#these are always super fun though!!! they get my muse going
How about Terumob with an overjoyed hug?
(thank you for the prompt!! <3 I went with an airport reunion because Feelings <3) - terumob airport reunion, fluff, future fic (think like 6-7 years post canon, no spoilers)
Teruki's feet hurt from pacing. He must've walked the whole airport at least twice--grabbed a coffee from one shop, canned melon juice from another, a handful of snacks he thought Shigeo would enjoy, another coffee... reasonably he could be doing something more productive with his time, but he's not been known for rationality when it comes to Shigeo.
Shigeo profusely encouraged Teruki to go home when he realized his flight had been delayed, but Teruki's having none of that. It's only been a week but he's missed Shigeo, and he'd rather pace the airport for five extra hours than be five minutes late whenever his plane finally lands.
As far as he's concerned, it's not that unreasonable.
He stops by a vending machine near baggage claim to check his phone. 11:37pm. Either Shigeo's fallen asleep on the plane or he forgot that Teruki paid for him to have in-air service, because Teruki hasn't heard from him since he boarded. He checks Shigeo's plane on his flight tracking app. He's supposed to be landing in ten minutes. He buys Shigeo a coffee and goes back to waiting.
Seven minutes later:
[Shige <3] we just landed! are you still waiting? I hope you went home :( I'm sorry it took so long
[Teru <3] welcome home!! <3 I'm at baggage claim, I'll keep an eye out for you. I got you coffee :D
[Shige <3] :( you didn't go home
[Teru <3] your coffee's getting cold love seriously I wouldn't have done anything productive at home. I brought my ipad and graded a couple papers while I've been waiting
[Shige <3] :( I guess that's not so bad the row ahead of me just stood up. i'll see you in a few minutes! <3
[Teru <3] !!! <3
Teruki shoves his phone in his pocket and takes another lap around the baggage claim. The airport is startlingly busy this time of night, but that makes sense. A lot of flights were delayed at the same time as Shigeo's, and the godawful storm that's been rocking Seasoning City earlier today. Every time a group of people exits the hall Teruki's on them at once, combing through them for any sight of his husband. He isn't the only person waiting, either: he watches several people get their reunions, families and couples and friends. He's let down each time it isn't Shigeo.
Teruki snaps around. Shigeo waves at him from the other side of the airport, beaming. He looks exhausted and he's standing a little lopsidedly, but it's absolutely Shigeo, wearing a scarf over one of Teruki's tye-dyed hoodies and washed denim jeans.
Teruki kind of forgets about not sloshing the coffee around. He guns it, heels slamming, and Shigeo half-runs, half-jogs to meet him there.
Teruki captures him in a hug so fierce his heart nearly flies out of his chest. He lets his aura take care of the coffee and squeezes Shigeo for all he's worth, and doesn't realize he's picked Shigeo's feet off the ground until Shigeo's laughter fills his senses and Shigeo's arms wrap around his head.
Shigeo's always swept him off his feet, and it's so gratifying to be able to do the same. Even if Shigeo is heavy and deadweight from exhaustion over a day of stressful travel. Shigeo's fingers curl into his hair and his forehead bonks the crown of Teruki's head. He smells like burnt plastic and he is so, so warm.
"I missed you," Teruki stresses. "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you--"
They probably look ridiculous, Shigeo wrapped around his head laughing while Teruki's knees tremble under the weight and a paper cup of coffee hovers on its own beside them. And yeah, Teruki's still got his vain streak about him--along with the rest of his reservations. God, he’s smitten.
Shigeo squirms and Teruki doesn’t want to set him down, but he can’t see Shigeo like this, either, so he obliges. Shigeo’s smile eradicates any clinging trace of anxious energy in the back of Teruki’s mind.
“I was only gone for a week,” Shigeo says, out of breath. He grabs his coffee out of the air and Teruki loosens his aura from around it. “Thank you for picking me up.”
“Of course!” Teruki squeezes his hand. “Come on, let’s grab your suitcase and get out of here before the storm kicks up again.” 
Shigeo lets Teruki lead him forward, familiar hand in familiar hand.
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grandline-fics · 5 months
Terms of Endearment
DESCRIPTION:  You call them by a term of endearment without realising 
WARNINGS: just fluff, mentions of alcohol in Luffy's
CHARACTERS: Ace, Sabo, Luffy | Law, Kid, Shanks, Marco, Zoro
WORDS: 1,933
A/N: The next part in this in honour of reaching 500 followers. Hope you all enjoy
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You knew nothing would ever happen between you and the Division Commander. You knew he was just a likeable guy who was friendly and warm with everyone. Countless times you told yourself that he was just nice with everyone and yet still you couldn’t help but feel your heart beat just a little faster when he smiled at you and you couldn’t stop yourself from liking him a little more each time he spoke with you and spent time with you outside of chores and tasks being done onboard the ship. It didn’t matter though, even with the knowledge nothing romantic would happen you were happy to be considered a close friend of Ace’s.
One morning you were perched on the edge of the ship’s railing and keeping a critical eye on the thick wall of cloud draped over the entirety of the sky above the next island you were approaching. It made a stark difference to the clear blue you and the rest of the crew were currently under. You were no stranger to the absurdity of the ever changing weather and separate climates certain islands had but seeing what you were going to be greeted with was starting to sour your mood. It wasn’t as fun stopping at an island if there was a storm to endure.
“Glaring at the clouds won’t make them change you know.” You looked over your shoulder to see Ace hop up onto the railing and sit down beside you. Glancing out of the corner of your eye you were jealous of how relaxed he was and let out a long sigh as you returned your stare to the clouds you could now see were darker than you had originally thought. 
“Who knows, stranger things have happened on these seas.” You mused, scowling harder now that the idea was in your head. “Maybe I have the ability to control weather and neither of us knew it? Don’t know unless I try.”
From beside you Ace laughed, reclining back to support his body on his elbows and grinned up at you. 
“If that were possible, that’d be a pretty dumb gift. Glaring at clouds to make them obey you? You’d get a headache all day.” You rolled your eyes and laughed, getting more comfortable too, lying down and tucking your arms behind your head. 
“Look we can’t all be super amazing and control fire like some people, Ace.” You teased, a small yawn breaking from your lips as your eyes closed. You were still a ways away from the stormy island so you may as well make the most of the sunshine and warmth until then. “Some of us are just boring.”
“I definitely wouldn’t call you boring.” Ace told you. Safely in the knowledge that you couldn’t see him, he could observe you carefully with softened gaze. “You’re one of my favourite people to hang out with.” 
“Aw thank you love, you always know just what to say.” Your relaxed smile brightened considerably but you were too drowsy to open your eyes again to look at the man beside you. It was also why you hadn’t realised your slip of the tongue. Ace however tensed and sat up a little straighter from his once relaxed position. His eyes were widened and a soft pink was dusting his freckled skin. All this time he’d thought his feelings were one-sided and now he was hit with the reality that it might not be the case. Overcome with a burst of excitement and hope he quickly lay back down and used his hat to hide his giddy expression and began to think about how to subtly broach the subject when you were awake.
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“You’re not going to improve if you don’t keep your focus.” Hack lectured, swiftly knocking Sabo back with ease. Sabo managed to recover from the attack and retaliated with one of his own that was completely dodged to the point it made the attack look so pitiful. Hack paused in the sparring match to frown at the younger Revolutionary. “Seriously, what’s with you today? Do you need to take a break?” Quickly Sabo shook his head and forced himself to keep his attention on Hack but even then he couldn’t help but feel your presence silently calling to him. 
You were oblivious to the power you had over the Chief of Staff, even from the very first day you joined the Revolutionary Army you’d somehow managed to make Sabo immediately endeared to you. Given Sabo’s personality he was able to pass off his momentary slips and lack of concentration when you were around and for the most part others hadn’t made the connection. Most being the word. People like Hack, Koala, and Dragon however knew. Normally Hack wouldn’t mind and ignore it but this was the third time in the short amount of time of the sparring match that he’d seen Sabo zone out and look your way as you were speaking with Dragon about a recent mission you’d been on. Enough was enough. After knocking Sabo onto his back, Hack turned and called you over. You finished your conversation with Dragon and approached the sparring pair with a soft, expectant smile while Sabo got to his feet. “I want you to spar Sabo with me. Perhaps having two opponents will help sharpen his dulled senses.” 
You became concerned to hear Hack’s less than complimentary tone at the blond and you looked to Sabo with a light frown, scrutinising his features carefully. Could it be he was sick? Was something else be bothering him? It wasn't like the Chief of Staff to be so distracted especially when it came to his training. At the suggestion of you fighting along with Hack, Sabo’s expression became a mix of uncertainty and irritation. He didn’t want to spar against you but he couldn’t outright deny Hack requesting you join them given he had no real reason to oppose it. Sabo could only take a breath and adjust his stance while praying he didn’t make an embarrassment of himself.
At first having you as part of the fight helped Sabo when it came to focusing on the fight, by having two skilled fighters attacking he didn’t have the ability to pay attention to his personal feelings. However when he kept his sight on Hack as the priority he’d slipped up and forgotten you. You took the window of opportunity and ducked under Sabo’s arm, your face less than inch from his. Quickly you hooked her arm around his and tucked your foot around his ankle, twisting and knocking him to the ground. You kept a firm hold on Sabo’s wrist and pressed your knee into his back. “Give up sweetie?” you asked innocently, unable to see Sabo’s eyes widen. Before he could respond you were abruptly called for by another Revolutionary to go out on a mission. Pouting you released Sabo and left him and Hack. 
