#there is no staff in ba sing se
if you want to look deactivated, why don't you use that tumblr logo with the sunglasses that anons have? like the one i'm using right now
Back in my day, deactivated blogs had white pfps to show that they were deactivated. The sunglasses is a new development in a long list of new developments that I’m pretending aren’t real
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sirhinkjinks · 2 years
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"bruce? what's... avatar: the last air... blender? jeez louise, is this one of your weird martial arts handbook things that come with a cd narration because i'm sick and tired of listening to that pilates lady in the morning b-"
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seyaryminamoto · 7 months
Azula's most overlooked characterization element
Why, hello there.
It is I.
And I'm back on my bullshit.
I didn't WANT to be. But a bunch of factors pulled me back in.
For the record: I'm not here to start any fights or light the fuse of arguments that I most likely won't have time or interest in responding to. What I AM here for... is to prove that there's something out there a bunch of people are delighted to sleep on because acknowledging it would render maaaany simplistic interpretations entirely invalid...
That group of people includes the fandom, of course. And the original show's staff. And the liveaction's staff, to a fault. Surely the TTRPG ones too. And absolutely, the comic book writers.
Hell, I'll even include MYSELF in that group, even though I'm making this post right now.
I found it really curious that I very recently saw this element mentioned in a pretty neat blog I follow, @atla-lore-archive, I absolutely advise anyone who hasn't checked out said archive to do it if you wish to understand a lot of the "extra lore" the fandom had access to, back in the old days when the turbonick ATLA site still existed and used to be the only source of deeper knowledge about the fandom besides the occasional interview that most people didn't even know where to track down.
But the funny thing is that the post I'm talking about proved that even Turbonick forgot about the people this post is about :')
And that would beeeeeeee...
*cue drumroll*
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Lo and Li!
What makes Lo and Li an important subject to discuss?
Why, a lot of things. Among them, the fact that almost nobody brings them into the core focus of any analysis made about Azula's character. I've personally mentioned them once or twice I believe, mostly as negatives, there's but ONE positive aspect I've ever found of them: them being non-benders MIGHT be a reason why Azula isn't shown as being quite so obsessive with firebending supremacy as Zuko was supposed to be.
But that's very much the sole good thing I can think to say about them and it's completely subjective, as good as a headcanon, because we don't even KNOW if they influenced Azula in that sense!
Why do they seem to get overlooked quite as much? Why... let's start thinking about it, shall we?
Lo and Li are Azula's firebending teachers. As far as anyone can tell, they're also her advisors. These two people should be an essential part of Azula's life... but ironically, we seldom see them with her. Most times, Azula isn't around these two. Whenever she is? It doesn't usually look like she's having a good time.
And that's no surprise, considering her first scene with those two very much puts forward a dynamic of cold distance between Azula and her mentors: Azula is bending LIGHTNING. We have not heard of other lightningbenders until that point, and once the full show wraps up, there's only THREE (Azula, Ozai, Iroh). Out of those three? Only one is a fourteen-year-old girl. It's very easy to assume Azula's lightning is actually a skill she mastered unusually early in life, perhaps relatively recently, hence the practicing... but she's pulling it off. She's succeeding. She's doing something that genuinely catches a first-time viewer off-guard!
And Lo and Li's entire opinion of what she did is: "Almost perfect. One hair out of place."
This tells you the Fire Nation's idea of "imperfection" is... insane. Strict. Imposing. Unyielding. Unforgiving. Azula's reaction isn't to get angry at Lo and Li for saying what they did: it's to get angry at herself and try again.
But... that's not the only instance where we see Azula getting angry around Lo and Li.
The next few times Azula is around them, she doesn't seem to have much of an emotional reaction (one is when they tell her to find other allies, the other when they herald her as a great hero who returned home from Ba Sing Se). In the second of these scenes, Lo and Li are praising Azula as incredible, beautiful, all sorts of grand things...! And Azula smiles. She smiles at the crowd. She's not smiling at the old ladies who are praising her... she's mostly just happy to know her people are welcoming her as a hero indeed! Most the fandom would go "true! what an ungrateful bitch! She should've been happy that Lo and Li complimented her that way!!" Me? I wouldn't say that at all. Not just because I love Azula to pieces? But because the only information we have of Azula's dynamics with these two... doesn't seem compatible with the idea that what Lo and Li are saying here is for AZULA'S benefit.
Anyone who's had a hypocritical parent/caretaker/teacher must have endured awkward, horrible, unpleasant moments where this adult figure treats you like shit in private but in public holds you as this grand example, and a perfect child, and they never seem to stop saying they're soooo proud of you even though you NEVER felt that what they're saying is true. Maybe the first few times, you're naive enough to believe it. By the tenth time of incongruent messages? You start to realize they're talking you up as a way to make themselves look better. They're trying to show they're doing their job at raising you/training you, be it whatever it may. The praises are not FOR you... they're for a third person to hear and think "Oh, this adult's so cool, saying nice things about this kid they're responsible for! Nice!"
... You're starting to get the picture now, I'm sure.
Lo and Li reappear in the Beach. Azula is notably chill, enjoying the ride, talking casually with Ty Lee, telling Zuko to lighten up and to stop taking Ozai's choices personally, right? She seems... content. Relaxed.
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Then, everything changed when Lo and Li attacked.
We don't even see why Azula is making this face at first. But she does it AT ONCE when their ship reaches the dock.
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Who is there indeed...?
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The stars of our post! :') if it isn't our elderly twin ladies... who brought Azula to a very disappoting beach house. And when Azula sees the house in question, she makes THIS face.
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Judge however you may... even Ty Lee is weirded out by the beach house, going by that expression. Zuko and Mai aren't impressed either. But Azula? The look on her face isn't merely disappointment if you ask me... part of it looks a bit like embarrassment too? This isn't at all what she was expecting when she arrived (she has her old beach house for standards, which makes this extra underwhelming, I'm sure). She counts on Lo and Li to provide them with a place to stay, it goes implicit... and then this is what they do. It most likely isn't what she promised the other three in terms of where they'd stay, hence, I'd dare say there's a component of embarrassment here.
Shortly afterwards, we have our well known scene with Azula being utterly unconcerned with Lo and Li's apparent wisdom to the point of yawning over it. This, too, tells you she's just not interested in whatever those two have to say or bring to the table. Then, they show up again at mealtime and I think Azula just ignores them the whole scene.
After this? Lo and Li vanish until the finale. And what do they do in the finale? Why... it's the first time anyone expresses a verbal concern over Azula's wellbeing! Ah! A sign that Lo and Li have SOME affection for Azula! This time, you pesky Azula fans, you CAN'T twist this into a bad thing! For sure!
... Can't we, tho? :')
What IS Azula's reaction to: "We are concerned for your wellbeing"?
"My father asked you to come here and talk to me, didn't he‌? He thinks I can't handle the responsibility of being Fire Lord. But I will be the greatest leader in Fire Nation history."
And here, my friends, is when we have finally hit the jackpot.
Lo and Li could have been Azula's Irohs. She could've had TWO of him! Then you'd say: "hey! Ozai is such a dick he let Azula have two elderly wise ladies guiding her but only gave one old wise dude to Zuko! Rude!" and it would be further proof of Ozai's favoritism of Azula, right?
... But actually?
Lo and Li are no such thing. Lo and Li aren't moral compasses for Azula in the least. Lo and Li are not beacons of wisdom that genuinely help her sort her way through life. Worth noting: THEY COULD HAVE BEEN WRITTEN THAT WAY. They're not. They're not part of mysterious secret societies, they don't help Azula in any objective, significant, tangible way... there's very much nothing to say they EVER fulfilled the role Iroh did for Zuko. What role, then, were they fulfilling instead?
Why... I think we ought to listen to Azula, shouldn't we?
My take: Lo and Li are OZAI'S STAND-INS.
