#these girls
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rita-rae-siller · 5 months ago
When two characters are dancing around their very obvious feelings for one another. And it’s the night before the big fight. Either of them could very well die. They both know this. One confesses their feelings, the one who’s usually so quiet, so pent up because this love isn’t something they think they deserve. And the other is overjoyed, ready to catch up on years spent pining hopefully from the sidelines. And then the battle happens. The confessor nearly dies. It comes to light they only confessed because they fully intended to die and didn’t want their lover to not know how they really felt. So now they have to navigate this aftermath. How do you deal with knowing your lover loves you, but not enough to live for you? Good soup….
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whinlatter · 1 year ago
So I am obsessed with Beasts. And specifically I cannot stop thinking about Ginny and Hermione getting ready for the NYE party. It made me start wondering if Hermione has ever felt jealous of Ginny? Like they grew up together and Ginny was the younger girl, who was excluded from the “Harry/Hermione/Ron club” so she’s obviously felt a little jealous and left out there (which you explore so well!! Agh the telling Harry it’s fine, and maybe he’d rather hang out with them than her, and pretending to herself she doesn’t care!! But I digress). But now I’m wondering if Hermione has ever felt the same about Ginny and if you will explore this more in this work or a later one? Because Ginny is cool. She’s Hot, she’s sexy, she’s popular. She pulls off that Union Jack dress perfectly and has got everyone looking at her. She’s many things that Hermione is not (or hasn’t chosen to be). While Ginny has had lines of boys wanting to go out with her, Hermione has had Harry and Ron who are her best friends.. but Harry’s not an option (for either of them) and Ron has been pretty pigheaded and oblivious through a lot of their relationship (and her as well lol). And we don’t see a lot of evidence in canon that she has many other friends. People see her as the know-it-all, kinda awkward, sometimes ruthless (rip Marietta) girl. But i guess my point is, Hermione isn’t seen as hot, sexy, popular, cool like Ginny is. The Yule ball was her one big moment really. So her putting on that little black dress and letting herself be hot… idk it gets me feeling some type of way. Like yes you go girl! And I want to know Hermiones feelings here in regards to Ginny. Like I imagine she’s happy for her, but I wonder did she ever feel sort of left out of that part of girlhood/coming into womanhood that Ginny had just so naturally embraced?
THANK YOU for reading and for the beasts love, you legend 🫶
so i have been thinking about this question a lot! no-one will be surprised to discover that i find hermione and ginny's relationship in canon so so interesting. it's neither the relationship of natural besties, but nor does it seem to be a relationship of pure convenience: there's genuine love and warmth there, the swapping of confidences, meaningful advice, emotional support in moments of distress, and more than a little boy scheming (taylor swift wrote mastermind about hermione and ginny, change my mind). i tend to think of them as sisters, though very much with hermione as the big sister, and ginny as the little.
i say this because i think my answer is no, i don't think hermione would be jealous of ginny as a hot popular girl, in canon or after the war as i imagine it in beasts. but i do think that there might be reasons for different kinds of insecurity and jealousy from hermione towards ginny, especially after the war. full reasoning and minor beasts spoilers below the cut!
one of the funniest things about hermione is that, by her mid-teens, she's reasonably self-assured about her social position and her place on the dreaded teen romance market. after she's made some mates and sorted her teeth out (something she clearly was insecure about), she's pretty content. she doesn't feel especially upset about the absence of a large circle of friends or crave the approval of the other girls in her year, parvati and lavender. she has harry and ron's friendship for a lot of her emotional needs (and, beginning in GoF, ginny, for the one's that they can't meet). when it comes to boys, hermione consistently really backs herself (as she should). when krum's interested in her, she's flattered but not astonished that this international quidditch player would want to ask her out, and the ball's mostly in her court throughout their courtship (ok penpals!) when she wants to make ron jealous, she backs herself to be able to bag both cormac and zacharias and to have her pick of them (icon). she enjoys a nice dress up - the yule ball, the wedding - and knows she scrubs up well. and while she's tapped into the public mood/gossip mill (romilda vane's love potions, harry's growing fanciability, cho's quidditch fortunes), she's not especially interested in popularity herself. she'd rather be thought of as clever than she would hot or popular, for better or worse. i think we should take hermione's encouragement that ginny tap into the growing number of boys who fancy the pants off her to help get over harry in good faith. in her mind, ginny's her little sister, and hermione gets a lot out of trying to steer her towards things that might make her happy. (she disdains fleur for her obsession with appearance and seeming desire for male attention, but she thinks of ginny as her ally in being opposed to such things, not another rival).
