#theres so many veggies and tofu!!!
mousegirlheart · 1 year
vegetable stir fry my beloved...
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zhuhongs · 2 years
yet another good day, not as social as the past two but still solid. Went to class as normal, afterwards went on a bike ride and gotsome food at a night market and went home after. tried tanghulu for the first time, pretty solid but my teeth hurt bc sugar so don't think i'll get that often. I also got this like... wrap? idk what its called, its like a crepe/burrito like wrap with peanut power, pickled veggies, seasoned tofu, char siu, bean sprouts, cabbage, carrot. It was good! like... rlly good. I'd def get that again. On my bike ride I kinda of realized its like, I'm a child again but in a good way. Like yall know smth smth abusive family, smth smth, I grew up isolated and tried to act mature and unbothered to cope with the abuse and make everything look alright. But now since like, I don't have to live like that I'm actually able to do all the things I really wanted to do as a kid, like go outside and just explore. thats why I love going for hikes and bike rides and like none of my classmates are rlly into that bc they grew up doing it. Like it's past them, but i wasn't able to do that as a kid bc I was always alone in my house and not allowed to go outside. So like, I'm getting my fill now as an adult. Same thing with socializing. I'm now having to go through the trials and errors of talkin g to people and trying to hang out with them. I know most of my peers figured this out in middle school or hs but i was too busy, well, enduring, I didn't have the luxury to do that stuff. Well I did but in a far more limited way. I could've done it back then but it'd be a giant heartache to deal with my family. but now I don't have that and haven't had that for years so I no longer have to apprehension of years of living like that and I can start to learn and, yea. I think it's really beautiful. Like I'm now secure enough to grow up, I no longer have to be the sad little adult and I can be a happy adult child. Ofc I won't stay like this. But like, idk point is I should indulge in these things, learn, fall down, and finally catch up. I mean, i dont think theres anything wrong with anyone still figuring things out. Its not like your wrong if you aren't "caught up", more like, I just want to be confident. And for me, I feel like going through this sort of puberty 2 of sorts, I'll gain a lot of the confidence that I lack that many of my peers got bc they grew up in healthy circumstances. They aren't better than anyone for their circumstances, it's just that my personal goal is to achieve that level of confidence. And not everyone feels that and that's more than fine. yea,. I love bike rides.
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
cheap and easy vegan recipes I eat everyday bc i’m poor and lazy
I get asked pretty frequently what I eat or what I cook so I decided to just put a day’s worth of food in one post to refer people to haha. 
coffee subjective, but this is my favorite
some kind of intense cold brew concentrate (I’ve been using the brand Cool Brew in the mocha flavor) 
almond milk
nut pod creamer (hazelnut is my fave)
liquid stevia sometimes, like 5-10 drops
breakfast -- avo toast I don’t usually eat breakfast, but if I do this is a safe bet. also I don’t think I need to tell you how to make this but yeah, this is how I do it
bread (I like the Ezekiel low sodium but probably 90% of breads are vegan use whatever you want)
small-medium avo depending on how many slices you’re making  
spices: garlic powder, onion powder, tajin, nutritional yeast, red peper flaks, lime juice, black pepper
lunch -- salad self explanatory you can do whatever you want. my everyday:
baby spinach
extra firm tofu, one serving
bell pepper
nutritional yeast
dressing (my all time favorite is the herb de provence from the whole foods house brand but again theres a million vegan dressings)
dinner -- veggie tortilla(ish) soup no lie I eat this almost every day and I never get sick of it but I’m weird like that. I don’t measure anything tho so taste varies every time haha. 
this is super great for meal prep it makes like 8-10 pint sized servings that I put in mason jars and I eat it with half an avocado and a shit ton of nutritional yeast.
4 c veggie broth+ 4 c water, or 8 c of either, whatever you want as a broth base
red onion, chopped
minced garlic
1 jalepeno
1 bell pepper
can of petite diced tomatoes
can of black beans
1 zucchini
1 yellow squash
~ 1/2 c frozen corn
2-4 T (or to taste) agave nectar or another sweetener
~ 1 T soy sauce
lime juice
1 block extra firm tofu, cut into lil like 1/2 inch cubes
you can add cilantro for authenticity but that shit’s nasty so you do you
spices (to taste, but start with maybe 1 tsp each): salt/pepper; chili powder; garlic powder; onion powder; chipotle powder; cumin; coriander; nutritional yeast; tajin; cayenne (use less haha)
- I make mine in the instant pot but if you don’t have one just saute the onion, garlic, and peppers, then put everything except the tofu, beans, and corn in the pot and bring to a boil. while that shit goes I recommend baking or air frying the tofu until it’s crispy (like 30 min at 400). when the veggies are as tender as you want them, then add the beans, corn, and tofu.  - if you do have an instant pot just saute everything I said above on the saute setting, then add everything except the tofu, corn, and beans and use the soup setting on 5 min. add the left out stuff when it’s done
apples w/ cinnamon and natural peanut butter
cucumbers: when I tell you I have been OBSESSED with these and i’ve hated cucumbers my whole life. but I chop up two English cucumbers then dress them with salt/pepper, onion and garlic powder, and Italian dressing. thank me later
pretzels and hummus: I’m pretty gluten intolerant so I like the gf good and gather ones from target and the original hummus from good and gather as well, but most pretzels and plain hummus are vegan
dates w/ peanut butter: cut pitted dates in half, fill them with pb, then freeze them. they’re amazing like this but if you dip them in chocolate.. omg. I use the Lily’s extra dark, but there are plenty of other chocolates that are cheaper and vegan. I usually eat these as a dessert but sometimes I get home from work and they HIT. 
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dreamin-vegan · 5 years
So you've probably read my last post, and hopefully you finished the documentaries i directed you to. If you have you're probably wondering now "well what can i do about this?" good news i have things you can do!! If you do still have meat in your house and someone who's willing to take it, give them the list i showed you, and let them learn too, then take the meat you bought and  either toss it or give it to someone in your house that still eats meat. Now i know thats not the best option, as you still have the meat that you bought, or the dairy, or even honey, which we'll get into honey and all of that in a later post, but now we'll cover what you can do as far food if you have beans, rice, lettuce, veggies, or fruit, in your house right now thats a great start!!! but you'll need food for later on, so what should you do? go to your local grocery store and look for fruit or veggies you enjoy for snacking on, hummus, gardein "meat" and beyond meat, because we're vegan we still have taste (lol)  and then get some just egg, or if your store doesnt have that they might have follow your heart eggs, Both of which are great!! theres so much vegan junk food, because even though we dont contrubite to the abuse and torture of animals anymore we still want to treat our selves, and good news guys, we can still have oreos, spicy sweet chili doritos, and yes even takis, but thats a personal preference to either eat it or not, (NOTE NOT ALL TAKIS ARE VEGAN) now for milk, yogurt and creamer?? "what can i do about that?" you may be thinking and silk almond milk brand has all of the above, my personal favorite being the chocolate almond milk, and there are so many options most of which are in the produce area, aside from the obvious, fruits and veggies, there's tempah, tofu, hot dogs (and yes you read that right vegan hot dogs) and vegan bacon of the same brand (i havent tried that bacon so i have no knowledge on how good that one is) but also smoothies are great i love having smoothies, also putting fruit or berries in the yogurt is so good too.
