#there's something about the way thranduil looks at bard in the first gif that just Hits Me
woodlandrealm · 10 months
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where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal
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littlebird-99 · 1 year
If you’re still struggling with writers block and your ask post still applies then: number 42 and Thorin Oakenshield 🖤
Paper Rings
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Thorin x Reader
A/N: thank you so much for this ask!! Yes, the ask post still applies! I hope you enjoy this!
Summary: Thorin and Y/N have been secretly together for a year, what happens when the boys asks her about marriage to their uncle?
Warnings: fluffy, slight song lyrics from Paper Rings by Tayler Swift
I never believed in love at first sight, well, that was until Thorin Oakenshield and his company came through my small town, as soon as those blue eyes of his met mine, oh you bet I was done for. That was two years ago, now we’re in Erebor, the mountain was claimed, Smaug was defeated, and Thorin and everyone is healed and we started working on fixing everything, hoping everything was back to normal.
“Y/N!” I roll my eyes as I hear two sets of feet running towards me, I quickly move out of the way so I don’t get trampled just as they stop, they’re breathing heavy. I look towards both Fili and Kili as they lean on their knees, panting slightly before the finally catch their breathe.
“Would you ever consider marrying our uncle? We really need to know the answer!” Kili spilled out quickly, earning a smack from his older brother, who quickly offers another answer, “it’s for a bet we have with Bofur and Nori, Ki and I think you would, but those two don’t think so.”
I feel my face heat up slightly before I smile at the boys, “I’m not answering that. Nice try you two… but go run along and tell Bofur and Nori whatever lie you wish.” I state before continuing my journey towards the gardens.
The truth is, I would marry Thorin, there’s been many times where it’s hard to not spit it out and tell the stubborn dwarf king my feelings.
In the winter, in the icy outdoor pool
When you jumped in first, I went in too
I'm with you even if it makes me blue
Which takes me back
To the color that we painted your Nephews (brother's) wall
Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws
We wouldn't be standing here so tall
“Y/N!!” I turn just in time to see Thorin jump in the pool, my eyes go wide as I take off his fur, “are you mad?! You’ll catch a cold!” I grin before I jump in after him, “what were you thinking?!” He gives a small shrug, “I need a laugh, with rebuilding Erebor, trying to fix things with Bard and Thranduil, as well as get everyone from the Blue Mountain here… I haven’t had much time to relax.”
I let out a laugh as I start to shiver, pull my clothes tighter to my body, “you? Relax? That’s never happened over the year I’ve known the almighty Thorin Oakenshield. You’re far too stubborn and pig headed to do that. You like things done in a-“ I get cut off with the feeling of something pressed to my lips, but it’s quickly pulled away and thorin is grinning ear to ear. “You’re far too blue for my liking right now, let’s get you warmed up, can’t have my favorite lady getting a cold now.”
From that day, he’s been infesting my thoughts, my dreams, that idiot has taken up every waking moment. The only things that’s changed since then, is the courting bead secretly braided in both our hair, no one knows besides Balin, but it’s been easier now that it’s getting closer to winter and I wear my hood everyday.
“And what is my queen doing out here?” I grin hearing that familiar deep voice from behind me, I turn after checking before throwing my arms around Thorin, his arms finding their spot around my waist as he picks me up, “hiding from your nephews who asked me a very strange question today….” He pulls away quickly, setting me down as he looks at me, “I… what was it?”
“If I’d ever marry you… said it was for a bet between themselves and Nori and Bofur…” I smile, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before I pull away completely, “but, I do have to go help Bombur with supper, so I’ll see you tonight, my King.” I take off just before he could stop me, knowing he’d have a talk with me about that later.
*Time Skip*
Soon it’s time for bed, everyone makes their way to their own rooms, I’m taking my own sweet time since I’ve moved most of my belongings to Thorin’s, as I’ve been staying there every night. Once everyone has gone to bed I finally make it to his room, slipping in quietly. I turn closing the door and look at Thorin, who was already sitting at the foot of his bed, I hold up a hand to stop him from talking, “let me say something first, please.” He gives me a nod and watched me as I take a deep breathe.
“I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this Darling, you're the one I want In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams Oh, you're the one I want. I want to drive away with you. I want your complications too, I want your dreary Mondays.” I watch him as I talk, making sure to gauge his reaction, “I want everything that you have to offer me, Amrâlimê. I want to be your queen, but I don’t need shiny things.”
Before I could even react, he is off the bed and pulling me into his arms, crashing his lips into mine, “I love you, my Arkenstone…” his whispers against my lips, “my gem I wish to never get rid of… I will make you a paper ring as long as you always repeat those words to me.. I love you, Y/N, Queen Under the Mountain.”
“I love you, Thorin, King Under the Mountain. Forever and always.” I whisper kissing him again softly.
“ABOUT TIME FOR MAHALS SAKE!! It took you both forever! Now to plan a wedding!” I hear Kili and Fili both yell through the door before they’re running down the hall.
“I’m going to imagine that was never said, and continue enjoying our night betrothed..” Thorin mutters as he picks me up after moving one arm under my thighs and holding me bridal style, “sounds wonderful to me, my love.”
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what would Ashley do if she was in the hobbit or lord of the rings verse ?
(Cue binge-watching the extended edition LOTR/The Hobbit while rifling through the Silmarillion like I'm possessed)
Me dragging Ashlyn into this world like:
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Okay, so let's say Ashlyn is just minding her own business. Just walking through her house one morning, and then what do you know, when she turns a corner in the hallway, all of a sudden she's in a dark forest that looks nothing like the one outside her window.
She stands there for a moment. Just taking it in.
The tree roots twisting out of the earth, thicker than her in some places, the eerie silence but for branches cracking under the stress of the wind, and dry leaves shuffling about. And the smell; something sharp and pungent. Like compost and yeast mixed together.
This is not the woods of her home. This is a forest tinged with something other.
In fact, it's Mirkwood.
But she doesn't figure that out until a little later. Not until she trips on an ever-so-thin gossamer thread and alerts the predators hiding above of a new meal. And as she runs, having flashbacks to a robotic drider as this new monster hisses and gnashes its fangs, Ashlyn doesn't have time to take in any information about this new world. Not of the spider's growingly descriptive screeches. Not of how dying brown leaves are turning a fresh green, and most certainly not the wiz of arrows flying overhead as she ducks and slides between tree roots. It doesn't even hit as Ashlyn accidentally tackles one of her would-be saviors and is met with the pointed-eared edition of Orlando Bloom.
It really only hits once she's been dragged before Thranduil's throne and a very annoyed Elf-King wants to know how a human wandered into the heart of the forest without being seen.
Ashlyn, still working through her minor shock of the situation remains silent and unblinking. She. Just. Stares. Of course, Thranduil being a drama queen at heart, is naturally offended at being ignored.
"Do you still have your tongue, child? Or are rendered mute by your own stupidity?" "Well, clearly being incapable of speech wouldn't have much bearing on intelligence if you're concerned about me undermining your security... unless you had low expectations for your own systems, which would be understandable considering you have spider demons nesting at the heart of your lands."
Tauriel choking back a laugh does not help the situation. Unluckily, the sass is unappreciated and a trip to the dungeons is promptly arranged.
"WAIT! What about a trial? I HAVE RIGHTS!"
Fortunately, the continued sass seems to solidify Ashlyn's growing reputation as a fool regardless of her questionable origins. This is useful. Fun Fact: Not even elves think to look up, and a dungeon carved into rock and spotted with plant growth has so many handholds.
Ashlyn books it immediately, taking a page out of Bilbo's book and dropping out via the underground river.
Following said river, she eventually makes it to Lake Town. The sight of a shivering woman, thankfully, plucks at the honorable Bard's heartstrings, and he agrees to offer shelter for a night.
Ashlyn meanwhile is plotting. The world of Middle-Earth is so complex, so detailed, that there is no possible way so could ever hope to manipulate it. Not without a degree (in spirit or otherwise) in Tolkin. She can't even speak Elvish! It's a small mercy that the Common language appears to be English in the first place!
And so, eating a fishy stew, lamenting the absence of seasonings other than salt, Ashlyn's mind starts to turn. She doesn't know why or how she's here, let alone if there is a way to go back. What she does know is that Lake Town hasn't been burnt down, the Wood Elf King hasn't fixed the barrel-riding weak spot in his security, and that, yes, elf hair is gorgeous and she needs to find out what magical shampoo they're using.
Also, Gandalf should exist around here somewhere.
The wizard might be able to help her, at the very least he would be a helpful ally, but Ashlyn doesn't know how she would be able to find him. She doesn't know much beyond the basics of Middle-Earth to begin with.
But what if she could change that?
And as such, Ashlyn's quest begins. Roaming through the lands of Middle-Earth seeking knowledge of all kinds as well as a weird old grey man who's particularly talented at smoking. Preferably finding said old man before evil incarnate wakes up.
Cue the travel montage and shenanigans as this woman tries to find her way to the Shire, the one place she's sure the wizard will show up at eventually, only to end up virtually everywhere else.
A short detour to the Iron Hills and she learns that Gimli wasn't lying when he preached about dwarven hospitality. Dáin Iornfoot was an absolute hoot, and the food was delicious. One can never go wrong with meat on the menu. That and she managed to nab a few knives and forks before leaving. Very productive stay even if no grey-hatted man appeared.
Mordor? Why yes Boromir, one can walk into it quite easily when one doesn't use the gates and doesn't even know where they're walking in the first place. She managed to learn some orcish curses out of that excursion.
Beorn's farm was a nice surprise, the bear-man was a surprisingly good cook and was kind enough to offer directions.
Avoiding Gondor, Ashlyn did find herself roaming Rohan for a bit. Mucking out some stalls earned her some coin, as well as selling off some of the supplies Beorn gave her. The bear had a nose for quality honey. Fortunately, there is no Grima to tempt her ire, turns out the creep hasn't been born yet, so Ashlyn gets by relatively well. The riders find her ineptitude with horse riding to be simultaneously hilarious and pitiful. Its Rohan. The land of the Horse Lords Girls. They are teaching her how to ride a freaking horse. She takes the free lessons. Both in horse welfare and Rohirric.
 She also takes a horse, but that's another bit of business entirely.
Carrying on, Ashlyn wanders her way through Bree. One night she thinks she might see a bearded child roaming through the wilderness wailing, but the rangers she comes across laugh her concerns off.
She's repeatedly disappointed that none of them go by Strider.
As months go by, she gets a little bit more unhinged. Her hair is a bird nest that would make Radegast the Brown green in envy. Her concept of the timelines becomes more distorted, and a few travelers who come across her ranting to the stars spread rumors of an insane witch wandering the wilderness.
Her Gollum-like attitude towards books does not help this conception.
Gandalf is enjoying himself immensely at this turn of events. It's not every day one has a little fan so determinedly following him. Or one with quiet so interesting luck. He can see why Thranduil has reportedly banned a foul-mouthed and audacious woman-child from Greenwood.
