#theres way more to it than that but like thats pretty much the gist of it
cl0ckworkpuppet · 11 months
me, foolishly noble, in excruciating pain: ahaha! my Man Egg Sacs cannot hinder me! so what if i need to crouch on the ground and lean on tables while i walk! i shall power through this three hour biology lab like a true warrior!
this one person at my lab table, watching me hold back tears on the floor: hey jordan maybe you should like. go home and lay down
me, who will learn nothing from this encounter: huh. maybe youre right. im gonna go home and lay down
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dateamonster · 3 months
trying to imagine how a platonic alternate ending for sonny and dawn could have gone and the conclusion i keep coming to is that theres just no way there was enough room in this b-plot for things to be resolved in a satisfying way. for me a good ending to the sunny/dawn storyline would have to require at least a few things:
more time spent exploring their friendship dynamic. how did they meet? when did sonny develop feelings for dawn and why? was it just superficial attraction or something more based on their growing closeness as friends? did sonny ever worry about how his feelings might affect their friendship?
more time spent exploring the differences between fairies and elves, specifically from sunnys perspective. its pretty apparent just from visual cues that the elves are supposed to represent a sort of peasant class to juxtapose against the fairy royalty, but as ive talked about probably an annoying amount at this point, this is never addressed or even really necessary to the plot. theres no way it didnt affect their dynamic though. id love to see an interpretation of sonnys unrequited love that plays with this a little. maybe he sees dawns obsession with romancing young fairy men and fears what he sees as an inevitable future in which he is no longer an important part of her life. maybe his attachment to dawn alienates him from his fellow elves and he finds himself feeling caught between worlds.
explicit confirmation that the true love necessary to break the love potions doesnt need to be romantic in nature. since the movie steadfastly refuses to reveal more than the bare minimum on how the magic here works, heres how i think it should go. true love can be platonic but must be equal/requited between both parties to break the spell. dawn realizing she loves sonny doesnt break the spell. shes always loved sonny, as her best friend. in this version, its sonny realizing that his love for dawn as a friend is more important to him than his fear of rejection.
basically my ideal sunny/dawn platonic storyline (very briefly) would be like. sunny meets dawn when theyre both young and shes immediately very open and loving with him, not old enough yet to be bogged down by class/species distinctions, but while sonny cares for her as well hes much more aware of the imbalance and constantly worries about her losing interest in him. over time, and as his feelings for her develop, that fear only grows and he takes on his bombastic personality, playing the role of friend, confidant, wingman, personal jester, and whatever else is required just to keep her in his life. when she starts taking a (very intense) interest in dating, he realizes he cant put off confessing his feelings much longer, but dreads what he feels like will be a guaranteed rejection, marking the end of their friendship. from there the plot continues as normal until, in the final confrontation, the love potion influenced dawn takes a blow meant for bk and sonny realizes that the actions he took to try and keep her in his life could be the reason he ends up losing her forever. he tearfully confesses that he doesnt care any more if she returns his feelings, he just doesnt want to lose his best friend, and thats what ultimately snaps her out of it.
i think the arc should end sorta semi-ambiguously but hopefully, with dawn being naturally upset about the whole love potion thing but also understanding, realizing shes been ignorant to his worries and insecurities as well and grateful that theyre now finally back on the same page.
anyway thats my vision! i also think its p crucial to this arc for this version of strange magic to be ya know better about the racist coding involved in certain character designs but otherwise this is the gist.
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whumpbug · 2 months
In the roleswap au, what are Simon's powers? Are they the same as Archie's or something else?
Also as a bonus, what would Gene and Cassidy's powers be if they had any? Personally I feel like Gene's whole personality screams "commune with animals" but I don't know what do you think
YAYYY i was hoping for questions about the roleswap au (≧▽≦)
i kind of love this au because it would be so much more chaotic that the current au, which doesn't seem possible
a teeny tiny bit more about roleswap:
so in the roleswap au, simon's powers would be pretty much the same as archie's, but i want to say he maybe got them a different way.
i'm not sure exactly how though, since this au isn't fully fleshed out.. any suggestions are welcome!
archie would be the tired med student in this au, but their personalities are exactly the same. archie is still sunny and energetic and sweet and simon is still blunt and monotone.
the gist of the au would be archie BEGGING and PLEADING simon to just. rest. simon gets very focused on his work as a vigilante, and ignores his health more in the regular universe and it's the bane of archie's existence.
simon would be bleeding all over the floor, pale and shaking and on the verge of passing out, and he'd still go "i'm fine. i need to go make sure that lady got home safe." before promptly collapsing on archie's apartment floor.
UGH i just think they're silly
gene and cassidy powers:
so you are so right. i can't imagine gene with any other powers than something animal-related. i think he'd either have the ability to talk to them, or maybe even turn into them beast boy-style. or perhaps a combonation of both.. either way, he would be able to talk to calliope and i think thats a dream come true for him
as for cassidy, i had to think a bit more about him. i don't know why but the two ideas i had are vastly different from eachother. one was pyrokinesis (manipulation of fire) because i feel like if he was an element, that would be his and IDK i just think it suits him
but the other, slightly more logical, choice is shapeshifting. not only would it be great for his job to be able to change his appearance so drastically so quickly, but also i think its kind of representative of his inner turmoils. he doesn't feel like he has an identity outside of montana, and theres a lot of oppurtunity for identity angst when it comes to shapeshifters. bonus: he hides his scars with shapeshifting and the first person to see his real body is gene
thank you so much for the ask anon!!!!! i really should start fleshing out some of these aus they're SO fun
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styxbugg · 1 year
I would love to know more about the groundhog day au in general! Theres not really anything about it on the discord or anything from what i could find
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oh boy! ok so, the basic gist is that marty basically accidentally breaks the space time continuum is such a way that on tuesday, november 12th, 1985, he gets looped. the "groundhog day" aspect is only the time loop part, i just like groundhog day so i named the au after it.
its been a bit since ive thought about this one, but if i remember correctly the reason he gets looped is partially because it's the anniversary of the lightning strike and partially just the universe messing with him. much like how phil, in the movie, only get unstuck when he becomes a better person with out any alternative motives (thats how i interpreted it at least) marty only gets unstuck when starts believing in himself, or something like that
like, by this point hes gotten over the whole chicken thing but is still in a very much "if I dont succeed in this (get a record or something like that) then I suck", so it's only when hes able to work through that mindset that he gets unstuck. the problem, however, is that he doesn't know this and so spends so many more loops trying to get and spiraling that he isn't able to work through that.
the first few loops are spent with a slow dawning realization of the time loop, and that it is actually continuing and is not just a one time thing.
next many are used trying to get out. doc pretty much immediately believes him every time, so they spend loop after loop theorizing about why it's happening and how they can fix it, or actually trying to fix it. none of these work however
eventually marty gives up on being able to stop the loops and enters a depressive state. these loops range from being to go to school normally, to not being able to get out of bed, to purposefully running away and getting into extremely dangerous situations just to experience something new. some of these things even end with him getting killed (rip), though he's always able to come back
there are some days where he confides in jenn about the looping, or reveals to his parents all his time travel shenanigans. these days usually go pretty good. he has stopped telling doc about it because he's almost completely lost hope in ever getting out and going to doc with only get his hopes up farther, just to be shot down again.
it's after one of the loops where he talks to jenn when he finally begins to look on the positive side of his situation. im not exactly sure how it will end, other than when the loop finally breaks he completely breaks down and is unable to go to school. he then spends a lot of time talking to doc about it, adjusting to things being able to change and just working through everything that happened.
anyway! thats the basic gist of the au! some other fun facts is that his alarm everyday in the loop is "i got you babe" (like in groundhog day) but his alarm the next day, when the loop breaks is "back in time" (like in that one spn episode)
here's the janaury drawing too, btw
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fwkei · 3 years
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Draken x fem!reader (mainly fluff slight angst)
Finally got my first request yall 🥳 I couldn’t strictly follow the request like i wanted to but i hope thats alright, the gist is still there. anyways thank you sm for it and i hope you enjoy 
TW/CW: Mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex work
WC: 7k (omg the most ive ever written🙆🏻‍♀️)
Note: I changed my writing style a bit for this request so i hope yall don’t mind! and again i dont read my stuff over so my apologies if theres any mistakes lmao
You sat on the street, overheating as you watched the ‘heat waves’ coming off the ground. You held your hair up with one of your hands since you had nothing to tie it with, while the other held a lukewarm water bottle. You sighed, you felt so anxious and frustrated.
What now?  
You thought letting your mouth part due to your heavy breathing 
You took things too fast. It had been about 3 weeks since you left your parents ‘home’ and why did you leave? Well there were a number of reasons that are a bit too much to list, but all that matters now is that you’re completely and utterly on your own. 
You only managed to scavenge small jobs here and there to get some money to buy some basic necessities but nothing more. 
“Sorry Y/n, my niece is coming down to Tokyo and I told her she could have a job here and stay at the studio above...I’m gonna have to let go. I’m sorry.” said your boss to you only a couple hours ago, with pity filled eyes 
“...No it’s fine really! I understand.Thank you for taking me in while you could.” you said bowing your head at the man, biting your inner cheek trying to keep a level head 
“I’m happy you understand. You can leave your apron and hat on the cashier. On your way out.” he said patting your shoulder as you slowly brought your head up 
“Right..” you said taking off your apron and hat as you walked slowly to the cashier, placing it down 
You brought your hands to your temples out of stress, trying to figure out what you could do now. You only had very little money, and there was a heat wave striking Japan this week. At least your boss allowed you to live and pay rent in the small studio right above his store, which had an AC, but now that was for his niece.  
This had been the first time in a while where you had no idea what to do. You had always been the type of person to be able to take care of yourself and your problems..on your own. All your life since you can remember, you always had to be the one to take care of others, not that you mind or minded...but you were only so young. You never really had a childhood, at least not that you can remember. You do remember cleaning up after your parents who lost all will just to even... parent. You remember taking jobs as a babysitter at a really young age in your apartment complex to make some money.. You remember being the reliable older kid of your school and complex, where kids would come to you asking for help with things like homework all the way to buying something for them to eat because they were hungry. Not once did you ever say no, because you really did want to be there for those kids who’s parents didn’t give them the care they needed. But it just became too much.. You ended up spending all of your saved up money on them, just so they could have something to play with or something to eat. 
Before you even realized it, you were in your last year of high school, with no money saved over, no scholarships, no one to rely on but yourself. Not even a friend. Was it really the right thing to do? Use all your money that you worked so hard for to help kids he lived next door? Or just plain stupid? You knew you couldn't support them forever...but you tried so hard to. All you wanted was to give them a childhood they never had, and someone to look up too. But now you left them. All because you were frustrated. You felt so unbearably guilty. All the work you put into your studies to get at least some type of scholarship just went to waste because you couldn't handle your life anymore. You were being so so so stupid. 
Before you even knew it, the sun was going down, and you grew even more tired and sleepy. You signed, taking a jacket out of your bag and placing it on the ground so you could rest your head on it. You brought your hands to cushion your cheek as your eyes started to close. The air finally got a little cooler making it easier to breathe and well...do anything. 
As you were falling asleep you could hear chatter and laughing, and finally a tap on your shoulder waking you up. You cringed your eyes before opening them up more to see 2 women. One had blonde hair and the other had pinkish hair. They looked older than you, maybe in their 20’s. One held a bag and the other held a bottle of wine with two glasses, they bent down so their heads could be closer to yours. After examining you for a bit they turned to each other and smiled happily before turning back their gaze to your confused face. 
