#there's really no purpose to this gifset except for the fact i love his face
aphroditzy · 7 years
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♪ I’ll be home for Christmas, you can count on me ♪
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dreamerandcrazy · 4 years
how high is the probability that soo-won is canonically gay? tbh it it would just make so much sense. soo-won loved yona but really he had eyes for hak since young... i just wish that in the eventual soohak reunion (kusa WHERE IS IT) that they'll acknowledge this fact somehow. that hak is still and forever will be soo-won's goal
Oh, anon, you have no idea how much feelings and ideas I have regarding SooHak, but when it comes to Soo Won’s sexuality, I am in the dark just as every other reader, because sadly we don’t have much insight/p.o.v. from Soo Won himself, and I think that’s on purpose and something Kusanagi is saving for later. However, he mentioned once that he didn’t feel love romantically, but he did like people, and Kusanagi also implied he wasn’t interested in romance during the high school omake, so there’s a chance he could maybe be asexual/aromantic? But he has blushed before whenever someone put him in the spot, like Yona in ch. 1, and when Lili threatened to say he was in a brothel, I think during Sei or Xing arc. So I think there’s a little bit of chance he could be, but the chances of him being asexual are definitely higher. But like you said, if Kusanagi decided to write in canon that Soo Won is gay period, it would also make sense, align with past moments that have made us raise our eyebrows, and it wouldn’t affect the story or his personality, except for other than giving us much needed insight on what goes inside Soo Won’s mind.
(I talk a lot about SooHak underneath, so I put it under a keep reading, lol).
It’s important to note that it’s very much canon that he still cares for/loves Hak and Yona, despite everything that’s happened. However, I do get the feeling that the love he has for Hak is slightly different from the love he has for Yona. It’s very interesting how since the start, Soo Won has kept his emotions in check around Yona and co., but like Zeno said, his face just looks more human around Hak. I guess maybe because Hak has always been the most normal part of it all for Soo Won, since they were kids, which is why I get the feeling that they were closer. They raised Gulfan together, they trusted each other more than anyone, and can read each other so well they were able to know what the other was thinking through a single look. The only time in the manga both of them were seen crying, truly crying over adult emotions, was because of each other. Soo Won wasn’t able to raise a sword to defend himself against Hak when they reunited in Nadai arc, but his hands automatically flew to his sword the moment he saw Hak in danger during the battle in Sei. It’s like a quote from a gifset I reblogged recently, “People change, but habits don’t”. Or even as Ik-Soo himself said, “some love cannot be discarded,” and I think that was as true for Yona then as it is for Soo Won and Hak. They both can try themselves their best to convince they no longer care for one another, and will be ok if the other dies, but we have seen that that’s not true.
Also it’s interesting, like you said, anon, sometimes I get the feeling that Hak is still Soo Won’s goal, but like in a dormant way. Soo Won seeks for the power of the humans, and nobody embodies that as much as Hak, in the story. We have seen since the start that Soo Won admired Hak, and wanted to be like him, so I feel like that feeling is still there. They both literally wanted to be on an equal footing just so they could walk side by side, and that is a powerful want, to have someone mean so much to you that you are motivated by them, which is why their dynamic is probably one of the most interesting for me, whether it’s platonic or romantic. But we shall see how it goes. Many fans have been theorizing that in the next chapter or 204, Soo Won might go to see Hak, and I think that’s something the story really needs right now. They have been avoiding each other for over 200 chapters now, and they’re getting to a point where they can no longer do that. I think Hak has come very far in the manga and is also in a point where he’s willing to listen to what Soo Won has to say; prior to this castle arc, people liked to say he was narrow-minded and refused to see meaning in Soo Won’s actions, but Hak only had the grasp of what he’d seen that night: that Soo Won killed Il and was willing to kill Yona as well, after presenting her with that hairpin. He had no idea about what happened to Yu-Hon, or any of what happened in the past, so from that point of view, Soo Won had usurped the throne and wanted to destroy the evidence of him (Yona seeing what happened). The fact that Soo Won also said “the Soo Won you knew never existed” definitely didn’t help Hak see his side, giving him the impression that their friendship had been a lie since the beginning. And thus, his heart shattered into a million pieces. And he had to live with that hurt and betrayal every day to himself, to the point where it was suffocating him and he broke down completely when he and Soo Won came face to face in Nadai. But like I said, he has come a long way since then, and now he has some idea of what happened and Soo Won’s real reasoning for killing Il, so their next conversation, which I pray happens soon, might come more easily, but that will also depend on what Soo Won will be willing to say. Let’s remind ourselves that Soo Won has expressed he is ready to live an unhappy life, and is not exactly desperate to explain himself to Yona and Hak nor ask for their forgiveness, even if his heart longs so much for his old friends. He’s that kind of character that doesn’t mind being seen as the bad guy so long as he can get the job done, which is one of the many layers of his character that we’ve seen over and over in the manga.
I am sorry this answer was so long, but like I said, I have a lot of feelings regarding SooHak and I really need them to talk it out soon. I’m sorry if something I expressed about Soo Won is not to your liking or to anyone else’s, but this is my point of view from what I could get from the manga. SooHak is the kind of relationship that works just as well for whatever it’s meant to be, but I have a feeling Kusanagi will leave us in the dark about that one and let us believe it is what we wanna believe it is. At first I was 50/50 about Soo Won dying, I still think it’s a possibility, but now it’s no longer one I necessarily would like to see happen. I want him to make things right with Yona and Hak before the manga ends, and beat this crimson illness. I think a fresh start is something he definitely needs for himself, he was robbed of his childhood when he was only 9 and was pushed into a role he didn’t exactly want, so I would like to see him come to terms with that and close that page, and begin living the life he wanted to live before all this.
Tl;dr; I think Soo Won might be asexual, but his feelings for Hak are definitely still an important part of his character arc that I believe we will see more of. But how Kusanagi will go about them, we can only wonder. Thank you so much for the ask, I really needed to let this all out lmao, and for anyone who disagrees with what I said, please just do me a favor and ignore this post because I really don’t wish to be part of discourse. Soo Won is a character that’s hard to read, and maybe my view of who he is can be different from someone else’s, so let’s be grown ups about it and just respect each other’s opinions and agree to disagree.
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carveredlunds · 3 years
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TW: SUICIDE MENTIONS I’m not the first person to point out that Chuck’s ending makes no sense. Chuck himself says he’s omniscient in 15.17. So, him needing a “heads up” from Michael about Team Free Will’s plan doesn’t make sense — he should have known what they were going to do, and he should have known what was happening when Jack absorbed his powers. He shouldn’t have lost the way he did. Unless he didn’t lose. When looked at another way, Chuck’s ending might have been what he wanted all along. Or rather, it would have been, if Sam and Dean had killed him.  According to Wikipedia, “suicide by cop or suicide by police is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately behaves in a threatening manner, with intent to provoke a lethal response from a public safety or law enforcement officer.” It is entirely possible that Chuck deliberately went full Big Bad in the hopes of eventually getting Team Free to kill him. He knows that Sam and Dean are the messengers of his destruction, after all. They’re the only ones who can finish him. And what better way to go than at the hands of your favourite humans? I’ve talked about this before, but here it is again: in 15.02, Chuck said “So, that Game of Thrones ending? Pretty great, right?” A lot of people assumed this was a sign that he didn’t know what constituted bad writing, that it was a nod from the showrunners to the audience, like they were saying to us, “Don’t worry! Supernatural’s ending won’t be that bad!” But what if he liked the ending of Game of Thrones for another reason? What if he saw himself in Dany’s final storyline — an evil tyrant, gone mad with power, being killed by the show’s protagonist for their own good? This theory still holds up if you also take into consideration season 11′s characterisation of Chuck. If you don’t just assume that everything Chuck did in season 11 was a trick or a lie (which I don’t), then he was absolutely willing to sacrifice himself to save the world from Amara. The suicidal intention was already there. But then he reunited with Amara, and figured he’d give living a shot for a while. But that didn’t work. By the time the season 14 finale rolls around, he and Amara have parted ways, and he is bitter and cynical and done with it all. He just wants out, even at the cost of everything he’s created. He’s alone without his sister, he hates himself (as he said to Becky) and he’s been alive for so long, creating whole worlds just for something to do. Speaking of Becky, I think Chuck’s visit to her in 15.04 was when his plan to commit “suicide by the Winchesters” really formed. He went to see her because he had nowhere else to go, and he starts out the episode lost and self-loathing. He writes an ending to the brother’s story which Becky doesn’t like (not featuring his own demise) so he snaps her out of existence, and rewrites the ending slightly (which is the ending we see in episode 19 — basically the same one Becky read, except now with Chuck’s death at the hands of Sam and Dean included. This is the scene where he says “This is gonna be good” to himself.) By the end of this episode, he is completely sold on the idea of being the ultimate Big Bad and letting Team Free Will kill him in the end. Before episode 4, he wanted to abandon this world with Amara, and go to create something new. This brings me nicely onto the subject of of his creations. If you look at Chuck’s systematic destruction of his other worlds as a suicidal person getting rid of all of their personal belongings and ties to life (on a cosmic scale) then it aligns with the theory that he was on a self-destructive mission. One of the common signs to watch out for in suicidal individuals is a cavalier attitude towards their belongings, with people who have made a plan to die often giving away possessions to loved ones. They may also appear cheerful, despite having a plan to die. But this is because they have a plan to die — they see an end in sight, and they’ve made a plan to get there. This too falls in line with Chuck’s behaviour. From 15.04 onwards, he is as happy-go-lucky as any other Big Bad of the show, cracking jokes, grinning jovially, and generally seeming happy. So, here is Chuck’s “Death by the Winchesters” Plan in its entirety: First, he set himself up as an antagonist in the eyes of Team Free Will in the season 14 finale. Then he destroyed all of his creations, except the world featuring the Winchesters who were the messengers of his destruction. Then, he absorbed Amara (the only other being who might want to talk him out of his plan). And finally, he went to face them in that final showdown in episode 19, in the hopes that they would kill him and finally put an end to his ancient, lonely, existence. Chuck shows lots of the hallmarks of a suicidal and depressed character, even in season 11, but definitely in seasons 14 and 15. He’s antagonistic, destructive, lonely, reckless, self-deprecating, and nihilistic. According to save.org, there are 11 warnings signs of suicide:
1. Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself 2. Looking for a way to kill oneself 3. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose 4. Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain 5. Talking about being a burden to others 6. Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs 7. Acting anxious, agitated, or reckless 8. Sleeping too little or too much 9. Withdrawing or feeling isolated 10. Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge 11. Displaying extreme mood swings Of these 11, we can remove “sleeping too little or too much”, on account of the fact that he’s God (though he does seem to sleep a lot as the Prophet Chuck, even in the middle of the day. This could be put down to his method acting, but still worth mentioning!) Anyway, really, it’s a 10 point list. And of those 10, Chuck displays the following signs: 1. Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself (“To die at the hands of Sam Winchester. Of Dean Winchester, the ultimate killer... It's kind of glorious” in 15.19) 2. Looking for a way to kill oneself (His “Death by the Winchesters” Plan) 3. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose (“Yeah, I just don’t know what I’m doing. I feel so lost” in 15.04) 4. Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs (drank excessively as the Prophet Chuck, hung out in a bar in 11.20, and went on a bender at the casino in 15.08 when he killed all the staff and hung around gambling) 5. Acting anxious, agitated, or reckless ( “You don’t need me. No one does […] I kind of hate me right now” in 15.04 shows his anxious/agitated side) 6. Withdrawing or feeling isolated (examples in this gifset I made) 7. Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge (“It’s time to start cancelling shows” in 15.12, and his many temper tantrums from 11.20 onwards) 8. Displaying extreme mood swings (see: every episode featuring Chuck from 11.20 onwards) That’s 8 out of 10. That’s 80%. And while he doesn’t actively talk about feeling trapped, being in unbearable pain or being a burden, he does say that no one needs him (in 15.04 with Becky), and talk about being unfulfilled and disappointed with the world (in 11.20 with Metatron, in 15.12 with the Radio Shed Clerk, and in 15.17 with Amara.) So perhaps his ending did make sense after all. He wanted the brothers to kill him, but instead, they refused, and left him alone to suffer.
