#there really is something to be said about how the process changes when it becomes a part of the vision
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spaceorphan18 · 1 day ago
Any thoughts on Chris’s latest interview??
I assume you mean this one?
I have not watched it so.... let's live blog, shall we?
I appreciate that he got his hair to stand up on all sides. Looking good Chris ;)
Basics on Chris? I totally guessed his expertise would be related to the paranormal. I completely forgot about the British History love of his, so I'm so not surprised there.
I really was waiting with baited breath to hear if he'd say llamas were his least favorite animal, lol. (Oh god, a lot of you weren't around when he claimed he liked llamas because he said he was a social llama and ended up getting a room full of stuffed llams, lol)
Oh my god, off of Diet Coke? What even?? Also, guys. Don't kill me. Don't revoke my Chris fan card. While I'm glad that he went back into acting - I have no desire to see that film he just made. It sounds like... not my cup of tea. (sorry :( )
The 'who are you' quiz section was super cute. I do love that he gives us little bits into his daily live and world and something that has just not changed is his sharp wit. I have always been a fan of his humor.
Chris's high school experience - I mean he's talked about this a lot over the years. A lot. But the thing that sticks out is this evolution of being okay with it. When he was first on Glee - it was STILL a big trauma. Which makes sense because instead of going to college, Chris went straight from HS to Glee, and omg, what an insane thing to do.
The getting into Glee stuff is... stuff I've heard before. But always glad to hear him speak on it, and again, glad he's in such a better place in life that he can reflect without the being traumatized part. The stuff about his current auditioning is interesting. He admits he doesn't really anymore unless he really wants to... and I'm guessing not really much has come his way that he really wants to do. I have a feeling that he probably won't do a whole ton of acting moving forward, but you never know.
Chris talking about his coming out on Chelsea Handler, lol... I love that he can reflect about being 18, and how differently choices are made when you're that young. But I also love (and get, and my god sometimes still I remember why he's the only celebrity whom I've ever felt was actually a bit like me in thought process) the fact that he was like - I'm gonna try to do this once and never deal with it again. And have it, like, become a bigger ordeal than he could have ever imagined.
I love though, also, that his story is also being contextualized through a queer lens. And, I mean, I felt this way when he was talking with Kevin about their joint experiences -- I'm so, so glad Chris has these queer spaces to have these conversations, because there's a level of knowledge and awareness and perspective you don't get from straight media.
(He took his shoes off, how cute, lol. Also this interview knows, like, nothing about Glee. Fascinating.)
"I would rather be the unicorn in the room than the elephant." -CHRISTOPHER!!! This quote is fantastic.
Getting into the conversation of activism, and how queer culture and community was still very different back in 2009-10 then it is now. And I mean, it's come a long LONG way since I was in high school back in the 90s. We've come a long way in the past fifteen years, even if the asshats in charge are trying to push everyone back to the 50s (or really the 30s :P) Anyway, some great queer history embedded in this.
The conversation about fame being his protection back then is fascinating. Also, how he calls himself ugly (back then). Oh Christopher.
He talked to Shirley MacClaine about aliens. Because of course he did. I love him.
OOhhh, Chris loved every guest star except for one. Any guesses who? (Honestly - I have no idea. so this is a fascinating new tidbit. Perez Hilton? Lol - Chris didn't work him though.)
Also more interesting things to think about - Chris getting a lot of the spotlight early on created resentment. (I wonder if it was Lea... Hmmm.)
Mr - I'm never getting married - actually mentioned that at some point he and Will probably will get married. Don't know if that was kind of a deflection from this dude assuming or if he's changed his mind. But, I mean, c'mon, in any capacity we all know he and Will consider each other done and locked in for life, which Chris basically confirms. (Awww - I love Will.)
Oh god, talking about the tinhatters. Chris, thank fuck for finally talking about this more openly and explicitly. And guys, I told you. I TOLD YOU that this shit happened.
THE HAIR STORY! HE'S TELLING THE HAIR STORY! No, guys, this was almost like urban legend stuff, but yeah, there were rumored instances of people sending hair to Will (and to Mia) and he actually talks about this. Oh my god, I'm laughing (though my god this was not funny at the time)
Oh, god, he thinks there were 100,000 CCers. No. There weren't. That seems too high. The people who were actually crazy were a very, very small number -- who made an unfortunately huge impact.
Oh. God. Also. He is NOT talking about Darren when he talks about people who are still in the closet. He's just not.
Oh for the love of fuckery, this host is just... he had to take a college course to discover fanfiction? C'mon.
Ah, the awkward conversation of celebrities reading fanfic. I wish this conversation would be had with someone who understood it better. Honestly do not like this host's summation of it because -- not just as someone who reads and writes it, but as someone who understands it's influence on published writing and understands its relevance in women's circles, this is a much deeper conversation and this host makes it feel trivialized (because they don't understand it).
Also - I wonder what Chris read, great abs and about cats? lol.
STOP FUCKING CALLING ANY KIND OF QUEER FANFIC SLASH FIC. It's old school term. Now it's just... fanfic. You no longer need to qualify the fic by saying it's slash.
This host is... bugging me a bit. But that's my issue.
They're getting into the writer portion and as a writer myself I'm... honestly a little bored by this. The TLOS convo he's had a million times. He's also talked about his process a lot, which idk, maybe this is more interesting to non-writers but like, yeah, yup, i've been there done that.
Aww, Chris talking about his anxiety issues - I do always love hearing about this, because I feel like mental health issues don't get addressed in the way should.
Um, they end on a section called 'fight me' where Chris debates a position - and his is that only queer actors should play queer roles. I... think that's a nuanced question that deserves more than a 60 second watered down debate and I'm not going to touch it.
And.. yeah, that's what I have to say about that. It's nice to hear from Chris again, so glad he's so much more open about his life and experiences. If I'm being honest, though, I think I do kind of value the conversations more so when he has them with, say, Kevin and Jenna, because there's something more personal going on there.
But that's just me - someone who has followed Chris and his career for, my god, what sixteen years now? Yeah. :)
Hopefully that answers your question, Nonny! lol :)
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fakezircon · 10 months ago
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My latest patch! Shoutout to NavyWolf from my twitch chat for stringing words together in a phrase that stuck with me long enough for me to make this out of it!
More chatter and some progress pics under the cut :)
If you are wondering what this is the best explanation I can give is during last February I decided I wanted to do a swear jar thing on stream and during some on stream planning this phrase was said in chat. Somehow it just evoked such a powerful mental image for me that I had to make it something real. And reflecting on that, I feel like a lot of the art I make is over that exact same reason.
With how busy school had been I didn't actually start work on this patch till the end of March, where I dusted off my pixel art skills for the pattern.
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^the first sketches
After the pattern was finished up I basically just spent every moment of my free time (and some time I should've used for school work) working on the patch. I don't know why I was in such a rush since my own self imposed deadline could've stretched to basically next February, however my new sweater doesn't have any patches on it so I guess I wanted something for it as soon as I could.
I don't have much else to say about the process, it was fairly straightforward as far as patches go. I did find a nifty little website that includes colour picking with actual DMC or Anchor thread colours. I'll probably be using it from here on out for planning, although knowing me I will still be going back and forth between that and my phone's shitty little pixel art app.
And the progress gif!
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Amazingly this one has more individual photos in it than the minecraft patch, but I think that's mostly the text cause I had an idea for how I wanted it to look in this gif once it was all done anyway.
And here it is in it's place of honour, same spot as the minecraft patch on my other sweater if you were curious:
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alphalesbian · 9 months ago
Youll just be minding your own business when all of a sudden the inherant intimacy of solo instrumental music is realized upon you. Like youre just supposed to proceed normally after
#that being said the 'ill write an ep' to 'too much songs ill make it an album' pipeline extremely utterly too real. im in too deep#sexy and hilarious of me to be so committed to letting my first Big Serious Personal musical endeavour be such a Big Serious Personal thing#like my plan about it of course will probably keep changing but im like 99% sure of what i will do to a point#a lot of fully complete songs that i love!!!!! and a lot of unfinished projects n ideas recorded snippets things written down !!!!!!!#much to consider as always but the clarity ive been able to have with shaping it and working it has been. welcome#grateful to be attracting such spaces and people to be learning and relearning whats been in front of me lately#grateful to have the space and time i have to do what i do with it and myself#extremely grateful to be inspired in an otherwise negative at best time in my life above all else.#i needed that weird painful clarity to become inspired and know i want to actually do this i guess#as sure as ive ever been and now even just. reinforced not just by the space and the world around me but the people around me as well that:#make music how you want to and music you want to hear and make it at your own pace#i know i need to trust this process in full and honest faith i need to trust it like i have been to even get this far#and then some to make my thing and put it out and keep doing that musically really#of all the facets of my own and the time i have and resources to make things happen i know in my heart of hearts really that i could do it#forever and im a whole force when it comes to it all if i let myself go in it with no inhibition. shedding years and years of these negativ#ities purposefully and exclusively and thoroughly finally leaving some understanding in my soul i can even pridefully say is there#and with enough confidence in myself to know its something i will do forever and want to be a thing i put into the world always#and to do it how i want is.... exciting and the fruits of that labor excite me and i must say i cannot wait to be sharing this with everyon#cant wait to be sharing truly myself like i do with myself with every one i know could appreciate me like i want to be
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mimiiiiiiiiisstuff · 1 month ago
"You're gonna go far"
okay yall this is chapter one! if it sucks or doesn't make sense pls don't hate. might take it down later if i decide i hate it. likes, comments, and reblogs encourage me!!!I brainstormed this pretty fast so it might be messy.
lmk if there's any plot holes! This is the week following the failed patrol and Tiffany taking reader's credit. About 6 to 7 months after Tiffany moved in.
The first day after the incident, you had stayed in your room, nursing the bitter sting of betrayal. You couldn’t even remember the last time they’d acknowledged your existence. Tiffany, of course, was the shining star of the household. While you were holed up in your bedroom, processing the snakebite that had changed everything, Tiffany was out there, winning their favor with her charm, her sweet smiles, and her sugar-coated lies. You spent all night aching and feeling your bones shattering in your skin, feeling your skin peel off, and your teeth sharpen and make your mouth bleed.
The day started with her knocking on your door, her voice dripping with fake concern.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked, stepping inside without waiting for permission. “I heard what happened last night... but don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just walk it off, right? Just a snake bite! You weren't even supposed to be on patrol, Dad said that you can't be part of the team. You're not skilled enough.”
You didn’t respond. You couldn’t. How could you? It wasn’t a matter of walking it off. The venom inside you had begun to manifest, the snake-like power curling through your veins, but Tiffany's words twisted the knife further. You could see the smug look in her eyes as she added, “It’s okay. I’m here now. I know you’re upset, but let’s just move past it. You need some tough love”
You didn’t know what to expect when the transformation took hold that night. One minute, you were trying to cry yourself to sleep the next—your skin tingled, muscles shifting, twisting beneath the surface. The bite on your neck from the damn snake burned like fire, but something deeper, something inside you, urged you to embrace it. Again you felt your mouth burn, your body tingle, your skin shed and a searing pain from the waist down.
As you lay flat against the wall, your hands pressed against the cool surface you couldn’t help but grin, pain was better than numbness. You weren’t just Bruce Wayne's outcast daughter, nor were you the wannabe batgirl, as Stephanie liked to call you, you were something else now, something powerful.
The first time you ejected venom from your fingertips, you almost dropped your phone in surprise. It was cold, sharp, and terrifying in its power. It didn’t make sense. You could feel the agility coursing through you, every muscle in your body aligning with the new capabilities as if your very bones were made for this transformation. This wasn’t you anymore.
The idea of getting even, of showing them all that you weren’t weak or invisible, had always been a fantasy. But now, it didn’t feel like a fantasy. It felt real, solid in a way that left you trembling. You weren’t just going to prove them wrong. You were going to become something they could never ignore again. And they would never see it coming.
But what now? The Batfamily—Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, all of them—had given you nothing but pain and neglect for years. They didn’t understand you, didn’t care to. They couldn’t see past their perfect image of family long enough to see you. Now, with this power, you didn’t need them. You never did.
Except… there was Tiffany.
She was their new perfect darling, their shining star. Every time she took a step into their world, they’d fawn over her, ruffle her hair, praise her as though she could do no wrong. You had tried to be perfect for them, but perfection never got you what you wanted. It never got you love. It never got you acceptance.
She was a liar, a fraud, and she’d ruined your life. You'd tried to warn them, tried to tell them what she really was—what she was doing behind their backs. But they chose to believe her over you. They always did.
So it was time for them to learn. To know what you were capable of.
You wouldn’t hurt them but you would make them understand. You would show them your worth, show them what they had turned their backs on. No more hiding. No more being invisible. You’d be the storm they couldn’t control, the one they couldn’t ignore.
One by one, you would take back everything that was stolen from you.
The next day Bruce didn’t even acknowledge you when he passed you in the hallway. You wanted to tell him about the snake, about the strange scary things going on in your body, of the violent thoughts running through your mind but the words died in your throat in fear of ridicule. You stood there, heart racing, desperately hoping he’d say something, anything, just a hint of recognition. But he didn’t. Tiffany was at his side, her arm linked through his as they strolled past you. She was chattering on about some trivial matter, and you could feel the coldness in Bruce's demeanor. No eye contact. No words. Nothing.
It was as if you weren’t there. It hurt, more than you could have imagined. And yet it wasn't anything new.
Alfred, the one person who might’ve shown you compassion, didn’t even make you breakfast. You waited in the kitchen, hoping for something—anything. But no, Tiffany had already filled the void with her charming demeanor, sitting at the table with Alfred, chatting about some charity event.
You stood there, waiting. Watching. Silent.
Eventually, you turned and left. Alfred hadn't even looked up when you walked out.
Your little brother who you tried so hard to bond withhad taken to sneering at you when you crossed paths with more anomosity than usual. His usual arrogance and distaste for you had only intensified. You had caught him once, whispering something to Tiffany about how "pathetic" you were. “Father’s blood runs through me, not through you,” he had muttered under his breath. You had to fight the overwhelming urge to break down right then and there. The venom inside you seemed to thrum in response, as if it recognized the cruel words, feeding off them.
Later, you overheard him tell Tiffany, “You’re far more worthy of being in this family than she’ll ever be.”
Jason, who you once thought of as a brother, the only one who could’ve understood you, had turned his back completely. You had tried to reach out to him and tell him of the pains at night, to apologize for whatever wrongs you’d committed, but all he did was glare at you. A snide comment about how “you wouldn’t know what it means to feel pain” and then he walked away, his back to you as he followed Tiffany down the stairs.
Your heart shattered.
Tim was... absent, but his absence was worse than anything. He made no effort to reach out, barely acknowledging you when you passed by. When you tried to speak with him, to ask how his day had gone, he merely gave you a dismissive shrug and muttered something about needing to “work.” Tiffany, on the other hand, always had time for him. She seemed to be everything you were not—everything they wanted. She was their perfect daughter, their perfect sibling. She was the one who belonged.
You tried to slip into the shadows, but the truth was, you felt like you were already invisible.
You and Duke used to be friends when he first came, till he realized Stephanie was much cooler than you. Maybe you could hang with them in the cave, maybe they could help figure out what was happening to you. Maybe even talk to Barbra and Cassandra!
The Batcave was eerily quiet when you worked up the nerve to enter. You were sitting at a workstation, trying to work up the courage to talk to any of your siblings but your thoughts kept drifting. Tiffany had completely woven herself into the fabric of the team, and everyone else, even Duke, seemed content to ignore you.
You and Duke had once been close. He’d been one of the few people who had ever tried to make you feel like you belonged in the manor. You remembered the late-night conversations, sharing stories and laughter, plotting out plans for how you could prove your worth to the family. But now, every time you glanced in his direction, there was nothing but distance and confusion.
you could feel his presence across the room. He and Tiffany were standing by one of the equipment stations, speaking in hushed tones. You tried to ignore them. It hurt too much to look at Duke, to see how easily he had fallen under Tiffany's spell, how effortless it was for him to ignore you now.
Tiffany was front and center, as usual. Her presence always seemed to command attention, like a star that everyone gravitated toward. You had grown used to the way they all fawned over her, but it didn’t make it any easier to watch.
“Duke, you’re up next,” Tiffany called out, a smile playing at her lips. Her voice was sweet, but you could hear the subtle edge beneath it. A tone that made your blood boil. She wasn’t just charming them, she was playing them.
“You know, I’d never say no to a challenge, Tiff.” he said, his voice almost affectionate.
“You’re the best, Duke,” Tiffany purred, clearly pleased.
You glanced at Barbara, hoping for something—a glance, a small acknowledgment—but her eyes were glued to her computer screen. She might as well have been miles away.
Cassandra, as usual, was focused on her training. She hadn’t ever shown interest in you, and today was no different. Her sharp gaze didn’t waver from the sparring targets she was working through, ignoring you entirely.
You sighed, not wanting to add to the already uncomfortable tension in the air. The weight of it was overwhelming. But you couldn’t help but overhear the rest of Duke and Tiffany’s conversation.