“Hey?” you said sitting up more, a little startled by the intimate contact they were giving you 
“Hey there, say...what’s a pretty girl like you sleeping on the street for?” asked the girl with pinkish hair that was tied into pigtails 
“I uh..don’t have a place right now so..” you said scratching your head 
“Really? Hmmm.” said he one with blonde hair 
“How old are you? And what’s your name? I think we can help you out! Woman to woman!” said the pink haired girl smiling sweetly making you feel fuzzy at their niceness 
“18, and it’s Y/n.” you said smiling nervously 
“Nice to meet you Y/n, I’m Remi, this is Rema, my twin sister.” said the pink haired girl pointing to the blonde as she waved sweetly 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too..!” you said bringing your hands to your thighs smiling 
“So did you just turn 18?” asked Rema 
“Sorta, 2 months ago, why?” you asked 
“Oh good!” they both said 
“Well, it’s your choice really. One of the girls left today, and the boss sent us to scout another girl to take her place, buttt we just went to buy food with no intentions of finding someone but luckily we just found you! It’s perfect!” said Remi 
“Oh? What work?” you asked getting excited 
“Oh silly, we live in a brothel! It’s really not all that bad you know, great pay and rooms...so what do you think?” asked Rema 
“A brothel..” you said under your breath 
Your mind was in a serious state of concentration. 
It can’t be all that bad, right? You just have to please people and go on with your day so… that’s what i've been doing my whole life… plus… there's a bunch of women in those things right? I probably won't get too much attention from customers if there's sweethearts like Remi and Rema walking around...so...just for the time being… I think it could really work out in my favor. 
You thought to yourself 
You brought your head up, giving the girls a closed eyes smile before shaking your head ‘yes’ making them jump in excitement. 
“Oh good!” yelled Remi grabbing your hands 
“I’m so excited! We haven't had a new girl in years! How do you think Ken will react?” asked Rema smiling as you 3 all started to walk 
“Ken?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows at the familiar name 
“Oh right, We’ll have to introduce you to him and everyone else tomorrow. He’s the bosses foster kid..I think you two are actually the same age.” said Rema bringing her pointer finger to her chin 
“Mhm mhm! Oh and since you're new, tomorrow I will take your pictures for the board, you can borrow one of my sets till you can afford to buy one for yourself, how does that sound Y/n?” asked Remi smiling and holding your hand 
“It sounds..great! Thank you so much.” you said bowing your head slightly 
“No worries! Hopefully the boss will take you in.” said Remi patting your head 
“Yeah..” you said as you 3 continued to walk to the brothel 
You couldn't seem to get your mind off of that familiar name..Ken? You swore you knew someone named that. It definitely wasn't a popular name so it’s not like you knew it from some type of T.V program.. After thinking hard your whole way to your new home you couldn't seem to remember them. The person named Ken. And so you decided to brush it off for the time being. 
The brothel was pretty big, and consisted of 12 girls, not including yourself. It was really late so everyone was asleep. Remi and Rema showed you to your room which was much more spacious than your room at home. They told you that you were allowed to decorate it and style it however you wanted. But they told you it was important to know that this was the room where business would be done, and not to leave important things around since some of the men came into brothels for the sole purpose of stealing. Remi even told you a story about how one of her clients tried to steal one of her panites, but then the boy named Ken stopped him by knocking him out with one punch to the stomach.   
“He sounds strong-” you laughed as they gave you a small tour 
“He sure is! Like the bodyguard of this place! He’s a sweetheart!” said Remi smiling 
“I’m sure..!” you smiled 
“Alright that’s about it, you should shower now and get ready for tomorrow. The boss will probably wanna take a look at you before seeing if he wants you. But I'm sure he will! You're pretty so it’ll go smoothly!” said Remi handing you her shower stuff for you to use for tonight and a set 
“Got it, and again...thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” you said again 
“Of course! Remember..we’re neighbors so feel free to knock whenever you need something..Also I can give you some tips before your first client so you know what to do.” she said smiling 
“Right, goodnight then!..” you said feeling your face get hot at how she so easily talked about sex. 
After that, you did exactly as she said, you showered. You thoroughly washed your body, face, and hair. Getting out you looked down at the set Remi gave you. It was just a black bra and matching panties with a silk cover up which made you feel better knowing you could cover up with that.  
You rubbed your mouth as you started to rethink your decision. I mean...you respected sex workers..but was this life what you were willing to settle for? Aimlessly waiting around for some random horny man to choose you and do things with you just for you to get only 40% of the payment? Was this all really worth it? Leaving home to avoid your problems...to end up here? You were grateful, yes, Remi and Rema were so sweet and open with you. You could only hope that the others were just as nice. You really wanted things to go well, and that can only start with some good rest. 
You woke up to a knock on your door, to see Remi and Rema walking in with a smile 
“Morninggg!” they sang as you quickly got out of bed 
“Hi!” you said frantically 
“No need to rush! Usually men start coming in at 10, but since you don't work here officially yet you got to sleep in a bit! But the boss called for you, you should go to the set up room down the hall to get ready, remember it?” asked Rema 
“Yeah I do. Thank you for waking me-!” you said smiling and grabbing your stuff and shoes 
“Course, good luck Y/n!” they said as you quickly walked out of your room to get ready 
As you walked in, there were a few other girls getting ready. You smiled and introduced yourself to them, and them to you. They were all so nice and pretty. It made you feel a little bit better about being here, and less nervous since they complimented your looks. You got ready in about 10 minutes, letting one of the other girls help you out with your hair and stuff like that. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before stepping out and waving to the girls ‘bye.’ 
You nervously walked to the boss's door. You took a deep breath before knocking. You heard a muffled ‘come in!’ so you walked in smiling while holding your covering close. You gave a nervous closed eyes smile before seeing his office was simple, just a desk with a bunch of papers and a chair on the other side. 
“Y/n, correct?” he asked placing down his paper and taking off his glasses to look at you
“Yes.” you said smiling 
“Pleasure-” he said leaning over the desk to shake your hand 
“Likewise.” you said smiling, shaking his hand firmly before sitting down
“Well, I’m sure Remi and Rema told you just about everything you need to know, I take 60% of your earrings, I use that stuff to pay for rent and bills for you girls and my kid… which usually takes up about 30% of that 60%, meaning you make a profit of 40, while I make only a profit of 30 per girl.” he said 
“Yeah, I was told.” you said smiling nervously fiddling with your hands
“Good good, now that that's over with..” he said getting up ad signing 
“I’m just gonna take a look at you, no need to be nervous I’m not gonna touch you or anything, so please don’t feel worried.” he said smiling 
“Right!” you said getting up 
“Alright just do a quick 360 with arms up.” he said smiling 
“Okay.” you said doing as he said 
He looked you up and down but not in a lustful way at all, it was more of like a ‘just seeing how you’ll hold up’ kinda look, almost like he was a bit worried for you. 
“Thank you-” he said sitting back down as you did the same feeling nervous
“I was also told you’re 18? Right?” he asked looking down at his papers 
“Yeah that's right.” you said 
“Well I don't usually have this talk with the other woman because they're older. I know the age of consent in Japan is 16 and blah blah, but you’re still pretty young, are you sure you wanna work like this?” he asked looked into your eyes 
“...Not entirely but it’s the best I can do right now.” you said with a determined face
“I see- we’ll then welcome, and just remember you can leave whenever you want, but give a 2 weeks notice. When Remi is done, ask her to take your picture.” he said 
“Understood, thank you!” you said said smiling and leaving   
You walked out of the room, closing the door carefully signing in relieve 
That went pretty well.
You thought 
You started to walk down the hall so that you could ask Remi to take your picture. But when you put your ear to the door, you heard lewd noises letting you know she wasn’t done just yet. It was already 5, and the brothel closes at 10. You didn’t really know what to do, so you walked over to the kitchen, sitting down at one of the stools waiting for Remi and or Rema to finish up with their work. You tapped the pen that was on the table and started to look around the kitchen. You remembered Remi told you there were snacks in the cabinets, so you got up and started to open and close them one by one to find something to eat. You finally found a cabinet filled instant ramen, you grabbed one and started to pour water into it, popping it into the microwave that was on the counter top. You stood in front of it waiting, playing with the loose strings of you covering when suddenly you heard the door open. 
“I’m home.” said the tall boy with dark hair tied back to reveal a dragon tattoo on the side of his head 
Is this Ken? 
You thought as the microwave beeped, making his eyes turn to you
You quickly shot your eyes to the microwave, hoping he didn’t notice your stare. He looked so familiar it was almost irritating how you couldn’t remember him. You took the hot cup out of the microwave, placing it down on the counter top, ignoring his presence as he walked over, placing down the plastic bag in his hand, noticing your frustrated face trying to figure out where the utensils are. 
“Left of the sink are where they are.” he said sitting down on the stool across from you after looking at your face a bit 
“Thank you.” you said smiling nervously turning around to grab a pair of chopsticks 
“Are you new here?” he asked taking out a styrofoam box from the plastic bag, opening it to reveal a hot meal of meat and rice and vegetables 
“Yeah..I was supposed to start today but I don’t have my pictures taken yet.” you said smiling turning back to mix your noodles 
“Could you grab me a pair too?” he asked realizing he forgot to take a pair of chopsticks from the restaurant 
“Sure-” you said turning back quickly to grab some for him, placing it in his hands as he gave you a soft smile making your eyes widen slightly. 
“You look familiar..” you both said at the same time making both your eyebrows raise in shock then turn into a slight scoff from the both of you 
“Glad we’re on the same page then.” he said taking a bite of his food as you did the same still standing 
“You know you can sit down, don’t feel nervous.” he said looking up you slightly 
“..yeah.” you said smiling, walking around and sitting next to him. 
“So when’d you come?” he asked turning his head slightly to see your mouth filled with noodles making him smile a bit 
“..I came by last night, really late with Remi and Rema.” you said after finishing your bite
“I see...I feel like I remember you from somewhere, can’t pinpoint it though.” he said looking back down at his food 
“Same here, and you must be Ken though, right? When I first heard your name I swore the same thing but I just can’t remember..” you said before sipping some of the broth of your soup
“Yeah, but you can call me Draken and your name?” he asked getting up to grab a napkin from across the table 
“Draken...sure! Oh right, my bad. It’s Y/n. Nice to meet you-” you said smiling holding your hand out for him to shake
He only completely shot up to look into your eyes with his wide ones. You gave him a confused look as you watched him get knocked out of his thoughts, bring his hand up to shake your hand before clearing his throat and walking back over to sit. Maybe you struck a nerve? Maybe had the same name as someone who hurt him in the past? You really didn’t know but it made you feel interested. He looked like he just had his life flash before his eyes or something. 
“Are you okay?” you asked 
“Uh yeah, I’m fine. My head just hurts a bit.” he said looking as if he was deep in thought 
“Oh? I have some tylenol in my room.. You want one? Or I can make you a cold drink, you’re probably dehydrated?” you asked smiling a bit 
Draken turned his head to look at you, his mouth was parted, and he just looked so..anxious? You couldn’t even tell, almost like congested because he wanted to say something. 
Draken felt his heartbeat quicken when he heard your name. As soon as you said it, a random memory that was buried deep in the back of his mind hit him as he quickly re-lived it. But could it really be you? The Y/n he knew from so so so long ago? Around 10 years ago? There could be no way, he remembers the girl moving to a different city..the chances were so low that it could really be you already. 
But the second you said those words.. Those words of offering to make something for him, or give him something, despite you thinking you only just met him...Made him know that it was really the Y/n he met when he was only a little boy...but how the hell did you turn up here? In a place and part of town like this? He was so confused and just wanted to ask you...but you still didn’t remember him. 
“..No I’m alright, thanks..can I ask you somethin-” said Draken before being interrupted 
“Y/n!! Come on, let's take your pictures!” yelled Remi coming out of her room waving as a man walked out too buttoning his shirt 
“Sorry, just remember what you wanted to say and tell me later.” you said smiling and standing up and walking over to Remi
Draken watched you as you walked away. He saw Remi give you a hug, and the man that was walking out checked you out to which Draken gave him a pissed off look. Making the man smile nervously, wave, and leave. 
