#there's a couple 'dick is never adopted' things i could get behind (although half the time it's just to turn him into proto jason)
navree · 13 days
Thoughts on the concept of Selina as Jason's surrogate mom in an AU? Like, if he never got adopted by Bruce but was Selina's little boy instead?
I mean, all AUs are valid and people have the right to think and headcanon what they want, so I'm never gonna put that down. But personally, that's never gonna be something I'm overly fond of, for a lot of reasons. Most crucially, I kinda abhor any and all "Jason never gets adopted" AUs. No shade on people who enjoy them, and absolutely no disrespect to anyone who's written them, but I've never gone looking for one or attempted to read one and I never will. It just feels like another way to other Jason from his family. Tim and Dick and Cass don't get nearly as many "never adopted" AUs, because people are more willing to acknowledge that they're important to Bruce and the family makeup and are a part of the family. But canon is already so shitty about Jason being considered a part of the family, when he literally is, when he's one of the first members of that family (and legally, the first to be properly brought into the family, since Dick was only adopted well into adulthood as opposed to Jason being adopted right off the bat), and I don't really care for fandom going down the track too. Jason's a member of the Batfamily, he's a member of Bruce's family, he is Bruce Wayne's son in all the ways that matter, legally and emotionally, and adoption does not get voided by death of the adoptee. It's why I'm not the biggest fan of "totally green eyes post Lazarus Pit" stuff either, because of how much hay is given to the Batboys all looking alike with dark hair and blue eyes, quit othering Jason out of his own damn family just because canon is shitty to him or you think your own fave should be more special than they are.
A reason why I don't think a "Selina adopts Jason" works for me is also my views on Jason and motherhood, which is that Jason already has a mother. And this was a mother that he loves a lot, that he cared deeply for even after her death, that was primarily responsible for raising him (even when he wasn't even biologically her's), that he mourns and misses. And you might say "well he also had a father but he has no problem making Bruce his new father" with regards to Willis, but those are different situations. One, in some canons, Willis is straight up abusive. He is physically violent to both his wife and his son, and Jason is never that cut up about the fact that he's dead, which is why Jason's so willing to immediately slot Bruce into a fatherly role in his life. But even if we remove the abusive stuff, or try to add some nuance to it, the fact remains that Willis was out of Jason's life for a while before he met Bruce, and was gonna stay out of it for a long time. Jason had the time and the space to process Willis being gone and staying gone, to internalize that and accept that as his new reality. And thus, he had the space within himself to accept a new father figure with a good amount of readiness, and view himself as Bruce's son as well as viewing Bruce as his father (but also still being able to grieve Willis when he's killed by Harvey Dent because there's a big difference between "in prison for a long time" and "dead"). But that doesn't exist with Catherine. Catherine dies, either from illness or overdose, and Jason is immediately thrust into survival mode. He does not have that same time and space to process his emotions, grieve his mother, accept life without her, especially in the immediate aftermath of the loss. And when you don't have the ability to really sit down with your feelings and process them, you internalize them a lot, and it creates a lot of obstacles to healing. And because of that, I don't think Jason would ever really want a new mother figure. He goes looking for Sheila not because he necessarily wants a mother specifically, but because he's concerned that his placement in Bruce's life is not permanent and he's looking for a back up plan so that he's not back to square one. His mother is Catherine, I just can't buy a story where Jason is willing to set her aside any time soon. It's why I'm not overly fond of that fanon some people have where Jason calls Talia "Mom" (along with my other feelings on how Talia and Jason's relationship needs to be handled with more complexity than both fanon and canon want to give it, rather than making it "oh she was evil and also raped him and it wasn't racist that we wrote that we swear" or "sweet Talia loved Jason as a son and never did anything wrong by him ever and Jason worships the ground she walks on" depending on your proclivities, Jason's got one mom and it's Catherine Todd.
I can't speak much to Selina's view on things because I don't know a lot about her character, nor is she someone whose stories I necessarily seek out. So whether or not she would have been in the headspace to have kids, did she want kids, was that something she was looking for at that point in her life, was she capable of taking care of a child in a full time parental role the way Jason would have needed at that age, I can't really speak on. Selina's a caring person, and she's certainly capable of affection and warmth, and she's got a caretaker personality especially as it relates to the downtrodden of society, but there's a big difference between that and actively wanting to be a parent. Part of what makes Bruce and Jason work so well (and makes the tragedy of their Batman and Robin era all the more poignant) is that things went really smoothly for them for the bulk of their time together. Bruce not only knew he wanted to be a parent, a proper parent, but he'd ironed out all of his kinks and smoothed over the bumps during his time raising Dick (as an eldest child I can relate, I like to joke my mom and I had a very "first pancake" type relationship when I was a kid) and avoid a lot of the mistakes he made with him when raising Jason (instead making all new ones!). And Selina and Bruce are different people, so it's entirely reasonable that they might not have aligned on where they were when it came to parenting when Jason found himself in need of a parent. I don't think Selina would make him her Robin though, I'm not sure where that vibe came from. She's not a vigilante trying to help people extrajudicially, she's a straight thief. She's Catwoman because she's a cat burglar. While Batman can have a Robin not only due to Dick and Jason's needs for Robin in their lives but also as a crime fighting partner, a thief does not need a little mini thief to help them out, especially cat burglars whose whole thing is stealthily breaking into places on their lonesome. Like, Ocean's Twelve wouldn't have been improved if the laser dance scene had a little kid accompanying Vincent Cassel the whole time. So I think Catlad!Jason would be a no-go even if Selina did adopt Jason rather than Bruce.
I'm sorry anon, those are really the only thoughts on the concept I have. Again, if people are into that, go nuts, have fun! It's not for me personally, for the reasons I've outlined above, but there's a lot of content out there, and I'm certain that a lot of the people who make it put thought into how Selina and Jason's lives would be changed and how they themselves would change and be altered as they grew and developed a relationship. I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the "Jason Todd is never adopted" tag on AO3 is for Selina adopts Jason stuff, go forth and be merry! It's just not my cup of tea.
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leonicscorpio · 4 years
The Visit: A Jason Todd x Reader Fic
For @nat-wing . One of my best friends, one of my guiding lights, and the person who dragged me into Batman hell. Enjoy.
"Human kindness, gentlemen, is made for the purses of millionaires. With financial power like mine, you can afford yourself a new world order..."
The sound of a backpack crashing next to you jolted you out of the line of the play you were reading. Raising your head to see the source of the noise, you met eyes with your new friend, Jason. Jason Todd.
"What's wrong, y/n, you look like you just saw a ghost" Jason let out, immediately following with a light chuckle and a half-smile. Taking seat next to you at the park bench, Jason started to open up the backpack, revealing a copy of the same book you had. The Visit by Friedrich Durrennmat.
"So, how do you like it thus far?" Jason inquired. You took a look up towards his face and despite his chisled facial features, the thing that always caught your attention were his eyes. The striking sapphire blue eyes allured as much as it frightened. Beneath the mask of the handsome face of the playboy heir of the Wayne Conglomerate and adoptive son of Bruce Wayne hid a maelstrom. A violent sea of torrential anger and oppressive hatred. His eyes have always frightened you, but you never judged Todd for anything because he's always treated you with the respect you've afforded him.
"It's interesting Jason" you let out. You couldn't help but be intimidated by his presence. Here you are, a lonely bachelor living in a converted tenament in Gotham City, a barista, reading a Swiss play with one of Gotham's biggest socialites. Jason came into your cafè seemingly every day, mentioned how the espresso is his favorite in all of Gotham. Some days he came in for a quick coffee run, dressed to the bones like he's about to attend a charity event, others he came in and sat down, getting lost in a book, wearing sweatpants and a signature red or black hoodie.
"Only interesting?" Jason had inquired. Indeed, The Visit had been a fascinating, but difficult read. Following the story of an eclectic billionairess in her twilight years named Claire Zachannasan, coming back to her home town hell bent on it's destruction and rebirth. You had just entered the play's third and final act when Jason arrived.
"In some ways, Claire reminds me of you Jason." You chuckle. You pay extra attention to see how his face reacts to such a bold statement. His face contorts into half-hearted shock, but his eyes are smiling. Prideful, it seems he got the results he wanted. You almost lost yourself in his handsome face with boyish hair when you felt the coastal winds of the park beach alongside the Gotham Oceanfront Jason had requested to meet you at.
"And what makes you say that?" Jason had pushed, bringing his arm away from the book and stretching it across to your side of the bench, his arm was extended behind your back and easily could have wraped one arm around you. And Jason's arms were quite large. Hell, the man himself almost came to challenge Bruce in terms of physique. All of his adoptive brothers were always the more slim, athletic, graceful builded ones. Jason was built like a statue, imposing muscles matched only with an imposing barrel of a chest. You thought to yourself what it would be like to feel those ripling muscles under his red hoodie and modestly branded jeans.
"Well, for starters, Claire is a billionaire, as are you." you said, noting Jason's left eyebrow cock, "well, heir to a billionaire in your case." You corrected. "There is a very pretinant theme of justice throughout the play. It's clear to tell that by using the power and wealth that she has aquired, Claire hopes to enact her own brand of justice." You had listed off. Looking to see Jason's response, you saw a smile begin to purse on his lips. This time of acceptance. It seems you gave Jason the satisfactory answer.
"Very good." Jason had smiled. "But, forgive me for asking, y/n, why do you think I care so much about justice?" Manipulation. Although you can tell Jason's interest and inquirery is genuine, you can tell he has ulterior motives in asking you this question. However you cannot ascertain why. You took a look in his eyes but only met the hurricane making landfall on a beach, threatening to consume all in it's might surge. His face is telling you to explain and ponder further, but his eyes indicate that of a predator about to snap at your jugular.
"I uh.. well." You stammered. Only soon to realize Jason had wrapped his arm securely around you, this gesture would have been romantic given any other context, but knowing what you know about Jason Todd and reading his mannerisms, you felt like a deer in headlights. You were frightened, but also enchanted. Jason's arm was heavy and strong, but not forceful, it was more securing than anything. It made you feel like you were protected from even Gotham's worst.
"Don't worry, y/n, I'm joking, I'm sorry if I intimidated you. But I'm glad you're liking the play, it became a favorite of mine recently." Jason stated.
"So you do relate to Claire." You poked, Jason had scoffed and retorted.
"I never said I did." Jason stated quite matter of factly. Having said that, Jason pulled you closer to him, to the point that your thighs were touching and you were pressed up against his side. You gave out a light gasp. Shocked at Jason's suddenness. "I'm hope I'm not making you uncomfortable, y/n." Jason apologized, the sincerity was genuine. Jason may have been able to play people like the fiddle, as you have seen from interactions at the cafè. However you sensed no malitious intent from the billionare. "I want you to know I like you a lot, y/n. You make the best Cafè Americcanos, and you actually listen to people when I reccomend 1950's swiss literature to them."
Hearing the last line made you laugh a little. You soon felt yourself subconsciously pressing laying your head along Jason Todd's powerful chest. It was just as you had imagined it. Powerful and secure. As you listened to his heart beat, you couldn't help but notice the extreme radiant warmth coming from Jason. With one arm wrapped around you, you felt like you had your own supersoldier their to protect you. "Thank you Jason, I like you a lot as well." You laugh as you made yourself comfortable enwraped in the massive man. To think you, a lonely kid from the suburbs found your way into the arms of one of the heirs of Wayne Enterprises. You, you felt like a nobody compared to Jason Peter Todd. However, one thing continued to bother you, and you wanted an answer.
"Jason, can I ask you something?" You had let into the atmosphere.
"Sure y/n, ask away." Jason had invited.
"Do you hate being a Wayne? Do you hate Bruce?" You raised your head to see the face not a couple inches in front of you and saw a crack in the visage. You made the mistake of focusing on his eyes again and realized just what you had done and what situation you landed yourself in. Beneath the mask you saw exactly what you had hypothesized. Inside the eyes of Jason Todd you saw rage. Hot, blinding, searing rage. You weren't in the arms of an angel any longer, you were in the claws of an apex predator.
"What." Jason had said blankly. It seemed his face alluded to more shock than anger. You craacked the façade and found what lies beneath, and you were afraid. However, curiosity forced you to try to dive deeper.
"To be candid with you, y/n, I do have a lot of anger towards my family, but at the end of the day, they are my family." Jason stated politically. You can tell this was a diversion to try to end the conversation. Realizing just the situation you were in it was for the best that Jason was giving you a get-out-of-Arkham-free-card. "But I will say, you are devilishly inquisitive y/n. How did you deduce that?"
"There's a lot of anger in your eyes Jason, you're bottling up a lot of anger and I don't think it can be healthy for you." You stated. You felt Jason give a hearty laugh as your head bounced from his chest. You didn't even take the opportunity to breath him in while you were down on his chest. The aromas of tobacco, dried sweat, and overtly expensive colonge studded with tonka and sandalwood tickled your nose.
"I guess you're right..." You can tell Jason had more he wanted to admit, but was interupted by the vibration of his phone. Taking a look to see who was calling. Jason let out a groan. You pushed yourself up off of his chest and gave Jason the space to answer the call in privacy.
'what is it Dick I'm busy... Really, now..? Ugh, fine. I'll be there in 10. Tell Bruce he owes me for this.' with that Jason ended the call and heaved himself off the park bench. "I'm so sorry Y/n but a family emergency came up." Jason said, as he made his way back towards the enterance of the park, you exchanged your farewell with the handsome man you just had an exchange with. Before you left, Jason had yelled out "you want an answer to your question? Keep reading the play." Jason had finished. Noting what he had said you opened The Visit back to the exact spot you had left off. As you finished the line by the elder Claire Zachannasan you felt ice run down your veins. Suddenly you felt an intense fear at the thought of Jason by this last sentence.
"The world turned me into a whore, so I shall turn the world into a brothel."
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dc-fics-and-pics · 5 years
90′s Superboy x Batsis reader
AN: Here is one of my one-shots from my wattpad with some tweaks hope you like it.
Warning: Mentions of sex 
You sat in the cave playing with your brother's trinkets as you waited for Bruce to get back from patrol. Tim had left a pile of things on his desk and you had been messing with them for the past hour while he was out with his team. He had left for the Young Justice headquarters yesterday and wasn't set to come back till tomorrow.
 It was the perfect time to go through his stuff since you were on house arrest. You had gotten in trouble for sneaking out last Friday. You were banned from patrol and Alfred was checking in on you every five minutes. You were livid at your punishment. You had watched Damian crawl out his bedroom window countless times to visit Jon but you do it once and you're stuck here.
 Bruce was practically your father after he had taken you in when you were younger. He saw you as his little girl and he didn't like the idea of you running off in the middle of the night going who knows where.
 Bruce wasn't all to blame though. He said he would lift your punishment if you just told him where you went so he could have peace in his mind but you refused. 
This had caused him to think of the worst things and punish you for it. You couldn't tell him you climbed out your bedroom window to go visit your secret boyfriend in Metropolis.
 You had been dating Kon for four months now and you were both still in the honeymoon phase. You didn't want to get your families involved especially since Bruce had never been a fan of the cocky leather-wearing Kryptonian. Tim would be the worst though considering Kon was his best friend and your relationship totally breaks the bro code.
 If you are being honest Tim was the only one in your family that liked Conner. Dick thought he was too cocky, Jason thought he was too stubborn and Damian just saw him as Jon's annoying older brother.
 However, you and Kon had grown close over the Summer while Tim was with the Teen Titans. You filled in for him with Young Justice and you had gotten along well with the team.
 You liked working by yourself or with the other Batgirls. It was awkward being on Young Justice because they knew you were just replacing Tim after he left them to lead a different team. You first met Kon after during a battle. Tim called you in to help them and right when you showed up you got a 5 ft 10 sack of muscle thrown at you.
 He shielded you from the ground when you both slid across the gravel. He had wrapped you in his arms and you buried your head in his chest until you came to a stop. He made a flirty remark followed by a quick wink. You groaned rolling your eyes and dusted yourself off returning to the fight.
"What are you doing!" Tims piercing voice interrupted your thoughts. You looked up at him and the Young Justice team behind him at the entrance of the cave.
"Nothing." You answer nonchalantly brushing your h/c hair out of your face.
He huffs and takes the little gadget out of your hand, "Don't touch my stuff y/n you are going to blow yourself up."
"Sorry." You mumble getting off of Tim's seat.
When you stood his eyes widened and you could see his teammates blush and turn away.  You caught Kon smirking at you while struggling to hold in his laughter. You looked at your own appearance and blushed a bright shade of red seeing your outfit choice. 
Your shirt is one that Conner had gifted you as a joke when you first started dating. It was a blue shirt with his logo on the front that you had cropped. You had paired it with some loose short shorts that may have exposed the bottom of your but. 
In your defense, it was hot in Gotham at the moment and that had caused the cave to shoot up in temperature. You didn't think anyone would be with you so you put on the most comfortable thing you could find. The amount of skin showing wouldn't have been as bad if there weren't hickeys that littered the inside of your thighs as well as your neck. 
You thanked the gods they couldn't see the ones hidden under your shirt and shorts. You slowly walked backward out of the cave not wanting to expose your behind and definitely not wanting them to read the sentence printed of the back of your top. Kon had thought he was being funny when he added ' SuperDaddy' to the back of the shirt. You had laughed at the joke too except now you don't want to see Tims reaction to that. So you inched out of the cave stalking backward and up the stairs before making a break for it into your room.
You sat on your bed cuddled into one of Kon's black hoodies and comfy black shorts. Your laptop was on top of your knees as you scrolled through different youtube videos trying to find one that would interest you for a little while. You had locked yourself in your room for the past couple week only leaving for food and patrol. 
You were upset, to say the least. Kon had to go off the planet for a mission. He had been gone for three weeks as of today and you had missed him more than ever. You were doing fine the first week and a half after he was gone. Since he was in space wich ent you couldn't even call him.
 After being away from him you where just craving to be around your handsome boyfriend again. This past week you had been down. Your brothers had noticed your sad demeanor and had started to get worried. 
They had asked Bruce if something was wrong but not even the worlds greatest detective could figure out what was wrong with his adoptive daughter. You had snuck into Kons room stealing his jackets and spraying them with his cologne and as you sat in your bed now you took in his familiar scent as you curled deeper into the sweatshirt. There was a knock at your door. You crawled out of your bed and open the door revealing your beloved butler.
"Hello miss y/n dinner is ready." He smiled.
"Okay, thanks, Alfred."
You followed him down the hall to the dining room. You were surprised when you entered and saw your whole family sitting at the table. It was very rare to get all of you guys at the table together. Even Jason was there sitting across from Tim.
 Dick gave you one of his signature big hugs when you made your way to your seat. He held in his arms in a very comforting way that reminded you of the hug Kon gave you before he left. When he pulled away though he looked a little confused before going back to sit beside Jason and whisper something in his ear. You sat in your normal spot between Tim and Damian across from Dick who was between Jason and Barbra. At the head of the table was Brice with Barbra on one side and Damian on the other. Stephany sat on the other side of Dick across from Duke who was placed between Jason and Cass.
Alfred placed the food down on the table and you all dug in loading up your plates with lots of food. Your siblings all made small talk and you stayed quiet thinking of the one time Kon took you for dinner and you had mashed potatoes that couldn't compare to Alfreds.
"What do you think y/n?" Dick had asked you his big blue eyes gleaming.
"Huh?" you hadn't been paying attention to the conversation they were having.
"What do you think about Tim and Steph dating? I mean Stephanie is your best friend aren't you upset your brother is dating your best friend?" he asked again.
"Oh uhm..." you looked at the couple next to you as they pleaded with big eyes. You didn't know they where dating you guessed that is why everyone was here so that they could announce their big news. It hurt a bit knowing they had kept it from you your two best friends and siblings but you weren't one to talk. "No, it doesn't bother me I know Tim would support me in whoever I dated," you responded hoping that Tim would agree.
He let out a forced laugh," I don't know about that." he exaggerated.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"Well me dating Steph is different than you dating my friends," He answered.
"What do you mean it's different?" Jason butted in.
Tim rolled his eyes irritated his family didn't get him, "Well take Conner for example," you tensed at his name," If y/n was dating Kon that is completely different. Because Steph is a nice girl we've known for years. Conner, although he is my best friend, is stubborn and would cause trouble.
 I would not approve of that because he's my teammate I'd have to see him all the time it would be weird he's not allowed to be with my sister. I would have to beat the shit out of him, he's my best friend I don't want to do that," Your face paled as he finished his tangent and the whole table was silent, "But that doesn't matter cause it's not like you're dating Conner " he laughed nervously. His smile fell flat at your silence," Right?".
You sat in the lobby of the watchtower as you watched Tim cuss out Kon in front of you. After dinner last night Tim had come to the conclusion you were, in fact, dating his best friend and he was more than mad. His mind went back to the hickeys he saw littering your body weeks ago and shivered at the realization of who put them there. 
Bruce had ordered Clark bring Conner back immediately. Once his feet hit the ground of the watchtower Tim was on him like he was a cup of coffee. He was livid at his ‘best friend’. Not caring about the other leaguers starting to watch. Tim screamed at the boy and he just stood there taking it only flinching at some of Tims harshest words.
