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queenofbaws · 9 months ago
as someone who is SO GOOD at forgetting i was tagged in stuff immediately after being tagged in stuff, i thought i'd go ahead and fill this puppy out while it was fresh in my mind ;)c hehehe thanks for the tag @phenanthreneblue!!!!!!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
156 😎 and hopefully no sign of slowing, lol. i've been writing and posting fic since aboooooout 2007 though, so. do with that as you will.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
it's. um. it's. uh. a lot. ahem. it's a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currrrrrrrrently the supermassive universe and dragon age, but i'm slowly adding the remedyverse in there, and silent hill pops up from time to time!!! and in ye olden days, i wrote a LOT for kingdom hearts. i've been CONSIDERING adding horizon to the list too, but...only time will tell, hehehe ;P
4. Top five fics by kudos
the (almost)s; who ya gonna call? not these creeps.; my fav part of summer camp [not clickbait!]; lipstick stains & coffee cups; yes, no, maybe so: circle one and let me know!
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do! i figure if you took the time to read AND let me know how you felt about my work, then by golly, i'm gonna tell you how much YOU made me smile :)c i've met some pretty cool people thanks to the comment section, hehe
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
aw man, probably alone time, right? probably alone time. i'm sure there was some extremely angsty stuff in my kingdom hearts days, but lord help me i am old and i have forgotten a lot of that
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well, the durellion affair ends with everyone getting to eat as much cheese as they want, so i think that fits the bill!!! 🧀
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah. i've been crazy lucky that, aside from the occasional (and likely unintentional) insensitive comment, people have always been super kind with my stuff <3 the deviantart days were a slightly different story, but why relive THAT time period, i ask you?????
9. Do you write smut?
nope. i'm not, like, opposed, i just don't think it would be good, and i've yet to write something where i felt it would add anything, so. nah. there are so many other things i can do to earn that m rating ;)
10. Craziest crossover?
for sure did an organization xiii/sweeney todd crossover once, in the long-long ago asldkjflsakdjf recently, though, i guess i'd have to say reading & other fun rituals was a VERY self-indulgent way for me to smash the remedyverse and supermassive universes together!!!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
eh, every time one of those "this site is scraping people's fics!" posts goes around, i end up finding my stuff, but in terms of bumping into an individual nabbing something i've written? not that i'm aware of! (i like to believe anyone reading would recognize the overabundance of adjectives and come tell me, ha!!!)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had people ask, but i've never seen a finished product, so probably not! i tend to write pretty long stuff, though, and i wouldn't wish that kind of work on anyone alsdkjflaskdjfksljfd
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! none that are posted currently, but i've for sure co-written in the past. i'm also slowly but surely co-writing a fun little thing over here with my buds where our (totally cool and DEFINITELY not overpowered) self-inserts have fun being npcs in the federal bureau of control, so...keep your eyes peeled for that, heheheheh
14. All time favourite ship?
right now? varric tethras and f!hawke 🥺 at this point in time, i only have eyes for them
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
sigh. soft reset 😔 it's a big ol' silent hill 2 timeloop fic that i started back in 2015 i think, and as much as i WANT to finish it...i haven't felt the silent hill muse strike in a hot minute. maybe once the remake comes out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh, i like to flatter myself that i'm pretty solid when it comes to character voices/interactions 😉 it's why i do so many character studies, honestly - i just *clenches fist* love studying characters!!! i also think my dialogue's fun
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
how much time do you HAVE??? hehehe i feel like i flounder when it comes to straight up-and-down fluffy/shippy stuff, like if the focus of a story is, for example, some sort of romantic gesture, i'm fairly lost. i'm also HORRENDOUS when it comes to keeping things concise, and god help me, every time i have to delete a passage and kill my darlings, i am miserable, so i tend to just...not do that
also? just putting it out there because i do consider it a weakness in regards to writing: sometimes my self-esteem with posting stuff is just. MISERABLE. so i have a tendency to get anxious before, during, and after hitting the post button, just really wallowing in those good, good I'M A FRAUD feelings, lmfao. i'm working on it, though!!! i love writing so much, sometimes the irrational part of my brain just worries i'm not Doing It Right, hahahaha
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
no one's done it better than the thing (1982) and no one ever will
19. First fandom you wrote in?
proooooobably kingdom hearts??? don't quote me on that, though, it very much could've been x-men: evolution asdlkfjsalkjf (those just never saw the light of day)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
c'moooooon. the (almost)s :)
i'm gonna go ahead and tag...hmm... @love-fireflysong @jadedsunshine @unicornaffair @big-ass-magnet @mrs-theirin @theartofdreaming1 @icequeen-07 @chris-hartley and anyone - yes, i mean ANYONE - who wants to talk about their stuff ;) especially YOU!!!
