#there are a ton of cat colours in game but from what I can see it looks like there's only one colour (grey tabby) available by default
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chaosintheavenue · 2 months ago
Super quick question whilst I remember: in the latest Fallout 76 update, can you customise the appearance of your CAMP pets?
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Tim Drake as a low key gamer boyfriend
Playing a slice of life game like Stardew Valley together:
He is all about optimisation over aesthetics. Doesn’t fully comprehend why you’d want to spend a day talking to villagers and looking for collectibles over grinding for ore in the mines.
“But think about it babe, once we get enough iron ores for sprinklers, our crops will automatically be watered and we can use our energy to do other things!”
Sucks at the fishing mini game, even after he got the most expensive finishing rod and special bait. He can get very sulky about it but immediately pipes up when you offer to help.
“Oh my god! Can’t believe you caught the legendary fish! You’re amazing at this” he cheers as he envelopes you in a tight hug “Gonna buy a fish tank and add the lil guy to it to commemorate this moment”
Loves playing the multi-player version with you, will happily forgo his efficiency maximisation driven gameplay to goof around with you. Always eager find you rare items and tries his best to bring out his creative side.
“So I had a go at decorating the house. Naturally I wanted to furniture to be colour coordinated, so I referred to the colour wheel to determine a complimentary colour palette and then- wait I’m rambling about an unnecessarily niche aspect again aren’t I?” He’s taken by surprise when you peck his cheek in response, offering him a bright smile “I love when you ramble about unnecessarily niche topics, please go on". 
He flushes bright red in response, mentally cheering about how lucky he is that his partner is always so encouraging and excited about his random deep dives.
Playing Minecraft together:
Will fiercely protect you from creepers and zombies but also kills you the moment you spawn for a laugh. 
Is very invested in building houses, has watched several tutorials on how to make cool builds (will not admit to this if asked). 
“Babe check out the roof on this build, I’ve used a different style of tiered layering, it an interesting technique you see…” 
Always ensures you’re topped up on resources. Brings back lil flowers when he goes off to scope out a new area. Is always excited for you to try out new things in the game.
“Oh my god! Babe look we've hit jackpot and found a ton of diamond- What? Oh no you should be the one to mine it! You’re gonna make your first diamond pickaxe!”
Playing Sims 4 together:
For whatever reason, his skill with Minecraft house builds simply does not translate into Sims gameplay. He cannot construct a decent roof to save his life.
“What do you mean I’ve half assed the roof? No babe come on, it’s a modern build. I made it flat on purpose. Don’t you see the vision??” You raise an eyebrow in response, he pauses for a beat before relenting “Alright fine it’s pretty shit, roofs are hard okay!” 
Tries really hard to succeed at the Rags to Riches storyline before inevitably giving up and using the 50k motherlode cheat.
“Why does my sim have a bored moodlet after making 3 paintings? He’s gotta stay inspired if we wanna make any money!”
Gets way to caught up in the ‘create a sim’ mode
“What do you mean I’m taking too long? I’ve gotta have at least 3 everyday outfits sorted for my sim”
Loves pets in the Sims, spends way too much time cooing at puppies and kittens 
“Oh my god look, this cat is named Mayor Whiskers! He’s the Mayor of this town, we’ve gotta make a good impression”
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stevie-marigold · 18 days ago
Get to know your mutuals!!!
