#therese comments
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marietheran-archived · 8 months ago
🎊❤️🖤💙🎉 - love and celebration? possibly encountering a villain with a black heart but everything works out in the end??
that said, the last time I did this it implied I was gonna die in a war. idk which is more plausible.
first 5 faceless emojis are how your summers gonna go
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uncuteartist · 8 months ago
At the vet today the vet gushed about how pretty Maou's eyes are (a common occurrence) and then apparently bragged about him to a vet tech when she was getting his distemper shot ready and so the vet tech came into the room just to check his eyes.
Like yeah, I get it. He's a pretty-eyed man.
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winifred-banks · 2 years ago
Saw the virgin suicides in cinema last night, gonna be insufferable about it for at least a week xxx
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marietheran-archived · 5 months ago
Polish: ...
Polish: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dr-chosenberg · 7 months ago
On my recent rewatch I felt the inspiration to design my headcanon for what Dr. Potterswheel's late wife might have looked like! Born Marie-Thérèse Praxineaux, her maiden name is based off of the Praxinoscope which is an animation device that came after the Zoetrope
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Voice: https://youtu.be/2MaiJtecGmI?si=H6h5nLCUQsk9039K
CW: Dr Potterswheel's gore fetish, infection, death, miscarriage,
She moved to Moralton because you know The War and was shunned because of the rumors around town of her being a foreigner and France being a place of sin and lust. The librarian there gave her a job because she assumed no moralton man was going to be interested because of her reputation and took pity on her. Oh another reason the moraltons hate her lol, France is a majority Catholic country. Marie was part of the minority there that was Protestant but obviously the Moraltons didn’t care.
In comes a young Quentin.
He was studying for his medical school exams and often came in, staying the often inaccurate statesotan medical books for long hours. Sometimes when it was just the librarian and the two of them she would avoid him at all costs, not wanting to further her reputation.
He was aware of Marie-Therese, she was pretty and always helpful when she knew where to find a book he needed.
One day some kind of accident happened, not serious enough that she was in any real danger but enough that she needed medical assistance. Maybe a bookcase fell on her and she needed some stitches?
M-T was not one to speak up or make a fuss, but Quentin had a handsome deep voice and spoke with so much authority. He did his best to reassure her she would be ok and in a sense it coaxed the words right out of her. She had a way with words and could describe her pain like she was painting a picture, I like to think she enjoyed writing poetry, but you and I both know that’s not why it attracted him so intensely.
Despite the town doing its best to shun her she still attended church every Sunday and every Sunday Quentin would inquire about her wounds progress and ask to see it. One day a few weeks after her wound had healed they were conversing and Marie-Therese joked sadly that they could no longer be seen together as she didn’t have the excuse of being his practice patent.
At which point Quentin proposed. It wasn’t the most romantic affair to most, he said it matter of factly as he does most things. But that was ok, she would have the bedside manner and the way with words for them both.
Their relationship itself….well they had a foot up on many Moralton couples as they were truly in love. Many would consider Marie a fool as he was not the most romantic man. He was soft when she would fuss or worry (think about the way he spoke to Bloberta when she said her wound was bad) but when she really took issue with something he wouldn’t get more emotional, but even less, she found herself at times disheartened at the way he would dismiss her worries and talk down to her. She insisted to her newfound housewife friends that they just didn’t know him like she did, which was *sort* of true.
She honestly didn’t mind his “preferences” she assumed that taking charge was what a husband was meant to do in the bedroom, and that a “little” pain was just what a good Christian woman had to put up with after a life of chastity. When she had other wounds and he would take a bit too much of a vested interest she thought it was just his way of showing he cared. She never understood why he would discourage what he called “unnecessary” medications like, allergy meds, antacids, etc. always feeding her a line about the lord helping those who help themselves.
She tried her best to become more like the other wives of Moralton, she even took up sewing and embroidery. She made a comment once about how she was just like him, sewing up patients. He stroked her head and smiled, “How cute. You’d worry yourself sick if anything important was counting on your little stick ‘n’ pokes.”
Things got better when they got the wonderful news that Marie was pregnant. Her pregnancy was very rough, unlike anything Quentin had ever seen. He would comfort her by telling her of the many strong mothers he had seen in his career so far, if she couldn’t handle the pain of the pregnancy how could she handle the birth? The smile he would give her when she would nod in agreement was all the soothing she needed.