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cherrirui-official · 8 months ago
Quick and short art dump
I made most of these while I had covid lol, im ok now dw! Also most of them are ms paint doodles sowwie im an mspaint baby
!! Cw // body horror !!
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deerfests · 9 months ago
Tagged by @phenanthreneblue (thank you!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 68! Close to the funny number.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
It seems to be 222,676.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily RCU, specifically AW.
4. Top five fics by kudos
In need
Try to sleep
Cupid's Misfire
Good Boy
Like Newlyweds Do
I'm not entirely convinced the numbers aren't skewed.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but am not as successful in this as I wish I was.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess depends on perspective, but probably Finaity recently.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Terra Incognita and Terra Nova are tied on this.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I'm directly aware of, but I do remember some nasty comments when I started out. Whether my word count was "not adequate" or my characterization "was wrong."
9. Do you write smut?
Occasionally, but I've gotten bored of it. So, now I try not to unless it really is needed.
10. Craziest crossover?
Not into them...sorry.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Luckily, no. Or I am unaware of it at least.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Apparently, yes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Attempts were made.
14. All time favourite ship?
ScratchWake, seeing as the majority of my fics are of them... 17 that are up now.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
So so many... I mainly wanna finish the flower shop AU but it's been a struggle.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think dialog, but I can't be sure.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I suck at plot. Working on trying to get better at it.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I have a lot to say about this, so I'll keep it brief: As long as it doesn't disrupt the story, sure. Personally, I'm not that fond of it.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Let's skip this one, okay?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm fond of On The Edge Of currently, but I don't think it resonated with anyone besides me.
-Tagging nobody, because I don't have any ao3 friends aside from Phen. (And Carl, but Carl just started on ao3).
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alcappacino · 4 years ago
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Pacto + Unhinged Richard
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ranvwoop · 4 years ago
5, 19!
:DDD thank you for asking!
5 - share one of your strengths!
DEFINITELY NOT BREVITY AS YOU WILL SEE. this is a long post I'm sorry
I am rlly into internal monologues and character perspectives! I am not really the best at like, fully establishing setting and scenery and movement, so I've tried to make up for that with emphasizing the things that are important to be noted and why, by like. sliding it into a Relevant Internal Monologue. somehow it works okay, and hopefully isn't too noticable that I am compensating for something lol.
19 - Something about Stephen King, muses, and a man in the basement.
I HAVE A COUPLE ANSWERS BECAUSE I DID NOT UNDERSTAND THIS ONE AND HAD TO LOOK IT UP. Stephen King gives a fancy metaphor, but I originally understood it as Stephen King gets most of his inspiration when writing about men who live in their basements. This did not add up because I tried to think about Stephen King books and couldn't think of one man who lives in his basement, but maybe I don't read enough Stephen King.
I have no fancy metaphors. I do get most of my inspiration from strange little men who I can make a solid internal monologue for, though, "little" and "man" on vibes, like every cat I see is a little man. I haven't written too much for dsmp yet, but pre-dsmp I was very into Ace Attorney and Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright were both the perfect candiates for this. c!ranboo is my current candidate. he Outwardly monologues but that's just because we can't see his thoughts. I think he internally monologues twice as hard.
I also have the very not metaphorical yet still cheesy inspiration giver of My Partner. They're often like, hey, we should work on Thing, and so we do and then I actually have something to show for myself. It's basically just this.
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dreamly · 5 years ago
yknow when you’ve spent your whole life drifting from group to group without ever keeping any friendships long term so you grow to believe that there is something bad and evil and ugly about you that you have to hide so you hide it behind jokes and humor and every social situation becomes a performance and you’re the funny friend until you eventually realize that you’ve spent so long performing to hide your badness and evilness and ugliness that you’re not even sure what you are when you have to turn it off and you’re always On so that when you’re alone you don’t know how to just be a person, and you don’t know how to be in silence because you’re scared that if you don’t fill it someone will look at you and finally realize how bad and evil and ugly you really are and decide that in silence, without a mask, you are unloveable? anyway how are you guys i’m just sitting here. thinking
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the-feral-gremlin · 2 years ago
tagged twice. Anyways, Thanks for the tag!
