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waabi-miigwan · 7 years ago
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I'm sometimes told that I'm too open about my past, my life. I'm too blunt or harsh. People say I am too trusting that people will use what I say against me. Sometimes, I am asked whether I'm worried about what people will think of me if I talk about my past. It makes me laugh, and if you knew me back then, or have heard my story, you're probably laughing a bit too. I talk about my struggles with mental health, addiction, parenting, recovery, health, healing, and wellness, because helping other people, social work, drives me, it is my reason for being. What got me through the really hard times was knowing I wasn't alone in my feelings of despair, hopelessness, and suffering. Earl Hightower, a well known AA speaker was a big influence in why I share my experience, strength, hope, my successes, struggles, my missteps, and mistakes with others, often publicly. I also recognize that if I want to do the work I want to do, and to have the impact that I want to have. I have to walk my talk and own my shit, so to speak. It was the people that did that who got my attention, my respect, those people made the biggest impact. I share my life and experiences in the hope that my experience might spare someone else the years, months, weeks, days, even a moment of the loneliness, hopelessness, pain, and needless suffering I experienced and witnessed. I didn't come up with the majority of the knowledge I share. I am not special, I am not better nor worse than anyone else. I'm not smarter or stronger, I am lucky and had the support I needed. The knowledge and wisdom I carry comes from many people much wiser, stronger, more talented, gifted, and all around better humans than I could ever hope to be. All I can do is pass it on. #therebutforthegraceofgodgoi #aa #narcoticsanonymous #na #recovery #grattitude #lovespeaks #grattitudeistheattitude #rememberwhereyoucamefrom #seewhereyouregoing #addictionsandrecovery #addictions #lionandwhitefeather #experiencestrengthandhope #passiton #walkyourtalk #iamnotresponsibleforyourperceptionsorexpectations #letgoletlove
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Reposted from @iamalidasharp Has anyone ever told you that your behavior was over the top? Have you experienced shame over how you’ve expressed yourself? Or maybe you’ve been the one to criticize someone whose actions seem out of place to you. Jesus welcomed this woman’s actions. He had no condemnation for her, only mercy and grace. May we remember that our task as Christians is to be like Christ. Show love, show compassion, show mercy to those whose behavior you don’t understand. There are people grieving, those who are hurting, and speaking out over injustice they see and personally feel. We need to stop and think about Jesus would respond to them, and do likewise. #belikeJesus #stopasianhate #stoptheshame #havecompassion #therebutforthegraceofGodgoI https://www.instagram.com/p/CNERyMAJTm7/?igshid=13199n137sf4e
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elpiqui · 5 years ago
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#therebutforthegraceofgodgoi (at In the Houuuuse) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6rkeFthGDq/?igshid=grthzm0ls8s1
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wqueens7 · 6 years ago
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#therebutforthegraceofgodgoi #Survivorsguilt @byronthepoet @streetpunxnyc (at 23rd Street (IND Sixth Avenue Line)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJhbvTBW5c/?igshid=1d3h1q665s7ps
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texwador-blog · 6 years ago
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Insidebooksproject.org My favorite place to buy and donate books! Inside Books Project is an Austin-based community service volunteer organization that sends free books and educational materials to prisoners in Texas. Inside Books is the only books-to-prisoners program in Texas, where over 140,000 people are incarcerated. Inside Books Project works to promote reading, literacy, and education among incarcerated individuals and to educate the general public on issues of incarceration.   Inside Books Project has sent over a quarter million free books to inmates in Texas, funded entirely by donations from our community. Inside Books Project has no paid staff - all donations go directly to support our mission. We believe that every prisoner has the right to quality reading and educational materials, and that reading, learning, and self-expression are invaluable opportunities that are too often denied to Texas inmates. Cuts to prison education programs and libraries continue to highlight the emphasis on punishment over rehabilitation. The benefits of literacy in inmates’ post-incarceration lives are well-documented, and evidence points to a beneficial relationship between additional reading and increased literacy. Consider volunteering! 3106 East 14 1/2 Street in Austin, Texas at the following times: Every Sunday from 5pm to 9pm  Every Thursday from 7pm to 11pm  Every second Monday of the month from 10am to 2pm. ----- May is a shameless friend promotion month! Every day of May, through this platform I'm going to promote a business that I support and I think everyone should support. Not only do I have a fondness for these people, but they sell a quality product or service. Some I may not know personally but I think that they do good things and they deserve a shout out. @insidebooksproject #prison #prisoner #prisonlife #education #austin #volunteer #books #insidebooksproject #atx #libros #texas #texasprison #inmate #inmates #incarcerated #nonprofit #goodcause #therebutforthegraceofgodgoi #bop #bureauofprisons #tdcj #jail #hope #arrested #inprison #womeninprison #lifeinprison #help #dallas (at Inside Books Project) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIXSfxFP3I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cdz1t3od3cqe
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atacxgymcapoeira · 6 years ago
