#there will be hints of codywan
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broitsf-ckingfreezing · 1 year ago
So my We Need to Talk About The Jedi Eldritch Jedi fic is being written, but there are so many things I want to do! I need help deciding!
I want to start with ya boi Qui, since I love him as a character and as a Jedi (Qui-Gon Bashers can fuck right off my blog, thanks), and this will determine his role as a central presence!
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anxiousotters · 10 hours ago
several sentence sunday
tagged by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @tapemonkey21 @bluemaskedkarma and uno-reversed by @insertmeaningfulusername thanks y’all!
“Cody,” Obi-Wan greets him warmly. Cody’s answering smile is reflexive.  “I think you’ll be needing this,” he says, unclipping the lightsaber from his belt and passing Obi-Wan just as he had done so many times during the war. “You forgot it on my nightstand.” “Oh,” Obi-Wan replies, flushing slightly pink. He clears his throat, “Ehrm, yes, of course. Thank you, Cody.” “And I brought you tea,” Cody adds as he hands over the thermos. “Wasn’t sure if you got any this morning since you left in such a rush. We were up late; I know you’ll need the caffeine.” “I hadn’t,” Obi-Wan says, their fingers brushing as he takes the thermos. Cody gets that distinctly tingly feeling he gets whenever they touch, the one that never fails to make his stomach all fluttery. Obi-Wan’s gaze stays soft, storm blue eyes trained on Cody's face. “Thank you, Cody, this is very thoughtful.”
tagging: @friendlyneighbourhoodelf @merlyn-bane @biscuityskies @goddammitjim @forloveofcodywan
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pinkiemme · 2 years ago
Print for July on Patreon 🥰🌊🐚
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Sunshine boy ✨
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cc-kote · 2 years ago
Rauuagadjsjdsk help I'm getting ready to post this week's chapter of my kylux fic (The Unforgivable) and idk if I should also post another chapter of my Codywan fic (The Last Lost Continent) or if I should wait on that one for now and post the next chunk all together. I have like 2.5 more chapters of my kylux fic all edited and ready to go for the next few weeks and the first half of act 3 done up in a rough draft, but while I have the next like 5 chapters of my codywan fic mapped out like that I only have up to chapter 7 actually written in my clean draft.
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kanansdume · 2 months ago
My preferred flavor of Codywan is both of them being so aroace that absolutely no one outside of the relationship has any idea whether they're in a relationship or not at any given point in time. Cody and Obi-Wan always know, there's never any confusion between the two of them about where they stand with each other. It's just other people who aren't sure. And there are varying levels of reactions to that uncertainty.
All the way down at the bottom is Anakin who has exactly zero clue about whether Cody and Obi-Wan are in a relationship or not, and cannot handle not knowing, but he also doesn't really feel comfortable just coming out and asking Obi-Wan about it, so he's constantly setting up weird little traps to see if he can catch them in a compromising position and they never work. It drives him completely bonkers.
At the exact opposite end of the spectrum are most of the Jedi who might have more of a clue as to whether they're in a relationship or not depending on how familiar they are with Obi-Wan, but they also are so used to relationships among the Jedi being defined very loosely and so they really have no issue with not knowing for sure. If Cody and Obi-Wan want someone to know, they will say something. It's really none of their business most of the time and as long as both people involved seem happy and healthy, that's all that matters.
Somewhere in the middle would be people like Padme and Bail, who would probably also decide it's not technically their business, but they're also absolutely curious about it. Bail I think would be polite enough to not really let on about his curiosity outside of maybe some conversations with Breha. But Padme, spurred on by Anakin's absolute insanity over it, might try to drop some hints in conversations with Obi-Wan or pursue information through other sources to get more information. She thinks she's being really subtle about how nosy she is, but she's not.
Cody and Obi-Wan generally do not care about how others perceive their relationship, it works for them and makes them happy. They're not TRYING to keep secrets or anything, they're just living their lives the way they want to and it happens to not fit within specific boxes or labels. If directly asked, they're happy to admit that they are in fact in a relationship with each other.
The one exception to this is Anakin because they just really enjoy fucking with Anakin and all of his dumb traps and making sure he keeps getting contradictory information because it's hilarious to keep him guessing. Obi-Wan thinks one day he'll just let Anakin in on the secret to put him out of his misery. Cody has absolutely no intention of ever letting that happen.
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dontbelasagnax · 6 months ago
No pressure BUT I number 35. Kiss against a wall would make me go FERAL.