Do you really wanna live your life like this, Y/n?
He thought to himself before packing up his trash and throwing it away
Remi took your pictures, telling you to do different poses etc, and you finally settled on one. You walked over to the front of the house to place your picture in its designated area above your name. You signed, stepping back to look at it, fixing your gaze to see Draken was walking over with his hands in his pocket, looking as he was going to leave. You saw him glance at the photo making you feel slightly embarrassed.
“Nice.” he said smiling but looking into your eyes in a way where it looked like he was concerned for you. 
Just as you were about to thank him a man walked in and started looking at you making you feel nervous. The man requested you, and so you smiled at him pointing your hand to where the showers were, as you started to walk behind him, you turned your hand giving a thumbs up to Draken with a nervously flushed face, smiling, as he he brought his hand up giving you a thumbs up with soft and concerning eyes before opening the door and leaving. It made your smile fade slightly, you’ve seen that face before from him. But not from today.. And it was all you could think about during your work. 
As you laid in your room, after work you couldn’t help but feel a little bit...stupid? You felt so unsatisfied, not because of your customers but because you just couldn’t remember. It felt like an itch you couldn’t scratch hard enough, and with every interaction you had with the boy almost felt like a tease, like the itch just became more itchy and your scratches just became more weak. Maybe if you spend more time with him, you’ll remember? 
It had been about 4 weeks, 4 weeks of saving your money, and every 4 weeks the boss collected his fair share of the cut. It wasn’t a pretty 4 weeks, it was probably the worst 4 weeks of your life. But... you and Draken would often exchange stories about your lives late at night which you enjoyed a lot. It always makes you feel better. But yet again you still couldn't figure him out. You felt as though you’ve met him before, and as though you two have had these kinds of talks before. 
Draken only grew more and more helpless, seeing how you still haven’t remembered. He was slowly watching your life crumble. He felt so angry that you settled and believed you deserved to live like this, barely scraping by. He felt so awful, and saw how you grew so tired of it all. He just so badly wanted you to remember him, so that he could once again talk to you like he did before.
You had one last customer before closing, going through your usual routine, this n that, the man offered you a drink. You stupid obliged drinking it, hoping it would make your time more enjoyable but you were wrong, so very wrong, and so very stupid for drinking that stupid drink. You remember some parts, you did your job, then it all went black.. You woke up after hearing knocking on your door. You jumped out of bed, confused. You remember seeing the man leave as you started to fall asleep but that's about it. Usually you never fall asleep after the work because you never do much, your mind started to panic. But the door opened revealing Remi smiling.
“Hey sleepy! Boss says it’s your turn, come on, get your cash!” she said smiling 
“Right let me just..it’s in my drawer..I don't know why I fell asleep so fast I think alcohol makes me sleepy.” you said getting out of bed and kneeling in front of your drawer to get the envelope of cash you had been saving.
“Heh, same here. I never accepted drinks from clients..they never had good intentions with that!” she said coming over and sitting at your bed 
“..yeah.” you said starting to feel that panic arise in your body when seeing the envelope was...gone.
“What's wrong?” asked Remi noticing you were frozen 
“I- the money..It’s gone..he took it..” you said with wide eyes feeling as though you were about to sob realizing you had just lost thousands of yen.
“Don’t say that..it..it probably just got misplaced! Come on, I'll help you look!” said Remi getting up  
You couldn't even respond because of the amount of panic you were in. Your heart was racing and you felt tears fall from your eyes. After about 15 minutes of looking, you two found nothing. Absolutely nothing. You sat on the floor with your hand over your mouth, again, trying to keep a level head. 
What now..?
You thought to yourself feeling hot tears stream from your face.
“Hey..guys? Boss is calling for you Y/n..what’s going on?” asked Rema walking in seeing you covering your face, crying 
“She was robbed by the guy who just left, he put something in her drink to knock her out while he looked around and took the money...she doesn’t have the money.” said Remi 
Rema’s mouth parted in shock and pity. 
How could you mess up something so easy? All you had to do was keep your money safe. But you even failed at that. 
“You have to tell him, Y/n.” said Rema rubbing your back
“Yea..yeah, could you two just give me a second? I’ll be right out.” you said smiling while wiping your face 
“Sure.” they said frowning and walking out 
You fisted your hands, and grabbed your covers before screaming into them to muffle your sounds..
Okay..it was a couple of thousand yen...not too bad right? I can promise the money by tomorrow..I’ll pick up some sort of street job...yeah! That’s good. Everything is fine..it’s fine.
You thought to yourself before wiping your face on more time and slapping both sides of your cheeks to wake you up.
You got up and walked to the bosses door feeling the eyes of people on your back. You knocked on the door before opening it slowly, refusing to make eye contact as you went to stand in front of the man with your arms behind your back.
“Alrighttt, let’s see here, in the last four weeks you had a total of 37 customers, so you should have around 300,000 yen, correct?” he asked looking at his paper 
“Yes.” you said still looking down
“Alright, just hand it to me so I can count and divide it, you can sit.” he said smiling holding his hand out 
“I..I don-” you said before being interrupted by a knock 
“Come in.” he said 
“Hey sorry dad, Y/n left her money with me while she went out. Thought I should bring it to her. Remember, Y/n?” said Draken walking in with an envelop in his hand smiling as he came to stand next to you, as you nodded your head ‘yes’ 
“Oh, thank you Ken.” he said smiling and taking the envelop 
Your mouth parted as you gave a confused look, Draken only smiled and gave you a thumbs up while his dad counted the money. You felt so guilty and shocked, and all you could do was just stand there, like an idiot. 
“Here you are...120,000 back..” he said, patting the money on the table to make it flat, putting it back into the envelope and handing it to you
You hesitantly brought your hand to grab it, glancing over at Draken who gave you small smile
“Thank you-” you said to him seeing Draken was already opening the door to leave 
You quickly followed after him as he walked into his room. Before entering his room he turned around and looked down at you 
You felt your eyes soften as you felt as though you were about to cry again, you tilted your head and neck down biting the inside of your cheek to keep in your cry. 
“I promise I’ll pay all of it back by tomorrow, all 300,000.” you said 
“Do you ever give yourself a break?” he asked as you brought your head up to look at him seeing he looked almost irritated 
“You didn’t even ask why I did it, you just immediately jumped to feeling guilty. And you don’t need to pay me back. Really.” he said bringing his hand to close to the door, but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist making his breath hitch 
“Why?” you asked looking into his eyes 
“You still don’t remember? Even after all this time we’ve spent together?” he asked smiling as you took your hand off his wrist 
“Remember...?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, but then it suddenly hit you
“I swear it wasn’t me! I didn't steal!” yelled a little boy with blonde hair as two cops stood in front of him 
You tilted your head and walked closer, but still keeping your distance to hear. It was a winter day and you were on your way to the corner store to buy some snacks, but you were met with an interesting scene. You kept your hands in your pockets as you listened over to the boy screaming and pleading his innocence 
“I wouldn’t steal something so stupid! What would a kid like me need a lighter for!! I don’t know how it ended up in my pocket! Lay off!” he yelled as the officer dangled the lighter in front of his face
A lighter?
“Keep it down! We know how troubled you kids are here! Especially with those tattoos!” yelled back the cop as the boy grew angry and fisted his hands, ready to punch the cop
“Hey!!!” he heard a voice yelled 
“Hey wait a minute!” you yelled waving your hand smiling as you ran to the scene 
“Can we help you?” asked one of the cops in a soft tone 
The blonde boy grew quiet, and you saw his hands loosen as he looked at your smiling face 
“Yeah, why are you two yelling at my brother?” you asked furrowing your brows at the two grown man 
“...Your so-called brother stole a lighter from the corner store right behind you, where are your parents? We would like to have a word with them.” he said standing up straight 
“Yeah, and talk about how they let their son tattoo himself already..” said one under his breath making the other laugh 
You looked over at the boy growing angry, you gave him a smile..making him calm down.
“He said it was just an accident, I asked him to pick up a lighter from the store so that we could light a candle at our father’s grave! See!” you said digging into your bag to pull out a candle 
“He probably felt pressured because I asked him to get it, so if you’re gonna get mad at someone, get mad at me!” you said as you started to fake cry 
“It’s our father's death anniversary, and you're yelling at kids for making a mistake.” you faked cried
“Yeah!!” yelled the boy making you smile under your hands as the two officers became anxious, feeling bad for what they had just done.
“..we’re sorry. Please let us apologize.” they said slightly bowing at you two 
“I don’t think we can accept it...you two also made fun of the dragon tattoo on his head!...dragons were our dads favorite animal. He risked his life fighting for Japan and you two are laughing at him! Is that how your mother taught you how to behave?” you asked pretending to wipe you tears as the blonde boy watched you in awe seeing you toy with grown men 
“Please let us treat you both to whatever you’d like from the corner store as an apology!” they both said bowing lower making you smile and look back at the boy. You gave him a thumbs up as a smile grew on his face 
“Fine..come on then?” you said as both the officers raised their heads, opening the doors of the corner store for you both 
You and the blonde boy walked around the store, filling your baskets with all types of things. The blonde boy watched you in just pure awe as you walked around picking your favorite snacks, as he did the same, glancing at you every now and then. 
“Here.” you said smiling at the cops 
“Right!” they said frantically taking out their wallets as the boy placed down his stuff nervously, still watching you
“Oh and-” you said reaching your hand to grab the lighter from the officer and placing it into the bunch of snacks 
You smiled, your hands were behind your back as you watched the officers pay for yours and the boys' food, placing them into bags for you guys too. You grabbed the lighter and your bag, as the boy did the same 
“Mom told us to meet her at the cemetery steps, remember?” you said looking into the boys eyes
“..yeah, I remember.” he said smiling feeling his face become hot 
“Let’s go then.” you said smiling and taking his hand as you two ran out of the store 
After a bit you two stopped and sat on the curbside while you both chose a snack to eat.  
“Here’s your lighter, you don’t have to stay with me by the way.” you said handing him the steel lighter 
“..Thanks” he said 
“Sure- what do you need it for anyway?” you asked smiling 
“My boss asked for it.” he said putting it in his pocket
“Oh, are you in some type of delinquent group?” you asked looking at him 
“Yeah..” he said smiling 
“That's cool, what do you guys do?” you asked taking a sip of your drink 
“We kinda just...like...do stupid stuff and fight..” he said 
“Sounds fun, but...stupid.” you said laughing making him scoff 
“Why’d you do it?” he asked 
“Do what?” you asked back turning you gaze to him 
“Come in to cover me. You could’ve gotten in a lot of trouble because of me.” he said with a frustrated face 
“You’re right, I just wanted to, that's all.” you said smiling making his mouth part and cheeks redden
“You seem pretty fun too so I thought we could be friends or something..” you said nervously 
“Yeah! Sure- We can be friends!” he said happily making you feel flustered 
“Well then, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Y/n, yours?” you asked holding over your hand 
“Ken, but you can call me Draken-” he said taking ahold of your hand gently as you gave him a closed eyed smile blushing 
“where the hell did you find that candle and com up with that whole sob story Y/n?”
“Dunno, I saw the candle on the ground by a newspaper, I kinda just winged it- “
After that day you remember hanging out with Draken almost every other day. You remember him telling you how he and his close friends started their own gang and needed some sort of funding, and so you gave it to him, on his birthday.
“I saved up! You said that you and your friends needed some money to start off so that you guys could buy a flag or banner? Right? Well, here’s 30,000 yen for your birthday!” you said handing him an envelope and a small balloon.