(that doesn't mean i think hermione doesn't ever feel insecure or even feel humiliated socially, but that her insecurities are more about her feelings for specific people (read: ronald bilius weasley) than they are about the approval of her peers. when ron takes the piss out of her in HBP, for instance, she's less upset that parvati and lavender laugh at her than she is that ron, who she fancies, is mocking her and the other girl who fancies him, lavender, is laughing at her. for the most part, hermione in canon is happy as she is)
that said... i do think that hermione might have complicated, or even jealous feelings towards ginny in other contexts. in canon, the tensions in hermione and ginny's relationship are the moments where the big sister/little sister dynamic is most visible, or else when ginny tries to reject hermione's big sisterly approach and assert herself as hermione's equal. in OotP, when hermione becomes a prefect and ginny spends the prefect party laughing with tonks and sirius about behaving badly, we see hermione's big sistery approach on display, as well as her teetering with a desire to get involved with the troublemakers while also remaining pretty committed to being well-behaved in her bones. we see elsewhere that while hermione advises ginny, we have no evidence that that happens the other way around, or at least that hermione takes any of ginny's advice (it seems to hard to imagine ginny approving the cormac/zacharias plan, for one). their fight in HBP over sectumsempra isn't ginny calling hermione on not being involved in quidditch because she's not cool enough, it's the suggestion from ginny that hermione is wrong about harry's best interests, doing up i-told-you-so, being too wrapped up in her own ego over the prince's book, and then trying to manipulate ginny by bringing up quidditch in the first place (which causes ginny to go for the jugular and bring hermione's intellect, and lack of understanding on quidditch, into it). hermione's disdain for how much time harry and ginny are spending together during exam szn is also plainly big sistery, and, as it bothers harry, i think we can assume it's also something that ginny would grate against too.
in the post-war world (as i see it in beasts) i think these dynamics would be more visible than ever. ginny's lived a certain kind of war that's made her less happy to be patronised or dismissed as a little sister figure rather than an equal: she's also a symbol of the world hermione feels increasingly lost in. hermione is head girl of a student body she feels extremely removed from, while ginny is widely respected as a resistance leader among the other students, and especially admired within the DA. her conflict with ginny is really an extension of hermione's post-war conflict in general, which is about her place in the wizarding world at large: where does she fit in, in this post-war world that's both so different but also (in lots of troubling ways) very much the same, full of many of the same prejudices and problems that defined wizarding society in the interwar years. another of hermione’s big postwar conflicts, in my mind, and in fanon more generally, is about hermione's relationship with her self - as a former soldier now trying to go back to normal young adulthood - and her relationship with her family. the reason i wanted hermione in that little black dress looking fit was partly to have her try and reach out to her pre-war self who did enjoy getting dolled up and stunting on the hoes (even if maybe not in a dress quite so short, slay), but also to have her play with the idea of being allowed to do something so frivolous like look fit to turn her boyfriend on (real slay), and to have her start to publicly wrestle with a different set of external expectations, not from her peers, but perhaps from a parent she recognises she doesn’t really know:
Hermione tries for a smile, sad eyes tracing the dress’ low neckline. ‘My mum would hate it,’ she mutters. ‘She - ’ She shakes her head, throws up her hands. ‘I don’t know. Maybe she wouldn’t. I don’t know.’
i always think about that scene early in PoA where hermione and ginny are laughing with mrs weasley about love potions. it's such a cute moment - really the first hermione and ginny friendship moment in the series - and i'm very struck that it's a moment of real fun and levity that happens with this mother figure present (especially when hermione has just ditched hers to go hang out with the weasleys for what will be the first of many times). i don’t want to say too much for where things are going in beasts, but just that i think it’s significant that hermione and ginny’s first real girly friendship moment happens in the presence of a warm maternal figure who adores her daughter, imbuing hermione and ginny’s relationship with a sisterly-ness but also bringing into the dynamic the example of mothers and intergenerational female relationships. ginny has a very specific relationship with her mum; i imagine hermione has a very different one with hers, and i think that matters for who hermione is but also her relationship with ginny, just a bit.
loved thinking about this one, thank you so much!
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incognito-princess · 3 months ago
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I've has several Grand Champions of the District Speech Competition over the years... but I've never had 2 at the same time!!! If this years' 5th graders hadn't been such jerks and refused to sign up (they have to completely write their own speech and that was just too much for them), I would have swept the podium!