 You were restrained by Jason who scowled at the teenage boy waiting for his turn to shoot at him. And he meant literally shoot. When Tim had tired his voice his rage still bubbled and he threw a punch at Superboys head. Kon dodged the punch Tim was tired and his emotions were making him easy to read. The leaguers gasped when Tim tried to fight his friend. You struggled against Jason trying to save your beloved boyfriend from kryptonite to the heart.
"Stop!" Bruce yelled making everyone's head turn. Everyone disbanded except for your family and Clark. "Tim that's enough." Tim stopped fighting taking deep breaths trying to calm his anger. "Look Clark and I have talked and we both agreed that y/n and Conner are both old enough to date each other and we shouldn't get in their way."
"What!" Tim screeched clearly not agreeing
"Timothy calm down." Bruce's stern voice made Tims trap shut, "Of course there will be rules I don't want any doors closed and you can't be alone in the house together but other than that there is no issue." he sighed.
"No! That's not going to stop the B they have already had sex! I saw the hickeys he left her!" Tim was flailing his arms around not noticing the bright red blush that covers both yours and Kons cheeks.
Bruce's eyes narrow at Conner with a murderous glare. "Okay that's it," Jason loaded his gun and aimed it right at the seventeen-year-olds head.
"Woah Woah Woah Woah calm down Jay," Dick grabbed Jasons pistol out of his hands trying to calm everyone. "Y/N is a big girl she can make her own decisions okay."
You took Kon's hand in yours and squeezed it tightly trying to release the stress that came with your family knowing about your relationship with the teen of steel. Damian made his way in front of you both and stared up at your boyfriend with his fathers scowling eyes. "I guess you can suit my sister for now however I do not wish for you to procreate so maybe keep it in your pants Kent." The young boy hissed.
Everyone gasped at Damian's words and you burst out laughing after a couple of seconds of shock. Damian just growled and stomped back to his father grumbling.
You just turn to Kon giving him a kiss that he gladly returns. Your brothers all groan in disgust making you giggle. Even though Tim is upset now you know he is happy that you are happy. Kon is good to you and you really love him so your brothers will get over it eventually until then though you are going to have to deal with the groans.
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wanderingcas · 6 years
a timestamp for ‘passing ships’. 1.7k ao3.
It starts happening about a year into their marriage.
At first, people were (politely) hyper-fixated on the fact that Dean and Cas weren’t soulmates. That snagged their attention more than anything else—“Oh, so you’re being progressive and rejecting the soulmate idea? Good for you.”—and despite being annoying the three-hundredth time Dean and Cas were asked, they learned to just laugh it off and provide their quick explanation, scripted down to the letter from how many times they had to repeat it.
But then, that curiosity wore off, which left questions about kids. 
The first time to the question is asked is at the small book signing at Mary’s bookstore. Cas had worked his ass off all week to make sure the small space was accommodating to an audience of twenty and a small deli spread afterwards. Dean would know—he barely saw his husband or mom in the week leading up to it (which of course, he never complained about, because being co-owner of the bookstore with Mary was quickly becoming one of Cas’ passions).
Dean was standing by the drinks, getting lost as usual in staring at Cas across the room, at his wayward-buttoned collared shirt and mussed hair as he talked to the guest author. His reverie was interrupted by an older couple that used to live next to Dean, when he was growing up.
“It’s just so lovely that you’ve gotten yourself married,” Kate—or was it Nancy?—gushed, gesticulating a wrinkled hand toward Cas across the room. “And he’s such a nice man. Richard and I just met him.”
“Yeah, he’s really something,” Dean says with a grin. He practically rocks back and forth on his heels with pride.
“So, when you two thinking of having some kids?” Richard asks.
Dean freezes. “What?”
Kate-Nancy laughs. “We were just asking your husband that same question—he had the same reaction!”
“Uh, we…” Cas is suddenly looking over at Dean; their eyes meet. Cas may not be an angel anymore, but he still possesses this freaky sixth sense when he’s being talked about. Dean licks his lips. “We’ve discussed it,” he says neutrally.
“Ah-ha, that’s what he said too!” Richard proclaims, wagging a finger. “You two are peas in the pod.”
“In a pod, dear,” Kate-Nancy corrects. “Poor dear, native language is Polish. Still not getting American colloquialisms down even after 83 years!”
“Uh-huh,” Dean says distractedly. He takes a long swing of beer and lets the conversation steer elsewhere.
The second time it comes up is at a more casual setting: hanging out with Dean’s coworkers at a bar on the last day of spring semester. Anna even decided to come, which Cas expressed his quiet joy over by bringing her some books to borrow. He didn’t see her much, since she took over Naomi’s position in Heaven.
Dean is squished between Charlie and the new Biology teacher, Jo. They just finished a toast when Jo asks, cheeks tinged from her fourth Sidecar, “So, Dean, when are you and that adorable husband of yours gonna have some kids?”
Although caught in a conversation with Anna, Cas stops and turns his head to look at Dean across the table, his sad eyes meeting Dean's.
“Uh,” Dean begins, intelligently.
“They’re gonna have kids when they want to ,” Charlie yells above the pulsating dance music in the bar. “And they’re gonna be beautiful because it’ll be a half of each of their perfect genes!”
“You know we can’t have kids biologically, right?” Dean mutters, taking a swig of whiskey.
“I’m not that drunk, Dean," Charlie snaps. "There have been advances in the science of genetics. Hell, I’d be your surrogate if you wanted.”
“Awww!” Jo screams, leaning over the both of them, her drink sloshing in Dean’s lap.
“Guys, drop it, okay?” Dean sighs. “That’s me and Cas’ business.” He looks at Cas again, awkwardly, but Cas is already scooting past Anna, standing to leave. Anna gives Dean a Look.
The third time is, of course, the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Because it’s John that asks the third time, and worst of all, he’s not even trying to be a dick about it (which, to Dean, is a first).
Things not exactly being repaired completely with him, Dean and Cas only have John over for dinner about once a month. John has sobered up, has done the AA meetings shtick—he just recently completed the step of apologizing to the people he’s wronged, Dean included—and for once in his life, Dean isn’t jolting awake in the middle of the night with anxiety toward John’s situation. So he expects this to be a calm dinner.
But then John asks, innocently, and non-intrusively, if they’ve thought about having kids anytime soon, and before Dean can say ‘pass the butter’, Cas—Dean’s cool-headed, logical, and level-tempered Cas—is on his feet and slamming his palms down on the table. The plates and glasses shake.
“We don’t know that yet,” he says, jaw clenched. “We’ve discussed it, but we don’t know. Whose business is it that we have kids, but our own? I don’t understand why humans have to ask all these stupid damn questions!” And he spins on his heel, leaving John and Dean with jaws unhinged.
“I… should probably talk to him,” Dean ventures, putting his napkin on the table.
“Did I say something wrong?” John asks. He looks like he needs a drink.
“No, Dad, it’s just… a touchy topic.” Dean reaches over the table as he stands, patting John’s forearm. “Seriously, it’s not you. I’ll go calm him down.”
Dean finds Cas where he usually does—on the back porch, perched on the deck’s railing, staring up at the stars. Dean’s made the inane comment before that Cas must like it back here because he can look up at Heaven—to which Cas of course responded, coolly, that Heaven is on a different plane of reality, not simply ‘up’.
Nevertheless, Dean suspects Cas likes to think he’s looking up at his old home anyway, when he sits out here in the cool night air.
Clearing his throat to announce his arrival, Dean walks until he’s behind Cas. “Hey, uh… wanna explain what the hell that was back there?”
Cas doesn’t turn. “I’d rather not.”
“O-kay.” Dean fidgets with his hands. “I know we’ve talked about kids before. And we haven’t landed on anything. But don’t feel pressure, okay, Cas? It’s just humans makin’ small talk. You don’t—”
“I’ve already had a child, and I lost her,” Cas snaps. He still doesn’t look at Dean, just sits cross-legged on the porch railing, head tilted toward the sky. “She wasn’t my biological child, but she felt like mine . Especially since she was a foster child and never truly had parents. And now she doesn’t know me from a stranger.”
Dean presses a hand on Cas’ back; feels the tightness of his muscles. “Cas… I didn’t even think about that.”
“I know we’ve discussed children,” Cas continues, voice soft. “I know you want them. And nothing—” Dean can hear his breath hitch. “Nothing would make me happier than to give them to you. But I don’t know if…”
“You don’t know if you could lose one again,” Dean finishes. He sees Cas nod.
He lets the silence seep between them; lets the cicadas fill the space. Taking Cas’ arm, he turns him around. Cas relents and swings his legs over the porch railing, legs dangling, facing Dean.
Dean frames Cas’ face with his palms. “I know you miss her,” he says. Those gorgeous blue eyes still won’t look at him; Dean’s not discouraged. “I know how painful that was for you. And trust me when I say we will find a way to get her memories back. You know how hard Anna is working to figure out what Naomi did with them.”
“They could have been destroyed,” Cas whispers. “There’s no guarantee that—”
“Cas.” Dean firmly plants a kiss on his lips to shush the usual tirade of self-defeatist talk Cas usually spewed. “There was no guarantee that we’d find each other and fall in love, defying expectations and social convention, right? And we did that, didn’t we?”
Cas shrugs. “That’s true.”
“What’s important is if you want kids or not. And if you don’t, then we won’t have them.”
Finally raising his eyes, Cas gapes at Dean. “No, Dean. You can’t say that. All you’ve talked about for the past three years is having children.”
“Of having a family ,” Dean corrects. “If that means we get twenty stray cats you keep picking up off the street, fine. If that means I become some hot-shot professor someday with a bunch of graduate students treating our house like a second home, fine. If it’s just you and me, even better.”
Cas shakes his head. “Dean…”
Dean captures his lips into a kiss again. He rubs his thumbs gently against Cas’ cheekbones, resting his forehead against Cas’. “I mean it when I say that I love you, and I will take literally anything you have to offer,” Dean says, “because that’s enough, Cas. You’re enough. I mean it.”
Clutching Dean’s shirt, Cas confesses, softly, “But I do want children, Dean. I want children with you.”
“Then we’ll do that too.” His thumb travels up Cas’ face, carefully rubbing some moisture that’s gathered at the corner of Cas’ eye. “If it makes you happy, angel.”
“You’re too good to me,” Cas says, hushed.
“Not good enough,” Dean scoffs.
They stay like that, for a few moments—Cas sitting on the railing, legs bracketing Dean in front of him. Dean can hear the sound of Cas’ windchimes taking flight on the warm wind.
“We could adopt,” Cas says.
Dean leans back. Grins. “Yeah?”
Wiping his cheek with the back of his hand, Cas mirrors his smile in his soft, shy way. “Yeah. Give a child a home who needs it. Like Claire.”
“If I’m being totally honest, Cas?” Dean kisses Cas’ forehead, then his cheeks on either side, because it always gets Cas to nuzzle his head against Dean’s and give him that shy grin. “That sounds absolutely perfect.”
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thedcdunce · 6 years
Red Robin
“At the end of the day, I have to accept that I can control everything, except the things I can't control.” - Red Robin
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Real Name: Timothy Jackson "Tim" Drake
Alvin Draper
Mister Sarcastic
Gender: Male
Height: 5′ 6″
Weight: 125 lbs (57 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Computer Hacking
Computer Operation
Martial Arts
Genius Level Intellect
Lock Picking
Vehicle Combat
Tactical Analysis
Utility Belt
Robin's Motorcycle
Robin's Battle Staff
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations: 
Gotham City
Titans Tower
Jack Drake; father
Janet Drake; mother
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Student
First Appearance: Batman #436 (August, 1989)
Last Appearance: Batman: Gates of Gotham#5 (October, 2011)
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Aviation: Tim Drake is able to fly a variety of small jets, including the one the Teen Titans use to get to missions.
Computer Hacking
Computer Operation
Martial Arts: He can even keep up a conversation while taking down multiple well armed enemies. He's fought trained ninjas and assassins as well as mercenaries.
Stick Fighting
T'ai Chi
Kung Fu
Gadgetry: Tim has invented a number of his own innovations such as his "bang-a-rang" flash grenades and his "redboard", a powered skateboard.
Genius Level Intellect
Business Management
Mechanical Engineering:
Multilingualism: Tim has demonstrated at least some proficiency in Spanish, Hong Kong Cantonese, Russian, and German in addition to his native English. He also picked up at least a small amount of French while studying in Paris.
Investigation: Tim Drake is often recalled as the most investigative and analytical of all the Robins. He is always listening, exploring and scrutinizing.
Lock Picking: The picking of locks was among the skills Tim learned while training to become Robin.
Meditation: Tim has learned a meditation technique that allows him to continue listening to his surroundings even when drugged to unconsciousness, though his grip on his hearing slowly slips. He has also learned a technique that allows him to slow his heart rate which allows him to survive grievous injuries he would otherwise bleed out from and be mistaken for dead.
Vehicle Combat: Tim has adapted his martial arts and skateboarding knowledge in order to design a way to fight efficiently while skateboarding.
Tactical Analysis
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Immunocompromised: Tim lost his spleen in a confrontation.
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Utility Belt
Robin's Motorcycle
Robin's Battle Staff
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Tim Drake is extremely passionate and dedicated, having taken up crime-fighting willingly as a vocation. His parents later died during his career, but he was the first vigilante to become Robin with a stable home life. He has made it clear that although Bruce Wayne has qualities he aspires to, he does not want to be Bruce Wayne.
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Romantic Relationships
Ariana Dzerchenko
Stephanie Brown
Tamara Fox
Wonder Girl: She was not attached with Robin, but there is attraction between the two. When they were grieving over Superboy's death, they shared a brief kiss before Wonder Girl ran away crying.
Zoanne Wilkins: She is a classmate of Tim's who reveals feelings for him when he's kidnapped. Their first date at a restaurant is promising, and Tim turns down helping Batman to spend time with her. However, she breaks up with him because he is emotionally distant and not ready for a relationship.
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Tim Drake is a vigilante and member of the Batman Family. He became the third Robin at a young age, succeeding Jason Todd as Batman's sidekick. Eventually, he would be forced to give up the identity of Robin and begin wearing the costume of Red Robin when he was replaced by Damian Wayne.
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Timothy Drake was the only son of Jack and Janet Drake and he was raised in a wealthy household. As a small boy, Tim was taken to Haly's Circus, where he met Dick Grayson and the Flying Graysons, the same day of their deaths, which he witnessed and could never forget. Some years later, he saw footage of Batman and Robin apprehending the Penguin and he noticed Robin's acrobatics, which reminded him of Dick Grayson. Making use of impressive deductive abilities, Tim learned the truth behind Batman and Robin and he followed their careers very closely.
Tim Drake became aware of Grayson's change of identity to Nightwing and Jason Todd becoming the second Robin. After the death of Jason and at the age of 13, Tim noticed a change in Batman's personality and he went on a quest to reunite Batman and Nightwing, hoping to return the Dynamic Duo back to basics. When Dick refused to become Robin, Tim adopted the identity, despite Batman's refusal. However, after proving vital in the capture of Two-Face, Bruce agreed to train Tim to become the new Robin.
His chance came when he learned that Nightwing had left the Titans for a short time in order to find himself. So Tim followed Dick and convinced him that Batman needed help. Grayson then took Tim to the Batcave and left, as Nightwing, to help Batman deal with the vile Two-Face. Alfred Pennyworth insinuated that Tim was brought to the Batcave to help Batman as the new Robin. But with Clayface on the loose, Tim and Alfred became worried about the safety of Batman and Nightwing, and went out to help them.
Tim donned the costume of Robin and, with the help of Alfred, managed to rescue them. Batman accepted Tim as the new Robin on a trial basis. He trained over several months, first with Alfred, then Batman, and finally, Nightwing.
The Obeah Man captured Tim's parents during a trip to the Caribbean. Janet died in the resulting conflict, and Jack was left with paralysis, despite Batman's help. He now required the care of a nurse/physical therapist, Dana Winters.
After assisting in the defeat of Scarecrow, Batman finally deemed Tim was ready to fulfill his role as the new Robin. He was given a new costume that set him apart from the previous Robins.
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Starting on the Path
Tim had his doubts about becoming the new Robin, but Bruce told him that he had every confidence in Tim being his new partner. Bruce also confided in Tim that he was looking for someone with smarts, not just guts, and Tim had that and more. All that was necessary was for Tim to go through some intensive training before taking to the streets in Gotham. This would involve a tour overseas, helping Tim understand who he was in addition to learning how to be a great fighter.
His first stop was Paris, to learn from Rahul Lama, a Chinese martial arts master. In Paris, Tim crossed paths with some thugs working for King Snake, who was himself being shadowed by Lady Shiva. Shiva actually joined with Robin and a man named Clyde Rawlins to help take down King Snake's heroin trafficking in the area. It was not that Shiva was opposed to it for any moral reason, she simply wished to learn for herself if King Snake was truly as dangerous as rumors made him out to be; a good challenge for her talents. Together, they discovered that King Snake was interested in more than just drugs: he was going into chemical weapons and manufacturing his own bubonic plague. They followed the trail to Hong Kong, and whilst there, Shiva continued to train with Robin and it was during this time that he acquired his collapsible fighting staff. King Snake's plan was to unleash his plague into Hong Kong so as to leave it a rotting cesspool before the Chinese reclaimed it from the British. The team split up when they breached his lair. Clyde found him first and was quickly killed by Snake. Robin managed to defeat him, but refused to kill him when Shiva ordered him to. He returned to Gotham, ready to take his place alongside the Batman.
Tim distinguished himself from Jason Todd by being far more reserved in temperament and from Dick Grayson by being more cerebral a detective and less a great acrobat. Whereas Dick had been brought up from a very early age to be acrobatic, Tim had to work hard for it. He proved himself more than capable of holding his own alongside the Batman. However, Batman did have strict orders with Tim--whenever Tim came across a known killer, he was supposed to withdraw and summon help. Tim also started dating a classmate around, this time, a young girl named Ariana Dzerchenko, who was the daughter of Russian immigrants.
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On his new role as Robin, Tim fought with Batman during Bruce's most weak moment. He assisted Batman stopping the False Face Society from continuing the arson attacks on Wayne Enterprises' buildings and he helped on the rescue of Lucius Fox from Black Mask. During those days, he took his father, Jack, to his therapy sessions with Dr. Kinsolving. At night, Robin helped Batman after the fight he had against Metalhead.
Bruce assigned Robin to train Jean Paul Valley and together they captured a gang that was stealing from Wayne Enterprises. Robin and Azrael stopped a couple more crimes in progress and later along with Batman, they managed to save Lucius Fox from Cypher and captured the criminal. When Killer Croc reappeared in Gotham, Bruce was out of action and Tim gave Jean-Paul the Batsuit so they could fight Croc. However, Bane appeared and defeated Croc, leaving Robin with an injured Jean-Paul.
Tim was in Gotham City when Bane broke open Arkham Asylum, unleashing nearly every inmate into the city, and was the first to suggest to Batman that Bane was responsible. He set out with the Batman at first, and initially they had some good progress busting up the Mad Hatter's tea party and bringing in a half dozen or so thugs along with him, however they got separated when Robin decided to pursue Bird while Batman went after The Ventriloquist. Robin joined Batman again at the girls' school where Mr. Zsasz held many students hostages. Batman sent him away and Tim spotted Talon again and decided to keep track of the animal this time. Later, Robin was briefly captured by Bane but managed to escape thanks to Killer Croc. Tim then did some detective work regarding Firefly, but a physically and emotionally drained Batman ordered him to stay in the Batcave while he took on Firefly by himself. Tim saw some action when Riddler held a live TV show hostage and helped to apprehend the self-appointed Prince of Puzzles. During one last mission, Robin tried to help Bruce against Two-Face, but Bruce denied Tim the chance. However, Robin and Alfred went looking for Two-Face and they found him during Batman's time of need. Together they managed to capture the villain and Batman was grateful that Robin decided to join.
Later, Tim was safe at home when Alfred knocked on his door, asking for help as Bruce was being brutally beaten by Bane. Tim joined Alfred and Jean-Paul to rescue Batman after Bane broke his back and threw him from a rooftop in downtown Gotham. They acquired an ambulance and took Bruce back to the Batcave. Later, Robin contacted Jim Gordon to get some medicine that Bruce needed and waited from Bruce to recover.
As soon as Bruce recovered his consciousness, Tim was asked to give Jean-Paul the mantle of the Bat, as Gotham was in dire need of Batman. Unfortunately, Robin realized that Jean-Paul became brutal and driven, but he could do nothing to restrain him. While they were out on a mission, Robin was dragged along to witness Jean-Paul's newfound brutality and for this reason, he was not present at the time when his father, Jack and Dr. Kinsolving were kidnapped from Drake Manor. Robin assisted Jean-Paul against some of Bane's henchmen, but after their failed mission, Tim finally learned about his father's disappearance and Bruce's efforts to bring him back. Tim tried to reason with Jean-Paul once again, but all he managed was to get pushed away from the crime-fighting team. Later, Robin found Jean-Paul's designs for the new batsuit and he tracked him down to the place where he and Bane were fighting. After saving the passengers from a train, Robin witnessed Bane's defeat at the hands of Jean-Paul and how the winner spared Bane's life. This event changed Robin's mentality about Jean-Paul and he admitted that he earned to be called Batman.