“Are-are you serious right now Y/n?” he asked taking the gifts, opening the envelope to look inside to see the money as his eyes lit up 
“Yeah, I babysit more kids now so I was able to put some aside for you.” you said smiling satisfied with his reaction 
He didn’t even say anything, all he did was bring his arms around you upper body, hugging you tight making you laugh as you brought yours to hug him back 
“Thank you- you’re the best! The guys will be so happy!” he said smiling while grasping your wrists in excitement. Your eyes traced over his face as they soften. You smiled. 
And- after that, you remember the day you 2 separated as friends. You both sat on the curbside, you remembered you called him to come and see you. It was a winter night and the sun was going down. 
“I uh..well I don’t really know how to say this without sounding cliche but-”
“What? Are you gonna confess that you’re madly in love with me or something?” he asked grinning, making you sweat drop 
“Jeez be quiet...I’m trying to make this a memorable moment-” you signed smiling, placing your palms on the cold cement 
“Alright let’s hear it then Y/n-!” he said bringing his hands to the back of his head as he laid down looking up at the stars 
You only frowned slightly, you shifted your position so that you could sit beside him and have a good look at his face. 
“You’re scaring me..” he said jokingly making you smile 
“It was really fun the past year.” you said smiling as Draken shot his head up to look at you face to face 
“The hell are you talking like that for?” he asked furrowing his brows 
“My parents can’t afford living in any districts in Tokyo anymore, so we’re moving to another city… about 4 hours train ride from Tokyo so-” you said looking down at your hands on the floor
“So? You act like I won't be able to come and see you or you come and see me..” he said ducking his head a bit so that you could look at him 
“Draken, train tickets are about 220 yen per person, I can't afford it, and if you came by to see me I'd feel guilty because you’d be wasting your money just to only see me for like an hour.” you said 
“How can I be wasting my money on you? It’s not wasting if I wanna do it and see you, plus what makes you think it'll only be a couple hours?” he asked 
“I’ll have to start working once we get there, so I wouldn’t have anytime...I wanna start saving so that one day I can come back to Tokyo and live here, so that I can see your dream come true of helping your friend create a ‘new era of delinquents’ you know? I’ll even help you guys if you want with financial stuff or something.” you said smiling at him 
Draken bit the inside of his cheek. He wanted to tell you so bad how he felt but..
“Look, I have a feeling I know what you’re gonna say..just remember what you wanted to say and tell me later, okay?” you said placing your hand on top of his causing his eyes to widen 
“...You’ll remember me, right?” he asked looking into your eyes deeply making your mouth part 
“Yeah, I’ll remember you as long as you remember what you wanted to tell me. Cause I feel the same” you said smiling as a tear fell from your eyes 
“good...I will.” he said smiling back and tilting his head and wiping it off your face
After the memories hit you, you stood there with wide eyes and tears, with your wrist covering your quivering mouth. You had completely suppressed your memories of Draken, and your feelings because you knew you wouldn't be able handle being apart from him for so long. And he did the same. You couldn’t imagine how unbearable it was for him to be waiting up like this. You looked up at him seeing his eyes were softly looking at you. You could do nothing but bring your arms around him hugging him, as he brought his arms around you to do the same. You were still such in shock. 
“I never thought you’d end up in a place like this, living a life like this.” he said against your ear 
“I don’t wanna see you like this, please let me take care of you like you did for me..” he said said tightening his grip slightly  
You could only cry at his words, you didn’t even wanna try to speak because you knew it would only come out as a sob. Was it really alright for you to rely on someone so much?
He pulled back from the hug and looked at your face, seeing you were still crying as you nodded your head ‘yes’, he smiled and wiped them away with his thumb. The smile on his face...he looked so satisfied...and happy...happy that you finally remembered. Finally remembered him.
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nonbinaryspacegoo · 3 years
the sudden reawakening of my special interest in portal has yet to die down and i am full of Thoughts
specifically im full of Thoughts about a core!chell and human!wheatley au
so uuhhh
portal 1:
* glados boots up the Test Core (Chell) and releases her into the test chamber, you know the drill
* eventually glados decides that this isnt all that interesting and goes to incinerate the core, only for said core to, against all odds, make a daring escape off her management rail and through a hole in the wall
* determined that no tech in HER facility will defy her, glados attempts to hunt the rogue ai down but the fact that chell was outfitted with a portal device attached to her hull makes it bizarrely hard
* somehow the little bastard makes it all the way to glados' chamber and takes her out but not before having her portal device removed and incinerated, and being shut down (for now!)
portal 2:
* chell is powered on after she is assigned to caring for sleeping test subjects. too bad theyre almost all dead
* chell goes through the survivors, waking them up and trying to help them through the test chambers to help her find her portal device and make her escape to the surface. they keep dying on her which is...less than ideal, but she Perseveres and eventually comes to her Lucky test subject, Wheatley [redacted]
* hes chatty, and his testing and puzzle solving techniques are strange and often involve breaking things, but chells a results kinda core and hes gotten further than any other human so who is she to question his methods
* he manages to find her a Personality Core Hull Attached Portal Device and attach it to her and they move on together
* eventually they come to the end of her management rail and she communicates that she wants him to catch her. there are two options for this: 1. he does manage to catch her in his arms and is promptly knocked to the ground under her not insignificant weight and velocity and gets to lie winded on the ground with a metal orb on his chest and a nose bleed. or 2. (bastard addition) he realises at the last second that Hey Thats A Big Metal Ball, gets war flashbacks to high school soccer practice, and promptly jumps back, letting chell hit the ground
* either way they move on glados' old chamber and wheatley openly wonders who finally took her down. they make it to the control panel and wheatley plugs her in. now either chell activating the lights or him hitting buttons at random boots up glados
* wheatley attempts to talk his way out but glados is much more interested in the little core who fucking MURDERED HER
* wheatley attempts to bargain for his freedom ("well i see you two have some history, how about you just pop me up to the surface and ill let you two catch up. (possible further dialogue depending on how much of a bastard you like your wheatleys) or maybe you should um, send her with me, i mean, seems reeeaaalllyy dangerous, and im sure youd want her far FAR away from you. so you could just... hand her over, send us to the surface, and we'll both be gone Forever, never have to worry about her coming for you ever again"
* glados informs him that since hes awake and gotten this far, though shes "sure the Testing Core did all the real work", he can start testing while she deals with this rogue (insert musing about how to make an AIs death as painful as possible here)
* at this moment chell manages to wrench herself free of the claw that was holding her and makes another bid for freedom. (she either 1. slips through another well-placed hole in the floor or 2. is quickly crushed and her lifeless body is tossed away as glados laments how easy she got off before turning her attention back on wheatley. either way she tosses him into a test chamber to get started
* wheatley goes through several tests before engaging an aerial faith plate only to spot chell, after several jumps he manages to get the gist of what shes trying to tell him (shes alive and shes going to get him out of there, just keep testing)
* chell does just that, busting her human out and taking off together
* wheatley comes up with a plan to take her down and they do it
* they manage to install chell as the new chasis. not sure what she does with glados but i am feeling wheatley kicks her severed head at one point
* now theres a few versions i can think of
1. chell betrayal: chell makes wheatley test instead of releasing him
2. wheatley is forced to sit around waiting for chell to try and find a way to get both of them out and many nasty words are said
3. wheatley betrayal: wheatley pulls some fuckery to try and ditch the core and send himself to the surface, or even shut the whole facility down, or maybe control the place through chell, either way its a bastard move.
* idk what happens after that part thats all i got plotwise lol
but here are a few little tidbits on core!chell
* she was built to keep glados entertained by running tests
* she does love doing puzzles and pushing herself but she does NOT care for being put down and the constant threat of death or dismemberment and she certainly doesnt care for people trying to kill her
* someone told her that there was a whole world outside the facility (im thinking glados, as a way to taunt her with the fact that shed never see it) and now she wants OUT
* does not speak. at all. ever. she has a vocal processor and should be able to but she doesn't
* based on how some people will "nod" and "shake their head" by jiggling the camera up and down or side to side, or jump to express their feelings while playing, i headcanon that she communicates via expression (as best a core can), lots of wiggling, pointedly looking between items of interest, and spinning
* heavier than most cores because she was built to withstand an absolute beating, with thicker plates and so on
* very impatient, very smart. surprisingly expressive, and can be pretty affectionate when things are going well
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luffysbasement · 3 years
didn't realize my last one was that long. Geez (this one is also fucking long, bare with me)
I feel like ever since elementary, all our teachers liked to talk about how the opposite of love isn't hate (there was even a text during 6th? grade about this whole thing.)
Tbh I haven't looked much into lore so I only know the gist of it(I'm such shit, but I know I will have literally no time to study if I get invested in the dsmp) so there may be wild guesses here and there down below.
The way Quackity's expressions ranged from stoic to a weirdly kind smile to aggressively scary and ruthless, it's all just so.. *gestures wildly with hands because I have no words* ..angsty. The grip on Dream's hair like he wants him to listen carefully but he is losing all patience and sanity and sympathy for Dream. The crazed look from Quackity(his last block) is just so cold and bitter and kind of filled with self-pity, like he's been there before (I actually don't know if that's the case lmao) it's the look from textbook villians(I know he's not one) when they become insane and starts spilling all that they know in the most poisonous way possible.
Also, again, last block giving me chills. Sapnap's glare and George just walking away with absolutely no care and no desire to turn around sums it up beautifully. Good work, really really beautiful.
putting this on read more bc i will be ranting LMAO. buckle in, this will be long.
thank you!! :] i absolutely love seeing people see how i organized the colors and panels to be the way they are. and the expressions as well, i had fun making those!
i really like this one bc its short but it goes pretty deep into the lore. i had to think about the flow of the panels and the colors and poses of the comic since its only 3 pages and i dont have much to tell the message aside from those things asgssdfgh
i originally saw the concept (opposite of love isnt hate) from a tiktok HAHAH i dont think weve ever tackled that in literature or anywhere at school unfortunately :(( im a big fan of metaphorical/poetic statements too. tho its technically logical, but weve been so used to hate being described as the opposite of love that its just mind-boggling for me to hear that lol
i actually understand you lol im currently done with school at the present moment but a few months ago i barely even posted, even more drawn anything bc i was so busy with school. since youre still not done, good luck with that!!
but oh lord am i a hoe (a WH**E) for lore.
ive thought of this for a long time now but i just had to urge to get to drawing it when my twt tl starting going deep into c!dream's lore.
i just ABSOLUTELY love lore revolving around the dt. (maybe because im more attached to them whoops)
its just so fascinating to think about. (everything onwards is /rp and /character) also, you said youre not that caught up with lore so if you dont get these things or dont wanna bother/get spoiled, you can just ignore it lol i just really needed to rant about his character thats all, needed to get it off my chest phew
dream from the start had a plan: make everyone on the server hate him and build a prison for someone so strong it'll be needed. for me there is no way he was talking about tommy or techno then. no way.
he definitely had a fall to corruption. what he did with tommy during exile, that one is inexcusable ofc but the other things??? destroying the community house, siding with techno during his arrest, even destroying a whole ass country (this one might just be him reaching his limit against lmanberg, being the first and basically only country to defy him sm and stuff)
its weird and interesting in a way. what he did, the destruction, telling everyone he has no more attachments, not even sapnap and george, putting george on the throne then dethroning him not long after-- all these things just seems like it's part of his plan you know???
but like, what for? why? what does he want? earlier in the smp, he just wanted to build a home for them, one that will grow and be beautiful (theres a certain tiktok edit of this one, i am going to cry) he was such a good guy in the earlier days, he just wanted to take care of the server and take on the responsibilities expected of him but it just all... fell?
