#there was thunderstorms where i live 😭
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dormiloncito · 1 year ago
you guys know a lot of info abt me from my random rants but here's a good one: did you guys know i'm scared of balloons
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banananutmuffin28 · 2 months ago
hii if u take reqs could u plsss write a wlw semi x fem reader college au where reader and semi are roommates but don’t get along well bc semi is loud/disruptive and always bringing girls over but over time semi falls for reader as they get closer and gets jealous when someone makes romantic advances towards the reader? happy ending and with a reader that has a sweet and cute kind of personality if that’s ok! so sorry if this is too much for a req 😭😭 tysm 🫶
A/N: YESSS! So sorry this took so long! I was a bit fatigued from work, haha.
Se-Mi x FEM! Reader—College AU
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You were quite never fond of loud noises.
The distaste stemmed from when you were very little. You always hid away during thunderstorms and cried when the gongs of the lion dances grew too loud.
As you grew, it would become more manageable, but your dislike of it was always still there, lingering in the shadows.
You were the quiet type of girl who'd rather spend her nights curled up around a television, rather than spend her time partying outside.
Being surrounded by the pillows and gentle quiet made you feel safe.
And so, with this knowledge in mind, of course the universe decided to give you the most annoying and irresponsible roommate ever.
You knew she was trouble from the very moment you met her.
You purse your lips. You could still recall that time, even now.
She was dressed in a leather jacket and blue jeans. One hand gripped the case of a guitar, while the other was combing through her short hair. She didn't seem too interested in you, rather, it seemed like she merely wanted to get the pleasantries out of the way so that she could go off into her own little world.
You already knew she was a huge fan of piercings. There was one on her lip, one on her nose, and when she started to introduce herself you could catch glimpses of one on her tongue.
And, if her attire was truly the only odd thing about her, then you could live with that.
After all, who were you to dictate how other people dressed?
But, that wasn't the end of it. Hell, it was only the beginning.
For starters, Se-Mi’s room was always half-open, allowing the heavy metal music on her speaker to bleed out into the rest of the dorm. 
You had tried asking her to dial back the volume multiple times, but it never really helped.
It seemed the two of you had very different definitions of the word, “quiet.”
And, what was more, Se-Mi was not bashful about her appearance. At all.
You flush, remembering multiple times when she would simply stroll right out of the shower in only her bra and a pair of very short shorts. You remember once when she had walked straight into the kitchen like that while you were frying eggs.
The sight of her toned stomach and the faint outlines of her abs made you blush. And fuck, were her arms always so muscular?”
You didn’t notice the acrid smell until it was too late.
Later that night during dinner, Se-Mi blurted out, “How the hell did you manage to burn scrambled eggs?”
Se-Mi’s music taste and lax boundaries weren’t the only things that clashed with your own.
She was also a party girl.
At first, she hadn’t visited many, and the few she did frequent never stole her away for more than a few hours.
But then summer hit.
And, from then onward, Se-Mi would always come home at an ungodly hour, smelling of liquor and with her arm wrapped around a girl.
The first time you had seen her like this, you screamed, more for her sake than yours.
"Se-Mi! What the hell are you doing at this hour? And who the hell is with you?"
The other woman merely shrugged, lips curling into a lazy grin as she ignored your question to whisper something into the stranger's ear.
The girl turned a bright shade of red, and then scurried into Se-Mi's room.
You scowled.
Great, so your new roommate was a womanizer.
"Oh, don't worry about it sweetheart. I'm just having some fun," SeMi cooed, stepping over to pinch your cheek.
You wrinkled your nose and swatted her hand away.
Se-Mi pouted.
"And besides," She continues, gesturing a hand towards you, "What gives you the right to lecture me about being up at this hour while you yourself are out of bed?"
You could barely hold yourself back from rolling your eyes.
Running a hand along your neck, you pointed to your frizzled hair and tired eyes.
"Your loud footsteps woke me up, genius."
Normally, you were never this rude to strangers, and certainly not so quickly after meeting them. 
But, something about Se-Mi sparked a fire inside you, prompting you to snipe back.
And besides, it wasn't as if she was making any effort to be nice to you.
Unrepentant, Se-Mi waved her hand dismissively.
"Sorry, didn't know you were a light sleeper. I'll be careful next time," She said, in a tone that made you think she definitely wasn't going to be careful next time.
Before you could think of a retort, she began walking away.
"Sorry, sweetheart,” She purred, wiggling her long fingers into the air. “I can't talk for long. I got a girl to see."
As she strolled to her room and shut the door, you let out a loud exhale.
This was going to be a long night.
Yesterday, you learned approximately two things about your roommate. One: She was apparently great at sex, and Two: Whoever she brought over could not keep her damn trap shut.
You already knew you looked like a walking zombie before Mi-Na called you out on it.
"Hey girl!" She chirped, skipping up to you with a perkiness that made you jealous. She paused when she got closer, eyebrows drawn up in concern, "You doing okay? You look like a sick bear chewed you up then spat you back out."
You looked at her wearily.
"What gave it away?"
Mi-Na shook her head incredulously.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's how you're literally hunched over like you're suddenly in your eighties and your skin became five layers paler?" Mi-Na grabbed a strand of your hair, appalled. 
"What happened to your shine? Your morning smiles?"
You barked out a laugh.
“It’s just my roommate. She brought a girl over at 2 AM in the morning and the thin walls did a terrible job concealing their concerning noises.”
The brown haired girl jutted her lips out and she cupped your face together.
“That’s fucking terrible! I think I would straight up kill her if she were mine.”
Mi-Na backed away and straightened up.
"That's it! Today after you're done with your classes I'm taking you to the cafe. I can't have my best friend keel over so quickly. What if you were supposed to meet a rich hot woman tomorrow and your death off-sets the universe?”
She clamped your hand in hers and started dragging you over to the vending machines. As she walked, the keychains in her bag jingled softly, making you smile. 
Your eyes trailed to the glittery pink bunny keychain clipping to the front, then looked back to the red one dangling from your backpack.
Mi-Na had purchased it a few years ago when the two of you were in a mall.
“See? Now it’s obvious to everyone that we’re besties!”
The memory eased a bit of the tiredness from you, making your body feel lighter.
Letting out a giggle, you began to skip along with her.
Noticing your change in demeanor, Mi-Na grinned.
“Yes! That’s the bestie I know!”
The cafe food really did help. Mi-Na didn’t hold back, and demanded you try each and every one of the pastries and a drink of your choice in order to, and you quote, “Regain your sunniness.”
Honestly, you were surprised you didn’t get a stomachache from all the sweets.
Stomach comfortably full, you strolled along the familiar path on your campus to the dorm. A dumb smile was dancing across your face, and the scenery felt clearer. 
The trees swayed gently in the gentle breeze, and you could hear the birds chirping faintly in the distance. The sun was setting, bathing you and the concrete path in a warm orange glow.
Maybe your dorm state improved, too.
The thought sent a thrill down your spine, setting your chest alight with excitement. You would be roommates with Se-Mi for a very long time–you didn’t want to spend all of that hating her.
But…as you walked, you noticed a peculiar buzz in the air. It bounced along the breeze, managing to sound both obscenely loud and muted at the same time.
You pause, feeling the smile start to die on your lips as you look around.
Was someone throwing a party?
You stare at the many windows of the dormitory, trying to find one with shifting lights or figures of people in the aperture. 
No luck.
You shrugged, and continued to walk.
Whatever. It wasn’t your business, anyways.
Okay, maybe it was your business after all. Because, why in the hell was the music coming from your dorm?
Please tell me I’m just going crazy, You think, heart thundering in your ribcage. Parties lasted a fucking long time and you didn’t have the energy to kick a whole group of people out of your room.
You put your hand on the doorknob, and twisted it.
On the other side were four people. Se-Mi was off to the side strumming the guitar, a man with purple-dyed hair was in the middle with a microphone to his mouth, another man with waves in his hair was drumming, while the last, shortest man had his back turned to you, recording the group.
They all froze when they noticed you.
“Hey, what the hell man?” The guy—whose name you just vaguely remembered was Thanos—hissed, glaring at you. “Do you know how long that took us to get right?”
He turned to the man recording.
“Cut!” He screamed, before running a hand along his face. “Min-Su, I thought I told you to lock the damn door!”
