#there is also video of me doing karaoke as An which i might post but idk so lemme know if you want to see that i guess
cel-aerion · 1 year
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Project Sekai: Colorful Stage cosplays at Tekko 2023, cosplaying Kamiyama High Festival An, and casual Mafuyu. Featuring chaos trio made up of me and the two who dragged me into this game after I met them at Tekko last year: KamiFes!Mizuki/Minori (who made both our KamiFes shirts), and KamiFes!Rui.
I also did Bug!Mafuyu for the formal dance but I don't like how those pictures turned out, but you can see us dorkily acting out a bit from the Nightcord Connect Live here. And I'm allowed to say we're being dorks by doing it because I'm the one who suggested it.
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mecachrome · 5 months
omg k i just saw ur top 3 landoscar moments post from october 2023... any changes/updates since then? new moments made it onto the list? or if not... favorite moment of 2024 so far? (i just like hearing (reading?) ur thoughts it's like reading an intellectual (but still sappy in my fave way) bedtime story 🥰)
hklsdfhlsfhd naurrr... this is so embarrassing why am i still deeply landoscarpilled 6 months later 😔
but honestly i have been thinking about this and the sheer volume of crasyinsane material and lore we've accrued since last year because now i'm like how would you even begin constructing a top 3....... the possibilities are endless!!!
in terms of pre-october content that i might have missed before, i'd say most of this ask still holds (lando's biggest fan dot mp4 will NEVER lose its insanity to me. quintessential landoscar meta as far as i'm concerned) but now i also desperately need 2 shout out portrait painting challenge...... when it came out i was of course susceptible to the "you look beautiful" bantz though mostly just wrote it off as shipbait and since then i've looked back on this video multiple times and been like ?! why was oscar's deference to lando so insane actually.... i've alr mentioned this b4 but 1) oscar taking lando's intro in stride and immediately responding i am ready lando norris 2) oscar playfully acquiescing and letting lando use purple after he'd already chosen it 3) >like 5 seconds later. "you like purple don't you?" "uhhhh... i can do now" (who says that.) 4) another stunning display of lando Nooticing and fixating on oscar's hair swoop and last but not least 5) the way oscar FOLDS OVER and giggles helplessly when lando tells him i've just done you all pink ??? like. OKAY. cheers
looking @ recent content..... personally i find 814 so fascinating because while there are many Discrete Moments i can point out that make my brain explode i also feel like to some degree the reason we (? or maybe just me. again i apologize for the nonsensical drivel i create) love to make parallel gifsets of them is because they have such an understated dynamic built off many minute unspoken habits and wordless exchanges and essentially Patterns so there is less of like... a need for spontaneous intimacy.... if that makes sense. it's about the consistency of reciprocal comfort... iterations..... palisades palisades......... ok this is totally not related to the ask i've just been rotating it in my mind
anyway 10 personable favs !!! arranged chronologically
finish the lyrics (oct 2023): a deeply obvious one but you can't Not include it 😩 i can't believe this came out a week after i answered that because seriously what da hell. @ OSCAR PIASTRI WHAT IS WRONG WITH YEWWWWWWWW. there are sooooo many things i could mention here that i feel have already been exhaustively expounded, the most obvious of course being the classic ojp Heart Eyes moment(s) (Many such cases......but also specifically the love story one) (like i'd argue silverstone was mostly responsible for getting 814 off the ground BUT this video was when their dynamic became the most "mainstream" and accessible to fandom as a whole... the amount of non-f1 fans i saw qrting reups of that clip!!!!) anyway but then you also get 👉 whatever the inside joke they have about old town road is. oscar saying "i reckon you'd be unreal in a karaoke bar in japan" which i still think is such a Line... just me ??? the way he verryryryyyy softly sings "yes" with lando at the end of their love story karaoke and the insane camera angle of him just out of focus. like. really in general there is just such a soft and lighthearted and Fun air to their dynamic in this video that makes me ;__; AND this is another prime moment of lando narrating oscar's firsts for him (singing on camera at mcl!!!) . ALSAURR lando tapping oscar on the bicep while sarcastically complimenting him. once again for two guys who never touch it compels me... actually i could go on about this video tbh like how oscar nearly falls off the couch giggling at lando playing the songs together and then it cuts to the next one and he's suddenly all flushed and his bangs have gotten all fucked up. he's so... they're so... let's move on.
splunk sim city challenge (nov 2023): many classic lines such as "i haven't even distracted you yet!" + oscar knowing his podium year and lando saying "you're a nerd!" + lando going ":) :o are you okay?" and so on... general setup of this challenge was crasy tbh. how it revolves around disrupting the other person's focus and the visual asymmetry of one being sat higher and having to lean over to distract them and how oscar just giggles goodnaturedly when lando sticks his cue cards in front of his face instead of getting annoyed and—SO ON. also forever obsessed with how oscar wordlessly lifts his eyebrows at lando at the end lol
that one sticker video (nov 2023): this video is insaaAAANEEEE to me. ANYONE ELSE??? first of all oscar and lando gingerly standing across each other on either side of the flower bed (while zak brown assumes a power stance directly on it lmfao) is already so visually overwhelming but then the way oscar glances up as he's removing the sticker from the cap, how you can seeeeee him calculating the move the entire time and being adorably pleased about it, @__@ the way lando grins at him afterward... (also crying at zb glancing at them and being equally charmed by their antics) wahhh TT__TT the vibes of this clip... immaculate
oscar thanking lando in their final post-race message (nov 2023): honestly the entire message in general but :__) one of my fav 814 moments OAT is oscar including lando in his thank you speech and lando not really expecting it and being genuinely touched by the gesture. lando is so endearingly fidgety the entire time honestly and the way he perks up a bit and wrings his hands together and playfully smiles at oscar when he mentions him... okayyy. anyway 2 me it's reminiscent of yes/no challenge "am i the funniest teammate you've ever had?" "(shyly) yeahhh... you're up there" (said in the same baby-ish voice as "so... lando?" UGH. UGHHHH) and how lando genuinely gets a bit awkwardly flustered by it like!!! god. wait ALSO i don't have the space for this so i'm throwing in end of season awards MMMM debatable + how gleefully lando threw oscar under the bus and in general just the incredible expression work going on for both of them during this exchange. God [2]
si rapid fire questions (dec 2023): this video was crucial in determining that oscar... well. is obsessed with accommodating and mirroring lando. many things we already knew (aka listening to whatever music lando listens to; insert prema lap "maybe i should move to an english team because the music's better" moment here) but equally important is oscar "stealing" lando's dinner, how lando presses him on the back to the future question until oscar just changes his answer to his, and of course as you know per my blog title NO I'M GOING TO KEEP YOU HAPPY is in my eyes top 5 most insane things oscar piastri has ever said. likeee... lando showing a bit of jokey remorse over enforcing his rules (don't even get me started about lando and game/challenge rules...) but oscar being sooo determined 2 honor his teasing 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 :melting_face: x100!!!
need to split this into two lists because apparently there's a div character limit 😔 continuing on
hilton spa ad (feb 2024): of course this pained me because of This Moment (specifically lando bringing his hand back down when oscar tried to lift it from beneath him 😮‍💨) but that is neither here nor there. obsessed with the salmon at the engineering table anecdote because the most logical explanation for oscar Not doing that anymore is because lando didn't like it... or he just eats different things now but we already know that he's adopted lando's preferred meal b4 so that's equally a lot 2 digest !!! also >the callback to their one million LOOK AT YOU/HIM moments >how they touch shoulders exactly Once when they sit down and then never again despite lando continuously leaning into oscar's space to get to the button... eugh. also just top tier oscar faces + hair 🥰
opening title behind the scenes (mar 2024): thinking about all the hilarious gifsets of this moment that i ate up deliciously 🧡🧡🧡 this was such a significant reminder of how 814 have just gotten like, exceedingly comfortable around each other & have learned 2 communicate via the most inscrutable expressions and noises and gestures that somehow suit Them perfectly x__x although i doubt they will ever really become ~effusive~ with each it's frankly even more devastating that they both help each other care less about maintaining appearances / how they often get so sucked into their interactions (see next bullet point) that everything else kind of just fades away in that instant.... all right ⚠️⚠️⚠️ maybe that's a bit of a stretch but we can pretend for the rpf lens!!! see also my tag spiel in this beautiful tuva gifset.