but even then, from the start, i cant help but think that he was already alone. sure, he had sapnap and george and the others but after everything: after sapnap was so quick to jump on tommy's side after ONE thing that dream said in the heat of the moment to threaten tommy (the 'i dont care about anything' bit), not trying to clear it up with dream and with george being so quick to side with other people's statement (dream dethroned him bc he hates him, etc) than dream's own (to protect george), its just so sad. not to mention even before everything, those two formed new nations without dream before; while dream was fighting for his own alone, they didn't really care enough. they did this again, with kinoko kingdom but tbf, the destruction of the community house felt like the end of the greater dream smp.
its just... sad and tragic, his whole character. his life is like the joker, baby. BAHAHAHA
sorry about that, the c!dream apologist in me needed to breathe
glad you think its beautiful hehe <3
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wizisbored · 3 years
am currently lacking Thoughts, but this is such an incredible concept, so what are some of your Thoughts?
ok so some of this is not very fleshed out and theres some points where i have basically no idea how stuff goes down but heres the gist:
so first off, the maitlands' house is in hatchetfield now, edge of town near the woods. at first i did this so id have a way to bring in hatchetfield characters if i wanted them but now the witchwoods are kinda relevant too so thats fun.
so beetlejuice in this au is kinda a patient zero for the infection. why? no clue. dunno where he came from except out of the forest. is he connected to pokey? probably. maybe hes a prophet idk. but anyway hes lurkin, i think maybe hes visible from the start here, and after the maitlands die he infects them.
the infected in this au are pretty much the same level of 'just kinda chillin' as paulkins in igtlt. beetlejuice is the only one whos really interesting in killing and infecting, which he is annoyed about. hes techincally hive leader but the maitlands dont really listen to him, hes trying to teach them to be scary zombies like him but as with ghosting theyre just not very good at it. and as hive leader he could just take them over completely, but honestly hes too lonely for that.
the infected either hide in the attic or woods all through the process of the house being sold - theyre not strong enough (not entirely sure yet on the logic of why, probably because the maitlands wont back beetlejuice up) to start killing people for themselves to add to the hive but the maitlands refuse to outright leave. when the deetzs show up like in the show the maitlands want to get them out, beetlejuice tells them they need to get better at zombie-ing and kill them, but adam and barbra decide amongst themselves theyre just going to scare them out. they try to scare lydia, it doesnt work, they agree to try to scare charles. obviously this time charles can see the maitlands since theyre zombies rather than ghosts, but since theyre such ineffective zombies he ends up thinking theyre just random living people and ends up chasing them out of the house.
so lydia goes up to the roof and finds beetlejuice. with my current idea of how the scene goes i honestly have no idea why lydia doesnt jump, but ill come back to that. anyway, beetlejuice thinks 'great, a lone child, i can kill this one easily,' but she evades his attempts to sneak up on her so he can take her out quietly and he ends up realising he quite likes the kid. still wants to kill her for the hive, but starts to consider the idea that he could get her into it willingly. maybe that way shed be a bit more on-board with the whole thing than the maitlands were. they could be a team. he offers this to lydia, and like with invoking him in the show her response is pretty much a 'wtf no'. eventually he gives up for some reason, maybe she still shoves him off the roof idk, but before he goes he gives her a bit of the blue shit in a funky lil potion bottle (or, as my partner suggested, a monster can) and tells her if she ever changes her mind she has an open invitation to the hive. then he goes off to try to find the maitlands, who ran off somewhere into the woods.
the dinner party, i really need to think about more. i dont have the haunted house prospect to drive lydia to the edge, but something does. something makes her take out that lil potion bottle shes been carrying around and down it. im thinking that by virtue of her still being alive when she drinks it, shes only really half infected. not sure if ill keep that but thats a possibility. anyway, despite the fact that she goes semi-feral from the concentrated hit of blue shit and chases charles' business connections out of the house, the fact that shes maybe half-infected and also just one kid means that charles manages to grab her and shut her in her room till she calms down a bit.
thats where the 'i dont think youre going to life coach me out of the zombie hivemind' doodle comes in. charles, deep in denial as always, and delia, with way too much faith in her own methods, convince themselves that they can keep and 'tame' this zombie kid. goes about as well as youd expect. lydias not just stubborn now, shes dangerous, and tensions only rise. its not helped by the fact that shes linked up to the hivemind now, and that comes with an instinct to follow them. so one night, sick of this shit, she packs a bag and decides to follow the rest of the zombies into the woods.
for a while shes sort of lost out there, blindly following where she feels the others might be. but then she hears a wolf howl, and some instinct presses her to try it herself. so she makes this call that isn't quite a howl and not quite a note either, and after a moment hears another in reply. starts running towards it, and soon finds herself in barbra's arms.
so this starts the wierd situation of beetlejuice, the maitlands, and lydia being a little zombie hivemind in the witchwood. as ive said, beetlejuice is technically leader but nobody really respects his authority. he and lydia goof around together but if anything shes the one with the power there, still not quite on board with the whole 'killing to add to the hive' thing. as she sees it, the hive is fine as it is. where im thinking i can bring hatchetfield characters in, though, is the idea of the maitlands cleaning the goo off lydias face and taking her into town with them, trying to give her a hint of a normal life despite the fact that theres no plans for her ever leaving the hive.
thats where im up to currently, the zombies are vibin in the woods and occasionally wierding out townsfolk.
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Favorite character and character you hate the most?
Oooh i like this, thank you for the ask!
Favourite character: Jenny and Sona. 100%. I don't think i can pick between the two though
Jenny is just an amazing character overall, i love how bold she is and how funny she is. She's so tough and seems to be sort of a lone wolf but you know that she really cares about the people she loves and will do anything for them
Sona is the character i relate to the most i think? She focuses on her flaws too much, thinks shes a burden ("i am more trouble than i am worth"), and can get sort of lost in her head because of those thoughts. But those things never stop her from being confident in her abilities, never stop her from trying, and i only wish i could handle it the way she does. Theres more i can get into but thats the gist of it
Hate the most: The last zenith and Milo
The zenith is pretty obvious. I mean, that bitch is torturing Sona
Milo is just annoying. There could potentially be room for redemption in Godslayers, but i don't care too much for him in the first place
How bout you? Fav characters? Characters you want to stomp on?
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otterplusharchive · 4 years
rey! do you have any recs for kdramas? i have never watched any, but i like lovable characters and romance ? thank you in advance!
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I DO IN FACT HAVE DRAMA RECS HII not all of these will be kdramas, but ill start with the kdramas ive watched and enjoyed and ill include all the warnings for them that i can remember off the top of my head and a brief synopsis for u!
1. weight lifting fairy kim bok joo
this was probably one of the first kdramas i saw people post about in like 2015 and i watched a little bit of it in 2016 but then only just got around to finishing it last year. the basic gist of it is its about a young sports college weight lifter, kim bok joo, centering around her navigating through her life and trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life and what she wants to be. her romantic interest in the show is a swimmer and they have a sort of rivals to friends to lovers, he is SO in love with her and its adorable. i absolutely loved the side characters in this show theyre all so fun and kim bok joos best friends and weight lifting team are especially delightful. my main warning would be that this show addresses eating disorders and theres a lot of mention of both weight gain and weight loss, theres also a plot point early on where kim bok joo has a crush on her eventual love interests older brother but it gets resolved and the older brother literally goes "i didnt realize you had a crush on me and if i knew that i wouldnt have been so friendly with you, it would be completely innapropriate for us to be in a relationship". overall its a really sweet and emotional fun show but if you have issues with weight talk id skip this one
2. tale of the nine tailed
this one is really recent from last year and i didnt expect to be so hooked by it but boy howdy did i get attached to all the characters and the wild plot. it feels hard to explain the plot but basically a nine tailed fox named lee yeon is living in modern day seoul and is working for the underworld finding paranormal spirits/creatures/other rogue foxes that are causing havoc on the world, hes resigned himself to living this life while waiting for his girlfriend who died tragically 600 years ago to come back to life because he traded his status as a mountain god in order to ensure that her soul would one day be reincarnated. a plucky investigative journalist named nam ji ah figures out that hes not human and shenanagins ensue because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend oooooo whatll happen. the plot beyond that gets really wild and its hard to explain and is easier to just watch. if u enjoy paranormal adventures this one is good. my one big complaint and issue with this is that the immortal mountain spirit meets his original girlfriend when shes a child and she continues to visit him off and on as she grows up which is Hm I Dont Like That! but thankfully the present time romance our female lead meets him when shes about 30 if im remembering right. also warnings for general fantasy violence, references to child abuse, animal death, and abandonment issues
3. extraordinary you
HUGE unreality warning for this. if you have issues with feeling unreal or have paranoia/delusions about not being a real person id avoid this one just because of its premise
ok i know i said tale of the nine tailed was a hard plot to explain but BOY extraordinary you is even HARDER to explain. because its so wild but so good. its about a girl who realizes that she is literally a side character in a comic book, and the story becomes her trying to change the story to save her character from dying but it becomes a lot more than that. the romance in this is literally tooth achingly sweet and the show itself is very pretty, i loved the side characters in this one and the show was engaging and interesting to watch it became really layered and meta. super reccomend this one honestly. my main issues/warnings that i can remember off the top of my head were just one character being the classic controlling boyfriend stereotype, bullying someone specifically for being poor, unreality like i mentioned before, and then at the very end there was this love interest for a side character who got reincarnated from a past piece of writing that they had been in and put in the comic but she was a student and he was the school cook which is weird but thankfully they like barely interact at all and theres no real romance he just like recognizes her and its barely a thing at the end of the show but its still weird
4. mystic pop up bar
big warning for suicide, sexual harrasment (which is framed as being bad and the guy whos harrassing the girl literally gets thrown off a roof)
i havent finished this one yet and thats mainly because im not emotionally ready because this one makes me soooo emotional. if you like found family this is a good one. its about a pop up bar run by a woman whos been tasked with solving the problems of a certain amount of people in order to atone for her crimes in the past before dying, shes able to enter the dreams of people and solve their issues using the information she gets in the dreams. paranormal shenanagins ensue, she acquires a son and a husband and it kills me its so fun and quirky and fun despite handling dark themes and peoples problems. also very sweet the found family murders me
5. kingdom (netflix original)
i literally am not going to be able to watch any other zombie media because kingdom and train to busan are the best pieces of zombie media ive ever seen. warnings for gore and violence and just general horror aspects.
i absolutely love this one its so thrilling and well done, i love the acting and the way that this show looks its absolutely gorgeous. a zombie plague breaks out in joseon period korea where the emperor has died and then was brought back to life by the queen and her father in a ploy to try and keep their family in political power, the crown prince must find answers. a lot more happens and its very dramatic and good i love the characters in this one
1. the untamed. if you follow me and you havent watched the untamed im begging you to watch the untamed. literally one of the most beautiful stories ive experienced in my life i am not joking when i say i cried multiple times over it. the main characters are canonically gay in love and have a son together please watch the untamed. handles a lot of dark themes, heres a tw guide
2. the sleuth of the ming dynasty
this is another one i havent finished but its fun so far, very gay, found family, food, and solving murder mysteries during the ming dynasty
3. hikaru no go (also known as qi hun)
havent finished this one, there is some propaganda about hong kong in the first episode but as far as i know thats the only instance of something like that in the show
this ones about the game go and so far its very sweet and fun, local boy awakens a ghost who was a master of the game of go hundreds of years ago and eventually is persuaded to learn how to play go with the aid of the ghost. im really liking this one so far its very cute and i love the characters in it. if youve watched the untamed nie huaisangs actor ji li is in this one!
