#there's a second part in the works
veryrealimagination · 2 years
Mia stopped in the middle of her stride when she saw the elaborate item sitting on the table. It had her full name, engraved in a shining black ink on an off white envelope. A part of her wondered if it was safe to open, but her hands answered for her. Opening it, there was a paper, off white as well to match.
“How the hell did that get in here?”
She looked over to Sara, who was staring at the item in her hand while holding a steaming mug. Seven months haven’t dulled the edge of her training, even if waddling isn’t a League of Assassin ideal.
“Don’t know. Just saw it,” she said, fully pulling it out.
“And you touched it without thinking,” she commented, looking at it with her. Mia rolled her eyes before reading.
As a noted member of the community,
We would be honored for you to join us
for a performance done by an artist
of highest regard to a priceless material.
The coordinates listed weren’t ones Mia was familiar with, but Sara quickly read them before sending the information to her wife. The time and date was also not equated to earth’s time, but someone had helpfully added one, listed for three days from the current timeline. There was also an arrow that pointed to the right. Confused, she checked and found more writing on the back, that didn’t match the elegance of the front.
Wear a black masquerade mask and dress to maybe fight in. This place is an ‘art gallery’ for the sick and depraved. They torture kidnap victims and others as ‘art’. But, I’ve tracked down the most successful thread in the very important search, and he’s here.
I’m there in one of those black masks as well and a dark reddish-purplish dress. I didn’t want blood red, it would be a supremely bad taste. I know Aunt Sara’s looking over your shoulder. Aunt Sara, if you send anyone to accompanied her, it better be someone with med skills. I don’t know how we’ll find him.
PS, tell Mom and Dad I’m fine. And if Grandpa dares show his face, it better be to help out.
The other woman was amused at who had managed to leave the envelope on the ship without any alarms going off or anyone actually noticing. For a bunch of superheroes, and a League trained woman, and a former Agency agent, they were bad at picking up a child that shared too much with their parents. “I think Ava may be the only one suitable to go out, although she won’t be happy about it.” She rubbed her stomach, feeling the little one move in response.
Mia nodded. “Guess I better find something to wear and fight in,” she said, walking toward one of the wardrobes she was shown earlier.
“If you’re anything like your father, you can fight in formal and look good doing it,” Sara yelled.
“That’s isn’t as great as that sounds,” she reminded, shuddering over the knowledge of what her father did before the five years. Don’t you mean who? She sighed at that voice. “Not you, too.”
The place was hidden down an alleyway among a city rivaling that of Gotham. Mia thought she went to a couple of clubs this way as well. Although her club look for the Gotham visits were different than the current dress she had on. The mask she didn’t place on until she got to the edge of the staircase heading down. There was a purse, complete decoy as she likely wouldn’t be allowed to even have it beyond the entrance.
She noted the multiple cameras and wondered how many people were behind the screens while she waited for acknowledgment. The door had a screen on the front. Interesting. “Please hold up your invitation for verification,” she read. Pulling it out, she noticed that all the writing SM had scribbled on it was gone. Well, that was good. Holding up the front, the screen must have had a camera hidden on it. Either that, or it was a distraction to let someone look through the cameras on her.
The door opened to a humanoid alien that wasn’t too bad on the eyes. Unfortunately, Mia hadn’t been in the mood for romance for sometime. They did a second look at her invitation with their eyes before allowing her in. She was gestured to an area where she got a wrist band that matched her purse tag to place among other things brought by patrons. The only human type thing she could recognize was a coat with seven arms.
It was an art gallery, and Mia almost felt homesick before she saw some of the displays. Printed on canvas (she hoped), projected on the walls, and in light were images of abuse and straight out torture. Slicing, whipping, branding, bruising. The projections were either in shows that someone must have recorded to let others see, or someone’s home projects. The light ones were frozen pieces of time of their victims and injuries.
Someone tapped her outer wrist twice before standing alongside her. Mia turned to the other person, a woman older than her wearing a velvet burgundy dress and gold thread. Her black mask also had a hidden oil sheen to it. She rolled her eyes at the image she gave off. “Jesus, Two,” she muttered, trying not to get anyone’s attention.
The woman smirked, “Apparently, dramatic entrances is a family trait that I completely uphold and agree with.” There was a glass of something in her hand, but it might have been there just for show. Mia hopefully thought it was for show. “I’ve watched their reel of ‘talent’ and I think I’ve seen him featured a couple of times.”
