#there’s uhhhh def no reason for this thing to exist
lawva-girl · 4 months
If you have an intrusive thought type dream, he would comfort you.
He would lay next to you, tracing your palms, while explaining that scientifically dreams aren’t explainable but usually don’t mean much about the person who dreamed them.
He would say he knows you aren’t like that, and you should know that too.
You would protest, but Law wouldn’t have it.
He would hold you, you as the little spoon so that he could smell your hair, and he would whisper into your head that you aren’t like that. His hands would trace shapes in your waist (especially if you have a tummy) and he would run his fingers along the soft skin of your torso.
He would normally still be drifting to sleep, eyes slowly closing and Law fading in and out of consciousness while he held your hand. If not your hand there would be at least one physical connection between the two of you. (Maybe he is back to back with you or your legs are crossed)
That day? He was wide awake. Battling every silly thought that would pop into your head with his own knowledge of the human brain and you.
Eventually, you forget why you were so adamant on talking about dreams. You look at him, apologize, then nuzzle into his chest.
He’s confused but, while he questions about why you gave up, he holds you.
In his own way, law comforts you when you have bad dreams.
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🔪: 1,2,19,22,35
🔧: 1,4,5 22, 30, 35
Zhulong: 12,22, 35
HIII HEEHEE finished watching 1 dollar love actually dvd because our wifi went out but IM BACK AND I GET TO TALK ABOUT MY SILLIES
wow this post is gonna be Long soooo adding the cut now~!
1: are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
UHHHH okay sOOO the simplest answer is probably black bc like. it wears a lotta black. military gear etc is usually black? but! its got this stupid orange striped short sleeve shirt thats actually like. a uniform (as in. I referenced the batman 2022 Arkham uniform when I first designed this idiot. yea) so its usually associated with either orange or red (for blood rawrrr)
2: what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
oh uh!!!!! I dont think this thing listens to music. tbh everything would be better if it did but! it get zero enrichment ever. so instead for this question I get to give you two songs I associate with it for some reason or another. because I said so. and those are House of Wolves (MCR) and Barbie Girl (Aqua). I want to know what you think of it from these two songs together because the combination is sooooo silly to me
19: are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
ooooo this one is fun to think about. mmm I think generally it's not very like,,, externally angry. it is in a perpetual state of something between annoyance and disdain almost all the time (when not Letting Loose), but that's a bit different from angry, I think. things that will make it snap at you: remove mask w/o permission, get touchy w it without permission. probably other things too I forget. things that will make it do super petty things and/or get revenge on you some other way: assume you've got the best of it. assume you're in charge. assume you're in control.
22: do they sleep well at night?
bold of you to assume it sleeps yea well uhh. its a pretty light sleeper I think but it can sleep wherever. no nightmares or w/e its just. rechargin I think
35: do they ever return home?
no. lol. zero percent chance of this thing ever returning home and idk if that ever even existed for it. if it gets a "happy" ending its going to have to claw that into existence itself. and why would it
1: are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
blue! they wear the most black, again, but thats cause of the goofy suit thing I've got ingame. blue tie blue waistcoat blue accents on the gas mask, so blue's ended up as their color :3
4: how crafty/resourceful are they?
the wrench is their emoji because that's its main weapon. if that says anything. dont think it'd be the best at like. street brawlin no supplies no powers but it can be pretty inventive with the things it knows how to use.
5: how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
oh it's so stupid <3. suit jacket tie collared shirt waistcoat belt black cargo pants with big ole pockets fingerless gloves combat boots w straps and a belt chain. it's sooo stupid. <3333,,. character creators be like what if all the pieces we let you use were assorted pieces of other characters. OH and dont forget the half gas mask. when I made this guy I referenced one of two Literal Actual Techwear Official Dot Com gas masks. the pockets are practical at least? and thats just one outfit realistically it has other clothing too but idk what though. probably they steal clothing from the rogues lol
22: do they sleep well at night?
depends on where they are! with dork squad probably! unless one or more of them get on an inventing bend or something but it can just wrangle them back to sleep or at least to be quieter. with the sirens that's more of a wild card. depending on if harl's there she's def gonna wanna like stay up n talk or something. tbh though most things happen at night. like heists! :D but they can usually get a good sleep in. and even a lazy morning, probably!
30: do they smell like anything notable?
uhhh probably vaguely like flowers and/or fear toxin. lol. can you tell what I sourced this guy from yet
35: do they ever return home?
it never returns to where it came from, but that place (read: dimension. lol) was never really home. they do find a home, where they end up. and they're happy.
12: how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
oh man how long has this guy been around? discord chat messages says I made him December 16 of last year. I do not know his birthday. it could just be dec 16 that would be silly. kayfabe though he doesn't really have one hes just Old lol. out of kayfabe hes like chill about bdays I think he'll get ppl close to him a present or whatever. in kayfabe he didnt really get it pre Punishment I dont think but with his whole Chained In A Human Body thing he gets to have a crisis! yay ! over He Is Aging and He Will Die !! again!!!! yipeee!!!
22: do they sleep well at night?
out of kayfabe as long as hes not too sore or w/e he's good. usually conked out from exercising. in kayfabe uhhh he thinks sleeping is weird. his lore says he never eats or sleeps or breathes but now he has to. and he hates it.
30: do they ever return home?
I think he goes to visit his parents sometimes :3 (outside kayfabe.) lol silly answer. in kayfabe nah the place he considers home is long gone and buried by time. and even if it still existed he'd never be able to reach it as he is. sorry
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ziracona · 2 years
Oh BTW what are some things, if any from history/mythology that you wish FGO included?
I would like more diversity in general, but also they make a lot of religious figures and gods heroic spirits for other religions, but the closest they’ve done for Buddhism was Sanzang and I want equality there. Too late for Normal Armor for All means it’s time for Skimpy Armor for All equality is equality. We haven’t had much Norse either despite a whole Lostbelt, but we have had so many gods and suped up spirits tbh I am unsure if I want that, like, the most compelling recent addition was Antonio Salieri. Maybe it’s time to focus on the way personal belief in a spirit affects them instead of 8 divine spirit combo characters. I’d like to see a lot more about characters with Innocent Monster too, and ones who are fictional have had very little story outside of Kojiro’s aside in UBW about how much that fucks you up, and I’d love to hear more. I’d like to see a lot of relationships develop too. I’d like to see Nightingale and Dantes more, see Emiya, Ishtar, and Cú on a team, see Alter Emiya stuck with Ishtar somewhere, see more of Outlaw Squad, see Karna and Arjuna given an arc that’s not the same one as always, see Medea taken seriously like in UBW instead of a joke, see David given ANY screen time to deal with Romani like wtf why didn’t he get major billing in arc one??? See David and Sheba interact, see more of Antonio and Amadeus, Fran and Moriarty. Love to hear more about Hessian Lobo like he was easily one of the coolest characters??? Literally never getting over how this random beheaded hessian soldier’s ghost was tied in death by an outside force to the legend of a wolf who hated humans for killing his mate, and they were trapped together as a phantom spirit and had no reason to be anything but bitter and angry, but when you’re beating the wolf to a pulp the headless corpse of a man scrambles off it and tries without a face or a voice to beg you to leave it alone and not finish it off. How an adopted stray left it’s owner to find him and curl up with him while he bled out. Like holy shit. Uhhhh, I like the kind of emotional ones too: Voyager, Van Gogh. The concept alone there is sweet. I’d like to see them do a non-human well again like. I love Danzo and I love robots but they literally can’t write inhuman characters without making them robots wtf is going on. Stop making Greek gods robots. They’re gods. You used to be able to write Fran and Nursery and shit what the hell happened to the character creation team. Or like. Actually give us a literal robot if you want to do robot humanity narrative so bad but I’m begging you to stop making all the Valkyries and Artemis just AIs like literally begging. Gods are inhuman but you write them different and it’s so fun and not actually hard like just do the assigned work jfc. Please.
If you mean more like what specific characters would I like to see, that’s harder. Personally I’d love a Lucifer if well done because I love a good Sympathy for the Devil character (P5 just gave and gave and gave to me). I’d like more animal spirits like give me Balto, or Laila. If they do more gods like they’ve been I would very much like Bast because she’s always been a favorite. Uhhh I’m a sucker for the personal connections so I would love it if they quit doing alters of existing people and gave us their family members or friends instead I mean the DRAMA. Mmmm tasty. There’s almost no Americans and that’s fine but like it’s Geronimo, Billy the Kid, Tesla, and every American president through Obama in a body with Edison and the 20th Century Fox lion so if they wanted to make it just slightly more normal they could add like Nathan Hale or Deborah Samson or something. Uhhh, from a gameplay perspective, we’ve got interesting and talented supports, but Iri is the only white mage and I’d like to see them play with more range on defense. So I would personally like Lister or some other doctor with highly specialized defensive skills and to play with the defense only mechanics more in the back line. Like team evades are great but I’d love to see someone with a skill to revive a party member but like with a massive cooldown or stun penalty to balance that. Idk I’d just like to see more complexity. Maybe it’s luck based called like ‘Defibrillator’ and it doesn’t always work, like guts but can be used after they’re downed and at any point. I do quite enjoy the specialized skills like how Katsu does little for support unless you’ve got a lineup of Nobunaga and he suddenly becomes the bullet chain in their galtling. An ability to swap formation, or switch the cooldown from one character with another (‘blood transfusion’) could be cool for a doctor. White Mage with 30,000hp, +5 to attack, who can revive downed party member and allocate NP or cooldown among them, or swap formation. Skill where damage he takes is taken by the frontline member with the most HP instead. Or NP that analyzes the enemy skill set and warns before stuns or rapid ult charge. Or can cast small passive buffs like debuff cleanses the way story characters do, but even when in the back line. Lol Romani Archaman build. Uhhh I’m off topic, characters let me think. I personally loved Amelia Earhart as a kid so I guess part of me keeps hoping she’d be added too. I kinda enjoy when unnamed, or less important or well known people get caught up by a twist of fate like the hessian though. I like weak normal people doing their best in an impossible situation.
