#there are more wacky words
groovylittleclown · 1 year
So I had to reset my animal crossing island today due to an extra house being forever stuck on my island. (I made a mistake and trapped myself with it..)
After a totally not tearful goodbye to my villagers, I started up my new island with a MUCH more boring name, for some reason.
I have turned into a fishing fiend. I am typing this to prevent myself from fishing some more. I do not have space for all of this.
On my old island, I spent two whole days fishing and somehow acquired an army of scorpions (which I used as parting gifts(I had so many)). I WISH I got pictures, but I was so excited about showing my mom all of the silly creatures I got, that I forgot..
I also went through my switch images and found some fun pictures and videos of my friends and I hanging out. (I didn't get permission to post them, so I won't, but I'll show the ones of just me.) ((by didn't get permission, I mean I didn't ask))
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I believe I had posted that last one before. ... Actually I think I posted all of them before.
I do not remember the clam one, and when I found it, I thought it was the funniest thing ever.
I might post more pictures of my old and new island better, but for now, I am either going to go to sleep or continue fishing!! Goodnight!!
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The world when pagans, wiccans and witches acknowledge that divine feminine is literally just repackaged tradwife propaganda and dark feminine is oversexualisation of pagan women and their bodies:
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edennill · 4 months
If Silm characters had Tumblr blogs (Years of the Trees):
url: flowers-glade
pfp: probably a cat picture
blog title: have a voice and won't hesitate to use it
bio: 240s * mixed heritage (all three<3) * disrespect any and I am not liable for the consequences * anti-fëanorian * involved in politics to a reasonable extent
blog is a mix of aesthetic/poetry/literary analysis, strongly-voiced political views (no, she's not 'reasonably' involved), and personal posts that sound a lot like bragging tbh
url: 12russandol
pfp: a picrew
blog title: Even scholars have their doubts, even painters have their missteps
bio: eldest brother of seven • yes, my father's Fëanor • probably won't reply to any asks about family matters • busy existing
posts like once a month on a very varied array of subjects. always polite
url: you-are-the-blood-in-my-veins
pfp: something with a dark background
blog title: I just f**ing hate this world
bio: You're not going to like me, but maybe you'll stay to watch the trainwreck
very emo about it, song lyrics and edits, cultivates a deliberately edgy persona (is not really like this irl). steers clear of politics
url: manifestations-sevenfold-daffodil (bastardisation of some hyper-complex philosophical term + something random added on for good measure; if you ask him about the meaning he won't shut up)
pfp: cartoonish snake on a green background with yellow flowers (suspicious similarity to the arafinwean badge)
blog title: Edginess kills
bio: We could also just get on well with eachother :)
posts once a few days, reblogs anything that catches his eye. has contributed to various heritage posts though he isn't tumblr famous, has the epitome of a tumblr sense of humour. rarely makes original posts that aren't about complex philosophical questions.
Bonus - Fëanor:
has no consistent url because he gets banned every two months and has to make a new blog. is a troll. gets into a vicious fight with galadriel every week, neither knowing it's the other. very occasionally posts something more wholesome about his family or craft, but it's rare in comparison.
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rivalsforlife · 7 days
losing "the sight of that man" line was a tragic loss for the narumitsuers but off the top of my head the most visceral line losses I felt were "you literally jumped into my life" and "you should be grateful! I gave you the chance to play the ace attorney!" because the official translations were kinda giving me nothing. the monologue around "sight of that man" is still very impactful when referring only to gregory, but the other two did not hit nearly as hard and were some of my favorite lines in the fan translation.
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 3 months
I had an argument with my friend about this so I’m asking you guys
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vanweezer · 2 months
dunno if you do requests but could I perhaps see some unmasked chris in your style? your art is so SHAPED and I LOOOOVE
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here are the two times i have drawn him ever
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anyway i think emma and sanders should’ve been besties
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maxiwaxipads · 3 months
Tuxam Who Visits Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom! (2/?)
Asphalt timbers the landscape and people decorate the buildings. The wind roams across the city, and the light illuminates below and above.
Badobarm - “It’s a bit crowded than I thought.”
His eyes—the one in black, dwindled across the back-and-forth people’s ravine as it splurged to life’s motion. Stuck in a little gap called an alleyway, he turned to the person beside his left—letting out his hand.