That froze her, and she wanted to both look closer at everything to see if it was him and not because then she would have to face that what they put him through. “And tonight?” she asked.
“A live performance from a Ylxian army technician that was praised for doing this to a few humans that it captured. He kept his victims alive for days after doing this bit.”
She didn’t want Two to explain, but she did, she really did. “When are we getting him?” Mia demanded.
The smirk turned into a frown. “It’s going to have to be after. I’ve studied their routines for the last three months, watched them ‘perform’ on enough humans to know how they take care of the ones they want surviving.” She actually watched her drink a fair amount out of the glass. This isn’t going to be good. “I ended up watching the last time they did this to him.”
“You saw-”
She snapped to Mia. “I was by myself. No backup, no idea what was happening. Once I realized, I patiently waited until they announced him as their next ‘performance’ and what they were planning before getting you here. It’s gonna take both of us.” She swept the room for another figure. “I figured even Aunt Ava would have came in.”
Sara pointed out that the invitation didn’t include guests. It was likely a single person only invite. She concluded they were right with the guard at the door. “They’re going to wait until the actual breakout. Invitation was single guest only.”
That had her nodding at the idea. “Right, no plus ones. Stupid me, smart them. Great idea.”
Someone announced over the intercom in a dialect that wasn’t being translated automatically. Thankfully, the second line was English. If incredibly deep. “Performance will start in ten minutes,” a voice croaked out.
Mia and Two walked along with the others. Minor amounts of small talk they picked up was nothing more than literally shop talk. A few were business owners. Three were government, not all from the city. Or possibly the country. Several from the ‘normal’ art industry and a few more may have been famous actors.
There were a small section of chairs, nicer than any from an earth function. If one wasn’t accustomed to the language being said, there was an intercom one could place on. Two took it, and placed it near her bracelet, and Mia did the same as she realized what it would do. The women chose a couple of seats that would work for them, watching as an alien with seven arms wrap around a chair that held them a little tightly. The stage was a foot off the ground, ensuring their sight to the ‘material’. The artist was double checking their tools on a table alongside. They couldn’t see the victim, covered by a sheet. More advanced than humans and they can’t cover their surprises with something better than a bedsheet.
Once everyone was seated and sated, the artist turned to the crowd and bowed. Most nodded deeply back. Two and Mia nodded lightly, blending in. “I have heard rave reviews about the expressiveness of this material, and how well this human holds up,” the artist said, the words taking a minute to come through. Both of their watches quickly typed out the translated speech. “And how well they break down.”
With that, the sheet came off.
Mia swallowed her gasp before it came out.
William Clayton technically looked healthy, as if nothing had happened since the day they were standing at their Father’s statue and talking about how they all thought he was the new Green Arrow. Only, Mia saw. His wasn’t just sit in front of his computer pale, he was sick after a week pale. His muscle, as much as she mocked it was all for show, had been whittled down a fair bit. They pretty much stated he had been tortured before, but his skin was unnaturally smooth. Tampered, as he had been shaved and waxed as well. Perhaps permanently.
Mia wanted to catch his attention, let him know that they were there. There was a light behind them lighting the figures up on the stage and she knew he wouldn’t be able to see out. He was strapped down with metal on his wrists, ankles, and cruelly on his neck. A ring gag, likely something they found on earth, was in place to allow them to hear his moans and screams.
The artist picked up a small rod, sharpened to a point at both ends. Tracing a line with their hand, they chose a part of the thigh that was still relatively meaty, and slowly drove the piece in. William let out a moan, painfully feeling it go through skin, muscle, fat, and possibly hitting bone. Ze was only making sure to avoid the femoral artery.
That was only the beginning.
The artist had dozens of long stakes and posts to stab and impale him with. Bamboo that they shoved through the hands. They smiled when William shook his head and mumbled and pleaded while it was done. Then his arms had several, going through the space between his bone with such grace that Mia wanted to puke. At some point, he had started crying at the pain, and whimpering. Several of the spectators were cooing and smiling at the sight. She wanted to rip through all of them.
Two placed a hand on her arm and squeezed carefully. I get it. I know. She made herself focus on the stage, so she wouldn’t fly into a rage as well.