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sinshckled · 3 months
9, 10, 17, 20
★ |  * ⋆      -   -  - –  INBOX !  *  ﹡                  ﹡     ✧ * ☇  ( @meganeviolet ! )
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#9 -- Makeup ?
"Siegrain" might have worn some light makeup back in his days as a councilman. Something of the "natural" type ? Mostly foundation, mayyyybe the eyebrows... eyeshadow for grand occasions. Subtle, but enough to have gotten less than savory bigoted comments about it LMFAO. Ultear would do it for him, or taught him at the very least.
Also, he wears/wore kohl ! I found this post a while ago and I really love the idea ( especially bc I also hc Jellal with Arab heritage <3 ) . Timeline-wise, I think he would have given up on it during the 7 yrs timeskip, before picking it back up around Alvarez.
―― in a completely different trail of thought : he always, always has concealer on-hand ( in his pocket requip space ) because the cerulean hair + face tattoo combo makes him an incredibly recognizable individual. Tricky undercover missions may require something a bit more complicated, but for simple errands, concealer is more than enough ! ( although he's def not the first pick. )
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#10 ― Neuroses ? Do they recognize them as such ? ( I had to do a bit of research for this so let's hope this is accurate )
He is HEAVILY depressed ( PDD / Dysthymia ) and also has PTSD. He is aware of it, to an extent : I figure this is the kind of thing he may have read about during his council days ( he used to spend a lot of time in the Magic Council library ) or acquired through conversations ( again, council cases ) but most of his knowledge is very superficial. And in the case where he might not be able to put a name on it . . . he, for sure, knows that this is Not Normal. LOL He could, however, argue that this is normal for a man riddled with guilt, with blood on his hands, etc etc. ALSO he's probably not very keen on improving his mental health beyond the bare minimum ( aka what he needs to function so that he can focus on his mission of atonement ). Which ― this is getting long and it could get longer I could and will write an essay on the mental health of that man ― ANYWAY it's better than it used to be ; it was a very dark time for him during the timeskip.
One thing's for sure ― he needs help, more than he realizes. Professional help ! GET THIS MAN A THERAPIST !
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#17 ― Favorite beverage ?
Jellal doesn't really have favorites of anything. Never really took the time to figure that out. I'd say he drinks WATER more than anything else, and TEA when it's available to him. He will also take that hot chocolate in winter whenever Crime Sorcière can get their hands on it. Also throwing a random idea in the air, but CS may also have discovered meal-subtitute drinks. I'm sure that'd be a nice thing for fugitives to rely on ― ( although it will get less accomodating pricier when their numbers go from 3 to 7-8 )
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#20 ― Turn-ons? Turn-offs ?
Uhhhh like, socially ? Let's do that. I admittedly haven't thought too much about what he likes or dislikes seeing from people. He's not very sociable and doesn't really try to forge connections, for safety/priority reasons but also because he doesn't think he's allowed Nice Things.
I suppose... he admires psychological/emotional strength, bravery, the mentality of never giving up even when the odds are against you. He draws a lot of inspiration from that. ( I think he really likes the values that the Fairy Tail guild put forward, despite the chaos and destruction its members can leave in their wake. In another life, he would have loved to call it 'home'. ) Jellal also likes wisdom and thirst for knowledge. He would very much enjoy having conversations with the likes of Levy and Lucy, both bookworms. He is also very fascinated by magic. && He finds forgiveness to be very admirable. Crime Sorcière would not exist without the kindness and the willingness of those who'd looked past their blood-stained pasts, saw the humanity, and decided that there was potential for redemption. It is something he's very thankful for ― even if he may struggle with feeling worthy of that.
- - - - - -
When it comes to turn-offs... Jellal would have a hard time with personalities or attitudes that reminds him too much of his abhorred self of times past.
Also, as much as he believes in extending a hand to the broken and offer others the chance to redemption, he will only do so to the people open to the idea. Absence of guilt, refusal to feel it, unwillingness to change and any kind of stubbornness along that line will be a deal-breaker. He will advocate for his cause, but he will not beg for anyone to join him ( freedom of choice is very important to him ).
He's not a fan of 'turning to religion to avoid consequences/feelings of guilt' && INTENSE WORSHIP makes him very uncomfortable.
AND, not a turn-off per say, but I also think he pays a lot of attention to body language when interacting/existing with people. If he senses any kind of reservation / distaste / ( passive- ) agressivity and the likes of unreceptiveness, he will keep interactions with that person to a minimum. ( basically, he'll match receptiveness ? ) ――― any kind of bond with such personalities is much, much more likely to develop through necessity ( even if it's not against him & just general behavior/temperament ). He just... doesn't like to be a bother.
―――― ( I'm sure there's more. Food for thought... for another time. )
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#i want to cry for so many reasons#but right now? i just want to cry out of happiness. yeah it's not going to be permanent joy but at least i feel good RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.#and sometimes that's really all that matters. maybe it really is the small stuff that makes a difference. the little things.#wild how a few words can change someone's entire day. maybe even their entire outlook on life. i like this. i like this a lot.#@person i spoke with: thank you so much. honestly. i really can't thank you enough...#there's literal tears sliding down on my face right now. and for the first time in months it's because i feel good. wow. 😊#goddd like... im agnostic... but i swear after these past few years i think angels might exist??? i mean how else...? just a coincidence...?#maybe... but this situation checks so many boxes that i dont know how this many coincidences can occur consecutively...#what are the fucking odds??????? wild. completely wild.#sooo uhhhh 1st of all: that specific hatred of b*dy p*rt bc of Trauma(TM) versus ...uhhh... the opposite(?)#and 2nd of all: fear of ~Deviation~ from u know... the victorian times type of shit... and... The Opposite Of That(TM)#3rd: um have u like. read. those lyrics. lol yea bro i might DEFINITELY benefit psych-health-wise surrounding myself w ppl raised well#4th: that country was already important to me for various other reasons (esp. east!)#5th: tbh fear of abandonment has def reduced & there's no way this isn't the number 1 reason why lol#i could go on but it's late soooo 🙂 niteee ✌🏻
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enderspawn · 4 years
so now that we’ve had a few days since the syndicate stream, i think ive managed to cool down and step back to look at it more neutrally. ended up long and pretty rambly since its all pretty flow of consciousness so its under the cut, but heres some thoughts on the syndicate (and a bit on c!techno, since hes the originator)
in universe, techno has only just heard a new place was made. he doesn’t know jack abt it, so he goes over to check it out and learn whats happening. he meets w tubbo, who explains they arent a gov, and accepts it then goes. hes hesitant abt the nukes, but frankly? also understandable, they are nukes. any kind of mass weapon of destruction is something to look out for, same as if tubbo revealed his own wither vault. 
i think the reason that i, and many other ppl, had such a NEGATIVE reaction to what is a mainly harmless and completely reasonable interaction is. well, bc we’re the audience. we KNOW more than c!techno does. we know that snowchester very explicitly was formed without a government because they’re afraid of techno attacking. we know that the nukes are made to defend them, based off what happened to lmanberg. we know that ranboo joined partially to try and spare snowchester if worst came to worst. 
the reason we the audience were afraid of him going is bc we feared what would happen if he DID deem it a gov. bc we know the effort they’ve done to NOT be one, bc we have a connection to the town that c!techno doesnt. 
after then came calling the syndicate/techno tyrannical. after all- if they strike down every government then they are forcing ppl to follow their beliefs under threat of destruction or death. which is uhh pretty fucking tyrannical. 
the thing is that in the end the syndicate hasnt even done enough for us to like. KNOW if thats true. techno himself said hes totally fine w just group of people living together, hell hes in a damn SYNDICATE. you can def argue in general abt what gives the syndicate the right at all to decide if a gov deserves to exist, if being “”the deciders”” makes them inherently hypocritical. (this also is pushing that “they decide” bc, well, w the exception of tubbo now, theres very little chance the other ppl would win against techno and crew. it Would just be decimation. if they attack, they’re destroying it all). 
after all, they preach abt giving ppl the right to choose but then dont let them choose to form a gov. paradox of tolerance i suppose, since in anarchistic views there isnt like a “non-corrupt” government so every government is worth dismantling. (note, this is all based off my p limited understanding of anarchy theory and also Very Simplified for ease of speaking)
another reason we the audience may have been so afraid is bc, historically, techno doesnt lose. he may suffer personal losses and feelings of betrayal, but narratively hes won every battle hes really been in. its the status quo, so any possible conflict in the future you kind of expect the same. we were afraid of any kind of conflict starting. 
i think this stuff does kinda work in character too. c!tubbo admits himself he doesnt rlly know government stuff, and he doesnt seem to really know what techno would or wouldnt DEEM one- thus he has a similar fear to the audience of being struck down for it. ranboo, like stated before, partially joined bc he was afraid FOR snowchester. 
again i get that anarchy is against that greater establishment, but theres something to be said for the fact that. well. this is a block game. its systems work a LOT differently than real life, and real life anarchist theory may not transfer over well. there are a lot of good posts ive seen recently analysing lmanberg (specifically early lmanberg) and like. it genuinely worked to protect its citizens. they were able to pool together their resources and man power and protect each other from outside threats that would overpower them seperately. there IS no big overarching societal and deeply built in system to overthrow like in real life, if anything “having a government” IS the new system trying to form instead of anarchy (bc, to my knowledge, lmanberg was the first real “government” and the dream smp’s gov kinda formed as a response) it could def be another reason so many ppl are against enforcing anarchy-- this isnt the real world, and being in solidified groups could help the weak. without that, instead its the strongest survive and thrive while everyone else suffers. 