photo day antics (mar 2024): do you ever just...... what went on in bahrain. honestly. more from this weekend in a second but this video plus the accompanying photo encapsulate their dynamic so perfectly it makes me scream... how 814 are not only so annoyingly focused on each other all the time but also stand SOOO UNNECESSARILY CLOSE while every other teammate pairing is spaced out normally. yuki and checo glancing at them alksfdhdf 😭 truly so ridiculous that the poor photo person tried to get lando's attention and they pretended to comply for two seconds before oscar was lifting his foot to show lando his boot again. also why did it take oscar a million years to step away from lando and put a more appropriate amount of space between them...?! and even then it was barely that much........... (10 paragraphs of speaking later) I prefer really not to speak.
accidental waist grab (mar 2024): this gave me psychic damage so bad i should be lobotomized. we've already spoken about this perhaps erm excessively but why did lando feel the need to stand JUST as close to him if not closer after they broke apart. there was truly no need...... honestly the way this ship will have us looking up driver cams and staring at esteban ocon's ass as he gets out his car just for a single glimpse of their parc fermé dynamic.
bahrain post-race interview antics (mar 2024): You already knowwwww. the sky sports "he follows me everywhere" moment is equally important but the f1tv interview giving us horrifically natural banter (juxtaposing this with their previous interview moments...), lando's dumb faux australian accent and oscar playing along as always, and most of all them HIJACKING THE INTERVIEW & commiserating on camera together ❓❗️ lichrally the grid photo all over again. often when i have emotions over an 814 moment i worry that i sound overly He_Only_Got_Two_Eyes.jpeg but truly sometimes two people are just objectively insane. plus land of piastri/lando piastri.....
also runner up is the f1tv interview with lawrence aka lando's cooing noise @ oscar discussing lily (anyone else frame by frame color pick oscar's face to see how badly he flushed... no? just me?) + the beautiful self-aware surfacing of the CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS of their relationship...... !!! love when 2 guys expose and confirm their own sincerity in trying to verbally resist it. hem
is this anything. sorry eve LKSFDHLDHSF thank u for the ask & pls lmk what ur fav moments are too 🧡
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kanmom51 · 5 months
I think I read somewhere in a blog that Jikook were broken up for some time in late 2019 to early 2020, so ON era and BS, but then reading another post the person said during the bts of black swan Jikook were flirting and JM was trying to get back together. But it’s contradictory because how can both be true? I admit that during the ON video shoot they seemed to not engage much, but that’s it. During their promotions in February they seemed to engage very little too, during car pool karaoke and the Grammys etc. But I would take that to mean they were trying to be professional (which after the backlash of cancel jikook in late 2019 they might have been told to do?). Same as in August 2019 when the person said there was also tension, but was there? From what I saw of the same time period all that happened was JM went on a few trips, not sure why that would mean they were in a bad place, especially when we got footsiegate in bv4. They were fine before JMs trips, fine when the boys were planning bv4, fine on JKs birthday and JK saying he spent time with JM and Hobi in the 1st episode of BV4 and even in his mini video to Jk before his flight home JM saying he’d seen JK only a few days ago?
It all reads to me like a K drama and I don’t agree that their relationship is like that, yes they fight and have moments of tension and sometimes we can see that in their interactions, but to break up? Would they? What I mean to say is if people view Jikooks relationship like that and live and thrive off the drama what’s the basis to say they are even a couple because all that reads toxic af and that’s not at all what comes across as the real them.
What do you think?
Hey love, again.
So, just posted your previous ask to see that you yourself kind of answered your own ask here.
Basically you reached your own conclusions and pretty much think the same as I do, and as I tried to express in my reply to your previous ask.
Anyway, I agree.
Their relationship is not a soap opera lie relationship. It's a healthy long term relationship. Loving, long lasting and stable.
Yes to ups and downs, just like any healthy long term relationship. But definitely not the level of drama that people love to give it. Perhaps it being a little too stable and boring is what makes people have that need to 'liven' it up a little with tales of betrayals and breakups and so forth, all to make it more 'interesting', more to talk about, right?
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the heavenly yard blog infomine, part 2: uploading Daughter of Evil, collaboration, new songs, and karaoke
I wanna make clear again these posts are NOT translations of mothy's blog. They are me reading his blog and summarizing or paraphrasing the info in them.
11 August 2008 ~ 1 December 2008
---August 2008---
-he's entering regret message into the 20th VOCALOID album
-back to Daughter of Evil discussion, and mothy's thoughts on finishing the song.
-mothy was very disappointed at how much of the plot he wrote had to get cut in the finished product. this led to him having an idea!
-he's being coy about it but essentially when he decided to make Servant of Evil, he went back and adjusted some things in Daughter of Evil to foreshadow the twin switch.
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-mothy describes his tribulations in getting the Daughter of Evil PV made. he wanted it to look nice, so him drawing it was out.
-He tried finding some illustrations on Piapro but there wasn't much to be found in the way of "Medieval Rin" pictures. However, this does remind him that a lot of uploaders will recruit illustrators on Piapro by uploading their work and then tagging it "illustrations wanted", so he decides to do the same.
-The only problem is that he's practically a nobody at this point so he's unlikely to get a lot of takers.
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-mothy again has to tell people that he is NOT doing karaoke unless Joysound contacts him on their own because he doesn't want to go to the hassle.
-also too busy to reply to emails
-this entry has a lot of cute emojis in it
-Though mothy was expecting it to take a long time for someone to illustrate the song, Ichika wound up making him one pretty much immediately. Mothy looks into her and sees some of her other work on NicoNico (including her PV for Cantarella, which is most well known). Naturally he is overjoyed and immediately starts work on making the PV with the illustration.
-Funnily enough, he closed the illustration recruitment after that thinking no one else would bite and someone left a disappointed comment because they'd been drawing a picture for it too (he's very sorry about that)
-mothy's working on a Rin and Len song, notes it's Miku's first year anniversary
---September 2008---
-onto the making of the DoE PV. Mothy admits to being a novice in this area, with only Windows Movie Maker to work with. He put more work into it than his previous videos, wanting to grow his talents some, and then uploaded it.
-mothy's finished his new song but he's going to upload it at a later date.
-Daughter of Evil might be getting distributed on MikuMoba (he says maybe because he has the wrong phone type to download it)
-Answers some questions. Says he's okay with people making doujin content and fan videos using art they made themselves, and asks they get permission from any other illustrators whose work they use.
-people are still asking him about karaoke. He MIGHT do karaoke.
-mothy talks about how Daughter of Evil exploded in popularity after he uploaded it (he finally made the site's official ranking), which of course he was really excited about.
---October 2008---
-mothy relates how he got a really swelled head from Daughter of Evil getting in the ranking only for it to fall off the next day. Still, the song outperformed his expectations going in, so he was happy for that.
-He decided to focus on making the next song (incidentally, Daughter of Evil's views went up after he uploaded Servant). He suggests that Daughter of Evil's popularity is what gave him the motivation to keep going.
-This concludes his comments on Daughter of Evil's production, though there's still more to tell (which he may cover when talking about Servant of Evil, if he ever does)
-mothy finally uploads his new song, which is Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night
-Naturally the video was done by Ichika. He's been wanting to try doing a "Hansel and Gretel" theme with Rin and Len, and so did it here. He does hint at the song being part of a broader story, but doesn't say what that story is.
-Though there are commenters who want mothy to go into his making of Servant of Evil, he's not sure he will because A) he already talked about the plot concepts in it with Daughter of Evil, and B) he worries he'll look egotistical spending all his blog time talking about how a novice like him got popular (I think).
-Some people have asked him if he could teach them composing. He admits to being a bit green in that area as well and suggests they ask someone else.
-again confirms doujins are fine.