Nicknames: none so far (y’all are more than welcome to come up with one, if you want.)
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: I have no clue, but around 4’11
Hogwarts House: Transgender
Last thing you googled: sleeping at last lyrics (I was analyzing a song to see if they fit a certain character)
Favorite music: whatever peaks my interest lol.
Song stuck in your head: Just A Man by Jorge Rivera-Herrans or You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring,
Followers: 164
Following: 582
Do you get asks: yes, but usually only when I do an ask game.
Amount of sleep: idk 4-5 hours, my sleep schedules off and I’m usually tired sooo
What are you wearing: mha shirt, leggings, and my usual jewelry.
Dream Job: author or 911 dispatcher.
Languages: English, tiniest bits of Spanish, and I’m learning ASL!
Random Fact: I’m sure some if not all of y’all know this but st*phen Amell actually HATES the popular grant gustin selfie meme while the other Arrowverse cast members (especially Grant) LOVE IT. It’s my favorite fact ever.
Aesthetic: uhhh I have no clue.
No pressure/nf tags: @blaze5681 and @stars-over-ice-cream
Thank you for tagging me, @s-nebul0sa!
Nicknames: Ingy/Ivy (I don’t have many friends so Ivy is one that I picked because I don’t like my name so I ask to be called Ivy instead or maybe another nickname if the person prefers that)
Zodiac: Pretty sure it’s Scorpio
Height: 152.5 cm (some trashcans in my city are taller than me…)
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Last thing you googled: Stardew Valley Mods
Favorite music: Mostly Pop music
Song stuck in your head: Who We Are by Hozier
Following: 263
Followers: 312
Do you get asks: Maybe once a year, it’s really rare
Amount of sleep: 3/4 hours when I’m lucky, 6 hours sometimes when my body is truly exhausted and I pass out at 3 am and sleep throughout the morning
What you're wearing: Pajamas (it’s hot AF and this is the lightest option of clothes I have)
Dream job: Movie/TV show director but I don’t know if I’m actually capable of doing that
Languages: My birth language is Portuguese (Brazil) but I’m also fluent in English and Spanish (I'm better at English than any other tho, including Portuguese)
Random fact: A chicken’s heart rate is about 4 times higher than humans, for example, a healthy adult resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 bpm while a normal chicken has a resting heart rate of 200 – 300 bpm
Aesthetic: I’m honestly not sure how to properly describe it, it’s a colorful mess basically
I'm tagging (no pressure) @laurensxdeath, @seriously-poppins, @kai999 and anyone else who wants to do it!
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lightsonparkave · 6 years ago
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Welcome to the first round of the Lights on Park Ave Steve/Tony prompt challenge! Every month, there will be several prompts following a general theme. Each round will last the entire month, and everyone is welcome to make fanworks inspired by one or more of those prompts during the round. 
The guidelines are as follows:
Art, crafts, fics, graphics/edits, gifs, manips, mood boards, and videos
All works must be new works created solely for this challenge. You cannot use works that are already finished although you are welcome to expand on an existing work you made. Please do not make a work inspired by someone else’s work/remix someone else’s work unless they have given you permission
All subjects, ratings, and universes are accepted
There is no minimum work requirement! If you want to write two lines or draw a rough sketch, that’s fine. If you want to make works for every single prompt, go for it
Works must focus on Steve and Tony’s relationship whether it’s gen or slash
Works featuring or focusing on only Steve or only Tony are okay
Other relationships (e.g., Bucky/Natasha) can be featured as long as Steve and Tony are the predominant focus of the work
All relationship permutations are accepted. Pre-slash, unrequited love, requited love, mutual or one-sided pining, established relationship, breakup…go wild! However, if Steve and/or Tony are in a relationship at the end of the work, Steve/Tony must be endgame
Tag #lightsonparkave and/or mention @lightsonparkave to be reblogged
Add your work to the Lights on Park Ave collection if you post it on AO3
A master list of all the works for the current round will go up on the last day of each month, and a new round starts the first day of every month (NOTE: ROUND 1 IS THE EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE DUE TO THE LATE LAUNCH DATE. IT WILL CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 21 TO GIVE EVERYONE A MONTH TO SUBMIT WORKS)
Anyone can jump in at any time during the round
You are welcome to fill old rounds/prompts! If you do, please note which prompt it is for. Your work will be reblogged/shared, and old master lists will be edited to include your fill although they won’t be reblogged
Any questions? Send an ask or DM. 
