s estate, and his mother seldom spent time with him unless absolutely necessary, so he’s never learned
you discover this one day (before the start of your relationship) and insist on teaching him. the Room of Requirement senses your predicament and conjures up a grand kitchen, replete with every type of pan and ingredient you could hope for
he’s hesitant at first, but there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to spend time in your presence. at first he thinks he’ll be observing you bake, but once you start guiding him, he’s a goner. you ask if he feels comfortable with you guiding his hands and his response is an enthusiastic ‘yes.’ you place your hands over his, coaxing him to chop, mix, and whisk ingredients, and he’s grateful you’re behind him if only to hide how his face burns at the contact
the next recipe you try is one of Noctua’s, his favorite teatime biscuits, in fact, and he nearly cries as he takes the first perfect bite
you fall asleep in the Room of Requirement, nestled amidst a mountain of velvet cushions and downey blankets. a few crumbs on a nearby plate are the only evidence of your endeavor. two identical cups of tea sit cooling, untouched, as he drifts off to somewhere the nightmares can’t reach him for the first time in years
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itsladykit · 7 months
Chapter 44 - Teatime
Summary: In which Edge is rewarded for all his hard work.
CW: manipulative behavior, powerplay/mind games, drug use, forced nudity, dark humor, mild physical abuse. This is an intense chapter, but one that isn't easily tagged for. Just mind yourself going in.
Edge was in the kitchen cleaning up after lunch when the knock came. He wasn’t scheduled to be back on shift for another half hour, so he knew it had to be bad. He checked to confirm his phone was on him but didn’t message his brothers. Hopefully, he wouldn’t need backup for this.
“This had better be—” His voice died, seeing Undyne on his stoop with four members of the Kingsguards in tow. “Captain,” he said, noting the glimmer of gold at her gorget and across her chestplate. His spine prickled. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Get your dress uniform on,” she said, looking him up and down. “The King’s asked us to attend him.” Her face was stony as she spoke, all of their easy camaraderie hidden behind a mask of indifference.
His mouth felt dry. “Of course. I’ll just be a moment.” He started to close the door, but one of the guards pressed the edge of her foot against it.
Undyne looked from her, back to him. “She’ll be your escort.”
His soul knotted, but he opened the door for her. “Come in, then.” The other monster—a stone elemental, he thought—slipped past him, her features unreadable. He didn’t need an escort. He certainly didn’t need an escort within his own home, but the message was obvious. The Kingsguard represented the King, and the King would not be barred from any aspect of his life.
He started up the stairs, grateful that neither brother was home at the moment. When he heard her footfalls on the steps behind him, though, his soul twisted. At the door to his room, he paused, regarding her. “This won’t take long.”
Her voice was cool and even as she replied, “I was sent to assist you.”
He needed help with his armor about as much as he needed an escort to his own bedroom. “I see.” She followed him into his room, and he was struck by a sudden rush of gratitude that—aside from Fang and his brothers—anything he truly cared about was safely in Underswap. Out of sight. Out of reach.
He clenched his hands to quell their shaking, then started to undress. Another set of hands joined his, undoing the straps and buckles that held his armor to his bones. She lifted away his gorget, his pauldrons, his breastplate with practiced hands, stripping him down to the protective padding that kept the armor from wearing at his bones. She was nothing but professional—no quips, no groping—but it still brought Muffet’s wandering hands to mind. He struggled to keep his breathing steady as she removed his leg guards.
He knew what he should do. He should take her at her word and act as if she was doing him a service, as if he was owed it by rank. It wouldn’t take the power back—this was a clear reminder that he’d sold his body to the King and the King could do to him whatever he liked, whenever he liked—but he could at least gather his dignity together and salvage his pride. They’d surprised him in his home, though. He’d let his guard slip, and he was finding it difficult to maintain an uncaring mask while every bone in his body screamed at him to run, to fight, to at least get this over with as soon as possible, dignity be damned.
Clothed now in only the padding that protected his bones, he gestured to the cabinet that held his dress uniform—praying that his brothers had not decided to prank him by defacing it. Thankfully, when she opened the cabinet, the black metal was polished to a high shine, the gold crest across the breastplate gleaming. He’d have to thank Slim later; it had been his task to keep the dress armor maintained, and he’d actually done it.
Thinking of his brothers provided him some grounding. He would not be the only one to suffer if he failed whatever test Asgore put before him. So, he tilted his chin imperiously, saying, “Your service is appreciated,” while he allowed his LV to clamp tight around his softer feelings, suppressing them and giving him the strength to do whatever needed to be done.
She nodded and knelt to put on his boots.
Downstairs, they joined up with Undyne and the other guards—was one of them her escort? had she been given the same treatment?—and started toward the Capital, all of them silent. As they passed through the streets of Snowdin, Edge noticed several of its inhabitants scurry back into their homes at the sight of them. A smirk curled the corner of his mouth, though his soul clenched at the sight.
In fact, all along their route monsters ducked out of sight when their group came into view. In Hotland, they didn’t see a single soul. Though Edge thought he saw a small spider skitter out of sight in the eaves, it could very well have been a trick of the light. By the time they reached the Capital, his uniform had lost its shine—the dust in Hotland had settled, but their footfalls had kicked it up again. It left a grey film over their leg guards and dulled the luster of their breastplates.
The King, he thought, would be pleased by that. He always seemed to like the sight of his guards covered in dust.
He’d expected to meet the King in his throne room, or perhaps the Judgement Hall. Instead, they were taken deep into the castle, where the grandeur of the palace gave way to the simplicity of a home. A home built in proportions designed to accommodate boss monsters. His spine prickled. Once, this would have been the royal family’s personal quarters, where they lived their private lives. No longer. The rooms here were unlived in, unloved. Nothing more now than the relic of a time long past, of everything the King had lost or set aside in pursuit of vengeance.
His spine prickled as one of the guards opened a door and said, “Wait here.” He and Undyne exchanged a glance, and they stepped into the kitchen. Not the huge, bustling palace kitchens, but a small room with only a single oven, a single stove and a big oaken table dominating the space. Edge touched the scarred surface, wondering what the room had been like before the Prince’s passing, before the Queen went mad. Had this been a place of warmth and kindness, then? Or had there always been a seed of cruelty at the castle’s heart, needing only tragedy for that cruelty to blossom?
The door shut, leaving him and Undyne alone. He caught her eye, but she shook her head, the movement short and sharp. Of course—they could not expect privacy here. Still, he had to ask, “Have you ever been in here before?”
She was silent for a moment. Then—“Once.”
It was all she said, and he couldn’t ask for details. The way she said it—terse and tense—set his soul on edge. There were solid oaken chairs pushed in to the table, but Undyne didn’t sit, and he trusted her instincts, so he remained standing as well.
Servants came to set the table for tea, but they didn’t look either guard in the eye, and they left before the water was finished boiling. Edge’s soul twisted, and he looked from the kettle to the pot and the teacups. His hands flexed. “Are we supposed to—?”
She silenced him with a look, and he settled into parade rest, soul beating hard. In the silence, he found himself listening for any sign of the King’s approach, and he clenched his hands behind his back, taking a deep breath to settle himself. He glanced at Undyne, but her stern, sober countenance did nothing to reassure him. The doorknob turned, and Edge straightened his spine, soul tight.  
King Asgore filled the overlarge doorway, ducking his head as he entered to keep his horns from scraping the frame. A mane of unruly black hair shrouded his yellow eyes, until he straightened to his full height—dwarfing both Undyne and Edge in height and breadth—and surveyed them coolly.  Undyne knelt immediately, and Edge was only a beat behind. “My King,” they said, nearly in unison.
He chuckled. “Get up. Both of you. I wanted to meet with you in here so we could skip the formalities.” The low bass of his voice rumbled through Edge’s bones unpleasantly. A chair scraped against the floor, and the King sat at the scarred oaken table. Edge glanced at Undyne, waiting until she started to rise before doing so himself.
The kettle whistled. “Undyne,” the King said, gesturing with a clawed paw to the stove.
“Yes, sir.” She turned to busy herself with the kettle and the tea, leaving Edge to stand alone.
The King pinned him with his gaze, slowly looking him over.  “Sit down, Papyrus. And stop looking so tense; you’re being rewarded, not punished.”
In contrast to his words, Undyne’s shoulders tensed at the proclamation. Edge swallowed, trying to relax his posture while remaining wary. “Rewarded? For what? If I can ask, sir.” He eased into a chair across from the King, trying not to look to Undyne for guidance.
The King chuckled again, leaning forward to rest his forearms on the tabletop. The muscles along his ulna flexed as he tapped a claw against the oak. “For a job well done, of course. I’m promoting you.”
“Promoting…?” He held himself very still, not understanding. The only rank above his was Captain. He couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Undyne, but she wouldn’t look at him, even as she set the teapot down at the table. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
A slight smirk pulled at the King’s mouth. “The two of you have worked well together. Surprisingly so, all things considered. But I think we’re strengthened by fostering some…” The smirk broadened. “Healthy competition.” He gestured for Undyne to sit. “Do you—either of you—know how close we are to reaching the Surface?” They glanced at each other, but the King didn’t wait for a response. “One human soul. That’s all we need. Only one more. Then we will rise up, and retake what was stolen from us.”
Mana caused his eyes to gleam red as he spoke, and a low growl rumbled in his chest. He eyed them both. “I need my weapons to be finely honed before we reach the Surface. We’ve gotten the Hotland gangs back under control, and every monster from the weakest Moldsmal to the strongest of our guard—” He eyed them both deliberately. “—is willing and able to kill. But is it enough?” he asked.
He leaned back in his chair. “Undyne, pour the tea.” Edge’s hand twitched by instinct. It should have been his task to serve the tea—he was the youngest present, and his LV was lowest. In all respects, he was the most junior. So why…? Undyne poured, first for the King, then for herself, and then for Edge. Asgore smirked a little, and Edge wondered if he was missing something.
“I wonder if either of you know how weak a monster soul is, in comparison to a human’s. They’ll best us every time if we aren’t prepared. It’s why they were able to drive us Underground so easily during the War. We weren’t ready for them. But now….” His smirk stretched wide, revealing fangs. “We have an advantage. LOVE. It hardens our souls, strengthens us. Where we were weak, now we are strong. And they will pay for everything they’ve done.” He clenched his paw into a massive fist, and the muscles along his forearm flexed disconcertingly.