Yes i know this post was rambles and it probably is hard to gather so i'll put in a small list for you for reference
bell peppers
*any veggies you like*
black berries
hot dogs (lightlife brand)
bacon (lightlife brand)
(whichever one you feel like tonight)
beyond beef crumbles
beyond meat burgers
beyond meat sausages
frozen berries
frozen fruit
DAIRY SECTION (yes these are in that dairy section)
almond milk
yogurt (same brand as the milk)
kite hill sour cream and french onion dip
coffee creamer
taco shells
taco seasoning
canned fruit
fruit cups
thats all i can think of off my head as i write this but don't worry this list works i promise
and if you're not sure how to make these things or what to make with these things https://amzn.to/2SUTax9 this is a cook book for you guys to learn or get ideas to cook your new food on your new life style
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shytiff · 3 years
 August 2021
1 - morning walk with ness mendel to palm hills. my dumb ass decided to do a bit of run. my heart was screaming by the time we hiked lol. continued with some youtube dance work out at mess. had kanayam as always. the fish and chicken somehow tasted even better than usual. afternoon nap. had muesli and simba again. 
2 - a hectic BP slash usila slash mtbs day with dr arief. Tried sop bebek h syafei and sate bandeng. Worked out w renata to a 20 mins pilates vid and 2 madfit songs and one 5 min stretch. Dinner was tofu soun seaweed and egg soup courtesy of renata. And baked banana with ovomaltine lolll im so grateful friends give me food.
3 - in usila today but turns out theres still one more day of vaccine in kantor kecamatan, so nessa and i went. We screened together w dr arief. Finished at about 2 pm. Can finaly eat at like 3ish after getting to the mess. Felt a bit of headache and my nose starts to go runny. So i slept. But my nose was so blocked. So i asked renata for her boiled noodle. Felt a bit better. Cleared my nose. Slept.
4 - it did feel better, finally. The soreness i felt in my abs yesterday gets worse today lmao. BP w nessa. orientation w dr harnis. talked ngalor ngidul about love life et cetera at our room lol
5 - fasted today. sahur was rice, crispy mushroom and abon since i felt sick of eating egg. it seems that love life talk continued today    at BP w dr anggi. printed stuff at kubang wates. bought kepak bandeng at RM tajuk and some snacks in indomaret. turns out Prof gave me one more ppt to do, for PIT. and the manuscript deadline is on the 8th :) immediately started doing something about it since now i know ppt and word making rly takes time
6 - muesli and pizza from alfia for bfast. vaccine today w dr lutfi. talked with kang ade and turns out he lived in kalideres before lol. bought don’s burger for dinner and ate it with fried egg. 
7 - MTBS today. got a lot of free food. read stranger than friends. went to transmart w nessa to buy stuff. did the word for Prof’s PIT topic acompanied with lofi study on the tv accompanied with nescafe latte. taste kinda.. weird. 
8 - ran a bit today, alone. bought nasi uduk for 5000 and i added scrambled egg. continued the word and finished it at like 11 am. sent it. relaxed for a bit. read black mirror. lunch was from labbaik but things went shit and i ended up paying 72k lol. printed document stuff w nessa and went to palm hills in the golden hour. ate together w the gals. played scrabble and talked a bit with fianti until almost 11 pm.
9 - had left over chicken and pizza for bfast. usila today and the patients came back to back. bought kanayam while waiting for 2 pm. slept. did (so little) work of ECMOCARD SAP. im so research dumb. 
10 - had steak and rice and renata’s veggie soup for bfast. vaccine today at vivo near intermedia with teh dian. waited for a mother with 9cm dilatation in ugd with nessa, but it took so long so i went back first. met up with atikah at o seven lmao. she arrived at like 12 and waited at palm wates. tried carbonara sphagetti (yum! but not fulfilling enough) and fried tofu. slept early and i probably passed out at like 930 pm. atikah was talking w ratnaa and we’re talking about the day’s randomness of atikah’s customer that somehow lives in cilegon
11 - woke up late. drove motorbike around palmhills to sightsee a bit. bfast at nasi uduk place around the corner. did some ngambi-together in green wates, accompanied by atikah’s 2 songs, repeated many times. went to mess. ate seafood in merak (a place near billiard cafe). got fish and shrimp. went to pulau kecil with pak asep’s help. walked around the tiny island. saw a monkey. the waters surprisingly clear. and then after maghrib Prof asked me about the ppt lol. so i hurriedly made it and emailed it, with zoom sesh 2mrw
12 - muesli for bfast. a hectic day today at bp x usila with dr lutfi (she went up for a bit for promkes). leftover kangkung and fish for lunch. hurriedly added some stuff to Prof’s ppt before the zoom sesh at 3. did 1 pamela reif vid and “attempted” her 10 min ab workout. dinner was soun and egg and renata’s veggie. 
13 - vaccine day for ODGJ and special needs children ft. dr Arief. finished at like 10:15. bought discounted wingstop (86k for 20 piece). was about to send Prof’s ppt but turns out there’s a ppt from the sponsor. in english. so i had to mold the 2 ppt and do some translation. finally sent it, and the literature. the sponsor used a lot of old literature lol. 
14 - wingstop and rice for bfast. mtbs today. no patient lmao. bu ningrum gave me cimol again! and a snack called selondok. waited out 2 pm with nessa. there’s a mom that came with upper abdominal pain. it did not improve after ranitidine, so she was referred. mom dad etc came to cilegon. i vacuumed. bujing lia had itches within like 15 mins of entering my room :(( lol. since the bed was put out, renata and i slept in yoga mat lol. nessa went to damkar. but i dreamed of something that night.
15 - mom’s spaghetti for bfast. off to pulau besar at 7 am. walked around the island a bit. swam in pulau kecil. ate at saung bonang (<50k per person!). tidied up the hydrovacuumed bed. a 20 ish minute ab and glutes workout with renata. love life talk. accidentally turned on live video in cld lmao. talked with aisyah due to said live vid. gave some brownies and spaghetti to mendel lol. dinner was mom’s chicken, kentang balado and capcay. 
16 - usila today. lots of patients with dizziness. ate mom’s chicken and spicy potato for lunch. 
17 - free day today. picked up my towel from sodaqo laundry. nasi uduk for breakfast. lazed. washed my undies. lunch was meat soup made by renata. watched run bts while eating indomie. watched extreme job (quite hilarious). filled my logbook. slept at like 12 am
18 - spaghetti for bfast. no patient at kia. promkes about hypertension. some patients at igd today. my mistake today was not realizing the pneumonia on a 8months patient with severely dehydrated diarrhea :( there’s also a 4 yo child whose fever did not improve after like 3 hrs and pct and compress. i have to be better :(. lunch was kanayam. bought chatime together with ness tri. tried lychee milk tea and the taste did not combine well at all. imagined better productivity with nessa even though its less likely to happen lmaooo
19 - fasted and had nongshim carbonara dry ramen for sahur. BP today. Almost bought martabak but its just keBMan on my part.