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acklest · 6 years
Jensen Ackles, AU!Michael!Dean, 14x10: Nihilism (and rambling about “range”)
Jensen was so fucking good, don’t even touch me right now, don’t even look at me. I mean, he’s always good, but with this episode, he kicked it in the ASS.
I don’t feel like I have enough WORDS for it. Behind a cut while I prattle on. (None of the gifs used as examples are mine.)
I watched the episode multiple times to see what Jensen was doing as Michael that so wasn’t Dean Winchester, because he was so fascinatingly NOT Dean. I know there are certain style choices that lend themselves to the differences, like his hair being parted on the other (wrong) side and the painstakingly dapper suits and the newsboy cap. Dean Smith (4x17: It’s a Terrible Life) had his hair parted on the wrong side, too. It’s some easy shorthand for “hey, something about this isn’t quite right.” (Like the French cuffs didn’t give it away.)
Demon!Dean was just Dean without the moral center. He was fun to watch, don’t get me wrong, for the brief time we got him. MoC!Dean was actually closer to what I thought Demon!Dean was going to be, so I enjoyed him more. Watching MoC!Dean massacre the Stynes was epic and so satisfying (and tragic I know because of the kid, I’m not like yay murder). As much as I love the real Sam and Dean, and I’m always happy when they get back to who they really are, these dark side digressions are so much fun because we get to see Jared and Jensen show off.
But there’s more to it than that. Jensen has said that his approach to each new script is instinctive (reads the script once or twice and decides what he’s going to do) and Jared is intellectual (reads it multiple times to feel like he’s really soaked it in). But here, I feel, Jensen has made some very deliberate choices. 
First, A Tangent: I watch different Dark Angel vids on Youtube and there’s usually a comment somewhere about how Alec and Dean are basically the same character, or Alec is Young!Dean. They don’t (always) come right out and say, “He can only convincingly play Dean-like characters”, but the implication is there. The two characters have some superficial traits in common, like sarcasm, physical comedy, Jensen’s face (can’t be helped). But even his face doesn’t really come into it once you hit the latter half of S1 because Jensen’s face changed a lot in the interim. His jaw got stronger, his face got broader. So I watched an episode of Dark Angel and immediately watched an episode of Supernatural (1x3: Dead in the Water). @deanscarlett​ helped me figure this out: Alec is out for out for himself, Dean was always out for anything but himself (except when it comes to pleasure-seeking, when he even allows it). Alec has his own psychological trauma (2x11: The Berrisford Agenda) which adds facets to his character’s mercenary pursuits, but once he locks down that perceived weakness (”I’m always alright”), you don’t really see him break down like that again. His programming is strong; he just buries it. But it serves a purpose: Max had written him off as a loss after she saved his life at the expense of not getting a cure to the virus (2x3: Proof of Purchase). It showed her that he wasn’t just a “happy-go-lucky sociopath”, that he had a story like everyone else, and that meant he deserved a shot at redemption. Alec was relatively unburdened (I mean... genetically enhanced master assassin... star torturer in HELL... Dean wins this round, I think) compared to Dean, who’s had ever-increasing weight on his shoulders since “Take your brother outside as fast as you can - don't look back. Now, Dean! GO!” Even young, Dean was never this carefree except maybe in his imagination or as a way to distance himself from others, or when he got really into the “I’m a badass I save people” part of it.
In this scene, Alec (if the character is Jensen’s age) is 23. He’s found a bunch of transgenics that fled from Manticore (the only home they’ve ever known) because of a fire. They’re all children, ranging in age from elementary school to early teens. He’s annoyed because they interrupted his sexy times in a motel. He’s very dismissive of them and spends most of those scenes throwing pieces of popcorn at one of the X7s, who are all small children. Creepy black-eyed hive-minded small children, but small children nonetheless. He makes smart remarks and rolls his eyes while Max tries to get through to the children to let them know that they should absolutely not go back to Manticore if they want to live. In just a few minutes, she takes apart their foundations: You don’t answer to me. You’re not a designation, you’re a person. You have a name now. You have to make your own choices.
“Why would Manticore try to get rid of us?” 
Alec answers:
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Compare that to Dean as early as 1x3 Dead in the Water:
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Dean doesn’t even talk the same way as Alec (except in the first few episode, while they were still getting used to their characters), and I don’t mean Jensen’s ever-more-gravelly voice, I mean the way he stubbornly pushes his jaw forward and talks out one side of his mouth or through his teeth. He has his mouth slightly open a lot. Sometimes he barely moves his mouth when he talks, speaking as if saying the words mostly to himself. Like 2x20 where Wishverse!Sam says “You slept with my prom date. On prom night.” Dean says, “Yeah that does kinda sound like me” while barely moving his mouth at all. Or in 4x01 where he holds up the empty liquor bottle and asks Bobby, “What, r’yer parents outta town or somethin?” That’s such a mushy line. He has a mush-mouth that’s only made mushier by hunter jargon and Dean’s... idiosyncratic way of speaking. If you weren’t in this fandom, would you know what I full-on Swayze’d that mother even meant? I always think of this (7x21):
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(He can speak perfectly clearly when he wants to make a point, or when they’re pretending to be any kind of authority. I always think of the exchange in 5x14: My Bloody Valentine:
SAM: [mock sadness] That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
DEAN: [pokerface] Remarkably patronizing concern. Duly noted.
He can turn it off when he wants to. That Dean’s Master Adapter thing and it’s FUCKING HOT. Oh, I’m a production assistant now? Cool, aced it in a day. Oh, we’re in prison? This is fine, I’m gonna procure cigarettes. LARPing? Sign me the fuck up. Oh, we’re reporters? I can sound like a reporter. I’ve watched thousands of hours of television, I can mimic anyone. I can fake my way through almost anything. We’re in a different town two weeks from now, I can tell people whatever I want.
Anyway, to me, Alec... Dean... not the same character. Going from one to the other was so jarring. For gifsets or edits where you want to show young Dean Winchester, it totally works for that. I mean, it’s Jensen’s face when he was that pre-Supernatural age... except that Jensen didn’t really look like Ridge Canipe or Dylan Everett when he was that age. (I love Dylan Everett. I don’t even care that his eyes are the wrong color.)
But something else Jensen does is put his own mark on roles that he’s given. Tom Hanniger wasn’t supposed to be as sympathetic as he turned out to be, and most people who watched it stated that they wanted someone else to be the bad guy (Axel was looking good for it) so that Tom would be okay. (Sorry if I just spoiled that for you.) Alec wasn’t supposed to be quite so likable, but that’s what Jensen brought to it. Even Kripke said early on that Dean was different on the page than when Jensen got ahold of him. He finds the heart of the character. Imagine if Dean Winchester had been the guy from the pilot this whole time, grossly leering at Jess to make Sam uncomfortable and defensive. 
Remember that Jess first says “Your brother Dean?” with a pleased smile on her face.
DEAN: [instantly leering] Oh, I love the Smurfs. [ogles cleavage] You know, I gotta tell you. [steps too close] You are completely out of my brother's league. [suggestive grin]
JESS: [smile fading, clearly uncomfortable] Just let me put something on.
[JESS turns to go. DEAN's voice stops her.]
DEAN: [isn’t discouraged by her discomfort] No, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it. [another leer] Seriously.
When I first watched that, I thought: “Pussyhound with control issues? That’s your brother’s girl, don’t be skeevy.”
But before long, you realize what it was: Contempt. He wasn’t interested in Jess. “I’m going to make you feel very unwelcome because who the hell invited YOU?” It’s very possessive.
Think about that first scene with Dean after “Easy, tiger!” and then Dean a mere 9 episodes later, in “Home”, trying to get through to John because he’s scared, his voice breaking, his eyes filling up. During that first scene, would you have predicted something like that? "My heart’s gonna break for this bossy bad boy creep.” In fact, by the third episode of the series, it has. Sam tries to make a note of it and gets shut down by Dean right away. "I’ll show you a little, but that’s all. Don’t test me.”
DEAN: You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
DEAN: Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?
It’s not until 2x20: What is and What Should Never Be where you see how Dean feels about Jess now that he understands how important she was to Sam: He hug-tackles her from out of frame, and if she never died... There were more layers of Dean revealed in that episode than Alec got his entire season. (Don’t even get me started on that episode, I’ll just start crying and I’m already so off course with this post.) 
Jensen took this role and made it as iconic as it is. He protects it.
I’m not saying another actor couldn’t have also “sold” that role and made it their own. What I am saying is, I don’t think that another actor would be playing the everloving fuck out of that role -- with all its twists and turns, advances and setbacks -- 14 years later with seemingly as much passion (if not more) than when they started.
But Jensen didn’t leave Dean in that swaggering, cocky, Han Solo place. He deepened the character, added layers, he shows us the cracks and the flaws. The show would NOT have lasted 14 seasons without these two actors. God, I only watch it to see what’s happening to them and see the ways they found to challenge themselves in otherwise unremarkable episodes. It’s like a troubled relationship where you’re like “No, I’m not watching it again ever” and then it texts you at 3am with “wyd” and suddenly you’re playing an episode and wondering about your life. 
I went into that long-ass, rambling, what-even-are-you-talking-about tangent to set you up for this:
Nihilism was NOT an unremarkable episode.
This is not like any other role that Jensen has played before.
There’s really no trace of Dean Winchester in Michael except the resemblance (and the daddy issues, I suppose). And even that’s played down with the neat hair, the suit, the artful "I know my best angles” way that he presents himself to people. There’s not even a trace of other characters that Jensen has played. It’s an entirely new role for him.
Michael carries himself elegantly. The perfect posture, the poise, the careful, graceful motions. Dean kind of slouches, looms, or does a parade rest sort of thing where he’s braced for whatever might happen. He’s got a big ambling swagger. He puts his feet up on tables or sits with his legs sprawled apart.
Michael eerily doesn’t blink as much as you would expect. As Dean, Jensen blinks a lot and closes his eyes, sometimes for a few seconds in the middle of a line, as if he’s processing his thoughts. I love it. It doesn’t start happening until S4 or so, where he wants to show the general weariness of the character. It happens the most when he’s angry or exasperated. But Michael is laser-focused.
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Michael speaks very precisely and almost ceremoniously, like he’s selecting each word for the maximum impact. He has ALL the time in the world. Dean talks like... well, Dean. This is the big one for me. He just doesn’t SOUND like Dean, even though it’s the same damn voice. It’s in the cadence. He also holds his chin upright so his voice projects differently, and his jaw isn’t clenched like Dean’s usually is. His voice comes across as smooth and oozes condescension. 
Michael, in keeping with his wardrobe and (understandable) superiority complex is very fussy. While Sam, Cas, and Jack are talking, he’s speculatively opening and closing his hands in the background as if trying the cuffs, but he doesn’t even bother to struggle. While he’s talking to Cas during the big monologue, he absently picks a speck of something out from under a fingernail and neatly refolds his hands on his knee. He puts himself in those 3-piece suits. He has expanded to take up all of the possible Dean-ness and he’s very proud of his vessel. The human that used to be in control could not possibly matter less. As far as he’s concerned, Dean was his the moment he was even born.
