#there's 6 main characters and i don't care who disagrees
commanderdazzle · 1 year
oh, now I remember why I stopped reading d.gray-man at volume 14.
EDIT; Actually, I'm going to elaborate on this, feel free to revoke your likes if you disagree.
D.gray-man fan "theories", especially the ones popular on the subreddit, drive me up the wall, some of them are in direct contradiction to the themes of the series, or came about because people only read fan translations/don't even read the official properly (here I acknowledge that Viz isn't helping by translating the names shittily, and yes I mean travesties like "Waiizurii".)
The most egregious one being the "Allen is a grown adult who got de-aged" thing, because literally the only persons word we have to go on is Nea's, and the fact that like 90% of the fandom choose to believe him is absolutely insane. Is it because he's popular for some odd reason? That's weird to me because, as a Sheril stan, I wouldn't believe a goddamn word Sheril says. Why do Nea's fans believe him?
Next, while at first I was skeptical of the idea, I now really really really hope Grave Of Maria actually IS Katerina Eve Campbell, because I hate "Road is Katerina" even more as a plot point.
And speaking of Road, I will be livid if "Road isn't a physical entity as we see her, but a dream being projected by someone sleeping somewhere" actually comes true. Road has done WAY TOO MUCH in the plot to not be a 100% real physical entity of her own, from the eye stabbing to the kissing to the action rescue, and her interactions with the other Noah, I will literally be so fucking angry about this one.
Anyway, sorry for tacking this onto an existing post, I didn't want to clutter the tags. Please react as you see fit!
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flower-boi16 · 6 months
Given how underdeveloped Vaggie (Why was she named that), Charlie, Millie, and the majority of the female characters are, I won’t be suprised if Lilith turns out to be a one dimensional bitch who only exists to make Lucifer more sympathetic (I like Lucifer’s character but still)
....I disagree, Lilith could actually be a good, or even great antagonist for the show, possibly being one of, if not THE best villain in all of Hellaverse...
...if she's not being written by Viv. I've already talked about Velvette and why she's on of Viv's best antagonists before but she's relevant to my main point; Velvette is a character with an actually cunning, entertaining and well-developed personality that stands out from other antagonists in Hellaverse, making her feel like a breath of fresh air compared to all of Viv's one-dimensional assholes, being an actually good villain...she's also a female character whose episode she got a major focus on...wasn't written by Viv.
We all know Viv is incapable of writing antagonists let alone female antagonists, so, the reason why Velvette ended up being so great compared to Viv's other antagonists is BECAUSE she wasn't being written by Viv or Adam. Viv can't write antagonists or women, so when one of her female antagonists ends up being so great, it's because she's not being written by Viv, but rather, someone who knows how to write female characters.
In episode 2, the episode that IS written by Viv, and where Velvette makes her first appearance, she has a more typical fashionista personality compared to episode 3 (though tbf that's still more of a personality than 99% of Viv's other antagonists), and episode 3, the episode not written by Viv, she has a fully fleshed out personality that makes her a fun antagonist. I really don't think that's just a coincidence.
An guess what? This same thing happened AGAIN in episode 6 with Sera. Sera is the head seraphim and leader of Heaven, she greenlit the exterminations in order to protect Heaven but you get the feeling that she doesn't WANT to do this, that she doesn't feel great about letting Adam and his army murder people bellow. But she feels like she HAS TO in order to protect Heaven...and her sister, Emily.
Initially, in my post about Emily, I said she has no purpose or point as a character, and removing her changes nothing. I was wrong. Emily DOES have a purpose within the show; it's to be a main motivator for Sera, and Emily's existence adds depth to her character. Sera lets the exterminations happen because she also wants to protect Emily and deeply cares about her, she holds her sister close to her and wants to keep her safe.
Sera is a character with real nuances to her actions, she's not just a one-dimensional villain, she's not exactly good either, she's...an actually nuanced and morally grey character that can't be put in either good or evil? In a VIVZIEPOP show???? Like, not saying that Sera is a super deep or compelling character or anything, but like, she's an actually nuanced antagonist with real depth to her...
...and that's because the episode she's in was not written by Viv, just like with Velvette. The reason why Sera is an actually nuanced character is because she's not in an episode written by Viv.
The fact that this happened twice does not seem like a coincidence to me. The reason why Velvette and Sera can be actually decent or even good characters is because they are in episodes that aren't written by Viv or Adam, both of which in all of the episodes they write show the many problems with HH and HB's antagonists. And, ultimately, Velvette and Sera ended up being two of the BEST antagonists in all of Hellaverse because they weren't being written by Viv or Adam.
So, there COULD be a possibility that Lilith can be a good or at least decent antagonist if the episodes she gets a significant spotlight in aren't written by Viv or Adam. If they are...then well, ya, Lilith will probably just be Stella 2.0 or something.
But if she's being written by either of the two guys who did episodes 3 & 6, then she could end up being a good or even great character. The bare is very low for antagonists in these shows, but when they aren't being written by Viv or Adam...they can be kinda good.
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cloudysonder · 8 months
On "Daddy Issues"
Ok, I know I'm a bit late to the game here, but I was gathering my thoughts after experiencing episode 5 and 6
Let me preface this with the fact that I am a Hazbin Hotel fan; it's cringe and it's not the best writing in the world, but I love the characters and the concept and the art. I know a lot of people disagree and completely despise it and hey, you do you, but this is a silly little thing I enjoy and think is fun
but oof. episode 5 and 6 were rough, execution-wise. Also worth mentioning that episode 5 followed on the heels of episode 4, which was dealing with a lot of heavy topics and gave Angel a lot of character development very quickly and had a wonderful song and a budding relationship between Husk and Angel that was fantastic, so to get a confusing and overwhelming yet completely inefficient episode (ep 5) and then an episode with SO MUCH HAPPENING that it absolutely bowled you over with plot points and world building that weren't given a single second to breathe was really disappointing. I'll put the meat under a read more, but that's the thesis
this post is just gonna be on episode 5, and I'll make another one on episode 6 bc christ almighty both of them are gonna be long
Episode 5 was something I was really looking forward to-- Of the main cast, Charlie and Vaggie seemed the least intriguing to me (oh, did I say "seemed" past tense? haha! they still most definitely are the least interesting!), and I wanted to see how they would introduce something they've been building up to for a while: Charlie's famed "Daddy issues"!
Turns out, instead of actually keeping it as a point of intrigue for Charlie's character and using it as a point of tension to show that hey, Charlie isn't actually a perfect person, and she's also in pain with the rest of the sinners because her own family relationships are falling apart, they solve it in a single episode. That's right! The long-awaited, complicated, divorced parent and child relationship that twisted Charlie into a validation seeking, people pleasing princess that "wants to fix other people so she doesn't have to deal with her own daddy issues" (quote by Husk) is solved with a charming performance by Jeremy Jordan and a song!
Look, it's no secret I'm a huge fan of Loser, Baby-- I clearly have no qualms with storytelling through song. But you cannot song-plain this one away. We've established over 4 episodes that Charlie and her father have kept in minimal contact for seven years. That's a Long time (don't go trying to be like, oh time to charlie works differently, bc that shit's not established, and everyone in the show still treats seven years like a long time). We know that the last time they called each other was 5 months ago.
"More than Anything," solves basically everything by making the following points
Charlie was inspired by her Dad's dreaming
Lucifer was ashamed of his failures and hid away from her
Lucifer does, however, want so so deeply to know Charlie
Charlie wants to know Lucifer
They love each other <3
these are fine endgame points. Dare I say... good endgame points to arrive at?? But you can't stuff ALL these revelations into a single song and call it a finished relationship arc when they haven't spoken for real in 7 YEARS. Also, making Lucifer so goofy and silly and fun and charming is Not helping the establishment of his character as a self-hating former dreamer who doesn't want his daughter to make the same mistakes he did. It just turns him to tumblr sexyman cute quirky sympathetic never did anything wrong and loves his daughter, completely downplaying his absentee parenting.
You can't have him turn from "I do not care about your life. I do not care about your project. I will not ask about your passions and your dreams. I am already ashamed of my own." to "ur so right bestie!!! dreaming is so slay mama!!! I love you so much you're my little baby girl I love you so much, you're right and I will support you!!!" in the course of a single episode without like.... at least 3 real, in depth conversations happening. The song is beautiful, but you can't poetry your way out of an actual relationship arc.