Someone's going to say "hey why would you assume that when Azula said this in the middle of a breakdown?? Surely she was just DELUSIONAL and PARANOID and ashdgkadhsgkjgh...!"
... Let me counter that one with a fun little analysis excercise:
WHY are Lo and Li Azula's firebending teachers and advisors?
The finale very directly tells us these two are not benders. We could've assumed they were! They're not: Azula's teachers are non-benders.
Has a single person out there ever asked themselves WHY this is the case?
How the hell is Azula, prodigy of the blue fire, epic lightning, cruel and powerful and precise and deadly bending... training under two elderly nonbenders?
Bringing this to a real-life example: do you remember what it was like when you were in P.E. classes and your teacher told you to spend 20 minutes jogging, and if you ever stopped you had to do 20 crunches and then get back to the jogging, and every time you stopped he'd tell you the same thing and you'd want that guy to vanish from the face of the planet? I don't know if that was only my experience, but I rather doubt it.
What did kids typically think/say when that happened?
"I wanna see that old fart doing the same shit he's making us do..."
It's a headcanon indeed to say that this is how Azula must have felt over Lo and Li, but it's VERY likely to be the case. But I'd dare say, in Azula's case, it's even worse because, to put it in another way? It's like taking programming lessons from someone who's never learned a programming language. They'll tell you you're getting things wrong without knowing how to help you get them right because they just DON'T KNOW what you're doing, and are outright INCAPABLE of what you're trying to achieve. They can't offer good guidance based on experience because they have ZERO experience on that subject! And yet they want PERFECTION from you! They expect it!
Lo and Li are these teachers for Azula. We only see them in one scene? And yet everything in the rest of the show suggests that they bring nothing important to the table for Azula, be it professionally, be it personally, be it emotionally... not in any aspect of life.
And this, if you ask me, is why the OG show barely ever brings them into scenes. Why the comics flat-out forgot they existed and even featured people like Sozin and Azulon in Azula's beach hallucinations but NOT the two ladies who looked after her and trained her. Why the live-action didn't even FEATURE them.
And us? The fandom? The fic writers?
I'm not even saying as main characters, I don't even know if that exists, frankly: I mean as minor, or background characters. I have NOT seen those two be used in basically ANY fics I've read. I've scarcely used them in mine! In fact, I PURPOSEFULLY got rid of them early on in Gladiator because I didn't want them to sabotage and get in the way of Azula's progress as a character and I believed they'd do exactly that. They were an obstacle rather than anything useful, so I did away with them and then realized they could still occasionally serve some purpose in certain situations: I even had Azula visit them once and they were actually helpful! Fancy that! But... that's it. That's as far as I could go with them. I can't do MORE with those two because they're not characters one particularly feels compelled to work with.
And from what I've seen? That's the case for everyone.
So, I ask again:
Let's go further and further into logical thinking here, shall we?
Azula is a child. Fourteen years of age at the time she's introduced in the OG show.
Azula has no power over many things around her, particularly, her upbringing. That's in the hands of the adults around her. Her mother, up until she vanished, had some hand in it, then, it all falls to Ozai.
Ozai has been Azula's sole parental figure since Ursa left.
Ozai is the one who would reasonably call the shots regarding Azula's education, as all parents are wont to do... ESPECIALLY when he's a king with absolute power over his children.
... so, Lo and Li? Ozai either gave them the position as Azula's teachers personally, or someone else (Ursa) did, and Ozai either didn't WANT to remove them from the role (cue "Ozai being sentimental over Ursa" theories), or Ozai didn't give a flying fuck about who was training his daughter (cue "Ozai is an abusive dick without a heart or a brain" theories).
Anyone, of course, would likely interject here to say surely Ozai ALSO trained Azula himself because that's what he'd do with his favorite kid, right? See. I don't even disagree with that notion.
We have zero evidence that Ozai trained her! None! I totally will write that into Azula's backstory in many of my stories, but there's NOTHING in canon to suggest this actually happened and that Ozai was genuinely, actively, frequently involved in her progress as a firebender. Assuming he HAD to be is, still, a headcanon. You can't say that with any more certainty than mine when I say I believe Azula loves spicy foods. Does it seem to be something that would fit with her character? I think so! But if eventually canon goes "AZULA CAN'T STAND SPICY FOODS LOL JOKE'S ON YOU!" I... can't even say a thing about it. People's food tastes aren't reflective of their personalities. They really could do whatever they want in that respect. And that's the case for ANYTHING that isn't part of the show's storytelling or the character backgrounds or any texts we consider canon!
POINT BEING: Ozai, regardless of what you want to headcanon, had Lo and Li as Azula's teachers. HIS FAVORITE CHILD... and her only official instructors are two non-benders. Yang added Kunyo as an old instructor of Azula's when she was young, sure! But Kunyo was sooooo qualified that baby Azula was already kicking his ass. So, for that matter? He doesn't really seem to have been a cornerstone of her firebending development and the only other known teachers for Azula are Lo and Li.
And with those two remarking on absolutely STUPID stuff like "one hair out of place"? Azula still became the incredible firebender she was.
Cue, now, the irony where Zuko was stuck in the basics 3 years after setting out of the Fire Nation... WITH IROH ACTIVELY SERVING AS HIS MENTOR.
You're not gonna tell me that Lo and Li would EVER be better instructors than Iroh, or are you? Because that makes no sense. Full-stop. Iroh is supposed to be the most profound and complete firebender thorughout the show because he's spiritually enlightened even though I admit I think that's bullshit and he doesn't just teach Zuko how to set things on fire, he actually makes him learn theory and spirituality and his teachings are more profound than just "ONE HAIR OUT OF PLACE".
Banished as he is, disgraced and seen as trash by Ozai, Zuko STILL has a better teacher than Azula does.
... Is this LOGICAL? Is this NORMAL? Does this make SENSE?
If you think Ozai's favoritism of Azula takes the shape of "I'll give you every little thing you ask for, sweetheart, I love you very much, here, have ten million doll houses so you can set them on fire, and all the ponies you ask for and on your next birthday I'll buy you a baby dragon and you'll get your own region of the Fire Nation to govern and a fancy title..."?
Then Lo and Li, unfortunately, are right here to be a HUGE contradiction with your interpretation of Ozai and Azula's relationship.
Azula should have THE BEST teachers. Azula does not. Azula doesn't even LIKE them. Azula is openly shown to dislike them! To be annoyed around them, ANGRY when they're teaching her, she feels they're here to keep tabs on her for her father! In a sense, they're Ozai's SPIES on her! :')
Hence? Ozai's favoritism of Azula MIGHT not be what everyone keeps pretending it is. Maybe Ozai didn't do everything to make Azula get things EASILY... and to be fair? That's not what Zuko said anyway. People interpreted it that way... but that's not REALLY what he says:
"Everything always came easy to her. She's a firebending prodigy, and everyone adores her. My father says she was born lucky. "
Every line in this statement is absolutely questionable and all of it sounds like buuuuullshit to me. This is ZUKO'S perspective. And sorry not sorry, but it's tell-don't-show. People swear by his opinion of Azula and pretend he's absolutely objective about it. He's not.
But "Everything always came easy to her," does not mean "EVERYTHING WAS ALWAYS HANDED OVER TO HER ON A SILVER PLATTER." And yet this is what the fandom has constantly interpreted it as.
Azula might just be a prodigy. Maybe she started out ten steps ahead of her brother: this does not mean she needs no guidance, no training, no help. She's seen training herself over perfectionism in her very second scene of Book 2. And the guidance she gets in order to achieve perfection is actually, objectively, stupid.
This is what Ozai chose for her. This is an OBSTACLE for her growth, just as much as Lo and Li were obstacles for me when I was starting with Gladiator! Azula doesn't have it EASY: she just works herself so damn hard that even shit that should HINDER her does NOT do that. And even when her brother objectively has spent THREE YEARS with an advantage in the shape of being trained by one of the VERY BEST firebenders out there? Azula is still beating Zuko at it. With two non-benders as her teachers.