“I-I did!” Min-Su stammered, glancing back at you fearfully. “I swear—“
“I have the key,” You interrupt, awkwardly holding the metal object out. “I’m Se-Mi’s roommate.”
The second her name left your lips, Se-Mi set aside her guitar and rushed to you.
Her eyebrows were furrowed and her face was scrunched up in a frown. “Hey love, why didn’t you knock first?” She asked, a little forcefully. “Now we’re going to have to reshoot everything.”
Your eyes narrowed and you scowled back. 
“Look, it’s not my fault I’m still sleep deprived,” You grumble, jutting a finger at her chest. “Which was your fault, by the way. I was terrified you were throwing a large fucking party in our dorm!”
“Wait—hold on a second,” The drummer interrupted. “Se-Mi, did you fuck your roommate?”
For the first time ever, both you and Se-Mi were in sync.
Pink flushed the other woman’s cheeks. She glanced at you for the briefest of moments, but averted her gaze just as fast.
And, you weren’t faring much better. You were suddenly intimately aware of how close you were to Se-Mi, and the fact that if you just reached a little further you could hold her hand.
Don’t you dare think about that, you idiot! Remember how obnoxious she is!
Still, you felt like your face just turned fifty shades brighter, and you were sure your mouth was open enough to resemble a frog trying to catch flies.
“Hey, she and I did not have sex last night,” Se-Mi growled defensively, staring daggers at Nam-Gyu. 
Nam-Gyu raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming.
“If that’s what you say~”
“Asshole.” Se-Mi whispered. You were inclined to agree.
Thanos put down his microphone, looking unamused. 
“Fuckkk, all this talking’s making me tired.”
He packed his things and walked towards the door. 
“I’m heading out. Peace.”
The others followed suit, until it was only you and Se-Mi.
She blew out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair.
“Great, now we’ll have to do it again another day,” Se-Mi grumbled as she began to clean up the mess her bandmates left behind.
“Maybe it won’t be so bad…” You start, though when she barks out a laugh you stop.
“Sweetheart, do you know how hard it is to fucking organize a time when we’re not all busy with some shit?”
“Like what? Getting drunk at parties?” You hiss back.
Se-Mi’s eyes widened, then her lip began to curl into a snarl.
“Don’t act like I’m some drug addict, love. Just because I can afford to have fun doesn’t automatically make me some junkie.”
 “The hell? I can have some fun too!”
“You call watching TV and squeaking around with your best friend all day fun?”
You swear your Goddamned roommate is going to be the death of you.
“Yes, I do, and if you don’t want to end up dead in a ditch one day you should try it too,” You grit out, before turning around to your room.
“I’m too tired to keep this argument going. I’m going to bed.”
The tension between you and Se-Mi grew each passing day. 
It became suffocating.
Minor problems ended up turning into major fights, and neither of you would respect the other’s wishes.
You refused to leave the room whenever Se-Mi’s band came along.
Meanwhile, Se-Mi blasted her music, and it was so loud that you could feel it reverberating in your rib cage.
Your roommate is a nightmare.
The door to Se-Mi’s room burst open.
You flinch, nerves alight as you pull the blanket taut over your cold frame. You rip your eyes from the TV screen, staring at Se-Mi.
Despite yourself, you couldn’t help but ask, “Hey, are you alright?”
Se-Mi only scowls in response.
A phone dangles from her hand as she presses it to her ear, completely ignoring you.
“Yeah, of course I’ll be there,” She says. Try as she might to hide it, there was a tremor in her voice.
Se-Mi’s steps were unsteady, and more than once she had to lean against the wall to keep herself from toppling over.
Shit she is not okay.
Concerned, you stand up, leaving your blanket to hang haphazardly on the couch. 
“Hey,” You say, hardening your voice as you make your way to her. “ You’re not feeling well, are you? Seriously, go sit down.”
Se-Mi sniffed, still refusing to meet your gaze.
“It’s just a cold,” She replies curtly. “Why do you care, anyway? Don’t you hate me or some shit?”
Her harsh words cut open your heart as you feel your face fall.
“What?” Sure, I may not like you and you’re certainly an ass, but I don’t hate you.”
You pause.
“And even if I did, I still wouldn’t want you making a mess all over the living room floor.
You stop mid sentence to grab her arm. “Come on, you look like you’re going to vomit.”
“Get off me!” She snarls, though she barely has any strength to push you away. The taller woman tries to move away, but she suddenly doubles over in pain and ends up curling into you instead.
“Hey, senorita are you alright?” 
Thanos’s voice could be heard on the other side. His voice was a little soft, muffled by the sound of music.
“Give me that,” You demanded, before putting on the brightest voice you could muster. “Sorry, Thanos, but Se-Mi isn’t going to attend whatever you’re planning. I’m putting her on house arrest.”
“What? Why—“
You end the call before he can say more.
Se-Mi was glowering at you, her chest heaving. She was still leaning at you for support, though you could tell in her eyes that she loathed every second of it. 
“What the hell was that for? I don’t need your help—“
She starts to cough.
Hastily, you bring her to the sofa and bundle her into your blanket.
She looked like an oversized blanket burrito.
The corner of your mouth tilts up, and you could barely suppress the giggle bubbling up in your throat. Your roommate looked so…soft like this.
You could almost call it cute.
“Are you just gonna stare at me all night?” Se-Mi mumbles, snapping you from your thoughts. Her cheeks were tinged pink again, and she nervously played with her lip piercing.
Heat rushed through you.
“Of course! I’m so sorry,” You stammer, and run to get her a cup of water and a cold towel.
When you come back, you find Se-Mi curled up in a ball. Her gaze was fixated on the telenovela you were watching, and she gripped the arms of the sofa.
“They’re so stupid!” She exclaims hoarsely when she hears your footsteps. She pauses, taking a swig of the cup you handed to her before continuing. “How can they be so oblivious to their feelings?”
Who would’ve known your obnoxious roommate likes soap operas of all things. 
You liked it. At least now you could bond with her over something.
Giggling, you crawl onto the couch with her and pat her back.
“Shhh, give them time. I’m sure they’ll sort through their love problems eventually.”
She chewed her lip.
“They better, else I might reach through the screen and smack them both on the head.”
A snort escapes your lips before you could quell it. Se-Mi grins, leaning closer to you. 
A loud explosion draws your attention back to the screen, and you quiet down. Se-Mi follows suit, scrunching her nose as she watches.
When the episode finishes, she lets out an angry groan.
“It was so obvious that that witch was lying!” She grumbles, freeing a hand so she could point it to the screen. “They’re so stupid, love!”
You laugh again, wrapping your arms around Se-Mi.
“Guess you’ll just have to wait until next week to see what happens next.”
She stills in your embrace, exhaling softly.
You frown. “What’s wrong, Se-Mi? Do you not like being hugged?”
She shakes her head. 
“Nah, sweetheart, it’s just…” She trails off, trying to fit her thoughts into words. “I’ve been an ass to you, yet you still cared enough to take care of me and let me hog the blanket.”
Se-Mi turns to you.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
The way she looked at you so earnestly–with shame and gratitude flooding her eyes–awoke some primal feeling inside you. It was like you had just run a marathon; your nerves were alight and you were breathing oh so heavily.
Nervously, you reach a hand out to her, praying to any and every God out there that she wouldn’t notice your flushed skin. 
“I…was a bit of an ass too,” You admit, hating the hitch in your voice. “Let’s call it a truce?”
Se-Mi beamed and clasped your hand in hers. 
Her skin was hot.
“She paused.
“Hey, you said the next episode will come out next week?”
“Could I maybe…be there to watch it with you?”
 Se-Mi seemed to have to force the words out, and she bowed her head slightly.
Your eyes widened. But, it wasn’t long before a stupid grin made it on your face.
“Of course!” You chirp. “Be warned though, I might talk your ears off.”
Se-Mi gave you a wry smile.
“There are worse ways to die.”
“So, it’s a date?”
Se-Mi gasped softly and you cursed yourself. You had always used that term with Mi-Na, and it didn’t matter much since she was straight and you were not. 
But…this was different. Se-Mi was very vocal about her complete disinterest in dudes.
