9, 14, 15? ✨
Thank you for the Asks!
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
@theredheadedcaptain finished her long fic Celestial Storms almost exactly 1 year ago. This was the story that made me first fall in love with her story telling.
It's a beautiful post Endgame J/C romance with a robust ensemble cast (and some thoroughly engaging original characters!) It follows J/C through a new mission, an encounter with old enemies, and introduces a well handled interpersonal conflict that speaks to class tensions between former Maquis and other edge-of-the-Federation characters and the Earth-centric human Starfleet characters. In short I loved everything about it. The action and adventure, the political undertones and social commentary and the romance - omg the romance! It is a can't miss long fic!
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind?
I struggled conceptualizing Seven of Nine when I first started writing Voyager fic. She seemed like a canonical mess of contradictions - first because of how the costuming objectified her in an extremely uncomfortable way - and then how the narrative really didnt deal well with how it must have felt being sexualized - by crewmates and her doctor and aliens - having just barely left the borg where her body was something that was probably only conceptualized in strictly functional terms (its own kind of objectification). All of her voyager era romance plotlines really squicked me for a long time (dont let me fall into my Doctor/Seven rant 😆)
And then two things happened.
(1) Picard came out and Seven had a queer romantic arc with Raffi.
(2) I met my wife, who had been a neurodivergent closeted teen in a much more social-norms-concious community than I'd grown up in, talking to me about how shed intensely studied and tried to emulate traditionally feminine things and had boyfriends as a way to "fit in" without actually knowing how it was supposed to feel
And suddenly a lot of things that never used to click with me about Seven - confusion about attraction and dating and insistence on performing heteronormatic romantic gestures as if dating was some essential part of being an individual - all of those offputting sexist storylines from the Voyager era looked a lot more like queer and neurodivergent coded behaviors.
And then Seven became a lot more intriguing and understandable to me on rewatches (Queer and Neurodiverent being neither of the things the original 90s character creators probably indented when they stuck her in the catsuit and had the Doctor give her social lessons)  And shes now become a lot more fun to write now that I have an interpretation of her that jives with me.
15. Have you noticed your style change over time?
I dont know if i could pin point any one thing. but its like... I enjoy my own writing a lot more in the past 3-4 years than I did before. i feel more confident about it. A lot of that was rebuilding a writing community around me on discord (losing the in person one I had in college had me floundering for a while) and the second part was finding a planning process that worked for me - ive become a lot more confident that i can outline an idea, put it in a drawer and know that i can pick it up a few weeks or months later and have a solid blueprint for how to write that story.
Ive also gotten more concise and more conscious of a story's scope (i can finish a long fic in about 80-90k rather than 200k). And ive also gotten a lot more comfortable with the creative ebb and flow i tend to go through. just generally a lot more confident and comfortable with my craft. i know thats not the specific question but its definitely had a positive impact on my overall storytelling too.
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curator-on-ao3 · 2 years
Writing Tag Game
Big thanks to @emilie786 and @theredheadedcaptain for tagging me! 💕 Both tags made me smile. ❤️
Game: If the word provided is in your WIP document, answer with the sentence (or more) containing the word.
@theredheadedcaptain tagged me with the word “jealous.” That word doesn’t appear in my WIP.
@emilie786 tagged me with the word “family,” which does appear in my WIP:
“I needed to …” Damn. She’s rehearsed this. “I needed to say I’m sorry for what happened and that Starfleet Medical should have done more to help you. I also wanted to say I’m sorry for not appreciating your friendship and how kind you always were to everyone, including me. After you left, the Enterprise started to feel smaller, tougher, less like a family. At least for me. I’ve tried to help Captain Decker — Will Decker, Matt Decker’s son — as we’ve worked through the refit, tried to encourage him to enlarge rooms to be more the way you had them, to get him to understand how a captain can make a ship a home. But I have to admit I’ve been distracted by this.”
She digs in her medical bag, pulls out a padd and holds it toward Chris, her fingers trembling.
What if he says no?
(Yeah, I’m still working on that same Chapel/Pike story and enjoying the heck out of the Chris/Christine dynamic.)
For anyone who wants to play the Writing Tag Game, I hereby tag you with the word “eyebrow.”
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It is Cohen time everyone!!!
So excited to see what everyone will share this year.