“I’m telling you, Duke,” Tiffany was saying with a laugh, “you’ve got this in the bag. You’ve been training for years, they’re never going to see it coming.”
Duke chuckled, clearly reveling in her praise. “Yeah, but I’m still not sure I trust the plan,” he said, glancing at the others. “You really think it’ll work?”
Tiffany’s smile was cold and calculating. “Trust me, it will. I’ve been working on it for weeks, and with your skills, we’ll have it done in no time. Just follow my lead.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from speaking up, even if you weren’t sure why you were still trying. You knew they didn’t care, but some part of you still clung to hope that maybe, just maybe, they’d listen. You and Duke were friends, he wouldn't ignore you. You didn't want Tiffany to pressure him into a plan he wasn't sure of.
“Tiffany, why don’t you give Duke some space?” you asked, trying to sound casual. “He might want to work out his own plan, you know?”
The moment the words left your mouth, Duke’s expression darkened, and so did everyone else's. Even Barbra glanced at you.
“Oh, you’re still here?” Tiffany asked, her tone laced with mock sweetness. “I didn’t realize you had any input. I guess it’s cute that you think Duke needs your help.”
Duke’s eyes narrowed. “I’m good, [Y/N]. Really. Tiffany’s got this. Don’t you have some... other place to be?”
Your mouth burned and your bones ached, since when did Duke treat you like this? What right did he have? You were friends, friends aren't mean to friends.
Your fists clench, "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?" You spit out, unusually angry and brave.
His eyes softened for a second but then Duke looked up at you, his gaze colder than you remembered. “It’s not personal, okay? It’s just… you don’t really fit in with the rest of us."
The words felt like a slap in the face. Tiffany was the one with the skills. Tiffany was the one who was flawless. Tiffany was the one who didn’t need to try. Tiffany fit in.
You wanted to scream, to demand an explanation for why you were being discarded like this. You tried, but the words caught in your throat, leaving you silent. Duke wasn’t the person you had once leaned on. He wasn't your friend anymore. you could feel the deep divide between you both now, a gap named betrayal.
Before you could respond, Stephanie, who had been standing off to the side, stepped forward. “Come on, (Y/N), don’t waste our time. If you don’t have anything useful to add, just leave. You’ll be better off on your own.”
Your eyes snapped to her. Of all people, you didn’t expect Stephanie to be so blunt. But here she was, her arms crossed and her eyes not even looking in your direction as she spoke.
Tiffany shot Stephanie a glance of approval. “Exactly, Steph. They’ll just slow us down. Maybe you should go back to the kitchen and bake something.”
The words were meant to belittle you, to remind you of the one thing they knew you were good at, baking, and nothing more. You felt your fists clench, the sting of her words cutting deeper than you wanted to admit.
Duke’s eyes lingered on you for a moment, but he didn’t say anything. His silence spoke volumes. You could feel the finality of it, the way the space between you both had grown too big to bridge.
“You don’t have to listen to them,” Tiffany continued, her voice smooth, "You’re not part of the team. Just let it go. It’s better for everyone.”
Tiffany’s manipulation was sickening. But what hurt the most was that Duke was going along with it. He had always been the one person who had made you feel like you mattered in this cold, detached family. And now? He was treating you like you were nothing. He had chosen her over you. The reality of it hit you like a t train.
“Fine,” you muttered, swallowing the lump in your throat, ignoring the burning of your eyes and the hole in your chest.
Without another word, you turned on your heel and walked out of the Batcave, the cold stares of Tiffany, Duke, Stephanie and Cassandra burning into your back. no matter how hard you had tried, how many times you had bent over backwards to prove your worth, it would never be enough for them.
The final blow came that night on the 7th night after the incident and the day after Duke's betrayal.
Tiffany had won. You could see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice. She won their trust, their love. Now, she was going to make sure you were out of the picture for good.
You overheard Bruce and Tiffany speaking in his study, a room you were never allowed to enter.
“I think it’s for the best,” Tiffany said, her voice sweet, almost too sweet. “She’s so... incompetent. Maybe a change of scenery will help her grow.”
“Maybe,” Bruce replied, his voice cold, indifferent. “But it’ll also keep her away from Gotham for a while. From the family.”
“It’ll be better for everyone,” Tiffany continued. “She’s been so distant lately, and honestly, I don’t think she fits in here. She doesn’t belong.”
“I’ll have Alfred make the arrangements tomorrow,” Bruce said, his tone final. “It’ll be good for her. A change of pace. A chance to learn discipline.”
And just like that, your life as you knew it ended.
You would be sent away to a boarding school in New York City. They didn’t even give you the courtesy of telling you themselves. Tiffany had already manipulated the situation, convinced them that it was for the best. That you didn’t belong. That you needed to be removed from the family.
Later That Night
You sat in your room, fists clenched, eyes burning with tears you refused to shed. You could hear Tiffany’s laughter echoing in the halls as she paraded through the manor, a crown on her head that wasn’t hers.
You weren’t going to cry. Not anymore. You weren’t going to beg for their attention. For their love. No. You had something far more dangerous now. Something that didn’t need them. Something that would show them all just how wrong they were. The venom in your veins burned brighter now. You could feel it coiling around your bones like a living, breathing thing. You would prove them all wrong. You would go to New York and never look back.
Ok I tried my best guys be nice! I just had so many ideas and didn't know how to execute them! Send in asks! I wanted to get the plot moving tbh
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luveline · 6 months ago
Sorry if you’ve done this already, but if you’re taking Spencer Reid requests I would love to see one where his wife is struggling with morning sickness and he takes care of her. He has all the medical facts on deck and is the sweetest. 😊
“Morning sickness is super common.” A hand on your back. “It’s not known what the cause is, but they think it has something to do with low blood sugar.” He rubs your shoulder. Fingers spread, a slow side to side. “Because your hormones are changing rapidly, the body isn’t as efficient in processing your blood sugar.“ 
“Spence,” you say, breathing hard with your face in a toilet bowl, “that doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
“What about if I told you that it’s worse with twins?” 
It’s interesting.
You’re not having the most exciting of pregnancies. Some people get pregnant and feel that connection to the baby instantly, their foetus the size of a strawberry and somehow a whole world. 
So far yours just makes you sick. “I think there’s something wrong with me.” 
“Probably not.” 
Spencer hoists you back from the bowl. He clambers off of his knees to close the lid, flush, and turn to the sink where he washes his hands. You put a hand on the lid, not so sure you’re finished throwing up, but Spencer tends to know. He’s a good guess. 
“Here, dove,” he says softly, offering a face towel wet with warm water. 
He tried to wipe your face down himself last time and you couldn’t hide how much you didn’t want him to do that. He’s kind, and the gesture is sweet, but you’re feeling less human than ever lately. An in depth analysis of your face isn’t in the books for him. 
You hold the towel in both hands and drop your head. 
“Let me help you up.” 
“I’m gonna just live here, actually.”
“I don’t think so. You’re too cute to live on the floor,” Spencer says, not even slightly ironic, “you have to live in bed like every other adorable woman.” 
“I don’t feel adorable.” 
“You wouldn’t. Your organs are moving and your skin is stretching, and the valves in your veins are becoming fatigued.” 
Spencer holds both arms out to you and helps you stand. Your head pulses, forcing you to rest your head against Spencer’s arm for a few seconds while you come around properly. 
“You’ve never been this beautiful, though,” Spencer says softly, “you really do glow.” 
“Thanks,” you say, your laugh muffled in his shirt. 
“It’s because your blood flow has increased all over your body. Maybe. It’s probably just because you’re you and you’re having our baby and…” Spencer lets his head drop gently atop your own. “You know. You’re the loveliest woman I’ve ever met.”
“Even when I’m sick as a dog?” you ask. 
“At all times… you know what I said earlier, about your blood flow? You know what else that causes?” 
You bring your arms up to curl them protectively behind his neck. He takes your waist. “What?” you ask his neck. 
“Your heart doubles in size.” 
“That happened when I met you.” 
“I think being pregnant has made you flirt more,” Spencer says fondly. 
“Nope. Just a side effect of all these certified Reid facts.” You know what he’s doing, distracting you from your nausea with other things. It’s working slowly, and you appreciate the effort. You might not feel a big connection yet to your baby, but you never feel alone.  
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lesbo-tuliplvrr · 3 months ago
slumber party
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bestfriend!abby x bestfriend!reader
summary: your best friend abby calls you up for a sleepover after having not spent time together in months.
clingy!abby, friends to lovers, college!abby, college!reader, fem!reader, y/n used once, medicalstudent!abby, fluff, minor angst but mostly it's one sided, no specific descriptions of reader other than them being shorter than abby and having their hair uncovered at night
wc: 3.2k
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Abigail anderson. Your best friend since primary school. Your longest friendship. Your longest crush.
You hadn't always had a crush on Abby. Sure you loved her, but only really as a friend. That was, until junior year of highschool when her body had started noticeably changing. She started working out more, her biceps bulging through every tshirt. She had a growth spurt too, now almost towering over you. You yourself weren't that short but her stature made for a quite prominent difference.
You weren't usually shallow, But c'mon. Abby was already one of the best persons in your life; smart, caring, trustworthy. Turns out you only needed that little extra push to transform your platonic admiration for her into something else. This had been going on for 5 years and you had zero intention of ever letting her know.
It would just be way too risky, confessing something like that. What if she wanted to cut you off? What if she was disgusted by your feelings? What if being friends for so long bit you in the ass and she saw you more like a sister?!
And plus, dropping something like that on her when she was already swept up by her studies to become a doctor most of the time, would be horrible. You figured, you just had to let the feelings die. Of course it was taking much longer than expected, going onto the 6th year of having said crush, but it just had to be done.
So when Abby told you her dad would be out of town and that you should sleep over, you found yourself at a crossroads. You could go, and spend time with your best friend and it be a great night. Or you could go and be so incredibly uncomfortable hiding your feelings.
"Come on, we haven't had a slumber party in ages. I feel like we're always so busy we barely have any time for each other anymore. which is crazy for us!" Abby suggested as she spoke to you over the phone.
Yeah, totally not because I've been purposefully distancing myself to get rid of this festering crush.
You responded, "I mean , don't you have studying to do? I'll just distract you."
"Dont worry about me. Plus, you wouldn't distract me, you never do." She replied with her honey-like voice that would never cease to make you melt.
"We both know that's a lie but sure." You gave in. It was your best friend. Plus you really hadn't had time together in the past few months.
It was just a sleepover with Abby. All you had to do was act normal and it'd be fine. It's just Abby.
Abby answered the door when you arrived, immediately pulling you in a for a hug, stating how much she missed you and how long its been since you properly hung out, just the two of you.
"This place hasn't changed at all." you say, looking around at the familiar picture frames of her and her dad still plastered in their same spots on the walls.
"Yeah, we're both pretty busy all the time so," she trailed off. "You want anything to drink?" she asked, grabbing your overnight bag from you and heading to place it in her room.
"Nah, but I'll help myself, it's fine." you respond, following her into her room.
Her room has seen a few minor changes, none of which younwerent aware of though. It might have been years since you actually set foot into her bedroom, but you still saw it regularly. During your as frequent as possible facetime calls, you got to see through her camera the little changes she'd make to her walls. Even got to help in the decision process sometimes.
"It's been a while since you've been in here huh?" she asked, sitting on the edge of her bed, eyeing you as you peered at all her stuff.
"Yeah, cant believe how long it's been." you replied, distracted by the sheer amount of personality visible on her walls and desk.
Her college textbooks neatly tucked away on the side of her desk in a stack, near her pencil holder that held various shades of highlighters and pens. There were multiple pictures on the wall directly above her desk, along with many post it's of medical terms. Most of them were of her and her dad, or of her dog froma. few years ago, Alice. But right in the middle there were two of you and her. One from when you were much younger, closer to the time you first became friends and the other from your highschool graduation.
You made a mental note to take more pictures with her once you overcame your crush.
You looked around for a moment more, realising there was no mattress or anything on the ground. Sure, you slept on the same bed together before but that was when you were kids. Years ago.
"Soooo should I sleep on the couch or the ground?" you asked jokingly, secretly hoping she'd actually have an answer.
She laughed, "Oh come on, it might've been some time but we're not strangers." she joked with her beautiful smile.
You chuckled at this, hoping it seemed genuine and didn't expose the fear you felt of being so close to her for so long. Abby, however, noticed your shift in energy. Choosing not to say anything, she promptly changed the subject.
"Alright, what's for dinner?" she got up from the bed and led you both back out to the living room. Grabbing the TV remote, she put on one of her rnb playlists. "I was thinking we could cook something, chat and catch up for a bit then maybe watch a movie or something."
Gosh, she'd really thought this through. "Abby I hope that you don't have outstanding assignments due while you're doing all of this," you scolded her, already getting back into the groove of things.
She sighed, "Uugggghhh no, mom. I'll have you know that I am actually very ahead of my assignments. And even if I were behind, I'd still wanna be hanging with you tonight."
You looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she came around your frame to hug you from behind. You forgot how physically affectionate she was, and how much you missed it. You tried to not lean into it too much. The last thing you needed right now was to give yourself any false hope.
"I just- I really need this right now," she said with a sigh that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, dropping her head on your shoulder. You were so caught up in your own thoughts and feelings that you hadn't even stopped to think about how stressful school and everything must be for her. You turned your head slightly towards her, faces mere inches away from each other.
"I really need this right now and you're so fucking tense that I can't even give you a proper hug!" she stated, attacking you with tickles.
You screamed in laughter as she jammed her fingers into your sides, not giving up her mission to make you laugh. You tried running away but her grip on you was too strong, as expected of abby. Your attempts, however, did lead you to toppling over the couch, with her on top of you. She continued tickling you as you laughed, both smiling wide.
Through squeals and breaths you tried to reason it her, "Okay! Okay stop."
"There she is," she smiled, finally halting the tickles. You looked up at her, trying so very hard not to grab her by the collar and kiss her stupid.
She sat up, straddling your hips as you still lay on the couch, breathing heavily. You raised your head slightly, looking her directly in the eyes.
Gathering her breath, she started, "Okay. Now tell me, what's going on with you?" she asked, pushing her flyaways behind her ears.
Confused you asked, "Me?"
"Mhmm, you've been all distant and weird around me for quite some time." she supplied, hands resting on her thighs. her big, muscular thighs. snap out of it!
Shit, she noticed. "I-" you didn't know how to respond.
Worry evident on her face she continued, "Did I do something? Because if I did you gotta let me know, i- I've been so focused on school and-"
"No! no, n- it's not anything you've done. don't worry" you answered, "I guess I've just been feeling a bit...." you pulled something out your ass quickly, "lonely, lately."
Not entirely wrong. It was gonna have to work.
"I'm sorry." she replied, empathy clear on her face as she leaned forward to hold your arms. "But hey, I guess this came at the perfect time then huh? You won't be lonely tonight, I'll make sure of it. 'kay? Now let's go make something and you have to tell me everything that's been going on with you." she pat your thighs before coming off. Her weight would be a missed presence on your lap.
The music played at a comfortable volume as you two easily maneuver around the kitchen, cooking up a simple pasta dish. You talked about anything and everything, fully catching each other up on what the other had missed in their lives. In all your attempts at dodging her and keeping your distance, you'd forgotten why you two were best friends in the first place.
Abby was easy to talk to. She always knew how to cheer you up and how to comfort you. As did you to her. When you would hang out, there was always fun to ensue. Which is exactly why you fell in love with her. But as you were here, having chopped and prepared all the other ingredients and awaiting the water to boil, dancing and laughing around the kitchen hand in hand with Abby, you decided that just for tonight you could forget the complications that having a crush on Abby would cause and just lean into your best friend whom you missed so much.
When the meal was done, you both retreated to the couch where you sat closely next to each other in search of a movie to watch.
"I feel like nothing looks good," Abby stated, as she kept scrolling through the site.
"We could always hate watch something?" you suggested cheekliy, knowing that Abby was already not a big movie person and that it would be an utter waste of time for her to watch one that wasn't good.
"Ha ha very funny." she deadpanned, "What's that one you always wanted to watch when we were younger? Let's just watch that."
"Are you sure? Because you'll have to put up with me quoting almost the entire thing. And singing all of the songs." you weren't really asking seeing as she had already found the film, Tangled, and was ready to press play.
"I'll be fine pumpkin."
She hadn't called you that name in years. It was nice to hear it again.
As promised you quoted almost all of the movie, under your breath though, so as to not annoy Abby too much. It was more like a light whisper/lipsync. Unbeknownst to you, while you were thoroughly enjoying what was one of your favourite movies ever, Abby hadn't even been paying attention. She'd been looking at you for the majority of the film's runtime, only looking at the screen when you turned to look at her and found her not focused enough.
"You're missing important character development here Abby, he bought the apples for maximus!"
After the movie you both cleaned the dishes, then went to her room.