And, it wasn’t like you weren’t attracted to her on any level. Again, the memory of Se-Mi’s toned body and slender fingers barged back into your mind. You saw how well she played the guitar, and noticed how she would always leave in the morning to run laps around the campus.
More than once, you had nearly choked on your coffee when her shirt would ride up just enough to reveal the light abs beneath. 
 Embarrassment began to pool in your gut and you scrambled to save yourself.
“As friends!” You yelped with a little too much enthusiasm. “As totally, 100% platonic friends.”
Se-Mi didn’t respond, and instead chose to stare at you blankly.
Did you really just ruin the budding friendship you had with your roommate?
With each passing second, it became more and more unbearable to feel her gaze on you. Maybe it would be more merciful to disintegrate into a thousand particles right now and be swept up in a dustpan. 
“You know, sweetheart, with how you worded that it sounded anything but platonic.” Se-Mi finally teased, eyes twinkling as she began to unfurl the blanket from her body.
Sweat glistened from her neck, and the tips of her ears were tinted pink.
“I-I didn’t mean it like that! I swear!” You squeak, which only serves to make her laugh harder.
“Really now?” She whispered, slowly crawling to you. Se-Mi was careful not to crush you, placing one knee between the spot in your legs whilst resting the other to the left of you.
And it was oh so unfortunate that she was wearing a shirt with a low V-neck today.
Don’t think about it don’t think about it don’t think about it—“
Your mouth opened into a silent scream.
Se-Mi shook her head fondly.
“Alright, alright, sweetheart, I’ll stop the teasing,” She said, eyes glinting mischievously. 
The taller woman moved away and sat back up, cheeks flushed.
“I’ll see you next week?”
After your conversation with her, weekly telenovela get togethers became commonplace. Usually, Se-Mi would bring the blankets and pillows while you prepared the snacks. Once you two were both settled, you’d switch the TV on and snuggle together side by side.
You tried to tell yourself that you didn’t feel flustered when Se-Mi’s skin brushed against yours, and that you didn’t fantasize about kissing her hot, soft lips while her calloused fingers trailed down your thigh.
You are not falling in love with your stupid, obnoxious roommate. That simply wasn’t possible. You hate her.
You hate her.
You loathed her.
Oh, who were you kidding?
You whine, shoving your face into the blanket wrapped around your waist as you tried to get away from your intrusive thoughts.
Focus on the damned show! Not on how terribly you wanted Se-Mi’s hands to wander across your body, to touch you in the most intimate of places.
Shut up you dumb, horny thoughts—
“Sweetheart, are you focusing on what I’m saying?”
You gasp, jumping backward slightly.
Se-Mi’s face was so close to your own, allowing you to memorize her features.
Fuck, she’s so pretty.
“Yes?” You stammer?
Se-Mi’s lips twisted into an apologetic frown.
“Next week I can’t attend our movie night, love. My friends have been complaining nonstop about how I “suddenly ditched them” and how they really miss me. Apparently they organized a whole secret party for me and only told me today.”
She blew out a breath.
“I can’t skip a party if it’s literally thrown in my honor.”
Disappointment flooded your veins, but you still tried to smile.
Noticing your reaction, Se-Mi played with her hair anxiously. 
“I’m really sorry, love. If there was any way out of it for me, I’d take it but…my hands are tied.”
“Wait,” You say, suddenly grabbing her hands. “Take me with you.”
Her eyes widened.
“Are you sure, love? Don’t you hate loud noises?”
“I do, but I want to spend more time with you. And we’ve only been focusing on my interests. I want to try some of yours too.”
Se-Mi smiled.
“You’d really do that for me? Thank you.”
She ruffled your hair.
“But, if it gets too much, will you promise to let me know? I’ll bring you home immediately.”
You nodded.
Try as she might, Se-Mi couldn’t contain the excitement buzzing through her.
“That’s great! I can’t wait to see you there.”
You frowned, twirling around in the mirror. In front of you, your dress flared out prettily. Your fingers danced in your hair, making sure that no strands were out of place.
You can do this, you think.
“You ready, sweetheart?”
Se-Mi’s voice was muddled through the doorway.
“I am!” 
Eagerly, you opened the door and posed in front of her.
“How do I look?”
Se-Mi inhaled sharply, her eyes alight with an emotion you couldn’t quite describe.
“…You look gorgeous,” She whispers at last.
You grin, feeling a blush spread across your cheeks. 
“Well, you’re easy on the eyes, too.”
And she truly didn’t. Se-Mi wore a buttoned up navy blue shirt and black stylish pants. Her hair was combed, and a small guitar pin was pinned to her shirt pocket.
Fuck, you wanted to kiss her so bad.
You shook your head, once again trying to dispel those thoughts.
This was going to be a normal party. Nothing more.
Se-Mi extended a hand to you.
“Lets go, love.”
A disco ball hung from above, coating the large room in an assortment of colors. First, the walls were red, then shifted to green, blue, and so on. 
The table containing the snacks and drinks was crowded, and everyone was talking at once.
This wasn’t your scene.
Immediately, you looked to Se-Mi, and some of that stiffness in your posture melted away.
She looked so content like this, like it was her natural habitat. She chatted with various people, seemingly unbothered by the strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes in the air.
But, Se-Mi would always periodically glance back at you to make sure you were okay. The gesture made your heart swell.
Currently, she was engrossed in a conversation with a man in black slacks. 
You let her be, and started to meander around the room, wanting to stretch your legs.
Suddenly, you felt a cold hand on your shoulder.
“Hey baby,” A very drunk man purred, trying to pull you towards his chest. “What’re you doin’ here, all alone?”
You swat his hand away, disgusted.
“Don’t touch me,” You snapped, and tried to move away.
“Awww, don’ be like that, baby.” He said, his words slurring together. The stranger tried to palm your breasts, and you wanted to retch.
You opened your mouth, ready to retort—
“Don’t. Fucking. Touch. Her.”
From seemingly out of nowhere, Se-Mi burst into view, her eyes coldly trained on the man in front of you. She all but ripped his hand away from your chest, and slammed him to the wall.
The man shrieked.
“Get off me! I don’ want your dirty hands on me.”
“Oh? So now all of a sudden you care about consent, you dipshit?” Se-Mi sneered, sinking her fingernails into the man’s skin. “You didn’t seem all too worried about it earlier, when you were molesting her.”
The creep didn’t respond, and only scowled, trying to wrench himself free from her grasp. 
“Get out.” Se-Mi spat, finally releasing him. “I want your face out of here in the next thirty seconds, or I’ll throw you out myself.”
The man fell to the floor, and all but scrambled to run out the door.
Se-Mi’s chest heaved up and down. Sweat slicked her forehead, and a snarl was still on her face.
“Did he hurt you anywhere?” She demanded, grabbing your arms to check for injuries. When you winced at her roughness, she immediately relaxed her grip.
“Fuck, sorry sweetheart. You okay?”
You only nodded, pulling her into an embrace.
“Can we get out of here?”
“Of course.”
The cold air bit your skin and you shivered, nuzzling closer to Se-Mi’s embrace. Cursing, she hugged you tighter and rubbed your arms.
“Shit, I forgot to bring a jacket.”
“It’s okay…” You mumbled, sinking deeper into her hug. “I like this.”
“That bastard,” Se-Mi hissed angrily. She cupped your face protectively and stroked your hair. “To have the fucking audacity to lay a finger on you while looking like that.”
You hushed her and pulled her closer.
“It’s okay, Se-Mi. I’m okay.”
She sighed.
“I know, sweetheart. I was just…scared. I know you didn’t like him touching you.”
You nodded, intertwining your fingers with hers.
“I’d prefer you touch me instead,” You admit, cheeks growing red.
“W…what?” Se-Mi looked like a deer frozen in headlights. Her face turned a deep shade of pink and she ran a hand through her hair.
“Are you sure, sweetheart? I mean, you just went through a terrible experience, I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“I mean it,” You murmur, tilting your face to angle yourself against her lips.
“I…I want you to kiss me. To make me forget his touch.”
Se-Mi exhaled softly. 
From beside her, a car drove past the road, briefly illuminating her face in an otherworldly glow.
She bit her lip, her hands sinking down to your hips.
“If you insist,” Se-Mi whispered, and you could feel her breath tickling your lips.
“Of course I do.”