His gaze fell once more on Edge. “Which brings us back to your promotion. You’ve demonstrated a strength and resourcefulness which is to be commended and rewarded. So I’ve decided to promote you to Captain.”
Edge forced himself to offer an abbreviated bow, even as his mind raced at the implications. “Thank you, sire. May I ask…” He glanced at Undyne. “…how will this affect the chain of command?”
Asgore stroked his short black beard, curling the stiff hair around his fingers. “This close to our goal, we need to be at our strongest. Both of you will answer directly to me. Undyne will be in direct command of the Capital and Waterfall, while Papyrus will command Snowdin and Hotland. I expect you both to work closely with the guardsmen under your command. Hone their skills. Get their LV up. I want every member of the guard ready for what’s coming. Am I understood?”
Get their LV up. Edge’s spine prickled. But Undyne nodded. “Yes, sir,” she said, and Edge could do nothing else but echo her.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good.” He looked them over. “You haven’t touched your tea,” he observed, prompting both of them to take a drink. It was still too hot to drink comfortably and tasted too bitter by far. “Undyne, you’re dismissed.” She started to stand, but hesitated, likely when she realized he’d only dismissed her. Edge sat still and straight in his chair, silently praying for her to leave—if the King wanted to speak to him privately, then there was nothing either of them could do to stop him. Likely realizing the same thing, she stood and offered a salute.
“Thank you, sir.” To Edge, she said, “Stop by, after. I’ll transfer the relevant personnel files and schedules over to you.” He nodded and watched her go.
The door shut, leaving him alone with the King.
“How’s the tea?”
Edge’s throat felt tight. “Lovely,” he lied, tilting his teacup. “It’s very…bracing.”
Asgore chuckled again. “It’s poisonous, you know.” Edge’s sockets widened a little. “If you drink too much, that is. But it’s so bitter, I don’t imagine how anyone ever could….” He turned his head, gaze distant. Then he shook it, as if clearing away an unpleasant thought.
As subtly as possible, Edge set the teacup down and put his hands firmly in his lap. Asgore turned back to him. “I didn’t just bring you here to avoid formalities,” he said, after a moment. “I’m sure you’ve guessed what these rooms used to be.” Throat tight, Edge offered a stiff nod, not sure if he should instead feign ignorance. “I come here when I need a reminder of what the humans are capable of. It was hard in the beginning. Monster souls aren’t like humans’—we aren’t cruel by nature. It must be forced upon us. At first, I needed to come here often to keep my resolve.” He tapped one idle claw against his teacup, gaze distant once more. “It’s gotten easier, though. With every layer of LV, it gets easier and easier, and I need the reminder less and less.” His gaze fell on Edge. “I think you may need a reminder, though.”
His soul chilled. “Sir?”
“How long have you been at LV 13?”
“I…I’m not sure, sir.”
Asgore nodded, as if that confirmed a suspicion. “I want you at LV 16. At the least.”
“I—” Edge clamped down on his protests. He couldn’t say no. Not now. Not to Asgore.
“Something wrong, Captain?”
He shook his head. “No, sir. Nothing.”
“Good. Because if you can’t get your LV up, I’ll have to find another way for you to serve me.” He looked him over, inviting Edge to imagine what other purposes Asgore might find for him. “And that seems like such a waste for someone of your talents.”
“Understood,” he said, voice hoarse. “How soon…?”
“As soon as possible. But I’ll give you…three months. That seems reasonable, doesn’t it?”
Three LV in three months. He’d go mad. “Yes, sir. Three months.”
“Good. You’re dismissed.” He flicked his paw.
Edge rose to his feet, feeling stiff and lightheaded. He wished he could blame the tea. He bowed and offered a murmured, “Thank you, sir.”
“Papyrus.” Edge paused in the doorway, waiting. “Remember; we use the weak to make ourselves strong.”
His soul roiled. “Yes, sir. I remember.”
Asgore nodded, then looked away. So softly, Edge wasn’t sure he was meant to hear, he said, “We’ll thin the herd, and the monsters that remain will be ready.”
He felt numb, navigating the halls of the palace, trying to find his way back to something familiar. Thoughts bubbled up periodically, but he pushed them back, pushed them down—focusing only on the stone floor underfoot. If he allowed himself to think about the meeting, what it meant for him or his ‘verse, he’d lose it. So he kept a tight lock on his thoughts as he traveled from the Capital to Waterfall, taking the guard’s passages to save himself some time.
Finally, he reached Undyne’s house and knocked briskly on the door.
She yanked him inside and slammed him against the wall, holding him so her prosthetic pressed against his throat. Her hand closed over his control hand and held it to the wall, disabling his magic.
“I don’t know where the fuck you disappear to,” she growled, “but you need to pack your shit and go there. Now.”
Voice choked, he said, “I don’t know what you’re—”
She made a disgusted sound and shoved away from the wall, away from him, and started to pace. “Bullshit. Do you think I’m stupid? The Underground isn’t that big. You disappear for days on end, and Alphys can’t so much as glimpse you in any of her cameras. So far as she can tell, you drop off the fucking map once you reach Snowdin forest.”
Before he could come up with a lie, she shook her head and said, “That’s not the point—I don’t care where you go or what you’re doing, but you need to go there and hole up now.” She stopped, spearing him with a look. “You heard him, Pap. It’s going to be a dustbath in here. You weren’t alive during the last purge, but I—” She swore and started pacing. “You need to go. Wherever it is, it’s gotta be better than here. If you need supplies or-or anything, I’ll help you, but you’ve got to get out. Understand?”
They’d stood shoulder-to-shoulder against rioters and gangs. They’d brought down monsters so tormented by LV they weren’t even fully sapient anymore. He’d never heard that note of panic in her voice.
“Come with me,” he said, soul pounding.
She froze. “I—” He saw her swallow, saw her calculate the outcomes. Saw her make her decision. “I can’t. I’m needed here.”
He narrowed his sockets. “So, you won’t leave, but you think I can?”
She scowled. “It’s different—”
She stalked close to him, jabbing him in the chest with her hook. “I didn’t claw you out of Muffet’s web just to watch Asgore finish what she started!”
He lifted his chin. “So, I’m supposed to watch it happen to you instead?”
“No! Aren’t you listening? You’re supposed to get the fuck out of here!” She swept her arm to the side as she said it, as if gesturing for him to go.
“I can’t! Not while—” He cut himself off, unwilling to expose his naivety to Undyne. Not while she was like this. He swallowed and put his hand on her wrist. “Listen. What if….” She looked at him. “Together, we’re strong. Maybe—”
She clamped her free hand over his mouth. “Shut. Up,” she hissed. “Not another word. Don’t say it. Don’t even think it.” She backed away from him, shaking her head. “He’ll put us down, and he’ll make a show of it. And he won’t start with us.” Her eye blazed with mana. “Do you want to see what he can do to your brother before he dusts?”
Edge’s mouth went dry.
“I didn’t think so.” She huffed. “If we had more time, maybe. If we….” Her hand clenched closed. “But we don’t, so it doesn’t matter. No, the only solution now is for you to go.”
“I can’t just abandon everything—everyone we’ve fought for! You’re not willing to do it, so why do you think I am?”
“Because I need to salvage something from this hellhole!”
Her outburst startled them both into silence. He looked at her with wide sockets, and she sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat. “Please, Papyrus. Just…go. You heard him, didn’t you? We’re not here to protect and serve. We’re not even here to maintain order. We’re his weapons. And our only job is to make ourselves and every other monster in the Underground better at killing.” She shut her eye and shook her head. “I can’t save them. I can’t stop it. I keep trying, but….” She exhaled shakily.
He didn’t respond for a moment. He didn’t know what to say. They’d never been so honest with each other. He swallowed. “Then come with me. If you can’t save them, why stay?”
“Because I have to try.” She sounded tired.
He wanted to argue, but he knew too well how she felt. Instead, he asked, “…Alphys?”
Her eye squeezed shut and she covered her face with her hand. “She won’t leave her experiments. You know that.” He did. “And she’s safe enough, in her lab. So long as…”
So long as neither she nor Undyne did anything to motivate the King to strip Alphys of her status. He nodded again. “I understand.” He did. Too well. “But I don’t understand why you think it would be any easier for me.”
Her hand closed, and she turned on her heel, heading for the kitchen. “Then get the fuck out of my house at least.”
He took a step forward. “Undyne—" A mana spear shot up from the ground, blocking him.
“I mean it,” she said, “I won’t watch what this does to you. I won’t watch you lose yourself. So get the fuck out, and if you won’t leave, then stay the fuck away. He has his eyes on us now, and he already thinks we’re too close to each other. He’ll start to think we’re colluding against him if we don’t demonstrate some ‘healthy competition’.” She gave him a look. “So, stop thinking of me as an ally, and start thinking of me as a rival. Got it, gutter-rat?”
He stood by her door, shifting his weight onto his back foot. “I need the personnel files.”
She glared at him. “I’ll send a courier.”
He nodded. “My thanks…Captain.” He slipped out the door and heard the hollow thunk of a mana spear striking the wood at his back.
His soul felt numb as he walked back to the house. He thought he’d managed to steel himself, until he reached Snowdin. The Dogi were there, tails wagging as they congratulated him on his promotion. He nodded to them, pretending to listen as they updated him on something. One of the Snowbunnies had ventured out, offering him a furtive nod as she passed. Her kit was pressed tightly to her side as they made their way to the little shop—something she wouldn’t have dared do in another part of the Underground. In the distance, he could hear the Ice Wolf shouting orders to Snowdrake.
The numbness gave way to a dull ache. He’d tried so hard to enforce the laws that kept the weaker monsters of Snowdin safe. He’d made it clear he’d abide no EXP hunting within its walls, and the weaker monsters had finally started to trust him to enforce it. The Dogi were even thinking about having a pup of their own, secure in the knowledge that it would be safe within the town’s walls as it grew. Was he supposed to strip away that security and let the EXP hunters back in—start hunting them for EXP himself, as the King had all but ordered? How could he betray the fragile trust he’d built?  
