#there are no fire arrows for you Link you arsonist you
thekristen999 · 2 years
Fight In the Shadows  33k
The 118 are summoned to a distant location in the desert, become trapped, have to fight for their lives, and Buck and Eddie finally realize they've been pining for each other for years. Now, if they can all make it out alive.
A Light in the Darkness 1k 
Post-apocalyptic vibes, future fic.
Whose Attention? 6k 
Tommy didn’t spend days chasing Buck. Or Tommy's pursuit of Eddie and the craziness that ensures whenever they're around his best friend.
Follow You Into The Dark
Buck kept a firm grip around Eddie’s arm as he was guided down hallways. They’d both experienced something like this before during the Academy: cadet’s exercises where both teammates were blindfolded and forced to depend on the other to escape burning buildings. This wasn’t unlike that experience, except of course this was real and Buck’s freaking eyes were swollen shut and Eddie was concussed and deaf.
(Or a serial arsonist terrorizes the city, plunging Buck and Eddie into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.)
Cutting The Ties That Bind -Complete Evan Buckley was a businessman, he had meetings and deadlines like everyone else.
Occasionally, he got threatened, but it was usually all hot air and ego. That all changed the day his breaks were tampered with. Enter Eddie Diaz, security specialist, who was not easily impressed by Buck’s expensive suits or financial conquests. That was okay. Buck enjoyed a challenge. AKA The Mafia AU.
Summary: Forced to take shady side jobs to pay his bills, Evan Buckley doesn’t think he’s ever seen such rock bottom. Until he meets Eddie Diaz, a man even more desperate and alone. Season 3 AU. 
Hold the Pain, Release Me   6k  Eddie is encouraged to explore art therapy.
Buddha's Arrow  4k. Buck helps Eddie navigate chronic pain.
Hand Covers Bruise  7k Eddie character study.
Are You With Me?  27k Eddie and Buck navigate a relationship post Eddie Begins.
Trying Hard to Remember, Trying Hard To Forget 25k Post shooting. Eddie and Buck shared a trauma, but undergo different healing paths. Struggles of recovery.
A Light in the Darkness 1k Post-apocalyptic vibes 
Tick...Tick...Boom    4k. Call gone wrong.
Beside You In Time  2k Post shooting. Pain meds.
Stand By Me 2k  Post shooting. Missing scene. Hospitals
Nothing Burns Like The Cold 2k Buck and Eddie get trapped in a freezer. 
Crash Into You- 3k Eddie gets struck by lightening. Medic!Buck (written a year ago)
There Goes My Hero, He's Ordinary  7k Post Eddie Begins.  Medic!Buck. Near drowning/Hypothermia    
We're In This Together Now  5k Meth lab fic. Medic!Eddie
Alone In The Dark With You 14k  Buck and Eddie get trapped in a cave-in and things go from bad to worse. Medic!Eddie Medic!Buck
Action/Adv or Drama
We’ve Got Fun & Games   7k The Team competes in local Amazing Race  Challenge. Hijinks ensue.
Misadventures In The Great Outdoors  8k Camping trip from hell. (Action Humor)
The World Is On Fire And No One Can Save Me But You  6k Eddie and Buck get caught in a riot.
The Shape Of Water 9k T.  How water has influenced Buck’s life. Backstory. Medic!Buck
We Found Each Other (Over There) 46k  Epic WWII AU.
Lost  5k  Alt ending to The Searchers. Christopher is not found right away.
Whatever It Takes To Find You  5k   Eddie Begins AU.  Buck is a Pararescue (PJ) specialist sent to rescue the downed chopper.
All Fic Links:
9-1-1/Buddie Fic
H50/McDanno Fic
Daredevil Fic
Coffee Fund :)
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mehkuno · 4 years
Tumblr media
The Legend of President Zelda School of the Wild Archery-Kyudo Club feat. the Ritos 🏹
Captain Teba, ace archer Revali, and club manager Saki help run Hyrule's archery club. Honorary member Link drops by whenever he's at the Vah Medoh wing of the academy BUT by President Zelda's decree and for the safety of the whole student body, he's not allowed to light any arrows on fire!
🌸 More art for School of the Wild, a school AU of Zelda BOTW drawn in old-timey-anime aesthetic.
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crystalirises · 3 years
The Duel You Wove Into His Destiny
Not me writing Pet War angst. Why am I here---
But yes. Pet War angst.
TW:  Character Death and a Sexual Joke (A. Joke. It. Is. Not. Meant. To. Be. Taken. Seriously.)
