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shipcestuous · 10 months ago
Hey Shipcestuous. ShipCestFan here.
Didn't see Mad Cowgirl on your master list, so thought I would mention it in case you'd like to add it to the blog and lists.
A 2006 “horror romance” about a young, 20-something woman, Therese, who slowly loses her mind to Mad Cow disease.
She is close to her (older?) brother, Thierry, and they often have “date night” seeing how neither can find anyone that understands them better than each other. On one particular date night, Therese asks her brother not to leave after he helps her to bed (queue Barry White. lol)
Because we, the viewer, know she is losing her mind, we don't know if the shipcest is real or in Therese's head?
I liked how the film established their relationship and bond. They both grew up working in the meat industry. And in one scene early in the film, they're at work and they bicker like classic siblings but then quickly make up. They both love a good steak, which is evidenced during their romantic date night meal at Therese's place.
The film is quirky and odd and the editing is a bit choppy and frustrating. But I enjoyed the shipcest included – real or imagined. And yes, that is 'Chekov' from the original Star Trek as the Pastor for which Therese pines.
Here are some screen shots with my editorial comments for clarity.
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Thanks so much for sharing about this movie! I had never heard of it.
A pair of siblings that like to go on dates? I like it very much.
The ambiguity sounds frustrating!
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shipcestuous · 10 months ago
58M; USA
Wow. And here I thought doing an intelligent search on IMDB gave me all of the shipcest I wanted. Then I discovered shipcestuous about a year ago and your curated lists across all mediums is, hands down, fantastic. Thank you, shipcestuous, for having the courage to put this blog into action and maintain it for all of us. I hope everyone appreciates you as much as I do.
I've been a lurker for about a year but finally decided to sign up and post in order to support the blog. I feel like shipcestuous is my brother from a different mother.
My story began in college, when I dated a 21yo woman who was in a consensual, thriving (but secret) relationship with her still very healthy and virile grandfather. Looking back, I realize now he had become her Sugar Daddy, but they really cared for her. She and I are still friends and she is a very successful attorney, so proof that not every shipcest is doomed to disaster or evidence of mentally unstable people. With her, I realized that real, emotionally involving shipcests among consenting adults can exist... maybe even thrive.
That experience set me on a path of seeking out shipcests - whether IRL or in the arts - that still continues after 4 decades. It's impacted every aspect of my life, and maintaining its secrecy has become a bit of a burden. I am an emotionally healthy adult with 2 amazing and successfully grown children. I have been divorced for nearly 2 decades, but my divorce was not related to my obsession/hobby/fantasy (my ex-wife did know about it but chose not to partake in it). Now, nearing 60 years of age, I have no interest in meeting anyone if I can't share my love of the fantasy/hobby with her. And THAT is easier said than done as I'm sure many of you have discovered. I spend most of my days watching films with shipcest themes and logging them so that I can return to my favorites. And I'm perfectly okay with that.
Moving forward, I hope to contribute by adding to your lists, but honestly, it seems like you have captured already every shipcest in the film and arts that I'm encountering. Nevertheless, if I run into something new, I'll post and you can add it to the list.
Keep on, keep on, shipcestuous. And thanks again.
This was such a wonderful message to receive. I'm so pleased that you de-lurked to say something!
That's really fascinating about your friend and her relationship with her grandfather. So glad everything ended fine for everyone! Like you said, there it is, proof.
I understand so much how the secrecy can be a burden. I really hope you find someone who can enjoy it as much as you do. That's the dream for all of us!
If you've been chasing tags on IMDB then I'm sure you'll come across something that isn't on my lists. As long as some of the lists are, they're far from complete. Happy hunting!
Thanks, again!
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shipcestuous · 8 months ago
Hey, Shipcestuous, et. al.,
ShipCestFan here. Working on another submission but in the meantime, I have a question/favor/request from you and our secret society.
A film on your rec lists call La Tarea intrigued me to seek it out and watch it. The post on your rec list is from 2015 and mentions it being b/s. But I could not for the life of me figure out how or conclude that the 2 main characters were siblings. Can you, all, help me out here? The film is in Spanish but I did find it with English subs. But again, I miss where we discover they are brother and sister?
And if that wasn’t frustrating enough, the writer/director, made a sequel titled, La Tarea Prohibida (also in Spanish I believe). This one is not on your lists but IMDB lists it under incest keyword. I believe the sequel is supposed to have a canon arc about m/s??? I could not find a version with Eng subs for Prohibida but I did find an SRT file that I was able to pull into the video. But the SRT file is horribly off sync and badly translated. So I’m still confused.
