#dr potterswheel
ai3xx0 · 1 day
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friendship ended with jack deenar. now jack sundowne is my best friend
funny how both of the meanings behind his surname would be ironic (thanks sinvilles i had no clue what sundown town even meant)
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deercervid · 1 month
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moral orel furries are you fucking serious, deer.
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dr-chosenberg · 1 month
As promised! The design for my Mrs Potterswheel in the AU timeline where she survived her infection and lives to when the show takes place (right) compared to when she died in the regular timeline (left)
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Marie-Thérèse Potterswheel
- From her original bio, “in the AU where she lives she still suffered a miscarriage and Clay calls Dr. Potterswheel a babykiller instead. She is still as sweet as the day she and Quentin met but she isn’t particularly keen on giving Orel the time and attention he needs either, it’s too painful. When she does give him advice she tends to advise him to wait things out and not rock the boat. She tells him that good things come to those who wait.”
- Her accent was never unintelligible, it has even softened in the years she’s lived in Moralton. There’s a running gag in the show that nobody can understand a word she’s saying, except Orel.
- She is prone to completely random bouts of crying, Reverend Putty always makes poorly received jokes about how moved by his sermons she must be.
- These are usually a sign that her prescription painkillers have worn off, she will usually be seen in the next scene (if she appears again in the episode) blissfully unaware of her surroundings.
-When she’s in this slurring state, suddenly everyone acts as though they can understand her perfectly and reply to her as though she’s agreed with whatever they’ve said.
- Not too fond of the Christstiens and makes some uncharacteristically strange comments about Dr. Chosenberg, which her husband ignores.
- The episode “Numb” plays out exactly as it normally does. She does not notice that Quentin has lost his handkerchief.
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@ the am I the asshole anon
AITA for drunkenly shooting my son?
AITA for impregnating all the women in my town because I didn't want to waste my seed?
AITA for accidentally flirting with my daughter (not knowing she was my daughter at the time)?
TIFU by pushing a guy into drinking and now he's an alcoholic and hits our kid
AITA for burning down the house of an Italian family because they were Italian
AITA for getting off on the pain of my patients (I am a doctor)
AITA for piercing a 12 year olds penis without parental consent?
I just want to say thaf reverend putty would probably have reddit
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rottenlittlefink · 3 months
RIP Dr Potterswheel, you would have loved being an e-girl 😩
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cormbrerb · 2 years
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redraws from closeface (s03e09), sacrifice (s03e11), and honor (s03e13)
-rambles under the cut-
hello 5 people in the moral orel fandom :D
i’ve been working on these three for soooo long but school and work have been getting in the way a lot. but anyway yeh i grapped a few screenshots back in late july when i rewatched mo last and did that silly goofy screencap redraw thing that artists do. tried out a new funky coloring thingy. also my first time drawing christina yippeeeee
apologies for style inconsistencies between these three, they were literally made months apart lol
take my swag epic cool art of a polite dance, an impolite barfight, and raging homo activity
also be ready for some more moral orel art dumps these next few days
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selfshippinglover · 2 years
Orel’s Movie Premiere Clay Screenshots
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
morel spoilersposting again why have i never heard anybody talk about THIS bit from the finale
like.. i'm not one to trust dr potterswheel's medical assessments but this one at least seems credible. he's going to carry around the violence of the realization that his father's shit for the rest of his life. he's never going to fully leave his trauma behind. but then the episode (this is the finale, mind you) concludes with the miracle of a loving family forming anyway. idk i just.. is it that potterswheel's assessment is wrong, but instead of the outlandish way it usually is, it's in the assumption that orel will never be able to fully heal from his trauma (in the way no one in moralton has really healed from theirs)? or is it that orel is living with a limp/his trauma and simply also attaining happiness and choosing to be better than his dad? we don't see him move much in the shots of adult-orel, so it's a bit ambiguous, but i think it's something worth chewing on. anyway trauma is stored in the body
[video transcript under the cut]
DR. POTTERSWHEEL: You'll still have to use this for the next few days. (He holds out a single crutch to Orel)
OREL: Oh! Just a few days?