(then again to devils advocate my own point, a lot of times they’re referring in those posts to a time where wilbur, who was actually “in charge” wasnt around a ton, so there was less of a power structure in place. also, you CAN still have a group of ppl without being a “gov” (like snowchester or the syndicate) but then we get back to “what is a gov by the syndicate’s standards” as well as if they want to remove a gov at its start or JUST when it seems “tyrannical” (so if they believe a gov is inherently tyrannical). like if i started a direct democracy gov and explicitly called it a gov, do you take it down? its taking the opinion of all citizens and allows everyone equal power. is that corrupt just bc its ALSO a gov, or does it get to stay? where is the line?  idk man maybe give the gov like a free trial. if it starts being corrupt then step in but if they’re vibin they’re vibin. chill w the anarchy /lh /hj JFKDLSJF)
idk man this isnt fully conclusion imo i just wanted to long think abt this. also fuck this block game for getting into legit political theory and ethics and shit. “is someone valid in doing something for another person that they believe will help the other person if it limits their personal freedom” (or, is techno correct in enforcing anarchy bc he believes it is the best form for ppl, EVEN at the cost of their personal freedoms to make a gov) is too deep to be asking for a fuckin block potato pig. this is why i dont do a ton of discourse im just stupid and it starts getting philosophical at some point FDSKLFJ
yall can respond w your own thoughts to this if you want, even debate it!, but idk if ill respond bc uhhhh Brain Empty fdjsklfj i just wanted to ramble and sort out my own thoughts on the matter now that im not uber pissed at c!techno JFKDLSJFKL
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hvlfwygod · 3 years
we know it ain't gonna happen but bailey/griffin
Who is more aggressive in bed?- griffin says i'm not comfortable with the question
Lights on or off?- why does it matter if the first question won’t be answered anyway o3o
Who does what chores?- griffin kinda hates cleaning but also can’t not clean, i think he’d Make Sure bailey and he did an even split of chores, maybe make a checklist for them and he’d be really annoying about it adskfjadfs
Who gets babied when they’re sick?- griffin doesn’t really a baby her but he will def make sure she’s watered and fed and will spend some time with her. he likes to be left alone besides some check-ins during his migraines, but he welcomes all attention when it’s just like a cold 😌
Who makes breakfast?- uhhh griffin? but breakfast is def low effort lol
Where would they go on their honeymoon?- hiking in like, peru, for VACATION
What are their quirks while sleeping?- griffin doesn’t really love to cuddle, he’ll do it a little but he mostly wants to have some space for sleeping adskfjasdf
What is their favorite activity as a family?- uhhhh i’m thinking they do some competitive sports like a climbing wall race or volleyball or table tennis, or swimming laps or even non-sports competitions like hotdog eating asdkjfasd. it gets heated and griffin can get pissy about it sometimes but it’s usually a fun time
Who is the stricter parent?- NO. um i think they’d be strict about different things lmao rip to those hypothetical kids who will never exist
Who would be the big spoon?- bailey xoxo
Who would wake up first?- griffin isn’t a super early riser, but i feel like bailey sleeps in so it’s usually him sdjkfdsf
Do they have nicknames for each other?- uhhhh i don’t think so... i think they’d both be like “that’s weird” if they tried to come up with any 😂
What happened when they met each other’s parents?- oh god, griffin’s parents probably would like her?? i think they’d be worried about them fighting a lot lmaooo. idk how he’d fare with her family, he can be pretty polite but he’d be really stiff and standoffish so he might not give a great first impression
How do they apologize after an argument?- embarrassed sorrys and an unspoken understanding that they don’t really know how to talk about this kind of thing lmao.
What would they be like as parents?- nope.
Who is the better cook?- oh god idk i think they’re both not great and they’d get into arguments about who is better. griffin wouldn’t be afraid to roast bailey for bad food either adksjfadsf i think they often decide that takeout is better for the longevity of the relationship 
Who is more romantic?- uhhh i think they are not super romantic but griffin does a lot of little things to make up for it c:
What sort of gifts do they get for each other?- griffin is literally a 3D printer so he must be hard to get gifts for askjdfasdf. bailey def surprises him with random things he’d find cool, and he makes her anything she wants (within reason). does it look a little weird? is there a misspelling? maybe so! but it’s literally handmade 
Who gets jealous easiest?- there is one Jealousy Hat and they take turns wearing it
Who gets more excited for events? (e.g. birthdays, christmas…etc)- griffin, relative to bailey asdkljfasdf. i think they are both mostly fueled by FOMO 
Who is the most adventurous?- ummm neither...? they both like routine asdjkfasdf
Who is the most protective?- it’s def bailey, i can see so many situations turning into a dumpster fire bc someone breathed at griffin wrong
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?- enemies to lovers 1000%
Song to sum them up?- where do you run by the score
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
my guess is the whole cognition thing was meant to vary between individual targets since they see the world differently, thus allowing for different moments like one allowing the PT to change outfits (I haven't played PQ2 so I have no idea how cognition works in that game sry) prolly to make the writing process more flexible so things like that wouldn't be plot holes, buuuut I don't think it worked (or the frantic rewriting led to them just not caring like "eh it's a nitpick they won't care")
I’d agree, but considering this is such a key piece of lore, you’d think they’d mention it (again you’d think, but this is P5, no one needs to think, not even the writers 8U). Tho there is one thing that might play into what you are saying (spoiler for below: it’s the threat count). In all honesty I’m been wracking my brain around Shido’s Ship, MC’s initial summon, and PQ2′s lobby (esp since my last post, linked below when talking about Futaba).....and the only thing I can figure out a reason is probably this (under cut because I’ve lost control of my life, actually no I’ve always been long winded...aka....under the cut cause of the usual 8U):
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(also they have their shoes off here, and then shoes on after the cutscene, makes no sense, just a daily reminder of this 8U) The only time Mona is in his “outfit” and no one else is-is when: 
The person hasn’t obtained their Persona yet
After the MC obtained his Persona, his clothes reverted back (only to come back when he has to do another tutorial fight), it takes till the next day for him to constantly have his outfit on. (but it’s stated it’s because he doesn’t have full control over his power yet)
Shido’s ship when the girls changed into swimsuits 
PQ2′s lobby (everyone else’s outfit disappears).
Uhhhh when they first go to Mementos, before they descend (tho once they do their outfits change) (that being said they said it’s cause of “the Shadows knowing they are there”....wait)
Futaba’s dungeon at the beginning as seen above
Oh almost forgot Sae, before you go inside her Palace, at the entrance and before that you don’t change, but after you meet her the Shadow deems you as a threat then even at the entrance you a deemed a threat.....BUT after you are caught you aren’t deemed a threat (but even Goro isn’t deemed one but....sigh). And I guess the interrogation room your clothes don’t change.
#1′s easy and consistent so no need to look at that. Just seems to mean Mona is susceptible to all and any level of cognition/distortion. 
#2 is really interesting and wish we got more of it (or at least explained more cause....I have questions) esp since it seems to be explained by #6 (that being said, they said it’s cause he doesn’t have full control over his power so.....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ll try to fix it with later reasoning but hey it’s hard when the game has multiple answers for the same gd question lying to us trying to convince us it’s consistent when it’s not). In #2′s setting the MC isn’t considered a threat yet, at least his IRL identity isn’t. It’s only after he really talks to Kamo after escaping the dungeon, do we see a change the next time he goes in (aka Kamo saw him as a threat). Tho, here’s my question to that he also instantly sees Anne and Ryuji as a threat not long after they gain their Personas. Ryuji I get it, there’s always been animosity, but you’d think Anne wouldn’t be able to touch him IRL. so she’d be outfit-less outside of fights. It’d also make me question why, if they’ve never met a target IRL did they have their outfits equip? I mean iirc their outfits didn’t change for Okumura, and the reasoning is that he sees EVERYONE regardless of who they are, EVEN HIS OWN DAUGHTER as a threat! And tbh that makes sense for his dungeon. And you could retroactively apply this to previous dungeons (minus Kamo and Futaba) but......why wait till the 5TH GD DUNGEON FOR THIS KEY PIECE OF INFO??? *inhales* lfjksdafj;af
#3, watch me become an olympic pretzel trying to make this square peg fit into a round hole. By changing into swim suites the girls are not deemed as a threat, and will change into PT outfits if/when threatened like what happened for the MC on his first day. Except, PT outfits are kinda like Keyblades and are always with the characters, so.....even if they took them off they should just appear back on. Esp if Shido is like Okumura and deems everyone a threat, the PT don’t have control of their outfits to a big extent, the world overrides their wants the majority of the time (aka if they see you as a threat, you’re a threat no choice in the matter. BUT the one time the outfits overrule the world, is if the user is under a threat despite the world deeming them to not be one). 
#4 I don’t know. Maybe the PT aren’t deemed as a threat, or the shadows don’t know they are there (can’t be because they are n00bs tho)? From what I can find/remember it’s not explained. That being said, P3/4 guys should 100% have PT outfits in that game, no if ands or butts. The ONLY thing different between PQ2′s world and the Metaverse is that they can’t use guns (BUT they can have outfits). And the lack of outfits for the P3/4 cast is lore breaking in and of itself. No really, I explain it all here (most of it is showing how the lore was built up throughout the game so it backs up the conclusion, but the real smoking gun is Futaba, so just ctrl+F “Futaba” and it brings you to the conclusion). 
#5 *sigh* that stupid reasoning aside, I’m not against the idea (but it’s inconsistent, because wouldn’t Shadow!Kamo deem him a threat as well, and be forced to keep his outfit on? “Oh but he’s a n00b” no game, you have three explanations for one gd thing and they don’t mix well together pick one and stick with it...threat level via the host not Shadow makes a lot of sense just keep that one). Technically Mementos is its own palace, so not going inside it would mean you aren’t a threat to that Palace. Which I could work with. BUT since this is the public’s Palace, and they don’t know who the PT are....shouldn’t they not change yet? It’d be more impactful if over the course of the game, as they got popular they were finally deemed a threat to society and thus the gained an (consistently of course, with the outfit triggering for battle) outfit when they walked in. 
#6 Makes sense tbh, tho, while I’m on board with it, it does make me wonder how far the threat level reaches.......is it at the entrance? Is it the entire plane? What is it? Also it’s high key stupid that they were deemed a threat by Futaba’s Shadow, esp if her Shadow has her best interests in mind....this dungeons just a mess from start to finish it makes no sense. 
