#these are all from ep4 btw
hermit-frog · 2 months
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airenyah · 1 year
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Bad Buddy (2021) | Hidden Agenda (2023)
when your gay crush is right outside your door and something lgbt just happened between the two of you
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widowshill · 3 months
why does every adaption make roger super lecherous ... he is a whiny and pathetic yearner ... this is crucial
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thesilverlady · 1 year
How would you write Aegon if you have the chance? You know making him a fleshed character and not just some plot device to give his mom and brother some character's development points. I like goofy Aegon (the only right thing that come out of his show portrayal) however I can't ignore that book!Aegon was always described as someone sullen, sulky and overall bitter😭
Young Aegon played by Ty Tennant was actually very entertaining and quite underrated in my opinion.
So I wouldn't erase that part of himself (basically being drunk, childish, irresponsible etc) just add more to him so he's not just that.
As you said, in the book he's sullen, bitter, and overall very envious of his half sister and nephews. I think the key in here is writing him with characters, making him active instead of a passive object the other characters act for.
Fixing the timeline is important but let's pretend we've done that already, I'd write him have interactions with his siblings, his mother and grandfather, and most importantly add a group of circle that he's in control of.
In the show you probably noticed neither Alicent nor Rhaenyra had any ladies in waiting or maids around them - which is insane if you think back to the worldbuilding rules asoiaf has. Similarly to Aegon (and eventually Aemond), they too would have a circle of "friends" to interact, build connections and entertain themselves with.
Personally i'd have them be sons of the council-men or highlords otto has pushed to benefit their agenda. Whether these "friendships" are genuine or not is another matter. But having the character interact with multiple people, changing sceneries from the court to some brothel to the training yard to the skies flying on a dragon can make all the small differences.
Another waste I thought about was how we never saw scheming behind the scenes or peasant people and what they think of the royal family. Public opinion is important and Aegon spending so much of his time in the brothels or in fighting rings would get him to witness what people whisper about the royal family.
So basically, have Aegon do things; whether it's getting drunk with highborn boys of his age, tormenting his sister, ignoring his mother, arguing with his brother. Anything can be used to show different sides of himself. You can see cruelty with his treatment of servants and his sister, arrogance with his interactions with his brother and grandfather, hurt and anger from his mother, bitterness and envy around Rhaenyra and his father.
Aegon might not be plotting like Alicent and Otto, or trying to prove himself like Aemond, but he's still a character. And while he's not an active antagonist before the war there are tons of things to have his character do.
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greatyme · 1 month
I’ve been having a giggle over the fact that Great and Tyme will do it on Great’s pool table and then I realized something. In some of the sex scenes Tyme & Great are wearing necklaces and in others they’re not. So now I believe Great MIGHT be seeing two different times he has sex with Tyme when he sees himself sleeping with him in the future.
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When Great’s about to kiss Tyme these are all shots that are intercut throughout. In the top two they’re wearing necklaces but in the bottom they aren’t. This could also just mean they take off the necklaces at some point or even that it’s a continuity error (lol) BUT I also think the top two look like they’re happening on the pool table while the bottom one is on a black bed (which has to be Great’s…) which could mean they’re two separate instances. Again, they could just be going at it all over Great’s house but I still think it could be two different scenes. If anything about the multiple timeline theories are true too then maybe these are even diff timelines somehow??? But I still feel like I don’t know enough to confidently say that… since BOC is showing ep4 in the theater with an 18+ rating I’m assuming we’re gonna see Great and Tyme have sex so maybe I can find out how insane of a theory this actually is next week
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I’m also fairly sure they’re wearing the same outfits here (from the trailer) as they are at the end of ep3 which means this could be coming next ?? And at the end of ep3 neither of them were wearing necklaces which MEANS maybe the no-necklace sex scene happens in ep4 but also like. People change clothes so if they don’t sleep together right after where ep3 left off then ?/$:?;! I also think if these are separate sex scenes the likelihood that we get everything at once might not be high so maybe one (them without necklaces) comes before the other (them with necklaces) and Great gets his ass eaten while they’re wearing necklaces so do with that what u will btw
In conclusion this is how I feel trying to analyze minimal info from Great’s flashes of of sex with Tyme and just theorizing abt 4 minutes in general:
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tio-trile · 1 year
can I ask, because I'm a GO book fan too and I decided ages ago I didn't care enough about the show to watch s2 - what made them so OOC? I always felt that their book personalities basically got swapped in S1 but it seems like people are even madder about this. ngl it is kind of inspiring me to write more fic with book canon dark-haired Crowley in it lol
So first of all towards the end I couldn't take much of it anymore due to various reasons, including that somebody was kind enough to spoil the very ending (of them breaking up and that that's the ending of the show) on the 27th, so I didn't even feel like finishing the show, but I pushed myself to and therefore was half-watching it towards the end, so my memory may not be the most accurate but I can't bare to go back and rewatch it.