Bonus points if it's in some hidden corner and they're trying to sneak away after a hard won battle because the codywan brain rot has GOT ME. I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING BUT THEM
Please pretend like you sent this ask recently and I haven't been sitting on it for months waiting for my eggs to hatch @why-cant-turtles-fly 😂 As requested, here is codywan kissing against a wall... though it's actually a pillar (oops). I was inspired by this artwork I did!
Pairing: CC-22224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2,330
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Tenderness, Making Out, Introspection, and by that I mean Obi-Wan is mentally ill and thinks too much, Implied Sexual Content, POV Obi-Wan Kenobi
    "Missing something?" Cody wiggles a certain lightsaber in his hand as he closes the distance of only a couple meters.
    "More than one thing, it seems," Obi-Wan replies.
    [ OR: Obi-Wan and Cody steal away some precious time after a victorious battle which of course results in a makeout session against a pillar. ]
(fic under the cut if you wish to read here on tumblr)
This morning Obi-Wan finds himself in the ruins of a long ago abandoned castle, high in the mountainous region of Bestoon's northernmost continent. However difficult the altitude makes it to breathe unassisted, it's worth it for the view. There isn't much he loves looking at more than a sunrise in the clouds.
The sunrise after a well earned victory in battle has become one of Obi-Wan's favorite moments to find peace these last few months or... has it been years? Time has melted together through this dreary drudge of a war.
He's watched this sky transition from dusky purples splashed with rays of golden sunlight to a pale blue canvas with clouds shadowed with purples leaning grey and highlights of soft pinks and yellows.
"Sir," a very familiar voice calls from behind. 
Obi-Wan turns towards the voice. 
'Ah,' Obi-Wan thinks, a smile already beginning to emerge on his features, 'my dearest commander.'
The light of the sky washes Cody in diffused golds and pinks. He is delightfully dressed down, forgoing his armour from the waist up. The tight, ribbed fabric does his physique all the favors the way it clings. A stray curl drops onto his forehead. The lighting does wonders for his complexion. It's as if he's glowing.
Yes, Cody bathed in the light of a new day is the most breathtaking, glorious view of them all.
"Missing something?" Cody wiggles a certain lightsaber in his hand as he closes the distance of only a couple meters. 
"More than one thing, it seems," Obi-Wan replies as he takes the lightsaber held out to him. The metal is heated from the rare touch of Cody's bare hand. Energy thrums from the kyber, a slow pulse that nearly sparkles, sending the residual heat of skin and life up Obi-Wan's arm, straight to his ever beating heart. 
So helpful his kyber crystal is, giving fuel to the flame of his infatuation that, once a slow burn, is steadily alight.
Cody leans back against the pillar, looks at him with those warm, big brown eyes of his and oh…
Obi-Wan steps into Cody's space.
Cody's sharp inhale and the way his hand comes up to touch Obi-Wan's belly is exactly what he wanted. 
Obi-Wan rests his arm beside Cody's head on the stone, bringing his face close enough to just feel Cody's breath on the whiskers of his beard.
Thick, black lashes fluttering downwards then back up. The want in those gorgeous eyes is magnetizing.
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Obeying Cody's gravitational pull, Obi-Wan kisses him. The catch of their lips slow and tender, just a hint of saliva and suction, loving the warm nudge of Cody's nose against his cheek, and the bloom of Cody's Force presence like flowers turning to the morning sun. 
"Well done," Obi-Wan murmurs as he pulls away, chasing the wounded noise Cody makes with a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Your performance was stellar today, as always. Always."
Obi-Wan clips his lightsaber to his belt and cups his darling's jaw with his newly freed hand. He sighs into the meeting of their lips. The soft warm comfort of Cody's mouth is offset by the rigidity of his armour below the waist. It’s as accurate a representation of Cody’s true self as it gets: compassionate and sweet while still deadly and unwieldy.
Though, as much as Obi-Wan adores this version of Cody—so delectable in only his codpiece, cuisse, and greaves—he’d selfishly prefer him stripped even further. 
Alas, he's getting ahead of himself.
Cody's arms curl around him, hands clenching in his tabards. Their lips make smacking noises with the separation of each slow, deliberate kiss.
It's with a bittersweet ache in his chest that Obi-Wan cherishes these moments for he never knows what the next day will bring. The reality of war is that any second of any day he could lose Cody and he'll never know another day painted warm and vibrant by Cody's dry humor and barely-there smiles, the rare times when Obi-Wan can make him really laugh and hear joy spring from his soul, the quiet steady companionship of his presence, and the compassion he shows his brothers. One day he'll never know another kiss, another pleasure coated sigh of his own name, or feel the needy way Cody curves his entire body into Obi-Wan’s to get what he wants. 