Tuxam - “Badobarm?”
Badobarm - “The crowd here… It’s a bit... Well,—crowded. I’m worry you’ll get lost.”
Tuxam smiled momentarily, as if to comfort Badobarm.
Tuxam - “I’ll be fine. So I’ll stick closely to void your worries.”
Badobarm—gestured forward as they became joint with the walkers. Sound was visualized and noise becoming one with consumption—colored connected and ill-defined. They walked and walked. Veered to the shoes meeting the ground—the bright cheers of advertisers in proclamation. It smelled of fresh product and the grease of good food.
Badobarm - “Hm… Is there anything you want—Tuxam?” “There’s food—but we already ate. There’s toys. Furniture. Clothes. Anything and I’ll get it for you, since it is your day.”
(Badobarm, who waits for a response) (Soon turns around, to not find him)
Badobarm - “…Tuxam?” “Oi, Tuxam! Don’t tell… (Sigh). I didn’t think I’d lose that guy so easily to a crowd…”
Badobarm - “TUUUXAAMMM!” “…I looked down too… I don’t see a flat-as-a-pancake Tuxam sprawled on the floor…”
His shoulders relaxed, as Badobarm closed his eyes. He finished taking a deep breath. Scrouging himself to look up towards the sky, before clasping his hands into a megaphone—
Echoing. And echoing. Some glanced with confused looks or continued their very way. He repeated this a few times, before pushing across the crowd to see a blue dot in the corner of his eyes. Focusing. Interacting with a shirt in hand, he gouged it with a pair of sticks. Next to him, were a few stacked shirts and plastic bags full of who-knows and whatevers. Pushing through the crowd, as he came forward to him. Tuxam.
Badobarm - “…There you are!”
(But the person he called towards was too distracted…) (He crouched down… Waving his hand towards his face, but he was too into the groove… Disastrous indeed…!?) (You can hear Tuxam mumbling to himself)
Tuxam - “…Ideally the design should be simplified but still recognizable to Lord Sam’s size and shape…”
Tuxam - “…It must express both his handsomeness and his cuteness… That is a must-have.”
Tuxam - “…I should see if there’s any cheaper fabric and thread here…” “…It would be a waste if I used my own…”
Tuxam - “…I should also prepare photocopies of my lord as well—to an artist, I’m sure a reference would be of help…”
(Looking towards the side of the knight who was strangely fixated on fixing a shirt… No. Multiple shirts.) (Plastic bags full of yarn, thread, and bootleg tuxedo sam merchandise) (Badobarm took a small plushie, and in “immaculate” imitation…)
“Tuxedo Sam” - “Tuxam! Tuxam! Look over here! I turned thiiiisssss small!”
(The knight, who was fixated on knitting a shirt, finally looked up in surprise)
Tuxam - “…My lord!? How could—”
(He noticed it was only a plushie, but managed to finish his sentence.)
Tuxam - “—you turn this small.”
(He finally noticed Badobarm, crouching down to his level while holding a small tuxedo sam plushie to his face)
Tuxam - “It’s not a good idea to impersonate a lord.”
Badobarm - “It wasn’t my intention, but—I had to get your attention somehow. And I did just that, right?”
(Badobarm placed the plushie back onto the bench, before standing up)  (Looking down to the knight, who awaited to see what he would say)
Badobarm - “Now, what are you doing here?”
Tuxam - “There’s nothing more blasphemous than an incorrect depiction of his handsomeness and cuteness, Lord Sam.”
Tuxam - “In my moment of looking around and admiring the architecture, I spotted the likeness of my lord in one of the—no in multiple shops.”
Tuxam - “As his Knight of Fragaria, it is only my right to do this.” “And I took the challenge of creating designs that could honorably express the image of Lordd Sam”
Badobarm - “Uh-huh.”
Badobarm - “Tuxam.”
(Taking off the hat Tuxam wore, Badobarm delivers a karate chip straight towards his head. It didn’t hurt, but the action was certainly noticeable.)
Tuxam - “Eh…!?”
(Tuxam held the top of his head, in surprise as he watched to see what action Badobarm would take.)
Badobarm - “When I called you out, and suddenly you weren’t there—I thought you got squished by the crowd and flatten yourself into a pancake?!”