From the very beginning I hated that it was retconned that they knew each other as angels. The point, the THEME is that they're friends despite being on opposite sides. And it was said that Aziraphale DID remember Crowley as an angel. So did he only become friends with him because he remembered Crowley when they were friends as angels??? I hate how this changed the beautiful beginning of the book and their first meeting, and the THEME. (Oh BTW Aziraphale is also a landlord who takes rent from this poor lady although he doesn't need the money at all??? But that's beside the point)
In ep3 Aziraphale driving the Bentley was pretty cute and at one point A and C had the canon conversation in the book with where you start vs. upbringing so those are fine. But Crowley in Aziraphale's bookshop tossing all of Aziraphale's beloved books around carelessly......Crowley would never.
In ep4 it was said that Aziraphale owns a gun which I thought was very in-character XD. And that Crowley has never fired a gun.
EP6 was where all the shit went down......first of all I was making loud retching noises in my office @ the Gabriel x Beelzebub thing that came out of nowhere......and the plot goes that Gabriel and Beelzebub basically ran off together somewhere, so Metatron was like "the supreme archangel job position is open now and we want YOU, Aziraphale, to fill it. You can even make your friend Crowley an angel again" and Aziraphale accepted??????!?!?!???!?! Aziraphale's entire arc in the books and in season 1 and THE THEME is that they don't agree with their uppers anymore, he and Crowley are on the human's side, and on their own side. And suddenly, Aziraphale believes that working as a higher position in heaven is a good idea? And agreeing that turning Crowley back to an angel is better basically means that he thinks that angels are inherently better than demons, WHICH IS THE IDEA THAT THE BOOK AND SEASON 1 SPENT THE ENTIRE PLOT TO OVERTHROW???? And also I hate hate the idea that Aziraphale and Crowley must be somebody important. THE POINT is that they are nobodies, and that's what makes them great and relatable. They are NOT EVEN MAIN CHARACTERS in the book nor Season 1. In the show, Crowley also disagreed with Aziraphale's idea and they argued about it and then Crowley angrily kissed him (??) and then left and Aziraphale went to Superheaven to take the job ig. OH and Aziraphale said "I forgave you" to Crowley????? WHAT??? I've overlooked every little nitpicky thing I had about their characters in season 1, but these actions are irreversible and inexcusable. I'm done with the TV show. Nothing they do in season 3 can fix this. I'll just pretend this show never existed now.
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amemenojaku · 7 months
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I saw umineko stage ep3 today!! it was amazing. the quality level is insane. I got goosebumps several times and it even managed to make me tear up... everyone's performances felt like they all know their characters so well now 🥺🙏 the lights, costumes and choreography were all perfect too
some thoughts (major umineko spoilers obviously):
young eva/evatrice's performance in particular was just. literally perfect? the way she delivered her lines, carried herself, her laugh resounding onstage and the little things she did when she wasn't the center of attention were all 100% in character. she was adorable during the ceremony where she becomes the new beatrice, introducing herself to the goats and giggling w the 7 sisters, and she was absolutely terrifying in rosa's and maria's death scene. also mad props to the costume designer(s) who did her sailor outfit that turns into the witch outfit almost instantly
everything beato's actress did had me go :] there's a lot of cute beato scenes in ep3 and she was adorable in the goofy, endearing way og beato is in the story while still being cool and fun when needed in the other scenes
and last but not least eva's actress did an amazing job too, especially during the emotional scenes of her character (when she solves the riddle, finds the gold, hideyoshi's & george's deaths). her lungs' strength is impressive lol. it's been 4 hours and I still clearly remember her screams
overall I loved the way so many of the actors and actresses would just do little things when they were on stage but not in the spotlight/not talking, like the chiesters whispering in each others bunny ears instead of their human ears/covering their bunny ears because of loud noises, or the 7 sisters just jumping around and messing w each other, maria taking her notebook out of her bag and reading it, etc. they weren't just standing doing nothing and it always felt very in character, too. there was always something new no matter which part of the stage you're looking at
rudolf's actor looked and acted like he came straight out of a yakuza movie? ik he was already like that in the previous episodes but for some reason I felt it even more this time. might be because of the fight against the sisters before he and kyrie die (which was probably my favorite action scene btw. really cool choreography). I'm not complaining though. made me like the character even more
speaking of rudolf. at some point during one of the scenes where the adults discuss beato's first letter, he just... started massaging hideyoshi's shoulders? he did that for at least a full minute before hideyoshi's actor nodded as thanks and he stopped. I have no idea if this was part of the script or if the guys just decided it on their own??