20 - vaccine day today. Filled logbook. went to mess and went back again to cibeber through the rain when i was called by the teteh. Helped the delivery (the mcroberts, to be exact), and got some hecting. The midwives were rly kind :) ness ren were sleeping so i got some silence for myself. It was nice. Tidied some stuff and slept
21 - mtbs. Whatsapp class for pregnant woman abt c19 vaccine. Bought martabak hokky medium (50k,green tea, chocolate, ceres and cheese). Turns out alfia also bought martabak assen. Fried mom's chicken and ate it with renata's porridge. Movie night, watched under the gods 1 along with popcorn
22 - woke up kinda late if i wanted to run, but the weather was cloudy and nice, so i went out at 7:15ish. ran a bit towards KS complex behind mess. walked through a jogging track, empty houses, krakatau bike park. played badminton with tri. washed undies. ate mom’s food for bfast slash lunch. napped a bit. off to o seven, bringing mom’s brownies. ordered green tea latte (25k), it tasted sweet and i had to remind myself that its not matcha lol. did some logbook and literature search for prof’s ppt. ate renata’s broccoli. folded clothes. tried nessa’s scarlett scrub. put on some lotion. mask. turned on fianti’s candle (smells rly nice and calming!). vcall with fi, scrabble and some talks. and suddenly its 11pm
23 - usila today. quite a lot of patients, so much that i was thirsty. dr yanti called since she needs some preskas docx. lol so sudden. bought mizone and dimsum kuy (10.5k with gofood pickup promo). the dimsum was good and fulfilling. didnt do anything else much in the mess. read a painter behind the curtain. it was rly rly good. all the characters made sense and had great insight. some are assholes (im looking at u, Raymond). ate the keripik mom bought from sidimpuan. first time actually trying it. its actually not that spicy lmao i used to think its the spiciest thing in the world. banana, brownies and protein shake for din din.
24 - empty KIA today. no promkes. or UGD patients. some mentoring on preeclampsia by dr Arif. went to BNI but turns out our card havent been activated yet.  cooked mom’s sphagetti sauce (thats not enough amount) along with egg and cheese. yum. had banana brownies and protein for dinner. started trial to blinkist
25 - BP today. reasonable amount of patients, accompanied by blinkist. tried ngikan by gofood pickup (17.5k). i still prefer kanayam’s fish and nasi liwet. a pregnant woman came to UGD. so i went back at like 7 pm, but turns out the mom went back home lmao. mas apit said i shouldve contacted him. point taken. so a nicely lit cafe along the way to pkm called Serada, so i tried it. It has industrial vibes. Got latte (25k). did some logbook. Read some blinks in bed
26 - vaccine today. Both screening and getting moderna lol. My arm hurts. So far no fever. bought roti O croissant and the usual coffee bread for 12k using gofood. Watched weathering with you. Turned on the candle. Read blinks
27 - arm hurts. but thankfully its mtbs. slept while waiting until 2. kanayam sambal matah for lunchie. finally took PCT that solved my headache and incoming fever and arm pain bcs i dont want to stumble while on the motorbike. watched harry potter #1. washed clothes and filled some logbook, powered by left over serada latte. need to sleep so i wont wake up late 2mrw
28 - mass vaccination in SMP RJ with mendel kak esa. 800ish patients. Lots of food and snacks and coffee. Picked up by mom and dad. Slept on the way. And like magic, when i open my eyes im at the airport. Basking in the silence of my room
29 - relaxed. Moms nasgor for bfast. Met up with atikah puy in kopi sedjenak. Tried their croffle with nutella. Went to racheels since its her online grad day. There were also sil and dev. Lotsss of food was eaten that day. Doughnuts, moms brownies, fruits, phd bigbox. Atikah and puy also came along to racils. Had lots of fun talk.
30 - sahur. Off to cilegon. A bit of road fixture was going on. Stopped in the rest area since i wanted to pee. KIA/ugd today. There was a patient who had an accident with a truck. Her nails were falling off. I panicked when Prof asked for his ppt so i hurriedly finished it. Had moms chicken for iftar. Fell asleep after maghrib
31 - usila. Renata fried bakwan and tofu and fish and chicken. Lotsss of fries yum. We played with makeup and ness set up her ling light. I imitated jks tattoo using eyeliner lol. Did the word for Prof. Jk went live for his bday!! I listened until i fell asleep (lol hes still going)
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maddieskitchen · 7 years
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So since going vegan I’ve been trying to get a good egg replacement. If you’ve followed me for anytime at all you’ll know that (pre-veganism) eggs were my go-to with every meal. After many failed attempts I think i’ve perfected my tofu scramble and duhhh I had to share with you guys! This is a very basic recipe and if you’re wanting to add fresh veggies you know i’m down! Just make sure you add them before your tofu because it cooks super fast.
Tofu Scramble
serves 1
5g vegan butter
150g Very Very Firm Tofu (should almost be hard)
1/2 tsp garlic powder 
1/2 tsp paprika 
1/2 tsp turmeric 
pinch coarse sea salt
pink black pepper 
1. On a medium heat add your vegan butter to a heated pan. Let this bubble up then turn to an even lower heat. Add your tofu (make sure you’ve drained away too much excess liquid - it doesn’t matter if theres a bit, just give it a bit of a pat). 
2. Mash the tofu in the pan with the back of a spoon, you can then create your desired consistency of ‘egg’. Add your spices and cook for a further couple of minutes. The scramble should be a beautiful golden colour. 
Add a bit more salt and pepper to top and serve on buttered toast with a rocket garnish, I sometimes add hot sauce if i’m feeling a lil fiery. 
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birdhug · 7 years
reflections on my first year of being fully vegan
july will mark one year of me deciding to go vegan so i thought I’d just write some blurbs of stuff ive learned and ways ive grown!
my tastebuds totally changed!! there are so many more foods that i love now that id never thought id enjoy. (particularly soy milk and tofu) this is something that i dont see a lot of people talk about irt veganism but its totally significant. i love veggies so much more than i thought i ever could.
that being said apparently i cant tell the difference between soy milk and dairy because a barista accidentally gave me dairy in my coffee once and i didnt notice until a bunch of sips in that they didnt put the little “S” on the cup over the milk check box thing so ummm thats weird. i havent had dairy in nearly a year but okay
ive realized that there can be people who are usually rational and value objective truth but then they open their mouth on vegan issues (being a nonvegan themselves) and they sound like complete simpletons. (didnt david attenborough, when asked why he wasnt vegan, say something like “you cant feed lions grass”?? lol ok)
yeah when i was a vegetarian i liked being able to just go to tim hortons whenever and get a donut, and i do miss that convenience. but the fact that i cant have donuts or chocolate bars all the time means when i finally do get to have a really delicious veganized dessert, its ten times better and more special
kinda related, im generally WAY better now at just having the presence of mind to resist food that i want to eat in the moment. i used to just gorge myself at parties and stuff and feel awful afterwards. now, whether the food is vegan or not, i can resist it if i know itll make me feel like shit later Even if it would make me happy in the present
ive decided i want to pursue a career in dietetics :)
ive realized why i care so much more about animals. its because i realized that humans hold so much power over every single animal in the world, and throughout history weve largely used that power to kill and mistreat them. i really think in this day and age its our responsibility to use that power to do the best we can to help them. they are at our complete mercy.
i realized that we as a society have been conditioned to see animals as objects first, and living, feeling beings last: their images are used as mascots, symbols, toys, we watch them for entertainment in zoos, marine parks, circuses, we watch cute videos of them online, and we have trained ourselves to see specific animals as food, despite the only relevant difference between a dog and a pig being our arbitrary societal categories in which weve placed them.
ive come to think of caring about animals as “widening my circle of compassion”. and i think its extremely healthy for others do to the same, because its made me just more empathetic to all creatures, human or otherwise, in general
i am...So lucky. my mom was vegan for 4 years before i made the full switch so i was already eating vegan meals most of the time. all the groceries in the house are vegan. all the restaurants we go to have substantial vegan options. and i have someone close to me that i can talk about this kind of stuff with. but there are so many kids my age that want to go vegan more than anything that have to deal with an unsupportive family and i really feel for them. & i honestly dont blame them at all if they just want to give up or succumb to the pressure of their family. please, dont risk your mental health. take care of yourself first and do what you can.
i used to feel like its pointless going vegan because nothing is ever going to change but like. now that im exposed to the community and veg related news is coming my way i feel SO much more hopeful for the future. so many more people r going reducetarian, corporations are investing in vegan food companies and theyre absolutely blowing up, the dairy & meat industries are starting to panic. were not going to see instant change but like...shit is happening folks. keep fighting the good fight.