Where am I going with all this?
To the fact that Lo and Li are overlooked in just about every instance of the fandom.
To the fact that nobody includes them, and their influence on Azula, in their analyses of who Azula is.
I've seen a shitstorm rising over the Netflix characterization of Azula: SHE'S TOO ANGRY, they say. Non-stop. She's sooooo hysterical, all the time! She's just pissed perpetually!
Well. I haven't finished the show yet. But the scenes I've seen Azula in so far? They don't fit the fandom's view of Azula because...
... they're not taking Lo and Li into account.
As usual.
Azula's reactions around Lo and Li being frustration, anger, irritation EVEN in scenes like The Beach, where Azula was FINE until she sees them? That shit is storytelling that went over sooooooo many heads, EVEN MINE! When I saw people going on about how canon Azula is... not insecure? Not angry? Has no frustrations and was only ever smirking 24/7? I... didn't feel that was right. I knew it wasn't right. And when I thought about it hard enough? I realized that one reason why this interpretation of Azula is IMMEDIATELY dismissable is because of Lo and Li: those two constantly made Azula angry. Even if that wasn't their intent, it's nonetheless the effect they'd have on her. And Azula didn't like having them around. She CLEARLY didn't appreciate them the way Zuko does Iroh, for instance! And this could be taken as a flaw on Azula's part... if we EVER saw evidence that these two ladies actually love Azula as a grandchild, or so. If we had any evidence that they actually have cared for her in ways nobody else ever did. If maybe the ones Zuko talks about, upon saying "EVERYONE LOVES AZULA" were these two! And maybe he was jealous of them! Maybe he wanted two old ladies to watch his every move and tell him his every flaw!
... Clearly I'm joking about that last thing, but anyway...
There's nothing to tell us Lo and Li were anything but Ozai's assigned watchdogs to keep control and tabs over Azula. That Azula's immediate reaction upon hearing that someone cares about her is "Oh fuck off, my dad sent you here because he doesn't trust me!" is... telling. It's not just paranoia speaking, even if it sure can be read that way! It's actually Azula's perception of those two, which is 100% supported by what we saw of the twins throughout the show, WHENEVER we did see them: their roles in Azula's life are indeed to keep tabs on her, to keep her under control, to pressure her into perfection, AS OZAI'S AGENTS! Seen this way, it MAKES SENSE for Azula to disregard their concern and immediately assume it's FAKE. She isn't even shown to doubt it, never questions that MAYBE they did care about her! She assumes they don't...
... And considering that, as far as I know, the official concept is that they BOTH LEFT when Azula banished one of them only? That they didn't contest her command, staying to look after her even if she only wanted one? I mean, clearly Azula can't tell them apart, so they could've taken turns: one watches over Azula for 12 hours and the other for the next 12 hours, I don't goddamn know! But they didn't do that. They LEFT. And if they left? It means they don't care remotely as much as they say they do. Not to the point where they'd challenge Azula's orders and help her when they KNOW she's not okay.
And all of this further supports my point.
When we see Azula in the liveaction being angry, bitter, irritable at Ozai's choices?
I see a reflection of the same dynamics that the OG too subtly weaved into Azula's relationship with Lo and Li. I see Azula reacting against Ozai's control over her because she feels it's DISTRUST. She feels it means her father STILL needs to be convinced that she's competent, powerful, ready to do his bidding. It isn't a case where Azula's irritation comes from wanting to rebel against her father... it's Azula wanting her father to UNDERSTAND that she's 100% his supporter and will put everything on the line to serve him and the Fire Nation.
And it's very damn easy to read that exact same thing into Azula's dynamics with Lo and Li as it is to see it EXPLICITLY STATED in the liveaction.
My point?
What the liveaction did is not nearly as much of a distant characterization choice as people think it is.
Ozai is Azula's Achilles' Heel. Everything she became, everything she grew up to be, was for his sake. He molded her to become those things and simply didn't give a shit about raising a daughter, he treated her as a weapon, and absolutely pitted his children against each other, just as much as OTHER adults in their lives did. But the impact of Ozai on Azula in the OG is easy to ignore. Why? Because we SELDOM see them interacting. Because we don't get that side of Azula's character fully explored. Because they didn't want to explore Ozai's character either! They were as cheap as they could be with all these aspects and so, only the people who really got into analyzing things on a deeper level would be able to say, without a doubt, that Ozai abused Azula emotionally with all the expectations and demands he put on his own child. Through the golden child-scapegoat dynamic that people have been bringing up non-stop in the past years.
So, proving herself to her father is what Azula wants to do, more than anything. Proving worthy of his favor, of his approval, is the closest thing she can get to feeling loved. Which is depressing as fuck. Azula gets zero affection: it's not even conditional affection, there's NOTHING for her besides approving words if she gets anything right. And this show's work with Azula's character? It was meant to make these things less invisible to all the fans who like to pretend none of it exists. And yes, I've seen them, crawling all over Twitter shitting themselves in fits of rage because how dare that show pretend Azula EVER had a bad time in her perfect flawless life!!
Well, the irony is that the OG gives you a smidge of evidence -- and yet that's enough -- to show that Ozai was doing very similar things to Azula in ATLA, and her reactions to it?
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Huh. No smirks for Lo and Li.
No smirks for the symbols of Ozai's control over her life.
It's almost like the confidence, the smirks, the apparent ease with which she handles everything? Is a front that crumbles easily whenever it concerns the ONE PERSON with power over her life.
I don't believe, worth noting, that Azula's power comes from rage. I've seen people say that in fandom in the past and I find it a completely absurd take when Iroh himself spells out that her bending is about control, about precision, and it's Azula's FURY that makes her a sloppy mess in the finale. It's even INTENTIONAL that when she shoots lightning a second time, in her second establishing scene, THAT SAME HAIR FALLS OUT OF PLACE. She's still angry. She didn't get it "right" this time either. She's imperfect and she's trying NOT to be, but she cannot succeed. And upon bending lightning with emotions (rage/frustration)? That hair falls YET AGAIN out of place. Proof that she's not going to achieve the perfection she's being FORCED (indeed, by her father and the people who are here to represent him, Lo and Li) to strive for.
The liveaction had Ozai pushing Azula for a perfection she couldn't attain either. She's perfectly content in her cruelty at Ozai's side, right until she hears the Avatar was found and that Zuko has a shot at taking away the privileges she's been basking in so far. That she WASN'T nervous about this in canon is pretty damn obvious: OZAI SENT HER TO HUNT ZUKO DOWN FOR BEING A FAILURE. We never saw her reaction to learning that the Avatar was out and about. We have noooo idea what was canonically going on with her back then. The first time we see her besides the flashback is Azula receiving a mission that tells her she's STILL #1 and Zuko is no threat to her because Ozai thinks he's a failure. Thus? She had nothing to fear. Here? Ozai is actively using Zuko as bait to pressure Azula further. And if you're so confident in Ozai's good parenting skills as to believe he somehow WOULDN'T do that? Sounds like you don't understand the very basic and simplistic Fire Lod Ozai from ATLA, and that's not something to be proud of. So probably stop screaming your bad takes at the top of your lungs, because being incapable of understanding Ozai in canon is not a badge of pride, just saying...
This post is not written expressly in the defense of the liveaction and its characterization of Azula. To this point, what I've seen of it doesn't feel WRONG or OFF unless you're the kind of person who thinks Azula is only capable of smirking and if she stops doing that she stops existing or something. Only people who cannot understand the depth, nuance, subtleties in Azula's story would ever be claiming that Azula's relationship with Ozai COUDLN'T be like this, or that Azula couldn't possibly be frustrated with her father or his choices when it's soooo clear what Ozai is going for, and why it's working. But in order to read Azula as a character capable of this range of emotion, frustration and ambition, all at once? You have to be able to treat this character, be it in the liveaction or the OG show, as a human being.