“Please tell me I didn’t imagine that…” Sabo uttered, almost begging Hack. He looked up to see the Fishman grin at him and help him to his feet. 
“No I heard it too. Funny thing is I don’t think they noticed they did it.” Sabo watched your retreating form and brightly smiled. 
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For the most part Luffy can be considered fairly clueless about a lot of things if they don’t involve his ambition to be King of the Pirates and obtaining the One Piece, doing whatever he wanted and eating all he wished. That included his own deeper feelings at times. However no matter how complex Luffy’s emotions were about certain things he found it easier to break them down into more simplistic views and gain a better understanding about them. He found he had to do that with you and the longer you were part of his crew the more he had to take an inward look at his feelings. So far he was able to discern that he liked you, he liked being around you and it was mutual because you’d been all too eager to join his crew. For the longest time it was simple as that. 
Things however became complicated one night after he and the rest of the crew helped free another town from a corrupt ruler. As always the celebration was a large affair with plenty of food, music and drink. While Luffy wasn’t a drinker and happily indulged in all the food he could get his hands on, you were pulled into a drinking contest with some of the locals along with Nami, Zoro, Franky, and Usopp. You’d managed to hold your own for a respectable amount but when you felt the world being to tilt and your mind grow hazy you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle anymore. 
Staggering from the table you somehow managed to wander to the only spot you knew you’d feel completely safe and content with. You didn’t know how you managed it, call it instinct or sheer will but you stopped beside your Captain and slid down to sit on the soft grass beside him, leaning against his back for support. Luffy looked over his shoulder to grin at you before continuing to eat. “You lost huh?” he laughed before taking a large bite of a meat skewer.
“It’s cheating when Zoro plays.” You grumbled, shifting to get more comfortable against your Captain. “He’s so smug too. Didn’t even wanna win anyway.” You fell into soft laughter with Luffy and then drifted into content silence. Subconsciously Luffy moved while he ate, seamlessly turning so you were leaning against his side and neither of you seemed to even notice the new position.
When morning came and you woke with a hangover and lack of memory you let out a worried groan, hoping that whatever you’d done wasn’t too embarrassing or at the very least you hoped that everyone else was also too drunk to remember too. Wincing you pushed yourself up to see that you were in your own bed. Hazily you tried to force your brain to work and managed to pull out the image of Luffy which made sense, he was your go-to for anything. Knowing he didn’t drink, you knew you could also rely on him for the truth on what you failed to remember. You found Luffy sitting on Sunny’s head just as you knew he’d be but you became worried to see him frowning, deep in thought. “Everything okay Luffy?” you asked, flinching when Luffy’s head swiftly snapped around to look at you intently. 
“No! You’re not allowed to call me that.” Immediately worry and guilt took hold. What had you done? Would he ever forgive you? Oh no, what if it was so bad he’d kick you off of the ship for good. 
“Wh-what do you mean?“ You asked panicked and feeling sick which was not from the hangover. “Whatever I’ve done I’m sorry but I don’t remember. Please tell me what I did wrong. I can fix it.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Luffy’s expression became confused. “I’ve just decided that you can’t call me Luffy anymore I like what you called me last night after I helped you to bed better.” 
“Oh…” you couldn’t tell what you were feeling in that moment exactly. Desperately you tried to think what you called him, silently thankful that whatever it was hadn’t offended him. “Well if you want me to call you that instead you have to remind me.”
“You called me dear.” Luffy grinned while your face reddened.
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Saw a post about you wanting welcome home requests. Dont know how old it is but.
What would wally be like as a CG???
Caregiver Wally Darling!
A/N: OMG YAY!!! I already have a shorter more general version of this on my blog, so I’m gonna repeat myself a bit here, but that’s okay because I love this man and I really wanna talk about him.
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He is such a good caregiver, I think. Like…he struggles a bit at first but he eventually gets the hang of it and does really well!
I mean. He is quite literally the host of a children’s TV show. He knows how to take care of and entertain kids.
He likes taking you out on little play dates and adventures. One of his favorite things to do is take you to the park, and you often see Julie and Sally there, so you play with them a lot. :)
He paints you a lot. You’re his muse. ❤️
Speaking of painting, if you’re down for it, he’d be happy to paint with you! Finger paint, watercolor, anything! And if not, that’s okay too! He’s fine with just using you as inspiration.
He actually made a deco paci for you one time (if you use pacifiers)! It was for your birthday. You have loved and cherished it ever since.
If you ever draw or color something for him, it immediately gets hung up on the fridge or on a wall somewhere.
He does better with calmer littles. If you’re like me and you get very sleepy randomly or very easy, he has no problem with cuddling you while you sleep if you want. He doesn’t try to sleep with you; because he can’t, and his “I’m sleeping” chant gets a lil annoying.
Barnaby is Wally’s go to babysitter, as you probably expected. Barnaby is basically your uncle. He’s the cool, fun uncle who loads you up on sugar before sending you back to your parents. And that is exactly what he does!
He is VERY cautious and protective. He baby proofs the hell out of everything.
He also does most things for you. You need to tie your shoes? He’s got it! Wanna refill your sippy cup or your bottle? That’s his job, sweetheart, don’t worry about it.
He will love any nickname you give him, “dad/daddy/dada”, “papa”, “baba”, etc.
He loves them all.
He canonically goes limp when you hug him but I’d like to think that he eventually gets the hang of it and becomes a really good cuddler. 😭
He has so much apple juice. And apples in general. Does not understand apple pie or anything with apple filling in it, though…where are the apples…where did they go?? 😥
His voice is super monotone and his face kinda is too, so he actually does super well with autistic littles. Cuz like. He gets it. Also I know Wally isn’t CANONICALLY autistic but. Erm. Yeah he is. In my mind he absolutely is.
He doesn’t do too well with tantrums. He’ll try his best to calm you down, but if that doesn’t work, he usually has to call Barnaby for help. He always feels so bad, though. He’s your caregiver, he’s supposed to know how to help…
All in all, 10/10 caregiver. Would recommend.
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adrealucia · 2 months
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Sean as your best friend
a headcanon ⓘ sfw
featuring: Sean Diaz
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ⓘ what are you talking about 
I feel like Sean would be the type of person who would rather listen to you talk, instead of talking a whole lot about himself. However, he would talk to you about his family problems, like whenever he and Daniel are fighting you would be the first to know. You would talk a lot about music and movies, I feel like Sean would turn into such a nerd. There is a lot of teasing involved in the way he talks to you, lots of swearing and slang I guess. 
I don't think that he would be much into gossip. In my opinion, he is more focused on you and his other friends and not caring about other people.
He talks a lot about Daniel and will always ask you about your opinion on certain presents for him or topics he should discuss with his brother. "You think I am a bad big brother for not taking him on the trip as well?" 
Also teases you about the fact that Daniel is so in love with you and that one day he is going to propose to you. "He is such a player and you fall for it." 
"Sean he is nine." 
ⓘ how he would treat you / act around you 
Let me tell you this boy is shy, but certainly not when he is around you. He is always cracking up super corny jokes and would make fun of you as well but in a playful demeanor. He is pretty caring though, always asking how you are if you have eaten anything yet. I mean even as your best friend this guy would worship the ground that you are standing on. 
Honestly, he is only attending work so that you guys can order a bunch of takeout, get high, and go to concerts and the movies. I also feel that he would be the type of guy friend to always pay for your meals and open doors for you because his dad taught him so. 
When I tell you that you are his muse I am not joking even a little bit. This guy is always drawing you in every situation. You are helping Daniel with his homework? he is drawing you. You are talking to him on FaceTime? Oh, he has a pencil in his hand and is secretly sketching your face. You are reading in the corner of his room? Yep, you're right he is drawing you again. You get the idea. When he wants to work on his perspective skills he would often ask you to get into a certainposition and stand still so he could practise his skills. 
"Sean, it's been like 30 minutes, are you done already?"
"Stand still." 
ⓘ how he acts when you argue / when he is angry at you 
First of all, what did you do to piss this guy off? I feel like it would be pretty hard to get into an argument with Sean anyway. But if you ever found yourself in that kind of a scenario I think he would be kind of childish. 
Would most definitely tell Daniel that you are cheating on him and get him upset with you as well. Sean would still reply to your texts but playfully dry. 
"You done pouting yet?" 
"I was, now I am not." 
Would 100% tell Daniel to call you and ask if you want to come over to play with him. 
I feel like Sean is the type of person who would gift you something after you guys made it up. Like a plushie, a book, or a drawing. I also think that he would be the person to always say sorry first because he is so used to doing that when he fights with Daniel. 
"Listen I am sorry..."
"La la la I cant hear you." 
"I bought you something..."
ⓘ how he would comfort you if you’re sad 
Okay so if you are ever sad around Sean be ready to get spoiled. Like this dude will cook for you (even though he really isn't the best cook), he will tell Daniel to draw you something to cheer you up, and will definitely watch your favorite movie or listen to your favorite songs. 
"You wanna go out for a walk and a smoke? bet that would cheer you up." 
Sean wouldn't specifically ask you what's wrong but he would always give you the feeling that you can talk to him about everything. Since he is also very used to the role of the protective big brother he would throw hands and come for the person who made you sad in the first place. 
Would always ask you if you needed some alone time and would lock his door so Daniel wouldn't rush in and ask you to play.