Then came the large pieces. His other leg was speared with a bamboo stick, and he screamed as it wasn’t just shoved in carefully, but jammed four times with a harshness they hadn’t displayed before. The last two items were flat, wide metal pieces. Carefully, carefully positioning it, they had a sweet spot they were aiming for. Mia still didn’t like what they were doing.
“Now, if I have learned the human body correctly, I have the perfect shot at passing this through without hitting anything vital,” they said.
“Oh dear God,” Mia mumbled. Two squeezed.
The metal slat was shoved in, clean as the sides and the point had been sharpened comparable to the edge of a katana. William howled in pain, trying not to move but clearly wanting. Many of the people applauded as there was only a trail of blood running down. Demonstrating his talent clear as day.
The second one, they had to go around to the ‘material’s’ back. Again, lining it up carefully to not hit anything life threatening, and to not hit the first large slat into any of the organs, they counted down. The other voyeurs joined him. Mia switched so she was grasping Two’s arm.
The second scream was somehow louder than the first.
Both of their faces went stone to avoid the sight of anger while the crowd oohed, awwed, and gasped excitedly at the spectacle. William really tried to not move, sobbing horribly as the second slat had hit a couple of small areas of nerve endings, paining him greatly. They hated both the audience and the technician performing. Mia hadn’t brought her bow and arrow set, unable to figure out a way to get it inside. Two could take them all out, but that would set off warnings across the criminal underworld about a metahuman attack.
The technician bowed, and a curtain went down. “Thank you for a pleasant audience. There are extra refreshments in the gallery as well as a file on tonight’s work,” the announcer said, “Other angles and more about what our artist used and the material’s background. Please pay the hostess if you would like a copy.”
Two whispered in Mia’s ear. “I have a Two point zero special ready to rip everything off their computer systems and send it to Gideon. We’ll destroy them after.” She took off the translator ear piece and placed it back in the holder. The woman followed.
Everyone had been talking about the technician’s proficiency. Mia took a glass and sipped at an alcohol masked as champagne but clearly had more alcohol added to it. “What did you enjoy?” a patron asked, seeing Mia stare at one of the pictures. She figured out it was one of William’s previous tortures, branding of companies from around the planetary system they were in. It made him look like a human billboard, or a car driver without a suit.
None of it. She tried coming up with something she could half lie about. “The threatening of his feet and legs,” she said, remembering when he poked a few times at his calves before starting on his arms. The only reason she could think of was the arms made a better sight to the audience.
‘He’ nodded. “Fear is always delectable in a human. Their expressive abilities make for a picture that many other species cannot do. The closest are Kryptonians and their cousins.”
She wanted to snap the alien’s neck. “Is that the reason they’re are so many featured? Considering humans aren’t the strongest of species,” she noted.
Laughing, ‘he’ said, “As long as the artist doesn’t go too far, a lot can be repaired. The fine Tholcks that run this establishment have regenerative science down to bring back humans and a couple of other exhibits back from the brink. The fine one they had tonight has been through this for five rotations.”
Five rotations? Isn’t that close to three years? “So they can invest in some decent victims and as long as no one goes too far…” she led.
“Precisely,” ‘he’ chuckled, “It’s kept the Green Lanterns and others off of our trail. We used to go through material every fourth of a rotation. Now, maybe on the tenth rotation they think about getting rid of someone. But this one, they may keep until it’s too old.”
Considering how well they’ve healed William, Mia knew that it would be several years before he was ‘too old’. And the Green Arrow’s legacy has spread through the universe. As soon as someone clicks that William is Dad’s oldest… “What’s considered old?”
When that conversation died off, Mia realized that the others had started dissipating an hour after. The light show and projector was shut down. Two came over again. “We have to leave the building. They have heavy duty monitoring in this part.”
“Where do they keep their victims?” Mia asked.
Two motioned, switching her wristband for a purse before waiting and walking out with Mia. The two took off their masks when they went up the stairs. Two brought out a SmoakTech Tablet and brought up building plans. “The so called apartment building right here has never had a vacancy, never gone public, and can’t be X-Rayed. Their submitted plans to the city hall equivalent is completely wrong. Energy usage is way too high, even when they try hiding it.”
“So that’s actually a series of prison cells,” Mia said.
“And offices, a medical wing. Science lab,” she listed, going through all of her notes on the side. “I’ve planned out a couple of entry points, but if they’re still healing William, I don’t know how easy it’s going to be getting him out.”
Well, it’s never been easy for Queens.