And that's what most the people criticizing this specific change are determined not to do. It's what makes them uncomfy. It's what rustles their jimmies.
Yes. I'm saying it in this very demeaning way because I actually find it quite ridiculous to be this insecure over the portrayal of a fictional 14yo in two TV shows. Whether the liveaction sticks the landing or fails catastrophically, I do not know... but I do know that if it's forcing a bunch of people to rethink Azula's character, and making them panic at the idea that she could EVER have human emotions, even if they're AWFUL human emotions?
Then I'm afraid you're only convincing me that, as bad as that show could ever get? It's getting SOMETHING right. I do love to see misinterpretations of Azula getting slammed in the face by the reality that all those beliefs, headcanons and takes in bad faith are actively, categorically untrue: none of which makes Azula a fundamentally good person, worth noting! But it makes it very clear that reading her as a one-dimensional basic villain, which is what the anti-Azula-redemption crowd actively does, is literally only possible if you overlook, ignore and fail to understand her character and her complexities, be it in the liveaction or in the original show.
There. I said my piece.
Another post, regarding the rest of the liveaction, is bound to come later. I'd say stay tuned but it might take me a while to write it at all. So... wait around and maybe you'll see it someday!
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aimlacely-sapphic · 2 years
🔥Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons🔥
My semi-canon compliant headcanons of Zuko after the war with a side of Zukka
Zuko's first few months as firelord are a bit of a mess. He's desperately trying to put together some semblance of functional governance in place of the corruption left in his fathers wake, while simultaneously trying to negotiate peace treaties and settlement agreements with nations his predecessors attempted to destroy.
He's overworking himself, not sleeping enough, forgetting to eat and overall just not doing a great job taking care of himself, convinced if he doesn't take care of things instantly then he's not doing enough.
It all comes to a head once the assassination attempts start getting out of hand. At that point Zuko is simply not sleeping so Sokka, Mai, Tylee and Iroh stage an intervention (you cannot convince me Iroh would stay in Ba Sing Se once things start getting out of hand)
His security get upgraded, Toph gets brought in to vet the staff (she can tell when people are lying!! why wouldn't she get to kick people out of the palace?)
And finally things start to settle down
Once the peace talks and negotiations are done he starts transforming the Fire Nation itself
A lot of people have written about this but I am absolutely convinced that Zuko spends the first year trying to get the palace staff to trust him not to hurt them
By the second or third year they are willing to speak to him and have more than small talk
He goes about making a lot of changes in policy but first he disappears for 2 days only Sokka and his head guard knowing in advance
He goes incognito through dozens of towns and villages
He visits schools (putting his blue spirit skills to use)
He goes to orphanages and homeless shelters
He goes back to the Sun Warriors to tell them about the end of the war and seek advice on how to reshape the way firebending is taught to everyone (and maybe he ends up adopting a dragon egg in the process...)
When he returns to the palace he is ready to transform the nation
He makes it a crime to use corporeal punishment
He brings back old traditions and rule for Agni Kais where they can only be fought by adults against adults provided they both agree to the fight. The Agni Kai stops when a person surrenders or at first burn.
He wanted to completely end the practice of Agni Kais but tradition could not constantly be broken by his reign (according to his advisors) so the changes just make them less common or harmful until they go obsolete
He puts in place programs for veterans to get the treatment and support they need.
He creates a fostering program where children who have been left behind can find love with parents who have lost children or veterans who want to bring love and hope to the world
He works with Aang and Sokka and Master Piandao to create new curriculum for the schools which is historically accurate, brings back culture and joy and teaches students to think for themselves
He includes some of the wisdom from the sun warriors in the new curriculum so that firebending, and really all fighting forms can be taught with their duality in mind. Fire burns but it is also life. Martial Arts can be use to kill, but they are also an art form.
Making the curriculum stick is a longer process but with help from people on the inside, slowly but surely schools start to teach in a better. kinder way
Its around the time of Zuko's 20th birthday when advisors start to bother him about marrying.
It is while trying to avoid their matchmaking that he start realizing that he likes Sokka (he's an oblivious biromantic asexual, why would anyone expect it to take less time)
Not much changes when they get together, they still spar and go to the gardens to feed the turtleducks together, Sokka still makes silly faces behind ambassadors backs, Zuko still goes down to the kitchens to make them a pot of tea to have together witting in his room (the kitchen staff are used to this by now)
But they start sharing more intimacies, finding what feels comfortable for them in the form of hugs that last just a bit longer and chaste kisses on shoulders and cheeks and foreheads.
And when the egg from the sun warriors hatches and a tiny dragon comes tumbling out, they name him Druk and take care of him together
Zuko continues to go on trips incognito a few times a year and it is on one of these trips what he finds a young child alone on the side of the road. When he learns that she has know family he tries to taker her to the orphanage in the town near by. She runs away and there is nothing Zuko is willing to do to get her to go.
She has a grittiness and fighting spirit that reminds Zuko of his younger self, an independent streak and impulsiveness that border on dangerous. And even though Zuko has to leave her that day he can't stop thinking about her as he returns to the palace.
Sokka notices right away and they talk about her, and adoption, and the fact that Zuko needs an heir and end up figuring out that they want a child of their own to raise now that Druk is all grown up
When Zuko next returns to the town he brings Sokka, a legal witness and adoption papers with him.
He introduces her to Druk and when she pets him and falls in love they start to talk to her. She begins to trust them, telling them her name is Izumi and that she doesn't like the orphanage because it reminds her too much of her past.
They stay for a few days getting to know her and when they ask if she wants to live with them she does say yes.
Over time Zuko comes to find balance and love in the peace he created in the Fire Nation<3
Note: I cannot take credit for all of these ideas, some of them come from a bunch of fanfictions I've read over the years and especially Post-Canon Fire Lord Zuko (and his staff) by RejectsCanon
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
Winter Solstice was one of the most important celebrations in the Southern Water Tribe, not just because of the cultural significance and honoring of the spirits of the ancestors, but because the holiday and the lead up to it broke the monotony of the long, dark winter months. Katara always loved these celebrations, but in the years following the war, it wasn't always possible for her to be there. For the first few years, it was because she was dating Aang. He'd always found reasons to avoid the Southern Water Tribe's holiday feasts, and of course he couldn't spare Katara at the time as she was indispensable in his duties as Avatar . Katara called these the dark years. It took her longer than she was comfortable admitting to realize what her now ex was doing.
After her break up, she made a point to go home as often as she could, though her solo diplomatic travels sometimes meant that she wouldn't be able to go to every celebration. She missed a few Solstice celebrations, and that made her sad, but she found ways to celebrate with her family in spirit wherever she was. When she took up her first permanent post as Ambassador in Ba Sing Se, she would host a Solstice celebration with her staff whenever they couldn't make it home. It was a tradition she continued when she was transferred to the Fire Nation.
King Kuei had never expressed much interest in the Winter Solstice traditions while Katara was in his court, but the first year Katara was in Caldera, Zuko asked if he could join in. He and a few members of his own staff joined in the feasting and games and gift exchanges. It was a welcome addition to Katara's team of a dozen. During her time serving as Ambassador, Zuko did his best to make sure Katara and her team could go home for Winter Solstice each year for a few weeks, but in the years she couldn't go, he would help her set up the celebrations in the palace.
The last year she served as ambassador, she went home for Winter Solstice, with Zuko by her side. It was his first "proper" Winter Solstice, as Katara called it. Her family had welcomed him with open arms. Gran Gran had made him his own blessings box with his name for well wishers to leave him gifts and blessings for the coming year. He'd gone out with Sokka, Hakoda and the men of the tribe to hunt for the meal for that year's celebrations. It was easy to see now why the Winter Solstice was so important to Katara. Later, while they watched the Southern Lights dance across the dark winter sky, he slipped his hand into hers. Silently, he made a promise that he would make sure that he and his family would make it to the Southern Water Tribe for as many Winter Solstice celebrations as they could.