-uploaded Abandonment's mp3 and karaoke to Piapro
-mothy's grateful that people really like Abandonment, he's gotten a lot of views.
-He got interviewed by something called the Yamaha Mook series ("Let's Enjoy VOCALOID"? idk at a glance it looks like some kind of Japanese sheet music magazine). It also has some comments from Ichika.
-He talks a bit more about Abandonment. He has a slightly roundabout way of saying it but he seems to have based it on the Grimm Fairytales version of Hansel and Gretel specifically rather than any later version.
-he mainly used RinLen act 1, but also used act2 in areas where act1 wouldn't cooperate with him. This song required a lot of adjustment. Melodically he feels it's closer to his earlier work before he made the Daughter of Evil songs, which he personally prefers.
-he entered the ranking again
-He talks about illustrations for his videos here, and how Abandonment is the first time he's actually commissioned someone to draw the art for one (incidentally, I didn't know that Regret Message's video was done using a stock photo)
-He was nervous that Ichika wouldn't go for it, but she was happy to work with him, so he's grateful for that (moreover, he was just expecting her to make an illustration for it, she was the one who went to the trouble of making a full video with that illustration, which impressed him greatly).
-mothy added lyrics using Premier Elements (which he bought recently)
-He's been busy working on a collaboration so his blog got put on hold for a bit.
-His upcoming Rin song is part of that collaboration (pretty sure he's talking about South North Story)
-He'll be attending VOCALOID Master 6 to promote the CD that this collaboration song will be on.
-He asks people to be patient on the karaoke front but suggests they register on Joysound for it.
-Also says he's okay with people performing his songs non-commercially like in a school recital or something.
-I think in his last comment he's responding to Ichika for something, so without seeing what she said I'm not 100% sure what his reply means, sorry.
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-Yep, his collaboration is South North Story with uniMemoP (I believe all the collaboration for this song and others on the CD it's for is being done on RinLenSNS), talks about upload schedule etc
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-the karaoke versions of Daughter, Servant, and Regret Message are in the running for Joysound, but they need to be voted in.
---November 2008---
-he seems to have installed a piapro player as a widget on the blog? (I can't find it so idk if it stopped working at some point after this post)
-he's getting a lot of votes on JOYSOUND, with servant getting the most so far.
-he bought some books on digital music making, and also MEIKO and KAITO.
-thanks people for the votes and has two responses I can't really understand without context (one is about the player? i think?)
-releases the crossfade for cheeRfuL, the CD with South North Story on it.
-more commentary response. Joysound is still getting votes. I believe he comments here on how working with KAITO and MEIKO is coming along (they're hard to use).
-poor Regret Message is getting left behind in the Joysound voting.
-he'll be uploading South North Story soon.
-as said earlier, he'll be at VOCALOID Master6. It's his first time going.
-Regret Message is still floundering in Joysound
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-South North Story is up
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-mothy talks a bit about his participation on the cheeRfuL album and his collaboration on South North Story. It's interesting to hear some of his thoughts on it but it's not really related to Evillious so unfortunately I won't be summarizing it here.
-I will say the song was originally going to be called "Kimagure Kousaten (Whimsical Intersection)" but he changed it to reference RinLenSNS. He also wanted the lyrics to reflect the nature of the collaboration itself.
-Someone called "Deko(maru)" did the illustrations I think?
-Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night has entered the hall of fame.
---December 2008---
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-mothy talks about having attended VOCALOID master 6, what his weekend was like, etc. It sounds like he had a great time and things went well.
-He was a little overwhelmed and there were some things he missed out on, and people he missed out on talking to due to some miscommunication and whatnot, but that's okay. He'll be prepared next time.
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-it's karaoke time all three of the songs he submitted got voted in :)
-his other songs may get in sometime in the future.
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-he thanks everyone for voting on JOYSOUND, and says he'll talk with uniMemoP about when and where to upload the MP3 for South North Story
And with the JOYSOUND arc having come to a close, I think that's a good point to stop. More to come when I feel like reading it.
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scoups4lyfe · 17 days
Gavv ep 1 aired this sunday.
Also, hey, how are you?
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I got lost in the sauce. I’ll see if I can do something then,,, 👀
I’ll try around 4pm PDT today to Uh…. 😼
(We’ll see)
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As to how I’m doing—
Well, I got the meds I desperately needed to be on for the last few months, and so now I’m back to stability in my life which is great. Been going to Hot Pot a lot, because I’m in my meat 🍖 era. Also going to karaoke 🎤 this Thursday so that’ll be fun. I went like two weeks ago for the first time ever, with my friend, and we enjoyed it so much we decided to go again this week.
Honestly, the fact I like a lot of rap songs nerfed me because I immediately decided to go for it for karaoke. On the plus side I can kill Eminem’s “Without Me” cause I got that shxt memorized LOL! Some other songs I did really well were Papa Roach’s last resort, and Pretty Fly for a White Guy 🕺🕺🕺🕺.
But yeah, honestly I’ve just been chilling lately.
Something I found quite funny is my roommate told me I remind them of Laois from Dungeon Meshi and immediately pulled up a video of him barking like a dog to show me our similarities 😔🤪🤡🤡🤡🤡🥴.
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I’ve been really wanting to get back into tokusatsu because I’ve seen some pics and clips here and there without context and every time im like “Dayum! This shxt looks fire!!”
But I’ve been busy procrastinating writing (the task that has taken up most of my attention) by watching v-tubers 😫.
I need to get back into my drawing practice too tbh, but I’ve been so focused on life and writing and v-tubers that everything gets shot to the wayside.
Here is one of my more recent doodles:
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Back to my vtuber distraction—recently there was a GTA VTRP server and both Bettel and Ruze participated in it and I lost so many neurons watching that stuff for like 10 hours each day. The obsession was real, fr fr.
And my echolalia kicked in and I had a stupid southern accent every time I talked, for like, half a day.
Which was equally as embarrassing as my obsession of watching the GTA server LMAO.
Even if no one asks I might post some videos of my favorite moments from the GTA VTRP server, because there were some many good movie-worthy moments 😭😭😭.
I’ve also been waiting for an email from a doll company saying they got my doll and they’re about to ship it out to me considering it’s been Fking
32 WEEKS!!!
I know it takes like 6 months for the dolls to be made but holy shxt. (For context, I collect ball jointed dolls. It’s a very expensive fking hobby and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone LMAO)
I know the site I ordered from has a good reputation so I’m probably not being scammed—but by God I’m impatient. A terrible trait for a doll collector.
Blah blah blah, honestly I could go on forever about what I’ve been up to but I’m sure y’all don’t want to hear that yapping 🤪🥴.
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mizusenshisongs · 2 months
Doing another cover for Mamoru's birthday! I was originally planning to cover one of the newer songs like "Sanjou!! Tuxedo Kamen" or "When Destiny Calls," but clips of them are pretty hard to find. Thankfully when scrolling through old Myu Corner posts I found this song, "Tuxedo Versus," which debuted in Black Lady. Kenji Urai originated it, but I really like Shirota Yuu (I kinda have a crush on him haha) so I decided to do his version instead from Mugen Gakuen Kaiteiban (his debut myu).
Also this is the first time I recorded not using a karaoke track, either an existing one or one I made using Audacity. I tried recording with just the track on a whim, and it helped so much with timing that I decided to keep it intact and just lower the volume so my voice stood out more. It might be because it was a live rip track (taken from SeraMyu Antics's live rips of Mugen K songs); this might not work with songs that are not live.
I also am still experimenting with CapCut effects and using CapCut to create a proper title card!
Music from: SeraMyu Antics Video from: YouTube (eternalruth) Cover image made by: Me Vocals: Me
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I was scrolling through my draft posts to pad my queue this morning and I saw the Tom Holland Umbrella video post, which, is amazing in itself and I love it.
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And a fic idea popped into my brain and wouldn't leave me alone. The idea is kinda standalone but it also definitely might work in @softest-punk 's Hobsbands 'verse (which I LOVE).