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/76402061
He’d stolen his father’s bow, a discarded relic of a war that he’d swore was not yet won. His hands trembled, throat dry with the fear of what was to come. Tubbo eyed him from the sideline, a concerned frown etched upon his younger uncle’s face. Tubbo had wanted to call for Wilbur, wished for the conflict to end in a peaceful resolve but he would not have it. His father hadn’t even noticed his cries in the middle of the night and he certainly would not have cared for what he was about to do. His hand found its way to his chest, tracing the life scar of a death that was still too fresh on his mind. He looked down at his fingertips, the marks of fire marring his hands from a death of explosion and heat. They did not know, no one knew for how could he have ever told his father? If he were to say what had been done, he’d never have been allowed to leave the walls ever again. He’d rather die free than stay stuck inside those horrid blackstone walls.
“Scared? All you have to do is apologize and maybe I’ll let you go back home to daddy.”
His attention snapped forward, teeth raising in a snarl. Sapnap had made his way to Fundy’s side of the field, an old bow resting on his shoulder. The arsonist flashed him a toothy grin, twirling the arrow in his hand. Fundy would not be intimidated. He couldn’t be. Sapnap leaned closer, his smug face inches from his own that Fundy had to restrain himself from reaching and clawing.
“Fuck you.” It was not eloquent, not even an insult. He could not bring himself to speak any longer, not if it meant having to prolong the agony of what was to happen. A smirk found its way to the arsonist’s face, this close, Fundy could see the mirth amusement in his eyes. This was a man who could care less for the hearts of others, he’d already displayed that when he had gone out of his way to kill Fungi. He would not lie, he knew he was also in the wrong for provoking the man into a fight. He should have just ignored the burning rage in his chest, and then perhaps he’d move on and be the bigger man in the situation. But Fundy couldn’t let it go. He wouldn’t.
“I know I’m good looking but you’re not my type.” Disgust raced through his veins at the thought of even一 Sapnap mockingly patted his cheek before heading back to his place, a relaxed stride in his step as though he already knew what the outcome would be. Fundy hated him. He hated how he could be so confident and so free. In another time he might have even been in awe of him, but now was not that time. “Take me out to dinner first, babe! Then we can fuck.”
His tail bristled, his cheeks turning a furious red at the callousness and teasing that he was being subjected to. Tubbo glanced over at him, eyes wide with surprise but his uncle could do nothing. After all, he was invited to be a referee. He could not step in to help Fundy, lest he showed a clear bias. Fundy forced a smile on his face, knowing that he had to give Tubbo some form of encouragement, especially since… He held the bow tighter in his hand. He would not think it. He took a shaky breath before stepping forward, Sapnap having already made his way to the center. They stood there, gazes baring into each other’s eyes. Fundy’s eyes glinting with righteous fury and Sapnap’s showing a flash of dull boredom. Fundy hated him, he really really hated him.
“Gentlemen, please turn around.” Tubbo’s voice rang through the still silence, and Fundy quickly turned on his heel. “I shall count to ten, with each number both of you must take a step forward.”
He took a deep breath. “On the count of ten, both of you must shoot… I shall begin.” Tubbo began to count, his feet moving on their own as he notched his arrow into his father’s bow. He had to be ready. He needed to be. He kept his gaze forward, his heart hammering inside his chest.
His fingers trembled. Could he do it? Could he really shoot a man? Would that mean justice for Fungi or was it merely petty revenge? He hadn’t been kind himself in this war, knowing that he had committed his own share of crimes. He hesitated at the seventh count, clear clarity flooding into his mind for what felt like weeks of nothing but sheer anger. He glanced down at his hands, his scarred hands that have felt the warmth of blood. He had killed in this war, he had killed in the first war too. He wasn’t innocent, and in this duel, he won’t be a hero for winning. He’d just be… the victor. And he’d gain nothing but a momentary feeling of triumph and justice…
But was it justice when they’d both already taken so much from the other? He knew it would be cheating, but he casted a look back. Sapnap was a few feet away, but there was a visible tenseness in his shoulders now, the mockingly nonchalant pace that he once had was gone. Fundy looked away, the ninth count ringing in his ears. He was trembling. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He took a shaky breath, recalling a story his father had once told him. He knew how the story ended, but he wasn’t going to take a life today despite… He smiled, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes. He couldn’t do it. He steadied his hold on his bow, closing his eyes as he imagined a better place. He saw his mother on the other side. He saw Fungi on the other side. He heard the tenth count. He took a final breath, and aimed his arrow to the sky.