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kitty-kei · 2 years
Fiery Familiarity - Part 2
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here’s part 2! it was a lot of play by play from the episode, but i tried to make it more interesting. we’re getting into the meaty bits, hope you guys enjoy!!
words: ~1.9k
prologue | part 1 | part 3 | part 4
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“Hello, Zuko here.”
Like the others, you were shocked. The LAST person you expected to see here was Zuko, especially so soon after the Black Sun fiasco.
“Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here.” You watch with a barely contained smile as Appa let out a roar and licked him. “I know you must be surprised to see me here.”
“Not really, since you've followed us all over the world, “ Sokka sneered.
“Right. Well, uh…” You could see the hesitation on his face as he took a breath to prepare himself. “Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed, and I, uh, I'm good now, and well I think I should join your group, oh, and I can teach firebending…” Zuko met Aang eyes, “to you.”
You could see Aang's posture relax slightly, his grip on his staff loosening as Momo chittered softly.
Zuko started, “See, I, uh-”
“You wanna *what* now?” Toph asked incredulously.
“You can’t possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you?” Katara furrowed her brows as she continued, “I mean, how stupid do you think we are?!”
Sokka chimed in, “Yeah, all you’ve ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang!”
You piped up, trying to diffuse some of the rising tension. “Everybody, please, just calm down-”
“I've done some good things! I mean, I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. That's something!” He gestured to Appa before giving an awkward shrug. You watched his eyes widen slightly as Appa licked up his back once more.
“Appa does seem to like him,” Toph said, her tone significantly softer this time around.
“He probably just covered himself in honey or something so that Appa would lick him. I'm not buying it.” Sokka made a show of gesturing along with his obvious disdain for the prince.
Zuko took a breath before beginning again, “I can understand why you wouldn’t trust me, and I know I’ve made some mistakes in the past.” You could tell from the look in his eyes that he meant it. The way he looked to the side, ashamed of his past actions.
Your breath hitched as Sokka raised his voice. “Like when you attacked our village?”
“Or when you stole my mother's necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?”
“Look, I admit I've some awful things.” He buried a hand in his hair as he continued, “I was wrong to try to capture you, and I'm sorry that I attacked the Water Tribe. And I never should have sent that Fire Nation assassin after you.” You could see Toph and Sokka’s posture change as Zuko continued, “I'm going to try and stop-”
Your eyes widened, “that was you?”
Sokka pulled out his boomerang, ready to attack, “Wait, you sent Combustion Man after us?!”
Zuko’s hand fell as he looked up, a look in his eyes you couldn’t quite place. “Well, that's not his name, but-”
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to insult your friend.” Sokka’s voice was laced with angry sarcasm.
Zuko’s fiery temper set in as he raised his voice angrily, “He’s not my friend!”
Toph pointed accusingly, “That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow us all up!”
Zuko closed his eyes as he composed himself before looking at Aang. “Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends.” You could hear the quiet desperation buried in his words. “You know I have good in me.”
Aang looked to the rest of you, and the hope in your eyes dulled as Sokka shook his head. Aang’s expression turned harsh before he replied. “There's no way we can trust you after everything you've done. We'll never let you join us.”
You couldn’t help but gasp softly as you watched Zuko’s face fall, “Aang-”
“You need to get out of here. Now.”
Zuko’s face contorted as he tried to speak once more, “I’m trying to explain that I'm not that person anymore!” He took a few steps forward, desperate to plead his case.
Sokka positioned his boomerang, “Either you leave or we attack.”
“If you won't accept me as a friend, then maybe you'll take me as a prisoner.” Zuko fell onto his knees, raising his hands in surrender to be cuffed.
Katara shifted, getting ready to bend, “No, we won’t!”
“Katara, no!” You yelped in vain, helpless as she hit him with a blast of water. You took a step, reaching towards him as he grunted in pain.
“Get out of here, and don't come back! And if we ever see you again,” she stomped as Sokka stepped forward threateningly, “well, we'd better not see you again!”
Zuko’s wide-eyed expression changed to one of resignation as he lifted himself up and walked off.
You stood at Toph’s side as the others gathered their things and stalked off, grumbling angrily about the situation.
“Why would he try to fool us like that?” Katara asked.
Sokka piped up, “Obviously he wants to lead us into some kind of trap.”
Katara sighs, “This is just like when we were in prison together at Ba Sing Se. He starts talking about his mother and making it seem like he's an actual human being with feelings.”
You could feel your face fall at the mention of Ursa, “Katara, you don’t know that he was lying about his mother.”
Sokka shot you a glare, “He wants you to trust and feel sorry for him so you let your guard down, then he strikes.” Sokka motioned out a jab.
She knelt as she set her belongings down, “The thing is… It worked. I did feel sorry for him. I felt like he was really confused and hurt.” She paused for a moment, getting up, “but obviously, when the time came, he made his choice, and we paid the price.” She looked down, brow furrowing. “We can't trust him.”
You leaned into Toph, just enough that she gave you a questioning look before Aang caught your attention.
“I kind of have a confession to make. Remember when you two were sick and I got captured by Zhao?”
You listened as Sokka and Katara bickered about frogs and warts, in true sibling fashion. Thankfully, Aang cut them off once more. “Anyway, when Zhao had me chained up, it was Zuko who came in and got me out. He risked his life to save me.”
You could tell the confession only managed to rile Katara up more, crossing her arms as she ranted. “No way. I'm sure he only did it so he could capture you himself!”
Sokka jumped in once more, “Yeah, face it Aang, you're nothing but a big prize to him.”
Aang’s face fell slightly as he sighed, “You're probably right.”
Katara’s arms shifted, fists clenched at her sides, “And what was all that crazy stuff about setting Appa free? What a liar!”
Toph finally spoke up, “Actually, he wasn’t lying.”
You inhaled sharply, watching her with laser focus. You had almost forgotten about her ability to sense lies.
“Oh, hooray! In a lifetime of evil, at least he didn't add animal cruelty to the list.” You almost scoffed at the sarcastic venom in Sokka’s voice.
Toph sighed, “I'm just saying that considering his messed-up family and how he was raised, he could have turned out a lot worse.”
“You're right, Toph! Let's go find him and give him a medal. The "not as much of a jerk as you could have been" award!”
Your eyes narrowed as you looked at Katara, “that’s not fair and you know it Katara.”
“All I know is that while he was talking to us, he was sincere. Maybe you're all just letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly.”
Toph made a good point. However, you couldn’t help but wonder if your own feelings toward him were clouding your judgment as well.
Aang and Sokka turned to face you two as Katara continued, “Easy for you to say! You weren't there when he had us attacked by pirates!”
“Or when he burned down Kyoshi Island!”
“Or when he tried to capture me at the Fire Temple!”
Katara stomps like a petulant child, “Why would you guys even try to defend him?”
Toph stalks forward angrily, “Because Katara, you're all ignoring one crucial fact,” she pokes at Aang’s chest, “Aang needs a firebending teacher! We can't think of a single person in the world to do the job! Now one shows up on a silver platter, and you won't even think about it?” The ground rumbles as Toph stomps out her point.
You walk up and place a hand on her shoulder in a show of support, staring them down with her. “I’m not saying what he’s been through justifies his actions, but Toph is right. Right now, he’s the only chance we’ve got.”
Katara seems to contemplate this, looking down before Aang speaks. “I’m not having Zuko as my teacher.”
“You’re darn right you’re not, buddy.” Sokka glares at the two of you.
Katara crosses her arms again, “Well, I guess that settles that.”
Toph growls, shrugging off your hand as she turns, calling out to them before she stomps off. “I'm beginning to wonder who's really the blind one around here!”
You give one last look to the others before following her.
“So, what’s the plan Toph?”
She glares, “what are you talking about?”