when gohda does his night check of the mansion right before his death he was actually walking in the aisles with his lantern before he got up on stage!! he got to tell a joke and do some fun stuff before being killed and never being relevant again. rip
beato asking battler to give her a new name now that evatrice inherited hers, ronove on the side of the stage writing a stupid nickname on some paper to show her only for her to get annoyed, rip the paper from his hands and stomp on it
I don't know if this was done on purpose or not, but when eva fires the shot that blinds jessica and jessica accuses her of being the culprit, pointing at some random direction since she can't see anymore, she actually pointed at shannon's corpse on the sofa behind her. it could very well just be a coincidence. but. yea
krauss drinking straight from the fucking bottle during the golden land party scene at the end and getting completely smashed
ange!! she was so cool and cute. she punched the goats. I can't wait to see her in ep4 😭
battler literally Just Standing There at the very end, when ange and beato start duking it out before the episode's over 🧍
the curtain call was super cute. everyone got together to pose for the cameras before they realised beato wasn't here so they had kinzo cry for her in the infamous kinzo way and she graced them (and us) with her presence :)
battler's actor: "so we'll need your support -and- your gold for episode 4 to happen"
cat nanjo be upon ye
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pokamocha · 1 year
So I was rewatching WOY again, and I realized something during The Ball episode (S1 Ep13b).
There’s probably a post somewhere years ago pointing this out, but idc—I want to, "put that passion on the paper!"
Spoilers btw!
We all know why Wander helps, “The helper seeks to help because he knows what it is like to be helpless” (The Wanders, S2 Ep4a). He went through something so life-changing—most likely traumatic—that it ironically helped him become the Wander we know and love.
Now during The Ball episode (S1 Ep13b) after Beeza explains how this doomsday is basically routine at this point and before they all board the ship, Wander gives a speech:
“Y'all have put so much work into this pretty little planet. Don't you want to try and save it? I know you're scared of Buster, but if you keep running, that's all you're ever gonna be doing! You have a chance to change that. You just have to turn and face your problems head-on!”
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“…but if you keep running, that's all you're ever gonna be doing! You have a chance to change that.”
He says that while looking at his hat longingly as if this situation reminded him of a bad memory.
I genuinely believe Wander started out as fearful.
I believe he ran away and hid at the first sign of danger when he was much younger, immature and inexperienced because he didn’t have a chance to save or defend what he had. He lost something very dear and precious to him—whether that be his family or his home-planet (or both), we may never know.
However, how he reacted to those bouncing phantom mimes in The Heebie Jeebies episode (S2 Ep19b) proves my point. Wander’s first instinct when encountering danger or something scary is to scream, run away and/or hide—and at times freeze in place.
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Usually he’s able to override that stress response throughout the show if there’s someone needing help, “When I see someone who’s a-needin’, I just gotta help!” (The Fugitives, S1 Ep2b). Take the episode The Pet (S1 Ep4) as an example of this.
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Wander nervously searches the ship for anyone alive only to encounter an arachnomorph he lovingly christened Captain Tim. His first reaction is to scream, and it doesn’t sound like an excited scream either.
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Only after he gets tackled does he collect himself and switches gears from being afraid to being ready to help because he changed how he looked at the creature.
At first, he saw Captain Tim as this terrifying monster (he even admits to Sylvia that he knew Captain Tim is dangerous later in the episode, twice) before almost immediately doing a 180 degree and choosing to see Captain Tim as an abandoned pet that needs tender love and care.
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It's not just this episode either. The Greatest (S1 Ep1a) shows how scared he is of Lord Hater when they first officially meet until he chooses to—not only help the planet's residences—but to also learn more about Hater so he can help him later down the line.
The Search for Captain Tim (S2 Ep19a) is another example when he shows up with a wanted flyer knowing full well that the creature is carnivorous and remembering what Captain Tim tried to do to him.
It’s even more apparent during the last episode of season 2, The End of the Galaxy, where Wander is terrified of Lord Dominator yet tries to continue befriending her despite his fear and despite what she says and does.
He's able to get through his fear if it means helping someone in the process.
We also know that Wander seems obsessed with the idea of helping others to an alarming and unhealthy degree. Being unable to not help someone in need gives him anxiety that builds up over a short amount of time until he can’t take it anymore and gives into his immense desire to help (The Fugitives, S1 Ep2b).
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Even when he was sick during The Sick Day (S2 Ep20a), he still tries to help when it impedes on his own health and well-being.
Since he’s over 1000 years old, he most likely lost that chance to rewrite or make amends with what he originally went through that made him feel helpless in the first place—and I wouldn’t doubt it if he regrets it deep down or thinks bringing up his past is unimportant since nothing can be done anymore.
Heck, Sylvia calls him, “a man of mystery,” in The Waste of Time (S2 Ep17b) which later when they both successfully end the time loop it erases that interaction from existence. Wander doesn't disclose what exactly happened to him to be helpless in The Wanders (S2 Ep4a).