#7 Haha...really makes me wonder how far the threat level stretches. Because Mementos it’s not till you get inside the station that they deem you a threat, so there seems to be a distance thing (I mean so is pulling people in but we don’t need consistency :’D). Cause if they are far enough (which they are they freaking checked that their clothes don’t change), then there’s no need to worry about her “suspecting Goro” (cause his outfit would change otherwise, but since they are far enough they don’t have to worry)....BUT by her sending him and her to the Metaverse, that’d mean she DOES suspect him.....so wait what’s the point of her “not suspecting him”??????? It’d also be more interesting if Mako and Goro didn’t change outfits, because she doesn’t suspect them but kelsfjldkjfa
P5: We’re so smartMe: Why do you keep doing dumb shit then???? 
Anyway I’d agree with you that maybe they wanted to be flexible, but they don’t......provide the ground work for that. It def feels like they threw shit together and didn’t think we’d notice. I mean there are A LOT of writers in this game, that could explain the consistency issues. I mean it explains it not excuses it, they had years to fix it (unlike Ultimax it seems, that shit was ruuuuuuushed in such a short time). 
Anyway if they wanted to make it flexible, they’d make it consistently the IRL Palace host’s threat level/way of thinking (not the Shadow self, nothing else, just the host). Cause everything, even their shadows in P5, reflects their state of mind. It’d also make for great visual storytelling too, such as Kamo deeming all the guys threats after he realizes he can’t control them, and never viewing Anne as a threat (aka showcasing he can get away with it). It’d give Okumura’s “doesn’t even trust his own daughter” thing even more weight when we got to it. Or Futaba’s complete and utter desperation to be helped more impact as well (it’d at least be a step to fixing that horrible Palace, eff it’s lore and the sphinx it rode in on). It could showcase another Palace hosts’ growing anxiety, and how they trusted people but now trust no one since the start of the dungeon. It could showcase their preferences (aka Kamoshida views rebelling males vs subjecting males/any females), or maybe they don’t like cats so Mona’s appearance is veeeery wonky in one. It could be a great way to reveal different things about the Host in a short amount of time, but this is P5 and we don’t care~! :D DX
Then again this might butt heads with the Cognitive versions, but then there’s no reasoning behind MC’s inability to maintain his outfit the first day (or why no one else has this issue). No the n00b thing makes no sense (esp since it consistently shows up when there’s trouble and disappears when trouble is gone, so it seems less about control than it is only essential when there’s danger around), because we still have the Shadow explanation from Mementos to go by and Shadow Futaba’s threat level too. But I’d say it’s totally possible that they can both exist (if explained right), Cognitive selves show 100% what that person thinks of them, while if they deem them a threat or not only affects if their outfit appears (because that is tied to the cognitive world, not the real person). With the cognitive selves serving as insight and an explanation as to why the host doesn’t deem that specific person as a threat. 
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oizysd · 5 years
7 ; 9 ; 13 ; 27 [ for zihao ]
describe them in three words. now let them describe themself in three words.
ADSKKFFJDF  easy…  helpless,  tireless,  and  resolute.  helpless  bc  have  u  seen  him…  why  is  he  like  that.  and  i  mean  the  unmanageable,  out  of  control  definition  of  helpless,  he’s  SO  difficult  to  influence  because  of  the  way  he  sees  the  world  +  others  so  all  he  has  to  rely  on  is  himself,  and  the  boy  loves  to  act  like  he’s  gucci  n  has  0  worries  which  reflects  on  his  actions  and  just  the  way  he  navigates  his  life  in  general.  he  loves  people,  but  they’re  very  disposable  so  if  u   think  u  telling  him  ur  opinion  of  him  is  going  to  help  him  change  for  the  better…  even  if  ur  the  love  of  his  life,  think  again.  tireless  because  that’s  the  core  of  his  character,  maybe  if  he  were  a  little  less  so  he  would  have  gotten  his  shit  figured  out  by  now  but  that  trait  is  just  engraved  into  him  by  nature,  and  nurture  has  led  him  here  so …  the  odds  were  just  against  him  hehe.  it’s  how  he’s  coped  though  so  that  counts  for  something  ig.  and  then  resolute  bc  jesus  christ  what  kind  of  person  can  live  the  way  he  does  without  a  reason  other  than  he  refuses  to  deal  w/  his  traumas  and  any  of  his  actual  problems  KJSDFJ???  like  yeah  he’s  not  really  using  that  trait  of  his  for  good  rn  but  man  is  it  powerful.  i  just  feel  like  that’s  central  to  the  person  that  he  is  and  explains  why  he’s  such  a  mess,  he’s  the  most  stubborn  person  in  the  WORLD.  all  this  for  such  a  dumb  reason  he’s  the  epitome  of  the  “i’m  going  to  make  this  way  harder  than  it  needs  to  be”  meme.  and  as  for  how  he  would  describe  himself…  sexy,  kindhearted,  and  lots  of  fun.  in  that  order.  and  i  have  decided  not  to  comment  bc  i  dragged  him  enough  already
do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
no  he  does  not.  which  is  a  trait  that  really  comes  in  handy  since  he  moves  at  least  three  to  four  times  a  year  and  he  has  such  a  big  wardrobe  that  it’s  all  he  has  room  for..  that  plus  his  cologne +  skincare  is  enough  for  him  to  carry  from  city  to  city  he  doesn’t  need  to  go   getting  attached  to  any  dolls  or  plants  along  the  way  otherwise  he’d  be  dragging  five  suitcases  around  train  stations.  (he  doesn’t  read  so  not  even  going  to  mention  books  bc  they  just  make  him  sneeze.)   plus  he  doesn’t  decorate  his  apartment  so  he  doesn’t  have  the  chance  to  anyway.  even  his  attachment  to  his  clothes,  perfumes,  skincare,  etc  isn’t  bc  he  empathizes  with  them  or  anything  it’s  just  bc  he’s  up  his  own  ass  and  always  has  to  look  cute  or  he’ll  have  a  meltdown.  idk  he’s  never  really  been  the  kind  of  person  to  get  attached  to  non - sentient  things  even  when  he  was  growing  up  other  than   when  he  had  his  raver  phase  and  had  a  bunch  of  those  little  bead  bracelets  which  were  the  center  of  his  WORLD  until  he  stupidly  lost  them…  he  just  swears  he’s  a  minimalist  if  anyone  asks  why  he  doesn’t  care  abt  anything  n  just  throws  things  out  all  willy  nilly  as  they  say.  chances  are  if  anyone  ever  gifted  him  something …  he  doesn’t  have  it  anymore  DKJFJDF
name one thing their parents taught them.
u  really  said  hey  tobey  talk  about  zihao’s  trauma…  and  i  am   here  to  do  just  that.  one  of  the  main  things  that  his  dad  taught  him  was  that  we  love  others  too  much  and  it  RUINS  us  (not  directly,  obviously,  but  through  observation)  …  like  the  fact  that  someone  can  walk  into  his  life,  do  nothing  but  exist,  and  then  leave  and  it  could  make  him  lose  his  shit???  and  even  leave  a  mark  on  him  for months …..  YEARS  even???  the  fact  that  that’s  even  possible????  jesus  he  hates  it  DFJKFDJ  and  it  def  stemmed  from  the  way  his  mother’s  death  took  a  toll  on  his  dad,  zihao  really  hates  the  way  that  it  affected  him  and  never  wants  to  be  like  him  so  he  thought  hey  why  not  just  uhhhh  not  let  people  affect  me  that  way,  perfect  plan.  (even  though  i talk  abt  it  that  way  though  it  wasn’t  a  conscious  decision  skdjfd…  he’s  been  this  way  since  he  was  a  kid,  it’s  just  really  gotten  out  of  hand  as   he’s  gotten  older  bc  that’s  what  happens  when  u  don’t  deal  with  ur  problems  zihao)  since  he’s  him  though,  that  just  turned  into  him  not  valuing  the  people  in  his  life  like  he  could/should,  as  opposed  to  turning  into  a  full  on  hermit  or  like.  hating  everyone  bc  he  thinks  that’s  dumb.  so  yeah,  one  of  the  first  things  that  he  understood  about  human  nature  is  that  humans  themselves  are  the  biggest  threat  to  our  comfort/happiness  even  if  they’re  the  sweetest  most  amazing  person  in  the  world  (which  he  sees  his  mom  as)  bc  they  can  make  you  powerless  if  they  leave.  basically  does  everything  he  can  to  be  in  control  of  his  life  and  his  emotions  thnx  to  his  dad’s  lack  of  presence  in  his  life  and  borderline  neglect …  thank  u  for  that  zihao’s  dad  now  look  at  him.  on  a  lighter  note  one  time  he  taught  zihao  how  to  throw  a  baseball  when  he  was  six  so  he  would  shut  up  abt  it.  that  was  cool
forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
hmmm  depends  on  who  it  is  that  does  him  dirty.  if  it’s  just  some  random  person  in  a  town  he’s  staying  in,  he  wouldn’t  really  care  enough  about  them  to  go  full  vengeance  mode  JSDKKJF  and  most  people  fall  into  that  category  so  yeah.  for  the  occasional  person  who  comes  into  his  life  and  actually  make  him  have  a  soft  spot  for  them  (aka  his  ship  verses  specifically)  if  they  do  something  that  requires  forgiveness  on  his  part…  sorry  chief  but  he’s  not  gonna  forgive  u.  he’s  the  kind  of  person  to  just  ignore  someone  if  they  piss  him  off  or  do  him  dirty,  and  just  distance  himself  from  them  in  general  but  act  like  it’s  all  good  which  is  really  ANNOYING.  you  have  to  do  something  really  horrible  for  him  to  feel  like  you  owe  him  an  apology  though  SKDJFJ  like  he’ll  playfully  act  like  he’s  hurt  but  to  actually  hurt  hurt  zihao…  u  kinda  have  to  go  ham.  and  i’m  sure  people  have…  idk,  at  the  end  of  the  day  he  doesn’t  really  care  enough  about  anyone  to  be  like   hey  i  need�� revenge  or  hey  i  forgive  u ….  his  priorities  are  completely  fucked  so  his  relationships  with  others  is  the  least  of  his  concerns,  especially  since  almost  everyone’s  presence  in  his  life  is  temporary  anyway  so  like???  why  bother  when  he  can  spend  his  time  thinking  about  his  next  ig  caption 
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comicteaparty · 5 years
December 21st-December 27th, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from December 21st, 2019 to December 27th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
Without heavy spoilers, describe the worst thing you’ve put one of your characters through?
for a comic i haven't released yet (this happens in literally the first chapter so i don't really consider it a spoiler) the main character in this story has a rough life. she's saddled with enormous debts and gets fired from her job, then when things finally start looking up for her she gets hit by a car and "dies" the whole premise of the story is that people who die and get brought back to life by doctors (dead for just a few seconds) get powers
Hmmm.... I won't say whose, but probably the death of their child, and I've done some awful things to my characters. For some reason, all the pain and suffering in the world does not amount to the loss of one's child. To be fair, I don't usually consider it my fault that these horrible things occur in the story, because I couldn't change it if I wanted to. To do so would feel like a lie. These stories exist in my mind independent of what I want, and I'm simply telling them to the world. But yes... that child is the saddest creature I've written.
eli [a winged tale]
Torn apart, watched their friends die, forced to live forever... you name it, we got it In all seriousness, I also like focusing on the small (but not insignificant things) like not having your love reciprocated and questioning your worth. Sometimes it’s the small things that can collectively be destructive.