She was nearing the worst of it when she used the last of her energy to embroider a handkerchief for him, with his initials on it. Sometimes he would use it to clean her face when she would cough up one thing or another, or wet it to soothe her forehead.
Of course she wasn’t *just* facing pregnancy complications, she had caught a whole other sickness entirely, an infection. The days went by and Quentin got more desperate. Out of love for his wife? Out of a need to prove his abilities as a doctor? Who knows. He would never admit fault for anything let alone a patient, he sure as hell wasn’t going to take the blame for losing the woman he cares for. He tried everything, except actual medical science.
Finally he relented and began to give her painkillers. I believe it would be more in character if he didn’t tell her. Visitors from the town and a young Reverend Putty suspected it but she was none the wiser. She used to say things like, “Ma moitié having you pray for me and care for me is so healing, I am feeling better already.”
When she could form full coherent sentences.
With the way medicine was at the time while some painkillers are safe for pregnant women these probably weren’t, but they weren’t what took her. It got to the point that she wasn’t herself anymore but spent her days lying in bed in a haze, barely awake.
She swore sometimes that she could see Quentin there at her side, watching her, even feel him stroke her hand. But when she got her eyes to focus he wasn’t there anymore.
One day Quentin went in for a morning check up and the sheets were covered in blood. He had lost his wife and his child in one fell swoop.
It was a horrific scene but she looked so serene. So comfortable. She was clutching his handkerchief.
This takes place with the assumption that Moralton is not modern day, I headcanon Quentin to be around 50
This was fun, nothing is set in stone truly as this was part of a stream of consciousness conversation with my friend @cheonsa-n I’m fully up for criticism if anything seems out of character. I’m also happy to explain the reasoning behind certain choices!
I don’t personally buy the idea that Quentin killed his wife on purpose, a man with Quentin’s disposition who actually committed a murder wouldn’t resort to almost stabbing the man who accused him of it, that’s how you get people to think you killed your wife on purpose lol.
I hope you guys enjoy what I came up with. Their relationship isn’t fully this way as he was attracted to her and subjected her to some of the same treatment we saw Bloberta go through, but their marriage in my mind had a bit of a Madonna-whore complex flavoring to it. I also believe this is somewhat of an origin story for his habit of treating everything with almost exclusively painkillers. Marie-Thérèse couldn’t be saved but she was, as Quentin puts it, very comfortable when she passed.
In the AU where she lives she still suffered a miscarriage and Clay calls Dr. Potterswheel a babykiller instead. She is still as sweet as the day she and Quentin met but she isn’t particularly keen on giving Orel the time and attention he needs either, it’s too painful. When she does give him advice she tends to advise him to wait things out and not rock the boat. She tells him that good things come to those who wait.
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marietheran-archived · 6 months ago
sh*t when I rant on here I do not want people to come tell me I'm wrong 'kay? that's not what complaining is for.
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two-white-butterflies · 2 years ago
milk matches her underwear | d. targaryen
Description: how the media reacted to therese's relationship. a thread of posts and articles talking about it. Pairing: millionaire!daemon targaryen/low-key!actress!reader part one
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The self made millionaire, Daemon Targaryen, is known for his scandalous relationships. In 2010, he began dating infamous heiress, Paris Hilton - in which their relationship was dubbed as 'weed-gate' as they were both caught smoking marijuana during the FIFA WORLD CUP in South Africa. While the heiress evaded charges (stating that the bag was 'too cheap' to be hers), the millionaire went under fire and his company stocks plummeted. His next beau, Sandra Bullock, reportedly broke up with him due to his 'offensive' and 'depraved' nature.