He chooses not to go into detail about his past.
Going back to The Ball (S1 13b) episode, he doesn’t just give a speech and tries to help because that's the right thing to do. He tries to help because he sees how the Ballzarians were choosing to lose their chance by willfully fleeing from their home-planets because of Buster, and Wander could not accept that.
"Whew! I wouldn't want someone else to go through what I went through" (The Wanders, S2 Ep4a).
He needed to help them because he himself was not helped.
Having to watch someone else go through the same experience was devastating for him. That's why he took control of the ship and crashed landed it on Buster.
Unlike the Ballzarians, I believe he did not have anyone in his life to help him when he was helpless, nor provide the opportunity to make a change in his circumstances.
He had to become his own helper.
In The Wanders episode (S2 Ep4a) when Sylvia finds the last Wander to complete himself again, the little Wander is terrified and cowering in the corner. He doesn't trust her until she reassures him, "It's okay, I won't hurt you." This reaction from Wander only makes sense if he was used to not receiving help.
Now, I’m sure as Wander helped others, they helped him back (some probably didn’t and took advantage of him). However, Sylvia was the first person who—not only reciprocated that same love and care he tends to show towards everyone—but also the first person to stay by his side afterwards. She became his new home.
We know how the two met in The Waste of Time (S2 Ep17b), but we don’t know how they became enemies to best friends. But, I genuinely believe Wander’s kindness played a part in softening Sylvia’s heart.
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With all this said, I believe he started out as a coward, then became a stereotypical hero, until finally being transformed into the wandering helpy helperson we know and love today.
Or I'm reading waaaaaaay too much into a silly little cartoon about helping others and self-improvement from a decade ago idk tHat’S jUst a tHeoRY lmao
Anyways, thank y’all for coming to my TedTalk—expect more WOY art in the near future! 👋🧡
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palepersonaturtle · 11 months
Rewatching some scenes of Shinyu and Hongjo and i have to say their realtionship progression after they started dating in ep 11 is so well written i mean yes it is not perfect but it is near perfect for me.
Especially the fact that it is not only that they are in love with each other but there is desire/passion(sexual) in between them which is expressed not only by their actions but also by their words which imo many kdramas lack in that part. And i am glad that the writers didnt shy away in showing us the sexual tension between the couple in their realtionship.
And it is right from ep4 okay when shinyu was like "if it is not kiss that can break the curse then is it...?" Shinyu was down bad horny okay.
One more example is that noncon kiss in ep7. I mean yes that was problematic and he deserved to be punched. But he was eager to show his feelings and desire to hongjo and wanted to know how she felt about him. Also his imaginary kiss and bed scene
And most importantly this desire was mutual. Hongjo was attracted to him too. She very much gave into that kiss in ep6 but alas shinyu slept. She was frustrated. The next day she is like "you were terrible at it"
And it gets more interesting when start dating
They are comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed the same night they get into relationship. Hong jo very much wanted to be with him you can see how she was frustrated when he didnt come to her room. Also love the way Shinyu was testing the waters with the whole "if you say another word i wont stay still..." dialogue. See she was shy but not scared of it.
And throughout ep11 and ep12 we can see that their is a mutual sexual tension between them. Also i love how Hong jo is able to show her desire too. She actively asks kisses from him, tries to seduce him in his office which shows that being single all through her doesnt mean she has to be naive in the physical intimacy part of their relationship. Yes as her first time in a relationship she gets shy and giddy but she has desires and she is very much aware about it too.
About, their breakup, i know people were like there comes the noble idiocy of ep13 but i actually enjoyed it. It is the way they showcased their longing for each other. Particularly, when shinyu gets drunk. It is the way he hugged her, nuzzled into her neck and smelled her. He not only missed her emotionally but also missed their hugs and kisses. And same for hong jo too that little smile she gives before being sad again and the way she gave into that hug. She indulges him not only for him but also for herself.
And so for me their reunion was much more sweeter and earned because the curse is gone now the main barrier between their relationship.
That spiderman kiss on the couch. Many people are like hong jo got shy. But i personally felt that she (and him too btw) actually was so turned on at that point that if she hadnt stopped it would have escalated into some thing more and which wasnt good for shinyu since he was injured. Same when they were sleeping together, look at the way hong jo is smiling and shinyu's gaze lingers on her lips.
Now on to the main lovemaking scene. That was planned mutually by them okay i mean not verbally but they both knew what was gonna happen and they both wanted it. Their phone conversation says it all. Also the way he was like "take your time to change" and then she comes wearing his white shirt when could have wore any comfortable tshirt of his. They didnt knew it was gonna happen right at that moment but tgey knew they knew that this was the night. And i loved that because it was consensual and it wasnt just heat of the moment. It felt very much earned and sweeter.
