#there was this one part where the crew saves the polar bears
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kitkatyes · 18 days ago
octonauts head in hands
having the most violent thoughts about the captain so bear (hah) with me -> very much hand-wavy headcannon-y stuff so don't take what I say to heart <33
this man is so self-sacrificial and its shocking that none of the crew have mentioned it. like, he embodies the 'protect' part of their mantra-- this guy would jump in front of a bullet if it meant saving someone else
i like to think that hes very much faking it till he makes it; y'know, confident on the outside and emotional on the inside. he refuses to ask for help because he's The Captain. He needs to be strong for his crew and the sea creatures he aids in rescuing. this, in turn results in a very (un)healthy case of imposter syndrome
because of this, he pushes himself so much for no reason. like, he would be the last one awake in the evenings and the first one up in the morning. he shoves all his feelings somewhere deep in his mind and, y'know, refuses to think about them (we love emotional expression, don't we :D /s)
but like, hes also so soft spoken and sincere when it comes to speaking with his crew,,, he definitely remembers all their birthdays and likes to make an event out of them, much to the chagrin of some of the crew
and thinking of that one episode where they all go on vacation whilst the octopod is getting repaired and like,, even when he's trying to take a break from captaining, something goes wrong
my god, he deserves some time to just, not be the peak of responsibility. my poor little guy deserves to just, have a goddamned break and therapy-- a break and therapy sounds good, i am prescribing him right now, you hear !!
and like, how is he always so level-headed in every situation??? he's always got the perfect plan for everything in seconds. that does not sound like a person who DOESN'T overthink things. girl, i think you need to take a deep breath and break down for once, as a treat.
anyways, manatee episode is prime example of this (i am so normal about that i swear <- clawing at the walls of my enclosure) one, how didn't he get hurt?? like he definitely should have. two: he should have, y'know, ASKED FOR HELP TO GET OUT OF THAT STUPID CLAM !! and, i don't know TOLD EVERYONE WHEN HE WAS RUNNING OUT OF OXYGEN??!
its like, he very much is putting the manatee's well being above his own but, girl, PLEASE be selfish for once. i love how much he trusts his team but, like, was he embarrassed?? he shouldn't be because HOW many times have the others been stuck somewhere? and like, they're all so compassionate and WOULDN'T make fun of him for it at all
did Tweak even know that the gup A got struck by lightning???
and oogh, jellyfish bloom episode. more evidence of his self-sacrificial nature because like, he gets hurt AND still goes out to help them like its nothing. the prevention of kwazii and peso getting stung being the CAUSE of the injury.
oh yeah, you're not getting out of it that easy, fictional polar bear who i harbour a deep nostalgic and emotional attachment to
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the-fluff-piece · 2 years ago
A heart for a heart
A sfw Trafalgar x fem!reader fluff story
Part 1
Part 2 out now
Part 3!
Also check my masterlist for more stories!
Part 1, where the polar tang stops at a small island for the night. Law wouldn't have expected that there, on this backwater island, he would treat a patient that would steal his heart
Note: I just wanted to write Law absolutely over the top falling in love
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Ever since he had become a samurai of the seas and the world knew about his powers as a doctor, all kinds of people came before Trafalgar D. Water Law begging to heal them or prolong their life. There where kings, merchants, pirates and bandits - even a marine admiral - that sought him out and beseeched him to treat their ailments. His title "the surgeon of death" never deterred them.
He turned all of them away. He swore he would only use his power to heal for his crew - or if he felt like it, and a tyrant or a merciless merchant kneeling before him was not going to sway him. The stories of disease and pain quickly annoyed him, because all he saw was mighty men and women, uncaring for the world around them, asking him for more time to leave their heinous mark on the world. It had become such a nuisance that he didn't even answer anymore - he just flipped them his finger and let his crew dispose of them.
He didn't think it would ever be any different until they stopped at a small, uninteresting island where people were too poor to attract any sort of attention. They went to the only tavern in town for some fun and occupied the place for the evening. Law was residing in the most comfortable chair, enjoying a drink and meal with his crew - when it happened. Again. He already rolled his eyes when he heard the pleading "please...very sick...will die..." at the door. He trusted that Bepo would throw them out - it was doubtlessly some wealthy arsehole that tracked him down, begging to be saved - when the white bear stood before him, looking rather flustered.
"Captain, I think you should have a look at this" he said in a sad voice.
"Why?", Law grunted. His first mate should know better by now.
"I...this really is different, maybe we should make an exception?" the bear asked.
"We? I am the captain here and I have the power, I alone decide when I make an exception. If I just treat one, they'll all come running to me" Law said in a stern voice - and he saw his old friend bring out his biggest arguments: his sad eyes. Not many people know that the eyes of a mink bear where as strong as a 1000 puppy eyes, and even Trafalgar was not immune to them, although he wouldn't even admit that under torture.
The bear stared at him with such an incredibly adorable expression, he broke Law's will into a thousand pieces.
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Dammit, if he does that it must be urgent. Law ground his teeth in frustration. "Let's have a look - and than I'll tell you why I won't do anything", Law said, not looking at the bear to conceal that he had melted.
Flashing Law a happy grin, Bepo waved a young man to them, and he was carrying something. Or rather: someone.
Law tried to give that intruder a cursory glance before denying his request to appease Bepo, but Laws demonstrably disinterested look froze when he saw the patient that was laid out before him on the table.
A young girl, about his own age, clad in a simple dress - nothing special one would say. But for him, the sight felt like he was just hit by the marines buster call. As soon as he saw her face, his heart skipped a beat, or two, he couldn't really tell anymore. The world beneath his feet dissolved until only he and that girl were left - and he fell, deeply. Something about her features, that he couldn't even explain to himself, captured him completely. He couldn't say if it was the beautiful eyes looking up at him, the noble shape of her nose or the elegant curve of her mouth, but he was already absolutely obsessed. As his greedy eyes drank her appearance in, he knew he would never be satisfied.
A powerful longing to possess her controlled his thoughts. The sudden onslaught of feeling overwhelmed him and it took all his willpower to reign himself back in and take control of his emotions again.
He wasn't sure how long he'd been staring at her or what emotions he had shown. He closed his mouth to swallow. Everyone looked at him utterly confused. He cleared his throat and tried as best as he could to mimic the bored and relaxed posture he had had a moment before, even though he felt nothing like it through the adrenaline pumping through his body right now. What he wouldn't give to possess hormone-level control of his bodyfunctions right now to calm down.
"State your request", he prompted the man, his eyes fixed on the girl on the table. She seemed to be barely awake, looking around with hazed eyes.
The man fell to his knees and bowed down until he touched the ground with his forehead, his desperate pleading could be heard in the whole room: "Oh great Trafalgar Law, Samurei of the seas and greatest surgeon alive, this is my sister, she's very sick! The doctor said her heart was weak and she would not get old. We weren't able to find a doctor willing to treat her. She's gotten worse over the last week, you are our only hope, please save her! The me and the whole village will repay you anyway we can!"
Law only half listened to the probably worthless explanation and flattery of the brother and already began to examine her for symptoms.
Her skin looked pale and sweaty, the breath was rattling. A heart problem is plausible, although he would need to do some more tests. He took her small hand into his, the soft skin was cold and damp and her fingers seemed to be swollen. If it was only a heart defect he could easily cure her.
There was no careful weighing of options here, he knew that he would absolutely do anything to save her, no matter how much he told himself that he still had a choice. And that he would have to take her with him.
"How about we talk about the price after the surgery", Law said, his poker face back in place. The plan was formulated and he would go through with it. He picked her up easily, she felt and looked emaciated. The soft whimper that escaped from her blue lips was like a knife to his heart. He would have to begin treatment as soon as possible, luckily he had a stash of spare organs in excellent shape on the tang - for emergencies like this.
As he turned to go back to the submarine, the brother danced around him in joy, promising him everything if his sister lived. Law assured him that the village would absolutely be able to pay what he would ask.
Back on the polar tang, after a short confirming examination, he immediately began surgery with the assistance of his crewmembers. A heart transplant was easy for Law, the power of his devil fruit was designed for this purpose, the success rate at almost 100%.
She would get a strong heart that would safe her from certain death and carry through life.
Half of the village was camping in front of the polar tang in the harbour, awaiting the end of the surgery.
Of course, it was a success. He never doubted that. He would now wait at her bed until she woke up, monitoring her closely to ensure her safety.
As the anesthetic wore off, she opened her eyes and really looked at Law for the first time. Her lips had already regained a healthy colour, her skin looked rosy again and her gaze was focused - on him. He stared. He couldn't help it. She was even more irresistible now, he couldn't have anticipated how badly it would affect him.
He prided himself on being educated, eloquent and sophisticated - he wanted to tell her who he was, that she was in the best and most capable hands.
"Uhm...hey", was the only thing he could think of to say when he finally met her gaze for the first time. How embarrassing. Since he first saw her the question of who she was dominated his mind. While she slept he had built a hundred scenarios in his head how he would introduce himself to her. "Hey" was not among them.
"Hey", she answered, smiling at him. He couldn't have imagined a more perfect smile. It played around her pink lips, kind and warm. Home, he felt like he was coming home.
"You're...uhm...ok now, you know", he heard his idiot voice say. He could have impressed her by being every inch the doctor his father raised him to be, he could have told her how he saved her life. Instead, he told her "she was ok now". Well done Law, he thought.
"I feel...so much better! What happened?", her excited, melodic voice made his ears ring. It made him think of cozy winter evenings spend at a warm fire, it was the kind of voice that made him feel like being wrapped in a warm blanket. He felt a wide grin expand over his face.
"I g...gave you a new h...heart", he stuttered this most basic expression, incapable of retrieving his medical expressions from behind the blockade of hormones in his brain.
She stared at him for a moment, he stared at her. She touched her chest with her hand, just above the heart and looked as though she would cry.
"I'm cured?", she asked shakily. He nodded. "You cured me?" He nodded. "Yeah".
She fell around his neck, crying and thanking him. He wasn't prepared for this. Her soft hair was caressing his cheek, her arms tightly closed around him. Her scent and warmth washed over him, ripping down every emotion defence he had built, like an ocean surge destroying every dyke in its path. He didn't know what to do. Could he touch her? Should he? He lay one of his hands on her back to return the hug, but he just lightly padded her back. It was enough to make his whole body explode with a tingling sensation and send his heart on a wild race. Never let her go again. He would never, ever let her go again. He knew that now.
Stay tuned for part 2!
Now that you've read the whole thing, let me know what you think in the comments!
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whereistheonepiece · 2 years ago
For the writing prompts a story about Cavendish and Law meeting again accidentaly (like he saves Law again or anything you'd like to write I just love Cavendish being a gentleman)
I love your icon btw!!
Why, thank you!
Originally I was going to set this after Zou and before Wano, but I took so long in answering this that Oda finally revealed what happened after Law and Blackbeard's fight, and that provided the perfect opportunity for Cavendish to save him (and Bepo).
Oda's going to release a chapter that contradicts this, so let's just enjoy this as the canon divergent fic that it is.
The Heart Pirates had been defeated. The Polar Tang had sunk to the bottom of the sea, presumably taking its crew with it. Law couldn't know for sure, as he'd been unable to lift his own head after Blackbeard was done with him. Law couldn't know for sure if his crew had managed to escape the depths, unlike their submarine; he had to trust Bepo was right and have faith that the Heart Pirates had made it out alive.
And that's what haunted him as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He couldn't know for sure the fate of his crew, couldn't know if they'd all made it out okay or if some of them had been killed in the destruction of the sub. He couldn't know if some had suffered injuries that left them unable to swim to safety.
Come to think of it, how much longer could Bepo hold out? Bepo was a Mink, so he was a stronger swimmer than your average human, but even Minks had their limits. How much longer could his polar bear swim before his limbs began to fail him? How much farther to the nearest island? Law, in this state, couldn't begin to picture where they were, so he couldn't know where they were in relation to land.
Would their retreat be in vain? Would Bepo come to the end of his strength, his stamina, before they could reach the next island? Would Bepo reach a point where he could no longer move his limbs, and lose his ability to float on his stomach, causing Law to slip off his back and into the sea? Law had no hope if that happened. He'd sink like a rock, and they'd have betrayed their crew for nothing.
Law slid his eyes open. He stared up into the sky. Was he hallucinating?
"Captain!" Bepo said. "Captain, I see a ship."
"What's it look like?" Law rasped. He could feel Bepo's movements begin to grow sluggish; he wasn't going to last much longer. But in the world of Marines and pirates, a ship did not automatically mean their salvation, and Law would rather drown than leave himself at the mercy of an unknown adversary.
"Really girly and frilly," Bepo panted. "The figurehead is a huge white horse. I think they're called the Beautiful Pirates."
"Care to come aboard?" called the voice.
"Captain?" Bepo asked, looking to Law for his next move.
"We can trust them," Law said, feeling his lips curve in something approximating a smirk. "I know their captain." He and Luffy may no longer be allies, but Cavendish didn't have to know that.
Cavendish swept onto the deck, smelling like roses and an inoffensive unisex cologne. He took Law and Bepo in with his large blue eyes, his lips parted in thought.
"Here," he said, slipping off his coat and fitting it around Law's shoulders. "You can use that to keep warm until we can get you two in a bath."
Law gripped the coat to himself, quietly shivering. Wearing Cavendish's coat, Law was reminded of the time Cavendish had held him in his arms when he could barely walk after Doflamingo had finished with him. Just how many times was he going to accept this man's chivalry?
Cavendish looked at his subordinates and ordered one to start on the bath, another to bring tea, and a third to find Law and Bepo a set of clean clothes after their bath.