All of therese's fans are wondering if the millionaire is a perfect fit for their Indie Princess. As she is known for keeping her life private, while Daemon Targaryen - is the opposite.
richardmatterson: plus, he's a little too old for her. - bethcocoa: i agree and he keeps posting on his insta accs, i don't think she likes that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ - metuccirichie: if she don't like that then she wouldn't be dating him , but she is which means that it's ok
medusasmith: I kinda liked her more with Fernando Alonso - vineyvinnie: FR SHE WAS THE WAG OF THE 2010'S - medusasmith: she was the WAG before WAG was a thing
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daemontargaryenismydaddy: how daemon targaryen reads all the hate articles about him inside his $52 million mansion in beverly hills after making out with therese and renting out an entire mall for her
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ongismterrence: he rlly isn't bothered - daemontargaryenismydaddy: he could care less
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therese: (first picture: bf in normal habitat) (second picture: bf in my normal habitat)
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DaemonTargaryen: One was taken while i was 😵‍💫 and the other was taken while i was 🥰 - therese: which one is which?
clarainezzzz: come home wife, the kids miss you.
user 999: someone said that she labels her posts the same way national geographic labels their books and i can't unsee it 😭 - therese: first pic: man discovers alcohol. (colorized) - DaemonTargaryen: Second pic: man discovers love. (colorized) - therese: 😳
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stantwtisinnsta: therese reading her bf's cheesy posts about her, i just know that she's getting the ick LOL
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beyoncelanataylorworld: Ya'll swear that ya'll dgaf but this is ya'll when there's news about therese and daemon
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thealonsoshipper: missing this era of therese and fernando
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thereseismyladylord: friendly reminder that that was the lowest point of her life (acc to her in an interview)
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therese: Ten years, and the string is still tight. It breaks my heart to see these comments about you. My personal life is NEVER up for public scrutiny.
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"I think part [of] the reason that I didn't have social media presence was because of the amount of hate I got over my personal decisions"
When the actress was asked about Fernando Alonso this was her reply.
"I mean my exes are amazing, the backlash that I got wasn't. Everyone was speculating over my personal life that my public life got overshadowed. I don't like that."
When we asked her about the hate that her recent boyfriend is getting, this was what she answered: "I'll never leave him alone - I'll defend him against everything. He's amazing, he's a shot of espresso. I'm not letting anyone ruin the art that we have."
part three
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@baybieruth @watercolorskyy
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swanlakex · 2 months ago
Short chapter today while I figure out what to do with this story.. let me cook.
Hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading
(Also yayyy French time)
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Chapter 3: le condamné
Running your hands against the veil’s lacy fabric, you thought about the rest of your life. You thought of your legacy, what you strove toward all these years, your passions, your triumphs. You thought of your father. You thought of him on this day, consoling you, encouraging you.
Hell- he would probably have scared Skywalker into being nice to you at this point. But he was dead, not here. And there was nobody left to advocate for you. Except yourself.
Esme came into the room.
“Bonjour mon cher.” She was speaking French. She only does this when she feels pity towards you.
“La cérémonie commence dans l'heure. Puis-je t'aider à t'habiller?” You nod, allowing her to help you get dressed.
“Comment te sens-tu?” She asks how you are, and you only shake your head and slip out a “Bof..” You lie. You are full of dread. I am to spend the rest of my days haunting a castle of a man who despises marriage. You say in your head. How am I to be optimistic?
Esme finishes lacing up the wedding dress and pins in your veil. You step in front of the mirror. “Belle fille..” she whispers. She’s right, you really did look beautiful. Yet you only thought of everything ugly swarming beneath your clothes.
The wedding was professional, unfeeling, and distant. You didn’t kiss, just exchanged rings. The vows were Catholic prayers, pre-written thousands of years ago. It was everything you never expected, but what were you to expect, anyways?
There was a ball held after, and despite the urge to remain on the opposite side of the room from him, you were forced to sit idly beside him. Almost an hour of excruciating silence passes. You watch his demeanor, how he shifts in his seat. Nobody spoke to him, nobody congratulated him. It was like a business meeting.
Suddenly, a waltz begins. But not just any waltz, it was one you were familiar with. Hungarian Dance. You gasp, and immediately turn to your sister. She beams with a fond, distant memory. You both dash out of your seats, and to the floor.
Your mother made you and your sister take lessons as a child, and Hungarian was your favorite out of all of them. It was fast, lively, cheerful, and invigorating. Therese and you jumped, turned, and waltzed hand in hand (giggling like children the whole time, especially when you two would trip over your dress’ trail.)
Anakin observes from afar, unnoticed by you. He sees the blatant love you have on your face for your sister, for your childhood and its tender memories. He watches as you grab Louis from the crowd, forcing him to spin- even cracking him a smile.