Michael’s expressions are very different. Dean has a very expressive face. In one 5-second gif, you can identify a number of little micro-expressions he goes through. His face is almost never still unless something has gone very wrong. His eyebrows are all over the place. He’s squinty from having scowled for so long. He absently curls his lip when he talks. Because Michael doesn’t have all the trauma and worries that Dean has, he keeps his expression smooth. He looks completely dignified. Because he feels he has absolutely nothing to fear, his expressions are supercilious and disdainful.
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Michael is very, very serene. He’s a BEING, and currently immortal. The things the “pig-filthy humans” are doing don’t really seem to concern him. “He's a gnat,” he says about Dean. He’s waiting them out because to him, they’re the blink of an eye. People keep trying to get a rise out of him, I think because he wears Dean’s face and they’re desperate to see a glimpse of him. Michael just doesn’t give a shit. Holy fire? Whatever. These cute handcuffs? That’s adorable. 
Look at the image below. There is no Dean at all, there is barely even a flicker of concern. His smile here is almost like, “You are naive and tedious. I’m just waiting for my army to get here. Might as well relax.”
I’m sorry, I’m just very, very excited and I’m so proud of Jensen. He was already brilliant, but this kicked it into a whole new level.
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What killed me:
* Don’t interrupt me.
* Dean’s not home right now. Please leave a message.
* (”With these angel cuffs on, Michael’s under control.”) You keep telling yourself that.
* THAT CREEPY ASS SMILE after Sam says that the Impala’s trunk could hold Michael!Dean too. IT’S SO CREEPY WHAT IS IT
* I called them. [smiles, fake gasp of surprise] It’s a party.
* (”Sam, are we going to die here?”) ANOTHER CREEPY LITTLE SMILE like he could not be less intimidated if he tried.
* I can hear you. [they move about 5 steps further] Really?
* Remind me, Castiel, we’re west of Kansas City? (Dudes, he is an archangel, did you think walking into another room was going to keep him from hearing you?)
* Yeah, put a chair against the door. That’ll help.
* The last thing you’ll see is this pretty smile. AND HE DOES THE TONGUE THING THAT JENSEN DOES so in the small moment to me he was Evil!Jensen. I would read that fanfic. it made me SO uneasy.
* I’m in his head. LITERALLY.
* (”He’s lying.”) No, I’m not. And I can still hear you.
* God -- Chuck -- is a writer, and like all writers, He churns out draft after draft. (The way he sort of labors over every letter in the word “Chuck”, it’s so contemptuous, almost like he’s saying “Fuck”?)
* He never would’ve been so... anemic. [absently cleans a fingernail]
* [leans forward] Even God can die. Ugh, the chill that went down my spine.
* Cool science project. 
* When they put the electrodes(?) on him, he’s sort of glancing back and forth, HE’S SO AMUSED, he even laughs disparagingly. 
* Oh, Cas. I believe in you. LOL
* In there? You’re all mine. *audible swallow*
Ugh, if AU!Michael!Dean was a lotion, I would smear it all over my body.
Thank you for coming to my Jensen Talk.
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bandicoot88 · 6 years
Bruce’s body language (part 4)
I need to stop, but I can’t.
I just did an analysis on the fight sequence in the vigilante ending, but I wanted to point out some things that happened before that. Some I’ve already mentioned in gifsets, etc, but I’ll be putting them here too in further detail.
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Spoilers for episode 5 under the cut.
   Scene 1:
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    Embarrassment after listening to John telling Alfred that he’d been collecting tabloid photos of Bruce for years. What an introduction to your father figure.
  Scene 2:
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    Batman/Bruce often gives John the silent treatment/stare, I actually love it. The crossing of the arms is also great. He knows he doesn’t have to say anything, because it’s an attitude typically done towards someone you have a strong connection with. If John wasn’t that important, I would bet money that Batman/Bruce wouldn’t hesitate with talking, and immediately talking back at someone is a response. With John, he’s being patient, trusting that John can do better, or that he will back off when necessary. They’re like a married couple, I swear.
  Scene 3:
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    A minor moment, but I like that Bruce doesn’t even flinch at the idea that John went shoplifting for his outfit. I mean, John was in hiding, but that doesn’t mean he needs to be in an outfit right away. Bruce is a billionaire, I’m sure he would’ve kitted John out with something. I like to think that suggests their relationship was being close too, because Bruce isn’t even questioning it, he’s just like “oh, the same old John.”
  Scene 4:
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    The hand shot is special, it’s a little moment between the two. I noticed that many YouTubers don’t mention this at all, but the shot was longer than necessary, because it’s suppose to be. Can you see the comparison in that gif and this one?
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    Bruce’s expression though.... ugh! It’s adorable. It’s tender as all heck, like... what other explanation is there for that face? Confusion? Maybe, but I don’t see that personally, doesn’t make as much sense to me. Seriously, just kiss him, dude.
  Scene 5:
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    I purposely did not slow this gif down, because it would be misleading. I want it shown in real time, and how long Bruce leaves his arm extended like that. You wanna retreat your hand a bit quicker there, Bruce, you lingering, bisexual dumbass?
 Scene 6:
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  Being asked to hand over John. He clearly does not want to, and even if you agree, there’s a close up shot of him hating that he made that decision. Batman knows John is dangerous, but that he is trying. It’s irrational thinking to allow someone like John on the streets in such a way, but we as the player probably wanted to believe in him anyway, which is a risk to the public. Choosing a single person over the many is a big deal, but realistically, it happens among humans, when you’re willing to sacrifice everything for that one person. And Batman is about justice, he knows when people should be locked up, but he’s also human, which makes him flawed when following his own code, and when to break it, for someone like John.
 Scene 7:
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  I try not to make it all about what I want, and try to see the other side of things, but this scene kinda goes with the scene above. Batman is about protecting everyone, so you could argue that he’s protecting John like he’d protect an everyday civilian. Yes, but what Batman is doing is disobeying the Agency in putting John away. Again, it’s choosing what’s best for Gotham, or allowing John to potentially do more harm than good.
 Scene 8:
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 This is on par with scene 6, but this takes place after Bruce was nearly killed, as well as several people being hurt, and possibly killed, due to John’s impulses. This scene is unique to the choice of not wanting to give up on John, after all this. The line hasn’t been drawn yet for Bruce, if you choose to play him this way. Again, it’s irrational, and as much as we all love John, he is dangerous, but you can have Bruce be completely blinded for his affection for John, doing the whole choosing between one person and the many. It really shows how important John is to Bruce.
 Scene 10:
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   This is one of my favourite moments from episode 5, probably even one of my favourites of the whole game. I’m aware that many glossed of this, and perhaps the only reason I picked it up instantly was because I was already thinking how important John was to me (Bruce). The way this scene plays out is brilliant, but I know we all wanted Alfred to finish saying what he was saying. If only Bruce hadn’t cut him off, but it’s Bruce cutting him off that makes this scene very clear to me.
  Bruce is being very defensive towards Alfred. He’s giving him that challenging look too, on Alfred too, who just patched him up. What other possible reason would Bruce have to be defensive about? Can you think of one, because I have no idea what else this could mean, other than that Alfred was going to question Bruce’s dismissive behaviour about John’s antics on the fact that Bruce actually loves him. Again, very irrational thinking. Alfred knows, but he lets the subject slide, realizing that Bruce doesn’t want to talk about it (damnit Bruce!)
  It’s very sad to see Bruce with pleading eyes like that too, which will happen regardless of your choice, but I like to think with whatever you choose, canonly, Bruce is sad about John. The other choices are basically silence, “don’t put the blame on me”, and “you’re right, I guess I just didn’t want to see it”, which are all choices that aren’t against John, so Bruce’s expression makes perfect sense.
 Scene 11:
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 Pardon the odd gifs being weird, I don’t know what that is.
  I don’t think Alfred’s even being subtle here. Feelings can mean in a friendship/brotherly kind of way, but with the usual nature of Batman’s and Joker’s relationship across other media, I feel that Alfred is talking about something more intense. Alfred has mentioned feelings before, when referring to Selina. The same can be applied here. All of these happen regardless of which choice you pick, except the mention of John being a friend. Again, even if you pick something completely against John, in this game, Bruce will display otherwise, and the emotion is strong.
 I know this is long, but I hope you enjoy it.
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horrorgay · 7 years
Reylo is/has ruined the Sequels
Hot take: TLJ both story level and writer level used reylo to make every single character removed from their initial storyline and undercut any potentially meaningful representation, by pushing them to the far sides of the narrative to make room for a “Rey saves Ben Solo redemption” story. 
It also, in order to make Ben Solo a more #relatable soft boy, played the game of “but maybe Luke thought about killing him”.
A. To begin, here is a list of canonical TFA!Kylo actions:
Ruined Luke’s attempts at teaching children how to use the force
Contributed greatly to the creation of the New Genocidal Order, the First Order.
An Order which, by the way, takes literal babies and brainwashes them into soldiers that will commit their genocide without question. 
Ordered and contributed to the slaughter of an entire village of innocent people.
Tortured two of the three main characters on SCREEN, which caused them to scream in agony and sob because it was a painful torture. 
(Throughout the movie is clearly hostile towards Rey, even when talking about her to his fellow first order members)
Sent the orders to obliterate four (?) ENTIRE planets and oversaw it without even flinching
Tried to blow up Maz’s castle
Purposefully intimidated and stalked Rey through the forest, after which he held her VERY CLEARLY against her will with the force and brought his lightsaber inches away from her face before forcing her to pass out, carrying her away from her new loved ones to torture her on Starkiller Base. 
From there he is shown to be continuously destructive, exhibiting no anger control as he damages the things around him.
He kills Han, who reached out to him. Though he does seem to show regret, he shoves it aside because he wants to continue to grow as a powerful murderer.
In the forest fight, he shows no mercy or kindness to Rey and Finn. He is brutal as he fights them, and intends to kill Finn, seriously harming him in the process. He throws Rey against a tree with potentially lethal force. I wouldn’t say this scene is inherently EVIL as it is just 1v2 combat, but it does further display that they are clearly on OPPOSITE SIDES.
He then offers to teach Rey to use the dark side of the force (not explicitly stated but obviously in the same GENOCIDAL manner he’s been using it with the entire movie).
She slashes his face and leaves him to die, and then SOBS by Finn’s side, ready to die on Starkiller Base.
Rey, throughout the whole movie shows CLEAR disgust, fear, anger and bitterness was towards Kylo as he has been nothing but a monster. (You can SEE them in the gifset linked below.)
B. Here is the thing about The Last Jedi:
If they wanted to make Kylo a “redeemable character”* they should have done at least one of the following things, EVEN THOUGH it absolutley would not undo his actions in TFA
*Its not Rey’s fucking job to turn back time and make a genocidal monster turn back into 10 year old innocent Ben Solo
Build Snoke up as an even worse bad guy, and show how he reached out to Kylo while he stayed with Luke.
What they did in tlj: implied snoke had some reason in his turn to the dark side and then killed him halfway through the movie (after Kylo watched him torture Rey, mind you). This provided NO in movie backstory for Snoke or Kylo‘s turn and does not give the audience even an once of sympathy for Kylo.
No one likes it but reylos, but at least SHOW if Han and Leia had been incredibly neglectful of Kylo. It would be very OOC of Han and Leia though, so they didn’t. It also would not NEARLY be enough reason to excuse his murder lust and genocide. I remind you of the classic “Rey is raised by sand and Unkar Plutt, does not become murderer.” 