Last but not least, I’d like to give a shoutout to @phenominablesnowman​, who ran @890fifth​ several years ago, a biweekly Steve/Tony fanworks challenge that served as the inspiration for this challenge. Thank you for the wonderful prompts, phen; 890fifth was a lot of fun, and I hope that this will be just as fun for people.
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kimunkur · 5 years ago
rules: answer some questions and tag some bloggers you want to know better
tagged by @n-eela ( thanks for tagging me uwu )
under the cut because there’s a lot of questions !
name: my pseudonym used to be charlotte it still kinda is ? i just use aliases / nicknames more now so i don't really introduce myself as charlotte anymore
nicknames: rin / phen
gender: female
sexuality: bi af babie
height: i hate it when people ask me about this because i don't know my exact numbers. it's somewhere between 152-156 cm which is 4'9″-5'1″ for all you non-metric heathens
languages: english and vietnamese
nationality: australian
current time: 10:59 PM (at time of writing)
favourite season: spring, i guess ? like, it's warm; not too hot or too cold. and i always take some meds for hayfever, so it doesn't bother me too much
favourite scent: vanilla
favourite colour: purple
favourite animals: penguins, crows & owls
favourite fictional characters: i made an actual list and it got too long so i’m just going to do one per fandom or else i’ll be here forever
roronoa zoro ( one piece )
eijirou kirishima ( my hero academia )
gokudera hayato ( katekyo hitman reborn )
weiss schnee ( rwby )
james rhodes ( marvel )
scar ( fullmetal alchemist )
gaara ( naruto )
normal amount of sleep: 7 hours is generally when i naturally wake up
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate because i'm babie !!
number of blankets you sleep with: one
dogs or cats: both is good
dream trip: to hell. but fr, i would say to austin, texas so that i’d be able to work with this company i really want to get into
dream job: graphic designer or maybe animator
followers: 63 on this blog
blog established: ngl, i have no idea how to check that. i'm pretty sure i made this blog before i started posting, but first post date is 2nd of july 2017
reason for my url: there's this character called senri in the +anima manga. he's from a tribe called kim-un-kur
random fact: i bite in my sleep and it wakes me up and i get so annoyed at myself. i think it's my body trying to sleep talk, but for some reason, i only open and close my mouth so much that i just bite and the clicking of my teeth wakes me (and my sister) up
tagging the people i wish to know more about: @kilannad @generaldevi @dec16th and anyone who sees this and wants to do it !
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shroudkeeper · 6 years ago
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deerfests · 10 days ago
#49 and #30 for the ask game! 💜💜
questions for fic writers
Thank you for the ask, Phen. Much love!
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Working on some fics for a small fandom that doesn't even have a functional tag on ao3. It's mostly me trying to manage to write proper comedy intentionally, instead of it sneaking it's way in. I've never been good with being purposely funny in my writing.
Sadly, even if I have some parts on various WIPs written, none of it is in a state worthy of sharing. Sorry.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
I have, my previous approaches to AN!ScratchWake pwp. Made me realize I don't really care for pwp... reading or writing. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it just made me account for my own taste and preferences. Mostly I just stepped over the hurdle of shame about sex in art.
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house-vexile · 5 years ago
The box was wrapped in brown parchment with a sprig of holly held by ribbons of gold and white. A tag elegantly displayed her name and it's sender: Rivienne Marcellus. Within, cushioned in red velvet, a beautifully polished hairpin of mahogany rests. Jadeite was the glittering stone with five facets crowned upon it, etched with Nophica's symbol. But, if one looked closely at the stone, there was a power there, benevolent, warm. A blessing of protection.
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For the longest time, the healer merely held the precious gift in her lap, her fingers barely touching the polished wood or the glistening gemstones. At a glance, Phenalyn believed the item to be a relic of a mystical origin, teeming with a gentle, soothing ebb and flow of energy. It was a silly thought and she knew it, but a small part of her believed her overactive imagination.