You give a sly grin, “well if I know you, and I do, you’ve got a plan. I want in.”
Toph gives you a smirk before explaining.
When night fell, you and Toph snuck away to the ground above the Air Temple. You knew Zuko had to be camping close, and your suspicions were confirmed when you saw the distant flickering of a campfire. You walked with Toph closer to the camp, slowing when you heard an alarmed Zuko.
“Who's there? Stay back!”
“It’s me!” Toph cried, throwing up an earth shield as Zuko sent out a panicked fire blast. Your eyes widened, trying to reach and push Toph forward before she tipped back. You were a second too late, catching her as she fell.
She yelped in pain, “You burned my feet!”
You watched his eyes widen as he got up, “I’m sorry, It was a mistake!”
You helped Toph as she scrambled away, desperately throwing earth to defend herself. Zuko dodged desperately, “Let me help you! I'm sorry!” He reached forward, grabbing her shoulder.
“Get off me! Get off me!” She managed to elbow him away, throwing up an earth pillar to knock him away.
He tumbled to the ground with a grunt, pushing himself up onto his elbows. His eyes were wide as he cried, “I didn’t know it was you!” He grabbed his side, groaning, “Come back!”
You met his eyes, a mix of worry and pity crossing your face as you helped Toph shuffle away. You could see the desperate look he threw your way, and your heart ached to put a smile on his face. He reached out, but you knew you had to help Toph. You turned away, trying to catch up to her.
“Ugh! Why am I so bad at being good?!”
You felt your heart shatter at the pure frustration and sadness in his voice. You couldn’t help but think that even with all he’d done, he was still just a scared boy trying to figure out his place in the world. You just wished the others could see that too.
You met his eyes, a mix of worry and pity crossing your face as you helped Toph shuffle away. You could see the desperate look he threw your way, and your heart ached to put a smile on his face. He reached out, but you knew you had to help Toph. You turned away, trying to catch up to her.
“Ugh! Why am I so bad at being good?!”
You felt your heart shatter at the pure frustration and sadness in his voice. You couldn’t help but think that even with all he’d done, he was still just a scared boy trying to figure out his place in the world. You just wished the others could see that too.
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mugentakeda · 6 months
as soon as ursa registered that the person that just stepped into the garden was a messenger dressed in white, she knew her nephew was dead.
he'd only departed for ba sing se a few weeks ago. she'd gotten one hawk from him while he was still on his way to the faraway city- passionate descriptions about the beautiful earth kingdom terrain and scenery, his nervousness and dread, how much he already missed the kids and her and home.
she already knew he didn't want to go. just a month shy of 600 days did lu ten manage to hold off on joining his father in his divine quest, to get the capital of the earth kingdom to finally surrender. holding strong to his decision, despite pressure and badgering from every direction. ursa never cared. she knew ozai cared, firelord azulon cared, the whole council and nobility cared- but ursa has always cursed the council and nobility anyway. she knows her nephew's heart is true and hardworking even if he's not the most open about his patriotism, and knows that he's always been stubborn and independent. spirits, if she was a prince, she isn't sure that she'd want to spend her first big military venture in her father's shadow either. iroh had respected his son's wishes without a fight, just like ursa knew her honorable brother-in-law would, and left for ba sing se alone. that should've been the end of that.
azula told her (rather sourly) that the strange navy fellow that lu ten had been peers with while training under admiral jeong jeong managed to convince him otherwise. how, her daughter wasn't sure, and wasn't pleased. ursa had asked lu ten about it not much later, easily confessing to her nephew that she heard through the lychee-grape vine that he'd changed his mind about ba sing se- but he'd been cagey and evasive, and offered no real explanation. the evening later, he promptly announced at dinner that he'd be departing from the fire nation in the next couple days to join his father. and looked like he wanted to vomit afterwards, as firelord azulon put a weathered hand on his shoulder and shook him with satisfaction. she waited up late that night, praying he'd sneak to her chambers, so they could discuss the matter in whispers. but he never showed.
ursa had found him early the next morning, before agni even peeked over the horizon, tending to his beloved jogekama yari.
he sat up straight at the sound of her footsteps on the tile, and sighed heavily. as usual, lu ten knew it was his aunt without looking (unbeknownst to ursa, over the previous years, he'd been memorizing the sound of everyone in the family's footsteps. that way, he could mentally prepare himself for the interaction- lest the footsteps belong to ozai.).
I don't feel like being interrogated right now, auntie, he'd muttered. the young prince didn't sound angry, but terribly drained, and terribly defeated. the days where she could take one look at him and know exactly what was going through his head were long gone, sadly.
i'm sorry, she'd replied sadly. I just wanted to make sure you were truly alright. because… well, ever since I married your uncle….
his face pinched and he looked back down at his spear in silence. the hot morning air was heavy with foreboding. the rest went unspoken, as such things usually do in this suffocating palace they both call home. I think of you as my own.
she'd watched him grow up. she'd been there when his voice dropped, when he started growing sideburns, when he came home from shu jing armed with a mighty staff and bursting in pride, when the first sparks of lightning erupted from his hands and he made history. lu ten had been the only one to check in on her after she gave birth to zuko, and then the same with azula. he held them in his arms before ozai did. he'd been the one to choose azula's wet nurse when ursa was too sickened and depressed to eat well enough to breastfeed her baby girl. he was the one present for azula's first words and first steps- which is all now a secret between them that he's literally taken to the grave. her children's big brother in spirit, ursa's little brother and son from another mother.
the hands clutching the scroll tremble in despair and rage. what will happen now? her only teammate is gone. the one person in the whole world that truly went out of his way to look out for her and hers is gone. i'm not strong enough to hold him off on my own, my nephew, she thinks.
ursa bites the inside of her cheek until it bleeds to quell the tears welling up. you won't ever see him again. you're going to have to get used to living without him. he's never coming home. his father didn't keep him safe. it's over.
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blackkatmagic · 11 months
What do you mean Thorn dies, Thorn is fine, there is no death, there is no war in ba sing se, Thorn is having a spa day, preferably with hot lover(s), everything is fine
Funny you should say that.....
Thorn showers, because there’s so much time to kill and he can indulge at least in this. There's actual water, so hot it almost burns, and he stands under it for too long, eyes closed, breathing steadying. There's dye, too, an actual brand instead of the cobbled-together version he used to bribe out of the cleaning staff for a few extra rations. He’d never had enough once he started growing his hair out, could only get the bottom two-thirds of his hair, but there's plenty now, a row of bottles in the cabinet when he opens it.
For a long, long moment, Thorn stares at the neat array, then takes a single bottle and closes the cabinet again, that strange itch still rooted under his skin. It feels like something is wrong, like walking into an ambush but not being able to see the threat, and—
All his scars are gone, on every single inch of his body.
Thorn was one of the first batch of clone commanders dispatched, right after the war started in earnest. Right after most of the Alpha batch finished their training and then started dying in unbelievable numbers. He’s a Guard commander, but he was also the commander sent into high-risk areas with high-value targets, and he’s seen more direct combat than most of the Guard. More than anyone but Fox, probably, who was the 501st’s commander when the war started and for a good year into it. He has the scars to prove it, too. Or—had the scars to prove it.
Unsettled, uneasy, Thorn dresses in some of the civilian clothes that fill the closet, shoving the medical robe into the garbage for the cleaning droid to take care of. He hates the antiseptic smell of it, and it’s making him think far too much of the labs on Kamino.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Weapons of Choice
@justanaveragelizardperson has spoken! (Thank you so much, not being able to decide was driving me up the wall)
We'll hit this in alphabetical order, my headcanons for these are a combination of canon inspiration and pure, world-building results. Also this is not 100% accurate to how swords especially work in real life, this is a fantasy genre story and we embrace the "But It Looks Cool" here.