Barely been here for a year and she's already making heads spin. It has been some time since a blessed of the Valar has walked, or skulked, through these lands. The presence of Estë and Lórien is strong with her. Healing and Visions. He can't help but wonder what in potential those two in particular see.
The wizard can't help but smile as he smokes on his pipe and listens to Saruman quake on about a book-stealing wraith that's been disrupting his usual merchant's business.
Perhaps he should introduce himself to the little shadow soon.
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mithrilhearts · 2 years
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Dragonhearted by LordOfTheRazzles
Stepping into the room and taking a seat at the end of the bed while Bungo continued to pack, Bard plucked a small bag of nuts and berries from the bag with mild amusement. Hobbits and their love for food…it was such a funny little thing. “Is there anything else you can tell me about the mountain, Bungo? About the dragon?” Perhaps there was a detail or two that Bungo had forgotten to say that first time. The hobbit had been sick for a time, and clearly his mind was sharper now than it had been upon his arrival.
“Not that I haven’t already said. Sharp teeth, claws, and he’s hostile.” And he had Bilbo trapped, which was the worst part of it all.
A small hmm buzzed between Bard’s lips as he placed the bag of food back into Bungo’s bag, watching the hobbit in question latch the bag shut and sling it over his shoulder. “I can’t in good faith let you go out on your own, you know that…?” What was Bard going to do? Detain Bungo? He was an adult and could make his own choices. Ideally, he’d not have the hobbit leave, but who was Bard, a single father of three, to stand in the way of a determined father just aching to save his child?
“What if it was Sigrid, Bard? What then?” Watching Bard seem to melt at the question presented in the worst way possible, Bungo knew it was a difficult question. It was a situation he wouldn’t wish on anyone and in the end, Thranduil was now in something of a mess himself with Legolas being among the missing. “Would you not do the same thing if it were her?”
Bard’s jaw tightened as his eyes refused to lock onto Bungo’s, knowing full well that the hobbit was correct and playing the right strings to get what he wanted. If it had been Sigrid who was kidnapped by a dragon, Bard would be marching into that kingdom with a bow in one hand and a big black arrow in the other–a fitting weapon to slay any large beast. 
“Thranduil will not be pleased,” Bard finally gritted out between his teeth.
“I’ll make it up to him another time. You both and your kin will be promptly invited to tea once Bilbo and I have settled back in Bag End.” Bungo forced a small smile to his lips and watched as Bard moved to his feet, that skeptical look about the man giving Bungo a sense of unease. He didn’t like disobeying the wishes of others. But for Bilbo, Bungo would tear down the sky if that’s what it took to save him. “I will be careful.”
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Thranduil and Josie Part 61- Lady of Light
Summary: Josie is dropped into the ocean after the moonstone's light knocks her out of Garrett's arms, also sending him spinning. The boys strip and go for a swim. Thranduil is forced to get out of the water. He makes a wish. Josie sees memories of Thranduil, and then a white light. Is it the light at the end of the tunnel? Haldir, Legolas, and Thranduil all struggle with their grief in different ways. The King's will be quite reckless though. Vengeance is now his priority. Bard, is that you?? Storms are brewing.
Something waits within the shadows. Like an army in the night.
Lock the doors and board the windows. Tears are falling' from the darkness. Feel them crash upon your skin. Look for shelter, you won't find it. A storm is comin' that you can't escape. Tears are fallin' like blood and rain. Thunder's shakin' and it's gonna break.
A storm is comin' that you can't escape.
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"Jospehine!!!!!!" Thranduil shouted as he watched you helplessly fall and crash into the black sea of night.
"Get the boats!!" Legolas yelled to the guard.
"There's no time! She has not come up!" Haldir yelled and began ripping his heavy clothing and boots off, leaving but only his pants on. He went racing into the water. Thranduil and Legolas quickly removed there clothing as well and dove in. Elves had limitless skills and being excellent and very fast swimmers were one of them. Feren and his company went to get a boat regardless.
The force of the hit dazed you and you could not focus. You felt yourself sinking and then suddenly being pulled. You couldn't see and panicked, sucking in water. Did Garrett have you? It couldn't be, he would have pulled you out already. You were in a riptide. There was no way to fight it. This was it. You were going to die and they would never find you in time to use Haldir's pendant. The pendant!!! Your moonstone, where was it!!! You could feel it tangled around your fingers but you were being tossed about under the ocean's surface and you were drowning. "I love you Thranduil...forever." you thought as you began to space out. It was true what they say about your life flashing before your eyes when you are dying. All you saw though was Thranduil. His smile when you first met him at his throne and how he looked at you.
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and how he looked at your wedding wearing that same beautiful smile when he saw you. A smile he only ever showed you.
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You saw the day of your vow renewals and the same night that you made love. The same night you knew you had created Leann with him. Then you saw just the other day when he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He had laid his hand on your stomach and whispered with such love in your ear that he loved you both so much. You remembered when he had showed you his grief from when he thought you had died in the dark forest. You couldn't bare it that he was going to suffer that pain again and nothing would bring you back this time. He would forever be without you and turn back into the cold, heartless, cruel, vindictive Elvenking and slowly die without you. You felt one last burst of adrenaline as your body's survival mode kicked in. You thrashed about and screamed 'Thranduil!!!"
"Adar! Come back to shore!" Legolas shouted as he and Haldir stood there. It had been 15 minutes and there was no sign of you but Thranduil would not give up.
"No! I heard her! I know I did!" he barked as he kept swimming and diving.
Everything was deathly still except for the waves. Legolas felt his father just wanted to believe he heard her. Haldir wouldn't speak and just stared with tear glazed eyes at Thranduil swimming about in a frenzy. Feren was just getting there with the boat. "My Lord. Please get in the boat." Thranduil ignored him and kept swimming further and further out. Legolas couldn't watch this anymore and swam back out to force his father into the boat before he drown from exhaustion. Haldir dropped to his knees and began sobbing. He knew there was no way you had survived this long with no air.
"Adar! Get in the boat or we are all going to force you into it. You are going to die too!"
Thranduil snapped his head towards his son. "She is not dead! Do not ever say that again. I do not feel it, just as I did not feel it the last time. You will need the entire army to pull me from this water." His words made him instantly think of when you sang on the beach at Legolas's reception. Wild horses couldn't drag me away....
Legolas could see he was becoming weak and would be easy to handle himself. He grabbed his father from behind and Thranduil fought back. "Legolas! Leith- nin hi, i na- an conn- !" (Release me now, that is an order).
"Im will ú- let cin bel-."  (I will not let you die). Now get..in...the...boat!" Legolas shouted as he pushed him up to Feren. Thranduil didn't have the strength to fight back anymore and just gave up. He laid on his back on the boat's floor in shock.
"I do not want to live without her." he mumbled as he stared at the sky. Just then, a shooting star flew past. Thranduil gasped and immediately found energy to stand. He stared at the falling star with wide eyes and silently made his wish for you to live. At the same time he made the wish, something happened elsewhere that he was clueless of.
Haldir saw them going back to dock the boat. He knew if Thranduil had given up, then it was over. You were gone.
A light arose in the water above you. You thought it was the light they say you see when you die. You reached for it as you floated and stared at it. It was so beautiful.
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A face began to appear. A woman...and angel? You thought. Could it be my mother? You though again. The face wasn't clear. She spoke. "Josephine." it was a harmonious whisper. Her hair swayed about in the water along with her long white dress. Her eyes were of bright blue like your King's. Her hair was....red like yours? Your mother had red hair but not blue eyes. This was not Caroline...This was...Thranduil's mother. She smiled so sweetly at you and took your hand. "It is not time for you to go. My son needs you."
All of a sudden, a light surrounded you body and you floated to the surface where you calmly took in air as that is all you could feel was peace and you watched her glowing apparition disappear.
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Once she was gone, you began to gasp for air and splashed about. Wherever you were, you were able to stand but you saw no one in sight. "Thranduil??!!' you coughed out. You saw land and made your way to it.
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You were in some little nook off the ocean. You never saw it before from when you have been on the beach for it was all just miles of ocean and sand. You knew you were far away from the halls. You sat on a small grass area that came out from the forest. You guessed you went in the direction of Laketown as you remembered being pulled that way, but there was nothing but the river and the forest in sight. You rubbed you stomach. "I hope you are alright my baby girl. We must get back to your daddy." Suddenly...something fluttered in your stomach. Did she just...kick you? That's impossible you told yourself as you weren't even showing yet. You were merely only about 3 weeks along. A May baby, you thought. It seemed so far away. Exactly a year since you met Thranduil. You then gasped, looking all around for your necklace. "No.no no no no no where is it!!" You raced all around the river bank trying to remember if you had it in your hand when you came up but you could not. You fell to your knees and cried, glancing all around, not knowing where to go and you couldn't hear Thranduil....but you did hear something. A noise from within the forest, like twigs cracking. An all familiar sound when you were running blindly through the dark forest that night you escaped Peter's clutches. You panicked wondering if it was Garrett and started running down the river bank....He was certainly going to be quite pissed off at you....
Haldir stood in his room staring at his bag he had been packing. All he could see was you and him arguing the last time he saw you. Rage fired through him and he whipped his bag across the room knocking some art work off the wall, then he sat on the bed with his elbows on his knees, head in his hands and just cried. After a few minutes, he went and got the wine carafe on the table and began chugging it. He then went and brought two more back and did the same thing until he could pass out and not feel a thing....
Legolas was having a difficult time as well. The last thing he wanted to do was get out of the water but he knew you were gone. He thought about how you were angry with him when he last saw you. His feelings for you were genuine and he now knew that more than ever but it didn't matter now. it never would have mattered to begin with. You and his baby sister were gone. Any animosity he had felt for his father was gone as he desperately worried for him now. Legolas knew this would destroy him. He had lost his wife and child because of a blood sucking corpse. He decided to go check on him because he could not hear him. Legolas knew it had to be his father's grief unknowingly blocking his mind because he would not shut it off intentionally if there was a chance you survived and could reach out to him.
Legolas found his father sitting on the bed staring at your spot with a glass of wine in his hand. Thranduil was still shirtless with his damp pants on and his hair a frayed mess as it dried from his thrashing about in the ocean.
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"Adar. I came to check on you. I cannot hear your thoughts."
"I do not wish to see you Legolas." Thranduil barked. He was pissed off at his son for making him get out of the ocean.
"I know you are upset with me and I know why. Father, you would have drowned."
"Then so be it! That way I could be with my wife. I am nothing without her. I will die anyways without her by my side so you should have just let me succumb to it tonight instead of prolonging the inevitable."
"What, and waste your chance to kill Garrett? I know you better than anyone and I know you will not leave this life without taking him out first." Legolas certainly didn't want his father to go about that, but he had to say this to him to try and keep him alive. "Your grief is already shutting you down."
"Oh believe me my son. I have every intention of avenging my wife and child." Thranduil's voice was sinister and his eyes were very bright blue and dilated. The same eyes and voice he had when he handled Morwen, Maldyr and Kate. The eyes and voice of the Elvenking.