Capitania do Azar
In some ways, I think I have already done the worst I possibly could to my characters (war, being unable to help and losing their loved ones in darkness and loneliness). But on the other hand, I do plan to extend the mechanics of mind intrusion to the point of completely mangling up people's psyches, so I guess I'll have to wait and see which one feels worse
So far in GJS, we've had a character go through some, well, explosive limb loss There's quite a lot of hard things the chars go through / will go through, but i def see the brutality of the leg loss as something pretty huge for the character!
I threw my main character under a semi, off a cliff, and shoved a tree branch into his brain. And then when he woke up I gave him long term memory loss and stole 80% of his memories from before he was 12
Kelsey (Kurio)
Boy am I glad none of us are gods heh
I kind of treat writing like the Sims: which one am i torturing and which two did I build specifically to get naked together.
eli [a winged tale]
Omg Tater that’s a perfect analogy (edited)
the only difference is that I can follow them to work and they're alllllll the money slave/work horse
Also, Viking is my father's name, you can call me Tater ;P
the worst thing that has happened to one of my characters canonically is something i have not and will not describe in-comic, so i'm not about to describe it here. there are certain... types of trauma... where even if a story depicts things realistically, respectfully, and with properly directed condemnation, fans romanticize the hell out of it. and i want no part of that. so, like, i'm keeping this stuff in the character's backstory, because i want to depict living with and growing past traumatic experiences, but i refuse to actually describe/depict what happened so fans don't get the wrong takeaway. the important thing isn't what happened, it's how she deals with it. as for things that actually happen in the comic - one character does get tortured by a government for information?
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Oh boy. So I am rather known for torturing my characters. I don’t even know what the worst thing is, but ‘dying horribly’ or ‘very dark and tragic backstory involving abuse and/ or terrible loss’ describes 95% of my casts.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Several of my characters get horribly bitten/eaten by hungry spirits. If they aren't already completely wrecked by the attack, the resulting cursed bite leads to quarantine and ostracization. Even little kids get abandoned or sent away. And those who are eventually totally consumed by the curse... basically become half-dead. ...Yeah, I got a lot of 'worse than death' stuff going on
Nutty (Court of Roses)
Won't say who, but i don't think i could do much worse than giving a character the perfect life and then taking it and everyone they've ever loved away from them in one fell swoop, leaving them to wander aimlessly.
I've put all of my characters through different things that I think aren't really comparable as far as saying one is "worse" than the other. Though, I think that I'll probably say making one of them essentially live through a genocide is pretty undeniably the worst thing, and also the only one that I've really canonically discussed.
I'm lowkey into character torture porn, so I like putting my OCs through some shit. Apollo probably has the most cushy life of every character I've ever made, the spoiled brat! The worst thing that will happen, in TGtaHR at least, will be related to death and/or near death. Not so much the subject in itself but how it is used, which may or may not be the worst thing from a reader perspective, but from the character's perspective. I mean...? I guess anything relating to death is pretty bad, but I've kind of seen situations where the person would have considered it a luxury, soooo. I don't know where I'm going with this!(edited)
sounds like you're going towards "my comic is the meanest thing I've put my characters through"
you big meanie.
Ah! I'm such a bully! Nothing like putting your characters through the worst to make the positive payoff more worth it.
is psychological or physical pain more impactful to readers? prolly depends heavily on the context huh
anyway for my comic I think it is a tie between a psychologically hurtful thing and a physically hurtful thing
the psychological one is a little something I like to call The Dress Arc, and the physical one is called Cold Swiss Cheese
what is the point of having painful scenes if one does not give them cool names amirite
Absolutely. You know whats up
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I’d say psychological pain is much worse. A broken leg can heal in a month, but trauma stays with you. Of course, the former can cause the latter, but I always find it much more emotional when the character is feeling internally tortured rather than externally.
I'm no expert but from personal experience with my comic, it's kind of depends on the reader? But physical is more universally comprehensible. A lot of the pain depicted in my story so far is psychological, with a little physical, and I've noticed people who have experience and/or are educated with the psychological aspect are more impacted by that than people who have never experienced or learned about it. Or to be more straightforward, people who have never experienced or have no knowledge of mental/emotional abuse have no idea what's going on in the story. Although when I had a scene where my frail, mentally unstable MC got punched in the face, everyone flipped out equally.
Of course this is just relating to abuse, when it comes to other stuff relating to pain I can't really give an opinion. I would say it's similar, since most people generally need to have a certain level of understanding of something to be impacted by its depiction of fiction, but I have no idea. Lol(edited)
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
No, you make a really good point. People generally can’t comprehend a pain they haven’t experienced, so I admit it would make sense to only feel empathy for physical pain if you’ve never known psychological trauma.
Yeah, it's a douchey thing to do since this is subjective (there are people who have experienced trauma who lack the ability to empathize with others who go through something similar and vice versa), but I like to make a game out of figuring out who has and hasn't been in a really bad relationship based on how they respond to my comic irl, and online to an extent. Admittedly I'm hardcore into getting feedback half due to wanting to psychologically evaluate my readerbase.
Kelsey (Kurio)
Wait what?
"What what" what? Don't worry, I don't do anything or judge based on stuff like that since it's so little info, I just like psychology... even if I may not be very good at it.
But yeah, I'm kind of a creep.
Oh yeah, don't be scared to go back to posting in this channel? Thing? I won't be hanging out here, unless someone talks to me directly. I just responded originally because I had a tiny bit of knowledge on the subject asked.
I get that. I'm also kind of creepy. Plus, I kind of feel like webcomics are a bit of a social experience to begin with, which often involves a lot of studying the readers' emotional responses to the story.
Human beings automatically judge each other alllll the time, so part of it is inevitable. I think the most important thing is to acknowledge that you can be a little, very, or even totally wrong. ...The other important thing is, I do think there's a difference between subconsciously judging others and actively looking forward to it? If you are actively looking forward to judging others, that sort of turns your comment section into a social experiment of sorts, and I don't feel comfortable about that. If I knew the creator of a comic I follow was like that, I would be like "uhhhh you do you, but I want no part in that" and never comment.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Just.... ideally should be consensual?
I know some people who actually enjoy that kinda stuff, like even if they found out, they'd be like "ohhhhh SMART! :D"... Then there are people who would feel upset if they found out. So yeah, ideally this would be all consensual so people can opt in or out, but I don't know how you can do this while fully informing prospective participants.
It sounds like a lie, but really, I don't judge. I make up fantastical concepts of what kind of person this is based on the little info I get from body language, facial expressions, what they say, and tone of voice but it's all thrown out the window because people are more complicated than that. At the end of the day I'd rather actually get to know the person before I truly judge their character. Also when it comes to normal comments I don't analyze unless the commenter is analyzing, usually the "judging" is when I ask for feedback... like, more than a couple sentences worth to get a good idea of how the story is mentally processed by that person. For example when I was asking for feedback after finishing chapter 4. While I was asking for critique, I also wanted to know how the story affected that person, get a vague idea of what kind of people the story draws in or what kind of people it drives away, etc. And yeah, I kinda go the extra mile with it because that's just how my brain works, it just runs all the time. I assume that person consents to me analyzing them and their experience when they respond to me asking for their opinion, but I dunno. Maybe I'll just... teach myself to not think when it comes to my comic or audience, I don't want to scare people off just because I'm an overly analytical weirdo. <_<'
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
I like when you use the physical pain for psychological pain. like someone is in heavy dangers, and comes out with only a broken leg. the other characters can feel guilty, hurt, etc other feelings. For me, physical pain is not enough, it is the reaction it sparks
Oh uh, also @keii4ii, I can vouch that being analytical doesn't make you smart. My dad is like that and he's a complete moron, also I'm not the brightest bulb in the box either, I'm just a slave to my thoughts. Sorry, just wanted to clear things up to make myself look less bad.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I can understand that side of analysing. I’m often curious about my readers because I don’t have very many; my comics tend to be quite niche. So I wonder about what sort of demographic I’m attracting. From the people who have commented and shared a bit about themselves, it seems to be a lot of European and American adults in the 20-40 range who have received higher education (med students, professors, people in STEM, etc), which to me is kind of wild because I’m not writing ‘smart’ comics. There’s no real science or anything in my dark and morbid fantasy comics, so I’ve wondered what about them appeals to this demographic. This isn’t counting my new WT audience I’ve gained over the last couple of years, which is a very different demographic from those who follow on my site, but it’s really interesting to think about ‘What kinds of stories appeal to certain groups of people?’.
@DanitheCarutor Oh, I didn't mean to imply it was a bad thing. I apologize if that's how it came across. I meant it as a "thing I want vs thing I don't want." Just because I don't want a thing for myself, doesn't make it a bad thing.
Re: demographic analysis, more power to you if you're naturally into it. I'm like 'no..... let me just sit here and make this comic in peace.........' and even that's hard enough!