BUT! But, but but! The fault does not lie completely with Lucifer, but also with Charlie. girl just forgave him??? For everything????? Despite having been so scared to call him at the beginning of the episode? It's very unrealistic for a kid to just accept that a parent loves them apparently so so deeply when they've never seen proof of it in the last idk just spitballing a number here SEVEN YEARS. If you want to make the crux of a failed parent-child relationship miscommunication, you're gonna have to get into the ugly--- the grieving of what you could've had earlier, the wondering why you didn't reach out earlier, the anger at why they've suddenly changed now--- and you're gonna have to explain why the miscommunication went on so long.
sometimes, if you have a pair of completely uncommunicative people, seven years may be reasonable. But Charlie is open about her passions! She's public! She constantly reads about "The Story of Hell" and paints Lucifer in a positive light! And Lucifer is quick to reciprocate any interest Charlie shows in him! He's quick to offer help, to spoil Charlie and show love! (Lucifer's points are two points that make SEVEN YEARS of MINIMAL CONTACT and MISCOMMUNICATION make ZERO SENSE).
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additionally, Charlie's lowkey only point of intrigue that was set up (her relationship to Lucifer, the King of Hell) is now just... kapoot. solved. pish posh. now she's a done character.
THEN EXPLAIN WHY I STILL DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER???? I haven't seen her actually struggle in a way that's not played off as a bit, we don't get a real charlie breakdown monologue, there are no stakes for me as a hazbin hotel viewer to want everything to go well for charlie besides my acab rad leftist ass being like redemption and forgiveness is good and ultimately benefits society
she's fun, she's bubbly, she's kind! but those are all basic things we knew from minute 1 she was on screen. I need to see her struggle. For a main character, she sure as hell doesn't feel main. And I expected better female characters from female writers (feat. in my next post, Vaggie????? What the hell?).
goodnight new york city, you've been great!
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zelda-cooper · 8 months
My version of Loonatics Unleashed (Part 2)
This is just my interpretation of this universe of "Loonatics Unleashed", don't take it as a summary of the series or as absolute truth to interpret your version. NO! It's just MY view and you have every right to disagree. Furthermore, there will be low-level words (even though I censor some) and there may be sensitive topics for certain people. Besides, this refers to the universe of Loonatics Unleashed, so for those who don't care, you can skip this blog, but for those who are a fan or if this interests you, you can continue reading. Part one of this blog is at the link below if you want to see it.
Part 1
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Hi... I'm here again! Yeah, right? I posted that ls Loonatics blog in an unpretentious way, not expecting so many people to see it... And then I come across the post being reblogged and liked by A LOT of people... Ok, I'm exaggerating... But that amount is almost the same one I get in my regular Darkwing Duck posts, which is a surprise... I thought there weren't THAT many people who knew and liked Loonatics. So, right? Part 2 for you just to clear my conscience and talk about some other ideas I had. And it's not the character redesign yet, you'll have to wait for that... -w-
I again want to give credit to @drakepad-luv-2000, she was one of the reasons I'm doing these blogs (I'm sorry I got your pronouns wrong before, seriously-). And if you, a Loonatics fan, want to make a blog with your Headcanons, I just say that you can give credit to both of us. Having said that... Let's go! Again I will divide this post into two topics... The first will be highlighting more things in the story (theme, episode structure, tone of the series, etc.) and the second will be talking more about the characters' changed personalities and powers to adapt to this new version of me. So, we continue...
Story Narrative (Reinvented)
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If you saw the post before this one and already know a lot about the change in the backstory before the story and the past of the protagonists, you will understand this topic better. It's much more about what the narrative structure will actually be like... In this case, again it would be divided into seasons, and here... I think I put an average of at least 6 seasons. Then you ask... "6 SEASONS FOR THIS VERSION OF YOU?!?! WHY?!?!"... Because I'm crazy and I like to suffer- I'm joking, but there's a hint of truth... I literally I have so many ideas for this series that there is no way I can only do 3 seasons. It has ideas for villains, for OCs, for the protagonists themselves, even for some secondary characters! So it will have to be 6 seasons AT LEAST (because I'm going to increase the number-). But, well... Having defined how long this series will be... What would be the ideal tone for it? I'm going to talk about the first three seasons, which kind of gives an overview of the rest of the series.
First Season
The first season, as you can imagine, is an introductory season, which introduces the protagonists, supporting characters and initial villains, where it also presents many of the dynamics and shows the main plot of the story. The season that people, most of the time, find the most boring because it's the beginning, but in this case it would be equally important, not only because it's the beginning (obviously), but it defines a lot of the dynamics of both the heroes and villains. I also want to explore a lot of their personalities, so there will be solo episodes for the protagonists (and considering that the seasons have an average of 20 episodes each, it's reasonable), this includes Zadavia, because honestly in the original series she didn't have a personality or defined relationships. It has the classic "villains of the week" episodes, but in this case... I like to ONLY get what was relevant. In other words, villains like those ice Vikings will be discarded because they are not exactly relevant, unlike Mastermind who has a story behind her that is interesting. I'm talking about the FIRST SEASON, because, in addition to helping a lot with the writing, because we'll have about five villains to stay (including Optimatus), it's also possible to add an additional supporting character (some are OCs or reimaginings of characters? Yes, but that's because the series only had Zadavia as a supporting character at the beginning, so... Leave me...). There is the fact that there will also be a villain in the middle who, basically, was from the second season, but I changed it to the first because he is too important to discard for the second... Which is General Deuce, who will be at the Optimatus' side as his right-hand man (he's basically the villain's main "henchman") and you can draw a good parallel with Ace. As you can see, the first season really is an introduction, but I made it more cohesive, less "random" and gave the characters more focus.
Second Season
The second season is where the story really starts to have a clearer narrative line (even with fillers), it's where the narrative starts to take more serious turns and we get more of the characters themselves. Do you have OCs? I think there's a lot here... But there's also a lot of change in terms of characters... Like Melvin The Martian and Rip Runner. These episodes include more of the characters that are inspired by Looney Tunes. Support characters... There's Zadavia, obviously... But there's Tweentums who is basically the prince of a planet there... Here I'll give him a different personality and that includes changing a lot of his relationship with Danger Duck (because honestly I felt really sorry for Duck for taking care of the brat-), and also changes Sylth Vester, which... You can believe it, but this villain here I'm going to give a nice makeover and he's going to be a villain of respect! As for the conclusion of Optimatus... In fact, I'm going to leave a lot of it for the third season, where it will become clearer what could happen at the end of it there. In the second season there will also be a lot of the evolution of the main characters individually, kind of like how they would continue here and so on, where everything will combine in the third season. And speaking of her....
Third Season
The third season is the famous time "When sh1t starts to stink". There won't be any character deaths (or maybe there will be, I don't know...), but this is where a lot of the things that happened in the previous seasons will come to fruition and with force in this third. This is kind of where most of the villains I highlighted will come together and cause chaos... In other words, there will be dynamics between villains, internal intrigues, etc... It's also where a lot of heavy scenes can occur and kind of It's where it separates from what the series was before to now, where the direction becomes more serious. Okay, it was like that before, but now it's more so. And this is where the Loonatics' direction becomes most unpredictable. What do I mean by that? It's a secret, I won't tell you now... But you will understand in the distant future. I'm just saying that some characters will have suffered a little...
So the tone of the seasons kind of escalates... In the next seasons there may be comedy again, but at specific moments that are conducive to that, especially because it can't be 100% serious. But that's kind of the tone of the narrative... Now let's get to what I consider the soul of the story...
Personality and Powers of the Protagonists (Reinvented)
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I'm going to speak again in opening order, so... Let's get started...
• Ace Bunny
Okay, I'll admit that Ace is my least favorite... Because his personality in the original series is a bit "empty"... But considering he would have the vibe of a confident but insecure character... I got it from base Sonic's personality and also Leonardo's (from Rise of TMNT). But I think this is the one that, ironically, would be the most underestimated by the villains and basically the civilians he saves... Because he's charismatic, but he doesn't exactly have a certain "hero look". He may be confident, but his experience is zero, just like in combat. As much as he learned to fight, his type of fighting is much more street fighting, he doesn't have a lot of technique, so his arc is kind of knowing how to be a hero (just like most of the team). But there's another issue that anyone who's seen his story already understands between the lines... As for his powers... Honestly, I don't like his laser beam powers so much, because they don't have any parallels with Bugs Bunny... So I changed... His powers NOW are, first, being able to summon any MELAN WEAPON (that is, without firearms) and explosives, and the second is to make long-distance portals (with the condition that he has to KNOW where it is, because otherwise it's the same situation as him ending up going to the wrong place.