ALSO i used to feel so hopeless about climate change. like when i was taught about in school there was no actionable advice given? it was always like “uh yeah were all gonna die. recycle and walk to school i guess” but knowing how much an impact cutting animal products out of ur diet makes only motivates me to do more! (yeah it may seem small but its better to think of it that way rather than “weh theres nothing i can do so i might as well not do anything”)
i know that theres a large percentage of vegans/vegetarians that “go back”. so how can i say that i wont??? i feel really confident that i wont because its just so....easy for me now. you see that most people start eating animal products again because its too inconvenient for them but Honestly after living in a vegan household for 5 years and having access to all the information and resources that ive had...i really cant possibly imagine a good excuse. it just comes so naturally to me. its so fucking easy. boff future-me upside the head if i ever voluntarily go back
in conclusion this is the best decision ive made & its changed my life in a major way and ive never been happier about my choices in life...and ummmmm thats it. please consider reducing your animal product consumption to whatever extent you feel comfortable. it would mean the world to me
& id really appreciate if you didnt reblog this!!
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tripstations · 5 years
Leading the way for luxury vegan travel in the Maldives
As the interest in plant based food shows no sign of slowing down, we are finding more and more luxury hotels and resorts embracing this demand. It wasn’t so long ago that you would often struggle to find a veggie option let alone a vegan option on the menu so it’s exciting to see things are changing. These luxury resorts are leading the way for luxury vegan travel in the Maldives by offering not just vegan options but vegetarian restaurants, vegan menus and even the very first 100% plant based restaurant in the Maldives. Read on to find out more about how we were literally spoilt for choice with the huge selection of creative plant based cuisine during our last trip to this tropical paradise.
OBLU SELECT at Sangeli
OBLU SELECT at Sangeli can be reached after a short and exhilarating speedboat ride from the international airport in Male. With a selection of beach and water villas, many with private pools, you can be sure to find the perfect residence for your Maldives vacation. The resort is owned and managed by Atmosphere Hotels and Resorts who previously opened the first ever vegetarian restaurant in the Maldives, Just Veg at Atmosphere Kanifushi. We’ve been. It was good. In fact, it was very good. Therefore we knew we were in safe hands.
Breakfast let us dip our toes into the impressive food on offer at OBLU SELECT at Sangeli. There was everything you would expect from a luxury resort buffet but there was also a Maldivian curry that produced serious silence and knowing stares across our table. That’s how we eat when we know something is spectacularly good. It had long beans, potatoes and a coconut gravy that was full of all the spices that have ever sailed across the Indian Ocean to grace the tables of food lovers around the world. And then there were pancakes, prepared for us ‘off menu’ by the super helpful Chef Khem. Made with flax seeds and wholewheat flour they were healthy plant based pancakes, so we felt virtuous and content when we polished off a whole stack with a selection of the freshly made compotes that were available.
Vegetarian restaurant in the Maldives – Simply Veg at OBLU SELECT
When dining at ‘Simply Veg’ you can expect gourmet vegetarian cuisine with plenty of dishes that can be prepared vegan. The menu reads well with a selection of dishes with Asian and European influences; despite only staying for a couple of days we were determined to eat every vegan friendly option on the menu. You’ll be pleased to know that we succeeded and were suitably impressed. We enjoyed Thai curries and Maldivian curries that were packed with flavour, samosas that were crispy, perfectly cooked noodle dishes and hummus served with beetroot pitta. Our ‘Riso Verde’ was a very good risotto and the ‘Simply Veg Carpaccio’ was the sweetest of pineapple with lemongrass syrup and mint granita.
We love that Atmosphere Hotels and Resorts have continued with their commitment to offering vegetarian and vegan food at their resorts and long may it continue…
Amilla Fushi
Amilla Fushi translates to ‘My Island Home’ and oh boy, would we love to call this tropical paradise home. A collection of luxury villas sit either amongst the swaying palms on the beach or overlooking the azure tropical ocean; everywhere you look oozes luxury and style. We’ve stayed before and enjoyed the vegan options but since our last visit things had got really exciting with the introduction of a vegan menu available throughout the resort. We can confirm that our excitement levels were sky high.
Vegan menu in the Maldives – Amilla Fushi
The extensive vegan menu (and we mean extensive) is available resort wide at each and every restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is a great concept meaning that you can select an item from the existing menu in the restaurant of your choice or you can request the vegan menu (and that’s where all of your plant based dreams come true). Breakfast choices on the vegan menu included tofu scramble, vegan omelet, plant based pancakes and the most incredible ‘Blueberry Oatmeal Waffles’ that were so good we ordered them every day. On the standard menu there was an excellent ‘Indian Breakfast’ and an even better ‘Arabic Breakfast’ which Chef Ameen ‘veganised’ for us. Simply sensational.
Lunch and dinner was an absolute pleasure wherever we decided to dine. We enjoyed dishes from the standard menus and also from the vegan menu; being able to ‘mix and match’ was a blessing. Vegan calzone? check. Vegan calzone with vegan cheese? check. Vegan tacos? check. Vegan fish and chips? check. Yes, you heard us right, theres a fish and chip shop at Amilla Fushi and we enjoyed tofu fish, chips and mushy peas. OMG. We even had one of our favourite comfort foods of all time, vegan mac ‘n’ cheese which was divine. Don’t worry, there are cakes too and the ‘Dark Chocolate and Coconut Macaroon Tart’ served with coconut ice cream and fresh fruit was irresistible.
Amilla Fushi haven’t stopped with the launch of their vegan menu, since our visit they’ve worked with Swedish ‘vegan food designer’ Chef Tora Flora for a ‘vegan takeover’ with her creating beautiful, tasty and entertaining dishes for their lucky guests. Onwards and upwards for vegan delights at Amilla Fushi.
Soneva Fushi
Last and by no means least is the peerless Soneva Fushi. It was the final stop in our luxury vegan tour of the Maldives and we were eager to experiece what is considered to be one of the finest resorts in the Maldives by many and even one of the finest resorts in the world. Their efforts to lessen the environmental impact are huge and they have been at the forefront of many planet saving initiatives. Soneva Fushi currently recycles more than 90% of their waste and is moving towards zero waste and becoming carbon neutral. There have been no plastic bottles on the island for more than 10 years (way before it was fashionable) and they filter, mineralise, alkalise and bottle their own drinking water. Being eco friendly is in their DNA at Soneva Fushi so it only makes sense that they have opened the first and only 100% plant based restaurant in the Maldives. Eat less meat, save the planet, it makes sense and is oh So Soneva.
When your vegan breakfast is served under the shade of majestic trees, on the pure white sand adjacent to the pristine ocean, life is good. When the plant based options include vegan croissants and vegan fermented coconut butter life is very good indeed. Breakfast at Soneva Fushi also featured vegan Danish pastries from ‘Vegan Corner’ in the bakery, and two of our all time favourite foods; masala dosa from just over the Indian Ocean in Southern India and Hoppers from the even closer home of Sri Lanka. Trust us when we say there was much more on offer, but we were more than content with our croissants / butter / pastries / dosa / hoppers combo. The perfect start to the day.