And throughout ep16 we can see that how much they both enjoy the physical intimacy and are pretty much normal about it now. Him saying that he cannot sleep w/o her. She jumping on him taking charge. It all feels natural with them
Lastly, it also shows the contrast with the relationship shinyu had with nayeon. You see he never felt any attraction towards her that he never felt the need to even hold her hands.
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
The Only Friends PR people really are cruel.
POV: We are fresh off of Ep6, having just witnessed a friend group imploding, a man learning that his boyfriend cheated on him, another man driving off drunk and high only to be chased by the guy he just called a "whore" not once but tWiCe--
How does the Only Friends team respond? "Oh btw here's that cute SandRay scene from Ep4 that we didn't give you before, just so you can remember how good things USED to be. But remember--they aren't good now. Not at all. Everything is very very bad."
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cynthia39100 · 6 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E10: The Moment of Truth
Arthur was so competent and all-around showing off his future king qualities in this episode it’s perfect.
He was compassionate. He helped Hunith get an audience with the King and promptly went on a solo quest to “ help people regardless of how far away they lived”. A hint of a united Albion in the future right there.
He was a good leader. I like how confident he looked and how quickly he started to give plans the moment he stepped into the village. The villagers trusted him instantly despite Will’s strong opposition. Arthur knew the chances were slim but he did his best. He trained the men, set up traps and sent Matthew who wasn’t good at fighting to do the scouting job. He tried to utilize every single resource he had (except women, but he learned it afterwards).
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(btw I really like this outfit for some reason <3)
He also took criticism graciously. He replied gently every time Gwen or Morgana brought up the topic of women’s right to fight and ultimately accepted it. He wasn’t provoked by Will’s insults and complaints wither(he did make an adorably pouty face for a bit but the rest was great XD).
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He let Will express his concern and very patiently reasoned with him (more patient than me anyway). He didn't completely dismiss Will's words as well. That's why he lost his confidence for a bit and needed Merlin's nudging.
It's nice that he did have Merlin to confide his insecurity and he trusted Merlin enough to put himself together from Merlin's baseless assurance.
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The harsh remark regarding magic in the end actually threw me off a bit. Arthur hadn’t made any negative comment towards magic as far as I can remember. He had been pretty accepting of good magic. Healing in ep3, blue bulb in ep4, druids in ep8. They weren’t even in Camelot. I guess the magical wind did look more dangerous than those, but it still saved their life.
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livmadart · 2 years
So I was reading through the detective conan wiki and came across this screenshot
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and instantly thought like what if instead of Conan trying to keep the detective boys out of trouble or his being the (unofficial) leader of them, what if instead Conan really was a bad guy/criminal and the detective boys were in charge of keeping him from committing crimes.
After being shrunk, Conan, somehow, gains an interest in crime. Instead of solving crime though, comitting crime, not murder (or not yet?) but more like small scale scams or thievery and what not. I'm no expert.
The detective boys latch onto Conan pretty early on, after his very first day in elementary school actually, and they also found the detective boys super early into the series (I think it's ep4), and at some point after that, I guess, Conan gains this fascination for committing crime. So he tries making plans for something or another, but his plans always get thwarted by either the detective boys or someone else, like in episode 5, when there's a bomb on the train and Conan wants to plant a bug, he tries to stick it in some gum and put it under the seat, but is caught by Ran and the detective boys. Except in this I guess it would be something more than just planting a bug. Look, there's a lot I haven't thought about, all this came to me like 10 minutes ago. You're welcome to flesh things out btw if you want and can think of anything.
And he still solves crimes and stuff. It tickles that part in his brain that likes puzzles and everything, so much that he'll drop plans for, like, a bank robbery in favor of figuring out whatever case he comes across on the way there. So I guess there would be two ways of preventing Conan from committing crimes, one would be to physically prevent him (not very safe, he bites, and he's slippery) or to find a crime that has already occured for him to solve.
And I don't think the police know, and if they do, they think it's a joke, but just imagine like the detective boys or Agasa frantically calling Takagi like "Quick! Give us an unsolved case!" as they're trying to get a proper grip on Conan XDDD Takagi thinks Conan is just really enthusiastic about becoming a police detective in the future. (Conan is the 20 year old with 10 years of job experience. Actually all the detective boys will, once they're adults, now that I think about it)
Hiiiii I am SO sorry this has been sitting for like. A month. Honestly I think canon Conan is already halfway there—he has a clear sense of morals and justice but almost no regard for laws. If it would solve a case or save a life, he has already shown himself willing to break and enter, and I’m pretty sure it’s not legal to kick a brick at someone’s face at 80 mph. To reference your ask more directly, if there were some key piece of evidence to nail the Black Org, Conan would absolutely plan and enact a bank robbery to get it. It’s details like this that remind me his character is strongly derived from the original ACD Sherlock Holmes.