thank you for the tag kiddo @aixabi love you muchly <33
What's the origin of your blog title? its lyrics from 'i know the end' by phoebe bridgers and i fucking love that song but i also saw a stranger things edit to that song and it was so fucking good so yeah thats the inspiration
OTP(s) Shipname: ahhh idk i mean theres tons but like currently? steddie (steve/eddie), sterek(stiles/derek), steter(stiles/peter) uhh idfo im blanking so hard dude but those are the mains rn
Favourite colour: greennnnnn, love green any and all shades its perfection
Favourite game: im really into crosswords rn and sudoku me and my gf do them together but uhh like video games? animal crossing and stardew valley for sure some minecraft too but i havent played much recently, i like board games too
Song stuck in your head: scylla from the epic musical but only the end part its so good omfg ive had it on repeat so its just constantly playing in my head lol
Weirdest habit/trait? its not necessarily weird? i just really like biting lmao i bite my gf (not hard) all the time and we laugh our asses off sometimes bc i do it without even thinking now
Hobbies: i love photography, reading, listening to music, playing music (learning guitar its hard lol), playing games (as i mentioned earlier), crochet, swimming (favourite form of exercise by far) theres definitely more but i cant remember lol
If you work, what's your profession? im not working rn but my last job I was a dental nurse and it was cool for a while, had a pretty big interest on teeth for a while lmao
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? ive wanted to be a professional body piercer for like i wanna say 3 years now and i didnt think could pursue it but roni (my beloved<3) has been encouraging me to do what makes me happy so ive been getting in contact with different studios so who know whats can happen, or a florist ive really loved that idea recently
Something you're good at: ive been told by friends that the pictures i take are good and my gf says im really good with kids and could be a teacher or smthn, i think personally im good at like welcoming people? im very shy and quiet but if i see someone looking uncomfortable ill just adopt them bc i know how much it sucks to feel like that
Something you're bad at: socialising, like i said im really shy and i can be quite awkward? but im trying to get better, im also kinda bad at being nice to myself? but again im working on it
Something you love: snowflake (my teddy bear), princess (my cat), snowy mornings, music, baking, dancing, swimming, reading im just listing hobbies now lmaooo i love so much stuff
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: oooo any of the books ive read, i could ramble about them for ages i fucking love talking about books ive read its the best (thats literally all that comes to mind but theres so much shit i could talk about for ages but im blanking again)
Something you hate: honestly? not much like actively like yeah politicians are bastards and the governments shit, of course, but apart from obvious things theres not much i guess, only thing i can think of is like playing dumb like people who act stupid for no reason it irks me so badly
Something you collect: keyrings, vinyl records (got tons after my grandad passed) and plushies
Something you forget: literally everything my memory is so bad as you can tell from how many times i said im blanking or cant remember lmao its not good
What's your love language? technically physical touch bc im a very affectionate person but i have friends who arent super comfy with physical touch so its not the be all and end all like i can love people through words and actions too but i just like to hug and kiss etc
Favourite movie/show: thats really fucking hard omg uhm okay so brother bear and bolt and strawberry shortcake(before they ruined it) have very special places in my heart from my childhood, from now hmm i love criminal minds, law and order svu, house md, call the midwife and tons more but those are the most recent ones i love
Favourite food: i might be biased but my gfs cooking bc she cooks me bolivian and spanish dishes all the time, some of my favourites are chorrellana, planchita, estofado de carne and arroz a la valenciana OH and also rosquitas theyre sooo tasty
Favourite animal: cows! i love them but i also love cats, dogs, snakes, rats, ravens and wolves (i have a raven and wolf tattoo) theres tons of favourites im not good at decisions lol
What were you like as a child? uhh lonely? very shy and quiet i was that kid who was always told to raise their hand more in class
Favourite subject at school? history, I fucking loved that and my teacher he was the best guy ever i loved him so goddamn much
Least favourite subject: maths omg i was so shit it was unbelievable i still hate it now idek how i managed to pass
What's your best character trait? hmm im not sure i always try to be kind and caring to everyone i meet, i think maybe my best trait could possibly be my patience? i dont lose my patience with many people i try to be understanding
What's your worst character trait? my poor self-esteem, its affected my relationships with people in the past and im working to improve it
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? i mean getting a job i like and moving in with my gf would be nice! i mean those are gonna happen regardless but i wouldnt mind a quick speed-up lol
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? freddie mercury & david bowie but specifically in the 80s during the AIDS crisis bc i read about that shit all the time about how people buried their friends almost everyday it fucking breaks my heart but to hear about it from someone who lived it? unreal and bc they were so open and public too it would be interesting to see their perspectives, or steve irwin bc that man had such a light in his heart and joy for life and i think i could learn a lot from a conversation with him
tagging: @warmachinesocks @terramous @outofmyhead-justlikeyou @imagineacoolusername @myarmsaretoolong @yaoiadderall
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coralcatsea · 10 months ago
Random thoughts regarding different fandoms:
(I've seen/read these, I just don't engage with the fandoms that much. These are just thoughts based on what I have seen of the fandoms.).
