thecmaw · 3 years
Tumblr media
@ao-no-ex-blog @postulation @flashyfashionfraud @strucktea @thegirldeadtwice @officialteamhaberkorn-blog @fullmetalfreak @halfbakedflamealchemist-blog @xingeseforeigner-blog @simply-avatar @themuzbo @just--closeyoureyes @saranghae-rae @poisonedscarlett @thedarkersideofstyle-blog @thekcabre @dramatic-anime-wind @marzipanmunchies @piemakingdeadwaker @ii-xix-xii @astrospacelady @must-watch-am-blog @therealeovaldez @reloha @davprz-blog @fightforfandoms @fluffy--stuffs @divinesolitude @vesselincheto-blog @hoiimboggy00
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firelordray · 10 years
I miss my lil son therealeovaldez
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My URL is shameful
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bllbabaggins · 10 years
About Me!
I was tagged by catchthesnitch
About me!
► Name ➔ Mackenzie ► Birth place ➔ Bellingham, WA ► Where Do I live ➔ Spokane, WA ► Hair color ➔ blondish/strawberry?? idk how to describe it ► Eye Color ➔ hazel ► Birthday ➔ January 7 ► Gender ➔ female ► Lefty or Righty ➔ righty ► Happy? ➔ for the most part!
► Are you in love ➔ no ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ no ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ ...I've never dated... ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I don't think so? I hope not ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ no ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ yes ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I honestly have no clue ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ no ► Do you usually spend Valentine’s Day alone? ➔ I'm with my friends and family! but no boyfriend ► Short or long-term relationships? ➔ long term (IF I HAD ONE)
► Love or lust ➔ love ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade ► Cats or Dogs ➔ dogs ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends ► Television or internet ➔ internet ► Pepsi or Coke ➔ coke ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic in ► Day or night ➔ day (I love the mornings!) ► Text or Call ➔ text ► Make-up or au naturel? ➔ Make-up (just a little though!)
► Been caught sneaking out? ➔ I've never sneaked out bc I'm a v boring person ► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ obviously both ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yes a job ► Prank called a store? ➔ no ► Skipped school? ➔ no (again I am v boring) ► Wanted to disappear? ➔ yes ► Spent all your money? ➔ no (I am also v cheap) ► Met a celebrity? ➔ I met the local weatherman, does that count? ► Been really ill? ➔ yes ► Gotten high? ➔ no
► Smile or eyes ➔ A nice smile is so lovely :) ► Light or dark hair ➔ dark hair ► Shorter or taller ➔ taller ► Intelligence or attraction ➔ both ► Hook-up or relationship ➔ relationship ► Funny and poor or rich and serious ➔ funny and poor ► Mac or PC? ➔ PC ► Chapstick or lipstick? ➔ chapstick ► City or country? ➔ country ► Driving or walking? ➔ driving (or the bus)

► Last phone call? ➔ I had to make a dentist appointment (bc apparently I'm an adult now???) ► Last song you listened to? ➔ Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap ► Last thing you ate? ➔ A burger and fries! ► Last thing you drank? ➔ Dr. Pepper and water ► Last place you were? ➔ Red Robin (a restaurant) ► Last kiss? ➔ not a thing ► Last picture taken? ➔ it was of my nose bc it had a needle through it ► Last outfit? ➔ hecka cute coral shirt with shorts ► Last purchase? ➔ I think a small Starbucks drink
I tag milkwaterintolerant, hptheprinterwholived, super-lock-games, therealeovaldez
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sivaisnotademigod · 11 years
Tag, you’re it!
I was tagged by the awesome cheezecakeizgoood.
Rule 1: always post the rules Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule 4: actually tell them you tagged them.
Favorite social network besides Tumblr?  and this is when I am honest and say that I haven't used any other social network much for the past six months but I guess tweeter because I can stalk celebrities.
Listen to any Steampunk? not really.
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Percy Jackson cause I haven't read Harry Potter.
Would you rather lose your internet and everything you put on there and never be able to retrieve it or never have had connection to it ever? I would say never have had it because it would hurt less but then I wouldn't have met all the nice and awesome people I did so I guess lose everything.
Do you think those who self-harm are pathetic and/or attention-seeking? Nope, ii think they are just people who need a way to feel better and sadly there wasn't someone to support so they found their own way.
Are black and white shades or colors? Black
Is a piano a string or percussion instrument? string?
Most ashamed fandom your in but just can’t help yourself? Winnie the pooh because I just cant get over that childhood phase.
Looks or personality more important? Personality because if I cant stand you I wont speak to you and all humans look the same, cats are preetier.
Special talents? Dancing, Gymnastics, Math?, editing, staying up all night on tumblr and still be on honor roll at school, annoying my sister and animals love me (probably cause I am one of them), is watching a whole season in a day a talent?