It is possible that Obi-Wan would be the one to go first but… he knows deep down, and has accepted it with peace, that he's meant for infinite sadness. 
He already nearly lost him that first time- the time Cody first kissed him.
However long Cody is willing to share these hidden pockets of love with him, he will cherish every second they have together.
He emphasizes this thought with a purposeful tug and suck of Cody’s bottom lip before pulling away to breathe. The thinner air at this altitude has them panting against each other, lips grazing slightly, a sensitive tingly, ticklish tease.
Cody rubs their noses together, as if trying to grasp any sort of intimacy he can while recovering his breath.
Obi-Wan’s heart squeezes painfully.
Never let it be said lest Cody try to kill him in his sleep… but Cody is not just a sweet, sweet man but adorable.
 Natural as the mist of cloudy mornings, Obi-Wan kisses him again. 
Everything about this is intentional. From the way he slowly draws their mouths together again and again, pace languid and savoring, to the way they've chosen each other- chosen to find these moments to do nothing but love. It's not a choice, really, that they will choose duty over each other if that's what it comes to. That's simply the reality of their existences. Those priorities will never change, not with how the war has molded them into thinking. 
No, the choosing is in the love. 
He does love Cody and perhaps always will. It's not been said. Nor does he know with absolute certainty that Cody feels the same.
Cody's presence in the Force has always been a bit of a comfort for Obi-Wan since they met. Through all the uncertainty and pain in the galaxy, Cody is sturdy and shines. He's not certain when Cody’s signature began emanating a warmth that curls into his chest and makes him feel at home. It could be that with time and the development of Obi-Wan's own feelings, every aspect of Cody became beyond endearing.
Or… it could be the manifestation of Cody's own feelings for Obi-Wan.
He's not certain. And he's very well not going to ask.
It doesn't matter. It doesn't.
Still, he catches quick moments sometimes out the corner of his eye where Cody looks at him with an impossibly soft look on his face and Obi-Wan thinks, 'Maybe-’
Really. It doesn't matter. 
He has Cody so readily in the cradle of his arms, drinking up every milliliter of affection bestowed upon him.
And, well, his train of thought falls to the wayside when Cody moans into his mouth and tries to drag him even closer between the v of his legs. 
He's not sure exactly what he’s done to make Cody react so positively but he goes with the motion as heat burns deep in his abdomen.
He teases at Cody's lips with his tongue and realizes his fault when Cody instantly opens his mouth and deepens the kiss. The inside of Cody's mouth is hot and wet and his tongue- licking all those spots that make Obi-Wan shudder into him. 
Not that it's not lovely—because it is, really—but this is not how he intended things to go. 
Cody's insistent against him, pressing for more, hotter, faster, harder.
With difficulty, Obi-Wan pulls away, dodging Cody's attempts to meld their mouths together. 
“Cody, dearheart,” he says, out of breath, thumb gently stroking the skin by the corner of Cody's mouth, “you don't need to devour me.”
Cody doesn't quite pout but it's a near thing. The way his eyes are glued to Obi-Wan's lips make tooka-eyes impossible. “Remains to be seen.”
Obi-Wan huffs a laugh and kisses his cheek. “Please, my-” he catches himself almost saying ‘love’, “dear. Just for now. Let me treat you softly.”
Cody considers this solemnly. “Okay.”
He nods.
Obi-Wan smiles. “Good man.”
The bob of Cody's throat at his words is gratifying. 
He closes his eyes and leans back in to capture Cody's lips for a few slow, lingering kisses. 
“That’s it. Easy goes,” Obi-Wan murmurs between kisses. Cody melts underneath him, pliant and accepting. 
He'll take every rare opportune moment to treat Cody like the indulgence he is– truly savor him. Hot plush lips between his own, a smooth glide aided by saliva. Slow and steady. Discovering how electric and titillating the simplicity is. Just Cody's warm body against his own. Cody's lips. Cody's sighs. Cody…
He's the sweetest of luxuries. And he should be cherished accordingly. 
Obi-Wan plants a path of kisses up Cody's cheek, right to the end of his brow, following the raised skin of his facial scar.
He's wondered if anyone else has gotten to love Cody like he has or if he's the only one to ply him with tender affection. He's wondered if, in a kinder universe, Cody would be left free of the scars Obi-Wan has gotten to know so intimately. If there were a universe as such, would Obi-Wan be given the chance to love Cody all over again or if another is destined for him- someone closer to his age and able to devote their life to ensuring his happiness.