I feel like Sean would be the type of person who would talk to his dad about your problems so that he can give you the very best advice ever since he himself is not that good with words. 
authors note: this was so cute to write!! definitely plan on writing more of these if you guys like them :)
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kisscara · 2 years
may i request a fic of scara being a domestic bf for reader?? like super the way of the househusband type of domestic :0 if thats ok w u??
househusband in training ★ [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ fluff, modern au, college au
a/n: HIHI this idea is soso cute mima and ty 4 requesting! i love myself some domestic bf scara.. ( ´ ω ` )
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when your boyfriend of two years moved in with you in a small but comfy apartment, you surely hadn't taken him for the type to do everything around the house. scaramouche has always had the ability to get quickly tempered, but you didn't know that that would apply to chores as well.
after a month or two, you got used to his constant nagging that always fixated on the dishes in the sink and the state of the bedroom. the thing is, he never makes you do it. "tsk, there's a spoon in the sink, (name). you know how i want the sink to be empty at all times," he would say, all the while putting on his rubber gloves and apron.
you peek from the doorframe of the kitchen. "it's a single spoon, scara. plus, i'll do it if-" he stops you short with a raise of the hand. "no, no. that won't be necessary." and the conversation ends there, or so he thought. you muse, "hm, i've been thinking about something for awhile."
scaramouche doesn't look up from his work as he scrubs the spoon with a soapy sponge, "yeah?" as he reaches forward to open the faucet, you add, "you're kind of like my little househusband in training." you pause when you hear the clatter of the spoon. scaramouche slowly turns to face you, "what did you say."
you laugh, amused by his reaction. "i mean, you kind of got the part down." scaramouche takes off his gloves and apron to make his way to you in a few strides. he holds your face in one hand, squishing your pudgy cheeks with his lithe fingers. "if i'm to be the househusband, that means you have to play the role of my spouse, no?"
scaramouche also takes care of things like meals. unlike his mother, who could blow up the entire world if she even touched the buttons of the stove, he's fairly good at cooking. breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it. he'll be calling you from the kitchen to come and eat and you'll be greeted with a table full of meals.
once in a while, he'll let you help him. he prefers it whenever you take a part in baking rather than cooking, since it's less dangerous, in a way. speaking of your well-being, scaramouche always checks up on you, possibly more than your own parents do.
whenever he feels as if you've been studying too long, he'll pry you away from your screen to spend time with him. "c'mon, i'm more fun than words on a screen." he'd say, cuddling with you on the couch in the living room. feeling overwhelmed? scaramouche is your go-to guy.
he'll turn off the lights, only leaving the television set as the two of you snuggle beneath the blankets. scaramouche comfortingly strokes your hair and whispers endearments, your head resting in his lap as he soothes all of your worries away.
and even though scaramouche manages most of the house chores, he somehow is able to balance his college life as well. he wears reading glasses whenever he studies but he finds that he focuses better when he does it with you. he'll pretend that he doesn't know an easy question and makes you help him out from that point.
every night is spent with him in your arms or you in his, words of affection exchanged and kisses shared before the sleepiness gets to you two. scaramouche can be mean sometimes, but he's big on being soft when it comes to you. it's almost like his lips are made for yours, considering the way they perfectly slot against your lips is heavenly.
in the morning, he'll be awakened by you peppering kisses all over his face and clinging onto him like a koala to a tree. that is, if you wake up before him. every other morning, you'll rise to the smell of freshly cooked food. though the point is, scaramouche is the ideal domestic boyfriend and maybe even a househusband... ♡
© kisscara
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azsazz · 3 months
omg BABE congraaats! SO excited for u 👏 I absolutely adored Midnight Muse, so even though a small part of me wants to hoard and gatekeep our precious fic in this fandom, you deserve the success and recognition, and the world deserves good books! 💖
Remember us and remember where u came from when you blow up 🥹 luv uuuuu
now, some questions 4 u:
How was it to 'un-acotar-ize' the story, and find alternate names for everyone? Do you still picture the acotar characters in your mind in the new version? I'm curious what the rest of the changed names are apart from Quinn and Knox (which are awesome names btw), are the other changed names something you can share, or is that a secret? (it's fine if not, I'm just super curious 😁) Also, was 'Knox' a reference to one of Az's sons in your fic family tree?
Also, I notice it says "Book 1 of the Vulcan University series", are there plans for more? 👀
Thank you so much!!! I know i wish we could gatekeep it here too but it was too good not to share with the world! The real ones will always know where midnight muse came from 💙💙
i could never forget any of you!! and you'll never get rid of me either 😈 hehehe. I love you too!! 🫶🏻
Honestly, it de-acotarizing it wasn't too bad. it was a little grating because i basically had to revise 120k 😭 and my version of revising that was literally retyping the entire thing because im a psycho and can't just fix up paragraphs haha. but the plot did get some work after all of the feedback i received and i thinks its even better than it was!! There's def still some subtle acotar hints tbh (maybe to the point where i'm worried it might be a lil obvious but whatevs) but gotta let em know my roots lol
hmmm finding names was kind of a mix of easy and hard for me. i've always wanted to use the name knox because i really like it as we all know so i went with him bcs i love it. it's slightly a reference to the son i made for him, but if you've read the knox x reader fic there's something that i do want to use his (my?) canon (or is it fanon? no idea) character with a variation of the name (so excited about). but that's for when i attempt writing a fantasy so idk when that will happen, there's much more thought that has to go into that than my lil romance 💙 but yeah we love knoxie in any form 💙
sometimes i do picture the characters when im writing...it's surprisingly mostly cass i think about or slip up when i'm talking about it irl 😂 but they mostly have their own personalities now and i adore them all so much!
I would LOVE to share the other character names!! So we have Quinn (absolutely love this name tbh) and Knox obviously 💙💙💙 Then we have Ace (which would be Rhysand's character in the fanfic), Rory - Quinn's best friend and roommate. Then we have Slate (😂 always cracks me up) for Cassian's character, and Reid for Luciens character. Mandy was Mor but only makes a brief appearance! Those are pretty much the main characters for the series 💙
There are plans for more...hehehe...i might be well into writing the second one as we speak, but the goal is to have four books in this series!
thank you for the questions these were so exciting and fun to talk about 🥰💙
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astrowaffles · 1 year
Golden Time
Teen (for language) | Chaos | Plotless | Actor AU
“I get here at half eight because of Satoru,” Megumi told the camera. He had glittery pink flamingo sunglasses on, which he seemed to think was perfectly normal; in the background, Gojo was wandering about, wearing a matching (purple) pair of sunglasses, playing ‘Dancing Queen’ from his phone and waving a mini disco ball around. “He needs the extra time to get in the zone.”
“Too right I do!” Gojo agreed loudly.
“Is this how you get in the zone?” the interviewer asked.
“I do my best acting when wearing glitter,” Gojo informed her. “Obviously.”
“I think most of us usually arrive on time,” Yuji nodded, standing on the steps outside a large building. Above his head, the words MAPPA STUDIOS could be seen in foot-high lettering. “I got here … uh … hold on, I’ll ask Megumi.”
He turned towards the building. “HEY!! MEGUMI!!”
“WHAT?” a voice yelled back, presumably from the foyer.
“8.30, WHY?”
“I’M DOING AN INTERVIEW!” Yuji turned back to the camera. “He says 8.30.”
“So you arrived together?” the interviewer asked.
“Oh, yeah, his dad gives me a lift sometimes.” Yuji leant in closer, and cupped his hands over his mouth. “It was the most terrifying experience of my life,” he whispered.
“I OFFERED YOU A RIDE, NOT A SAFE RIDE!” Megumi shouted. He was just visible, signing something at the front desk.
“Jeez, how did he hear that?!” Yuji looked shaken. “I think he gets his super-senses from Mr. Gojo. You can’t do anything around those two, they always know.”
“SHOWTIME!” Megumi called. He poked his head out of the door. “Come on, Yuji, we’ll be late.”
“Oh! My bad. See you next time!” Yuji saluted the camera. Megumi gave it a small wave, before dragging Itadori off with a mumble of “What do you mean, super-senses???”
“Personally, I’m always on time. Unless I’m not,” Gojo mused, sipping his iced coffee. “Since I adopted Megumi, I’ve never been late for anything because he always drags me out the house. However-“ (this was punctuated by violent pointing) “-when I’m going somewhere by myself, say, a meeting with a superior, I’m always late. I don’t do it on purpose. I like to think it’s the universe reminding me it’s on my side and it doesn’t believe in capitalism.” He looked down at his drink. “I need to stop using straws, they’ll give me awful mouth wrinkles when I’m older. Oh, and save the turtles. Obviously.”
“I like to be on time, because then I can disapprove of people who aren’t,” Nobara explained. She turned to allow the wardrobe assistant to adjust her jacket, but kept talking as she went. The camera did its best to follow her face. “Basically, Megumi once made fun of me for being late, and I never want that to happen again.”
“Does he make fun of you a lot?”
“No, not at all. He knows I’d kick him, or get Maki to.” She grinned evilly. “Maki has these awesome boots with spikes on, and they absolutely terrify the boys, especially Inumaki and Yuta. Or maybe that’s because she uses them most on Inumaki and Yuta. Mostly Inumaki, he’s so sassy all the time – and always late…”
“She said that? I take that as a compliment,” Toge laughed. “She doesn’t even call me by my first name, that’s how annoying she thinks I am.  I do my best, of course, but it’s nice to see my efforts being recognised.”
“Are you usually late on purpose, then? Does Nobara use that against you?”
