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Brought my fave to life.
I couldn't let my Reyna cosplay remain unposted even if it has been in my drafts for more than a year now. Also if they were capable of having phones, she would definitely have a streak with Nico, Thalia, Frank, and Hazel
Enjoy my crappy Photoshop skills! Here's my cosplay tag even though there isn't much recent ones. My other Reyna cosplay outfits are there too. Also perdón, my GIFs for asks I posted years ago don't show on mobile :(
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apollos-celticswan · 9 years
A tidbit
Hey guys. I just want to take a minute to explain. I am very shy. I have been working on my eternally miserable self esteem for a long time. I have always been teased for looking odd. People used to tease me for looking like a boy with long hair when I was younger. So I chopped it all off. I spent all of grade school and most of college never trying because I've never seen the point. I know I'm a beautiful person inside. But people made sure to tell me I was not on the outside. My family. My sisters. My peers. I am that girl who never got asked to a dance. I never went to a single dance in all of high school. I did get a note in my locker once that told me I would never find anyone stupid enough to like me. I'm that girl who found security in hiding in clothes and ignoring everyone. I also grew up very poor. Which meant I couldn't afford clothes or make up. When I had money I bought sketch books and single prisma pencils. My younger sister is engaged. She keeps telling me if I don't "try" I'll be alone for life. On top of that I have social anxiety and a few issues that make me seem odd. So yes. I struggle. I struggle because I want to change and not hate that I'm a bean pole girl with weird ethnic genetics that make my features too sharp. I want to be someone amazing. Every single day I want to try. What I've learned though, is the best way to feel beautiful is to love and cherish other people. No amount of clothes or make up or hair dos will make that nervous self consciousness fade. But being genuinely kind to others, spreading love, tolerance, and kindness....that will make a world with far fewer sad, self conscious people. Here is a shout out to therealfrankzhang One of my very dear friends, and a genuinely wonderful person who turned my day around with his kind words, support, and wonderful existence. You make this world a better place, my friend. Thank you for seeing what others don't, and for being there when others weren't.
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lordvaldez · 9 years
I'm from Southern California! :)
Very beautiful :)))
Where are you cuties from?
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perce · 9 years
therealfrankzhang replied to your post:mamaarachne replied to your post: mamaarachne...
tfti guys </3
D: ofc u could omfg
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therealfrankzhang is such an amazing cosplayer and is so nice to everyone who drops an ask in his blog
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kjooyoo · 10 years
Excuse me, but may I ask what program you use to draw/animate with? Thank you. :)
I used Toon Boom Harmony. 
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onikasmirage · 10 years
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she said see ya l8r boi!
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frankdiangelo · 10 years
Reyna asked me to ask you for a follow for follow. :)
That's very nice of her, and of course! You're a very good Frank cosplayer!
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apollos-celticswan · 9 years
Oh my gosh I am so sorry I digress like crazy.
AND ALL YOU ANONS. You are all amazing. This is a video on request from an Anon for the 500 follower milestone! If you are tagged, I mentioned you in the video!
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simplylinly · 10 years
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the adorkable frank zhang :p
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pumpkinspicereyna · 10 years
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I was tagged by ask-reyna-of-the-romans uvu thanks girl !!
name, url, crush, fave colors, something in all caps, fave band members, fave numbers, fave beverage, tag ten people
ok I was originally going to tag anyone who has a frank url, which, so far in my findings are only: dangzhang, franklyamazhang, isfrankzhangappreciatedyet, therealfrankzhang ((ok can someone tell me what happened to frank idk what his new url is ??)) but it turns out that I can only find four people but seriously
if you have a frank url.
you're doing this.
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onikasmirage · 10 years
follows u
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tenkotoshiggy · 10 years
wow ive been up all night 
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My URL is shameful
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willsollace · 10 years
Voted for willsolace. :)
URL:Do I get it?: yes | noLength: too short | just right | too longOverall: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKE
ICON:Colors: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKEClarity: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKEOverall: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKE
THEME:Sidebar/Header: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKEColors: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKENeatness: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKEOverall: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKE
POSTS:Quality: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKEOverall: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKE
Overall: ok | cool | amazing | perfect | cHEESECAKE
Comment: you came out of the womb perfect
Following?: no sorry but ily | now | duh | forever
REYNABETH IS CANON (backlist ‘maiza blogrates)
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