I do think about that stuff from time to time, but when I do, it's usually because I'm sad and am trying to think of non-worst-case-scenario explanations. So yeah, not something I enjoy pondering.(edited)
@Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios) Same, even though my comic has gotten more readers than I imagined, it's still niche. Honestly don't know the age range, but I've gotten a range from psychology and medical students, or people with PHDs to normal 9to5ers who've been through similar experiences. (People who live with schizophrenia or clinical depression, or who have been in bad toxic relationships.) It's really interesting too because some of the readers who comment are very open about sharing intimate stuff about their lives without me even asking, which I'm not sure is due to the type of comic it is or because they relate to it? Either way I don't mind, it's kinda nice that someone feels comfortable enough to share that kind of info despite me being a total stranger. That's really interesting with your comic, though! Like, it's cool the types of people your work can attract, maybe your comic is smarter than you think. Lol
@keii4ii Yeah, but I don't want to discourage readers from interacting with my comic just because I'm into that stuff. Even though the work itself is far from safe I want people to feel comfortable enough to leave comments or discuss amongst each other.
Yeah, I think that's the dream for pretty much all of us, cultivating a comment section where everyone feels comfortable and welcome to interact
Getting back to the question, I really don't think I could answer, given the theme of my comic: "your pain matters, even if it doesn't affect the fate of the world/ even if it seems insignificant in the grand scheme of things." I don't have it in me to go against that and say to my characters, hey, guess what! Your pain pales in comparison to [this other character]'s!
That's an interesting thought. I mean, I spoke of what I consider the saddest scene, but really, in regards to the characters, they might not see it that way. That scene makes me cry, (and probably the character(s) directly involved), but the other characters have other sorrows weighing on their hearts, and those sorrows are also powerful in their own way.
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flockofdoves · 5 years
hxh and/or fma (for the anime ask meme)
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching| might watch | currently watching| dropped| hated it | meh| a positive okay| liked it| liked it a lot!| loved it| a favorite
don’t watch period| drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes| give it a go, could be your thing| 5 star recommendation
fav characters: i love all the main 4 but definitely gravitate a lot to kurapika!! for more minor characters theres so many but i love knuckle bine a lot dfkjghdfk. also i love alluka and nanika so much my daughters
least fav characters: hisoka, also palm like while i want hisoka to die i Guess i can appreciate his aesthetic far away from gon and killua and also like . i guess he can be an example of how unaccommodating towards kids hxh’s freak ancap society can be but palm just being a pedophile but played for laughs but also theres weird misogyny and ableism in her characterization and then all of a sudden we’re just gonna forget all that and she’s cool now?????? hewwo??????? i would prefer hxh if she did not exist or if a palm siberia that looked similar (again a nice aesthetic) but was entirely not the same character. like . what was gained from this oh my god.
fav relationship: gon and killua!!!!! ofc i love leorio and kurapika too but killua and gon is so blatant and i feel it could literally happen or at least just . they just Are each others first loves and they make me emotional in so many ways. non romantically just the found family in the main 4 and also killua and alluka and then killua coming to love and understand nanika too through alluka caring for her…. oh my god…. Siblings….
fav moment: omg uhhhh theres a lot?? a big one that immediately comes to mind tho is killua pulling out illumis needle ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
headcanons/theories: i think we should find a way to synthesize both the fantheory that gon was born as some . homunculus thing from the greed island pregnancy stone and the one that pariston and ging fucked and pariston is gon’s other parent for the most distressing gon origin story
unpopular opinion: i know i have some but i don’t remember atm i’ve already rambled way too much rn
how’d you find it: i literally don’t remember i gotta think about this tbh i’ve been into hxh since i was like 14?? like yeah everyone whos ever been into anime has at least heard of hxh in passing but i feel like there wass some specific prompting for me getting into it that i can’t remember anymore. almost don’t want to remember because theres a high chance it was bc of some people i get sad thinking about now but out of all the people i was around back then fortunately i think it seems most likely i got into it bc of one of the few people i still care for among the people i hung out around as a young teen
random thoughts: i’m a fake fan i’m still not caught up with the manga i love it so much but i’ve barely read any manga i care about these past couple years i just know what people are talking about through osmosis nowadays i REALLY wanna legit catch up !!!!!
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching| might watch | currently watching| dropped| hated it | meh| a positive okay| liked it| liked it a lot!| loved it| a favorite
don’t watch period| drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes| give it a go, could be your thing| 5 star recommendation
my bolds make no sense on this one and thats because i’m a fake!!!!! i was absolutely obsessed with fmab as a tween and watched almost all of it but then netflix didnt have the last season and that was when i was dumb and the only thing i ever pirated was glee on megavideo so me and my brother watched the last season by recording it when it was airing on adult swim and i know i got so close to the end but like somewhere towards the last few episodes i’m assuming (??) my brother watched it when i wasn’t home and then my parents deleted the recording before i could watch it and then i just???????? never watched it??????
so tl;dr i watched the vast majority of fmab (and started the manga) as a tween but like. never finished it and i was in love with it then but its been so long now i don’t trust my opinions to be very accurate about it.
i really really want to actually finish it some day!!! but at this point i feel like i should just restart so thats why i keep putting it off bc thats gonna take some dedication when i barely finish shorter things even anymore
so. disclaimer the following is very much filtered through me as a 13 year old and my memories from that plus how friends who love it have influenced me since fdjkghdfkj
fav characters: back then al was my favorite character and i had a crush on izumi curtis dkfjghkdf and then i always loved scar but now i feel he’d def be my fav
least fav characters: i had dumb opinions about this back then i’m sure. i think now i’d probably dislike roy even tho i used to like him. i dont remember enough to say more
fav relationship: i wasn’t big on ships watching it as a kid but i appreciated winry and ed idk. in retrospect and from fanwork friends share i think ed and ling seems like a lot of fun?? oh wait who was that one other mechanic girl i think i shipped her with winry very casually back then??? (edit: ig she wasnt a mechanic i got confused bc she showed winry who made her automail but i meant paninya!!!) but in retrospect i stayed away from fanworks bc they made me uncomfortable with all the gross shit but i didn’t think i was justified in feeling like that :(
fav moment: back then i thought the reveal of some of the people who ended up being homunculuses was so Epic but idk now
headcanons/theories: idk enough!!!!
unpopular opinion: idk probably like ……. going in being conscious of imperialism stuff now i’m sure i’ll have more contrary opinions than i used to but idk enough yet
how’d you find it: i literally just was going through netflix like ‘oh this is a popular anime’ and put it on on a whim
random thoughts: this whole ask took me so long to answer why am i so rambly djfkghjkdfgh also god. my terrible pattern of never finishing media for the smallest of reasons. one day i will actually consume media that takes brain power to process again…… i mostly just read like. romance webcomics and fanfic nowadays rip
thank you for this!!!!
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arodrwho · 6 years
mmm thoughts. on davenport:
the way (parts of) fandom & fic talk abt him in the space between tsc and the day of story and song is.......gross
feels-ableist kinda gross
it's never just "he lost literally all his memories & family & life's work/self-perceived purpose & that suck s", it's always like "he became a shell of himself, he lost himself, became a shadow of the man he was, so trapped in his own head," etc. etc. and it's uhhhhhhh uncomfortable
like, for sure, losing basically all ur memories is tantamount to losing fuckin. ur entire sense of self cos [dr who voice] a man is the sum of his memories, & all that, & OBviously that's terrible & unfortunate & not an ideal or fun way to live?
but that's not what so many ppl focus on, they mainly focus on the communication thing, that i've seen, as a way of like, encompassing everything at once?
and losing the ability to communicate for so long when u previously had it can b pretty scary i'm sure
but like
it isn't inherently tragic?
and it def doesn't make him any less of a full person? which like
the words commonly used to describe him & what the voidfish did to him seem an awful lot like they're implying he is? which is bullshit
and in particular that whole, trapped-in-his-head spiel, it feels like that gross fearmongering "trapped in their own world" bullshit allistics like to whine about, which makes it Super Uncomfortable & therefore Double Bullshit
for sure davenport got a real tough break there, i'm not disputing that, but like
not for the reasons ppl keep saying
and also just in general, like, davenport's uhhhh pretty clearly coded as Disabled(TM) thru the balance arc and i would argue there's some coding in tsc too, like, i'd need a relisten to map it all out in fine detail but like trust me It's There (the stars thing & his level of devotion to his job & crew all come to mind jus off the top of my head)
and since it's there & so much A Thing it's jus kinda like. y'all. can u not stop & think abt how ur discussing him, w/this context in mind, maybe, perhaps, ? like. think abt what ur saying & how ur saying it & what implications it carries, just, y'know, maybe. possibly. for like, 1 whole second
and probably there's been discussion of this already, god knows i'm 83 million years late to this party & all, just, in like every fic heavily featuring him that i've read so far (and every post too, though i'll admit that's hella fewer), this's been the general attitude and i'm just
ew, y'all
anyway basically in conclusion i can understand calling what h appened to davenport memorywise tragic, but uh. his general existence? as like, a disabled semiverbal person? no
(god, esp. since there's always such contrast drawn between his intelligence Before & supposed tragic lack thereof After, like y'alllllll can u not)
(also i read sth that called him "simple" & "empty" today from others' perspectives with like, that nt tongue-clucking sympathy, and the narrative didn't criticize it and it was overall...uncomfy....)