He's tied himself into knots over this. The hypotheticals. 
He loves Cody. He loves him easily, unhurried and unconditionally. He loves him with every breath he shares loving the Jedi Order—his family—and this wonderous Force-filled world they live in. 
It's just that. He does not love Cody more than the order, more than his faith and his family. Cody is a part of his life. Whatever comes next, may it be death or freedom or- well, Force knows what, Obi-Wan hopes Cody remains a constant. Selfishly. More than a little lovesick. He wants Cody in his life. But he will accept whatever comes their way, as it is the will of the Force. 
 And if that means-
“Where'd’ya keep going?” asks Cody, big brown eyes of his gazing into Obi-Wan's soulfully. A deep brown that melts into a warm, rich amber. Beautiful.
“Nowhere of consequence.” He rubs his nose along Cody’s cheek. Breathes him in. 
“You sure?”
Obi-Wan drags his lips down Cody's jaw, smiling to himself and settling in once Cody shudders and angles his head out of the way.
“Absolutely certain,” Obi-Wan murmurs against his pulse point then kisses that very same spot.
A sigh from Cody is just the encouragement Obi-Wan needs to continue on. 
It's a gift having Cody so sensitive and wanting under him. An entirely different side of his commander than the stern, regal demeanor their troopers see day in and out. 
He kisses and sucks and nips the column of Cody's neck, delighting in the small, pleased noises he draws from Cody with every pass of his mouth over salty skin. 
He only leaves a couple of marks by the time Cody tugs him upwards. He's not too dismayed to leave the warm crook of his love’s neck because the expression on Cody's face is nothing short of wanton, absolutely debauched. 
Cody’s lips are still plump and kiss bitten. 
Obi-Wan can't resist. He traces the pad of his thumb across Cody's bottom lip. Breath shakes onto skin and Cody's mouth closes around the digit, suctioning him in hot, wet heat. 
He draws in a sharp breath.
His gaze darts to Cody’s eyes where he meets pupils blown wide with desire. Cody stares unflinchingly, daring and, oh… 
Cody has bewitched him, utterly and completely. Try as he might to retain composure, Cody is his undoing in these moments. The fragile strings of his heart (and… other parts of his anatomy…) pulled taut and ready to spring forward.
He wanted to keep it slow and soft, but Cody knows just how to arm him into an arrow ready to spring forth.
He pops his thumb from Cody's mouth and fixes his mouth and lips there instead, letting him know just how affected he is. He tastes Cody’s own desire echoed back to him in his moans and tongue and the needy press of his body that Obi-Wan keeps caged to the pillar. The fists that grab at his tunic and hair to try and get him even closer.
The high altitude forces them apart to breathe sooner than either of them would like but they don't go far, nuzzling noses and panting against one another's lips. 
“We’d better take this back to The Negotiator,” Cody says quietly, still out of breath.
Obi-Wan nods his agreement, sure that if they stay here a minute longer he'll be on his knees.
Hand in hand, they hurry away and the sunrise grows only brighter, pink tones making way for the brilliance of the full sun. Clouds drift with the breeze and all is as it will be.
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nebulous-frog · 21 days ago
You’ll have to do better than that, cyare (CWFKB2025)
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Here's my fill for "Almost Kiss" for @codywanfirstkissbingo! I'm really proud of how this one turned out, I worked very hard on it and I hope you guys like it too! Bingo card (and a lil bonus image!) under the cut.
This is loosely connected to a poll from a while ago on the codywan nation community on tumblr- The poll was about who would win in a slut off between these two, posted by @notitlesapply. I commented the following:
If it’s an intentional slut off, obi wan can try his hardest but everyone’s seen most of his tricks already. It’s expected of him. When Cody commits??? He approaches it with all the seriousness of the hardest (😏) campaigns, he is All In and his finishing move?? He calmly walks around the circle of spectators, the hint of a smirk on his lips, looks each person in the eye, and uses his curled pointer finger to close their jaws, one by one. When he finally reaches obi wan, his hand lingers and he slowly leans in, obi wan’s eyes flutter closed in anticipation, until Cody brushes his lips across his cheek and whispers in his ear, “you’ll have to do better than that, cyare”
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Poor Obi-Wan when Cody walks away hehehe
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leapingbadger · 3 months ago
The Deserter - A CodyWan One Shot
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His feet were heavy as he waded through the deep sand. The twin suns beating down on him. His armor had started the chafe as his sweat itched under his blacks. The Bantha had tossed him a few kilometers back, leaving him the arduous task of continuing on foot before the desert sunset brought his inevitable death.