Karaoke night or something like it at the White Horse and either Hob decides to open with this number because he can, or Desire comes to the inn to find out more about his sibling's favourite human and decides to do this...the crowd goes wild either way and Karaoke night at the White Horse is always a packed house after that.
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 year
Noodle appreciation on Sims 4 Gorillaz Project
2D's room pics Russel's room pics Murdoc's room pics ("mature") More Gorillaz themed posts
From the wiki: ヌードル (Nuudoru), better known as Noodle, is the official guitarist and former occasional backing vocalist of Gorillaz.
Born: Osaka, Kansai, Japan on 31st October 1990.
Instruments: Guitar, keyboard, synthesizer.
Occupation(s): Songwriter, Guitarist, Vocalist, Ex-Super Soldier
Nationality: Japanese
Religion: Buddhism and Shinto
Created by: Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn
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Inspired by D.A.R.E. I used the video for extra reference especially for the front side of the room which i couldn't see well in the reference pics.
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Theres a cute little scene in the MTV Cribs Gorillaz short where noodle kicks Murdoc out of her room. The cute ceiling lanterns are missing in this pic because I forgot to start the tab camera from a zoomed out position and they fade when you zoom in my bad.
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In the Phase 1 room, that little blue chair was actually Noodle's bed but after she has the white one, so I made it into a chair. If you understand it, please ignore the sign probably meaning something extremely random I can (slightly) read hiragana/katakana but not kanjis sorry I hope it doesn't mean poop or something bad it was just for aesthetic.
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I made her room quite messy, because I have an obsession with messy rooms and Gorillaz aesthetics did tend to be quite cluttered and messy.
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I like to imagine Cyborg Noodle stole Noodles soldier clothes, so that's why she is wearing them. She is still a badass who loves to train just in case.
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The literal description of Kids with Guns. Obviously guns are bad, this is fiction, don't use guns.
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I used tons of Cyberpunk 2077 cc for this room and other parts of the building. So that giant head is a Beta version of Shaun Ryder before he could drunk-British karaoke sing D.A.R.E. with Noodle in her secret room. No one is going to convince me that Gorillaz is not slightly cyberpunk, they're a virtual band with holograms, with cyborgs, weird talking robot heads, dystopian and apocalyptic themes and beaches made of plastic.
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The bathroom and many parts of the lot were made up but there was no way I was gonna make a poor innocent little teen girl share the disgusting toilets and bathrooms with three dirty grown men ( ×m×) Hers is also slightly dirty but nowhere near as bad I'll post them in future posts.
I created these sims a long time ago, they were so much fun to make, I even made my own (terrible) cc to make certain clothing items more accurate. The lot they live on is Kong Studios, I kind of mixed all the Phases, but my favourite was Phase 2. In the future I hope to do more Phase 3, after that everything is a bit unknown to me as Gorillaz were kind of on hiatus for many years after Plastic Beach and I fell out of touch with them, only to realise quite recently they have tons of new music 🧡
For the inspiration I used I'll leave reference photos I found, from all the old online flash games there use to be, I loved them it's a shame that part of the internet is over x), as well as using their music videos and Rise of the Ogre comic. They're all super bad quality because 240p videos and footage of the 2000's.
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Overall I had a really fun time making them and taking these pics, I know they're old but it gives me a lot of nostalgia and I love their music and the entire project. Also I use tons of cc so I don't know if I'll be sharing a CC list, I started making it only to see I was taking 3 hours for barely any of it, so I may (possibly) share it in the future with the lot and sims files, but for now I'm just showing the project. I might also make some cosy lets play videos with them just chilling for my YouTube.
Any support for my posts is greatly appreciated 🧡
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
Hello! I'm sorry this is so late, but I wanted to submit a matchup, if that's still going? My name is Kat; I'm a genderqueer person (all pronouns) who is bisexual, polyamorous, and greyromantic. This means that while I find most people attractive, I tend not to fall in romantic love unless I know them really well, but I have no problem having physical relationships that are platonic (at least to start). I'd love any matchup, but I would really hope for one of the Ghouls or Papas! I'm fairly tall for being AFAB (5'8") and I'm pretty curvy too. I've always been a larger girl, which made me pretty insecure growing up. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. My style of dress is fairly inconsistent; in the warm months I like to wear short skirts and frilly tops, I jokingly call it fairy-punk. When it gets cold I default to slacks/long skirts and sweaters, think librarian. I also have a fondness for combat boots, they're basically the only shoes I wear. I tend to be pretty shy around new people, but once I'm comfortable I am very bubbly. Most people describe me as sweet, kind, intelligent, and polite. I'm very much a mom friend, and I love taking care of the people I love. That said, I can often get into my own head a bit and panic, especially when it comes to asking for things I want. I try really hard to always make sure the people around me feel safe, happy and loved. My hobbies include video games, listening to music, writing and reading (mostly fanfic), going camping with my friends, and baking. I bake a lot, and will almost always make something if I'm going to a party or event. I also memorize the dietary needs and favorite treats of the people closest to me so that I can always make them something they'll love. My music taste is a bit all over the place; I listen to everything from alt rock to Broadway to bubble pop to folk/shanty. I like anything that I can sing along to, and I do have a rather nice singing voice.
I hope this is enough, and congratulations on 1000 followers! 💙
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Papa Emeritus IV
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He was shy at first too. But with his Papa paints on he gained confidence and went over to speak to you. He’s so easy to talk to, because he understands being shy, so you get along with him really well from the start.
“Would you like to play video games with me? It would be nice sì?” That’s how you got to know each other properly. You both love video games and hang out a lot together.
He loves that you want to take care of him, and he needs that sometimes. He often pushes himself too hard for his work. But Copia is always keeping an eye on you and he makes sure you are also cared for. He knows you might struggle to ask, so when he sees you getting stressed or tired he puts the day aside to pamper you.
Copia loves baking! He’ll happily help out whenever you want him to (Primo taught him) or he'll just keep you company. He enjoys making treats for his rats which you often help him with.
He’ll cuddle you midway through baking and kiss you on the cheek. Also watch out for him stealing treats when they are just cool enough to eat.
He loves signing along to music and his taste is very varied too. He adores your voice so he'll happily sit and listen. Also he loves joining in. He brought you a karaoke set for your birthday. A really high quality one with proper microphones and everything.
He’ll happily go camping with you, although he has never been camping much before. Copia is used to tour busses so he is really good at packing well and living in a smallish space. He really enjoys camping but at night when you hear strange noises he makes a few little rat noises. Just give him a cuddle and all will be well. If anything truely scary were to happen he would spring into action, Ghouls appearing from seemingly nowhere to protect you. Copia would put a protective arm around you and go full on Papa mode to deal with the situation. He will always keep you safe.
Written by Nyx
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Bossa Nova (Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x f!reader) - Five
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Four | Six
Summary: DMs, drinks and emojis. 
Word count: 3.235.
Warnings: Bad words, a pinch of flirting, a slight mention of a crime scene, alcohol consumption and uuuh... Yeah? I guess that’s it.
Author’s Note: This came by an idea I had a few days ago 😂 There’s a lot of dialogue through DMs so I hope it works.
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
Listen, it wasn’t like you were searching, okay?
Although Benny had caught your attention for more than obvious reasons, he was the type to do things around the edges, diligently, which you respected. There was a readiness to him, something that made him understand when to take certain actions, which included not invading your space or being a complete asshole. Again, you respected it. And even if he continued the discrete ploy of keeping aloof in the days that followed, you wouldn't mind creating a friendly relationship with him. Nothing else.
Thing is that Benny piqued your interest – more than you would like to. And if he already followed you on Instagram and you already followed him back was a pure friendly retribution, after all, you two worked together.
Like you, he had a few hundred followers – Benny with 547, you with 326. Maybe you took a look unpretentiously one day, but that wasn’t the point. Your virtual presence was pretty vague, so it was never important to you. There were some videos of karaoke nights, photos at events, old high school memories and a few pictures of your New Year’s Eve in Massachusetts; the only considerable time you’d spent with your college friends for celebrations. His social media followed the same pattern, but he seemed more reserved.