Death Note: Endless memes. Constant poking fun at all the overthinking going on. Putting these dramatic characters in goofy scenes about cake and friendship. The jokes never get old for me. I don't see much discourse, maybe an occasional conversation about whether or not Kira was right. 😆
ATLA: Zuko getting teased. Kataang and Zutara battling it out while Zukka laughs and slowly rises higher, taking more and more people as it goes. I'm not that interested in the ships, but Sokka ships are the best. NATLA wins the "not as bad as you could've been award" and "the effects were decent". Lots of fun analysation.
Percy Jackson: I feel Nico is a fan favourite. The main discourse I've seen for the fandom as a whole is whether or not Annabeth treats Percy well and whether or not Piper is annoying. A lot of people compare Percy Jackson and Harry Potter (the characters), and those who have read both seem to agree Percy is better. Like ATLA, there's a new live-action series that is a mixed bag, but much better than the old, horrible live-action movie (and sequel) in the past.
Zelda: DOWN WITH KOROKS vs STOP KOROK ABUSE. Everyone loves Sidon senpai. Glory to Master KOHGA. Most of the stuff I see right now is BotW/TotK related, but there's still some good stuff for other games, as well as the AUs people do with different Links meeting. Midna is the best sidekick.
Hazbin Hotel: I'm wary since there's LOOOOTS of discourse in this one. The fans can be pretty funny, though. I love the song edits and that there's a whole ship tag for Vox's unrequited obsession with Alastor. I also like watching people analyse the characters and writing.
Helluva Boss: Well...I once again like watching people discuss the writing. But I am hesitant to engage with any fans because I have a weird relationship with this show and don't think I really qualify as a fan. 😅 I watch it because it's so bizarre to me I can't look away. One time I gave characters different colour schemes for fun, and I got a bunch of annoyed asks from someone taking it too seriously. 😆
She-Ra: Catra Applesauce Meowmeow is a poor little meowmeow. Cat. I like the cat memes. I also love the comparisons between Scorpia and Kronk. Entrapdak is probably one of the better ships, yet has haters for some reason. The accusations have the same vibes as Beauty and the Beast accusations.
Owl House: Tons of Lumity. Personally, I'm more invested in Eda and her relationships with the other characters. Belos and Hunter get compared to Ozai and Zuko. Hunter is very popular. Everyone side eyes Disney for what they did. HOOTY SUPREMACY HOOT HOOT.
Miraculous: The Adrien vs Marinette discourse makes my brain hurt, but I'm glad we all pretty much agree Astruc does everyone dirty. Canon? What's canon? Usually I like and try to follow canon. Not here. Who tries to follow canon in Miraculous? The fans write the show better than he does. Love all the fan comics I see for this show. Chloe could've been more interesting. We all make fun of Smooth-Brain Gabe. We came for the Love Square and then started to hate it. Then Emonette and Emodrien came and reignited our interest.
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year ago
Another Get To Know Me Game!
Tagged by @windsweptinred, this was so much fun to do! Love seeing a new version
Who was your first fictional crush?:
Hmmmm, instinct says Tuxedo Mask! I'm sure I had other fictional crushes but that's the one I most vividly remember. That and Xanatos from Gargoyles djdoaisjdoaij.
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
Oh there's...a few lmao. I have a tendency to read fics that horrify me for fun, and since we're on the webbed site that likes to judge people for using the Dead Dove tag, or any of the main Archive Warning tags, I'd rather not put those fics on blast. But I have read some truly brilliantly written and fucked up fics from the Fantastic Beasts fandom, that's all I'll say.