• Lexi Bunny
Ok... Honestly... I couldn't change ANYTHING about her personality... Because she's already very good, what I changed most was that her passion would be more for music and her powers... And also that she and Ace are brothers- But, powers! Here I didn't change that much, but her psychic rays were converted a little to Telekinesis, that is, she can levitate herself and objects and people, and the power to manipulate plants will become more evident.
• Danger Duck
This is another one that I didn't exactly change much, but I went deeper into it... Here he is another insecure character who always compares himself with others, but who hides this through arrogance and arrogance. He also has some Tsundere traits, that is... He pretends that he doesn't care or doesn't care about his companions, but deep down he cares about each one of them. And also... He is very VERY careful with children, he opens up more to children (you can already see that the Tweentums relationship and he can change a little-). As for the powers... I keep them the same, the random energy orbs and the teleport really suit him...
• Slam Tasmanian
Slam is another one that I ended up changing A LOT... And here I get a lot of the fans' interpretations, of him being the "big daddy" of the group, in the sense of being the one who protects the team the most and who is there to listen and help everyone. I still maintain the characteristic of him being a glutton, because it really draws a parallel with Taz, but here he has the ability to speak, but he prefers to remain quiet and more to himself. The powers... I changed it a little so as not to be a "copy and paste" of Taz... In this case, the powers are, first, going into bestial mode (something similar to the Hulk, so he only activates this mode when necessary , because he attacks EVERYTHING in front of him), and the second is the same as one of Ben 10's Aliens, which is that the objects he ingests become balls of plasma that he releases at enemies.
• Tech E. Coyote
I will say that I didn't change his personality or powers much... But I added more things... Besides him being autistic, which makes him have a little difficulty communicating or understanding other people's emotions, He also can't stay in public for a long time... In other words, he has a certain degree of social phobia. He can talk to friends and family, but speaking in public is almost IMPOSSIBLE for him... And he ends up having low emotional intelligence (or EQ), which results in him not knowing how to take care of himself very well when he's in trouble. hyperfocus or making some invention. As he had said, his powers remain the same.
• Rev Runner
My beautiful and adorable Roadrunner with ADHD- Okay, seriously... This one I changed some characteristics, but again his personality is more in-depth. Like the fact that, in the beginning, he was a little afraid of both Slam and Tech, because they are both kind of predators... Again the issue of hyperfocus, but in Rev's case, he manages to control himself in a certain way, the which also causes him to take Tech out of the lab several times. He is also more curious and mischievous in this version, especially because he is the youngest on the team, and he is also quite a gamer. His powers remain the same, with the exception of his GPS vision, because he doesn't use it much in the series and because it's very powerful (and you can't work with it that much...).
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Well, guys... That's it! Sorry if it was simpler than the previous one... I just didn't have much to say here... But tell me what you think, your opinions, etc... BYEEE!
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
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1) Detroit become human was about how white robots have it just as bad as African American slaves. cyberpunk 2077 alongside its glitches had racist elements such as orientalism, demonizing black men in the main story, and a horrible implantation of black features in the character customization. the Stanley parable had an in game video of a white man lighting a black child on fire. all games in the grand theft auto series showcase racist stereotypes of black criminals. all south park games have multiple racist "jokes" that are just as offensive and stupid as the show. minecraft on consoles had skin packs, one of which featuring the main character Steve wearing an orange prison jumpsuit, and being one of only two skins where Steve is depicted as Black.
Black people have been telling you about games that are racist for years. but you simply refuse to listen or care.
2) BLM is not an organization that all Black people are a part of. BLM stand for Black Lives Matter, and is a movement, not an organization, that is against police brutality. of course you don't understand the difference between a movement and an organization because you think all people you disagree must all be friends and all agree with each other and are secretly plotting to ruin your life. there is that Black Lives Matter Global Organization Fund, which IS an organization. that is a collective of far-left anticapitalists activists who are part of the Black Lives Matter movement. but not everyone who is part of the movement is part of the BLMGOF. when you say "BLM has never done this", who are you referring to? all Black people ever?
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4) "sex class" holy fuck kill yourself
5) "wait till tras find out..." firstly, stop with the tra shit. say tranny with your whole chest. because that's what you mean. you want to call us a slur, but you don't want to face the consequences of calling people slurs. so you make up weird words and acronyms, which are just tranny spelt different ways. it's the same energy as calling someone a fag and then saying "what? all I did was call you a bundle of sticks! there's nothing offensive about sticks, is there?". it's middle school level bigotry. and it's pathetic and makes you look insane.
6) you're trying to make the argument that trans people don't know that markus pearson sucks. but minecraft is the most popular game in the world. every already knows that markus pearson is a terrible person. he's a stupid racist sexist antisemitic transphobic cunt and I hope he fucking kills himself. but a) he hasn't had anything to do with the game in years, and b) he isn't actively funding for the death of trans people.
I have my own criticisms of minecraft. mainly the antisemitism with the villagers. because, surprise, they were created by an antisemite. but despite trying to distance themselves from pearson, Microsoft has done absolutely nothing to change this gross part of the game. I have been vocal about this for years, yet people like you don't give a shit.
also, minecraft is incredibly popular with autistic people, and people who are autistic and people who are trans overlap a lot.
also also, Lena Raine, famous for her work on soundtracks for Celeste and Deltarune, also composed some of the best songs ever for minecraft. why is the important? let me direct you to the best and shortest "personal life" section on wikipedia I've ever seen
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actual trans people work on minecraft. minecraft and mojang are filled with queer devs who actively support and are part of the queer community.
so when the current dev team of a game has trans people actively working on it, doesn't invite the creator to the 10th anniversary celebration, does literally everything they can to get rid of all mentions or ties to the creator, and have gone on record saying they want nothing to do with pearson and have cut ties with him completely, I think that means that the game is not transphobic like you want it to be. it's not that no one cares because "he's a man". it's that minecraft isnt a franchise that uses its profits to fund genocide.
also, as I was saying before, minecraft isn't perfect. it still has antisemitism, it still has a racist past, and it still has a shitty ex dev. and while they can't change the past, they can change the future by removing the antisemitic tropes that surround the villagers. yet they don't, and I am very vocally upset and have expressed my views on this subject many times.
7) but you know a game with far worse antisemitism? hogwarts legacy. far more antisemitism than any transphobia. this game is literally the blood libel myth of Jews stealing the blood of white children. the goblins, which have large noses and control the banks and have a shofar and kidnap white wizard children and are secretly working with the wizard nazis are quite literally based off the antisemitic lies and conspiracy theories of the new world order, blood libel, greedy Jew, and holocaust denial. even on their own, these tropes would be absolutely disgusting and repulsive to any person with half a brain. but even though this game has more antisemitic lies and myths than a 4chan /pol/ thread, people like you don't care at all. because "it's hairy potty! and I love hairy potty! the creator hates trans people and that's based ... uh... I mean... I have nostalgia for the series! (and I don't give a shit at all about Jews)"
interestingly though, when this was pointed out to you in the replies, you said "no that's not true" and "so what? that's no reason to get mad" and "actually YOU'RE antisemitic for thinking that goblins are supposed to be Jews". and personally I think that anyone who says that last one deserves a bullet though their skull.
8) also, I find it very interesting that you're complaining and crying and pissing their pants when trans people boycott one (1) game, yet they refuse to listen to anyone else, especially Black people or Jews, when they suggest boycotts, and also refuse to boycott any games with extreme sexism and misogyny in them, despite pretending to care about women.
I have never seen a radfem say anything negative about fat princess, the guy game, dead island, overwatch, persona 5, grand theft auto, and hell, even hogwarts legacy.
if you didn't know, this game was developed by people who were part of gamergate. and if you don't know what gamergate was, it was a massive controversy online where women were saying how sexism in online games is bad, and a bunch of men said "no, and you're wrong! my opinion is worth more than your lived experience". and then some of those men went on to make what you think is the best game of all time, that contains extreme amounts of racism and antisemitism, and sales of which are actively funding a genocide against trans people. but I'm assuming that none of those things are negatives to people like you.
tldr: op need to kill themselves
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 11 months
Miles Ownership timeline drama
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Public Announcement
So, apparently Mobox87 has blocked me (not surprising or upsetting. Not like I'm going to have an outburst like I did in 2016) and messaged Kevonica about my post on Miles due to how she's brought up in it. I just want to clarify that she wouldn't have been brought up at all if she didn't put Miles on a pedestal for any issues that he causes with artists or with Mobox87 fans. So, yeah not my fault you get dragged into drama because Miles has to bring you into the argument for his defense.