“Tubbo! Good to see you, is there any reason why you’ve come to visit?” Wilbur glanced up from his paperwork, smiling at the blonde who stood before him. Tubbo didn’t meet his gaze.
“Wilbur, I…” Tubbo fidgeted in his place. Wilbur took the time to put his full attention on his brother, gasping at the sight of blood on the blonde’s shirt and fingertips. A flicker of pain danced in Tubbo’s light blue eyes. “I’m so sorry, Wilbur. No one knew. We thought一”
“Tubbo, calm. Breath, alright? What do you want to tell me?”
Tubbo glanced up, tears in his eyes. “A-as of this afternoon, Fundy Soot was shot d-dead by Sapnap in a duel for The Pet War… Wilbur, Fundy was on his last life. We don’t know how一”
There was a harrowing and suffocating silence that pursued after.
“Wilbur?” He barely heard Tubbo’s voice, his mind going completely numb at the proclamation. He swallowed, forcing himself to breath. Tubbo was looking at him, unsure of what to do and clearly looking for advice. Wilbur didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t sure if he could bring himself to without crumbling into tears. Tubbo tried to reach a hand for him, but he moved away, hands rising to hold his head. The ringing in his ears refused to stop. “Wilbur, what do we do一”
“Get out.” He sunk into his seat, face pressed into his hands. He couldn’t deal with the presence of another being right now. He could hear Tubbo hesitate, but after a moment, he heard the door to his office close with a soft click. Wilbur was left alone in the silence of his office. He fingers curling into his hair as he pulled at them in frustration. His heart felt like it was breaking.
A hand reached out, scrabbling at his desk until his fingers gripped the edge of a small picture frame. He pulled it closer to himself, eyes focusing on the nearly faded picture. His own face stared up at him - his past self still wearing the yellow sweater that Wilbur wasn’t sure where he’d last left it. He looked much younger in the picture, a man who couldn’t have thought that he’d one day be the president of a country he himself had founded. Oh, to live in ignorant bliss…
He looked over at the small kid that his past self carried in his arms, the little fox hybrid smiling brightly at the camera as his tail smacked right onto Wilbur’s chin. He chuckled, laughing until his joy turned into tears wailing and tears. He pressed his head against the top of his desk, the weight of what had happened finally hitting him with full force. His son was gone. He was dead.
His heart was crumbling into shards, but he couldn’t bring himself to fall apart. He had a country to run… that didn’t mean anything anymore. He screamed, burning anger mixing with the pain.
“Fundy… oh gods… Fundy!”
When was the last time he’d spoken to his son? When was the last time he’d even seen his son? He trembled, trying to remember. He couldn’t remember. WHY COULDN’T HE FUCKING REMEMBER?! Did he say goodbye before he had left for the office? Had he ruffled his son’s hair on his way out? He couldn’t remember. He couldn’t remember. Wilbur couldn’t remember.
Duel… why hadn’t he known about the duel?
Had his son told him and he hadn’t been paying attention? Wilbur shook, terrified at the thought that he could have prevented his son’s death if he had just looked after Fundy more closely.
He didn’t know, all he knew was that his little champion was dead.
He stood up, tucking the picture frame into his pocket.
He had a funeral to plan.
uh oh not the time for this pet war angst ;-; 
Anyway, explanation: Fundy lost his first life in the final control room, and he lost his second life during the explosion that followed soon after. AKA, I just wanted a way to kill off Fundy in the Pet War because of the whole ‘Philip’ shtick and how Fundy had to die in a duel. So... yeah... bye...
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tippenfunkaport · 4 years
Tippen's Fics Megapost
Here’s a list of every fic I’ve posted so far. On AO3 * FanFiction.net.
Tips are super appreciated! ko-fi.com/tippenfunkaport   
I will update this post whenever I post new fics so you can find the complete list all in one place.
I’ve collected my one-shots in the order they happen in two main collections for easier reading.
SPOP Missing Scenes - Collection of missing scene fics (mostly Glimbow)
SPOP Canon Compliant Post-War Fics - Collection of all my fics that happen Post-Season 5
Key for main ships in each fic
😻 = Catra / Adora (Catradora)
💖 = Bow / Glimmer (Glimbow, Glow or *sigh* Blimmer)
🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 = Mermista / Sea Hawk (SeaMista or Merhawk)
🦂💐 = Perfuma / Scorpia (Scorfuma)
🥼 = Entrapta / Hordak (Entrapdak)
Key for fic status
📕 = Multi-chapter completed
📄 = One Shot
📖 = Multi-chapter work in progress
📖 Glowing Up: The Princess and The Pirate (Friendship / Fluff / Adventure) - 💖 The origin story for how Bow and Glimmer met!