That being said, I do love the idea of Conan going wildly Feral if there was ever too much time between cases. He just gets stir-crazy and will start to cause trouble on purpose, and the Detective Boys have taken it upon themselves to keep him in line (as best they can!). Thank you for your ask, and please, have a sketch!!
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originalaccountname · 9 months
BSD Rewatch Fisheye Compilation!!
all posts - ep1 - ep2 - ep3 - ep4 - ep5 - ep6 - ep7
Episode 7 count: 0!!!!
For one week, we are free from the fisheye lens. Let's commemorate with this literal fish.
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Subtotal: still 10.5
(btw if I miss one you can tell me, my poor attention span does not help me)
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emloafs · 2 months
ep by ep thoughts (ck s6ep4)
THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE (iykyk). i haven't recovered from it. spoilers below!!!!!!!
You’re telling me the episode opens with hawks ugly ass American flag hair? Shut the hell up. and no one comments on it????
“Each and every one of you has a shot” as its a shot of Anthonyy (Anthony does not have a shot xo)
“Its really only that 6th spot that’s up for grabs” “yeah and its yours for the taking” ELI BELIEVES IN HIM SM STOP
Sorry to say I eat my words the fab 4 will not all be making it, and neither will hawk, you can just tell from how overconfident they are
It is the way that my entire body is reacting to having average, every day content of binary bfs at school and its ruined by Eli’s FUGLY HAIR and HORRIBLE OUTFITS 
I do appreciate that demetri is still demetri and he’s like there’s an 18% chance of me making it and I know that so it is what it is academics over karate has always been my thing
“MIT cannot turn down the binary bros” OH NO MITS GONNA TURN DOWN THE BINARY BROS
I think Eli is having second thoughts about MIT or he thinks he won’t get in 
I love them being normal in high school!!!!!!!!! Cancel the karate half of the show I don’t need it
Idk how ep4 is gonna go down but it’s my favorite already 
The camera work is fire
Okay kiaz cartwheel… go off? Ig?
“Mucles” “I HAVE A NEW NICKNAME!!!” This is Mitch’s season fr
Actually rooting so hard for demetri <3 call me biased
Kisses for baby Anthony throw him a bone
Anthony is SO TALL NOW?
“The power couples and hawk” honestly that’s the best way to describe them let’s coin that
Devon better be picked fr actually she needs a win and she’s better than most of them
Not me imagining Yasmine walking into the dojo and she just finds dem and Eli making out
Omg are they breaking up
“I’ve come as far as I can go, and I can live with that” that’s right dem and you’ve done great
“Youre breaking up with me?” “No!” Damn. So close.
Why does his girlfriend have to be the motivation ugh
“Just like MIT, you’re not going to Barcelona without me” LOVING MY HAWKMETRI CRUMBS THEYRE IN LOVE
Eli doesn’t want to let dem down :((( 
Oh shit he’s gonna tell him and demetri is gonna be betrayed and kick his ass low key
I personally love capture the flag <3
Omg eli’s literally not gonna make it his head is in the clouds about college and demetri brother get it togetherrrrr 
If Anthony makes it to the tournament and not Eli im suing 
I am scared of barnes
Ok power couples saw that coming
Daniel is a bloody nose Anthony will be fine
Angsty Anthony idek what do with you
Oh god Johnny and barnes fight in a warehouse with power tools WHY just WHY
Oh I don’t like when demetri and Eli fight I hate this game 
Eli won’t hurt dem again and if they come to a head, and frankly demetri is going to destroy him
Hawk buddy you’re fucked. Demetri is going to kill you. Honestly. I’ll start picking the flowers for your funeral.
Eli’s outfit sucks in this btw I need to speak to wardrobe
No way… Kenny has the runs… this his sabotage.  That sucks literally that’s gross and embarrassing. You’re all dead to him.
HOLDING HAWKS ARM???? “How do you like it?!” IM GONNA THROW UP 
Eli loves him so much it hurts and dem is so mad at him 
IM CONFLICTED im really proud of my baby but dear god am I worried about Eli
Thank you writers for not making dm a background character <3
KARATE DADS CRUMBS: Anthony comforting hawk after he lost <33333 he’s like I hate when my dads fight fr
Devon obv put the laxatives in his water right… OH YUP it is now confirmed 
I like really actually cannot believe the hawkmetri fight…………… like……….. holy fuck did that just happen? The arm thing?????? Holy fuck
Why does it feel like they just broke up
Someone hold me.
(I enjoy the pain, though. Episode 4 IS my favorite.)