The three Beautiful Pirates dutifully ran off to carry out their orders, leaving Law, Cavendish, and Bepo alone at the bow of the ship.
"I don't imagine you'd want to share with me how you found yourself in your current predicament," Cavendish began carefully.
Law clenched his fists in the fine silken outer fabric of Cavendish's coat. "You're right," Law said. "I don't."
Cavendish laid his hand on his hip. He sighed. "Well, you're welcome to stay the night. We're stopping for a supply run tomorrow. We can drop you off then."
Law let out a breath. "Thank you."
Cavendish nodded. He perked up when the pirate who'd left to make tea returned with a tray of three delicate teacups. "Thank you," Cavendish said, taking the dainty porcelain in his hands.
Law and Bepo took teacups of their own; Bepo had some trouble at first figuring out how to shape his claws to hold his cup, but he was grateful for the tea. Law looked into the green depths of his tea and imagined a miniature sea, with a miniature Polar Tang and a miniature, broken crew. He squeezed his eyes shut and brought the cup to his lips and sipped without testing the temperature, scorching his tongue. He didn't care. He took another sip, scorching the inside of his throat.
"What do you plan to do next?" Cavendish asked.
Law finally opened his eyes. He stared at Cavendish, with his golden hair, his delicate features. What did he know of hardship? "I don't know," he admitted quietly.
A sympathetic look crossed Cavendish's face. He nodded. "Then I'll leave you two to it," he said, turning around. He took a few steps before he paused, looking over his shoulder. "If you should need anything, come find me."
"All right," Law said. He'd try not to need anything.
"Can we have something to eat after our baths?" Bepo asked.
Cavendish laughed. Law didn't want to think about how pleasant a sound it was. "Of course!" He turned to face them. "How stupid of me. Yes, I'll talk to the ship's cook immediately."
"Charlie should be ready to escort you to the baths soon," Cavendish continued. He turned his back again. "I hope your stay here is a comfortable one."
Law inhaled. He looked into his tea. He said nothing.
Cavendish walked away, leaving Law alone with Bepo.
"Captain," Bepo said, "do you really not know what to do next?"
"I'll think of something," Law muttered. He just needed rest, a decent meal, and some sleep. "I just need time to think."
That was actually the last thing he needed right now, but it felt like the right thing to say.
Law and Bepo drank their tea in silence. Soon enough Charlie came to take them to their bath. Law wasn't looking forward to what came next—whatever that entailed—but he could use a nice soak. Maybe the hot water would be enough to quiet his mind.
Maybe, Law thought, but probably not. But he would try to take his time on Cavendish's ship as respite before he and Bepo got off on the next island, and then Trafalgar Law would come up with a plan to reunite his crew.
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oatzimir-archive · 3 years ago
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i cannot get over this man
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octoagentmiles · 3 years ago
The Octonauts main series is very episodic, but Above and Beyond has been very serial so far. Meaning, where in the main series there would be a plot introduced and resolved in a single episode, AnB has real continuity and a story going on throughout the show.
Each character seems to be experiencing their own story arc, slowly building up as the show goes on.
So here's what I think each Octonaut's arc is:
Barnacles is alone more often. He doesn't like this. He's been showing his emotions more, because his crew isn't around for him to hide them from. I also can't shake the feeling that Bianca and the cubs haven't appeared yet for a reason. His arc is about vulnerability.
Dashi was promoted, making her officially "Captain of the Octo-Ray." She has been MUCH more involved with everything going on, she and Barnacles even had A Moment™ (the fist bump)—and I think they're going to have more Moments™. Her arc is about responsibility.
Kwazii has been away from the Octonauts a lot. He's instead been spending a lot of time with Calico Jack. Every time we see Tracker, he's situated with Kwazii. Hear me out on this: Tracker in a way represents Barnacles a little; not just because they're both polar bears, but Tracker is also very important to and for Barnacles and his past. So on one hand we have Kwazii spending time with and learning from his grandad—and on the other we have him spending time with and mentoring a representation of his captain. His arc is about self-discovery.
In my big Peso analysis a few posts ago, I talked about how Peso has his best development and character growth moments when he's alone, as opposed to being surrounded by his friends. Like Barnacles, Peso has also been alone more often—but he seems perfectly okay with it. Heck, he travels a whole desert to save a baby elephant in episode one—not to mention The Puffin Colony, where he was in charge of the whole Island. His arc is about individuality/independence.
I'm not sure about Tweak or Shellington yet (or Inkling), but they'll probably get more in season 2. I can't wait to see what they have in store for them. I'm tryna rewatch season 1, so if I figure them out I'll make a part 2.
ALSO one more thing: if we were to ever get a “backstory episode,” I totally believe it could happen in AnB. The main series just doesn’t have a focus on lore, etc.; because their primary audience is kids who don’t usually pay attention to that stuff. But AnB? I’ve only seen older kids and adults watching it so far, and they’ve been putting a lot more effort into the story. So,,, ya never know.
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shelly-ya · 3 years ago
Ok darlings part two of this thing with killer and you is starting now. What is that rumbling coming towards you? What is the secret you are hiding from killer? Will you two be saved? Let's find out.
Somewhere in the new world a ship and submarine are docked on an island for repairs.
"Oi how long is this going to take? My friend is waiting on us to rescue him" the hot headed captain asked the scared ship wright.
"Not long again sir er captain. Er captain sir!" He stuttered his reply
" hurry it up we don't have all day! " the captain barked his command
"Y-es sir captain sir y- yes" the scared man started hammering nail through board at a faster pace.
"Captain!" A high pitch voice exclaimed in the submarine "i found the chest" a polar bear said running towards his captain with a small chest in paws. This garnered the crew closer to the near and captain. He opened the chest while the bear held it up. Sifting through the papers clearly nervous. His inked hands stopped moving pulling a vivre card with *name* written on it. He breathed a sigh of relief
"They're alive oh I don't know who or what to thank but they're alive" the captain spoke his face hidden with his hat.
"Hopefully they're close by!" The strawberry blonde exclaim "lets hope they aren't injured"
"We can only hope" the captain said palms open with the vivre card tugging towards the general direction of where name was".
Hearing the rumbling in the forest getting louder towards you, you stood looking on to catch a glimpse of what was coming. However, your safer bet was running instead of watching, it was a huge gigantic wild boar charging towards you. Feeling for your weapons was another mistake because where you keep them you felt your own flesh. "Oh right I'm NAKED!" you yelled spinning to run away from the wild creature. You hooked your feet on something falling flat on your face. Rising up quickly "out of all the things I inherited from you I got your CLUMSINESS!!!" you cried out to no one in particular . You heard a loud thud behind you looking back you see the wild boar lay dead on the ground mere inches away from you.
"What are you doing?" Killer asked you from on top of the beast raising his eyebrow looking at you confused. You picked up the item that tripped you.
"Finding your helmet." You replied with a childlike smile holding it up in victory. You didn't notice the slight blush he had on his face when you stood. When you opened your eyes you saw his back was turned to you. "Huh? Don't you want your helmet back?" You asked
"Take the sail and wrap yourself up" was his quiet reply. Looking down at yourself you grew embarrassed he saw you half naked. Dropping the helmet you grabbed a shredded sail big enough to wrap around you and proceeded to cover yourself up.
"I'm done" you say picking his helmet up again tossing it towards him. He caught it midair not looking back at you. "Looks like we feast tonight." You say started to pick up the items that washed ashore. You then notice the carcass being moved forward towards where your clothing were drying hurrying behind your stranded partner you catch up at the campsite. You notice him putting his jeans on, helmet on the rock next to your clothes. There were items for a shelter and for a fire.
"Let's get started. " he stated picking up some poles and vines. Walking towards a clearing he starts burying the poles deep into the sand for a foundation post.
"Sure let me change" you said
"No need, I mean time is running out for the sun to stay in the sky." He said . You both worked straight until the sun started setting. By then you both had a shelter made of wood, vines and covered in the sails you found. There was a fire roaring and the prepared meat of the boar roasting on the open flames. "Won't be as tasty as on our ships but it will starve off hunger until your captain gets here. " he said carving a piece of the near on to banana leaves and handing you it to which you gladly take and start eating.
"Thank you for the food." Taking a bite. "It tastes yummy as far a starvation goes it fills the stomach for sure." You state while chewing on the meat watching him take a seat next to you with his own portion. Coconuts cut at the top held water like cup for you both. Eating and drinking in silence you felt the exhaustion kicking in. "Killer I'm going to sleep. I don't think we need to look out for any intruders only the island animals. Please come lie down next to me for warmth. " You grabbed his hand and groggily walked back to the shelter. You both lay on the ground sharing the sail you wrapped yourself with earlier as a blanket. Turning your back to him you began to close your eyes. Hearing some shuffling you felt his arm snake around your waist pulling your back straight into his chest.
"I know you are drunk with sleep but never ask a man to lay with you. They will think you want something more from them and they will gladly give you it" you feel his breath on your neck his hand not moving from where he wrapped it against you. "Good night you crazy being" he said before his breathing became even. While your heart pounded loudly from the close contact, you felt oddly safe you closed your eyes and allowed sleep due to the exhaustion to take over.
You felt sunlight shining into your eyes. Groaning "Law you dumbass why didn't you dive last night?" You said turning and hugging your pillow to your face. However, your pillow was breathing and felt hard. You felt a weight on your body and your limbs tangled with other limbs. "Did I have a rendezvous with a man last night" trying to recall your night remembering how you are on a deserted island with none other than your enemy. Carefully opening your eyes you saw a chest and looking up you see a sight to behold. Killer tangled up around you looking vulnerable and gorgeous. You buried your face back into his chest trying to calm your beating heart. You felt yourself roll onto your back and killer's full weight on you. Looking up at him you are startled to see him staring at you.
He had you pinned down to the sand. "Heh I should do what I wanted to you last night" said drawing closer to you slowly.
" Huh? Do what? " You ask struggling to release yourself.
"Oh I don't know maybe claim Trafalgar Law's property as my own" he said with a smile and kissed you frantically almost like he was a starved man. You struggled against him trying to stop him but you couldn't because he was stronger than you. Just then you both heard a crash and an animal scream in pain. He stopped and shared a look of surprise with you.
what could of cause that crash? And why the heck you would try to stop killer from kissing you? I mean come on this is killer let the man miss you. See you on the next episode loveys....😘😘😘😘😘
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sashi-ya · 4 years ago
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH. 5 – FINAL PART
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU. ♥ Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory. Wano kuni arc.  ♥ Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥ TW: NSFW, violence. Drama (a lot of it), some broken bones. And fluff, a lot of it. No further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥A/N: thank you so so much for reading until the end of this story. I enjoyed writing these chapters so much! I hope you enjoyed it as much as me. I’ll be pleased to accept any request or commentaries on this or other fics.
Word count: 5.0K
» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3} {CH4}«
 Chapter 5
Next thing I remember was opening my eyes and seeing Law’s face. He was carrying me in his arms, my hearing went from a loud buzzing to his voice. “Y/n-ya, answer me, come back, are you with me??”, my best friend kept asking me while running. I gave him a smile, and the only thing I could say to him was, “I’m sorry”, until I passed out again. 
The night sky was deep blue, full of stars and a big moon that enlightened the whole room. I recovered my senses a few hours after, since Law has saved my life, once again. He was next to me, brushing his hand over my forehead, looking straight at the door with his katana on the other hand. I was lying on my bed. Around me, a whole disaster, everything I owned was scattered over the floor. 
Once again, the first words that came out from my mouth were “I’m sorry”. I have put my whole crew, Law, and even my life in danger just because of my stupid pride… My personal doctor smiled at me and told me to shut up. He began to cry, openly, looking directly to my face. He was not hiding under his hat, not even over my chest. He was showing me how hurt he was, and this was for sure the very first time I’ve seen him cry like this. “I am the one who should be sorry. I left you alone, I abandoned you. Everything because I was scared, because I didn't want to accept how much I love you, I was afraid of changing, of putting you in danger. Look how you’ve ended because of me, they were searching for me…” he said, hitting his chest with his hand in a fist. He continued, “That’s the reason I wouldn’t really admit that the love I felt was more than just caring for a friend… I’m sorry Y/n-ya. I’m sorry… everything I said, it was a lie… I’ve loved you since...forever. You were always my star, the only person I could look at, when I was in the dark, you shine so bright, you light up my soul…”. I tried to get up from bed, but a throbbing pain on my ribs stopped me from it. “ugh… Law…”, he told me to remain still on bed, and informed me that 5 of my left ribs were broken. I wanted to say so many things, to tell him it was alright, that I wanted to go back to the polar and resume our journey as if nothing happened, but… it wasn’t that easy, I was hurt too. I remained silent, looking through the window, searching for the best words to say, to express everything I had inside my chest. 
I finally decided to speak. Law was still crying, but he wouldn’t guard down, he was protecting me. I said, “Oi, dumbass… how did you find me?”, “I followed your vivre card, of course” he answered sobbing. “Yeah, but… how did you get here so fast? where were you?”, I asked. I guess his cheeks turned to red, he seemed as if he was blushing, and after stuttering a little, he confessed, “I.. we.. I stayed in the submarine on the other side of the island, I was scared. Everybody agreed on waiting for you…”. 
He was always here?... of course, he was, his vivre card would always point to the same place. And... that time I went exploring the whole island, I thought I saw the guys in the distance, on the shore… I... thought it was just my imagination… I began to cry and laugh at the same time, covering my eyes with my hands. “I love you, dumbass. I love you more than anything, you were always here, you didn’t abandon me”. Suddenly I was so happy, I knew he wouldn’t leave me, I knew he would always protect me... I knew it. I was full of joy...  