📖 Prince Bow and Archer Glimmer (Romance / Adventure) - 💖 AU where Glimmer and Bow swap roles!
📖 Going There (Romance / Adventure) - 💖 Series of missing scene fics from Glimmer and Bow’s perspective of Season 5.
Ensemble or Platonic Fics
Fics that either feature multiple pairings (aka the whole gang together) or just friendships and family relationships.
📄 An Outside Perspective (Comedy/Fluff) - 😻 💖 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 🦂💐 An average Etherian and his mentor travel to Bright Moon to attend Queen Glimmer’s ceremony honoring the regular people who acted heroically during the Horde War but why does the Queen’s boyfriend look so familiar? (Almost everyone is in this one!)
📕 The B-Team (A Catra and Bow Buddy Adventure) (action/adventure) - 😻 💖 Catra and Bow try to save their stubborn magic girlfriends from themselves and accidentally become friends along the way. (50/50 Glimbow and Catradora)
📄 Bow White and the Seven Princesses (A Bedtime Story, as told by Sea Hawk) (Comedy/Fluff) - 💖 😻 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Sea Hawk and Mermista are babysitting the children of Bright Moon and Sea Hawk tells them a special personalized version of the classic fairy tale featuring their parents in the starring roles.
📄 Pride and Princesses (Another Bedtime Story, as told by Sea Hawk) (comedy/fluff) - 😻 💖 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Uncle Sea Hawk is back! This time he’s reading the children of the Super Pal Trio a tale of epic ROMANCE and ADVENTURE, the classic love story between Adorabeth Boomnets and Fitzmeowmoew Catsy. (Yes, it’s a ridiculous SPOP version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.)
📕 SPOP Palentines - A collection of 15 one-shots (mostly funny but a couple of serious ones) celebrating friendship, family and other more complicated dynamics! (Table of Contents here)
📄 Web of Lies (Family/Fluff/Romance) - 💖 Bow tires to tell his dads about what happened at Princess Prom without spilling all his secrets.
📄 Of Its Kind (Fluff/Family) -  😻 Baby Melog kittens!!
📄 OK With This (fluff) - 🥼🧜🏽‍♀️🔥A Mermista and Hordak friendship? More likely than you might think!
📄 Fraternize, Co-Captain or Assassinate(Fluff / Angst) - 😻💖 The Best Friend Squad plays sleepover games.
📄 Glimmer’s Crazy Day (fluff) - 💖 Glimmer writes in her journal about a really crazy day she had, the kind of wacky day you can only have by totally random chance… right?
📄 Kyle, Lonnie and Rogelio Plot to Steal a Freaky Demon Baby (Fluff/Friendship/Family) - The Horde Trio hanging out in the Crimson Waste and deciding to go back and get Imp.
📄 Good Trouble (Fluff) - 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Sea Hawk drops Double Trouble off after the events of Perils of Peekablue.
📄 Moonlight Ghost - 💖 Something nameless is haunting Bright Moon castle and interrupts the royal family at dinner.
📄 The Fire Prince (Action/Adventure/AU) - 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Beginning of my Beasts AU, Sea Hawk as arsonist Robin Hood
📄 Captain Mermista (fluff/comedy) - 💖 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Swap AU! Adora, Prince Bow and Archer Glimmer come to Seaworthy to hire a ship to take them the see Prince Sea Hawk in Salineas... but they're not sure what to make of Captain Mermista.
Romance / Shippy Fics
📕  Cans of Tuna and Redemption Arcs (Romance / Fluff) - 💖 😻 Pure fluff modern AU in which Catra is Glimmer’s literal pet cat and Adora is Bow’s golden retriever and they all meet cutely. (Technically complete though I sometimes add new chapters randomly)
📕 Save the Archer (Angst / Action / Romance) - 💖 😻 Save the Cat goes wrong. Glimmer gets left behind. Bow gets chipped.
📄 Getting Warmer (Romance/Angst with Happy Ending) - 💖 It’s only a few hours before they’ll be going to rescue Catra and a traumatized Glimmer is having nightmares of having to face Horde Prime again. When she wakes up screaming, the only person she wants to comfort her is still mad at her, their relationship damaged beyond repair. Or is it?
📄 Another World (Angst/Romance) - 💖 Post Princess Prom Horde Glimmer AU
📕  First Kisses We Didn’t Have(fluff/romance) - 💖 A collection of one shots where Bow and Glimmer might have gotten together if things in canon had happened just a little bit differently.