To our participants: @marymoss1971 (VOY), @auguststargazer (VOY), BlackVelvet42 (TBD) @jellybeansarecool (TBD), @pc-corner (SNW), @70thousandlightyearsfromhome (VOY), @seemaunbound (VOY), @regionalpancake (PIC), Servelan (TBD), @go-tell-the-bees (VOY), @elephant-in-the-pride-parade (PRO), @muizeke83 (VOY), @sun-lit-roses (VOY), @mytardisisparked (ENT), @rocktherecorder (PIC or VOY), @grissomesque (VOY), @baylardo (PRO), @madamairlock (VOY), @whathappenstotheheart (SNW), @theredheadedcaptain (TBD), @gluecookie (DS9), @littleobsessions90 , @curator-on-ao3 and @fiadorable (SNW) — Here are some reminders for when you share your work!
Q: How do you make sure your work is shared by our Tumblr?
A: If you post your work on tumblr, you can @what-happens-to-the-heart or this year's moderator @elephant-in-the-pride-parade and I will make sure to reblog your work! If you don't post to tumblr, kindly send an Ask with a link to your work. This way I can make sure everyone's creativity get's celebrated.
Q: How do I post to the AO3 collection?
A. This AO3 instruction will walk you through each step. I also know not everyone on AO3 is comfortable posting directly to a collection - thats okay! I will create a collection bookmark to your work so that anyone perusing the event collection will still find it.
Q: What if I do not post work to AO3?
A: I will include links to non-AO3 works in that event collection's description. I will also make a post on Tumblr at the end of the fest with links to every person's work!
Q: what do I do if I am not done by my sign up date?
A: It's okay! Just send a message to let me know you are still working on it. I will keep an eye out for belated submissions and do my best to update the AO3 collection and Tumblr quickly to include your work! (And remember if you're writing a fic, it is okay to post just the first chapter for Cohen)
Q: What if I post earlier than my post date?
A: (Then you have a super power and myself and my legendary procrastination skills are very envious of it.) If you post your work early I will queue it up to promote on your original sign up date.
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cnrothtrek · 3 months
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you’d like)
Thank you to @pc-corner for tagging me!
In spite of everything, she was optimistic and strong, pressing onward with hope that was tempered by realism but not suffocated by cynicism.
That’s too many words for tags, and I don’t know who’s still around and writing but here you go @seema-unbound @cherry-jamx @cheile @trekflower @go-tell-the-bees @mylittleredgirl @theredheadedcaptain @regionalpancake @70thousandlightyearsfromhome @rikerssexblouse
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Only 4 days left...
The first of May is approaching rapidly and I hope everyone has their stories ready.
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We will be in for a treat on our first day of the Merry Month of Cohen as both @caladeniablue​ and @theredheadedcaptain​ will delight us with some good VOY fiction! Stay tuned.
PS: It is still time to join! The more the merrier!
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25daysofvoyager · 2 years
Sign Ups Close on 12/1
Check below to make sure we’ve signed you up on the correct days. We welcome multiple sign ups per day so if you think you’d like to create a fanwork - reach out by ask, reply, reblog, or by DMing the fest coordinators @elephant-in-the-pride-parade and @gijane-7702. We know December is a busy month so don't stress - belated submissions for the day(s) you sign up for are accepted.
Who’s Signed up for the 25 Days of Voyager:
@i-belong-to-too-many-fadoms / @divinemissem13
@katlovefanfic / @maliciousalice
@pixiedane / @madamairlock
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singeart · 2 years
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I posted 40 times in 2022
That's 26 more posts than 2021!
34 posts created (85%)
6 posts reblogged (15%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 40 of my posts in 2022
#star trek voyager - 27 posts
#voy - 27 posts
#st voy - 22 posts
#singeart - 17 posts
#kathryn janeway - 15 posts
#captain janeway - 14 posts
#janeway x chakotay - 13 posts
#j/c - 9 posts
#st fanart - 8 posts
#doodles - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i knew abt tau ceti prime from idk the wiki or fanfics and sort of knew she was responsible but to read abt it and then find out she
My Top Posts in 2022:
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135 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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See the full post
138 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
“Captain, I do back flips every single day of my life.”
inspired by this post
196 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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218 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
372 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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burntheparameters · 3 years
Are there any good smutty stories that have Janeway / Chakotay in a threesome with another woman? With some jealousy happening?
Asking for a friend, of course.
Also has anyone written or read a story where KJ walks in on C7? Terrible I know but my mind is in a weird place. I mean my friend’s mind.
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arcadia75 · 3 years
2021 Favorite Fics!
Here I am again, celebrating my favorite fics of 2021!  I challenged myself to pick one memorable fic I read from each month of the year.  As always this was extremely challenging.  I go month by month on A03 and make a google doc of all the fics I enjoyed during the month.  Then I narrow it down to one fic per month to post here.  