Slowly, she closes the distance.
Her lips were soft.
So utterly soft.
Se-Mi’s mouth tasted sweet, and you whined, tongue prodding at her lips, begging her passage. She allowed it, opening her mouth for you to explore.
Gently, she began to dip you down, supporting your back with her hand.
When the two of you finally parted, Se-Mi grinned, wearing that stupid smirk that she always had.
“You’re a good kisser, sweetheart.”
She purred, brushing your cheek with her hand.
You sighed, leaning into her touch.
“You aren’t so bad yourself.
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mer-acle · 12 days ago
This is such a silly idea, but I thought you’d appreciate it: so, I was re-reading ftbl, and my brain was like, ‘wait… what if this was somehow set in modern times’. Like all the events of Epic still happened, Athena’s still a goddess, it just looks like our world. Don’t ask about the logistics of this because the REASON I thought of this was:
1. I had a sudden image of Athena wearing pyjamas with owls on them. It was probably Penelope’s idea — if Athena is stuck in bed, she might as well be comfortable. So Pen goes out shopping and comes back with owl pyjamas. Athena is trying not to cry because when was the last time anyone actually cared about her being comfortable?
2. If the fam are living in like a regular house instead of a palace, I can definitely imagine that scene from ftbl where Athena is feeling temporarily better and she and the others sit on the balcony instead being that she manages to come downstairs for a little while and she’s just sitting on the sofa wrapped in blankets.
3. The TV is on for background noise and the weather report comes on and there’s all these warnings about thunderstorms. Athena and Ody are both terrified and trying to act like they’re fine, but it’s not working. 🥲
4. Sad thought: a lot of houses have central heating, right? Which warms the room a lot quicker than a fireplace. This sounds nice until you consider: Athena during a fever spike, shivering and deliriously begging the others to turn the heat on, she’s so cold, but they can’t because she’s actually burning up and they don’t want to raise her temperature even more. (Maybe that’s what made Ody realise she had a fever to begin with — she said that the room was freezing despite the heat being on full blast.)
I’m so sorry, my brain was like ‘owl pyjamas!!!’ and wouldn’t leave me alone until I’d typed all this out 😂 anyway, your writing is awesome and so are you!!!! Have an amazing day!!! 😁
(sorry for the delay I wanted to think of some ideas for this first)
OH you bet I appreciate that how could I not appreciate owl pajamas I'm not a monster (I actually would kill to read this btw. I am 100% serious)
awww her being on the sofa with them would be so cute. Tel would all be like this is my favorite blanket *wraps it around her shoulders* and ooh this pillow is super soft *tucks it behind her* I'm gonna make hot chocolate I'll be right back. He's such a bean. Now I'm imagining their living room what have you done to me XD
Oh no my poor traumatized babies 😭 (make the storm hit hard I beg)
oh nooooo (yes. please. I am mad I never made this a thing) Pen went and bought like half a pharmacy against this fever but nothing really helps and Athena does not want anything that induces sleep bc control issues
Some ideas:
(if they live in an apartment building) Ody sneaking into the basement to wash ichor-stained clothes
Athena not being able to use phones due to electrical interference so she couldn't call ahead
by @evermorecatra : Athena in owl-form being filmed as she flies to their place and the video ending up on the internet. Cue the more social-media involved gods (Apollo, Aph and Hermes) stumbling over a video of their sister fly-staggering over Ithaca.
Thank you for letting me in on your idea :D This is great fun!
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my-pjo-stuff · 6 months ago
Luke Castellan, who wakes up in the hospital in clean coolness and sterile softness and remembers absolutely nothing. He's like a baby. His first thought is, "Are they okay?".
He does not know who they are, the thought quickly disappears like a light night fog under the rays of the sun, he will not remember that in that short minute these "they" were someone adored and those whom he wanted to protect at all costs.
Luke Castellan, who is slowly but very safely recovering in the hospital - reads books in his room, rests on his bed, sometimes goes to the children's department and babysits babies, flirts with nurses for sweets.
He already knows the necessary things about himself, his name, his identity, his age, where he is, what happened to him. Personal second-hand information, severe amnesia as a result of a head injury. The cute blue-eyed nurse practically takes him under her wing.
Luke Castellan, who leaves the hospital and begins an absolutely ordinary life: he does not want to live on the savings of his deceased mother, although he is fiercely recommended to rest for at least a few months, he goes to a simple part-time job at a local coffee shop, wakes up in the morning with an alarm clock, goes to work, communicates with colleagues, he has friends and spends time with them on weekends.
He ignores the stupid and delusional fear when he collapses on the couch in front of the TV in the evenings with a bowl of chips. It's just a TV. Why is he afraid that he will be persecuted if he watches it?
Luke Castellan, who notices strange children who turn out to be with him anywhere - a black-haired girl of Japanese origin who came to a coffee shop and bought only a cake with which she sat for two hours trying to watch him unnoticeably, blonde-haired girl with eyes as gray as a thunderstorm, who followed him around the dairy department of the supermarket.
They always look strangely bored and broken with moistly shining eyes, Luke wonders does he remind them of someone? Most likely, yes, he makes it his habit to always take with him a small bag of delicious homemade food for them.
Luke Castellan, who is packing his things for the move and carefully packing the photos, for some reason thinks that there are too few of them, that someone is missing, he quickly drives away this thought.
He wonders why little blonde girls evoke such affectionate awe in him, and black-haired teenage girls make him experience a pinching pain in his chest.
Luke Castellan, who gets on the plane and is comfortably ensconced in his chair, looks out the window and for some reason quietly whispers "Goodbye" to himself. This is an intuitive desire that came from the very depths of it.
I'm glad you liked my idea!
OUGH 😭 IS THIS HOW PPL FEEL WHEN I DROP MY ANGST AUS !? Thanks a lot for it tho T-T, love you anon.
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johnnycakesswitch · 7 months ago
modern au curtis gang would play horror games in the living room all curled up under blankets drinking hot chocolate when it rains and theyre all at the curtis house
Yes they would omg and I know they would literally scream at jump scares 😭😭😭 something about rainy days inside is so soothing too like I know they just love the days where they can all hang out inside and it’s thunderstorming and pouring rain outside but it doesn’t matter bc they have their blankets and warm drinks and each other and that’s all they could want ❤️
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delopsia · 8 months ago
strawberry delly (get it) 🍓🫙 not to be inspired by your current storm situation—between the tornado warning and your hand, i hope you’re okay—but what about the hawthorn trio being stuck in wabang due to a big storm rolling through? 👀💕
they all knew it was coming; had almost canceled on cecilia because of it, but then felt bad because they’d just canceled on her easter invitation a few months earlier—and then rhett’s mother’s day present got lost in the mail because trying to send large packages through to wabang, wyoming was an absolute lost cause…
she was thrilled to see you all, promising that you’d be long gone before the sky could open, but nature had other plans.
the treacherous wind and rain left amy at a happily stranded at a friend’s house, perry out who knows where, and the hawthorn trio in the perfect conditions to give their beloved cowboy a sleepover experience he never knew he’d missed out on—and one he’d never forget!
telling scary stories, a movie marathon, sneaking downstairs for snacks, staying up late—how do you think the night went?
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strawberry delly 😭🍓 I've got a funny-looking scar from the spider bite, but I'm okay 💐 That storm didn't even do anything scary in the end; the wind just howled the whole time and displaced our decorative pillow 😒
The way that there are three of them, but not one person thinks to check Wabang's weather forecast beforehand. Between the chaos of hunting down an identical gift, arranging their plans, and the general mayhem that comes with traveling, it just entirely slips their mind.
Bob thinks he's being funny when he jokes that a storm is going to strand them in Wabang and then flounders when Rhett later says that one is coming 😭 He's convinced that it's just Rhett joking, but Rhett just shrugs and says that his knee is hurting, and that only happens when a big storm is coming.
Cecelia's so enthused with her new dinnerware sets (whaddaya know, the mailman delivered the missing box an hour after everyone arrived 🙄) that she hardly pays much attention to the oncoming clouds. Perry is so unbothered that he's off to spend the weekend with a few buddies from college.
Royal and Rhett? They know exactly what's coming. Wabang's already infamous for its weird weather. Violent, unexpected thunderstorms, random snow in July, a hailstorm without a single cloud in the sky, just to name a few.