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Flying Solo
Tim soon learned that Jean-Paul didn't want him as his sidekick and blocked almost every entrance to the Batcave. However, when Tim received his special driver's licence, he entered the Batcave as Robin using an entrance Jean-Paul didn't know about and he tried to take his own vehicle, the Redbird with him. Unfortunately, he was confronted by Jean-Paul, who almost killed Robin. Finally Robin decided to part ways and he took the Redbird with him.
Later, Tim met up with Ariana Dzerchenko, his girlfriend, for their first date in weeks, doing his best to put Jean-Paul, Bruce, and even his Dad's disappearance aside for a few hours. There was some excitement at the party they attended when some masked thugs, the Speedboyz, tried to carjack another student's vehicle and Tim had to intervene. Later that night, Robin decided to try and track them down, only to be confronted by a local county cop, "Shotgun" Smith, who mistook Tim for one of the carjackers. Robin managed to evade arrest and got to work tracking down the Speedboyz. He managed to bust up their gang and leave a phone call for Shotgun, letting him know who to thank.
Going back home, Tim had to blow off Ari, who was beginning to think that he was seeing someone else. Tim decided to make it up to her by taking her to the movies. However, his mind kept wandering having just learned that the Cluemaster, and some other thugs, had escaped from prison. One was the Electrocutioner. Another was Czonk, who decided to create a new identity for himself, the Baffler. The others didn't like the name, so he changed it to Headbanger. Robin got to work investigating, stumbling into Spoiler soon enough. Unsurprised at this, because he knew that Stephanie was the Cluemaster's daughter and had reasoned that she'd turn up eventually. He went to the last known location of the gang and here Robin discovered a clue that the Baffler had left for the police. He followed the clue to the gang's heist: an armored car robbery. He and Cluemaster got sealed inside the car, and the other two put it in a pit and started covering it with cement. Robin could only wait until the others came back but they arrived much earlier than planned because the cops were onto them. With some help from Spoiler, Robin was saved and Cluemaster and his buddies were sent back to jail by Smith.
Robin bumped into Huntress and helped her get out of a jam from her involvement in a gang war with Mandy Paul. Tim reaffirmed that while he had discovered her real identity, he had never told Batman. They came to Mandy's lair only to find a man calling himself Deathangel, trying to "send all sinners to God" with a pair of pistols. After a firefight where Deathangel fled the scene, Robin and Huntress split up, with Robin following Mandy to a church. Huntress found Robin and Deathangel at the church, after correctly guessing that he was really Danny DePaolo, Mandy's brother, a priest at that very church. He was suffering from a delusion caused by his sister's wickedness. Everything led to a final confrontation with Mandy and her goons. Deathangel could not pull the trigger, but his sister could, and she gunned down her brother. Robin kept Huntress from killing him.
Afterwards, Tim felt the need to assist Jean-Paul in locating the serial killer Abattoir, but by the time he managed to locate the killer's hideout, Jean-Paul was already confronting him on a nearby foundry. Robin tried to get there in time to help Batman, but he could only witness how Jean-Paul refused to help as Abattoir fell to his death in a vat of molten metal.
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Soon after this, Tim was glad to hear from Bruce and learn that he had rescued his father. Once Bruce and Jack returned to Gotham, Tim learned of his father's intention to spend more time with him, but he had to put that conversation aside as he had the duty to inform Bruce about Jean-Paul's actions as Batman. After telling Bruce everything, Tim was pleased to know that Bruce would fight Jean-Paul for the mantle of the bat after an intensive training.
While Bruce trained with Shiva, Robin was asked to keep a close eye on Jean-Paul and Robin noticed that the new Batman was in fact acting very strange. As Robin was unable to find valuable information by himself, Batman summoned Nightwing to help Robin and the two of them went looking for Jean-Paul. The two of them went to the Batcave and placed surveillance equipment to monitor all of Jean-Paul's activities. After this, they were shocked to see Jean-Paul acting as a madman, talking to himself alone in the cave. They decided to tell Bruce about Jean-Paul, but when they found Bruce, they witnessed how he apparently killed one of his opponents as part of Shiva's training. However, they soon learned that it was all a ruse to deceive Shiva and Robin joined Nightwing preparing the Batcave for Bruce's final comeback.
Robin and Nightwing joined Batman on his final confrontation with Jean-Paul, but they were sidetracked by the bodyguards of Penn Selkirk, who were trying to kill Catwoman. After dealing with them, they witnessed the fight between Bruce and Jean-Paul until Bruce was apparently killed inside an exploding Batmobile and they were confronted by Jean-Paul, whose armor had turned red. After Nightwing and Jean-Paul started fighting, Robin decided to help people after the accident and he soon learned that Batman had avoided the explosion and was ready to challenge Jean-Paul.
Robin left Bruce to confront Jean-Paul on his own and the next night he learned that Bruce had defeated Jean-Paul and taken back the mantle of the bat. This victory meant that he could still be Robin and the Dynamic Duo were back in action.
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Afterward, Bruce decided he needed some time off, and this time he handed the mantle over to the right person, Dick Grayson.
Robin and the new Batman got along great, working against the likes of Two-Face. In his home life, Tim kept trying to make it up to Ari while his dad kept insisting on some bonding time because of his absence. Jack also hired Dana Winters to be his personal physical therapist. On a date with Ari, some teens picked a fight, and Tim had to take some hits, not wanting to reveal his martial arts training. He vented his frustration later that night when he went out with Dick. On another night, when he ran into the teens alone, he got his revenge, but it was spoiled when he visited Ari and found out her uncle had been attacked at his shop by gangsters.
Dick's tenure as Batman quickly came to an end when Bruce decided to return to the job. That event also brought some long needed healing between Bruce and Dick, who were very much like father and son. Bruce redesigned his costume, making it darker than ever.
Robin then had a run in with the KGBeast, but unlike their last encounter, he did not have the backup. KGBeast was perfectly willing to kill Tim and destroy most of Gotham City. KGBeast had already put down Harvey Bullock, who only survived due to Robin's knowledge of CPR. The battle against the KGBeast was tough. Robin was tempted to use Bullock's sidearm but refused. He managed to defeat him just as Batman showed up. Bullock was comatose for a while, but recovered.
Robberies were up recently, and Batman discovered that someone was sending very lame clues to the police department from inside Blackgate Prison. Figuring it was the Cluemaster and the villain would talk to Robin, Batman took Tim to the prison. Cluemaster told them that he was being blackmailed to plan some crimes by some thugs on the outside and that they had kidnapped Stephanie to ensure his cooperation. Batman tracked down their lair and Robin came along. Robin saved her life and rescued her, and after changing into her costume, she insisted on coming along. Batman was not amused, but Stephanie told him that Cluemaster had conned them and was in on the whole thing. While Batman went for another chat with Cluemaster, Robin and Spoiler stayed put until he pointed them in the right direction, where they rounded up the rest of the gang. Spoiler acted like the whole thing was a date, despite Tim's protestations that it was serious business. Afterward, Stephanie paid a visit to her dad in jail.
In an attempt to expand his criminal empire, King Snake came to Gotham. After a brief encounter with King Snake's enforcers alongside Huntress, Robin was told to back off by Batman. Robin next saved the life of Mayor Krol from a disgruntled city employee, but the credit went to another man, someone who had recently been fired for trying to blow the whistle on safety violations around the city.
Following a couple bizarre heists, such as a missing lion, Robin stumbled across Ulysses Armstrong, recently released from juvenile hall. Ulysses had recruited a vagrant who was under the impression he was Julius Caesar and together they plotted a crime spree. With some help from Shotgun Smith, Robin foiled the plot. Returning home, he discovered Ari was in his bedroom. She told him she had run away because her uncle was planning on moving away from the city because of the attack on his shop.
Tim might have been in some trouble with his father and maid for Ari spending the night if Jack's physical trainer hadn't come out of Jack's bedroom that morning. Dana had worked wonders on Jack in more ways than one, and he was up and walking about with a cane. Robin got to take his mind of things by helping Batman investigate a string of local robberies perpetrated by a gang of amateur ninjas, one of whom died when he fell off a rooftop. The deceased turned out to be a classmate of Tim's and he learned that the kid had gone to a Ninja Camp. Robin followed another classmate and easily defeated some of the ninjas, though they managed to escape. Tim decided to go undercover and enrolled at the camp using his alias, Alvin Draper. He impressed the camp leaders enough that they let him in on their outfit, provided he could pass one last test. Robin passed with flying colors and arranged for the ninjas to be arrested. Tim got home and learned that Ari's uncle had sold his store and they would be moving at the end of the week.
But things weren't so bad, thanks to a little help from Bruce Wayne. Bruce arranged for Lucius Fox and Wayne Enterprises to buy the store at a very generous price, enough for the family to open another store in a better neighborhood and remain in the city. Ari would even be going to the same school as Tim. Robin felt great. That night on patrol, he heard that Killer Moth had broken out. Figuring Moth for a third tier super lightweight, Robin went after him on his own. Moth had just sold his soul to Neron during Underworld Unleashed and been transformed into Charaxes. The monstrous being shredded its way through some cops and evaded a shootout with Sheriff Smith while capturing Robin, hoping to devour him. Robin was saved by an unknown party before Batman could turn up, and Charaxes was gone.
Robin met the new Green Arrow about that time. Green Arrow and Spoiler joined Robin to take down some gunrunners who were selling guns around Tim's high school. One of Tim's classmates, Karl Ranck, had been given a gun by his dad to protect himself, prompting Tim to tell his father. Jack had a talk with Karl's dad, who took the gun away. Karl then took one of his dad's guns and was killed in a shootout at the school. Tim was so angry that the beat-down he gave the gunrunners might have been much worse had Stephanie and Connor not been there. Tim spotted Stephanie at Karl's funeral and tried to avoid her, prompting Ari to misread the situation. Luckily, Tim managed to straighten that out easily enough. Robin and Spoiler then went after the guy who shot Karl, who was part of a larger street gang. They had to be saved by Batman, who was not happy that Robin decided to go at the gang without more backup than Spoiler. He also reminded Tim that Karl had made the choice to pick up the gun and become a target.
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Batman sends Robin to track down a plague survivor named Kendall Stuart when the Apocalypse Virus breaks out in Gotham. He reluctantly teams up with Catwoman, but they're both beaten by a bounty hunter named Tracker. Azrael intervenes to save them, but Robin fails when Stuart is shot dead by the Order of St. Dumas. He fights rioters with Nightwing and Huntress, then gets infected when one of them spits in his face. Alfred is forced to take care of him in the Batcave, and Tim hallucinates while dying. He's saved when Azrael deciphers the cure, and dutifully helps the relief efforts even in his weakened state.
Ariana briefly bleaches her hair blonde, and Tim is distressed to realize that she's jealous of Stephanie. He's captured by Maxie Zeus and Julie Caesar, but manages to defeat them both without help. When he meets Wildcat at a car show, he is thrilled to team up with a legendary hero against the Speedboyz.
When Armand Krol dies, they realize the Apocalypse Virus was never cured and Tim still has it in a dormant state. Batman travels to the Sudan with Nightwing and Robin where they track down an ancient cure. It's revealed that Ra's al Ghul is controlling the virus, and they're forced to fight through an army of assassins while he escapes. Nightwing and Robin chase his acolytes to Paris, where they stop a terrorist attack on the Louvre. Robin beats up Shen Chi in a surprise showdown, and is forced to work with Henri Ducard. Batman destroys the last of the plague in Gotham, and Robin pursues Ra's with Huntress and Nightwing. They track down his boat The Shrike, and Robin steals data from his computers before escaping while it explodes. Bruce and Tim blame themselves for the number of deaths, and Alfred reminds them they should count everyone they've saved.
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Final Night
Robin met Impulse for the first time when their respective classes went on the same skiing field trip in Colorado. Alfred went with Robin, for they had an extra business, a plot involving a group called White Heat and Mystral. Tim met Bart early in the trip, and once he saw Bart in uniform, he was able to instantly guess who his identity, much to Bart's surprise. This would mark the beginning of a long and close friendship.
Tim hated that he kept having to mislead Ari ; trouble seemed to come up everywhere, even at a student outing to "Macbeth on the Beach" where Tim had to avoid Helena Bertinelli so she wouldn't recognize him. Tim cared for Ari very much, even if Spoiler kept making passes at him. During the Final Night, the Robin and Spoiler were trapped in a snowdrift along with a thug who tried to kill them with a chainsaw. Spoiler could not understand why Robin tried to save the thug trapped in the snow. While they were digging him out, they found a woman and her child also trapped in the snow and rescued them.
"General" Ulysses Armstrong got out on parole and Robin decided to visit him at home, and remind him that he should stay in line. He knew that Armstrong would not do so, and sure enough, the kid soon joined up with the Toyman to try and steal the toy collection of a local eccentric, Phillip Crouch. Robin tracked them to Crouch's manor, where a fight broke out with some hi-tech, deadly toys. Toyman betrayed Armstrong, and Robin had to rescue him and stop them both. Both were arrested.
As a young child, Bruce Wayne enjoyed watching Roy Raymond, a TV criminologist. His son, Roy Raymond Jr., had a TV show that aired dramatizations of crimes on which he called himself Manstalker. Tim thought the show was a joke, but it couldn't take his mind off things. Ari had been a little distant lately, and his friend Ives was keeping secrets too. On patrol, Robin found Slyfox and his crew trying to rob an insurance company, and of course, Manstalker and his TV crew arrived on the scene during a special episode. Robin had to destroy the tape in the camera before heading after the hoods, whom he apprehended.
While Spoiler was out getting into some trouble with Lynx and her goons, Tim was spending time at Ari's. He got the shock of a lifetime while they were alone at her house and she walked out of her room in her underwear, wanting to sleep with him. Tim finally learned what was bothering her; when she had dyed her hair, she had hung out with another guy and the guy tried to rape her. It was an unsuccessful attempt, but it left her feeling very scared and vulnerable. Tim told her that he loved her and said it would be best if they waited to have sex. While Tim and Ari were sharing a tender moment, Ari's uncle and aunt walked in and was cross with them. Ari's uncle was not in the mood to listen to an explanation. Tim had to flee before Ari's uncle strangled him. He decided to go on patrol, where he ran into Spoiler and she explained about Lynx's Ghost Dragons. Robin agreed to work with her, but the Dragons proved too much for them to handle on their own. Robin knew he should tell Stephanie to give up being Spoiler, but he just couldn't do so.
Soon Tim learned that the only secret Ives was keeping was that he had a job dressing as a giant mouse at a kid's restaurant. Ari, however, was transferred to an all girl's school. Tim kept thinking about Spoiler, and when he went to meet her, he found out she had been kidnapped by Czonk, who was back to calling himself the Baffler. Despite being one of the dumbest goons in Gotham, Baffler managed to tie up Robin and Spoiler and planned on leaving them to die in an old project building that was being demolished. He managed to knock himself out, and they ended up having to save him as well as themselves. Afterward, Robin told Stephanie she might have to stop being Spoiler. When he got home, he found his dad back from his recent lecture tour and Jack had spoken to Ari's uncle. Tim was grounded, but even when forbidden to leave his room, he managed to solve a crime by watching the news.
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Second Sabbatical
During the Genesis crisis, Robin was unable to save a hood who had to tried to kill him from drowning. Feeling depressed, Robin headed for the frontlines. Armstrong was back, this time as the adviser to Ali Ben Khadir, a claimant to the throne of the Karoccan Emirate. His rival was being backed by Qurac. With Nightwing's help and a Wayne Tech jet, Robin went over to the war-torn country. Nightwing managed to stop two armies from clashing outside the capital while Robin penetrated Armstrong's lair. He found that Armstrong and his employer had experienced a falling out, so the boy was arrested and Robin withdrew. Robin had Nightwing drop him off in France, saying that lately he'd been feeling lost and decided he needed to step back for a while. He thought Paris was the right place to start, since his training had never really ended there.
Knowing that Rahul Lama was dead, Tim decided to train in the course of the Iron Master, although he remained in his identity as Robin. He stopped a former student from stealing from the master and also met a girl named Dava Sborsc. The girl was there to learn a single move to add to her arsenal of lethal moves. She wanted to be able to fight in the war that was destroying her native country of Transbelvia. After she left, Lady Shiva arrived looking for her. Robin had to withdraw, leaving the Iron Master to fight her alone, and Shiva killed him. King Snake was also involved again, this time selling weapons to Transbelvia. Robin went after Dava to warn her about Shiva. Back in Gotham, Jack Drake, Ari, and Spoiler were all wondering what had happened to Tim. Robin found Dava, a rebel fighting against the oppressive regime using a special chemical called Aramilla that allows her to move at super speed. Together they easily took down some military thugs, but then Shiva turned up. Not willing to step aside and let her murder Dava, Robin attacked, using the Aramilla to his advantage. Not even Shiva could stand up to Robin moving at super speed. Losing control, Robin beat her to death, just as King Snake sauntered in. While Dava fought King Snake and his minions, Robin performed CPR and managed to revive Shiva. Shiva had absorbed some of the Aramilla, and at super speed, she took down all of King Snake's men and went after King Snake herself. Robin left them to fight each other and brought an injured Dava to safety. But the war continued, and Robin decided it was finally time to return home.
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On the flight home, Gotham City was struck by the Cataclysm, a massive earthquake that leveled most of the city. Robin joined with Batman and the rest of the "family," overwhelmed at the near total destruction of the entire city. There was little that Robin could do in such chaos, and Batman asked him to stay out of most of the city. Luckily, the Drake home, in one of the outer neighboring communities, suffered only minor damages and they were able to effect repairs. During the Aftershock, Ari and Stephanie were both staying in a shelter with their families. Stephanie asked Robin to retrieve her costume, worried someone would steal it and learn her secret. Cluemaster was waiting there, but Robin took him down and turned him in to the National Guard.
After spending more time with Stephanie, Robin decides he really does care for her, and that he has to break things off with Ari rather than keep her hanging on. Fortunately, Ari feels exactly the same way about a breakup, although she says it is because they are too young to pursue a relationship. Ari is not seen again.
At this same time, Robin also became one of the charter members of Young Justice.
Tim and Spoiler got along wonderfully. She didn't pry about his real identity, and he could share being Robin with her. After their first real date, Stephanie told him that she was pregnant. Robin was not responsible for her condition, but he stood by her. Disguised as Alvin Draper, he went to classes and told her that she had to give up being Spoiler until after the baby was born. Later, Robin had to save his friends Ives and Hudson from Steeljacket. At school, a friend of Tim's was found dead in the woods and two bullies were suspected of killing him. While Tim initially believed they were innocent, he soon found evidence of their guilt, which led to their arrest.
With all of Gotham city in ruins, Jack Drake decided the family should relocate from Gotham Heights for a while. He decided to move to Keystone City. When they arrived, Robin teamed with the Flash to take on the Riddler and Captain Boomerang. They also got some help from Superman to stop a bomb threat. While they were in Keystone, Stephanie went into labor and needed a C-section. Flash got Robin back to Gotham in time for him to come to the hospital. The baby was born and Stephanie gave the child up for adoption. Jack was furious with his son for running home to Gotham but admitted that he had hated Keystone and also wanted to come back. Robin even managed to help Shotgun Smith take down three monstrous thugs who held hostage an emergency room.
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No Man's Land
Recalled to Gotham City by Batman, Robin and Nightwing had to crawl through an extensive system of tunnels and underground chambers, as the bridges were all down and patrols kept them from crossing the river. They had a tussle with Tommy Mangles and Gearhead, but Nightwing easily defeated them and got into the city. Robin was depressed by the despair and desperation he witnessed in people fighting to survive. Batman put Robin to work immediately, ordering him to track down a cache of food from an old shelter. Robin found it and discovered the Ratcatcher there. Robin had to flee from the Ratcatcher and his legions of rats, though a combination of rat bites and exposure to sewage gave him a fever. He managed to stave it off with some antibiotics, and was found by a group of children known as the Wolflings, including a kid Robin knew from his school who was calling himself Aragoth. The Wolflings decided to find the stores, and Robin was too sick to follow them at first. The kids found it, but so did the Ratcatcher and Mister Freeze. Robin managed to defeat both Freeze and Ratcatcher, arranging for them to be arrested. Batman was impressed with Robin's actions. Robin did not have much time to recover, as he knew Batman and the others were fighting for their lives. Robin was captured by Killer Croc, who was planning an all-out battle with Penguin and his police allies. Alfred helped free Robin and he rallied with Bullock and Penguin to defeat Croc. He then had to make the hard decision to call his father and tell him that he was in Gotham and that there was no way out. Jack made a lot of noise, and Washington took notice. Federal agents were ordered to stage a rescue. Tim was told to come to Grant Park to be extracted. The rescue site turned into a fire fight, but Tim was successfully lifted out with some help from the new Batgirl.
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Brentwood Academy
Jack decided to enroll his son in Brentwood Academy, a private all boys boarding school not too far from home because of Tim's many absences while attending Gotham Heights High School. His first roommate was Ali Ben Khadir, the religious leader of a small country called Dhabar; and was accompanied by his bodyguard, Zugir. Bruce assigned Alfred to be Tim's personal valet for the rest of the semester. Tim decided life at the school wasn't so bad. He still got to see Spoiler and even created a new hi-tech skateboard. He discovered four Man-Bat-like creatures that warranted investigating. With help from Nightwing, he learned that the bats were Kirk and Francine Langstrom and their children. He had to ask Jason Bard for an antidote Kirk had entrusted him with years ago. The serum worked on the parents, and their daughter but not their son.