Law laid next to me in bed, softly because he knew how hurt I was, hugged me and kissed my forehead. He had the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. He looked so relieved. The warmth I felt on my chest when I had his vivre card over, I was now feeling it all over my body. 
We stayed like this for a few minutes until Law said, “You need to rest, and I need to be alert in case some more bastards come”. I calmed him, “they won’t come here, they think we are on the submarine, leaving this city… Do you remember your vivre card?”. He looked at me, worried. I continued, “I’m sure you think that yonkou’s subordinates have found and stolen your vivre card from here, right?”. He nodded and said, impatient, "yes, when I was beating the shit out of them, I heard that they have finally found it, how come they don't have it?". “If I have learned something from you throughout all of this years is to plan things out… Yesterday morning, before leaving home I got the feeling that I should carry your vivre card with me…” I slowly pulled the little paper from my bra and showed it to him. He widened his eyes and was about to say something, but I resumed speaking like a smart detective, “Yet, a few days ago I thought of how dangerous it was that someone could find your vivre card, my dear ex Shichibukai…so, I made a fake one, I used some fish scales that I took from a fish of the river to make it, write your name on it, and leave it on that little box you now see empty over the dresser. So, I think they might be following that fish...”. Law’s face was priceless, at first, he was dumbfounded, but a few seconds later we both burst into laughing. 
Despite how painful it was to laugh with a few broken ribs I couldn’t help it. It was too funny, and it was the first time I laughed since a long long time. I missed those days when we were younger, had no place to stay and even if the cold was getting into the bones, a few stupid phrases of Bepo or Penguin made us laugh uncontrollably. It was, after all, our "Laugh Tale".
“Oi, you should eat something, are you hungry?”, asked my doctor, to which I replied with a sexy smile “I am hungry for you, doc”. “I’d love to fuck you right here, right now, as hard as I want, but It wouldn’t be ethic, you’ll be in pain…” he said straightforwardly to my face. I gasped; I love how Law gets when he is horny… “Now, tell me where the food is, I’m going to cook something”, he said and I pointed to a few groceries that were still on the counter. 
Law gathered a few of the things that were scattered all over the floor and promised me to clean everything up tomorrow. He was acting like a husband, how cute.
I contemplated how he focused on cooking frowning. The last time I saw him cooking was when we were little, sometimes he woke me up with breakfast, sometimes he would broil some potatoes, but somehow every time he did, his eyes got sad. So, before Penguin, Shachi and Bepo arrived I normally cooked for him.  
“Here, let me help you sit on the bed”, he said, bringing two plates of some risotto he made for us. He left the plates over the floor, hugged me, put a pillow behind my back and sat me on the bed. 
“Mmmh, where did you learn to cook risotto, Law? This meal is delicious!”, I said, delighted with the taste of the food. He looked at me with one of his cheeks poofed with food and smiled with his eyes. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that smile, I’m so in love with him, damn it…
The foliage of the trees that surrounded my little room began to move every time the autumn breeze blew through them. Everything was so calm. I felt as if no more danger was around me, as if nothing that could happen from now on, could be worse than being apart from Law. 
We chatted for a little bit while eating, we were happy, no worries, Law never stopped smiling and neither did I. He helped me to lay down on bed again, and he did the same next to me. “I love you”, Law whispered to me while grabbing my face with his hands, softly caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. Our noses touching, both smiling. “I love you too…”.
Morning came and a sweet smell of honey woke me up. Law was softly kissing my forehead with a cup of tea on his hands. “Good morning darling, I made you a green tea with honey”. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh, but it was impossible. I broke out laughing. Don’t get me wrong, I thought that what he did was the most cute thing ever… but… can you imagine Trafalgar D. Water Law being all cute and romantic? “This is the first time you call me “darling”, I’m sorry”, I said and kept giggling. His face changed to a poutier one so I stopped laughing, “I’m sorry Law… I mean… babe?.” I said and took a sip of the tea. 
He gave me a little smirk, and directed his sight to the floor while saying, “I’m ok with any name you call me, I like “babe”, It makes me happy”. This was the first time I saw him in love, and it was… with me. 
After breakfast, he washed the dishes and called Bepo. “Aya aya, Captain!! how are you? is Y/n with you? is she ok?!”, screamed the polar bear on the other side of the line. “Oi Bepo, yes, she is with me, she is ok. Are you ok? did you notice something suspicious or any movements last night?”. Ah… Law, always talking like he is some sort of a secret agent of the marines…. “Captain, Penguin speaking. We saw two ships leave the coast at night, they got the Beast pirates flag. They didn’t see us; we were hiding as you told”. “Perfect, Y/n-ya has five broken ribs, I put them in place, but she will have to rest on the mainland for a few days, the pressure of the submarine could make the pain worse if she goes immediately underwater. Please, keep informing me at any suspicious movement. And don’t worry, they aren’t following my vivre card”, Law informed my nakamas and hung up the den den mushi. 
“Y/n-ya... darling… I should change your bandages and treat your wounds, are you up for it?”, he asked like the good doctor he is. “Yes, honey, let’s do it. I’m sure you already know, but there are some supplies in the bathroom, but If they aren’t enough, you could go and ask Dr. Saturn, I’ve been working with him as his medical assistant”, I told him. He looked at me, and suddenly his eyes turned to fire. Law rarely loses his taciturn countenance, but that time his face transformed into pure hate. “What is it?”, I asked him without any clue of what was happening. “That bastard, that “doctor”, he sold you to the pirates”, he almost shouted. Profoundly shocked, I mumbled “What? how… how did you know?”. “I investigated while we were apart, I didn’t mean to follow you or else, but… I was worried, I wanted to protect you… even though I let these things happen to you”, he said now with a guilty tone, while unfolding the bandages. “It’s ok, it’s now over, from now on we will be together to protect us” ... I told him with a side smile that soon turned into a little wince. 
Soon I was left with no bandages on my body, my torso naked, covered in bruises and scuffs. Law softly brushed some cotton embedded on alcohol over the scuffs, he was so delicate that It felt almost as a tickle sensation. His hands always worked as stethoscopes because of the Ope Ope no mi, so he then placed a hand over my heart and checked my heartbeat. The cold breeze and the soft touch of his hands over my nipples made them turn hard, and a little gasp slipped out of my mouth. The touch of skin over mine lit a fire inside of me.
Law looked at me top to bottom, finally worshipping with his intense grey eyes, my boobs. Licking his upper lip, he slowly approached his mouth over one of my erect nipples. He licked it from bottom up, fixing his eyes on mine, smirking sexy. My body squirmed as the sensation of his wet tongue struck me with a wave of pleasure. Even if It hurt, even if I had a few broken ribs, that little action made me wish he fucked me hard, I needed to, I had a real lust for him. 
He kept on using his mouth, he would lick, softly bite, suck both of my tits, gently enough to avoid my ribs hurt. 
“Oi, let me put you some bandages, if not… we can’t continue…”, he said. And I, that I was lost in the arousal that Law was producing on me, agreed. He started folding my torso with the elastic bandages, the pressure over my skin that sometimes hurt, also contributed to the heat of the moment. “Imagine if instead of bandages, I used some ropes…” he softly whispers next to my ear from behind. 
I turned my face to the side and reached for his mouth. We kissed passionately, lustfully, erotically. 
The bandages were so tightly snuggled that I couldn’t feel any pain. Law managed to tight them perfectly so they could be holding my ribs but letting my breasts free of them. 
My lover delicately laid me down on the bed, took off his shirt and settled over me. Law ran his hand over my face, caressing my skin, while maintaining his weight with the other arm at the side of my head. I kissed his palm with the side of my mouth. This moment felt magical for us, our eyes interlocked with pure love for each other, it was more than just pleasure. He was making love to me, and I did too. 
His fingers travelled from my face to my sex, getting moistened with how wet I was. His tattooed index finger lingered over my clit tracing circles around and over it. A few moments later he put the finger on my mouth requesting me with a “taste your flavour” to lick his finger. I sucked it so lewdly, that made him groan loudly. 
He knelt in front of me and used his middle and ring finger with a “come hither” motion inside of me, spotting the G point, making me arch my back and moan loudly. And as if that pleasure wasn’t enough, he also used his tongue over my pleasure button. I cummed so hard, squirting his whole hand. 
Far from being exhausted I invited Law to release the bulge trapped into his trousers and to come near my mouth. “I want you to jack off and fuck my mouth, babe” I asked him with an inviting obscene tone. The surgeon gasped and as fast as he could took his pants off. I opened my mouth with my head over the pillow sticking my tongue out, awaiting to taste his sweet member. 
First, I licked it, then I grabbed it with my hands and placed it inside of my mouth. Law was so heated that couldn’t resist himself and hold my jaw in order to fuck my mouth, first cautiously, but then violently as he left himself go with the desire and the pleasure he was experiencing. I fixed my teary eyes on his, choking with the length and width of his hard rock pennis. He didn’t finish, but instead, went straight to fuck me. 
Again, he was settled over me, delicately penetrating me, with soft thrusts at first but increasing the pace with every pounding. He strongly held my wrists over my head while fucking me. 
Letting me go he approached his body to mine, letting the side of his abs slightly rest over my stomach in order not to put so much pressure over my ribs. He charged all of his weight over the right side of his body and his elbow on the bed and kept on fucking me. The penetration was slowly just for the both of us to feel every movement in detail. Law stroked my hair as I whined more and more with pleasure. We both came almost together, with our mouths pressed moaning “I love you”. 
Three days after, I felt better enough to take a walk, so after the guys confirmed that the city was free of dangerous enemies, we left the house for the first time. The fall had fully arrived at the island, warmth colours, chilly breeze that softly made some far away sunflower fields dance, the floor covered in dry red and brown tinted leaves, a few pumpkins that the citizen had on their porches, some shop owners already putting up Halloween decorations and a few kids playing on the street were part of the scenery of our walk. Law didn’t speak much as always, and I was enjoying how his tanned skin got bathed by the orangey tones of the afternoon sun. 
Eventually, we arrived at the city centre, where the local producers market was taking place. I told Law that I wanted to buy some flowers from Mrs. Ann stand at the fair as I always did. He smiled at me, showing he agreed, and I started almost running. I recognized that I could be a little childish and impulsive sometimes, especially for someone like Law. “Oi! don’t run babe!!” he warned me and grabbed my hand in order to stop me. I looked back at him; my hair got blown by the wind as well as my skirt. I gave him a wide grin, slid my arm so that he could now hold my hand and pulled him towards me. The very first seconds he looked so mad at me, but then he let himself go and followed my pace with a big smile. We were almost running, holding hands, making the crows and larks fly off the streets scared of us. 
“Hello Mrs. Ann, I’m here to buy you some pretty flowers, what bouquets do you suggest?” I asked the florist. “Hello, my dear! you seemed so happy today! who is this handsome young man that joins you today?!”, she said curious. My smile quickly faded, and I realized that we still haven’t talked about what we actually are, so, “Uhm… he is…”, “His boyfriend, I’m his boyfriend”, Law ended my sentence with a straight face. I blushed and giggled, I felt as if a hundred butterflies were flying inside of my stomach. Mrs Ann smiled at us, with genuine happiness, and said “So, this time we should let him pick the flowers for you, right young man?”. Law pointed to the sunflower’s bouquet and timidly said “Those, her favourite flowers are sunflowers, so I guess I’ll take those”. “Good choice boy, you know why sunflowers are so special? They usually face the sun, but whenever it is cloudy, they face each other so they get enough energy… Same goes with couples, whenever there are clouds in the sky, they should count on each other, until the sun comes back again, and both can enjoy it together”. Law smiled at her and then at me, I know for sure that we both count with each other, I know we do.  We bought some more groceries and ended up having a picnic on the fields. This life was somehow better than I thought, but soon our couple time should be over. Our journey must continue, our missions should be complete, and we were young, we would have plenty of time once we achieve our goals to grow old together. 
Two days after we returned to the submarine, and despite spending the last two days thinking of a better way to communicate with our crew that we… were dating, we couldn’t find the perfect way. Law was mortified, he hates to show emotions, and whenever our crew knows the big news, the amount of energy it's going to be too much to handle. 
We could sight the Polar Tang that was moored on the coast, everybody was on the deck waving at us, shouting our names. Law was slowly hiding under the coat collar with every scream, and I was waving at them. I have missed them so much. “Guuuuuys!! guuuuuys!!! oii!!” I screamed, Law grabbed my hand and said, “be careful, you are not fully recovered yet”. “I’m sorry doc, I’ll behave… I promise. That means also no more sex until I get fully healthy, right?” He looked at me with a “how dare you?” expression but I kept talking, “fufufu… don’t worry I was joking, I couldn’t say no to getting railed by you, babe…”. I winked at him and he smirked saying “You are a lost cause…”. 
The whole crew hugged me, expressing to me how much they have missed me, that I shouldn’t ever leave again and asked me why the hell I had left the submarine in the first place. I told them that tonight we should have a party and that Law, and I would explain everything in detail. My nakamas agreed on such a good plan and began to prepare everything to set sail. 
I saw Law carrying my stuff inside, so I followed him. He entered his room with my baggage, and I stopped at the door… “Law, why are you putting my stuff in your room?” I asked, a little confused. “We are going to sleep together from now on, this should be your room too, right?” I widened my eyes, what have I done to the cold emo boy I once knew? I was pleased but surprised for sure. “Well, I’m fluttered, are you willing to hear me snore every night from now on?”, I asked, mocking him. “I’m ok with hearing you snore, if that is the price I have to pay for fucking you every night and cuddling with you”, he said, with a calm attitude. We both laughed and he helped me to unpack everything. While putting everything in place I saw an old polaroid we took back at Dressrosa after the big fight over his nightstand, and over it there was the necklace I had returned to him last time I was in the submarine. “Oi, babe, can you put me the necklace back, please” I said, holding it in my hands and showing it to him. Law smiled, approached me, and while he passed the chain on my neck, he said “Next jewel I’d like to put on you will be a ring…”. I giggled a little and kissed his cheek. 