and just, like, i know i've said in conclusion already but listen there's a lot to complain about here i could prolly go on & maybe will
just like. okay. someone else who lost Huge portions of his life, alright, a comparison
taako. ppl talk abt how the hugeass missing bits of his life are super sad and unfair and etc., yeah? & the focus is generally on the lost connection and the loneliness and possible shifts in self-perception
but (so far) i've not heard anyone talk abt davenport's lost connections, or any shifts in his sense of identity, or how unfulfilled he might have felt without without memory of his life's work, or anything like that
bc instead all the focus is on how v tragic it is that he can usually only say his name, w/out any apparent thought to the implications of this except, like, "oh he must trapped in his head, unable to connect or maybe comprehend anything ever bc so much is gone & he Can't Communicate"
which like
if y'all can think deep wrt taako, why not also davenport
anyway i'm not being as coherent or airtight argumentative as i could rn but in my defense it's 4am rn currently, so imma leave this & go to bed
night y'all
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hongbubs · 6 years
so I was tagged by the sweetest @possumel <333333333333333 thanks so much, love ;)) These are so fun OuO also reading yours was super nice DONT chew dem nails yo ;*
Rules: answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you want to know better
A) age: 27 B) birthplace: random small city in the west part of Hungary C) current time: 11:15 A.M. D) last drink you had: coffee. which is p.much ALL i drink before noon E) easiest person to talk to: huhh @retrogyu @ythurielle @cinnamonsnow aka My Main Binches <333 F) favourite song atm: IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO ANSWER THIS but lets go with Strawberres and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan G) grossestmemory: ohh boy, i have the approximate memory capacity of a tired goldfish, so... i swear im not avoiding this on purpose! in fact imma go have a cig right now to think back on it.  Okay I’m back. So I remembered like one random pretty gross thing? Back in high school, I was out with friends (dunt remember where or who with exactly XD) and we were drinking like only stupid teenagers with a curfew do, and I got super wasted, naturally, and on my way back home I had a 45 minute train ride and while waiting, I threw up on the tracks? Like, I don’t get sick from drinking much, and even if I ocassionally do, I’m okay enough to find the nearest bathroom or something, but apparently, not that time :”””””””””D. Thats about as much as I recall, lame as it is... I) in love: on my good days J) jealous: nope, not the type K) killed someone: I shot a sparrow once. not very proud of it. and i did some fishing, but strangely that didn’t make me feel so bad? prolly because we actually ate the fish. L) love at first sight: strong attraction, definitely. M) Middle name: dont actually have one! :) N) number of siblings: one younger sis, little shit, i love her even though we couldn’t be more different :D O) one wish: so, so many. but as of this exact moment, for this pup i’m dogsitting not be be quiet because he’s in the middle of making trouble somewhere in the house. R) reasons to smile: also so, so many. as of this exact moment, also the pup i’m dogsitting. he’s a 9-10 weeks old golden retriever. he’s the cutest pupper in existence. I want to cuddle him till i die. sadly, he’s more in his chewing phase than cuddling phase, so blood sacrifice is sometimes required. S) song you last listened to: Uhhhh most likely the new VIXX album. Like, on loop. So I’d say the whole album. T) time you woke up:  7:40something. (see also: pup i’m dogsitting) U) underwear color: tired pink V) vacation destination: we’ve been looking into hostels in Rome with my sis and mom for October just this afternoon OuO W) worst habit: quite some, but the worst is def the smoking. X) x-rays: like, chest x-rays? I’ve had a few of them for work and for scholarship medical check-up... other than that, my knee, once, when I fucked it up skiing.  Y) favourite food: waaaaaaay too many. today my sister made guacamole and it was PERFECT, so atm i’ll say its my sister’s guacamole. in general tho I might have a decisiveness problem????? like, did you see me pick a decisive, one exact answer to any of these?? Z) zodiac sign: Saggitarius. (good thing I don’t have to pick here, uggh xd)
tagging (not 10 blogs but some) @cinnamonsnow (because binch be mad at me if i dont <3) @jen-10 and  @la-feline-noire because I see them in my notifs all the time, @exychamp because she’s back again <3 @asriantrash  because he’s one of my new fave blogs, and anyone else that feels like doing this?
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leeoliver · 7 years
@launcelot tagged me for this and since it did helian i figured id do kiri!
NAME: Kiri Etiscalko
ALIAS(ES): the Exile? in a sense? shes gone by K(ay) before.
GENDER: shes girl.
AGE: 34
PLACE OF BIRTH: Galactic City, Coruscant
OCCUPATION: uhhhh jedi. she was a dancer for a while after getting exiled. regular ol dancer and also an exotic one.
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR COLOR: dark brown
HEIGHT: 5′10″ shes so big shes so strong shes so energetic in her sweaty overalls
SCARS: def no facial ones and none atm that ive really fleshed out or defined. id be surprised if there werent some somewhere.
COLOR: orange!!
HAIR COLOR: ohh all hair colors are so beautiful...she loves the color of miras hair
EYE COLOR: same as hair but Green especially..
ENTERTAINMENT: she loves to dance!! alone in her quarters, just playing music and dancing around. likes to sing too but shes super. bad. she’ll play pazak if someone else offers.
PASTIME: anything wrt droids, loves loves loves them. works out and trains a lot. meditates.
FOOD: most things breakfast! pancakes, or whatever the space equivalent is
DRINK: i bet shed like smoothhies. mmmmmmmmmmm. oh and shes CONSTANTLY drinking water. all the time.
BOOKS: she’ll read most things. murder mysteries shes a big fan of.
HAD SEX: not pre-kotor. she and atton might have like...at some point? maybe? shes. “prudish” isnt the right word its more like? schoolgirl giggly? she cant talk about sex without dissolving into laughter.
KISSED A MAN: pre-kotor doubt but maybe? post-kotor its that one “to do list: kiss 100 boys kiss 1 boy 100 times” meme
KISSED A WOMAN: yeah! there was this one girl while she was in exile who ran a droid repair shop and had the Biggest Lesbian Crush on her and she finally told her one day and kiri. just felt like she wasnt in a place where she could handle a relationship, necessarily so she turned her down and they kissed. once to sort of like? put it to rest? that was kiris first kiss.
HAD A BROKEN HEART: i dont. think so. not in the romantic sense. what happened on malachor broke her heart immensely, id say.
STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS: id think so. especially when she was first getting used to exile and living on the outer rim. very paranoid very anxious couldnt sleep well.
A CUDDLER: (surprisingly tbh) not really? she’ll cuddle if someone else wants to but wont really seek it out? that being said, shes so down for platonic cuddles.
A KISSER: kinda the same way! she doesnt mind kissing but shes just not super. physical in general.
SCARED EASILY: no, i dont think so
JEALOUS EASILY: you know what i do feel like shes sort of the jealous type? but too nice to actually get pissy or anything about it
SINGLE: nooo
WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE: hm. id say there were some real initial feelings of hatred and anger towards the council for a while and that had you grabbed, like, 24yr old kiri and said “do you want atris dead?” shed be like FUCK yeah. but would she herself want to actually. kill her? i dont think so. and all of those feelings eventually faded. like even before the start of the game.
RIDDEN A BEAST: probably. shes fun like that.
HAVE ANY FEARS: being completely isolated, alone, hated. thats what it felt like for a while.
SIBLING(S): two much much younger brothers, whose existences shes unfortunately not aware of. hahona is 11-12 or so and marama is 7-8. the boys actually use their moms last name (kiri did too, originally, but her mom decided it was better for political reasons if kiri use her dads last name when she went off as a baby to go become a jedi or whatever)
PARENTS: i mean, duh, but not that shes in contact with. her mom’s name is arista welvox and she’s from a really rich and important coruscanti family. she was like 45 or so to kiri’s dad’s 24 when they got married and had her. her dad’s name is tama etiscalko and he’s an architect. also DONT ask me how kiris mom could have kids so late...its SPACE bro
CHILDREN: no! doesnt really want to be a mom, actually
PETS: no...wouldnt mind a cat or something
tagging @cazador-fruit-pie @thefoodwiththedood @penguity and anyone else whod like to do it!
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beauzos · 7 years
Please tell us about your punch out pokemon au!!
I APPRECIATE YOU ASKING… I wrote a post about it but I didn’t finish it so it’s just been in my drafts haha but I have a lot more stuff to say cause I’ve been thinking on it more
anyways this got long cause I have a lot to say so it’s under the cut!
now like the major question to be answered is how the whole thing works. like is this a Pokemon League?? is it still boxing?? is it a weird hybrid of both??
for sake of this I kinda think it’s like >pokemon battle >then a match
like idk I feel like they’d be into doing both. I’m not sure though, if there would have to be travelling involved, cause how would you obtain a team (aside from a starter which you’d get from Doc), unless maybe a challenge was you’d be given an option of like
anyhow I think Little Mac’s starter is a Mienfoo or a Tyrogue. tbh I just in general like Mienfoo more but Tyrogue makes sense cause it can evolve into Hitmonchan which has… you guessed it… fucking boxing gloves. he could have a Mienfoo later at some point.
OH YOU KNOW WHAT THEY COULD DO. if there wasn’t a travelling aspect (or even if there was), maybe after each fight you win, you can pick a (base) pokemon that your opponent had. not like, it’s not theirs, but the same species if you feel me. Little Mac is not kidnapping people’s pokemon. so like for example if you beat Piston Hondo and he had like, Mienshao, Samurott, and Dragonair, you could pick either a Mienfoo, Oshawott, or Dratini.
he wouldn’t have to use whatever he chose but yeah. he could probably still catch stuff but this is like… an incentive and maybe you only got the choice if you got a TKO or something. and these guys you know, sometimes they have some pretty rare or powerful pokes so it would be to his benefit. but you could choose.
and I think that the WVBA would be like a hybrid, sort of unofficial pokemon league. like if we were translating the universe to the Pokeverse, this would not be an official Pokemon League, like this would be an offshoot of the Unovan league. or. something. but like they still give out badges and shit (coincidentally there is the exact right amount of boxers to make a complete league) anf like if you became Champion it’d be a big deal but it wouldn’t be “official” as being a League Champ. I could imagine there being smaller offshoots of Leagues throughout the world, especially in a country as big as America/Unova, so it’d be still considering pretty important but also
Little Mac deserves to just be champ, but I think if the boxing element still exists then it’s like chill. imo the two (as a boxer/trainer) add up to make something really important, if that makes any sense.
oh, and evil teams.
the evil team is all the other Punch Out fighters who don’t appear and the boss is Gabby Jay (/s)
or you could just say that the bitterness of losing to Little Mac forced the boxers to come together and be dicks but idk. probably no villain if you ask me! or if there seriously is, Mr. Dream is the boss.