Badobarm - “So, Tuxam. Make it an effort to tell me if you see something interesting, okay? We’re both together and spending our time together.”
Badobarm - “But after talking…” “Take this.”
(Badobarm forehead flicks Tuxam.)
Badobarm - “…And this! A personification of my anger.”
(He delivers his final blow…!? A forehead flick…!?)
Tuxam - “…My apologies, Badobarm. I didn’t meant to worry you in that way.”
Badobarm - “I didn’t think you’d be in any danger… But it did worry me when you suddenly vanished like that.”
Tuxam - “Sorry…”
Badobarm - “Take it to heart, will you?”
Tuxam - “I will…”
Tuxam - “But Badobarm, my visor, could I have it back?”
(Badobarm looks at the hat within his hands within a moment, before putting it directly back on Tuxam’s head)
Tuxam - “Thank you.”
(Tuxam readjusts to its position) (Badobarm eyes the bench—a few shirts in a distinct blue color are stacked and seemingly differentiated between each other) (Next to it a single plastic bag stuffed to the brim with Tuxedo Sam merchandise as a ball of yarn spills from it, with the end attached to a pair of knitting needles)
Badobarm - “Could I have a look at that?”
Tuxam - “I don’t see why not.”
Tuxam - “As you can observe, I differentiated the two between what I haven’t fixed and the fixed.”
Tuxam - “It is… Technically meant to be a depiction of my lord, Tuxedo Sam.” “Albeit, a bit poor in taste for my liking.”
Tuxam - “That reminds me! Badobarm, could you—”
Badobarm - “Before you finish with what you have to say…”
Badobarm - “I keep a very delicate line between separating work life with my personal life. If you have something to say, I want you to write a letter to me, ‘kay?”
Tuxam - “…Oh! I’ll keep that in mind then.”
Badobarm - “Good.” “But I’ll carry that for you, if you don’t mind.”
Tuxam - “Ah. You don’t have to do that.”
(Tuxam who takes off his hat.) (And like a magician… He takes the items on the bench and stuffs it within the hat.) (Badobarm blinks a few times.) (He blinks another time—and before he knows it, the continents that once lounged on that same bench is gone.) (Tuxam, who already has hit hat fitted onto him before Badobarm knew it.)
Tuxam - “There.”
Tuxam - “I apologies for wasting valuable time.”
Badobarm - “No—No worries. It’s best if we get going, yeah?”
(Tuxam nods in agreement, and the two of them walk together…) (Badobarm recalls the moment when he managed to take Tuxam’s hat… Wonderstruck if there was a bigger void than he had realized.) (Empathize setting and Badobarm getting lost in thoughts) (Things starting to blur and swirl like getting knocked out, the conscience of a thousand pitter patter of footsteps and the sound of the city becoming noise to the incoherent trace of mind) (something something) (Tuxam - “A gentleman should also be prepared to store his belongings.”) (That’s what he imagined.) (The figment of what a Tuxam might had said if he asked.)
Badobarm - “(What else is a gentleman…?)”
(BWAMH! Badobarm stumbles, as he reclaims his footing.) (In front of him, a convenient pole.)
Tuxam - “B—Badobarm!”
Badobarm - “Huh—What…?!”
Tuxam - “…Be a bit more careful with where you’re a walking.”
Badobarm - “Right…!”
Tuxam - “You’re okay? It doesn’t hurt?”
Badobarm - “Yes. I’m fine. Let’s just continue—”
Thus Ends The Story... (so i can brutally battle myself to the death because the reign of writer's block will soon come never...)
To summarize my problem, “I overheated my brain, and my idiocy couldn’t take it!” (And I want to have fun, not have a headache like right now </3)
Story Concepts I Wanted To Explore
The Crownmaker’s Festival revolves around the local folktale about a king who holds a contest to make a crown suitable for his royal-ness. In exchange, the winner will be granted a wish of their choice. Despite all the elaborate crowns presented to the king, a humble flower wreath wins. The person who won asked to become king for a day. 
The flowers that the participant used are known as “Bird’s Wreath." (further notes below)
The idea behind the “Crownmaker’s Festival” is to explore Badobarm’s dream to become king and whatever that entails? I find Badobarm who would rather prove himself than be dependent on a wish to grant him what he wants. (<- and writing this little in a paragraph about this character makes me want to write essays length about what his character could be like)
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i remember went to a derail trying to write this...