Another thing you forgot to consider in all your rumination, showering. You and Abby weren't the shower together type of best friends but it was definitely a 'not a big deal if we see each other naked' type of deal. So you'd often change into and out of clothes in front of each other with no problems. If the whole night so far wasn't gonna do it, this would be the fucking nail in the coffin. Abby, changing out of her clothes, right in front of you.
You didn't want to come off as suspicious by clearly turning away but you also didn't want to feel like a perv and look at her in her underwear, knowing full well that you wished it were under different circumstances. So you opted for casually directing your attention to somewhere else in the room as she stood naked a few feet in front of you.
"I guess I'll go in first," she annouced grabbing her towel and leaving the room.
You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding as you quickly undressed and wrapped your towel around your body. You sat at the edge of her bed and waited for her to be done as you tried to calm your nerves.
It absolutely did not help your nerves when she stepped out of the bathroom and into her room, glistening from the shower. Muscles on full display, unbraided hair cascading down her back while some stuck to her face. She looked like a goddess. You quickly got up and headed into the shower, leaving her in her room to change.
It was like the more you decided to just let go of your feelings for Abby, the more she'd do things that made you fall for her all over again. You ended up taking way longer than usual in the bathroom, mustering up the courage to face her again while also trying to steady your heart rate.
Finally exiting the bathroom, changed and ready for bed, she closed the door, took off her bedroom light and hopped in right next to you. At first you both stayed silent, staring up at the ceiling, before she broke the silence.
"I'm really glad you were able to come," she expressed, turning on her side to face you.
You mimicked her position, scooting a little closer to the middle of the bed. "I'm glad I did."
You stared into each other's eyes for a moment, really taking the other in, before you spoke up again.
"You said you really needed this, what's going on with you?" you asked, poking a finger into her arm.
She looked down at where you touched her arm then back up into your eyes. Sighing with a smile, she responded, "School has been kinda stressful I guess, but to tell you the truth, I just missed you." She scooted closer to you, moving her hand from under her head to caressing yours.
No. She meant that as a friend of course. Do not get your hopes up again.
"You're tense again." she pointed out, hand still laying on your hair.
God, why was she so perceptive?!
"No I'm not?" you scoffed. Your deflection did not work on her.
"Yes you are. You've got that look in your eye again," she continued caressing your hair, "What's going on up there?"
You sat up, pulling away from her touch. She followed you in sitting upright on the bed.
You knew that lying about everything being fine would not work any better than it's been all day, so you figured you'd at least give her something.
"If I tell you, you might not want to hang around me anymore."
She looked at you incredulously. How could you ever think something like that? "Did you kill someone or something?" she teasingly suggested with a laugh, that being the only plausible situation in her head. She didn't miss how you looked at her, amusement absent on your face.
"Sorry, I just- no matter what it is, I won't stop being your friend y/n." she said seriously, one hand moving to touch your thigh.
"Please don't, because if I tell you and you really don't wanna be associated with me anymore it'll just hurt more." you barely got out, eyes becoming teary. You knew you were scared of something like this happening. Your increasing heartbeat and glassy eyes further proved just how terrified this made you.
If Abby wasn't worried before, she certainly was now. "Hey, I get to decide who stays in my circle and who doesn't okay?" She cradled your face.
You shook your head, still not giving into confession. "Everything's gonna change and I don't want it to so let's just forget it."
"If things have to change...then I'll just make sure it's for the better." How could she be so reassuring without even knowing what was going to be said? She held your chin, tilting your head to look at her.
With a sigh, you finally gave in, "I feel so much..love.....for you..since high school. And it's only gotten worse recently. I swear I've tried making it go away, I've tried so much. I don't wanna be a bad friend by springing this on you but i also know that trying and failing to hide it isnt doing me any favours either so.." Tears were streaming down your face, your sniffles becoming the most prominent sound in the room.
"And now because you know, things are never gonna be the same and I just wish I'd been better at hiding it. I wish I never had these feelings in the first place. Then this wouldn't be happening and I wouldn't have to lose my best friend right after we had so much fun together."
Abby was silent. Staring into your eyes, her expression unreadable. She looked down into her lap, a small smile growing on her lips, before looking back up at you.
She leaned forward till there was barely space in between the two of you. Abby glanced down at your lips then back up to your eyes, making it clear what she was referring to. "Can I?"
Your heart rate was through the roof. There's no way she wanted this too. "Are you not.. worried about how things are gonna be between us now?"
"I said I'd make sure the change was for the better, didn't I?"
"You can."
In what felt like zero time, Abby carefully crashed her lips onto yours. Her lips were soft, her touch gentle. It was exactly what you imagined this to be like.
Gently pulling away, she wiped your tears with her thumb, looking at you with so much love in her eyes you swore the rest of the world would now be void of it.
Through sniffles and smiles you apologized, "Sorry hah, I'm a mess."
"Did you really think I couldn't love you?" Abby asked, holding your face in her hands. "I've loved you before I even knew what love was, pumpkin."
Her efforts to wipe your tears were now fruitless, your eyes pouring out streams of emotion.
She pulled you in for a hug. This time, a proper one, without the weight of what could have been laying on your entire being. You shared one more kiss, Abby then kissing your forehead as you both lay down to finally sleep. A sleep void of worries and stress.
You were actually hers.
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soooo sorry if that was basically 95% buildup for 5% payoff. I totally wrote this in a whim at late hours of the night. anyway, hope you enjoy. requests are open! to those whove requested, I am working on your stuff so have no fear :>
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russo-woso · 5 months ago
Turned on by the simplest thing || Alessia Russo
Masterlist | Prompt list
Request Breastfeeding kink gets turned on every time you go to feed she gets annoyed someone else is sucking your breast instead of her
A/N Now I debated whether to add something into this fic, and I asked my readers and you can see their responses here and here.
Warning smut 18+, breastfeeding kink, soft smut, cunnilingus, postpartum sex, insecurities
Summary Alessia gets turned on by the simplest thing, breastfeeding.
Alessia’s favourite part of your body was your boobs.
You knew that, she knew that, most people knew that.
In the changing rooms, she’d always get caught staring at your bra.
If you were lying in bed, she’d have her hands resting on your boobs.
If you were having sex, her mouth would always be latched to your nipples.
She just loved your boobs.
But there was a new person who loved your boobs just as much now, your newborn baby girl, Ava.
The first time you had to feed Ava was eventful.
The nurse was teaching you how to get Ava to latch on, Alessia was sat just watching, specifically eyeing your boobs.
But because she was so wrapped up in the moment of becoming a mama, she failed to notice that someone was slowly replacing her.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later that she finally noticed.
“Hi Ava, hi baby.” Alessia cooed, picking a crying Ava up and cradling her to her chest. “Let’s go see mummy, huh? She’ll feed you.”
Alessia walked out of Ava’s nursery, walking into the living room where you were sat.
“Hi, bubba.” You said, taking Ava in your arms and preparing yourself to feed her.
Alessia came and sat down next to you, helping hold Ava as you latched her on.
The room was silent apart from small hums of contentment from Ava as she drank.
You just so happened to look at Alessia to see her eyes drilled on your boob.
“What’re you looking at?” You asked, a smirk in your face.
“She’s stealing my job, your boobs are mine.” Alessia said, a pout on her lips.
“Lessi, baby, she has to do this.” You pointed out, a slight smile resting on your face.
“I know, but…”
“You can have them later, okay? When we’ve put her back down. As long as you’re gentle.”
Alessia’s eyes lit up, nodding her head eagerly before pressing a tender kiss to your cheek.
Ava had fallen back asleep and you’d managed to transfer her back to her nursery crib without waking her.
Both, you and Alessia, had decided to start getting Ava to sleep in her nursery during the day so when it was time for her to go from your room to her nursery, she would be comfortable in there.
You heard Alessia in the bedroom and so you creaked open the door, your heart swelling with love as you did so.
You watched as Alessia lit candles around the room, playing some relaxing songs through the Alexa.
“Baby!” Alessia whisper shouted, not wanting to wake Ava up.
You waited a while and then opened the door, pretending to be surprised.
“Lessi… you did this?”
“I want to show you how proud I am of you and how much I love you.” Alessia explained, wrapping her arms round you and bringing you in for a hug.
You responded by kissing her gently, all the love you felt for one another being poured into it.
Whilst kissing you, Alessia reached for the bottom of your shirt, gently pulling it over your head.
“Baby, listen, my body… it’s not how it used to—” you began, pulling away from the kiss.
“—Y/N, you really think I care about that? Pretty girl, you’d just given birth to our daughter. I don’t care what you look like. I love you no matter what.” Alessia said gently, your heart swelling with love.
“I love you so much, lessi.” You told her before reconnecting your lips in a passionate kiss.
Alessia guided you to the bed, unclipping your bra in the process and laying you down on the bed.
Alessia lips didn’t leave yours, even when she climbed on top of you.
Her lips travelled down to your boobs, gently kissing them.
“Fuck.” You hissed at the sensitivity as she licked your nipples.
“Do you want me to stop?” Alessia asked concerned, but you shook your head no.
Alessia continued sucking gently at your nipples.
You hadn’t realized straight away, but when you heard Alessia swallowing, you realized she was drinking your breast milk.
“Tastes so good, baby.” Alessia mumbled before sucking again at your nipple.
“Lessi, you’re drinking it?” You asked, shocked, but it came out as a moan due to the pleasure.
“Tastes too good not to.”
“Fuck, baby.” You gasped, finding the action hot.
Alessia hummed, satisfied, before moving down to your soaked core.
“Gonna be so gentle, love, I promise.” Alessia whispered, her tongue flattening against your folds.
You arched your back at the contact, having not felt it in months.
Alessia lapped at your folds before licking your clit.
“Feel good?” Alessia questioned, the vibrations of her voice clearly evident as jolts of pleasure ran through your body.
“Yes, lessi, feels so good.” You told her, your hand finding her hair.
Alessia stuck to your clit, thinking that you’d be very sensitive, due to the birth, anywhere else.
“Fuck, less — I’m so close, baby.” You warned her, pulling on her hair. “Please don’t stop, please.”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
You let out a cry as your legs spasmed around Alesia’s head.
She licked your juices before coming up to be level with your face.
“Thank you for being gentle.” You whispered, bringing Alessia in for a kiss.
You moaned as you tasted yourself on Alessia’s tongue.
Alesia’s lips left yours and travelled down to your left boob.
“Can I have some more?” Alessia asked and you nodded, resting a hand on the back of her head and playing with the baby hairs.
Just as Alessia began to suck, a cry was heard over the baby monitor.
You and Alessia both looked at each other and sighed.
“I’ll go get her.”
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oldsoul007 · 4 months ago
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off script
nicholas chavez x co-star!reader
summary: nicholas and reader pull a publicity stunt to promote their new movie but maybe theres something more…
During a promotional interview for our movie, the interviewer couldn't help but notice the way Nicholas looked at me. With a curious smile, the interviewer leaned forward and said, "Nicholas, I have to ask—there's something in the way you look at y/n. It's like there's more than just acting going on here."
Nicholas glanced at me , his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. He chuckled nervously before responding, "Well, you know, we've spent a lot of time together for this movie. It's hard not to develop a certain... connection."
The interviewer raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to the story. "A connection, you say? It seems like it's more than just a professional one."
I felt her heart skip a beat as i looked at Nicholas. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. "We've become really good friends through this process," i added, trying to keep my voice steady.
Nicholas nodded, but the look he gave me spoke volumes. It was a look filled with admiration and something deeper, something that couldn't be hidden even under the bright lights of the interview set. The interviewer smiled knowingly, leaving the audience to wonder if there was more to their story than just a movie.
So of course mine and nicholas publicists had a brilliant idea to generate buzz for our upcoming movie. They decided to stage a publicity stunt, wanting us to pretend to be a couple. The plan was simple: act like they were dating, make a few public appearances together, and let the media do the rest.
Of course Cooper, was in on it and went ballistic, because he always couldn't help but tease us about how perfect we would look together.
At first, it was all fun and games. We attended premieres, had dinner dates in front of paparazzi, and even posted cute pictures on social media. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and soon, our "relationship" became the talk of the town. Fans were ecstatic, and the movie's anticipation skyrocketed.
However, as we spent more time together, something unexpected happened. The line between acting and reality began to blur. I couldn't deny the fluttering in my heart whenever Nicholas was around. We shared laughs, deep conversations, and moments that felt all too real.
Cooper, who had always shipped us, noticed the change. "You know, you two aren't just good actors," he said one evening. "I think there's something real here."
Me and Nicholas exchanged glances, both realizing that Cooper might be right. What started as a publicity stunt had turned into something much more profound. We had discovered genuine feelings for each other, and the world could see it too.
As we made our way to the quiet corner of the studio, Nicholas turns to me, his heart pounding. "Y/n, can we talk for a minute?" he asked, his voice tinged with nervousness.
I nodded, my curiosity piqued. "Of course, Nic. What's on your mind?"
Taking a deep breath, Nicholas gathered his thoughts. "During the interview, when the interviewer mentioned the way I look at you, it made me realize something important," he began, his eyes searching hers for understanding. "I've been trying to keep my feelings in check, but I can't ignore them anymore."
My eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and anticipation flickering across her face. "Nic, what are you trying to say?"
Nicholas stepped closer, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "Y/n, I want something more, Working on this movie with you, spending all this time together, it's made me see that my feelings for you are real. It's not just the characters we played; it's us."
For a moment, there was silence as I processed his words. Then, a smile slowly spread across my face, my eyes shining with emotion. "Nicholas, I’ve felt the same way, but I was afraid to say anything."
Relief and joy washed over Nicholas as he closed the distance between them, grabbing my face and pulling me in for a heated kiss. "I'm so glad you feel the same," he whispered, his voice full of emotion in between kisses.
The movie's release was a massive success, but more importantly, Nicholas and i found something truly special in each other.
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bamsara · 3 months ago
Why did you start writing? From what I can tell you put a lot of passion into the works you make, where did it all start for the lovely stories you make now?
Wayyyy earlier when I was 9-10ish, and even at that age I was writing a lot, with just pencil and notebook paper. I know I have written earlier than that, but I have no evidence of it.
I filled up an entire 3inch binder with an entirely hand written story about a girl who lives who her grandma and has a dog named Trout, almost dies in tornado at school and finds out the tornado as a sentient being that was trying to kill her because she has some connection to a random dude that can control the weather, and a elegant queen lady who controls ice that basically adopts her and turns her into a scout to find other people who have elemental powers. She doesn't have any herself, but for some reason she can tell who does, and then can steal it. I still have that binder in my closet. Would not recommend reading it though lmao
I started publishing my writing online, fanfiction specifically, when I was 11ish and totally not supposed to be online yet. My first fanfic I wrote and published was for Soul Eater, and that account and those stories are still up to this day. (cringe warning for the exact kind of thing you would expect an 10-11 year old to write) I actually had two fanfic.net accounts, this one where I wrote L4D stuff too.
I switched from fanfic.net to Wattpad after I got into FNAF and wrote a bunch of Fnaf stuff from an AU I had in 2015, and that AU is what led me to making a tumblr account that year, mainly to post my art for my stories. (I had always been drawing, too, but I didn't start posting that until wattpad)
And then I switched to AO3 around 2018 and my stories have been there since. I have, quite literally, been writing for nearly 15 years, with pretty much all of my work well-documented online since I started.
I hate my older works from when I was a teen/kid, and even work from just a few years back, and even removed them at some point, but decided to keep them up for archival purposes. Especially since you can kinda see how my writing style has changed, my standards in writing like the wordcount going from 80k at 11yrs old to 200k something for my long fics, my viewpoints and beliefs, etc etc. I am also very...picky about the stories I read, so if I cannot find what I want, I will make it myself.
Writing is absolutely the best and most practiced coping mechanism I've had since forever. I will write even if I do not have any readers. I still write things that I do not post online, so overtime what was something I deeply enjoyed as a hobby and an outlet to process difficult and low parts of my life becoming something enjoyable to other people is kind of wild to me, still.
And I'll continue to do it even if one day this account explodes or something. When I said 'Writing and creating art is the only thing keeping me sane' I was not trying to be quirky /lighthearted. I'll dedicate entire days to writing chapters in a row.
But yeah I've been writing for a long while, I'm glad you guys really like it! Look at my cats
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cameronspecial · 1 year ago
Mrs. Cameron All But In Name
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: When Y/N has to burrow Wheezie's phone to text Rafe, she notices something interesting about her contact name.
A/N: Inspired by this post.
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Y/N and Rafe have been dating for three years now and it is clear they are meant to be together. If it weren’t for their young age, Y/N is sure they would be married or at least engaged by now. They practically act like an old married couple anyway, so when they do tie the knot, it would only really be for legal reasons. With dating Rafe, came a close relationship with his sisters. Sarah and Wheezie have practically become her own siblings and she loves to spend time with the girls. In fact, it’s why she has a bi-monthly girls' night with the pair. Yes, every time they have it they have to chase Rafe out of the house, but Y/N thinks it is important to foster the bond between them, so he always begrudgingly leaves to hang out with Kelce and Topper. “How are things with you and John B?” Y/N questions while tracking the nail polish brush along Wheezie’s nail. Sarah shrugs as she files her nails, “We’re fighting right now. He doesn’t want to go to the Nassau house with us and I want him to go.” “Aww, that sucks, Sweetie. I’m sure he’ll come around. Do you want me to have a talk with him?” Y/N offers. Sarah shakes her head, “No, it’s okay. We’ll make up eventually. We just need to cool off a little.” Y/N nods and finishes off the last coat of Wheezie’s nails. She releases the hand, “There you go, Beautiful. What colour do you want, Sarah?” 