Through all of their grief, Haldir, Legolas and Thranduil had seemed to have forgotten the fountain of fate's visions that cannot be changed. That Josie and Leeanduil were very much alive in the years to come. "Adar...what about the spell you used that revealed her heartbeat to you when you thought she was dead?"
Thranduil chugged his wine and went to pour another. "I need her blood to do so which I then had on her cloak. So it is...useless." he said gulping down the wine and pouring another. "Leave me. I have planning to do."
"Yes father." Legolas bowed and went to check on Haldir.
You had been walking for over an hour. The noise you heard earlier must have been an animal. Certainly if it were Garrett, he would have made himself known. You would have smelled him as well. You began to wonder if the moonstones had broken his control of you like Thranduil's mother vaguely paraphrased that it would. You hadn't heard or felt him since he was catapulted across the sky. Could it have hurt him? you wondered. How were you not hurt from that great fall?
The sun was coming up and you were so tired, hungry, thirsty and.... scared. The river just kept going on and on with nothing of the living in sight. For some reason though, the area you were in now looked somewhat familiar but you couldn't place it. You knelt down at the water's edge and scooped some up to drink. The water did not taste healing so you knew you were not in the woodland realm. You walked further down stream and then you heard voices. You gasped and spun around looking all over but didn't see anyone. You then ran to hide.
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You heard the voices again. More than one and they sounded like men. Thunder rolled in the distance as a storm was moving in. Great, you thought. You were going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere in a storm and you had no clue who you were hearing or if they were a danger. You found a tree and his behind it to watch as the voices were getting closer and coming from down the river.
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Then you saw it. A barge coming your way. You couldn't make out who the tall man was and there was another one sitting down. But then he turned around. "Oh my god. Bard!!" you screamed and went running to the shore waving him down, as if he wouldn't see you anyways. He definitely heard you though.
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"Josie?? What in the world are you doing out here??"
"It's a long story trust me. Please can you help me get back to Thranduil?? He will definitely reward you for it."
"Of course my lady. I was heading there anyways on my weekly run. Climb aboard. There's a storm coming and it don't look like the good kind." He said as he looked off to the sky as lightning flashed.
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What were the odds that Bard's weekly run would be the exact day and time you were out here, you pondered. "How long will it be till we get there?"
"A good half a day my Lady. Sometime after high noon."
Ugh, you thought. But it was better than still being out here lost and alone. "Thank you so much for this Bard. You have no idea what this means to me."
He smiled. "I am glad to help. Help yourself to some food and water. There is rain gear on board as well. You will need it soon. So are you going to tell me what has happened? We've got plenty of time." he chuckled.
You sat down, grabbed a piece of bread and started your tale.
Thranduil paced about his chambers as he had now finished off 4 carafes of wine. He stood in front of a body length mirror with his sword over his head as Legolas stood in the doorway watching. He had just came from Haldir's room who was passed out drunk.
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Thranduil had this devious look about his face as he rubbed his fingers over the top of his prized blade. "Come out, come out wherever you are Garrett. Tag. You are it."
@tigereyesf @redeemer46 @mirkwoodwarrior
*Coming up* More than one storm is coming. Batten down the hatches.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 3 years
Hello dear! I'd like to request a matchup for the hobbit please.
I don't really care who I end up with, but I have a preference for guys. I'm woman (she/her/herself) in her late 20s, who wears glasses. I have brown slightly curly, thick hair and dark brown eyes. I'm 5'6". (I'm also a single mom of 4 year old girl)
I'm very empathetic, but won't tolerate being manipulated or taken for granted. I'm independent, hard-working and responsible, but I really do have a soft spot for the people I love and can't ever be mad at them. I'm caring and treat everyone with respect, if they deserve it. But I'm known for overworking myself and suffer from frequent migraines.
I can speak multiple languages including german, russian, and polish and I'm quite athletic, so I know how to defend myself. I even own a sword. I love being outdoors and doing sports or other activities. I really like plants and I have a bunch of them at my home. I just recently have really gotten into gardening.
I love comics and I enjoy watching documentaries. I like to read and draw too! I can also sew. I'm into astrology and your typical Capricorn. Ambitious, organized and reliable. Thank you! Take as much time as you need!
eigtht christmas matchup this year! if you want one yourself, check my christmas special!! thank you to everyone who has requested! I'm working on all of the asks, but the oneshots will have to wait until I'm done with my exams, which depends on when I have to retake physics... no christmas spirit for me <3 lol
I ship you with...
King Thranduil!
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(though I do have to admit I was thinking about Bard, too.... Seems like you have a very queen-like attitude)
- The first time you meet, you're out in the fields, playing with your daughter as she's running from you, laughing, and the wind rustles through your hair and hers, and brushes your dress and hers, and suddenly you find yourself eyeing a tall, white stud, and almost bump into your daughters back, who stands quietly and looks up at the elven king. His interest in you firstly seems to be what an elven woman is doing on a farm all alone with her child, but there's other reasons he eventually finds himself seated in your kitchen, drinking tea and smiling at the little girl you're sending to her room. It happens that he invites you to go with him - with him to Mirkwood, leave your home behind, if only for some time. You’re not too fond of the idea at first, but you agree in the end, if only because your daughter begs you and a king is hard to disagree with.
- Thranduil marvels at whatever you do, every aspect of you that unfolds as time goes on, and finds himself admiring you and all that you can do. It takes time to get to know you, of course, but he enjoys every second of it, and it reminds him of something he felt long ago, something he's thought unable to feel ever again. You treat him with respect, but you don't behave as though you're threatened by him, instead welcoming, and friendly, and warm. Rarely has someone treated him like that, and even rarer has he let anyone do it.
- He loves your daughter. In a way that seems almost fatherly, a way that he's loved his own son, too, decades ago. Despite what one might think, he is open with her, playful and sweet. He doesn't mind her affectionate behaviour, even if you often tell her off for it. He runs around and plays tag with her, he teaches her about bow and arrow, about climbing and horseback riding and hairbraiding. You often join them or let him join when you're doing something with her, hiking up a hill beside a king and a little girl that holds his hand, picking flowers that you explain how to grow the right way and not one, but two elves listen, reading a book out loud as you lean against a tree with your daughter’s head not in your lap, but in his. It's a miracle how close she's grown to him only in the two weeks it takes to travel back to the castle.
- One night you find yourself unable to sleep, and so you take your sword, search for a little clearing in the moonlight and train, the same way you always do when you cannot drift off at night. And before the sun even rises, you realise that he's come to watch, but you don't stop, because he gives no sign to. Eventually he draws his own blade, and the two of you spar. He's surprised at how good you are, not quite a match for him, but almost. He teaches you what you do not know, and by the fifth time training with him, which has grown almost into a routine, you're able to press your sword against his throat. He smiles then, admiring once again your skill and your strength and your love for it, your passion and your will. It's like once again a flame flickers inside of him that he's long thought dead.
- As you reach Mirkwood, you know by first sight that no matter how lovely your home, this is the place you want to spend your life at, the place you want to see your daughter grow up. Especially once Thranduil shows you the gardens. They're huge, gorgeously, overwhelmingly huge, and there's so many plants that you can't begin to count. You squeal, out of pure bliss, a sound not even your daughter has ever heard you make. When you're not in your stunning chambers, you're here. Asking to help, wishing to help, even if it's just watering the flowers. And Thranduil allows you to. Allows you to do whatever you want. So you do. You still spend your time with your daughter, though not only does she finally find children her age here, but also takes great interest in Thranduil and Legolas, and more than often now you're alone, such an unknown sensation that it almost feels wrong.
- The king has never been absent as much as he is after you agree to stay. Never has he left his throne room for so long, never has he brought as many books from the library to give to you, never has he picked so colourful flowers to have you plant for him, never has he smiled so much. You amaze him. Everything you do, all that you say, your laugh and your every step amazes him. You can keep up with him when he trains now, you ride so fast into the sunset that sometimes he has trouble keeping up, you dance so gracefully and so carelessly that he can do nothing but watch. You have no trouble being close to him. You have no trouble touching his arm, no trouble kissing his cheek now and then. You treat him with respect, but only as much respect as you treat everyone else with as well. And he doesn't mind. For once he does not care to be seen as a king, does not wish to be.
- It's then when he realises that he's fallen in love. That moment that he watches you stand atop your horse, your arms stretched wide as though to hug the whole world and your laugh echoes in his mind, and he thinks to himself that he does not care if he is king or servant at your side. He acts on it eventually. It takes him months, months even to notice that the bliss he's filled by is one of love, because he's not felt this way in so long. So, so long. And he knows that you've experienced the same. It makes it easier for him.
- You have never wished to be queen, and you still do not, even when you agree to be with him. Agree because you do not care that he is king as much as you care about your love for him. Love that comes from the way he smiles only at you, the way he wields his blade and straightens his back, the way he walks and talks and plays with your daughter, the way he memorises your interests and gives heartfelt gifts. And being with him, he assures you, does not change your life the way it is now. It does not mean being queen, not right away. And even if it did - he knows you could do it, and that you would. He knows that you can work well, he's seen the way you do, he's seen the way you concentrate. You'd make a great queen, and he's well aware of it. But he does not rush anything, because he knows that you have an eternity time for it, and for now he enjoys your peacefulness, the curious beginning of a relationship, the laughter and the dances and the kisses in the rain. Indeed, you have eternity left together, and he will not waste a moment of it.
i had a lot of fun writing this!! though i do have to admit that i did at like, 2am, so parts of this are me hallucinating and dreaming and i kind of created a whole story in my head and the whole thing has strangely dreamy colours and i still hope youre fine with it because i really did enjoy that illusion <3
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unnamedelement · 3 years
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I posted 2,078 times in 2021
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#tolkien - 142 posts
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#legolas - 111 posts
#lotr fanart - 108 posts
#lotr - 105 posts
#not tolkien - 101 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#nevermind that i'm doing my phd in trauma and spend way too much time every day thinking about the effects of trauma on elven bodies & souls
My Top Posts in 2021
you’re Tolkien, playing “eeny-meeny-miney-moe” while writing drafts of the Silmarillion, trying to decide which brother is gonna go down in a fiery pit in the annals of Elvish history
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342 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 00:14:49 GMT
I will love The Hobbit forever and always for these quotes alone:
They differed from the High Elves of the West, and were more dangerous and less wise. 
...for Wood-elves were not goblins, and were reasonably well-behaved even to their worst enemies, when they captured them. The giant spiders were the only living things that they had no mercy upon. 
But the [Elvenking], when he received the prayers of Bard, had pity, for he was the lord of a good and kindly people; so turning his march, which had at first been direct towards the Mountain, he hastened now down the river to the Long Lake. 
But the Elvenking said: “Long will I tarry, ere I begin this war for gold. The dwarves cannot pass us, unless we will, or do anything that we cannot mark. Let us hope still for something that will bring reconciliation. Our advantage in numbers will be enough, if in the end it must come to unhappy blows.”