What they did in tlj: Basically ignored this entire subject. Sending Kylo to Luke, HIS UNCLE WHO LOVES HIM, is not nearly enough evidence or reason for redemption. Hell, they didn’t even directly address the fact that Kylo murdered Han A WEEK BEFORE THE MOVIE TAKES PLACE.
BARE MINIMUM: Show that he is actively remorseful of his previous actions. 
What they did in tlj: He hesitates shooting the bridge he knows Leia is on. He doesn’t call off the attack though, and it still is destroyed. That’s it. The rest of the movie is Kylo playing kicked puppy in front of Rey (bc of the Luke Incident). After the fight scene on the bridge, where Rey is hopeful (addressed later on) he will reject the first order, he says she could rule as the new first order by his side. When she rejects this, he spends the rest of the movie trying to obliterate the entire resistance (INCLUDING: Leia, Luke and Rey). Like he’s straight up even more wrathful and murderous than he was when the story began.
Conclusion: It doesn’t make sense at all that both inside the story, and out (with Lucas Film) Kylo can/should be redeemed. They didn’t write it into the story NEARLY WELL ENOUGH. And it is also tone deaf, considering the political climate. Imagine if everyone started cheering for Trump the under dog, “will he get his redemption story?”. 
In the beginning of the movie roughly a week after the events on Starkiller base, Rey shows clear anger and disgust towards Kylo. This part of the movie makes sense. She hates him for what he’s done. In her words: he’s a monster, and he has to pay for what he’s done. 
Kylo has been nothing but violent, malicious and invasive to both her and the people she loves (Finn, Han, Leia etc.). 
But then, inexplicably she starts calling him Ben Solo. Maybe this would make sense if she felt like he could be redeemed, but five minutes ago and the entire previous movie she thinks the exact opposite. 
Rey calling Kylo “Ben Solo” seems more than anything to be the writers of TLJ pandering the side of the audience that does want to see him redeemed still. Sure, whatever. It’s the beginning of the movie. Anything could happen. 
But as stated before in section B, any potential attempts to portray Kylo being redeemed in the plot are then neglected completely. Leaving us with Rey, who previously hated Kylo with every fiber of her being suddenly treating him like he’s soft and kind-hearted. It becomes OOC drivel, and detrimentally ruins the heart of Rey’s character. (It also fumbles Luke’s character in what apparently is his last movie, but that’s a whole other rant.) 
After the throne room, they go back to their original status of Hero vs Villain. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that the 45 minutes (more?) of the movie made No God Damn Sense, and was a series of severe fumbles in the narrative. 
Recall that in the year before 2015 and the years following up until the Last Jedi, that Lucas Film and Disney presented what was supposed to be the main good guys trio: Finn, Poe and Rey. 
Finn, played by John Boyega, is the Main Male Protagonist and Rey and Finn were mutually portrayed as love interests in TFA. It would seem fitting that he’d continue to be treated in such a manner. Except he CLEARLY wasn’t. For goodness sakes, the main trio STILL is not consciously in the same room as each other until the VERY end of the movie in a few-minute long scene. 
His storyline also has pretty racist issues. Rose was introduced to give a vague purpose to his storyline in TLJ, and even then SHE was OOC from star to finish. Rian Johnson did not take his time to write a meaningful story for the MALE LEAD. 
I love Poe to death, but he and Holdo’s story did not really work. From a purely common sense POV the story should not have gone down the way it did. From a less common sense view, and a more character based one, their storyline caused Poe to be OOC. The heavy handed white feminism looks bad. It made Poe look bad, even if what he did was reasonable. (More in depth explanations here and here.)
The narrative was given to Kylo, and to (OOC) Rey. Which WOULD HAVE BEEN NOT IDEAL BUT TOLERABLE if they’d actually given depth to Kylo’s story. But again the didn’t.
Rian Johnson has been explicitly clear in his tweets and interviews that he wanted to focus on Kylo. He wanted to make him more human and relatable (regardless of whether or not he failed). 
He has been clear that he did not care or take into account what the cast thought of the story he was writing. 
(Ignoring Mark Hamill’s advice on the portrayal of Luke, pushing aside Daisy Ridley’s tears [which let’s be real, it’s fairly evident that she was upset because Finn and Rey had no story nor interactions, and Rey was turned into an OOC plot device].)
He had joked that he would have left Finn out of the story and in a coma. He also unabashedly romanticized Rey and Kylo’s actions, despite that being VERY VERY VERY VERY QUESTIONABLE. 
He teased FinnPoe in promos and events leading up to TLJ, and decided that if Finn and Poe were going to get a long and like each other, he might as well separate them too. 
The Last Jedi leaves any representation deeply flawed, sidelined or non-existent. It is not a movie for the everyone. It is a poorly written movie made for an audience I can’t even pinpoint, but certainty not for anyone who wanted to see themselves in a narrative in a positive way. 
Star Wars has always belonged to everyone. In 2015, the took a step forward to make it belong to everyone. But in 2017, Lucas Film moved backwards and made a movie that belonged to a specific group of people who idolize and romanticize white male violence. Once you pull down the paper thin smoke screen of supposed diversity, you’re left with a bad movie, and poorly assembled narrative about Kylo, at the expense of everyone: the audience, the cast, and the characters.
Feel free to reblog, and repost elsewhere, but please credit me. 
Please, feel free to expand upon what I said here.
I am going to make a gifset that highlights Kylo’s actions and Rey’s response through TLJ and TFA, as well as an additional set with Rey and Finn. I will link them here when I’m done.
DISCLAIMER: IDGAF IF YOU LIKE KYLO. It’s not a crime to like characters. It is a fucking crime to write an official star wars trilogy and center it around the garbage man stink boy at the expense of everyone else.
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hauntsnhoes · 3 years
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I posted 1,099 times in 2021
26 posts created (2%)
1073 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 41.3 posts.
I added 67 tags in 2021
#ercole visconti - 13 posts
#rocket raccoon - 10 posts
#ercole - 8 posts
#luca - 7 posts
#raya - 5 posts
#raya and the last dragon - 5 posts
#sisu - 5 posts
#venom 2 spoilers - 5 posts
#rocket - 5 posts
#encanto - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#i'm thinking of a combo of how to get over the trauma my parents have ingrained within me over the course of my entire lifetime
My Top Posts in 2021
I’d like to think I’m the Mirabel of my family but I’m probably more of a Bruno.
44 notes • Posted 2021-12-04 23:46:33 GMT
❤ Random facts about Ercole Visconti ❤
His vespa license plate reads ‘POR 5220′
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The front of his vespa boasts a tag that reads ‘piaggio’. 
See the full post
47 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 00:18:33 GMT
Why are we not more excited for dragon lesbians?
49 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 19:45:55 GMT
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50 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 00:46:04 GMT
As a Latina I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Encanto’ and I do not feel that I was in any way shape or form mis-respresented or oppressed by the film. 
The music slapped. The characters were all very cute. I enjoyed that all members of the family were a rainbow of skin colors. I feel like bragging that the entire time I’ve been on this site I’ve only seen 2, count ‘em, 2 posts about Encanto. Both gifsets. I don’t know HOW I managed to escape the Disney hatedumb drama bloggers. Probably because I unfollowed them all ages ago which kinda sucked because some of them were actually decent monsterf*cking blogs but anywhoms.... If any of them tried to cry sameface about any of these characters then they’re literally just saying it to feel cool and relevant because I was marveling at Mirabel’s ample nose and big round eyes. Not to mention the glasses. She looks nothing like Moana OR Rapunzel. Come to think of it ALL the female character in this movie had very unique distinct faces AND bodies. Disney really blew it out of the park with this one. No joke.
Also lots of little cultural things really reminded me of my own family. Like Dolores’s whisper singing during the ‘we don’t talk about Bruno’ number. That kind of purposeful whispering reminded me a lot of myself my mother and my aunt. lol I have no idea how Disney manages to get little things like that right all the time. Must be the ‘cultural consultants’. lol 
Also; how the f*ck did I not recognize John Legui-f*cking-zamo as Bruno? His voice is usually unmistakable, to me. 
I do not think that Disney owes me or any other Latin people money for this movie except, you know, the ones who actually worked on it and helped to create it. lol I feel like my people (in general) are just happy for the representation. I’d like to use the time I went to see the live action Dora the Explorer movie as an example. Was it a good movie? Not really. But when Dora asked the audience “Can you say ‘severe nuerotoxicity’?” The Latin audience literally mumbled it in response. I almost fell out of my seat from laughter. I love my people. You could really feel the love and appreciation in the room that Dora was on the big screen at all. Even and especially from the adults. But again these are merely things I have observed and my own personal opinion on the subject ofc. 
People can proceed to reblog this post or add comments shitting out the mouth and vomiting out ass with negativity. But just know that any of that will go utterly ignored by yours truly. Polite disagreement is more tolerable but just know that it doesn’t mean too much to me, either. 
109 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 03:09:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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head-and-heart · 7 years
Unnecessary Bellarke Moments - Season 4
Hey fam! So last hiatus (The Dark Times), I created a post to give our fandom a little bit of hope that basically pointed out every single Bellarke moment in the first three seasons of The 100 that served absolutely no plot purpose besides pushing the Bellarke Agenda™ (you can view it here). The idea of the post was basically just to point out the VAST number of Bellarke moments that simply would not exist if canon!Bellarke wasn’t actually in the cards for later seasons. 
The idea was brought to me a little while ago (I don’t remember by who, unfortunately) to recreate that post, except this time pointing out all the unnecessary Bellarke moments of Season 4. So that’s basically what this post is.
If you’re interested in seeing just how Extra these two lovesick idiots truly are when it comes to each other and how full of shit the cast/Jason are when they say it was “never planned”  feel free to continue under the cut.
1. 4x01
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“Thank you, for keeping me alive.”
So I just rewatched this scene and boy is it SO not subtle … at all? Like the music starts swelling with the super romantic Bellarke theme and then THIS line happens and theres NO REASON FOR IT. I mean, objectively, Abby and Murphy kept Clarke alive more directly. And technically Bellamy wasn’t the only fighting to protect her either, so - reasonably, if this is really SO platonic - then why didn’t she thank anyone else like this?
We all know why.
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“ECHO, LET HER GO!” Bellamy appearing out of nowhere and charging angrily to save Clarke the love of his life.
This scene cracks me up because like … why is Bellamy here? They literally had Bellamy walk off-screen earlier to do … nothing … just so he could charge dramatically in when he see’s that Clarke is in trouble. AND THERE’S NO POINT OF OF HIM EVEN BEING IN THIS SCENE EXCEPT TO GET WORRIED ABOUT CLARKE. That’s his SOLE purpose of existing in this moment. He isn’t even the one who talks Echo out of letting Clarke go. 
And then THIS happens:
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And suddenly it makes sense what Bellamy’s purpose in the scene is because HOW ELSE WOULD BELLAMY DRAMATICALLY CATCH HER SO THAT CLARKE CAN CARESS HIS CHEST ????
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Right. Got it.
jason you are so transparent but wHATEVER
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okay and then GET THIS
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there’s ANOTHER bellarke scene that has NO plot purpose AT. ALL!!1!!
and i can’t find a gif of it dammit
but Bellamy LOSES HIS SHIT when Clarke gets taken away again and honestly my question is WHY is he the only one freaking tf out? Like the focus is ALL on Bellamy’s reaction to Clarke being taken away and no one else’s, not even her mother’s. 
It’s All Very Suspicious.
and, of course, there’s no actual plot reason for this to happen. 
2. 4x03
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Clarke: YES YOU WILL!!1!!!