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Japanese curry with chicken! That or Fettucine Alfredo. I like to overstuff my guests with food and those are my two go to meals for company!
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Lions! I love kangaroos too, but my love for cats, especially big cats, prevails.
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
Uhhhh....almost all of them??? jkjkjk
In all seriousness though, I think my big ones I can think of are Shigaraki and Dabi from BNHA. Are they both awful, ruthless people who only want to cause pain and suffering to all who have hurt them? Yes. Do I want them to keep causing even more pain and suffering, even to my favorite hero characters, as a treat? Also yes.
I hate to caveat that in no way do I think any of of their actions are justified and that the villains should win and then the world would be a better place yada yada yada but well. Woobifying villains is a thing and also why I stay out of the fandom because I cannot stand my faves being defanged like that. Let my faves be horrible people aoijdosijad.
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
Either the "Mexican Asian" (I'm Filipino-American, and sadly this is a thing I was called a lot lmao) or "The Hugger." I know a shit ton of people judged me a bit in school for being a hugger because...idk, people thought hugs were weird lmao. But joke's on them, I still enjoy hugs and Mr. Seiya hugs me all the time!
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
Uhhhhhh considering no one really dies in Pokemon...I'd be fine lmao.
In Sandman???? Also would probably be fine since I'm based in the States and also many many miles away from the Corinthian's hunting grounds 🤣
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Only the name :(
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
Yes and no. I do feel bad the foundation of her story was be a woman killed for the glory of a man. And then to be remembered only as a horror, a monster to scare people with.
The modern interpretation of her story is absolutely fascinating to me and while it is still a tragic story, I absolutely love what she's come to represent. I love that her story has been rewritten to be a story of survival, of perseverance, of power even.
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
Ooooooh there's so many! And of course now that I'm being put on the spot I can't think of any 🤣🤣
Starlight by Muse is definitely a Dreamling song to me, so much so that I wrote a fic with the lyrics in the title, so I'm going to roll with that one!
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Oh lord, honestly any Taylor Swift song will do this to me lmao. Lately, I've been drifting back to Would've, Could've, Should've, so we're going to go with that one!
No pressure tagging: @tj-dragonblade @bazzybelle @verminetroglodyte @tryan-a-bex @4typercent and anyone else who wants to play!
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saysike-skedoodles · 11 months ago
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I felt like I was never going to finish this. But I did! I got addicted to the song "Everybody Likes You" by Lemon Demon again and found myself associating the song with Bex. So what do I do when I associate a song with an OC? I draw some art based off of it obviously. Bex just can't catch a break, can she? Anyways, I still don't really know why I associate a song as sporadic and crazy as this one with Bex. Most of my reasons for when I associate songs with OCs is just "probably something they'd listen to/sing". But in this case I genuinely don't know why I think it's a "Bex song". I guess what the art here suggests is that, uh, it's relating to her trying to calm down when she is struggling to stay calm.... yeah. I've also been on a bit of an MLP high at the moment and I'm pretty sure stuff like Pinkie Pie in the episode Party of One and Twilight in Lesson Zero also indirectly inspired this. Honestly the more early 2010s and before stuff that I find that inspired TMM the more I realised this show should've just been made in the 2010s full stop HAH. I also think I'm possibly fuelling some unknown TMM creepypasta fire once I post this. I can almost see the "TMM CREEPYPASTA WHERE BEX GOES INSANE AND PULLS AN MLP CUPCAKES OOOOOOOOH SCARY OOOOOOH ISN'T THIS SCARY THAT A PLUSHIE CAT IS GOING STABBY STAB OOOOOOH-" Would be pretty funny tho not gonna lie and would add to the whole "TMM being a show from the 2010s" feel LOL. Also thanks to one of my friends that helped me out with suggesting ideas on this. This drawing actually underwent a redraw during the process cuz I didn't like how it turned out the first time so shoutout to them.