I will just say that I won't do another rant post on Mobox since I don't want to thrive on that to where she's becoming more uncomfortable being online than she already is. I don't support her IRL stalker and online stalker madbox91 harassment nor do I wish her to harm herself like she did before over Zombify's Twitter thread and feel that she needs to be taken off the internet by deleting her accounts all over social media.
I've come to a point where I don't care if Mobox87 apologizes because her and I will never be on good terms which the same could be said to her ex-friends that were once close to her. Plus, her apologies won't ever go into details on what she's done wrong since they always go on to say "I've done some bad things" (like what did you do?) or victimize herself saying "I was a manipulable person" (that neglects the fact that you made bad decisions on your own sense of mind not by others requests or demands). Either way, it's whatever at this point. I don't need 21 apologies for her to say publicly or privately to everyone.
Honestly, what goes on with Mobox87's art is whatever at this point. As long as she keeps explicit content on a second account that isn't advertised on her main then that's fine. Some may disagree but that's a post I'll talk about soon since I do want some understanding on what can work with mature story tellng.
So, Mobox this won't be the last you'll hear from me. Not until I make one last post on giving a sneak peek of my script segment "Understanding" which will later follow up with a Maverick video posted here. For now, do whatever you want Mobox. Anything and everything said about you has been done.
In other words, I'll leave you alone for now since I do want you to succeed expectations to prove that you have changed as a person online.
Miles responded to my timeline post, specifically part 6 of my post cause I showed how he wanted to be in a committed relationship with a minor that was 16 who barely becoming 17.
Apparently he's been calling out Kevonica, Cagney and I out. Kev has been getting labeled as homophobic, racists and a pedophile with no evidence provided against her.
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Most of the stuff said on his new account is just propaganda to make him look like he's the victim in the situation I called him out in. It's quite honestly no surprise he'd stoop so low as to label us as something we're not with out any evidence.
So just know that Miles is saying shit out of his ass.
One example being that he posted on his Instagram account "human_anthony_dust" and reposted on his new Tumblr account, calling me out as a pedo still and lying about how I "claimed false age" to his OC that he bought from Mobox87.
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Which again he never announced the age of the OC publicly. Even then you can age up characters in drawings but I didn't since the OC is 30 years old or in his 30s. He's complaining over nothing.
Vinsnake is literally William Afton created as a fantasy character for Faces of Nothing. William Afton is a character in his 30s in which Mobox87 herself made Vinsnake around that exact age as it was originally attended.
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Again, Miles never made the character 16 years old until he bitched about my drawing in response for harassing Yuriviq on DeviantArt.
Ironic though-
You made a character 16 years old last minute while you were trying to get with someone who you said was a 16 year old.
Even more ironic, that most of the OCs you kept the longest were kid OCs from Mobox87 while the adult OCs you owned were sold off first.
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Doesn't really help your case after admitting you wanted to be with someone under 18.
Oh but wait-
I suppose you did take Kev's own words into consideration.
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But that contradicts your deleted post before publicly sharing that "Important info".
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You're obviously lying to protect your image and make Kev look guilty for showing me her conversation with you so I can look like I'm the dumb one jumping to conclusions.
The last response from Miles was this. Still being misleading and excusing his own actions
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The following list says.
• Kevonica, Cagney and I look down at people for simple human mistakes.
Ah yes because saying I like a 16 year old barely becoming 17 while still under 18 when you're 21 surely is a "simple" human mistake.
Heck maybe the harassment all over Amino without remorse was a "simple" human mistake.
Surely, that IP ban you did to someone over a drawing of your paid OC was a "simple" human mistake.
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• Lie about others and only care what they think is the correct answer.
Miles, that is you as a person. You fit that description cause you are a liar and only care what you think.
• Sick of our mental abuse, harassment and cuber bullying
Mental abuse? Where is the evidence on that of us ever doing that? Harassment and Cyber bullying is what you do since you fucken spam our DMs at 7 in the morning to talk out of your ass!
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• Time to take a real adult step
You're a literal man. Whose a cry baby and the epitome of a bitch online over your petty nonsense. Like get that in your head. I'm not the one with entitlement over stupid reasons and lack of common sense.
Anyways, I'm just going to end it here because this asshole begged for a response after I went silent. So, here it is because you practically asked for it. This was your moment.
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archerbeans · 9 months
So, I finally watched the Archer finale..
So, Archer has come to an end. Its a lot for me to process, this is a hard one for me, the past 6 months have been exclusively Archer for me, I've fallen so far for a fictional character. I'm going to try my absolute best to collect all of my thoughts in one post for this. I'll try not to spoiler too much. But I think this is necessary for me so I can help process this loss for me.
To say I'm happy is an understatement. I'm beyond relieved and grateful we got the proper Archer ending this show so badly deserved. The season 14 finale was a disgrace, and the way it could have ended would have been tragic. This show ending is tragic enough, but thats just my view on it. Hyperfixations are hard ya'll.
I think the way they ended the plot for this show was very cleverly done. While I don't think Adam Reed would have went in this direction, I'm still satisfied with what the writers did. Seeing everyone band together was wonderful, and there were a couple twists I wasn't expecting at all, but it goes without saying, nothing can be perfect.
Some initial thoughts, pros and cons if you may, but not really.
The growth the characters go through is really really cool to see, notably Archer. When he says he doesn't need to know who his father is, that's a huge milestone and a step towards some emotional maturity. Sterling has so much trauma and is overall a very impulsive character, but letting him have his moments of clarity is always nice to see. There is a good balance between his impulses and realizing that his actions have consequences. I don't think there was any way Slater could have been saved in the end anyways.
There was no main focus on any specific character. Every main reoccurring role in the show got their own moments in this finale, which I am super grateful for. Season 14 had a hard time dedicating specific episodes to certain characters like in the earlier seasons, so this finale did a great job at giving everyone a bit of spotlight.
Focusing on the main characters instead of random one off characters was super cool and something I appreciate as well. Katya, Barry, and Slater were all characters who made the biggest impacts on the show by far, not to mention they're also fan favourites. But seeing Rip Riley was super exciting as well!
The early season throwbacks!! In the elevator shaft you can see the old ISIS sign and an old Cherlene album :3 If there was anything else I probably missed it as there was a lot of clutter, but I always get so so excited when there's early season callbacks. It shows that's the writers really do care about these characters and their stories. I was happy to see Milton!! Milton supremacy!!
The ode to Malory was wonderful, I'm so so happy they did that. Lana's speech at the end was a good way to wrap everything up for the crew.
There isn't much to say negatively, these aren't necessarily things that make this finale bad, just things that made me sad and were a surprise to me that I'm not sure how I feel. This is completely opinion biased and you can disagree all you want!
Slater dying. I'm really sad that one of my favourites ended up dying. I loved the very erotic moments between Slater and Archer and their initial fight was really intense and fun. But seeing Slater die wasn't really all that satisfying for me, except it allowed Archer to grow more and let go of some of that trauma. RIP Slater </3 You were a son of a bitch
Morphing Barry and Katya.. This is a weird one for me. I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. I guess the only fun thing I can say about this is that we got some fun classic enemies to lovers. I dont particularly LOVE that trope, but with making Katya a antagonist, it was quite the choice.
The settings.. I think it was fitting to have some of the settings back in Russia, but Rio was quite the random choice. There was a lot going on and at one point I kind of got confused as to where everyone was at one point, in one scene they're at the Agency, the next they're in a safe house, the next they're in some other random area, that was a bit hard to follow, but a lot happened in an hour, and there was a lot going on. The title "Into the Cold" was clever. Also I hated the whole crypto thing. That genuinely felt like a cheap cop out for some plot holes. Cyril doesn't seem like the type of person to be interested in crypto as one would figure he'd be pretty knowledgeable on how that stuff is shitty. If Lana saw those mines you know she would lose her mind LOL
Overall, I am happy with how things were wrapped up. I was very worried near the end because we hadn't seen AJ at ALL, or had any mention of her, so seeing the scene at the end with her and Sterling made me really happy, knowing that Archer kept in contact with Lana but not anybody else really stung, but Sterling saying he "hates goodbyes" really stuck with me after this finale finished. Saying goodbye to this show is not easy whatsoever, I have such a strong connection with these characters and cast, and my love for Cheryl is eternal. Its hard for neurotypical people to fully understand, and this is a grieving process for me, but I have the support and friends to help me through this, and I will always have these guys around, since I can rewatch this show as many times as I want. I will continue to make content and hopefully start writing more maybe. This world is so expansive and so many things can be done as it falls on the line of realism, slice of life, and science fiction. I love everything this show had to offer, and I'm so grateful for the dedication and work that went into this show.