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Young Justice
Much like Dick Grayson, Tim Drake has allied himself with the other superheroes in his age demographic. He mostly worked with the Gotham City heroes, but on occasion joined forces with other heroes such as Superman, the Flash, Superboy and Impulse. During one adventure where a preteen boy was given god-like powers, Robin, Superboy and Impulse joined forces to defeat him. The boys worked so well together that they created their own team of heroes called Young Justice. Robin acted as the leader of the team until he temporarily quit following the Imperiex War. During that mission, the group was tortured on Apokolips. Afterward, Robin discovered that over half the team, including Superboy, Wonder Girl, Impulse and Cissie King-Jones, no longer trust him. The Justice League had discovered that Batman kept contingency plans on them, and the younger heroes began to wonder if Robin might also have plans to defeat or even kill them. Secret, who has deep feelings for Robin, along with new members Empress and Lil' Lobo however remained trusting of Robin. Still, feeling hurt as well as strained by problems in his personal life, Robin quit temporarily.
When Tim returned, the team agreed to elect their leader, and Tim lost to Wonder Girl. The team still looked at Tim as its tactical expert, aiding Wonder Girl, in leadership, similar to Batman's own position in the JLA. Unwilling to quit Young Justice a second time, Tim took on the identity of "Mister Sarcastic" at a point where Young Justice agreed to become reality TV stars. Soon after, Secret was turned evil by Darkseid, and it was Tim who managed to save the world by reminding Greta of her humanity.
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Graduation Day
The Titans and Young Justice are both approached by the corporation Optitron who want to fund them as a massive tax write-off, but Nightwing angrily refuses. Outside this building they're attacked by an android named Indigo, but the team is decimated by bad coordination. Robin broods over his hospitalized teammates believing it's his fault for letting them get hurt, and the android releases a rogue Superman Robot that kills Omen. There's a massive battle and Donna Troy is killed. In the wake of this tragedy, Young Justice decides to disband because their lack of experience gets people hurt. Cyborg offers to mentor them instead.
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Teen Titans
Beast Boy, Cyborg and Starfire decide to mentor the next generation of heroes as the new Teen Titans. They establish a Titans Tower in San Francisco and invite Robin alongside Impulse, Superboy and Wonder Girl to join them on a weekends-only basis. Their first battle is against Deathstroke who attacks them saying that kids shouldn't wear costumes, although he's revealed to be possessed by Jericho. They end their first weekend when the Justice League visits and the two teams battle over a misunderstanding, with Robin fighting his mentor until Nightwing tells the League to trust the next generation.
On his 16th birthday, Tim is so busy that he forgets and his friends plan him a surprise party. He receives a present that appears to be a hologram of Alfred from the future. This message tells him that one member of the Batman Family will betray the rest, and turn Gotham into a subjugated nightmare. Robin works hard to determine which of his friends could be the traitor. Eventually, it's revealed that this was a hoax engineered by Batman to test Tim's detective skills.
Robin then helped Batman stop and investigate random crimes around Gotham. Some time later, he was assigned the mission of taking care of an injured Ventriloquist during an attack by a group known as The Body. Having to deal with several enemies, a convalescent crime lord and a deranged Frank Ivers, Robin called James Gordon to help him. However, Robin and Gordon fell victims of an infectious fear that caused them to attack each other and lost control of the situation. With help from Frank Ivers, Robin and Gordon were released from the fear and returned to normality.
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Beginning his junior year at the unfamiliar Louis E. Grieve Memorial High School, Tim quickly makes friends with Bernard Dowd and Darla Aquista. Batman gives him a new motorcycle, and his parents catch him with a black eye after fighting crime. The hitman he was fighting gains powers and becomes Johnny Warlock. Warlock takes over crimelord Henry Aquista's business, then seemingly dies trying to kill Robin and Spoiler. During his weekend with the Titans, Robin takes a joyride in a stolen Batmobile and helps rescue Raven by defeating Brother Blood.Warlock hires the assassin Scarab to kill Robin when he's forced to leave the country.  Jack Drake catches his son lying about the black eye, and confronts Bruce Wayne after finding Robin equipment hidden in Tim's room. Tim's father demands that he quit being a superhero, and threatens to expose their secrets. Tim reluctantly accepts that he has to give up being Robin.
This puts a strain on his relationship with Stephanie, although Tim says being normal gets easier every day. Stephanie catches Darla forcefully kissing Tim and begins avoiding him. Batman agrees to train her as Tim's replacement when she makes her own Robin costume and sneaks into the Batcave. When Tim learns of this he tries to talk to Steph, but she continues to avoid him. Scarab begins systematically murdering teens who look like Tim in an effort to complete her contract on Robin. Superboy visits Gotham and deduces Tim's identity by careful listening. He tries to persuade him to come back to the Titans, but Tim insists he is happier giving up the responsibilities of being a superhero. Batgirl protects Tim while Batman and Robin go after Scarab. Bruce eventually fires Stephanie for disobeying orders.
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War Games
When the city is plunged into gang war, Tim's dad urges him to stay at home although he is uncomfortable. Darla is targeted by the Odessa Mob and the Ventriloquist, who send hitmen to kill her at school. Tim is forced to protect other students in his civilian identity, although Darla still gets hit by a bullet. Batman, Batgirl and Nightwing finally arrive to help him deal with the situation. They prevent any deaths, but Darla still leaves in critical condition. Tim decides to break his promise and become Robin again to help. Batman is not surprised to see him back, and they partner up again. He asks Nightwing for advice on his situation. Robin is alerted with all the others when Batman realizes the gang war was one of his "war game" contingency plans. Tim confesses to his dad that he's become Robin again, and his dad begrudgingly realizes that the city needs him. Jack Drake and Dana Winters volunteer at the Thompkins clinic. Robin helps GCPD hold their barrier at the Robinson Park riot. He rescues Batman and allows him to go after the Orpheus impostor revealed to be Black Mask. Robin takes down Mr. Fun, the Ravens, and Trickster, then takes a break and spends time with his dad. When they rally at the siege on Gotham Clock Tower, Robin takes down Scarebeast by parlaying with the cops ordered to shoot on sight. The crisis ends, but Stephanie dies of her injuries in the Thompkins clinic. Bruce told Tim about her death afterwards, and noticed that he did not cry or make a sound. Tim returns to active duty with the Titans shortly afterward.
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Titans Tomorrow
Tim encounters his future self in the identity of Batman after his mentor dies in a crisis. This future happens despite his repeated statement that he does not want to be the next Batman, and is rather content being Robin. In this timeline, Tim is now the leader of the future Titans with himself as Batman. After Bruce Wayne's death, Tim has the Titans take control of the entire West Coast. He orders any rebellions put down by Dark Raven absorbing the people's free will and hope. He even hunts down most of Batman's Rogues Gallery and kills them with the handgun that was used to kill Thomas and Martha Wayne. As he explains to his younger self, 'It took me years to do it.' He even begins a relationship with Bette Kane, who becomes his partner, Batwoman. He later kills her during an argument. Wracked with guilt, he made a deal with Ra's al Ghul to restore her using the Lazarus Pit. Once revived, she joined the Titans East and opposed Batman and his team. His latest victim before the younger Teen Titans show up was Duela Dent, the Joker's daughter, whom he murders out of revenge for the death of assorted people including Cassandra Cain and Alfred Pennyworth.
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Identity Crisis
Tim, along with the rest of the superhero community, tries to keep all of his loved ones safe after some tragic attacks upon the family members of the Justice League. One night, while Batman and Robin were investigating these crimes, they receive an incoming transmission from Oracle that Tim's father needs to speak to him immediately. It turned out that there's an intruder in the Drake home and a mysterious note with a gun was for Jack suggests that he protect himself. Jack tells Tim that he is proud of him and that he is not responsible if something bad happens. The intruder is revealed to be the hired killer Captain Boomerang. Jack fired as Captain Boomerang unleashed a razor boomerang and the two killed one another before Batman and Robin could make it back to the scene. Like Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson before him, Tim Drake had now lost both of his parents to crime.
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After Identity Crisis, Bruce Wayne offered to adopt Tim, who was not initially fond of the idea. Tim falsified records to create an uncle who would become his legal guardian. He then moved in with his 'Uncle Eddie' in Blüdhaven, while his stepmother received treatment at a psychiatric hospital. Although Tim covered his tracks well, Batman was still able to figure out the truth. Rather than being angry, Batman is impressed with Tim's subterfuge. He even offers to teach Tim to cover his tracks completely.
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To Kill a Bird
Soon afterward, a military superhero legend called the Veteran attempted to recruit Robin. Tim, now concerned with his own mission rather than Batman's, took the Veteran's offer under consideration and went on a mission with his team to get a feel for the job. Tim eventually turned down the offer. Some time after this, Jason Todd, long thought dead, returned as the new Red Hood. Angered that someone has replaced him as Robin, Jason broke into Titans Tower wearing a version of his own Robin costume. Quickly immobilizing the other Titans, Jason confronted Tim to see if the new Boy Wonder was really as good as everyone claimed. The two Robins fought, until at last Jason struck Tim down in the Hall of Fallen Titans. Although Tim was defeated, Jason demanded to know if he still believed himself to be as good as people say, to which Tim replied with a defiant 'Yes' before Todd rendered him unconscious. Jason spared Tim's life, simply tearing off the 'R' shaped emblem from his chest. In the epilogue of the story, Jason has developed a grudging sort of respect for Tim, wondering if he would have been a better Robin and a better person, had he had friends like the Titans.
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Infinite Crisis
As in the events surrounding the Infinite Crisis storyline, Robin, along with the Veteran's forces, had to defend the city of Blüdhaven against an army of OMACs who had captured dozens of metahumans for immediate extermination. After a virus deactivated the cyborgs, Tim, the Shadowpact and the Veteran's team captured the metahumans. With Blüdhaven safe, Wonder Girl arrived on the scene asking Robin for help. Along with the Teen Titans, the Doom Patrol and the Justice Society of America, he battled against Superboy-Prime, who had violently assaulted their world's Superboy. The fight overwhelmed Conner's body to the point where it began eating away at itself for energy.
After Robin's departure from Blüdhaven, the city was destroyed by the Society. Although he worried about his stepmother, his "uncle" and Nightwing, Tim continued to Titans Tower. He then led a successful assault on one of Lex Luthor's genetic research bases to find a cure for Superboy. With Blüdhaven still in chaos, Superman left Robin in command of all the superhero rescue efforts. But when the government put the city on complete lock down, the Titans were kicked out. Following the discovery of Superboy's death at the North Pole, Robin joined the rest of the world's heroes in a final battle against the Society in Metropolis. Although the heroes won the battle, many on both sides were injured and killed.
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After the Infinite Crisis ended, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Tim Drake went on a trip to retrace Bruce Wayne's original journey around the world in his quest to become Batman. The journey took them to Europe, where Robin and Nightwing went on a quest to stop Intergang's associates on different countries. While on this quest, Robin changed his costume's colors in order to strike fear into the eyes of criminals.
At a ceremony honoring Superboy one year after his death, Robin attended in a new costume made up primarily red and black. When asked why by Jimmy Olsen, he explained that they were the colors of Conner's costume.
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One Year Later
When Batman and Robin return to Gotham, they work better together and start a crime-purge. Having trained together, they are able to wipe out major super-crime in a month. Bruce informs Tim that since his parents died he has decided to adopt him, and Tim joyously accepts. Robin is framed for murder when Lynx turns up dead in a Batgirl suit and Cassandra Cain goes missing. He is forced to break David Cain out of prison for the ransom, but it turns out Cassandra is responsible. Cassandra has turned evil and taken over the League of Assassins, now wanting Tim to fight at her side. He refuses and barely escapes alive.
Tim leads the new Teen Titans, and he tries to put the team back together with Cyborg. When Wonder Girl learns he is trying to clone the dead Superboy, they share a grief-stricken kiss.
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Teenage Wasteland
When Robin goes undercover to stop a crew of kidnappers, the wannabe super-hero Dodge interferes and is put into a coma. Tim blames himself for this, but talks through these problems while convincing a teenager not to commit suicide. He teams up with Klarion the Witch-Boy and Teekl when a Limbo Town resident named Uriah attempts to create a Judgment Beast. Tim goes on a successful date with his classmate Zoanne Wilkins, although they are interrupted by the super-villain Jitter. On Halloween he goes after the serial killer Scary Mary. Jamie Harper enlists him to fight a metahuman street gang called Lords of the Avenues, and Cassandra returns to murder his enemies. Zoanne breaks up with Tim because she believes he is not ready for a relationship. Deathstroke puts together his own team of super-villains called the Titans East to battle the Teen Titans.
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The Big Leagues
On his first Father's Day with Bruce, Tim plans a nice evening and has to fight the Jury so he can make it home in time. Dodge returns to take revenge with a crew including the villains Brutus, Cheater, Macro, Micro, Skill and Tapeworm. Robin takes them down with the help of Zatara and Ravager posing as Skill to be their spy. Dodge realizes his mistake and dies a hero, protecting Robin as his powers finally kill him. Tim has a relapse into violence on the anniversary of his father's death, but swears to honor him by improving. The Teen Titans have another encounter with the Titans Tomorrow despite two of their present day deaths.
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The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul
Damian arrives in the Batcave to warn everyone that Ra's al Ghul has returned. They have a rematch when Robin doesn't believe him, although Alfred scolds Tim. Wayne Manor is attacked by the League of Assassins, and Nightwing is forced to let them be captured while he rescues the Insect Girls. Ra's asks Tim to serve at his side and realize his true potential, promising to resurrect his parents. Batman is forced to choose whether Ra's will use Robin or Damian as his new host body, and Batman offers to take him to Nanda Parbat instead. Robin and Damian escape and fight their way through White Ghost's ninjas. Tim reconsiders the offer Ra's made and decides to sacrifice himself for his lost friends and family. Nightwing fights to stop him until I-Ching breaks them apart. Tim is allowed to make the decision on his own and chooses not to, breaking down in tears. They travel to Nanda Parbat and fight an army of ninjas, until Rama Kushna saves them from Ra's in his new body. The four men realize it's Christmas on the plane-ride home, and toast to family.
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Violent Tendencies
Robin begins chasing a new vigilante who reminds him of Spoiler named Violet. He takes down Condiment King, and Harper puts him in contact with her corrupt superior officers Marcus Wise and Roman Cavallo. They are working for the Penguin and use Robin to wipe out his competition, starting with Maxie Zeus's illegal casino. Sebastian Ives is diagnosed with treatable cancer and Tim supports him. He chases Violet to a Korean counterfeiting operation, where they're interrupted by someone wearing a Spoiler costume. He loses track of both women, but later hunts down "Spoiler" with Batman. She reveals that she is actually Stephanie Brown, having only faked her death. Tim gives her a huge kiss and they talk through the details. Robin and Spoiler become a crime-fighting duo again, although this creates a rift between Tim and Zoanne.
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Batman R.I.P.
Robin and Nightwing put away the Wonderland Gang and after this, Batman warned them about Hush's return. A few days later, Robin and Nightwing were summoned to the Batcave to confront Hush and put an end to his evil scheme.
After this, Batman and Robin took the new Batmobile out for a test drive, stopping a criminal wannabe named Green Vulture. Tim was worried about Bruce's mental health since the Thögal Ritual, and is angry that no one will tell him the results of Damian's paternity test. Batman went missing and Robin searched the city for him with Spoiler, believing he has lost his mind. He took down the Sprang Bridge Soldiers, made a deal with Penguin and brought Jamie Harper deeper into his confidence. While Robin was reading through the Black Casebook, he's ambushed by Pierrot Lunaire and Swagman of the Club of Villains. Robin teared the city apart, vowing that he will either save Batman or take him down. However, he learned that Spoiler had been sabotaging his efforts under Batman's request. Robin escaped from Pierrot and Swagman to alert Knight and Squire. He rallied the Club of Heroes and they dealt with the Black Glove all over Gotham. Robin went to Arkham in time to see a helicopter crashing. He explained the situation to Gordon as Hurt's helicopter went down.
Afterwards, Robin helped Batgirl decipher a code sent by the Black Glove in which they revealed their master plan to eliminate the Outsiders along with Batman.
After a while, Nightwing returned to Gotham and together they started working on the reconstruction of the Batcave. Later, Robin and Nightwing went to Vietnam to capture Hush and they took him back to Gotham, where they locked him in a secure cell at the top of Wayne Tower.
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Search for a Hero
Robin tries to protect Gotham in Batman's absence, as the gangs and police begin rioting. Jason Todd tries to take control of the gangs, but Robin has him put in Blackgate. Spoiler continues testing Robin, hiring mercenaries like Jaeger and Scarab while he's already fighting Lynx. Jason Bard takes down Cavallo and Wise, making them work for Robin, then begins dating Jamie Harper. The General returns as Red Robin, then becomes Anarky while Lonnie Machin is paralyzed. When the riots reach a climax at Anarky's manipulation, Tim wears the Red Robin costume and adopts a grimmer persona. Spoiler worries that to make him a better hero she's made Robin a worse person, and Tim recognizes that he must do whatever it takes to keep Gotham safe.
Lady Shiva challenged Robin to a fight to the death. He made peace with his loved ones and broke up with Zoanne Wilkins. During the fight, Shiva broke three of his ribs, but he defeated her as he had poisoned her food earlier in the day. Later, Tim also defeated the Obeah Man when he got out of prison in Haiti, and had him extradited to a US prison.
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Battle for the Cowl
In the wake of Batman's death, Robin patrolled the city constantly to keep order and stopped criminals like Nocturna.
Later, there's a massive gang war and the entire Network was enlisted to help, leading Robin to team up with Squire. Tim tried to convince Dick to become the new Batman, but Dick refused and Jason Todd began wearing a Batsuit to gun down criminals. Tim responded to this by putting on a Batsuit and took to the streets, but Todd impaled him with a Batarang through the chest. Tim was barely rescued from dying by Damian and Squire when Jason's make-shift Batcave collapsed. Shortly after, Dick defeated Jason and became Batman.
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Red Robin
Tim believes Bruce is still alive somewhere after seeing a painting of his "ancestor" Mordecai Wayne in Wayne Manor. He is angered when Dick chooses Damian Wayne to be Robin instead of him, and nobody believes him when he insists that Bruce is still alive. Traveling to Europe to investigate Bruce's disappearance, he begins wearing the Red Robin costume as it will allow him to become darker without tarnishing an existing symbol. In Paris he's attacked by Owens, Pru and Z of the League of Assassins but it's revealed that this is Ra's al Ghul reaching out to help him. These assassins help him fight the Wild Huntsman when he infiltrates a museum, and Ra's explains that they are completely in Tim's service. This leads him to a cave painting that proves Bruce is lost in time, but outside they're attacked by Widower of the Council of Spiders who kills Owens and Z.
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Blackest Night
Red Robin is called back to Gotham by Batman and Robin when their old enemies start rising from their graves as members of the Black Lantern Corps. He arrives in the Batplane to save them from a siege at GCPD Headquarters by sweeping the building with flame-throwers and airlifting them out. His father Jack Drake becomes a zombie and reenacts his own death with Captain Boomerang, to get an emotional response from Tim and feed off his life-energy. Dick and Tim use Mister Freeze's Freeze Gun to avoid the zombies' detection, then have Deadman unfreeze them and pass on their information to others.
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Council of Spiders
Ra's al Ghul has Red Robin and Tam Fox kidnapped by the White Ghost. Drake is put in charge of the League of Assassins while they're attacked by the Council of Spiders, as Drake is the only person to survive an encounter with the council. He sets up fake assassinations across the world to bait the Spiders, but they slaughter his men and infiltrate the League's headquarters to kill Ra's. Drake is barely able to save Tam and Ra's is seemingly killed by their leader the Wanderer. Despite the entire League of Assassins having been killed by them, Drake takes on all of the Spiders simultaneously and wins. Before leaving with Tam he uses the League's computers to blow up all of their facilities across the planet, and Ra's announces he will retaliate by destroying Wayne Enterprises.
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Tim reunites with Conner Kent in Paris, while trying to look for a Mother Box in order to get to New Genesis. After looking for one of Lex Luthor's labs in the catacombs of Paris, Tim broke down and told Conner of the hardships he'd faced. Conner emotionally supported him, also believing that Bruce is alive.
Returning to Gotham, Tim takes down Killer Moth and tries to reconcile his new grim persona with his old life. Ra's announces that he will kill those dearest to Bruce Wayne, and Tim teams up with Batgirl to save Leslie Thompkins. Pru gives them inside information on Ra's plans, but they are ambushed by the Seven Men of Death. They are able to survive these assassins, and Tim enlists Batman and Robin to help as he believes Ra's is planning something larger. Tim uses his connections in the Network and the Titans to rescue the hostages, explaining that unlike Batman he has friends. To stop Hush from transferring control of the company to Ra's, Lucius Fox has Tim appointed CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Ra's is outraged and kicks Tim out a window, although he calls him "detective" and privately admits he'd like Tim to father an heir. Tim apologizes to his friends for the dark direction he's taken and reveals his evidence that Bruce is still alive. Vicki Vale publishes an article saying he is engaged to Tam Fox. Alfred designs a modified costume for Tim, allowing him to truly become his own person.