Raven: So does that mean you made the list?”
Clarke: … no.
THIS MOMENT IS SO UNNECESSARY. Like, they easily could have just had Bellamy being like “i ain’t gonna be inside” without having Clarke freak tf out about that cause HOW IS SHE SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITHOUT BELLAMY BLAKE??? My favourite part about this moment is how Clarke admits that she hasn’t made the list yet but she KNOWS that Bellamy is going to be on it. Because it’s Bellamy. I mean, of course, she’d put him on the list. 
Is it a wonderful moment? Yes. But plot-necessary? nah. 
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And again we have an AMAZING Bellarke moment that never, not once, serves the plot in any way besides stressing how Bellarke is the best, basically, and they need each other and love each other so much.
Just Platonic Things™
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All right, I gotta take a long moment to talk about the many ways in which Bellamy’s presence in the List Scene is completely unnecessary and totally useless to the plot in every fucking way unless you admit that BELLARKE IS A PART OF THE PLOT. 
fIRsT of all, biNCh. 
Was it REALLY necessarily for Bellamy to be sleeping on the couch, and for Clarke to watch him while he’s sleeping and fucking smile??? Like, seriously, that is so intimate and that little detail was the most unnecessary thing I’ve ever seen. Why was he sleeping? Why couldn’t he just be awake and helping her with the list? Because they wanted to stress how intimate Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship is, that’s why. 
AND THEN. (and then) it focuses on Clarke writing BELLAMY’S name on the list. Bellamy’s. Not anyone else’s.
What makes BELLAMY so special that he is the ONLY one whose name is focused on when it is written down? Huh, Jason? Explain it to me. 
There’s no plot-based reason for Bellamy’s name to be focused on when it’s written down. And there’s no plot-based reason for them to have that crazy intimate moment. And there’s no plot-based reason for Bellamy to comfort her or for Clarke to fucking nuzzle into his hand with her face.
other than the reason that the writers have to push the Blorke Agenda
So basically, what I’m getting at, was this moment between Bellamy and Clarke where they write their names down has absolutely nothing to do with Bellamy and Clarke having a spot in the Ark/bunker and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that they don’t want to live in a world without each other.
That’s it, folks. That’s why this scene exists. lmao
3. 4x04
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“BELLAMY should be back by now." 
Not much to say on this moment, but even in an episode where Bellamy and Clarke don’t interact at all they managed to squeeze in Clarke getting worried about Bellamy (and not all the other people who haven’t returned to Arkadia, BELLAMY. Singular). 
And that’s all.
4. 4x05
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This is basically the same as the previous scene, where it only exists to show Clarke’s worry over Bellamy. And I also love Monty’s snark because it suggests that Clarke has been asking them about Bellamy repeatedly and that its getting annoying lmao.
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THIS. This is the most dramatic/romantic shit I’ve ever seen. 
lmao. Kane who? Doesn’t matter. Clarke only has eyes for Bellamy. The way this scene was shot was so fucking unnecessary. The dramatic way Bellamy’s hood is pulled off, how they make eye contact and it zooms in and focuses on their expressions, focuses on Clarke’s distress when she sees him. 
Honestly what was the point of Bellamy being taken hostage anyway? Kane makes sense: he’s the chancellor, but Bellamy? His only purpose to be taken hostage was to set up a situation where Clarke has to make a choice whether to sacrifice him … this guy she cares about, and ultimately ends up caving, cause she can’t lose him. SHE SACRIFICED HALF OF THE ARK TO SAVE HIM EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD A HUGE ADVANTAGE IN THE FIGHT AND IT DIDNT EVEN MATTER BECAUSE THE ARK BURNS DOWN ANYWAY SO ! WHAT ! WAS ! THE ! POINT?!
5. 4x06
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Was it really necessary to focus on Bellamy’s shaky hands when opening up the body bag in 4x06 or to show his relieved face when it wasn’t Clarke?
Plot-wise, definitely not. In terms of Bellarke … 
Well. You get the idea.
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Was that last part about him being special necessary? No. And, quite honestly, that’s a really fucking weird word choice to talk about someone’s sibling. She’ll see how special you are. Special. 
Nah. This moment had nothing to do with Octavia thinking Bellamy was “special” (like, I said, odd word choice for siblings) and EVERYTHING to do with how special CLARKE thinks Bellamy is … how special he is to her. 
Also need I mention the wandering eyes? It was excessive my dudes. 
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6. 4x09
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I know a lot of people were disappointed in the anti-climactic lack of Bellarke reunion in 4x09 but there just was too much going on in the episode for it to be included and honestly the fact that we got a scene with them talking at all when not even Kabby got that (who were literally separated all season) - or anyone else for that matter - is pretty indicative of the fact that the relationship between Bellamy and Clarke is important to the writers. Honestly, this conversation could have been with any character(s) but they wanted it to be Bellamy and Clarke. For … reasons.
7. 4x11
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Bellamy: *screaming*
Murphy: "Do you wanna talk to him?" 
Clarke: "Yeah." 
Clarke: *can’t talk to him cause listening to Bellamy in pain gives HER pain so she runs away*
This is honestly such an underrated Bellarke moment. Why are y’all sleeping on this? 
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(Gifs taken from this gifset here by @bellarkegifsdaily - I couldn’t find gifs anywhere for this scene unfortunately, if you want me to take them down I will!)
Honestly this line is one of those lines that doesn’t really HAVE to exist but the writers saw an opportunity to throw some Bellarke in the script and they took it.
8. 4x12
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Bellamy smiling/staring at Clarke for so long he crashes the fucking vehicle. 
… writers wyd
The car needed to crash but they easily (EASILY !!) could have managed that by just having the dude throw himself in front of the vehicle. Did we really need the intense heart eyes? Yes … but only for Bellarke reasons. There are unlimited ways they could have had the crash take place that didn’t involve any special Bellarke moments whatsoever but i think we know by now that the Bellarke scenes we get can’t just be shrugged off as “platonic moments necessary to move the plot” anymore. We’re past this. 
9. 4x13
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They literally set up a situation where Clarke had to cry JUST so Bell could comfort her. They could have sold it as Clarke having talked to Abby off-screen, or show Bellamy handing off the radio and then ending the scene. But noooope. They just needed an excuse for Bellarke to hug. Like, god, this moment would NOT exist if Bellarke was actually platonic. It’s not even just the hug itself, but the camerawork. Like, focusing and zooming in on her hands slowly tightening around his waist is so NOT SUBTLE.
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The entire oxymoron conversation AND face caress are soooo extra its crazy. WHY WAS THIS NECESSARY??? 
Hint: they were not. They served the plot in ZERO way, except to give Bellarke a cute/flirty + soft moment. Especially the face caress. Like, was it really absolutely critical that Bellamy had to reach out to stroke Clarke’s face just to point out that she’s suffering from radiation sickness?
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The head and heart conversation needed to happen for Bellamy’s character development (and Clarke’s to some extent, too) but there was no plot reason (besides pushing the Blorke agenda) that it needed to be THAT intimate, with her touching his heart and shit. Zero. Holy shit. This scene would have read WAY different if they were actually platonic. 
I mean let's just consider the delivery of the following lines:
"We’ve been through a lot together you and I”
“You have such a big heart, Bellamy.”
“I got you for that.”
IT WAS SO INTIMATE. If they were just bros this conversation would be a whole lot more casual and a lot less emotional.
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(Credit goes to @bellarkegifsdaily again - link here - apparently gifs of this scene are extremely hard to track down which is honestly surprising to me.)
THIS WAS SO POINTLESS. It’s the exact same thing as the interrupted love confession in 4x06. The only reason it exists is for us to fill in the blanks on our own (which certainly is not “hurry”). They easily could have just nodded and gone on their ways like they usually do on their respective missions but noooo it HAD to be angsty and romantic.
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Bellamy waiting outside the rocket for Clarke and Raven coming to get him. (“I KNOW Raven) + Bellamy asking Raven about Clarke TWICE. 
Honestly, there’s no reason for Bellamy to be set apart from all the others in this scene unless the writers admit that Bellamy’s feelings for Clarke are just that much stronger (in a romantic sense). He could be waiting inside the rocket, OR Raven and the others could be waiting outside with him … But the writers wanted to stress how much it’s killing Bellamy to leave Clarke behind, not the others. 
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"I left her behind and we all die anyway." 
There’s no real reason this line needs to exist. It’s literally just there to serve us some good ol’ wholesome Bellarke angst. 
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LISTEN ! ! This scene was SO extra it could have been taken straight out of fic. If the writers were actually concerned with Bellarke being interpreted as romantic, they would have just had Clarke say something like "calling all Ark survivors” or “Raven” or “Monty” or LITERALLY anyone but Bellamy, and just Bellamy. The fact that she’s been calling him and JUST HIM for six years is INSANE you guys. And there is NO plot purpose why it had to be that way.
Also, the  "I still have hope" line is a clear callback to their conversation in 4x03 (”the list scene”). It’s so unnecessary. All of it. These writers are so transparent i swear.
SO THAT’S IT FAM! I’m sure you could create an argument for why more scenes from Season 4 should be included in this list because I did end up narrowing it down a bit from my original list, but I believe that I hit the main scenes that are pretty much completely unnecessary towards the plot, lol. 
Hopefully you enjoyed this sort of ridiculous little (long?) post of mine and it maybe even gave you some hope in Bellarke. Thanks for reading!
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destielmixtape · 8 years
What I’m working on
@winchester-reload tagged me to talk about any WIP I have going on. Currently, I’m putting all of my focus into my third long fic, the last in a Destiel trilogy I’ve been working on since October. They average about 50k apiece. I’m 26k into the third one.
Rules Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
What I’m working on:
Journeys (part of the Wake Up series): Journeys is canon compliant through today with the exception of Castiel losing his wings in the fall and the arrival of Mary.
I’ve been struggling a bit with this one. So far I think it’s the strongest of the three. The first story was mostly fluff and smut. The second was more action and angst. This third one has more of an angst/mystery plot. 
One thing about this series that people either love or hate is that there is a major OC that becomes a love interest for Sam. It’s her presence that really drives the plot of the second two stories. 
The series focuses heavily on music for thematic guidance. 
Excerpt from Chapter (7): “Whisper Tales of Gore”
Castiel sat on the edge of Charlene’s bed, next to the pile of her belongings they had somewhat successfully brought back from her apartment. He had removed his jacket and rolled his sleeves up like he’d seen Dean do countless times. He watched as Charlene paced back and forth, drink in hand, the now nearly empty can of taurine-infused yellow-flavored energy beverage flashing in the dim room lighting.
“I think the first thing we need,” she said seemingly to herself, “is a list of the major life events that have occurred since meeting Dean. Like, the big stuff.” She pivoted and headed the other direction. “Things that changed you. Him. Both of you.”
“Could you further define ‘change’?” Castiel asked, nervousness taking a backseat to amusement. Charlene was excited, focused. Any self-consciousness he felt earlier had been obliterated by the woman’s endearing self-possession.
“Well, deaths are a good start; I’m guessing you’ve both had your fair share of those.”
The angel laughed bleakly. “I think I could make a whole tape just about the deaths. There have been more than enough.”
“Well, the deathiest deaths, then?” She turned to him and grimaced. “Your deaths, at least the ones that directly pertain to Dean?”
“Wow, this is angsty.”
She clanked the can down on the nightstand and turned toward him, clasping his shoulder with one hand. “You need the dark,” she said with emphasis. “You can’t have the light without it.”
He nodded solemnly. “I understand.” 
She released him and smiled. “I told you Sam exposition-dumped all over me before, but that was his perspective of his life. I need something similar from you.”