If you read this far for some reason, thanks for reading.
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frogzzai · 1 year
Ranking MHA villains because I've ran out of ideas
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx) Any underage characters are not permitted unless it's platonic
Characters included: Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Big Sis Mange, All For One, Overhaul, Gentle Criminal, Mr. Smiley, La Brava, Nine, Slice, Doctor, Mummy, Chimera, Mustard, Moonfish, Muscular, Kuroguri, Geten, Skeptic, Trumpet, Lady Nagant
Multi-Masterlist! Back to Masterlist!
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I love Shigaraki, he's pretty cool. He babbles though, that's why some of his victims get away. HE TALKS. I guess all the villains do that but even so. For that reason I'm gonna give him an 8/10.
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Dabi is cool, I like his backstory although I think he's a tad overrated (don't come at me)
A bit like Shigaraki, but not quite as bad, the reason he doesn't reach his full potential as a villain is because he talks. To be honest, if the villains didn't do that the whole anime/ manga would be over in one episode/ book.
I do like his character design though (emos>)
I'll give him a 7.5/10.
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Classic yandere villain trope. Who doesn't love them? I love her character design and I also love how, even as a villain, she has empathy and isn't completely cold.
She's one of the strongest villains in the league physically even though her quirk isn't.
I feel like she has much more potential so I'll give her an 8.5/10.
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I like the way Twice was written, his backstory is pretty origional.
Definitely had a massive upgrade in his character when he broke through all that trauma in season 5.
One of the more humane and compassionate villains.
Mr. Compress
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Where do I start? Sure, I love Mr. Compress but he would be so much better if he could just keep his mouth shut! He would've gotten away with both Bakugou and Tokoyami if he were able to stfu :(
His ego is a lil too big for my liking <3
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Spinner deserves more love!
His quirk is a little underwhelming, all those looks and he can only stick to walls.
One of the more rational members of the LoV.
Good morals.
The reason for Deku surviving, he saved him from Mange.
7/10, Stain dupe.
Big Sis Mange
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Chill ig, not my favourite but not my least.
Not much to say actually, she didn't last long.
6/10 had more potential.
All for One
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Fuck you.
Younger him was hot.
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Fuck you.
I hate him but he's hot.
1.5/10. Justice for Eri, extra 0.5 because he's hot and he had a cool quirk
Gentle Criminal
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One of my favourite villains!
Shares my love of tea.
Deserves justice.
Mr Smiley
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Another one of my favourites!
One of the best character developments. Fight me.
La Brava
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Most underrated.
She deserves better.
She has the best character design.
Literally fight me if you disagree. La Brava solos your favourites. Definitely best as a vigilante.
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Hot and powerful.
Proudly holds one of the best fight arcs.
8/10, not liking the fact he went after that kid, don't care bout your needs, leave the kid alone.
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Also one of my favourite character designs.
Her few minutes of screen time were the highlight of the movie.
Marry me
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Hope your nomus eat you x
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He had so much potential!
I loved his quirk, he was definitely fit for a bigger group than the one he was in. Would give the LoV a run for their money.
I wish he had more screen time.
All the villains in 'Heros Rising' are better than the main ones in the series.
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He was pretty cool.
His quirk was powerful, would like to see him fight Tamaki.
Not much to say about him.
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Do better.
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Another of my favourite villains!
One of my favourite quirks despite it being kinda freaky.
Justice for his poor teeth.
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I don't like his quirk it freaks me out in a bad way.
Leave the child alone you prick. Hope someone throws salt at you whilst your muscles come out x
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He's chill
I know he's a main villain but he just doesn't feel like one.
Smash 🤷‍♀️
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His character design is sick.
His fight scene was cool.
Has so much potential.
I want him and Todoroki to fight.
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Greasy electronic guy??
Sign me up.
He looking for a table? I'll bend over for him..
Definitely has skilled fingers.
10/10 would let him use me as a puppet.
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How have people missed his beauty??
I love him. Marry me 🙏🙏🙏.
10/10 for his beauty.
Lady Nangant
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She was hot.
An icon.
She deserved better :(
I hate All for One.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
I don't usually slide into the ask box of people that I strongly disagree with. It's usually utterly pointless and I usually adhere to a strict "live and let live" policy...but your RD takes are just so deeply unsettling that I am making an exception.
Claiming that RD is softcore porn now is just...not true.
This is not even remotely softcore porn. This is barely erotic. And I think your assertion that the show feels like a masturbatory fantasy from the writers has a lot more to do with the fact that you're personally unhappy with the show's direction than the show itself. It's a bad faith reading on the show, steeped in pearl clutching, Hayes Code romancing, nonsense.
Takes like yours, whether they mean to or not, are begging for the Hayes Code to come back. Begging. "Oh, TV shows should only show good morals and whenever they show something morally ambiguous, it should be clear where the moral failings are".
That's a big part of the Hayes Code. And I, for one, reject that ideology with every fiber of my being. TV shows do not need to be parables. They are under no obligation to preach good morals to their audiences. Their purpose is to express ideas!
And Riverdale is doing a bang up job, if I do say so myself (even if I personally feel it could have gone further with a lot of its plots). It's meta-commentary on Americana, film, and television is unmatched. Its refusal to be any one thing is both brave and fascinating. The show has remained true to its vision despite pissing off much of its audience, which is rare in a landscape of shameless pandering for views. God bless Riverdale for that.
(Speaking only of the show itself here, not its marketing.)
But back to the main point. You claim no one will want to hire the Riverdale writers after this and that you think they should go to prison. That's...honestly a deeply conservative mindset and you're not alone in thinking that, but you are highly visible. So, I bring my thoughts to your ask box.
I implore you to look beyond the surface of the media you consume and to recognize that our reactions to stories have a lot more to do with our own feelings than the stories themselves unless we specifically step away from ourselves for analysis. And hey, there's nothing wrong with having opinions on your own blog, so feel free to dismiss me as a little hater. <3
I apologize that this has gotten so long and if I sounded nasty. I am just so deeply disturbed by the prevalence of purity culture in fandom these days. It starts with "think of the children!" and "No kink at pride!" and ends with the eradication of anyone who doesn't fit into the conservative ideal for culture. I'm not saying that you want that, per se, but be careful because those that do want that think similarly.
Okay.....first of all, and I mean this genuinely, kudos to putting your name behind this. This doesn't happen often, so a true fist bump to you.
How generous of you to come here and offer unsolicited and incredibly condescending pseudo-intellectual commentary on what I am allowed to post on my blog. Very generous. But hey, I'm high profile! Lil' ol' me! Look Ma, I made it!
Now we gotta get in the weeds here. Yeah, I am not going to take back or apologize for how softcore-y this show has been this season. I stand behind the statements I made about how creepy it is to watch a grown man's masturbatory fantasy play out on screen. In the last episode alone, they have sexualized pedophilia and grooming (with a teacher student fantasy) and children playing a board game.
See the thing is, it would be purity culture to suggest a woman CAN'T have sex or be sexually attracted to someone. We spent 6 years with Betty as someone who liked sex, and that was fine! We even spent s5 with Betty who used sex as a bandaid. That wasn't healthy, but she was an adult woman having sex. It was fine. Fifties Betty has sex as her ENTIRE character. There is nothing else to 50s Betty. She's horny. She wants to have sex. She wants to have sex so much that she's actively predatory. That's it. And having one and only one character motivation kinda flies in the face of the whole "feminism" thing the show is trying to project, don't it?
Hey, I'll give you that the show THINKS it is making a feminist statement. I'll give you that the show's writers probably THINK they are fixing racism, sexism and homophobia in one fell swoop. But they aren't. Quite the contrary, they are actively furthering those issues while thinking they're doing an amazing job. They degrade women while touting themselves as feminists. They made their only Latina family mob members while touting themselves champions of POC stories. They view themselves as LGBT representation while one character decides another's sexuality and their agency in coming out is stripped from them.
Adding to that, it's fine if you disagree with me. I speak only for myself, and the block button is easy to find. It's all good. I'm not offended that you disagree with me, but to suggest Riverdale is scathing, witty meta-commentary? RIVERDALE????? I don't think I'm the one who doesn't know what this show is, anon. This show is a vehicle to leer on the hot cast members, and more recently, to act out some personal ~aesthetic* writer fantasies. It has never and will never be what you proclaimed it to be:
"meta-commentary on Americana, film, and television is unmatched. Its refusal to be any one thing is both brave and fascinating. The show has remained true to its vision despite pissing off much of its audience, which is rare in a landscape of shameless pandering for views. God bless Riverdale for that."