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adidegmez · 3 months
spn s6 spoilers
I know there are many spelling mistakes in the text. but I wanted to share anyways. If I don't forget, I'll make arrangements tomorrow.
s6 ep1(exile on main st.)
hi dean😁. dean is happy. he is living a normal life. we entered with a happy music. everything will go bad, right? his old habits won't leave him. he is still running into danger. sam and samuel is back that is a good thing but i think bad guys are behind this.
s6 ep2(two and a half men)
i love soft dean. i love him no matter what. he would've made a great father. i still can't trust campbells and sam(a little). lisa understands dean and i love her for this.
s6 ep3(the third man)
btw what happened to the father shapeshifter. I thought they would catch him in this ep. I love teleportation. Dean's reactions to the teleportation are very funny.
s6 ep4(weekend at bobby's)
i love seeing bobby. i missed seeing dean but i really loved this ep. i am glad bobby got out.
s6 ep5(live free or twihard)
sam let the vampire turn dean into a vampire. why sam? he litterally watched it. sam isn't sam. he is different. he let his brother turn into a monster. idc if there is a cure what if he drank blood dean wouldn't drink i know he would rather die than drink. which he did. but how could sam do that. dean could never be a monster. even if no one stops him he'll stop himself. i am glad dean learned what sam did. he doesnt know why he did it neither do we but its good that he knows he cant trust him. no dean you can't trust sammy. he isn not the sam we know and love. either he changed or he is not the real sam. either way he is not the person he used to be and we cannot trust him. and sam and samuels deals are different. samuel hid djin from winchesters. and samuel doesnt know whats up with sam. It may have been the same person who brought them back, but I think something different must've happened afterwards.
s6 ep6(you can't handle the truth)
dean couldn't handle the truth. did sam deserved the beating i dont know. he is different but even if he cant feel anything i think he must know what is wrong and what is right. he really let dean be a monster. i dont know how he can redeem himself. i hope he can, really. but i dont know how he can after all af this. and what is sam if he is not human? the goddess of truth couldn't have lied.
s6 ep7(family matters)
what do you mean his soul is gone cas? Sam is lying, again. i know he cant feel but he must know the difference in right and wrong. i love crowley some times but most of the time i want him dead.
s6 ep8(all dogs go to heaven)
sam really doesn't has a soul. he makes logical choices. but they need emotions sometimes.🤷🏻‍♀
s6 ep9(clap your hands if you believe…)
aliens, huh? is gabriel back? funny ep. i love dean's reactions. and i love sam trying to understand emotions. at least he is trying.
s6 ep10(caged heat)
when i learned about cas on the internet i thought we'd see him often in the show. but he is rarely on the show. i hope we'll see him more he is so funny. i am not sure if sam should have his soul back either. i dont think crowley is really dead. he'll come back.
s6 ep11(appointment in samarra)
sam's gone too far. he tried to kill bobby. i hope this sam will be gone for good and we can have old sam back.
s6 ep12(like a virgin)
sam might be back. it's nice to see sam care. i missed him. soulless sam wasn't sam. and i can see itin his face. the way he looked. i love jared padalecki. mother? is she Echidna from greek myth(percy jackson😁). might be🤷🏻‍♀.
s6 ep13(unforgiven)
i really missed caring sam.
s6 ep14(mannequin:3 the reckoning)
i really liked lisa and dean. and ben of course their little family was beautiful. i think dean was genuinly happy with them. i now believe sammy when he says he's got dean's back and so does dean.
s6 ep15(the french mistake)
i love balthazar. omg i didnt know this would be the ep where they go to the real world or something like that. i thought that was in later seasons. im so excited. this ep is amazing. what is wrong with the angels? they have no difference from the demons.
s6 ep16(…and then there were none)
rufus and bobby might be my favorite hunter duo after winchesters. i was really angry with sam and i didnt know if i could love him the way i did before all the bad things happened but after soulless sam i really missed old sam and i love how he cares about dean i love how he would kill anyone for dean and i love he is back. he did some bad thing but he always tried to save the world and dean. and i love him. and i really hated soulless sam. but i am glad we got soulless sam for a little while thanks to him i still love him the way i did before all the demon thing. rip rufus.
s6 ep17(my heart will go on)
ellen and jo are alive. ellen and bobby are married! they don't know about titanic. this must be a parellel universe. and i liked this universe already. [KAZ 2Y5] is back. impala is gone.
s6 ep18(frontierland)
somethings are really wrong with angels. dean can pull off any look. cas is scaring me, little bit.
s6 ep19(mommy dearest)
Jefferson starships i love dean's face when he says that. dean, you are a genious. i hope eve is really dead(probably not). cas and crowley, huh? they make a good team i guess. but this will make dean mad.
s6 ep20(the man who would be king)
cas looked at us, right? castiel brought back sam and he lied. dean will be devastaded. dean really trusts him. i would've trusted him too. dean has a point. but i saw what he did. cas lied to their faces. crowley manipulated cas. every bad thing ha ppining in spn is because of manipulative demons. first ruby then crowley. And yet a father abandons his child.