The night came and we were already in the middle of the sea, the sky was garnished with little stars that lit up our party, and the guys were drinking, dancing, and shouting.  I decided that I’ll never leave them again, whatever comes to us, whatever happens between Law and I, this was my family, and I would be always with them no matter what. 
I went inside looking for a blanket because the night breeze at the open sea could be quite cold. We usually keep some blankets in a little room next to the kitchen for easy access in case we emerge, and someone has to guard on the outside. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I instantly recognized my beloved sweet scent. He placed his chin over my shoulders, and his hands wrapped around my low stomach. We remained like this for a few moments, enjoying our company, dancing to the music that came from outside. We began to kiss gently, and Law closed the little door. We laughed while our lips were still pressed and then with our foreheads also. The joy and intimacy I experienced was so cute, as if we were just married… "stop, let me help us with something, SILENTO" I said, and snapped my fingers, creating a safe space where nobody in the submarine could listen to us with the power of my Nagi Nagi no mi. "Nobody can hear us now, we can be as naughty as we want'' I told him with a lascivious expression while grabbing him by his chin. That probably fanned the flames even more, so he pushed me against the wall and while kissing me, he started unbuttoning my trousers, and then almost ripping my panties off too. He put 2 fingers on my mouth for me to suck on them just to made them wet with my saliva. He shoved them into my pussy and moved them as he only knew how to. While he was fingering me, with the hand that until then was on my breast, he took off his pants revealing a huge erection that was about to be inside of me. 
He grabbed one of my thighs, holding it up, just to spread my legs even more so he could fuck me even deeper, right there, standing, with my back pressed against some sort of metallic wall. I wasn't able to think anything besides how I wanted him to fulfill me with his hard cock. He fucked me so hard, I almost lost full control of my limbs, thank God he was holding me as If I weighed anything less than a feather. Damn, how strong he is. We let ourselves go, and after lustfully enjoying our fleshly lusts, we decided it was time to come back to the party. We were unaware that we climbed the leather to the deck holding hands and smiling at each other, so all of a sudden, the music stopped, as well as the murmur of the crew. Shachi shouted, “I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! of course everything that happened was because of this!” I closed my eyes, waiting for Law to shout and order them to shut the fuck up, but instead he said, “Of course it was because of this, it doesn’t take too much to come up to the conclusion… you idiot”. I started laughing, followed by my nakamas. The whole night came by with us celebrating my return to the submarine and the new couple...
 A few adventures and two years after. End of the Grand Line, Laugh Tale Island…
I could still hear Mugiwara and Law laughing, we have achieved the last island, and you won't believe what the “One Piece” was, but that is  just a whole different story that maybe I’ll tell you about it other time. 
I was over the deck of the Polar Tang, admiring the beauty of the island that left the horizon back at us… I was thinking how many things we have been through to finally get here. Life hasn’t been easy to none of us, but surely, we made it happier, together. I wonder what our future has prepared us from now on. 
A strong wind blew my hair, and I could sense as if someone was behind me. I thought it was Law, but when I turned around, I saw a blond man, wearing a blue feather coat, a heart patterned shirt and a hat that I could recognize real fast. His image wasn’t clear, but I could see him though. “Hello, Mrs. Trafalgar, please don’t freak out. I’m sure you know who I am… I came here to thank you. Thank you for taking care of my little boy, how big he got…”. I knew he was “Cora-san”, I wasn’t scared, I knew he was the kindest person in the world. “Thank you, Mr. Rosinante, you saved Law’s life, I’ll always be grateful for what you’ve done for him. He is who he is for you”. The guy with a blue mark under his right eye, and some lipstick that made his smile even bigger, nodded and said, “by the way, congrats, Rosinante could be a great name, plus it goes well with the D…”. Next, I heard Law calling me “Y/N-ya, what are you doing here all by yourself?”, I turned around and he was coming my way, with a confused expression. I looked back at where Rosinante was, but he had already disappeared. 
 Law hugged me, he was happy and placed his head on my chest. “Did I tell you how much I love to hear your heart beating?”, he asked me still with his head over my chest. “You did, darling, it won’t ever stop beating for you”. Law smiled but suddenly his face turned to a more serious one. He stopped hugging me, and asked with a worried face, “Babe, how many hearts do you have?”, “You are a cardiac surgeon, I’m sure you know how many hearts I have, Law”, I said laughing. “Yeah, because I know that people normally have one, it’s not normal that I hear two hearts beating inside of… wait…” He stopped talking, looked at me and concluded everything in no time. “Babe… are you?... Am I going to be... a father?”, he said with tears on his eyes. “Congratulations, daddy”, I said, and Law hugged me so tight, holding me up in the air crying with pure joy in his heart. We remained hugged until a little bird flew past over us and a blue feather felt over us… 
The End ♥
Thanks for reading! I’m open for requests, so if want me to, just ask ♥ 
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haikyuu-sins · 4 years ago
i’d love a scenario where Law is very protective over Reader, maybe they are hurt or got drugged and he is PISSED at whoever caused it
male or gender neutral reader is fine ^^
TW: Drinking and getting drugged
I decided to put this ask in here as well so I hope that’s okay! 
Law x drunk! reader (but a scenario this time, maybe Reader is a trouble magnet or smth
This is so weird because I was literally going to write a quick scenario where Law’s partner got drugged??? It had been on my mind for weeks and I was just about to write it out!! Now I haven’t been drugged before so I have no idea what it feels like so I’m going off instinct here. I mean I could look it up but I don’t really want to get too realistic here...
****Law being protective with Reader who got drugged 
A rare day off. You and the rest of the Heart Pirates were docked at an island and finally able to get some much needed fresh air and stretch your legs. It wasn’t like the Polar Tang was cramped at all,but sometimes you needed to get out in the open. It was a different kind of stretch.
“It feels so nice to have a breeze on me~” you smile, your arms stretching out over your head as the air flows through your hair. You arrived on the island closer to sunset and the little town was bustling. “Captain I’m going to go take a look around!” he didn’t even get a chance to answer before you were off.
The docking area had tons of food shops, clothing stores and boutiques, and a bar that sat in the middle of it all which you would save for last since you assumed that’s where everyone would be later on.
You went around the docks, looking in the stores for a while and nothing really caught your eye. The only thing you bought was something from the small bakery and you ate that on the way to the bar. You were right when you assumed most of the Heart Pirates were going to be in the bar. They all knew that you liked to sit at the actual bar and talk with the bartenders up there so when you only smiled at them and walked right past your boyfriend, Law, they thought nothing of it.
The bartender was a sweet younger woman named Curlie, and you chatted with her about the island and what it’s known for, things to do here and whatnot. You reminded yourself to give her a good tip because she even rolled her eyes when her customers were trying to get her attention since she was having such a nice time talking to you. It came to an end when an unfamiliar man took a seat next to you and tried to engage in a conversation with you.
“‘Ya know, you seemed chatty enough when you were talking with her,” he shoved his thumb to the bartender who was tending to the men on the other side of the bar. “You don’t wanna talk to me?”
You lifted your drink and took a sip from it. “Sorry, she’s just a little more interesting I guess.” you shrugged a shoulder and continued with your beer until it was gone.
“Lemme buy you a round, maybe you’ll talk to me then?” he raised his hand and whistled to Curlie who you could see physically cringe. She turned around to him and walked over.
“I’m not a dog. You don’t need to be whistling at me to get my attention. You can just be patient. Wha’d’ya want?”
“Two beers. Just put it on my tab.”
“You ever gonna pay that tab?” she rolled her eyes and bent down to grab a new glass and filled yours that you already had, and his new one.
“Yeah, yeah, eventually.”
“Better be soon or I’m not servin’ you anymore.” she warned and turned to you.. “Sorry sweetie, I gotta take care of these customers over here...” Curlie frowned before she walked away to do her job.
“Thanks.” you pointed to your drink. “Even though I didn’t ask for it, and just because you bought it for me doesn’t mean I’m obligated to talk to you if that’s what you think.”
Law smirked a bit hearing you in the background. He kind of liked when you got snippy with other guys that tried to flirt with you, it always made him laugh because he knew they were going to get nowhere with you.
“You know, you have really pretty eyes.” The creepy man reached over your drink to brush a strand of hair that was on your face and in that moment, you didn’t notice, but he dropped something in your drink.
You slapped his hand away from him in disgust and cringed. “Try to touch me again. I dare you. You’re lucky I don’t throw my drink in your face right now.”
He put his hands up in defense. “Sorry! Sorry!” he chuckled nervously. “Just thought I’d point out the obvious.”
Law looked back and you did as well, knowing he had probably heard that and you just shook your head at him to let him know that you were okay. He furrowed his brows a bit but he took your word for it and reluctantly turned back around.
There were no words spoken between you and that man next to you while you unknowingly drank your dangerous drink and so he just waited, knowing it was going to kick in soon. And it did, about five minutes later you started to feel weird. Your vision started to get blurry and you shook your head to try and rid it. This was only your third beer and the first two you drank at a slower pace since you were having a conversation with the bartender.
Your body began to sway slightly and you felt nauseous. You closed your eyes and squeezed them shut while you put your head in your hands.
“You doing alright?” the man asked you. You could almost hear a smugness in his voice, like there was a smirk on his face.
“‘M fine...” your speech was slurred and you heard the chair next to you move against the floor. His arms went around your shoulders and he pulled you up out of the chair.
“Let me help you out. You seem like you aren’t doin’ too well.”
“L..aw...” your voice was so quiet and you simply went forward because there wasn’t anywhere else to go but to follow the man who was taking you. “Law...” your left hand was trying to grab onto something and by some grace, your boyfriend was near the front of the bar and your hand grazed against him and their table. You knew he would have seen you before you were able to get out of the bar, but you still got his attention before that happened. “Law-”
He was already seeing red. Before the man even knew what was happening, you were out of his arms and Law was in front of him. He usually didn’t draw his sword unless he was in battle, but just making this guy’s body parts fly around the bar wasn’t going to cut it. For a moment, you were in Law’s grasp before you were handed to Bepo. When you were in that other man’s arms, you willed yourself not to give into whatever he had used on you. But now you knew you were safe and you let your eyes close and you fell limp in the bear’s arms.
Law’s sword was at the man’s throat. Not just near it, but pressing into him. “And where exactly do you think you’re going?” His voice was low, grey eyes narrowed dangerously.
He was shaking. He swallowed but it made the sword press into his neck harder. “I-...”
“You thought you were going to get away with that? Taking my partner right in front of me?” The entire bar was quiet as they watched what was going on. The creep kept trying to back away from Law, stumbling over his feet and words.
“T-they just looked like they needed h-help...”
“They were doing perfectly fine before you went and sat next to them. Now I don’t even want to know what would have happened if I didn’t do anything. But I’m going to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Understand?”
“Y-yes! I’m sorry!” the creep stuttered.
“Oh I don’t think you do. You’re going to die.” Before the man knew it, he was looking at his own heart that was resting in Law’s hand. “This right here,” he squeezed it, making the man clutch his chest where his heart should have been. “As you can see, is your heart. It’s not going to be beating anymore.” as much as Law wanted to torture him and make him cry like a little bitch, you were his priority and even though he knew you were safe with the crew, he needed to get you to the sub. In the next few seconds, Law’s hand clenched around the cube, harder and harder until it burst. “Good riddance.” he threw it to the ground next to his body that was gasping for air and soon there was no more sound coming out of him.
Because the heart was enclosed, his hands stayed clean and he went to take you from Bepo without a word. Law didn’t even know what to say. He was terrified that this had happened to you and didn’t even want to imagine what would have happened if he wasn’t there to help you. He roomed the two of you back to the sub, took you to the infirmary and set you on the bed. Law watched your steady breathing and pushed your hair back, clenching his jaw. He had never been this worried and scared for you before. But you were in his care now and he was going to do the best he could to help you.
It was the next morning when you woke up and Law was right next to you. Your vision still blurred and you blinked the sleep from your eyes. “Law?” your voice was rasped and panicked and you tried to sit up but you felt a hand on your shoulder. There was a sigh of relief when you figured out it was your captain. Tears pricked at your eyes and he immediately pulled you into his chest. It wasn’t like Law to be affectionate but you didn’t mind in the slightest. Your arms wrapped around him and you held each other close.
“Thank you..” your voice was slightly muffled and a quiet sniffle came from you. “I love you.”
You felt his lips on the top of your head. “I love you too.. I’m so glad you’re safe.” he sighed. “Just take it easy for the rest of the day. I want you eating and drinking water to flush it out of your system. And you aren’t going to sit at the bars anymore.”
You chucked. “I will. And good, because I don't want to anymore.”
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kodzuken-chan · 4 years ago
Hi! How are you doing today? Remember to stay hydrated and to be well rested!!
i have returned with another short request!
so i do this thing where over time i kinda accidentally copy someones speech patterns or phrases and it’s honestly pretty funny and slightly embarrassing if someone points it out but oh well.
anyways could i request a law x reader where the reader just goes “hey Law-ya...blah blah blah” or something? 💛
A/N: Hiyaaaaaa dear~!!! I'm doing absolutely great!!! And thank you so much for your sweet words 🥺💕🤌🏻
Soooo this is such and adorable request, and yes I was waiting for some to Request for Law hahahaha🙈💕
Here you go and I hope you enjoy~
🍭Sugar Love🍭
Pairing: Trafalgar Law X Fem.Reader
Gener: Too much fluff / One-shot / Short scenario
Warnings: none
Summary: In which the reader,starts speaking like Law unintentionally~^^
I'm honestly too bad at writing summaries
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So, living with certain people for a quiet while, always makes the person gain some of their partners behaviors, habits and whatsoever. And this happens especially to couples who are totally the opposite of each other, eventually they might end up gaining each other's habits, like for example, if they both a different way of speaking, like a slight difference in the accent, that person might gain his or her lovers accent by the time they stay with each other and vice versa.