Sarah places the nail file on the table and examines her options before picking up a salmon pink polish from the collection. Y/N gets to work on doing the older Cameron sister’s nails, “How about you, Wheezie? Anyone on your radar you want to tell us about.” Wheezie lips pucker as she squints her eyes. “Nahh, I am happy being single. I see what you and Sarah go through with John B and Rafe. I do not need that type of problem,” she informs. The other girls giggle. Y/N checks her phone to see it is dead, “Amen to that, Wheeze. I mean look. My phone is dead, but how much do you want to bet that your brother is blowing up my phone right now asking me when he can come back home? Can I please borrow one of your phones to tell him my phone is dead while I charge mine?” “Of course, here,” Wheezie says, unlocking her phone so that Y/N can use it. 
She places the nail polish on the table and scrolls through Wheezie’s messages to find the texts with Rafe. A certain contact name second down the list catches her eye. Y/N Cameron. She freezes at the sight. Her eyes flick toward the younger girl, “Why do you have my last name as yours?” Wheezie’s cheeks redden and her gaze falls away from her brother’s girlfriend. “Rafe did it. He said that it’s going to be your name eventually, so what difference does it make,” Wheezie states. Y/N chuckles with a shake of her head, “That doesn’t surprise me at all.” She types out her message and hits send. My phone is dead, so don’t freak out if I don’t respond. I’m charging my phone rn. -Mrs. Cameron.” 
His phone chimes and a massive grin crosses his face. He checks his text, feeling his heart flutter at the message. So she found out what he’d been saving her name as in everyone’s contact. He chuckles. It took her long enough to find out. He’s been ordering everyone to change her last name in their contact for years. His smile doesn’t wipe off as he responds. Come on, Baby. You know you are my Mrs. Cameron all but in name. You can’t blame me for wanting to make the process easier for everyone else once we do take the next step. 
Smh. You really are something else, Mr. Cameron.
But I’m your something else, Mrs. Cameron, but you know you love me.
You are lucky that I do. Now, I’m going to end this conversation here before you start dirty-talking me. I’m not subjecting Wheeze to those texts.
You know me so well, Baby. 
Goodbye, Rafey. I love you.
I love you too, Baby. I’ll see you when I get home.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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4linos · 2 months ago
twice the love
lee minho x fem!reader
synopsis/request: when you receive unexpected news, minho’s unwavering support becomes your anchor.
wc: 1237
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You'd been feeling sick for weeks, nothing too serious, but enough to cause concern. It began with slight nausea in the mornings, which you downplayed as a stomach bug that will pass. But the exhaustion did not go away. You felt weak all the time, unable to finish a full day of work without wanting to nap or take a break. Some days, you couldn't force yourself to get out of bed, and Minho noticed, no matter how hard you tried. He has always done this. Minho had always been the more observant person in your relationship, noticing even the smallest changes in your attitude or behavior. And when it came to your health, he was unrelenting in his concern.
"Y/N, I don't like this," he murmured one morning, putting his fingers on your forehead to check for fever. "You have been like this for too long. You aren't just tired. Maybe it's time to go see a doctor." You quickly dismissed his worry. "It's fine, Minho. Really. It's probably a stomach bug. You know how it is." You tried to smile, but inside you were already terrified. You were afraid of going to the doctor, especially because you had no idea what was wrong. You hadn't really understood what was going on with your health, and you didn't want to hear any bad news.
Minho narrowed his eyes at you, but he knew not to push too hard. Instead, he replied softly, "Please. I hate seeing you like this. Just a checkup, okay? I just want to know that you're okay." You nodded, making a half-hearted promise, but deep down, you told yourself it wasn't necessary. You would be alright. Eventually.
It wasn't until a few days later that the discomfort became too severe to ignore. Your nausea had worsened, and you could no longer ignore the constant dizziness or strange aching in your lower belly. Something was clearly wrong, but you couldn't bring yourself to confront the thought of what it might be. Finally, after much internal struggle, you reluctantly scheduled an appointment. You could scarcely muster the bravery to enter into the antiseptic office, the frigid air within making you feel even more alone. The doctor took some blood tests and an ultrasound, and while you sat there waiting for the results, you could barely breathe. You tried to divert yourself by going through your phone, but your mind kept spiraling, imagining worst-case scenarios.
When the doctor walked in, he seemed calm, maybe too calm. He greeted you with a professional smile, which played a part in your anxiety. "Well, Y/N, I have the results," he said, and turned to the ultrasound screen. "You're pregnant." You froze. Pregnant? It did not even register at first. You stared at him blankly, your thoughts racing. "Pregnant?" you repeated, hoping that hearing the word again would help you understand it. "Are you sure?" The doctor nodded and motioned to the screen. "Yes. You're about a month along, and the ultrasound shows you're carrying twins."
It felt as if the world around you had stopped moving. You couldn't even digest the words completely. Twins? Pregnant? You were overwhelmed, surprised and part of you wanted to cry, but you weren't sure if it was out of fear or happiness. You never expected this. And certainly not under these conditions. It wasn't like you or Minho had planned for this. It had been so unexpected and quick that you felt a flood of panic wash over your body. The doctor offered you more information and scheduled another appointment to ensure everything was okay, but you couldn't hear him.
All you could think about was how to tell Minho.
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You were mentally exhausted when you got home. Your body felt heavy, and the thoughts racing through your thoughts were too messy to process. You had assured Minho that you would be alright, and you did not want to break that promise. You didn't know how to tell him you were pregnant, much less that you were having twins. You had texted him earlier in the day to reassure him that everything was okay but you knew deep inside it wasn't true. You'd kept the news to yourself, reluctant to blurt it out. You assured yourself that it was for the best. He had a big day ahead of him, and you didn't want to overwhelm him with something that was so big. You needed to get your head around it first.
But now Minho was home. He walked in the door, his normal comfortable smile fading when he noticed your expression. He knew something wasn't right. He could know when anything was wrong without you saying anything. "How did it go?" he questioned softly, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of a response. You tried smiling, but it came out strained. You dug inside your purse and handed him the ultrasound image. You stayed silent, thinking he would understand.
He took it from you, and for a few while, neither of you spoke. His gaze shifted from the image to your face and back again. His expression shifted from confusion to disbelief. Then his gaze softened, and his fingers trembled as he examined the ultrasound. "Twins?" he asked quietly, his voice barely audible. You nodded, your heart racing in your chest. "I—I didn't know how to tell you," you stumbled. "I was really nervous, Minho. I wasn't sure how you'd react. Minho was silent for a long time, his attention fixed on the ultrasound. And then, just when you thought silence would take you whole, a tear rolled down his cheek.
Without saying anything, he reached for your waist and pulled you into his arms, as if he needed to hug you to make sense of his emotions. He buried his face against your neck, and his voice cracked as he said. "I can't believe this. Twins. "You're pregnant with our babies.”You felt a warmth spread through you that you had not anticipated. He wasn't upset. He was not angry. He was happy. The strain in your chest began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of release and awe. "I'm scared," you said softly, your voice quivering. "What if I'm not ready?"
Minho drew back slightly, holding your face in his hands, his thumbs softly brushing away the tears you hadn't realized had dropped. "You don't have to be ready right now," he said softly. "I will be here. We will be here together. We will sort it out, okay? I am so happy, Y/N. I—"I can't believe this is happening." He kissed you lightly at first, pressing his lips against yours as if to persuade you both that everything was well. However, it did not stay soft for long. The kiss intensified, and you felt all of your fear, worry, and joy flood through you in that one moment. When he finally pulled away, his face was flushed and his eyes were wide with amazement. "We're going to be parents, Y/N. And I’m going to be the best dad to our twins. I promise."
You smiled through your tears as your hands rested on his chest. "I know you will," you said quietly, the warmth of his hug erasing all your doubts.
The world outside was unknown, but when Minho wrapped his arms around you, you knew you weren't alone. You had each other. And that was enough.
masterlist, request list
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withwritersblock · 3 months ago
Oh! Darling pt. 5
~Oh! Darling by The Beatles~
Author's Note: somewhat requested lol! I was rewatching the Faceoff series and reminded myself that someone asked for something like this so here you go! Anyways, hopefully more for this series coming up. Summary: Quinn's Faceoff episode Warnings: Canucks losing against Edmonton lol Word Count: 1,630 Quinn Hughes x fm!reader
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It completely slipped his mind that he had agreed to film for the Face Off series until he started seeing the advertisements for it everywhere. Now, himself and his girlfriend were sitting together and watching it together. Ellie was in his lap, drinking a bottle. 
They already watched the first few episodes of the series and he was shocked on how it actually ended up looking. The series was actually entertaining. But now it was his episodes and he was terrified. He agreed to do it because they begged him to do it. His story was special because he was a young captain and a new dad.
“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked as she stood up from the couch, jogging towards the kitchen. He glanced down towards the little girl in his arms before he looked back towards Y/N. 
“Water’s fine, love,” he muttered as he looked into his daughter’s sleepy eyes as she continued to finish the bottle. “I’m pressing play,” he let out as he reached toward the remote. 
“Wait!” she called out as she took a hold of a soda and a water bottle. He chuckled as he pressed play anyway. “Hey!” she let out while laughing as she jogged towards the couch. Cautiously, she placed the bottle of water beside him and she kept her soda in her hand. He chuckled as he pulled the bottle from Ellie’s mouth. He brought her up and began to delicately pat her back. 
Instantly, once he saw himself on the screen, his face scrunched up. “Oh god,” he muttered.
Y/N grinned widely as she saw him on the screen, “Oh stop, look how cute you are,” she said as she inched towards him. Delicately, she tapped her hand against the top of his thigh. 
On the screen, he started cooking and talking about his journey of being captain. “Probably read 20 to 25 books this year because I felt at the start of the year that with becoming captain, it was a lot for me-” he explained on the screen. Y/N lips fell into a pout. 
Saying that it was a lot for him was an understandment. He was overwhelmed from the moment he was given the C. He came home that morning after the conversation with Rick and told her that he was becoming captain. At first, it was exciting and he was confident that he could do a good job. But as the preseason went on, he was shy and nervous. But as he explained in the episode, he started to grow into it. 
“What was it like having this new role on the team and this new role in life?” the interviewer asked. Quinn tossed his head back and laughed. 
“Definitely been a hard year but I wouldn’t change a single thing about it,” he explained before running his fingers through his hair. “It was really difficult because it was hard being away from my girlfriend; because obviously pregnancy is really hard but she was great,” he explained.
The screen started showing clips of Quinn and newborn Ellie. Y/N was sitting on the couch beside Ellen as quinn was holding Ellie against his chest. She was only a few weeks old when the camera crew was there. 
“Your daughter was born a month before the playoffs, what was that like?” the interviewer continued. 
Quinn smiled softly on the screen, his eyes lighting up in the process. “When we found out about Ellie, we realized pretty quickly that the timing wasn’t great. But our families were in town for the first few weeks. So while I was away on a roadie our families were here and supporting Y/N,” he took in a deep breath. 
“You would’ve had no idea Quinn was a new dad. He was still Quinn Hughes and he was still a huge presence on and off the ice,” Rick said on the screen, a chuckle falling from his lips. “He wanted to talk about his daughter all of the time but you could tell that if he did, it would break his heart a little bit,” he explained.
Quinn clenched his jaw as he shifted his gaze down towards his daughter. Y/N pouted her lips as she reached her hand over and ran her fingers through his hair.
“But that’s why we chose him as captain. He can seperate his personal life from being on the ice. He doesn’t let it effect what he does and that’s what you need from a captain. But you know that even if he didn’t let it effect him, he was constantly thinking about his girls,” Rick continued. 
Quinn smiled softly as he continued running his hand across Ellie’s back. “Can we move on to Trouba or something,” Quinn mumbled as he looked towards Y/N.
The screen continued to show a smiley Quinn in the locker room and then back to him in his apartment with Y/N and Ellie. It stayed on that moment for a few seconds before it shifted to Trouba in New York. 
“Let me see her,” Y/N muttered. Quinn nodded as he lifted Ellie from his chest and cautiously handed her over to Y/N. Quinn shifted his body to the side as he scanned Y/N’s features. “Did you know Rick said those things?” she asked, meeting his eye.
Pursing his lips forward, he shook his head slightly. He leaned towards her, delicately kissing her. “Didn’t really talk about it,” he said with a shrug. She nodded as Ellie’s eyes were starting to get heavy in her arms. 
“Pause it, I’m gonna put her down for her nap,” she said while standing up. He nodded as he reached beside him for the remote. He paused it as he watched her walk down the hall with Ellie in her arms. 
He pulled his phone from his pocket to see a text from Jack asking if he watched the episode yet. He replied that he was working on it. 
Ellie was always a fast sleeper so it only took a handful of minutes for her to fall asleep. Y/N returned to the living room, a grin on her lips. “Okay, press play,” she said as she sat down on the couch beside Quinn. He reached over and delicately rested his hand onto her furthest thigh. He ran his thumb across her thigh, she could barely feel it through the sweatpants fabric.
He pressed play and Trouba’s section started, showing off othe game that got them the President’s Trophy. Y/N leaned her head against his shoulder as they continued to relive the end of the season together. After a few more minutes of Jacob and Gabe’s segments it returned to Quinn.
Quinn was in Nashville with his parents for the first two games of the playoffs. 
“What was it like when Quinn told you guys he was having a baby?” one of the producers asked them as they were sitting in a coffee shop. Quinn smiled as he looked towards his mom. Her eyes lit up and so did his dad. 
“They called us on Facetime and Quinn just blurted it out like he was in trouble or something,” she said while laughing. Y/N looked towards Quinn and he shook his head while laughing.
“Telling news like that over the phone, kinda felt like I was,” Quinn joked out before they cut away to a clip of the Canucks and Predators series. 
After several more minutes, it cut towards the series against Edmonton. The high paced play and the comeback they tried to make in game seven. Quinn took in a sudden breath as he watched the plays and heard himself talk on the ice. He always dissociates during the game to the point he never really remembers what he says or how the plays develop. 
It panned toward the audience with Ellen, Jack, and Y/N watching the game. Her WAG jacket covering her frame, that she helped design. Jack’s arm was in a sling but he was leaning forward watching the game intensely. Ellen was emotionless as she shook her head slightly.
It showed the ending of the match, the celebrations by the Oilers and the sadness of the Canucks. Despite everything, Quinn still led the team in a salute to the crowd. She ran her hand across his upper back. 
“It obviously didn’t end like how we wanted it to but it was good experience for many of us. This is the first playoff run for a lot of us, so now we have a lot of things to use a stepping stones,” he explained in the interview. 
“Anything you would change?” the interviewer asked, nearly cringing at the question once she read it from the card.
“To win-” he said jokingly, “No, I mean-it’s been a tough year. Obviously, I am glad that I get to be home with my daughter for the next few months and not having to have the game on my mind for a few months. It would’ve been awesome to keep going, keep playing but uhm-I guess a good constellation prize was getting time with my girlfriend and our daughter,” he explained, smiling softly as he looked into the camera for the last time in the episode. 
Y/N lips fell into a pout as she lifted her head to look towards Quinn. “I’m such a sap,” he let out. She chuckled as she leaned towards him, kissing his cheek delicately.
“That was really cute,” she whispered as he tilted his head to the side to meet her gaze. “Such a good captain,” she dragged her thumb across his jawline.
“Shush, you,” he whispered before he leaned towards her, kissing her softly.
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bodybaggage · 7 months ago
Phantom in the League pt.2
The Reality of Phantom
The atmosphere in the Watchtower had become decidedly less tense after Danny’s revelation. The League was still processing the idea of one of their own being the ruler of an entire interdimensional ghostly kingdom, but they were professionals. They’d seen stranger things.
Well, most of them had. Flash was still stuck on something that Danny had casually dropped during the initial conversation. The speedster tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the right moment to bring it up.
“Okay, okay, hold up,” Flash finally blurted out, snapping his fingers as the thought clicked into place. “You said your name is Danny Fenton, right?”
Danny, who had been silently dreading this part of the conversation, nodded hesitantly. “Uh, yeah. That’s me.”
“And you’re a teenager?” Flash asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously as he zipped over to scrutinize Danny’s face up close.
“Last time I checked, yeah,” Danny replied, leaning back slightly from Flash’s sudden invasion of personal space.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. So you’re telling me you’re not some ancient ghost who’s been around for centuries, pulling strings from behind the scenes?” Flash’s eyes were wide with shock. “You’re just… a kid?”
“Hey!” Danny protested, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m not just a kid. I’ve been through a lot, okay?”
