#thermal sunder
keighanweylan · 17 days
Small rant, but can Warframe players agree Gauss and Titania mains need Thermal Sunder taken away from them in casuals until they learn the meaning of the word 'fun'?
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noirrelite · 10 months
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Being mained by your own Tenno probably means you don't get as many breaks as you'd like ...I think my Mesa's long overdue for a vacation
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kaiserouo · 2 months
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gauss prime wish he has support skills
...or just thermal sunder the whole battlefield yeah whatever
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blackblooms · 22 days
So, didnt have a lot of progress to talk about on my new game since i had taken about 2-3 weeks to work on other things, but heres some of the work i`ve been putting into the world map and struckture.
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So here we have what i call "zone maps" which consist of rough drawings of what areas are planned and how they are placed and connected. Since the game is themed around fire and wilderness, most areas are fiery twists on common fantasy environments and explore the many forms that heat and fire can take.
Some notable areas are:
Great caldera/Caldera outskirts: (dark red) Since flamebearers are highly resistant to heat and fire, it was an interesting subversion for the first area of the game to be a volcano. Boiling ridge/Boiling caverns: (cyan) The water area of the game, featuring harsh cliffside battered by a raging sea and plenty of geysers and thermal vents.
Pyrewoods: (bright red) A perpetually burning forest. The trees have adapted a thick insulating bark to protect themselves from the flame. Ashen highlands: (pale grey) An expansive plateau, located above the smoke of the forest. Deposits of ashes from the forest and caldera, fertilize the ground, making it a suitable place to build fields and villages. Sundered plains: (bright orange) A deadly desert, with plenty of glass structures formed from the scorching heat battering the sand.
City of cynders/Charred city (brown) The capital of an ancient civilization, burnt to the ground in times long past. Now only rubbles of sandstone and glass remains, and many myths of how exactly this city may have fell...
Frostburn pass: A gnarly canyon where frost and flame meet. Located between the great caldera and the ashen highlands. Brimstone bogs (dark green) ADark, smouldering swamps, where monstrous creatures lurk. A place long abandoned by the flamebearers and left to rot. Fuming crags (purple) Toxic fumes emanate from ancient fissures in the ground, rendering this region extremely dangerous to korugues and flamebearers alike. In the distance, an old castle lurk, long abandoned by those who used to call it home.
The melting pot: A loathsome pit of molten sludge, the heart of a twisted curse that cannot be destroyed or contained...
- Since were giving some building here, lets also describes some faraway lands that exist i nthe lore, but wont be seen in the game. South west: Nameless islands The great sea house many archipelago, conquered by the descendent of the flamebearer of the sea. South east: The frozen continent A distant landmass, overtaken by the ruthless cold. Ruled by the descendent of the frostbearer who could channel its power into cold instead of flames. North west: The endless peaks Towering mountains, reaching higher than the eye can see. Conquered long ago by the flamebearer of the sky and her children. North: Desolated expanse The sundered plains make way for a great wasteland. Long ago, the flamebearer of earth crossed through the desert and was rumored to have found habitable land on the other side, but very few dared cross the waste to verify those claims. East: The dark lands Lush forests cover the landscape, but those lands have long been forbidden. It is said that none of those who ventured to the east, not even the eldest and strongest son of the original flamebearer, was ever heard from again. My goal with these was that i wanted to imply a much bigger world beyond what is seen in the game (compared to irredeamable, almost claustrophobic worldbuilding) This next game will have plenty of distant lands and families to speculate on. I probably just wont do much with them myself. Anyway, all that stuff is subject to change as i work on it. The maps i provided are already pretty inaccurate, but that just means there will be much to discover when the actual game comes out.
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Maedhros builds Himring to be impenetrable, unbreakable, and inviolable. 
He shows Fingon every corner, whenever he visits; for always it grows, alters like a beast with many skins. All the secret stairways and mind-wearying labyrinths, the pipework of thermal water that kept the hallways thrumming with life as if with heart’s blood.
In case of a siege, he says, for it might come to be that the hidden routes should serve as places for Fingon to bring reinforcements and supplies under the eye of the Enemy.