But that doesn't stop them from heading out onto the porch with Bobby in tow, sitting in the rocking chairs and watching the storm roll in. At first, you'd thought they left to go to the store without telling you, but then Cecelia chimed that, "Those damn men are on the porch again."
Some things are both hereditary and contagious. Watching dangerous weather roll in is apparently one of those things. You didn't think it was going to be all that much, but at some point, the rain is coming down so quickly that you can't see the barn anymore. And it just. Doesn't. Stop.
You can't even find the car in the driveway, nevermind navigate the rapidly flooding roads without winding up in a ditch. Nobody needs to ask what you three are going to do. Mother Nature already decided. You're spending the night.
The fun doesn't start until the clock rolls over to nine-thirty. Royal and Cecelia have a sleeping schedule, and they do not deviate from it.
The moment their bedroom door shuts, the air in the living room changes. Maybe that's because it's the first time you've been left alone since you arrived, or maybe...maybe it's because Rhett's eyes are sparkling like that of a kid in a candy store.
"Y'know what this feels like?" Speaking through that dumb grin that's sprawling across his face.
Bob hums. "What?"
Cecelia's new couch is just big enough for you three to squeeze into; the internet in Wabang is so bad that things like Netflix aren't an option, but Perry has a concerning collection of horror DVDs that suffice. Bobby thinks he's not going to be bothered by it, but he's fighting you for space on Rhett's chest before the first movie is even over.
The only reason Rhett's not bugged is because Perry used to try to scare him with these movies when he was little. He's practically immune to the genre. And maybe some of the scenes would at least spook him if he weren't more focused on you and Bobby using this as an opportunity to snuggle him.
Rhett thinks he's hilarious when he blames an obscure noise on "one of those house ghosts." Now, Bob is hesitant to head into the dimly lit bathroom by himself.
Cecelia thinks she's even funnier when she walks up behind the couch and scares the hell out of all three of you, laughs so hard that she nearly drops her glass of water.
Rhett loses his shirt when he heads out to the car to get the snacks out of the backseat, winds up so focused on his white cheddar popcorn that he fails to notice you and Bobby staring at the water running down his big chest. Even when you grab him by the hand and haul him up to his bedroom, he's clueless. He doesn't figure it out until Bob grabs a greedy handful of his chest. Then, it clicks.
You guys wind up having to stay another day because not one of you gets a bit of sleep before the sun rises. But that just means you get to have one more night in Wabang 👀🌧
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readyforthegarden · 1 year ago
I saw your post and say this prompt: "your morning voice is so hot." [laughs] "what?" and immediately said DANNY!!!
Allie my love, here is a sweet little blurb for you and Danny (god I bet his voice is so deep and raspy in the mornings 😭)
You were always a heavy sleeper. Throughout your life you’d slept through numerous thunderstorms, parties, and even a late night car chase through your old neighborhood. But last night was one of the first nights every sound woke you from your slumber.
Being in bed with Danny wasn’t new, in fact it was something that happened regularly. Neither of you had been looking for anything serious. A casual hook up here and there turned into a friends with benefits situation as the two of you got closer over time.
But now, things were different. A bad storm had rolled through last night, taking out power lines, winds so strong the tornado sirens had gone off a few times. Just your luck you’d been at Danny’s place, getting ready to leave after one such netflix and chill session, when the first sirens blared.
“I didn’t realize how bad it was getting,” you moved towards the window in Danny’s home, glancing out at the storm as lightning flashed across the sky. You felt a hand encircle your wrist, and you were dragged back softly.
“Best not to be so close to windows with the tornado sirens going off,” Danny informed you softly. “Come on, let’s move somewhere a little safer.” Following him down the hall of his apartment, you let him lead you into his bathroom, where there were no windows. “Safest place we have, usually we’d climb into the tub and huddle up.”
“You’ve been through tornados before?” you asked, trying to hide the fear in your voice. Truth be told, where you grew up you never had to worry about them. There weren’t common enough to even have drills about them in school.
“Growing up in a rural area, at the end of tornado alley, yeah, I’ve had a few run ins.” Danny shrugged. “Nothing too bad; we were always really lucky it was only a few shingles off the roof or some hail that cracked a window, and never anything more serious.”
“That’s still terrifying.” The wind blew against the building, almost screeching against the siding, and you found yourself climbing into Danny’s bathtub. Holding back a chuckle, Danny climbed in too, sitting behind you. His long legs rested on either side of you, and you felt more at ease. When the lights flickered, you jumped, and felt his arms encircle you, gently pulling you back against his chest until you were positively snuggled into him.
“Wanna hear a funny story?” Danny asked softly. You nodded, willing your nerves to stop getting the best of you in this storm as the power fully went out, the bathroom in pitch darkness as the storm raged outside. “This one time on tour, the venue we were in didn’t have dressing rooms for all of us. So Josh, our singer got the only one so he could meditate and do his warm ups and everything, the rest of us had to get ready on the bus.”
“Josh sounds like a diva.”
“Oh he is,” Danny chuckled. “But anyway, the venue was pretty secluded, so there wasn’t any chance of anyone really seeing us go back and forth. I thought I’d brought back my whole outfit, but it turns out, I left my pants in the venue.”
“Oh no,” you giggled, already envisioning Danny looking around in just his underwear for his clothes.
“Oh no is right,” he continued. “So I had my shirt on, you know the silver mesh? And nothing but my boxer briefs. And I thought I was being so sneaky and so fast, running from the bus into the venue. But it turns out, I wasn’t. I heard some whistles and saw some fans that had gotten to the venue late that saw the whole thing!” Danny laughed, his chest rumbling against your back.
“You probably made their lives, honestly.” you joked back. “Your ass is amazing.”
“I have no complaints.” you replied, shifting slightly in his arms as your leg had fallen asleep. The two of you chattered on quietly, Danny succeeding in taking your mind off the storm completely. After a while, the two of you realized how quiet it had gotten, and you cleared your throat.
Moving away from Danny, he let go of you without protest, letting you stand and stretch your legs, holding onto the nearby edge of the sink as you stepped out on pins and needles in your feet from being tucked away too long. Pulling your phone from your pocket, you squinted at the bright light from the screen, your eyes had adjusted to the dark in the bathroom.
“It sounds like the storm is over, I think it’s safe for me to head home.” you said quietly. Danny stood up from the bath, exiting it much more gracefully. There was a silence between the two of you, as neither of you really wanted you to leave.
“Y-you know it’s probably a mess out there.” Danny cleared his throat. If the power is out, some of the traffic lights are also out, and I’d hate for you to be driving so late and have to deal with that.”
“Oh, it’s not a big deal.” You hadn’t thought of the traffic lights being out, and with how people drove in the area, it was a whole new wave of anxiety.
“I insist,” Danny reached out, taking your hand. “They’ll be working all night to get the power back on, you can stay here and leave in the morning so at least there’s some daylight to help you see.”
“O-okay,” you nodded and agreed.
“Good, now help me find some candles, and we’ll get ready for bed.” the two of your scrounged his apartment, only finding three decent sized scented candles to light. You carried the vanilla cinnamon bun one around with you, placing it on the bathroom sink as Danny found a spare, unused toothbrush from a dentist visit and gave it to you to use before bed. The two of you brushed your teeth together in the candlelight quietly and you couldn’t help but notice how Danny’s olive skin radiated the warmth of the candle glow. You longed to touch him again and feel it, be wrapped up much like you were earlier.
Once done with your night routine, or what you could do of it with Danny’s products, you left the bathroom, heading for the living room, planning to camp out on the couch.
“Where are you going?” Danny’s voice stopped you. Turning with your candle, you shrugged, nodding towards the sofa.
“I was gonna sleep out here…”
“Don’t you think sharing the bed is a little….” you regarded Danny with wide eyes, shrugging again. “Intimate?” you expected him to agree, or make a sarcastic joke that you’ve both been more than intimate with one another, but all he did was smile warmly.
“No, I don’t.” those three words had you up all night. You laid in Danny’s bed, next to him, thinking about them. You would drift off occasionally, and a quiet rumble of thunder would wake you, or Danny’s shifting in his sleep, disturbing the sheets. At one point the thought keeping you awake was how you were wearing one of his old shirts he had cut into a tank top as a sleep shirt, and it still smelled like his cologne mixed in with his detergent.