Wonder Woman stepped in, placing a calming hand on Flash’s shoulder. “Barry, remember what we discussed about making assumptions?”
Flash blinked and gave her a sheepish smile. “Right, sorry. It’s just… wow. You’re younger than some of the villains we’ve fought.”
Green Lantern rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, glancing at Batman, who remained as stoic as ever. “Uh, so… not to be insensitive or anything, but you’re, uh, you’re dead, right? Like… you’re a ghost?”
Danny sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah. Half-ghost, technically. But, yeah. I died… sort of.”
The room fell into a brief silence, the weight of Danny’s words settling over them. It wasn’t something the League was accustomed to dealing with—death was part of their lives, yes, but having a teammate who had already crossed that threshold was… different.
Superman, ever the symbol of hope, stepped forward, his voice gentle. “Danny, we won’t ask how it happened. It’s not our place, and we respect your privacy. But if you ever need to talk about it, we’re here for you.”
Danny offered him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Supes. It’s, uh, a bit of a sensitive subject. But I appreciate it.”
Batman, who had been observing quietly, finally spoke up. “If you’re the King of the Infinite Realms, that means you’re responsible for a vast number of spirits and entities. Your age doesn’t change the fact that you’re capable of handling this responsibility. We trust your judgment.”
“Plus,” Flash added with a grin, “you’ve got us to back you up. We’ll make sure you don’t get overwhelmed with all that kingly stuff.”
Danny chuckled, feeling some of the tension ease. “Thanks, guys. It’s nice to know I’ve got some backup, especially when things get… complicated.”
There was a brief pause before Green Lantern asked the question everyone had been thinking but was too polite to voice. “So… do you, like, age? Or are you stuck as a teenager forever?”
Danny shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. Clockwork—you know, the Master of Time—he’s my mentor, and he’s hinted that I might age slower now, but he’s never been clear on the details.”
Batman nodded, his mind already analyzing the implications. “You’re in a unique situation. If your aging process is altered, it could affect how we approach future missions and strategies involving you.”
“Yeah,” Flash chimed in, grinning. “But, hey, look on the bright side! You get to be the youngest member of the League indefinitely! Think of all the birthday parties we can throw.”
Danny laughed, shaking his head. “As long as you don’t make a big deal out of it, I’m good with that. And for the record, I don’t really do birthdays. Kind of lost the appeal after, well, you know… dying.”
The room fell into a brief, awkward silence before Flash cleared his throat. “Right, sorry. Didn’t mean to make it weird.”
“It’s fine,” Danny reassured him with a smile. “I’m just still getting used to all this myself.”
Superman nodded. “We’ll respect your boundaries, Danny. You’ve already proven yourself to us time and time again. Your age doesn’t change that.”
“Agreed,” Wonder Woman added. “You are more than capable, Danny, and your youth is not a weakness. If anything, it speaks to your strength and resilience.”
Danny felt a warm surge of gratitude toward his teammates. He had been worried about how they’d react to the truth, but they had accepted him without hesitation. “Thanks, everyone. I guess I’ve been carrying this around for a while, and it feels good to finally let you all in on it.”
Batman’s voice, as calm and commanding as ever, broke the brief silence. “We’ll need to adjust some of our protocols now that we know the full extent of your abilities and responsibilities. But for now, we have more pressing matters to attend to. The dimensional rifts.”
“Right,” Danny agreed, snapping back to business mode. “I think I can close them, but I’ll need to figure out what’s causing them first. It could be something from the Realms leaking into your world.”
“Then we’ll start by monitoring the rifts and gathering as much data as possible,” Batman stated, already strategizing. “And Danny, if you need to access any resources from the Watchtower to help with your investigation, you have full clearance.”
Danny grinned, feeling more confident than he had in a long time. “Thanks, Bats. I’ll take you up on that.”
As they all prepared to leave the briefing room, Flash lingered for a moment, leaning in close to Danny with a conspiratorial grin. “So… do you have ghostly powers that let you pull pranks? Because I’ve got some ideas.”
Danny’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Oh, you have no idea, Barry. Just wait until you see what I can do.”
With that, the two exchanged a knowing look, and Danny couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. The truth was out, and despite the initial awkwardness, the League had accepted him for who he was—both as Danny and as Phantom.
And with that acceptance came a new sense of belonging, one that made the title of King of the Infinite Realms feel just a little bit lighter.
pt. 1
don’t mind me, im just mass posting my drafts rn👩‍🦯
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buzzinrusso · 2 months ago
Unexplained love
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Based on this request, right here!! I'm actually really proud of this one, so enjoy and keep sending in requests!!
Leah had always been there. In ways that you sometimes took for granted, she was your constant, your companion in every chapter of your life. The two of you had known each other since childhood—since before you could even properly remember, when your parents pushed you together on playdates, only for you to bond over something as simple as a soccer ball or a shared joke. What started as an accidental friendship slowly blossomed into something unshakeable, a connection that stretched through every phase of your growth.
Your small town, just outside London, wasn’t a place where people could easily hide, and Leah and you had grown up together in that same tight-knit community. There was a park near the edge of town, and countless hours of your childhood were spent there—hours running around in the summer heat, kicking footballs with Leah, creating games that only made sense to the two of you. When it rained, the park became your personal world of imagination, where your “missions” were anything but typical. You’d build forts out of old tree branches, create treasure hunts, and spend hours lying on the grass, staring at clouds and dreaming about things that didn’t seem to matter—until they did...
Through all of this, Leah was never just a friend. She was more than that. She was someone who saw you for exactly who you were. If you had a rough day, Leah would always know before you even said anything. You didn’t need words when Leah was around. Her presence alone was a comfort. Her laugh was the thing that could break any of your bad moods, and when she spoke about her ambitions—her love for football, her dreams of playing at the professional level—it was like everything in the world could fit together perfectly.
“Promise me you’ll never leave?” you asked one summer day, as you both sat side by side on the park bench. You weren’t sure why you asked it then. But something about the moment, the way the sun filtered through the trees, made you voice the fear that had been growing inside you.
Leah’s hand found yours, her grip tight and comforting. “Promise,” she said, her voice steady as ever, “I’ll never leave.” And as a child, you believed that promise, without hesitation.
As time passed, however, things inevitably changed. It wasn’t just the shift from childhood to adolescence that marked a difference—it was the shift within yourself. You had begun to notice the way your feelings for Leah had deepened, but you hadn’t understood them yet. You had no idea how to process the shift, how to handle the overwhelming sensation that you felt when Leah stood a little too close or laughed in that way that made your heart do funny flips.
The first sign came when you were thirteen. Leah had always been fiercely competitive—something you admired—and when she started to take football seriously, you saw the intensity in her eyes that you had never noticed before. The practices, the matches, the way she pushed herself—it was as if she was becoming someone else, someone who had her own dreams, her own future. You were proud of her, but something else stirred within you, something you didn’t know how to explain.
It was subtle, a flicker of jealousy at first. When she’d mention a boy from the team or when she’d laugh at Ryan’s jokes (someone you’d never really paid attention to before), it gnawed at you. You tried to brush it off, to dismiss it, but the feelings grew like a tide that was impossible to outrun.
The first time Leah talked about Ryan, it didn’t seem like anything special. He was a teammate, she said, just a guy she’d been getting to know. But then, as the weeks went on, she began talking about him more often. And every time she did, a strange sensation grew inside you. It wasn’t jealousy, or at least you didn’t think it was, because it wasn’t the kind of jealousy you felt when someone took your favorite toy. This felt like something deeper, more visceral.
And then, the first real break came. You were fifteen, sitting in Leah’s room one late evening, when she told you about her first kiss. She didn’t know why it hurt to hear it, but it did. Leah’s voice was light, but there was a strange ache behind it.
“It wasn’t that special,” she said, brushing it off. But the words hung in the air, thick and uncomfortable. You smiled, though it was a half-smile. “That’s great, Leah. You deserve someone who makes you feel special.”
But you didn’t feel special in that moment. You felt empty, and it took everything inside you to push those feelings back down into a place where they could hide—far away from the world. You had never questioned your feelings for her until that moment, but as she laughed about it, something deep inside you cracked open, and you realized: you wanted to be the one who made Leah feel that special.
Things came to a head one night that summer when you were sixteen. It had been building for months, like a storm on the horizon, and neither of you had seen it coming. Leah had been talking about football again, her eyes sparkling with the passion that drove her. But you weren’t listening to her words anymore; you were just listening to the rhythm of her voice, to the way the light from the bedside lamp danced in her hair, and to the soft rise and fall of her breath.
“I think I’m actually going to make the team this year,” Leah said, and you nodded, your heart pounding in your chest, because for the first time, you were realizing that you didn’t want to lose her to football. You didn’t want her to leave you behind in her pursuit of greatness. You didn’t want to be the one watching her from the sidelines.
Before you knew it, you were leaning in, your lips brushing hers. It was a soft kiss, barely a touch, but it felt like the world had suddenly shifted. For a split second, everything around you blurred, and there was nothing but Leah and the overwhelming flood of emotion that rushed through you.
Leah pulled back immediately, her face pale. You froze, your mind racing, but your body unable to move. Neither of you spoke at first. You both seemed to be trapped in that moment, unable to do anything but stare at each other, unsure of what had just happened.
“I’m sorry,” Leah whispered quickly, her voice panicked. But the words didn’t seem like an apology, not really. They sounded more like a denial, as if she were trying to erase the moment from existence. And in that silence, you felt the weight of it all—felt the fracture forming between you that neither of you had expected but both of you could now see.
The next few days passed in a blur. Neither of you mentioned the kiss, but it was always there, lurking in the back of your minds. Leah seemed to pull away even more, immersing herself in football practices and talking more frequently about Ryan. The distance between the two of you was palpable now—every conversation felt strained, like you were both pretending that everything was the same.
In the meantime, you began to focus on Alex, a boy from school who had started to show an interest in you. At first, it was easy to fall into that relationship—he was sweet, he liked you, and he didn’t make you question everything the way Leah did. When Alex kissed you for the first time, it was nothing like Leah’s kiss, and for a moment, you thought you had found a way to forget. But it was fleeting. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw Leah’s face, heard her laugh, and felt the ache in your chest that no one but her could fill.
Leah, too, seemed to move on. She and Ryan started spending more time together, laughing, holding hands, and it felt like a sharp knife twisting in your gut every time you saw them together. You wanted to be happy for her, but you couldn’t. The jealousy, the anger—it all bubbled up inside you in a way that made you sick. She wasn’t supposed to be with him. She was supposed to be with you.
It was the night everything finally broke open. The tension had been building for weeks, and you couldn’t ignore it anymore. You couldn’t sit by and watch Leah slip further away from you, especially not when you knew, deep down, that you were both still holding on to something neither of you could acknowledge.
You called her late that evening, asking her to meet you at the park. It felt like the only place you both could truly talk without the weight of the world around you. When she arrived, you could see the exhaustion in her eyes, the way she avoided looking directly at you. You had been avoiding each other for too long. It was time to confront it.
Leah sat on the swing, pushing herself lightly as she stared down at her feet. The air between you was thick with unspoken words.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked, the frustration in your voice barely masked. You couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Why are you with him? Why are you pretending nothing happened between us?”
Leah’s face flushed, and her eyes shot up to meet yours. There was something raw in her gaze, a vulnerability you hadn’t seen in a long time.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Y/N,” she said, her voice trembling. “You think this is easy for me?”
“I don’t care if it’s easy,” you snapped. “I care that you’re pretending. I care that you’re with him when you know how I feel about you. You know I can’t keep doing this. I’m not okay.”
Leah stood up abruptly, her fists clenched at her sides. “I’m not pretending,” she yelled. “I don’t know how to fix this. I don’t know what to do!”
The words hung in the air like smoke, suffocating the space between you.
“You don’t fix it by running away!” you shouted back, the anger in your chest rising. “You fix it by facing it! By facing what we both know is true. You can’t keep acting like nothing happened, like nothing changed.”
For a moment, Leah looked lost, her eyes softening, the anger and fear giving way to something else. Slowly, cautiously, she took a step toward you, her breath coming in short, uneven gasps.
“I don’t know how to make this right,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “I’ve always loved you, Y/N.”
And withthose words, everything seemed to shift in that instant. It was as if a dam had broken, and the flood of emotions you both had been holding back came pouring out, unrestrained and raw.
You felt your heart race in your chest as Leah stood there, her eyes full of uncertainty and longing, just as you felt in that moment. The world around you blurred once again, and all the years of friendship, of confusion, of unspoken feelings, suddenly rushed forward. For a second, neither of you moved, standing in the weight of the silence.
"I never knew how to tell you," Leah whispered, her voice barely audible over the wind rustling the trees around you. "I thought I could just ignore it, just focus on football, focus on anything but us. But I couldn't. I still can’t."
You stepped forward, your breath catching as you tried to process what she was saying. You had always known something was between you two—something deeper, something that you couldn’t explain even to yourself. But hearing her admit it, hearing Leah say she had been holding onto the same feelings, broke something open inside you.
"You’ve always been everything to me, Leah," you replied, the words tumbling out of you, honest and without hesitation. "And I... I’ve been too afraid to tell you. To ruin what we have, what we’ve always had."
Leah took another step closer, her face so close now that you could feel the warmth of her skin, her breath mingling with yours. There was no more distance between you, no more hiding. You could see the vulnerability in her eyes, the same fear that mirrored your own.
"I didn’t want to ruin us either," she said softly, her voice shaking slightly. "But I think... I think we've already ruined it. We've been lying to ourselves for so long, pretending that we don’t feel this way. And I can't do that anymore."
Your heart skipped a beat. "So, what do we do now?"
Leah’s hand reached out, brushing against your cheek gently, her touch soft but electrifying. "I don't know," she whispered, "but I think we should stop pretending. Stop running away from this."
And in that moment, there was no more pretending, no more fear. You could see it in her eyes—this was real. The feelings you’d both buried for so long had finally surfaced, and there was no turning back. There was no more question of whether it was okay to love each other in this way.
Without another word, Leah leaned in, her lips finding yours in a kiss that was tender, slow, and full of everything you had both been too afraid to say. The world around you seemed to fade away, the years of friendship and the years of longing collapsing into something undeniable. This was the moment you’d both been waiting for.
When you finally pulled away, breathless, both of you stood there, your foreheads resting against each other, both a little dazed by what had just happened. The awkwardness that had filled the space between you for weeks was gone, replaced by an undeniable sense of clarity.
"I don’t know how we move forward," you said, still a little shaken. "But I know we can figure it out. Together."
Leah nodded, her hand brushing against your arm as if confirming that, yes, you were in this together now. "I want to figure it out. I want to be with you. I’ve always wanted that."
The reality of it all settled in, and even though neither of you knew exactly what the future would hold, for the first time in a long time, it didn’t feel like an impossible distance between you. It felt like a beginning. A new chapter.
The weeks that followed were filled with challenges, as both of you navigated this new dynamic in your friendship and relationship. The first time you held hands in public was nerve-wracking. You had spent so many years walking side by side without thinking twice about it, but now every touch seemed loaded with meaning. You learned quickly that no one could understand the complexity of what you were going through unless they had been through it themselves.
Leah and you spent hours talking about everything—your feelings, your fears, your hopes for the future. There were times when it felt like the whole world was against you, as if your connection was something so rare and fragile that it could slip away in an instant. There were people who didn’t understand, people who made assumptions or doubted your bond. But it didn’t matter. You knew that what you shared was real, and in the end, that was all that mattered.
Football was still a big part of Leah’s life. She threw herself into it with all the passion and drive she had always had. But now, you were there with her, standing on the sidelines, cheering her on—not just as her friend, but as someone who saw her in a new light. You were proud of her. Proud of her achievements, her strength, and the way she managed to balance her dreams with this new chapter in her life.
You, too, found new ways to grow. No longer hiding from the truth of your feelings, you learned to love yourself alongside loving her. You found strength in your vulnerability, in the openness that came with finally admitting what you both wanted. Sometimes, it was hard, and there were moments where you both doubted yourselves. But the foundation of your relationship was built on years of trust, of shared memories, and a deep, unshakeable connection. That was something neither of you could ignore.
The world around you started to shift, too. You both made new friends, met new people, and began to embrace the future with all the uncertainty it held. It wasn’t always easy—relationships, especially ones like yours, took time, effort, and constant communication. But you were learning how to do it, together.
Leah and you spent many more nights under the stars, just as you had when you were children, talking about everything and nothing. You had both been through so much, and yet, somehow, you knew that the hardest parts were already behind you. It was just a matter of building something new, something that was yours alone.
And in those quiet moments, you found peace in knowing that whatever the future held, you had each other. That was enough. Enough to weather the storms, to face the unknown, and to finally, truly be free to love each other in the way you had always known was meant to be.
Years later, when you both looked back on those early days, you couldn’t help but laugh at the way things had unfolded. The confusion, the fear, the uncertainty—all of it had led to this point. You and Leah had grown, individually and together, stronger than either of you could have ever imagined.