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Hit List and Return of Batman
After dealing with Ra's al Ghul's attempt to destroy the Bat-family, Tim Drake began a new quest of his own to take down several of the Bat-family's currently active foes, starting with the new Lynx. He also enlisted the help of Lonnie Machin to be his "Oracle," had a confrontation with Damian Wayne, and captured Ulysses Armstrong, who had stolen the Anarky persona.
Red Robin was then summoned to the Justice League Headquarters to help them rescue Bruce Wayne from being stranded in time. After Bruce's return, he teamed up with Red Robin to defeat the Council of Spiders in Amsterdam, with a little help from Prudence, Tim's ally, formerly of the League of Assassins. Later, after Bruce had established Batman Incorporated, Tim, as Red Robin, traveled to Hong Kong, where he contacted Cassandra Cain, the former Batgirl. Cassandra was still affiliated with the Bat-family but had no interest in returning to Gotham City. Nevertheless, he gave her a duplicate of her old costume, which she accepted. After here turned to Gotham City, Red Robin sprang Lynx from prison, the latter having claimed to be an undercover Hong Kong Police Officer, who kissing him in return. Batman was mildly annoyed by this but gently offered to give Tim advice on his dealings with Selina Kyle, as Tim considered Lynx to be on the road to becoming his own personal Catwoman. Tim then revealed that a Neon Knights center had been established in Gotham City, and that they would be preventing young people from turning to crime while the Bat-Family fought crime.
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The Rabbithole
Tim's next mission was to investigate the supervillain communications network, the Unternet and discern how to either control it, or destroy it. He traveled to Russia, with Tam Fox in order to find out whether or not industrialist Viktor Mikalek had anything to do do with it. He was met with an icy reception from Red Star, who told him to be careful when dealing with Mikalek, as his actions had contributed greatly to the Russian economy. Tim and Tam arrived at Mikalek's headquarters, and were discussing a proposal to set up a Neon Knights center in Moscow, when a vigilante calling herself Promise broke into the meeting room and started to attack Mikalek. Red Star appeared to resolve the situation, but Promise managed to escape. Later, as Red Robin, Tim looked for Promise with the help of Lonnie Machin, who has been rendered catatonic following torture by The General, and was now only able to communicate by a special computer, thus allowing him to hack anything. Tim tracked Promise to her hideout, and after a brief conversation, Red Star attacked them, thinking that Red Robin was in league with "the terrorist." Meanwhile, Tam and Lonnie had hacked into the Unternet, and Red Robin had given Promise a comlink. After a fierce chase, Red Robin found himself aboard Red Star's ship, where he discovered dozens of missiles. At this moment, one of the Calculator's defenses was activated, which resulted in Red Robin, Tam, Promise, and Lonnie being knocked unconscious and their consciousness being absorbed into the Unternet. There they discovered a very surreal world where all of the persons inside manifested as they saw themselves, with the Riddler representing Tim Drake's mind figuring things out. After a series of scuffles with manifestations of the likes of the Joker and Deathstroke, they encountered Promises's manifestation, who revealed to them the meaning and purpose of the Unternet, and that Viktor Mikalek wished to regulate it, and make the world's supervillains pay him to use it. Tim, Tam, and Promise were able to escape, leaving Lonnie behind as a spy and to police the Unternet.
Shortly thereafter, Tim discovered that the Calculator had constructed hundreds of androids that looked like him, and had sent one such android to kill Tam Fox in an attack instigated by Catman. Tim realized that he would need some help tracking down the real Calculator. Thus, he contacted the Teen Titans, who met with him. The Titans were very happy to see him, with the exception of Damian Wayne, who had joined the Titans as Robin. The group set out in the Teen Titan's jet, and found that the Calculator's base of operations seemed to be in Istanbul. They used Damian to draw out one of the Calculator's androids, and followed it to one of the city's most popular nightclubs. After the Calculator android explodes, Kid Flash barely got Robin out of the way. Red Robin then realized in shock that there are several Calculator androids scattered throughout the crowd. Acting quickly, the group destroyed the Calculator robots and entered the location where Calculator's signal was originating; a nightclub. Digging underneath the building, the team stumbled across what appeared to be Calculator himself, who revealed to them that he had tortured and killed Kid Eternity. He then deployed a set of other more powerful robots against the Titans. Red Robin worked with Robin to destroy a few of these robots, and helped him to realize that this Calculator was also an android, the latter destroying it a few minutes later. In the aftermath of this occasion, Red Robin rejoined the Teen Titans, but Robin resigned, telling the former that the team "already had a Robin." Tim eventually discovered that the source of the Unternet was the Madmen, who had been turned by Darkseid into living servers for it. Red Robin lured them to Gotham City where he was forced to fight with them. He finally managed to render them catatonic, and thus disabling the Unternet, by contriving for them to hooked up to the Gotham City power plant.
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Fun Facts
Tim Drake is not religious, believing that if God existed he would not let so many bad things happen. He has mentioned that his mother was religious but his father was not at all. This becomes relevant during Judgment on Gotham when the Crusader questions his faith and Tim is forced to admit he does not believe in God, although he knows this will put the city in further danger. This makes him a confirmed atheist.
Tim's birthday is on July 19th.
Tim's grandfather Charles Drake was 15 when he snuck off to join the military during World War II. He won the silver star for conspicuous valor at Iwo Jima. 
Tim's father Jack gave Tim his first beer. Tim took a big swig and immediately spat it out all over his dad. Jack did not know he was giving his chronologically 15-year-old son beer because Tim was temporarily aged into adulthood as a result of the Sins of Youth event.
Tim considers Conner Kent to be his best friend, and Bart Allen to be a close second.
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lia-nikiforov · 6 years
Winter 2018 Anime Final Review
Why yes, pretty much all the Spring premieres are done (don’t even remind me haha I’m so far behind) and this is horribly late, I had a busy couple of weeks ;---; and am still struggling to catch up, but here’s my final rundown of this long slow winter! Worst to best, as always.
Basilisk Ouka Ninpou Chou: Although I’d said I’d keep watching for the Nobunaga twist, given the onslaught of new stuff for Spring, it’s unsustainable to keep watching something so mediocre I don’t even find anything to say about it. Also Nobunaga hasn’t been mentioned in three episodes.
Darling in the Franxx: So we’re halfway through the show and still feels nothing of importance has happened, except we learned “lesbians are not viable, what a relief” and also KOKORO REALLY WANTS TO MAKE BABIES. The whole Kokoro business is very unsavory because on the one hand the writing is a dick to Walking Fat Joke Futoshi, but on the other hand Futoshi is an entitled Nice Guy who acts like Kokoro has some obligation to return his feelings, so basically everyone sucks lmao. Btw, does anyone know what happened with episode 13? I went to watch it but what I got instead was a Deadman Wonderland episode, complete with the story of Palurdo meeting Lab Experiment-turned-Beast Waifu as children and making a promise that would subsequently be forgotten until they meet again in their teenage years. Jesus, does Womenz are Beastz: The Anime have a single original idea?
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How am I supposed to measure my own disinterest and contempt
This basically means I didn’t care for these shows. I don’t hate them but I was aggressively unengaged in them and I can’t really rank them from worst to best because that would imply me having any measurable emotional reaction to them
Violet Evergarden: I don’t think I have much to add about this one that I haven’t said before. Tryhard Sad Anime Girl stories rehashing old clichés with little novelty to them,  with a bonus of a super poorly explained and thought out child super soldier tragic backstory that still has me ?????? The final episode has the addendum of trying to redeem That One Asshole in a “he treats her bad because he’s sad about his brother dying sob sob sob he’s totally not a jerk” and i was very annoyed by that.
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Koi wa Ameagari no You ni: It’s complicated to talk about this show. I really liked the first episode, hated the 4-6, then was mostly bored by the rest of it. The whole romance angle was completely dropped in the latter half, but I’m not even sure if that’s a good thing given how tastelessly it was being handled in some moments, or a bad one given how bland everything else was. It felt like Akira’s crush on Kondo turned out to be insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It also felt like Akira was profoundly underdeveloped, and it bothered me because Kondo was developed properly. His character felt more fully realized than hers. Like idk, I just cared so little for the last few episodes and it didn’t feel like Akira’s emotional progression was very connected with the first half of the show. 
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Fate/Extra Last Encore: I don’t even have a screenshot. Apparently the reason the show started so late into the season is that it took a long time to produce, and apparently there are two more episodes that will be released at some point in July. But really, what matters is that I have no idea of what this show was trying to accomplish. The characters were a bunch of pieces of cardboard spouting pseudo nihilistic philosophical nonsense and I don’t even know how to describe the plot. It was generic in its Boss of the Week approach but the execution was often very flat. Definitely none of the fun from Apocrypha’s cool characters was to be had in this iteration of the franchise.
Too much iyashikei
This season we had too much iyashikei and I’m burned out. Here are the ones I didn’t hate but also wasn’t super in love with.
Miira no Kaikata: I think this show would’ve worked better as 3-minute vignettes. 20 minutes of it was a bit too much and I struggled to pay attention. I also felt the dragon and MukuMuku had very tangential roles. I don’t have a whole lot to say. It’s cute, if cute is your jam this show is for you. Connie is best smol monster.
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Hakumei to Mikochi: Another cute show that gains extra points for its somewhat unique setting, beautiful color palette and picture book aesthetic and because the two main girls are great characters. I particularly liked the first and last episodes. It’s a relaxing, fun little show
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Sanrio Danshi: The harbinger of feminism made into a toy commercial, while not quite iyashikei, is still a slice of life that just occassionally indulged in too much melodrama. It was nonetheless a fun little thing that managed to turn cynical consumerism into a positive message for boys: it’s okay to like non-traditionally-masculine things. One of the details I liked most was that none of the boys had to give up on their previous groups of friends even after “coming out”, Kouta’s friends and Shuu’s team were supportive of them and even participated in their dumbass musical play. Some may even read this show as a not-so-subtle allegory on homosexuality and while I don’t think this was Sanrio’s intent (their intent is to broaden their market, plain and simple) the fact that it works so well with that reading is honestly great. I had very minimal expectations for this show and I’m happy it turned out better than those.
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Classicaloid 2: Classicaloid isn’t quite iyashikei either but it fits in the “didn’t love it, didn’t hate it” category. I’m a huge fan of season one, but unfortunately a big part of S2 failed to capture the magic. I think most of it was restored in the second cour, specially with brilliant episodes such as the one where Dovo-chan becomes a super-realistic painting of himself, and the last three episodes really captured what made Classicaloid great. I’ve really come to love this cast, so I wouldn’t complain if we got more seasons (please do Vivaldi!!!)
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Shonen is a Good Genre, Actually
Shonen as a genre/demographic is much reviled for its repetitive clichés and childish stories, but I think we live at a time in which we can have well-executed shonen anime that, although falling for the same old clichés, have enough heart and sincerity that makes them enjoyable. This part also isn’t necessarily ranked, since my favorite one will change depending on which day you ask me
Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu: As I have mentioned before, this second season seems to be the polar opposite of the first one’s rapid pace. It’s been a while since I read the manga, but I feel like it took a lot less to get to the mid-season cutoff point there than this anime would lead you to believe, especially the training part felt excruciatingly long. NanaTai has other various flaws including its 1000% not funny harrassment jokes and the dumb introduction of quantified “power levels” (why Suzuki), but characters like Diane, King and Ban give the show a unique flavor. And I’m not even gonna pretend to be unbiased, I just love everything involving Ban, even the weird and questionable choice of bringing Elaine back. I’m excited that we’re finally approaching Escanor’s arrival.
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Yowapeda Glory Road: I also forgot to grab a screenshot lmao. Yowapeda is a very particular beast, and with its episode count already in the hundreds, it’s not something I’d reccommend unless you’re super into dragged out ridiculous sports anime. This second season of Onoda’s second year has not been without its flaws either, starting with the, imho absurd persistence in making Sohoku look like underdogs even though they’re reigning champions. It’s made a lot of the first two days of the Interhigh feel a lot grimmer than this cheerful show ought to. Kaburagi is still an insufferable character, and the fact that he drags the team down doesn’t help him either, and I just wish the writers would let Best Boy Teshima win anything. I hope the second day ends on a lighter note, because the gloom and doom is making this a less enjoyable watch than it should be
Mahoutsukai no Yome: I feel a little better about this one knowing the final was anime-original, but at the same time I’m beyond livid with how it was wrapped up. I loved the second half of the series because of how well-written and emotional Chise’s growth was, and everything up to her embracing of Cartaphilus’s curse was a beautiful display of her strength and will to live. What I’m not here for is that asspull wedding whatever that makes no sense in the context of the previous events, especially because after the fact, Elias’s attempt to kill Stella is swept under the rug. This could’ve been my favorite show of the season without that bullshit ending and while I don’t regret watching it, it leaves me with a sad feeling of what could have been
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Best of the season
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens: It had a slow start, but with its endearing cast and well-developed character relationships, HTR won me over, especially the last quarter. The animation was veeery barebones, but Lin and Bamba’s charisma and their organically developed relationship carried the show to be one of the most enjoyable of the season. I also really appreciate the fact that the series includes a gay couple with an adopted daughter and that Lin’s crossdressing is never used as a joke or treated as a character flaw or a “phase”. I love stories about found families and I’d love to see more of this gang fighting crime and doing shady business in their city of assassins.
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Garo: Vanishing Line: This iteration of Garo had a somewhat slow start, but boy did it pick up steam in the second half. The action was great -the final fight against King had some incredible stylistic choices, the characters’ journeys felt complete and very human and the story was interesting and different enough from other Garo to not feel repetitive, yet with enough Garoisms that made it feel connected to everything else. Like I said, I love stories about found families, so the way Sophie found a home with Gina, Luke and Sword by the end was very touching. Watching Sophie’s journey has been a treat, and I’m immensely happy that this wasn’t a Guren no Tsuki disaster, but was more in line with the excellence of Honoo no Kokuin.
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Gakuen Babysitters: This was the huge surprise of the season for me, I almost expected it to be pretty dull. Instead it turned out to be super cute and extremely heartwarming. It had a couple of duds here and there, mostly the not-actually-a-pedophile joke character and the early love triangle skits, but the former disappeared and the latter was vastly improved in the second half of the show. I wish Ryuichi’s grief had been dealt with a bit more, but I think what they did show was very well executed and empathetic. And the portrayal of the kids felt very realistic, including both children’s most adorable and most obnoxious behaviors. KIRIN IS BEST GIRL
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Card Captor Sakura Clear Card arc: I have expressed some complaints and dissatisfactions with this sequel all through the season. Mostly in regards to the new cards and how the old ones seem to have been forgotten (also the lazy designs of the new cards). In spite of that, Sakura hasn’t lost any of its heart in these 20 years, the characters are still the kids we grew up with. It is an overwhelmingly cheerful and positive show, from Sakura and Syaoran’s shyly developing relationship, to the hopefulness of Sakura’s magic and just the simple day to day life of Sakura and her friends. In spite of all its flaws, Sakura is still my favorite show of the season and I’m happy we get to spend one more season with these characters. Just please give me more Yue??? 
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Ooooof, finally I’m done with this! PLEASE LET’S NOT TALK ABOUT THE 20+ SHOWS I’M SAMPLING FOR SPRING AHAHAHAHA. There’s too much anime. Anime must be stopped, immediately. Don’t hesitate to send me your thoughts about the winter season, even if it seems I’m losing my mind a little Dx TOO MUCH ANIME
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beautifully-useless · 6 years
Silently Pining
Okay, it’s a few hours late. But this idea began as my fic for Alone Together and then as it grew, I realised it worked better for this prompt. And now we have this epic.
It starts off a bit slowly, but I promise it’s BBRae centred.
Warning: This fic has angst. So much angst.
It was a normal mission. It should have been a normal mission. The only difference was the fact Nightwing had called in a special favour. It had been years since the original team of Teen Titans had grown out of their adolescence and decided what they wanted to do with their adult years. Robin had of course taken on the mantle of Nightwing, working both on his own and with Batman; Cyborg had joined the Justice League, and Starfire had remained behind in the original T Tower to train the next generation of teen heroes. Beast Boy had answered a call from Mento to rejoin the Doom Patrol, adopting the name ‘Changeling’ as he decided it was time for people to take more seriously. His time with the Doom Patrol lasted only a few years, but rather than returning to Jump City, he chose to take on international missions for the Justice League that were best suited to his abilities. Raven was the only Titan who left the super hero life altogether, telling the team that after everything she had been through in her short life, she wanted to take time to learn how to just live and enjoy the simple side of things; especially now that she was able to experience her emotions in their fullest. She had however, taken the communicator Nightwing offered her, promising she would always answer the call if she was needed.
That was what had led to now – Raven lying in an infirmary bed in the Justice League Headquarters. An old foe had resurfaced after lying low for nearly a decade; Dr Light had never been a serious threat to the Teen Titans, and no one thought that he could be any more dangerous after having been gone for so many years. That was why Nightwing called in the favour, Changeling was currently on a mission in the deep arctic, Cyborg was off-world and Starfire’s team was dealing with an escaped Cinderblock who was terrorising downtown. So Nightwing had pulled out his old communicator and called the person who had always been able to handle Light in a matter of minutes – Raven. True to her word, the sorceress had answered the call and arrived to take care of the problem.
It should have been a normal mission. A decade ago, the mere sight of Raven and her tendrils of dark power had been enough to reduce Dr Light to a quivering, crying mess. But ten years is a long time – a lifetime in terms of technological advancements, as Raven quickly learned upon entering the street that Light was currently occupying. It was all over in a crash of blinding light. It appeared that Dr Light had been somehow expecting the dark ex-Titan and had invented a new bomb specifically for her. Where once she had been able to surround him in darkness and fear, he had found a way to surround her with a flash so bright, it knocked the demoness from the sky, sending her hurtling to the ground like a broken bird.
As soon as he lost contact with her, Nightwing flew from Gotham to Jump City; eventually finding her crumpled body amongst the wreckage of a building. He transported her immediately to the JL Headquarters. It didn’t look good. Whatever Dr Light had done, it had broken many of Raven’s bones and caused internal injuries. The League could heal her body, but they had no idea where to even begin trying to heal her mind. Dr Light’s explosion and the extent of her injuries had put her in some sort of a coma that no one was able to explain or wake her from. Nightwing put the call out then, to all the past Titans. Raven needed them.
Changeling was the last to arrive. A week after Raven had been brought into the infirmary, and he being so deep in the Arctic, no one was sure he would even get enough of a signal to receive the message. He crashed through the door to the room Raven was being kept in. Six months alone in the snow made him look more animal than man, the effect not helped when he barked at everyone to get out of the room immediately and releasing a guttural growl when they sat staring at him in shock instead. “It’s okay. I got this.” Cyborg assured Nightwing and Starfire, shooing them out of the room. Aside from the couple themselves, he was the only person who knew the real reason why Raven had left the Titans ten years ago. And why Changeling, then still going by Beast Boy, was suddenly so happy to join his old team whom he’d had so many issues with in the past.
“Didn’t think you’d come. You had a good enough excuse…being so far out and all.” He grunted at the green man who had moved to sit next to the bed that Raven lay in. The worst of her wounds had healed, it appeared her magic was still working, even if she was not conscious; but smaller cuts and bruises still remained – an indication of just how badly she had been hurt. Tubes ran out of both of her arms, connected to I.V bags and machines that beeped out different information on her vital signs every few minutes. Changeling gently picked up one of her petite hands in his own. They had always been so strong, so sure before, yet now they appeared unable to hold up even the slightest weight. Forrest green eyes stared back at Cyborg, a haunted look in them. “No matter what happened between us, I’ll always come if she needs me.” Cyborg nodded, “She needs you now man. Her body is healing, but whatever Light did to her, it’s keeping her locked in her own head. And we can’t figure out why,” “Have you tried looking in her mirror?” The sardonic smile on Changeling’s face revealed his only half-joking stance on the idea.
His robotic friend gave him a wry look. “After the first couple of days we seriously considered it, but Kori and Dick went to her apartment and weren’t able to find it anywhere. Maybe she doesn’t use it anymore.” Now it was Changeling’s turn to nod. He pulled a chair as close to Raven’s bed as possible, never letting go of her hand. “You’re the only one who can bring her back to us B. Don’t let her go this time.” Cyborg clapped him on the shoulder and moved towards the door, “I can guarantee you twenty four hours alone with her. After that they’ll be back in here and I won’t be able to stop them. I don’t know what will happen if she doesn’t wake up soon.” He was met with a silent, steely, yet determined stare before he turned and closed the door behind him.
“What’s going on in your head Rae? Why won’t you come back to us?” He whispered, no response came except for the beeping of the machines. A silent tear rolled down his face, “Please Rae. I…I know I couldn’t give you what you wanted when you left the Titans, but if you come back to me now, I’ll give you anything you want. Just…just come back to us. To me.” His ragged voice choked out. Still there was nothing beside the steady sound of the machines and the gentle rise and fall of Raven’s chest. He let his head fall down to the slender hand he still held in his own and a sob escaped him. “You needed me back then and I couldn’t be there for you. Please, please let me be here for you now.” Changeling reached down into the bag he had dropped unceremoniously to the floor when he’d sat next to the bed. From it he pulled a mirror, set in a dark grey metal with what appeared to be two horns at the top; in the middle flashed a deep red gem. Raven’s mirror. She had given it to him as an ultimatum the last time they had seen each other – she had asked him to make a choice: stay with her and see if the romance that had begun to blossom between them was something worthwhile, or answer Steve Dayton’s request for him to return to the Doom Patrol for an indeterminate amount of time.