But if he left…simply disappeared in the night…wasn’t that a betrayal all its own?
He silenced the thought, trying instead to think of a solution. Overthrowing the King seemed the only way, but without Undyne’s support, how could he possibly…? Furthermore, he’d seen the result of a civil war in Slim’s Underground. Would Snowdrake or the Snowbunnies fare any better if he and Undyne attempted a coup? And that ‘verse’s Alphys had had years to build her resistance, so she had a loyal base of support after usurping her Queen. Could they rally enough of the guard in support, or would the loss of the King simply throw his Underground into chaos?
The ache in his soul sharpened, and as he stepped inside the house, he found himself pressing his hand to his chest, as though to soothe it despite the armor and bone encasing it. “Fuck,” he muttered, sockets clenched shut. It all seemed so hopeless.
If he stayed, if he tried to fight Asgore, what good would it do? But could he really leave? Knowing the fate awaiting the rest of his ‘verse?
He scrabbled to get his chest plate off as his soul started to burn. Swearing again, he threw the black metal to the side and pressed his hand to his sternum, waiting for the ache to pass. He didn’t understand what was wrong with it. Was it the tea? Asgore had said it was only harmful in large amounts, and he’d barely had a sip. Then was it—?
Upstairs, he heard something thump against the floor. Too heavy to be Fang, and the snickering that accompanied it confirmed the cat wasn’t to blame. His brothers were home, then. They shouldn’t be—they were supposed to be on duty until evening—but obviously, they’d decided to take off early. He huffed in annoyance, and that annoyance only grew as he started up the stairs and caught the skunky scent permeating the hall.
“d’ya need help?” Red asked from behind the door, his voice choked by laughter.
He didn’t knock, just opened the door to Red’s bedroom. His brothers froze and started at him with wide sockets, the edges of their eyelights hazy. “boss!” Red dropped Slim’s hand, sending him flopping back to the floor with the same thump he’d heard before. Slim wheezed, pressing a hand to his mouth to silence his laughter, while Red scrambled to hide the burning joint behind his back.
Edge stared at them, ready to tear into Red for fucking around when their ‘verse was on the verge of collapse. But Slim was still giggling, and Red was grinning at him earnestly—as if he really thought that Edge couldn’t see the smoke curling from behind his back or smell the tell-tale odor. “heya, boss,” he said, “how’s it hangin’? wha’s up with yer arm’r?”
They were laughing and joking, while he felt like his soul was ripping itself in half. Somehow, the absurdity of it broke through his annoyance. He sighed, knuckling the well-worn spot between his sockets. “Never mind. Just—give it here.” He held out his hand.
“give what here?” Red tried to look as innocent as he could manage, while Slim’s muffled giggling started up again. “dunno what yer talkin’ about.”
“Sans, I know what weed smells like. Give me the fucking joint.”
Red huffed. “fine,” he said, “but don’ trash it—‘s the good stuff. jus’ put it out so we c’n save it fer later.”
Edge glared at him. “We’re lucky you didn’t pull this shit yesterday—I had a formal escort inside our own damn house this afternoon. Stars know how I would have explained the smell.”
He eyed the joint while Red and Slim instantly sobered. Slim scrambled onto the bed to look up at him with wide sockets, while Red seemed to take in his posture and state of dress. “wait. yer in the fancy armor. why’re ya—what happened?”
Edge snorted. “Maybe if you weren’t holed up in here killing brain cells, you’d already know.” Someone had told the Dogi, after all.
“we don’ have—”
Slim snapped his fingers to get their attention, signing, “you’re okay?” They both turned to Edge, looking for an answer. Their eyelights were overbright and searching, all the humor of mere moments ago stripped away. Edge looked between the two of them, coming to a decision.
Fuck it.
He took a long drag on the joint, holding the smoke in his chest cavity until the urge to cough overcame him. Coughing into the crook of his elbow, he motioned for them to make space and allowed himself to flop onto the bed between them. He held the joint out for Slim, still trying to recover his breath.
Red sat up, leaning over him. “boss?” Despite the hazing at the edges of his eyelights, real concern glimmered in their depths.
“We’re leaving. First thing in the morning. Make sure you’ve got your shit together before we go—we’re not coming back.”
Red grabbed Slim’s hand to study the joint, looking from it, to Edge, and back again. “shit,” he said reverently, “this is the good stuff.” Edge snorted, shutting his sockets. Maybe it was the weed, but as he exhaled, what felt like years’ worth of tension drained from his bones.
Now that he’d made a decision, the pain in his soul eased, though an ache lingered at the core. He wouldn’t have said that it was the right decision, but he knew it wasn’t a bad one. It was clear now that he had to take his own advice and protect the people he could. He might have been willing to sacrifice himself for his ‘verse, but he wouldn’t ask his brothers to do the same. And he knew they’d never let him stay without them.
Pressure on his shoulder prompted him to open his sockets. Slim leaned over him, searching him for injuries. “what happened?” he signed.
“I was promoted.” Edge snorted, trying to hold back his amusement, then he gave up and let himself laugh. Of course, that only caused his brothers to exchange worried looks.
“boss, ya didn’ hit yer head er nuthin’, right?”
He shook his head. “No. I was lightly poisoned, but I don’t think that’s had too much of an effect.” He snickered again.
“okay, i know ya think yer bein’ funny, but yer not, so cut it out an’ tell us what the fuck happened!”
Catching his brother’s eyelight, he said, very seriously, “It’s not as much fun when the shoe’s on the other foot, is it?”
“Alright, alright. Long story short, I had an audience with the King. Things are going to get very bad around here, very soon. There’s….” Sobering, he exhaled slowly. “There’s nothing I can do. I’ll lose myself if I stay, and…I don’t know how well two low-HP monsters will survive what’s coming.”
Edge nodded, and when Slim offered him the blunt, he took a quick hit before passing it to Red. “undyne?” Slim signed.
His soul ached. “She’s staying.” He shut his sockets, sighing. “Once we’re in Underswap—and not under the influence—” He glared at Red, as if he hadn’t just taken another hit himself. “—we can discuss how to help who we can.” He shook his head, staring up at the ceiling without seeing it. “We can’t flood the Tale ‘verses with Fell-verse monsters—they don’t have the resources to spare—but maybe we can save some of the kids and sweet-pieces, at least. Something.” 
He'd expected Red to reject the idea outright, but instead, he nodded slowly and settled against his side. “boss?”
“i ever tell ya yer the coolest monster i know?”
Edge rolled his skull to the side to look at him. “You’re still in trouble for smoking in the house, you know that, right?”
“an’ what the fuck’re you doin’ right now?”
“I am unwinding after a very difficult day. You are slacking off and being a bad influence on your little brother.”
“’little’ my ass,” Red grumbled, but he was smiling. Then his grin sharpened. “heh. wait ‘til i tell yer bonefriends ‘bout this. stretch ain’t ever gonna let ya live it down.”
Edge rolled onto his elbow, pinning Red with a look. “Go ahead,” he said, “They’ll never believe you.”
Red’s mouth popped open, then clicked shut. He huffed. “i got a witness,” he said, pointing to Slim.
Slim and Edge exchanged a look. “Do you?” he asked Red.
“bro,” Red said, looking at Slim. But Slim just shrugged, unrepentant.
Smirking, Edge settled back onto the bed, despite the uneven drag of his armor. He sighed. He didn’t want to get up, but he did want out of the uncomfortable uniform. Briefly, he thought of showering, of scrubbing his bones until they were raw, but he took a deep inhale, and the thought drifted away on the exhale. No, he just needed a change of clothes. And maybe…. His brow-bone furrowed. “Sans?”
“Are there any muffins left?”
“yeah. think so. why?”
“I’m…kind of hungry.”
Red scrambled up and out of the bed so fast he nearly tripped over himself in his haste. “i’ll get ‘em!” he said as he rushed out the door, apparently forgetting he could take a short-cut. Edge shook his head, amused.
Slim touched his shoulder, and he turned, cocking a brow-bone in question. Instead of signing, Slim slowly pulled him into a hug. It surprised him, but not unpleasantly. He returned the embrace, holding Slim tightly—but carefully, always aware of how fragile his brothers’ bones were compared to his. It wasn’t until Slim’s arms were around him that he realized how badly he’d needed it. He exhaled shakily. “Thank you,” he said, “Feel free to tell the runt that you’re my favorite.” Slim snickered.
“i heard that,” Red grumbled, carrying in the whole tray of muffins. He set them aside, then joined the hug, holding both of them tightly. After a few moments, he said, “’s the right call, boss. thanks fer makin’ it. know it wasn’ easy fer ya.”
The ache in his soul lingered, but Edge nodded. “I know. Thank you.”
They left before dawn. Edge wasn’t sure if he should blame the weed or the tea for the headache building behind his scarred socket, but he knew the exact cause of the lingering ache in his chest. He ignored it, joining his brothers at the foot of the stairs. Fang mrewed in his cat carrier, unhappy about being confined. “Ready?” he asked them. For once, neither of them had complained about the early hour.
Slim nodded, but Red hesitated. “uh…boss?” Edge raised a brow-bone. “c’n i…there’s someone i wanna say goodbye to.”
His brow-bones furrowed. “If this is going to compromise our escape route—”
“it won’. promise. it’s uh…the lady b’hind the door.”
Edge blinked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“she’s—it doesn’ matter. jus’…she’s a friend. an’ i…i owe ‘er a goodbye, at least.”
Something in the way he said that gave Edge pause. “Why would you owe her anything?”
Red looked away, squirming under his gaze. Finally, he confessed. “ya r’member the deal i made with ass-gore?”
His sockets narrowed. “I do.”
“well…i think she might be the queen. i gave ‘im some infermation on her, in exchange fer not…not havin’ ta meet ya in the hall.”
Edge swore softly, but he didn’t see a reason to lecture his brother now—what good would it do in any case? “Fine. We’ll meet you at the machine. Be quick about it.” Red nodded and disappeared. He looked to Slim. “Let’s go.”