Vegan restaurant in the Maldives – Shades of Green at Soneva Fushi
This was the moment we had been waiting for, dinner at Shades of Green, the first and only 100% plant based restaurant in the Maldives. This unique farm to table concept is set within an organic vegetable garden and dining here was an experience for sure. We enjoyed home made kombucha shots as we were guided through the organic garden whilst picking, smelling and nibbling on leaves. We were encouraged to forage in the undergrowth to find ‘hidden’ amuse bouche. We were invited to sit around the fire pit awaiting the charred pumpkin which was spiced with Maldivian curry paste. We were offered organic and vegan wines that paired with our amuse bouche. We were in love with Shades of Green. Our multi course meal was served in six categories titled Cleanse, Raw, Crispy, Grain, Fire and Sweet. The dishes were creative and fused Maldivian and Southeast Asian with Nordic culinary techniques such as smoking, pickling and fermenting. The setting was extraordinary. The service was friendly and personal. The food was like nothing we’ve ever tasted before. We were in the Maldives, at a vegan restaurant savouring a plant based meal that we will never forget.
We were blown away with the creative plant based cuisine on offer at these ground breaking luxury resorts. They are certainly leading the way for luxury vegan travel in the Maldives and we thank them for their commitment. Others will surely follow and this can only be a good thing. The Maldives is part of a fragile eco system and anything to lessen the impact of tourism is a good thing meaning not only do these plant based and vegan dining options taste mighty fine they are saving the planet too!
Paul Eyers is Founder of Vegan Food Quest. Vegan Food Quest have become luxury vegan travel specialists as they continue to find, eat and write about the best vegan food in the world.
If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog in order to raise your profile, please contact us.
The post Leading the way for luxury vegan travel in the Maldives appeared first on Tripstations.
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tampavegan-blog · 6 years
Vegan Dishes in tampa
Vegan Dishes in tampa
 Traveling can seem frightening to those of us who're new to it. From jet lag, to culture shock, to language barriers, theres a list of things to worry about. It doesn't have to be, as being a vegan might look like another challenge! - though its important to do your homework and plan if you bear in mind which it is your own responsibility to see to it which your requirements are 41, most matters can be resolved. As you head off to explore new places, a little of forethought and preparation might help you overcome the inconveniences that are small which you may encounter.
 Here are a few tips. Knowledge is Power - Before you leave, its a wise idea to do some research on your destination. Sure, animal products are used all around the Earth, but there are places where manipulation is blatant, and being vegan may be take challenging to place or give. Comprehending the cuisine provides a large advantage to you in being aware of what to look out for especially with respect to ingredients in food. For example, in fish broth, dishes that seem to be vegan noodles, tofu, are cooked in most nations in East Asia. As many meals can be veganized, knowing how food is traditionally prepared may help you be certain which the food on your plate is, in fact, vegetarian.
 If you are traveling to any major cities, spend a bit of time on-line to find out if there are vegetarian restaurants or health meals stores in the area. Mapping out stops where one can either enjoy a tasty vegetarian meal or at least stock up on supplies may be a big help once you are there. Even knowing when you will next be capable to visit a supermarket could be an invaluable step toward making certain you've access to fruits and veggies. - Websites like HappyCow provide listings of vegan restaurants and businesses over the globe.
  Nevertheless, their listings also include food outlets which aren't vegan, so be sure you read the info carefully. In addition, since restaurant entrances are mostly user submitted, its important to double check for accuracy. Even though its potential to find vegan options in various dining options around the globe, the variety may still be scant in places. Always ensure you've snack foods on hand which will assist tide you over till your next meal.
  vegan dishes in tampa https://www.truefoodkitchen.com
youtube- https://youtu.be/GwUsPycOe3k
tumblr- https://vegandishesintampa.tumblr.com
about.me- https://about.me/vegandishes
alternion.com- http://www.alternion.com/users/vegandishesintampa/
diigo.com- https://www.diigo.com/profile/vegandishes                                                                                                                                                                        disqus- https://disqus.com/by/vegandishesintampa
evernote.com- https://www.evernote.com/shard/s484/sh/7cbe3999-3242-4753-9a97-f64952d869ed/80177365eed011e1998fa635e344afcf
instapaper- https://www.instapaper.com/p/vegandishesintampa
medium.com- https://medium.com/@vegandishesintampa
onedrive- https://1drv.ms/w/s!Ah1sLIC1OQ73aad2xdTRIBW7z9Y
getpocket.com- https://getpocket.com/@e60g0d3bp24eWA6d0VTa0gnTeDA5pfvXO7brbOV4aXq680b12bz90x16Ru2NBg21
blogspot- http://tampavegandishes.blogspot.com/2018/09/vegan-dishes-traveling-can-seem.html
wordpress- https://vegandishesintampa.wordpress.com/vegan-dishes/
Gslides-  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vHNmu7Q9Kwbzz0ebZJm93wOSx6rwf4P5zmd7B_ZNxqA/edit?usp=sharing
Gsheets- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13Y02qP2L5CHEUfH1RYBoKnSA8AfXwRWX2o7hn7w9Abw/edit?usp=sharing
Gdocs- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1atDhpZ6zJn6059RSDa131f6HODsD9UqvQPeNeOhmJNY/edit?usp=sharing
Gdrive- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1upUoKetcyCuDHzdNLb7roRZFZttMetoj?usp=sharing
Gplus- https://plus.google.com/102198759103997706792
 vegan dishes in tampa- Links part 2-
vegandishesintampa- https://www.truefoodkitchen.com/
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Vegan Dishes in Tampa
Vegan Dishes in Tampa
 Traveling can seem frightening to those of us who're new to it. From jet lag, to culture shock, to language barriers, theres a list of things to worry about. It doesn't have to be, as being a vegan might look like another challenge! - though its important to do your homework and plan if you bear in mind which it is your own responsibility to see to it which your requirements are 41, most matters can be resolved. As you head off to explore new places, a little of forethought and preparation might help you overcome the inconveniences that are small which you may encounter.
 Here are a few tips. Knowledge is Power - Before you leave, its a wise idea to do some research on your destination. Sure, animal products are used all around the Earth, but there are places where manipulation is blatant, and being vegan may be take challenging to place or give. Comprehending the cuisine provides a large advantage to you in being aware of what to look out for especially with respect to ingredients in food. For example, in fish broth, dishes that seem to be vegan noodles, tofu, are cooked in most nations in East Asia. As many meals can be veganized, knowing how food is traditionally prepared may help you be certain which the food on your plate is, in fact, vegetarian.
 If you are traveling to any major cities, spend a bit of time on-line to find out if there are vegetarian restaurants or health meals stores in the area. Mapping out stops where one can either enjoy a tasty vegetarian meal or at least stock up on supplies may be a big help once you are there. Even knowing when you will next be capable to visit a supermarket could be an invaluable step toward making certain you've access to fruits and veggies. - Websites like HappyCow provide listings of vegan restaurants and businesses over the globe.