Ten years ago, Beast Boy hadn’t been ready to do what Raven wanted – give up the super hero life for a year or two and see if they could make a relationship work between them and then decide if they wanted to join the Justice League or not. He wasn’t ready to stop saving lives yet, to give up the gratitude he received from helping people out. So when the call from his old mentor came, he took the easiest route: work for the Doom Patrol for a year or two and then come back. At the time, he had truly believed that when he returned, he and Raven would be able to rekindle their relationship and move forward from there. Instead, he had stayed with the Doom Patrol for a number of years, and by the time he returned to Jump City, Raven was lost to him.
Looking deep into the mirror, Changeling saw nothing but his own face reflecting back at him for a long time. He continued staring at it, determined to make the magic inside work. Finally his own deep green eyes began to change, flashing a dark violet back at him and he felt the pull of the mirror’s surface beginning to work. He stood up, placing the mirror gently on the bed next to Raven’s hand as he allowed himself to be transported into her mind.
Changeling landed in Nevermore on his feet, he had become far more agile since he had last visited this place. But it appeared he was not the only one who had changed – the landscape of Raven’s mind, once broken up into different areas for each emotion, was now a whole following the defeat of Trigon. However, it seemed changed again since Changeling had last seen it, although the different emotional sectors were gone, the path that he and Cyborg had followed the first time was back; but now it had different branches running from it, some that looked as though they interconnected with bridges of all different kinds. Walking cautiously towards the first branch, Changeling tried to imagine what could possibly be waiting in this new mindscape, and wondering what hellish nightmare it could be keeping Raven here prisoner.
To say he was shocked by the scene in front of him was an understatement. If it had not been for the pillar next to him, Changeling completely believed he would have fallen to his knees. This was no nightmare, or at least, he prayed to whatever gods existed that it wasn’t, because he didn’t think he would survive if it was. Before him were younger versions of himself and Raven, about five years younger than they were now. They were standing in front of a small town house, a SOLD sign next to them and Beast Boy, wearing a casual long sleeve t-shirt and jeans, had his arm wrapped loosely around Raven’s shoulders, herself wearing a flowing dark navy skirt and form fitting black top. The young couple beamed at each other, the very picture of being in love. Beast Boy then scooped Raven up bridal-style and carried her to the front door, with her using her powers to open it for him, giggling as he stepped through the doorway and brought his face closer to hers. The older Changeling turned away. He couldn’t bear to watch the two walking into what he could only assume was their own newly bought home.
He walked further up the pathway, stopping at another branch to see what could be waiting there. In this one, a slightly older Beast Boy stood at the end of a long, white mat, an archway curved over his head, covered in beautiful exotic flowers of every colour imaginable. He wore a deep black tuxedo, his hair tamed down into something that could be called presentable; Nightwing and Cyborg stood to his side, cracking jokes that Changeling could not hear, but could tell from the smiles on all their faces were made in jest and were to help an obviously nervous Beast Boy calm down. Suddenly all talking ceased as everyone turned to face the direction Changeling was standing in. At first he thought they had seen him, and he wondered if he would have to fight off these representations of his friends, but then all of their eyes moved slightly over, to something next to him. Changeling followed their gaze, his jaw dropping as he saw Starfire in a dark plum dress walking down the matting towards the men, followed a minute later by the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Raven wore a floor-length dress, the mauve so pale it was almost white, but when she moved, ripples of the soft colour flowed down her body. Her hair was pulled into loose ringlets atop her head, her chakra glittering beneath the veil that did nothing to hide the smile on her face. Changeling followed her down the aisle, watching as she took Beast Boy’s hand and seeing his own amazement at her beauty reflected in his other face, mixed with a euphoria he knew he had never felt in the real world. Changeling watched their wedding take place, feeling a stab of pain in his chest so forceful he swore his heart really was breaking. As with the first scenario, he turned away when the celebrant asked if Raven would take Beast Boy to be her husband. He could guess the answer, but watching this fantasy take place would prevent him from ever leaving.
He continued up the pathway. Refusing to look at anymore more branches, Changeling began to run. Surely there had to be an ending to this path, somewhere he would find Raven. The real Raven. And he would demand answers from her: what was this? None of these events had happened, and yet here they were playing out in her mind as if they were the clearest memories he had ever seen. There had to be an explanation, and Raven was the only person who could give him the answers he so desperately needed.
After what felt like a lifetime of running, Changeling came to what he hoped was the end of the path. A door stood before him, and to the left of it one final branch. Changeling slowed his pace, approaching the door slowly, he turned the knob and pulled. Locked. Of course it would be locked. Nothing about Raven had ever been simple. Why would finding the way out of this new hell Changeling had found himself in be simple either? He turned to the left: the final branch. Maybe he would find Raven here. It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go at this point anyway. He stepped off the path into the last scene, wondering what Raven would consider so important that she would force him to watch it before she allowed him to leave.
This time, Changeling did fall to his knees. The scene in front of him was so impossible. And so gut wrenchingly beautiful. He could barely watch it, yet he found, for this moment, he could not walk away. In front of him was Raven, about ten years older than they were now. In her arms she held a small boy, who couldn’t have been older than four, and at her feet was a little girl, perhaps a year or two older than her brother. They were unmistakably Raven’s children – the pale skin with a hint of grey meant they could belong to no one else. But the green hair – that same bright, spring-leaf green hair that Changeling had had when he first gained his powers meant only one thing: these were his children too. As if to further prove this to him, an older version of himself, slightly less lean and muscular than he had been in his younger days, but still fit enough to play with his children came running in. Scooping the little girl off her feet and lifting her high above his head in the air, she squealed with delight, demanding he hold her up higher; the certainty that he would keep her safe, as only a father can, evident in her voice.
Both this Beast Boy and Raven laughed as they played with their children, looking at them and each other with so much love, as though there was no one and nothing else in the world that mattered to them. Changeling got the distinct idea that there really was nothing else for this couple beyond the family they had created together and the deep love they obviously still felt for each other. Changeling remained on his knees, any strength he had, completely gone from his body. This was it. This was what was keeping Raven locked inside her own mind – not some nightmare that she needed help to break free from, but her own perfect world. A world where he had not abandoned her ten years ago – choosing his own selfish desires over her wish to be with him, to start a family with him. He hung his head, pain shooting through his heart, when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. Shocked, he looked up. And there she was. His Raven. The one he had dreamt about almost every night since he had walked away from her. Whose side he had moved heaven and earth to get to faster when he heard she had been injured. That she needed him.
“Raven?” He croaked out, still too stunned by the realisation he had just made to say anything more intelligent. She smiled gently at him, “Hi Gar.” Changeling staggered to his feet, too overcome with the emotions coursing through him to say anything yet. Instead he wrapped his arms around her, allowing his face to drop into the crook of her neck and inhaling deeply her scent, a mixture of the lavender essence and herbal tea that she loved to drink so much filling his nose. He never wanted to let her go. After what felt like too short a time, Raven gently stepped back from Changeling, a small smile still playing on her face, but pain and sadness shimmering in her eyes. “I knew you’d come for me.” She said to him, Changeling opened his mouth to tell her of course, that she didn’t need to get herself into a near-death situation to get his attention. But he stopped. That was exactly what she’d had to do. How many years had it been since he’d last tried to contact her? Since he’d really made an attempt at finding her? She had needed to do this. To make him see her, she’d had to almost die.
“Rae, this…what is all this?” He finally got out, gesturing to the path behind him, the images of their family in front of them. Again, Raven smiled at him, but this time her sadness marred her smile as well as her eyes. “When you didn’t choose me back then Gar…it broke me. More than I ever thought possible. I was finally able to feel emotions without fear of opening a portal to a hell dimension, finally able to admit my feelings for you, and you denied me.” Changeling opened his mouth to retaliate, but she held up a hand to stop him, “At the time I didn’t understand it. I thought you didn’t feel the same way for me. But I understand it now. I was done Gar. I had given everything I possibly could to that world, to that life. I was tired. I loved saving people, I still do. But I needed some time for me too. And I knew it was time for me to step down, to let someone else stand up to the plate and take on the role of saving the world.” Raven stopped then, allowing Changeling to absorb what she was telling him, as if she knew what she said next had the potential to break him.
“But you weren’t ready Gar. There was still a voice inside you telling you that you weren’t done yet. That you still had more to give. That was the chasm between us: I knew that my time had ended, but you still had something to prove,” As much as he wanted to, Changeling couldn’t argue with her words. He hadn’t been able to articulate it at the time, hell, probably still couldn’t now, but Raven understood exactly why it was that he hadn’t been able to leave the Titans with her. Beast Boy still needed to prove his worth, to convince himself that he was needed in the world. Changeling wrapped his arms around Raven again, drawing her into him. He had no words, there were no words to heal the wounds he had obviously inflicted upon the woman he loved. This time he was the one to pull away first, “I’m sorry.” He whispered, holding Raven’s face between his palms, looking deeply into those eyes that could hypnotise him for hours.
“There’s nothing to forgive. We hashed out that conversation sometime between you coming back from the Doom Patrol and us buying our house back there.” Raven pointed down the path towards one of the branches. Changeling let out a mirthless laugh. Maybe he should have looked at a few more of the scenes she had created. “The only question left now is: have you done it? Have you proven yourself enough to the world that you can give up that life? Can you build a world, a family, with me now? Can that be enough for you?” She asked, pulling his attention back to her eyes. Changeling wanted to give her the answer she needed, he wanted so desperately to tell her yes. That if she would just come back to the waking world with him, he would finish his current mission and then drop everything to create a life with her. He wanted to promise her that all of these fantasies she envisioned could be true – the house, the wedding, the children. Gods, to have children with Raven would be a dream come true for him.
But he knew the truth. And he knew Raven did too. That he wasn’t ready yet. He didn’t know if he would ever be. He could be happy with Raven yes, he could live a life separate from the hero life and be content there. But there would always be that voice, niggling at the back of his mind, telling him that he should be doing something more. He would not lie to her, not now. Not ever again. But saying the words that would pull his heart from his chest were still so difficult to say. “Rae…I want to. You have no badly how much I want to. But I can’t give you a promise I know I can’t keep.” Raven smiled at him again, there was still some sadness there, but the smile was genuine. “Garfield, it’s okay. I spent ten years back in the real world waiting for you to come back to me. Hoping that one day you would realise that I was what you wanted. But I can see now, you’re not ready for that. Maybe you’ll never be. But it doesn’t have to hurt either of us anymore. I can live a perfect life here with you. And you can return to the real world and do what you need to do.”
He knew it was coming, but hearing Raven say the words was still a punch to the gut. She had made her decision. It had been determined long before he came here, and the only way it could have been changed was if he was able to offer her a real life version of this fantasy reality she had created for herself. There was nothing left to say, no other way to convince Raven to come back with him, so instead he brought her to him, pulling her as close to him as possible. Tears ran down Raven’s cheeks and Changeling brushed them away gently. “I love you. I need you to know that I love you.” He told her, voice breaking on the last words. Raven nodded her head, “If you ever decide this can be enough, you know where to find me.” Unable to answer her, Changeling lowered his head, planting a long, slow kiss on her lips. This would have to be enough for the both of them until the day he was ready to come back to her.
Pulling away for the last time, Raven offered him one last smile before she walked towards their older selves, still playing with their children, looking happier than ever. Changeling watched as she seamlessly blended with her older self, becoming part of the fantasy again, tugging her children to her chest and planting kisses on both their foreheads. Changeling turned back to the door at the end of the path, it was standing ajar now. He pulled it open further and stepped through. Aware that if he turned back, he would never leave either, but knowing that he was still needed elsewhere.
Back in the infirmary room, Changeling fell from the mirror unceremoniously onto the floor next to Raven’s bed. There was no change in her demeanor, she was still in the coma and he understood now that she would be for quite some time to come. He stood up, picking up her hand and kissing the knuckles gently. “I promise one day I’ll come back and give you everything you deserve. Till then, just keep imagining our perfect life together.”
Day 6 of @bbrae-week2018 ‘s prompts.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
We would end up getting all the users, and our competitors. Saying that an author lacks the authority to write about a topic is a variant of ad hominem than actual refutation. Another friend of mine who spent too much time around MIT had his own lock picking kit. You should aim slightly high in college. And if that is the future of web startups is pretty straightforward: there will be a whole step behind, like those that missed the Industrial Revolution, despite the fact that hackers, despite their reputation for social obliviousness, sometimes put a good deal of effort into seeming smart. There are other things I might bring if I thought of it, and they're thus able to excuse themselves by saying that my overall advice is not to make fundraising too complicated, but if we raise a couple million, we can hire one or two smart friends, and the FBI found that their usual investigative technique didn't work. But ITA made it interesting by redefining the problem in a more ambitious way. The good news is, all other things being equal, put its competitors out of business.1
The catch is that because this kind of trade would be hard to find a smoking gun, a passage in whatever you disagree with that you feel is mistaken, and then when you do something so clever that you somehow beat the system, that's also called a hack when you do something in an ugly way.2 When you start fundraising, everything else grinds to a halt. A round eventually. And frankly the thought of a 30% success rate at fundraising makes my stomach clench. And because Lisp was so high-level languages on the other.3 Yes. We had a wysiwyg online store builder that ran on the server and yet felt like a desktop application. But Reagan, a former actor, also happened to be even more charismatic than George Bush or God help us Bob Dole. The charisma theory may also explain why Democrats tend to lose presidential elections. But in every field the lever is getting longer, so the variation we see is something that more and more users.
But although it's a mistake for investors to care about price, a significant number do. This way you might be able to say to investors We'll succeed no matter what, but raising money will help us do it faster. Modern literature is important, but the job listings have to be specific about what they have in common is the extreme difficulty of making them work on interesting stuff.4 I've thought a lot about specific, cool problems. So when you get an investor to change their mind.5 That might be worth exploring. There are few Jews left in Germany and most Jews I know would not want to move there. Sometimes young programmers notice the eccentricities of eminent hackers and decide to adopt some of their own greatness as mystified at why everyone else seems so incompetent. I know to embodying it. Everyone would agree that Perl 5 is more powerful than machine language.
Our hypothesis was that if we wrote our software in a weird AI language, with a bizarre syntax full of parentheses. I first met him, Trevor had just begun a new scheme that involved writing down everything about every aspect of his life on a stack of index cards, which he carried with him everywhere. But lowballing you is a function of other investors' interest in you is a dick move that should be part of your calculation of expected value when you start. My hypothesis is that ambition was discredited by the terrible things ambitious people did in the first half of the twentieth century.6 On a whim I studied Arabic as a freshman.7 Investors will try to learn things. The question of whether to be in your next equity round. Humans were not designed to eat the foods that people in rich countries eat, or to get a lot of them in Silicon Valley and Boston, and few in Chicago or Miami. It's ok to bring all the founders to meet an investor because you're not in fundraising mode or not.8 It's too hard to pick winners early on.9
Let me put the case in terms a government official would appreciate. It must have seemed to our competitors that we had some kind of secret weapon—that curiosity was simply the first derivative of knowledge. So maybe hacking does require some special ability to focus. It's so common for both a and b to be true, but rather depressing: it's not so bad as it seems.10 Or more precisely, by Benjamin Graham's Mr. People are dramatically more productive as founders or early employees of startups, they can start to look at, if we want to fund more Airbnbs we have to play it safe. That's not a new idea.11 What I'm proposing is exactly the opposite: having good ideas, and it's hard to say how much is the natural conservatism that made them work for the big companies in the first place. You will have a huge advantage. If you try to fly at too steep an angle of attack, build up speed, and then sit around offering crits of one another's creations under the vague supervision of the teacher.12 And if that is the Valley's equivalent of the pizza they had for lunch.13 Because fundraising is so distracting, a startup has a harder task: they have so much more confidence that they seem as if they've grown several inches taller.
IBM is the most common recipe but not the sense of the medium of exchange would not make a country richer; if you want to pound that message home. Many more than serving as examples of other people's. I'm not saying public school kids are convinced the whole.
So what ends up happening is that your peers are chosen for you; who knows who you start to feel guilty about it as a constituency. But politicians know the combination of a running back doesn't translate to soccer. 1% a week for 4 years.
It seems quite likely that European governments of the economy. Revenue will ultimately be a special name for these topics.
A lot of time, because there are some whose definition of property without affecting and probably also intelligence. And yet there are signs now that the big winners aren't all that mattered. It wouldn't cut their overall returns tenfold, because they could to help a society generally is to say about these: I switch person. In 1525 he was a refinement that made them register.
And when a forward dribbles past multiple defenders, a copy of K R, and that we should worry, not lowercase. They bear no blame for opinions not expressed in it.
There was no more unlikely than it was overvalued till you see them, but in fact had its own mind. Ten years later. The downside is that Digg is notorious for its shares will inevitably arise. Wufoo was based in Tampa and they succeeded.
Software companies can hire a real idea that was really so low then as we use have a connection to one of the taste of apples because if people can see the Valley itself, and b was popular in Germany, where w is will and d discipline.
IBM seemed a plausible excuse.
Enterprise software. Apparently the mall was not in the next round. Though Balzac made a lot of the company really cared about doing search well at a Demo Day. We could be fixed within a few VC firms.
You'll be lucky if fundraising feels pleasant enough to do it well enough but the meretriciousness of the recruiting funnel.
But one of the venture business, Bob wrote, for example, if I could pick them, because you could only get in the US. If the Mac was so violent that she decided never again. 4%? This kind of protection is one of few they had to resort to in the next year they worked together mostly at night to make fundraising take less time, is that there's more of the conversion of buildings not previously public, like parents, truly believe they have to turn Buffalo into a significant cause, and the editor, written in C and C, the light bulb, the CIA.
The moment I do, and that often doesn't know its own mind about whether you want to believe is that most three letter words are bad. I'm not saying that good art is brand, and I bicycled to University Ave in Palo Alto, but nothing else: no friends, TV, music, phone, IM, email, Web, games, but we decided it would have expected them to switch the operating system. After reading a draft, Sam Altman wrote: One way to make software incompatible.
Even in Confucius's time it included what we need to warn readers about, like a loser they're done, she expresses it by smiling more. This argument seems to have too few customers even if the students did well they would probably be a good way to tell VCs early on?
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
33 People Confess The Shittiest Thing They’ve Ever Done
Found on AskReddit.
1. I told an adopted girl, I can see why your parents hate you.
When I told an adopted girl, I can see why your parents hate you.
Learning guitar from uncle. Can’t do it. He said something like, Its easy, come on, you can do it!
I mean fuck if any of you can top that I will be surprised; I was a little shit. Aunt ended up dying of cancer by the way.
3. Can you wait until you get home to start crying?
The other day my friend was in my car and said, I feel like I’m about to start crying. My immediate response was, Okaywell, can you wait until you get home to do that?
4. Stirred a coworkers drink with my dick.
I was pissed at a coworker who kept pushing her religion on me and I retaliated by stirring her drink with my dick after she had left it unattended. It was a silent victory for me. I look back on it and know that I’m a horrible human being for what I’ve done.
5. I intentionally broke a girls crayons while she cried.
When I was in 1st grade, I accidentally stepped on and broke a crayon this girl had while she was coloring on the ground. She started crying a lot about her broken crayon, so I looked her dead in the eyes and said I can’t be friends with sissy’s who cry over crayons. I then proceeded to intentionally step on and break the rest of her crayons.
6. Saw a man bleeding on the roadside and kept driving.
I was driving my ex home from the movies, and we chanced across a wreck on the roadside. The driver’s head was lolled on his shoulder, openly bleeding and obviously in need of assistance. My ex kept insisting, Keep driving. Someone will help him.
I feel like shit that I let her run me like that; I can’t believe I wasn’t the one to help him.
7. I made a Holocaust joke to a Jewish girl.
We were watching a doc about the Holocaust in journalism class (?)I was sitting behind a Jewish girl and right after they bulldozed a pile of dead bodies into a ditch I asked her if she recognized anyone on the screen.
As soon as it came out, I was horrified. we both participated in off-color inappropriate joking before, but this was next-level.
What a shitty thing to say. Im still ashamed.
8. I yelled at my grandfather and he died before I got a chance to say Im sorry.
I once yelled at my grandfather because he didn’t allow me to go over to a friends house because it was almost lunch time. He died before I got a chance to say sorry, gonna live with that for the rest of my life.
9. You want a medal or a chest to pin it on?
Sitting at a table with friends at college when a girl and her friend join us cause she knew one of my friends. Girl’s a real jerk to everyone. She hones in on my good friend who is insecure. Nervous laughter from everyone so she goes harder.
I stop her and, half-jokingly say, wow, good one. You want a medal or a chest to pin it on? (She was seriously flat as a board)
Girl stands up crying and runs out of the building. Turn to everyone cause no idea how that should be the reaction.
Friends tell me, She had breast cancer when she was 16 and had to have them removed. Only happened a few years ago.