He was close now though, although he didn’t know how he knew. Could he sense it?
The first sun had started to disappear behind the horizon as Cody made his way to the top of a sand dune. Silhouetted against the scarlet sky was a dwelling, sand beaten and worn. He wouldn’t have been surprised if it was uninhabited, but he knew it wasn’t. Again, he was not sure how he knew.
Boyed by the promise of his destination finally within his grasp after years of desperate yearning, Cody continued on. His steps steadier, stronger than they had been before.
He reached the final peak; it was all downhill from here. Cody took off his helmet to wipe his face, noticing a figure standing outside of the dwelling for the first time. He smiled to himself, of course he knew. He’d probably known he was on his way for a while.
Cody tucked his helmet under his arm and continued on, not taking his eyes off him. He felt an invisible electricity as the man’s bright blue eyes looked into his own, even from this far away.
They were ten meters apart before the cloaked figure raised a blaster. Cody froze.
“Are you here to finish the job, my dear Commander?” Obi Wan asked, a hint of humor in his voice but steely determination in his eyes.
“I…I…came to apologize, Sir,”
Obi Wan didn’t lower the blaster and closed his eyes.
“Don’t,” Cody said and watched as Obi Wan’s eyes shot open again, “I want…I need you to trust me. Without…without looking with the force. I…” his voice trailed off. Who was he to ask such things? To set such terms? Obi Wan had every right to be cautious. Who was Cody to ask so much of him? His beloved General.
Cody’s hand went to his blaster, his hand fast as he grabbed it and threw it away into the sand. Obi Wan didn’t flinch, didn’t even move as he did so. He knew. He had to know, Cody thought.
Obi Wan finally lowered his own blaster, a wry smile covering his lips, “I always hoped you would come,” he said, turning back into the small, round dwelling, beckoning for his Commander to follow.
“Here,” Obi Wan said, shoving a cup of water into Cody’s hand as he crossed the threshold.
The first sun had escaped the line of the horizon now, buried in the sand. The second sun’s amber glow illuminated Obi Wan’s house, the white walls transformed into a golden shrine. It might as well have been for Cody. It was where he had come to find absolution anyway.
Cody watched as Obi Wan busied himself, flitting from small room to small room, avoiding eye contact as he did so. It was so unlike him, Cody thought. His General was always so direct, so sure.
As he walked back into the same room as Cody, their eyes met. The blue pools of Obi Wan’s eyes hadn’t been dried up by the desert planet he now found himself on, but the rest of him was a shadow of his former self. His skin tan and worn, the hair once so cropped and neat hung long and shaggy. The grey streaks that had been visible at the end of the war had taken over the copper hue, each color battling for supremacy.
This was Cody’s doing. Cody and the empire.
“General,” Cody said, hoping to gain his attention. He had come such a long way. So many years of searching.
“I am no longer a General, Commander.” Obi Wan said pointedly.
“And I am no longer a Commander, Sir.”
They paused and gazed at each other. “Very well, Cody.” Obi Wan said. A warm smile erupted on his face.
How many years had Obi Wan wanted to call Cody by his name in public and in private and never be able to? Cody knew it was probably as often as he had longed to call him, his Jedi, Obi Wan.
“Obi Wan, I…” Cody stumbled over his words. He’d rehearsed this so many times for so many years over and over in his head. It was the silent thought that lit him from within. The one thing that kept him going on mission after mission. It was the one thought that made him leave the empire. It was Obi Wan, the ghost of him that had done that.
Obi Wan stood in the doorway on the other side of the room. His ragged robes discarded, now clothed more casually than Cody had ever seen him, but still every bit the Jedi. Even if he wasn’t allowed to be one anymore.
“I can’t explain it. What I did. I didn’t want to; I knew it was wrong, but I still did it…I am so sorry, General. And I’m so relieved you survived,” The last sentence spilled out in a guttural sob. Cody felt the knot in his chest loosen.
He didn’t know when it happened or how but Obi Wan had crossed the distance between them quickly, his arm resting his Cody’s shoulder. “I fear we were all pawns in a game we had no hope to win, Cody. I trusted you with my life…” he paused, head lowered but eyes raised to his former Commander, “…and my heart. I have no doubt I can do so again.”
Cody would have collapsed in relief had Obi Wan not caught him. Tangled on the floor of the hovel, Obi Wan held the commander as he wept. The years of anguish and self-hatred slowly seeping out.
“Thank you for finding me,” Obi Wan whispered, cupping Cody’s face in his hands and kissing him gently on the forehead.