Finally, the ballad ends. Anakin watches you and your siblings pant, trying to gulp down all of the air in the room. He stares as he sees your mother slice through the crowd, scolding the three of you for causing a scene. “How unbecoming!” She barks. “What would your father think, embarrassing our name in such a manner?!” He watches, and he almost smiles when she turns her back and you look to your siblings, hold them close, and belt out with laughter.
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dailykafka · 3 months ago
Hi! I just Reiner Stach's interview about Kafka and found this part: "For example, Kafka was deeply shocked when he read in Franz Grillparzer’s biography that Grillparzer, who was very much in love with a woman, had written in his diary: “I took Therese on my lap and felt nothing.” I think that Kafka, at that moment, thought of Felice Bauer, whom he didn’t really want." Would you know if Kafka mentioned this in his diary or a letter? And if so, could you point me to where it’s written? Thanks so much for your help!!
Kafka mentions Grillparzer in his diaries but I don't remember that specific part (him being shocked and commenting on that). If I find that part, I'll post it.
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archduchessofnowhere · 1 year ago
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Elisabeth's grand mistress of the court [Oberhofmeisterin], Countess Esterházy, with whom she had never felt comfortable, remained in Vienna. Archduchess Sophie had no say in the choice of Elisabeth's travel entourage. She complained to Franz Joseph's brother Karl Ludwig about the lack of trust: the advice she had given Franz Joseph had been nothing more than “fruitless attempts”. Thus Sisi was not accompanied to Madeira by her grand mistress of the court, but by her new deputy, Princess Mathilde Windisch-Grätz. The latter had only been appointed as Elisabeth's lady-in-waiting in 1860 and had endeared herself to her from the very first moment. Mathilde's husband had died in the Italian campaign of 1859; the empress had shown compassion for the grieving young widow, left with a small child, and the two became friends. Mathilde's brother was not surprised that she had agreed to go: “That Mathilde would comply with the Empress' wishes was to be expected, given the personal relationship between the two, but the responsibility for this undertaking, so infinitely serious in every respect, is great”. The appointment of Mathilde as deputy grand mistress of the empress's court aroused some astonishment. Archduchess Therese was furious: “Countess Esterházy is being sidelined in a very strange way. In her place, the young Mathilde Windisch-Grätz goes to Madeira; it is also strange that the latter leaves her small child behind”.
Mathilde was an intelligent and thoughtful woman who did not allow herself to jump to conclusions about people. She tried to look at Elisabeth without prejudice and not let herself be influenced by the opinion of the court society. During her stay in Madeira she kept a diary: reading it would be instructive, as the young deputy to the grand mistress of the court gained a deep insight into the empress's nature. But she was in doubt as to whether she would pass on her private notes on Elisabeth to posterity, who would hardly get a correct idea of her complex personality. That is why she left his brother to decide whether or not the diary should be kept. The comments on her relationship with Elisabeth and her character contained therein are, in their frankness, more interesting than what most contemporary women were able to report. “If you think,” Mathilde wrote to her brother, “that what I have written is detrimental to the existing opinion of her [Elisabeth], see to it that no one else but yourself can read it; and do not judge her too harshly; tell yourself that if, after the undeniably difficult hours she has given me, I still cling to her with such a warm and intimate love, there must be more in this woman's nature than the public can recognise. One has to know her exactly as I do, at least as long as I have lived in close contact with her world, to be able to correctly judge some of her faults, unfortunately, but also the qualities of her character. God bless her, I have few more ardent desires”. Alfred Windisch-Grätz eventually decided to destroy his sister's diary.
Winkelhofer, Martina (2022). Sissi. La vera storia. Il camino della giovane imperatrice (Translation done by DeepL. Please keep in mind that in a machine translation a lot of nuance may/will be lost)
Pictured: Princess Mathilde with her daughter Eleonore, by Ludwig Angerer, circa 1862 (left); Empress Elisabeth, by an unknown photographer, circa 1860 (right). Via the Wien Museum.
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shipcestuous · 9 months ago
Hey Shipcestuous. ShipCestFan here.
Didn't see Mad Cowgirl on your master list, so thought I would mention it in case you'd like to add it to the blog and lists.
A 2006 “horror romance” about a young, 20-something woman, Therese, who slowly loses her mind to Mad Cow disease.