Fwip: His preferred weapons are potions and explosions, he always has a fireworks crossbow to hand. As far as bladed weapons go he has a long dagger that doubles for chopping potions ingredients when he doesn't have his actual tools to hand.
Gem: Primarily uses her staff in combat, but if the occasion calls for it will just haul back and punch her opponent in the face. Is scrappy and level-headed, which is a dangerous combination.
Joey: Primarily fights with a smallsword when he has to fight but is the least martially minded of the rulers. Keeps totems of undying on him at all times.
Katherine: Her sword is a light-weight saber, her fighting style relies on her being light and quick on both her feet and her wings. She can also call the Overgrown to defend her and itself if the occasion calls for it.
LDShadowLady: Fights with a trident. She has a sword but doesn't really use it. The trident is the traditional weapon of the Oceanic royalty, thus both hers and Jimmy's. Will also sic axolotls on her enemies without hesitation.
Mythical J. Sausage: The Blood Sword is a zweihänder. He also carries a short sword to wield with a shield. His grip is half-open, giving a bit less flexibility but greater power to his blows. He acquires his sorcerers staff at one point and then favors that about equal with the Blood Sword.
PearlescentMoon: Equally proficient with her sword, axe, and scythe, as well as hand to hand. Is also skilled with the bow but prefers close combat methods. Her sword is a longsword that she wields both two handed and with a shield. She has a very rooted fighting style, her footwork is minimal, but when she does go more mobile she is very well balanced. She relies somewhat on her ability to tank hits, which serves her well, as her endurance is incredibly high, as demonstrated by her ability to go toe-to-toe with semi-immortal beings on a regular basis and hold her own. Shes very adept at using her elytra in combat, to the point that multiple rulers with natural wings have commented on her flight proficiency.
Pixlriffs: His preferred weapon is a Channeling Trident, his second choice is his basket-hilted sword (a schiavona) or recurve bow.
Shrub Berry: Joey gifted them a smallsword which for her functions as a broadsword. She's relatively new to combat but is proficient with a hatchet and a recurve bow. Their greatest weapon is the wolf pack.
Smajor: (There is no war rune blade in Ba Sing Se.) We're sticking with the LotR aesthetic for weapons as well, so that is what his sword looks like (A long-sword after the style of those used by the Lorien forces at Helm's Deep in the films) Also proficient with a longbow. At the time of the story beginning is not even close to considering using his ice magic in combat.
SmallishBeans: Equally favors a Mezalean shortsword (based off a xiphos) and a battle axe. He does have a trident and is fairly proficient with it but prefers to use it for travel rather than combat.
Solidarity: The Codfather Sword is a two-handed sword, closest to a claymore, he wields it with an open grip. (Which allows for more flexibility and control of the blade but the strikes are less powerful) When he's in Fish Mode it is more of a bastard/hand-and-a-half sword. He also uses a trident, mostly for aquatic combat.
Xornoth: Two swords. Has never willingly used a shield in their life and isn't about to start now. Is either dual wielding elvish-style short swords or has a full-size battle axe. Will sometimes throw fire and lava but tends to be cautious with it.
AU Masterpost
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blog-for-balance · 4 months
Chapter V: Masks
Tsubaki kneeled in the midst of a Lower Ring cabbage patch, sorting through mangled, rotted root systems. There had been a spoil of crops in one of the areas of Ba Sing Se affected most by food insecurity.
Jinora kept look-out while Tsubaki bent and replanted. The women hid in large, forest green robes, farming hats, and white face paint. They made sure to go out just before rain; when most earthbenders remained inside.
Tsubaki’s root bending, as they called it, was not fully realized, but it added some longevity to the plantlife. This is why they decided Jinora was the mighty watch woman of the Inari: the name the lower ring had given to the mysterious forces who helped save their food.
Jinora and Tsubaki kept this mission a secret. The main reason being inevitable exploitation by elites of the Upper Ring. Especially if they were Tsubaki’s parents. If they found out she was good for something, they would deplete her entirely. It was best to appear helpless and small in their presence.
As a downpour stated, the women abandoned the field and ran back to the forest. They giggled together as they tripped over twigs and slipped in the mud. They had a designated spot where they hid their disguises and cleaned up before heading back home.
They finally arrived at their hideout, the canopy above providing shelter from the droplets. Jinora grabbed a cloth from inside of their hollowed out tree storage and wiped her makeup off. She threw the rag to Tsubaki, and she did the same.
“I don’t know how Daofei paint their faces like this. It feels like it adds weight,” Tsubaki groaned.
“For the same reason we do: not wanting to get caught,” Jinora detested. “Except what we’re doing isn’t bad. This stupid Kingdom makes no sense.”
“Jinora,” the earthbender sighed. “You know how it is here.”
“That’s why I’ve been asking you to come to the Southern Air Temple with me since the dawn of Avatar Yun.” The airbender crossed her arms and glared.
Tsubaki’s stomach flipped. She had yet to answer, and Jinora had brought it up nearly every week since the first time she mentioned the idea.
“Wouldn’t that be nice?” Tsubaki leaned against the tree in defeat, a bit of irritation in her voice.
“You talk like it’s not possible. Why won’t you come with me?” The airbender yelled, a pent up frustration swirling in her words. “I hate that you actually care about this place. Why, Tsubaki? It kills me to see you attached to something that has done nothing but cause you pain.”
“It’s complicated,” the earthbender mumbled, sounding less confident every time she used the excuse.
“No, it’s not! You’re so set on making yourself suffer here. We’re eighteen years old. School’s been over for months. The only reason I stuck around is becau—”
“I know!” Tsubaki interjected. “Because of me. But why? Why don’t you just leave? Leave me here. These citizens need help. Yangchen knows the King won’t do anything for them.”
“It is not our job to clean up the messes of this monarchy,” Jinora snarled.
“Isn’t it our duty to help others?” Tsubaki prodded. “You’re the airbender!”
“And you’re the pushover who bends to whatever her abusive parents say to her, and bows to the customs of this repressive kingdom,” Jinora’s tone began to shift to something more somber. “You won’t even be seen with me in public. Do you even love me? Are you ashamed of me?”
“Jinora.” Tsubaki walked closer to her.
“You’re afraid, right?” Jinora backed away. “Don’t act like fear and shame aren’t of the same origin!” She slammed her fist against the tree. “All you want to do is hide who you are, and what you’re capable of. You’re holding us back, and I can’t do this anymore.”
“No,” Tsubaki reached for the airbender’s hand. Jinora pushed it away.
“I can’t.” A tear rolled down her cheek. Jinora grabbed her father’s old airbender staff, and in one swift motion, flicked it open. “It hurts too much.”
“Please don’t leave,” Tsubaki cried. “Not yet.”
“You gave me no choice. This, us being apart, is your fault. I’m leaving tonight, without you. You’ve held me back long enough.”
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visit-ba-sing-se · 2 years
What should I do in Ba Sing Se? Sorry to bother you for tourist info lol
Hello and welcome, I hope that you will enjoy your stay in our great and peaceful city! I suggest visiting one of our lovely teashops - a 'hot' tip would be the Jasmine Dragon, it offers delicious treats and has definitely no firebenders working on it's staff!