  Nevertheless, their listings also include food outlets which aren't vegan, so be sure you read the info carefully. In addition, since restaurant entrances are mostly user submitted, its important to double check for accuracy. Even though its potential to find vegan options in various dining options around the globe, the variety may still be scant in places. Always ensure you've snack foods on hand which will assist tide you over till your next meal.
  vegan dishes in tampa https://www.truefoodkitchen.com
youtube- https://youtu.be/GwUsPycOe3k
tumblr- https://vegandishesintampa.tumblr.com
about.me- https://about.me/vegandishes
alternion.com- http://www.alternion.com/users/vegandishesintampa/
diigo.com- https://www.diigo.com/profile/vegandishes                                                                                                                                                                        disqus- https://disqus.com/by/vegandishesintampa
evernote.com- https://www.evernote.com/shard/s484/sh/7cbe3999-3242-4753-9a97-f64952d869ed/80177365eed011e1998fa635e344afcf
instapaper- https://www.instapaper.com/p/vegandishesintampa
medium.com- https://medium.com/@vegandishesintampa
onedrive- https://1drv.ms/w/s!Ah1sLIC1OQ73aad2xdTRIBW7z9Y
getpocket.com- https://getpocket.com/@e60g0d3bp24eWA6d0VTa0gnTeDA5pfvXO7brbOV4aXq680b12bz90x16Ru2NBg21
blogspot- http://tampavegandishes.blogspot.com/2018/09/vegan-dishes-traveling-can-seem.html
wordpress- https://vegandishesintampa.wordpress.com/vegan-dishes/
Gslides-  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vHNmu7Q9Kwbzz0ebZJm93wOSx6rwf4P5zmd7B_ZNxqA/edit?usp=sharing
Gsheets- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13Y02qP2L5CHEUfH1RYBoKnSA8AfXwRWX2o7hn7w9Abw/edit?usp=sharing
Gdocs- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1atDhpZ6zJn6059RSDa131f6HODsD9UqvQPeNeOhmJNY/edit?usp=sharing
Gdrive- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1upUoKetcyCuDHzdNLb7roRZFZttMetoj?usp=sharing
Gplus- https://plus.google.com/102198759103997706792
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crossfit416 · 7 years
New Post has been published on CrossFit 416
Short on Time? That's No Excuse.
I’ve decided to put together for you a list of Toronto’s best and healthiest take out restaurants that will help you stay on track while you’re on the go. These restaurants are scattered around the city so wherever you may be and wherever you’ve going, there’s an option for you.
IQ Food Co.
With multiple locations around the city and a few in the financial district, this is a great option for those running in between meetings who need a good pick-me-up.
Location:100 King St. W 100 Wellington St. W 181 Bay St. 18 York St. 55 Avenue Road
What we’d order:
THE SPICY SALMON Oven roasted steelhead salmon, avocado, roasted sweet potatoes, shredded red cabbage, charred broccoli, pickled onions, organic microgreens, lime juice, spinach, brown rice, sriracha vinaigrette *This option is gluten free and also high protein with a great dose of Omega 3 to help with inflammation. *Ask for dressing on the side and dress with half the amount if you’re managing your fat intake
THE NOTORIOUS G.R.E. SMOOTHIE Spinach, kale, cucumber, parsley, celery, lemon juice, chia, coconut water + pineapple (pro tip: remove the pineapple if you’re looking for straight greens)
For tracking purposes: add 1 tbsp olive oil to account for hidden fats potentially used to roast the potatoes or the salmon
Fresh Restaurants
Toronto’s original source for modern vegan food, made-to-order juice and organic, raw, cold-pressed juices and nut milks.
Location: 147 spadina ave.
What We’d Order:
PURE GREENS & PROTEIN Steamed kale, bok choy & swiss chard
, marinated tofu cubes & adzuki beans, toasted nuts, lemon and tahini dressing, dressing on the side *This dressing is high fat
. Ask for it on the side or simply sub with lemon juice and balsamic vinaigrette.
RADIANT KALE SMOOTHIE kale•romaine•spinach•apple•ginger•lemon•banana•raw almonds *Added Vega protein boost
Spark Fresh Bar
Spark, formerly Fueled Espresso and Fresh Bar, opened across from the Ossington subway station in place of an old convenience store. It offers commuters a bit of morning zing caffeine, fresh juice or smoothies, or stop by later in time for lunch and dig in to one of their rice boxes or hearty salads.
Location: 739 ossington avenue
What We’d Order:
CRUNCH BOWL Almond Lime dressing, carrots, fennel slaw, beets cucumber, tomatoes, pickled onion, smoked hummus, avocado, mixed nuts *add 1-2 eggs
*If you’re watching your fat intake, hold the mixed nuts, avocado or both. Dressing on the side.
BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE Oats, banana, peanut butter, cinnamon vegan protein agave, almond milk *add extra protein boost
  Flock Rotisserie and Greens
With multiple current locations and a couple new ones on the way, this is a fantastic choice for those who are looking for a great source of naturally raised, freeof hormone and antibiotic chicken.
Locations: 330 adelaide st w 97 harbord st 67 richmond st 175 bloor st 661 university ave
What We’d Order:
Romaine Hearts & Baby Spinach, Steamed Squash, Marinated Black Beans, Daikon, Pickled Onions, Shaved Brussels Sprouts, Soy Beans, Cilantro, Goji Berries, Crispy Chick Peas, Sunflower Seeds with Carrot/Ginger/Soy Bean/ White Miso Dressing *add chicken
On the side: Steamed Edamame * A great clean source of protein
Impact Kitchen
CrossFitters, Paleo lovers, this one’s for you. Impact Kitchen offered minimally processed, nutrient dense real food that’s paleo. They also offer lots of vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options. If you’re not following a paleo diet, Impact still offers great options providing you with balanced, wholesome meals on the go.
Location: 573 King St E, Toronto
What We’d Order:
Protein: steak or chicken or falafel or salmon
Greens: arugula or spinach
Carb: roasted sweet potato or quinoa or rice
Dressing: balsamic & olive oil or lemon & olive oil * dressing on the side – just balsamic hold the oil if you’re cutting fat
I also recommend checking out their collagen chocolate pudding. It’s nothing like anything I’ve ever had before and so delicious.
The Big Carrot
The Carrot Kitchen is The Big Carrot Natural Food Market’s new eatery and food service department. They are proud to serve our community fresh, local and organic dishes.
Daily our cooks create a healthy selection of fresh, innovative dishes with ingredients sourced from many local farmers and producers. They use organic ingredients when ever possible.
With a variety of dishes suitable for many specific dietary needs including vegan, vegetarian, paleo, made without gluten and/or dairy, there’s something for everyone.
In addition to traditional vegetarian dishes, theres a new  food service concept including:
Salad Bar, Hot Food Bar, Sandwich Bar, Taqueria, 4 daily soups and stews, Dozens of Grab & Go snacks and meals, Rotisserie Organic Chicken,Pastries and Desserts
Location: 348 Danforth Ave
  What We’d Order:
We’d go for a bowl filled primarily with greens and lean protein. Prioritizing nutrients and protein first will help keep you fuller, longer.  Thena carb source (roasted potatos, sweet potato or a half cup of a rice dish on the side, or a bean dish) with light balsamic dressing drizzled on top. Having access to a self serve salad bar provides you with tons of options but it’s easy to get carried away. Stick to simple foods so you know exactly what you’re eating.
The Goods
The Goods offers vegan, organic, gluten free and nut free options. They offer raw, paleo, low glycemic, sugar free, grain free, soy free options. Really, it couldn’t get cleaner.
Location: 1255 Dundas Street West
What We’d Order: THE DUWEST CHILI Spicy and hearty chili with tomato, peppers, spices, brown rice, black eyed peas, kale, corn, peas, celery, leeks and carrots *Black beans give you a good dose of protein while chili is the best for this time of year!
  XO Bisous
Location: 60 Adelaide St. East, Toronto
What We’d Order: The frittata (subbed with egg whites, if available) The Harvest salad with addition protein and the vegan protein bar
The Grow Op
“This is the Grow Op. Where good juice isn’t bought, it’s grown. By farmers who produce better produce. The stuff nature intended. Because sometimes being better is just that simple“
Location: 222 Ossington Ave Toronto
What We’d Order:
SMOOTHIE Pineapple/Spinach/Apple/Chlorella/Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice
*add 2x hemp protein for a boost
ZUCCHINI NOODLE SALAD raw zucchini noodles/ roasted almond slivers / green onion / sesame seeds / cilantro / baby spinach/ vegan bean ball / house made almond butter dressing *tip: for extra protein, ask for falafel balls on the salad *for less fat, ask for dressing on the side
Garden Gangsters
Previously called Evolution Food Co. you can walk in or Uber Eats from these guys providing you with anything from acai breakfast bowls, breakfast toast, salad bowls and smoothies.