I'm...a little stunned that you think it is. But nonetheless, I stand behind the statement that writers whose misogyny comes out LOUDLY in their writing, who have stripped this show of anything interesting, recognizable or interesting, and whose relationship with the fans on social media is disturbing at best, will not be prime targets for new shows.
Again, I do genuinely commend you for putting your name behind your thoughts. I have no issue with you disagreeing with me, or the majority of the fandom in general. I have no ill will to you. But yes, I believe this season of the show is disturbing, misogynistic and creepily sexual. It's a statement I stand by, and while you're under no obligation to agree, I hope you're able to find the block button next time.
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 years
hello tilly! i have turned 32 recently, and idk if it's just me, but i am seeing a change in my face. not that i'm saying i look a 100 years old or anything, but there is a change. i know that feminism has taught us well that we are more than our appearances, but there's still something bittersweet about not looking the way i looked before. i don't want to be like those crazy people who go out of their way with invasive treatments just to chase something that can never come back once it's gone, but yeah. how does one cope with the changes?
Well you changed several times already. When you were 25, you didn't look 20, and at 30 you didn't look 25. What troubles you is the gradual loss of what you perceive as youth.
I noticed when I was your age that every single ad that I was seeing in the street was suddenly not about me anymore. All the models for clothing, cosmetics etc are 25 tops. TV shows were also not about me anymore either since the main characters were either teens or in their early 20's. It was puzzling in the beginning and then, honestly liberating because I don't have to care about these things anymore. I don't have to compare myself to these idealized version of youth. Mind you, I shouldn't have in the first place but it's much harder when this coercion wears your face.
I feel much better today than years ago to be honest, when I'm older and I let myself gain weight, to get rid of my (mild though mind consuming) eating disorder and dysmorphophobia. 23 year old me was constantly stopping herself from doing / wearing things for the crime of being "too fat" at a size 6 and had a complex skin care routine to prevent aging.
I think it's also because we have all this pressure to remain attractive to men, and we were taught since preschool that our value is our youth, and that youth is beauty. Losing our youth, our beauty, means our roses are withered, and even if we disagree, deep down this thought is still there. And it compels us to think about what we did with our youth, and then the comparison with ads, tv shows, books etc comes back. Why didn't I find love already? Why don't I have my dream job already? Where is my happily ever after? What did I miss?
All that is in the anguish we feel at the first grey hair, the first wrinkle. I don't have a perfect solution, just know it's liberating to be free from the expectations of others. You're free now.
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@nightshadereaper66 ask and ye shall receive I was wondering when I would get James lolz
1: sexuality headcanon - I HC James as a disaster gay lolz how can I not with how many bitter exe's he has?
2: otp - IronQrow for sure. I just love their dynamic as a grumpy old married couple that loves each other very much. They trust each other without question at least until volume 8 and I love that for them. Yes the hug made me ship em but now that I do the scene where Qrow looks ready to kill when he see's the grimm going after James? *chefs kiss* The couple that slays together stays together.
3: brotp - James and Glynda. I just see them as really good friends who like to poke fun at each other and will argue and disagree but would fight to defend the other no matter what.
4: notp - quiet a few lolz but I'll say probably James x Robyn just no please no lolz. She constantly tears into him without knowing the full story and to me it feels like an unhealthy dynamic.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - I 1000000% HC James doesn't sleep well most nights. Be it either nightmares or phantom pains or just general discomfort he just has a lot of trouble getting a full nights rest which just fuels his workaholism. In his mind what's the point of trying to get a full nights sleep if he won't get it anyways?
6: favorite line from this character "You have two choices. Defend your kingdom and your school or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave." It's no nonsense, it's letting them know how bad the situation is while also showing them kindness and understanding and recognizing they are still students and this is not something they should be expected to be dealing with yet. It is just the perfect example of who he is as a person. He doesn't beat around the bush, but he is still kind.
7: one way in which I relate to this character (too many) the biggest thing I relate to though is just how exhausted and stressed he is in volume 7. I was in management during the height of COVID so like I painfully understood the struggle of trying to keep everyone happy and everyone accusing you of not doing enough then turning around and saying you're going to far and doing too much regarding the exact same thing. The constant battle of never being good enough and everyone hating you for just trying to do your best in a hellish situation is just....something I went through and seeing James go through the same thing in volume 7 hurt and was painfully relatable.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character. His speech to the mains when he gives them their licenses. He is so awkward and the way he temporarily errors out when they don't react how he expects is just painfully relatable.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? He's a problematic fav for sure but the best characters I say are. He made mistakes (understandable ones but still) he's flawed but still a good person at heart what can I say I love that. Pre volume 8 he was a genuinely caring person trying to navigate surviving a war and yea as I said he's not perfect but he's trying and sometimes that's all you can do.
Send me a character and I'll answer these
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wisconsin2002 · 11 months
I think all the negativity and praise for the miraculous movie done pissed Astruc off cause
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Astruc after all the criticism of season 5:
And good MAN GOOD! Prove me fucking wrong. Prove to me that miraculous still has that spark in it that captivated me in the beginning. Prove to me this show is still worth watching and hoping for.
And man yeah. It still does. Atleast this special truly showed that.
Mans cooked. Mans straight cheffin with this shit.
This was so fucking good. And there are probably gonna be critics that disagree with me and that's fine man. I'm critical as fuck of miraculous and I even dropped it after season 5. I was DONE. lost all hope. Didn't care to see more not even this fucking special which I was so sure was gonna dissapoint me too.
And now I sit here admitting my wrongs and giving props where props is due. This special was fucking great. Best piece of miraculous media Period 👏 In my opinion and by far the best special out of all of them. Ladybug and Marinette were great. Alya was great and felt Important and like a good friend again, Chat Noir was great, Adrien felt like a main character again. Shadybug and Claw Noir were by far the best part hands down. I loved them from beginning to end. Especially Shadybug.
Man I missed this shit man. So freaking happy.
Now it's not perfect. There are definitely some things that I'm mixed on. The whole Chloe turned me evil thing still kinda iffy on that and a couple other things but overall man Jesus. Wow I mean I'm genuinely proud of everyone who worked on this. Animation team, writing team, voice actors. Everybody gets their flowers.
*sigh* I don't yet have high hopes for season 6. But.....I will keep an ear out to hear how it goes and if all goes well and it gets received positively I'll watch.
This special showed what happens when miraculous actually tries. This show has a lot of potential man it really does. It just needs to care for the story it wants to tell and man it did here for sure.
Seriously man where tf was this quality of care for the season 5 finale? 💀 I need to know because wow what a day and night difference.
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
So...after a VERY long week, I want to spill my salt somehow by ranking the TWST Books. Some things first...
I'll be using the MAL scale, so 1 means outright garbage, 5 means it's okay and 10 means awesome. I'm not gonna include Diasomnia because of spoilers. (I will say rn that it gets a 4/10).
I'm not considering issues with the game as a whole like Yuu being an inactive protagonist, just at the arcs themselves.
Keep in mind, this is all my personal opinion. If you disagree with any of my takes, great. I don't care. You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine.
Though, I might save that for another post. Let's get to it!
The Prologue: 5/10 Reason: There are some good bits here like the ominous opening with us waking up in the coffin, Yuu being proactive with the mine bit, and a good introduction to the main friend group. There are downsides as well. Parts of it could've been streamlined better. For example, I don't think including both the statue being burnt and the candelier falling is necessary. One of those should've been scrapped to make the pacing snappier. Hell, that's exactly what happens in the manga. Yuu should've had much more of a negative reaction to being isekaied. While I know they think it's a dream, but they're like, "I've been transported to another world where everyone I know and love don't exist? Cool." And to add insult to injury, they have a good sleep after the first night. Like, what? What kind of person would have that reaction? It's an okay start, but it could've been a lot better.
Heartslabyul: 6/10 Reason: The writing in this arc is pretty good. The stakes are reasonably high, you get introduced to great characters, Riddle is a great antagonist for this arc, Ace gets his moment in the sun and it does a good job at mixing in the movie/book while doing its own thing.
There are still some issues. Yuu isn't really proactive, and it's more Ace who drives the plot here. The pacing seems really off, since I don't think the whole "baking the tart" thing was necessary for reasons I'll mention in a bit. There are also plot holes like if Ace's older brother attended Night Raven and told him about sleeping spots, why the fuck is he so shocked about everything, including basic information like the dorm names? Shouldn't he know this shit by now? And why didn't he just straight up challenge Riddle to the position of dorm leader without putting up with the tart BS? It seems more in character for him.
Over all, an overall decent arc, but nothing to write home about.