To recap past years:
2020 Favorite Fics
2019 Favorite Fics
2018 Favorite Fics
Here are my 2021 picks.
January - The Last Dance by @torri012 J/C Endgame angst.  Oh the angst!
February - Fly Me to the Moon by @curator-on-ao3 some J/P relationship exploration.
March -  A moment to shatter a hard-fought peace by  searider_Falcon.  J/C set in the Picard-verse.
April  -  The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy by @curator-on-ao3.  Title is pretty self explanatory.  I think this is my favorite fic of the year.  So well written about a character that has such a small, but impactful part in Picard.
May - To Seek Out New Life  by @theredheadedcaptain.  Adorable J/C post-Endgame story.  Thoroughly enjoyed all the stories by this author this year. 
June - The Turbolift by @gijane-7702 - J/C post-Endgame with crew hijinks with a dash of Phoebe too!
July - Two to Beam Up by @caladeniablue.  A Resolutions what if.  There is a companion story to this one, so check that out too! Not-J/C
August - Let it Breathe by @neverenough37 - Modern AU J/C with wine!  Check out all the stories by this author, they are great!
September - Out of Darkness by @sootyowl​ - Fresh take on the Janeway is pregnant trope.
October -  Habits of Circumstance by @littleobsessions90​ - From a throwaway prompt of mine, so has a special place in my heart.  J/C
November -  Eden's Deception by  The_Elephant_in_the_Pride_Parade - This takes Resolutions to a whole other level.  Wonderful story! J/C
December -  All A Mother Wants by Amalgam000 - Cute J/C holiday fluff to end the year.
And there you have it!  My 2021 list.  Enjoy!
Also please tag those I didn’t link to tumblr if they have accounts!
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crack-in-everything · 3 years
A Crack in Everything
May 1–15(ish), 2021
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Master List of Fanworks
A HUGE thank you to everyone who submitted a fanwork to this glorious festival of misery and pain (and just a little light!), and the same to all the readers/viewers/supporters of the event – it’s been AMAZING, and I’m already looking forward to next year’s iteration! Without further ado, here are all the fanworks – share this post, check them out, and give them some love if you haven’t already!
May 1 You Have Loved Enough by @amoderngirl Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, G, Carla Johnson/Mark Johnson ——
May 2 Until the Sea Shall Free Them by @70thousandlightyearsfromhome (ShayneyL) Star Trek Voyager, fanfic & fanart, T, Harry Kim & Tom Paris, Harry Kim & B’Elanna Torres ——
May 3 At Least for Tonight by @curator-on-ao3 Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, T, Kathryn Janeway/Kes, Kathryn Janeway/Harry Kim, The Doctor/Kathryn Janeway Includes covers by @regionalpancake ——
May 4 And the break of day had nothing to reveal by @allthewians Star Trek Alternate Original Series, fanfic, M, Philip Boyce/Christopher Pike ——
May 5 The Lagoon by CAMIR Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, G, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway ——
May 6 A Captive Breath by @theredheadedcaptain Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, E, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway ——
May 7 After the Champagne by BlackVelvet42 Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, E, Ayala/Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay/Seven of Nine ——
May 8 I am not others by @jazzfic Star Trek Picard, fanfic, T, Enoch & Agnes Jurati, Agnes Jurati/Cristóbal Rios Includes cover by @regionalpancake ——
May 9 Crow’s Feet by @regionalpancake Star Trek Picard, Star Trek The Next Generation, fanfic & fanart, T, Hugh Third of Five, Bruce Maddox ——
May 10 If I Didn’t Have Your Love by Bizarra Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, E, Ayala/Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway The Dark Led Me to Light Again by StarTrekkin08 Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, G, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway ——
May 11 Mine by @caladeniablue Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, E, Kathryn Janeway/Kashyk, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway ——
May 12 Heart With No Companion by Servalan Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, M, Chakotay/Tessa Omond, Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway ——
May 13 Dance Me to The End of Love by @gluecookie​ (Monsterfisken) Star Trek Discovery, fanart, G, Joann Owosekun/Keyla Detmer ——
May 14 to follow the sun by @thelaithlyworm (Thimblerig) Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Picard, fanfic, T, Kestra Troi-Riker & Thad Troi-Riker, Lwaxana Troi & Thad Troi-Riker Includes cover by @regionalpancake ——
May 15 Ring the Bell by @verobatto (BENKA79) Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, E, Harry Kim/Tom Paris ——
and ... May 25 True Places by @coffeeblack75 Star Trek Voyager, fanfic, G, Janeway/Chakotay —— *If I’ve made any mistakes or missed anything out in the above list, please let me know. See you next year! 👋
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Merry Month of Cohen, 2024
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Now the angel's got a fiddle, the devil's got a harp Every soul is like a minnow, every mind is like a shark May have broken every window, but the house The house is dark, I care but very little What happens to the heart ~ L. Cohen
May 1-15: Get caught in the darkness for another year.  