I tried to write or outline a concrete setting.
So I started with what the atmosphere of Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom could look like and maybe what Badobarm's house could also be. (I should have written notable landmarks instead, why am I reflecting on this now at this time...!?)
And then I came to the conclusion: "I need to make a map in order to better visualize the setting." And then I got in the process of worldbuilding (nothing complex, more like writing a few good ideas down). And then I made the map. And then I thought it would be cool if the world of Fragaria was strawberry-shaped.
i blanked out during that. i snapped out of it and realized I spent 4 hours doing most of this in this order. time goes really fast...
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
i love ichiban so much. like in general but like. he's so neurodivergent. so so much i haven't been able to let go of it since i started playing. he's still filtering everything through dragon quest after 18 fucking years in jail without touching it and his loved ones realize and adapt to this bc they're cool so theyre like,, okay,, lemme put it like this. so you got a debuff from your one night stand. it's gonorrhea. and he's like okay i understand. that blows but im ready to hear my treatment options. and then he'd handle it like a well adjusted adult. he just processes it in a roundabout kinda way. he's just like me fr. and he's fully hallucinating gamer shit in the middle of street fights and his friends (who he met 2 days ago) are like lol ok cool cat that's wild. keep hitting them idc. my stats are going up? that's actually really cool ty for telling me i love you forever. i would die for you. and they're right for it. like they just accept him as-is with little fanfare because that's just ichi. they get on his level conversationally and it's not some awful horrific burden to talk about a thing he likes. and he hallucinates and he's not portrayed as some scary monster or unsettling pitiable thing. he's a cool guy and he's got all these nd traits and i think a lotta ppl probably need to see that. it feels very humanizing to me idk. he's a deeply kind and intelligent and loyal and dependable and wonderful man. one of the game protagonists ever maybe THE game protagonist ever and he's always in fucking situations constantly, as is the case with every rgg protag. anyway i love him. i know a lotta ppl look at him and go oh adhd for sure bc he's bouncy or whatever. and while i question that impulse i see you,, but that is NOT all okay. my man has some comorbidities. he's at a quaint little buffet of the dsm-5. something is UP with him and he's doing marvelously and everybody loves him and I love him too. yeag
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ava-of-shenanigans · 1 year
Anyway, tune in next time on my lettuce fuelled mental breakdown when I explain that, no, the Latin translation of the Kahun fragment is wrong again, and Horus (probably*) did not bring Set back to his house with him and then explain why he was there to his mother by saying: “What shall I do? Set came to sodomize me."
*The thing about him explaining the situation that way is definitely wrong, he used a euphemism instead. The thing about Set going back to his house with him is unclear (there’s a big hole in that part of the papyrus, the plural pronoun that the latin translation seemed to assign to a verb was actually attached to a noun instead, there’s some other stuff going on in the original that might make it safer to assume he went alone or that might not, etc.)