Leah’s name was well-known in the football world now, and you had found your own path in a career that fulfilled you. But no matter where life had taken you, Leah had always been there—by your side, the one constant in a world full of changes.
And as you stood on the edge of the field one evening, watching Leah train for an upcoming match, you knew one thing for certain: there was no one else you’d rather face the future with. Your love, built on years of friendship, had become the foundation of everything you were. Together, you were unstoppable.
And that was how you had always meant to be—together.
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itsvenera · 9 months ago
Vi reuniting with her significant-other after prison? The reader could be a mercenary, or a firelight, a baker, an artist(music and paint) just to name a few occupations they could have. I am not used to requesting, so please forgive me.
author's note: I think this request is so cute, I really loved doing it! I tis a bit angsty in the beginning, but it is fluffy at the end! <3 Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy! x
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Nature always finds a way.
Even when surrounded by nothing but a cold, grey concrete, it managed to give birth to life.
As she leaned against the wall, Vi gazed upon the big tree in front of her, focusing her attention on the gentle dance of the green leaves. Of course, she has seen trees before, in Piltover and on photographs, but never in Zaun.
In a way, she was both surprised and impressed with Ekko finding this place. She always thought she knew the city like the back of her hand, yet she had never stumbled over here. How many places were like that in the Undercity? How many places remained hidden, waiting to become a symbol of a new beginning?
"Your mind seems far away", a voice sounded next to her and Vi turned to her right, only to find Caitlyn's smiling face. Despite her gentle expression, there was a spark of worry in her eyes.
Interesting girl was she. One who has grown up in a closed bubble, protected by her family's money and influence, yet there was a fire inside of her, that made her different from the stereotypical Piltover person. She had a deep sense of justice and despite seeing the worst of Zaun, instead of turning her head to the side, she wanted to dig deeper and to know more.
Vi would lie if she said she did not judge her in the beginning. She was sure Caitlyn would not survive more than an hour down here. However, the girl kept making her raise her brows in surprise, completely changing her views about the people in the Topside.
"It is", the pink-haired girl finally answered, letting out a soft sigh in the process, "Somewhere far. Somewhere better."
And with someone else.
Biting her lip, she turned her attention to the few streaks of grass poking near her feet. She grasped one, pulling it out and bringing it in front of her eyes. Twirling it a few times, she carefully examined it, noting how the end was starting to turn yellow.
There was minute during which each of the women seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Caitlyn laid her palm on Vi's back, rubbing small circles on top of the clothed skin. She remained silent, but her gesture managed to ease the tension in the other female's muscles.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Vi shook her head, his eyes still focused on the little piece of grass in her fingers.
God, she wanted to talk. She needed to talk. But what was weighing on her mind, was something she couldn't share with anyone. Especially Caitlyn.
"No, I will be fin-"
Before Vi could realise what was happening, she found herself on the floor pinned by your trembling body. The eyes, once so full of gentle love, which haunted her dreams almost every night, were now staring down at her full of rage. As your name rolled off her tongue, another set of hands got involved by grabbing you by the shoulders.
"Hey! Get off her!"
Whipping your head back, your eyes narrowed to slits once you saw the blue-haired enforcer. Your nose involuntarily scrunched, a clear sign you were far from happy of what, or more specifically who, was before you.
Ekko has already warned you Vi was back in the city and that she was accompanied by an enforcer, but you did not expect... well, her. In your mind, you had built the picture of an old, grumpy prison officer, not a young and pretty woman. Perhaps, you did not want to believe YOUR girlfriend would be giving someone like her a tour around Zaun, while completely forgetting your existence.
Your name was called again and you looked down, your expression softening once your eyes met those of Vi. Many emotions were swimming inside of them - happiness, guilt, pain, relief - all of which were making you wish for nothing more than to press her against your chest and hold her for hours. Your fingers twitched, but instead of embracing her, you landed a few harsh slaps against her shoulders.
"Stop!", Caitlyn shouted once more, grabbing your vest from the back. Instead of calming you down, however, this enraged you even more and you turned around, slapping her hands away.
The enforcer was not a woman who gave up easily, however.
"I demand you to stop!", your body froze as the command left her lips. You stayed still for a few seconds, during which only your heavy panting and the distant shouts of the children around the base could be heard.
"You demand me?", the words came out as a loud scoff and you lifted yourself from Vi, while eyeing the other girl with a mix of irritation and disbelief. With one long stride, you closed the distance between you and gabbed the front of her jacket.
"I demand you to shut your mouth and get your little ass out of here before I kick it so hard, you'll regret ever coming to the Undercity!"
Before things could escalate, you were pulled away by Vi, who held her arms tight around you, while nodding her head toward Caitlyn.
"Cait, give us-Stop it, damn it!", she groaned, tightening her hold, "Cait give us a few minutes!"
The blue-eyed enforcer stood frozen in her place, her worried gaze shifting from her friend to you and then back. You still fought back against Vi's grip, ignoring the feelings of warmth and nostalgia that you felt by being so close to her.
"Please?", the pink-haired woman said again and reluctantly, Caitlyn started walking slowly backward. Once she was far from earshot, Vi released her grip on you and took a step back, giving you some space. She opened her mouth to speak, but you were faster.
Without a word, you turned around and smacked your palm against her cheek. Her head whipped to the side and for a moment, it remained there, frozen. The usually pale skin flushed a deep red where your hand had made contact and your hand trembled, before hiding inside the warm comfort of your pants' pocket.
"I probably deserve that...", Vi mumbled, moving her jaw left and right while she rubbed the sore spot on her face. She took a shaky breath, regaining her composure, before lifting her face. With the corner of her eyes, she could see Caitlyn eyeing both of you with worry and she lifted her hand toward her, a gesture to show her she did not need to intervene. Yet.
The subtle communication did not stay hidden from you and let out an angry huff, before shaking your head. Rarely have you felt such intense emotions, especially since that night when... No. You couldn't go back down this memory lane. Not again.
"Oh, you deserve way more than that!", your tongue pushed against your cheek, biting back all of the colourful insults that were resting on the tip of it. The memories of all those lonely nights you spent crying, mourning, and wondering what happened to her, now hung between you like a dark cloud. No matter how much you have prepared to face her once again, all self-control and reason left your mind as soon as you laid your eyes on her.
"I know you're hurt, but please give me a chance to explain!", her voice was low and soft, an unusual sound for Vi, "Please, I-"
"What is there to explain? You left! You left me! You left Powder! You left Ekko...", with each name, the pain in your chest felt stronger. You closed your mouth, pressing your lips into a thin line before your gaze involuntarily moved to your right, where in the distance the enforcer was nervously chewing her thumb while keeping her attention glued to both of you.
Narrowing your eyes, you grabbed Vi's hand before starting to drag her toward the nearby wood shack. In the beginning, when you joined the Firelights it was used as a storage for hoverboards, but as the members of your group grew, it was soon abandoned and left to collect dust. It was secluded and most importantly away from prying eyes and ears.
The pink-haired girl followed without resistance, giving a last reassuring nod to the Piltover girl, who was now being led away by another Firelight. From all of the scenarios she imagined through the years about your reunion, you pouncing on her was definitely not on the list. A hug, a kiss, maybe even a chance for her to finally show you how much she actually loved you - those were the fantasies that kept swirling around her head all morning when she thought of how should she handle your first meeting after so many years.
Hearing that you were now part of the Firelights was not a surprise. Just like her, you liked to resolve your problems with your fists, rather than talk, and like many young people part of the group, there was nothing that you wished for more than free Zaun. You were stubborn, hot-headed, and reckless, and gave Vi a headache more than once in the past.
Would she have it any other way, however? Absolutely not!
Despite your tough and fiery nature, you also possessed a surprising softness and gentleness, reserved for those closest to you. She often considered herself lucky by being able to see you like this - open and vulnerable, a harsh contrast with your usual combative demeanour. The memories of your many nights spent together, sharing warm cuddles and soft kisses, while your head rested on her shoulder as you talked about your future dreams, often resurfaced in Vi's mind, reminding her how effortlessly it was for you to make her fall in love with you.
Deep inside she foolishly believed that if she ever got the chance to be released from prison, everything would be the same. Powder would still be her little sister, seeking her approval; Ekko would be their smart-ass best friend, who spent too much time tinkering with random gadgets; and you, her first love and girlfriend, would patiently wait for her arrival, ready to promise her the future which you always dreamt about when you were little.
Now, as she stood in front of your furious figure, she felt almost foolish for having such expectations. Of course you would change, you were forced to, just like everyone else in Zaun. The hardships you had to face at such a young age shaped you into someone colder and more guarded.
"I am sorry."
The words fell quietly from Vi's mouth, as she watched your face, trying to find even a glimpse of the love you once carried for her. All that stared back, however, was fury and disgust.
"You are sorry? That's all you've got to say?", you let out a dry chuckle, your voice ringing with mockery. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you eyed her up and down, finally having the chance to properly observe her appearance.
Vi has always been a beautiful woman, even if she never seemed to care much about her looks. She never bothered with fancy hairstyles or clothes, preferring practicality and comfort over style. Yet, she possessed a natural attractiveness, one that made you turn your head the first time you saw her.
Your eyes focused on her buzzcut, before sliding down her face and noting the numerous new piercings and a tattoo, that were now covering it. Her eyes, still as piercing as you remembered them, held the same fiery spark as before, despite being clouded by guilt. She was also taller and more muscular, now towering almost a full head above you.
"I didn't leave!", she finally said, her expression hardening, "That night..."
The words got stuck in her throat, as she let out an angry sigh and rubbed her calloused hands on her face. Her body slumped against the wooden wall behind her, the loud thud making you wince.
"That night I was taken against my will", she continued, her voice trembling, "By the Enforcers. I... After seeing the remains of the explosion and Powder, I just needed a minute. Some time to breathe, to realise what had happened..."
The rage that bubbled inside your chest just a minute ago slowly started to evaporate, replaced by a mix of caution and confusion. You never wanted to believe that she abandoned you - for years, you pushed this thought aside, not able to accept the idea that Vi is capable of doing something like this. Not to you or Powder.
But as the time passed, the hope you held that she was just hiding somewhere started to transform into suspicion. Seeing Powder becoming Jinx right in front of your eyes, claiming that her sister deserted her, also did not help ease your mind and soon you started to accept this version of the events more and more.
She left you. Alone.
As she continued speaking, telling you how she was thrown in Stillwater Hold, never prosecuted or charged, and beaten and tortured, your whole body tensed. Her words painted a picture of chaos and pain, something completely different from what you had imagined for her. You always thought that she was living her best life, somewhere far away from Zaun.
"Do you know how many times I thought of giving up? Of just accepting that this was the end?", her eyes lifted toward your face, the raw feelings behind them making your breath catch in your throat, "But then I thought of you. Of Powder. And I knew I had to find a way back to you."
Her words hung in the air, and there was a minute of silence, during which you assimilated what she had said. A part of you wished for your initial belief to be true - you spend such a long time resenting her for abandoning you, and to a certain extent you even made your peace with it. But now, as she spoke her truth, you were left both confused and heartbroken.
How could you deal with that?
"I thought I would never see you again", you finally said, your voice sounding way softer and gentler than it was before, "That you are living your life somewhere else... with someone else."
Vi's brows furrowed at your admission and she pushed herself away from the wall, before taking a few steps toward you.
"Did you really believe I would do that?", her accusation made you shrink in your place, "That I would just leave you and Powder by yourself? That I don't care?"
The mention of her sister sent a pang of sorrow through your heart. Everyone knew how hard it was for you to witness her transformation, especially since you fought for years to save her from Silco's influence and twisted games. It took a long time for you to accept the painful truth that she was beyond saving.
"Have you seen Powder?", you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, "Do you know what she has become?"
Her gaze fell down at her feet and she weakly moved her head up and down. Despite seeing it with her own eyes, it all still felt unreal. If she controlled her anger that night, if she never screamed at her sibling, if she didn't step back from her... Maybe everything would've been different.
"I tried, Vi", you shook your head, unable to even look at her eyes, "I tried so hard, but Silco had his claws in her mind, filling it with lies. I couldn't... I couldn't save her. I don't know if anyone can. Even you..."
The woman's face fell - this was the second time she was told there was no hope for her sister anymore. She wanted to argue, to tell you that she could reach her, save her, but deep down she knew what your response was going to be. You were always honest to a fault, wearing your heart on your sleeve, and while Vi always loved that about you, she was not ready to hear the truth. Even if she already knew it.
Closing the gap between you, she cupped your cheek, gently running her thumb across the skin. You instinctively leaned toward it, seeking the feeling of warmth and comfort that you have been missing for so many years.
"I know", she said, still caressing your face, "It's not your fault. You did everything you could."
Her words were meant to comfort, but all they did was add the final drop to the already overflowing pool of emotions bubbling inside your chest. You leaped forward, circling your arms around her taller frame and burying your face in her chest. Hot tears were now flowing from your eyes, a result of years of silent suffering. Loud sobs escaped your lips, and you felt her strong arms wrapping around you, pulling you closer in a protective embrace.
"I missed you!", your words were muffled by your face being pressed against her shirt, "I missed you so much, Vi! I.. I thought I would never see you again!"
Her grip tightened and she buried her nose in your hair, inhaling deeply. The sweet scent of strawberry and cream filled her senses and she smiled, finding comfort in the fact that even years later, you still used the same shampoo. After being hit with the harsh reality of what Zaun has become, she welcomed this familiarity, even if it was a small one.
"I missed you too!", she murmured in your hair, before pressing a tender kiss on top of your head, "It's all going to be alright. I promise! I am here now."
You knew you shouldn't hope - after all, in the past it brought you only hurt and despair. But as she continued whispering sweet promises next to your ear, you couldn't help but cling to them, allowing yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there is a chance for you both.
"I would never leave you again!", her voice became harsher, filled with determination, "Whatever happens, I will always be by your side!"
Closing your eyes, you nodded your head, pressing your face even further into her chest. Your breathing was now calmer and the tears had dried on your cheeks, leaving salty trails behind them. If only you could freeze time and stay in this moment forever...
Suddenly your body tensed and you pulled yourself harshly from her embrace, leaving Vi shocked and surprised by the sudden movement.
"What about the enforcer girl?", your face scrunched in disgust as the words fell out of your lips, "Who is she... to you?"
The young woman blinked a few times, taken aback by your bluntness and the sudden coldness in your voice.
"Caitlyn?", the sound of her name made you roll your eyes, "She is... a friend. She helped me get out of Stillwater."
Your brow quirked and your arms crossed in front of your chest, as if protecting you from the idea that there may be something more between them. Ekko has briefly told you what he knew about her and how she seemed to be different from the other enforcers, but even he still had certain reservations when it came to her real intentions and her relationship to Vi.
"Just a friend? Is that all she is to you?"
The pink-haired woman stared long and hard at your face, somewhat amused by your questioning. She bit her lip, trying to suppress her smirk, but she couldn't control the way the corners of her lips twitched upwards.
"Violet!", the sound of you using her full name pulled her attention to your face and she reached out to you again, resting her hands on your waist, "Violet, I am being serious!"
She took a deep breath, fighting the urge to just pull you closer and shut your mouth, stopping you from asking such silly things. Her gaze bored into yours and her fingers squeezed the soft flesh under them.
"Caitlyn has been a great friend and a partner in crime...", she explained, pulling you closer to her, "But she is not you! I am not interested in her in that way."
With narrowed eyes, you studied her face for any signs of her lying, before reluctantly nodding your head. Slowly you lifted your arms, before wrapping them around her neck and immediately starting to play with the ends of her short locks.
"C'mon, I have a girlfriend, who do you think I am?", Vi finally let out a soft laugh, leaning her face toward yours and nudging your nose with hers. A light blush covered your cheeks and the tip of your ears at the sound of the word "girlfriend". After so many years apart, you were not even sure if she still considered you as such.
"A girlfriend, huh? She must be lucky!"
She grinned, moving one of her hands behind your neck, while the other one remained gripping your waist.
"I think I am the lucky one."
She closed the distance between you, pressing her chapped lips against yours and pouring all of the pent up frustration and love she held for you. Closing your eyes, you melted in her embrace, completely intoxicated by the familiar taste of her. The hand behind your neck pushed you even closer to her, resulting in a harsh battle of teeth and tongues, during which she easily dominated you.
When you finally pulled back, both of you rested your foreheads against each other, while trying to catch your breaths. You opened your eyes, immediately meeting those of Vi. Dragging your hand from behind her neck to her cheek, you rubbed it affectionately, smiling once she nudged it with her head.
"If you disappear again, I will hunt you down", you say half-seriously, half-jokingly, "And I will kick your ass!"
A wide grin formed on her face.
"I wouldn't even dream of it."
cc artwork: Shuo Shi
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s4svnn · 1 month ago
Limelight . JJK oneshot (1)
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; After five years of chasing her dreams abroad, Iris returns to her small hometown, eager to embrace a fresh start with a new degree and a quiet apartment. But the peace she craves is quickly shattered by the relentless sounds of punches and grunts echoing from the apartment next door. What starts as a tense confrontation soon sparks a fiery chemistry neither of them expected as she comes face to face with her high school crush, now a determined, world-renowned boxer. As their paths cross once more, Iris can't help but wonder if this unexpected encounter might lead to a chance at the love she once thought was out of reach.