4. the legend of yunqian
this ones very short and on youtube, all the episodes are about 5 minutes long and its a lesbian time travel fantasy adventure with a happy ending! funny and cute
1. cherry magic
please please please watch cherry magic. the premise sounds very much like a weird yaoi kind of thing but trust me on this. trust me. it is so heart warming and sweet and i was so emotional about it and the growth of the main character.
adachi gains the power to read peoples minds on his 30th birthday based off a urban legend that if youre a 30 year old virgin that youll become a wizard. after gaining this power he accidentally finds out that his extremely popular and handsome coworker has a crush on him, and shenanagins ensue along with adachi having blossoming feelings in return. this show was really refreshing in a lot of ways, adachi is a main character who like.. is unsure of himself and insecure in a very kind of realistic way, he closes himself off and is afraid to reach out to people and through the course of the show we see him slowly come out of his shell and realize that hes likeable and lovable and that people want to be around him and its so nice to see. my main complaint about this show is that i dont really like the background couple, but otherwise this is a very sweet and refreshing gay romance that has a happy ending!
some others that i myself havent seen but that ive seen people talk about a lot and that i want to watch eventually:
- the legend of fei (cdrama)
- the wolf (cdrama)
- gaurdian (cdrama, not the kdrama one called goblin)
- healer (kdrama, i did watch some of this one but it was in 2016 and i never finished it so i barely remember any of it but i do remember liking it)
- nobody knows (kdrama)
- its ok to not be ok (kdrama)
sorry this is so long but i hope youll be able to find a drama u enjoy!!
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four-am-fanfiction · 3 years
okay sorry this took so long to get to but i just had to find my old history assignment because YES i had a hyperfixation on medieval punishment/torture in 6th grade and YES that included rat torture and YES @natalyasneverland i see u girl so this is for u too <3
SO, yeah, 12 yr old me was UTTERLY OBSESSED with medieval punishment and all other kinds of torture, including but not limited to, RAT TORTURE!!!
now im pretty sure everyone knows what rat torture is thanks to movies and whatnot but if u DONT know, the basic gist was this:
Step 1. Find ur torture victim! 😱🗡🩸Step 2. Strap them down and then place a live rat on their chest/stomach 🐀🐀🐀 Step 3. Put a bucket or pot over the rat! Make sure the bucket/pot is secure so the rat cant escape ❌🪣🔒 Step 4. Put a buncha hot coals on top of the bucket/pot to heat it up, and wait for the results! 🔥🔥🔥
Spoiler alert: the results are the rat, upon realising it cant break through the bucket/pot, panics and tries to escape the heat the only way it can - by clawing through the torture victims chest/stomach. Yikes, right? Yeah. They also used to just straight up trap people in rooms with rats and let em get bit, and also some military dictatorships used to shove rats up peoples asses/coochies to torture them. even more yikes!
so, thats rat torture. i think i actually did a buncha sketches of it when i was a kid (just the bucket one. not the other stuff. ew) but i cant find em so i mighta threw em out, but i DID find my old history assignment on medieval punishment -
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how many times did i say "usually" and "innocent" in this assignment? jesus. Young Me Use A Thesaurus ChallngeTM. anyways this was the title slide, check this shit out lol:
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and yeah i drew that dripping shit and it was red cos it was supposed to be blood cos 12 yo me was fucked in the head lmao. i drew all those little things like the bread slice and the water drop and the broken bone using the computer mouse and microsoft powerpoint, as u do, and all of my titles were in red, LIKE BLOOD MWAHAHAHA
also the mutilation slide:
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yeah. here i said that i didnt wanna look it up so i didnt freak out my teacher, but actually i was too scared to look it up and see a buncha bloody mutilated faces, so i just made up this bullshit instead. 12 yo me was a pussy, apparently
also this:
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is what my teacher wrote at the end of my assignment fshdjfkfkdkfk. see, for this history class each assignment was worth a few points, some more than others, obviously, and the more points u get the better ur grade (or some bullshit like that. i cant quite remember but im pretty sure thats how it went) so some were worth 1 and others like 3 - 5 i think. but YEAH even my teacher could see that i got carried away with this one and its entirely the educations systems fault cos if u ask a nerd about their hyperfixation u are GONNA get an earful. i also rlly liked medieval fashion and social classes and various medieval jobs and well, just pretty much anything medieval. u should have seen what i was like when i first discovered lord of the rings. i would not want to have been my parents back then. so of course for history class i always picked the medieval assignments which were never worth as many points as like, aussie history or ww2 but i didnt care because i was having FUN
ALSO! before u even ask, NO the iron maiden is not on my assignment, cos theres no real evidence that it actually existed in medieval times so SSHHH. at least its not as bad as the (alleged) persian boat torture rip
so yes thank u for this message and thank u for asking about the weirdass obsessions i had as a kid, even if it did concern all the adults around me that i knew how mummification worked at age 10
anyways this is what my teacher put on my assignment, so i cant have done that bad!
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simptasia · 3 years
Top 5 Cats the Musical moments AND Top 5 Cats the Musical Movie moments? 😂
oh bless you!!
tho i have to say i’m not nearly as familiar with cats as a stage musical as i am the movie. i’ve seen bits and pieces of the 98 version (i’ve seen misto’s, skimble’s and griz’s songs fully. and parts of the other songs, enough to know what they sound like. and like i watched somebody else watch the 98 version, which gave me the Gist but it’s not the same, obviously). meanwhile i’ve seen the 2019 version 3 times (been on painkillers every single time! not on purpose just amazing timing) AND i’ve watched all of the scenes over and over and analysed it to bits..... so mayhaps i’m a tad underqualified here
so i can give a top 5 for 2019 cats but i don’t feel secure in doing the same for the 98 version. BUT i will say this: all of misto’s song is amazing and “presto” hits harder than any drug. misto’s presto is deservedly iconic
okie this is gonna be hard for me. 98 the problem is i don’t have enough cuz i haven’t seen it properly. 2019 the problem is theres just too many
also i’d like to preface this by saying im at a point where i genuinely adore this movie (aware of the problems, certainly) and i can’t regard it as a bad movie anymore. last time i watched it, i was having the time of my fucking life
so the first half is misto’s song is cute and awkward (and its meant to be, i will defend this song, damn it. tho laurie cannot hold a note, aw honey...) but the second half? when the triumph kicks in? that is golden! golden i tells you! during which i am experiencing genuine euphoria. it’s all good, the whole song is good for me and i love misto so much. but like a moment during this that REALLY gets me tho is when old deut has come back and it cuts to misto looking so overjoyed and the music kicks the fuck in into triumph mode and that is the bit that makes me cry. like a laugh cry. it’s so good, so good. that shit is PEAK
i can’t pick a favourite part of skimbleshank’s song and nobody should. the entire thing is great and it pretty much plays continiously in my head. i dunno if 5 minutes counts as A Moment but fuck it all. he’s a cat that. cannot. be. ignored
griz’s song, memory, is of course amazing. i don’t even need to say that. but also like her “TOUCH ME” is so powerful it’s like all of my organs were being pulled towards the screen at once. thats the best way i can describe it. fuck me that hits like a motherfucker
okay i’ve made it abundantly clear that my love of robbie fairchild’s performance in this has evolved into uh, worshipful. love me a theatre bitch. chaotically sincere and sincerely chaotic. but i can’t just say “every moment with munkustrap” because thats so much of the movie! king!!! this movie rests upon this lovely stripy shoulders! and picking like BEST? for him?? impossible. but i will mention two scenes: the passionate and loving performance given during “old dueteromony”. the singing is beautiful and the aaaacting is lush. that bit when munku nuzzles old deut is A++++. mwah. and the other scene being his background acting during the ad-dressing of cats. the one where he’s emoting so fucking much in the background. and he’s doing that the whole movie actually but its more obvious there. i’ve been to that scene a lot and lemme tell you whatever frame you get of munku in that scene is fucking gold. special mention goes to what he does when old duet mentions the caviar. also i cannot stress enough that robbie does not blink!!! he’s a mad lad!!!!
i love all of jellicle songs for jellicle cats, great song, proper bop. and i dunno if this is my fave part but i think it deserves to be on here, i like when we get to the slow verse where its all like religious and stuff, they’re reaching up towards the everlasting cat as they sing and i think its beautiful. then these lyrics happen (and munku is guiding victoria thru these lyrics, which is nice) “feline, fearless, faithful to others that do...” and the macavity says “what”. and then suddenly the song goes back to really fast paced again. i dunno, i just love the way that part hits. i dunno if it should go in the top five, there are other moments i love more, a lot of them didn’t feel Big Enough. so they’re going in honorable mentions
i wanna give honorable mentions to
misto’s “romantical cats!” with his heart paws
“how will they be chosen?” “by singing the song of themselves, of course” i love that line because it perfectly expresses that this movie will express it’s concept entirely sincerely without a hint of irony. and i like that
every time misto and victoria nuzzle. oh and that heavy breathing held gaze tension moment they have after the bit with the dog [bleps]
misto and munku dosed on catnip cuz i’m a horny fuck, okay
munku and victoria’s lovely dance followed by misto suddenly yelling his own name and juggling. yeah that about sums it up
“macavityyyyyy [whoosh]”
the little chin hold munku gives misto. i’ve seen robbie do that in other things and it’s always towards a love interest. interesting
the jellicle ball. in general. but especially misto and victoria dancing together and munku and skimble dancing together. and all is right with the world
i really like beautiful ghosts (musically and character wise. the scene itself isn’t very interesting to look at but oh well) and i especially like “all that i wanted, was to be wanted”. like for me that informs a lot of victoria’s character. that stuck with me, i like it
munku’s tear during memory
“you... are the jellicle choice” and griz’s reaction. felt that
“up, up, up to the heavyside layer!” (with the bonus that misto is lighting the candles in time with the music, and thats satisfying as heck)
jennyanydots’ eye rolly joke during tugger’s song is worth it because of munkustrap’s reaction to it. his “oh you’re so bad!” laugh followed by looks that say “oh no, i shouldn’t laugh at that, i’m supposed to be sensible. hehe”. you can tell they’re good friends, it’s endearing
i can’t pick a specific part of mungo and rumple’s song but i love victoria going into silly mode, and also just mungo and rumple’s Vibes, ya know. extra special mention to victoria and rumple’s obvious chemistry
fuck it, any time misto is a klutzy endearing (not so) little baby. OH WAIT i wanna point out how fucking proud of himself he is when he sings about his family repeatedly calling him in. that is the epitome of a cat, amazing
there’s more, there’s always more, but that’s currently... enough
i’m very into this movie, can you tell. like i’ll dunk on it, but i love it
it’s my special interest and i’m here to have a good time, babey
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softfuzzyships · 4 years
💫💫 with lio and lelouch!!!