Something that you need to get out?
1-Favourite TV show or movie?
2- Favourite candy?
3- how would you feel if you find out everything you have lived is only a dream?
4- First concert?
5- Do you enjoy classic music?
6- any hobbies? (Tumblr not included)
7- Where would you want to go on vacations?
8- Hot or cold weather?
9-  Is there anyone you wish you where with right now?
10- Cats or Dogs?
11-  What makes you happy when you are down?
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bunnypiez-blog · 11 years
rule one: always post the rules
 rule two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones 
 rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post  
rule 4: actually tell them you tagged them

Tagged by: singfr
1. Movie of the year, in your opinion?
I'd have to say Thor the Dark World.
2. Which TV show are you most emotionally invested in?
Supernatural, it's really the only TV show I've seen so far (Don't hurt me!)
3. Which fictional character are you most emotionally invested in?
Loki,  he is really the only character that has made me cry.
4. If you could keep any animal as a pet, what animal would it be?
I'd keep a wolf
5. What was your favourite TV show when you were younger?
I loved the Smurfs.
6. How did you join Tumblr?
My friend, Melody-of-the-sea kept bugging me till I got one.
7. What’s your most prized possession?
My viola.
8. Which fictional character can you relate most to?
hm...hold on, let me think...Sam Winchester. ye, I can relate to him more.
9. If you could be any vegetable, which vegetable would you be?
A potato
10. A nice thing that someone has done for you recently:
I have given a hug.
11. If you could take one thing to a desert island with you, what would it be? (Don’t say a boat. Or do, it’s a free country.)
Rum, Captain Jack Sparrow rum.
I'm in a rush so these won't be as good.
1-  What fandoms are you in?
2- Who is your favorite character?
3- If you could be anyone for a day, who would you pick?
4- Movie of the year?
5- If you could make anyone come to life (characters in stories, moives, etc.) who would it be?
6- What is your priced possession?
7- whats the most funny thing that has happened to you this year?
8- What kind of movie should be made? (can be anything)
9- Do you play and instrument? (Vocal chords are kinda instruments)
10- If you were in the Hunger Games, who you be your ally?
11- Which fandom would you want to live in?
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queria-salvarte · 11 years
I got tagged
I was tagged by fallingtotartarus shadowhuntingtributes and wissdomsdaughterwalksalone
The Rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 New People and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
a mix of fallingtotartarus shadowhuntingtributes and wissdomsdaughterwalksalone's questions: 
I’m tagging: kubikajiri, therealeovaldez, keepfeedingthebears, seventh-wheeling, districtunrest, sexintartarus, nightlockberryy, shadeslayers, and honorary tagging (bc i dont know who else but they dont have to do it like at all dont even think about it) fallingtotartarus, shadowhuntingtributes, and wissdomsdaughterwalksalone
note: idc if you dont do it but the rules say to tag people so i am
shadowhuntingtributes’s questions:
1) Favorite book?
single-the fault in our stars by john green series-inkheart by cornelia funke
2) Where do you want to live?
either europe or paris, well paris is in europe so that sounded stupid but yeah
3) Is there anyone you want to meet from Tumblr?
oh god yes i want to meet all those famous blogs and then all my friends, we could have a party with movies and books and just talk and eat it would be awesome
4) Are you an outgoing or shy person?
im SUPER shy. like if you talk to me at school i will respond with about one word unless i know you for like a year already
5) What’s your favorite season?
i LOVE autumn (or fall) it has that warm air but without the sun shining in your face and it gets dark quickly but its still warm (or at least in california)
6) Can you play any instruments or sing?
i took piano for 8 or 10 years and i hated it and the accordian for 2 now im 13 so obviosly my mom force me i didnt want to and i finally guilted her to let me stop a year ago. and for singing i love it but its sounds like a cat dying.
7) Do you write stories?
yes actually i want to be a writer, i love writing but i still need to work on some things
8) Favorite song?
well it changes like every week, but i will always love taylor swift above any other artist- i grew up with her so shes my favorite(i can understand if you dont like her)
9) Sun or snow?
the sun gives me a headache most of the time and i live in cali so thats a problem, so snow
10) Are you an honor student?
well i get straight a's and some a+ and im in a high math group and do swimming so i guess i am
11) How old are you?