Obi Wan’s strong arms encircled him, calmed him and with the fading light of Tatooine’s last sun, Cody could finally looked into his lover’s eyes once more and smile.
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twinterrors29 · 2 months ago
Yuri On Ice!-Style CodyWan AU
Cadet Cody is ashamed to have blown his chances of working with a top General after he made a nearly-fatal mistake during his graduation test because he still had his left eye covered by a bandage from the training accident that gave him his characteristic scar
so when Alpha-17 is introducing his former Jedi, General Kenobi, to his first class of command cadets that night, Cody had already hit the smuggled contraband starshine hard
with no real memory of the meeting, Cody spends the next month waiting for assignment on Kamino despondent, thinking he's blown his chance of ever getting to work with the newly-promoted High General Kenobi after his less-than-impressive showing
but then, he gets a Call
newly-minted Marshall Commander Cody jumped at the chance to work with High General Kenobi, known for his very shiny beard and effective but insane battle plans
things go really well, Cody thinks they've hit it off well personally and their leadership and communication styles are remarkably compatible
and if it keeps seeming like Kenobi is coming on to him, well, that's clearly just wishful thinking on Cody's part
meanwhile, Obi-Wan keeps space-texting Alpha-17, 'why doesn't your protege like me anymore :(', 'he said he wanted to climb me like a tree, but he keeps ignoring my hints to try it :(', 'is it my new hair cut :(', 'I can grow it back out :('
Alpha-17 keeps telling Kenobi to lose his comm number
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betelgo0ze · 7 months ago
I’ve officially lost my will to live so here is an in-depth analysis on Star Wars sexuality’s and by “in-depth” I mean this is longer than I originally expected.
To be clear, most of these(minus a few) are headcanons. I’d love to hear your own headcanons in a CALM and RESPECTFUL manner lol. Headcanons are personal opinions and these are mine but again, I’d love to hear yours. I’m open to updating this list.
Obi-Wan: Obi actually is a semi-confirmed queer character. His bisexuality was briefly hinted towards and at the end of the day it very easily could be written off but it’s definitely more confirmation than anyone expected. Again, headcanons are just that. HEADcanons. They are personal ideas therefore are not canon though with his queerness being hinted towards it’s easy to simply accept it but it’s also easy to write it off. Most ppl choose for it to be 100% canon since again, it’s open to interpretation. I am one of these ppl lol. He’s also mentioned to possibly be asexual and I’m semi on board with this. Asexuality is a spectrum but in my head Obi-Wan is either all in or all out(that’s what she said) and as an asexual person I’m going to try and separate myself from him as best as I can. I’m bi, enby and ace but my asexuality is something I don’t talk about often so I won’t go in depth on it but note that my views are way different than other aces but they also could be the same. Huge spectrum. So here are some ideas, not really married to any:
-He’s just. A wh0re. Completely 
-Slut in theory but not in practice 
-Gives off wh0re energy but is just ace
Idk he canonically flirts with all his enemies which could be seen as slut in theory but idk I can’t imagine him being completely ace at the very least. Positively demisexual? But VERY much so, probably has only been w Satine *cough*Cody*cough* but that’s it. Idk this one I don’t rlly have a set idea on
Ashoka: baby gay. Anakin has one of those “I’m proud of my lesbian sister” shirts. Currently trying to find a “I’m disappointed that my brother can’t hide his forbidden romance plot line” shirt(also getting one for Obi)
Anakin: straight but with Padmé he takes it up the as-
Also he’s been with exactly no one else BUT Padmé I’m sorry he’s a simp
Padmé: zero evidence but she’s bi (bi wife energy plays in the background)also unrelated but a total girl failure every girl failure needs her boy failure 
Maul: unlike Padmé I’ve got SO much evidence but also not rlly. In headcanon town I like to think he’s got a thing for Obi but in a canon mindset that’s impossible. Unfortunately my man would kill Obi if he got the chance which he has and just failed but fanfiction exists for a reason❤️❤️❤️
Luke: not a prequel character but I just had to add him bros a TWINK
Cody: Also out of nowhere but I mentioned my love for Codywan up there so ummmmmmmmmm gay
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notitlesapply · 4 months ago
Sithspawn fic my beloved!!!!! It's my most active fic atm. Basic concept is that the clones are all Sithspawn and the Commanders (but not the regular troops) all knowing that they're supposed to kill (and eat) the Jedi. It's a Codywan fic in Cody's POV and deals a lot with him coming to terms with falling in love with someone he's supposed to kill...and finds particularly delicious smelling.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is hinted to have actually figured out his feelings and is not so subtly wooing Cody with burgers, french fries, milkshakes, noodles, grilled meat skewers, etc. It surprisingly became a very food centric fic 😂
Ummm since you know a lot of the previous already lemme give something I haven't talked about before: there's a scene where the lightsaber rifle from the comics is used to snipe Palps, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it, or have Palps die in a more dramatic battle. This indecision is the source of most my writers block 😂
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elwenyere · 1 year ago
Last Line(s) Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
I was tagged by @frostbitebakery: thank you so much for the tag, dear friend!!! Since it's also WIP Wednesday, please have a snip from last night's draft progress on the still-titleless Codywan Pirate AU.