After the shortcut, Edge knelt to check on Fang. The ragged looking cat just stared back at him with big eyes, purring softly. “Almost there,” he murmured, while Slim fiddled with the machine.
Except…the tell-tale clicks and whirrs of machinery didn’t start up. Edge stood. “Slim?”
Slim turned to him, his sockets wide. He shrugged, looking back to the machine. Edge joined him and punched in the universe code himself. Nothing. The ache in his soul gave way to a spreading emptiness. No. He punched it in again.
“Try another ‘verse,” he said to Slim, digging out his phone.
Blue picked up on the third ring, voice groggy as he asked, “Edge?”
“Is your machine working?”
Slim turned back to him, shaking his head.
Edge took a breath, trying to keep his voice steady. “Blue, go down to the machine. Try to open a portal to Rus’ ‘verse.”
“Okay. Why?”
“Just—please. Let me know if you have any trouble.”
“Edge, what’s going on?”
Before he could answer, his phone beeped; Red was trying to call him. “I’ll explain later. I have to go. Just check for me. Please.”
He hung up and answered Red’s call. Before he could say a word, Red said, “we got a complication.”
“That’s something of an understatement. Our machine isn’t working.”
“what—how? ya sure ya got the coordinates right?”
“Yes, Sans we have the coordinates right!” he snapped. “We’re working on it now. What’s your complication.”
“i went ta the door an’…there’s footprints.”
Red looked from the door to the snow, giving Edge a good view of the footprints in question. “They’re leaving the ruins,” he said, not understanding at first. Then—“Do you think…? Are they human?”
They both studied the prints. Finally, Red said, “could be. they’re kinda small, though.”
Edge swore quietly. “Well, it won’t be our problem if we can get the machine working again.” His phone beeped; Blue was calling again, but Edge stayed on the line. Red wasn’t saying anything, and Edge stilled. “What is it?”
“jus’…human souls’re strong. they’re full ‘a determination. ‘s possible…maybe they’re in’erfering with the machine.”
“Just by being here?!”
 His headache was growing stronger. “Track the footprints. Stay out of sight but see what you can confirm.”
“got it.”
He hung up, but Blue wasn’t on the line anymore. He’d left a message, though. Edge checked it, and his soul sank. Catching Slim’s socket, he said, “Their machine isn’t working either.” Slim’s hands fluttered, but he didn’t say anything. Edge understood the feeling. “Stay here. I’m going to check on—” His phone rang again. He picked it up. “What is it, runt?”
“boss, it’s a kid.”
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fluffysymphony · 6 months
Hello! Just wanted to say I LOVED your drawing for Earl x Timekeeper and tbh i was kinda shocked I wasnt the only person in existence who shipped the two of em HAHAUHEUHAHB- (To be fair, I managed to convinced my friends that “TEATIME IS CANON U GUYS”)(I call the ship teatime bc yk, tea, earl, time, timekeeper)(I’ll see myself out now-) anyway I checked out your blog and your stuffs pretty cool! I will watch you with great interest 👀 With that outta the way, I was wondering if you had any hcs/ideas for the family dynamic between Earl, TK and Chess Choco would be?
Would you believe it if I also heard Earl Grey x Timekeper from someone else? So yeah! Two more people actually ship this ship!
Also TeaTime is a wonderful ship name for them! I already have a ship that is also called tea time so- rats- Glad you like my blog!!
Aight! So some head canons, because I have a good handful of these ideas! For clarification, TK = Time Keeper, and will be using primarily She/Her pronouns for the sake of clarification! Just pronouns getting scrambled together is confusing.
-Time keeper definitely takes Earl Grey to other timelines/alternate universe's for dates! Like the ones that appear in her skill? Yeah, that is absolutely a spot for dates.
-For their primary dynamic: I like to think TK is absolutely lunatic, total nutcase, absolutely fun and wild constantly. With Earl grey being calm and collected, dunno! Their dynamic fits together nicely in my head.
-Tall TK, absolutely towers over Earl Grey, A silly head canon I have is that TK will occasionally scoop up Earl Grey and spin him around while holding hims bridal style, with him giggling and cleaning his fogged up glasses saying, "Oh goodness" over and over while they both laugh because they're ADORABLE!
-With the Chess Choco twins, I can see TK allowing them to run amok in the TBD, the both of them are decently well behaved and clearly are polite if not a bit cheeky. They often bother TK the most with Earl Grey helped some of the other departments with management and organization.
-They challenge TK to a chess match all the time, often losing against the time legendary. Earl Grey had to convince her to loosen up a bit, TK did it once and the kids were smiling and rubbing it in for a good week. TK still beats them for the most part, but does enjoy seeing them happy.
-Bit chaotic as one whole family unit, even more wild from an outsiders perspective looking in. A sort of acceptance I have for them is that Earl Grey and the Chess Choco twins just sort of accept TK is an all powerful being of possibly chaos if they felt like it. So when people ask they just nod and go yeah, "Yeah, that's Time keeper alright!" And then just go back to eating their ice cream from their day out.
-Final one for the road! Tk is primarily made out machinery, having most of their limbs made up of cogs and gears, Earl Grey is somewhat experienced with the maintenance and upkeep of her kind of assembly so he fixes up the cogs for her occasionally. They always talk about their respective days when this happens, just calming and serene and nice!
Hope you liked these head canons of mine, and glad to see someone else who ships the same Rarepair as me!!!
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poupeesdecirque · 1 month
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Travel Blog - NipponCon 2024 (17/8/24; Saturday)
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It's time again the Con Season had a little break during July for me but the next 4 cons are all within the next 2 months. Starting with the NipponCon (Bremen) here.
To say it upfront: I just attended for 1 day and there were several complications, if you are interested please read further.
You might have noticed that I changed my Line up for the Convention inbetween my first idea was going for the Prisoner Outfit but then someone asked to partner up with me and I agreed and I changed my plans accordingly. Well...
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... I got later on told that the person forgot to get the day off and was back to being alone. So I went with my original plan. (Just to later get told again that they will INDEED attend and I was not considering changing my plans AGAIN as there was more to it, I don't want to get into details here). Just a reminder here are the two artworks I did for the Line up.
The week before the Con was exhausting and I got my summer depression back and then my afab body decided it's shark time, so I was about to cancel the whole con. But then decided to push myself to attend as I needed to get out.
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Travel time was about 2 hours with me needing 1 hour to the highway and then another to arrive at the destination but ... they had blocked a part of the highway and I needed 1 hour to get through a 10 minute distance T_T my mood was at the bottom I felt awful at this point but I didn't want to go back as I had sold a thing and wanted to meet the buyer at the con to hand the goods over.
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Finally arrived I put make up on and headed to the convention. As you can see I went with the prisoner outfit as it was supposed to quite warm and I especially made the feathered Innocence prop for this convention to go with my artwork I did for the Line up.
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I didn't take es many photos of the location this time but to give you an impression. The Con is small big bigger in regards of artists and vedors compared to the HanaCon and NisaCon. You had commercial vendors spread over 3 level and then 3 rooms for artists. Then two stages (one was outdoor), games room, an Anime Room, workshop rooms, a Maid Café and I think that covered it all.
The asortment of artists was nice but I didn't buy a thing, as said I wasn't feeling well and just hoped to avoid a few issues here and find my buyer. Other than that I had planned to visit the Maid Café as I never did and they had a "English Teatime" on the menu and I wanted to try that.
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It took a while until you were seated, you got a number and were asked to come back later. I took the time to snack and take a few pics from the other side of the location.
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Later on I finally got a seat in the Café and shared my table with 3 other people as I was alone. Two were guys who were regulars at the con I tried to involve them into some small talk (I am so bad at this and being the most extroverted at the table was surely super weird for me) they sometimes replied, the third person didn't, I hope they still enjoyed their cake.
The portions were small but delicious. The Tea Time included Sandwiches (Cream Cheese/Cucumber), Scones, Lemon Curd/Butter, Shortbread, Matcha Muffins and a pot of tea (I went with Earl Grey).
One of the maids recognized me as Allen Walker which was super cool. And I found Alice and Mika to hand Alice the Magazine I sold them, we talked a bit about the newest DGM Chapter, it's always a joy to meet them again.
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My personal highlight then was meeting a Lenalee and meeting Loki again - who you might remember from the Bookfair, HanaCon AND NisaCon! She was Cross at the Bookfair, Valentino at the HanaCon and did enter the Cosplay Contest at the NisaCon as well. We had such a nice time together I really really enjoyed it. I even stayed way longer than intended because we went to a café together and it was just so nice to be around for friendly people again, this made my day.
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Here is the pastry I got myself at the café and the beautiful little moths I got from Loki ;w; LOOK AT THEM.
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I headed home around 16:30, scrubbed the make up off my face and went on the long drive. I did get home without many issues on the road but damn i got cramps from hell during the last 40 minutes and it knocked me out the next day as I just felt pain and wanted to sleep.
So I am glad I met wonderful people again, I had nice food but damn nature is a beast. I am gladly now over the pain and cramps and am looking forward to the next Convention which will be the Connichi with 3 days of Cosplay. Whoop.
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mocolococoffeesimp · 2 years
If you haven't done Anji relationship headcanons I would like to request that! thank you in advance :)
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-Anji is just an amazing partner, he takes every single thing in consideration in your relationship. Cooking dinner? He will make sure it is up to your taste. You're tired from walking? He will carry you.
-Tea. He is a huge tea fan. (Heh, fan.) He will have rows upon rows of different kinds of tea leaves. He likes to make it from the start to finish by himself. You have your daily teatimes, just trying new teas. It is an excellent time to relax each day.
-Gentle headstrikes with fan. He will gently bonk you with it, if you say something dumb.
"And, I must say I am a huge fan of you." (It's an easy joke, roll with it.) You say to Anji as you point a fan at him. He sighs before gently headstriking you with it.
"As much I love you, I've heard that joke way too many times."
-Using his fans for what they're meant for. During warm days, you will use Anji's fans the way they were intended. To cool off, but it turns out Anji boosting his wind magic is the ultimate fan. He will use the winds to cool both of you down, making the warmth of a hot day enjoyable.