📕 A Merry SPOP Shipsmas! (Fluff / Romance) - 😻 🥼 💖 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 🦂💐 Collection of one-shots inspired by famous holiday songs, one for each major canon ship!
📄 Just Like Always (Romance / Fluff) - 💖 😻 Adora and Catra think they’re helping Bow and Glimmer with an elaborate marriage proposal but their friends have pulled a bait and switch.
📄 “Yes, your majesty.”(Comedy/Fluff) - 💖 Bow accidentally refers to Glimmer as “your majesty” during a Princess Alliance meeting.  But, it’s fine, she should be able to make it through this meeting without getting completely distracted by sexy thoughts, right?
📄 Babysitting Arrows (Comedy/Fluff) - 💖 😻 Comic antics ensue when Catra thinks Glimmer might be pregnant and Adora’s Aunt instincts go into overdrive. 
📄 Time and Space (Romance/Smut) - 💖 When Bow and Glimmer have their first big fight as a married couple, Glimmer just wants to skip ahead to the part when she’s forgiven. But when an apology isn’t enough and Bow’s still mad at her, she uses magic to recreate a moment from their past with a sexy twist.
 📕 Glimbow Shorts (Romance / Fluff) - 💖 Various short fics I wrote for Glimbow Week. This is made up of…
Prompt: Memory: Bow tries to get Glimmer to remember the ridiculous names of all his siblings. (Post Canon)
Prompt: Injury: Bow patches Glimmer up after she gets injured on a mission. (Missing Scene)
Prompt: Touch: The Best Friend Squad is having a sleepover the night after their visit to Plumeria and Bow wakes up to discover he’s been unwittingly cuddling Glimmer in his sleep. (Missing Scene)
Prompt: Princess Prom / Jealousy: Glimmer wakes from a nightmare with a question for Bow. (Post Canon)
Prompt: Family: Glimmer talks to Micah while he enjoys a snack in the Bright Moon garden. (Post Canon)
Prompt: Swap: 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Glimbow and Seamista swap places for a scene from Princess Prom (AU)
Prompt: Wedding / Proposal:  Shortly after Angella’s disappearance, Bow and Adora discover that new Queen Glimmer’s been getting marriage proposals from would be suitors (Missing Scene)
📄 The Gift of a Lifetime - (Romance) 💖 It’s Bow’s Birthday, and the whole gang is getting together for a big party. Everyone keeps saying he doesn’t look a day over 30! Problem is… he’s turning 50.
📄 Shells (Angst/Friendship) - 💖 Bow trying not to have a breakdown about losing Glimmer to Horde Prime while cooking for Adora.
📄 Scars - (Angst / Romance) 💖 Bow is all healed from the Pulse bot but there are still a lot of open wounds between him and Glimmer.  
📄 Kowl Jr. (Fluff with a wee bit of Angst/Romance) - 💖 Bow and Glimmer are called to investigate reports of poachers in the Whispering Woods and find a creature long thought extinct.
📕 The Wrong Princess Prom (Romance / Drama) - 💖 Key moments from Princess Prom through Battle of Bright Moon from Bow’s perspective
📄 Parenting is an ADVENTURE! (Fluff, Romance)- 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Sea Hawk and Mermista being domestic with their kids!
📄 Booty Call(comedy / romance) -  💖 Glimmer indulges Bow’s pirate fantasy. Sexy but not explicit.
📄 Did Someone Say Seabowmista? (comedy) - 💖 🧜🏽‍♀️🔥 Joke fic I wrote for April Fool's Day where all may not be what it seems when Bow agrees to a threesome with Mermista and Sea Hawk.
Find my fics on AO3 * FanFiction.net. Only AO3 is linked from the titles to simplify my life.
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glasyasbutch · 4 years
playlist: stella # 1
link to playlist (on spotify)
1. I Will Never Die by Delta Rae
Hickory, oak, pine, and wheat, bury my heart underneath these trees / And when a southern wind comes to move my soul, spread my spirit like a flock of crows
The opening / closing line to this song really hits me in the forest gnome ... She grew up in a culture where the trees grew with the spirits of the dead and as far as her life has carried her from those trees, she still believes in her heart that she’ll live on in them when she eventually dies. 
It’s not a melancholy song, though, cause she’s a bona fide badass. It’s about getting revenge for wrongs done to you, which Stella spent years and years trying to do, and about living for your grudges, which she also does.