Was it a kind of modern approach, as the Buzzfeed articles said? Liking photos, comments, sending posts the person might like? This just didn't look like Benny's style, he seemed to be traditional enough or he was just older. You didn’t want to make assumptions.
What happened was that your brother invited you for a night of drinks, which you could deny for a variety of reasons, but he was going to pay and the gastritis phase was over. You posted a story of the outfit you chose: a slip satin dress, another one from the collection of pieces that were tucked away in the back of your wardrobe but felt the obligation to use after the divorce.
At best, it was short. At worst, too much. The heel highlighted her calf, thighs, ass. It was normal for it to draw attention considering the clothes you wore at work, which was the only place you saw each other.
“... Then I was like: are you out of your fucking mind?! Three hundred dollars for a fucking dog clothes?” Your brother was in the middle of a rant about a client, gesturing to the air and all.
The first buzz of the phone didn't catch your attention. In the notification, you saw that it was the regular people liking the story. You returned your focus to what was being discussed in an instant.
“I would also demand higher alimony from my ex if he did that.”
“Exactly! And when I tried to explain how…”
It was on the second buzz that you were completely distracted. The notification didn't signal a like or anything like that. You frowned, looked again, and this time your eyes fixed on the screen of the device.
@bennymagalon99 replied to your story: Lookin good, mama 🔥
You stared at the screen for a long time, picking up the phone with both hands and opening the message instantly because… Well, because it didn't make a lot of sense, right? He never-
“What was it?”
“Mm?” Your head turned to him, but your eyes were still fixed on the message.
“Don't tell me it's work.”
“... Mm? Oh no! No, I was just…” You blinked a few times, fumbling with the words like a stupid. “It’s nothing. Keep going.”
And despite his hesitance, he kept talking, and you left your phone on the table again as you shook your head at whatever it was he wanted to vent.
Benny didn't say anything else until you got home; he wasn't even online when you had time to sit on the couch with your feet up on the coffee table. You had taken off your heels, hugged a bottle of water, and opened Instagram.
The DM was still there. You decided to answer.  
You Thanks!
Kojak was still awake and you turned on the TV because as there was no chance of falling asleep with the effects of alcohol in your system, it looked like another night of napping on the couch watching the evening's programming.
It looked like. Didn't take long for it to change completely.
@bennymagalon99 Date night?
In a way, you didn't think he was teasing you, but Benny instigated an answer to the question he already knew. The next story was of a photo of you and your brother on the way out of the bar, taken with reddened faces and smirks from the drinks, so it seemed more like a conversation starter.
You didn't know how to react to it at first. Has alcohol slowed you down? Perhaps. Perhaps, because he could also just be curious given the 'closeness' they had been nurturing.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard for a moment before answering.
You Is that how you start your topics with me? Asking if I have a date or if I’m good? But no Had some drinks with my brother
@bennymagalon99 My bad I guess Kinda new in starting topics with you 😬
He kept typing, then deleted it, then started typing again.
@bennymagalon99 It’s probably because you look really nice outside your work clothes
You Oh? So I don’t look nice in general?
Benny considered. He typed, deleted, typed, deleted again. You sipped more of the water and waited; alcohol was low, it wouldn't be enough to make you so anxious for an answer, right?
As if you wouldn’t be anxious in other circumstances.
@bennymagalon99 Course you do Can’t blame a man for appreciating a specific attire tho
Attire. You looked down at yourself again, at your bloated belly and bad posture. Good thing you could work on better in the pics.
You I can’t, you’re right
You groaned right after because damn if it wasn’t the most ridiculous thing to say.
You But like I don’t use it a lot I think it would be smart of you to think that You know?
Benny was faster than before.
@bennymagalon99 What did you drink? 😂😂
You I’m not drunk 😒😒😒
@bennymagalon99 No judging, ma You sound as cute as ever
Huh. You could blame your flushed cheeks on the drink too.
You Never get tired of showering me with compliments?
@bennymagalon99 Don’t like it? 😬
You I’ve never said that
@bennymagalon99 So you do
You Ugh, you want me to start being mean to you 🙄
@bennymagalon99 I was already getting worried that you wouldn’t start soon enough
Rolling your eyes was spontaneous at that moment – he sure had a smirk on his face.
You Bye 😒😴
@bennymagalon99 At least tell me what was the drink
You had already dropped your phone on the coffee table, taking another long sip of water before settling on the couch to watch (sleep).
He would really be talking to himself.
It wasn't a hangover, but you didn't want to risk that headache for something else, so you took an aspirin and had the luxury of eating a full breakfast – pancakes, eggs, even a mango smoothie your father had brought for you as a courtesy for the trip to the farmers market.
Kojak got a treat too. That food that the pet shop girl indicated seemed to make him have the most beautiful scales, but that could have been your hallucination. You couldn't really trust your mind in certain ways.
Despite that, you remembered everything that happened the night before, including the messages you exchanged with Benny. You didn't particularly know what to expect, after all, he could only be bored on a night shift and that came in handy. If he remembered (sic, if he wasn’t drunk), he wouldn't say a thing at work.
And in a way, he didn't.
You had the same routine as before, apart from the small episodes of approximation. That day you didn't even have any work involving Major Crimes – if there were two times when you crossed paths, it was a lot and still no one even looked at each other because you were busy. A 'good morning' maybe, but you’re kinda sure it was Connors. You had a lot in your basket with all the Travis and Desiree situation, so you didn’t give too much of a thought.
At the end of the day, Emma knocked on your lab door and said something about 'updating the case', which meant having to go to the briefing room for a meeting with them and the DEA team.
“I need to go?” You asked like a petulant child, even though you knew it wasn't a request. “I have a lot of work here.”
“They haven't done this in weeks. Just stay there, listen or not. We need to make sure no one will use your absence as an excuse to say we’re not collaborating.”
Everyone was there – O’Brien, Zapata, Henderson, Connors and Magalon. They sat in the back of the room like that bunch of troublemakers in high school, while Walsh and his team took the lead in running the meeting. You sat on the other side, alone, letting Emma go with Gina to the front row.
Everything had an atmosphere of forced, robotic education, as if everyone was suddenly walking on eggshells. Every now and then Mathias would give you glances, which he would recover from when he met eyes with Major Crimes or Emma or Gina, who always had more trouble containing her own discontent – which you didn't judge because you were exactly the same.
You decided it wasn't a discussion you wanted to add anything to. Despite your best efforts, you were already thinking about the things you left behind in the lab.
Then your phone buzzed.
@bennymagalon99     Gin and juice?
When you looked up, you couldn’t be sure if that was really him because Benny was still paying attention to the topic. You eyed the time the message was sent: 10:36 am. It wasn't a delayed message, it seemed, and you made sure no one was looking at you when you risked answering.
You I don’t drink gin and juice
You waited, watching to see what his reaction would be. By your position, Benny had sat in the row behind the others, which left him alone and more privacy to answer. He saw the message, scoffed and turned his face towards you.
“Really?” He mouthed with a slight smile. Instead of answering the same way, you got back to typing.
You For a detective, you don't do well with guesswork
@bennymagalon99 Ooooh there she is You don't know how long I've waited to be the target of your smart mouth
You As far as I remember, you asked me to go easy on you Looks like I made you wait a lot Are you a masochist or something?
@bennymagalon99 Would that be an impediment?
You For what?
@bennymagalon99 Friendship ☺️
Someone said something in a louder tone, which roused you from the conversation. Emma, ​​of course, who just got you with your head low looking at your phone, sending you a glare to pay fucking attention.
Your eyes roamed the space and for a while you just accessed the whole picture but didn’t quite listen to anyone in particular. When you dared to look in Benny's direction, he was already watching you. Curious, probably, gesturing discreetly with his phone, expecting an answer.
“Isn't that right?” Emma called your name.
You cleared your throat, nodded.
“... Indeed.”
If Benny hid a smile after that, you pretended you didn't see it.
You Why would you want to be my friend?