“How did you know I’m usually late? It’s not on purpose though, I’m just a procrastinator. As for Nobara, what she doesn’t know is that I got most of my sass from Megumi. He doesn’t always show it, but he’s an irritating little shit when he’s comfortable. It just rubbed off on me, and now I’m better at it than him.”
“Did you know Megumi before the show? Did you spend a lot of time with him?”
“We’re legally second cousins or something, I think. I’m Satoru’s very very extended family, anyway, and so I was at his house a lot while my parents did … whatever my parents do … and that’s how I got into acting, since both Satoru and Megumi were in the industry. Sometimes Jujutsu Kaisen feels like a family project, what with Satoru, Megumi, me, Maki… Yeah, we adopted her as an honorary member, didn’t you know?”
“I did not ask to be an honorary member, but I’m not mad about it,” Maki smiled. “It’s nice that there’s so many relations on the show, although it does make us look like a nepotism breeding ground. Luckily, all you have to do is look at their interactions and you’ll know they all made it on their own. Mr. Gojo might have offered Megumi a leg up, but Megumi definitely wouldn’t have taken it – and Toge’s, like. Annoying.”
“I thought you liked being part of the family? Do you not like Toge?”
“Oh, I do. You’ve never found your siblings annoying? I think he’s annoying, because he’s always late and every second sentence is sarcastic. Oh, and he pulls the ‘Opposite Day’ thing on you and makes you look insane. ‘Do you like fish fingers in custard?’ ‘No’ ‘It’s opposite day!!’ or whatever.”
“So, you’re never late?”
“I’m always early! Sometimes I even get here before Mr. Gojo, and he’s got Megumi to chivvy him along, poor soul. It must be like living with a grumpy alarm clock.”
“I’m always late, it’s always on purpose, and I am completely unbothered,” Shoko shrugged. “I think the production team have caught on. They tell me my events are scheduled half an hour before they actually are, so when I rock up fifteen minutes late, I’m actually fifteen minutes early.”
“Don’t tell Shoko this, but the director always tells her the events are an hour early,” Geto confided in a low voice. “She thinks it’s only half an hour, so she’s being extra late on purpose, and they keep pretending they’re in a rush when they’re actually on time. It’s genius. Anyway,” he added in a louder voice, “I’m here on-time-ish. Here before I need to be, but after everyone else, who are always arriving at half eight for some reason?”
“I clock in at 9am and not a minute sooner,” Nanami said emphatically. “I don’t need to be here before then and I have other things to do during that time.”
“What do you do during that time?”
“Sleep, mainly. Anything but work.”
“So you only work, what? 9-5? Are you strict about leaving, too?”
“I like to leave early because then Satoru won’t rope me into something weird. Thank god for Megumi, that kid’s a lifesaver, I don’t know how many times he’s stopped The Idiot from dragging me to a bar or something…”
“I get here at half eight because of Satoru,” Megumi told the camera. He had glittery pink flamingo sunglasses on, which he seemed to think was perfectly normal; in the background, Gojo was wandering about, wearing a matching (purple) pair of sunglasses, playing ‘Dancing Queen’ from his phone and waving a mini disco ball around. “He needs the extra time to get in the zone.”
“Too right I do!” Gojo agreed loudly.
“Is this how you get in the zone?” the interviewer asked.
“I do my best acting when wearing glitter,” Gojo informed her. “Obviously.”
“Oh, obviously,” she agreed, just as someone knocked sharply on the door.
“That’s our cue,” Megumi announced. “Come on, Beyonce,” he added, shedding his sunglasses and reaching up to do the same to Gojo, before dragging him away.
The camera just managed to catch Gojo’s wail of ‘It was ABBA!! Don't call me Beyonce!!!” before everything faded to silent black.
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Can we get some Rachel Elizabeth Dare x male reader headcanons?
Rachel Elizabeth Dare x Reader General Headcanons
Also I usually don’t mention genders that much in my writings, so I hope this was alright for you!!! Not proofread
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You guys most likely grow your friendship and bond over art!
Reader probably meets her at like some community service event they were forced to go to and just instantly click
You fully believe you’re gonna be bored out of your mind until you meet Rachel. She’s energetic and spontaneous, that energy rubbing off on you
It’s safe to say you both had a lot of fun painting the walls of the community center
The way she focuses her attention to the smallest of details while she paints has you lowkey captivated with the girl
And Rachel grows interested in you as you paint something so unique, she wouldn’t have even thought of creating what you do
You both keep contact and Rachel LOVES hanging out with you!
Reader is most likely just an average teen, spending the day going to school and hanging around New York
You’re like a fresh breath of air for her, allowing her to have a temporary get away from her lavish, suffocating home
You don’t judge or see her differently when she tells you of her extravagant life. You don’t judge her for what others may see as small problems. You listen to her problems, sometimes listening quietly or even giving the red haired girl some advice!
And because of this, Rachel grows closer to you, feeing that you just get her💔
Like you understand talking about personal problems can be HARD, so you just see her as a super strong person for being able to open up to you
No one can break y’all up, you’re each others ride or dies
Honestly I can see this relationship being either platonic or romantic
Both essentially having the same vibes, a romantic relationship would include the more intimate side of being a couple, like kisses and all that fun stuff
But let’s take the romantic route teehee
There are NO walls between y’all
you can read each other like open books
Rachel loves taking you to small, hidden places she finds while out in the city and just being around you
She calls you her muse (LITERALLY SCREAMING)
She’s lowkey made several portraits of you, most of which you haven’t seen because she’s embarrassed 😭😭😭
You guys spend some days just sitting with each other in silence, painting and creating new art that you often give away to anyone who wants it
You most likely know about her ability to see things that most normal people can’t see
There’s times where she’s able to talk you through seeing past the mist, allowing you to see some of the amazing things she sees (though a lot of the times you guys hide away when you see a monster💀)
And Rachel can sense you’re different from everyone else too, with your hyper active self always seeming to know when something is off, along with your crazy agility and strength
You like holding and playing with her hands! there always seems to be a small smudge of paint on her skin and under her nails, the girl unable to wash it away fully
She personally likes playing your hair!
I like to think that Rachel always has hair ties on her wrists so you already know this girl is styling your hair in the most weirdest hairdos LMAO
One time she tied your hair up to make it look like you had a spike Mohawk
Everything is good and fun between y’all tbh! You’ve met her father (this man kinda likes you, kinda doesn’t just because you’re with his daughter)
She likes hanging out and crashing at your home though
Rachel’s strong personality is something your parents/guardians LOVE
They love having her over, Rachel always manages to make the small, quiet apartment loud with laughter!
You like counting the freckles on her cheeks when night falls, her bright eyes staring into yours with admiration (OH MY GOSH I CANT RN😭😭)
Everything is almost perfect tbh
Until everything that happened in battle of the labyrinth and last Olympian, well, happens😭💀
Rachel has a new responsibility as the new carrier of the oracle, which unfortunately means that being a couple is off the table
She has a whole new life as the oracle and you being a new discovered demigod changes a lot of things
You both still care and love each other though
You just,, can’t be together in a romantic sense
But you can’t help but feel happiness for Rachel because she’s finally doing what she was meant to do! She’s always felt different and out of place, so seeing her take this important role fills you with joy!
This girl is actually so lucky to have you by her side, whether it be as her best friend or her boyfriend
You’re just so understanding and supportive, your relationship stays strong even with her role as the oracle and her attending Clarion Ladies Academy
You’re her best friend, her muse
And she’s you’re best friend, your first love
Nothing can break the bond you’ve formed together, through thick and thin, through hardships and heartbreaks, it’s always been you and Rachel against the world
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queenofbaws · 3 months
as someone who is SO GOOD at forgetting i was tagged in stuff immediately after being tagged in stuff, i thought i'd go ahead and fill this puppy out while it was fresh in my mind ;)c hehehe thanks for the tag @phenanthreneblue!!!!!!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
156 😎 and hopefully no sign of slowing, lol. i've been writing and posting fic since aboooooout 2007 though, so. do with that as you will.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
it's. um. it's. uh. a lot. ahem. it's a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currrrrrrrrently the supermassive universe and dragon age, but i'm slowly adding the remedyverse in there, and silent hill pops up from time to time!!! and in ye olden days, i wrote a LOT for kingdom hearts. i've been CONSIDERING adding horizon to the list too, but...only time will tell, hehehe ;P
4. Top five fics by kudos
the (almost)s; who ya gonna call? not these creeps.; my fav part of summer camp [not clickbait!]; lipstick stains & coffee cups; yes, no, maybe so: circle one and let me know!
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do! i figure if you took the time to read AND let me know how you felt about my work, then by golly, i'm gonna tell you how much YOU made me smile :)c i've met some pretty cool people thanks to the comment section, hehe
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
aw man, probably alone time, right? probably alone time. i'm sure there was some extremely angsty stuff in my kingdom hearts days, but lord help me i am old and i have forgotten a lot of that
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well, the durellion affair ends with everyone getting to eat as much cheese as they want, so i think that fits the bill!!! 🧀
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah. i've been crazy lucky that, aside from the occasional (and likely unintentional) insensitive comment, people have always been super kind with my stuff <3 the deviantart days were a slightly different story, but why relive THAT time period, i ask you?????