The elf-host was on the march; and if it was sadly lessened, yet many were glad, for now the northern world would be merrier for many a long day. The dragon was dead, and the goblins overthrown, and their hearts looked forward after winter to a spring of joy. 
“I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent!” said the king gravely. “And I name you elf-friend and blessed. May your shadow never grow less (or stealing would be too easy)! Farewell!” 
In conclusion (narrative reliability aside): you can pry woodelves and book!Thranduil out of my cold, dead, eternally grasping hands and good luck even then
635 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 20:29:44 GMT
Accidentally going off on fandom kindness again
Once, someone I know saw the Hobbit films and got obsessed with them. They almost immediately reached out to me because they knew I loved Tolkien. They had bought the book and wanted to talk to someone about Hobbit things as they read.
They did not ask me how I felt about the movies, so I did not tell them. I was just excited to support someone as they explored Middle-earth more, even if the messages were extremely enthusiastic and frequent.
Before they started reading, I got questions like “Who is your favorite dwarf?” to which I could only answer… “Honestly, Bombur, because I think he is funny when he wakes up from the Enchanted River” to which I then got a 1000 character response explaining why someone else was there favorite dwarf. (I am a bit ashamed that I can’t remember which, given the detailed essay, ha.)
Next, during chapter one or so, I got texts like, “wow! This is just like the movies!” to which I could only respond, “Yeah, the movies really capture the vibe of the Shire and the dwarves really nicely!”
By Rivendell, however, the texts started to change tone: “This is not what I was expecting, this is so boring.”
By Mirkwood: “When do Bilbo and Thorin become, you know, friends?”
At that point I had to break their heart and explain that the movies took a lot of liberties, added plotlines and developed characters, and drew upon material or suggestions of material from other sources, like the LtR appendices.
To put it lightly, they were heartbroken, so we talked very briefly about the purpose of the Hobbit as a book compared to the purpose of the Hobbit as a film, and then I suggested they watch the LotR films instead.
They didn’t finish the Hobbit and they never read LtR, but they loved the original trilogy films: PJ’s films–the Hobbit & LotR both–enriched their life.
I share this because I could have chosen to be a dick about how the Hobbit films are so different they shouldn’t even count as adapted material. I could have said “I don’t have a favorite dwarf because I wasn’t fond of the movies and the dwarves are entirely undeveloped in the books and difficult to forcibly flesh out, even moreso than many characters in Silm, because at least then you have the explicit historical context and family relationships to make the picture fuller.”* I could have insinuated that I couldn’t deal with their disappointment with the source material and didn’t understand their obsession with the films; I could have suggested the films are overhyped popular culture; I could have implied their taste in media was lacking.
But I didn’t. I tried very hard not to let any negative opinions about them and their media preferences leak in.
They loved the films, so I let them love them. 
And maybe one day they’ll come back to the books and love them, too.
(And maybe not.)
But at least I won’t have soured the idea of the source material for them. At least when they pick the book up in 15 years–perhaps to read to a child–they won’t think of how elitist and lame and cruel book fans are: at least they won’t have been damaged by vitriol on my behalf, in the name of education, or purity and canon.**
So, fellow book!nerds:
Be kind.
And that’s all I have to say about that.***
*I say, fully aware of the irony, having read the Hobbit at 8 and promptly latched onto wood-elves who have no depth in the books, and have been thus obsessed for 20+ years. **This post ended up somewhere far different from where it began, oops. ***For now.
844 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 16:04:01 GMT
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See the full post
1161 notes • Posted 2021-01-22 19:54:00 GMT
Part 3: This Elf and This Dwarf *Might* Be Gay
Let’s sail into the West together—no homo! (LesbiReal, tho, they are—in the most conservative interpretation of the facts—at least enjoying a QPR or an exceptionally romantic friendship.)
they’re in love, your honor
1286 notes • Posted 2021-05-04 16:43:25 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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elles-writing · 4 years
When The Worlds Collide - VIII.
Kili x reader
Word count: 1605
Warnings: -
A/N: I know this chapter is coming out after more than a month, but I had no idea what to write, so now I can at least write futher, when I got the plot twist out.
Tags: @moony-artnstuff​ @whenputtingpentopaper​ @kumqu4t​
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gif not mine
Later that evening, you told them about what you found. Most of them refused or didn’t wanted to believe that.
„Alright, listen!“ You rose your voice for the first time. They all stopped arguing and looked at you. You deeply inhaled.
„Look, it’s one possibility, but at least we have something,“ You looked over them. Most of them had shameful expression. You placed your notebook on the table.
„The night you appeared here, it was a new moon, which, according to astrology, means beginning. People should set their intentions in this time,“ You pointed towards a sketch of new moon you drew here.
„If you think about it, in Middle-Earth is magic and there could be some portal opened, or someone did something, and it resulted as you, coming here,“
„Here, we have no magic, at least not like you do, in general. Which wouldn‘t make a sense then, however, there can be some other  reasons why did it happened. It could work in a way, that different kinds of magic may get along, and some won’t, but this world in particular may work as a trespassing place or just ‚neutral‘, because there is no ‚magic‘ - in a way you know it,“ you quoted,
„So perhaps that’s why you are here,“ You added, slightly unsure of their reaction to it.
There was a silence, as if each of them tried to understand what was just said.
„Do you understand now, why do I need to know what you did on that particular day? It could help to you,“ You whispered. Thorin slowly looked up.
„It was on Durin’s Day,“ You blinked.
„It was a new moon, on Durin’s Day.“ Your eyes met blue orbs.
„Perhaps a day or two after,“ He added and you nodded with little smile. Then you frowned.
„Wait a moment,“ You quickly walked back to your library. An idea slipped through your mind and you pulled out two books.
„If this is working here...then why wouldn’t it worked this way...“ You murmured under your breath.
„What’s working?“ Fili and Kili asked, standing on either side of you, looking down at the books with a frowns on their faces. You didn’t said anything a took the books to the kitchen to explain. You placed the books down and pointed towards them.
„The author of your story – John Ronald Reuel Tolkien – was a good friend with author of The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis, which is a different story, but written around the same time, they were talking about their books and worlds. Why wouldn’t these two worlds be connected? In the third book,“ You opened third book of The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian.
„When these four children went to Narnia for the first time, they spended twenty years here, but in their world, it was only a few hours. Then, when they returned to Narnia after a year - which passed in this world, but a thousand and six hundred years passed in Narnia. There isn’t really any rule of how long the time passes in Narnia. I believe it may be the same, or similar thing with Middle-Earth and this world,“ You looked at Gandalf, who nodded at you. You looked over Kili and Fili, and noticed Kili’s gaze, fixated on you. Not only because he loved you, but also because he knew this was important.
„If we think about it, as when it happened around Durin’s Day, and both here and in Middle-Earth was a new moon, meaning beginning, what if this was the first time the same phase happened in both worlds, at the same day, and some kind of...different magic got you here?“ You spoke with slightly nervous voice. Bilbo looked at you, worried. He understood you in a way, and him and everyone else knew, that this could help them with finding out how to get back. He stood up and carefully looked through your notebook with notes and sketches.
„So, if we got here on a new moon, meaning beginning, as you say, Y/N,“ You nodded.
„Then, what if the next new moon will, uh, help us to get back?“ You started thinking about it. Surely, that was possible. You looked out of the window.
„Lady Y/N talked about that thing with the time passing, so what if there’s a chance,“ the dwarves started talking,
„That more time has passed and the moons won’t collide in exact day,“ Legolas finished. You scrunched your face. There was something about it, an idea, slipping through your mind and coming back, playing with you, so you’d know it was there, but could not quite catch it.
„Well, maybe,“ Balin started, thinking about that idea. All eyes were on him, but that wasn’t his main concern,
„What if the time in Middle-Earth is passing more quickly, yes, but not that fast? And if there’s a lot more magic,“
„What if it would be possible to get here, even without the same moon phase?“
The whole room fell silent. Like, silent. As if everyone finally realized it could be true, and what more, they wouldn’t have to wait for another new moon or Durin’s day!
„We still need to figure out how to get there,“ Thranduil piped up. You nodded.
„Also the exact time. The timing might be more than important, perhaps more than the way how to get there.“ You whispered.
„There are two places we appeared at – the backyard, and in your house, Y/N,“ Fili piped up and you gave him a nod.
„We could look through these places, if we will find anything that could help us,“ said Bard. You felt suddenly so...hopeful. There was a way for them to go home, and you were about to find it.
Later that evening, when everyone went to bed, you stayed in the kitchen with a warm tea in your hands. You couldn’t fall asleep. There was way too much to think about.
One of those this way the bitter-sweet feeling. You got used to them all so much and you couldn’t imagine to go back to your life like it was. All stories they told you, days with talking about Middle-Earth, you teaching them about human culture and history of this world, it all felt too precious to be left and living your old life back.
Yours and Kili’s relationship was a whole another thing. You couldn’t imagine him leaving. You didn’t wanted to think about it earlier, but now it all fell on you. One part of you wanted to go with him, if it would be even possible. The other, however, thought about your friends and family in this world. There would be a chance that if you’d disappeared, suddenly, it would be weird, but if you’d tried to explain where you are going or where you went, people would think you were nuts.
Your mind drifted back to yours and Kili’s relationship. You knew he loved you, and you loved him too. You knew you’d follow him, deep down you knew you’d do it. That was what you wished for, wasn’t it? To meet them, court Kili, live in Middle-Earth...
Meanwhile, Kili and Fili were tossing around in their beds, and no sleep was coming to them. So, they gave up and decided to quietly talk about their possible way home.
„You know, Fili, I really wish Y/N will go with us, with me,“ Kili whispered.
„We will find a way, Kee, but this is a thing you two should talk about. She has a family and friends here, though she loves you. And this world is much more different. They notice if she’s missing,“ He remarked and Kili slowly nodded. He knew that, surely.
„You know what? I’ll go and drink something, I’m thirsty. I won’t wake you once I get back,“ He stood up.
He walked down the stairs and noticed that light was on, in the kitchen. He peeked inside.
„Amralime? Why aren’t you asleep?“ He asked and noticed the tears in your eyes when you looked up on him. He was quickly by your side.
„I-I just,“ you sobbed loudly.
„It’s-you will leave, and-“ He took a seat on the chair next to you and cupped your face with furrowed brows.
„Shh, amralime. Don’t worry, we will come up with something-“ You looked up at him and he kissed your lips softly.
„We will figure that out.“ A tear slipped down your cheek. He kissed both her cheeks, then her forehead, nose and temples.
„I want to go with you,“ You whispered.
„Amralime,“ He whispered and kissed you, again. Then, he pulled you to his lap, hugged you and kissed your temple, humming a quiet and soft melody. He placed his head on your shoulder, and you felt like everything fell into place, it felt so right, as if it was always supposed to be like that.
This is home, you thought.
It didn’t lasted too long though, before he placed your mug on the table and picked you up in his arms. You let out a yelp and he chuckled, then kissed your forehead.