They both know what Maedhros might come to be; and he learned with diligence all the places the besieged might use to escape, or for trickery, where he might leverage an entry to the stronghold of his beloved, and close tunnels, and trap the red-plumed elves of the Lord of Himring. 
“In case of a siege,” says Fingon, allowing that possibility only.
He looks down at Maedhros from where he walked ahead among the curling turret steps, familiar with the heart of the fortress. “But a siege shall not come. We, besiegers ourselves, shall have our day. In the days to come the land will ease its ceaseless winter, that flowers shall bloom in spring in the shadow of Himring.” 
“Come to me in the summer of our victory, and Himring will greet you in splendour,” laughs Maedhros; and Fingon bends down as he reaches, presses Maedhros against the warm stones, captures the master of the castle with a dizzying kiss. 
Himring is Maedhros’ masterpiece, and it outlasts the sinking of the continent, the sundering of the world.
The towers fall to ruin, are worn down into lonesome isolation. Himling island remains, still: all the turret walls shattered, worn smooth by the hands of the wind. Century after century; the gulls conquer it without mercy, build nests among the old pantries, atop the rusted metal of the pipes.
Sparse white grass grows through and around the shattered stones of the last worn steps. On rare days, before midsummer, desperate mariners make the journey to the cursed isle, to gather the small buds among the wreckage.
Men say they are bad to eat, but good to have; good fortune for sweethearts they bring, courage against the swells, and certain fidelity if worn on wedding days.
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chronosprockets · 2 months
The Equinox prime on my squad: Hey the thermal sunders are too fucking bright and yellow. The Devil: Yes play another ascension you need the Rank 5 Arcane Energize! Me, a Titania Prime basing my self worth on how many Sister Beacons I get every mission: Why will no one love me :( An MR 11 Hydroid: Why is no one powering the elevator?
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retphienix · 8 months
I like that my prediction of what Gauss P would do to pubs was right.
I said when Gauss P drops you'll suddenly see a big influx of Gauss players all ramming into walls and running off of cliffs and falling out of bounds and ramming into walls and ramming into walls and ramming into walls and thermal sunder color spam and ramming into walls.
And you BEST BELIEVE, there is a lot of ramming into walls going on right now in warframe lol
Good time :)
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a-tenno-called-prin · 3 months
I must know what you're thoughts on ma boi gauss are :3
I absolutely love him personally
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Quick as a fox!
But is the reason thermal sunder Garuda exists...
still cute tho
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bigmeandragonlady · 6 months
thermal sunder was a mistake
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tenno-aster · 2 years
I've been tweaking my Gauss a lot recently. I want to like Thermal Sunder, but it doesn't really provide me with anything useful. It's damage isn't crazy, it's grouping ability is weak, I don't really need armor strip.
Thinking of going with Fire Walker or Energized Munitions. I can drop range entirely from my build, and put in more sprint speed and such.
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
This is literally just me saying "i wish this was different to cater to me instead of being good how it is" but small bumbling about my favorite frame
I say this with a huge disclaimer that she's a fantastic frame that doesn't NEED any changes (minus some paring down her 2 ability to make it just two buffs depending on how you feel) but I find myself wishing Titania's kit was a little more cohesive and interesting
Like her first passive is boosted parkour stuff but you'll almost never use it because razorwing is the entire reason you play her
Her second passive is a heal over time that just...doesn't do much cause none of her abilities are really meant to be spammed. They're all FINE abilities but she's not a caster frame (unless you helminth thermal sunder but frames should not be designed around the helminth)
Her flying speed demon concept is fantastic and she's 100% my favorite (and most played) frame but sometimes I feel like a kit more built around sending out the razorflies with different 1 and 3 skills as a sort of whirlwind of blade fairies and magic instead of just being a tiny plane with guns
I'm still gonna play her nonstop tho she's just too fun even if her kit is literally just press 4, thorns/dust, hold lmb
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Ough gauss pretty
I don't know if i'd even enjoy playing him bc i get stuck on terrain enough as is, thank you very much, but him Pretty. I really like some of his animations. Also baller sound design, the one benefit of thermal sunder titanias in fissures is that i get to hear Thermal Sunder Noises
Someday. Someday we will have gauss prime and also thus regular gauss as a circuit reward. Someday
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retfarcyroeht · 3 years
Another look at Grendel
In the course of a week, I've seen two vids from prominent Warframe content creators that covered Spectrosiphon Grendel (which if you scroll down far enough, you'll see I had also done this when the Helminth System first came out)
So now I want to see if I can update this idea of a Helminth Grendel with other viable subsumes.