Welcome to the sixth Cohen-based Star Trek fandom event, carrying on the tradition begun with Leonard Cohen and the Merry Month of May, organized by the incomparable @mia-cooper in 2019. I have the honor of organizing this year's event.
This year’s twist: Never the same again - some how the character(s) are fundamentally altered by their experience.
You know the drill (the same procedure as every year):
1. Pick a Leonard Cohen song, or multiples of. Any Cohen lyrics as long as they sing dark and angsty thoughts to you.
2. Pick a date in the first fortnight of May only (Wed 1st May – Wed 15th May). If there is an avalanche of fanworks coming this way, we’ll double up on the day.
3. Pick a Star Trek fandom, or a mash-up of ST fandoms. Mix DS9 and Picard if you so wish, but no crossovers with non-Star-Trek fandoms.
4. Message this blog with your chosen date, the Star Trek fandom(s) you’ve picked, and the type of fanwork you’ll be producing. View Sign Ups here!
5. Message this blog for any questions / changes etc…
6. Post your angst-filled fanwork on your chosen date.
7. Message this blog with the details of where your fanwork is posted, and tag your Tumblr post with #what-happens-to-the-heart
8. If posting on AO3, add your fanwork to the collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/What_Happens_to_the_Heart
9. Follow this blog for updates.
Tagging all the creators from the last years. No obligation to participate this year of course, but please reblog to others: @caladeniablue, @theredheadedcaptain, @70thousandlightyearsfromhome, @marymoss1971, @seemaunbound, @pc-corner, @hauntedmoonchaos, @grissomesque, @cnrothtrek, @lipstickonmylabcoat, @madamairlock, @littleobsessions90, @mia-cooper​, @whathappenstotheheart, @regionalpancake, @a-little-squirrely-sunshine
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That's a Wrap Folks!
We are coming to a close on another year of beautiful fanwork for the angstiest fest!
Next week:
I'll be reaching out to anyone who's Cohen work isn't up yet, just to check in and see where you're at.
Any works i have not had the chance to get to yet will be getting a comment 🥳
i'll put out a master post with links to all the Cohen works from this year, and i'll update it with any that are posted later.
If you make any updates, post new chapters, or any works inspired by the one you did for Cohen, tag this blog! i'd love to give your work another shout out.
@marymoss1971 , @auguststargazer BlackVelvet42, @jellybeansarecool, @pc-corner , @70thousandlightyearsfromhome , @seemaunbound , @regionalpancake, Servelan , @go-tell-the-bees @elephant-in-the-pride-parade , @muizeke83 , @sun-lit-roses, @mytardisisparked , @rocktherecorder , @grissomesque , @baylardo , @madamairlock @whathappenstotheheart , @theredheadedcaptain , @gluecookie , @littleobsessions90 , @curator-on-ao3 and @fiadorable
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Sign ups!
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Sign ups so far! Multi sign ups are allowed, but I encourage anyone interested to take the empty slots if there are any available. We'll take sign ups until April 30th, and double up on days that have multiple sign ups. (If you determine later that you'll miss your posting date - don't worry, just message this blog to let me know!)
For posters who have "TBD" for their Fandom - remember to let me know what Trek(s) you chose to make fanwork for!
Date Name (Fandom)
May 1 @marymoss1971 (VOY)
May 2 @auguststargazer (VOY)
May 3 BlackVelvet42 (TBD)
May 4 @jellybeansarecool (TBD)
May 5 @pc-corner (SNW)
@70thousandlightyearsfromhome (VOY)
May 6 @seemaunbound (VOY)
@regionalpancake (PIC)
May 7 Servelan (TBD)
May 8 @go-tell-the-bees (VOY)
May 9 @elephant-in-the-pride-parade (PRO)
May 10 @muizeke83 (VOY)
@sun-lit-roses (VOY)
May 11 @mytardisisparked (ENT)
@rocktherecorder (PIC or VOY)
May 12 @grissomesque (VOY)
@baylardo (PRO)
May 13 @madamairlock (VOY)
@whathappenstotheheart (SNW)
May 14 @theredheadedcaptain (TBD)
@gluecookie (DS9)
May 15 @curator-on-ao3 and @fiadorable (SNW)
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I couldn't finish the Prodigy fic in time. So here is my entry for @what-happens-to-the-heart.