-Dancing, there is no doubt. Specifically the japanese dance steps. He will teach you how to do them. He is very patient about it, so don't worry about being slow about learning it.
-Trying his glasses out. Just like every person ever, you want to try out his glasses. He will agree to it, after a couple times you ask him.
"Wow, Anji. I can barely see them."
"Neither can I." He says, as he squints as you.
-Traveling! You will see a lot of different places with him. Either inside the town you live in or somewhere completely else. He likes to show you new places, as he is very fond of traveling. You are surprised when he shows you a completely new place in your own hometown.
"Wow, Anji, this is amazing. I didn't know this place existed." You say, as Anji leads you to a part of the forest you've never been to.
"You learn to look for different places where you travel as much as I have. It really is amazing, isn't it? How can a place you've been to tens, if not hundreds of times, still offer something new?"
-He does morning jogs. Every single morning. He doesn’t skip on them no matter what. He will take it slow, with you if you aren’t used to jogging the same amounts or the speed he is. But, if you are an experienced jogger, he will make sure to put his very best on showcase everytime you join him.
-He will recite poetry for you. Especially the cheesy ones, he likes it when you laugh at how cheesy they are.
-He gives you massages after long days. He just somehow knows where to push and just how hard. You feel absolutely relaxed after it. He gets kisses as rewards, so he doesn't mind doing it as often as he can.
-Baiken is often seen around you two. Either just to hangout or just talk about something. You start to enjoy her presence, as you and Anji both get something to talk and chill with.
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munchbell45 · 4 months
Let's bring back fun ask culture one ask at a time! 😁 ❤️
The last popular ship you drew/wrote/thought about is fighting the last rare pair you drew/wrote/thought about! 😱
Who's winning?! 💪
(I say ship but if you feel more comfortable to do your last popular character vs last rare character instead that would be cool as well! 😁 Also feel free to ignore this ask completely! Please don't feel any pressure to answer ♥ )
Sending good vibes frienddddd! 🎇
I think the only popular (over 300 fics) ship I’ve done is Lee/Sakura, unless we want to include background ships.
If we include background ships, then I’ve done KakuHida (which I didn’t even tag because it was at most implied) more recently. I will answer for both.
My most recent rarepair was Nagato/Yahiko/Konan.
If we have it so Nagato and Konan are as they were before Yahiko died, then I’d say the three of them beat Part 1 Lee and Sakura, but lose to End of Series Lee and Sakura (as a team) and Hidan and Kakuzu.
However, if Nagato and Konan are instead their Shippuden selves, I’d say they beat Shippuden Lee and Sakura as well as Shippuden Hidan and Kakuzu. By the events of Shippuden, Nagato and Konan would not only be OP, but they also know how Hidan and Kakuzu’s abilities work. Yahiko would definitely be carried by his teammates, LOL.
Most recent Nagato/Yahiko/Konan fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56061226
My fic with background KakuHida: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55581976
My LeeSaku fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53420347
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artidoesthings · 2 months
AHA! Reblogging this automatically gets an ask from me, yo! Even if we're strangers, bwahahhaha!
⤴, 💬, 🗺, ☕, ✉, 🖋
Weeee! I love reading everyone's answers!
heheh heck yeah! This is such a cool little Al’s game, so;
Who are the characters do you think you can achieve A+ or S-level support ending?
hoo boy uh, that’s a good question! Not really sure about S supports, but pretty much any character? Except certain examples like Lorenz or Sylvain where they’re just. :| on introduction. Sorry but that is not going past B. Kinda hard to be particular about this tho cuz I like all of the characters,,
Byleth has to attain certain proficiencies to poach students to their house. But what more could they have also done if they want to convince you to join them?
having a character in their house who I’d have a support with, for one. Or just do that one cooking with others activity with me a ton. In terms of more interesting recruitment, at least?
What will your paralogue be about? If you're sharing it with someone else, who will that be?
ooh, hm. That’s tough. Can’t say I have any ideas for that- sorry!
What tea should Byleth get for your teatime?
hot chocolate (/hj)
real answer: the sweet apple blend probably.
What "anonymous" question will you drop in the monastery's secret ask box for Byleth to answer?
assuming I wouldn’t have a crest. Probably thoughts on whether or not it’s okay to talk to. I don’t know, literal nobility. Or if it’s ok to struggle with fighting. Especially after the war phase
if unpaired, what will your ending in FE3H be?
Depends on the route! In Verdant Wind, I’d research the Agarthan’s tech, if there’s anything left of it. As well as wondering what other hidden history Fódlan has. In Azure Moon.,, honestly I don’t know. And I haven’t played Crimson Flower yet
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avinwrites · 1 year
Teatime Revelations || Michiko x reader
Synopsis: You're close friends with Michiko. Over time, you realize that your feelings are greater than you ever thought they could be.
As a naturally friendly survivor, you found it difficult to actually be upset with the hunters. You knew that, like the other survivors, they had a job to do and were, for the most part, forced to carry out their responsibilities without regard to who they were harming. However, there was one opponent that you seemed to connect with especially. Michiko’s reluctance to inflict injury upon others and her empathy initially drew you to her. Once, randomly, you decided to finally talk to her outside of a match. On a typical afternoon, you waltzed over to where she resided and asked if she would have tea with you.
This was months ago. 
Now, tea, snacks, and chats are, at the very least, weekly. You got along with her automatically and could talk about any and every thing for as long as possible. You finally got to see that not everything in the Manor was about competition and betrayal. Michiko was as sweet as can be towards you and the others, but no one wanted to accept it. You’re the first person to give her a real chance, and she couldn’t be more grateful, but as the months of friendship went by, something changed. 
It’s weird, really. You couldn’t pinpoint when your relationship with her changed. You can easily recall your first conversation with her, and when you became friends, but after a certain point, your feelings started to blur together and what you thought was turned into something you could not describe. It's just something you feel.
Every time you see her, you experience what it's like to be burdenless. Nothing matters except for being with her, and experiencing the good the world has to offer with her. You’ve gotten to a point where you only feel truly relaxed in her presence. All of this, you would never tell her. You couldn’t help from imagining the potential scenario over and over. Just like any other day, you would go to have tea with her, avoiding eye contact and stumbling over your words, and when you finally get it out that you think of her as more than a friend, she’d shun you, tell you that you’re in the wrong and that you will never be any more than friends, if you are even that anymore. 
The image sends chills down your spine. You can’t risk losing the only good thing that has ever happened to you, so, resigned, you watch her smile and laugh when she’s tickled, and sigh wistfully when she reminisces. You watch it all, feeling each pang of love that plucks at your heartstrings when you so greedily want more, but never express it. Oddly enough, you feel as though she has changed, too.
It’s now the middle of summer, the sweltering heat leaving survivors and hunters alike slow and impeded. You, currently stuck in the hottest possible place in the middle of a match, are already sick and tired. Unable to fight against the fierceness of the sun, you run to the safety and shade of the large circus tent on the match grounds. What you find there surprises you. The other three survivors, as well as Michiko herself, spread out across the tent, panting and fanning themselves to attempt to battle the heat.
“So no one was going to tell me you all were hanging out here?” You scoff, but there is no malicious intent behind the words. You sit yourself next to Michiko, thinking about something to say or a joke to make, but nothing comes to mind. Silent, she passes her fan over to you, which allows for a nice breeze to cool you down for a short while. You soon notice that even she has begun to sweat. You nudge her on the shoulder to get her attention, then direct the breeze of the fan towards her.
Finally, she breaks the silence. “Just wait a little longer for me to be able to surrender, then let us get something cold to drink together.” She grins towards you, her dazzling smile melting your heart quicker than the sun ever could. 
“Cold sounds nice,” You sigh in relief at the thought. Just as she said, it wasn’t much longer before the exit gates opened signaling the hunter’s surrender. You decide, instead of following your fellow teammates to your area of residence, you would follow Michiko to your normal meeting spot. Walking hand in hand, you find yourself comfortable with the silence. It's a nice feeling to know that you don’t have to be excitable or funny to make her happy, that you can just be together and that’s all you need. It brings to mind the thoughts you’ve been having recently.
“Michiko, maybe now isn’t the best time to say this, but there’s something-”
“Can you hold that thought, please?” She uncharacteristically interrupts, waving her hands as a blush spreads across her face.
So, this is how it ends. You continue to walk in silence, too embarrassed to say a word, taking her reluctance to hear you out as a definite rejection. You notice her looking at you a few times throughout the duration of the rest of your walk. You try to keep up a bright appearance so as to not make her any more uncomfortable, but it feels as though she can see right through you. The two of you approach the parlor belonging to the hunters, and you notice the usual, small tea table, set up with an extravagant placement. Fruits and iced drinks, flowers and a nice, cold serving of sorbet waiting for you.
“Sorry for making you wait, but I wanted to do something special. I think I know what you were going to say, and if I’m to be honest, I wanted to say it first.” She chuckles, allowing you to take your spot across from her before she continues.
“I know we've been friends for a long time, and you know that I value our friendship more than anything. You're always there for me, no matter what. You make me laugh, you make me think, and you make me feel loved…” You watch her pale face grow a deeper shade of red as she speaks from her heart, directly touching yours. 
“Michiko,” it’s your turn to interrupt, getting to the words before she does.
“Yes?” She breathes deeply in anticipation.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
If u read this, we did not actually match, it was all a dream
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itskristal · 2 months
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<<Hey! Are you still there? Is this thing still working?
I accidentally dropped my Pokegear in the harbor and Minerva had to swoop to my rescue again. An overnight bath in some rice seems to have fixed things though--this model is just built different, apparently! Bill was nice enough to help me with some test calls, but I think we're officially back online.
Whitney won't stop ranting and raving to me about how lovely Jasmine is, so of course I marched straight to the Gym--but OF COURSE she wasn't there. And OF COURSE she would be at the top of the city's lighthouse, filled with trainers itching to battle... Ugh.😩
I went to eat at this tasty restaurant down by the port and got to talk to a LOT of the sailors there. They got their teasing in, of course--one even said I didn't have a 'killer instinct,' which is...true, I guess? But I guess they warmed up to me--I didn't listen to all those DJ Mary radio interviews for nothing, you know!! One sailor upgraded my fishing rod, one told me more about the new Battle Tower being built, and one even gave me a hidden machine for Strength. (Mira is going to have some fun learning this one...!)