@kittyandco OH BOY THANK U LETS GO
so for people who havent seen promare, I know my blog is a walking spoiler but I'll try and keep spoilers to a minimum.
lio is the leader of mad burnish, which is a super dope biker gang that sets things on fire and have cool armor designs. and he is king and the coolest guy I've ever seen. he's a burnish, which are the people who basically control fire that can become almost anything (i.e. a bike). it's made pretty clear that the burnish are the oppressed group, despite what they might say in universe, and lio is the spearhead to fight racism. that's uh. the gist of it.
lio is set up to be the serious character, and he is, but I think he's also just. compassionate. the fact that he refuses to kill is really emphasized, which is apparently a very different viewpoint from mad burnish before lio was there? but he's merciful. all he really wants is to keep the burnish safe because he knows they're all on their own, they have to stick together to survive. and he orchestrates the whole jailbreak and runaway situation. he knows risks and he does it anyway cause he cares. he knows they won't have help from the outside so he carries around this burden. so even if he comes off a little cold or unapproachable, he really, really cares about others. even more than himself.
he doesn't get as much screentime or development as galo does but I think theres a lot more you can glean from him than just what's on the surface. he's really smart, strong, he knows how to lead and command, but he also feels really deeply. and that is demonstrated very clearly, but I think he also feels a lot of compassion for others even if he doesn't exactly show it. also he went grocery shopping and brought back mac n cheese for me
uhhhh oh boy lelouch. I'll try and keep this brief cause there's too much for me to get into. I know I'm mean to him and I make fun of him to no end, but I do find him to be a great character
the cg universe is also wack. imagine the world if america took over 80% of it. that's what it's like. which also means everyone is racist. also the monarchy is still in place instead of you know. democracy. so you can imagine the nightmare this is
and lelouch is part of the royal family, but basically he hates his dad and told him that to his face, then his dad disowned him and banished him and his sister to japan. and then suzaku beat him up on sight (keep in mind they're both like 10 at this point)
lelouch has his personal vendetta against america britannia but overtime it grows into way more than his personal stuff. and at a certain point it stops being about him, his sister, his father, and it starts being about....everything else. and lelouch is self centered, he just is, and he just. takes. he isn't afraid to take and destroy because he knows what he wants, and he can't afford to give up or stop. it weighs on him and it's clear when you see him not being zero, which is almost never, but he knows what he's doing. he's knows it's wrong but again, he can't exactly stop now that the train is going.
underlying everything is still this very basic "I want to make the world that I needed" goal. and honestly, for as selfish and backwards as he can be, he can also be very much the opposite. he isn't heartless even if he wants to be, at the end of the day he does care about other people. while this begins as a personal grudge, it ultimately becomes something in service of the world, in a weird way? because he knows it isn't just for him personally anymore. he knows that everything is bigger than him and he's also just a piece to play. and when he gives that up, I feel like that's one of the times you see him being honest. he knows he won't have anything to gain and he's okay with that, because the world spins with or without him. and I think thats....very unselfish of him.
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e8luhs · 6 years
Hey! So, since you run an actually successful fanventure, do you have any tips on writing one? Mine, Scratchwise, is still in the baby stages, and I want to make it the best it can be.
heres the post ive written about character development!
since most of my previous posts on actual plot writing have been nonexistent and very vague, HERE under the cut are a couple of things that i can say ive learned over the course of time and hopefully it will help you somehow. enjoy
obviously the first question that should be asked is this: what story do you want to tell? figure out themes that are important to you. study your favorite novels and analyze the themes you recognize, why you recognize them, and why they may or may not have an emotional impact on you. do you want to tell a story about recovery? about struggle? WHATEVER have you? ask why you want to tell it, and how youre going to tell it.
sidenote 1.1: sometimes you wont know what youre going for for a while, and thats okay. to be honest i totally had no idea what the main theme of cataclysmalbound until later into the game. sometimes this shit just pulls itself together and thats fine too, but i recommend thinking about themes early on because it helps immensely with foreshadowing and character development.
please god do your research if youre going to be writing about heavier topics. honestly this is a pretty obvious point but i still feel it needs to be specified. i cant even really begin to describe how not just annoying but downright frustrating it is seeing stories where people milk their characters trauma or really just have the audacity to write about experiences that they have no authority to speak about. if youre going to be writing about abuse and trauma, please take on these topics with care, and keep in mind that they must be covered with a sense of understanding, nuance, and with education; these are actual experiences that actual people have to go through.
sidenote 2.1: here and here are some jumping-off-point sources for advice with writing traumatized characters. again these are like SUPER JUMPING OFF POINT sources take it all with a grain of salt and sense of skepticism, theres also plenty of writing blogs on tumblr and whatnot which have typically talked about similar. just USE RESOURCES. you get the gist.
revise revise revise. listen to me right now, youre not going to go with the first version of your story. in fact you SHOULDNT go with the first version of your story, EVER, because your story WILL become better alongside you and your own writing style. give yourself time to let your story sink in, and adjust accordingly when you find hiccups.
sidenote 3.1: im tellin you that cataclysmalbound originally? was nothing like it is now and its because ive been working on it since 2016. i have obviously changed not only as a person but a writer since that point in time. i originally tried starting up the comic one month after the creation of the characters. guess how that went? TERRIBLY! because i had NO idea who the characters were, half of them were irrelevant, the plot was rushed and all in all it was a bad time. just like, let yourself SIT on it no matter how enthusiastic you are. i get it... i know... but seriously
be flexible. in my experience its good to have a plot but its even more important to go with what feels natural to your characters. im personally a very character driven person so it MIGHT just be me, but honestly if your plot is TOO structured it can be almost suffocating to the characters because it gives them no space for development, conversation, emotions, it leaves NO space for tension. dont guide your characters, FOLLOW them because it will ultimately be 20x more impactful in the end due to it being driven by your characters feelings/motivations/actions rather than just like... whatever.
pacing is important. if you have too much going on too quickly, it will lead to an ultimately unfulfilling and lifeless story. let things build up over time. this might not come naturally and thats okay as well! ive had to re-write and re-pace my story like 3 or 4 or HOWEVER many times because ive realized later on just how rushed it sounded. again: youre going to evolve and flexibility is important so that you CAN evolve.
keep track of your plot. duh, obviously. write it down, keep it in a google doc, keep it on a google sheet, whatever is best for you
sidenote 6.1: write down all of your new ideas too. “oh ill remember this later its too cool to forge--” NO. you WILL FORGET. WRITE IT DOWN. KEEP NOTES ON YOUR PHONE. KEEP A NOTEPAD ON YOU. you will thank yourself later.
talk to other people about your characters. overcome the anxiety! its worth it! not only will it help you with bouncing new ideas for plot points off of other people, but it will also give you an idea of how these events and characters will be interpreted. taking from not only your OWN skillset but OTHERS is really great and good and no matter how “solo” of a job youre pulling, writing and literature ultimately is about teamwork because of the fact that it can be interpreted and tweaked upon in unique ways by everyone.
when in doubt write it out. i have run into pitfalls where i have an idea of what i want to happen, but i dont know HOW to make it happen. what causes it, what are the characters intentions, how does it build up, etc. sometimes the best thing you can do at these points is just WRITE like, from whichever characters perspective is necessary and go ham on it. write out the aftermath, or write DURING the plot point, or write how relationships might be affected by it. genuinely it has been helpful to me for brainstorming, since it puts me into my characters places and helps me ask “what would logically happen based on how everyone acts”. sometimes its really as simple as getting it out of your head and onto the page.
sidenote 8.1: on the topic of characters, as ive stated in the “character development” half of this, if you dont care about or dont have a place for your character in the plot, ditch em. really. throw em out if they dont have an actual impact. if you DO care but still dont have a place, its up to you to make one.
sidenote 8.2: also sometimes you might have a character which you might really favor and want to give them a lot of like DRAMA but if you want to have equal emphasis on all of your characters, you need to figure out how to redistribute the spotlight.
finally all i can say is that the rest is up to you. to get all up and fucking poetic in here, the sparks of inspiration will naturally come from your own life and experiences and feelings. utilize that and also the ways that you as an individual garner ideas... because thats what makes your story unique ^_^ go fucking hogwild. apeshit, if you will
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mariantoina · 5 years
thoughts on t*sp
look. at first i told myself that i wasn’t gonna watch this show, and then the very next day it got leaked so i was like “you know what? im gonna watch it anyway!” and thats the worst decision that ive ever made in my life because this show was... bad. could it have been worse? definitely, given the fact that it was an emma frost show based on a philippa gregory book. but this was still terrible enough for me to type this post up, so here we go!
i can guarantee you that you’ll have a more fun time reading this post than you will watching TSP. this is under a read more because.. whew.. theres a lot.
first and foremost: the actress playing KOA cannot act. she’s really pretty, granted, but her acting was genuinely terrible. like.. i cringed almost every time there was a scene terrible. not only was her spanish accent bad but she felt so.. stiff, i guess would be a good word, whenever she said something. and that didn’t do anything to help the fact that she has a bad case of ScarJo Fever™ (if you don’t know what that is: it’s when an actor/actress only makes the same three facial expressions) people need to stop hiring actresses and actors just because they’re attractive and actually make sure that they can act. at this point, i am Begging!
the actor playing harry was actually good though, at least in my opinion. he did his best with what he was given and i really admire that! you can tell that he was putting a lot of effort into it, even though the way that they wrote him was really out of character for that period of his life (see: this post)
h7′s actor was good in the scenes that he was in, but the way that they treated h7 was so.. weird? they didn’t make him as creepy as i thought that they were going to when i first found out they were making an adaptation of TCP, but there was still this lowkey creepy vibe that he had going on.. i honestly dont know how to explain it, but it was there. also he slapped the shit out of harry in a scene??? that was messy as HELL
the actress for margaret beaufort was good, but there were some scenes that just had me like.. oh? on god? (most notably the death scene, but i’ll get into that hot mess later) you could tell that she was trying hard, even if they made MB’s character arc terrible.
the actors that played lina and her love interest were amazing, though. they worked with what they had and i really liked what they did with them even though the writing was shit. the scene with their wedding was adorable and really well acted!
angus imrie (arthur) was good, too! but the wig that they gave him? atrocious. i’m going to see it in my nightmares. georgie henley was really good in the scenes that we saw her in as meg tudor, but most of the scenes she was in weren’t that good and that’s wack :’)
i don’t know the name of the actress that played juana of castile in the episode she was in, but i liked her acting, too.. even though the writing for her was kind of cringy.
before i end this section i should let it be known that i was more attached to juana, meg and arthur in the few episodes they were in than i was to KOA during the entire show. it’s so tragic like. how are you going to cast a lead actress that cant act?? Hello???
before i get into the issues with the writing and creative direction i have with the show, i just wanna say: the pacing of the show was terrible and really, really difficult to follow. the entirety of the second episode, which followed from their KOA/arthur marriage to arthur’s death, probably had the worst pacing. it felt like only a few weeks had passed in the show’s time, when it was supposed to be what? six months? and there was so indication of a timeskip between episode 6 and episode 7, even though juana was still in england at the end of episode 6 and h7 died about 10 minutes into episode 7? it’s so tragic.
okay, moving on!
look. i get that it’s a show and of course there’s going to be historical license but... GOD this show went above and beyond.
there’s so much i want to say here, but the most important one that i have an issue with is the shit that they did with lina’s character. erasing the fact that she was a slave owned by ferdinand and isabella and then later given to KOA was absolutely terrible. and then not only did they do that AND make her KOA’s most loyal lady-in-waiting, but they erased the fact that she was forced to convert to christianity, forced to stop using her birth name and instead having to use the name of her new owner in the name of #StrongFemaleFriendships. disgusting!