Castiel carefully scrutinized his lap. “I am not sure how to even begin. No one has asked me about my life before. My journey.”
Charlene exhaled softly with a visible slump. Castiel looked up to see the corners of her mouth downturned in a way that looked unnatural on her face, as if she’d never done it before. “Their loss,” she said softly. Suddenly, she straightened up and leaned past Castiel to retrieve the quad ruled notebook and a pen from the bed. She flipped it open to the first page and began scrawling with a precise, slicing script. For Dean.
She leaned up against the dresser and put the pen to her chin. “Okay, Cas, let’s begin at the beginning. How did you meet?”
He blinked slowly at her and didn’t speak for a moment. Then he began, voice low, purposeful, almost proud. “It was commanded of me. Heaven needed Dean. He broke the first seal of Lucifer’s cage, and he was the only one could prevent the Apocalypse. I was sent into hostile territory as a Warrior of God. I flew through hell fire and the sound of millions of souls screaming in agony. I wrestled a knife from his hands, wrapped my grace around his soul, and dragged him from Perdition.”
Charlene’s mouth hung open as she stared at Castiel through dark lashes. “Holy shit.”
His eyes were a clear, ponderous blue, salt spray on the wind. “That’s why my wings are black,” he added softly. “Scorched by the fires of Hell.”
Her breath caught in her chest and ached for the angel. She blinked rapidly and shook her head, cheeks flushed, then scratched something down in the notebook. Complete and total badass.
“Just so you know, you’re going to have to go into great detail later regarding the fact that you have actual fucking wings, okay?,” she said, voice edged with something he could not place. She stuck the pen in the book and tossed it on the dresser, then dug into her pockets to produce a white and blue packet of cigarettes and a lighter with a picture of a groundhog on it. She slid one out with practiced fingers and brought it to her lips. Castiel tilted his head curiously at her and furrowed his brow.
“I was not aware that you smoked,” he said, rough voice taking on a tone of paternal disappointment.
She chuckled, taking the unlit cigarette away from her lips to respond. “I don’t, really. I save it in case of emergency creative endeavors regarding angels and true love and the fucking apocalypse.”
The angel’s soft lips twitched into a smile and he gave a shy shrug.
“Do you mind?”
“No, I suppose not.”
With that, she slotted the cigarette between her lips and lit it, shielding it from the wind out of habit. She took a deep drag, then pulled it away between two fingers. She leaned back into the dresser and exhaled upward, blowing a perfect and practiced smoke ring. Tendrils of white climbed upwards from her fingertips as a lazy smile opened across her face. She rolled her head back toward Castiel, who smiled.
“You ever smoke, Cas?”
“Never? Why not? And don’t start rattling off health concerns, because I’m pretty sure they don’t apply to you.”
“It has never… come up. I do not eat or drink.”
“You’ve never drank? Alcohol?”
“I have had alcohol. But it takes quite a bit to have any effect on me.”
“How much is quite a bit?” she asked as she took another drag, this time exhaling normally.
“I drank a liquor store once,” he mused.
She raised an eyebrow.
“To be fair, I thought the world was ending,” he said, monotone betrayed by a hint of wry amusement.
Charlene walked to the nightstand and ashed into the empty drink can, then crossed her other arm over her stomach. “You wanna try it?”
He eyed the cigarette warily. “I believe this is what the public service announcements refer to as ‘peer pressure’.”
“That is exactly what this is,” she said, extending the cigarette toward the angel.
Castiel reached up hesitantly from his seat on the bed and took the cigarette awkwardly, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. He haltingly brought it up to his lips but she stopped him.
“No, no, Castiel, not like that. You’re not Ernest fucking Hemingway at his typewriter. Here,” she said, sliding another cigarette out of her pack. “Hold it between two fingers, like this,” she demonstrated, holding it between her index and middle finger. “Like you’re gonna stab a dude in the eyes.”
“Do I want to know why you know how to stab someone in their eyes?” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“No, you do not.”
“Very well.” He repositioned the cigarette to Charlene’s specifications, brought it to his mouth again, and then stopped. He looked up at her with lost eyes.
“Oh for the love of Pete,” she grumbled good naturedly. “Like this,” she brought her new cigarette to her mouth and lit it. “You stick it in your mouth, then pull on it like you were sucking through a straw. Do not swallow it. Once it’s in your mouth, then you inhale.” She demonstrated, and then continued on the exhale, “you inhale for about three seconds, hold it for about three seconds, and then gently blow it out. Most people cough at first, but I doubt you will.”
He nodded, took a deep breath and on the exhale brought the cigarette to his unsure lips. They pursed around the end, and he did as Charlene instructed. The sensation was strange. A slight burning, more like a tickle but inside of him. He pulled it away and held his breath under Charlene’s watchful eye. He exhaled through his nose, and then suddenly it hit him; he felt a mild yet dizzying wave of euphoria roll through his body and dissipate into the air. He scrutinized the cigarette between his fingers curiously before repeating the procedure, and was pleasantly surprised by a second wave of dizziness.
“Curious,” he muttered, eyeing the cigarette suspiciously.
“Wait, do you feel something?”  she asked, leaning down to examine Castiel’s face.
“I feel… dizzy. In a pleasant way.” He made a motion to take another drag and Charlene stopped him.
“Whoa, whoa, pal. Wait a second.” She grabbed the can and brought it to him. “You have to ash that puppy, like this,” she took another drag from her cigarette and then tapped it into the can. “Your turn.”
Castiel gingerly tapped the cigarette over the can to relieve it of its half-inch head of ash. Charlene crouched into a squat, dangling both the can and her cigarette in between her knees as she stared at Castiel in fascination.
The angel was miles away as he took another drag off the cigarette. He was mildly aware that as an angel smoking should really have no effect on him whatsoever, at least in theory. The truth of the matter was that he didn’t know any angels who smoked, so he had no point of reference. This was virgin territory. He smiled at that thought, and then let himself slowly fall back onto the bed with a soft and pleasant whumph. He held the cigarette up above his head like a brass ring.
If this piques your interest and you want to read more, my Ao3 works page is here.
Tagging: @malicezero, @compulsive-baker, @crossroadsangelcastiel, @emptywithout and anyone else who wants to do the thing!
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Gotham 3x14
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
And I want to slap and kiss the writer who came up with THAT title, because I mean... you smug, self-aggrandizing, self-satisfied jerk. But it IS accurate, can’t fault you for that xp
So, here’s how this is going to go. I have so many feels about this episode I can’t begin to organize, so I’m just going to rewatch it and liveblog the whole thing. Then later, as a resident crossover Fannibal/Gothamite, I plan to do a deconstruction of 3x14 comparing it to Mizumono, the infamous season 2 finale of Hannibal. If you’re not familiar, I’m afraid I have to ask you to watch this clip. I couldn’t find any gifsets that showed ALL of the blocking, even this clip doesn’t have Will getting out into the pouring rain, but now I’ve just said it was and is VERY RAINING, so that’s fine. I’m also giving you the EXTRA FEELS edition without the music behind it because it was SO HARD to find a clip that showed everything I needed. If you would like to hear the music of LITERAL HEARTBREAK though and PLEASE DO use it for the ending of this episode, in fact I will like PAY a video editor to overdub the end of 3x14 with Bloodfest, PLEASE,  but if you would like to hear pain transcribed, here you go! Welcome to Bloodfest!
But more on all of that later, first, the liveblog! Under the cut, of course c:
You know, normally black outs are one of my favorite fic tropes, but I know for a fact no one is having ‘anonymous’ sex tonight
AU where Jim and Harvey are zookeepers
This is just... unbelievably painful to watch. I can’t watch Oswald being this stupid, it... ouch.
You know Ed, I’m with you, we kinda all expected Oswald to kill her personally, it was kinda weird he didn’t. I know why, he was HOPING TO HELL you wouldn’t find out, but like THAT was ever going to fucking happen and that has been the WHOLE problem this ENTIRE time. Oswald hasn’t been thinking straight since he fell in love with you, if he had, he would have known that NO cover up, no matter how meticulous, how well-done, NEVER would have fooled you, Ed Nygma. And yet, time and again, and ESPECIALLY this episode, Oswald does INCREDIBLY. DUMB, THINGS. And he knows better. And that’s what makes it so hard to watch.
Oh baby, you are so... angry. And I mean that POSITIVELY, I mean that in the BEST way, because you are AT FUCKING LAST being angry WITH him, in FRONT of him, we are finally getting some positive goddamn traction on your emotions, you’re working through it! You’re doing it! I am so fucking happy! 
And Oswald... honey. I do love you, not as much as my son, but I do love you too, which is why I am so disappointed in you this episode. You keep lying when we are WAY PAST LYING. You keep saying THE WRONG FUCKING THING. And again, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER. But you’re not, you’re being an idiot. I’m sorry, just... Ed confronting you WITH THE GODDAMN car was NOT the time to say ‘no I didn’t do it’ OSWALD HONEY. OSWALD. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. DO YOU NOT SEE THE LOOK ON ED’S FACE. HE IS NOT INTERESTED IN FUCKING BELIEVING YOU YOU PIECE OF TRASH. GET IT TOFUCKINGGETHER AND TELL ED THE TRUTH, HE FUCKING DESERVES IT.
Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but just. I’m ALL about Ed in this, ALL ED ALL THE TIME. And one of the GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL THINGS this episode is doing is breaking their rule about not showing us Ed’s face when he’s saying something important. For the first time ever we get to see IN FULL FRONTAL CLARITY what he looks like and we know, viscerally, how he feels and I am SO PLEASED. There are no tricks, no lies, just pure unvarnished honesty. Except for the scene at the end where they do something SO CLEVER AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH but we’ll get to that later, all in good time. But here, where Ed’s explaining how he took everything from Oswald, he looks PAINED. He didn’t WANT to do this, he didn’t want to have to DESTROY his best friend, hero, and idol. It hurt him to do this, as all betrayal does, it hurts so much to be angry at someone when they’ve hurt you because you LOVED them. And you didn’t ever want to feel this way, you didn’t ever want to know that they could hurt you like this, that they WOULD. I just... UGGGGHHHH POSITIVE EXPRESSIONS OF EMOTIONS! I AM SO FUCKING THRILLED! NO MORE REPRESSION! NO MORE DENIAL! I celebrated the whole goddamn episode I AM SO HAPPY HE IS HAVING FEELINGS AND SHOWING THEM AND SAYING THINGS, I AM OVER THE MOON!
Court of Owls, blah blah blah, whatever, who cares
HARVEY. HARVEY ONCE AGAIN BEING THE ONLY SANE PERSON HERE. HARVEY BEING THE FIRST PERSON TO GO “Did you know we don’t have ANY mayoral staff right now? No mayor, no chief of staff, literally no one.” Because, think about it, NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THE SHIT ED’S BEEN PULLING. NO ONE HAS ANY FUCKING IDEA. OSWALD’S BEEN OUT FOR AT LEAST TWO DAYS AND IT’S JUST HILARIOUS THAT HARVEY IS THE FIRST PERSON TO NOTICE. Also, how the fuck does Gotham even work? I mean, putting aside the fact that we’re a breeding ground for super villains, this city is HELL because the government is a pantomime soap opera. I mean... I... wowwwwww. Wow. But FINALLY now someone can go “Did you know we have literally no idea what’s going on? Huh. Maybe we should go check that out.”