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ao3feed-zukka · 5 months
A Flame's Quiet Fury
Read now on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/SqxWKiX by Aqua_leoaboo A lot has changed over the last 3 years after the peace treaty that ended the war between the 3 nations was signed. After the sudden death of Ozai and the loss of Ba Sing Se, the Fire Nation army fell. Prince Zuko was declared Fire Lord at just 17. The young heir, alongside the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom rulers, managed an agreement of peace but not without obstacles. After the war, the young princess Azula suffered the most from the loss, dancing between insanity and death. She spent 2 years in recovery and is struggling to adapt, desperately trying to put the past behind her. With the support of her brother and Uncle, she makes the best effort to recover while still going through highs and lows and proving to the world that she is a different person. Learning to grow as a new Vizer for her brother, she finally forms better relationships both new and old. Words: 3473, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Azula (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Fire Nation Royal Family (Avatar), Fire Nation Royal Palace Staff (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Suki (Avatar), Aang (Avatar) Relationships: Azula & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & The Gaang (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Aang/Katara (Avatar) Additional Tags: Azula (Avatar) Redemption, Azula Needs Therapy (Avatar), Azula and Zuko Have a Good Relationship (Avatar), Soft Azula (Avatar), Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Firelord Zuko (Avatar), Bisexual Zuko (Avatar), Mommy Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Zuko Doesn't Join The Gaang (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ambassador Sokka (Avatar), Ambassador Katara (Avatar), Past Aang/Katara (Avatar), Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Read it on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/SqxWKiX
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spikeisawesome456 · 2 months
Oooh, I finally got contacted by the Avatar: the Last Airbender people about the figurine I won from the Braving the Elements podcast Live! panel I went to at Comic Con! Apparently, I won a Diamond Select Toys Uncle Iroh figurine that they’ll be shipping out to me soon! The whole panel was about Iroh, since his voice actor was one of the guests on the panel (as was Toph’s), so it makes sense.
Ha, I was so worried that I was going to be ghosted by these people, especially since my last name is commonly misspelled and my email address is just my first and last name, so it’s nice to have gotten contacted at least.
(Also, since I don’t know if I made a public post about this on this blog, when I was at Comic Con a couple weeks ago I attended a panel for the live recording of the Braving the Elements podcast that Janet Varney and Dante Basco (Korra and Zuko’s voice actors respectively) host. Since my mom is physically disabled, we were able to enter the room first and I got front row seats to the panel, and was able to book it to the line where they were doing trivia for ATLA. Now, I’m usually awful at trivia, but I am a fairly big ATLA fan, so I had some hope that I could get it. Luckily, the question I got was one I knew (at what stage of the siege on Ba Sing Se did Lu Ten die), and while I kinda didn’t get the question fully right, since I had no idea what they meant by stage, I answered that he died right as they broke through the wall and they were about to invade Ba Sing Se. Which Janet Varney accepted, ha. They told us to give our email addresses to a staff member to the side and they’d contact us about shipping out our prizes later, since they’re supposed to be a nice, more deluxe prize. After a week passed I was a bit skeptical about getting contacted, especially with the previously mentioned concern over my last name, but I finally got contacted which is a relief. ^-^)
(Oh! Also, I took video of them doing live script reads from the show, even though I don’t technically think I was supposed to?? No one has requested I take it down yet, though, so if you’re curious you can click on this link to see the YT video I made of it. They did three scenes, the one where Toph meets Iroh in season two, the scene where Iroh and Zuko reunite in the White Lotus Camp in season three, and the “father lord” scene also from season three. They also did a read of a comic book page with Iroh and June, but since I was on line for trivia at that point, the view is very obscured, and you can overhear the lady who was getting our signatures to acknowledge that we were going to be featured on a recording for a podcast. I also missed a bit of the beginning of the scene, but it was still cute, so I decided to add it to my video, ha. The actual podcast episode will be coming out at a later date?? From what I’ve seen of past live recordings, it can take months before they’re released, but if anyone does watch that podcast, you’ll hear/maybe see (if they post on YT) me answering trivia correctly for once, ha.)
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Azulaang - Azula joins the gaang early
Azulaang week @ly0nstea
Sokka: Aang, I think we should be making some plans about our future.
Aang: Okay, we can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table! Oh, you're gonna love the all-day echo chamber!
Toph: I think that'll have to wait.
Toph points behind herself, and the camera zooms out to show Team Avatar looking at her quizzically. Appa moves out of the way to reveal four sets of shadows, and as the camera pans up, it is revealed to belong to Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai. Cut to a close-up of the team as they look at them with shocked expressions, which subsequently turn into anger.
Ty Lee: (In a German accent) Hello, the fearsome foursome here. (Bows)
The gang get ready to attack. Appa growls at him and licks him twice. Cut to a surprised Momo and Aang as he lowers his staff slightly.
Zuko: Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here. I know you must be surprised to see us here.
Sokka: You, Not really, since you've followed us all over the world. but you three? Sort of since we don't see you that often.
Ty Lee: (Normal voice) Good to see you again too...
Sokka: Don't even think about trying to seduce me again lady, Suki is still my girl.
Ty Lee: So I've heard, but not to worry, no seduction needed, we offer our alliance to you.
Azula: And it's about time you learned some firebending.
Toph: Excuse me?!
Katara: You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you? I mean, how stupid do you think we are?!
Sokka: Yeah! (Points to Zuko) all you've ever done is hunt us down and try to capture Aang! (Points to Azula) And you! You straight-up MURDERED Aang! Plus, you used Suki against me!
Zuko: We've done some good things too. I've done some good things! I mean, I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. That's something! Isn't it?
Toph: (To Azula) Why would you want a join us after literally just foiling our day of black sun plans. Why would you go against the person you've worked hard to protect?
Azula: One last job he had me do before defecting. Nothing personal. The reason for that is, that we four have found out some...disturbing...truths about our father.
Mai: Let's just say that he never had the fire nation's best interests at heart.
Sokka: Your genocidal race war not turning out like you hoped? What a surprise.
Ty Lee: You wouldn't believe us if we told you. We do realize that everything we've ever taught was a lie...
Katara: And what? We should feel sorry for you?
Ty Lee: I knew there was something wrong with our nation, with all the dark and corrupt auras everywhere, and at the center of it all was the fire lord, but I was too scared to speak of it. Not anymore. Everything will revert into chaos and we need to set it all straight.
Zuko: Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know we have good in us.
Azula: You seem uneasy. Not just because of our presence but at the thought of you learning firebending, is that right? You've tried it before and it back fired. You burned someone you cared for.
Aang's fist were clutching.
Sokka: Don't listen to her Aang, she just trying to get a rise out you!
Azula: No. I'm not. I'm just informing you that we get it. Fire can be very destructive and chaotic. You do need a teacher so that your accident doesn't occur again. Whether you want to admit this or not, you do need all the help you can get. The fire lord taught us everything we know, if you thought we were formidable opponents, you haven't seen anything yet. We are not going anywhere, so if you wanna kill us all, go ahead.
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sifutoph · 6 months
❝ katara and i got our faces painted once, ❞ she's referring to that time in ba sing se, when katara had successfully taken her to a spa, which was ... pretty nice. in gaoling, toph was often groomed as well. there shouldn't be a hair out of place, and her skin has to remain clean, soft. the staff would often wonder why the soles of her feet would be the only parts of her to have remained roughened, but toph had let them wonder, mouth closed tight, mum. she had thought she would hate the spa day for what it reminded her, but instead ...
well, it's one of her best memories with katara, fire to her feet.
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whatever. point is – ❝ that the same as what you're doin' now ? ❞
@tessenwarrior — starter call.
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prying-pandora666 · 1 year
ATLA Valentines. Ship Wars, VO, and animation!
ATLA wiki has a newsletter called the “Ba Sing Se Times”. It’s a great fan publication with news, interviews, trivia, and all sorts of other fun stuff. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I highly recommend it!
Every Valentines, the BSST newsletter opens submissions for valentines from the community. You can send them as yourself, as another character, whatever you want! The BSST staff then responds as the characters you wrote to.
This year they went above and beyond. We collaborated with them to record the responses! So if you want to hear ATLA characters responding to valentines, here’s some of the highlights:
One Valentine in specific was especially infamous, and Sokka’s B4 VA and I happened to be in the same place when we received it, so we decided to jump into a booth together and improvise it. That means the reactions are 100% genuine and not scripted or planned (between you and me, I improvised all my Azula responses for maximum authenticity haha).
The results were so funny, the incredible @samleewins animated it! (Give her a follow! You won’t regret it.)
Grant Corvin voices Sokka. What a legend.
Hope you guys submit some for next year!
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