Finally, sleep caught you in its grasp, though not long after, you were being woke by the sounds of birds chirping outside the window. Soft sunlight beamed through the blinds, Danny still snoring softly next to you. Thinking this was as good a time as any, you slowly got up, moving as little as possible so you didn’t wake him. You were halfway through tugging your jeans back on when his voice stopped you.
“What are you doing?” Danny’s voice was lower than you’d ever heard it, sleep laced through it making it rasp as he lifted his head up from the pillow.
“I was gonna head out,” you smiled sheepishly, finishing fastening the button on your jeans. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“Fuck that,” Danny reached out towards you, and without thinking you moved to the bed, sitting down on the side you slept on. “You’re not leaving, not until we have breakfast, at least.”
“I’m tired of the bullshit,” Danny told you, blinking the sleep from his eyes, though his voice still held traces. “I want to be with you. I don’t want to be casual anymore, I like you, and I want to have something with you. What do you want?”
You took a few moments to register what he was saying, but once it hit, you couldn’t help the grin on your face.
“I want that too, Danny.” you nodded. Danny sat up in the bed, bringing one of his large hands to the back of your neck and pulled you down to him in a kiss. He kept leaning back until you were practically on top of him, giggling as he kissed you. “Does that mean I get to stay over more often?”
“Every night you want to,” Danny whispered back.
“Good, I liked waking up next to you.” he smiled at the comment, and you continues. “And your morning voice is so hot.” Danny laughed, the sleep gone now, but the sound was still etched in your brain.
“Seriously! It’s the hottest thing I think I’ve ever heard.” Danny, knowing he was fully awake now, tried to lower his voice, but couldn’t quite get the rasp again. “It’s okay baby, how about you try and wake me up later tonight with it?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
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vintagelacerosette · 9 months ago
Weekly Tag game (Catch up)
Forgive meee I am late but I had the other one in my drafts & I hadn't be able to finish it off yet 😅
I was tagged by these sweethearts 💖💕💖
Jessica @guinguin1984 Julia @blue-disco-lights Deanna @deedala Georgia @iansw0rld
Face @burninface Jaclyn @crossmydna Evie @energievie
Bri @y0itsbri Lyle Lyle crocodile @kiinard Macy @heymacy
Mel @gardenerian Sarah @sleepyheadgallavich Julissa @heymrspatel
Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Kat @mybrainismelted Ling @lingy910y
Name: Shermyn
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): Sydney in the western part  
Ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to….rule? (hehe nice maybe my Leo tendencies 🤣🦁
This is what I saw on Quora
1) Become a community organizer · 2) Learn to speak eloquently · 3) Tell people what they want to hear · 4) Sell your soul to the Devil · 5) ...
Where can I…. watch Saltburn? (it's on my watch list haha) Amazon Prime
How old is…. Taylor Swift? (i didn't search this but i guess she's top result) 34
How long does it take… to get to mars? (wow a fun one) Now quoting NASA, "If jt all goes well, you'll get to the Red Planet in about seven ot eight months." ♂️🔴
How many… states in Australia? Six states 🇦🇺
Who set the record for…. the highest jump? Javier Sotomayor good job my dude 👏
When did….michael jackson die? 25 june 2009 (woah I started 1st year of high school then)
What does it feel like to… to be in love? (ummm ive never searched that but damn a pointed search 😭😭😭) Reddit says "when you wake up thinking of that person & go to bed thinking of them"
Can you…go parasailing in sydney? (So me bc i missed out when i was in the Philippines 🥲) You can't anymore booo 👎
Why do… i sweat so much? Google says could he nerves that trigger it.
Is there a way… to save karlach? I really wanna play Baldur's gate 3 what's gonna happen to her?? I love her?? 🥺
How old do you have to be… to work? (boooo i don't wanna work but i want money 😩) In NSW minimum age for full time work is 17
Where do the… kardashians live? (i don't care) Malibu
What is the best time to… to go to fiji? (aaayee holiday??) June to September
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless? shameless last episode date
11 April 2021 I needed it for my gallacrafts 🥹
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Astrological sign: Leo ♌️
Upon which continent do you reside: Stralia 🦘
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🥶💸🤔🤫🤗
whats your favorite flavor of gum? Juicy fruit but the flavour never lasts long
whats the last movie you watched? Anastasia for my nieces first viewing 😆 It mostly became a sing-a-long with my big sis 🎤
what was your worst subject in high school? Maybe science?
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? Working for a weekend event at a convention centre for the active wear brand Lorna Jane. I got lost on the 1st day & didn't get paid for that 15 min 😅
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? Try all the interesting foods 😋
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? BBQ sauce & caramelised onions 🌰
cincinnati chili, thoughts? Never heard of it!
do you sleep with a plushie? No my plushies are on a shelf bc I can get kicked out of my room every 2nd weekend bc my sister & her family takes it over haha. But worth it to have my baby niece over 🥰
how do you feel about thunderstorms? No strong emotions. It's cool when boom
what's the last animal you touched? My dog Roxy 🐕 ❤️
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: Tulip on this korean dry shampoo I'm trying 🌷
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? Oh I was organised at knowing darw but procrastinated the hell out of the assignment until the due date. Then trying to finish the night before 😅 I found an old diary entry calling myself a dumb bitch for doing that to myself & saying to never do it again (she did) 😭
Not tagging anyone bc LATE but if you wanna play consider yourself tagged! 🩷🐇
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 1 year ago
hi!! i'm in search of a very specific fic i read a couple of years ago, on fanfiction
i remember a few things from this fic, but i really can't find it so if this rings a bell pleaseeee tell me 😭
i remember:
it's in the 70's or 80's
both kurt and blaine travel to washington dc by bus to do some kind of protest? i believe lgbt rights. blaine played the guitar on the way there
they were kind of hippies. not them necessarily but the whole group
blaine had pretty long and curly hair, which he cuts once he comes back home. (i think he was running away fron home, and had a very strict dad, probably homophobic, and maybe blaine had to go to the military?? and he didn't want to though his parents were forcing him to go)
kurt had a very special personality, kind of ethereal and peaceful and was always out of it, maybe he didn't speak as much. there's one time they both get high and walked through the roof of the house they were staying at, and kurt was standing at the edge and blaine grabs him back
klaine and the hippie group (?( stayed at a big house where many people also slept at, there were rooms full of matresses and everyone slept everywhere. kind of like a refuge
i believe once they come back home they write each other by letter, and when blaine escapes his family once again he lives with kurt in his house (burt and carole might also live there too)
there's a scene where they have sex in kurt's bed while there's a thunderstorm?? maybe?? and kurt just loves the rain and the stars and everything
well haha i remember very specific things but i just need to read it again please if you know which fic it is tell me 😭❤️
I think this is what you're looking for - it was set in 1968. Let us know if this is it. ~Lynne
The Sound Of Silence by brokenlovesong
It’s 1968 and Blaine runs away from home. He meet a boy different from anyone he’s ever met who changes everything he thought he new about himself and life, and quickly his entire world changes drastically. Strong language, sex, drugs, drinking, violence
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mik0is0bored · 7 months ago
I swear I'm loosing it cus where I live there is a ton of thunderstorms during summer and like I was on my phone at 2am and I hear thunder and see blue flashes in my window and my dumb ass thought the world was ending😭
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staytheword · 2 years ago
First I’ll start this by saying thank you so much for both of your series, I seriously wasn’t expecting to love them as much as I did. To the point where I had to sleep 1 hour before going to work because I’ve just binge read your series works.
The Jisung rockstar series made ME BAWL MY EYES OUT, you had me there for a moment, I really thought somewhere along the line they would really finish the HUGE fling they had and my heart just broke, no fic has ever put me in me tiptoes like this one did. I loved every second and I really felt like they deserved to be together. Also I love how your Y/Ns are always reckless, fuck the world why not Y/Ns, I lived for how logical but emotional your Y/Ns are. I was wondering what they’re up to now, few years gone by, did the band prosper or fail? Are Y/N and jisung still together or did fuckboi jisung appeared in the way? Did Y/N visit her hometown and meet her loving friend Changbin? PSPSPSPSPS a little taste please
Also the dilemma of an ex friend pulling a friend away from Changbin really hit home here. Thank you for your story, it really helped me heal a little bit and think how could things go in another perspective.