Savanaclaw: 2.5/10 Reason: And then, things immediately tank. xD If you ask someone in the western TWST fandom what their least favourite arc is, they'll most likely name this one. There's a reason for that. It's total shit.
The Lion King elements feel shoehorned.
The mystery is extremely obvious. Despite Ruggie using his powers right in front of Yuu, no one expects a damn a thing.
Instead of being being cunning foes, Leona and Ruggie are turned to idiots, who telegraph their plans and boast about how evil they are like telenovela villains. This pisses me off, since in the rest of the game while Leona is very lazy, he's also cunning, smart and charismatic. He's like a chessmaster who knows what moves to make. I would've loved to see that Leona in this arc.
Right before Leona overblots, he uses his powers on Ruggie out of anger and almost turns him to dust. Despite this, they go back to normal like nothing happened. This pisses me off so much. First off all, why the hell did Leona do this to Ruggie in the first place? He did nothing wrong. If anything he should do this to Jack, who foiled his plans. Second, why the fuck isn't there any fallout after that? Ruggie was almost murdered! You would think that he would be pissed off at him for what he did, and Leona would have to make it up to him. I know if that were to happen to me I would be pissed off at the very least.
Leona doesn't have a lot of involvement with the story, despite being the main antagonist for that chapter.
Epel is on the magishift team, but his thoughts on this situation and the whole deal with Leona is never addressed.
Why the fuck didn't Ruggie overblot? The game gives the impression to me. He's the one who constantly uses his powers and has everything to lose, not Leona. Hell, making it so Ruggie overblot instead would be killing two birds with one stone, since it would fix that plot hole while also fixing the issue of Leona having no consequences for his actions and not feeling any regret.
Leona's motivation is hardly explored in this arc.
Like always, Yuu doesn't do a damn thing despite them being the protagonist.
Why is Leona's first plan the stampede? Wouldn't Malleus be able to teleport away?
Over all, a shit arc and wasted potential.
Octanivelle: 8/10 Reason: This is by far the most competently written out of all the TWST arcs. Azul is a cunning foe, Yuu is an actual proactive protagonist for once, and the plot is pretty solid. The only nitpicks I have with it is that the Savanaclaw characters should've been more involved in the plot, Azul being able to memorize all that info seemed like bullshit and there is a huge continuity error with the photo that makes Azul come off like a dumbass. (The game takes place in 2020, meaning that smartphones were popular at the time Azul's fat photo was taken. The fact that the photo could be floating around online never ONCE considered. I honestly chalk this up with Yana being an out of touch Gen Xer.) Other than that, solid writing and a great arc.
Scarabia: 7/10 Reason: This one is pretty solid too. Yuu is a proactive protagonist for once, most likely because they only could rely on Grim for half of it. xD The Octanivelle Trio are great. It does a great job at mixing in the Aladdin movies while doing its own thing. There are some issues holding it back like Kalim forgiving Jamil way too damn easily, Jamil being the colpurit being a bit to obvious (but it's more forgivable here since the investigation isn't the point of the arc like with Savanaclaw), the Octanivelle Trio stealing Jamil's thunder too much at times and the idea of them digging out of Scarabia makes no sense. (Seriously, even if that was possible, their room is on top of a tower, wouldn't they just fall and plumpt to their deaths?) Over all, pretty good arc.
Pomefiore: 6/10 Reason: Things go downhill from here. The first half before the training starts is pretty solid. But afterwards issues begin to arise...
The pacing feels extremely off. Sometimes it feels padded out while others it feels extremely rushed, especially after the first day until the day of the festival. I wish that certain parts were scrapped so the story could focus on more important things.
It didn't explore the aftermath of Jamil and Kalim's relationship nearly enough.
Epel does a complete 180 on his views on gender norms in one single afternoon. Sorry, but that's not how that works in real life. People are stubborn, and some never budge. If someone does change their mind about something, it would take months if not longer. He's been living with those stereotypes all his life, so he's even less likely to budge quickly. I think it'd make more sense for him to go "Oh, I see what you're saying, but…" then immediately accept it.
Others have mentioned this before, this arc has a problem of setting up certain characters to get their moment in the sun, but then give it to someone else. The biggest example is the arc setting up that Epel will have a climatic moment where he confronts Vil, but it's Deuce who does instead, despite the little set up. If she wanted Deuce to have the climatic moment, then there should've been more foreshadowing for it.
Vil and Neige's backstory seems like something Yana pulled straight out of her ass, because it makes zero sense. How the fuck is Neige able to live with a group of minors who have the mental capacity of kindergartners without being taken by CPS? Why the fuck didn't Vil know that Neige was poor already? He works with him constantly! (Honestly, I'm 99% sure she did pull it out of her ass. There was a huge incident before Ignihyde debuted in the JP fandom where the JP fans sent her and Rook VA death threats for the ending of Pomefiore. It seems like something she came up with on the spot to plaicate that complaint and make Neige look better, but it failed anyway.)
Vil's backstory made it come off as he had almost no problems.
Why aren't Vil and Neige stepbrothers? It would make their connection much simpler and align Vil up more with the Evil Queen.
Neige and Vil had no direct interaction before the climax.
NRC losing the competition is bullshit. NRC was the better performers while Neige's routine sucked.
The usual issue of Yuu not doing anything to advance the plot is also there.
Where the the fuck is Jack in all this? He and Vil are FRIENDS, so you would think that he would be concerned about Vil and want to stop him from overblotting.
The stuff before is solid, but the stuff after the training camp starts sucks. So it evens out to slightly above average.
Ignihyde: 3/10 Reason: Going against popular opinion, but...I think this one REALLY sucks and is almost on par with Savanaclaw. Because...
Everyone is a total dumbass
There's loads of worldbuilding that comes straight the fuck out of nowhere.
The ending of Jamil and Kalim's character arc infuriates me. Instead of setting Jamil's family free, they go back to the status quo and Jamil is supposed to be happy with it!? Bullshit! (Kalim should've set the Vipers free. Period. No ifs, ands or buts about it.)
Yuu and Idia hardly interact.
Yuu loses their home, and has no reaction to it.
The ending makes Vil look like a total dumbass for never considering just making an antidote to turn himself back to normal like how the Evil Queen would've done in the movie if she wasn't killed off and makes Malleus a Gary-Sue Deus ex Machina.
Leona's reading on Jamil is so inaccurate that it makes me genuinely wonder if Yana even understands her own characters.
Ortho has no personality outside of being a stereotypical child character and is more of a prop for Idia's character.
While I don't usually comment about the gaming mechanics, but the mini games in this one are frustrating as hell. I heard of people rage quiting with this arc, because they are that unfunctional.
Over all, an overrated arc and is total shit in my opinion.
Over all score so far (in my opinion): 62%, or just above average Thoughts: The game has a very strong premise and a mostly solid cast, but there are a lot of things that hold it back from being truly amazing. Certain arcs are better than others. Over all, it's just okay. For a mobile game, that's rather impressive. Twst is best as a jumping point for transformative work. The writing is decent, especially for a phone game, but if you take the premise, characters, setting and just run away with it, you could write something so much more detailed and fleshed out yourself. I think that's why I enjoy writing fics in this fandom so much. It's a fun sandbox to play in. I can use the game's elements to create something far better, fixing any writing issues in the process like the shitty worldbuilding and Yuu being passive protagonist.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
I hated 5a but it was saved by ep 6 and 8, then we got 5b and it was really good, then kr got scared of buddie and decided that for all 6a they shouldnt have scenes together anymore. I appreciate the effort of blog talking about the narrative but even without the romantically shipping them we went from 2 best friends to 2 people that just work together
I'm gonna be honest and say I didn't care for 5b for the most part either because the cheating, tay kay nonsense, and L of it all forcing Eddie and Madney/Chim's stuff into the background ruined a lot of it for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ (RIP to everyone who decided to follow me recently for Buddie stuff and missed the "salt gremlin" in my "about" section but this is a hate space for characters I Do Not Enjoy and that includes tay kay and L. Feel free to unfollow, or block the anti tags accordingly. I don't fuck with things that are a waste of time and take time, arcs, and storylines away from main characters, characters I actually want to see, and things that actually push the main character's stories along.)