9. Do you write smut?
nope. i'm not, like, opposed, i just don't think it would be good, and i've yet to write something where i felt it would add anything, so. nah. there are so many other things i can do to earn that m rating ;)
10. Craziest crossover?
for sure did an organization xiii/sweeney todd crossover once, in the long-long ago asldkjflsakdjf recently, though, i guess i'd have to say reading & other fun rituals was a VERY self-indulgent way for me to smash the remedyverse and supermassive universes together!!!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
eh, every time one of those "this site is scraping people's fics!" posts goes around, i end up finding my stuff, but in terms of bumping into an individual nabbing something i've written? not that i'm aware of! (i like to believe anyone reading would recognize the overabundance of adjectives and come tell me, ha!!!)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had people ask, but i've never seen a finished product, so probably not! i tend to write pretty long stuff, though, and i wouldn't wish that kind of work on anyone alsdkjflaskdjfksljfd
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! none that are posted currently, but i've for sure co-written in the past. i'm also slowly but surely co-writing a fun little thing over here with my buds where our (totally cool and DEFINITELY not overpowered) self-inserts have fun being npcs in the federal bureau of control, so...keep your eyes peeled for that, heheheheh
14. All time favourite ship?
right now? varric tethras and f!hawke 🥺 at this point in time, i only have eyes for them
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
sigh. soft reset 😔 it's a big ol' silent hill 2 timeloop fic that i started back in 2015 i think, and as much as i WANT to finish it...i haven't felt the silent hill muse strike in a hot minute. maybe once the remake comes out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh, i like to flatter myself that i'm pretty solid when it comes to character voices/interactions 😉 it's why i do so many character studies, honestly - i just *clenches fist* love studying characters!!! i also think my dialogue's fun
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
how much time do you HAVE??? hehehe i feel like i flounder when it comes to straight up-and-down fluffy/shippy stuff, like if the focus of a story is, for example, some sort of romantic gesture, i'm fairly lost. i'm also HORRENDOUS when it comes to keeping things concise, and god help me, every time i have to delete a passage and kill my darlings, i am miserable, so i tend to just...not do that
also? just putting it out there because i do consider it a weakness in regards to writing: sometimes my self-esteem with posting stuff is just. MISERABLE. so i have a tendency to get anxious before, during, and after hitting the post button, just really wallowing in those good, good I'M A FRAUD feelings, lmfao. i'm working on it, though!!! i love writing so much, sometimes the irrational part of my brain just worries i'm not Doing It Right, hahahaha
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
no one's done it better than the thing (1982) and no one ever will
19. First fandom you wrote in?
proooooobably kingdom hearts??? don't quote me on that, though, it very much could've been x-men: evolution asdlkfjsalkjf (those just never saw the light of day)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
c'moooooon. the (almost)s :)
i'm gonna go ahead and tag...hmm... @love-fireflysong @jadedsunshine @unicornaffair @big-ass-magnet @mrs-theirin @theartofdreaming1 @icequeen-07 @chris-hartley and anyone - yes, i mean ANYONE - who wants to talk about their stuff ;) especially YOU!!!
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heroesoath · 2 months
in alphabetical order under the cut because i'm not a heathen.
Alex takes orders really well, tell him what you want and he will comply with a little smile or smirk and he'll get to work! And I need it to be known that there is a REASON Lorna and Madelyne keep letting him back in and it's 100% because he's good at using his mouth, and his jaw almost always has some stubble so it's great for sensations and stimulation.
Alex is hot, I mean that literally, his powers makes energy and plasma store inside his body so he runs hot. If it's winter? He adds an extra layer of comfort during sex since he's just a blonde weighted blanket.
Likes being pegged, look at his Goblin Prince era.
When it comes to men he's a versatile king, he can be a submissive bottom or a eager top, best of both worlds - Hannah Montana.
When he was younger he did have issues of using his powers during intimate moments but it was ONLY when he was solo. He's far too terrified of his own abilities and how dangerous they are to ever accidentally use them in bed now. He keeps that control no matter what. ( Eyes might glow blue though )
*PULL HIS HAIR* He will moan and it's a delightful sound.
He likes fucking in the X-Jet lol ( it's leftovers from Alex and Lorna's time in space where their most favorite pastime was banging because there wasn't anything else to do idhfjks did )
Weird asf but he enjoys when people tear clothes from him, especially his uniform.
Alex might be good at taking orders, but Clint is the ORAL KING. Bobbi makes numerous remarks about how long Clint can hold his breath, that man eats pussy / sucks dick like a ROCKSTAR.
Clint grew up in the circus and because of that he's very bendy, he can do lots of different positions, like go crazy babes.
Not sinful, but he's strangely good at after-care, he'll make coffee/tea, order pizza, clean up. A mess in real life does not translate to post sex, man has a reputation.
Because he is deaf, he prefers positions where he can see his partner's face. He wants to see them enjoying themselves since he can't hear them. On the other end, Clint is loud as he has no control of his volume so feel free to gag him!
Clint has very strong fingers from his archery so do with that info what you wish.
Enjoys being tied up.
Reminder that my Dani is a lesbian.
She's a dominant top, reading everything about her even from the early days of New Mutants, this woman will not take orders from anyone. She takes charge, she knows what's she's capable of and that's the tea.
She will unironically call someone good girl in bed and I hope this awakens something in all the sapphics out there.
She can and will make sex toys with her powers. You think those psionic arrows were all she can make?? Nah.
Because of her powers she can also make it seem like they are at any location. Wanna bang on the beach but can't fly there? No problem. Five class Paris suite?? Just relax and let Dani work her mirages.
Despite her top energy, Dani is a supreme cuddler, she enjoys showing affection and that translates into sex. Lots of kissing, lots of desperate grabbing, lots of face caressing.
Jamie has more control of his powers now, but he does sometimes lose control, so if the sex is intense don't be surprised if another Jamie pops out fugdvhfjd So if your muse is into a sudden threesome with two Jamies then you're golden.
He really is just a walking orgy so if you're super freaky just ask and he'll pop out a few duplicates and they can all have fun.
From his detective era, he does love sex on a desk. He "Thinks it's so NOIR."
Already alluded to this today, but sex in the sky is so real. She can keep you both afloat with very little effort ( though if she gets with someone who flies she'd love to give some control up )
Jean's eyes glow pink during sex. She has enough control that she doesn't fling things around, but the room may shake a bit.
Her favorite lingerie is black, a call back to her Black Queen moment. She also wears a lot of backless dresses.
KISS HER NECK, MAKE HER FEEL DESIRED. She'll never admit this, but Scott cheating on her has left a scar. Jean wants to feel loved and desired, that she's enough.
She can be dominant or submissive, a versatile queen.
Because Jean is a cosmic entity at times, she loves powerful lovers, if they can be like two stars colliding into a big bang she'd be ultra satisfied.
She likes riding, yee haw.
Jean can cook breakfast and bake a bit, but she's not a great cook, so expect her to offer to go out for food after. A little date after a bang is just as valid as cooking in the kitchen! She's also just fine with coffee, cuddling and leftovers.
Woman is loud. Like she'll shout a name so loud the cosmos will hear because she's fire and life incarnate.
Random, but in my verse where Jean is still the White Phoenix of the Crown, the nexus of life, death and rebirth itself, I once read a fic where she brought someone into the White Hot Room just so she could bang because she wanted to feel human again and . . . idk that's a plot right there.
MAGIC IN BED. John will do some absolute unhinged shit in bed via spells, sometimes even on accident.
Submissive. This man is not dominant in the slightest, he will if he finds like a submissive demon, he might TRY, but more often than not he's a pillow princess who curses and is loud.
He does love a power bottom though, ride him!
Sex for spells? Hot. Draw incantations on his chest and fuck him like it's a ritual.
Unlike Jean, Julian has less control over his powers so he absolutely lifts and throws objects with his mind if he's really into what's happening. His eyes glow green, the room is a lava lamp.
Because of his lack of hands, he uses his telekinesis for grabbing, psychic massages, and those psychic massages happen anywhere. Ever been fingers by someone's mind? He'll do it. Telekinesis sex is INTERESTING.
Julian loves chests, he's a boob man, whether it be women's or men's.
He has daddy/mommy issues, everyone who has followed me on his solo blog knows this. He's into it I fear.
Call him good boy to make his toes curl. He likes praise in general.
He might pretend to be someone casual, but in reality Julian might be one of my muses who gets attached the hardest? It makes it so his heart is easier broken, but he loves feeling a connection, he loves feeling loved and wanted on an intimate level.
Still enjoys casual sex, but the above is for those he's feeling HARD.
When he's with a man he's such a bottom. Fuck him and put him in his place lmao
KISS HIS STUMPS!! When he doesn't use the prosthetics after becoming comfortable with you, if you kiss where his hands used to be he's going to melt and the sex will be even better, I promise.
Women should always it on his face. ( And men lowkey ), but he loves performing oral.
If you're anti mutant you're not getting any. He's the most radical of my muses, humans more often annoy him than anything.
The three men all fuck differently, I'll need to do some #soulsearching to really find the differences, but I bet Marc fucks like the world is ending and his dog tags swing from around his neck.
Steven is the romantic one, candlelit tub time, roses and shit. He's a rich man with a desire for passion.
Jake is more of a mystery but he might just be a mixture of how Marc and Steven fuck, he's more of a casual / friends with benefits kind of guy though. Comes with his job as a cab driver.
Marc 100% fucks in the suit.
Do not call them by the wrong name. You will know who you're with based on their personalities, but it's an instant turn off if you get it wrong.
Marc is a daddy, I said what I said.
All of them eat women and men out like it's a meal and they are a starved victorian child F*UYDGHFUIO
He big, he will make that bed SLAM if he gets into it.
Despite the above, he is very careful. Piotr is a gentle man and will only get more rough with permission, but if someone wants it that way? He'll oblige.