“Ava, did you get all that?” she asked, turning to where the woman was waiting with the rest of the Legends.
“Loud and clear.”
Sara Lance stared unamused by her niece, “Sara Merlyn, you get your butt over her and hug your aunt.”
The smile that brightened her face was at contrast with the seriousness. “Auntie Sara,” Two said, running over and carefully wrapping around the woman. “Mom said she wants to see you before you pop. And Grandma as well.”
“Ohh, I think we’ll be hitting Earth sooner than they want to think. Especially when we pull William out,” she said. Her wife and the team looked at her. “Obviously, I’m not going in.”
“Good,” they chimed.
“I’m just going to be waiting at my Captain’s chair when you guys run out with William in a wheelchair.”
“I don’t think they have wheelchairs here, Aunt Sara,” Two said.
Sara shook her head and smushed her niece’s cheeks. “You’re adorable when you don’t know.” She tilted her head in confusion. “All right, let’s suit up. Mia, your Arrow outfit’s here. Sara, grab yours as well.”
The woman was confused. “Grab my what?”
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canisalbus · 4 months
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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habken · 1 year
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IT!deku meets Pro Hero!Bakugou for the first time!
scammers to lovers | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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egophiliac · 4 months
Most unhinged moment in TWST Wonderland that made you go:
I love this game.
can I just say the entire front half of episode 7 chapter 8, because everything about it was BONKERS in the most absolutely delightful way. genuinely this might have been the funniest single update yet. we got Idia's directorial debut! big stronk Epel! and. just. gestures to the entirety of SavanaRook. (then Vil went into a spiral of murdering people that culminated in punching the manifestation of his own insecurity in the face, and that was good in an entirely different kind of way, but I digress)
if I have to pick one though, I'm gonna go with Idia's video, because 1) adorable, 2) seriously just look at it, and 3) I did legit have to replay that subchapter on account of laughing over most of it the first time. truly Idia is the artistic genius of our generation.
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rendevok · 3 months
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Act II ~ The Challenge
A tapestry for chapter 2 of Let No One Sleep by @azalawa-scroggs on ao3
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
AU where Leo is trapped in the Prison Dimension for months instead of minutes and the only way he gets by with his sanity intact is through recording himself talking to his wrist comm.
When they finally manage to get Leo back and make him rest up to heal, Donnie can’t help but listen to the recordings left behind.
He’s not sure what exactly he’s expecting, only that his subconscious is screaming at him that it has to be heartbreaking, that it has to be torturous.
Instead, what Donnie is subject to is a full thousand hours’ worth of Jupiter Jim and Lou Jitsu crossover fanfiction. More than one part in the series. Spanning well over a million words.
(The worst part is that it’s actually good.)
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#donnie keeps the comms going on in the background as he works#when he gets to the end he’s like what the hell…where’s the rest#donnie: leo where’s part nine#leo barely cognizant after not needing sleep for months: whuh-#donnie: you can’t leave it at a cliffhanger. leo. leo where’s the next part.#listen leo has a great memory for his special interests this is CANON plus he’s a great talker so he would totally be able to do this frfr#whenever he needs to be quiet he’s SILENT but otherwise he’s regaling the exploits of his idols to the captive audience that is The Photo#sometimes Krang sneaks up on him and just listens to him talk like ????#it starts both as leo trying to comfort himself with his favorite things PLUS comfort himself with thoughts of his father#as splinter makes his own crossover fanfiction when sick lol plus he’s Literally Lou Jitsu#and yes krang ALSO gets a bit invested#leo notices the reduction of Ouch but hey more time for rambling fanfic for him 👍#idk leo’s a damn good actor/liar/planner/schemer and I genuinely think that can pivot into storytelling so well#the literal second mikey’s hands heal donnie zooms to his side with hand stabilizers and a request to draw ‘scene 82 from recording 3’#mikey’s like what#so obvs now HE needs to listen as he works#he too gets invested#he comes across raph who mentions having trouble sleeping#mikey: have I got the podcast fanfic for you!#it only somewhat helps raph sleep#somewhat bc sometimes he forces himself to stay awake to hear the rest#yes these recordings go to the whole fam and leo is none the wiser#they don’t even mean to hide it it just never comes up lol#it’s only when donnie FINALLY makes it to the end of the recordings that he confronts leo to continue the story#leo: oH YOU HEARD ALL THAT HUH-
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Do you think that Arthur would tuck Oscar's rosary into his shirt before kissing him?