Today was busy day at Polar Tang, lets say it was busy just for you, doing multiple important tasks that some of them were originally belonging to another crew member, but since you were a dependable person , most of these tasks were handed to you by Law...not because he doesn't trust his crew mates, its just that he knows that you will get these tasks done without mistakes and double work. The tasks weren't focusing on running around the deck doing check ups and checking the supplies only, you had a pile of office work too, and during this week, no one had seen you coimg out of your shared bedroom with Law except for eating.
As you were preoccupied with this specfic document, there was a certain part that you weren't sure of, in the beginning, you hesitated to go and tell him about it, but after thinking twice, you decided to look for Law to avoid any further mistake or unnecessary additional work. Opening the door of your shared bedroom, finally stepping out of it after 5 hours of staying on this soild chair, you streched your stiffed body and inhaled the air in the lobby, after taking a quick glance at the documents in your hand, you walked looking for Law.
After going here and there, you weren't able to find him, finding Bepo wandering around you asked him, " Hey Bepo-ya- Ahem I mean Bepo...have you seen Law around?", But the white bear shook his head telling you that he didn't. So you had that tiny habit of adding 'ya' at the end of the names, it wasn't like you were born like this, but ever since you started dating Law, this habit grew in you day by bcs of your bf, you intended to save yourself last minute everytime it would slip out of your mouth by mistake when you call your crew members or Law, it wasn't bcs you hated the change or how unintentionally it slips out, its just that you don't want people especially Law to think that you're doing this to mock him or at least to imitate him.
Anyways, not finding Law around, you gave up and went back to you shared bedroom, you thought maybe you should just wait, maybe he's busy in his office with work, no need to disturb him for such a thing. " Let me just carry on with the rest of the documents until i find him" you said as you sat on your dry office chair placing the paper on the side and continuing your work with the other documents. 2 hours later, your shared bedroom's door was slightly opened and appearntly it was Law who came inside to find you alseep on the pile of papers underneath your sleeveless arms.
Lets say, he did feel the guilt rushing to him for giving you tons for work that had you falling alseep due to the tiredness, but he smiled at how hard working you were, he approached you slowly and took his coat off and placed it on your exposed shoulders, he pulled another chair and sat next you, he kept looking at you like that with a smile over his face, with his tattoed fingers, he took the hair strands that slid over your face and placed them behind your ear gently, he came closer and planted a soft kiss on your cheek, and decided finally to get up from his place to finish his work, he was ready to walk ahead leaving you sleeping peacefully there.
But he felt your hand grabbing his wrist to the back stopping him from going any further, rubbing your closed eye you called him, "Law-ya...wait.... don't go... I need to ask you sth" you said sleepily not aware of the tiny flout you just made, " Yes? What is it (Y/N)-ya-?" He said as he bent to your level realizing what you just called him, "W..wh-at did you just call me?", He asked face is red as cheeries, "What do you mean..I just called you Law-yaaa........" You said and froze in your place, your cheeks slowly turning into red from embarrassment as you tried to explain, " Its Not What you think I'm not trying to-", but before you can even process, Law's lips had already found yours in a sweet sugar like kiss, it was a gentle, passionate yet a sweet kiss that made your heart melt for few minutes, he parted, looked at you and chuckled, " You're so cute (Y/N)-ya", him chuckling like that is too rare to see, he smirks at you most of the time, but him being so soft right now made your heart flatter leaving you giggling shyly.
Soon he took your hand and gently helped you laying on the bed as he slipped next to you pulling you into his embrace, " take a nap, you've been working for hours now...take some rest my (Y/N)-YA" he pointed your name out teasing you as he poked your nose, you nodded with a slight blush on your face and Snuggled into him even more, you softly muttered in his chest, "I love you Law-ya" as yoy muffled a giggle before drifting to dreamland 🖤
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softrozene · 4 years ago
Stars and Dreams
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Anonymous requested: Hello!!! (^ω^) Can I request one-shot soulmate au and (magic au? Idk if you name that. 😅) Law x fem! S/O? Okay it's more like a legend. If a person meet another person (in form of a star) in their dreams they're are soulmates together. Law sees her, her appearance is form of a star but he can hear her voice clear and well. Same opposite for fem! S/O. The timeline is somewhere in Punk Hazard. And she's by the strawhats crew. When she meets Law she thinks "hey! His voice is sounds familiar." She has often dream it if she sleeps. She has also heard the legend of soulmates. If they touch each other. Then both in their body shines a bright light. Like magic. And if they sleep again. Then she sees not the star form but person Law standing before her. That's it. I hope it's not to difficult. 😅 And take your time all you need.
Alright! The first request of the year! I saved it from last year because I am beaming with confidence (and I am such a sucker for fluff and soulmates alkdafs) FLDSA I don’t think this classifies as a magic au but I sure as heck am putting that down because stars??? They are freaking magical fluff to me. This was so fun to do so thank you for requesting it!
Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff- tooth-rotting fluff, Slight angst that is fixed with more fluff, probably grammar like always- Technical spoilers for Punk Hazard but I try to be as vague as possible and skip to the end of it.
Words: 1746
You loved going to sleep. You loved it so much and the whole crew knows why- You are one of the lucky few who has been blessed to have a soulmate. Some would consider it not lucky at all since it is so uncommon and more like a legend- But you love it so much.
You love the idea of solely being someone’s and them solely being yours.
The first time you had this dream was roughly when you were twenty. The shock that this legend of seeing your soulmate in the form of a star was beyond shocking to you. He was too bright of a light as a star, and you wondered if you appeared that way to him- If you were just as bright and mysterious to him.  Even so, you loved to stare into the light of the star. Even if you could not see his physical form you knew immediately that you loved him. The second you heard his voice too- You melted. He was perfect in every way even if you have yet to learn more about him.
The part that saddened you was even though you could talk to him in your dream- You were not really talking to him. It was only a dream so whatever information his voice gave you, was all in your head. You had no true way of knowing who he is, what he liked, his name, where he was from, absolutely nothing. It made you a bit heartbroken because this was the sad part- You were destined to be together but the only thing you had to go off from was the sound of his voice.
So, it was around six years ago long before you joined the Straw Hats that the dreams started. The dreams were vague and very rare to happen at first until you did join the Straw Hats two years ago.
They got more constant and you loved to fall asleep and dream away to hear his voice. You tried to memorize it for when you were awake in the real world on islands. To try and pinpoint his voice but it was in vain.
Slowly- Ever so slowly, you began to accept the fact that you may never meet him. It broke your heart, but you began to accept it while you and the Straw Hats were split up, and eventually, it just hurt to go to sleep and dream of someone meant to be yours, but you may never have. You started to avoid sleeping.
For Law- Things were different.
When he first got the dream at age twenty, he denied it. He thought that soulmates were just strictly legends- Something not real. Until that dream and because of how much it made him feel- Alive and surprised that he may be able to love someone and receive their love in return, it frankly scared him.
He avoided sleep whenever he could- He avoided the fact that he has a soulmate.
He did not want one- He did not want to risk losing the person meant for him since he just kept losing people when he was younger.
It terrifies him and he hates it.
He will be stubborn for the next six years but eventually as the dreams got more frequent and he had no choice but to hear your sweet voice- He started to fall and hard.
It pissed him off greatly but since he slowly started to give in and felt the overwhelming love drift to him in his sleep from your star, he… Started to love to sleep when he can. He enjoyed it so much. To hear your sweet feminine voice call for him- Even if it may just be his mind doing that for you he loved it nonetheless.
Though- He did realize he could not let his dreams, his soulmate, ruin his plans for Doflamingo. He tried to keep a strict schedule and since he knew the possibility of dying was there- He tried to sleep and hear your voice so it can be one last comfort he has before the possibility of the next day taking his life comes.
He pursued his plan- Got to Punk Hazard, waited for someone he put his bid on to get there- Monkey D. Luffy to create an alliance with him. What he did not anticipate was to hear that familiar voice coming from his crew.
It became unreal to him and he did think he was going a bit crazy- But… According to the legends, all he had to do was touch you then after this terrible mission he can sleep, and hopefully- He will find out if you really are his soulmate or if this was all just a terrible dream leading him on and making him believe he can be loved in this unforgiving world.
You were exhausted. And really grumpy. Those two things did not match well, and it made your brain foggy- Definitely not a good thing when you got to Punk Hazard. An island that seemed to be swarming with enemies.
It was cold and you were miserable- Then you heard an annoying voice trying to make an alliance with your captain- Wait, you know that voice.
You couldn’t place it, but you were fairly certain it may have been from your dream. That is your initial thought until Robin informs you that they all met him back Sabaody Archipelago- Trafalgar Law. You do not recall- You remember a polar bear but that is it.
While everyone was fighting you had gotten lost with Zoro and the poor fool got split up with you and you were looking all over for him so you can’t really remember much. It is a shame since that mostly means you met him- Maybe you think it was his voice because of how loopy you are. You should really sleep after all this.
It becomes a hassle to keep up with everyone, but you are used to being exhausted now and days. The others do keep an eye on you when you become a bit dazed, they help you a lot.
Eventually- All the chaos your crew, Law, and the marines ensue on the island comes to an end- Law has Caesar successfully tied down for the next part of the plan he wants you guys to help him with- Going to Dressrosa.
But for now- Everyone, including the marines, is enjoying dinner together after that long and hectic journey of bringing Punk Hazard’s facility to an end. You wait patiently for your food- Waiting for everyone else to get their fill- Even arguing with Sanji and Chopper (who has been concerned about your health) that you can wait.
You sit down and feel the exhaustion creep up on you and nearly smother you then and there but then- You feel a hand on your shoulder and a warm bowl of stew being offered to you.
You look up to see it is Law who has his eyes narrowed down at you.
“You should listen to your doctor more. He informed me about your sleeping habits, and it isn’t good to be low on energy so you should eat up,” He states rather coldly.
You do not take it to heart. You smile and thank him.
“I appreciate the worry now that we will be working together. Oh- I suppose we still do not know each other well from Sabaody. I am (Name),” You say softly.
He narrows his eyes down but replies, “Trafalgar Law… Unfortunately, (Name) we did not have the pleasure of meeting at Sabaody. I would have remembered but it is wonderful to finally meet you now.  You should rest up.”
He leaves before you can process what he said. You are shocked- Because if you truly did not meet him but just his crewmember… Then that means you may not be that loopy. That the voice you fell in love with but have been avoiding is really his.
You hate to say it but… You feel the need to fall asleep. You hate the feeling of hope just in case you are wrong.
Law is excited. He touched your shoulder, thankfully not like a creep, but as a genuinely concerned doctor. Now he just needs to wait to see if the star will turn to you tonight- He hopes it does but the part of him that does not want to risk losing anyone ever again also hopes it doesn’t.
They sleep there that night deciding to rest up before going on the move to Dressrosa- And like always he is excited to go to sleep, to hear her voice.
Sleep came fast and easy for him- He welcomes the bliss of a clear mind and how he lands in a meadow-like area surrounded by stars- The main star being his soulmate’s form. He waits with anticipation and slowly the star does begin to transform. He can’t help the blush on his face or how he feels the sudden happiness that it is true.
The star turns into your physical form.
He finally found his soulmate.
Upon waking up- You feel heated. You feel a total sense of comfort and you feel better. That was one of the most peaceful nights of sleep you got since you avoided sleeping and- It was worth falling asleep. You could cry tears of joy from seeing the star turn into Law.
But now that you are awake and you know who your soulmate is- How do you go about it? Do you even assume he had the same thing happen to him?
You are suddenly anxious as the smell of food wakes you up further. That means people will be gathering for breakfast and you all are off to Dressrosa afterward. That means you get to see Law- You feel even more anxious.
However, you do not get the time you needed to compose yourself.
Instead, you hear a knock on the girl’s door- Nami and Robin long awake and letting you sleep since you haven’t lately, and you feel your nerves light on fire as you open the door to see Law standing there.
You notice the blush on his face and the gentle look in his eyes. He decides to address the issue first. You can hear the happiness in his voice.
“So- We are soulmates.”
You smile back.
“Yeah- I guess we are.”
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unknownwriting · 4 years ago
Hi!! Can I request some comfort with Law? Maybe he can’t sleep because of a nightmare or his anxiety is just bad that day and the reader helps him out with love and hugs? Thank you!!
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Summary- ^^ requested
Character(s)- Trafalgar Water D. Law
Word Count- 1.7k
Warnings- angst, small spoilers for the Dressrosa arc (??)
Notes- lol I’m not even good at writing angst and this is a little longer than I thought but hope you enjoy 💕
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(Y/n) was a lot of things, but not an idiot. She may be stubborn, emotional, and a bit dense but not an idiot. (Y/n) didn't have time to be an idiot when she joined the Heart Pirates, especially when she began dating the captain: Law. It took a while to get around his stoic and blurt personality but once (Y/n) was able to understand him, she could easily pick up on even the smallest signal, even if Law doesn't know about it. There aren't a lot of things for (Y/n) to be proud of, but she was surely proud of this. She was able to get under ether the tick layer put out by him, although that is true that doesn't mean you know everything about him or share in the emotions he feels. All (Y/n) can do is listen and try to understand him. It would be nice to get some insight into her lover's past, but she not going to push him. When he's ready he'll come to her.