She is close to her (older?) brother, Thierry, and they often have “date night” seeing how neither can find anyone that understands them better than each other. On one particular date night, Therese asks her brother not to leave after he helps her to bed (queue Barry White. lol)
Because we, the viewer, know she is losing her mind, we don't know if the shipcest is real or in Therese's head?
I liked how the film established their relationship and bond. They both grew up working in the meat industry. And in one scene early in the film, they're at work and they bicker like classic siblings but then quickly make up. They both love a good steak, which is evidenced during their romantic date night meal at Therese's place.
The film is quirky and odd and the editing is a bit choppy and frustrating. But I enjoyed the shipcest included – real or imagined. And yes, that is 'Chekov' from the original Star Trek as the Pastor for which Therese pines.
Here are some screen shots with my editorial comments for clarity.
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Thanks so much for sharing about this movie! I had never heard of it.
A pair of siblings that like to go on dates? I like it very much.
The ambiguity sounds frustrating!
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rainwingmarvel7 · 5 months ago
👑 for Therese so she can be the queen of love & beauty like she deserves (pay no attention to my own bias lol)
Bias? What bias? Personally I think you’re onto something here.
Therese sprang up from her seat beside Aegon, clapping excitedly as Ser Criston unhorsed his opponent, a young knight from the Westerlands nowhere near skilled enough to best him, Lancel Lefford. The crowd cheered along with her, although Criston paid them no attention as he rode towards his squire, Therese’s twin brother Tristan, who handed him the favor he was meant to give to crown his Queen of Love and Beauty.
“I wonder who will have the honor of Ser Criston’s favor,” Aegon commented. “He is a knight of the Kingsguard. There is no woman for him to fancy. Well, not one that he could make known, at least.”
“Perhaps it will be your mother then,” Therese suggested innocently, although she herself knew better. “He is her sworn sword, after all.”
“Perhaps,” Aegon echoed, sounding a bit bored of that idea.
Therese turned her attention away from her husband to watch as Criston rode towards the royal box, toting his precious floral favor in one hand. But he did not stop before Alicent, nor Princess Helaena sitting beside her.
It was only when he reached Therese that he pulled back on the reigns of his pure white stallion to halt. He presented the crown, woven with loveliest lime blossom, meadowsweet, jonquil, and primrose, to her. His Queen of Love and Beauty.
“For you, Princess,” he said.
Therese smiled back coyly at him. “Thank you, Ser Criston,” she said, accepting his favor. “You are too kind.”
“You are too deserving of it.” Criston smiled back at her. “Happy nameday, Therese.”
With a bow of his head, he rode off again, leaving Therese grinning after him. She placed the crown atop her head, far more valuable to her than any of gold and jewels.
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maggiec70 · 10 months ago
Antoinette Redux...
...and doubtless for far longer than I'm around.
Some time ago I replied to an earnest but largely inaccurate defense of Marie-Antoinette that bemoaned the alleged myths surrounding her. I only remembered this when someone “liked” my response, and I looked at it again. This time, I noticed the five added comments extolling Antoinette and Louis and tossing out red herrings and additional historical bloopers. More important, however, was that the original poster shut it down to any further comments. I wonder why? Disapproves of criticism? Dislikes historical accuracy when it challenges the pretty view she extolls of her historical heroine? Wants the two “fans” to have their say but no more from the nay-sayers?
I will not let this pass, petty as it may seem.  Besides, there are times that I refuse to allow crap about specific historical figures to pass unchallenged.
These are the comments posted in Antoinette’s defense. I haven’t changed a word, but I deleted the names because they are unimportant. My responses are in italics.
Commenter #1:
“There is evidence King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette gave to the poor, provided education and other needs to the poor, and that the queen took a special interest in local children in need.”
In my reblog, I described specifically how Antoinette treated the poor; this is a regurgitation but more generalized, perhaps to make this charity seem much more extensive and continuous than it was. One point here for some accuracy, though marred by clear exaggeration.
King Louis was very 'wholesome' and was the first king not to take a mistress. Yet cartoons of the time portrayed all the royals and nobles as debauched.