10. Threw sand in a kid’s face.
Threw sand in a kid’s face once. We were playing in the sandbox and I was trying to demonstrate that it exploded so I threw a bunch of sand in the air. 97% of it went right into his face. I was an adult.
12. I watched a guy pepper spray a sleeping homeless man on the train and was too scared to do anything to stop it.
I watched a guy pepper spray a sleeping homeless man on the train and was too scared to do anything to stop it. It happened a few months ago and I keep replaying it in my head, wishing I’d done something.
13. Emily, Im sorry.
When I was around 15 I met a girl online and we quickly fell in love, as hormonal teenagers are prone to do. Her parents went away during the school summer break, leaving her home alone for a while and she invited me to come and stay with her as our first face-to-face meeting.
I took the train down to where she lived but on arrival my heart sank. Even though I’d seen pictures of her, she didn’t really resemble the image my love-struck 15-year-old mind had built up. Mutual awkwardness and disappointment became the theme of our first day together so much so that I decided that, not only was I going to go back home the very next day (I think I was supposed to stay for a whole week) but I didn’t want to see or speak to her again.
Just before I left I crept into her room and erased my number from her phone. Then it occurred to me that she had an inbox full of text messages from my number so I had to re-creep into her room and stealthily delete all of those, thus ‘deleting’ myself from her life.
I left and never heard from her again (although she did have my email address). That was about 17 years ago and I still feel very shitty about what I did.
Emily, I’m sorry.
14. Convinced a girl to blow me, them made her take the bus home.
Late, at party for my birthday, managed to chat a cute girl into blowing me. Was too drunk/tired/high on myself after to get her home properly so I made her take the bus. Not a heartbreaking moment but a real ass move.
15. She even tried to take my shirt off and I just reached into my backpack and pulled a different shirt out. I know, I’m terrible.
Hooked up with a coworker at her house after a party. After we had finished she asked me to stay and cuddle, obviously douchebag didn’t wanna stay and cuddle. I had made up my mind to walk home shitfaced at 3am. She even tried to take my shirt off and I just reached into my backpack and pulled a different shirt out. I know, I’m terrible.
Cue next day rolling around and at work I ask where she is and my boss tells me that she is spreading her mom’s ashes back in her home state and she was taking a few days off. That’s when I knew I was a real piece of shit.
Bonus points, she survived cancer a few months later.
16. I purposely smudged an old lady janitors mopping job.
Probs around age ten I was this piece of shit edgelord.Flash-forward to me in a McDonalds. Old janitor lady is mopping the floor. What does shitty ten-year-old me do? Walk across the mop trail and swish my feet to intentionally smudge it.
Gods I can barely think about it. Not even because I’m pissed or ashamed at myself but because of just that was, be it myself doing it or anyone else. This was probably an old lady barely able to make ends meet, trying to do whatever job she could…probably never wanted to hurt a soul. Then comes along some shitty rich kid who does something completely fucking douchey like ruin a mop job. Sure, not the most monstrous thing at face value, but put all of what I just said together and…fucking hell. That is dickish. I feel bad about it to this day; even writing about it is hard.
17. I refused help to a man who needed it.
I was walking out of a 7-11 gas station a couple of blocks from my apartment building late at night (no one else was there). An old, run down car pulled in and the driver rolled down the window and called over to me. He was clearly very upset and looked like he’d been crying. He told me he just found out his daughter had been in an accident and had been airlifted to a hospital about an hour away. He was trying to get there, but he was almost out of gas and didn’t have any money on him. He pleaded with me for anything I could spare. I told him I didn’t have any cash on me, and I went on my way.
That was a lie. I had plenty of cash on me, and regardless I had my cards on me with which I could’ve bought him some gas. I got about halfway home, thought about what I’d just done, and went back, but he was already gone. I went home where my friends were drinking, and I just sat on the couch and didn’t talk to anyone the rest of the night.
What the hell was wrong with me? Was I so jaded from living in a big city with panhandlers regularly asking for money that I couldn’t recognize when someone might genuinely need my help? The emotion on that man’s face was real, as was the pain in his voice. I don’t think I’ll forget the desperate please! as long as I live. Was it really that big of a risk to give this guy $20? Would that loss to me if he was some Broadway-class con man really be that bad when weighed against the possibility that I just let down a father going through the worst moment of his life?
What if his daughter didn’t make it, and he didn’t get to see her before she passed because some cynical asshole at the gas station couldn’t spare a few dollars? I hope that wasn’t the case, that his daughter was fine, and that someone with more compassion was able to help him…or better yet, that there was no accident and he was playing me. Thinking about the alternative has kept me awake at night on multiple occasions.
Ever since then I have tried to keep a more open mind and give people the benefit of the doubt, so that the next time I’m in a position to help someone who needs me, I won’t fail them.
I don’t think the guy wanted money for drugs. Anyone who works with drug addicts like I do would know that a true addict wouldn’t have any car, no matter how crap, that could be sold for even a few bucks that could get them another fix. Also, my neighborhood wasn’t anywhere near the drug corners, and he didn’t have the physical indicators.
18. Did not visit my grandfather this Christmas. He died four days later
Did not visit my grandfather this Christmas. I had two vacation days from work which I used to visit someone I had been dating for a month on Thursday and Friday. Then at my parents place for the holiday and back to work the next week. My grandfather passed away on 29th of December last year. I’m a real piece of shit.
I made damn sure to drive the some 220km to leave a candle for him at a veteran memorial stone on New Year’s Eve. At the town he had lived for his whole life.
19. Told my mom I wanted to name my kid after my dad.
Was having a chat with my brother, sister, and mother about names for kids. promptly say that I don’t like the idea of naming my kid after a family member but if I did it would be my fathers name. At the end of this rambling, mildly insulting speech I look straight at my mom and say because I love Dad. Immediately realized that implied that I didn’t love my mother enough to name my kids after her. I tried retracing my steps and covering up my mistake, she laughed and joked about it, but her face showed that she was pretty hurt. Broke my heart that I could be that careless, that woman’s done nothing but good for me.
20. Told my host he looked like Butt-head.
Hung out with the host of a New Years party for a bit. Drank some of his beer and said, hey you kinda look like Butt-head from that show. He said he gets it a lot.
21. I kicked a girl out of my house after some lackluster sex.
I had a girl come over for some extracurricular activities. She was drinking and assumed she was staying the night. After we had very lackluster sex I went down stairs smoked a bowl, walked back upstairs and kicked her out of my house. Definitely an ass move.
22. My friend was counting change, so I knocked all his coins on the ground.
A friend of mine was counting his change on the entrance of our work. We were about to clock in when I asked him What you got there? He shows me with his hand open and I just tapped it from the bottom, all his coins fell on the floor with all the people passing by.
I laughed and left, felt pretty shitty after but when I went to apologize he laughed it off and said he’ll get me next time.
23. Best friend’s boyfriend died during the best summer of my life and I was a piece of shit.
After graduating college I spent the summer backpacking around the world. It was the most amazing thing I had ever done; I was kind of shy before but the experience gave me a new-found confidence. Once I was back home I was a hit at bars regaling new friends with stories and was finally successful with attracting the opposite sex. I was having the time of my life.
While I was gone by best friend’s boyfriend overdosed and died at Bonnaroo. A little back story we became friends because she put me back together after a breakup. Stayed with me and cooked for me, but did I return the favor when I came home… no :/
I was too busy having the time of my life. Shortly after I got home she crashed her car and got a DUI. She was in a downward spiral and I ignored her. We were working a shift together after that and I, still in euphoria from the night before, said to her I can’t believe how my life keeps getting better and better and yours just gets worse.
I didn’t realize what I had said until months later. It’s been years and I still think back on that moment. I could have been there for her but I was just a selfish piece of shit.
tldr: Best friend’s boyfriend died during the best summer of my life and I was a piece of shit.
24. Brought a morning-after pill to a woman I’d fucked the day prior while she was in the hospital after another guy beat the shit out of her.
Brought a morning-after pill to a woman I’d fucked the day prior while she was in the hospital after another guy beat the shit out of her.
25. I wanted to meet a gay guy so I could make fun of him.
I was very sheltered as a kid. I went to a private Christian elementary and middle school with 16 people in my 8 the grade class. When I was in 9th grade, I went to my first public school. No one knew me, so I felt like I had to be cool.
One day a friend of mine mentioned that her cousin was gay. I had never met a gay person before. I was genuinely curious if he was just as they appear on TV. So I asked her who he was, wanting to get the chance to meet him. She asked why I wanted to know who he was. Trying to be cool and not like I was genuinely curious, I replied, so I can make fun of him.
The girl sitting in front of me who I had never heard say a word, just turned around and said you’re a dick. It was the first and last thing she ever said to me.
I’ve never felt like more of a piece of shit in my life than that moment.
26. I gave a girl her first kiss as part of a bet.
I started a bet with a friend in middle school that we could get this wholesome straightedge girl to kiss one of us. I won the bet at a super romantic moment at a friend’s pool party by a roaring fire but had no real feelings for the girl. A little while later her friend told me that was her first kiss and she really liked me and was heartbroken when she found out about the bet. She has to live her whole life with that as her first kiss. I’m friends with her on FB and 15 years later she is absolutely beautiful and I still feel awful.
27. I threw a brick over my backyard fence and hit a kid in the head.
I threw a brick over my backyard fence just cause, and actually hit a kid in the head. It was a pretty bad cut. When his parents and my mom came out I just pointed at my brother and he got the ass whoopin’ of a life time. I was like 6.
28. Ran over a birdtwice.
Was driving on a winding road on my way to a job on the countryside when I hit a bird with the car. Stopped the car briefly and saw in my rear-view that it was flapping around until it just sat still in the middle of the road, probably trying to recover from the beating it had taken. I considered stepping out of my car and move the poor bird to the side of the road so it wouldn’t get hit by another car but remembered that flock-living birds can get “expelled” by their flock if they carry an unknown scent. I also figured that this was far off in the countryside in Sweden, and the likelihood of another car passing by anytime soon was close to none.
I was on my way back home about an hour and a half later. My meeting with the client had been a huge success so I was in a great mood, singing to the radio and was probably driving a bit over the limit. I drove up a small crest and on the other side was the same fucking bird sitting in the middle of the road exactly where I left it, I had totally forgotten about it! It was turned towards me and I swear it looked me straight in the eyes, silently cursing at me in its chirpy bird-language as I inevitably drove straight over it for the second time…
Once again I could see the bird being slammed to the asphalt numerous times in my rearview-mirror before disappearing down the slope into the woods.
I’m entirely convinced this bird will dedicate his afterlife to haunting me from the other side for the rest of my life…
29. Girlfriends mom tried killing herself, so I went home to drink.
Was watching with my then girlfriend. Lots of bad things happened that night that we were unaware of, and in the end her dad stormed into our room shouting get upstairs now and call 999. Her mum tried to commit suicide by an overdose on something I’m not aware of. Her mum/dad goes off in the ambulance and my ex is hysterical, crying panicking etc. My uncle at the time also tried to hang himself a few nights previous…. I used this as an excuse to leave my ex for the night, go home and get drunk. I will never forget the tears I left my ex in, while I went home to drink.
30. Convinced a girl high as a kite who had the tiniest cut on her finger that she will die from infection.
Convinced a girl high as a kite who had the tiniest cut on her finger that she will die from infection and have it amputated or if she didn’t go hospital it would spread and lose her arm. She started crying, called her mum, and went to hospital.
31. I’ve had sex with 2 friends’ gfs…while they were still dating them.
I’ve had sex with 2 friends’ gfs…while they were still dating them. A decade of regret and lost friendships is the result.
32. Told a suicidal girl to go kill herself.
Met a girl through and online game that was a legitimate train wreck. Sending nudes to basically everyone at the age of 12, smoked and drank on the daily at 13 or 14, did coke and speed at 15. Girl was a major bitch and a manipulator to basically everyone, and had no one who cared about her as a result. I tried being the first.
As I said, she ended up being a massive manipulator and one of the only people I’ve ever branded as irredeemable. Checked in on her some years later, and asked her how she’s been. Said she was probably gonna kill herself, to which I replied Yeah, you go do that, and then blocked her.
Is that fucked-up? Yeah. Do I care if she actually killed herself? Can’t say that I do.
33. Kneed a neighborhood kid in the nuts for no reason.
Kneed a neighborhood kid in the nuts for no reason at all when I was like 9 or 10…I was a little shit as a kid.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/02/33-people-confess-the-shittiest-thing-theyve-ever-done/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/167051727832
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
33 People Confess The Shittiest Thing They’ve Ever Done
Found on AskReddit.
1. I told an adopted girl, I can see why your parents hate you.
When I told an adopted girl, I can see why your parents hate you.
Learning guitar from uncle. Can’t do it. He said something like, Its easy, come on, you can do it!
I mean fuck if any of you can top that I will be surprised; I was a little shit. Aunt ended up dying of cancer by the way.
3. Can you wait until you get home to start crying?
The other day my friend was in my car and said, I feel like I’m about to start crying. My immediate response was, Okaywell, can you wait until you get home to do that?
4. Stirred a coworkers drink with my dick.
I was pissed at a coworker who kept pushing her religion on me and I retaliated by stirring her drink with my dick after she had left it unattended. It was a silent victory for me. I look back on it and know that I’m a horrible human being for what I’ve done.
5. I intentionally broke a girls crayons while she cried.
When I was in 1st grade, I accidentally stepped on and broke a crayon this girl had while she was coloring on the ground. She started crying a lot about her broken crayon, so I looked her dead in the eyes and said I can’t be friends with sissy’s who cry over crayons. I then proceeded to intentionally step on and break the rest of her crayons.
6. Saw a man bleeding on the roadside and kept driving.
I was driving my ex home from the movies, and we chanced across a wreck on the roadside. The driver’s head was lolled on his shoulder, openly bleeding and obviously in need of assistance. My ex kept insisting, Keep driving. Someone will help him.
I feel like shit that I let her run me like that; I can’t believe I wasn’t the one to help him.
7. I made a Holocaust joke to a Jewish girl.
We were watching a doc about the Holocaust in journalism class (?)I was sitting behind a Jewish girl and right after they bulldozed a pile of dead bodies into a ditch I asked her if she recognized anyone on the screen.
As soon as it came out, I was horrified. we both participated in off-color inappropriate joking before, but this was next-level.
What a shitty thing to say. Im still ashamed.
8. I yelled at my grandfather and he died before I got a chance to say Im sorry.
I once yelled at my grandfather because he didn’t allow me to go over to a friends house because it was almost lunch time. He died before I got a chance to say sorry, gonna live with that for the rest of my life.
9. You want a medal or a chest to pin it on?
Sitting at a table with friends at college when a girl and her friend join us cause she knew one of my friends. Girl’s a real jerk to everyone. She hones in on my good friend who is insecure. Nervous laughter from everyone so she goes harder.
I stop her and, half-jokingly say, wow, good one. You want a medal or a chest to pin it on? (She was seriously flat as a board)
Girl stands up crying and runs out of the building. Turn to everyone cause no idea how that should be the reaction.
Friends tell me, She had breast cancer when she was 16 and had to have them removed. Only happened a few years ago.
10. Threw sand in a kid’s face.
Threw sand in a kid’s face once. We were playing in the sandbox and I was trying to demonstrate that it exploded so I threw a bunch of sand in the air. 97% of it went right into his face. I was an adult.
12. I watched a guy pepper spray a sleeping homeless man on the train and was too scared to do anything to stop it.
I watched a guy pepper spray a sleeping homeless man on the train and was too scared to do anything to stop it. It happened a few months ago and I keep replaying it in my head, wishing I’d done something.
13. Emily, Im sorry.
When I was around 15 I met a girl online and we quickly fell in love, as hormonal teenagers are prone to do. Her parents went away during the school summer break, leaving her home alone for a while and she invited me to come and stay with her as our first face-to-face meeting.
I took the train down to where she lived but on arrival my heart sank. Even though I’d seen pictures of her, she didn’t really resemble the image my love-struck 15-year-old mind had built up. Mutual awkwardness and disappointment became the theme of our first day together so much so that I decided that, not only was I going to go back home the very next day (I think I was supposed to stay for a whole week) but I didn’t want to see or speak to her again.
Just before I left I crept into her room and erased my number from her phone. Then it occurred to me that she had an inbox full of text messages from my number so I had to re-creep into her room and stealthily delete all of those, thus ‘deleting’ myself from her life.
I left and never heard from her again (although she did have my email address). That was about 17 years ago and I still feel very shitty about what I did.
Emily, I’m sorry.
14. Convinced a girl to blow me, them made her take the bus home.
Late, at party for my birthday, managed to chat a cute girl into blowing me. Was too drunk/tired/high on myself after to get her home properly so I made her take the bus. Not a heartbreaking moment but a real ass move.
15. She even tried to take my shirt off and I just reached into my backpack and pulled a different shirt out. I know, I’m terrible.
Hooked up with a coworker at her house after a party. After we had finished she asked me to stay and cuddle, obviously douchebag didn’t wanna stay and cuddle. I had made up my mind to walk home shitfaced at 3am. She even tried to take my shirt off and I just reached into my backpack and pulled a different shirt out. I know, I’m terrible.
Cue next day rolling around and at work I ask where she is and my boss tells me that she is spreading her mom’s ashes back in her home state and she was taking a few days off. That’s when I knew I was a real piece of shit.
Bonus points, she survived cancer a few months later.
16. I purposely smudged an old lady janitors mopping job.
Probs around age ten I was this piece of shit edgelord.Flash-forward to me in a McDonalds. Old janitor lady is mopping the floor. What does shitty ten-year-old me do? Walk across the mop trail and swish my feet to intentionally smudge it.
Gods I can barely think about it. Not even because I’m pissed or ashamed at myself but because of just that was, be it myself doing it or anyone else. This was probably an old lady barely able to make ends meet, trying to do whatever job she could…probably never wanted to hurt a soul. Then comes along some shitty rich kid who does something completely fucking douchey like ruin a mop job. Sure, not the most monstrous thing at face value, but put all of what I just said together and…fucking hell. That is dickish. I feel bad about it to this day; even writing about it is hard.
17. I refused help to a man who needed it.
I was walking out of a 7-11 gas station a couple of blocks from my apartment building late at night (no one else was there). An old, run down car pulled in and the driver rolled down the window and called over to me. He was clearly very upset and looked like he’d been crying. He told me he just found out his daughter had been in an accident and had been airlifted to a hospital about an hour away. He was trying to get there, but he was almost out of gas and didn’t have any money on him. He pleaded with me for anything I could spare. I told him I didn’t have any cash on me, and I went on my way.
That was a lie. I had plenty of cash on me, and regardless I had my cards on me with which I could’ve bought him some gas. I got about halfway home, thought about what I’d just done, and went back, but he was already gone. I went home where my friends were drinking, and I just sat on the couch and didn’t talk to anyone the rest of the night.
What the hell was wrong with me? Was I so jaded from living in a big city with panhandlers regularly asking for money that I couldn’t recognize when someone might genuinely need my help? The emotion on that man’s face was real, as was the pain in his voice. I don’t think I’ll forget the desperate please! as long as I live. Was it really that big of a risk to give this guy $20? Would that loss to me if he was some Broadway-class con man really be that bad when weighed against the possibility that I just let down a father going through the worst moment of his life?
What if his daughter didn’t make it, and he didn’t get to see her before she passed because some cynical asshole at the gas station couldn’t spare a few dollars? I hope that wasn’t the case, that his daughter was fine, and that someone with more compassion was able to help him…or better yet, that there was no accident and he was playing me. Thinking about the alternative has kept me awake at night on multiple occasions.
Ever since then I have tried to keep a more open mind and give people the benefit of the doubt, so that the next time I’m in a position to help someone who needs me, I won’t fail them.
I don’t think the guy wanted money for drugs. Anyone who works with drug addicts like I do would know that a true addict wouldn’t have any car, no matter how crap, that could be sold for even a few bucks that could get them another fix. Also, my neighborhood wasn’t anywhere near the drug corners, and he didn’t have the physical indicators.
18. Did not visit my grandfather this Christmas. He died four days later
Did not visit my grandfather this Christmas. I had two vacation days from work which I used to visit someone I had been dating for a month on Thursday and Friday. Then at my parents place for the holiday and back to work the next week. My grandfather passed away on 29th of December last year. I’m a real piece of shit.
I made damn sure to drive the some 220km to leave a candle for him at a veteran memorial stone on New Year’s Eve. At the town he had lived for his whole life.
19. Told my mom I wanted to name my kid after my dad.
Was having a chat with my brother, sister, and mother about names for kids. promptly say that I don’t like the idea of naming my kid after a family member but if I did it would be my fathers name. At the end of this rambling, mildly insulting speech I look straight at my mom and say because I love Dad. Immediately realized that implied that I didn’t love my mother enough to name my kids after her. I tried retracing my steps and covering up my mistake, she laughed and joked about it, but her face showed that she was pretty hurt. Broke my heart that I could be that careless, that woman’s done nothing but good for me.
20. Told my host he looked like Butt-head.
Hung out with the host of a New Years party for a bit. Drank some of his beer and said, hey you kinda look like Butt-head from that show. He said he gets it a lot.
21. I kicked a girl out of my house after some lackluster sex.
I had a girl come over for some extracurricular activities. She was drinking and assumed she was staying the night. After we had very lackluster sex I went down stairs smoked a bowl, walked back upstairs and kicked her out of my house. Definitely an ass move.