At least, that's what she hoped. She just has to force it out of him. (Y/n) really wished it hasn't come to this but it's been going on for weeks now and (Y/n) can practically feel the anxiety and stress radiating off the male. It was starting to take a toll on her too. All the times he's been lost in thought, pulled all-nighters, and avoided the crew, in general, were piling up. It was honestly getting annoying too (Y/n) but she didn't push it at the time, now was different though.
Now was one of those rare moments where Law was actually able to fall asleep and (Y/n) made sure to be extra careful not to wake him up. Law had a hard time sleeping in the first place, but this time it was different. Although he was able to fall into a deep sleep, Law continued to twist and turned and groan in his sleep. At this rate, it was better to just wake him up to save him from whatever he was dreaming about,
"Pstt, Law." (Y/n)'s voice whispered, as she set down her book and leaned close to Law, who was clenching the blanket underneath him. She called out his name a few more times but he didn't flinch, he continued to twist and turn. Finally, resting a hand on his forearm, she called out to him, "Law, hey-"
As soon as (Y/n)'a hand has touched his arm, Law jolted away and harshly grabbed her. A gasp left her lips as she flinched from the sudden movement. Her eyes started down Law waiting for something else to happen but Law didn't move, he's hand was tightly wrapped around her arm and he stared down at the bed, not even blinking. The dream must've freaked him out a lot.
"Uh..Law, are-are you feeling ok? You seemed to be having a bad dream." (Y/n) questioned, pulling lightly on her arm to try and get it back. That movement seemed to pull him back from his frozen state. Law let out a small hum, as he let go of (Y/n)'s hand. He shifted around a bit, pulling himself up before he looked up at (Y/n). By looking at his eyes and the uneasiness of his breath was like he's seen something disturbing. Knowing that the Polar Tang was surfaced right now, it was probably best to get him to some fresh air, "Ya'know, were surfaced right now sooo if you want you could go get some fresh air."
Law seemed to think about it for a moment, almost as if he didn't want to leave. Then law swung the blanket off of him, he stood up and gave a nod, "Yeah."
Even though he took (Y/n)'a advise, he still lingered in the room for a while before he finally made his way to the door. It was strange, even for Law. He would always jump at the idea of getting some fresh to clear his mind and get a moment alone but he never seemed to linger. This was the first time he did this. Maybe the dream had really disturbed him or maybe,
"Law doesn't want to be alone?" (Y/n) blurted out, as she stared at the door for a while. It was a possibility, a very unlikely one. (Y/n) was gonna make her way out there sooner or later anyway, but knowing the fact that Law wanted her to come with him, made her followed him as soon as possible. With her blanket still wrapped around her, (Y/n) made her way to the top of the ship. There she found Law leaning over the railing and staring off into the starry sky. He looks so pretty when he's lost in thought.
"I always prefer nighttime, it's calming and a lot easier to clear your mind, don't you think?" (Y/n) stated as she took a spot next to Law. His eyes quickly darted from the sky and over at her. Feeling his gaze on her, (Y/n) looked up at him and smiled. Law muttered a small yeah before he went back to staring at the endless blue. It was true, (Y/n) really did love the night sky, all those bright stars lighting up the sky and the different hues of blue that shined beyond them. It was always peaceful too, with no blinding rays from the sun or chirps from any passing birds or loud noises from the crew distract them. Seeing how they are away from any prying ears, now would be the best time to bring up what's been bothering him. (Y/n)'a really not one to invade in personal issues, she always believes what if it's bothering him that much Law will come to talk to her about it. But seeing how he's very much kept everything to himself, (Y/n) was just going to have to put her foot down on this one.
Inhaling sharply, (Y/n) looked back up at Law before she spoke, "You worried about Kiado-no, you worried about Doflamingo, aren't you?"
As if he wasn't already tense enough, Law clenched his fist and looked over at (Y/n). He wasn't trying to show it but panic filled his gaze. (Y/n) couldn't blame him, nobody knew about the plan, it was what he was stressing over. She also couldn't blame him for keeping it to himself, if he had told the crew they all would've had a heart attack. (Y/n) practically did. Taking on a warlord and an emperor was no small task.
"How....how do you know about that?" Law questioned as his gaze started intensely at (Y/n). A small scoff left her lips as she answered,
"I know about a lot of things. It was easy to guess. I had my suspicions at first and when you dropped off that box of hearts to the navy- which, by the way, was creepy and disgusting- and became a warlord you pretty much cleared up my suspicion."
"Shit. You weren't supposed to find out about it." Law hissed as he ran a hand through his hair. Standing up straight, he focused all his attention on (Y/n) now.
"But now I know." (Y/n) gave a firm nod as she turned to face Law. This might be the only time she's able to get information from him, so she gonna make sure, "Why are you even thinking about fighting Doflamingo? I know it's to mess up Kaido's plans and all but I get a feeling that there's way more to it. This plan seems to mainly focus on him."
Law didn't say anything to answer either, he only continued to stare down at (Y/n). The way his eyebrows furrowed together and a frown that painted his lips told (Y/n) that he was debating on whether or not he wants to tell. It really was eating away at him this whole time, he was always debating if he wants to tell (Y/n) but he always figured that it was his burden to bear. She shouldn't be involved in something like this. It wasn't an easy decision
They stood there for a while, (Y/n) watching Law's facial features, but they stayed the same still lost in thought. It must be a pretty big deal for Law and a very personal one too. If Law really wishes not to share his thinking behind the plan, (Y/n) won't pressure him but she's not going to let it go either. Standing up on her toes, (Y/n) rested a hand on Law's cheek, knocking him out of the trance.
"Look, I'm not pressuring you to tell me. You don't have to tell me at all, I just wish you wouldn't be so stressed and tensed." (Y/n) felt Law lean into her hand, which brought a soft smile to her lips, "Your a doctor so take more care of yourself, I can't handle all the negative emotions you have. They make me feel yucky."
A deep chuckle had left his lips. That's exactly what (Y/n) wanted to her. She really can't do much about the emotions or thoughts he has but she can at least try and make him feel better. With that smile from him and the soft smile, Law held, (Y/n) figured her job was down for the most part. Straining her body a bit too much, she reached up and gave him a small kiss on the lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. A happy hum left his lips as he wrapped his strong arms around (Y/n) and gave a squeeze back.
"Ya'know, you're a real idiot. Thinking I wouldn't pick up on it." (Y/n) muttered against his skin.
“Clearly I underestimated you.” Law chuckled, as he felt (Y/n) squeeze him harder this time. That definitely made him feel bad, he can’t even imagine how much he made her worry. It was something that he didn’t even think about, his thoughts consumed him a little too much. Now that (Y/n) was able to talk to Law a bit, hopefully, he’s just a little bit more open.
“You sure did, idiot.”
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The North Water review!!;
So, pros and cons on the show. I WILL do some comparing and contrasting from the book, but I will in fact, focus more on the show. So, let’s get to it!
Drax. Everything with Drax.
The way the show is pretty much on point with the book. Like, the lines are the same, MOST of the things in the book happen in the show (and whatever doesn’t honestly super minor), and I REALLY appreciate the consistency. Having said that, it DOES take a few things out of the book, but it does it SO well, I can’t have any complaints there, and I honestly find it better than the book itself.
The scenery for most of the scenes has a very sort of melancholy vibe. In parts of the city, I really feel like I can smell it as the book described (to butcher the words, of mustard and shit. You’d get it if you watch this tbh). The outdoor shots are also just, SO breathtaking, honestly.
I desperately love all the clothes for this show. It suits the scene, but it doesn’t look out of place for the characters wearing them. I want so many jackets-
This show is not afraid to follow the less savory parts of the book. They had my dude Drax literally bare ass naked one episode, while they were inspecting his cock. If the BBC let them, no doubt they’d show the actors actual cock.
Minor thing to love that kind of relates to the first point- Drax’s tattoos. It wasn’t described very well in the book, and the bitches in the cast really just went ham with their creativity, giving my dude just the BEST looking back you’ve ever seen. I love it, and yes I have it saved on my phone-
The way they handle Sumner’s flashbacks. They make it seem SO real, especially on the one episode where his former commander appeared to ACTUALLY be on the ship. It's a beautiful transition honestly.
Drax. Drax doesn’t have to be as hot as he is when he’s spitting out seal blood, he really doesn’t fucking have to flex on us like that, but I love him for it. 
This show isn’t afraid to be gorey as all hell. I appreciate how they really aren’t afraid to show blood, gore, guts, skinning, all of that. The book wasn’t, so the show shouldn’t be either. I’m just saying, some parts WILL make you feel queasy, and I adore that.
The show CGI is VERY well done, and I struggle to find any of it in poor quality.
They took out one part from the book involving the ship having a captive polar bear cub, and at first I didn’t like that. BUT they made up for that with the constant symbolism of the animal throughout the last episode, and I really appreciate that.
Some of the best parts (like on the ship), are SO fucking dark. I get it, dreary ship and shit, really I get it, but just. Light some more candles for fucks sakes, please.
Sumner over acts, just a LITTLE bit. I get it, Sumner doesn’t exactly fit in the crew, so he’s gonna be a bit different in terms of reactions, but the actor does just a bit too much in some of the more action moments. He suits the character when he’s sitting down talking/doing his medic thing, but otherwise it’s a pinch annoying, just a pinch. Tbh he does his best in the first and last episode-its hit and miss, not bad and not good exactly. So I guess it can go to pros AND cons.
Final thoughts!!; 10/10. This show was INCREDIBLE. The director seemed to know just what to include/exclude in the book. With its wonderful use of CGI and symbolism to tell Sumner’s story, it was beautiful to watch. I had so many moment's where I was hesitant, thinking "Oh I won't like it" but I was proven wrong nearly EVERY time??? Each actor did their roles super well, the scenery was stunning, and honest to fuck guys, it's an AMAZING show that I love so fucking dearly, I would recommend it to anyone, so long as you can stan a few triggers.
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ultrahpfan5blog · 3 years ago
Retrospective Review - Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero
After having watched and being completely enthralled by MOTP, I was going through blockbuster looking for something similar. Subzero was again a BTAS continuity film so I was really excited to see it. I remember feeling a little let down by it when I first saw it because I was making the comparison to MOTP. But in retrospect, I feel it was a little unfair of me to do so. While MOTP was commissioned for theatres, Subzero was a direct to dvd movie. Having rewatched it recently, I did get more appreciation for it.
The film is best appreciated as part of Mr. Freeze's story arc in the DCAU. I will say that Mr. Freeze, along with Harley Quinn, was among the breakout characters that came directly from the DCAU. Mr. Freeze was a bit a nothing villain before the DCAU, but BTAS made him a bonafide top tier villain in Batman's rogues gallery. He easily has the most heartbreaking backstory and some of his episodes are among the best in the DCAU. Heart of Ice is definitely in my top 5 BTAS episodes. I was always invested in his story arc because Freeze is a character that shows emotion for a rare few. He has undying love for Nora and is willing to do horrific things to save her. And that is one of the most interesting aspects of the character. He basically freezes and kills an entire Submarine crew at the beginning of this movie because they unknowingly caused Nora's cryogenic chamber to break apart. The plot of this movie is pretty simple, which is he kidnaps Barbara Gordon, the only person who is a blood type match to Nora, to get an organ transplant which would kill Barbara. And Batman and Robin are tracking down Freeze and where he went while Barbara attempts to escape. The film is overall fairly simple when it comes to story, but it works on an emotional level if you are already invested in Freeze's journey.
What the film does well is set up the character dynamics, especially for Barbara and Dick. Their relationship is sweet. Barbara is also shown to be a strong minded and resourceful person, always trying to figure a way out. Whereas Dick is similarly determined as he puts up a good fight and chase in attempting to stop Freeze from kidnapping Barbara. Batman/Bruce himself is not really the focus of this movie, but you do see him and Dick investigating the kidnapping and we see the investigative side of Batman as he puts the various pieces together. Also, his humanity is also shown in little moments like him going back to try and rescue Freeze, putting himself in danger, and his reaction when he is unable to do so. But in the end, this is Freeze's movie and you do feel for him, particularly at the end when he sees Nora has been revived and his technology played a part in saving her and he walks away with his pet Polar Bears. His story continues in TNBA and Batman Beyond and it continues to be pretty heartbreaking.
The film is definitely not a home run though. It has its problems. Biggest of which is that even at just 65-70 mins, its a bit too long. There is a fairly long meandering prologue to the movie and the film doesn't really get going until Freeze returns to Gotham. This story probably would have been better off as a 2 part BTAS episode. I think there is enough story here to make for a good 2 parter. At 60+ minutes, it tests the patience a little bit. The animation quality is also definitely not as good as MOTP. Again, have to remember that this was made direct to video. But you can tell that MOTP was more refined. And like I said, given Batman is the titular character, he is really not really a focus in this film. Freeze and Barbara are arguably the main leads of the movie. There is not much in terms of characterization and story other than the basic that I already mentioned. Whereas many other Batman animated movies have significantly more complex stories, this is fairly simple.
The voice acting is terrific as it always is in the DCAU. Kevin Conroy is always brilliant even though he doesn't have to do as much emotional complexity in this film. Loren Lester as Dick Grayson/Robin is excellent. I personally prefer Tara Strong in TNBA as the voice for Barbara Gordon but Mary Kay Bergman does a good job as a younger Barbara. But the star is Michael Ansara who somehow delivers a robotic voice with so much emotion as Mr. Freeze. Overall, given this is a direct to video animated film, I would say this ranks at around a 6.5/10.