@bennymagalon99 Why not? You’re funny Btw you live in California and celebrate your parties in Massachusetts, which is interesting
You That’s not funny, that’s strategic Wouldn’t dare to show off in a bikini with so much competition in LA
He took a while to answer that. Nick spoke again about something aimed at the team.
@bennymagalon99 I’ve been in Cape Cod a time or two, so maybe you’re right Haven’t seen anyone as good in a bikini as you when I was there
You hoped he wasn't staring at you when he saw the message because you’d definitely be looking the most disconcerted. Like, coming from someone like him… You know? He could be a nice guy, but you weren't an idiot. Tara from Homicides had said countless times that he was her type, which meant any woman on planet Earth was out of the picture because she was a goddess. It wasn't something to just assume.
You You'll get me used to these compliments
@bennymagalon99 They won't extend to your holiday destination choices
You A friend has a house there, gimme a break
@bennymagalon99 And they gave you mojitos? 🍸
You Is it your second guess? Because you’ve never been so wrong, detective 🤭
@bennymagalon99 WHAT? NOOOOOO 😭😭😭
You You only have one more chance
But before you could get an answer to that, Emma was approaching with slow, unobtrusive steps. Your distraction didn't let you see that she'd been alerted to a break-in – she explained, guided and you jetted out of the room without looking back; work, after all.
It wasn't until you started driving and needed to warn the scene crew you were on the way that you saw what he responded. Luckily you were alone, because you didn't have to hide one of the widest, funniest smiles you've ever had without reservations, even if it was a really stupid thing because… Well.
@bennymagalon99 And what do I get if I get it right?
Again, the parking lot. It was after eleven at night and by that time, few people were walking around. That made the shriek that came out of your throat louder, as did the laugh Benny let out when he saw your startled face. Really, you guys haven't met this casually before.
“For Christ alive, man!” You put a hand on your chest. “Warn a girl, yeah?”
“Always getting scared that easily?”
“Only when people sneak up behind me.”
“I’m sorry,” He raised his hands in surrender. A considerable silence hovered between you two, fading the initial agitation.
“Another night's work?” You asked.
“No, I forgot my phone here.”
“And how was the case? Just break-in?”
“Yeah! Yeah, you know, robbery season in Beverly Hills.”
“Got it.”
Another silence, as if each unexpected meeting between the two of you was a struggle to keep from making everything awkward.
“I’ve been thinking what you said,” Benny offered after a beat.
“What I said?”
“Your drinking taste seems pretty specific.”
“Ah,” You giggled. “Do you already have that one last try, perhaps?”
“I plead the fifth. You still didn’t answer my question, I don't want to use all my cards without knowing the profits.”
“You guys are really on this bet stuff. I’m sure you all love going to Vegas.”
“Good for you it’s me on the other side and not Z, huh?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “So?”
You knew exactly where this was going, and really, at any other time in your life, with Theodore or not, you would have said no. When it came to the professional sphere, you had no problem filling yourself with complications, but you only did that because you didn't like to think too much about your personal life. You thought about this after the DM exchanges started: Benny exuded trouble. And, well, he was a hottie, but who's to say he wasn't just going down that path to get compensation for helping you with Walsh?
“... Is it negotiable?” You asked.
“Then tell me what it is you want.”
Benny was weighing the possibilities, as if he really wanted something impossible. You started to worry just a little bit, wondering what kind of favor he might ask, but after a while of looking you in the face, he ran his tongue over his lips, thumb brushing his goatee.
You may have watched the scene cautiously. You may.
“I admit I didn't expect this.”
“You shouldn't give people that much freedom.”
“I just like the challenge,” You didn’t, but you wanted to see where it would go.  
“Okay then,” He shrugged. “Friday we're going out. You and me.”
“... Mm?”
Did you hear right? He… Was that right? Good heavens, it sounded so unlikely that you thought you hadn't heard and were silent for a long time, at least long enough for him to start to get uncomfortable.
“But if you don’t want it, we can-”
“That’s not it,” Your voice came out cold, clipped. “You were there when Walsh said that stuff. Believe me, I didn’t think about the possibility of ever giving any of you guys a second glance in that aspect, but people talk. I shouldn’t worry but, you know, I just really care about my reputation. Professionally.”
“And you wouldn’t want to fill the gossip.”
“Yeah. Not that I don’t think you’re nice, because you are. I should’ve pay you dinner at that place for what you did, it’s just… precaution, I guess.”
“I get it.”
Those silences were starting to get more awkward and awkward as he continued them. You didn't know what to do with yourself, whether to wait for him to say the stupid thing or just say goodbye with an apology.
You frowned.
“Your drink. It was a Cosmopolitan.”
“How did you-”
“You have like four different pictures with one of these. Including when you were on Cape Cod.”
“... Really?” You asked with a weak and defeated smile.
“Yeah,” Benny mirrored your own expression before turning all serious again. “And you have your reasons to not accept this, really, but I’ve been doing this for a while now. I’m not known as the type to kiss and tell.”
He had a valid point. Despite their fears, everyone knew the reputation of each of the Major Crimes guys and there was already a pattern of the type of people in the Department they associated with… except for Benny. Whenever these conversations happened, he was always an unknown, a suspect (like Tara from Homicide), but never a certainty. This was a hell of a mistake for something long-term, but for casual outings it seemed more than ideal.
Still, you considered it judiciously, as always. You remembered that Benny wasn't in that room with Brixton, and that Lennon had a gleam in his eye that no one gave you when Walsh told you those things.
“... Okay.”
The answer was simple and straightforward. He raised his eyebrows, you raised yours because you said it so abruptly.
“Are you chickening out?” The defiant tone came out with some effort and he repeated his motion: lips licked, thumb brushing the goatee. It was probably a habit of his.
“I’m just making sure you want this. I don’t want to brag, but I’m not one to have people going out with me out of pity.”
“Good, because I don’t do that either.”
Your hint made him smile behind the tip of his fingers.
“You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Really,” Benny nodded. “Which makes me wonder if you'll give me your number so we can work out the details. I really hate chatting through DMs.”
Taglist (no pressure)
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togaki-kun · 1 year
15 Questions!
thank you to @justsomeoneunordinary for tagging me!
Were you named after anyone?
yes. it’s weird though because i don’t know the actress’s actual name. she was a chinese actress that my mom liked at the time, and when she heard her english name, she liked it so much that she gave me the same name.
When was the last time you cried?
i’ve been watching a lot of dr. mike on youtube recently, and he did a video on the k-drama hospital playlist, which i re-watched yesterday. the scene that made me cry (yet again) was the one where they’re doing chest compressions on a little girl and the mom of the girl sobs, “please, just (stay with me) a little longer.”
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm?
weirdly, i’ve started using sarcasm less now than i used to. not sure why. i should get back into it
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
…height? maybe? it depends on what’s most eye-catching, so it’s a case-by-case basis
What’s your eye color?
brown. my mom used to try to convince me it was black, but i can say with full confidence it is brown
Scary movies or happy endings?
good god, give me that happy ending. unless you want me waking up in a cold sweat at 3am every night for a week after watching the scary movie, give me the goddamn happy ending, and please, let it be anything but a thriller or horror
Any special talents?
i’m really good at diving for receives in volleyball. i’m also quick at getting to feints in tennis, even though i am the slowest person you will ever meet
Where were you born?
presumably, on earth.
What are your hobbies?
practicing piano, plucking my ukulele, buying books i will never read, drawing stick people on post-it notes and crumpling them up, singing to karaoke at full volume in the shower when i know full well it annoys my little brother, reading fanfic, watching youtube
Have any pets?
no, but i claim aunty rights to my sister-in-law’s two cats, who live in the same house as me
What sports do/have you played?
i did volleyball for many years until band kind of took over my life. i did basketball in elementary. played a bit of tennis with my older brother in summertime. i was in the ping-pong and badminton clubs in high school. does marching band count? most people don’t think it’s intensive enough to be considered a sport, but have you ever marched at 180 bpm in 90+ degree weather down a 4-lane wide main street?
How tall are you?
168 cm. my mom is very proud of my height.