DR. POTTERSWHEEL: Yes, and then you'll be limping for the rest of your life.
OREL (sadly): Oh...
DR. POTTERSWHEEL: Is your dad coming to pick you up?
OREL: No. He's busy.
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dr-chosenberg · 1 month
On my recent rewatch I felt the inspiration to design my headcanon for what Dr. Potterswheel's late wife might have looked like! Born Marie-Thérèse Praxineaux, her maiden name is based off of the Praxinoscope which is an animation device that came after the Zoetrope
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Voice: https://youtu.be/2MaiJtecGmI?si=H6h5nLCUQsk9039K
CW: Dr Potterswheel's gore fetish, infection, death, miscarriage,
She moved to Moralton because you know The War and was shunned because of the rumors around town of her being a foreigner and France being a place of sin and lust. The librarian there gave her a job because she assumed no moralton man was going to be interested because of her reputation and took pity on her. Oh another reason the moraltons hate her lol, France is a majority Catholic country. Marie was part of the minority there that was Protestant but obviously the Moraltons didn’t care.
In comes a young Quentin.
He was studying for his medical school exams and often came in, staying the often inaccurate statesotan medical books for long hours. Sometimes when it was just the librarian and the two of them she would avoid him at all costs, not wanting to further her reputation.
He was aware of Marie-Therese, she was pretty and always helpful when she knew where to find a book he needed.
One day some kind of accident happened, not serious enough that she was in any real danger but enough that she needed medical assistance. Maybe a bookcase fell on her and she needed some stitches?
M-T was not one to speak up or make a fuss, but Quentin had a handsome deep voice and spoke with so much authority. He did his best to reassure her she would be ok and in a sense it coaxed the words right out of her. She had a way with words and could describe her pain like she was painting a picture, I like to think she enjoyed writing poetry, but you and I both know that’s not why it attracted him so intensely.
Despite the town doing its best to shun her she still attended church every Sunday and every Sunday Quentin would inquire about her wounds progress and ask to see it. One day a few weeks after her wound had healed they were conversing and Marie-Therese joked sadly that they could no longer be seen together as she didn’t have the excuse of being his practice patent.
At which point Quentin proposed. It wasn’t the most romantic affair to most, he said it matter of factly as he does most things. But that was ok, she would have the bedside manner and the way with words for them both.
Their relationship itself….well they had a foot up on many Moralton couples as they were truly in love. Many would consider Marie a fool as he was not the most romantic man. He was soft when she would fuss or worry (think about the way he spoke to Bloberta when she said her wound was bad) but when she really took issue with something he wouldn’t get more emotional, but even less, she found herself at times disheartened at the way he would dismiss her worries and talk down to her. She insisted to her newfound housewife friends that they just didn’t know him like she did, which was *sort* of true.
She honestly didn’t mind his “preferences” she assumed that taking charge was what a husband was meant to do in the bedroom, and that a “little” pain was just what a good Christian woman had to put up with after a life of chastity. When she had other wounds and he would take a bit too much of a vested interest she thought it was just his way of showing he cared. She never understood why he would discourage what he called “unnecessary” medications like, allergy meds, antacids, etc. always feeding her a line about the lord helping those who help themselves.
She tried her best to become more like the other wives of Moralton, she even took up sewing and embroidery. She made a comment once about how she was just like him, sewing up patients. He stroked her head and smiled, “How cute. You’d worry yourself sick if anything important was counting on your little stick ‘n’ pokes.”
Things got better when they got the wonderful news that Marie was pregnant. Her pregnancy was very rough, unlike anything Quentin had ever seen. He would comfort her by telling her of the many strong mothers he had seen in his career so far, if she couldn’t handle the pain of the pregnancy how could she handle the birth? The smile he would give her when she would nod in agreement was all the soothing she needed.
She was nearing the worst of it when she used the last of her energy to embroider a handkerchief for him, with his initials on it. Sometimes he would use it to clean her face when she would cough up one thing or another, or wet it to soothe her forehead.