GAAAAAH I really really really loved Minho and Changbin biker series, another amazing series delivered amazingly by you. I love how you write the side characters and how their different personalities are so well executed, I love how you’re able to write a slow burn that isn’t slow at all, but doesn’t feel rushed neither. I love how different they all are, I loved every single bit and I loved even more how the poly couple complimented each other. I love how Y/N managed to be a wreck even though she worked with such gracious and innocent things like flowers. But my delulu romantic self kept wondering if older Minho ever settled down? I’d love to see how Y/N being a old lady would be, because of course the loving Changbin would make Y/N one, but Minho is just that missing piece to Y/N thunderstorm, like a little mirror to her. I wonder if Y/N ever ended up being Minho’s AND Changbin’s old lady. That would be the first and the best poly fic I’d prolly would find. Imagine a full house with the three of them, and probably their descendants, that would be fun to explain onto next generations. Surely a mark in history of the club.
Sorry for my English, it’s not my first language, and thank you again for your work!
hello ♡♡ I hope you are doing alright? I received this some time ago and I really really wanted to answer although I don't really write anymore, you have really made me smile and I wanted you to know that ♡
I hope you got more sleep after reading - and your english is great, really, omg ♡ thank you for everything you said, it is so sweet of you and it always moves me to realize that people actually get invested in the stories I write 😭 and that it could help you heal a little - that means a lot. that couldn't have been easy. in fact i know it isn't. so please accept this hug ♡♡
aaaaah I wish I had a little taste to give you about lmly!!!!! honestly, I don't really know. I never wrote more of them, maybe because in my heart they are living their best life and not caring what anyone else says or thinks. I'm not sure about the details, but really, I know they are happy ♡ (and ofc yn can never leave changbin alone... you can be sure she visits often)
i mean emotion IS the leading force in everything, i think. i sort of made that thinking my life's work in both writing and academia. so i appreciate it, really ♡ thank you for loving my characters. 😭
thank you also about roses. i've said this multiple times but this series was soooo fun to write, so to see that people have fun reading it is everything. "slow burn that isn't slow at all but isn't rushed either" i love this ♡ and for your questions, once more I don't have a lot of answers for you, I will let you imagine what you prefer ♡ buuut I will say that i don't think minho will have ever been able to stay far away, i'm sure he's lurking and a frequent guest in the household. the next generations will certainly hear about it :'') "that missing piece to yn's thunderstorm" that is so beautifully said 😭 you got it, anon. that makes me very emotional ♡♡
i'm so sorry i can't give you more, but it means a lot that you would have these questions, that you care about what happens to them in the future, i'm very touched and grateful for it. ♡♡ thank YOU for taking the time to write this to me, i'm sending you a lot of love and please take care!!!!! :) ♡♡♡
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lannisterdaddyissues · 2 years ago
For the otp ask thing
3, 9, 16 and 31 with slimav :)
anyway im. im so sorry this is 2 months late things got out of hand but here i am delivering the slimav goodies now <3
3. Who hogs the cover / Who loves to cuddle? who hogs the cover: oh sli 100%. he runs hot so he really doesn’t even need them, and instead of using them to keep warm they just end up in a tangled heap on the floor next to him LOL. as a result mav usually ends up sticking to him like glue at some point in the middle of the night to soak up his body heat bc even if he was aware enough to steal back the blanket in the middle of the night, he would never win against sli’s 6’5” ass 😔 who loves to cuddle: um both of them next question. have u SEEN them they are literally the teddy bearest of all teddy bears. thank u for an actually serious answer tho they both love to cuddle!!! 🥹 they just have one of those perfect size differences where it doesn’t make sense NOT to cuddle when they fit perfectly together yknow… they take up less space that way and they get to cuddle so its a win-win! 🥺 they’re also both super tactile bc mav is most definitely touch starved and sli is obv very touchy feely with his friends, like him hugging ice and giving him a friendly wiggle at the graduation lives rent free in my head forever that shit was so FUCKING cute ok
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)? mav! he’s an early bird, there’s almost always a full cup already waiting for sli by the time he makes it to the kitchen because he takes so long in the bathroom in the mornings (no he’s not shitting 💀 he just has to shower and shave because mans grows hair like no tomorrow and he stinks)
funnily enough, mav actually never drank coffee before coming to topgun, but now that he is constantly plagued by the horrors a cup of coffee does wonders for him throughout the day. however he is not allowed to have more than one cup per day or there will be consequences per the wrath of one iceman kazansky
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms? i don’t think either of them are scared of thunderstorms per se, but sometimes when mav dreams about hop 31 the nightmares fuck him up pretty bad… he’s flown through a lot worse though.
also i personally think the fandom hc that mav is afraid of ghosts is infinitely funnier bc he would be so ridiculous about it 😭 (also slider is afraid of clowns you can’t change my mind on this)
31. Who is more affectionate? ice: you guys its not a competition slider & mav, aggressively cuddling on the couch: YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!
but if id have to say its gonna be slider bc that man is such a fucking teddy bear he has no shame or self-consciousness when it comes to being a sucker for mav both in public and in private meanwhile mav is more shy and reserved so hes most affectionate in private :’)
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 2 years ago
Louisiana HC’s because I friggin’ love him 🥺🥺💛💚💜 Also @simpyfrog , cuz I think they might like this. Maybe.
-he has a few different nicknames, but his main one is Loui. His others are: Lou, Ana, The Pelican State, and Magnolia (his state flower).
-his "human" age is 22 and his state age (or how long he has been a state) is 211 years
-his height is 5’7
-Loui has an unnatural love for animals and knows a lot about them
-Texas decided to teach him how to ride horses and it went really well! Sorta. Loui just was kinda cautious about the horses because they are all a lot bigger than him and stronger.
-so as we know, Loui doesn’t, or at least, barely sleeps, cuz he’s usually "haunting’ the house at night and is active during the day. So sometimes his body will just shut down at random parts of the day and he’ll fall asleep on the spot (no matter what he’s doing). Florida now has the habit of putting an arm either in front of Loui, or behind him in case he falls.
-he has autism, high-functioning depression and anxiety, and PTSD
-one time Texas decided to give Loui hennessy. Yea. Um. Never again. The sounds coming from him could only be described as a demon getting strangled 😭 He hated it. It bit him.
-the LAST, and I mean, the LAST thing any of the states want is for somebody to piss off a hungover Loui. The last time someone did that, let’s just say Alabama got LAUNCHED across the living room.
-Loui love’s complimenting his friends, but he can’t handle compliments directed at him. If somebody compliments him, he will 100% malfunction and be blushing for a long time, and it’s absolutely adorable.
-absolutely adores thunderstorms. He loves the lightning and the rain, but sometimes the thunder will give him a little spook.
-he enjoys making weird concoctions of random drinks and always manages to make the most interesting drinks that just leave the others either concerned or impressed
-the resident "Shots Til’ You Drop" winner with Texas not too far behind
-sometimes he paints his nails black, purple, or gold
-his father was an absolute piece of sh*t and abused him mentally and physically before selling him to America, so now Loui also has ✨abandonment issues✨, and thinks that his friends will abandon him if he isn’t good enough.
-at random times, he will cuddle up to somebody on the couch and fall asleep hugging them, no matter who it is. And nobody, NOBODY, not even Alaska, have the heart to move him. They will just sit there and continue watching TV or whatever they were doing.
-he also purrs like a cat, so whenever he decides to mess with New York about basically being a cat in human form, York will shut him up by dragging him to the couch and reducing him to a tired purring puddle of adorableness. He shuts up pretty quickly.
-in that one episode where Loui insults Ohio (WNR 9/8 pt2: Boneless Chicken Wings Man, if ur curious), the aftermath of that was Loui just continuously apologizing to Ohio for insulting him and Ohio reassuring him that it was ok and all fun and games (😭😭 Bless his lil’ heart 😭😭)
-Tex and Loui are actually closer than most people think, and same with Mass and Loui. They just aren’t the duos that people would expect to exist and get along.