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olynix · 5 years ago
Au where either zuko said f*ck his dad right after his banishment Or was banished for good and used the Wani to just meet MORE and MORE animals (they all love him)
Momo is his pet
When he meets Appa he gasps and shoved somebody (Sokka) in order to get to him faster
He comes to the water tribe the same time in canon but ONLY to meet a polar bear dog
When he sees sokka all decked out in warrior paint he’s just like:
Who tf is this sassy lost child?
And runs away to find the doggos (they love him)
Iorh has to convince them that they mean no harm and no his nephew will not get eaten, trust us if that serpent back in Kyoshi loved him the polar bear dogs will too-
He keeps on meeting the Gaang with his travels he wanted to revisit the serpent
When Zhao takes his crew he goes f*ck you man
And helps the Gaang save the moon spirit
He pet them
The Gaang constantly try to get him to join
Zuko says no everytime
I’ll join when I’ve met every kind of animal there is
He flips when he sees the Kings bear
(He sneaks into the party to be friends with it)
Still the blue spirit but a vigilante (people think he’s an actual spirit, he has shrines)
(If he pays extra attention to those houses before he leaves no one will know)
Eventually he joins the Gaang after living at ba sing se with two part time jobs (Zoo worker and Tea server)
He flips his sister off when she asks him to come home ((both times))
That’s all I got for now! I might add more later
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chaletnz · 4 years ago
Furano Trip
To make the most of my two days off I decided to drive to Furano after finishing work, to ensure I would be able to see the lavender first thing in the morning. I packed up the car and had a shower, then headed off. About 5 minutes after leaving home, I approached a cat sitting calmly in the middle of my lane, I screeched to a stop and the cat didn’t run so I rolled over the top and then it must’ve slunk away. It was enough to give me a fright, I drove a little slower from that point on since I was still in town. Well, after clearing Kutchan town I was on a country road on the way towards the mountains and the second cat was not as lucky... He darted out from a farmhouse and I saw his little ginger face in the split second before he bounced into the right front tyre. There was a bit of a thud but no bump. He ran off into the bushes. Very shakily I pulled over and went to investigate, there was a woman there who could speak English and she said she had seen him run down into the bushes surrounding the farm. I left with an eerie feeling that maybe I should go back home and drive tomorrow, like these cats were meant to be a sign. I drove on for about an hour, my lights on highbeam and my eyes on high alert – I was more concerned about deer now. I pulled over after another hour or so and sent a message to my mum just in case the universe was conspiring, and then the spookiest part... As I was sitting in the car recording my message, a third cat came running towards me! In the middle of nowhere! Very carefully I drove around it and back on to the road and that was thankfully the last cat I saw on the drive. After that it was smooth, I stopped for a late night McDonald’s at Chitose and then drove on until I found a nice big parking lot with a 24 hour toilet. There were bugs everywhere in the heat of a warm summer’s night, flying around the lights of the toilet building. I slept quite well all things considered.
The next morning I woke up around 6am when the heat in the car simply became too much to bear. It was gearing up to be at least 30 degrees today. Somehow the exact time I wanted to use the bathroom there was a cleaning crew surrounding it and I could just quickly brush my teeth and wash my face before leaving. I started by visiting a large campground park that I had intended on staying at last night but didn’t quite reach there, and luckily I hadn’t because it was a crowded carpark with a far worse toilet! I drove up to the first lavender field of the day, Choei Lavender Farm. There was a winding road up the back to reach a mountaintop viewpoint overlooking the lavender and the Kamifurano township. I battled to take some videos with my GoPro that seemed to be struggling in the heat already – by 8am it was already 28 degrees. Japan doesn’t do daylight savings so it means that sunrise is about 3am in summer so the hottest part of the day is earlier in the morning than you would expect. I parked down at the bottom of this farm and took a few more photos although it wasn’t possible to get a good angle of the word “Kamifurano” spelled out in Hiragana in large lettering filled with colourful flowers. I decided to get some gas because Kimbo was already thirsty again, and then arrived at Farm Tomita just before 9am. As Google maps directed me there, she made sure to inform me “this destination will be closed when you arrive” but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to wait for 10 minutes in the carpark. Well it seemed that the Japanese had the same idea! The main parking lot was already full and the parking attendant waved his lightsaber to guide me right down to the back lot. Furano has great flower fields but not much shade so poor Kimbo had to suffer in the sun while I went for a walk around. By now it was 30 degrees and humid. Japanese people carried umbrellas and wore full length sleeves in the heat. Many people were dressed up in their Sunday best to take family photos in the lavender with a bouquet purchased from the gift shop for 500 yen. Dogs were posed for photos and then taken back into the shade where they could lie down. I took my photos and walked around the perimeter but it was far too hot for me so I had to browse in one of the air conditioned gift shops to cool down. I tried to walk up the side of one of the more shady lavender fields but it was deceivingly steep and I struggled to get halfway! It was time for an ice cream break by 9.30am, and of course I had to try the lavender ice cream again. It was a soft purple colour, with a mild taste and started dripping immediately. Luckily there was a shady seat to sit and eat it and appreciate the views of Kamifurano and the mountains in the distance. In winter Furano is also a hugely popular ski resort that is often paired with Niseko for longer snowsports trips. To distract my thoughts, a child squeaked in with those annoying shoes that sound like you’re standing on a plush toy squeaker with every step. All heads turned to look at the child, who promptly trips up and starts scream-crying uncontrollably. And now my relaxing ice cream break was ruined. I walked around a little bit more and bought a few postcards and lavender things to send home then sat down for a drink and a potato croquette for an early lunch. I had been waiting around for a bit because I wanted to visit a café nearby that opened only at 12pm. It was relaxing anyway to sit and watch Japanese people enjoying the lavender and trying to get the best photos when the entirety of the scene is purple!
I drove to Kamifurano town and parked at the post office as I couldn’t find any free parking lots near the Polar Coffee café, I withdrew some cash and then walked there as a loud alarm sounded through the city – presumably a test as no one seemed even mildly concerned. On Instagram yesterday I’d seen that my colleagues Tim and Nick had come to this café which is owned by a Taiwanese guy (they’re also Taiwanese) and it had a good vibe from their photos so I was determined to try! It was even better than expected, I ordered a flat white and it was not only very Instagrammable but also cheaper than anywhere in Niseko. Cooling down in the air conditioned café was also a highlight. After my coffee I made the long drive to Asahikawa to see a rice field. But not just any rice field, one planted very carefully with different varieties of rice that had coloured shoots. The reason I made this long drive just for a rice field is because the second half of July is the perfect time to view such rice fields - the rice shoots have grown in and are brightly coloured at this time. I was very proud of myself as I directed myself to the field. Although a lot of people online said it was so hard to find, I had no trouble at all. Actually my Google map would have led me exactly there but I followed some signposts instead that said “tanbo art” on them in Japanese, and the reason I was so proud – I could actually read what it said! I was the only person there so I parked where I pleased and climbed up the viewing platform to see the art. Unfortunately the field was so wide that it was hard to take a photo of the entire thing, even with panorama! The design changes each year and this time it was a couple of anime characters, there was also something written way off to the left that wasn’t really visible from the platform and I could only see “2021” and some squashed Japanese characters from the ground. Anyhow, it was a very unique attraction and I was glad I had made the trip to see it. My next destination was the Ningle Terrace; a series of log cabin-esque boutique shops arranged along a wooden walkway in the forest. If my phone wasn’t so terrible with capturing greenery then it would’ve been another Instagram-worthy place to see but other than a cool photos the souvenirs were quite expensive and many of the shops were closed anyway. I took a long drive from Furano to Obihiro for tomorrow’s adventure and stopped at a mall for a KFC dinner. Usually Japanese KFC is great, but this one had unfriendly staff and they gave me a half frozen burger which I had to send back for a fresh one. I bought a few supermarket supplies and then drove towards the small Obihiro airport once it was dark to find a suitable parking space for the night. I passed the airport parking lot as it there were too many floodlights which would make it hard to sleep, further up the road there was a small shoulder so I stayed there in the pitch black instead, with a nice forest on either side. I got out of the car to change into my shorts to sleep but I heard rustling in the bushes and freaked out! Instead I changed inside with the doors locked. I felt a little uneasy falling asleep as there had been searchlights beaming around the sky that I’d assumed were to find intruders sneaking into the abandoned Gluck Kingdom theme park and I worried someone would knock on my car window and tell me to move on. Of course I didn’t want to get caught on my urban exploring but I thought “you would have to be absolutely insane to venture in there at night”. As it turned out though, the lights were for the airport perimeter security and nothing to do with the theme park coincidentally located about a kilometre opposite.
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sashi-ya · 4 years ago
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH.1
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU  ♥ Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory.  ♥ Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥ TW: Nightmares related to PTSD. no further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥ ♥English is not my first language, so If you happen to find some grammar or vocab mistakes, I’m sorry ♥´
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31053383
Word count: 4.1K
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» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3}  {CH4} {CH5} «
Chapter 1
- Polar Tang, somewhere underwater on the Grand Line. July 14th. -
“Ay ay captain, I need fresh air please, I’m dying!” Shouted Bepo asking our captain, and my best friend, Trafalgar D Water Law to please emerge from underwater. Bepo is a polar bear mink, and does not like hot environments, so he is usually hot whenever we pass a lot of time underwater in the submarine.
“Let’s emerge, guys” said Law, annoyed, but willing to make the polar bear feel better. Me, despite not being a polar bear, I’m always hot, so I praised the lord for the decision. 
“Aya aya, Thank you captain!!!” Bepo celebrated and grabbed me by the arm pulling me eagerly to the main door, because he knew how much I love to get fresh air, as much as he does. 
From the control room, Shachi and Penguin shouted, announcing that we can fully unlock the door. And so, we did. Outside there was a clear blue sky, the sun was shining, but apparently, we were close to some winter islands, so the temperature was lower than we were expecting. 
Fresh cold air hit my freckled cheeks and it felt wonderful. “Oi, Y/n-ya, don’t go outside without your coat. You are going to catch a cold”, said Law while placing a white coat over my shoulders. My best friend, despite the unfriendly appearance he normally shows, has the biggest heart and takes care of the one he loves.  
I’ve known him since we were 13 years old, while wandering on a certain island of the North Blue after losing my family.  A few weeks before knowing him, I found the Nagi no mi and became the user of it. So, when we introduced ourselves, we realized I was the new user of the devil fruit that had “Cora-san”, the person that saved Law’s life. Both of us were alone, and sad, so we held onto each other, striving to survive. I wanted to become a doctor like him, so we studied together. Now I’m his right hand whenever we have a surgery. 
“Aren’t you coming outside?” I asked Law, which was still inside, looking through the door with a listlessly gaze at the immense sea around us. He looked at me, sighed and said, “Tomorrow is 15th”.  He didn’t wait for my response and walked away. 
Our captain still misses “Corazón”, Rosinante, or “Cora-san”, as he usually calls him, and on July 15th was his birthday. He was killed by his brother, Donquixote Doflamingo, who was taken down and sent to prison by Law and the Mugiwaras, a few months ago.  I didn’t say a word, mainly because I knew how Law hates to show his feelings and even if I decide to say something, it wasn't going to help at all. The afternoon went by, and while the crew was having fun relaxing on the deck, Law didn’t show up. So, I proceeded to go see him, he usually loves to be alone, but this time I felt he needed some company.  
I headed straight to the kitchen, made his favorite tea and went to his room. “Oi, Doc, you’ve been there for a good 5 hours, I brought your fave tea. Can I come in?”, I asked, but didn’t receive any answer, so I knocked, and the door opened. “I’m sorry dumbass, it was unlocked, I brought some tea for… “I stopped when I saw Law on the floor, with red cheeks, sweated and unconscious holding something red on his hand. “Law, what the hell?” I said while placing my hand over his forehead. His skin was burning. He was running a strong fever that caused him to faint. I was worried because I didn’t know how much time had passed since he had fainted. In any case I needed to make the temperature go down, as quick as possible. 
“Law, Law, are you with me?” I asked him while grabbing him by the shoulders making soft movements. The captain vaguely opened his eyes and said “Y/n-ya… I’m ok, do… don’t worry”, “Of course you are not, your temperature is really high, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?, come on you should take a bath right away”. He passed his arm around my neck and I grabbed him by his waist. Law is pretty tall, but I am stronger than I seemed, so I made him stand up and took him to the bathroom. 
I turned on the shower and helped Law to undress. Taking off first his sweated white shirt and then unbuttoning his jeans. I left him only with his boxers on, that made me giggle a little ‘because they had a heart pattern all over. 
The laughing was over because he became pretty weak so in order to avoid him falling, I had to grab him real tight, making myself enter to the open douche. We remained for a few seconds looking at each other under the running water, until he slipped a sloppy laugh at how I was becoming wet. “Dumbass don’t laugh” I apprehended him. I remained there for a few minutes letting the slightly cold water bathe his whole body, waiting for the temperature to drop.  I realized I’ve never been that close to him, we usually had zero physical contact, and as weird as it might sound this was the first time, I saw that he has more tattoos than I thought. 
“Sexy motherfucker look what you’ve been hiding”, I thought, but quickly I uprooted those thoughts off my head. “Come on, Y/n, he is like your brother….”. 
I turned off the water, extended my arm out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Wrapped him with it and as I was doing so, I noticed that Law was looking at my chest, still weak but now able to stand up without my help. 
“Take off your wet boxers, I’m not watching” I said, turning my back to him. To which he responded, “I don’t care if you look, you are like my doctor”. 