Like, I want Jim and Harvey to finally go OKAY, WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR MAYOR, WHAT DID OSWALD FUCK UP NOW and be in the middle of trying to unravel all of THAT SHIT when ED HAPPENS. When Ed just, full Riddler, waltzes the fuck in and Jim and Harvey are both, “Ed??? Aren’t you Oswald’s chief of staff? Where is he?” Because on public record THAT IS STILL WHERE WE ARE. And I want Ed to just LAUGH at them to just go “Oh right! Yeah that WAS my job... good fucking luck! I’m not explaining ANYTHING!” and he goes off to fucking chaos riddle something else and Harvey just looks at that green streak of instability and says, “Well, clearly Oswald fucked THAT up.” and for Jim to just look at him in horror, offended that Harvey said these words in front of him, that Harvey let him know this and now he can never unknow it.
“The city’s one giant dumpster fire” Thank you Harvey. Thank you Harvey, you continue to be perfect.
Oh my goddddd EVERYTHING about Ed walking Oswald through his grand plan, EVERYTHING. I LOVE EVERYTHING. BEAUTIFUL. I love that Ed is incapable of NOT explaining how he did it, I love how he gloats, I even love Oswald’s naive disbelief and shock that all of this is how it happened. XDDDD
And OH MANY, that bit about dumping his father’s bones in a dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant? I AM NOW 100% CERTAIN ED IS LYING AND HAS BEEN LYING THE WHOLE TIME ABOUT THAT. And I’m really fucking relieved, oh man, good to know he was just being a shit. Because I COULD have believed Ed went so far to really dig up his bones, but just throw them in a dumpster? No, no, he was in forensics, we don’t treat bones that way. We don’t treat bones that way. And given that was such a spectacular, colorful lie for the pure purpose of pissing off Oswald, I now believe the WHOLE thing was just a fucking ruse and that makes me happy. Bless you Ed, bless you.
And ohhhh no. Oh no no no no. nooooo. I remember saying “Shut up shut up SHUT UP” to myself as I watched Oswald start “and you should thank me because...” because oH MY GOD NO. OH MY GOD YOU BETTER WALK YOURSELF FUCKING BACK DON’T YOU EVEN GODDAMN DAAAARE, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?! Because BOY ON THE LIST OF THINGS NOT TO SAY, THAT IS THE VERY FIRST ONE. THERE IS NOTHING THAT COMES BEFORE “Tell Ed he would have murdered her himself” on the list of things YOU SHOULD NOT FUCKING SAY TO HIM RIGHT NOW. YOU SON OF A BITCH OSWALD. I know you know it, I even know HE knows it, but you GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME THAT YOU’RE GOING TO THROW THAT AT HIM AT A TIME LIKE THIS. WHEN HE CLEARLY ALREADY WANTS TO KILL YOU. YOU’RE GONNA... I can’t fucking believe you Oswald. I cannot fucking believe you. I... that REALLY cut me deep, I couldn’t believe Oswald would say that. And it doesn’t even fucking matter if it’s true NOT THE GODDAMN POINT.
To Ed’s INCREDIBLE credit, he doesn’t fly off the handle for that. Which makes me think he expected it, he prepared. Because HE DON’T EVEN FUCKING LISTEN. He refuses to fucking take that in and GOOD JOB BABY. GOOD MOTHERFUCKING JOB DON’T YOU LET HIM DO THAT TO YOU, YOU KEEP ON BABY, YOU ARE GLOWING AND I LOVE YOU, I AM SO PROUD.
It’s... it’s an insult, it’s a goddamn insult to who Ed thinks he is and who he wants to be, you’re... I just.. .WHY why would you be saying this? You are DENYING him his ability to control himself, you’re degrading him TO HIS FACE. AND YOU THINK THIS WILL SOMEHOW WORK???
Now, to be fair, I don’t think once, in this entire episode, is Oswald ever truly trying to save his own neck. The entire time he’s only trying to get Ed to see something, he’s trying to get through to Ed. Which I think is why Oswald doesn’t say ANYTHING right, he DOESN’T say what will get him out of this, when we’ve SEEN him do that MULTIPLE TIMES, because he’s not trying to do that right now. And I don’t think it’s because he doesn’t think Ed is serious, Ed is PATENTLY, DANGEROUSLY serious, I think it’s just... it’s not his priority right now, he’s just focused on talking to Ed. I think... genuinely, Oswald doesn’t care if this kills him for the entire episode. Even starting last episode, I don’t think Oswald cares that Ed will kill him, that loving him will kill him. Which is... WOW, wow, OKAY. I mean, major Hannigram feels, but putting that aside for a second.
It’s also unexpected for every character here INCLUDING Oswald himself. I mean Ed plans PERFECTLY, he has Oswald down to a science, he has him pegged for the survivalist gutter rat Oswald is, was, and always shall be. Which is why it throws EVERYONE OFF when Oswald doesn’t play to script, he doesn’t do ANYTHING he’s supposed to do, he flips the fucking tables and Ed is actually a LITTLE BIT angry at him for betraying him one last time; for here, at the last second, for the very first time ever, Oswald won’t defend his own life. Oswald says kill me, there’s something I care about more. And... Ed’s entitled to feel angry about that I think because MOTHER OF FUCK Oswald, couldn’t you have done this EARLIER, you know, couldn’t this have been something that occurred to you in ANY OTHER scenario, and it’s also fair that it doesn’t, it’s fair that this only hits Oswald now. But it’s awful because now Ed knows, can never unknow and has to go, ‘FUCK. Okay, knowing this, how do I... how do I feel? How do I proceed? I am still SO FUCKING ANGRY WITH YOU, but you won’t... you won’t let me hate you and kill you and just be over with it. Now it’s complicated. THANKS.’ Because Ed DID, Ed planned this PERFECT, flawless, clean ending and if Oswald had JUST run true to form, if he’d just followed the fucking script this would all be over and Ed would have peace, he could bury Oswald and it would be done. Now it’s a mess. Fuck you Oswald. Also I love you and I’m MORE GLAD THAN I CAN POSSIBLY SAY THAT THIS HAPPENED AND WOW HOLY FUCK THE WRITING I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY DID THIS, but also fuck you. But I’m getting ahead of myself, more thoughts on Oswald’s revelation when we get to it.
But, KINDA apropos, because that is the SECOND time Oswald throws love at Ed and here he’s doing it the first time and I LOOOOOOOOOVE, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT ED FUCKING CUTS HIM OFF AND SLAMS HIM INTO THE FUCKING GROUND. I looooove that Oswald says ‘I love you’ and Ed fucking snaps because NO YOU DON'T, NO YOU DON’T GET TO FUCKING SAY THAT TO ME, SHUT THE FUCK UP. He GRABS him to silence him and LAYS HIM FUCKING OUT and GODDDDDD. BEAUTIFUL. YES. I do find it kinda hard to believe that Ed has digested enough to articulate all of this so well, but I’m SO GLAD THAT HE IS. I’m SO GLAD he’s self-actualizing and is in a solid enough place in his own mind that he CAN lay down the law, again, I AM SO FUCKING PROUD. I AM BEYOND HAPPY HE IS HERE NOW. So, fuck it, I’ll just believe that in the past week he’s had enough time to think that he knows exactly and explicitly what Oswald did wrong AND how he himself feels about it. I am so... he has identified what’s wrong and WILL NOT let Oswald talk him out of it YOU GO BABY! YOU GO MY SWEETHEART, MY DARLING! SO PROUD OF YOU! I am so PLEASED his self-esteem has come so far that he can defy Oswald, that he can look his idol in the eye and say NO YOU’RE WRONG, that Oswald says the wrong thing Ed cuts him down to size, OH SWEET JUSTICE OF EQUALITY YES! FUCK YES! I BEEN DREAMING OF THIS!
I love this, I love everything, I love this, I love everything, I love Ed MOCKING his own tender gestures toward Oswald, twisting his old role, by taking his tie and THROTTLING HIM WITH IT. UGH. GET THAT PETTY VENGEANCE SWEET BABY! DO IT! MAKE HIM SUFFER!
Okay but LIKE FUCK Wayne Manor doesn’t have its own private generator. Just saying.
Okay, so this entire episode is all Nygmobblepot to me, but I’m actually also REALLY FUCKING HAPPY AND IMPRESSED with the Jerome-Bruce dynamic we’re building, that was also REALLY FUCKING GREAT AND SPOT ON. WAY better than last time. It’s just, Nygmobblepot is taking up 1 - 50 of my priorities, but Batjokes is coming in at a CLOSE 51 today because they did SO WELL and I’m really fucking pleased. I just gave my heart away to this other thing first xp
I adore the overture of their relationship here, I... the dynamics have gotten a LOT better. I love the home invasion so Bruce is on his home turf and is able to tackle Jerome on some equality. David is older now, he’s got my personality, more control. Jerome died and came back, so he’s a little closer to Joker madness. Bruce playing to his ego and showmanship is a MASTER stroke and I was so proud. And it’s SO GOOD that we’re getting this now, good and early, so that we develop that rivalry and fascination and adoration and obsession. Because you need ALL of that to harness a fulfilling and worthwhile Batman-Joker dynamic and we’re getting the seeds here I AM SO HAPPY. Because Batman and Joker must ALWAYS be equal and opposite, one of them cannot have advantage over the other for any length of time and when we started Jerome was at an advantage because Bruce was not old enough or equipped enough to handle him. We’ve done a lot of growing with Bruce since then, he’s in a more capable place now, so we have a much more even-footed relationship and I am thrilled. Again, THIS EPISODE WAS FANTASTIC, I LOVED ALL OF IT, NOT A PIECE OF IT WILL BE CRITICIZED BY ME.
In the words of TeamFourStar, “I know you’re playing me.. but you’re right.” Which is one of my FAVORITE CHARACTER MOMENTS IN ANY DICKBAG EVER
Okay, I love how PATENTLY OBVIOUS it was that Ed sent in this guy to free Oswald, because LIKE FUCK Ed’s not there keeping watch. I could believe he doesn’t want to watch Oswald die, especially something as grisly as this, but he’s still THERE. This guy didn’t just wander in. Yeah no, no. And the next bit with Tabitha and Butch confirms it, Oswald was ALWAYS meant to go free from this. Love it, love your plan Ed buddy, I love that this is ALL a massive trust exercise, holy god. AMAZE.
We have a lot of near deaths in this, seems to be a pattern
At least Jim can hit a cue, bless you Jim
Also, where is this carnival that IT has power for all the rides? Just saying... just saying.
The mirroring of Jerome meeting Bruce at HIS home, then taking Bruce to the circus, his own home... ahhh, just how any good first date should go XPPPP
Also, I really dig Bruce’s make up, we put a good design on him
Awww, I missed Butch, I love Butch, I missed him so much. *siiiigh* He makes too much sense for the bunch of hooligans he has to run with.
Also, TABBY. YOU NEED TO STOP BRINGING UP HOW YOU KILLED OSWALD’S MOM. I know you only do this when you think you have total control of him but that is a FOOLISH MISTAKE. He does remember, he will remember every time you do this, and you. will. die. THIS SEASON, I FUCKING BET.
I love that Jerome ALREADY wants to be understood by Bruce and that Bruce picks up on it fast enough to keep him talking, LOVE LOVE LOVE! SO CRITICAL TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP! UGH! SUCH GOOD CHARACTERIZATION!
Also, dat ain’t how piranhas work. Stop piranha hate : ||||
Oooooh, DAT STAPLING THO. I LOVE that Jerome NEEDS him to react, oh god that was BEAUTIFUL! That was fucking FANTASTIC! I have CHILLS! God. Yes. Sew them seeds of obsession, START that courtship, HELLS yes!
Here comes Team Good Guys to save the day!