“You knew he was alive - knew we were within yards of meeting, but you kept it from me,” Cody continued. “Which means you meant for me to find out now. Why?”
“Because I’m going to make you an offer,” Kenobi said, “and I would like very much - for both our sakes - for you to accept it.”
Cody stared back. His chest felt tight, the pressure forcing a tide of acid up his throat.
“There’s not going to be any ransom,” he said. “You’re not going to let me go.” 
It shouldn’t have been a shock: of course, he’d known Kenobi’s reputation from the start. It would have been foolish to expect even the mercies he’d already received. Cody couldn’t stand to feel foolish. 
“I’m hoping you will choose to make your membership in our company voluntary.” 
There was a hint of apology in Kenobi’s voice that only wound Cody tighter.
“Why would I consent to that?” he demanded. “Out of gratitude? I have a family. I have people who need me. You’ve given me nothing that I didn’t have before you waylaid my ship - not even your first name.” 
“It’s Obi-Wan.”
There was a horrible scrape: Cody’s blade had gouged into the paneling, leaving a pale, beveled groove in the weathered boards of the deck.
“And it’s true I haven’t been entirely honest with you,” Kenobi said, “about the nature of my engagements.”
Cody snorted.
“You don’t say.”
Kenobi smiled.
“Professional habit,” he acknowledged, “and a personal one, perhaps. Other people have paid some rather high prices for my credulity in the past.”
Cody sighed, setting down his tools so he could clench his fists into the fabric of his pants.
“What can you tell me?”
Open tags for anyone who would like to play!!! I would love to see what you're working on, beloveds. <3
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lightasthesun · 9 months ago
hey so after all the polls and posts and hints and everything... how's the codywan shappic life going? has anyone taken a chance with anyone?? kidding. I know y'all haven't done shit.
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rochenn · 5 months ago
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, put the last line of what you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as you want or have words
tagged a while ago by @friendlyneighbourhoodelf <3
Here's a snippet of Rifle chapter 3, which will be coming SOON. I promise.
Unlocking his own terminal, Cody frowned at the new directive in his inbox, one that definitely hadn’t been there an hour ago. He sifted through the files. None of the requests therein made sense.  “I thought the Narkina 5 project was one and done.” Eif sighed. “Wouldn’t that be nice? Now we’re gonna bust our asses over it again.” The facilities on that backwater planet had been finished a couple of years ago with help from their department. Supposedly, they were hydropower plants. While Cody didn’t doubt that power was being generated on Narkina 5, he had personally overseen some of the acquisitions made for the project from this very terminal, and their nature had ranged from reasonable to dubious. Not the amusing kind of dubious, but rather the sort that made you worry what exactly you were associating yourself with.  
Is that a hint of steel-reinforced plot? In MY codywan fic that was supposed to be PWP? It's more likely than you think (having codywan and Andor brainrot at the same time leads to dark places). Also, say hello to Captain Eif, Cody's least shitty nat-born colleague. I'm having a blast writing these scenes at HQ!
No-pressure tags: @charmwasjess @bolithesenate @in-a-mellow-tone @clonemmunism @ominouspuff @/You there! Yes, you! If you see this, go for it! I'm always forgetting folks anyway!
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ladylucksrogue · 18 days ago
Can I ask for a hand kiss for Codywan for the Valentine's event, please 🧡?
Thank you for the request 💕
This one is set on Tatooine. As much as I sob at the fact order 66 exists...I kind of love the whole desert husbands trope...so I dabble every now and again
Also available on AO3
Cody felt the shift before he was fully awake, the subtle way Obi-Wan eased himself up, his breathing slightly off, the way he moved just far enough away that Cody knew what had happened before he even opened his eyes. Another nightmare.
He didn’t need to ask. He knew the signs, knew the silence that came afterward, the controlled breaths, the weight of his head in his hands. He’d seen it enough times to recognize when Obi-Wan was trying to pull himself out of it, trying to force himself back into the present.