Location: 12 Market St. 171 East Liberty st. 127A
What We’d Order:
CORFU CRUSH BOWL Quinoa, greens, cauliflower, tomato, caramelized onion, sweet pepper, feta, mint, roasted bell pepper vinaigrette. *add chicken for protein
SAPPHIRE SOLACE OAT BOWL Overnight oats, vanilla almond milk, greek yogurt, vanilla bean, blueberry, blueberry drizzle. *(pro tip, add your own protein powder into the mix and make it a high protein breakfast)
The Basil Box
The place is for those of you who like OPTIONS! With multiple locations (and even more soon), and the ability to create your own dish, Basil box provides us with tons of fresh ingredients you can put together into your own custom dish.
Locations: 351 Yonge Street 441 Queen Street West 410-466 Bathurst Street opening soon 200 Bay St, Toronto opening soon
What We’d Build:
Spring Mix
This nutrient-rich mix of baby lettuces, greens, and radicchio blends slightly bitter flavours with soft, tender leaves and crisp textures. It’s a great place to begin your box.
Sautéed Peppers
Red and green bell peppers sautéed with a pinch of salt and pepper. Classic and colourful.
Roasted Edamame
Garden-fresh edamame oven-roasted to bring out the full flavour of these tasty vegetables.
Lemongrass Chicken
Tender chicken, marinated daily with an exotic blend of lemongrass, garlic and coriander.
Chili Lime Shrimp
We cook our succulent shrimp with Sriracha chili sauce and fresh lime juice for shrimp with a bit of a kick!
Our Sweet Chili Lime sauce packs a punch. We combine chili peppers and fresh lime juice to bring some heat to our sweet sauce. *on the side
Pickled Veggies
This colourful blend of pickled carrots & daikon radish is refreshingly sweet and tart.
  We hope that the next time you’re on the go, you choose one of these TASTY and QUICK options.
  For more ideas on how to live a more healthy, balanced lifestyle while living a busy life, contact [email protected] to book your FREE consultation to chat all things nutrition and lifestyle.
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caredogstips · 7 years
Is Tofurky Actually Worse Than the Real Happen?
By Perry Santanachote, Life by Daily Burn
One of the biggest meat-eating holidays is upon us: Thanksgiving. A era when even the most steadfast vegetarians pray a centerpiece to carve; when steely will and tasty side dishes alone wont cut it.
Many imitation turkey commodities, including Tofurky, are available this time of year to cater to the 7 percent of Americans that consider themselves vegetariansespecially those who still miss their flesh. Dr. Brian Wansink, a meat psychologist at Cornell University and writer of Slim by Design: Idiotic Eating Solutions for Daily life, says, People who are attracted to meat-shaped veggie meat are vegetarian for health reasons , not animal-rights intellects, and theyre the biggest growing part of that market.
A Mintel report shows that surely 36 percent of consumers( including non-vegetarians) are buying meat alternatives to be healthier. But are these products genuinely any better for us? Sure, cutting back on flesh( specially red-faced flesh) going to be able to prevent heart disease and cancer in a number of cases, but replacing it with treated flesh substitutes comes with world prices of its own.
Most meat replaces are highly handled and full of artificial fillersnot unlike the hot dog we might have already sworn off. Numerous are made from soy protein separate, wheat gluten and other textured vegetable proteins, but also questionable parts that help gel and mold them into meat-like shapes.
Rachel Berman, R.D ., columnist of Boosting Your Metabolism for Dummies and health editor at About.com, says to read the box before buying. Be cautious of a long ingredient register, she enunciates. The more it has, the more likely there are additives and preservatives in there to stabilise the nutrient, contribute flavor, or change its consistency.
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Some of these additives put into processed foods include undesirable sums of extra salt, fat and sugar and those are the ingredients we are in a position enunciate! Other artificial additive have been shown to have side effects that include nausea, dizziness, weight gain, declined absorption of minerals and vitamins, and even cancer. The Center for Science in the Public Interest has a list of additives to forestalls and their potential side effects.
Most ingredients in simulation geese still do search better than treated fleshes, and better than many other meat substitutes in the frozen food area, too. But not all are created equal.
For those vegetarians buying a imitation turkey this year, Berman recommends opting for an all-natural select like Gardeins Savory Stuffed Turky. Theyre making an effort to use all-natural ingredients , good-for-nothing genetically engineered and mostly things that youre able to enunciate, she answers. Plus, they contain no compounds or genetically modified soy, which most others use.
Products like Quorns Turky Roast, which exploits mycoprotein, a processed mold, gets a big thumbs down for Berman. There ought to have many reports of this trash inducing gastrointestinal distress and no investigate saying this is something that is healthy, she articulates. Its altogether artificial and mostly a fungus reached in a test tube.
Like numerous processed foods, bogus flesh is likewise high in sodium, but it doesnt have as much saturated fatten as the real stuff. Most of them, however, accord real turkey gram for gram when it comes to protein, plus they include fiber, which is a bonus. So, plowing yourself to a faux turkey one day out of the year isnt going to kill you, but its not exactly health food, either. I dont really like to label any one food good or bad because its really about the sum of what youre eating in a date, pronounces Berman. If youre going to eat an resemblance nutrient, exactly make sure the rest of your dinner is coming from the earth.
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So why not only opt for Thanksgiving tofu and dark-green beans instead? Numerous vegetarians find its hard to shake habit on this vacation. Its not just about nutrient, but its likewise practices and visuals, replies Wansink. Theres a lot of variation with other vacation dinners, but not with Thanksgiving. Theres the conventional five dishes, and if you stray very far, beings will think youre cheating them of an experience.
Its not the goal of Thanksgiving to be the healthiest dinner of the year anyway, includes Wansink. Its aim must therefore be gleeful and thankful.
Whats Really in Tofurky and Other Vegetarian Turkey
Here are some of the most common mimicries roasts available during the course of its holiday season, ranked in order from better to worst by Rachel Berman.
1. Gardein Savory Stuffed Turky Dishing Width: 1 piece( 150 g) Calories: 280, 110 calories from fat Fat: 12 g( 1g sat. fat) Sodium: 590 mg Carbohydrates: 21 g Protein: 23 g Dietary Fiber: 3 g
Ingredients : water, soy protein isolate *, critical wheat gluten *, expeller pressed/ canola petroleum, organic ancient grain flour( kamut, amaranth, millet, quinoa ), natural flavors( from flora beginnings ), modified vegetable gum, yeast obtain, ocean salt, potato starch, organic cane carbohydrate, onion pulverization, garlic powder, pea protein, carrot fiber, beetroot fiber, extractives of paprika and turmeric. cram: ocean, stuffing shreds( wheat flour *, natural cane sugar, yeast, sea salt, canola petroleum ), onions, celery, cranberries, canola petroleum, natural flavors( from weed beginnings ), yeast extract. breading: wheat flour *, liquid, sugar, wheat gluten *, spices, salt, paprika, leavening( baking soda, cream of tartar ), yeast, onion powder, extractives of paprika. * non-genetically engineered soy and wheat
2. Tofurky Roast Providing Width: 1/6 roast( 147 g) Calories: 300, Calories from Fat 60 Fat: 7 g,( 0 g sat. fat) Sodium: 620 mg Carbohydrates: 16 g Protein: 42 g Dietary Fiber: 3 g
Ingredients : ROAST: Water, indispensable wheat gluten, organic tofu( filtered liquid, organic whole soybeans, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride ), expeller pressed non-genetically engineered canola oil, natural vegetarian flavors, shoyu soy sauce( irrigate , non-genetically engineered soybeans, wheat, salt, culture ), non-genetically engineered corn starch, lily-white bean flour, garbanzo bean flour, lemon juice from concentrate, onion, carrots, celery, salt, calcium lactate from beets.