„I’ll take you to bed, it’s late anyways,“ you opened your mouth to protest, but you just sighed when you realized it won’t do much, so you just turned off the light while passing the door.
When he placed you down to your bed and turned to leave, you catched his hand.
„Will you-will you stay with me?“ You whispered. He nodded and laid down to you, took you to his arms, and placed soft butterfly kisses on your face, until you fell asleep.
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jacobseedz · 6 years
Wrong - Thranduil x reader
requested by; @lucacangettathisass (sorry, luv, for making you wait for so long, but as i told you tumblr ruined everything ;_; hope you like it, i tried my best! *insert smiling face emoji*) 
summary; you’re quite younger than Thranduil, many say you only use him for his money, power and throne. 
sindarin in italics -> translated at the bottom
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You were a quite young elleth, but mature in every other way. Your family was not royal, known or rich. Many people, elves, dwarves and other creatures only knew you from your work. Like making new robes, sewing, painting or even teaching elflings. 
 Once you were working on a new robe for Lord Elrond, when King Thranduil came into your chambers in Rivendell, saying he needed a new robe. It was the most awkward moment in your life, but definitely worth it as after some months of talking, drinking wine, you from friends became something much more. Of course your love blossomed so you decided to move into Mirkwood, staying within his Kingdom. It was an adventure to say the least. You, the lover of the King, nobody knew you, they give you questioning glances, but made way for their King nonetheless. You haven't stopped working, at times even helping Thranduils people. They all appreciated the extra help, and many grew fond of you. 
 On a special night, your anniversary, you asked to see his whole face.
 "No, Meleth, I do not want you to hate me." he said calmly, but his heart was beating like he just ran a marathon. 
 The only thing he was afraid of after his wife's death is your leave. You'd have nightmares, you'd look at him like he was a disgusting orc. However, you loved him too much, so you whispered sweet nothings into his pointed ear, assuring him you wouldn't ever leave him. It was quite strange to see two tears drop into his knees, but he showed you what the dragon did. 
After he turned your way he gasped, not understanding why you were still there, with him. You just smiled and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
Today was no other day like before. It was the meeting of the Kings. Thranduil was to arrive in Dale to discuss important stuff. The dwarf King, Thorin Oakenshield, survived the battle, giving Azog a brutal death. He took over the Lonely Mountain, many dwarves came back from far lands to their rightful home.
All three kings came to an agreement, that didn't mean they liked each other, but they did sometimes give each other good advice. Like a King to another King. Simple as that.
Thorin once saw you with Thranduil and instantly fell in love. He envied the Elven King for stealing your heart, though that haven't stopped him from trying to get you. 
"Thranduil, you must be careful, that she elf of yours must not be trusted." thorin warned, lowering his gaze to the other King that stilled.
"And do tell me, why is that?" he asked, walking again.
Thorin let out a quiet growl, not liking what he was about to say next.
"It's in her eyes, your throne, your power, your money. As you told me once, she came from a poor family, what do you expect then?" he breathed out, trying to sound genuine. 
Thranduil's brows furrowed, not knowing if he's lying or telling the truth. But why would he lie? Thranduil knew Thorin longer than you and every advice given to him was true, so maybe he is right... 
"Where is Bard, I don't have all day." he changed the subject, quite uncomfortable. 
The dwarf King knew he struck a spot, the Elf is considering his words. Oh how wonderful, Y/N will finally be his, that's all Thorin wanted. 
When Bard arrived, everything went back to normal. Thranduil traveled back to Mirkwood, where Legolas, his only son awaited him.
"Mae g'ovannen, Adar. I am glad to see you." Legolas smiled. 
Their father - son bond was renewed. Occasionally they trained together, went riding or got rid of the nasty creatures living in the woods. They both were happy, well, Legolas only disliked you, he'd like you to leave them alone. Only his mother was meant to be with Thranduil and no one else. 
So the only thing he could think of was lying about you, one would've thought Thorin agreed with Legolas on this, though they both hadn't planned destroying Thranduils relationship. The Prince bribed his fathers most trusted adviser and member of the council, to make the King banish Y/N from Mirkwood, forever. 
"Ah, Ionneg, how did your training go?" he asked casually, nodding to his people. 
"Very well, but there is one matter I would like to talk over." Legolas said, his cheerful tone changing to a cold one.
The Elven King had enough of talking, but seeing his son's gaze it must've been something serious. He eventually led Legolas to his chambers. 
Taking a deep breath, he started, "... you know, we all worry about you and want what's best. On the other hand we cannot do that with Y/N by your side," that got Thranduils attention, Legolas tried to contain his smirk.
"Landion saw her sitting on your throne, laughing ominously , like a witch that just seduced her victim. Y/N was talking about you, about taking your throne and kingdom. Ada, you can't let her." he pleaded, obviously that made Thranduil believe him.
His golden hair flew in the air, as he turned around. His icy blue eyes, piercing Legolas'. The Elf couldn't possibly think of you doing such thing. He saw the love, adoration in your eyes. Thranduil's hands trembled, his breathing hard. Closing his eyes he breathed out a 'ego', Legolas leaving right after. He was so lost.
Help me Valar...  
Later that day you came to your shared chambers, finished with today's work you were ready to relax. Walking in the dark room the only light came from the balcony and fire. Although you heard Thranduil you didn't say anything, thinking he was asleep.
"Y/N." said a raspy voice.
Thranduil sat on the love seat, near the fireplace. He held a glass of Dorwinion wine, right from Rivendell. Elves couldn't easily get intoxicated, especially Thranduil, as if he was alcohol-proof.
Taking a step forward, you replied, "Yes, my love?". Putting a hand on his shoulder you felt him tense up. For the first time in your relationship, your touch hadn't soothed him, quite the opposite.
He scoffed, ".. My love, tell me what were you doing in MY throne room?" he emphasized 'my'. 
Confused and tired, that was all you felt.
"Thranduil, I have been at work all day, what are you talking about?" he scoffed yet again, not pushing your hand off of him. He just rejected you and you don't know how to feel about that.
"Stop acting dumb. Legolas told me about your little scene. I'm not that thick as you thought. Get out of here, you witch." he spat, throwing the glass of wine onto the wall.
You shrieked, frightened of his odd behavior. The glass shattered, wine spilled on the perfect Elf-designed floor. Thranduil stood, towering over you. His icy glare did not soften, even watching your tears stained face. It only made more furious. 
"EGO MILBO ORCH!" that struck a nerve.
Your hand made contact with his cheek, the sound echoing in the room. It was quiet for a moment, before he said, "Get out of my Kingdom and never come back, witch." 
With that you left, tears streaming down your face, blurring your vision. Taking nothing you ran as fast as you could, just to be behind those gates, in the fate of the evil creatures guarding the woods.
The trip to Rivendell took you at least four days, fortunately you were a skilled hunter, so with a pained expression you ate a small bunny, fox or bird. On your way out of Mirkwood you haven't crossed roads with those nasty, six legged demons, you doubted you'd survive.
Lord Elrond was your regular customer, only letting you make his robes. Hearing the sad news from you, broke his heart. Not only did he give you food, but a place to live. Oh, how grateful you were, nearly squishing him in the tight embrace.
"My dear child, do not fear, for you love shall win over the dark. It just takes time to realize that." he said softly, rubbing your back as you sobbed.
"Th..thank you, Lord Elrond, for all of this." you rubbed your eyes, giving a weak smile.
Moving away from you, he whispered something you could not hear. All day you snuggled under the covers, trying to forget Thranduil and what he said, although your heart was still beating for him and always will.
A knock woke you up, yawning you stretched. Scrambling to the door, you opened it to face none other than Thorin Oakenshield himself. That was confusing, what was the Dwarf-King doing at your door...
"Good evening, my lady. I hope I do not impose?" he quirked his brow, a small blush on his cheeks though the massive beard made it nearly impossible to see. 
"Your highness, of course not, but what brings you to my chambers?"
He chuckled, embarrassed. "It is a fine evening, how about a walk, if you don't mind?" Thorin avoided your gaze. Sighting you tangled your arms together and wandered off.
Walking along the forest, a small lake found its way into your view. Awing, you let go of Thorin. The lake perfectly reflected the whole moon tonight. It was breathtaking.
 "Y/N, I wanted to tell you something for a while..." Thorin said, playing with his fingers from all the nerves. 
Not turning your attention, he continued, "The first time I saw you, i thought 'what an angel, i want her,' but I've never got the chance to talk with you, as you'd stay by Thranduils side-"
 "First of all, King Thorin," she spat, narrowing her eyes, now looking at him. "I am not some object you can possess, I also have feelings, but unfortunately I do not reciprocate yours. My love for Thranduil is strong and everlasting. You are not the first and last to hear this." you huffed, running back to your chambers, leaving a crushed Thorin.
Thranduil paced back and forth, Legolas told him everything after seeing his father heartbroken for some time. He didn't want that for him, it was selfish of him. The adviser that was paid to insult Y/N was no longer wanted in Mirkwood.
The Elven King was red from the anger, however he felt sorry for Legolas, understanding him in a way. And oh how bad he feels for his outburst, for saying the worst thing to you. It broke his heart into million pieces. 
Now, riding on his giant Elk, with five guards  galloping on their mares beside him, they were headed to Rivendell, for their future Queen and Thraduils love. 
You were siting on a branch of the largest tree in Rivendell, though at first it was difficult now you felt more confident. Observing the world from atop, you saw something moving, when it got closer you saw who that was. 
Groaning you still watched, of course Thranduil wants to insult you again, but you doubt he'd make an effort to travel from Mirkwood to Rivendell just for you. That was ridiculous. 
The King disappeared from your view, your heart was hammering, you missed him so much it hurt. Then again he popped up, now nearing the tree you were on. 
Dismounting the giant Elk, he looked up at you, with a frown. 
“Meleth nin, please, come down!” he shouted, worried of you falling. 
When he heard nothing, but still seeing you sitting there, watching his every move with those big, beautiful eyes, he tried again. 
“Y/N, I’m terribly sorry! Gi melin, my stars, my moon, my whole world!” 
“Nin gwerianneg.” you responded, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You saw him holding his own tears. 
Choosing to climb down you slowly and carefully pick each step. At last, your bare feet touched the wet grass. You felt Thranduils arms around you, holding tightly and never letting go.
“Forgive me, Y/N. I listened others and not my heart, but now that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, travel with you to Valinor. I want you to be my Queen.” he finished, breathing in the scent of your hair. He let himself cry, even in the presence of his guards. 
“I love you too, Thranduil, so so much. Never doubt it.”
He smiled, “I will never.”
You became the Queen of Mirkwood, and a friend to Legolas. He wasn't jealous anymore, more happy for his fathers joy. The people adored you too. 
A year later a new elfling came to the world, that day did not go without a celebration. 
Ionneg - son 
Ego - go
Gi melin - i love you
Nin gwerianneg - you betrayed me
Ego milbo orch - go kiss an orc
Mae g'ovannen, Adar - well met (basically ‘hello’), father
Meleth - love (as in ‘my love, darling’ etc)
Ada - dad, daddy (yikes the daddy word is nasty now)
OMG i hope its okay??