Of course she wasn’t *just* facing pregnancy complications, she had caught a whole other sickness entirely, an infection. The days went by and Quentin got more desperate. Out of love for his wife? Out of a need to prove his abilities as a doctor? Who knows. He would never admit fault for anything let alone a patient, he sure as hell wasn’t going to take the blame for losing the woman he cares for. He tried everything, except actual medical science.
Finally he relented and began to give her painkillers. I believe it would be more in character if he didn’t tell her. Visitors from the town and a young Reverend Putty suspected it but she was none the wiser. She used to say things like, “Ma moitié having you pray for me and care for me is so healing, I am feeling better already.”
When she could form full coherent sentences.
With the way medicine was at the time while some painkillers are safe for pregnant women these probably weren’t, but they weren’t what took her. It got to the point that she wasn’t herself anymore but spent her days lying in bed in a haze, barely awake.
She swore sometimes that she could see Quentin there at her side, watching her, even feel him stroke her hand. But when she got her eyes to focus he wasn’t there anymore.
One day Quentin went in for a morning check up and the sheets were covered in blood. He had lost his wife and his child in one fell swoop.
It was a horrific scene but she looked so serene. So comfortable. She was clutching his handkerchief.
This takes place with the assumption that Moralton is not modern day, I headcanon Quentin to be around 50
This was fun, nothing is set in stone truly as this was part of a stream of consciousness conversation with my friend @cheonsa-n I’m fully up for criticism if anything seems out of character. I’m also happy to explain the reasoning behind certain choices!
I don’t personally buy the idea that Quentin killed his wife on purpose, a man with Quentin’s disposition who actually committed a murder wouldn’t resort to almost stabbing the man who accused him of it, that’s how you get people to think you killed your wife on purpose lol.
I hope you guys enjoy what I came up with. Their relationship isn’t fully this way as he was attracted to her and subjected her to some of the same treatment we saw Bloberta go through, but their marriage in my mind had a bit of a Madonna-whore complex flavoring to it. I also believe this is somewhat of an origin story for his habit of treating everything with almost exclusively painkillers. Marie-Thérèse couldn’t be saved but she was, as Quentin puts it, very comfortable when she passed.
In the AU where she lives she still suffered a miscarriage and Clay calls Dr. Potterswheel a babykiller instead. She is still as sweet as the day she and Quentin met but she isn’t particularly keen on giving Orel the time and attention he needs either, it’s too painful. When she does give him advice she tends to advise him to wait things out and not rock the boat. She tells him that good things come to those who wait.
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Dr potterswheel was real asf in numb..
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Moral orel FAN heights
(If you want legit ones, Censordoll's canon height is 5'6" so you can use her as a base)
Orel Puppington- 4'9"
Clay Puppington- 5'8"
Bloberta Puppington- 5'6"
Shapey/Block- 4"1"
Reverend Putty- 6'0"
Stephanie- 5'10"
Nurse Bendy- 5'5"
Dr. Secondopinionson- 6'1"
Ms. Secondopinionson- 5'10"
Joe Secondopinionson- 5'0"
Doughy- 5'0"
Florence- 5'1"
Officer Papermouth- 5'9"
Ms. Censordoll- 5'10"
Doctor Potterswheel- 5'4"
Principal Fakey- 5'8"
Dottie Trophywife- 5'7.5"
Dolly Forghetti- 5'7"
Mr. Figurelli- 5'5"
Ms. Sculptum- 5'5"
Danielle Stopframe- 5'7"
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barkbarf · 6 months
i think a lot about that scene from orels movie premiere where doughy is reading out clays dialogue and he says "i beat you, and then i lecture you. and thats it. nothing else" and then dr potterswheel says like immediately after "is his dad molesting him"... what were we supposed to take away from that that ISNT "clay is raping orel" oh my fucking god this show isnt real
I totally missed this ask whoops haha. But yeah that line always gets me. What was that supposed to mean. I've said this before, but I genuinely believed that Orel was going to get canonically molested in Nature when I saw the show for the first time because of that line.
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baiisbaibe · 2 years
Dr Potterswheel and bloberta genderbend or something
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selfshippinglover · 2 years
Love Screenshots 4
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