2. Dog Days are Over by Florence & The Machine
Run fast for you mother, run fast for your father, run for your children, for your sisters and brothers / Leave all your love and your longing behind, you can’t carry it with you if you want to survive
A song for new beginnings borne from the ashes of your old home.
3. Arsonist’s Lullaby by Hozier
All you have is your fire, and the place you need to reach / Don’t you ever tame your demons, but keep them on a leash
This one’s about survivor’s guilt, and the feeling of heat on your heels as you turn tail from the flames and run towards the city you were always warned would kill you but ended up leaving you the last one standing. Take it literally, she’s been a little obsessed with fire ever since it destroyed her (to the point of falling in love with a fiery tief), or take it metaphorically, about the streak dark curiosity about life outside of her clan that no elder could train out of her, and that pulled her into a criminal underworld she wasn’t prepared to handle. 
(Also i :3 at this song being on Caleb’s playlist because if any of my characters are Caleb kinnies, it’s stella.)
4. Smell by Sleeping at Last
Triggered like a tripwire every time I breathe it in, isn’t it strange how a lilac tree unlocks where I’ve been / Time and space are at my back performing disappearing acts, and now I can’t escape the smell of smoke
All your senses have the capability to remember when you least expect it. The song that makes me cry the most on here.
5. Landscape by Florence & The Machine
Cause she’s just like the weather, can’t hold her together, born from dark water, daughter of rain and snow / Cause its burning through the bloodline, it’s cutting down the family tree, growing in the landscape, darling, in between you and me
Hee Hee Hoo Hoo Nature Imagery As A Metaphor For Trauma And Loss
6. Me and My Friends are Lonely by Matt Maeson
I cope smothered in smoke, dehydrate my soul, I know things you don’t / I’ve met murdering folk, and they took one of my own, took our innocent home
@ manic and craving:  😔✊
this one’s for the fire trauma criminal squad!!!! 
7. Cocoa Hooves - Stripped by Glass Animals
This old goat with beard of grey, he turns his leather-gripped cane / Those times you clapped and called for quiet, they’ve come to hold you, ain’t that nice? / Come on you hermit, you never fight back, why don’t play with bows and arrows?
This is a song for the moment she got caught on the job, dripping all the sleaze and thinly veiled threatening-ness of her deal with Geran (the fantasy capitalist who offered to clear her criminal record in exchange for a year of work as his personal guard, effective immediately, no questions asked). 
8. as good a reason by Paris Paloma
I met a woman with lips so red, a face so lined like spiderwebs / I'll always remember the things she said / They were so wise, she opened my eyes, they'll never close again / Oh, how she sighed when she stubbed her cigarette, I felt compelled to enquire of her success / 'How do you do, how do you be so in love with yourself'?
Craving! Taught! Stella! To! Channel! Her! Spite! And oh boy. did that girl channel it.
9. Gunnin’ For You by Nick Nolan
When hell is rainin’ down, you’ll see my face, won’t hear a sound / You’ll feel that bullet burnin’ through, take your last breath, boy, I’m gunnin’ for you
What was her job you ask? Shooting people for money. Assassin time :)
10. Murder by Within Temptation
I’m killing them all, I put my soul on the line, I purify sins that I’ve committed in life / I follow them all and I’ll be bringing them down, wherever they go I’m right behind / There’s nowhere to go, you’re high on the line, there is no rope, you’re running out of time / So where will you go when I murder your soul?
Assassin time again, but this time, with Revenge and Retribution Vibes. Stella finds an amount of satisfaction in killing that terrifies her, because someone else - rich, privileged, deserving - is feeling the same pain she knows too dearly. Like, most of the people she was hired to kill were utter shit heads and as someone coming from the bottom, it was kind of her right to take everything from them. 
Also. This Band Sexy I Like Them So Much.
11. Heroes Dress in Black by Blues Saraceno
I’ll shoot you down, your lord I’ll forsake / Forgiveness for all, my soul be saved / My heroes dress in black
The final assassin time, included 85% because I think this song is EXTREMELY sexy and 15% because pretty much of all Stella’s living friends and allies she met in the criminal underbelly
12. Hear the Bells by Porter Robinson
Doctor, I’ve been walking by the side of the road for a long time, and I’m going out of my mind / It’s so far from me now, but I can hear the sound / Can’t you hear the bells sing in Cologne? You won’t hear it on the radio / Madness is the hero coming home, can’t you hear the bells?
This one’s about her crawling her way back into normalcy, not really knowing where she’s going, and not really believing she can actually just. Have a life again, but hoping really, really hard that she can.