Cody knew better than to offer empty reassurances. Words wouldn’t help, not when they both knew there was no undoing the horrors the mind chose to replay. War had done that. Loss. Pain. Obi-Wan had survived more than any one man ever should have.
Coddling him wouldn’t help. Cody did the one thing he could.
Sliding from the warmth of the blankets, he stepped onto the cool stone floor. Tatooine had two extremes, unbearable heat by day and the biting chill of the night. The walls of their small dwelling held some warmth, but it never lasted completely. The air cooled rapidly once the suns had set.
Obi-Wan hadn’t moved from the edge of the bed. He was still breathing slow and deep, his hands resting against his forehead, caught somewhere between meditation and exhaustion.
Cody brushed his fingers over Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he passed, then made his way to the kettle.
He poured the loose tea leaves into the strainer, waiting for the water to boil. They were running low. He’d have to see what they had left to trade at the market. Obi-Wan never asked for much, and tea was pricey. It was one of the few luxuries he allowed himself and Cody would do his best to stock up.
When the tea was ready, Cody carried the mug back. He placed a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder again, firmer this time, waiting until he looked up.
Even in the dim light, Cody could see it. The exhaustion, the remnants of whatever he’d seen in his mind. Haunted was the only word for it.
He pressed the mug into Obi-Wan’s hands and watched as he wrapped his fingers around it, grounding himself with the heat of it. The tension in his shoulders eased just a bit, and the first sip drew a quiet sigh from him. He flashed Cody just the barest hint of a grateful smile.
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan muttered after a few minutes. “You are too good to me…”
Cody huffed, shaking his head. “You’d do the same.”
Obi-Wan didn’t argue.
Cody reached out, taking one of Obi-Wan’s hands, his thumb running over the ridge of his knuckles before pressing a slow kiss against them. Obi-Wan exhaled, setting the mug down, and leaned in, his arms slipping around Cody’s shoulders, seeking the comfort Cody was more than willing to give.
Cody gathered him close, breathing him in, feeling the warmth of him settle against his chest. Then, slowly, Obi-Wan lifted his head, and Cody met him there, letting Obi-Wan press their lips together, soft, unhurried, the way he always did when he needed to feel something steady, something real.
Cody let him set the pace, let him take what he needed, even as they eased back onto the bed.
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weepylucifer · 8 months ago
okay here it is. i hinted at this one time in the tags of some reblog that probably no one noticed. but trust it has been on my mind. my AU with force-sensitive clones
so the kaminoans would probably want very hard to have everyone believe that clones can never have the force, and that is what they do tell everyone. bc they love to pretend that clones are little more than very adaptable flesh droids, and force sensitivity is a benchmark of sentience, and with the way the jedi make such a huge fuss abt it, they know that if they found clones to be strong in the force, they would get difficult about it and perhaps even about the whole war. so they spread the word around that clones cannot be force-sensitive at all ever, and most clones probably don't have any reason to question this
of course there are outliers bc clearly clones are people and can have the force like anyone else. we all know about clone trooper glitch. (in my opinion someone should also find a force-sensitive droid somewhere and let's see what happens THEN). but they'd be weeded out by the kaminoans before they can do anything with their abilities, and so word gets around the GAR that if you are the kind of trooper who makes things float sometimes, keep that shit to yourself or else. but most clones who are not strong in the force and don't have any brothers around them who are would likely never even consider this
okay this is our set-up
our focal character will be cody bc he's my favorite. i think if cody had the force he wouldn't notice. i love him but he's not the QUICKEST of all clones at questioning what the people in charge tell him. so he just wouldn't think about it. maybe obi-wan catches glimpses of something going on but, you know, these guys have SO much on their plates, they are fighting a war here. plus obi-wan might just go "of course i feel like cody's special somehow. it's attraction" and just brush it off as symptoms of codywan. maybe he considers looking into it but he never gets the time and then order 66 happens
so the force and the evil mind control chip do violent battle in cody's brain and he manages to snap out of it, but unfortunately too late. they've already shot obi-wan off the cliff, and cody has reason to assume he's dead now. everywhere jedi are dying. you know the drill
desperately, cody, for the first time in his life and purely on instinct, reaches into the force to somehow make things right. more than half mad with terror, as he is overpowered the way he's never been before by grief and rage and fear and suffering and horror and rage and guilt and rage and rage and rage, what he connects with, completely by accident, is actually, you guessed it, the dark side
the shit show began years ago when the clone war started, or perhaps the shitshow began even earlier, when sidious fell. but here is where the shitshow continues
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