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space-mist · 8 months
posting this on my blog where i'm moderately safer. i feel like people online just do Not know how to give good praise/compliments anymore, its always just people goin "*eats ur art*, omg op im gonna kill myself," or some string of emoji combos. which is nice and all...but i feel like the trend of jokey meme responses to people's hard work has seriously damaged the way you interact with artists. not everyone's gonna take that as something nice, it more often than not comes out as an empty remark that doesn't really tell the artist anything. the energy you spent into telling an artist how you're going to shoot them for making an emotionally evocative piece would've been better used telling them how it resonated with you and what you liked about it,
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autism-disco · 1 year
my leitmotif plays but i’m mean and evil now specifically in the night time. call that a darkmotif
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floorpancakes · 1 year
posting this cursed thought while im tired so i cant take it back later
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#its not the funniest possible phrasing but#listen i was watching a cat video and the thoughy came fully formatted into my brain#my brain fully formulates insane tweets to the word in my head a lot#bearer of the curse (niche unfunny instatweet subconscious)#no im not tagging this#i think the fact that it actually works is the key part here like itd be extra funny#we should be applying weird cat habits to catboys more#WAIT I CAME UP WITH SOMETHING EVEN BETTER#whenever shopkeeper watanuki is stressed especially when its not visible on his face#itll look totally normal from the outside and then hell like#totally neutral smile faced just fucking thwap drinks off the table#unhealthy coping habit where he just baps stuff off tables and then cleans it up while complaining to himself#obviously hes like a polite boy at heart but i like the idea that when hes in the trenches he just acts a bit wacky#imagine the scene with the girl asking if she can fuck his man but instead of whatever he actually did he just silently baps her tea#i need to think of more weird cat habits to apply to him#he wakes up one morning and hes been sleeping in shrimp pose like an idiot#imagining a felt genshin hoyofair style scenario where zhongli style he just has ears and a tail with no explanation and nobody cares#the only person questioning it is him hes like why arent yall mad at me isnt this weird????#and then like 10 yrs later hes obsessed with like tail care regimens like tighnari or something#for a second i was like oh god this is cringe and then i remembered i dont care!#and also its canon compliant to exploit this specific character for funny catboy yaoi and dress him up like a bjd#like thats one of the key charm points of the character like hes prepackaged for these sort of fucking stupid shenanigans#hes like THE catboy everyone everyone else calls catboys dont even come close lol#watanuki is literally exploitable catboy girlsgogames dress up doll maker 5000 (with bonus depression)#when i get good enough at art to do some sort of MAD for cat food or envy cat walk or something its fucking over for everyone
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bunibelles · 1 year
The day I decide not to hold back on my art and draw with no fear is the day society progresses 🫶🏼
#like sometimes i wanna draw certain things but then u remember on certain platforms (cough insta cough) u have a certain audience ig#and then u stare at that blank canvas and overthink what u might draw#ok how do I word things#like I’m kinda a perfectionist so I’m slow at producing art#but everyone says that practicing everyday is better#and slowly u’ll get faster#if I drew something and posted everyday (which is something I want to do) I know I’m probably gonna see cool results#but also art is something u should do to enjoy and ik u don’t have to draw all the time for the sake of improvement#improvement vs leisure vs motivation in art is such a wacky edged sword#cause yeah motivation to draw is needed to but that comes from discipline#art is a mixture of discipline and passion#like yeah I’m passionate about what I create but I need more discipline to get better and make more art#cause I love creating#but I also like consuming#I’m a giant reader and like the inspo and enjoyment I get from reading and fics makes me happy#when I know I could also be using that time to do art#yet I’m still getting inspiration from what I consume#like a feedback loop#anyway where was I going with this rant?#I don’t want to hold back when I see a blank canvas thinking aboht what I like that my audience might like#like I love making Kirby art and wow so many of my followers came from those kirby art pieces I make I’m really happy they connected#but also at the back of my head the next time I draw I’m like should I draw Kirby again cause people like it?#I wouldn’t mind but also I want to draw a bit of everything <3#with no added pressure on myself lol#so yeah the day I get over this and draw with no fear is the day maybe not society progresses but me progressing the way I want to#cause I have so many things I want to draw and create and write#i’ll work on this soon I just needed to get my thoughts down#but one day the art world better watch out just saying#Bella rambles
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Twitter larries are having a “discourse” or whatever its called over the fact that some larries said larries don’t like Chicago cuz they can’t make it about it about larry and then others were like thats not true people just have different music tastes. And i have say i agree I don’t like Chicago, I don’t hate it but its not my favourite. Not because i can’t make it about larry but its just not for me. People need to understand that were here cuz we like their music not just to make their songs or everything they do about each other.
Everything about this is just funny to me. Just a bigass pile of assumptions here.
Anyway track-by-track soon I hope he tells us absolutely nothing about the meaning of any of the songs <3
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Can I just say that I adore the universe you’ve created and I am so interested in ALL of these characters. I adore spideydevil but I would read an entire novel length fic about any of the characters in this; Ned, MJ, Jess/Luke/Claire, Foggy and whatever is going on between him and Matt, Karen and Frank even 😅. Hell, I’d even read an entire The Office style fic about the inner workings of The Daily Bugle in this universe I’m so goddamn committed. Everything you write is pure gold and I am living for it.
deeply and profoundly tempted by the idea of a mockumentary style take on the daily bugle. peter just shows up in the background once or twice and is very obviously trying to hide cocaine
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