also uhhhh I feel like I should clarify here while I still can cuz I'm a bit paranoid of stuff like this but don't take my word for gospel and start drawing a fuck ton of gorey/REALLY edgy TMM creepypasta art- honestly it would be best if you ask before hand and don't be surprised if i give a "no" answer. Just wanted to mention that since I know I joke about "OOOH TMM CREEPYPASTA OOOOH EDGY TMM FAN CONTENT" but I don't want people to just instantly assume I would be fine with it. We're just here for 2010 fun and games and to also joke about the edginess of the 2010s that I'm pretty sure we were all apart of (I'm not lying I loved the dark mlp stuff). I know TMM is a multi coloured magic animal show but let's keep the dark stuff on the down low- (i say that and the MLP infection AUs have been spreading like wildfire)
I'm gonna shut up now I have a lot of thoughts in regards to art I make- I dunno if people even read through the entirety of my unhinged ramblings ehehhehehehwijhhwehewfiuhewfhiuehf-
Art Tumblr
TMM Official Tumblr
[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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thg-rcg-simps · 9 months ago
So, I manage to squish the four games (Love Nikki, Shinning Nikki, Food Fantasy, Mr Love) onto my devices. I had to split them up (two on each), since I couldn't manage to get all four to coexist on either tablet or phone. But hey, it worked, so I don't complain.
However, this post will mainly be about Mr Love, since I still haven't figured out Food Fantasy besides "Oh look, pretty animes girls (and boys) as food!", and the other two I basically play since launch ^^''
I love how, if you played Love Nikki enough, Mr Love will feel like home XD
This includes the super pretty art, the well known graphics for stamina, gold, interface, ect., the detailed eyes, the main protagonist that is kinda fixed, the relaxing music, the vonky Translation, the confusing (dark) story plot, the simpable characters,...
Also you find a ton of Easter eggs from LN in it, especially our favourite talking kitty! I love it!
So it's basically Love Nikki, minus Miraland, lesbianism and plus dating options. A very solid and entertaining game so far and I really enjoy it ^^
And if you spend enough time in your life on Wattpad, you'll find yourself questioning if this is a HS FF or actually a pretty game from your favourite developers XD
However, what I don't enjoy as much is Lucien.
And you can try whatever you want, this dude just screams "I'm a creepy psychopathic serial killer" to me and till now every interaction I had with this "gentleman", scared the crap out of me.
I just can't get over him. He's not mysterious to me or a Genius, much more someone that wants to lure me to an abandoned alley to harvest my organs and stitch my hollow body up to dance with it.
He is creepy, and I don't really want to fancy him.
I can get over Victors "I'm cold and totally not a copy of Christan Grey" attitude but Lucien? Sorry I would just rather keep my distance. I don't trust you (yet).
But the game doesn't let me "listen to my instincts" as this charming gentleman adviced me to (and believe me, I tried)
I guess I have to have a date with him then?
(Also, to prove I'm a real cat girl (because as we all know, only personality test in an otome game can truly see someone's colours)):
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I wouldn't call myself egoistic, much more shy and scared for my life at a daily basis, but what do I know XD
Wish me luck to not get murdered, or worse!
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year ago
🐍 same, there were many things i did not enjoy about HoO but leo is one of the highlights i will always treasure from it. in fact I made my OC just so I could make them be friends with him bc it's like an old childhood dream of mine 😭 it's several years late but i will do it anyway. have u ever made any pjo ocs?