He loves painting people when they are naked. It's not sexual at first, but if someone gets turned on by his skills and his gaze and his working artist hands then SO BE IT.
He's submissive by nature, but will absolutely be dominant if the mood call for it.
Same goes for being top/bottom, shorter men topping him?? A win.
Manhandling comes with the whole package, Piotr is strong, and he's just bigger than 90% of other people. But hey, if you just want to be picked up and banged?? He can do it.
The Steel form . . . might come out, but he's extremely reluctant. He never wants to hurt anyone, but if you ask for it, then it'll happen.
He's super about communication tbh, I'm noticing it as I write this down, he's just all about it and being a soft spoken king.
He loves mapping lover's bodies with his mouth and hands
His pecs jiggle, grab them FUYDHFKJDHDH
His ass jiggles, grab it.
His (censored) -- I'm not finishing that
He likes sex in nature, in water, stuff like that. Anything that can give him artistic muse.
MAGIC IN BED! But less freaky than John.
When you get her going and she starts speaking backwards you know you're doing a good job.
She dominates John Constantine, but in pretty much every other relationship she's a submissive queen.
Enjoys being tied up, enjoys giving herself over to another person and letting them take control since she always feels like she needs to be in control in other aspects of her life.
A romantic at heart, she loves inviting people to her giant bubble bath. Lots of sensual moments actually, she wants massages.
Bite her.
She also enjoys air sex, whether it's just her floating from her arousal or full on flying.
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salemcantupdate · 1 year
I’m sitting here, thinking about possible ships in Stardew Valley that don’t involve the farmer. I’ve seen quite a few. Of course there’s the canon stuff, aka the married couples and Marnie with Lewis. It’s also canon that Alex says he’s jealous if you get with Haley. Ignoring Clint and Emily because I’m sorry but that’s literally “nice guy creepy incel” getting the girl.
But! I don’t like most of the married couples AND I don’t like Marnie with Lewis. So I’m gonna go on a little exploration here.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot of Caroline and the Wizard. First of all I absolutely think that Abigail is the Wizard’s kid, but I also don’t think those two actually… like each other? I think it was more of a fling than anything. But low key? Part of me thinks the Wizard and Lewis could be kinda fun, I’ve also seen art of the Razzy with Marlon. Which would be fun! But I do think it’s really cute when Marlon says that Marnie is really pretty. It’s just precious to me.
But BUT, crazy thought
Willy and Razzy mic Dazzle???? HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT
Willy is a traveler! He fishes all over the place!!! He’s gotta have experience with sea monsters and weird magics, and imagine the Wizard requests some specific sea based spells or works with him to help find merpeople OR ensures the seas and skies are calm so that he can sail safely. DO YOU SEE MY VISION???
Cough, so— I’m thinking Willy with Razzmocious and Marnie breaking up with Lewis and Marlon slowly winning her over himself. Caroline though? Honestly don’t think she’s the happiest with Pierre, he’s pretty shit. Low key I like her with Jodi haha. Like Kent isn’t bad, not at all, I just don’t think Jodi loves him. But Caroline and Jodi feel a bit too obvious, so… hear me out… Caroline and Gunther. She regularly visits the library so— gah yeah that’s stupid. Caroline deserves someone who will just cuddle with her and Jodi needs someone who makes her feel alive again. They’ve got different needs. Kent also needs a lot of love and therapy, which I don’t think Jodi can provide. Ok, I’m gonna move on to an easier one I’m dying here.
Sam and Sebastian are so obvious, going insane here. 100% ship them. I’ve seen some people throw Abigail into the mix, but personally I’m not the biggest fan of that. Honestly? I’m kinda into Abigail and Haley—
OK LISTEENNNNN, listen. Abigail’s 14 heart scene… imagine if Haley was there instead of the farmer. It just fits so perfectly. Pretty girlfriend loving buff girlfriend. I THINK ITS CUTE OK LEAVE ME ALONE SOB SOB SOB
Speaking of the girls, I like Maru and Penny together a lot. I just see them around town together all the time and I think it’s super cute haha. Ah shoot, that reminds me of Robin. I do not like Demetrius, personally. Though I suppose there marriage seems to work. I wouldn’t break them apart.
Ok, now on to my hotter tea. Harvey and Shane. Harvey is just so sweet and so loving and so nice and caring and Shane has no experience with that and Harvey gets Shane access to a therapist dhkfhwkd— I think it’s cute. I think it would be really cute if they started hanging out and Shane realized how poorly Harvey ate and started scolding him like “You’re always scolding me but you eat like this?” And just keeps going as he cooks them both a meal and gruffly sets it out for Harvey and—
Ok my other somewhat hot take, Elliott and Alex. The reasoning here might be iffy, but I like the idea of Alex getting with a guy who broadens his range of what masculinity means. I think it would also be cute if Alex slowly gained a love for reading through Elliott. Plus I think Alex could be a magnificent muse given his past. It could be cute.
Oh and my final take is Morris and Pierre should hatefuck
But yeah, I don’t necessarily ship all these. Like, actively and actually ship them. I might one day, but right now I’m just sitting in my thought stew.
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OC Musings #52
Today's Musing: Aftershock Edition! (Buckle up, people)
How did they meet in the first place? What was their first impression of each other?
Hoo. Jesse first saw Cole during his initial trip to the Monastery of Spinjitzu when he was 14, and was immediately impressed by his show of strength and kind disposition. Cole first "met" Jesse during gym class a few months after that where he "saved" him from a stray dodgeball (and ended up throwing it straight through the wall and getting dodgeball banned for three years). They then met again while Jesse was under his Fuchsia Ninja mask, during which Cole deemed him "very impressive". ...and then they had their first official meeting via Zane introducing his ninja friends to his council friends, and each looked forward to getting to the know the other better.
(when your ship meets for the first time four separate times-?!)
Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
Jesse has/had an almost three year head start on Cole...but when Cole realizes his own feelings and that's he's actually been in love with this pink fool for a while, he REALIZES
How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
Jesse was more embarrassed than anything, knowing he struggled to not show it...but Cole turns into a complete lovesick disaster after the fact snknsknkns (and is extremely nervous about it, given what's going on at that point in time....)
Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
Jesse, and it aaaaaalll went right over Cole's head (until it didn't)
How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
Antonia and Lloyd tend to be pretty good wingman; everyone else is quite literally gathered round with popcorn and making bets (and meanwhile poor Nya is completely in the dark about all of it)
Who confessed first and how? Did it go as planned or did shenanigans ensue?
...Jesse, and shenanigans ensued (but Cole is ultimately the one that asks the "will you be my boyfriend" question)
How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
Ironically they get out all of their awkwardness before they actually enter the relationship (because there is a LOT of it), so once it's all official, it's all smoooooth sailing (...until Cole turns into a ghost)
Who tends to take the lead with showing affection?
Depends, but it's usually Jesse
Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
Jesse has zero experience and could fly into crisis mode at any second about it (I mean, Cole is even his very first kiss); Cole meanwhile has some lite experience, though its very limited and rather superficial compared to what he has with Jesse. They just take things slow and make sure they're always on the same page about everything (or as much as they can be)
How easily do they get jealous and how do they handle it?
Jesse: very easily, but keeps it to himself. Cole: very rarely, but will get super protective when it does happen
Do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? How does their partner feel about their pet name?
Cole's go-tos are "Babe" and "Sweetheart", but will whip out any other random ridiculous thing that comes to mind. Jesse gets exasperated about the pet names beyond the main two, but will occasionally sip a "Sweetheart" back to Cole. Cole swoons every time.
Who has to force the other into having healthy sleeping habits? How well does that go for em?
Jesse, to no avail.
Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along?
Jesse rambles; Cole listens <3
How canon compliant are you with them? Do you stick pretty close or just have fun cause it’s your ship so no one can tell you what to do other wise?
...well i tried to stick pretty close to canon until a few months ago.....now I'm free-styling, I guess
If the canon character is canonically dead, how did your OC handle their death? (Or did you completely omit their death cause fuck canon?)
I dunno, Cole "dies" like 5+ times, and Jesse never takes it well
How well do they comfort each other when they’re upset?
Jesse's a bit better at the comfort than Cole, but Jesse's also the one more often upset
Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
They do, although Cole's a bit eager to do it sooner than Jesse is, which did cause a bit of a ripple. Their daughter Camellia is made of magic and inherits the powers that Jesse forfeited in the process, and she's a very curious and excitable child. Cole's a perfect dad (until The Merge strikes and plunks him down into an entirely different family, heyo) while Jesse has some growing pains (especially when trying to do the parenting thing alone and against his plans), but eventually does becomes just what Cam needs.
What exactly do they want with their future with each other? Is that something they think of often or do they just stay in the moment?
. . .
. . .
Cole: You were...a wonderful experience :')
Jesse: ...and you were everything ;w;
Give just a general domestic tidbit for em:
Jesse always wakes up early to make Cole and Cam breakfast (they both eat a lot), and Cam mindlessly colors in her little coloring book with a pink crayon at the table, and Cole wakes up a little later with his hair still tussled and not even a shirt on but still slides up behind Jesse and greets him good morning with a kiss to his hair and tells him breakfast smells amazing and thanks him for everything and Jesse just shakes his head fondly because Cole says that every day (and every day it's true) and Cam demands attention a few moments later and they both step over to hug her at the same time and. They Are. Content.
. . .
Question Inspired from this Prompt List
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axnewxera · 4 months
// A headcanon (or more of an observation maybe?) I have for Rufus and the Turks
Sooooo I'm only roleplaying Rufus, I'm certainly not saying that every Turk I interact with HAS to follow these ideas. I would MUCH rather you come to the table with your own lore and your own take.