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Chapter XX (EXT): Prelude to War (Pt. V) 
“The morning came with a defining silence. The air was filled with an unsettling fear that reminded me of Dagorlad. As I prepared to return to Erebor to face Thorin one last time, I thought about my sons in Mirkwood. It seemed an eternity away from them. I looked toward Erebor—its peak touching the last vestige of the night. I walked out of my tent to meet Bard and watched the last of the fires smoldering to cinder. Men and Elves together again in an encampment preparing for battle.
Bard stood looking toward the mountain—his expression grievous. “The Dwarves of the Iron Hills have come,” he said softly.
I looked in his direction and as the sun shone through gathering clouds, the stunning image of an army beneath the mountain appeared. We looked at each other in mutual worry. Something would happen this day. Had I known that Bard had words with messengers from Dáin Ironfoot, I would have been better prepared for the sight of dwarves moving in positions for a battle for the mountain. I called for my army to take position as the men prepared to take the eastern arm of the mountain valley. Before anything could begin in earnest, the skies began to darken as a violent storm as Mithrandir made his way between the whole of us and warned of the threat far greater to us than ourselves—the coming of a great Orc Army led by Bolg. He called for the leader of the Dwarves army and he came forward quickly—his long hair and beard the color of burning embers.
“Dáin, son of Náin,” he said to the dwarf. “It is time to defend that which brought you here else you will lose it again to something far more evil than a dragon.”
He nodded and we all followed Mithrandir to my tent. Once inside, the tension seemed to lower as we stood looking at one another.
“I have not seen Thorin for years,” Dáin said gruffly. “But if he is anything like his father, he will not come down for anything save a fight.”
“Well, then he will soon have his wish, for there comes a horde that comes swiftly will be great,” Mithrandir said. “Bolg brings with him Wolves and Wargs. We are in peril, I am afraid.”
“How great,” I asked, remembering Dagorlad.
“They come from the North,” he answered. “I said the name of their leader for I knew Dáin would find a better reason to fight.”
“I took down his father Azog at Azanulbizar,” he said proudly. “I will gladly take down his son.”
“I will take the Eastern arm,” Bard said. “If you will, Dáin, as we are fewer in number than the elves, stand with us?”
“Thranduil,” Mithrandir said quietly. “Again you stand beside elves and men to fight evil once more. I know your heart, for it is like that of Oropher.”
“You are the son of Oropher,” Dáin asked approaching me his face bearing a smile. “This is an honor indeed. The tales of his bravery have been passed down over many generations. Thorin perhaps forgotten in his rush to vengeance for his father.”
He bowed so graciously, I began to feel ashamed for putting Thorin in my dungeons.
“Perhaps I may have put him away to hastily,” I said. “I have given him no reason to fight with me this day.”
“He will get over that,” Dáin said laughing. “Once he’s run a blade through an orc, he will come round.”
“Then I will take the Northwest,” I said. “It will be easier for the archers to fire within the valley as the guard and shield gather at the base.”
“I will go with the elves,” a voice cried from outside our tent. From around the corner came Bilbo standing in his armor with his sword.
“I think he has grown fond of you, Thranduil,” Mithrandir said.
I bent down to look him in the face.
“Well, now, it is I that would be honored,” I said.
“Let us prepare, then,” Bard said. “A battle awaits us.”
We left my tent—each to his warriors to prepare for war. I hoped that Bilbo would stay safe within the walls of Dale, for the death of a halfling would weigh heavily upon me. I knew too well this evil I would face once again. When I saw Aradin, I approached him.
“Aradin,” I began as Bilbo came toward us.
“Your Majesty,” he answered as he saw the Hobbit approaching. “Is that a perian?”
“Yes,” I answered. “He wishes to fight with us on this day.”
“Are we are going to battle against the Dwarves,” he asked.
“No, beside them,” I answered. “Against the orc horde that approaches.”
His face twisted in horror as Nimlos nearly stumbled over Bilbo.
“Many apologies,” Nimlos said to him. “Thranduil, why are the Men and Dwarves marching toward the Eastern side of the Valley?”
“We are about to fight the Orc Horde approaching us from the North,” I said. “Have your men ready at the base of Ravenhill.”
“As you wish,” he said.
“Aradin, will cover Ravenhill from above,” I said looking at him. “Do not forget Bilbo. Make sure he does not see one drop of blood.”
“As you wish,” Aradin said bowing. “Come with me, little one.” 
Bilbo smiled as he past me—eager to contribute his skill to war. Nimlos looked at me puzzled.
“Thranduil,” he began. “Should I tell Elranduil about this arrangement?” “Of course. After the battle should we survive.”
Nimlos nodded and went his way. I looked toward the mountain’s peak once again—hoping I would not see what Mithrandir said would rise beneath it. The calm had settled before the storm. When I found Eldôr I informed him of my plans.
“Uncle,” I said, “Please stay with Fëaluin in my tent.”
“Why,” he asked. “If the horde is so great, you will need every available warrior.” “I lost my father and do not wish to lose you.”
“Thranduil, I will be fine on the field. This not my first battle and it will not be my last.”
I looked at him—younger than my father just then. He was all that I had to remind me of my youth when I knew only peace.
“I know,” I said. “But someone should remain here to protect the camp.”
“Very well,” he said. “But I know who comes and if I am here, your loss will be greater. Súriar will be with him. I will not fall this day, Thranduil. I will be until the end.”
He bowed and walked toward his men. He would keep his word, I knew. I walked to the head of my armies and mounted. As they stood before me, I felt we could win the day.
“Once more we are called to rise against the shadow that has taken everything from us—our name and our kingdom. With honor we fight, by duty we will win. This day we will defeat them and take from them what they have stolen from us!”
A thunderous roar came from my army and I led them toward our position. It was not a moment too soon as our enemy filled the valley. The banners of Men, Dwarves and Elves rose once more as we charged into battle.
As my armies fought on the valley floor, arrows rained down from above, seldom missing their mark. The hordes were strong and greater in number and my blade ran through so many that my armor had turned black with their blood. It was a barrier that continued to push our warriors close to the mountain wall fiercely. I could not tell the light of day from the dark of night until I heard a powerful voice calling to us. I had never heard such powerful voice. I looked to fallen ruin of the gate of Erebor and saw Thorin charging toward the battle with his company. Another voice soon filled the air—singing or chanting. It was not until I heard warriors all round chanting the same thing that I realized they were saying ‘Eagles’ over and over again until their words faded into the sounds of blades and shields coming together. As the day came to its end, the floor of the valley was strewn with the corpses of orcs, wargs and wolves mingles with some men and dwarves.
I looked eastward and smiled as I saw Bard and Dáin walking toward me. My joy was shortened at the sight of two young dwarves lying dead before me. I remembered them as the younger of all the dwarves I had hastily imprisoned.
"Fíli and Kíli,” Dáin said as he approached. “Thorin’s nephews. Heirs of Durin. Sons of Stíahn and Dís, sister of Thorin.”
I felt my chest tighten as my heart was heavy. They met the fate of their father and many of their ancestors before them.
“Thranduil,” I heard Nimlos yell from a short distance. “He is here. He is here.”
I looked to see Elranduil and Nimlos moving dead orcs and wolves. We walked over to see a mortally wounded Thorin Oakenshield.
“Thorin,” Dáin said. “You do not look well.”
“Neither do you,” Thorin whispered. “Where are Fíli and Kíli?”
“Lost to us,” he whispered back.
“Take him to my tent,” I said Nimlos.
They went their way as Dáin followed. Bard stood stunned as he looked around. “We have won the battle,” he said. “But to what end?”
“None,” I said. “This is only the beginning.”
“I pray when my child returns, this is not what greets him,” he said.
“You have a son,” I asked as ten dwarves approached us. “What is his name, if I may ask?”
“Bain,” he answered. “Do you have a son?”
“Two. One given and one born to me.”
When the company of dwarves had come to us, one with white hair and beard to match stepped from behind one of them.
“I am Balin,” he said, bowing. “This is my brother, Dwalin and our cousins Óin and Glóin. And they are Ori, Nori, Dori, Bofur, Bombur and Bifur.”
They all bowed slowly, their faces fallen as they looked down, crestfallen.
“You seek Thorin,” I said. “He is alive but not much longer. I am afraid that the others are gone.”
“No,” said the one called Glóin. His hair was much like Dáin’s with whispers of white.
“Where is our cousin,” said the one called Dwalin. “Please tell us.”
“Thranduil has sent him to his tent in Dale,” Bard said, pointing. “It is the largest one.”
“Thank you,” Balin said.
Sadly they walked away, stopping only briefly at the bodies of their fallen kin. When four men walked by, Bard motioned to them.
“Take away the fallen of Durin,” he said. “So that they may be laid to rest.”
They nodded and took up the bodies of Fíli and Kíli with great care. I looked around and suddenly I remembered for what I was looking.
“Where is Bilbo,” I asked. “We need to find him.”
We looked around calling for him on the battlefield until night began to fall. We thought he may have made it to Dale and we ran to our tent where the dwarves stood around Thorin. There was no sign of him. Bard sent his two messengers to find him accompanied by two elves that were not harmed in battle to assist in their search.
As the night passed slowly, I went to my tent to see Thorin. He was alone.
“Thorin Oakenshield,” I said.
“Thranduil,” he answered back softly.
“So you know my name,” I said.
“Yes,” he answered. “I would have said as much had you allowed me to do so when I came into Mirkwood.”
“I apologize. I did not know.”
“Apology accepted,” he said.
“Your valor reminded me of King Durin,” I said. “I was there with him at Dagorlad.”
“Thranduil, son of Oropher,” he began weakly. “King of Greenwood the Great. Lord of the Woodland Realm. I know the stories. Tell me, what did Durin look like? Do you remember?”
“I remember it as if it were yesterday,” I answered. “He looked much like you. Rest, now. For soon will come someone I know you wish to see, Your Majesty.”
I bowed to him went from my tent into the darkness. It was there I saw Mithrandir approaching—his arm bound within a sling.
“Are come for Thorin,” I asked. “He grows weaker.”
“You are far more noble than is said of you,” he said. “But I have known this for some time.”
“I regret that I acted far less than noble with him,” I said. “I wish I had known him longer and I shall regret that far more.”
I left quickly to be alone--upon the rugged terrace where I came my first night into Dale. For the first time, I could see every star in the sky as I had in my youth.
**** **** **** ****
I learned that there were not many of my warriors lost and those wounded would live to see another day. Eldôr went unharmed through the entire battle—so did my council. Before we left, we would attend Thorin’s burial. I had to return something to him that I had taken.
Into the heart of the mountain we went and beside Bard I stood as lanterns lit the way to where his tomb would remain forever. I had seen far too much death in my lifetime—over many generations of all other creatures in Arda. This thing called death took many souls including my wife. I knew I would never understand what it was like to pass into eternal darkness. I would never stop wondering what the dead could see and what their ears could hear.