Grendel, at his base, is a bulimic mouth cannon: Feast as many enemies that you can, spit them out, slurp them back up and repeat til nothing is left but indigestion.
This can be done by either coughing them all up at once by holding down Feast or by using Regurgitate to rapid fire them out; both doing AoE damage.
A balanced build; with a lean towards duration and efficiency should be the focus; range being a close third.
Let's add Thermal Sunder to that. With a radius of either heat or cold to spill your guts onto, your damage/DoT, cc and, potentially, your armor stripping capabilities are dramatically improved.
The Ferrox is a good, non-helminth way to achieve a similar effect. Spit mobs into Ferrox's field of effect to lock them in place and add DoT (combine with Thermal Sunder's radius for even more damage (The Ferrox/Thermal Sunder works great without Grendel too)).
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nek-ros · 4 years
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drunk-on-starlight · 3 years
Devstream 159 recap from Cephalon_Zelgius on r/warframe
twitch drop is a random galvanized mod
gift of the lotus alerts: orokin catalyst and a weapon exilus adapter BP
Take the big Warframe 2022 survey here
weekly community stream changes: one big 2h prime time every week instead of streams split by platform
tennocon 2022 will be fully digital
cross-save and -play are the top priority, but there are no news yet (things like account merging still need some work)
hildryn deluxe coming in Echoes of War
Grendel lunar new year skin coming some time february
valkyr deluxe skin coming in Angels of the Zarimancoming with an animation set
Protea deluxe is being worked on
Xaku deluxe concept by Liger Inazuka
The making of the new war
there isn't that much new info here, so nothing for me to recap. if you are interested in their thoughts about making and shipping the new war, just watch it
sounds like we will see at least one of the playable characters form the quest again (kahl, veso, teshin)
archons will definitely return (with a buff against warframes)
Update 31.1: "Echoes of War"
coming february 9 on all platforms
New war replayable + new war somachord fragments (also available on post new war open worlds. no need to replay only for those)
lich/sister progenitor QOLthe weapon of a larvling you refuse to kill will not show up again until you create a nemesis -- > eliminate possible weapons until you get the one you want
new augmentsYareli: Aquablades Grendel: Feast Frost: general/passive Gauss: Thermal Sunder
tennogen 21 part 1part 2 is coming shortly after
heterochromia for operators
hildryn deluxe
star days event returnsticker floof will have some words of motivation when you interact with it
Accessibility options
Tech stuff
the plan is to fully shift to the enhanced rendering mode this year
improvements to metal surfaces
some minor performance improvements
scripting system improvements that help speed up thigns all around the whole game
significant download size for the next update becasue of compiler changes
square based icon system -> more elements visible in menus without scrolling
WIP operator/drifter things
facial hair for drifters is in the works
the plan is to have all operator cosmetics (including hair) available for the drifter.
Update 31.5: Angels of the Zariman
AT LEAST two new gamemodes
new quest
new warframe
Eximus reworkgiving eximus enemies a clear visual identity (more like arctic eximus, less like leech eximus)
review of underused augment mods
more infos inthe next devstream
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retphienix · 8 months
I'm not advocating that high end players just start hanging around earth nodes ruining the fun for new players, but I will say that when happenstance (a lith usually) places a brand new player and a high end player, sometimes you get that wonderful starry eyed moment where the new player is astounded at what you can do in this game.
I had it when I was new, and a couple days ago on a lith mobile defense I witnessed it again where I put down my oberon grass and a new player was like "How?? I need that!"
Warframe is really cool! And it sometimes takes a while to see that!
Or sometimes it's shown to you in really unfun ways (hello thermal sunder titania making base chart lith/meso star chart a fucking walking simulator for players new and old, really cool that you ruin the experience for new players :))
And sometimes something like what I did just leaves the player confused and bored, much like my aforementioned pet peeve frame combo, but sometimes- SOMETIMES- you get those adorable moments and I like them :)
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