Favorite subject in school?
music theory, band, western music history, history. as you might be able to tell, i was a music nerd. not so much anymore
Dream Job?
a job that pays well, has good benefits, and good people. something i enjoy, but doesn’t have to be a passion or love, just something i like well enough to keep me interested
alright, now i’m passing the baton over to @yuuuzuuubalm @hargrieve @ftld42 @hinaniao @coziimae and anybody else who would like to play!!
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allen309 · 9 months
Happy New Years Everyone!! 🎉
It’s the start of a new year. I don’t like making New Year’s resolutions because I can never stick to one thing at a time, especially for an entire year. However, I think I’ll continue to focus on my mental health and continue making personal achievements.
This year has been a really good year for me, especially mentally. A few highlights from 2023:
1. Started a YouTube channel:
* I still have no plans to grow my channel. It’s just something to do for fun. I’m hoping to get better at editing and making my content better.
2. I finally got my driver’s license and made a few small road trips around my home state this past summer
3. Went to Fan Expo in Boston with my friend.
* While at Fan Expo I met the voice actress that voiced the original Dora. The meet and greet was fun, but no one cared about Dora. Basically, Peter Cullen, who voiced Optimus Prime, was about two tables over and his line was backed up. There were a few people who passed by and would excitedly make a comment about “oh it’s Dora!”, but the people would just continue walking by to get in line for Peter Cullen. Overall, Dora wasn’t in a good location. She was placed next to three big names; Richard Horvitz, Brandon Rogers, and Peter Cullen. (I might upload the video that I took in a different post to show the line difference)
4. Got back into re-exploring and trying to write my OC’s:
* Even though there was an attempt at writing something down; I just never finish writing. I’m still not sure if it’s me not liking my writing or if it’s just ADHD procrastination.
* I still enjoy my rather large fictional world and characters, but as an autistic bean I just struggle to get what’s going on inside my head down on paper. My friend sat and read through several lengthy phone texts last last year (2022) that were just about each character, and she introduced me to picrew to at least provide a visual for a few characters.
+I have Pinterest. Maybe I’ll start an OC board for each character to show their likes and such. It’ll definitely provide more options for characters compared to picrew. Also, hoping to cosplay a few characters on my YouTube channel, but that’s still up in the air.
5. Made a Tumblr account:
* I sent a few Ask Questions to some people on Tumblr and even left a comment on other people’s posts…although a few Ask were sent anonymously, and pre-written several times on my phone notes before committing to sending. But with my mild social anxiety, it’s a big step for me, so I’m counting it as a small achievement.
* I even made two mutuals on Tumblr, which are my first two official mutuals, besides my two friends that are on Tumblr. Hopefully, I can make more mutuals on Tumblr. I’m really enjoying meeting people outside the small town that I live in.
6. I also made friends with my friend’s cousin. (Having two Filipino friends, they like throwing parties and hosting. Which is fun, but karaoke is still not an option if you go, even if it’s just three people at the party)
7. I also had a great year in Splatoon. I’m still mostly playing Turf War, and occasionally play anarchy splat zones. Maybe this year I’ll try the other anarchy modes. The other anarchy modes seem pretty straight forward; rainmaker is really the only confusing one.
* I’m still kinda playing Splatoon solo. My friend left me for TF2, and the digital friends that I made through Splatoon mostly only play turf war, and Salmon Run. There’s no way of communicating, so I feel nervous joining anyone during turf war because I don’t know if they already have friends playing, especially if they make a room.
* December was my first time playing some Salmon Run alone. People are much more friendlier and more welcoming than I allow myself to think; both on Splatoon and Tumblr. The team that I was randomly assigned to would just vibe while we all waited for each new round
* I have a personal record in splat zones that I haven’t been able to break since March. My team did lose unfortunately
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Who is your current muse, and who is their faceclaim/what do they look like?What is one item that you associate without fail to them?What is their favourite colour?Is there a song you associate with them? If not, what quote fits the best for them?What do they like doing in their spare time? How much spare time do they get?What one fact do you love about them, but might not have had the chance to share yet?
aaaaa tysm for the questions!!!
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Me, talking about Kova again? It's more likely than you think ahaha
She's an anime character so she doesn't have a faceclaim, but fortunately I can scrape together enough drawing ability to provide a visual! (The drawing above is suuuper old but I haven't posted it on here yet and I think she turned out decent there)
What is one item that you associate without fail to them?
Sunflowers! Beyond sunflowers being the national flower of her home country as well as her personal favourite flower, they also sort of symbolize steadfastness and determination to me, which is very much her. And there's an interesting connection too with sunflowers being planted in places where there's been nuclear disasters to help absorb the radiation from the soil, which fits in nicely with her own superpower being Nuclear Fission.
What is their favourite colour?
Green! She loves green and always has a green ribbon or two in her hair.
Is there a song you associate with them? If not, what quote fits the best for them?
I know it's cliche but Immortals by Fall Out Boy really does work for her haha it's got the right Vibe
What do they like doing in their spare time? How much spare time do they get?
She doesn't have a lot of spare time because she's so busy with school and training, but she loves nothing more than just casually hanging out with her classmates in their dorm, playing video games or karaoke or just chatting.
What one fact do you love about them, but might not have had the chance to share yet?
Alongside American student Pony Tsunotori of Class 2-B, Kova is one of the founders of the U.A. International Student Club. She's the vice president for her first two years, but moves up to president for her third year after Pony graduates.
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junbugsarchive · 1 year
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Thank you everyone for hanging out with my twin sister today ("Akira") seeing Amariin and Mikawa's sisters was a refreshing change of pace too, Akumi and Mitsuki respectively, karaoke will be from 9:30pm MST to 12am MST tonight ("Late Night Karaoke") bc Akira needs to grind on her novel and I need to improve my art skills. I will write a brand new newsletter soon with the updated times so that everyone can know which times should work for them!
Weekly Schedule, starting 5-4
⦿ Sunday
Morning - Gaming @ 6:30am MST w/ Akira
Afternoon - Karaoke @9:30pm MST w/ Jun
⦿ Monday
Morning - Anime/Japanese Lessons @ 6:30am MST w/ Jun
Afternoon - Karaoke @9:30pm MST w/ Jun
⦿ Tuesday
Morning - Gaming @ 6:30am MST w/ Akira
Afternoon - Karaoke @9:30pm MST w/ Jun
⦿ Wednesday
Morning - Anime/Japanese Lessons @ 6:30am MST w/ Jun
Afternoon - Karaoke @9:30pm MST w/ Jun
⦿ Thursday
Morning - Gaming @ 6:30am MST w/ Akira
Afternoon - Karaoke @9:30pm MST w/ Jun
⦿ Friday
Morning - Anime/Japanese Lessons @ 6:30am MST w/ Jun
Afternoon - Karaoke @9:30pm MST w/ Jun
⦿ Saturday
Morning - Gaming @ 6:30am MST w/ Akira
Afternoon - Karaoke @9:30pm MST w/ Jun
Note: There might be "Learning To Draw" streams with Akira too since she is bad a drawing (which means that she is my non-dominant hand)
⚠️ Unsure of which games, someone suggested that I switch around the anime that we watch on certain days and I might do that, along with switching up the games. I would like to learn Master Duel and I want to at least play one visual novel, I was thinking of playing the Switch version of BanG Dream too since I am a rhythm game enjoyer :) If you guys missed my last posts or comments on the matter, I will be streaming from my YouTube channel and mirroring the video through the YouTube app on REALITY, here is my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@junithys
Daily Goals
⦿ 1 meowning stream 🐾
⦿ 1 night stream
⦿ JunBugs newsletter
⦿ 1 full-color illustration each day
Weekly Goals
⦿ 1 weekly web novel chapter
⦿ 1 weekly omake page or chibi illustration
⦿ 1 weekly poem
⦿ read more novels
⚠️ The Creative Corner group is still active, anyone can join upon request (DM me if you are interested✨), I have posted my poetry and art on there: Wizz and Jin have posted their poetry, Izzie has posted her cooking, Amariin has posted her art, etc.