Both movies’ descriptions/overview in IMDB are cryptic, so I can’t tell in both movies where the cestship lies?
Maybe one of your readers who understands Spanish and/or has seen both movies can explain it to the rest of us?
I LOVE cestships of any kind as long as they are adults and consensual, so ANY info on either/both movies would be GREATLY appreciated!
And if I end up watching them both and understanding them, I might submit one of my (in?)famous overviews. lololol
TIA for all you do and to anyone that helps me out!
I think I might know what happened here. The “La Tarea” on the canon list is a short. Here is the post where it was recommended to me. It was posted on YouTube (the link is no longer working), and was no more than 15 minutes long. Is that what you watched? This was a very low-budget likely “homemade” short with I think just three characters - a brother, a sister, and their mother. Most likely it was not official enough to have ever been on IMDB. 
The movie you’re describing appears to be something else and I feel awful if you watched an entire movie thinking it was something else! I’m so sorry about the confusion. 
But you appear to have discovered something new at least - La Tarea Prohibida. I don’t have a solution for you, but maybe one of my Spanish speaking followers can watch it and let us know if it’s worth the trouble of trying to fix up the subtitles? 
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shipcestuous-two · 3 months ago
Ep 5 of ShipCestFAn's IRL Observations - cousins
Hey, Shipcestuous. ShipCestFan back with another episode of “ShipCestFan’s IRL Observations” over my decades as a shipper.
In my last tale, I told of getting divorced after a decade of marriage and starting to date. After dating my daughter’s kindergarten teacher for a year and the relationship ending, I met and began dating a very wealthy, Italian woman my age. Let’s call her Rosa.
I met Rosa through a dating website. We immediately hit it off and began spending a lot of time together. She was a bit too conservative for me, both in the bedroom and in her views. But one event happened during the 14 months we dated that made my shipper-goggles fog up.
Six months into dating, Rosa informed me that her cousin was coming into town from out of state, and she wanted me to meet him. Let’s call him Vinnie. Vinnie was a year younger than Rosa – never married although he was a VERY handsome, fit man in his late 40s, like me and Rosa. He was a stockbroker living in NYC and had done very, very well for himself – something that was very attractive to Rosa. Vinnie and Rosa were first cousins by way of their dads being brothers. Both dads were successful businessmen still in the metro area of the big city in which Rosa and I still lived. And the dads had helped Vinnie and Rosa start their own businesses – Rosa in my city; Vinnie in NYC. Rosa had not seen Vinnie since she divorced and became single again a year and a half earlier (key point to keep in mind).
When Vinnie arrived into town, Rosa’s first meet up with him was just the 2 of them over lunch. But she was at work and her pre-adolescent kids in school so she could break away to be with him alone. At first, I didn’t think anything of this. But after my experience meeting him at dinner later in the week, I thought back to this “lunch”. What made me raise my eyebrows was that they met up for lunch at her house rather than at a restaurant. Rosa’s rationale was so that they could “catch up in peace” and make give him something to eat that was from scratch. Mmmkay. But here’s the kicker… Rosa hated to cook and we ate out at restaurants more than we did at home unless I cooked. So let’s analyze this and let me make a case for why I think “lunch” was actually a cestship “quickie”lol…
Point 1: Like I said, Rosa hated to cook and was not very good at it. Surprising for an Italian woman but it was true. But now, suddenly, for this lunch, she was going to leave work, drive home, make lunch for her and Vinnie and return to work? Um…not the woman I knew. Point 2: They met in her house…just the two of them… alone….with a bedroom upstairs…ahem. Point 3: Add to points 1 and 2 the fact that she was the owner/boss of her own company and wouldn’t have to answer to anyone if she took a “long” lunch, so she could be gone as long as she wanted. And Point 4: they were both very well off financially, so it wasn’t as if she was trying to be frugal by not going out to lunch. My summary? There was NO incentive for the two of them to have lunch at her house unless they were instead secretly planning to get a quick romp-in-the-sack in during “lunch hour”. lol So there’s my first alarm that made my incest-radar go off. Second alarm…
So I finally got to meet Vinnie later in the week. The 3 of us met up at a trendy bistro in town. Mine and Rosa’s kids were with their other parents, as Vinnie didn’t care for kids. Vinnie was very cordial, very respectful and engaging with me. But my shipper-goggles made my Cestship Radar alarms go off several times during the dinner at what I witnessed.
First, we sat in a booth. And Rosa immediately, and without hesitation, sat on the same side with her cousin rather than with me, her boyfriend. She and I had a habit of sitting on the same side in a booth when we went out to dinner. But this time, she chose her cousin over her boyfriend. I didn’t mind at all, but it definitely made made me take notice and raise my eyebrow.