↳ pairing; Boxer Jungkook x reader
↳ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬; completed | All rights reserved 
↳ strangers to lovers, rekindling old flames, fluff
Next part
Part One
The air felt different as I stepped off the bus and onto the weathered streets of my small hometown. There was a distinct sense of familiarity in the way the morning sun reflected off the old brick buildings, as if they too were caught in the same cycle of nostalgia that was now rushing through me. I hadn’t been back here in five years, but as I walked, it was as if time had stood still.
The same rows of houses stood proudly on either side, their paint faded and chipped in places but still standing strong. The distant hum of daily life—the chatter from the corner café, the low murmur of passing cars—reminded me of my past, and yet I felt like a stranger walking through it all.
I adjusted the strap of my bag, the weight of my decisions pulling me forward. I was different now—more polished, more certain. But it wasn’t lost on me that coming back to this place felt like returning to the beginning, like I was revisiting the person I used to be and wondering if I could ever fully shed that skin.
My new apartment was just a few blocks away. It was modern, sleek, nothing like the quaint little house I had grown up in. I had worked hard for this moment—the quiet space that would become mine. I couldn’t wait to start over, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive about what I was really walking into.
As I approached my building, I caught a glimpse of someone ahead of me on the sidewalk. They were walking towards me, and even from a distance, I recognized the familiar gait.The memory of our old friendship came rushing back—quiet afternoons spent in the park, nights watching movies, and those long, aimless conversations we used to have.
We hadn’t kept in touch much after high school, each of us pursuing different paths, but something about seeing him again felt like an anchor.
“Iris?” Kai’s voice was full of disbelief, as if the sight of me standing there was something too surreal to process. It echoed the same warmth and sincerity I remembered from all those years ago, that easy kindness he carried—something that was just naturally a part of him..
"Hey," I said, my voice a little too soft, feeling like I hadn’t quite figured out how to say the words I’d been holding onto all this time. I set my suitcase down and stepped closer, the familiar beat of my heart quickening with excitement. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, the kind that only old friends could share—tight, almost urgent, as if trying to make up for lost time.
His embrace was warm, his body solid and real, and for a second, I could almost pretend nothing had changed, that we were still the two kids who spent lazy afternoons talking about everything and anything at all.
When we pulled away, I could see the surprise etched across his face, his brow furrowed slightly as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. "You’re back?" he asked, his voice edged with something close to awe. "I didn’t even know you were coming."
I smiled, the rush of nostalgia flooding through me. "It’s a surprise," I said, my words coming out almost breathless. I hadn’t even told my parents yet—wanted to see their faces when I walked through the door. "I thought I’d catch everyone off guard."
"Well, wow," Kai said, shaking his head slowly. His eyes still didn’t quite believe it. "I never thought you’d come back. Shit. I’m honestly in shock right now."
"Yeah, I didn’t think I’d come back either," I said, my voice softening as I glanced around the street, as if trying to anchor myself in the moment. "It feels strange but good, I think I just needed a change. You know how it is."
We stood there for a long moment, the weight of years between us hanging in the quiet space that neither of us knew how to fill. Five years had passed, five years filled with new experiences, new lives. But somehow, the world around us felt the same—unchanged. And yet, we both knew, deep down, that we weren’t the same. Neither of us had stayed in place.
"No yeah of course, so what’ve you been up to?" Kai asked, trying to steer the conversation into safer waters. There was a curiosity in his voice, but it was tinged with something else—a hint of pride, maybe, or maybe just the simple joy of hearing my story. "I saw something about you passing the bar a while ago. But other than that I don’t really know much."
A small, satisfied smile tugged at my lips. I had worked for this, fought for it. It wasn’t something I had shared with anyone outside of close circles, but now, talking to him, it felt like I could finally let it spill out. "Yeah, I graduated from law school a few years ago," I said, letting the weight of the words settle. "Been working at a firm in the city. It's been hectic, but it’s definitely paid off." I paused, glancing up at him, the excitement bubbling up again. "And now I’m done with school.Thought it was time to take a break and come home."
Kai’s eyes widened, a grin spreading across his face. "Wow," he said, his voice infused with admiration. "A lawyer, huh? I always knew you’d go on to do big things."
It felt good to hear that—those words that meant more than just approval. They carried weight, because Kai had always been the one who knew me best back then. He knew how I dreamed of doing something meaningful, something big, and hearing him say it out loud made it real. "Well, it hasn’t been easy," I said, with a small shrug. "A lot of long nights and even longer days, but I made it. And now, I’m going to start a new chapter in my new apartment."
Kai’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, his mouth slightly agape. "Wait, you’re not staying with your folks?" His voice rose an octave, disbelief taking over. "Where are you staying, then?"
I couldn’t suppress the grin that tugged at my lips. It felt good to let it out, to let him see the strides I had taken. "The Heights," I said, my voice almost smug, though I didn’t mean it to be. 
His expression froze for a moment, as if processing what I’d just said. His eyes flicked down to the suitcase at my feet and then back to me, and I could see the shock register. "Hold on, The Heights?" he asked, his voice incredulous. "As in the most expensive apartment complex in the whole city, that The Heights, seriously?"
I nodded, feeling a rush of pride course through me. "Yeah," I said, my voice steady but tinged with satisfaction. "That’s the one. It’s perfect Kai, I just need some peace and quiet, no more fighting over the bathroom or having to hide snacks."
Kai blinked at me, his mouth dropping open. "Damn sis I knew lawyers made a lot of money but shit that place is hella expensive, you gotta show me around some time."
I shrugged, trying to downplay the growing sense of accomplishment in my chest. "Oh I definitely will, turns out when you’re a corporate lawyer you can make things like that work. So I thought why not, it’s a good investment and I’ve worked hard for it."
Kai stared at me for a moment, shaking his head as if he was still trying to catch up. "God, I can’t believe this," he said, a small laugh escaping him. "I wish those stupid bitches from highschool could see you now, they’d shit their pants.."
"Thanks, Kai," I said, unable to wipe the smile from my face. There was something comforting about hearing his approval, about having him see me, finally, as the person I’d become. "It feels like it’s been a long time coming."
"Well, if anyone deserves it, it’s you," Kai said, his voice warm with sincerity. There was no mistaking the pride in his words, and for a moment, everything felt right again. "I’m happy for you. Really."
"Thanks." I glanced down at my watch, suddenly aware that I was running out of time. "Shit, I’d love to keep talking but I should probably get going, I need to unpack and get settled in. But let’s definitely catch up soon, okay?"
"Of course," Kai replied, flashing that easy grin that I remembered so well. "Let me know if you need anything. And we are definitely grabbing a drink sometime soon. Don’t forget that."
"For sure," I said, giving him a small wave. As I turned to walk toward my new apartment, I felt a mix of emotions settle in my chest. A sense of finality, maybe, or maybe it was more like relief. I was saying goodbye to something—some version of myself—and stepping into a new chapter of my life.
And yet, the entire time, Kai’s presence lingered in my mind, like a bridge between the past and the future. The years had changed us both in ways we couldn’t quite articulate, but somehow, in that brief moment of connection, we had found something that was still us.
The apartment complex was a far cry from anything I’d ever imagined for myself growing up in this small town. As I stepped through the front doors, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of luxury settle around me. The lobby was an open, airy space that stretched far beyond what seemed necessary, with towering windows that let in the soft afternoon light, casting everything in a golden hue.
The floors were polished marble—so smooth and reflective that they almost looked like they could have been an extension of the sky. Everything screamed opulence, from the sleek, modern furnishings to the delicate touches of gold and glass accents that shimmered subtly in the sunlight.
The scent of fresh flowers lingered in the air, their fragrance light and sweet, adding an almost surreal quality to the space. Soft classical music played from hidden speakers, filling the silence with a calmness that seemed intentional—designed to soothe and impress. A large chandelier made of crystal dangled from the ceiling, its delicate prongs glistening as they caught the light.
Everything in the lobby exuded a sense of wealth—this wasn’t the kind of place someone like me would’ve been familiar with just five years ago. The kind of place where only the elite, the successful, the untouchable people lived. I felt out of place, yet at the same time, a rush of pride swelled inside me.
I approached the front desk, trying to act casual, even though every part of me felt like I was in a dream. The receptionist, impeccably dressed in a minimalist black suit, smiled warmly as I approached. “Welcome, Miss Iris,” she said, her voice as polished as everything around us. She handed me the key to my new apartment with a grace that made the whole interaction feel almost theatrical.
“If you need anything at all, please let me know. I’d be happy to help.” Her words were polite, professional, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was so used to dealing with people like this—the ones who belonged here. The ones who fit into the sleek, perfectly curated world of The Heights.
“Thank you,” I said, offering a polite smile before heading toward the elevator. I couldn’t help but feel a wave of anticipation as I pressed the button for the top floor. The building was stunning, and everything about it felt like the next step in my life.
The elevator doors opened to the top floor with a soft chime, and I stepped out, looking down the hall to my door. As I walked toward it, I tried to imagine what my new life would look like here—what it would feel like to truly call this place home. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, immediately struck by the spaciousness of the apartment.
It was everything I had hoped for: clean, modern, filled with light and possibility. The windows offered a breathtaking view of the town, its familiarity mixing with the excitement of this new chapter.
I dropped my suitcase, feeling the tension in my shoulders ease for the first time in days. I walked through the apartment, taking in the details—the sleek furniture, the open kitchen, the large windows that seemed to stretch out forever. It felt like the first place I had ever truly owned, and it was mine.
Without thinking, I ran across the living room, a sense of childlike wonder rising in me. I laughed quietly to myself, overwhelmed by how perfect everything was. I let myself flop onto the couch, staring at the ceiling and exhaling a long, contented breath.
Just as I finally began to settle in, letting the soft hum of the apartment calm my nerves, a sudden thud shattered the peace. My body went stiff, every muscle tightening instinctively. The sound was so loud, so jarring, that it felt as if the walls themselves had trembled in response. I sat up straight, my pulse quickening as I tried to make sense of what I’d just heard.
Then, a steady, rhythmic pounding followed—a heavy thwack, thwack, thwack against what I could only imagine was the wall separating us. The sound reverberated through the floor and up into my chest, like the thundering pulse of something alive, relentless.
There was a brief pause, a brief silence that made my skin crawl. And then, a deep grunt echoed through the air, followed by more pounding—louder now, faster, as though someone was throwing their entire body into each strike. It was impossible to ignore, impossible to pretend it wasn’t happening.
I furrowed my brow, feeling the heat of irritation spread through my veins. I hadn’t expected to hear anything so aggressive. The noise rattled through the apartment like a storm crashing through a quiet night, and for a split second, I found myself holding my breath, waiting for it to stop. But it didn’t.
Several hours later, the noise hadn’t ceased. If anything, it had grown more persistent, more punishing. The sound of fists pounding against something—hard and fast—seemed to rattle every corner of the apartment. I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, my body tense and unwilling to relax, even as the sheets shifted beneath me.
Every thud felt like it was reverberating through the floorboards, through the walls, like some kind of invasion of my very space. Each hit landed with a sickening resonance that seemed to crawl beneath my skin, digging its way into my patience.
I couldn’t take it any longer.
I threw the covers off, frustration boiling in my chest. I needed to sleep. I deserved to sleep in peace for once, and yet here I was, trapped in an endless loop of noise that refused to stop. My thoughts spun with annoyance, frustration, and a growing sense of helplessness. What kind of person does this? What kind of neighbor keeps someone awake like this, pounding away like a damn animal? It was disrespectful and I was done being the silent victim of it.
I stood up, the cool floor against my bare feet grounding me for a moment as I walked toward the door, trying to think through my next steps. The thought of confronting this loud, inconsiderate stranger sent a mixture of dread and determination through me, but I was past the point of simply ignoring it.
I changed into my silk pajamas—soft and comforting, but completely incongruent with the sense of agitation I was carrying, the fabric slid against my skin as I adjusted the top and pulled the shorts on. With every step I took toward the door, I could feel my heart pounding louder than the noise. By the time I reached it, my resolve had solidified. This wasn’t just about sleep anymore. This was about respect. It couldn’t just play nice and let this idiot walk all over me.
I stepped forward and knocked. Hard. The sound of my fist hitting the door felt like it would be enough to wake the dead, but when I stood there, waiting for a response it was met with silence. Nothing. My teeth clenched as I slammed my fist against the door again, harder this time, trying to shake whatever the hell this person was doing in there, to make them hear me. Still nothing. I could feel my patience unraveling with each passing second. The pounding continued—louder, faster, more frantic, as if mocking my attempt to get their attention.
I was at the brink. Frustrated, I pressed my shoulder against the door and used my full weight to push against it. Nothing. It was locked. But then, just as I was about to lose it, the door swung open suddenly—too fast—and my body lurched forward, caught off guard. I crashed straight into something warm and solid—someone, to be exact.
Strong arms wrapped around me instinctively, holding me steady as I stumbled forward.
“Are you okay?” The voice that spoke was low and smooth, laced with concern and something else—something I couldn’t quite place.
I blinked, a little dazed from the collision, but I quickly recovered, stepping back with a nervous laugh to smooth out the front of my silk pajamas. "Yeah. Sorry about that." I glanced up at the man, trying to pull myself together. "I’m your new neighbor," I said, forcing the words out in a business-like manner, but something about the situation made it feel surreal.
And then I met his eyes. Everything stopped. The room, the noise, my racing thoughts—they all faded away, eclipsed by the shock of recognition. Standing before me, looking like some kind of vision, was Jungkook. My highschool crush, and the most popular guy in school who had been a distant figure back then, someone so far out of my reach that I never once considered the possibility of us crossing paths..
But now—he was standing there, inches away from me, with a body built from hours of training and discipline. His black t-shirt stretched across his chest, the sleeves tight around his biceps, revealing tattoos that snaked down his arms, some intricate, some abstract. His dark hair was tied back in a messy bun, and there was a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead. His jawline was sharp, his eyes intense, and his gaze held a curiosity that made my stomach twist in an unexpected, unsettling way.
For a moment, I couldn’t move. I was frozen in place, completely caught off guard by the man in front of me. And then, as if to snap me back into reality, he spoke again, this time his tone was cold and a little impatient. "Do you need something?" he asked, his words clipped. "I'm in the middle of a training session."
I blinked, finding my voice again, though it was laced with irritation. "Actually, yes," I shot back, the tension I’d been holding onto spilling out. “I need you to keep it down. I can’t sleep with all that noise you’re making. It’s disrespectful to your neighbors.”
The words left my mouth sharper than I’d intended, and for a second, I wasn’t sure if I cared. He had no right to be this loud. No right to make me feel like I was the one in the wrong.Jungkook looked at me, his expression unreadable for a beat. But something flickered behind his eyes—an irritation that mirrored my own.
The silence between us hung thick in the air, charged with something I couldn’t put my finger on. Was he really this rude? This inconsiderate? I’d come here, expecting at least some understanding, but instead, I felt like I was standing on the wrong side of an unspoken line.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the burning irritation that was quickly flooding through me. “No,” I repeated, my voice still steady, but firm. It was the only word I could manage, but it carried everything I wanted to say.
Jungkook, however, wasn’t having it. He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, that same unbothered, borderline dismissive expression still on his face. "No," he said back, his tone harsh and almost mocking, as if my complaint was nothing more than a small inconvenience to him. "I've been living here for years, and no one has ever complained about the noise. So why the hell should I stop just because my bratty new neighbor thinks she can tell me what to do?"
My mouth fell open. Bratty? The word stung, and I immediately felt the weight of the insult. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing—this was how he was going to handle it? Like it was nothing, like I was nothing? The nerve of him. I took a step forward, my anger flaring. “Excuse me?” I bit out, my voice sharper now. “You don't get to call me that. I'm just asking for a little respect.”
But Jungkook stood his ground, his eyes narrowing, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "I’m not stopping, okay? Deal with it.” He turned away, leaving me standing in the doorway, mouth agape and completely speechless.
I stood there for a moment, my chest tight with frustration, my pulse racing. I had never expected such a careless, rude response. How could someone be so selfish? I was being reasonable, but he didn’t give a damn. As much as I hated it, there was nothing more I could do. Not here, not now.
Sighing in defeat, I turned around and walked out of his apartment, heading toward the front desk. Maybe there was something else I could do. Maybe I could change rooms. A different floor, a quieter corner of the building—anything to get away from the noise.
When I reached the front desk, I didn’t even hesitate before asking. “Hi, is there any way I can change rooms? The noise from next door is unbearable. I can't sleep like this.” The receptionist gave me a gentle, apologetic smile.
“I’m so sorry, Miss Iris, but there are only two penthouse suites in the building—the one you're staying in and the other one that Mr. Jeon Jungkook occupies. Unfortunately, we don't have any available rooms on that floor."
I froze. The weight of the words crashed down on me, and I felt a dull sense of panic creep into my chest. The other penthouse suite. Of course, he’d be on the same floor. It only made sense.
