sivaisnotademigod · 11 years
Tag, you’re it!
I was tagged by the awesome cheezecakeizgoood.
Rule 1: always post the rules Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule 4: actually tell them you tagged them.
Favorite social network besides Tumblr?  and this is when I am honest and say that I haven't used any other social network much for the past six months but I guess tweeter because I can stalk celebrities.
Listen to any Steampunk? not really.
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Percy Jackson cause I haven't read Harry Potter.
Would you rather lose your internet and everything you put on there and never be able to retrieve it or never have had connection to it ever? I would say never have had it because it would hurt less but then I wouldn't have met all the nice and awesome people I did so I guess lose everything.
Do you think those who self-harm are pathetic and/or attention-seeking? Nope, ii think they are just people who need a way to feel better and sadly there wasn't someone to support so they found their own way.
Are black and white shades or colors? Black
Is a piano a string or percussion instrument? string?
Most ashamed fandom your in but just can’t help yourself? Winnie the pooh because I just cant get over that childhood phase.
Looks or personality more important? Personality because if I cant stand you I wont speak to you and all humans look the same, cats are preetier.
Special talents? Dancing, Gymnastics, Math?, editing, staying up all night on tumblr and still be on honor roll at school, annoying my sister and animals love me (probably cause I am one of them), is watching a whole season in a day a talent?
Something that you need to get out?
1-Favourite TV show or movie?
2- Favourite candy?
3- how would you feel if you find out everything you have lived is only a dream?
4- First concert?
5- Do you enjoy classic music?
6- any hobbies? (Tumblr not included)
7- Where would you want to go on vacations?
8- Hot or cold weather?
9-  Is there anyone you wish you where with right now?
10- Cats or Dogs?
11-  What makes you happy when you are down?
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