I learned that all the sailors are crew for the new S.S. Aqua ship--how cool is that? I want down by the harbor to check out the boat construction and fish...and ended up catching a timid Chinchou. (Her name is SCUBA, and Bill promised me she'd be kept nice and secure in the storage system! Good luck, Scuba! Reminder to meet all my 'boxed' Pokemon later...)
When it came time to scale the lighthouse, I miiiight have overdone it on the healing items--but I ended up needing all of them to keep my team healthy! Mira learned Dragon Rage and almost tore another hole through the floor--what's with all of Johto's buildings having these pitfalls anyways? Still, we were careful enough, and that's when we got to meet Jasmine and Amphy.
Even thinking about Amphy right now makes my heart break! Poor, poor thing...and Jasmine was so lovely, but she's shier than Scuba was--and I could tell 100% of her energy was going towards Amphy's care. Despite that, she congratulated me on scaling the Lighthouse and we shared a little Fresh Water teatime together while I filled her in on what I've done so far...
Jasmine said that Amphy needed the SecretPotion from Cianwood Pharmacy, and I accepted the mission before she even thought of asking. She kept asking if I was sure, if I wanted to make the trip, blah blah blah...but my mind was already made up. If I can help make Amphy feel better, then that's just the right thing to do. Case closed. 😤
Maybe I've bit off a little more than I can chew...I guess I can't resist playing hero...but as I'm fitting Mira up with our supply pack of Fresh Waters and medicines (thanks for the reminder, Mom), I keep glancing at that glittery Battle Tower in the distance...and that endless sea in the other direction. (One of my sailor friends lent me a star map but I don't know how to read it!! Now seems like a good time to learn...because I'm not turning back. Amphy needs that medicine, and my team--especially Lumi--is ready to set sail.)
Oh gosh
What have I gotten myself into now?>>
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end-l3ss-v0id · 11 months
VOID sans
Link to the picrew: Undertale Skeleton Creator 2.0|Picrew Oc Template Bio by: Bonnieblue248 on DeviantArt
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Full Name: VOID Sans Nickname(s): Abyss, Vee or Space Age: ??? Gender: Genderless (all pronouns) Birth Date: September 28th (my birthday :D) Death Date: REACTED Race: Monster Species: Skeleton Sexuality: Pansexual Soul and Trait: Monster soul (it's grey) Relationship Status: No current relationship Current Status: alive & dead (somehow) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Previous Residence: Average UT timeline Current Residence: a VOID somewhere
Affiliations: N/A Occupation: find his timeline
Character’s Appearance
General Appearance: (Describe the character’s physical appearance.) Height: 5'3 Weight: 58.3 KGS Handedness: Right Important Item: his headband
About The Character
Personality: Void is a quiet and reserved person unless you get to know them, then they're like a toddler on Christmas morning. (most of the time they dont have an expression it's just blank thoughts)
Likes: sweets, most types of music, sleep & cats. Dislikes: mostly everything
Hobbies: art & voice acting Fears: dogs, silence, the dark, death, & heights.
Habits: energy drink obsession because the human introduced them to her, procrastination & stays up most of the night Mannerisms: quietly unless you're close with him. Personal Goals: Find his timeline.
The Character's Relationships with Others
Reputation: VOID is seen as an odd person by most but he's quite nice depending on the person
-sans au's inculded- Love Interest(s): NONE Friend(s): Swap, Outer, Frisk, Alter & Classic Ally(ies): Dream, Cross(X) Geno, Reaper Neutral(s): Echo, horror, Something New (Killer), Ink, & Fresh. Enemy(ies)/scared of: Nightmare, ERROR & Dust Family: Papyrus & Gaster (in his timeline)
Relationships Swap Sans - He enjoys his company a lot, due to reminding him of papyrus Outer Sans - he loves Outer's AU, he thinks it is really pretty: they have a good relationship. Alter Sans - Reminds him of Toriel, he enjoys his company. (they have an chat called Teatime for gossip) Classic Sans - I mean, who wouldn't want to be friends with the original Frisk - Void think's they are a great kid.
Dream Sans - Begs for good dreams from him Cross(X) Sans - He think's cross is strong and often asks him for fighting tips. Geno Sans - he feels bad for Geno and tries his best to show up and talk with him when he can. Reaper sans - a little scared of him because death. Echo Sans/G Sans - he doesn't like the smell of smoke, but he thinks G is cool so he doesn't say anything about it to him. Horror Sans - both admires and fears him. Something New/Killer Sans - freaked out by his eyes Ink Sans - he doesn't like ink but at the same time he doesn't mind him Fresh - same thing as INK
Nightmare Sans - DONT GIVE ME NIGHTMARES PLEASE Error Sans - don't delete me Dust Sans - i'ma stay 50ft away from you
The Character’s Abilities
Black Hole - Spawns a black hole and sucks up everything for a span of 5 minutes.
WD hands. - just WD hands without the souls, he can use them to imitates the ground and shift the flooring or rubble into a massive hand to crush or squish things
Strengths: Healing items (obviously) Weaknesses: surprise attacks Restrictions: Black hole is only at a limit of 5 minutes, if it goes past that limit, he couldn't be able to control it
The Character’s Battle Information
Attacks: Gaster blasters, bones, WD hands. Special Attack: Black Hole Weapon(s): magic Armor: N/A Stats
LV: 4
HP: 20
DF: 9
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aurathian · 2 years
leather -- ao3
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for @zelinktines23 -- prompt leather
She went to bed that night cold. Silk was always chilly.
She was born in the lap of luxury. From birth, Zelda knew glittering gems, poofy, expensive dresses, the finest foods and the softest fabrics. She spent her days with the most exclusive tutors and among the perfectly manicured flowers of the courtyards. In the morning, she woke up long after the sun, and then her maids would gently, relaxingly prepare her for the day. In the afternoons, she’d have a large lunch, attend lessons, and read her books in the grand library. By the evening, after feasting on whatever gourmet cuisine was served that night, she was in a silk nightgown, crawling under her silk covers and resting atop her silk pillow. Princess Zelda had not known hardship until she met him.
She was eight when she met Link, son of the leather craftsman who was one of the sole suppliers of leather goods to the Royal Army. Her father, the King, was close friends with him, and Zelda always saw him requesting a new bag or riding gear for her mother or herself.
She liked Link. When he would visit on delivery days, she’d invite him to play in the garden. When he was over, they played like she never had before. When she played in the courtyards with the children of her mother’s friends, they had teatime or played with dolls or talked about boys and their cooties. When Link was over, it got dirty.
He launched balls made of various substances–mud, moss, clumpy dirt, sometimes snow–at her, usually dirtying her dress but oh how she did not care, because for once she really felt like they were playing, not just making polite conversation over hand-me-down, antique dolls because they had to. She launched mud balls and snowballs and dirt balls right back at him.
By the end of it, she would get a scolding from her mother, but she didn’t really mind; the reprimands were worth it.
Which is why that night she had invited him to sit on her bed next to her.
After he left, laying in her smooth, cool sheets, she wished she could smell leather again. That earthy, slightly sweet scent that seemed to follow her knight everywhere he went. Sure, some of that aroma lingered on the silk of her bed, but it was different. It was so much more pleasant when he was really there and she could feel his skin under her fingertips and his hand in her hair…
Maybe she had gone too far. Maybe she had pushed him by begging him to place his hand on her barren shoulder (scandalous!) or to look her in the eyes. For a pair as inseparable as they were, both by duty and feelings, they barely even made eye contact.
Zelda hated the protocol, and she hated how obedient Link was. Just once, she wanted to unravel him. Just once, she wanted him to put his hand on her body because he chose to. Just once.
She went to bed that night cold. Silk was always chilly.
And that next morning she rose at her usual time and did her usual things with her usual personal knight, who acted as he usually did: silent and unfazed, like nothing happened. It was a usual day.
Even though Link was acting like normal, she wanted to know if he was thinking like normal, too. She certainly wasn’t. Anytime she addressed him, her eyes wandered down to his lips. He kept his trained on whatever was behind her, be it a wall or a window. Sometimes, he knelt on the floor. Was it because he didn’t want to talk to her? Did he hate her now? He was supposed to kneel when he was addressed by anybody of royal stature, but they had spent so many years together that this was… unusual.
“What are you doing?” she asked him at one point, her tone biting and sharp. He winced.
“Kneeling, princess, as I am meant to,” he mumbled. Link couldn’t see it, facing his leather boots on the ground, but tears pricked the eyes of the princess he was sworn to protect.
“Fine,” she hissed, turning and walking away. Obediently, he stood and followed.
They turned a corner where a maid scuttled up to them and told the princess that a new leather delivery was here, and that her father requested she receive it since he was unavailable. Of course, Zelda obliged, and the princess and her knight made their way to the courtyard which was riddled with trainees, some in pairs and others sparring with dummies. At the entrance was Link’s father with a wagon of boxes. 
Zelda knew how the deliveries worked. She often accompanied her father to receive them. She also knew that most of these boxes weren’t for the army, but for the nobility who visited the castle often enough that they simply had their commissions delivered there instead. Bags, clothes, sometimes furniture.
“Hello, your highness,” Link’s father greeted warmly. “And my son.” To his son, he nodded, and wrapped him in a hug. “It’s a big delivery this week.”
He began unloading the boxes while Zelda signed off on some paperwork. Link and some other soldiers nearby helped haul the boxes off the wagon and to the side. By the end, there was only one small box left, which Link’s father picked up and handed to Zelda.
“For you, princess,” he said.
“Oh, but I didn’t–”
“No, no, I’m sure you did.”
Link’s father took his wagon and rushed away, leaving a befuddled princess with a tiny box. When she glanced at Link with a brow arched in confusion, he only shrugged and looked past her.
She continued with more of her usual duties and then at nighttime, as usual, her personal knight hung about her room while she brushed her hair. Except they were both silent and it almost turned her red–not with embarrassment.
“Link,” she said, his name slicing the still air, “I’m sorry.”
Her anger was at herself.