When even the GA and people who very much state they do NOT ship Buddie are baffled at the choice to sideline their relationship entirely and are asking what the show is doing you know it's an issue. However, I will disagree and say that KR didn't get "scared" of Buddie suddenly after season 5, because she's never particularly liked or cared about Eddie as a character to begin with. We all saw 4x14 and how she sidelined the firefam from Eddie's shooting (they weren't even allowed at his welcome home party! You're telling me tay kay was in Eddie's Covid bubble and cleared to be unmasked around his kid but the firefam weren't?! Please), and sidelined Eddie himself from the whole thing, skipping his (and Bobby's) whole recovery and making the whole thing about Buck and forcing BT. In fact, had Tim not insisted on the scene of Buck telling Chris about Eddie being hurt, and The Will scene, we would have gotten barely any Chris OR Eddie even having LINES much less scenes in the whole episode! Girl has NEVER cared for Eddie or for Buddie and it shows. 6a was just her finding another excuse to not have them interact and because nothing was happening AT work, or in anyone's live OUTSIDE of work, there was no reason for them to have scenes. Like, 90% of 6a could have been an email and the big things that did happen with Henren and Athena haven't come up again or affected anything much outside of that one episode. Athena more so than Henren since I *think* Karen almost dying will come back up in the whole "bio-father" storyline, but Athena has had not a single mention of what happened in her big episode, or a talk with her BFF Hen about how it changed her perspective on things, or gave her closure, or anything.
It's just bad arc planning and episode pacing, and it's not exclusive to Buddie. Let's talk about Madney not even getting to go to couples therapy or talk about breaking up, or talk about getting back together, or have any kind of deep, hard-but-ultimately-healing conversation before moving back in together and buying a house. Boston was SUCH a good episode and everything after that has been off screen or a blink and you'll miss it moment. Regardless of any on set/film time limits for JLH, we could still have more Chim focus and make the time they DO have for JLH count for something.
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txxxciii · 2 years
late night thoughts babeyyyyy
anyways I find it interesting to compare the main trio from the webseries and from the tv-series. not because of their puppet designs and how they improved (although I'm so glad they got rid of the old yellow guy puppet. bro really had that double chin), but because of how different they are, behavior-wise.
I am an old fan, and by the time the very first episode came out I was a kid who clearly didn't need to have an internet access because of stuff like this, but hey, it is what it is. so dhmis deeply traumatized me, yes, but I still found myself in a small (by that time) fan-base who obsessed over the teacher characters, more specifically sketchbook, tony and colin (sometimes there were other teachers as well though... except steak guy. he still is the most overlooked teacher out of the main bunch 😭).
me though? I did not care for the teachers much, mostly because they are episodic. I was invested in the main trio, more specifically, duck. I don't know why, but this guy was my absolute favorite by that time, so much so I would sometimes mimick his voice whenever I was alone. looking back now, I think I didn't had that much of a reason to fan over him. my aviphilic ass probably just saw an anthropomorphic bird and went "aUOGH.. love him."
but it's kind of funny when you look at duck from both series. he went from "smarty pants, but overall a nice guy" to "legitimately feral peepaw". although I am a "webseries and tv-series are two separate story interpretations" believer, I think it's funny if you think of it as if duck had a corruption arc going on which led him to behave the way he does in the tv-series. and it'll be believable! I can totally see that happening.
I've seen a lot of old fans talking about how different the fandom was back then, and some said that the fanart interpretation of the main guys didn't quite change, to which I have to disagree. the old duck was mostly drawn as "the voice of reason", who would scold the over two, but not in an Old Man style of way. alongside him there was red guy, who, in the old fanarts, didn't show that much personality outside of the "cool/reserved/stoic guy" trope. and I can totally see why. out of the three, I personally think he was like. the one with the least personality up until episode 6. the only one who didn't change at all, I believe, is yellow guy (character-wise, I mean, since the old fandom basically turned the whole "yellow guy is a child" into its own fanon, while the new fandom now has multiple age interpretations for him).
anyways this post is kind of all over the place because I wanted to post my non-edited thoughts on this platform. stay safe.
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pinkhuman99 · 2 years
What SOUL colour represents Papyrus?
Okay, so I know what you're probably thinking. "Everyone knows Papyrus is represented by the dark blue/integrity soul. That's obvious". But I don't think that us the case. While, yes, Papyrus does turn the player's SOUL dark blue/indigo during battle, the colour associated with the "integrity" SOUL, I don't think that is the best colour to represent him. I've seen lot of fanart that depicts the Undertale characters with the SOUL that best represents them: Toriel, purple, for Perseverance; Sans, light blue, for Patience; Papyrus, blue/indigo, for Integrity; Undyne, green, for Kindness; Alphys, yellow, for Justice; and Asgore, orange, for Bravery. But there is something off about the colours used for the Skeleton Bros.
See, rainbows and colours play a big part in Undertale's visual themes. Asgore even has the SOULs arranged in "rainbow colour order", appearing right before he fights the player. The correct order, according to the visual light spectrum, would be: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue/cyan, blue/indigo, purple. Reversed, you would get purple, indigo, light blue, green, yellow, orange, red. The order of the blues is the key here. Cyan/light blue MUST appear between dark blue/indigo and green; cyan as a colour is described as the middle between blue and green. But that messes with the order in which we meet our characters. In order for this "reversed rainbow colour order" to fit thematically with our Main 6 Characters, we'd have to meet Papyrus before Sans; indigo would have to come after purple, Toriel, and before cyan, Sans. But we meet Sans before Papyrus...so what gives?
Sans is often associated with the light blue/cyan SOUL for two reasons: he wears a light blue jacket, and he is viewed as a "patient" character. This may be because of his association with laziness, or "idleness", which is confused for patience. Papyrus is associated with the blue/indigo SOUL because of his colour scheme, which contains that small bit of indigo blue, the colour he turns the player's SOUL in battle, and the idea of "integrity" meaning one who dislikes lies/dishonesty, or one who is "unique" and true to themself. However, I would disagree with these colours/traits associations, despite how easy it is to look at Sans's and Papyrus's colour schemes and make the previous connections.
First, let's look at Sans. We see him after Toriel, the character most commonly associated with the purple/Perseverance SOUL (besides Muffet, who we will ignore as she isn't one of the "Main 6"). Toriel's outfit is purple, the Ruins are purple, and she has had to persevere through much hardship and loneliness just to survive in the crumbling remains of her people. Sans, then, should be represented by dark blue/indigo as the next character you meet, NOT light blue/cyan. Sans isn't actually a patient person. He gets bored doing his job as a sentry, waiting around, so he fills in the time by goofing off and ignoring his work. He takes shortcuts to get places instead of walking. He "gives up" easily, and isn't willing to wait around. In fact, his inability to wait for things to happen is part of why he seems depressed. Instead of waiting to see how things turn out for him, and being unable to fix things right away, he gives up. In other ways, however, he represents the dark blue/indigo SOUL. He is shown to dislike making promises because he feels the need to fulfill them, even when he doesn't know someone's name (like in the case of Toriel asking him to take care of any human that comes through the Ruins' door). He admits he was so low in his want to go home that he considered killing Frisk as soon as they stepped out of the Ruins, but held onto his pacifist morals so tightly that he let Frisk live. Sans doesn't say much, but when he does talk about himself, he is honest. And, no matter what happens, he rarely changes: he is true to himself. Papyrus even says that Sans doesn't change much. Not to mention that Papyrus isn't the only character that changes a player's SOUL to blue/indigo.
Papyrus, in fact, fits more with the light blue/Patience SOUL. He is a very patient person, despite his high energy levels. He once stood outside of Undyne's house for a full day because he wanted to be in the Royal Guard so badly. He waits around for a human to fall into the Underground so he can finally have friends. He builds puzzles and sculptures and other things to pass time, but doesn't complain about things take a little longer, and his puzzle-making is part of his job! He'll fight you over and over again, either until you give up, or until he realizes he doesn't actually want to fight you and spares you. You know what Papyrus ISN'T? Honest, or true to himself. At least, not completely. Don't get me wrong, he's a wonderful person...But we barely know a damn thing about him!! He keeps trying to be strong, or cool, or whatever gets people to be his friend. He tries to capture a human knowing damn well they'll end up dead, only changing his mind at the last minute when he can't bear to kill them. He lies to Undyne about what the player is wearing in Waterfall, and he is constantly changing his personality to fit whoever he's with when you call him, be it Undyne or Sans. But besides all that, there's also Papyrus's special attack. You know...the one that consists of only LIGHT BLUE/CYAN bones. Yes, he then turns the player's SOUL indigo blue...but to be fair, no character ever turns the player's SOUL cyan (or orange).
So yeah, I maybe I'm the only one who actually cares about the colours association thing, and maybe this whole post was just to say "hey guys we got the blues mixed up". But hopefully you'll understand a little bit more about their characters now...and stop making art with the wrong colours ;)
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