“Oh, come on, tell me when you are ready”, I said, a little embarrassed.
A few seconds later he told me he was ready and I turned back at him again, realizing that now the towel was hanging from his hip bones, leaving his whole tattooed torso naked, his hair was pretty straight from being wet and his cheeks now don’t show as much blush as before. I admired the image of the handsome man I got before my eyes for less than two seconds and told him to go to bed.  I helped him to get into bed carefully not to untie the white towel, because he was still a little weak. 
“Wait here, I’m going to the infirmary to get you some antipyretics, ok?” I ordered pointing at him. 
I was about to walk out the bedroom when I heard him say “Oi, dumbass, are going out looking like that?, Put on one of my shirts” and I realized that my underwear was showing through the transparency of my wet clothes. I widened my eyes, and my cheeks turned to fire. Without saying anything I opened the drawers grabbing a shirt and some shorts he had there. I ran to the bathroom where I got changed and left the bedroom without even looking at him. 
I walked through the hallway feeling my heartbeat faster, trying to dismiss the embarrassment I was feeling, until I got to the infirmary.
While searching for the medication I asked myself why this whole situation was making me lose my cool so easily, but no answer came out of it.
I then went to the kitchen to grab some water for Law to take the antipyretics and came back to my captain's room. 
I gave him the pills and water and waited for him to take them.
"Let me check on your temperature" I said, and he raised his arm for me to put the thermometer under his armpit. "I don't want to feel sick; I hate those pills you gave me", complaining and acting almost as if he was a little boy. I remember when we were younger. He rarely got sick after he cured himself from the amber lead disease, but whenever he felt bad, he acted as he was a kid. I always thought that was really cute and today it wasn't the exception. I teased him a little bit for being a capricious little child and he smiled, gave him shorts, because his temperature was getting lower.  I asked him if he was hungry and he assented. 
 The whole crew was still having fun on the deck, so I went back to the kitchen and made Law some soup. 
I brought the meal to the room that he devoured, despite feeling sick. We chatted a little bit until he fell asleep. "How angelic you seem sleeping and acting as a child, Law…" I whispered while contemplating his face that was slightly illuminated by the moonshine that enters from one of the little windows. 
Suddenly, something on the floor caught my eyes. It was some sort of red cloth. Picking it up I realized it was Law’s most precious treasure, Cora-san’s hat, that he was holding when I found him on the floor. I put the hat next to his face and caressed his cheek softly, "Sleep tight, Law, Corasan and I will take care of you tonight”. 
A few hours passed and the bustle of the crew slowly turned to silence as they went to bed. 
Sitting on bed next to him I must have fallen asleep until I was woken up by some grunts. Law was still asleep, but he seemed uncomfortable, he was again starting to sweat, and a few tears were running through his cheeks. I placed my hand over his forehead and his skin was burning once more, not only was he having one of those nightmares he always has, but also his fever was getting serious again. 
I went to the bathroom, got some towels wet and put them over his face and under his armpits. 
I held his hand and softly said “everything is going to be ok, Law”. You see, when someone has nightmares related to PTSD it's better not to wake them up instantly. With Law it has always been better if I slowly do it, making sure I am there for him.  He woke up, looking at me embarrassed but relieved I was there to tell him it was just a bad nightmare. 
The night went by, with me frequently changing the wet towels for more cold ones and the fever slowly stopped. My best friend went back to sleep until the next morning. 
The sunrise was invading timidly the room and the clock strikes 7 am. Time for Law to take the medicine again, I said and stand up from bed. 
I headed to the kitchen to prepare some tea and bring a glass of water to my patient.  
When I got there, I saw Penguin and Bepo looting the fridge. "Excuse me? What are you both doing?" I shouted, scaring the hell out of both of my nakamas. "Aya aya Y/n, you are gonna kill us!!". But after looking at me both of them changed their facial expression from scared to confused.  "Y/n, are you wearing the Captain's clothes? “asked Penguin, scanning my whole image from head to toe. "They suit you, really". “Whatever you are trying to suggest, stop it right there, you little shit” I said frowning and continued, “Law is sick as hell, he had a fever all night long, I’m taking care of him. He is still sleeping, don't run to him, especially you, Bepo.” I sentenced the Bear that was about to run through the hallway to hug his captain. 
“Law, oi Law, wake up, you have to take your meds”, I whisper to wake him up. Slowly he opened his eyes, letting myself admire the bold grey irises that were looking at me. He gave me a weak smile and sited on the bed, grabbed the glass of water and chugged it with the pill.  “How are you doing? feeling better?”, I asked. “uhm, I am”. “Go back to sleep, then, you should rest”, I suggested - ordered - him. He nodded getting under the sheets again, covering his face with them. A little laugh slipped out of my mouth until he said “Y/n.. can you… stay here with me? If you don’t want to, it's ok.”. How cute he acts when he wants some care… “Of course, I’m staying here, I’ve been here the whole night, what makes you think I’m leaving you now?”. A silence invaded the room, until he broke it with “Thank you, do you mind getting in bed with me?”. We have slept in the same bed before when we were younger so at first it didn't surprise me, but then, something hit my insides. I didn't know why but It made me nervous. Nevertheless, I acted cool and agreed, "Ok, make some space". 
Law moved and I got under the sheets. My body didn't know how to react, so I stayed laying down facing him until he buried his face onto my chest hugging me by my waist, really tight. I put one hand over his hair and place my other hand on his back caressing it softly up and down. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was crying as my t-shirt began to have wet spots where his face was. He then placed his ear onto my chest, as he was trying to feel the beating of my heart and said, "I needed to hear your heartbeat, I don't want to ever stop hearing it". There weren't words to be said, I knew what he meant, so I simply gave him a kiss on his head and hugged him even harder.  
We both passed out at some point until a well-known voice woke me up saying "Daaaaaamn the captain and vice-captain are sleeping together!!!" Shachi was shouting and I realized I had the whole crew watching us from the door. The image they saw Included Law half naked, myself with my shirt up letting my back and stomach out, Law's hand over my waist and his head over my breasts, my leg over Law's legs. The perfect image to imagine every sexual situation. 
"It is not what you all are thinking! Law is sick, shut up!" I told everybody as I stranded up from bed arranging my clothes. The whole crew was laughing and making a fuss of it. “Hey, get out, Law didn’t get so much sleep last night, shut the hell up!” ... As I finished my sentence, I regretted it instantly and everybody started to laugh. Suddenly everyone shut up. I saw their faces turned to happy to fully serious followed by the voice of my captain saying “Oi, all of you, prepare to submerge. Bepo, resume the course to our destination, tomorrow we have to arrive at the next island, I don’t know why you all are wasting time. And, remember this is the last time you disrespect your Vice Captain. Is that clear?”, “Yes, Captain. We are sorry. Excuse us Y/n”, said everybody in unison, and rushed to their positions. 
I grabbed my face with both of my hands, I wanted to hide for a week. Law approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder saying, “don’t worry, they ‘ve always been like this, it’s ok”. I sighed hard and turned my face to him. He looked better than yesterday but still needed to rest. “Are you feeling better?” I asked him, and he nodded. 
I told him to go get some more rest, that I was going to have a bath and get some rest too, and then come back to check on him, and left to my room. 
Only Law and I have private rooms, so I was going to be safe from the looks of our nakamas as long as I didn't leave. 
I open the faucet and let the water fill my bathtub. Undressed and left Law’s clothes aside for me to clean them after and return them to him. I realized I had left my wet clothes and underwear on Law’s bathroom, but I didn’t stress much about it, he wouldn't see them, because I left them in the laundry bin. I relaxed for a few minutes in the hot water until the image of Law’s body covered in tattoos, hit my thoughts. 
Suddenly I discovered myself enjoying the fond memories of his anatomy. He had become such a grown-up man throughout all of these years, and I didn’t realize about it until last night. I wonder if he thinks the same way about me…? My mind sailed through the memoirs of yesterday, seeing his body covered in sweat, having him close under the shower, the feeling of his skin on my hands, his face over my breasts, him holding me from my waist, being in the same bed… every memory was making my body react and… I shook those thoughts out of my head. What the hell am I thinking? Law is my best friend; he is like family. Stop Y/n, stop right there. 
After eating something I headed to Law’s bedroom and stood up in front of the closed door. I’ve never felt the need to rehearse what I was going to say to him, but this time, I did. I felt the need. To my surprise I heard from behind the door as If someone was breathing with trouble, little moans perhaps. So, I instantly thought that my best friend was again running a fever, perhaps having trouble breathing. I opened the door without even knocking, worried and expecting to found Law suffering. I tripped and fell on my knees and what I saw next, was something far from distress or sickness… 
 There he was, sitting on his bed, fully naked, holding my bra with his left hand, breathing heavily, arching his back and neck with his head thrown back. His right hand stroking his hard member up and down, violently. 
I was still on my knees when he concluded someone had entered his room, and as fast as he could said “Room… Takt” and closed the door behind me with the simple movement of two fingers. “La… law… what… I mean, I’m sorry, I’m…” I barely mumbled still with my mouth open, unable to move, mortified for interrupting such a private practice. But at the same time unable to understand why the hell he had my bra on his hand while touching himself. 
He looked at me, still naked, meeting our eyes, both without even moving. Until he expressed a little smile and stood up. Me still on my knees, I contemplated him and his glorious body reaching to where I was. He stopped in front of me, grabbed my chin up in between two fingers. “Wha.. what are you doing, Law?” I asked, even though I didn’t take my eyes off him. “Shh…” he said rubbing his thumb over my lips and softly opening my mouth…
“Puru puru puru puru” the Den Den mushi next to my bed woke me up from my dream exalted. “Oh… It was just a dream…” I said and picked up the snail transponder. “Y/n, dinner is ready, you haven’t eaten anything all day, come to the dining area!”, I heard my nakamas shout through the speaker. 
I washed my face and looked into the mirror. My cheeks were red, my head was spinning, I was agitated, sweaty. I replayed the dream over and over, it felt so real… so… enticing. 
When I got to the kitchen my nakamas were already drinking beer and shouting as always, Law was seated on his usual spot, and Bepo was passing plates. “Oi Vice Captain! have a drink!!” some of them shouted, while Bepo handed me a big bowl of my favorite meal, read bean soup.  Shachi, who was seated next to me, bumped me with his elbow and said, “Oi, the dinner was chosen by the Captain specially ‘because he said it was your fave, fufufu…  are you both sleeping together again tonight”? I turned my face to him with the most psychotic expression I’ve ever had… “I’m sorry”, he said and directed his gaze to his plate. 
I looked at Law who smirked a little and kept eating without any talking. I gave him a little side smile and did the same. He had a better semblance than the night before, so I think his fever hasn't come back since last night. 
We finished eating and discussed the plan for tomorrow. We were supposed to arrive at a new island in the morning, not for anything special but for us to buy food and supplies needed. Usually, the whole crew divides the work, so some of them buy food, the others stuff for the submarine, and normally Law and I take care of buying medical supplies. 
Through all the conversation I was trying to avoid looking at Law as much as I could. Whenever our gaze locked, I remembered the dream over and over… I felt guilty, stupid. My cheeks burned every time I replayed it on my head. 
After having the plan settled, I waved goodnight to everybody, and left the kitchen. I was almost running through the corridor to get to my room as if I was trying to hide when I remembered that my underwear and clothes were still in Law's bathroom. 
“Ok, he is not here, this is my chance, I just have to recuperate them and run to my room”, I said while entering my best friend's bedroom.
I was scrutinizing the laundry bin in the bathroom, when I heard the door of the bedroom close. I stood still. "Damn, what should I do?" … so, I decided to use my devil fruit powers in order to avoid making any sound until I was able to figure out what I was going to do. I mean, I couldn't just get out of the bathroom like nothing happened, what would Law think? 
As the bathroom door was not fully closed, I was able to peek through it and observe what Law was doing. 
The captain took off his hat first, and then his shirt. He jumped on the bed and grabbed a book.
I was hoping for him to read some more and fell asleep, so in that moment I could get out from my now hiding spot. 
Twenty minutes passed and he was still reading. Meanwhile I admired every movement he did. From brushing his hair back, to how he licked his finger to turn the pages. My core felt fancy, I couldn’t escape from watching, deep down I wished for him to even untied his pants. I wanted to see more…  
Finally, he put the book down and turned off the lamp.  
"YES! FINALLY!" I said getting excited for my big escape but suddenly he said, "I know you are in the bathroom; I don't need to hear you to sense you, you know?". 
I froze, closed my eyes and remembered how strong his Observation haki got during the last months. I didn't say anything simply because I didn't know what to say. 
" Room… Shambles!", and without any warning I was teletransported to his bed. My ass hit the mattress hard making myself lose stability falling with my whole face over his lower abs. 
The scent of his skin invaded my nose for less than a few seconds, because I regained my posture as quickly as possible. "Law, how many times I have to tell you not to use shambles with me without any warning?!!" I scolded him. "Excuse me? You've been hiding in MY bathroom for almost half an hour and I'm the one who gets shouted at?" He said, frowning and staring into my eyes. “I was trying to recover my clothes, I wasn’t trying to hide…”, I confess, to which he responded this time laughing, “Don’t lie, I’m sure you are into voyeurism”. Widening my eyes, still seated on his bed, covering my mouth, my cheeks blushing, my heart beating faster, I was embarrassed, because deep down, after all it was what I was doing. I was enjoying the view from the bathroom, I wanted to see more, I wished I could witness an image as my dream…
“I’m kidding…”, he said ruffling my hair and smiling. God, I love his smile… I wasn’t still saying anything back when he came close to my face, and whispered into my ears, “unless… you like it…”
Chapter 2
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