“We can’t act like nothing happened,” she sighed, setting the brush down. “I’m sorry. Last night– I– I shouldn’t have done that. It was a mistake.”
Link didn’t say anything, only hung his head and twiddled with his thumbs–so unusual of him–and kept quiet.
“I feel bad. I know you don’t feel that way, and it was a mistake for me to… to even think of that.”
“Zelda,” he mumbled, “you never opened the box my father gave you.”
“Just open it.”
It sat on her nightstand, the cords holding it shut still intact. She’d wondered about its contents all day but never had a moment to open it. Tentatively, Zelda reached over and grasped it, pulled it back to her, and carefully unwound the cords. She pried it open and fished around inside, moving aside the tissue stuffed in to ensure whatever was inside didn’t break.
It was a jewelry box. A dark, simple jewelry box made of leather.
“This must be someone else’s order,” she mused, examining the box.
“Open it.”
Zelda rolled her eyes at him with a smile, muttering something about boxes in boxes, and unlatched it.
Inside was a silver necklace with a small, delicate diamond pendant, nestled within the velvet folds of the box. Gently, Zelda lifted it out of the box, hanging it off her fingers so the pendant spun ever so slowly, just enough for her to admire the details.
“I never ordered this,” she said again. “And your father doesn’t make necklaces, so–”
His lips were on hers.
Wait, what?
When did he even approach? He’d been on the other side of the room leaning against a dresser, watching from afar as she opened the leather jewelry box and took out the diamond necklace. He hadn’t moved an inch, and she knew that because she had watched him out of the corner of her eye the whole time. So when did he get here?
It wasn’t like it mattered anyway, she thought, melting into him. He smelled of leather, sweet and earthy, and his textured skin against hers felt right, warm, like everything she had ever dreamed of.
When he pulled away, she found herself moving toward him, lonely at the loss. They gazed at each other for a quiet, soft moment.
“Was that a bad idea?” he asked, all sense of decorum and–thank the Goddesses, Zelda thought–protocol flying out the window.
“No,” she hummed, reaching her hands up into his hair to pull him in for another kiss as his hands, soft as leather, found their home on her silken skin.
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skullhaver · 10 months
NPCS! NPCS!! NPCS!!! 7, 16, 37 for the bazzoxan beloveds (foghome, taskhand thelyss, major mazul) and, even though we goofed and somehow made a completely (nearly?) unromanceable party, 29 for whichever npc(s) you think will make us the most unhinged at learning the answer
7. So if your PC had a car what kind of car would it be
Rae why would you ask me this, I don't know shit about cars 😂 I will do my best based on vibes alone. Foghome - modern AU, he does not drive. He rides his bike everywhere, and when he needs to be driven, he is very beloved and always has friends (including friends in positions of serious institutional power) who can drive him somewhere or procure him a taxi without issue. Verin Thelyss - some really nice car that his rich family got him. He's modest about it and prefers attention isn't drawn to it. But it's not like he's NOT gonna drive this nice car. Driving normal cars lowkey irritates him now that he's gotten used to high-quality features. Tarsenna Mazul - some unusual older model of car. It's not an expensive or luxury car. More just their thrifty, stubborn pride over the years turned an old car into a niche hobby. If asked, Tarsenna would be delighted to tell you about the three youtube channels dedicated specifically to the maintenance and care of this particular car.
16. What scents do you associate with your PC? 
Foghome - this 👏 man 👏 smells 👏 like 👏 dirt. 👏 Delicious loamy garden soil. He has the teatime vibe of jasmine flowers and orange blossoms. Verin - parchment and ink, ginger, vetiver, a particular incense burned in Luxon shrines Tarsenna - clean sweat, wood smoke, conifers, rocks on a hot day
37. What flower represents your PC?
Foghome - Sunflower. Radiant, stand-out, contains edible bits. Verin - Acanthus. Symbol of nobility and royalty, has also been used to make a healthy herbal tea. Tarsenna - Peony. Specifically with the Japanese symbolism of bravery and honor, with a masculine vibe.
29. Please describe your PC’s romantic type 
"whichever npc(s) you think will make us the most unhinged at learning the answer" that will be any of them lol, but here goes:
Foghome - maybe inspired by the bits and pieces I know about Caduceus, but I just don't picture Foghome as someone interested in romance Verin - somebody down to earth, sensual, and totally uninvolved/uninterested in Rosohna politics while also being very savvy and Highly Discrete Tarsenna - Espen Ayo - someone who wants to go on daring adventures in faraway places then have adrenaline-soaked makeout sessions after narrowly escaping death Dermot - someone who is kind, who is golden-retriever-comforting-captive-cheetah-coded so he can finally rest and not feel scared and Responsible for everything Irvan - someone smarter than him, who feels cool and worldly and non-judgmental, and who makes him laugh Maggie - someone who cherishes her but also respects her need for independence, who has a beautiful way with words but is also comfortable with sharing silence Galsariad - someone who loves puzzles, who challenges and inspires him to keep improving, and who Gal views as 'on his level' in terms of both book-smarts and emotional intelligence
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Maestro Hiccups 3: Chaos Incarnate Ch 10
Your gaze narrows on the tea factory. You have no idea what's gonna happen in the forest, or the cave, but you needed to outrun the Scorpio Gang FAST. "Yuri! Head to that factory!" You shout. "Got It!" She yells back as the three of you book it to the tea factory.
The motorcycles bursts through the doors as the three of you zoom through large vats of steeping tea, ready to be poured. Yuri quickly zooms to the catwalk, and turns the motorcycle off to prevent any noise from being heard. The three of you get quiet when you see the Scorpio Gang enter as well. One scorpion chitters something to the rest of its gang, as the rest of them scatter. "What did they say?" You whisper "He said 'Spread out. Look for them, and destroy them at any costs.' Yuri whispers.
"What are we going to do? We can't fight them off!" Emma panicked, sweat dripping from her brow. You and Yuri sweat as well as you see that you are directly over one of the bubbling vats of Tea. That's when inspiration strikes you. "Hey Yuri...can those vats tip over?" You ask. She nods quietly as a smile finds its way onto your face "Well then, I have an idea." You whispered.
Down below, the Scorpio Gang is still looking around the Tea Factory, looking for their unfortunate 'Prey' when a loud "BANG" is heard, and the doors are sealed shut. The humanoid scorpions get suspicious, until a loud creaking was heard. What they didn't know was you were now ever so gently tipping one of the vats of boiling Tea directly onto them. "IT'S TEATIME!" You shout as The Scorpio Gang let out pained chitters and terrified chirps as they were submerged in piping hot tea.
Yuri and Emma meanwhile, felt the doors grow warmer, and the sound of wood creaking "That's our cue!" Emma said as she and Yuri unlocked the door, letting the now cooled Tea, and its buggy guests float out into the neon streets. "Yes! We did it!" Emma cheered, but Yuri looked anxious. "Hold on...I think the leader survived." She panicked. Now Emma turned pale "Y/N! They're still in there!" She cried before the two rushed off, hoping to find you before the leader did.
Back inside, you let out a sigh of relief, before you hear something skittering. To your horror, you discover that the leader of the Scorpio Gang was still alive...and he looked thirsty for blood. Letting out an angry chitter, it crawled up the walls as you looked for a hiding spot. Jumping back down, you hide behind the enormous vats of Tea, while the leader is still looking for you. You look for any possible exit point while making your way around the vents.
You let out a sigh of relief when you spot a you sized vent above you and are about to crawl into it, when the revving of a motorcycle catches your ear. You get worried, you couldn't tell who it was, since there were no windows near your location, just a door that lead outside. It was slim, but it was a 50/50 chance that it was either Yuri and Emma...or reinforcements...The Leader's skittering gets louder and you tense up knowing he's getting closer.
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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
Marc Warren Characters & Their Reaction To You Owning Squishmallows/Squishables Part 1.
🔫Clint (Bring Me The Head Of Mavis Davis)🔫
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●Is not too shocked. "Girls like that soft, cutesy stuff" is what Clint's thought is. I mean, he's not wrong. So it's no biggie to him, no matter how big or small your collection is.🩵
●If he's sleeping over with you, he'll try and not knock them off the bed if they are on there. If he does, he quickly picks it up and puts it closer to you or just holds on to it as he sleeps.🥰
●Eventually ends up cuddling it and admits that he likes how soft they are. Good for any aches he has if he had to jump around or doing some stunts on the job.☺️
●You eventually give him a Squishmallow as a gift. The Squishmallow is Leon The Monster. Clint loves it and even takes it out on jobs with him for a bit of company.
●Clint of course buys you more of the soft plushies.🥰
●He loves seeing the smile you have when he brings him a new Squishmallow/Squishable to the ever growing plushie family.😊
●This hitman may be a little crazy but he's softy at heart. I mean, Leon The Monster Squishmallow is considered his best mate in his eyes. 🩵
🗡Jonathan Teatime (Hogfather)🗡
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●"Did the Hogfather gift you half of these?" Is Jonathan Teatime's question upon seeing the large collection of soft squish plushies. 🖤
●He's not weirded out by it. I mean, it's Jonathan Teatime we are talking about! I think we know what he's like!🤪
●May "accidentally" cut one of the plushies during his knife practices. Which of course is unacceptable and you do scold him for it. 😡
●Gets sulky over it. "I didn't mean to" is his response. Does try to either fix the cut with stitching or gets a proper experienced fixer to fix it. Will apologise if he really cares for you. 🖤
●Does buy you some, especially for your birthday or whenever he's out doing errands or assassinating, he usually returns home to you with one.🥰
●Does eventually get one himself. For a Squishmallow, he has Otto The Grim Reaper. For a Squishable, it's an Undead Unicorn. 🦄
●Don't expect him to share his beloved plushies though. The man is in touch with his inner child after all, expect him to be pouty if you take his plushies for a quick cuddle without asking!😠
⛓️Joey (Hellraiser: Deader)⛓️
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●Finds it strange but more in a curious way. Does ask questions, you know to understand more about it.🤔
●Doesn't think much of them. "Yeah, they're cool I guess" is Joey's comment on them. Nothing more. Sorry.