Secondly, Rosa and Vinnie reminisced about their time in college together. I discovered that they had both attended the same university in state about 3 hours away from their childhood homes and were there a year apart. As my girlfriend, Rosa, retold, “we hung out a lot. All of our friends would go out on Friday night but Vinnie and I would stay back and just… hang out in either his or my dorm or apartment.” I remember asking if they did this just their Freshman year, as I remembered my own lonely first few months at college. And both looked at each other with smirks on their faces and said no, they did this throughout their 4 years there. So the cousins were opting to hang out alone together on most weekends instead of going out with their friends? Mmmkay.
Similar comments ensued throughout dinner, with each of them holding their gazes at each other after each comment. Their gazes at each other could only be described as… “longing” in my book. It spoke volumes to this shipper. I almost got the sense they were BUSTING to confess their cestship to me but were too afraid. I wish they would have; I wish they would have revealed it and the three of us could have moved into a throuple cestship.
Anyway, the more my girlfriend drank that night at dinner, the louder she got and the more touchy-feely she got… with her cousin, not me, her boyfriend. LOL. Her hands were all over his fit, buff body…fluttering over his biceps, his chest and his forearm – much like she did to me when it was just she and I out on date night. I also noticed they were snuggled closely together and her hand would often slide under the table momentarily. And my girlfriend had done this with me when we were out at dinner, and usually, it was to caress my thigh…her way of telling me she was getting in the mood. But now she might have been doing it to her cousin? Damn shipper-goggles making me jump to all kinds of crazy conclusions! But I bet I wasn’t that far off.
Okay so Vinnie finally left town, and I wanted to find out more from Rosa. Weeks later during a date night at my place, and where I cooked dinner and we indulged in red wine, I brought up Vinnie once Rosa had loosened up. I remarked that he seemed like a great guy to which she agreed. I told her that it was nice to see that they had kept in touch and remained close.
I remember my girlfriend – with glassy eyes looking off into the distance and that “longing” expression back on her face - saying that no one would ever understand the connection that she and Vinnie had. Um…yes… yes… this cestshipper would. lol. She went on to say that her memories of the two of them in college were something she’d cherish the rest of her life. Mmmkay.
I never got the nerve to confront my girlfriend about Vinnie – mostly because she was too conservative and wound tightly. She had readily admitted to me that she trusted absolutely no one, and her public image was everything to her so I don’t think she would have admitted anything for fear of it being used against her if we broke up (not my style but I get it). Had she have been more open-minded, I might have broached it. But I was sure she would have denied it and maybe called me a sicko and broken up with me. But to this day, my suspicions remain that the two of them were – or had been - in a sexual cestship.
Here’s what I ultimately concluded: First, I am absolutely convinced they had a crossed into “forbidden” sexual cestship territory while in college. Think about it… they were alone; away from family; no one really knew they were related, they were already close emotionally and obviously attracted to each other. Throw in some alcohol on these weekends and there’s that “perfect storm” I talk about all the time. And we all know that once you cross the line that first time, it gets easier.
Secondly, I was absolutely convinced that the flame still burned white-hot for both of them, even decades later, and I truly believe if Vinnie still lived a stone’s throw from Rosa, they would have rekindled their cestship, including regular sex and especially after she divorced and became single again. Their “lunch” date immediately on day 2 of his vacation convinced me of this - they couldn’t wait to get their hands on each other (again, now that Rosa was single again). In fact, I’m willing to bet if he had lived close by, Rosa wouldn’t even be dating after her divorce and would have been happy in a secret FWB cestship with her cousin.
One last thing in conclusion, I remember after Rosa and I broke up, we tried to remain friends, catching up now and then. During one of our conversations about 6 months after we ended things, she excitedly mentioned that she was heading to NYC to visit Vinnie. When I remarked that NYC should be fun for her kids who had yet to visit the city, she commented that her kids were NOT going with her and instead heading on vacation with dad and his new wife at that same time. So Rosa was going to visit Vinnie… alone… for an entire week and and both single… Um…yeah….okay. Me willing to bet my life they never saw NYC beyond the four walls of his bedroom during her entire visit. LOL
What still gives me a thrill all these years later thinking about Rosa and Vinnie was that – even though they were cousins - they looked more like brother and sister. They resembled each other a lot, probably cuz the dads looked almost like twins! Rosa and Vinnie, both, had the same dark hair; same olive skin; same hook nose; same eyes and same chin. And that made a heck of a memory for me, even all these years later. :)
And there is this episode of “ShipCestFan’s IRL Observations”. Until next time…
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