EF: lina is KOA’s most faithful servant and they have a strong female friendship!! hashtag woke!! hashtag feminism!! my black ass:
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honestly it gets even worse because KOA and lina’s “central female friendship” was barely even there. lina had more scenes with rosa, one of KOA’s other ladies-in-waiting, than she did with KOA. not to mention that KOA was manipulative to lina and kept saying stuff like “you owe me service” or stuff along those lines? it was so shitty. lina sweetie im so sorry that this ugly ass bitch would even try you
the next big thing that i had a problem with was the fact that they aged up harry, when in reality he was about 11 years old when KOA first came to england. like, i can’t really go that much into it because even thinking about the fact that they aged him up to make him Arthur’s Hotter, All-Around-Better Brother™ when he was fucking 11 makes me kinda sick but. ughh it was terrible.
not to mention the fact that they villainized margaret beaufort because of course they did. apparently you cant be a middle aged woman without being villainized?? especially not in an emma frost show. but the way that they villainized her was so ugly. and the fact that they attributed shit like edmund dudley’s execution to her when it happened an entire year after she died? Hello????
the way that she just took over and declared herself regent when h7 was in mourning for elizabeth of york and kicked KOA out of the palace + the way she tried to threaten margaret pole & lina into revealing that KOA wasn’t a virgin.. shgkhhgsfhgkshjbjsjb that shit was so fucking messy its like they tried to make her a fusion of mother gothel from tangled and ursula from the little mermaid
the way that they made EoY dislike KOA was so weird? and the way that both her and margaret beaufort assaulted her by kissing and groping her respectively was weird and definitely uncalled for.
this is a minor one in the gist of some of the other things but why did they make EoY’s last daughter a stillborn child? someone correct me if i’m wrong, but didn’t she live for about a week before she died? but then again, i remember that she named their daughter after KOA, so they probably did that to avoid the fact because they made EoY hate her. messy
arthur’s wig counts as a creative decision right? well whoever gave him that wig needs to be fired. PERIOD
arthur’s wig:
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whoever did meg tudor’s costumes also needs to be fired tbfh they were so bad. what did she ever do to yall
i guess that writing can go into the creative direction category as well, but there were so many problems with the writing that it deserves its own category
KOA was so terrible in this. between her manipulating harry and lina, and the fact that she kept defending the fact that isabella abused juana because “our mother was a queen, a warrior” was ugly! “tO bE qUeEn oF eNgLaNd iS mY dEsTiNy” girl if you don’t shut ya mouth catching these hands is gonna be your destiny
they also made KOA put all of her faith in the fact that she was related to queens? like, every time juana said she couldn’t do something because her husband + ferdinand are assholes, or every time isabella was brought up she kept being like “but you’re/she’s a queen!” it was irritating
all of the predictions about the great matter/KOA not being able to give harry a son were weird. i would have been fine if it had only been like.. one time, because sometimes foreshadowing can be good, but it was brought up every 5 seconds and at the most random times. like when EoY was literally dying in childbirth?? Hello????? god are you there??
then when margaret beaufort was about to die and she saw ghosts? and jasper tudor showed up to take her to hell i guess? honestly i didnt know what the fuck was going on but that shit was so fucking messy and wild. i have to laugh
also: i mentioned this earlier but all of those scenes where harry was ranting and raging.. EF really saw the name “henry viii” and floored it with that huh
they also dumbed harry down imho.. Wack!
juana seducing harry was a hot ass mess in its own right, but honestly? juana and harry had more chemistry in that one minute scene than KOA and harry had in the entire show
we were not even 10 minutes into the pilot and they were already trying to portray isabella as a #WokeFeministQueen. how, you might ask? why, by showing her leading a group of men to kill black muslims for their faith, of course! didn’t you know that being racist and islamophobic is hip and feminist when you’re a queen?
like i get that its from KOA’s point of view but in the opening monologue of the pilot they mentioned that isabella overthrew the moors like it was a #Feminist thing to do and not a part of her orchestrating massacres and contributing to genocide? @ EF: on GOD??
tbh? shocked that KKKristopher KKKolonizer wasn’t mentioned in a positive light based on how much they tried to glorify isabella. like what catholic monarchs stan was allowed to work on this show with EF and P. Gregory?? hello????
i’m totally fine with the whole plot point about katherine lying about her virginity, since we’ll probably never know the truth about whether or not she and arthur consummated their marriage, but it was poorly executed in both the writing and in CH’s acting. i could tell that she was lying and so did.. almost everyone, really.
the scene where they were about to.. i guess lynch lina’s love interest for “stealing” made me really uncomfortable. i dont even know how to explain it
h7′s death scene.... this is all i have to say about it
margaret beaufort ordering the execution of edmund dudley was shitty for a lot of reasons but honestly him screaming “fuck you all to hell” was hilarious
the ending scene of episode 7 where they were in the chapel and henry asked KOA if she was still a virgin was bad writing and CH’s acting made it even worse. cant even lie convincingly smh
margaret pole’s plotline was so confusing.. i barely knew wtf was going on with her the entire show? it all felt so rushed and forced. it was weird
EoY and h7 had some cute scenes together though. and that was like.. one of the shows only real redeeming qualities
that’s about it for this post about TSP! my overall rating for it is a 0.5/10. it was super shitty, but i liked arthur, juana and meg tudor so it gets a 0.5 instead of a plain 0. and apparently theres one episode left too.. DREADING it. anyways: emma frost absolutely failed in her goal to be like “its not all about anne boleyn!” because if anything this show made me think about how claire foy and natalie dormer were both robbed of awards so.. if reading this post gave you hives? go watch wolf hall or the tudors for their great performances!
thanks for reading! :)
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actualbird · 6 years
yo you totally made me think about low empathy michael and it like totally makes sense and i think about it a lot when i listen to two player game bc ye like he OBVIOUSLY cares a lot about jeremy and he loves him and like jeremy's stating his problem and michael keeps saying the same solution cause like "that's the answer bro, don't be down" bc he cant wrap his head around the emotions and connect w them that well so in his mind he's just saying this completely fool proof solution i love this hc
yo i got this ask while balls deep in three books of discourse analysis i could only understand by like 10% but because of that was in the mood to just. keep thinking my brain in circles.
so heres a stupidly long answer cataloging canon instances of michael being low empathy af/exhibiting other traits related to this. along with like, characterization to extrapolate from that (at least by my own personal interpretation. obligatory disclaimer that how i see characters is not law, this is just My Take). 
but before that, im gonna define some terms outright so we’re all on the same page. empathy is a person’s capability to understand and feel what others are feeling. basically how well you can put yourself in somebody else’s shoes. this shouldnt be confused with sympathy, which is feeling compassion, pity, sorrow etc. for another. empathy is recognition/replication while sympathy is more on the caring about it. here i focus on empathy and the lack of it. 
im not an expert on Anything but speaking from experience as somebody who has very low empathy, this causes some complications. when you dont feel what others are feeling, sometimes you dont notice other people’s feelings at all. this results in stuff like bluntness, trouble reading social cues, insensitivity, etc. all things that 1) may happen unintentionally, 2) can be worked through via healthy communication, 3) are not inherently bad, just a result of how one reacts to external emotions and 4) things i totally think michael exhibits because hes a low empathy goblin i love with my whole heart. 
let’s get right into it. in more than survive, right after jeremy and michael discover their boyf riend backpacks, this exchange occurs
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this seems pretty normal at first glance but it is the first instance of what seems to be michael’s go-to pattern for when he notices his best friend is feeling down, which, at least, kudos to michael, he very obviously noticed jeremy’s feelings. hurrah! so his process for how to fix this goes a little like “step 1: notice jeremy is upset. step 2: cheer jeremy up! step 3: unknowingly kinda mess up step 2“
jeremy is upset about the backpacks but then jeremy provides an out with something supposedly positive. michael latches on to it. it turns out to be negative. michael tries to salvage the situation by cheering jeremy up! by giving him a cool science fact! hell yeah! except it’s a shaky save at best because he does call the both of them losers but in an “it’s okay :D” way. 
all in all this is nothing really, just some friendly fast paced banter between best friends. whats important here is the 3 step pattern aforementioned because it 1) shows that michael Cares about his best friend and tries to make things better and 2) is BASICALLY the entirety of two player game
TWO PLAYER GAME is such a BOP and, at its core, is a song about how michael has got jeremy’s back and vice versa. but tpg is also textbook the 3 step pattern with added sprinkle of unintended invalidation. ive briefly spoken about tpg before so this might look a lil familiar but at its gist:
like you said anon, in tpg jeremy tells michael a problem he has, and throughout the course of the song, he continually makes it known that hes upset and has a lot of issues. step 1 has been achieved: michael knows jeremy is not doing too hot. time to do step 2: cheer him up!! and what better way to do that than to think positive with his trademark line “guys like us are cool in college” like, over and over again. because….it makes sense for michael. things might suck now, but just keep swimming yeah? it’ll be better later.
but it’s not better now and thats what jeremy actually needed validation on. michael thinks the solution is to look to the future but jeremy has his problems bothering him in the present. for all that michael says this is a two player game, he’s unintentionally dismissive because he doesnt understand that this isnt something that can be fixed with a simple “look forward to two years from now” mentality. neither of them are in the wrong, really. theyre just not on the same page.
onwards we go to something else entirely. the chili fries
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this is a RIDICULOUSLY SMALL MOMENT but it stuck out to me because imo it is pretty obvious that jeremy says “leave me alone” because hes bummed and is being dramatic, but michael takes it literally and uses the opportunity to skedaddle and get his sweet sweet discontinued soda. im aware michael had to be gone for plot reasons and also the discontinued soda is foreshadowing for the mtn dew red, but taken at face value, this is something that happens a lot w/ low empathy: things are taken literally. 
jeremy is upset. jeremy said to give him some space. thats cool, i’ll go for a bit and come back with something neat that might cheer him up—hey, where’d he go?
and now let’s jump to something everybody and their dog knows about. michael in the bathroom. except not really. because mitb isnt what interests me so much as what happens before.
pre mitb is very, very interesting. before i say anything i’ll be clear in saying that literally nobody had even remotely a nice halloween night, it’s a disaster for everybody involved, but keep in mind that jeremy goes into the pre mitb scene immediately after the clusterfuck that is do you wanna hang and also getting chased down by a sloshed but aggressive jake. many people have said this before me but i’ll say it again: jeremy was not doing well. at all. 
and this is where michael fails step 1 of his pattern. he doesnt pick up on this at all. michael is kinda stuck in his own head right now. hes pissed. hes confused. hes betrayed. he cant understand other people’s feelings and now he has to deal with his own too. his head is a melting pot of AGH and he takes it out on jeremy. yeah, he tries to help jeremy, but he doesnt do it very well. it’s all very accusatory, and jeremy just had a terrible night, so jeremy lashes out.
teenagers are bad at emotions but theyre not bad people for it.  //cue mitb notes, we know the drill
to the play!!! 
recap for maximum contextualization: jeremy realizes the squip is bad fucking news and wants it gone. michael makes an entrance with the one thing that can kill it. and then this happens
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AIGHT okay so the whole “i need an apology” scene is obviously played for comedy, and it does a good job at suddenly diffusing the end of the world stakes with some more down to earth teen friend drama but that aside, this scene is a good candidate to be listed under the definition of the phrase “bad timing” because michael, holy shit. BAD TIMING. like great timing for humor but bad timing as a human being. 
here we have jeremy clearly in possessed distress and michael has the antidote but he only wants to give it on a condition. it is absolutely a dick move. yeah, michael is is valid for wanting an apology, but not at this moment with the current stakes. this is michael thinking pretty selfishly. hes stuck in his own head and his own thoughts. he cares about jeremy and wants to help but…this apology important to him. it’s easy to get stuck on things like this when you cant empathize with others. the low empathy means that the only feelings you really get to really interact with are your own, so theres a tendency to focus on them. sometimes even at inopportune moments.
unintentional asshole-ery behold. in fact, this can be pushed even harder by this snippet in the score of be more chill that had some lines from an earlier draft. 
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the fetus version of michael makes an entrance is hilariously low empathy, oh my god. this happens while jeremy is rolling around on the floor fighting an invisible-to-everybody-else squip and this is the first thing michael says. it’s positively dickish. 
SO with that done, a little bit can be extrapolated in terms of characterization. i think michael is low empathy so the dominos fall. michael is terrible at feelings. hes got a tendency to get stuck in his own head and not see what others are going through. his emotional periphery is abysmal, hes like a horse with those things that stop horses from looking to the side. in spite of all this, he still has a lot of love and good in his heart and he tries his best to show that in the ways that make sense to him. post-canon, the rift between his brain and jeremy’s brain can only be bridged by a big healthy heap of communication where michael learns that what makes sense to him isnt always what makes sense to other people. hes a good kid. he can do it. 
of course this is, again, all my take. the fun thing about transformative work and fandom is that all interpretations are valid and there will always be somebody out there who agrees. or disagrees. but on this blog, this is my michael. or at least one aspect of my michael. //shrug
ANYWAY im glad you like the hc anon!! ive obviously got a lot of feelings about it since i used your ask as an excuse to aimlessly ramble for, holy shit, 1.6 k words lmao. i hope you have a good day!!!
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