But, here is my personal takeaways from the canon about the Turks and their relationship with Rufus. I'm mostly writing this because it's fun and I'm getting to know my muse a little bit, but this will probably affect how I play the character and his feelings toward the canon Turks and Turk OCs.
I haven't played/watched Before Crisis yet, and I need to revisit Crisis Core because I played it a looooong time ago, so I'm mainly going off the original FF7, the Advent Children sequel film, and Remake and Rebirth. Tseng, Reno, Rude, Elena.
My absolute FAVORITE thing about the Turks is that they almost feel like a "main party" of their own game. They're super professional and do hella questionable stuff, but they are FRIENDS, they hang out, they go drinking together, they genuinely care about each other, they talk about their crushes, they have their own Synergy attacks just like the main party...
As evil as Shinra, Inc. is, at least the Turks division of the company seems to be VERY well-managed. And we've seen (moreso in the original FF7) that Heidegger is a super toxic and abusive boss. But, when Rufus takes over, the power dynamics shift a lot. Heidegger is ridiculed and often kind of just acts as Rufus's assistant. The Turks, though, become much more prominent, and I've always gotten the vibe that they report directly to Rufus more than they do Heidegger. Rufus almost seems to steal the department away from him. Even the official art of FF7 had Rufus and the Turks all in one image together. From what I know of Before Crisis, he has a personal history with the Turks and has pretty much gotten their complete loyalty and respect before FF7 happens, and like YEAH that holds up.
I think Rufus is much, MUCH closer to the Turks than the games show us. We never directly see Rufus drinking with them, but we also rarely see him directly out in public at all. He's the Charlie to their Angels, he's more of the behind the scenes guy directing them, but he IS part of the team. He drinks with them, he jokes with them, they all hang out and have love for each other... But with Rufus it's more private and behind closed and guarded doors.
That's not an artificial, "he signs my paychecks" relationship. That's LOVE. That's the power of friendship, the heart of the cards, the eye of the tiger. Just like all the Turks have with each other.
Advent Children, especially, did a very good job of expanding on Rufus's relationship with the Turks. They're all on the same page as remorseful and genuinely wanting to change the world for the better. Rufus has a moment of genuine shock and concern when Kadaj throws Elena and Tseng's bloody IDs at him. Reno and Rude show panic when Rufus just dives off a building. The fact that Rufus even COULD make that jump with full confidence that the Turks would catch him. And they DO.
Like honestly in my mind the Turks are almost an extension of Rufus himself. A scene with Reno is also a scene with Rufus, even if he isn't physically present, and vice-versa. They all have that Synergy (pun intended) to them. They're all watching each other's backs and on the same side.
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irresistiibles · 8 months
wayyo here is my event starter and plotting call! under the cut is info about all my characters and who they're going with/what they're doing at the event. i have not linked people's outfits individually but you're welcome to check out my pinterest board here just keep in mind i'll slowly be adding to it throughout the week and it may never be done. starters are capped at 3 per muse (though i may add stuff beyond that if it's preplotted) and i would ask that no one requests more than 4 or 5 total just so i know i can write with everyone! feel free to reply with requests right away or just toss this a like and i will come to you for plotting.
amber | aware | twenty three | going with eula lawrence
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she loves events she loves having fun, amber will be having a great time. they have a date but is happy to dance and chat with people who are there alone. starters (0/3):
asami sato | aware | twenty two | going with korra
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
doesn't mind an event, knows how to make herself presentable and look good, and is always happy to have a night off to spend with korra. she's not always good at knowing how to socialize in a way that isn't a little stiff and professional sounding at big things like this so she may be a little awkward but is attempting to socialize nonetheless. starters (1/3): ansel of briarcliff
ciel phantomhive | aware | twenty one | going with elizabeth midford
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
look he knows how to behave at events but that doesn't mean he likes going to them. he'll pretend to have a decent time when elizabeth is close since he's sure she's excited for this, but beyond that he's being antisocial and trying to make a museum day out of this because at least that's a little more interesting starters (1/3): lizzie midford
clara oswald | aware | thirty one | going with choi junwoong
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she doesn't really see the appeal in the holiday, but clara does love to flirt and loves a museum, so she's having a great time. she's going with a blind date, but will happily dance and take the attention of just about anyone. also down for trying to get up to museum chaos while security is busy with the guests. also also definitely open to find someone to go home with for the night. she's not a super romantic i'm afraid, but she's more than happy to have a good time starters (3/3): maggie greene rhee, the twelfth doctor, qi zhuyin (non plotted starters are closed)
columbina | aware | appears thirty | going with arlecchino
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she doesn't mind a good excuse to dress up in a way that suits her expensive taste and judge the masses, but she doesn't really understand how this is meant to be romantic. her idea of romantic includes more anatomically correct hearts. she's probably kind of bored but getting by starters (1/3): max goodwin
esther mckinnon | unaware | twenty six | going with callie adams foster
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
just trying to have some casual fun. she likes the aesthetic of valentine's day but doesn't consider it super romantic. still, everything looks nice and she's chill and likes to have a good time. will probably get a tiny bit too drunk starters (3/3): cleo mckinnon, luna lovegood, ethan mckinnon (random starters are closed)
glinda upland | aware | twenty two | going with elphaba
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she killed her best friend last valentine's day and is determined to make it up to her! she loves stuff like this and will be attempting to make anyone having a bad time have some fun. starters (1/3): elphaba thropp
gu zi | aware | twenty | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
found the idea of a blind date a little weird like he barely knows how to date someone he knows let alone to do a date with a stranger, but he does like the romance vibes and is excited for a good time. will happily hang out with any other singles and be a generally good vibe starters (0/3):
inej ghafa | aware | twenty three | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she's not against valentine's day, she finds the idea cute in concept, but it's a little dramatic and out there and a little tacky for her style. won't dance with a total stranger but could be talked into it after some semi decent conversation. she's checking the place out but she's mostly going to be looking around the museum and making casual conversation to be honest. half of her time is just going to be concerned her situationship is off pickpocketing people. starters (2/3): nimona, kaz brekker
irina yang | aware | twenty four | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
it's all a little gaudy for her and rich people behavior she just does not understand. like she's here for free food and drink, and then finding an exhibit to take a nap in. starters (0/3):
jin ling | unaware | nineteen | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
a little hater to his core i don't think he's much of a valentine's day person. he's barely learned how to make friends, dating is so stressful, and then he just feels bad at socializing, and it's all shitty. he's a little mad at himself for not just staying home with the dog, and will be underage drinking to cope. starters (3/3): wei wuxian, jiang yanli, jiang cheng
johanna mason | aware | twenty five | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
sorta thinks it's nice to occasionally convince herself love is real, but that doesn't mean she cares for couples shit. she's here for free food and drink and will be taking advantage of that. will critique relationships left and right do not tell her about how long you've been with your partner she'll try and convince you it's doomed anyway. starters (2/3): lucy gray baird, jane
lily evans | aware | twenty one | going with james potter
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she's cool with valentine's day but her idea of a nice valentine's day is a bit more domestic and quiet than this. still, she's going to be there but she's having a hard time relaxing into it considering how bad every event tends to go. she's got her guard up and also is tired and ready to sleep by like 9pm, but is trying to have a good time starters (2/3): nymphadora tonks, rubeus hagrid
ling yao | aware | twenty three | thinks he's dating edward elric but hasn't told him that
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
he doesn't know much about this holiday but he's all about it. cute decorations and free stuff is all you need to convince ling to go anywhere. though he's interested in everything he's mostly taking advantage of the free food and drink. will be trying to see how much he can sneak out with at the end of the night starters (1/3): edward elric
luo qingyang | aware | twenty four | going with thalia grace
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she's got concerns after the last valentine's day where she wound up poisoning someone, but she's trying to have a good time none the less hence signing up for a blind date. overall she's chill, happy to dance with people who are going solo, happy to have a good time as long as she's capable. starters (1/3): thalia grace
madoka kaname | aware | twenty two | going with homura akemi
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
she finds this all very cute and is lowkey pretty excited. she's also a little stressed because she feels like her and homura can finally have a proper valentine's day, and are almost certainly more than just friends (even though they haven't talked about it like proper lesbians) so she isn't sure if she should be doing something for her specifically. either way she's friendly, happy to dance with anyone, the sort who would see someone being antisocial and attempt to talk them into dancing, here for a cute good time starters (2/3): parvati patil, homura akemi
mei nianqing | aware | two thousand + | going with jun wu
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
so incredibly stressed. if you see your guoshi drinking look away because he is unfortuantely absolutely drinking through this event. it's the first time he just knows jun wu is in the same vicidinity as a ton of the people he hurt since he lost his memories and he is trying so hard to midigate a run in. not to mention the fact he'll absolutely need a drink if jun wu wants to dance because he'll say yes but like is not emotionally prepared for that. suffice to say the abstinance from alcohol is not doing what it's supposed to tonight rip starters (2/3): jun wu, mu qing
nico di angelo | aware | twenty | going with ignis stupeo scientia
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
still a little awkward about the whole going on a date with a guy sort of thing but signed himself up for a blind date (probably after some light bullying from hazel) and is trying to have fun. let's be real valentine's day does not match his goth aesthetic at all, he is probably only going to manage to dance with his sisters and his date, but i promise he's trying to have a good time, he's just bad at it starters (1/3): bianca di angelo
nie huaisang | aware | thirty three | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
didn't sign up for a blind date that's all a little odd for him but he will be stealing the attention from other people's. he likes to dance he jsut doesn't need to sign up for one singular person to dance with all night. might be open to going home with someone at the end of everything but he will leave in the morning immediately lmao. likes drinking and dancing and getting to be a general pain in the ass, so he's having fun starters (1/3): jin guangyao