13. Any Other World by MIKA
‘Cause it’s all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man / Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in
ASSIGNED MIKA KIN SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Keep in mind that Stella was originally a back-up Strahd character, and listen to this song with three choruses, one for each bitter, bitter  man (the fantasy capitalist that burned down her clan, the fantasy capitalist that caught her on the job, and the vampire shithead that stole her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s brother and then maybe her too) that took her life out of her hands, and get emo about it.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Analyzing Sneak Peeks - They’re SO Giving Me the TD Tingles!
Good morning! First let me say that it doesn’t look like I’ll get the Titles meta up until next week. My apologies. I’m still wrestling with it, and there’s just so much going on this week with the premiere so close.
Yesterday, my FB group was just afire with all the stuff we saw in the recently-released sneak peeks. They make me super-happy, so I wanted to go over them with you.
First there’s this sneak peek. Watch it here:
Yeah, a certain dark ship is freaking out about the hug, but whatevs. As I said in my group yesterday, Daryl seems utterly uninterested. But that’s not even what I want to talk about here. What caught my attention is the dialogue. After the hug, Daryl says, “It’s gonna be fun.” Carol answers, “No it isn’t.”
Sound familiar? It should:
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That’s the exact same phrasing used in Still. And no one’s talked about killing walkers being fun or not fun since Beth and Daryl did. This whole thing FEELS a lot like Operation Lead the Walkers Away in 6x01, but they didn’t say anything like this in S6.
Other things in this sneak peak:
When we first see Morgan walk toward the group, there’s a crashed, upside-down car behind him. Despite being upside down, it STILL has it’s trunk open. What are the odds of that?
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Side Note: Also notice the fire hydrant on the left. There are actually 3 in this scene. The other two are in the other direction. One on the left of the red car (which is red, but looks a lot like the one Carol drove when Rick exiled her from the prison in S4) and the other in the distance on the corner. 
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What block has 3 fire hydrants so close together? Goes back to the Daryl = Fire, Beth = Water Theory.
I’m curious about Tara’s line: Pleasure doing business with you. Not sure what it means or if it’s even a TD thing. It’s just an odd thing to say at a time like this. It has the ring of a deal, like the way things are run at Grady or the Sanctuary. Or even the prisoner exchange?
Daryl’s, “Better than letting things be though, right?” just reminds me a lot of, “We might as well do something.” Even if it’s not an exact dialogue parallel.
Same when Carol says, “It’s started.” And Daryl says, “Yeah, it was always gonna be that way.” Kind of like, “It went the way it had to, the way it was always going to.”
Onto the next promo. 
This one’s way crazier. Watch it here:
Okay, so let me just go over the symbols I’m seeing quickly and then we’ll talk about the super-important ones we can really sink our teeth into.
There’s the clock, which I’ll come back to.
Purple flowers by the bedside. This mirrors the purple flowers Rick saw in 1x01, as well as the ones Maggie saw when she woke up at Hilltop in 7x05. Tons of Beth parallels there. 
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There’s a repeat sign in the metal work.
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Kind of like we saw in the trees here: 
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Kinda points to Oceanside maybe? Although we do also see them around Morgan and the mailboxes a lot. Actually, given the clock stuff you’ll read below, I’m wondering for the first time if this could represent the V-shape of the clock hands.
I like that Daryl sends a message with an arrow. Not sure how to interpret that yet, but I think it’s interesting. I think Daryl is showing lots of self-control by NOT shooting Dwight just like Dwight did to Denise. And for the record, watching Dwight look terrified when the arrow hits, I almost feel like it’s a death foreshadow for him. Who knows when he’ll die–maybe not for a long time–but I wonder if they’ll kill him just like he killed Denise?
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We see him through the spokes of a bike. (X, X, X) And even the “tomorrow” on his note is important. I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ll talk about it more in my Titles meta when I get it posted. In short, we think “tomorrow” = war, but also winning the war and also probably Beth in some way. Again, details coming.
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Tara writes in a journal (like Beth’s journal), has red licorice in her mouth (Red Object) and is wearing the sunglasses she found in 7x06. (Linked to Beth’s possible blindness.)
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There are school buses in the background when Rick is giving his speech. I’ll come back to that one too. 
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Okay, that’s most of the small things. Just lots of symbols we’ve seen a lot in recent seasons. 
Onto the two BIG Things:
1. School Bus Parallels.
Just a few bars of a song are played at the beginning. It sounds a bit like an Irish jig, but M-Nonny was able to identify the song as a parody of “Another One Bites the Dust” done by Weird Al. It’s called, “Another One Rides the Bus.”