Contrary, do you think Noel would grip Arthur's cross pendant between his fingers and use it to pull his mouth closer
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mumblesplash · 9 months
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part 2!!!! [read part one here]
transcript below the cut arranged into stanzas to help show where the rhymes are:
“that’s why they brought gem in? as a failsafe?” as a pawn. we were told to point her at whoever we need gone
“gem won’t hurt her allies. …yet.” the curse she carries will it’s had its eye on her since she lost the other eye she was specially selected for her hunting skill it’s quite the high honor. “wow. how generous.” we try
think about it: why does almost no one fight the curse? “given how fast scott killed skizz last season, i can guess.” [“any pain you spare your friends, you’ll have to suffer worse”?] it’s designed to shut down higher reasoning with stress
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hoofpeet · 4 months
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Some rlly cute Bunny faces in this one...
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itagakimizuki · 6 months
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Senpai! Please praise me! Hmm?
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mangostarjam · 5 months
knot happening (part one) — bnha, alpha!bakugou katsuki x f!reader, aged up characters, established relationship, a/b/o dynamics, use of "brat" and "pipsqueak" as pet names, smut in the second part (coming soon), omegaverse!au for the spring fever collab run by @lorelune ! 1.2k words
your new company has some... interesting policies for employee heat cycles. you do your best to find a loophole.
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"I can't do it."
"The hell d'ya mean, you can't do it?"
You give your Pro Hero boyfriend and resident alpha A Look. Bakugou Katsuki has the grace to shut his mouth, but he rolls his eyes and drapes a heavy arm over your shoulders, yanking you into him on the faded yellow couch you picked out together years ago.
"This is my first heat at this new job, and it's just... embarrassing. Do you know what they do, Katsuki?"
He raises a sharp blonde eyebrow in invitation.
"They..." your voice drops with horror, "they announce it to the whole company."
"Hah?" Katsuki sits up a little, strong thighs flexing beneath his gym shorts. He came in on the tail end of your mental breakdown, finding you pacing in the living room of your apartment with your hands tugging incessantly on your borrowed shirt. "What the fuck?"
"I know," you wail, "it's ridiculous! The president sends out a company wide email explaining your absence, and the HR team sends you a care basket, and the Sales team sets up a pre-heat drinking party! Do you know what's in the care basket, Katsuki?"
"Do I wanna know?"
"It's filled with sex toys, babe! SEX TOYS! From my company! They're branded!"
A spark lights up in Katsuki's otherwise vaguely concerned expression. "Don't they know you're mated?"
"Yes, of course, that was in my file," you wave him off, still seeing horror images of company branded sex toys floating in your mental vision. "I heard from Sasaki in Accounting that the toys are for when your mate needs a break. Y'know, from fucking."
Katsuki's derisive snort is loud and breaks you out of your personal hellhole. "What kinda fuckin' alpha needs a break when their mate needs 'em?"
"Well, not every alpha is a big strong Pro Hero like you," you point out, poking him on one annoyingly firm bicep. The familiar scent of caramel and smoke fills your nose. "And actually, maybe I should ask if they've got any onaholes for when you're the one in heat. Last time I needed another two days to recover."
"Hah?! There's no fucking way I'll use one of those!"
You peer up at your boyfriend reproachfully. "I like being able to walk, Katsuki."
"You don't need to fuckin' walk if I'm carryin' you everywhere, brat."
"Hmm, we'll see," you say. Katsuki's red eyes flash as you tap your bottom lip with your finger thoughtfully. "There's gotta be a way for me to take a week off work without telling them I'm going into heat."
"There's no way you'll be able to avoid it," Katsuki rumbles, leaning forward to catch your finger with his teeth. He nips at it lightly before leaning down more to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. That, more than anything, finally makes your anxiety simmer down. "You always smell so fucking good before it starts. Everyone's gonna notice."
"You're the only one who can do anything about it, though, so you'll have to keep it in your pants or quit picking me up after work."
"Not happening," Katsuki presses another kiss along your hairline and noses into the strands, sniffing deeply. It tickles, and you laugh, trying halfheartedly to shove him off of you. "What else do they give in these care packages?"
"Actually, besides the super cursed sex toys, they include really good snacks and electrolyte drinks to keep your energy up," you say, "and I'm really glad my company is so open about it all, but it's just so embarrassing!"