And another suspiciously near death here with Bruce ^^;
Annnnd BACK TO THE ACTION! I love that Ed and Oswald now have neck burns in the same place. I LOVE the tired, defeated voice Robin’s doing.
I do have one question though, why... why does Babs do this? She could just kill him, LEGIT. Why is she suddenly invested in the mental health of Ed Nygma? Why does she care if Ed gets closure? I mean... that’s the only reason to go through with this charade here at the end, the ONLY person this is helping is Ed and... we all suddenly have good and nurturing feelings toward ED??? What the fuck? I mean, I don’t understand why Babs has let him do ANYTHING. THIS WHOLE TIME. But just... I don’t know, does she feel some kind of kinship with Ed? If so, how?
And Oswald does... nothing that he’s supposed to. And what’s kinda crazy is Ed DID need an answer to the question, he did need to know, once and for all, no lies, no tricks, is there ANYTHING Oswald cares about more than himself? And Ed... wanted the answer to be no. Ed wanted that, again, so he could bury him, so he could kill his love for Oswald and bury it and be at peace. I mean, miserable, and lonely, but he could kill Oswald knowing it was the right thing to do. And Oswald... doesn’t let him have that, and it’s not like it’s Oswald’s fault, FOR ONE, the ONE TIME Oswald is expressing sincere emotion and he didn’t actually fuck something up, at least not intentionally. But, nonetheless, this prevents Ed from getting the closure he desperately wanted. And Ed says EXACTLY what I expected him to say, I was so pleased, word for word, I said it with him, “I... don’t know what it means.” AND YES. CORRECT. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FEEL OR WHAT TO DO AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU.
And remember how I said earlier the writers were FUCKING PHENOMENAL here? Okay, so this episode was ALL geared up, all ready, for ED to have a fucking revelation. But instead we don’t, instead OSWALD has a revelation and I DID NOT KNOW HOW BADLY I FUCKING WANTED THAT. OH MY GOD. THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC. Not only was it TOTALLY defying of expectations, in the BEST way possible, it was SEARINGLY IN CHARACTER, and I just started making tea kettle noises, I just screamed at a range beyond human hearing when I saw Oswald start to go because OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD! I DIDN’T THINK WE WOULD GET THIS BUT WE GOT THIS AND I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY! THIS IS GENIUS! THIS WAS INCREDIBLE that they built up an episode that was clearly all going to be about Ed, and in the crux of it, we make Oswald break, not Ed, THAT’S BEAUTIFUL. FUCK ME THAT WAS BRILLIANT. I LOVE EVERYTHING.
The mutual horror and distress on EVERYONE’S FACES as Oswald TOTALLY FUCKING THROWS THE SCRIPT OUT THE WINDOW AND DECIDES HE WANTS TO LOVE. I love that everyone is MUTUALLY sorry that this happened, that this is a thing happening in front of them, ESPECIALLY Ed, who is the MOST sorry of all that this is happening.
Goooooddddddd SO GOOD. SO FUCKING GOOD. WOO! Okay, gotta focus on the good Bruce and Jerome fun X3
I love love love that Jerome ALREADY wants to partner with Bruce, I love that their chemistry is WAY more on par now, I love... just... everything. Fuck yes. YES. MUTUAL MADNESS. MUTUAL, OPPOSITE MADNESS. LOVE YOU TWO!
Bruce is not okay, Bruce had an Experience back there, and he needs a hug. Jim, in the background, looking sad because he gets no hugs. GO HUG YOUR FUCKING HUSBAND YOU IDIOT. YOU HAVE A HUSBAND. GODDAMNIT JIM.
Jim punching off Jerome’s face. More things I didn’t know I needed. A Jim Gordon reaction shot to THAT. All is right with the world.
Ah yes, Justice, and the Line conversations, some of the key staples in BATMANNNNNN! BECAUSE YOU GONNA BE BATMANNNNN. BATMANNNNN. BATMANNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
Court of Owls, blah blah blah, could not care less.
...OH. And Here We Are. Was literally my reaction to seeing Oswald shivering on the edge of the docks with a gun pointed at him. Again. Just... here we are. We are here. Of course we’re here. In fact ED PROBABLY KNOWS, Ed probably knows INTIMATELY and this is some kind of weird Freudian recreation of THAT, except that Ed Nygma is not Jim Gordon. And Ed has PERSONAL reasons alone for killing you. But once again, it’s your fault, yours and yours alone. Because you betrayed someone. So good job Oswald, you ran staggeringly true to form. Even your one break, of course,  of course you CAN love and of course you’d stake your life on it and of course it would be the one time NO ONE wants you to. This is horrifically, painfully, in character.
I have sooooo many feelings about the speckles of water on his glasses and the camera angle with the ridge of his glasses so that when Ed says “I don’t love you” his eyes are so deep in shadow we can’t tell if this is true or not. His vision is, literally, so distorted, HE doesn’t even know if it’s true or not. And I have always FUCKING LOVED those glasses and NOW I KNOW WHY.
Oh my god, Oswald reaches for him and Ed slaps his hands away! Oh wow ^^; Missed that the first time. I mean yes, correct, but ouch. Mannn... this is... this is bad time, this is painful time right here.
See, see Ed is FULLY WITHIN HIS RIGHTS for telling you to SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU KILLED SOMEONE IMPORTANT TO ED AND REGARDLESS OF ANY OTHER FUCKING THING THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE, YOU, MOTHERFUCKER, GET TO BE HELD A-FUCKING-CCOUNTABLE. You keep changing the subject, you keep denying Ed his feelings, you keep shunting responsibility, JUST. STOP. FOR FUCK’S SAKE. That you love each other is NOT MATERIAL RIGHT NOW.
“You can’t talk your way out of this Oswald!” Ed has to TELL HIM THAT. AND ED KNOWS HIM SO WELL THAT HE CAN, that he KNOWS and. I just... I... And once again Ed is UPSET, he is in PAIN that he has to FUCKING KILL YOU, but you’ve left him with no other options because you’re not sorry and you can’t make amends and it’s KILLING HIM that he has to do this but he must!
And I think it’s actually the case of Ed needs to kill Oswald, but he doesn’t need Oswald to die. Because I think that’s ultimately what happens here, Ed needs to perform the act, at least emotionally, of killing Oswald, at least symbolically, at least killing the lie of their relationship thus far, because he needs that fucking closure. But he doesn’t actually need Oswald to die and disappear, he needs Oswald to... change, he needs their relationship to change and he needs it to restart. Which, fortunately, is exactly what he’s going to get, bless. This is all catharsis for Ed, this is all rebirth or, to use a Hannibal metaphor, a becoming. Ed is becoming here. More on that later.
And UGGGGHHHHH, Oswald makes the creation argument and I’M SO MAD AT HIM FOR DOING THAT TOO. UGH! YOU KEEP SAYING BULLSHIT, YOU KEEP SAYING THE WRONG THINGS, GODDAMNIT OSWALD! And I just... no, no, you can’t... though you do have PROFOUND influence on him, don’t you DARE take away Ed’s self-creation, don’t you DARE rob him of himself, he worked FUCKING HARD to get this far and NO I don’t fucking buy that this IS your doing. Give Ed is fucking due you piece of shit.
“And I am the only one in the world who truly sees you as you are, who you can still become.” ...but then you had to go and say that. And that, is, unfortunately, to my ever-lasting regret, true. You phrased it LIKE A  TOTAL SELFISH DICK, but unfortunately, you’re still fucking right. DAMN it Oswald. damn it.
Oh baby... oh sweetheart, my heart broke when Ed said he was listening because Ed could take every lie and threat, he was prepared for that, and GOD BLESS HIM HE WORKED SO FUCKING HARD. But Oswald had to go and say something TRUE and that’s... that’s not fair. And, I will say this, it is true that Ed loves him. But Oswald shouldn’t have said that. He NEVER should have said it, he has no proof, and Ed is SO VERY FUCKING FAR from admitting it because FUCK YOU OSWALD. ACTUALLY, LITERALLY FUCK YOU, YOU DON’T FUCKING DESERVE THAT TODAY. And the thing is Ed isn’t repressing no more, he’s in control, so he can do WHATEVER THE FUCK HE LIKES AND YOU CAN’T TOUCH HIM. Which is why none of this shit works, Ed knows who he is, he knows how he feels, he’s on such GOOD FUCKING FORM today, I AM SO PROUD. And I know that Oswald isn’t thinking about saving his neck, he’s... trying to claw into Ed, he’s trying to... reestablish a relationship that Ed doesn’t want established, Ed NEEDS the closure and Oswald’s denying him. So it’s a fucking mess and it’s not fair. And, to Ed’s huge credit, he does his best to fucking cope and to manage the fact that Oswald loves him and he can’t unknow it anymore. Ed does a really nice, clean job everything considered and I love him and I’m so proud.
And Ed does come back to it, he does go “I’m sorry but... this isn’t about that. You hurt me, you did this to me, and I deserve to make things equal now.” I wouldn’t have blamed him if he couldn’t have gone through with it, really glad he does though and he shoots Oswald somewhere PAINFUL not NON-FATAL. A gut wound. The wound of the betrayed. WE WILL COME BACK TO THAT INTIMATELY WHEN I TALK ABOUT MIZUMONO.
And when Ed grabs him by the tie and pulls him in... I DEFINITELY thought kiss and... I’m not 100% that Ed WASN’T also thinking kiss. Like... the look on his face? That he leans in for a half second? I'm not POSITIVE it didn’t in fact cross his mind. And that’s just the chocolate sprinkles on top of the cherry on top of the whipped cream on top of the glorious sundae that this this episode. Fucking flawless. I loved everything. Everything is beautiful. WOW. YES.
And we know for a fact Oswald will be fine, don’t worry friends. This was all about the symbolic death and the emotional retribution and the closure Ed THINKS he’ll get out of this. But here’s the thing, and I’ll be curious to see what they do with this next episode... Ed doesn’t shoot him fatally and I want to know if that was a conscious choice or not. I HOPE it’s not, I HOPE Ed internalizes that he killed Oswald and that IT FUCKING BREAKS HIM. I hope it’s the regret and loneliness and PAIN that fucking causes him to split and his evil half dominates him and goes full Riddler. I FUCKING HOPE that all of this is because he killed Oswald I WOULD DIE HAPPY. Because THINK about it, think about HOW FUCKING INCREDIBLE THAT WOULD BE WHEN OSWALD COMES BACK. THINK ABOUT HOW IT WOULD FUCK ED UP SEEING HIM AGAIN, WHEN HE DID ALL OF THIS BECAUSE HE’S IN THE THROES OF SELF-LOATHING AND THE REASON WHY HE’S ALL FUCKED UP IS STANDING IN FRONT OF HIM? HOLY FUCK YES! GOD GIVE IT TO ME!
I mean, it’s fine if they play it differently, but I just think that’d be FUCKING EXQUISITE if Ed internalizes that Oswald’s dead and it’s his fault.
But basically, as usual, this isn’t REALLY closure because now Ed cant let it go. Now he’ll carry Oswald inside him forever because he killed him. And that’s fucking beautiful. And fucking great. And Ed’s gonna suffer and hate himself forever and I LOVE IT. Or at least until Oswald resurfaces again which I hope wont’ be for AWHILE. I want him gone and away and I want to have NO IDEA where he is or what he’s doing, I want it to blow my mind when he shows up again, because I want to sit here and suffer with Ed and grin at his misery over this 8DDD I AM READY, I AM SO READY, I WAS BORN READY.
Basically this episode watered my crops and cured my acne, I love it so much, this was fucking fantastic, 10/10, A+, FUCKING INGENIOUS, CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT BIT!
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