I let out a long, defeated sigh. “Right. Thanks.” There was nothing I could do, no way around it. I couldn’t change floors, and the thought of confronting Jungkook again made me feel sick to my stomach.
I turned and trudged back toward my apartment, the long hallway stretching out before me like a labyrinth of inevitable frustration. I wanted to slam the door and bury myself under the covers, but I couldn’t escape the noise. It was going to be a long night.
Hours later, I was still wide awake. Every thud, every grunt, every strike against the wall felt like a hammer against my skull. My eyes felt heavy, but sleep never came. The time seemed to stretch on and on, an endless cycle of noise and silence, my body aching for rest that was nowhere to be found. I hadn’t blinked in what felt like forever. The pounding from next door showed no sign of stopping. The clock on my bedside table seemed to mock me, ticking away in slow motion.
When the noise finally ceased, my body went rigid with hope. I nearly leaped out of bed, glancing at the clock—only to freeze when I saw the time. It was 9 AM. A full night had passed, and I hadn't slept a wink. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I groaned in frustration, rubbing my eyes furiously, trying to will myself into consciousness despite the exhaustion that weighed me down.
With a sigh, I shuffled to the bathroom, throwing my hair into a messy bun and slipping on the soft robe I had left hanging in the bathroom. I needed coffee. I needed something to wake up and get through this first day back. My mind felt foggy, my head pounding in sync with the sleepless night I had just endured.
Making my way down to the breakfast bar, I was surprised at how quiet it was. The entire space was empty—no other guests, no bustling crowd to greet me. The silence in the lavish room only highlighted the sense of isolation that had settled over me, and my eyes flitted over the marble countertops and gleaming surfaces. It was beautiful—too beautiful.
I approached the nearest waiter, still feeling the weight of sleep-deprivation pressing on me, and asked in a daze, “Where is everyone? Is this place usually empty?”
The waiter offered a polite, almost apologetic smile. “This breakfast is only open to the penthouse suite owners, Miss Iris,” he explained softly, as if it were some exclusive secret that only a select few knew about. “It's a private service.”
I blinked, surprised at the exclusivity. The penthouse suites were far more than just lavish; they were reserved, and that alone made me feel like I had just entered a whole new world of luxury I never fully understood until now. My excitement flickered, and I felt a small smile tug at my lips as I made my way toward the nearest table.
But then, just as I was about to sit down, I heard the soft sound of footsteps approaching. My stomach dropped, and I turned just in time to see Jungkook walk into the breakfast bar, looking completely at ease, as if he belonged here. His presence made my heart stutter for a moment. Of course, he would be here too. How could I forget that we were now neighbors?
I stood frozen, my initial excitement now replaced with a dull, sinking feeling. The reality of sharing this space with him, knowing that we were stuck on the same floor, made my stomach twist in a way I hadn’t expected.
Jungkook caught my eye briefly, and the brief flicker of recognition that passed between us was enough to send a pulse of heat to my cheeks. But I quickly looked away, my nerves spiking again as I tried to calm the swirl of thoughts flooding my mind.
The moment I sat down at the breakfast bar, I tried my hardest to ignore Jungkook's presence. I had already been up for hours, exhausted, and the last thing I wanted to deal with was him, his presence already irritating me the moment he walked in. I had been up most of the night, tossing and turning, listening to the constant noise next door, and I had gotten nothing but frustration and sleep deprivation in return. The last thing I needed was to engage with him, so I focused on my pancakes, pretending he wasn’t sitting across from me.
I took a bite, trying to savor the food, but the heaviness of the night still lingered in the pit of my stomach. I should’ve gotten a different room. But that thought wasn’t going to help anything now. I wasn’t going to waste my time thinking about how I’d gotten myself into this situation. My gaze stayed fixed on the plate, my fork moving in robotic circles as I tried to block him out.
Then, out of nowhere, I heard the scrape of a chair. Without any warning, Jungkook slid into the seat directly across from me, his leg grazing mine as he did so. I couldn’t help but flinch slightly, my eyes narrowing in response, but I didn’t look up. Not at first. If he thought I was going to acknowledge his presence, he was sorely mistaken.
“So, this is how you're gonna be, huh?” Jungkook’s voice was casual, but there was a hint of amusement behind it.
I resisted the urge to snap at him. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he was getting under my skin. But it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep my calm.
I kept my gaze down, forcing myself to finish my pancakes. It wasn’t about the food. It wasn’t about the luxury of the breakfast bar. It was about controlling myself, staying composed. The idea of letting him have any kind of power over me made me angry.
Jungkook, however, wasn’t about to let me have my peace. “You really gonna act like I’m not here?” he added, his tone almost playful, but there was an edge to it, like he was enjoying watching me try to hold it together.
My anger simmered, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. “Do you ever stop being a complete asshole?” The words slipped out before I could stop them, but I didn’t regret them. He was the one who had disrupted my peace. He was the one who had kept me awake all night. He deserved every bit of my irritation.
Jungkook leaned back in his chair, his gaze intense as it held mine for a beat. Then, as if realizing the full extent of what I was saying, his expression softened just a little. "My bad," he said, but the way he said it felt dismissive, like he didn’t really care at all.
My bad? That was it? After everything? He was acting like it was just a minor inconvenience to him, and it pissed me off even more. There was no apology in his voice, no empathy for the fact that I hadn’t slept at all the night before. It was like he couldn’t be bothered.
I set my fork down and exhaled sharply, my patience wearing thin. I finished my pancakes in silence, but the entire time, I felt that knot of anger twisting tighter and tighter in my chest.
As I pushed my plate away, preparing to stand up and leave, I was ready to just get away from him. I couldn’t take being in the same space as him for another second. I could already feel the annoyance bubbling up again, and I just needed to be somewhere else—anywhere else.
But as I stood, ready to leave, Jungkook reached out and grabbed my arm. The unexpected touch sent a jolt through me, and I froze for a moment, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts.
For a brief, fleeting second, I thought maybe—just maybe—he was going to apologize. Maybe he was going to admit that he’d been an asshole and that he would stop making so much noise. The warmth of his hand on my arm felt almost... protective, as though he wanted to keep me in place. I half-expected him to say something like, “I’m sorry, I’ll turn the volume down next time.”
But instead, the smirk spread across his face, and his grip tightened just a little. "You know," he began, his voice low, teasing, "your shorts are inside out."
I froze, my face flushing a deep crimson as I looked down, horrified to see the tag sticking out of the waistband. Of course, I thought. Of course, he’d notice something like that.
I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I hurriedly yanked at the waistband, trying to fix it. My stomach churned with embarrassment, and I could feel the weight of the situation hitting me all at once. My body was still tense from the anger, the lack of sleep, and now, the sheer mortification of having him point out something so trivial, but so incredibly embarrassing.
"Shut up," I muttered, my face burning. I wanted to get out of there, away from his knowing gaze, away from his smirk, away from everything. I stood up abruptly, feeling the urge to just leave before I did something I might regret. "Stupid Jungkook," I muttered under my breath as I quickly walked away, my heart pounding in my chest.
I didn’t look back as I made my way to the elevator, the sting of humiliation and frustration still fresh in my mind. My thoughts were a whirlwind—Why the hell couldn’t I just get some peace? Why was he so impossible?
And yet, as I stepped into the elevator and the doors slid shut, I couldn’t help but think—He doesn’t even know how much he’s gotten under my skin. He’s the kind of guy who never gives a damn about anyone else. But I had no choice but to deal with him. He was my neighbor, and I had a feeling that this was just the beginning of a much bigger problem.
The next few days unfolded exactly like the first—loud thuds, grunts, and the relentless pounding from next door that kept me from getting a single full night of sleep. No matter what time of day it was, it felt like the noise never stopped. I could practically feel the vibrations through the walls, and every time I tried to drift off, the sounds of his training echoed in my ears, only growing louder and more intrusive. I was at my breaking point.
I couldn’t take it anymore. He had turned my peaceful, quiet homecoming into a constant cycle of irritation and exhaustion. I had tried to be patient, but no more. It was time for a little payback.
I thought about it carefully—how to retaliate without it looking like I was being petty. The solution came to me one evening, like a light bulb going off in my head. I was going to play the piano. But not just play it. I would play it in a way that would get under his skin, just like he had done to me. I knew I had to be strategic.
So, I placed a call to have a piano delivered to my apartment. I set it up near the window so the sound would bounce right off the walls. I spent the next few hours playing scales, messing around with random notes, and making sure every press of the keys was off-pitch, each note slightly dissonant. All while wearing noise-canceling headphones, of course, ensuring I couldn’t hear a thing. My purpose was simple: to be as annoying as possible, to drown out his noise with my own.
For hours, I played with purpose—pressing the wrong keys deliberately, hitting sharp and flat notes with no care for melody or rhythm. It felt oddly satisfying to take control of the situation, to disrupt his training the way he had disrupted my sleep.
Then, just as I started to think I had finally achieved a moment of sweet vengeance, I heard it. A loud bang—like someone had kicked my door. My smirk curled into a grin as I turned the volume on the piano down, straining to listen.
The door rattled with another forceful knock. I stood up and smoothed my shirt, bracing myself for the confrontation. I knew who it was before I even opened the door. The deep, frustrated sigh, the unmistakable presence of him standing on the other side. As I pulled it open, I was met with the sight of Jungkook standing in the doorway, shirtless, his well-defined tattoos now fully on display. His breath was ragged, and his expression was dark, almost seething.
I couldn’t help but notice how much more intimidating he looked without a shirt. His muscles rippled with every movement, and his tattoos—dark, intricate—made him look even more imposing. But none of that could disguise the anger that flashed across his face.
He took a step forward, his eyes burning with irritation. “Are you on something?” he asked, his voice low and rough, the anger evident in his tone.
I blinked innocently, feigning a calm I didn’t quite feel. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, my voice dripping with sweetness, though my mind was anything but. Inside, I was brimming with a sense of victory—he had come to me, just like I knew he would.
He was seething now, his fists clenching at his sides. “This isn’t funny,” he growled, his voice dropping into a warning. “You’ve been playing that damn thing for hours. I could hear you through the walls. What is it, some kind of revenge thing?”
I raised an eyebrow, a wicked smile tugging at my lips. “Revenge?” I repeated, making a show of thinking. “I’m not sure. I’m just practicing. I don’t know why you’re so bothered by it.”
The room between us felt charged with tension, his anger mixing with my frustration. For a moment, neither of us spoke. I could practically feel the standoff, the quiet before something bigger broke out.
Finally, he sighed, running a hand through his hair, his expression softening just a bit. "Look," he muttered, clearly trying to calm himself down, "you need to stop playing that piano. It's driving me insane."
I didn’t back down, my eyes narrowing. "You think I want to listen to you training all day?"
We stared each other down, neither of us willing to back off. The silence between us grew thick, before he exhaled sharply, a reluctant agreement slipping from his lips. "Fine. Here’s the deal. I’ll cut my training down."
I felt a rush of relief, knowing I had found a middle ground. And I was finally getting some control back. "Alright," I said, my voice firmer now. "And I’ll keep playing the piano for a few hours in the morning." I crossed my arms and looked at him expectantly.
Jungkook stared at me for a long moment, his chest still heaving slightly from the anger and the physical exertion. But finally, he nodded.
I smirked, satisfied. "Good," I said, giving him one last look. "I’ll hold you to that."
With that, I closed the door between us, my heart racing with the adrenaline of the standoff. I had won this round. It felt good. But something told me this wasn’t the last time we’d clash. Not by a long shot.
The night that followed was the most peaceful one I’d had in ages. No incessant thumping, no distant grunts, no thuds of a punch landing on a bag or weights clanging in a makeshift gym. Just the soft hum of the city around me, the kind that I had long since gotten used to but had never truly appreciated until now. It was like the universe had decided to give me a break, a moment of silence after the chaos that Jungkook had brought into my life.
I settled into the quiet, my body finally relaxing after what felt like an eternity of exhaustion. But still, the strange thoughts kept bubbling up in my mind—thoughts I didn’t want to entertain, yet couldn’t push away. Jungkook. The man who had once been the object of my high school crush, and who now, in a strange twist of fate, was my infuriatingly loud neighbor.
Curiosity gnawed at me, making it impossible to focus. I needed to know more about him. What had happened to that carefree boy I had crushed on all those years ago? What was he like now? What has changed? I grabbed my phone, typing his name into the search bar, almost hesitantly. The results came up almost instantly, and I was met with a flood of information that left me speechless.
Jungkook was not just any man. He was a world-famous boxer. His net worth? Billions. Billions. It was hard to wrap my head around. No wonder he spent so much time training—he wasn’t just trying to maintain a career, he was trying to stay at the top of his game. And with that much money, it made sense why he lived the way he did. No wonder he didn’t seem to care about the noise he was making. He was too far removed from the rest of us.
I leaned back, staring at the phone screen. It was so surreal to think about. In high school, Jungkook had been the charming, confident athlete, always surrounded by the popular girls who adored him, their hands all over him, praising him like he was some kind of god. I had been a quiet girl, more interested in my grades than in chasing popularity. He never noticed me then, and looking at him now, it wasn’t much of a surprise that he didn’t recognize me.
But still, part of me couldn’t help but wonder how much of the man I saw now was still that same guy. Was he still driven by the same love for sports, the same desire to be the best? Or had he become consumed by his success, turning into someone completely different?
I pushed the thoughts aside. No need to dwell on it. I had my own life now, my own accomplishments, and I didn’t need to compare myself to him. Still, the question lingered: What happened to the Jungkook I once admired?
I decided I needed a change of scenery. I couldn’t stay cooped up in my room any longer. I slid open the balcony door and stepped outside, grateful for the cool air that hit my skin. The city stretched out before me, the lights from the streets below twinkling like stars, and the faint sounds of traffic drifting up. I leaned against the railing, taking in the view, letting my thoughts settle.
I closed my eyes for a moment, breathing deeply, trying to focus on the peace of the night. But then, I heard it. A slow exhale, deep and deliberate. My eyes snapped open, and I turned to see none other than Jungkook standing next to me on his balcony, barely a few feet away.
He was shirtless, his hair damp as if he had just stepped out of the shower, and he was holding a cigarette between his fingers. His gaze flicked over to me, and I felt my heart stutter in my chest. There he was, standing like he owned the entire city, as confident as ever. I couldn’t help but notice the tattoos that covered his arms, the muscles that rippled as he moved.
"It’s rude to stare, you know," he said, his voice casual but laced with that same smugness I remembered from high school.
I blinked, a little caught off guard, but quickly regained my composure. "I wasn’t staring," I shot back, crossing my arms.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Yeah, sure. You’re not exactly being subtle, you know."
I narrowed my eyes at him, but I wasn’t about to back down. "What do you want, Jungkook?"
He took another drag from his cigarette, his eyes never leaving me. "I’m bored," he said, his tone almost whiny, but with a hint of frustration. "I'd be training right now, but I can't because of you." He paused, his gaze flicking down to the floor of his balcony before meeting mine again. "It’s kind of annoying, you know. You’ve been killing my vibe."
I stared at him, taken aback. What was he talking about? "You’re the one making all the noise," I said, not bothering to hide the frustration in my voice. "I’ve barely gotten any sleep because of you."
Jungkook just shrugged, unfazed. "Well, I didn’t tell you to move next door to me." His voice was flat, almost dismissive.
I was livid. "Maybe you should learn to be more considerate of the people around you," I snapped, my anger rising again.
He just exhaled smoke and leaned back against the railing. "My bad," he said, his tone sarcastic. "I’ll make sure to send you a nice apology card next time."
I shot him a glare but didn’t respond. We stood there in silence for a moment, the only sounds the distant hum of traffic and the occasional rustle of wind in the trees. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was strangely calm. Then, Jungkook broke the silence again.
“So,” he began, tilting his head slightly, “do you have anything to do right now?” His tone was casual, like he was genuinely asking, but there was a hint of something else behind it.
I was taken aback for a moment. “No,” I answered slowly, wondering where he was going with this.
He took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled, then glanced over at me with that same mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, if you don't have anything to do... wanna chill for a bit?"
I couldn’t help but stare at him. What was he playing at now? He leaned against the railing casually, his posture relaxed, as if this was some normal, everyday invitation.
“I don’t bite,” he added with a smirk.
I raised an eyebrow, the corners of my mouth twitching. “Sure you don’t,” I said, folding my arms.
He chuckled, unbothered by my sharp reply. “Come on, it’ll be fun. I’m not such a bad guy, you know.”
I hesitated, unsure what to say. Part of me wanted to keep my distance, to keep him at arm’s length. But another part of me… well, curiosity got the best of me. He was right about one thing: we hadn’t really talked outside of all the noise and hostility. Maybe it was worth a shot.
“Fine,” I said, rolling my eyes, but there was no hiding the small smile that tugged at my lips. "I’ll chill for a bit. But don’t get any weird ideas."
His grin widened, and without missing a beat, he pushed off from the railing, heading toward the entrance to his apartment. “Good. Come over.”
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