●Will knock some off the bed if sleeping over. Says it's "too crowded" or "too hot" due to how soft and plush they are. 😕
●Pouts when you pick them up again.😏
●You talked to one of your plushies one time and Joey saw it. Now Joey sometimes looks at the plushies as if they are listening in on his comments about them. 🫢
●Does buy you one from time to time though despite his hesitation with them. Just comes in, holds out the plushie and just says "Here. It's for you". You of course squeal and hug him, which he plays off coolly but deep down is happy he made you smile. 😊
●Doesn't really buy one himself. But you get him one, a Squishmallow Squish-Doo Cheetah, because of it's cool hairstyle so it would fit Joey since he has a unique hairstyle too.☺️
💸Danny Blue (Hustle💸)
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●Looks at the plushie collection with a confused look, does ask questions but after all that, he's alright with it.
●Will knock some of them off the bed but will feign picking them up only to drop them again when you turn over in bed and you're not looking. Cheeky!🤭
●However he does place them back on the bed in the morning for you. Sweet!☺️
●However, he does have a soft spot for your dog Squishmallows/Squishables though. I mean, he's obviously a dog person.🐶
●Cuddles with Reginald the Hug Me Squishmallow in bed or on the couch when he has a nap. Will literally take one from your collection and just hoard it for a while.💙
●One time he used one in a con and got worried when he thought he left it somewhere in the city but thankfully Stacey placed the plush in the backpack he was carrying, knowing you'd be upset if it was lost. Danny was grateful for Stacey doing that.😅
●Any money left from a con will go to a jar in the bedroom for shopping days and of course plushies, particularly hard to get ones so online ordering is required.💷
●Gets a big boost when he finds a Squishmallow named Danny and takes him home to give you. "Now Danny Jr. Will keep you company while I'm out on a con love" were his words, making you giggle. Expect him to tell Mickey and the Gang about the Squishmallow that shares his name.😏
●Will get a Squishmallow that shares your name so Danny Squishmallow has a Y/N Squishmallow too. Awww!🥰
🪖Albert Blithe (Band Of Brothers)🪖
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●This soft man is impressed by your collection! He loves how you picked each plushie out, creating a cute gorgeous squad of dark, pastel and bright colours.🌈
●Is drawn to the cute hedgehog Squishmallow with pastel coloured fluff on the back. Loves that one.🩷
●If sleeping over, he will cuddle some of them in his sleep and holds them so they don't fall off the bed. He understands how much they mean to you as a source of comfort. Hell, he finds comfort in them too!🥰
●Will take one or two to cuddle with when napping!😉
●Loves getting to know each plushies name, particularly if they are Squishmallows. If they are Squishables, sometimes he'll name one or two himself. Like "Sergeant Cuddles" or "Major Snugs".🥰
●Is also protective of them, no rough housing is allowed with the plushies.💥
●Any damage the plushies get, he will take care of them by stitching and patching them up. He's good at sewing and stitching so it's no problem for him to fix up your beloved plushies🏥
●Will buy himself one and happily shows the plushie to you and shares it. If it's a Squishmallow, he will have Ziv the Sugar Glider. If it's a Squishable, he'll have the Fluffy Lunar Moth.🤍
🩷Stay tuned for Part 2!🩷
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matchamabs · 1 year
9 & 10 for the layton ask game? : )
Favourite minigame: hmmm tbh the storybook minigame always stuck with me, and this is super hard too bc I also love the hotel room minigame from CV but I think the teatime game from PB is the best, it's just so adorable. I love crafting minigames and I enjoy my opportunities to serve the professor potion of stomach hurty hehe
Travel companion: hhnnnnn ok cmon u know I was gonna suggest crow for this, or maybe even arianna, bc they're both very cool and would make great companions. Howeverrrrr if I decided not to be predictable, I think grosky or chelmey would make a really cool addition to the team. I'd love 2 see more passive chelmey dialogue, he's my kinda grouch
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knowlessman · 1 year
…it's always been way longer than I think it has, huh. rereading the last batch… aoyama was a lil creepy, there's a school festival concert thing coming up, and a sean-connery-looking libertarian is looking to get fingerblasted. looking forward to that. (bnha s4e20-25)
(mineta meeting eri) jesus christ on an alternate dimension where he can do anything about untenably problematic anime characters, I think I'd take Leeron, Gurren Lagann Leeron, over this guy and that says a lot
(ep title is "gold tips imperial") "gold tips?" "yeah, how do you always seem to find more gold than we do? what's the secret?" "I'm gonna level with you, I have no idea, they just coded Skyrim to put more gold in chests when I open them"
anyway back to the show aw hell it's Ditto again, get a personality my dude -- "we're doing a play: Romeo and Juliet and a bunch of random references." …wait, is azkaban not copyrighted? well, wookiee probably is and they used that, I guess they just don't give a fuck
beauty pageant. …think I might just not like this arc in general. the mafia stuff we just did, that was cool. it was, like, dark, but it was good. this one, I can feel it, is gonna have too much mineta in it (which does not have to be very much).
(deku's working on the finger gun thingy) "so much more control is required than before… is there a trick to it?" imagine you're putting a microwave on defrost. or, or something. …I miss deku's silly microwave epiphanies
"there's something I want to try with this new move… I want to try and put a paper football on the moon"
"my mom sent me this new tea, it's called [title drop]!" is the tea haunted. or drugged. why is it in the title. squints suspiciously
okay, sean connery the clownboy would not have 0 likes and 800 dislikes, he would have WAY more likes and 90% of those likes would be people who thought he was hilarious. if this was ten years ago (maybe only five, idfk), there would be dance mixes of this nonsense.
"I just wonder what sean clownery is up to…" mah boi, this not-having-to-worry-about-what-a-libertarian-is-thinking is what true warriors STRIVE for -- "open the bat-folder, kronk! …it won't open." "I locked it, you have to right-click" peak comedy. 'XD this goofus is gonna get clowned on so hard, he might end up making this whole arc worth it by himself tbph -- "we can have a 90-minute teatime if we get there right when they open" …blinks wait what am I saying, I take at least two hours to eat lunch when I take adderall
'XDDDD "wait did you say TEA???" gentle doofus blowing his entire cover like this is almost jojo levels of stupid, I am LIVING here -- gentle thief, filming self running from deku: ♪ look here come the consequence, consequence, consequence, look here come the consequences of my own ac-tions… ♪
who would win, a villain with ten youtube subscribers whose head is so far up his own ass he's a donut, or a shonen protagonist who is prepared to move heaven and earth to entertain a little girl -- 'XD oh yeah, and the donut's mustache is apparently on the line. hope la brava packed a shaver
(translated from Gentleman) "I just want to sneak in, make an ass of myself, and get tossed out by security. um. so let me go plz?"
wait so ditto only entered kendo in the contest so she'd stop hitting him when he does his inferiority complex bit? so someone with a fucking baseball bat took over her duties? pfft okay
I've never actually seen bobobo bobobobo but iirc they control random body hair in that. I think this lady must've wandered in from there. her quirk must be either prehensile eyelash tentacles (which is fucking terrifying) or super-strong eyelids (which is truly pitiable)(she does also remind me of renge from ouran host club a bit but only bc of the dress and the hoity-toity laugh)
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("remember where the air membranes are…") hanzo from before they completely changed his abilities back when overwatch 1 existed: "heh. simple geometry."
show, these are filler villains with incomprehensible motives. I don't think even brava knows what clownery's trying to accomplish. don't try to get me invested in them
oh gawd and now it's the deejay nobody likes
"Today, I take the first step towards my great work! I WILL get my eleventh subscriber!" -- "they wouldn't let me be a hero, for the silly reason that I was completely incompetent! the world OWES me attention!" -- "it's not a selfish wish, either, because there is one entire other person who also thinks the world owes me, and that makes my cause just!"
…deku, the fuck no you aren't the same. clownery was born with a legitimately useful power but would've made a shitty hero for other reasons, you were given your power because you were judged to be good hero material.
please tell me brava isn't actually as good a hacker as she thinks she is and doesn't get in, it'd put a nice toothpick in this whole stupid sandwich.
(more flashbacks for the filler villain) "please don't help me rob people. it'd make you a criminal." "it's too late for that. I've already hacked your bank account and invested your entire savings fund into crypto. you shouldn't have made your password whoisjohngalt."
…eh, what's three more episodes
gentle thief suddenly epiphanizing that he's just a selfish dumbass having a particularly destructive midlife crisis. good for him
'XD they could've had Hound or Ecto give a dramatic pause and then go "no, all is fine here," but I'm glad they had Hound bother to say "some alex jones type jackass tried to mess things up but we caught him" first. don't flatter the guy by pretending he'd be worth canceling the show over
"I was once in the hero course, too" 100% of the population was, it's kind of the only thing anybody aspires to in this setting -- "he was so hard to fight because I could've ended up like him" again, he had the chance you didn't and flubbed it
concert scene gud stuff, no notes
"you heard about your father from gandalf. he lied to you. I AM your father" dammit I wasn't planning on liking this too 'XD harry potter reference aside
holy nier automata flashbacks batman
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something something vaporeon
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montage scene gud, no notes : ] just watching characters who've been through hell have a good time. (still miss shinso tho, I know it's asking for stuff but I wanna see him get to do hero stuff)
wonder what these last two eps even are, they just wrapped up an arc
(eri is gonna live at the school apparently bc I guess they don't have stuff set up yet to account for kids with uncontrollable destructive quirks) blinks I'd completely forgotten that togata lost his quirk. …gotta admit, show gets points for that
(hero rankings) huh. endeavor's "mask" and "mustache" sort of make the symbol for fire. sort of, anyway. hadn't noticed that
how an appliance direct commercial is in the top ten, I don't get
"quirk: streaker!" …I was tryna think of anything to say about hawks but wtf, what the actual fuck
"endeavor doesn't do handshakes, you've changed, you've ruined it now, waaa" 'XDDDD
"haha I just have no self-control" you've said that, we get it, you're an asshole, we just don't know how bad of one yet
"you can fly?" "I'm just not falling!" pfft
…okay well that was a sendoff, huh. that was a lot all at once.
(postcredits) the ninth what. one for all? ghosts? spookums? tbc, I spose
0 notes