@theredheadedcaptain kicked me out of my writers block by saying to: "Just write the angstiest opening scene you can think of."
So here it is. 😁😈
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9 7 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @curator-on-ao3. - TY!!!❤️
Last Song: Glitter and Gold by Barns Courtney
Favorite Color: Cranberry Red and Violet
Last film/show: Poldark (my wife is obsessed with historical dramas)
Sweet/savory/spicy: Savory!!!!
Last thing I googled: How to do a concatenate formula in a calculated Power BI column (one of those things I purportedly know how to do but always forget the calculated column syntax)
Last Book: Still reading Unmasking Autism by Devan Price
Relationship status: Married to the most fabulous lady💕
Current Obsession(s): J/C, Sailor Moon, Putting way to much thought into Star Trek's interplanetary politics, and recently procrastinating on crocheting.
Tagging: @fourforyouodo @serinmatheson1 @baylardo @maliciousalice @mytardisisparked @jellybeansarecool @theredheadedcaptain and YOU, if you want to play. 🥳
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Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge
Thanks for tagging me, @curator-on-ao3 😘
The game is to share the first lines of the last 10 stories you wrote. So here goes!
1. “Set temporal coordinates.”
- Euridice - Rated E, Voyager fic, Year of Hell Unaltered Timeline (J/C, C/P, B/7, some J/P undercurrents too)
2. “So… you’ll take anything I offered, would you?” The Terran Captain’s voice was sultry, almost purring as she ran her tail up the inside of his leg.
- Lost in a Hall of Mirrors - Rated T, Prodigy fic, Threshold AU moment from Cracked Mirror (J/C)
3. Captains Log, Star Date 52160: We’re docked at the Berudian Orbital Shipyard today for much needed repairs after our experiment with slipstream technology. 
- Lost and Found - Rated T, Voyager fic for Maliciousalice Birthday, a Threshold AU story set in Season 5. (background J/C)
4. Captain Janeway held her breath as she ordered Kim to lock onto the single life sign in Val Jean ’s cockpit.
- Five Catches and a Fall - Rated T, Voyager Fic, five J/C oneshots spanning the series run.
5. The arrival home had been stressful on them all, but none more so than Kathryn  who had to submit to a barrage of tests from medical as part of their debriefing.
- Brumating in a Winter Wonderland - Rated T - Voyager fic - Threshold AU of the arrival home. (J/C)
6. Janeway looked longingly at her replicator as she got dressed for the day. - All the Little Things
- Rated G - Voyager fic - a J/C oneshot set early in the series.
7. How quickly things could change, Kathryn mused as she cradled her infant son Liam to her breast.
- For Just one Day Let's Only Think About Love - Rated T, Voyager Books fic - Threshold AU take on the ending of To Lose the Earth (J/C, background P/T)
8. “Ah Captain,” Jellico welcomed Tuvok into his office, gesturing for him to sit in the open chair, beside Commander Tysses. “Thank you for coming.”
  - The Timepast - Rated T - Prodigy fic - a Shakespeare-inspired farce AU of J/C's reunion and Chakotay's rescue. (J/C, D/G, Adreek/Tysses)
9. The roast was burnt, as usual, but that didn't bother him. In fact it was the very reason they now found themselves in this delightful situation...
- No Captain Here; No Commander Either - Rated E - Voyager fic - J/C smut.
10. It was a bad day to be Q. - Universe to Mend
- Rated M - Prodigy/Voyager Books fic - a novel set after To Lose the Earth, featuring Q, Pocket Full of Lies' Denzit Janeway, and Prodigy's Hologram Janeway on a new adventure. (J/Q and J/C)
Analysis: I tend to open with dialogue, with a characters thought or log, or with some kind of very quick statement about the setting. just throwing you right into the action usually. I'm kinda okay with that!
I'm gonna tag (and im sorry if i forget anyone) @trekflower @pc-corner @jellybeansarecool @emilie786 @divinemissem13 @theredheadedcaptain @nonadhesiveness @coffee-in-that-nebula @cnrothtrek if yall would like to play and anyone else who wants too, feel free to do your own!
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