We will also make the morning anime streams into a partial Japanese learning streams after we finish "Osomatsu-kun" along with there being routine gaming streams next week! I got really hyped because I made a chart detailing where I wanted to take my Vtubing career and visual novel in the next 5 years (1.0 to 2.0 self) and it really motivated me, I suggest trying it too if you happen to feel lost or stuck with where you are at.
Bringing my twin persona to life motivates me a lot too, so I might start drawing an omake (also want to incorporate the JunBugs mascot in it… the new 2.0 version…) with us and the sisters 🤍
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊^ >ヮ<^₎⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
Fundamental Jun Design
⦿ doll motif
⦿ gothic clothing
⦿ heterochromia, Jun and Akira routinely change eyeballs since they are dolls and they swap out limbs too
⦿ fangs
⦿ eyewear
⦿ human mortality
Including pictures of Tails and Basil from yesterday too, because they are awesome!!!
♡‧₊˚ฅ^ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ^ฅ
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edactually · 2 years
Ed POV - 6.3
Ed spent the next hour doing everything he could to antagonise Sam. He clung to Stede like a barnacle, always making sure that some part of him was in contact with the man whether it was his head on his shoulder or his arm around his waist. 
Ok, it was mostly to antagonise Sam but Ed was also feeling pretty touch-starved for Stede. 
He noticed that Stede didn’t object. Every touch that Ed sought out was met with acceptance. Had Stede pulled away at any point then Ed would have shifted in his seat to put some distance between them, but he seemed content to have Ed close. The resting of Ed’s head on his shoulder was met with the stroking of his hair, the arm around his waist was matched with an arm around Ed’s shoulders. Ed allowed himself to wonder if Stede had missed this just as much as he had.
When the karaoke machine opened Sam was pretty excited about it and tried to get Stede to agree to a duet, which was politely refused. Sam eventually relented. “How about you, B? You much of a singer?”
Ed tried not to laugh. “You could say that.”
“He’s an amazing singer.” Stede’s voice was a little slurred and Ed glanced at the empty glasses on the table. Sam hadn’t returned any of the glasses to the bar since he’d come back the first time to find Ed in his spot.
“You’ll have to do some karaoke then, what’s your song?” Sam was beaming at him and showing no sign of irritation at Ed’s antics despite Ed’s best efforts.
“Oh, I don’t like to sing in public.” Ed didn’t have to see Stede’s face to know the man was giving him an incredulous look.
“Are you sure I can’t tempt you?”
Ed looked pointedly at the karaoke machine set up on the small stage and then back to Stede whose side he was still curled into affectionately. “No thanks, I think I’m good here.”
“Just me then.” Sam was still as cheerful as ever as he strode over to the karaoke machine and started flipping through songs. Ed had deduced that Sam had golden retriever energy - constantly happy and difficult to annoy.
He felt a nudge in his side. “Are you sure you don’t want to sing?”
“Fuck no.” Ed laughed. Even if he hadn’t been comfortably tucked into the booth with Stede, he still wouldn’t have got up there. Sam might not have recognised him, but there would surely be a few people who did, and he didn’t want to wake up tomorrow to find he’d been tagged in a bunch of annoying videos or have people asking for selfies all night. “It’s almost worth it to prove I’m a better singer than Sam, but nah.”
“Why are you giving Sam such a hard time? He’s a nice guy.”
I’m giving Sam a hard time because he’s your boyfriend and I’m not.
He let those jealous thoughts stay in his head where they belonged and observed as Sam made his song selection and grabbed the microphone, doing one thing that Ed was actually glad of this evening and keeping him from having to answer Stede’s question.
And then the music started and Ed had to grit his teeth.
Of all fucking songs.
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jophiel-shakes · 2 years
Hello !! I really liked your roommate headcanons with Freddy! Super tasty! Could you do the same with Sun and Moon?
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note :: living with Sun & Moon. The post anon was talking about
warning :: none
reader pronouns :: none mentioned
relationship :: romantic can also be read as pining/platonic
Similar to Freddy, he’s all about keep the house clean- sometimes. He’s both very messy and clean. It’s strange.
He cleans up after you, no worries, but often leaves disorganisation wherever he goes. The spare room you offered to him (which he barely uses, deciding to hang in your room majority of the time) can sometimes be scattered and in disarray.
So you two often split cleaning, he cleans up your messes and you clean up his.
He reserves one day a week for whole house cleaning; that means washing, drying, folding, vacuuming, dusting, all that.
He feels it’s the best way to show his gratitude to you for re-homing him and caring for him.
Whenever you’re away, Sun will busy himself (or at least try) with painting or colouring.
He’s a lovely roomy, always close by and keeping you company (which may become annoying, but he knows when to back off once you tell him).
He pushes communication quite a lot, asking you “Whatcha thinking ‘bout?” Or “Tell me all about your day!” and generally trying to pick at your brain.
Video games! It’s one of his favourite activities to do with you wether it’s watching you play, or him playing beside you he loves it. Wholesome games such as animal crossing, Mario party and Mario Kart are his favourites to play with you.
The two three of you actually have separate Netflix profiles; his is ‘Sun!! :D’ with the yellow smile icon, Moon’s is just ‘Moon Netflix’ with the blue smile icon. Original.
Sun looovesss to watch comedy, sitcoms, romance, fantasy and drama. He always finds himself getting invested in characters and the storylines, so much that he can get emotional when something had happens.
He likes to cook for you! He was never a food handler in the daycare (other than the provided candies) so cooking is new to him, and he likes to explore different meals with you. Sometimes he’ll provide you with some ingredients to buy when you go grocery shopping. Although his food may not be the best because he can’t taste, he’s gotten pretty good at making eggs and bacon!
Since Sun got access to the internet, the house has gotten colourful with cheap decorations. Especially his room.
Even though Sun’s never in his room for too long, he managed to make it look just like the daycare. Posters, drawn pictures, sun and moon accessories. It was very homely… something of a safe space for him.
Sometimes Sun will grieve the home he’s lost in his room. Children on TV or kids playing outside will trigger sadness and melancholy, you try to be there for him but sometimes it’s best to leave him be.
To make him feel better, you try to find memorabilia of the pizzaplex and daycare online, to help him feel more at home. Doll’s also help a little, it’s like he has a child to pretend with.
Moon likes to think he runs the place, but he really doesn’t. He only acts as a bossy alarm clock.
No more all nighters, late nights and heaven forbid any parties that kept you till the early morning.
Occasionally, Moon might let you off the hook but only if you have the next day off so you can sleep in.
The first few nights he stayed, you could tell he was a little uncomfortable with the new, much smaller space. So you tried to warm him up with familiar activities- kind of like a sleepover!
Think makeovers, truth or dare, karaoke, fort making (he enjoyed that one the most).
Unsurprisingly, Moon likes to watch everything Sun doesn’t. Psychological horror, thriller, sci-fi. He’s not particularly fond of gore or jumpscares, he only loves the genres because of your squeamish reactions. He finds it’s a great bonding experience to watch scary films with you.
He does avoid horror films that freak you out too much, ones that keep you up. There’s a fine line between nightmare fuel and basic horror, so he always chooses the movie to keep everything balanced. You don’t have much of a choice anyway, he always steals the remote.
Moon actually enjoys documentaries! He will often watch them while you sleep or if you take the night out.
He never uses the spare bedroom to sleep.. if that’s even what he does. From sunset onwards he’s looming over you, clingy yet distant.
The first night, he followed you into your room and stare, you ended up inviting him to sleep with you but only for the night (which ended up being every night).
Eventually, he wouldn’t need an invite and he would crawl into bed after you.
Once again, he had to warm up to this but as your trust continued to grow, you found he was much happier to show affection.
Moon actually quite enjoyed cuddling you. When he worked in the pizzaplex affection could never be shown to a child for jealously reasons. Although he missed the children, he enjoyed focusing all his attention onto you.
Nevertheless, you find his hugs are still hesitant and that you need to guide his hands into a tighter cuddle. Hopefully with each day he becomes more accustomed to everything.
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