This -was- Rivienne, after all. 
The fair redhead cared very little that she had just spent a bell or so braiding her hair. The effort was inconsequential compared to her need to use the new fancy hair pin. Another collection of moments was spent unraveling neat and tidy rows of woven crimson hair, freeing the freshly oiled waves from their confines. With the locks released, she gathered her hair together and formed a much larger, singular loose braid that flowed over her shoulder like a great length of silken rope.
Much better to sport the pin, no?
Phen debated how to settle the beautiful ornament in her hair, eventually weaving the wooden decoration into the base of her newly crafted braid. She found herself evasive of a mirror to inspect the unique accessory, instead simply running her long fingers from her crown to the end of her braid, feeling the carved edge of the rich wood and the glossy curves of the gems beneath the pads of her fingers. Each time the hair pin was graced by her tough, the healer smiled and her heart skipped a beat.
She would have to pen the maiden a thank-you note for certain. Such a kindness could not go unnoticed, let alone uncherished. Rivienne would simply have to tolerate a page filled with gracious words.
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gaylittlethree · 5 years ago
hi! can you tel me where those quotes are from? i recognise a few but i’m curious about some of them and need some more things to read... thank you so much!
yeah for sure! i’ll edit this with links super soon but i tried to tag everything on the post in order, it got a bit mucked up in the middle so:
laughing til our ribs get tough is a lyric from ribs by lorde (shoutout to nz artists)
the french clocks struck two-thirty is from a poem by marilyn hacker called under the arc de triomphe: october 17. she’s a jewish lesbian and i love the poems of hers i’ve seen. 
not for me. not if it’s you is a quote from orestes by euripides, translated by anne carson, it’s gone around tumblr a bunch
easily as the right key turns the lock tumblers is from the short story brokeback mountain which the movie is adapted from, i was looking at quotes from it and that phrase really stood out to me
you’re in a car with a beautiful boy is from a richard siken poem, again super popular on here
heartbreak opens onto the sunrise for even breaking is opening is a quote from the main character of the 2011 film pariah, which is about a young black lesbian coming to terms with her expression of sexuality, highly recommend 
but he knew well enough is from it by st*phen king, bev’s like “why’d you do that for” and richie’s like “i dont know” but he knew well enough
go west, young man is some old time phrase but it’s a lyric from go west by liz phair and the title of this great fic by ssstrychnine (which has this incredible fanart)
i’ll be a mannequin you can dismember is a lyric from scrawny by wallows, it’s gay because i like it
bed is just a swamp to roll in is from the poem [didn’t sappho say her guts clenched up like this?] by marilyn hacker again
these, our bodies, possessed by light is from richard siren again, in the poem scheherazade. here’s an analysis of mostly just that, made me feel smart reading it
up with your turret, aren’t we just terrified? is a lyric of roslyn by bon ever and st vincent. i heard just before writing the post and it nearly made me cry and so i made a baby playlist about love as tenderness
(side note – the cover of that playlist is an artwork by barton lidicé beneš, who was affected by the aids crisis and made political art throughout his life. the dust in the hourglass is the mixed ashes of two lovers, noel mcbean and james barden. yes that made me cry)
this, and this, and this! is from the song of apollo. i’ve been wanting to read it for a long time but i’ve heard great opinions/reviews
feeling animalistic. feeling hyena. feeling wolf. feeling dog. i am tongue and heart is the full quote, by david wojnarowicz who was another political artist & aids activist, im kinda entranced by some of his art, also i think he wrote a biography if that’s something you’d want to check out, it’s called close to the knives
i would know it in dark or disguise, told myself. i would know in even in madness is either achilles or patroclus about the other’s face in the song of apollo, which is a little bit gay
let me walk to the top of the big night sky is a mitski lyric
sweetheart, this is how it is: is from love poem to a butch woman by deborah a. miranda, a mixed heritage wlw (native american and french)
and salt the earth beneath you is a quote from euphoria season 1 and one of the episode titles
trusting things beyond mistake. hallelu- is a lyric from the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! by sufjan stevens, i just adore that song
hopefully this was informative or w/e, i tried to gather quotes which just filled me with this inexplicable sense of wholeness that comes with the sensation of intimacy, specifically gay intimacy and love. if anyone has related quotes, songs, books, etc. that also make u feel this way i’d love to hear them! 