22. My friend was counting change, so I knocked all his coins on the ground.
A friend of mine was counting his change on the entrance of our work. We were about to clock in when I asked him What you got there? He shows me with his hand open and I just tapped it from the bottom, all his coins fell on the floor with all the people passing by.
I laughed and left, felt pretty shitty after but when I went to apologize he laughed it off and said he’ll get me next time.
23. Best friend’s boyfriend died during the best summer of my life and I was a piece of shit.
After graduating college I spent the summer backpacking around the world. It was the most amazing thing I had ever done; I was kind of shy before but the experience gave me a new-found confidence. Once I was back home I was a hit at bars regaling new friends with stories and was finally successful with attracting the opposite sex. I was having the time of my life.
While I was gone by best friend’s boyfriend overdosed and died at Bonnaroo. A little back story we became friends because she put me back together after a breakup. Stayed with me and cooked for me, but did I return the favor when I came home… no
I was too busy having the time of my life. Shortly after I got home she crashed her car and got a DUI. She was in a downward spiral and I ignored her. We were working a shift together after that and I, still in euphoria from the night before, said to her I can’t believe how my life keeps getting better and better and yours just gets worse.
I didn’t realize what I had said until months later. It’s been years and I still think back on that moment. I could have been there for her but I was just a selfish piece of shit.
tldr: Best friend’s boyfriend died during the best summer of my life and I was a piece of shit.
24. Brought a morning-after pill to a woman I’d fucked the day prior while she was in the hospital after another guy beat the shit out of her.
Brought a morning-after pill to a woman I’d fucked the day prior while she was in the hospital after another guy beat the shit out of her.
25. I wanted to meet a gay guy so I could make fun of him.
I was very sheltered as a kid. I went to a private Christian elementary and middle school with 16 people in my 8 the grade class. When I was in 9th grade, I went to my first public school. No one knew me, so I felt like I had to be cool.
One day a friend of mine mentioned that her cousin was gay. I had never met a gay person before. I was genuinely curious if he was just as they appear on TV. So I asked her who he was, wanting to get the chance to meet him. She asked why I wanted to know who he was. Trying to be cool and not like I was genuinely curious, I replied, so I can make fun of him.
The girl sitting in front of me who I had never heard say a word, just turned around and said you’re a dick. It was the first and last thing she ever said to me.
I’ve never felt like more of a piece of shit in my life than that moment.
26. I gave a girl her first kiss as part of a bet.
I started a bet with a friend in middle school that we could get this wholesome straightedge girl to kiss one of us. I won the bet at a super romantic moment at a friend’s pool party by a roaring fire but had no real feelings for the girl. A little while later her friend told me that was her first kiss and she really liked me and was heartbroken when she found out about the bet. She has to live her whole life with that as her first kiss. I’m friends with her on FB and 15 years later she is absolutely beautiful and I still feel awful.
27. I threw a brick over my backyard fence and hit a kid in the head.
I threw a brick over my backyard fence just cause, and actually hit a kid in the head. It was a pretty bad cut. When his parents and my mom came out I just pointed at my brother and he got the ass whoopin’ of a life time. I was like 6.
28. Ran over a birdtwice.
Was driving on a winding road on my way to a job on the countryside when I hit a bird with the car. Stopped the car briefly and saw in my rear-view that it was flapping around until it just sat still in the middle of the road, probably trying to recover from the beating it had taken. I considered stepping out of my car and move the poor bird to the side of the road so it wouldn’t get hit by another car but remembered that flock-living birds can get “expelled” by their flock if they carry an unknown scent. I also figured that this was far off in the countryside in Sweden, and the likelihood of another car passing by anytime soon was close to none.
I was on my way back home about an hour and a half later. My meeting with the client had been a huge success so I was in a great mood, singing to the radio and was probably driving a bit over the limit. I drove up a small crest and on the other side was the same fucking bird sitting in the middle of the road exactly where I left it, I had totally forgotten about it! It was turned towards me and I swear it looked me straight in the eyes, silently cursing at me in its chirpy bird-language as I inevitably drove straight over it for the second time…
Once again I could see the bird being slammed to the asphalt numerous times in my rearview-mirror before disappearing down the slope into the woods.
I’m entirely convinced this bird will dedicate his afterlife to haunting me from the other side for the rest of my life…
29. Girlfriends mom tried killing herself, so I went home to drink.
Was watching with my then girlfriend. Lots of bad things happened that night that we were unaware of, and in the end her dad stormed into our room shouting get upstairs now and call 999. Her mum tried to commit suicide by an overdose on something I’m not aware of. Her mum/dad goes off in the ambulance and my ex is hysterical, crying panicking etc. My uncle at the time also tried to hang himself a few nights previous…. I used this as an excuse to leave my ex for the night, go home and get drunk. I will never forget the tears I left my ex in, while I went home to drink.
30. Convinced a girl high as a kite who had the tiniest cut on her finger that she will die from infection.
Convinced a girl high as a kite who had the tiniest cut on her finger that she will die from infection and have it amputated or if she didn’t go hospital it would spread and lose her arm. She started crying, called her mum, and went to hospital.
31. I’ve had sex with 2 friends’ gfs…while they were still dating them.
I’ve had sex with 2 friends’ gfs…while they were still dating them. A decade of regret and lost friendships is the result.
32. Told a suicidal girl to go kill herself.
Met a girl through and online game that was a legitimate train wreck. Sending nudes to basically everyone at the age of 12, smoked and drank on the daily at 13 or 14, did coke and speed at 15. Girl was a major bitch and a manipulator to basically everyone, and had no one who cared about her as a result. I tried being the first.
As I said, she ended up being a massive manipulator and one of the only people I’ve ever branded as irredeemable. Checked in on her some years later, and asked her how she’s been. Said she was probably gonna kill herself, to which I replied Yeah, you go do that, and then blocked her.
Is that fucked-up? Yeah. Do I care if she actually killed herself? Can’t say that I do.
33. Kneed a neighborhood kid in the nuts for no reason.
Kneed a neighborhood kid in the nuts for no reason at all when I was like 9 or 10…I was a little shit as a kid.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/02/33-people-confess-the-shittiest-thing-theyve-ever-done/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/11/02/33-people-confess-the-shittiest-thing-theyve-ever-done/
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
33 People Confess The Shittiest Thing They’ve Ever Done
Found on AskReddit.
1. I told an adopted girl, I can see why your parents hate you.
When I told an adopted girl, I can see why your parents hate you.
Learning guitar from uncle. Can’t do it. He said something like, Its easy, come on, you can do it!
I mean fuck if any of you can top that I will be surprised; I was a little shit. Aunt ended up dying of cancer by the way.
3. Can you wait until you get home to start crying?
The other day my friend was in my car and said, I feel like I’m about to start crying. My immediate response was, Okaywell, can you wait until you get home to do that?
4. Stirred a coworkers drink with my dick.
I was pissed at a coworker who kept pushing her religion on me and I retaliated by stirring her drink with my dick after she had left it unattended. It was a silent victory for me. I look back on it and know that I’m a horrible human being for what I’ve done.
5. I intentionally broke a girls crayons while she cried.
When I was in 1st grade, I accidentally stepped on and broke a crayon this girl had while she was coloring on the ground. She started crying a lot about her broken crayon, so I looked her dead in the eyes and said I can’t be friends with sissy’s who cry over crayons. I then proceeded to intentionally step on and break the rest of her crayons.
6. Saw a man bleeding on the roadside and kept driving.
I was driving my ex home from the movies, and we chanced across a wreck on the roadside. The driver’s head was lolled on his shoulder, openly bleeding and obviously in need of assistance. My ex kept insisting, Keep driving. Someone will help him.
I feel like shit that I let her run me like that; I can’t believe I wasn’t the one to help him.
7. I made a Holocaust joke to a Jewish girl.
We were watching a doc about the Holocaust in journalism class (?)I was sitting behind a Jewish girl and right after they bulldozed a pile of dead bodies into a ditch I asked her if she recognized anyone on the screen.
As soon as it came out, I was horrified. we both participated in off-color inappropriate joking before, but this was next-level.
What a shitty thing to say. Im still ashamed.
8. I yelled at my grandfather and he died before I got a chance to say Im sorry.
I once yelled at my grandfather because he didn’t allow me to go over to a friends house because it was almost lunch time. He died before I got a chance to say sorry, gonna live with that for the rest of my life.
9. You want a medal or a chest to pin it on?
Sitting at a table with friends at college when a girl and her friend join us cause she knew one of my friends. Girl’s a real jerk to everyone. She hones in on my good friend who is insecure. Nervous laughter from everyone so she goes harder.
I stop her and, half-jokingly say, wow, good one. You want a medal or a chest to pin it on? (She was seriously flat as a board)
Girl stands up crying and runs out of the building. Turn to everyone cause no idea how that should be the reaction.
Friends tell me, She had breast cancer when she was 16 and had to have them removed. Only happened a few years ago.
10. Threw sand in a kid’s face.
Threw sand in a kid’s face once. We were playing in the sandbox and I was trying to demonstrate that it exploded so I threw a bunch of sand in the air. 97% of it went right into his face. I was an adult.
12. I watched a guy pepper spray a sleeping homeless man on the train and was too scared to do anything to stop it.
I watched a guy pepper spray a sleeping homeless man on the train and was too scared to do anything to stop it. It happened a few months ago and I keep replaying it in my head, wishing I’d done something.
13. Emily, Im sorry.
When I was around 15 I met a girl online and we quickly fell in love, as hormonal teenagers are prone to do. Her parents went away during the school summer break, leaving her home alone for a while and she invited me to come and stay with her as our first face-to-face meeting.
I took the train down to where she lived but on arrival my heart sank. Even though I’d seen pictures of her, she didn’t really resemble the image my love-struck 15-year-old mind had built up. Mutual awkwardness and disappointment became the theme of our first day together so much so that I decided that, not only was I going to go back home the very next day (I think I was supposed to stay for a whole week) but I didn’t want to see or speak to her again.
Just before I left I crept into her room and erased my number from her phone. Then it occurred to me that she had an inbox full of text messages from my number so I had to re-creep into her room and stealthily delete all of those, thus ‘deleting’ myself from her life.
I left and never heard from her again (although she did have my email address). That was about 17 years ago and I still feel very shitty about what I did.
Emily, I’m sorry.
14. Convinced a girl to blow me, them made her take the bus home.
Late, at party for my birthday, managed to chat a cute girl into blowing me. Was too drunk/tired/high on myself after to get her home properly so I made her take the bus. Not a heartbreaking moment but a real ass move.
15. She even tried to take my shirt off and I just reached into my backpack and pulled a different shirt out. I know, I’m terrible.
Hooked up with a coworker at her house after a party. After we had finished she asked me to stay and cuddle, obviously douchebag didn’t wanna stay and cuddle. I had made up my mind to walk home shitfaced at 3am. She even tried to take my shirt off and I just reached into my backpack and pulled a different shirt out. I know, I’m terrible.
Cue next day rolling around and at work I ask where she is and my boss tells me that she is spreading her mom’s ashes back in her home state and she was taking a few days off. That’s when I knew I was a real piece of shit.
Bonus points, she survived cancer a few months later.
16. I purposely smudged an old lady janitors mopping job.
Probs around age ten I was this piece of shit edgelord.Flash-forward to me in a McDonalds. Old janitor lady is mopping the floor. What does shitty ten-year-old me do? Walk across the mop trail and swish my feet to intentionally smudge it.
Gods I can barely think about it. Not even because I’m pissed or ashamed at myself but because of just that was, be it myself doing it or anyone else. This was probably an old lady barely able to make ends meet, trying to do whatever job she could…probably never wanted to hurt a soul. Then comes along some shitty rich kid who does something completely fucking douchey like ruin a mop job. Sure, not the most monstrous thing at face value, but put all of what I just said together and…fucking hell. That is dickish. I feel bad about it to this day; even writing about it is hard.
17. I refused help to a man who needed it.
I was walking out of a 7-11 gas station a couple of blocks from my apartment building late at night (no one else was there). An old, run down car pulled in and the driver rolled down the window and called over to me. He was clearly very upset and looked like he’d been crying. He told me he just found out his daughter had been in an accident and had been airlifted to a hospital about an hour away. He was trying to get there, but he was almost out of gas and didn’t have any money on him. He pleaded with me for anything I could spare. I told him I didn’t have any cash on me, and I went on my way.
That was a lie. I had plenty of cash on me, and regardless I had my cards on me with which I could’ve bought him some gas. I got about halfway home, thought about what I’d just done, and went back, but he was already gone. I went home where my friends were drinking, and I just sat on the couch and didn’t talk to anyone the rest of the night.
What the hell was wrong with me? Was I so jaded from living in a big city with panhandlers regularly asking for money that I couldn’t recognize when someone might genuinely need my help? The emotion on that man’s face was real, as was the pain in his voice. I don’t think I’ll forget the desperate please! as long as I live. Was it really that big of a risk to give this guy $20? Would that loss to me if he was some Broadway-class con man really be that bad when weighed against the possibility that I just let down a father going through the worst moment of his life?
What if his daughter didn’t make it, and he didn’t get to see her before she passed because some cynical asshole at the gas station couldn’t spare a few dollars? I hope that wasn’t the case, that his daughter was fine, and that someone with more compassion was able to help him…or better yet, that there was no accident and he was playing me. Thinking about the alternative has kept me awake at night on multiple occasions.
Ever since then I have tried to keep a more open mind and give people the benefit of the doubt, so that the next time I’m in a position to help someone who needs me, I won’t fail them.
I don’t think the guy wanted money for drugs. Anyone who works with drug addicts like I do would know that a true addict wouldn’t have any car, no matter how crap, that could be sold for even a few bucks that could get them another fix. Also, my neighborhood wasn’t anywhere near the drug corners, and he didn’t have the physical indicators.
18. Did not visit my grandfather this Christmas. He died four days later
Did not visit my grandfather this Christmas. I had two vacation days from work which I used to visit someone I had been dating for a month on Thursday and Friday. Then at my parents place for the holiday and back to work the next week. My grandfather passed away on 29th of December last year. I’m a real piece of shit.
I made damn sure to drive the some 220km to leave a candle for him at a veteran memorial stone on New Year’s Eve. At the town he had lived for his whole life.
19. Told my mom I wanted to name my kid after my dad.
Was having a chat with my brother, sister, and mother about names for kids. promptly say that I don’t like the idea of naming my kid after a family member but if I did it would be my fathers name. At the end of this rambling, mildly insulting speech I look straight at my mom and say because I love Dad. Immediately realized that implied that I didn’t love my mother enough to name my kids after her. I tried retracing my steps and covering up my mistake, she laughed and joked about it, but her face showed that she was pretty hurt. Broke my heart that I could be that careless, that woman’s done nothing but good for me.
20. Told my host he looked like Butt-head.
Hung out with the host of a New Years party for a bit. Drank some of his beer and said, hey you kinda look like Butt-head from that show. He said he gets it a lot.
21. I kicked a girl out of my house after some lackluster sex.
I had a girl come over for some extracurricular activities. She was drinking and assumed she was staying the night. After we had very lackluster sex I went down stairs smoked a bowl, walked back upstairs and kicked her out of my house. Definitely an ass move.
22. My friend was counting change, so I knocked all his coins on the ground.
A friend of mine was counting his change on the entrance of our work. We were about to clock in when I asked him What you got there? He shows me with his hand open and I just tapped it from the bottom, all his coins fell on the floor with all the people passing by.
I laughed and left, felt pretty shitty after but when I went to apologize he laughed it off and said he’ll get me next time.
23. Best friend’s boyfriend died during the best summer of my life and I was a piece of shit.
After graduating college I spent the summer backpacking around the world. It was the most amazing thing I had ever done; I was kind of shy before but the experience gave me a new-found confidence. Once I was back home I was a hit at bars regaling new friends with stories and was finally successful with attracting the opposite sex. I was having the time of my life.
While I was gone by best friend’s boyfriend overdosed and died at Bonnaroo. A little back story we became friends because she put me back together after a breakup. Stayed with me and cooked for me, but did I return the favor when I came home… no :/
I was too busy having the time of my life. Shortly after I got home she crashed her car and got a DUI. She was in a downward spiral and I ignored her. We were working a shift together after that and I, still in euphoria from the night before, said to her I can’t believe how my life keeps getting better and better and yours just gets worse.
I didn’t realize what I had said until months later. It’s been years and I still think back on that moment. I could have been there for her but I was just a selfish piece of shit.
tldr: Best friend’s boyfriend died during the best summer of my life and I was a piece of shit.
24. Brought a morning-after pill to a woman I’d fucked the day prior while she was in the hospital after another guy beat the shit out of her.
Brought a morning-after pill to a woman I’d fucked the day prior while she was in the hospital after another guy beat the shit out of her.
25. I wanted to meet a gay guy so I could make fun of him.
I was very sheltered as a kid. I went to a private Christian elementary and middle school with 16 people in my 8 the grade class. When I was in 9th grade, I went to my first public school. No one knew me, so I felt like I had to be cool.
One day a friend of mine mentioned that her cousin was gay. I had never met a gay person before. I was genuinely curious if he was just as they appear on TV. So I asked her who he was, wanting to get the chance to meet him. She asked why I wanted to know who he was. Trying to be cool and not like I was genuinely curious, I replied, so I can make fun of him.
The girl sitting in front of me who I had never heard say a word, just turned around and said you’re a dick. It was the first and last thing she ever said to me.
I’ve never felt like more of a piece of shit in my life than that moment.
26. I gave a girl her first kiss as part of a bet.
I started a bet with a friend in middle school that we could get this wholesome straightedge girl to kiss one of us. I won the bet at a super romantic moment at a friend’s pool party by a roaring fire but had no real feelings for the girl. A little while later her friend told me that was her first kiss and she really liked me and was heartbroken when she found out about the bet. She has to live her whole life with that as her first kiss. I’m friends with her on FB and 15 years later she is absolutely beautiful and I still feel awful.
27. I threw a brick over my backyard fence and hit a kid in the head.
I threw a brick over my backyard fence just cause, and actually hit a kid in the head. It was a pretty bad cut. When his parents and my mom came out I just pointed at my brother and he got the ass whoopin’ of a life time. I was like 6.
28. Ran over a birdtwice.
Was driving on a winding road on my way to a job on the countryside when I hit a bird with the car. Stopped the car briefly and saw in my rear-view that it was flapping around until it just sat still in the middle of the road, probably trying to recover from the beating it had taken. I considered stepping out of my car and move the poor bird to the side of the road so it wouldn’t get hit by another car but remembered that flock-living birds can get “expelled” by their flock if they carry an unknown scent. I also figured that this was far off in the countryside in Sweden, and the likelihood of another car passing by anytime soon was close to none.
I was on my way back home about an hour and a half later. My meeting with the client had been a huge success so I was in a great mood, singing to the radio and was probably driving a bit over the limit. I drove up a small crest and on the other side was the same fucking bird sitting in the middle of the road exactly where I left it, I had totally forgotten about it! It was turned towards me and I swear it looked me straight in the eyes, silently cursing at me in its chirpy bird-language as I inevitably drove straight over it for the second time…
Once again I could see the bird being slammed to the asphalt numerous times in my rearview-mirror before disappearing down the slope into the woods.
I’m entirely convinced this bird will dedicate his afterlife to haunting me from the other side for the rest of my life…
29. Girlfriends mom tried killing herself, so I went home to drink.
Was watching with my then girlfriend. Lots of bad things happened that night that we were unaware of, and in the end her dad stormed into our room shouting get upstairs now and call 999. Her mum tried to commit suicide by an overdose on something I’m not aware of. Her mum/dad goes off in the ambulance and my ex is hysterical, crying panicking etc. My uncle at the time also tried to hang himself a few nights previous…. I used this as an excuse to leave my ex for the night, go home and get drunk. I will never forget the tears I left my ex in, while I went home to drink.
30. Convinced a girl high as a kite who had the tiniest cut on her finger that she will die from infection.
Convinced a girl high as a kite who had the tiniest cut on her finger that she will die from infection and have it amputated or if she didn’t go hospital it would spread and lose her arm. She started crying, called her mum, and went to hospital.
31. I’ve had sex with 2 friends’ gfs…while they were still dating them.
I’ve had sex with 2 friends’ gfs…while they were still dating them. A decade of regret and lost friendships is the result.
32. Told a suicidal girl to go kill herself.
Met a girl through and online game that was a legitimate train wreck. Sending nudes to basically everyone at the age of 12, smoked and drank on the daily at 13 or 14, did coke and speed at 15. Girl was a major bitch and a manipulator to basically everyone, and had no one who cared about her as a result. I tried being the first.
As I said, she ended up being a massive manipulator and one of the only people I’ve ever branded as irredeemable. Checked in on her some years later, and asked her how she’s been. Said she was probably gonna kill herself, to which I replied Yeah, you go do that, and then blocked her.
Is that fucked-up? Yeah. Do I care if she actually killed herself? Can’t say that I do.
33. Kneed a neighborhood kid in the nuts for no reason.
Kneed a neighborhood kid in the nuts for no reason at all when I was like 9 or 10…I was a little shit as a kid.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/11/02/33-people-confess-the-shittiest-thing-theyve-ever-done/
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