s6 ep21(let it bleed)
i knew balthazar would help. dean sad again. i wish he could just live with lisa and ben.
s6 ep22(the man who knew too much)
how could cas do that to sam? balthazar was right. he didnt have to help but he did anyways, is a good angel. cas is really changed. he broke the deal. even demons wouldnt break deals. cas why did you kill balthazar? he was just trying to help dean. you've got to be kidding me. angels and demons they always ruin everything. i really thought cas wouldnt go this far. but he did. i know some spoilers but i am not sure what they mean but cas must go back to normal. I know he will make peace with the Winchesters. hopefully soon.
i would watch new season now but i just slept 4 hours this morning so i have to sleep. I'll watch new season in the morning.
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cbrownjc · 2 years
Rashid is Armand, and I will stand by this theory until the show proves me wrong
So I gave it one week to think about it, and I am fully on the Rashid is Armand theory train. Reasons?
1. Having Armand go by the name of a minor character from Marius’ backstory (Blood and Gold) hints at the character's ties to Marius in a small way before the reveal that his ties to Marius are even bigger than that.
2. Not only does he always wear gloves and never stands in direct sunlight, but he’s also the only other person in the penthouse besides Louis who doesn’t wear a mask around Daniel. The pandemic has been mentioned more than once, with Louis specifically saying Daniel is immunocompromised in EP1. All the other household staff we see - particularly during the 7-course dinner scene - wear masks. Rashid never does, even when standing near Daniel in EP4. This hints that Rashid isn't human - like Louis, he isn’t going to pass the virus to Daniel because he’s already dead. 
3. What about his eyes, you say? The simple answer is that he’s wearing contacts to hide his eyes. The more intriguing answer to me, however, is that Armand is actually using the Spell Gift on Daniel to make Daniel not notice what his real eyes are like. Because, and this is key, all the modern-day 2022 scenes are told from Daniel’s POV. The whole tv series opens with Daniel, establishing him as the POV character for all the 2022 scenes. So when we see Rashid’s eyes, we see them as Daniel sees them, not for what they really are. 
4. But why is Rashid worshiping/serving Louis as a God, you ask? Well, he’s not. When Daniel directly asks Rashid about Louis being his god, Rashid doesn’t answer the question and changes the subject. Rashid has never directly said that he specifically worships Louis; it’s only what Daniel inferred. (Again, all the 2022 scenes are from Daniel’s POV.)
5. But then, why is Armand hiding his identity? Well, he’s hiding it from Daniel. And why is he hiding it from Daniel? Well, because The Devil’s Minion event already happened between him and Daniel. I want to shout-out @alwynwitch , who gave an awesome theory/breakdown of this theory of how The Devil’s Minion event could have already happened in the AMC universe. Basically, Armand let Daniel go instead of turning him. And Armand used the Spell/Mind gift to alter Daniel’s memories when he did so, so Daniel doesn’t remember any of it. As Daniel said in the first episode, he doesn’t even remember the interview between him and Louis in 1973. 
The reason he doesn’t remember isn’t just because of the drugs. 
But we are set to get a flashback to that first interview in EP6. And I think that is because Daniel’s memories will start fully returning to him, beginning in EP6. We got a set-up for it in EP4, with Daniel saying he’s been dreaming of Polynesian Mary’s, the gay bar he and Louis first met at, ever since he got the tapes back.
But neither Louis nor Rashid/Armand want to break Daniel’s mind in one go if/when the memories came back, especially by explaining it all to him all in one go. Hence, the slight subterfuge wrt Rashid’s real identity. 
I don’t expect to see the full Devil’s Minion story in EP6 or EP7 btw. That is totally something that would happen/be shown in S2, if this turns out to be true. But I wouldn’t be surprised if EP6 ended with Daniel remembering he’d met Rashid before in the 70s, too, just like he did Louis. (EP7 is when they’d fully reveal his identity IMO).
6. And of course, there are the other specific things - the Crimea/Ukraine connection and Rashid being shown to be religious - Muslim in this case instead of Christian like book-Armand, but still religious.  
7. That apartment? Again, will not be at all surprised if the place is actually Rashid/Armand’s, because it is very much more his style than Louis’ (going by the books, at least). Very much Night Island or what little I’ve read about Trinity Gate so far. (I’ve just started the Prince Lestat trilogy. Before now, the last book I read in the Vampire Chronicles was Blackwood Farm, back when it was first published, and then I stopped reading the series.) It feels like Trinity Gate, but in Dubai instead of New York.
* * *
So yeah, those are my reasons for backing the Rashid-is-Armand theory. Just looking at everything, it just makes so much sense to me for now.          
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