13 (my birthday is december 22 same day as thalia grace)
fallingtotartarus's questions:
1. What is your favorite TV show?
supernatural or doctor who
2. Do you have any pets?
yes a dog (a mix of a poodle and multese) his name is scruffy
3. On a scale of 1 to in Tartarus, how safe is your OTP?
my otp is in tartarus (percabeth from percy jackson) so yeah
4. What inspired your url?
well my otp from the book series percy jackson fell into tartarus and they havent officially landed yet so they are fallingintotartarus
5. Favorite song?
i answered it in the last one above
6. PC or Mac?
idk computer is a computer so i use computer and occasionally tablet
7. Worst book you’ve ever read?
rules by cythia lord we had to read it for english and i hated it
8. How long is your hair?
its about 2.25 feet so pretty long but im trying to convince my mom to let me get a hair cut
9. Is there snow outside your window?
no i live in california and its snowed about once in the past 10 years in my city so that sucks
10. Favorite website besides Tumblr?
oh god i have three favorites: beesbeesbees.com crouton.net and breadfish.de
11. Favorite blog on Tumblr?
well i dont really have a favorite but the blog that introduced me to tumblr or the first blog i ever found is: everything-percy-jackson
wissdomsdaughterwalksalone's questions:
1-What country would you like to travel?
i actually want to travel all over the world
2- how long you have tumblr? and how did you meet?
i looked up percy jackson and found a blog and then collected urls of people i liked then stalked them for about a year then made a tumblr november 22nd 2012 weve been in a relationship for 6 months now actually today is our anniversary.
3-how many languages ​​do you speak? (or that you would like to learn?)
i speak two (english and spanish) but im going to take french in highschool
4-the last book you read?
will grayson will grayson by john green i finished it two days ago
5-the worst book you read?
answered above
6-the book that made ​​you cry?
i get emotionally attatched to books so almost all the books on my about me i have cried to
7-your favorite author?
i dont really have a favorite author but if i had to pick it would be john green or rick riordan
8-the book disappointed you most? (worst you read)
the book that disappointed me the most was shiver by maggie stiefvater (its actually a series but i didnt even finish the book) because everyone at my school read it and my libarian recommended it to me but it was so awful and cliche i wanted to vomit it like twilight but with jacob not edward (no offense to twilight i just meant it had werewolfs)
9-a character you hate? Why?
practically every character in the mortal instruments series idk why but other than that i really like all the characters in all my fandoms
10-you got boyfriend / girlfriend?
hahahah no at this point i think i may even be asexual but i dont really know im only 13 jeez
11-are you  reading a book now? (if so which one?)
i just started paper towns by john green
My questions:
1. What grade are you in school?
2. When did you get your tumblr and how often do you go on?
3. What is your favorite number and color?
4. Tell us a personal story (or funny or anything as long as its a story)
5. How many friends do you have on tumblr?
6. Do you have any siblings?
7. Do you do any sports or have any hobbies?
8. Tell us one thing youve never told anyone or you tell everyone.
9. Do you have any catch phrases or words that you say a lot if so what?
10. If you could have one wish or super power what would it be?
11. What would you die for? or what do you want to do before you die?
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crimsonwynterwaves · 12 years
New people have stumbled into your neighborhood.
Crimson walked out of the house and sighed, heading to the mailbox. She was home alone for a while. Crash was gone for the weekend, something to do with his work. Crimson walked up to the mailbox and bent over slightly, opening the mailbox. She stood back up looking around, she'd heard some newcomers were moving somewhere in the neighborhood.
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multifandomshawty · 12 years
TAG. You're it! Te rules are to state ten random facts about yourself. THen, go to your 10favorite blogs and tell them you're it and send this to the fifteen nicest people on tumblr.
Im really nice mean
my music taste is all over the place
i have an obsession with velvet cake
im a “perfectionist”
i suck at algebra 
tbh i dont keep my opinions about someone to myself bitch?
i have a big ego but my self esteem is shit
i hold grudges
i get annoyed easily 
im kinda really clingy…
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firelordray · 10 years
Sometimes internet friendships are much more valuable than friendships you’ve made irl and honestly there are a lot of you guys that I would still like to meet when I get the chance and I’m sorry we don’t talk a lot but I am still your friend and I love you
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fefri-blog · 12 years
We already have a Leo so um...
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crimsonwynterwaves · 12 years
People have entered your neighborhood
Cirmson looked outside and tilted her head. "Hey, Crash." She called.
Crash walked up looked outside also. "Woah. Who are all those new people."
Crimson shrugged as she watched them.
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firelordray · 11 years
I wanna be with all my friends. Preferably toni, toni, toni, leo, banna, jack, jayda, and I don't really remember (anyone that I dont hate is welcome) I just want these people to be with me rn because I love them so much and im feeling really lonely wow
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firelordray · 11 years
23, 8, 30
8: If you had to have your memory reset but you could choose only one memory to keep with you, what memory would you choose?
any memory of my bestfriend, prefferably my birthday 2013 
23: Who and/or what makes you the happiest?
two of my besties, banna, leo, jack and lots of my friends here 
30: When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
laughed: i think yesterday??
cried: when my cat was sold
lets get personal
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