STUFFING: Organic brown rice, whole wheat eat cubes( whole wheat, filtered liquid, unbleached wheat flour, organic vaporized cane juice, organic palm oil, ocean salt, yeast, natural enzymes, ascorbic acid ), onion, celery, expeller pressed non-genetically engineered canola oil, organic wild rice, natural vegetarian spice, granulated garlic, herbs and spices.
Related: How Much Exercise It Takes to Ignite Off Thanksgiving Dinner
3. Field Roast Celebration Roast Sufficing Sizing: 4 ounces( 114 g) Calories: 280, 90 calories from fat Fat: 10 g (. 5g sat. fat) Sodium: 710 mg Carbohydrates: 16 g Protein: 31 g Dietary Fiber: 6 g
Ingredients : Filtered water, essential wheat gluten, expeller pressed safflower oil, naturally avored yeast obtain, barley malted, whole wheat flour, granulated garlic, butternut squash, organic wheat akes, onion pulverize, apples, garlic, mushrooms, yellow-bellied pea our, lentils, lemon juice, irish moss( sea veggie) extract, sea salt, red wine, tomato glue, black pepper, rubbed sage, rosemary, paprika, spices, natural liquid cigarette and carrots.
4. Five Star Foodies Vegetarian Harvest Roast Serving Width: 1 reel( 170 g) Calories: 290, 110 calories from fat Fat: 12 g Sodium: 830 mg Carbohydrates: 16 g Protein: 30 g Dietary Fiber: 1 g
Ingredients : Seitan( water, wheat gluten, whole wheat flour ), unbleached white-hot, oat, rye, soy flour, millet, poppy& sesame seeds, soy sauce( sea, wheat, soybeans, salt ), vegetable salt, yuba( soybeans, irrigate ), organic sugar, salt, olive oil, spices, yeast
5. VegeUSA Vegan Whole Turkey Dishing Length: 2.5 ounces Calories: 160 Fat: 9 g Sodium: 450 mg Sugar: 3 g Protein: 13 g Dietary Fiber: 1 g
Ingredients : Soybean fiber, soybean protein, vegetable protein, raw cane sugar, starch, soybean petroleum, natural vegan flavor, sea salt, cinnamon gunpowder, tofu skin
6. Quorn Turky Roast Serving Width: 90 g Calories: 100, 40 calories from fat Fat: 4.5 g( 1g seat. fatten) Sodium: 540 mg Carbohydrates: 3 g Protein: 13 g Dietary Fiber: 4 g
Ingredients : Mycoprotein( 59% ), Water, Onion, Natural Flavors From Non-Meat Sources, Refined Rapeseed Oil, Rehydrated Egg White, Milk Proteins. Contains 2% or less of Potato Maltodextrin, Salt, Tapioca Dextrin, Yeast Extract, Onion Powder, Sage Extract, Garlic Powder, Gum Arabic; Sunflower, Coconut and Palm Kernel Oil.
For analogy: Cooked Turkey Meat with Skin Providing Size: 3 ounces Calories: 165 Fat: 6 grams Sodium: 54 milligrams Sugar: 0 grams Protein: 26 grams Dietary Fiber: 0 grams
Originally posted on November 2013. Updated November 2015.
Read more: http://ift.tt/mBKekP
The post Is Tofurky Actually Worse Than the Real Happen? appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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tampavegan-blog · 6 years
Vegan Dishes in tampa
Vegan Dishes in tampa
 Traveling can seem frightening to those of us who're new to it. From jet lag, to culture shock, to language barriers, theres a list of things to worry about. It doesn't have to be, as being a vegan might look like another challenge! - though its important to do your homework and plan if you bear in mind which it is your own responsibility to see to it which your requirements are 41, most matters can be resolved. As you head off to explore new places, a little of forethought and preparation might help you overcome the inconveniences that are small which you may encounter.
 Here are a few tips. Knowledge is Power - Before you leave, its a wise idea to do some research on your destination. Sure, animal products are used all around the Earth, but there are places where manipulation is blatant, and being vegan may be take challenging to place or give. Comprehending the cuisine provides a large advantage to you in being aware of what to look out for especially with respect to ingredients in food. For example, in fish broth, dishes that seem to be vegan noodles, tofu, are cooked in most nations in East Asia. As many meals can be veganized, knowing how food is traditionally prepared may help you be certain which the food on your plate is, in fact, vegetarian.
 If you are traveling to any major cities, spend a bit of time on-line to find out if there are vegetarian restaurants or health meals stores in the area. Mapping out stops where one can either enjoy a tasty vegetarian meal or at least stock up on supplies may be a big help once you are there. Even knowing when you will next be capable to visit a supermarket could be an invaluable step toward making certain you've access to fruits and veggies. - Websites like HappyCow provide listings of vegan restaurants and businesses over the globe.
  Nevertheless, their listings also include food outlets which aren't vegan, so be sure you read the info carefully. In addition, since restaurant entrances are mostly user submitted, its important to double check for accuracy. Even though its potential to find vegan options in various dining options around the globe, the variety may still be scant in places. Always ensure you've snack foods on hand which will assist tide you over till your next meal.
  vegan dishes in tampa https://www.truefoodkitchen.com
youtube- https://youtu.be/GwUsPycOe3k
tumblr- https://vegandishesintampa.tumblr.com
about.me- https://about.me/vegandishes
alternion.com- http://www.alternion.com/users/vegandishesintampa/
diigo.com- https://www.diigo.com/profile/vegandishes                                                                                                                                                                        disqus- https://disqus.com/by/vegandishesintampa
evernote.com- https://www.evernote.com/shard/s484/sh/7cbe3999-3242-4753-9a97-f64952d869ed/80177365eed011e1998fa635e344afcf
instapaper- https://www.instapaper.com/p/vegandishesintampa
medium.com- https://medium.com/@vegandishesintampa
onedrive- https://1drv.ms/w/s!Ah1sLIC1OQ73aad2xdTRIBW7z9Y
getpocket.com- https://getpocket.com/@e60g0d3bp24eWA6d0VTa0gnTeDA5pfvXO7brbOV4aXq680b12bz90x16Ru2NBg21
blogspot- http://tampavegandishes.blogspot.com/2018/09/vegan-dishes-traveling-can-seem.html
wordpress- https://vegandishesintampa.wordpress.com/vegan-dishes/
Gslides-  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vHNmu7Q9Kwbzz0ebZJm93wOSx6rwf4P5zmd7B_ZNxqA/edit?usp=sharing
Gsheets- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13Y02qP2L5CHEUfH1RYBoKnSA8AfXwRWX2o7hn7w9Abw/edit?usp=sharing
Gdocs- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1atDhpZ6zJn6059RSDa131f6HODsD9UqvQPeNeOhmJNY/edit?usp=sharing
Gdrive- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1upUoKetcyCuDHzdNLb7roRZFZttMetoj?usp=sharing
Gplus- https://plus.google.com/102198759103997706792
 vegan dishes in tampa- Links part 2-
vegan dishes in tampa- https://www.truefoodkitchen.com/
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