Katsuki hums, letting you vent out your worries. You look really pretty like this, dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of pajama shorts, some soft cotton thing that barely covers your perfect ass. He pulls your legs onto his lap and you flop backwards on the couch, moving on from your minor breakdown to sharing a funny story that happened to one of your new coworkers the other day. He had missed hearing about it then, stuck on overtime for a patrol, so he basks in your attention now as the two of you laze around on the couch.
The afternoon passes into evening. It's a rare lazy Monday together — your new job lets you have three day weekends in exchange for slightly longer work days, and Katsuki's patrol schedule happened to line up this week. You're digging into a pint of ice cream after polishing off a plate of his delicious (but spicy) curry and rice when it comes up again.
"What're you gonna do about your heat?"
"Well, I was thinking," you slide your spoon into the thick cream and wave it at him, "I'll still need to use my authorized heat cycle time off, since I want to save my vacation and comp time for real uses, so there's no avoiding the company finding out..."
Katsuki raises an eyebrow and accepts the spoonful of ice cream you're dangling in his face. His tongue pokes out to chase a bit of cream lingering on the edge of his lip and he grins, sharp, at the way your eyes track the movement. "But...?"
You have a feeling Katsuki hasn't fully thought through the horrors of corporate sponsored pleasure items, but you have, and the thought of everyone at your new company knowing you'll be getting fucked within an inch of your life makes you want to shrivel up and die. All companies have policies in place to protect time off for heat cycles, as society couldn't function otherwise, but this is the first place you've worked where impending heat cycles are declared company-wide. Normally it's just marked as time off.
"But they don't have to find out until after it starts, right? So as long as I can get through the pre-heat stuff without anyone noticing, I can avoid the cursed care package and company-wide email!"
"Ain't happening," Katsuki says flatly.
"We've been mated for sooo long now, babe," your gaze flicks up to meet his and you pout. Your boyfriend outright snorts when you start batting your eyelashes at him. "Surely you can resist the pre-heat symptoms this one time? I swear I'll get over my company's shenanigans once I see it happen to a few other people. It's really great how supportive they are, but I need some time, that's all."
"Your heat is in like. Two weeks," Katsuki says.
You pout up at him some more.
"During your last heat cycle we broke the mattress frame when I missed your first few pre-heat days."
"Yeah, but that was because you had that mission that went long," you say. If you could just... convince him... "C'mon, babe, this will be different! You're such a strong, powerful alpha — resisting me will be a piece of cake! Unless..." you pause and scoop another bite of ice cream into your mouth, "you're too weak to resist me."
"Are you callin' me weak?" Katsuki narrows his eyes. You wave your spoon casually and shrug.
"I mean... all you've gotta do is ignore my pre-heat. I'm just an itty bitty omega..."
Getting into a staring match with Pro Hero Dynamight is not on anyone's Top Ten Good Ideas list, but you match your boyfriend's red glare steadily.
"Alright, pipsqueak, you're on," Katsuki scoffs. "We'll see who's beggin' for who by the time your heat rolls around."
part two
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rbtlvr · 7 months
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why does sissel know what a putting green is. did yomiel take him mini golfing. please this is fucking haunting me
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Bruno gave Abbacchio a notebook for his birthday filled with locations/times/dates for him to replay with moody. Abbacchio didn’t know what to expect but when he replayed them it was literally just the other members of the team embarrassing themselves.
Narancia had a similar birthday gift idea for Abbacchio, but it was a rickroll.
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squid2corn · 7 months
Almost ready with part 2
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egophiliac · 5 months
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HEY guess who's being completely normal about episode 7 :)
anyway it sure ain't me, so I made myself a baby Malleus! I used the single-headed version of Choly Knight's hydra pattern (link will be in replies ↓↓↓) as a base, and just messed with some of the pieces to make him more Mall-y. including sewing all those little claw pieces, then pinning them on and realizing I actually liked him better without them...oh well. to heck with accuracy, I want stubby little dragon legs!
unfortunately, he doesn't photograph very well, especially his forehead scales (they're there! I promise!) (they're made of glitter HTV so they are actually SPARKLY in real life, yet apparently they come out completely invisible in photos, woe). but he is super cuddly and soft so I'm happy with him! just as in canon, he is a product of LOVE. :>
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Cass: my tablet is actively dying
People on the kofi: well let's try to get you a new one!!!
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