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decembercamiecherries · 5 years ago
wuts ur tag hands tied? :o a fic?
lol no it’s just a personal tag....
The only fic I’m working on right now is some daemon au stuff! And I got a request to write something small regarding soulmate phen so I’m gonna try to work on that today/tomorrow :3 thank you for being so interested though anon!
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buckyy3s · 8 years ago
I’d Fight The Flames That Surround Your Heart Ch. 3
Partners never actually leave each other if they can help it while on scene.
If they are separated, it’s a very serious thing
Shock can be caused by many things but in this case, I am referring to extreme changes in temperatures.
“Primitive campsite” is a campsite that has no electricity or running water
“Phen” is one of ‘your’ nicknames and is pronounced “Feen”
You turn to Rebekah with a slightly pained face. You feel your body heat rising steadily but more rapidly than is normal. “Rebekah, I know it's against protocol, but I need you to get in through that door and find the patient. I need to get regulated. It’s either about to get real hot or real cold.” You manage to say as you begin taking off your gloves, pack, and jacket. You leave your bunker pants on as you re-attach your SCBA gear.
Rebekah stares at you with an incredulous look before coming closer, intent on dragging your stubborn ass in through that door with her. You hold out your hands in warning before the stairwell begins to groan with the strain of the intense heat.
“Seriously Bekah, get on that floor. I can’t risk you getting hurt or going into shock!” You shout at her as you toss your jacket and gloves to her, making her glare at you, but goes into the door.
She sticks her head out and yells at you, “If you don’t have your dumb ass checked in and next to me in the next 15 minutes, I will have your ass on a plaque over my fireplace!”
“Yeah okay Mr. Krabs.” You shout as you put your mask back over your face, in the hopes that this time it doesn’t melt to your face (AGAIN).  You make your way down to the 52nd floor and kick in the door before you scan your fiery surroundings. When you spot the large pile of debris, you make your way over and begin to wrap the fire around your arms and pull it away. You pull at the base of the fire and it unravels like a knitted scarf. Since you are so wrapped up in pulling the fire into you, you don’t notice the humanoid figure made of red and gold metal practically screaming at you until he’s in your way and moving the debris. You move so that you can focus better. You notice the temperature in the room decreasing with every passing moment. Your skin and eyes are glowing slightly from the extreme heat you are taking in. When all the fire is gone from the room, you sit against the wall and page your god-father. “Hey, the fire is out on 52. The scene was more involved than we expected. I am running too hot.” Is all that you can manage before you pass out.
 *Flashback : 7 years ago early summer in the evening in a small town in the mountains of  North Georgia*
  You and your friends are out in the woods at one of your favorite camping grounds on your family’s land.You helped to clear and maintain several primitive “campsites” on your mountain. Your family sometimes rented them out to local families, scout groups, and hikers on the Appalachian Trail. You, your cousins, and friends have set up your camp, the brightly colored tents and hammocks springing up in the sea of green like bright flower blossoms in the spring. As the night overcomes the day, the valley below sparks to life like an electric reflection of the stars. As the others watch the sunset over the valley, you begin to breathe life into the fire at the center of your campsite. As you funnel more heat and oxygen into the growing fire, your best friend taps you on the shoulder. “That’s enough Y/N. You can let it ride now.”
You laugh and sit back as the flames threaten to reach the lower branches of the nearest trees. I might need to scale this back a little, huh?” You laugh as you turn to face your best friend with your trademarked shit-eating grin.
Jamie raises her eyebrow at you incredulously. “It’s almost like you want your dad to call it into the Rangers again Phen! Of course you need to reel it in!”
You stick your tongue out at her and stick your hands into the base of the fire and pull out a tendril of fire, wrapping it up like one coils rope or hose. “You’re no fun Jamie,” you giggle as the fire tickles as it filters through your skin.
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@itsgreatestlie @xo-snowy-footsteps-xo , @hockeyjock011 , @marvelatthepeople , @buckyywiththegoodhair , @gaybybirth , @papi-chulo-bucky , @mermanbuckybarnes
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wajitzumagikshop · 8 years ago
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BIGSALE Creepy Antique pair of WEDDING DOLLS dug up from grave
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