Surrounded by elves, dwarves, men, Bard placed the Arkenstone on Thorin’s chest and I put with him the Orcrist to protect his resting place and palace of King Dáin II Ironfoot for all time. As we left Thorin for the last time within the mountain, I passed by Bilbo and the skin-changer of the North named Beorn, for in the shape of a great bear, he alone had saved Thorin from being torn to shreds by the son of Azog, Bolg whom he had killed.
When all was done, I prepared to leave. I was sad to leave new friends behind but joyous to return to my home and my sons. Bard came to see me off and had his two messengers bring to me a chest.
“It is rather heavy,” said one.
“You are carrying it wrong,” said the other.
“Talkative,” Bard said shaking his head. “But admirable. Too show our gratitude for your kindness, I would like to give you a gift. I thought they were lost to us but they had been within Lonely Mountain for safe keeping I learned from Dáin.”
He opened the box to show me emeralds that sparkled in the sun as stars and were as leaves of the woodland realm in spring.
“These are the Emeralds of Girion,” he said. “I can think none better than Mirkwood to have them. My people have plenty now.”
“Yes, they do,” I said, as Nimlos and Fëaluin took the chest from the two messengers with little trouble. “They have found peace with the King under the Mountain and prepare to crown a king of their own.”
“Safe journey home to your kingdom, King Thranduil,” he said kindly. “May the three kingdoms in the East remain united.”
“Most certainly, King Bard I of Esgaroth,” I said.
I mounted my horse and turned my army toward Mirkwood. Mithrandir, Bilbo and Beorn would accompany us to where the Forest River flowed into Long Lake at the North East borders of my kingdom.
We came to where we would part ways and I dismounted to stand once more with my new friends.
“Beorn,” I began. “You are welcome beyond the borders of my kingdom and within my halls whenever you wish.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he said, as he bowed. “You and your people are welcome into my home as well.”
“I will see you again,” I said to Mithrandir and Bilbo. “This was quite an adventure, but it remains unfinished. For now, you have helped to bring to this world a peace long needed.”
Bilbo pulled from his things a necklace of silver and white put it in my hand in return for my hospitality but I knew his gesture came out of friendship. To him I gave the title of “Elf-friend”.
As we parted company, the forest seemed to return to what I remembered when I was young. The creatures of the forest had returned and there were birds I had not heard for what seemed an eternity.
“It feels like Eryn Galen once more,” I said. “It feels like home.”–-Excerpt from TKWR:BII The Saga of Thranduil (EXT. VER.) by J.M.Miller 6-7-17
Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.
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iamjaynaemarie · 7 years
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Everyone knows me and my family are not really talking. Over one day in my life I was actually doing something they didn’t like–something to do with my book. I caught my sister outside watering her lawn on my way home the other day. We all live 5-10 minutes from each other, you know. Anyway, I know she saw me driving by. I thought she was out-of-town when I mailed her a letter she never answered about my yard. I had a massive asthma attack trying to work on it so I was asking for help. Nothing for a week. I was beginning to get upset, then I got a blessing in disguise.
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OKAY…so, I was working on my book–touching up here and there. Got two packages today–Halt and Catch Fire Season Two and The Road to Middle-Earth by Tom Shippey, renowned Tolkien Expert that I found out has been living in my backyard for 2+ years. WOW..all of a sudden, I went to my kitchen and when I came back, there was a message on my iPad and iPhone. I knew the number. I began to panic, until I read it. “Reminder 12:30″. I was worried I might have missed something and was something wrong with my Dad–that would be pretty important. I didn’t answer because I wanted to see if I’d get another one and to make sure it really was my sister. I had been having a great day, you know, @fortunatelyclevercandy. I’ve never had so much excitement for Thranduil. People are chiming in as far away as Google Plus. Hard to keep up. Hours went by then it finally hit me like a bag of chattering teeth.
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MY SISTER was TEXTING SOMEONE ELSE to GO somewhere–probably one or both of our nieces. She’s always trying to make them not like me much. And when they go out, I ask why didn’t you call me, I would’ve gone. She always says, “I didn’t know you were home.” RIGHT. I haven’t had a landline for three years! How can I NOT be home? My home phone is in my POCKET! My DAD knows that and he thinks Lee Pace still loves wearing a dress (if it makes him happy, okay) and needs to comb his rooster! HE’s the one that gave the nurse my NUMBER! IS SHE KIDDING ME? Oh, that’s rich! So it all finally caught up with her. Good news. I finally filed a complaint with the city about my yard–of the house that isn’t mine–and gave them their name and phone number! It is legit. I have a letter that says this isn’t my house, so why should I kill myself trying to help them when they ignore me, won’t let me near my father, and get pissed off because I have fans and they don’t? OH, I don’t think so. I thought she was calling to be nice and asking me to see my dad on Father’s Day. NOPE. Not at all. They better pray Sunday is a slow day with Thranduil.
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Ooo..Aiwendil is mentioned in the appendix (you know him as Radagast).
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Don’t be sad, Thranduil. You’re in there. The book’s named after you.
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Oh, look, Aragorn’s in there too. And Legolas. Did we forget anyone except for everyone..
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Thorin: Huh? What?
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Okay…more Gandalf…and some Olwë and Elwë aka Elu Thingol, father of Lúthien Tinúviel but that’s all I’m saying for now.
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Oh, come on, Lindir…it’s not that bad. Elrond and his children and wife will be there..and his mother-in-law and father-in-law…never mind.
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Okay, so we all know who the real star is, Dwalin. See you Sunday.
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Yes, you will.
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Dear Sister/s, I’m terribly sorry I missed you while you were pretending not to hear or see me and you are mad because I have fans. I would share with you but you have no idea who Thranduil is because you didn’t read my book I sent you. That’s okay. I’ll just have to live with the knowledge that you’re mad at me over a fictional character from an 80+ year old book written by J.R.R. Tolkien and he just happened to be played in the 2012-14 live-action New Zealand Tourism Video by actor Lee Pace…all 6′5″ of him. Oh, yes…he’s was good. What? Never heard of him? Ask our Dad. He’s well acquainted with him and his work and his rooster. But in case you missed ALL THE LETTERS and CALLS and EMAILS and MESSAGES you ignored on how your sister is doing these days here’s a little preview:
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Yeah, I have no idea what that is…
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Yep. That’s it. That’s Thranduil, Elvenking of the Woodland Realm. Subject of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil. 499 pages long and that’s without what’s coming tomorrow at 11:59 pm (Central Daylight Time)–check your local listings or something. Or just come here, or @tkwrtnewsfeed, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Google Plus, Instagram…yeah, I’ll remind you tomorrow. Funny thing is, it is actually a big deal. How that happened I don’t know, but it’s bigger than the last two times. Must be the first look Appendix. Someone already asked for an autographed first copy in print. I’m starting to get used to that idea now because I’m hearing that as far away as Ecuador, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Britain, even Russia, and India and Africa. So, that’s what’s going down now. Have to wait and see because it’s still being read by some important people.
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Wow. There you have it. I guess I’m done now. I have to go get ready Sunday and get ready to post new excerpts for Book I. Everyone got to meet Bard’s wife the last time in the Extended version. I am like so close to the world’s authority on Tolkien–so famous, he’s on Tolkien Gateway, y’all. And I just learned that Thranduil’s got 55 followers on Google Plus. So, I’m good. Solid. Ready to go.
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OMG…she dialed the wrong number!!!! I can’t believe she dialed the wrong NUMBER…Someone up there LOVES ME. It’s about time!
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elles-writing · 4 years
When the worlds collide - Kili x reader - part II
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Pairing: Kili x reader
Requested: No
A/N: Second part, hope you enjoy. Also my school started, and we’re not really doing anything just yet. I also do have some imagines in drafts I’ve started writting, but I’ve never posted them, so idk if I’m gonna finish them and then post them at least once a week along with this series (once every two to three days I’d like to post parts of this series as a thank you for 30 followers!)...? Also, I’ve been thinking of maybe drawing some fan arts to this series? Also, I’m writting this in Word, and so far we are on a ten pages, so I’ve decided to cut the end of this one and post something else tomorrow.
warnings: Kili being jealous of Bilbo, some dwarves being a jerks
masterlist   part one  part three 
All of them looked at you with different mix of curiousity, suspicion and hope. You looked over to Gandalf with pleading look to help you, but he was already talking with some of the dwarves, from their angry tone you assumed they weren’t very pleased of where this was going, so you decided to talk, even through you were still a bit shocked, to some of whom weren’t in any discussion.
Which happened to be Bilbo.
He looked very lost and his face held sad and hopeless look. You sighed.
„I’m really sorry for you all, but you, Bilbo, got another shock, didn’t you?“ You asked that hobbit. He jumped up and when he realized it was you, he sadly with sad smile shook his head.
„Yeah, it’s been very...difficult to deal with leaving my home. I’ve been missing it all the time, but I got used to it.“ You offered him a warm smile and patted his shoulder.
„I belive you’ll see your hobbit hole again. I’ll try and help you.“ He gave you a weak smile and nodded.
„Thank you a lot, it’s really nice from you, miss...?“ He looked at you and you realized you didn’t even introduced yourself.
„Oh, my name’s Y/N. I’m Y/N.“
„It’s very nice to meet you, miss Y/N.“ You glanced over and noticed by the corner of your eye Kili’s expression.
Third person pov
Kili have been eyeing you since you’ve let him, Fili and Thorin inside and wanted to learn more about you, especially when you called him by his name. You knew him, but he didn’t knew you, for Mahal’s sake!
The clothes you’ve given to him was dry and comfortable, even if it wasn’t something he was used to back in Middle-Earth. He wanted to talk to you, not only because of being curious of where did you knew his name from – but also because he felt something and wanted, needed to be close to you.
When you started talking, he was watching you, every single move of yours – he could see you were nervous and still a bit pale from shock, but he was hanging on every single word you said (which, he knew, will Fili take advantage of and tease him on every single opportunity he will get).
When you said you thought about a way to explain why do you know all of them, Fili turned to him to affiliate him into discussion, but he noticed the way his brother’s jaw clenched and if looks could kill, Bilbo would be dead.
You and Bilbo were talking about his home and Fili noticed that when you assuringly smiled at Bilbo and placed your hand on his shoulder, Kili averted his gaze, but in a few seconds he looked back at you. Fili chuckled. He’s gonna be teasing him about being jealous of that halfling they were playing pranks at.
It seemed like Kili got back for his prank with horse hairs, which he rubbed over handkief, then gave it to Bilbo, whom couldn’t use it, because he was sneezing all the time.
Now that hobbit got not only your attention, but also you touched him.
Kili was now having a pouting face he did since both Kili and Fili could remember, and Fili chuckled to himself. Kili wouldn’t admit he was jealous, especially because of you and Bilbo talking. And Fili knew that.
He nudged him to ribs and murmed.
„I’m begging you, behave.“ Kili flinched, but his eyes weren’t leaving your face.