anyways enough about the baseline
probably something that’s just the Style™ of the WVBA is that everyone uses seals and each boxer has their own unique seal. Glass Joe probably just has like the letter A during his first fight cause it’s all he had, and Little Mac is like “what does the A stand for?” and Joe is like “…………it’s the only seal decoration I have”, but later has his actual name and then some sparkles to make up the French flag’s colors, Mr. Sandman has tan sparkles (like sand, obviously) and letters to spell out DREAMLAND, Disco Kid has a bunch of music notes, etc etc
And tbh in my opinion, no one specializes in one type which is what makes them distinct from a typical/”official” Pokemon League, though they can have multiple of the same type to the point of it dominating their team (Don Flamenco, for example, might have a lot of Fire types or Aran Ryan might have a lot of Dark types).
but IF THEY DID specialize in types, Joe wouldn’t specialize/Water, Von Kaiser is Normal, Disco Kid is uhh, King Hippo is UHHH Ground maybe, Hondo is maybe Dragon, Bear Hugger is Grass, Great Tiger is UHHHH Psychic, Don FLamenco is Fire, Aran Ryan is Dark, Soda Popinski is Ice, Bald Bull is…….. Rock maybe, Super Macho Man is Fighting, and Mr Sandman is anyn type he damn well pleases
I don’t know. I made some mock teams for everyone and tbh they all vary, it’s based on theme more than type. I couldn’t come up with full teams for everyone. it’s really hard and I can’t be assed to do it but generally, this. idk when these teams would be but like, this generally the pokemon they’d use, whether it’d be pre-evos or whatever depending on the time.
in Contender Joe has 5 Magikarp, one of which is shiny and his signature, and a Feebas, all level 15 during Contender. They all can’t do anything but Mac’s Pokemon is like level 5. so it takes a little to beat them and it’s like (7 hours later) AND THE WINNER IS LITTLE MAC. Boxing Glass Joe is considerably easier. Title Defense I think he has like, Magikarp (he likes Magikarp), Gyarados, Milotic, Furfrou, Blaziken. or if my shitposts are true at all it’s 6 level 100 Magikarp and he just stalls and all of them has Focus Sash. everyone hates him
Von Kaiser’s team (td, I guess, a lot of his pokes are just evos so it doesn’t need to be split into two) is like Staraptor, Octillery, Gogoat, Diggersby, and Stoutland as his signature. I always pictured Von Kaiser, like, during the contender he lets out his last Pokemon which is his sig Herdier, and the dog isn’t super well trained so it runs off and VK freaks out and Mac has to go catch the dog. He comes back like thirty minutes l8er exhausted with this pleased lookin pup. The dog just immediately goes to sleep and Mac wins but then like……. boy he’s lost a lot of physical energy for the fight. also Von Kaiser and the dog have the same exact mustache.
Disco Kid is a bit tough to pick out but he’s got like… Wigglytuff, Chatot, Bouffalant, Oricorio (Pom-Pom), Ludicolo, and maybe Primarina. Meloetta would be super fitting but it’s a fucking Legendary but let’s say he had it, it’d be his sig for sure. idk which of these would be his sig otherwise, maybe Oricorio since it was like the first one I thought of for him. Not terribly remarkable because I can’t think of SHIT I’m sorry I’ve failed you Disco Kid
King Hippo has Toucannon, Passimian, Alolan Exeggutor, Loudred, Snorlax, and his sig is Hippowdon. Hippowdon is fucking terrifying. It’s like clear King Hippo and the Pokemon are having a conversation and it is horrific and Little Mac is alarmed. Hippowdon creates a sand pit in the ring that makes it hard for Mac’s pokes to move, and it eventually takes uprooting the hippo from its sandpile to knock it out. King Hippo is fucking rough too, its pretty much like fighting an upright Hippowdon. Mac wins by the normal means but also by King Hippo slipping on the sand and fucking wiping.
then comes Piston Hondo. He takes his Pokemons very seriously, Leagues originated there after all. He probably was a brief champ of Kanto or some shit, and it kind of shows where shit starts getting real or w/e. He’s got Oricorio (Sensu), Mienshao, Gallade, Dragonair, Ninetales, and Samurott as his sig. He’s got a hard-hitting style, but he also strikes me as the type to be a staller just to fuck with people. I figure that KOing a whole team isn’t always reasonable, so sometimes the best option is to stall, and at the end of the Trainer match they figure out who wins based on the number of fainted Pokes (and how much helath the other pokes have) but idk. I’m not sure his Pokemon are terribly good for stalling but you kno what I mean.
Bear Hugger’s team is Swanna, Pachirisu, Bibarel, Stantler and Beartic as his sig. Little Mac watched him physically fight the Beartic once it was terrifying. The Pachirisu helps BH fight in td. I think his Pachirisu is reminiscent of that Pachirisu that was super badass in that pokemon tourney. Se Jun Park’s Pachirisu. yeah that one. so it’s like “oh ok– OH GOD NO” because it is Powerful™ so like overall I feel like Bear Hugger’s style is extremely unpredictable, he always goes against the grain and does stuff unexpected to catch you off guard.
Great Tiger specializes in…….. yes, you guessed it: cat Pokemon. He’s got Persian, Purugly, Liepard, Luxray, Incineroar as his sig, and… Medicham. because why not. idk how many of these fucks can learn Double Team but yep that’s like 90% of his strategy is just using Double Team 500 times and then fucking you up cause you can’t hit them. regardless you kno he’s cheatin so they ALL know it. his style is also, Double Team-ing Medicham and then spamming Focus Punch. Better stock up on tms for moves that always hit!
Don Flamenco was probably one of the easiest to make a team for. He’s def got Tauros, Oricorio (Baile), Pyroar, Talonflame, and Roserade as his sig. Not sure about the 6th slot. Oh maybe Luvdisc. It’s useless but maybe Carmen likes Luvdisc so he uses one in honor of her. That’s so adorable I feel good just thinking about it! dnsjfndjk what if his team got Super Edgy™ for TD. Gothitelle, Pangoro, Charizard X, Bisharp, Absol, shiny Roserade lol. He’s one of the only people who violently changes his team cause he’s gotta show that he’s not like the other boxers!!11!!!!
Aran Ryan is a cheatsy motherfucker. this must be established first and foremost. His Pokemon, in and of themselves, are not cheatsy. But he probably cheats like hell during. His team is Sawsbuck, Crobat, Muk, Midnight Lycanroc, Gengar, and his sig is Zoroark. Zoroark, of course, transforms into other Pokemon. Probably what he does is put Muk or Crobat in the last slot so Zoro will transform into one of those. There’s a likelihood Mac will switch to a Psychic pokemon to fight the Poison, but JOKES ON YOU MAC!!! IT’S DARK TYPE AND IMMUNE TO PSYCHIC!!! this is not a cheatsy strategy tho. but he probably teaches his Pokemon to do dirty tricks and like, try to legitimately injure the other pokes. it’s total bs. why won’t anyone stop this mean fuck (because it’s fun). i also imagine he might try and have the Zoroark pretend it’s him for the first bit of a match for NO reason other than because it’s hilarious
So for Soda Popinski we’ve got Arcanine, Midday Lycanroc, Stantler, Mamoswine, Mandibuzz, and Ursaring as his sig. Not super set on that but yeah. His strat is just Hyper Potions, Hyper Potions, Hyper Potions! Mamoswine also has lots of hp, and I wanted to give him more pokes with huge amounts of hp but they just weren’t fitting. but wouldn’t it be cute if he had a Blissey or something? but he just heals relentlessly and it is infuriating. JUST LET THEM FAINT!! You’ve got to go with hard-hitting moves and stop him from healing!
Bald Bull’s got Feraligatr, Dusk Lycanroc, Kabutops, Gyarados, Hydreigon, and Tauros as his sig (of course!). Generally lots of strong, vicious Pokemon! His only strategy is hard-hitting physical damage. If you’ve got a physical wall then you’re in business! But still you’ve got to be careful. This dude ain’t fuckin around and his Pokemon are strong. He probably also uses Bide and Rage a lot, those are quite useful for his set up.
For Super Macho Man I bet his theme is Pokemon that are considered status symbols. But I don’t really know a lot of Pokemon like that off the top of my head! So maybe just in general, Pokemon that aren’t easy to obtain! He def has Alolan Persian (this is just a status symbol Poke), Milotic, Volcarona, Machamp (his signature), Porygon-Z, Dragonite. stuff like that. But his Pokemon are still decent, but they are his because they’re rare and they made him feel special! you can’t afford these pokes! get fucked! He’s a very flashy style of battler, focusing more on how cool moves look, but he’s still a huge threat! don’t underestimate him! (I feel like I’m starting to sound like Doc Louis with these tips haha)
Mr Sandman is almost a bit tough to pick Pokemon out for. He needs tough guys but also some Pokemon that he’d like to attach to his whole sleep/dream theme! He def has Hypno, just cause he likes Hypno!! But then he’s got Pokemon like Slaking, Garchomp, Lucario, maybe Spiritomb, and Scizor. all of the pokemon that can mega evolve have a mega stone, and depending on which is the most beneficial he’ll use that one, but he often goes to mega Garchomp. he relies on status conditions and hard-hitting moves and Pokemon.
whew!! and once Mac beats them all, he’s the Champ! idk what his team would be, I never really though about it aside from like… Hitmonchan (maybe), Mienshao (maybe). but yeah! this is generally kinda what I was thinking. I hope this all makes sense, I ramble a lot and sometimes I’m not super clear! thanks for asking!!!!
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nebxlaes · 7 years
weeeeee've been losin a lot of business ( the only reason i got hours rn is because ppl quit other stores so im literally covering shifts at other stores ) which means cutting hours so uhhhhhhh i might get back into drawing again. i havent had the time lately to really do much but maybe one picture every now and then ( like that redglare that was fun ) so UHHHH look forward to commissions?? or maybe me revamping my patreon because i forgot it fuckin existed like a dumbass i know for sure i wanna do more things w vidani so idk what id do for that on patreon ( i def wanna follow in sukkas footprints in them being able to draw their ocs all the time and provide good af content w that ) so we'll see???? might need to get a new tablet too. ...
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