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A homeless man is underneath this makeshift bivouac. Help how and when we can #bivouac #homeless #help #helpothers #atacxgymstreetwarriorcapoeira #atacxgymcapoeira #njiauhurukipura #kipura #capoeira #longbeach #losangeles #longbeachca #human #humane #therebutforthegraceofgodgoi #melaninfeed #blacksuperman #blackphotographer #blackphotography #photographylovers #instagood #instadaily #instabloggers #instablogger #blackbloggers (at Long Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsqiUWFAOdq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q9a50brf2vbd
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democracyunderground · 4 years ago
Machine - There But for the Grace of God Go I (Original Version)
#Machine #ThereButForTheGraceOfGodGoI (Original Version) #EqualityIsOnTheBallot #GayLivesMatter #LGBTQLivesMatter @HRC #BlackLivesMatter @Blklivesmatter #NativeLivesMatter @NoDAPL @StandingRockST #ImmigrantLivesMatter #KidsInCages #Dreamers
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iamokaynowdeb · 7 years ago
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We are ready to se our community go #Invisible2Visible #Incurable2Curable in our #2By2 in 2018 yr of #Advocacy w/ #GPReporters #Advocators #Spoonies #ChronicWarriors all joining together #TagUs whether w/ #mito #Diabetes #gastroparesis #CIP #IBS #SIBO #POTS #EDS #Sjogrens #Raynauds #Lupus #cancer @americancancersociety #rheumatoidarthritis #hashimotos #encephalitis @hesaonlineorg #ulcerativecolitis #autoimmunediseases or any other type of #Chronic we want to see better #Treatments #QualityOfCare = #QOC #Research #Cures We deeply care about our community!Your community is our community!We know every diagnosis is possibly another person who is possibly a member of both of our communities.. #ThereButForTheGraceOfGodGoI each of us are a #BeaconOfHope @gimotility to each other #TogetherWeFightTogetherWeWin @aprilgqg #DontQuitBeforeYourMiracle @carolynmcbane #Green4GP @bundytr5 #ButYouDontLookSick @christinemiserandino @arthritisfoundation @lupusorg #GastroparesisFightingForAChange @melissaadamsvanhouten #ItIsntEasyBeingGreen @jessicafaye.watters #TakeABite4GP @walton_raven #NEGU #CureGP FB.curegp.com @steventrotter #MitoCure #Green4Mito @mitoaction @americancancersociety @medivizorteam @wmcactionnews5 @wreg3 @memphisnews @orlandosentinel @michaeljfoxorg @huffpost @waltonedfoundation @tonyscruggs @ted @gpwarrior @thv_11 @kloveradio @bishopjakes @realtalkkim @carllentz @joelosteen @pastorrickwarren @cnn @msnbc @foxnews @robinrobertsgma @hodakotb @savannahguthrie (at Star of Bethlehem Church)
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felizconejo · 7 years ago
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#butchqueenthepageantsf #butchqueen #littlemiss #irridescent #boa #fullofgrace #motherhasarrived #crown #queermagic #instagay #rainbow #arcoiris #arcenciel #enespañol #bringittotherunway #whyyougaggingso #shebringittoyoueveryball #queensofthecastro #goodcause #deconstructing #reconstructing #gender #beardgang #andthecategoryis #yeaAND #eatit #therebutfortheGRACEofgodgoi WOULD TAKE #willandgrace (at SF Oasis)
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thedustyscholar · 7 years ago
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It’s a good season to minister mercy and grace, and remembering that you too used to be blind and ignorant is a good beginning to the path of compassion without compromise. #dontforget #therebutforthegraceofgodgoi
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nummymuffin · 8 years ago
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Still one of my favorite songs of the era. #Machine #ThereButForTheGraceOfGodGoI #augustdarnell #studio54 #discolives (at Greenway - Upper Kirby, Houston)
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democracyunderground · 4 years ago
#Machine #ThereButForTheGraceOfGodGoI #WomensHistoryMonth #LGBTQ 
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iamokaynowdeb · 7 years ago
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#SundayMorning #CureGP #Gastroparesis #TagUs #WeSeeYou #WeHearYou #WeFeelYou #WeCareAboutYou #2By2 in 2018 w/ #Advocacy #ChronicWarriors #GPReporters #Advocators #DoingItForOurSelvesTogether (please hear this hashtag to the beat of “Sisters are Doing it for Themselves” sung by Aretha Franklin & Eurythmics. If you don’t immediately know the song beat please go google/YouTube it please for your #SpoonieSunday #restoration if it helps, guys y’all can insert brothers for sisters cause we don’t want to leave anyone out! We want to lift up everyone #Spoonies. #Warriors #WorldWide better #Treatments #research #QOL #QOC #Cures #USA #MotilityBill #HR1187 #FGIMD #IBS #cosponsors still required #TakeABite4GP #Empathy is an everyday #24_7_365 Worldwide Campaign https://goo.gl/LFpHPE https://goo.gl/goU9Ft requesting cosponsors! Please, use these links to request your Representatives as cosponsors on our #MotilityBill. We would greatly appreciate your help in the #USA You may too! We pray not! #ThereButForTheGraceOfGodGoI #TakeABite4GP our #WorldWide #Empathetic Campaign. If you can take bites, please do so, with a-post/ picture & #TakeABite4GP. If on the other hand you cannot, please post a picture of the bite you would like to take/eat with #TakeABite4GP & your survival tactics for #Surviving your #Chronic with #BrokenGuts. #BeaconOfHope @gimotility @tippedmug @aprilgqg @bundytr5 @melissaadamsvanhouten @christinemiserandino @carolynmcbane @essential_7 @micheletillery @cherylraudebaugh @steventrotter @gppage21 @gpwarrior @mindy.krystof @mandybair @amandaripsam @delinvestments @jessicafaye.watters @kbruneau74 @mitoaction @wreg3 @wmcactionnews5 @orlandosentinel @memphisnews @joelosteen @bishopjakes @kloveradio @carllentz
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dabunique · 9 years ago
Ugh this show is everything #thegetdown #therebutforthegraceofgodgoi
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iplaytunez · 9 years ago
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This just 💔😢. No dinner plans tonight? See below & go to @yelplouisville 's event or donate to @homeoftheinnocents. #therebutforthegraceofGodgoi
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