Louis had some well-documented physical issues—the two most critical were tight, painful phimosis, which generally inhibits erection and ejaculation, and hypogonadism, which causes diminished libido. I suppose those conditions would preclude a mistress. These conditions also meant that he did not consummate his marriage until Antoinette’s brother, Joseph II, came to Paris to explain the mechanics of sex to Louis. Nevertheless, Antoinette didn’t have a child until eight years later. The contemporary historical records, including reports from his doctors, are replete with medical details. Quite a few are on Gallica, and even more are in the various French archives. Have a look, why don’t you?
Does this low libido and physical condition make Louis “wholesome?” Absolutely not. But it does explain why he never had a mistress. And yes, the cartoons and broadsheets more often showed Louis as impotent and hopeless, watching as Antoinette frolicked with legions of men. Louis was undoubtedly sexually dysfunctional, but Antoinette was not debauched or promiscuous.  These broadsides were the late 18th century’s equivalent of X, formerly known as Twitter, where folks trashed royals and aristocrats.
“Marie apologized to the executioner for stepping on his toe.”
Excuse me, but why on earth does this matter? After almost a lifetime of indifference at best toward anyone not in her intimate circle, Antoinette’s “apology” means squat. However, if this means a great character trait, go right ahead.
Commenter #1, second comment:
“Some of the worst treatment was meted out toward their son, a helpless child, while imprisoned. It is too horrific to repeat here.”
No, this treatment is not “too horrific” to repeat here or anywhere if you want people to know what happened. However, you have to be careful here or regarding any other subject regarding what sources you use. Yes, indeed, the removal of the then eight-year-old dauphin, Louis-Charles, from his mother and sister, Marie-Therese, was harsh. His imprisonment was brutal: cold, filthy, with little water and less food, and no human contact other than his jailers who kept him under constant surveillance and who beat him almost daily, continually criticized Antoinette and Louis, as well as trying to force him to deny God, sing bawdy songs, and learn how to curse. The more gruesome allegations of sexual abuse are plentiful as well but not confirmed in the historical record. All the other types of abuse are documented in plentiful archival documents.
Commenter #2:
“…yes...and this poor child was litterally [sic] taken from his mother [sic] arms... Knowing how difficult it was for Marie Antoinette to have children in the first place ( in the Sofia Coppola movie my heart sinks every time when the young Queen runs to her private chamber to cry when her SIL gives birth) that was the worst thing her enemies could do to hurt her.”
Removing a child from its mother’s arms is a dreadful experience, but certainly not unique to Antoinette. So why is this an issue? Because it truly is not. Think of the many thousands of impoverished French mothers whose children dead from disease and starvation were removed from their arms for burial. Changes the perspective a bit, or it should.
The danger of using movies for any historical knowledge should be obvious. Coppola’s version certainly failed to explain any of the real reasons and backstory for these tears. And they are also exaggerated. You don’t read any history—real history, not Wikipedia, not historical novels, do you?
Commenter #1, third comment:
“Too horrible to imagine.”
I was tempted to omit this part of the chorus as too inane and uninformative, but, you know, truth.
I have no idea this will change anyone’s mind—it probably won’t, since breathless fangurl love for Antoinette, Anne Boleyn, and any one of the Romanov girls is generally firmly in place and generally idealistic.
However, I’m a historian, and I don’t often let misinformation unsupported by archival, primary, and even valid secondary sources go unchallenged. I also know how to evaluate those sources regarding when and by whom they were written and in what political, social, religious, and economic environment.
So here we are. I’ve said my piece—again—about Antoinette. Disagree all you like, but please state on what your disagreement is based: fact, or opinion.
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marietheran-archived · 9 months ago
But I've realised I've already had someone get mad at me on the internet both for holding left-wing and right-wing positions and actually I'm kind of proud of it
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marietheran · 9 days ago
the community wide systemic problem is that people are often annoying
Is this actually a community wide or systemic problem or did you just meet one annoying guy
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legofanguy1999 · 3 months ago
A Vampire the Masquerade Bloodline fanfiction featuring my oc Mike and the famous Ms. Voerman after the events of the game.
Tourette Voerman feel passionate as her brother Mike is kissing her hips and her split personalities are commenting on this, with the sexual active personality Jeanette saying in their mind, ‘This is good.’ and the businesswoman personality Therese reply back, ‘I can agree on that.’
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