ning yingying | aware | twenty two | going with betty cooper
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
i don't think she really knew what a blind date was when she signed up for one, but she's not mad about it. still feels pretty new to the city, so this all feels a little beyond her, but if there is anything i know about yingying it's that she'll throw herself into a situation and explore even if she has not idea what she's getting into. could easily be dragged into a dance by just about anyone as long as they don't give her the creeps. definitely a bit of an accidental flirt but i promise it would not be her intention starters (1/3): betty cooper
pearl | aware | old immortal | going with misty day
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
another accidental flirt lmao but she's having a good time mostly. she's trying to relax into herself here, even if she's still very unhappy to be away from home months later. she does like dressing up and dancing, especially dancing. will take just about anyone for a spin after the first hour it takes her to actually relax and be chill starters (1/3): sprig plantar
roronoa zoro | aware | twenty one | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
i'm not entirely certain he game her on purpose. there's a chance zoro just walked in by accident hile trying to get somewhere else, but free booze is free booze so he's here. he does not understand valentine's day, the stress of dating, or any of that shit. he is here for the food and the bar. could maybe go home with a hookup but i don't know he's mostly people watching and judging the friends he's got who are actually seriously here starters (2/3): sanji, usopp, nami
shang qinghua | aware | looks twenty five | going with mobei jun
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
probably a certified valentine's day hater up until he got himself a man i am not going to lie to you. last valentine's day said man did nearly kill him but it also got them together, so he feels like they've got a pretty good track record for the holiday all things considered. will be a little drunk, which is the only reason he'll be dancing. will potentially try to hook up in the bone hall because he has to it's called the bone hall. a mess of a man who does not fit in at things like this, knows it, and drinks to get by. probably knows some random fun facts about valentine's day he will tell people about and that's it starters (1/3): sha hualing
shi qingxuan | aware | immortal | going with he xuan
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
on the other end of the spectrum things between qingxuan and he xuan panned out really badly last valentine's day, and they are determined to make this one better! the bar is in hell it is literally impossible for this to go worse luckily. very social, very loud, happy to dance with anyone who doesn't have a date and be that pal if you need company. will try and pump up people who seem like they don't want to be there. just overall having a good time and avoiding their brother a bit starters (2/3): he chunyu, samara palpatine
toph beifong | aware | nineteen | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
finds couple stuff so lame and boring she is here for free food and perhaps to try and rob a museum just to see if she can. if that falls through will just try to rob people probably. will people watch and gossip, but like man there is just so many better things they could be doing and they are painfully aware of it. starters (1/3): katara
wirt | aware | twenty three | going with beatrice
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
has a date but it is a real date? is it two friends hanging out so they didn't feel obligated to sign up for a blind date and awkwardly make conversation with a stranger? he doesn't know and it's stressing him out. crowds are not his thing, he feels like he sticks out like a sore thumb even though he absolutely doesn't. he will wind up attempting to dance in his heart he is a romantic, it is just going to take some working up to. starters (2/3): greg, beatrice
yin yu | aware | immortal | going solo
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
valentine's day is cute in concept sure but as someone who considers himself a perpetual loner why is he here? will probably seek out quan yizhen and then feel really stupid about it and spend the rest of the night at the bar. can attempt to do a confidence boost for anyone who needs it but i can't promise it'll be any good. he's friendly, he's just a loser. starters (1/3): ellie williams
zagreus | aware | immortal | going with thanatos
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
he's got a date but they are comfortably poly and he knows thanatos doesn't actually want zagreus hanging around them the whole night, or want to dance with zagreus for hours, so eventually he will put his energy elsewhere. he's got a lot of it. happy to flirt. happy to dance. happy to sneak off somewhere for a little smooch. will introduce you to his partner beforehand even. he's a fun time if you can keep up i swear starters (1/3): jester lavore
zhongli | aware | immortal | going with childe
drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || antisocial food/bar behavior || attempting a window escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing dates || valentine's day lover/hater/neutral
did he actively decide to go with childe, or figure the man would assume they were going together, and didn't want to make a mess of someone else's night by going with them and letting childe cause a scene. he finds things like this interesting, and will happily talk and dance with people, but more than anything this is a history buff who will be talking people's ears off if they're out looking around the museum. he is a history professor, he has got facts that will last all night, good luck escaping. starters (3/3): lumine, rowena ravenclaw, childe (non plotted starters are closed)
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dreamerfms · 1 month
Tumblr media
NAME: addison duvall. AGE: twenty-eight BIRTHPLACE: memphis, tennessee BIRTHDAY: july 1st ZODIAC: cancer GENDER: cis female she/her SEXUALITY: bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single. this week, at least. OCCUPATION: singer/songwriter at groove café.
• Addison grew up with a single mother and the two were as close as could be. Of course, Addison spent many nights wondering about her father and there was always a sense of missing out, but it was hard to miss someone you never truly had and her mother was more than enough. Supportive of every dream, big or small.
• And dreams she had, always, from a very young age. They ranged from normal to downright outrageous, but the one that always stuck was to be a singer. Addison was practically singing before she even spoke. Always ready to put in a musical performance at the drop of a hat no matter the time or place.
• Addison was somewhat popular in high school but she was often made fun of for having such big aspirations. However, she never let anyone bring her down, and it was in her late teens that she really started to keep her mother on her toes, between first crushes and sneaking out with the latest cowboy who made her heart flutter. But she always found herself so easily bored and in search of something new.
• Things would take a drastic change when her mother met someone and fell in love, and she'd be torn from the place she called home and thrust into a new life, one of glitz and glam and wealth. A man of millions who, quite frankly, wasn't fond of addison at all. But he did give her free reign of his credit cards in hope it would keep her out of the way as often as possible. Due to this Addison lost sight of herself, becoming a downright brat. Life since has been filled with fake friends and people trying to take advantage. Though these days she's beginning to open her eyes back up and see that there is way more to life and hopes to get back to the person she used to be.
• A girl who acts like she has the confidence of a lion, but at her core has been hurt very badly by people who were supposed to lift her up. Truly desires to be really seen, and to have someone understand her. But often the attitude she's developed to keep her heart safe can make that difficult.
• If she doesn’t tell you what she’s thinking, her face will most certainly tell you. She is very expressive and doesn’t hold much back. Best to be honest, right ?
• Is super good at impressions. Like so good !
• Song lyrics written on anything and everything ? Yes. On her skin, on napkins, on your muses belongings ? Like I’m so sorry but I couldn’t let it go out of my head without writing it down.
• Her music style is very country/pop ! She can play both guitar and piano very well.
• says honey and ew! way too much. she also lives by the Dolly Parton quote “if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
• a natural flirt, she doesn’t even mean it half the time, and will be confused when someone thinks she’s coming onto them when in fact she isn't ( or she might be, it depends. )
• forever chasing a thrill/dream. just wants to live an exciting life tbh.
• peach flavoured things are her absolute fave. peach ring gummies, peach tea, peach cobbler, peach popsicles. all the peach. also owns multiple articles of clothing with peaches on them.
• she owns way too many cowboy hats/boots. you can take the girl out of Tennessee but you can’t take the Tennessee out of the girl.
more tba.
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darkenforcer · 4 months
「 GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! 」 ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: luke ▐ PRONOUNS: he/him, they/them every once in a blue moon ▐ SEXUALITY: bi 👍 ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: single ▐ FIVE FACTS:
sonic and tales are my two longest-running hyperfixations. no idea what that says about me aside from proving i'm a giant dweeb.
i lived in europe while i was in university (~4 years)! back in the US since last summer tho and chilling (i.e., working & also not getting my driver's license)
i can and will beat anyone who challenges me to a race in mario kart. this is a threat.
my high school didn't have an official drama club so i never got the true theater exp, but i reaaally like acting and starred in leading roles before! i miss it a lot </3
i've been self-dyeing my hair different colors since i was 14! the best color combo i've ever done (imo) was a vibrant red that faded into yellow back when i had super long hair. it lasted only 2 washes lmao.
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): at least 12 years on-and-off! ▐ PLATFORMS USED: email, deviantart, skype, and tumblr obviously ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: IDK!!!! i've had so many fun moments here (especially since app'ing yuri) that it'd be impossible to choose just one. can i be corny and say getting to befriend other muns or will i get mauled
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i tend to lean toward canon male muses that i hit with the transmasc or nonbinary beam, but if i look at my entire history it's been an even split ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: don't have one!! use ur imagination if you've never seen a selfie of mine ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: that's tough... it depends on my mood but i'll always go for anything that'll. ahem. hit me in the feels, as they say. for smut tho idk i've only ever written it in fanfic form so ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: both!! i think memes are good for squeezing in smaller interactions you can't fit into long ass threads, but i also rly like planning and working toward a certain point with other muns, too! ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i'm totally fine with either but i am Not immune to accidentally making replies longer than needed lol ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: i draft a lot of my replies at work then finish them up in the evening / morning... whenever i have time and motivation tbh ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: IDK.. i feel like i'd be hyping myself up too much if i said i was "like yuri" considering he's won the character popularity poll every time he's been allowed on there. i do relate to certain aspects of his character, though, 100%! it's hard for me to rp characters i can't tap into to some extent.
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