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freckleshine007 · 1 year ago
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Toxic doomed yuri save me
Save me toxic doomed yuri
@charonean’s character Talia and her silly gf Lani. They take up half of my brain (Alyssa and Viola are in the other half)
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kirakuudere1 · 1 year ago
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ON TUMBLR 2 🤫🧏‍♀️
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another-corpo-rat · 2 years ago
sharpen your knife
not me considering Victoria in a polycule and then the dear @halsin tossing a very gorgeous lady right in her lap im they're terrible together 💕💕
Victoria Crane/Eve Warnings for mild mention of torture Summary: A snake and a doll sniff out a problem and decide how to deal with him.
No one is unreadable. A little fact that people tended to forget, or considered a truth for everyone else but them – Eve found those ones the most exciting to break. Smashing their polished masks against her knee and watching the shards cut them as they scramble to keep it on.
Even Victoria Crane with her careful expressions and practiced manner had a tell. A soft click of her tongue flicked against the roof of her mouth. Eve had found the sound worrying, pressed her fingers into a warm cheek and asked if the woman needed to see a ripperdoc or a medtech – whichever was better. Whichever was finer. Because such a repetitive sound usually signalled necessary maintenance. 
She knows better now. It’s less like a grind with a roll of the wrist or a pop in the knee, Victoria’s click is more – more a warning. Like a rattlesnake but quiet, unheard to a human’s ear. 
Not to Eve’s though. She’s beyond them and Victoria has the habit of demanding her attention with the subtlest motions. So she hears that soft tut and looks to see the sharpening of golden eyes, feeling her own thrill rise. 
Victoria’s violence is different, much different than hers and Adam’s; an insidious flow of insults off a barbed tongue, coated in a soft rasp that makes the horrid words pleasant to listen to. Different and bloodless, yet entrancing all the same. Eve has little care for religion or faith, but if Victoria were the preacher she’d settle quickly to her knees and listen aptly. 
She doesn’t kneel now, but hooks her arm through her lover’s and presses closer into her side. Following those sharp eyes to their prey. 
A man is holding onto another's arm much the same way she is Victoria’s, but loose in both grip and attention – his eyes are wandering the room, sharp in some quality that Eve finds quite irksome. 
“Do you know who he is, my dear?” 
It takes Eve all of a second to know: “I do not.” There is nothing in the databases Victoria has shared with her, a usually expansive thing quick to connect a scanned face to a name and every dirty little detail the netrunner has hoarded about them. 
There is nothing there. 
Victoria hums, amused but there’s an edge to it. A sharp point aiming squarely at the man across the room. “He’s a nobody.” She hisses, venom finally curling around her tongue and dousing the words. 
That pricks at Eve’s annoyance even more. A nobody in this room is a dangerous thing, an unknown that cannot be trusted. Her hold on Victoria tightens just a fraction more, still cautious of her strength even with the woman’s chrome as her eyes pin him, scanning for cyberware, for weaponry. There is something under the skin of his forearm, a thin panelling that leaves too many options. 
His eyes, in their near constant scan of the room, finally land on them. And he barely regards Eve, glancing her over like many have done before to sneer instead at Victoria, lips lifting just enough for the motion to be read before he returns his attention to the circle surrounding him. 
Victoria’s lips twitch and her fingers intertwine with Eve’s as she leans in, her breath warm as it brushes her temple. “How should we bury him?” 
And just like that it won’t be Victoria’s brand of violence tonight. No, it will be Eve’s in its precise flaying of skin, peeling back layers with the knife-point of her nails and her audio receptors muted to any appeal to a humanity she doesn’t have. 
“We will not,” she offers, biting back a grin that is more bared teeth than anything proper. Victoria regards her with a raised eyebrow. “There will be nothing to bury.”
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inappropriatewenning · 2 years ago
so i mostly read Condor Heroes on the bus to and from work, which during the summer is only two days a week, so my progress is slow
but anyways
today, to and from work, has been all about saying "huang rong no!" and "mu nianci no..." in very different tones of voice
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whimsifae · 5 months ago
the most fun a girl can have is finding parallels, noticing patterns, making connections, contemplating
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lrndvs · 6 months ago
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compliments from girls go hard
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necronatural · 7 months ago
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Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)
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shushututu · 28 days ago
People seriously underestimate the long term effects of constant loneliness
"why are you so weird?" Idk, maybe because being completely isolated while growing up has destroyed my brain and now I'm nothing more than a human-mimicking creature that bases all of my actions on what I think is normal human behavior rather than just doing things naturally
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redstonedust · 11 days ago
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phenomenom thats been bothering me that i could only express via an mspaint reverse boomer comic
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dr-paint · 27 days ago
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Go piss girl
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princessofwallachia · 6 months ago
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fantasticcute · 1 month ago
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Full Video Watch Now
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