-so we all know that Loui is a sweet funky lil’ guy that could do no wrong, but he can most definitely be a b*tch if he wants to
-he knows how to play a bunch of instruments and he has a really nice singing voice
-as mentioned in one of my previous posts, Loui speaks French. And so do a few other states. Those states have heard and understood what Loui was saying whenever he decided to insult someone in French and to say they were stunned would be an understatement. Example:
*Alabama won’t shut up about his state being the one where Mardi Gras started*
Loui, done with his sh*t: *under his breath* Nan, je ne pense pas que tu vailles la quantité de dynamite qu'il faudrait pour t'envoyer en enfer…. (Naw, i dont think you're worth the amount of dynamite it would take to blow you to the pits of hell….)
Texas, who heard and understood him: *the man was too stunned to speak, but he’s also trying to not burst out laughing*
-Loui enjoys scaring people, but he also gets jumpscared really easily. And he doesn’t have a fight or flight response, he has a fight or freeze response, meaning he either punches the person that scared him, or he just freezes in place. One time, Alaska decided that it would be funny to stick his cold hand up Loui’s hoodie and place it on his back as he was zoned out and washing dishes.
Yea Texas ended up teasing Alaska about he got thrown into the kitchen island with a knife to his throat when he landed by someone that is only 5’7 and looks like he couldn’t harm a fly.
-sometimes Loui gets really anxious during meetings when things start getting too chaotic, and normally Florida would take that as a sign to calm down a bit, but when Florida doesn’t notice, Texas is the next one up (cuz I headcanon that Texas sits next to Loui). He’ll just reach over and grab Loui’s hand and just hold it for a while to calm him down before he has a full on anxiety attack. Or if there’s not too many states there (cOuGh CoUgH- Cali, Oklahoma, and Alaska- cOuGh CoUgH), he will snake a hand around Loui and hug him till he’s calm again.
-Loui is perhaps one of the only people that Alaska fears. For reasons.
York: Did it hurt when you fell- 
Loui: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- 
York: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. 
Loui: ... 
York: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Loui: I will send my army to attack! 
Loui: *releases a dumpster of raccoons whilst grinning like a maniac*
Loui: Don't go to the kitchen. 
York: Why? 
Loui: I saw a spider. 
York: Well, did you kill it? 
Loui: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair...
Gov: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire. 
Loui: But what if something else happens just this one time.
*at a sleepover in Tex’s room (with Florida, Georgia, and Loui)*
Tex: Why aren’t you sleeping? 
Loui: I’m too busy plotting your murder to sleep, Texas. 
Loui: ...The stupid ghosts and spirits.
Tex: *wrapping their arms around Loui* Awwww, bud- (Mama Texas hours-)
Florida: Truth or dare? 
Loui: Truth. 
Florida : How many hours have you slept this week? 
Loui: Dare. 
Florida: Go to sleep. 
Loui: I don't like this game.
Some random b*tch with a gun to Loui’s head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven? 
Loui: *unfazed* Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
Gov: Just be careful, Louisiana! 
Loui: *heading out the door* I'm always careful, Gov! 
Loui: It's everything around me that's careless.
Loui: *Gasp* 
York: wHAT?? 
Loui: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? 
York: *inhales* 
Cali, in another room with Washington: Why can I hear screeching?
Florida: If I were a drink, I'd be Cherry Vanilla Coke. If you were a drink, what would you be? 
Tex: Bleach. 
Loui: Sewage. 
Florida, hugging them both: ...Please calm down, edgelords.
York: GET BACK HERE YOU DUMB F(speaks New York)! 
(Georgia and Texas were tasked with keeping an eye on Florida and Loui, Geo took Florida, Tex took Loui)
Tex: I lost Loui. 
Gov: How did you LOSE Louisiana?! 
Tex: To be fair, he is very small.
Mass: Alright, listen up you little shits. 
Mass: Not you Loui. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Utah to Loui: Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up! 
Loui: *proceeds to kick him in the shin and run away* 
Alaska, limping while walking past: Rule number 1, don't call Louisiana cute or small.
Alabama, after he decided it would a good idea to jumpscare Loui: Is it still visible? Where Loui slapped me? 
York: Your face looks like a don't walk signal. 
Florida: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box. 
Tex: A palm reader could tell Loui's future by looking at your face. 
Gov, cringing at the mark: The phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face.
Alabama: ...A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
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bloodydeanwinchester · 1 year ago
🥀🌦️🛩️ for the ask game <3
hi taylor!!!!
🥀 Favourite animated movie?
ever since i was a kid beauty and the beast has always been my favorite animated movie
🌦️ What’s your favourite weather?
god i love a good thunderstorm. i especially love watching lightning light up the sky and rain pouring down hard. it hardly ever rains where i live tho 😭
🛩️ If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
kind of a cliche place to pick but i have been wanting to go to paris soooooo bad for a while now. i don't think it would end up being my favorite place i'd travel but it would definitely be the first
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c1nto · 2 years ago
get to know me ask game
thank you @cryingatships for the tag 🥺🥺 you're too kind
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
I’m over 5’5” (just under 😭😭) // I wear glasses/contacts // blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (i took out my normal ear piercings last year because i was sick of them so i guess i have none now :0) // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (it's usually red on the underside but i last dyed it in april so it's very pale now) // have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily (i'm white) // I have freckles (i'm aussie) // I paint my nails (i used to paint them black all the time but we weren't allowed to have painted nails in cooking class so i haven't painted them since) // typically wear makeup (just eyeliner but yea (: ) // I don't often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language (if know means can fluently speak than no i only know english, but if not i took japanese in high school xx) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim (i'm aussie) // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing (that's what i go to the clubs for :p) // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends (who's not bolding this one?) // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who l've known for ten years (close :/ we're going on ninth this year) // my parents are together (they shouldn't be xx) // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have had a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise (we live on the side of aus where we see the sunset over the beach so i guess i haven't purposely seen the sun rise) // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire (there was the bonfire at biology camp <3 and also there's a little bonfire at our local burger place) // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (autumn is the most mid season but it's when my birthday is xx spring is probably my favourite because it's warm but not too warm and that's when halloween is :D)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (i'm really bad at falling asleep spontaneously i almost never nap) // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food (we only really have texmex here which is fine i guess) // I can drive a stick shift (can't drive 😞) // I believe in true love (i think people can have multiple different types of loves and none of them are better or worse than each other - soulmate stuff is much less interesting to me because the love feels less purposeful. love a fate-less love) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // l am multiracial // l am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
>>> tags: @buckystilinski @emmathedoodlebug @sadwetcatray @neo-neos @itsmaiavil
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libertys-lovers · 2 years ago
Heat and overcast!
Hiya selfshippery, welcome back in, and thanks for sending an ask!!
I believe… I believe I shall apply this to my TF2 F/Os! It’s been a while, why not? Bring out Sniper & Pauling!
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Heat: Does it get hot where we live? Do they like the hot weather, and how do we manage on those days?
So, our base is in the middle of the New Mexico desert… so I’d say it gets pretty damn warm. Mick doesn’t seem to mind the heat as much, & Pauling dislikes it but doesn’t let it distract her… but ME?!? I’m fucking suffering out here please save me 😭🙏
When we work on especially hot days, I just try to bring a couple water bottles and a portable fan; luckily for me I don’t have to fight, so I can safely hold my fan to my face & just… observe. Assuming Pauling’s leaving her office on these days to do the dirty work, she brings some water bottles & really takes in the breeze she gets while riding around on her bike. And Mick, he just tries to find a real shady spot to claim as his sniping nest. Usually I’m able to convince him to drink more water than coffee in those days… usually.
Overcast: What do we do when storms hit? Are Mick or Pauling afraid of thunderstorms?
I absolutely love thunderstorms; I’ll just stand out there for hours & let myself get drenched in rain, to the utter confusion of every other merc. Pauling, she either loves or HATES the storms depending on where she is. If she’s doing office work inside, then it provides some relaxing background noise while she works. But if she’s outside… she’s just miserable the entire damn time.
I’d say Mick likes storms the least though. Sometimes it’s a nice way to wash off the heat of a day, but for the most part he just finds the rain to be annoying, & he doesn’t care for the noise either.
Louder thunder scares all of us, though I’d say I’m the least scared of it. But none of us are like, inherently scared of storms.
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