„I am behaving.“ Fili chuckled.
„If looks could kill, Bilbo would be dead. That is not behaving.“
„I didn’t do anything!“ He whispered-hissed-yelled. Fili chuckled.
„You look like you want to jump over the table and choke him. Tsk tsk brother.“
„What are you two talking about?“ Kili froze and Fili did too. It was you.
„I-uhm-“ Kili looked to Fili for help. He was doing this rarely, but if he did, Fili knew he was hopeless.
„It was nothing, really.“ He said and inhaled to say something else, but Kili was quicker.
„I, uh, you know my name, right?“
Your pov
„I, uh, you know my name, right?“ Said Kili and you nodded. He was your favourite character, even if you didn’t liked the moments when him and Fili made Bilbo to go against the trolls, or when they were pranking him and making fun of that poor little thing.
„Yeah, I do.“ An awkvard silence came up between you two. You shyly smiled towards him, finding him attractive, and looked over the table. You stood up again.
„Don’t be afraid. Only that...,“ you looked at Gandalf and he nodded.
„I’m not sure how are you going to take it.“ You went to your living room and pulling out a visibly readen book, The Hobbit. It was in the upper shelf, where nobody really paid attention to the books. This book was old and you couldn’t risk if somebody would lose it or destroy it.
You came back to the kitchen and inhaled deeply.
„This is the first thing, but before that I need you to tell me, honestly, what happened before you appeared in-or near-,“ you said, looking over the Durins,
„My house.“
„We were escaping from the Mirkwood,“ Thorin said with a glare shot to Thranduil, whom snorted quietly. Legolas furrowed his brows.
„We were on a feast of starlight,“ He said, being absolutely certain.
„Wasn’t it more of escaping from the goblins?“ Balin looked at Thorin sleepishly. This time it was Bilbo who furrowed his brows.
„I thought we were-“
„Bilbo!“ That was Kili.
„Kili!“ That was Fili.
„You two!“ That was Thorin.
„Dwarves,“ That was Thranduil and Legolas.
„Can you just calm down? Miss Y/N is trying to help us here and you’re making it more difficult than we need it to be.“ Bard got up from his seat. You smiled at him, thankful he stood up for you.
„Thank you, Bard. Okay, so you don’t wanna tell me that. Great. But you’ll understand why I was asking this question,“ you said mysteriously. All of them sat closer now, even if the dwarves would be still arguing it was true.
You sat down, opened the book, deeply inhaled and started reading.
They were shocked, to say at least.
You’ve red a first few pages and let them to ask questions. There was many of them, to say at least.
„How do you know all that?“
„How old is that book?“
„Where is it from?“
„Are you a magician?“
All of the questions, creating live and happy chit-chat, quickly shutted down by Thorin’s gaze, when he stood up and suspiciously stared at you.
„How do we know we can trust you?“ You opened your mouth to answer, but Thranduil’s eye-roll was quicker. You giggled.
„Well, I know your stories. And if you don’t believe me after you’ve seen and heard something from this book – I‘ve got a few editions of them, from different years – you are probably gonna believe me after you’ll see the movies.“ Thorin’s brows furrowed.
„A movies? What is it?“ Balin placed his hand on Thorin’s shoulder and murmed something, before the dwarf king sat down.
„Does she wants to offend us?“ Turned Dwalin (getting angry) to Gandalf.
„You have to believe her, Dwalin. She knows this world, and this is surely nothing that would have the intention to offend any of you.“ He looked also at Thorin while he way saying these words, and he looked back at you and you nodded. Meanwhile, Thranduil shot him a glare and turned to you.
„Alright, so are you going to show us, that, ehm, movie? What is it about?“ He asked the question that any of them was thinking of. You nodded and dramatically inhaled, overhearing Fili’s ‚Is she okay?‘ and smiled inwardly.
„It’s about an introvert being forced to go outside.“ All of their faces fell and you started laughing and shook your head.
„What is introvert?“ Kili asked, bit confused. You decided to tell them about this later.
„Well, actually, it’s about Bilbo, here,“ you patted his shoulder and the hobbit’s eyes grew wide.
„Who was sighed as a burglar by Gandalf to the company of Thorin Oakenshield,“ you looked over the table to find Gandalf nodding and Thorin looking slightely surprised, but pleased.
„To get back the dwarvish kingdom Erebor,“ You looked over the dwarves and noticed Kili’s eyes sparkling and your stomach did a backflip. Oh, these puppy eyes were always a thing you knew you couldn’t resist to.
„From dragon called...“
„Smaug,“ Kili and Fili said at once. You chuckled.
„Now, wait here and you can read the book, the movie is based on it. Just, please,“ You looked especially on Fili and Kili,
„be careful. It’s an old book, I found it in antiquarian bookstore, and red it way too many times, because it’s my favourite edition.“ And left to prepare living room for the movie.
Fili’s pov
„You were unusually quiet,“ I nudged Kili. He just shrugged it off.
„I’m not loud all the time,“ He tried to argue but I only chuckled. I knew him my whole life. I couldn’t unnotice his sudden change of behavior.
„Yes, you are, plus, you’re staring at Master Baggins as if you’d wanted to kill him, again. So, aren’t you going to tell me what’s going on, Kee?“ Kili shook his head and averted his gaze to the table. Then, he mumbled something and refused to meet my gaze.
„Oh, I see,“ I mumbled enough for him to hear it. I tilted towards him.
„You like her and you hate that she’s giving Bilbo more attention than to you.“ Kili did pouted his lips and still refused to meet my gaze. I chuckled.
„I knew, it, I knew it!“ I laughed and Kili was hissing at me.
„Shut, it, just shut up, Fili, she’ll hear-“
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elles-writing · 4 years
When the worlds collide - part III.
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A/N: Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed second part!! I was tired yesterday, so I quickly typed the author’s note and other stuff and then fell asleep in my hoodie how tired I was. Today’s Friday, so my first four days of school are over!! They were good and in Monday my school’s ending earlier, which is also great. I’m also sorry for Kili being quite out of character, but I promise, he’s gonna be back in character in other parts, so don’t worry!
I’m pretty proud of how I’m writting Gandalf here, though. I think he reacts how he would react.
In the next part is going to be a fan art for this series, I personally really enjoy drawing, even though I still can’t draw the way I’d like to and I’m still trying to figure out how to draw characters and people in general, but I’ll try, cuz I wanted to do it for a while, so now I’m actually gonna do it!
Also, I wanted to post this part a few hours ago, but we had to go to the forest to work here and I couldn’t find the gif I wanted for this part, but I FINALLY found it!!
Again, feedback is highly appreciated!!
Warnings: Kili probably being OOC, Fili teasing his brother, mentions of torture towards Bilbo, cheeky reader towards angry Dwalin
masterlist    part one    part two
Tags: @moony-artnstuff​
Your pov
You’ve been in the living room, working on preparing yourself for questions about TV, movies and all this stuff, when you’ve heard some laugh from the kitchen. You tip-toed here and tried to overhear what they were talking about.
„Shut it, just shut up, Fili, she’ll hear-“ You’ve heard Kili’s voice, full of emotions, but mostly worry and a bit of fear.
„What is that about, lads?“ Dwalin’s voice said and you shivered.
„Well, our dear little Kili has got a-“ he whispered something you didn’t understood and your mind wondered to that moment with parasites. Almost all of them bursted out laughing. You’ve decided to step in. They could talk about it later, you needed them to understand you truly wanted to help them. You stepped into the doors.
„I-I think I can show you what I meant,“ You said, a bit unsure. All of them looked over to you and you sighed.
„Follow me.“
You took out some blankets, so they could either fold it and sit on it, or to create a cocoon from it, earlier and prepared it on the ground and couch for them.
The reactions were...quite different from what you’ve been hoping for.
Kili and Fili immediatelly took their places on the counch and took a blanket each. Thranduil glared at them and sat on the other side of the couch, Legolas sat down on the ground to him, pulling the blanket over his long legs. Dwalin snorted and turned to Gandalf, angrily muttering something.
„We’re not here to play hide and seek or any childish games, Gandalf.“ You frowned and folded your hands.
„I’m sorry to interrupt, Master Dwarf, but you’ll get your explanation – or at least part of it – once you sit down,“ You said and he turned around. All of your courage dissappeared into thin air.
Only Fili and Kili were laughing when they’ve seen that scene.
You shot them a glare and went to turn on the TV.
„I am begging you, behave please. This is only for watching. It’s playing a movie, which is something like a record of...something and you can watch it again. You cannot step into it, change the action, and so on. You can comment it, though.“
You sat down between Fili and Kili on the couch. Next to Kili was seated Bard, then Thranduil, next to Fili was Balin, Bilbo and Gandalf. Others rather sat down on the ground.
You turned on the movie and wiggled in your cocoon from the blanket. You felt the warmth of their bodies and you happily sighed. It was way too comfortable here. There was no way for you getting out of here anymore.
When the logo came up, both Fili and Kili started asking.
„Where does the music is coming from?“
„What is it?“
„What does it means?“
You aswered their questions, but decided to skip the part with old Bilbo. You didn’t knew how would you explained that.
When a ‚Good morning‘ scene was there, Bilbo’s jaw dropped. He madly blushed.
„I-what-how did they done that?!“ His whisper-yell voice and wide eyes he setted upon you made you laugh.
„They did pretty good job I suppose,“ You noticed Kili to stiffen and turned your attention back to the movie. There was almost dinning scene already, Bilbo in the movie sitting by his table, ready to eat. You were eyeing him now, the tortue and how his face flinched when there was the bell-ringing sound.
You’ve been scrunched between Kili and Fili and your eyes suddenly felt quite heavy. You yawned and closed them for a second.
Third person view
Kili didn’t noticed, when did you fell aspeep, but a weird feeling was creeping through his whole body. He turned to Fili and opened his mouth, only to notice your head was lying on his shoulder and your hands hugging his arm. He closed his mouth and opened it again in wonder and blushed madly, even more than when you sat between him and Fili.
Fili looked over to his brother and noticed Y/N being asleep and hugging Kili’s arm. He chuckled.
„I guess you don’t have to be jealous because of Master Baggins anymore.“ Kili looked at your sleeping form and whispered.
„I-I don’t think she likes me in that way. I don’t even have a proper beard, Mahal.“
„But she’s cuddling you, isn’t she?“ Fili rose his eyebrow and Kili furrowed his, not sure of where his brother was going with it.
„Just sayin‘ she could’ve been cuddling with me.“ Fili said as if it wouldn’t be a big deal, but Kili’s mouth opened and he frowned at his brother. Fili almost rolled his eyes.
„Don’t tell me that you, of all dwarves, through all that confident flirting of yours, cannot squeeze out a word around her.“ Kili’s averted gaze to the floor and red cheeks and ears were enough for Fili to know.
His younger brother was hopelessly in love with that kind woman whom decided to help them to find a way home.
He looked at your peaceful expression. I wouldn’t mind her as my sister-in-law, he thought to himself and let his brother enjoy his moment.
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