I’m sorry? The bus? As in School bus parallels? (X, X)
Two thing about this:
1) In S4, Maggie thought Glenn was on the school bus. He wasn’t. They did a minor death fake out for him. It turned out he was back where they’d originally come from at the prison. No one knew he was back there or thought to look for him there. Massive Beth parallels there, because they went back looking for her in a car, but she was back at Grady, where they’d come from. No one thought to look for her there. Chances are they circled out from the car, just as Bob said they’d made circles out from the bus, looking for Glenn.
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2) The other major bus they used was the one Abraham and Team D.C. took toward the capital in 5x05, Self-Help. Remember that this bus had the same license plate as the car that kidnapped Beth in Alone. That bus was headed to D.C. So “another one rides the bus” suggests some other character we haven’t see that fits into both these molds. In other words, Beth.
2. Let’s talk about this damn clock. Did it strike anyone else as SUPER suspicious?
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First of all, we’ve seen this time before. In 7x06, at Oceanside, Cindy looks at a clock that reads the same time: 8:22. In terms of episodes, that points to 8x04, which is the episode I personally think Beth will show up in. But it’s SO much more than that.
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It’s an upside-down mirror image of the clock from Still. Look:
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In Still, the clock’s hands point out and up. The time is 2:52, which is 8 minutes before the hour. Remember that it says this time the first time Beth and Daryl pass it. After going into the gift shop room, where Beth puts on her yellow polo (escape), they pass the clock again and it chimes the hour, which means 8 minutes have passed. Probably an indication that things will come back around in season 8.
This clock that we saw Oceanside and now in this sneak peek has hands that mirror the Still clock, but they point out and down, with the time at 8:22, or 8 minutes before the half hour. Not entirely sure what that points to, but no way it’s a coincidence, especially as we’ve seen it twice now. Could mean something big for 8x06, or for the MSF (8x08) which is half way through the season.
Either one works as ep 6 would mirror 6x06, Always Accountable and 7x06, Swear, which were both super-heavy on the Beth symbolism. And of course the MSF could also potentially be big. Not only bc it’s the MSF, but also it will be exactly 3 (Rule of Threes) seasons after Coda, and it’s also the second date listed on the headstone in Alone. All of which make me happy.
@bluesandbeth also noted that this clock had no second hand. What came to mind for me is the clock from 5x09. This one:
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@paolo_pedini (IG) told me that the red dial there isn’t a second hand. (I wouldn’t have even thought about it on my own.) If you watch, it doesn’t move. It stays in place. It has something to do with the fact that this is an alarm clock.
So this clock from the sneak peek mirrors the clock BETH CONTINUALLY STARES AT in 5x09, in that there is no second hand.
But look at this clock in 5x09 more closely. Yes, it is a different time. It says 5:10, not 8:22. But if you look at it, including the red hand, it points to three of the four directions we’ve had indicated here. We have one roughly on the two (ten after the hour), roughly on the 4/5, and roughly on the 8. The only one we’re missing is the one pointing to the 10.
Not sure how to interpret that, but maybe as an “in-between”? The clocks prior to Beth being shot (the one in Still and the 10:10, Get Well Soon on her wall) point upward. All the clocks in 5x09 point to 5:10 (which also point to the episode where the music box wakes up) and now in S7 and S8, the clock hands are all pointing downward. Do what that what you will.
M-Nonny also pointed out that we see presentations of the positions these hands point to in the second hand of Beth’s ticking clock in Slabtown.
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See? The meaning of these clocks is SO much more complex than we ever realized!
I also looked into the Westclox brand. It’s a company that’s been around a long time. Since pre-WWII. They’re best known for their alarm clocks and, wait for it, pocket watches. Glenn anyone? Also, randomly, their headquarters was burnt down back in 2010. The work of two arsonists, who were convicted. No idea if that went into the planning, but Still didn’t air until 2014. Beth and Daryl would qualify as two arsonists in Still. And then there’s The Arsonist’s Lullaby. Now that brand of clock is being shown, front and center, in S8. Just saying.
Just gonna throw in the 8 here in the background (on the black back pack on the right side of the picture) while Beth plays, still sings, and looks at the 5:10 alarm clock.
(Creds to a Nonny in my inbox who I haven’t answered yet for pointing this out to me. 😉💖)
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Okay, that’s basically all I have. If you’re anything like us in the Safe Zone, you should be freaking out about now. Happy Saturday, Everyone. ;D Episode 1 tomorrow night!
25 notes · View notes