I read your post and i agree with you so much!! EN did jamil so dirty and just the few changes they made to his lines flipped the entire dynamic between him and kalim and basically completely erased how tragic and difficult their situation is, and portrayed jamil as basically just someone throwing a fit over something easily changeable when it isn't. I play on JP so I was so surprised to see the changes EN made, it sucked seeing so many ppl hate my fav
oh nooo yeah if both riddle and jamil are in the athena cabin i have no clue who'd become the head counselor... this is so hard, if only we could have more than one :(. Kalim'd def be in a different cabin at least, but just him being around camp would make it so much harder for jamil to be himself, it hurts my heart. there are so many ways you can write this and it all has so much angst potential. on the other hand you're so right abt the missed leo nico friendship bc i always intuitively felt they could've be good friends without knowing why, but your analysis puts everything into words and makes me even sadder we had such a missed opportunity... like cmon rick....
idia labwear groovy but nico is actually so funny - nico ominously approaching cats with his hands out like the grabbing emoji when nobody is looking and completely unaware how scared the cats feel, meanwhile all he wants is to spend some time with kitty before the chain sneezing sets in
I love your ideas abt the outfits I think they fit super well!! if i get around to doodling the characters in a twst au i'd like to reference your ideas if that's okay with you! They'd both probably attempt to wear the uniforms as a full set in the beginning then decide it's way too much of a hassle/feels too stiff (totally not an excuse to want to draw them in the full outfit), then begin modifying things so it felt more like themselves, though at least I think they both would like the ignihyde uniforms better than the other dorms, igni's seems more casual and practical than the other ones imo. for some reason i feel like the savanaclaw colours would look good on leo, i just picture yellow being a nice colour on him - but leo in savanaclaw would just be like him stuck with a ton of jocks feeling confused why he's even there lool
also imagine leo meeting ortho, he'd be so fascinated that something like ortho was possible and be inspired to make a robot of his own (twst festus origin story?) idk if there's a robotics club but i could see that being leo's club of choice, nico maybe board games... which means he'd meet idia and azul omg, what do you think?
sorry it took me a bit a longer to answer this time. i haven't!! i don't make OCs super often in general, i don't even really have one for twst haha, but i love seeing all the creativity other people put into their OCs.
yeah exactly!! i do keep up with the JP main story updates and have read most of the JP events through fan translations, but i started by playing on EN. and i feel really lucky that i recognized the words for master and servant and could tell they were mistranslating some things, because i can imagine that otherwise i would've come out of it hating jamil for "betraying" kalim too. instead i loved him and was a little annoyed with kalim until book 5 showed more of his growth. i don't ship jamil and kalim but i do love both of them and it's sad that the complexity of their dynamic got watered down so much... i will note, though, that the app is rated E10+ on the google play store and 4+ on the iOS app store, so my guess is that higher-ups at disney thought the actual story wasn't kid-friendly enough.
something else to keep in mind with athena kids that i actually sort of forgot about until recently, is that they're all claimed from birth and therefore are pursued by monsters from birth :( and then also the fact that athena is a virgin goddess who just sort of gives babies to people who might not have been prepared to have one... i bet that would make things so much rougher for riddle and jamil. some other ideas i had are that if jamil's parent was a minor god, it could be nemesis (goddess of revenge) or terpsichore (muse of dance). and for kalim, if his parent was an olympian it would be either dionysus or apollo and if it was a minor god it'd be tyche (goddess of luck and fortune). like you said, there's so many different ways i could see their story going in an AU like this and they'd all be so angsty.
if you wanna see more analysis on how nico and leo fit together there's some stuff i've reblogged from others in my valdangelo tag! not all of it is necessarily romantic, i just basically use that for anything about the two of them--and a lot of the reasons why people like the ship are reasons why they'd work platonically as well. but yeah one of my biggest criticisms of HoO is how even though i like all the new characters for the most part, i feel like their relationships to each other were largely defined by romance (and i don't just mean the actual couples, but also the frank-hazel-leo love triangle for example) and a lot of potential was missed because of that!
oh yeah go for it!! feel free to use pretty much any of these ideas we've been brainstorming as basis for your own headcanons and stuff, i don't mind at all. and like i've been saying, if you did draw anything for this AU i'd love to see it. i can definitely see that about leo and nico both trying on the full uniform and then quickly deciding not to bother with it anymore lol. i imagined them both not wearing the tie because i just think nico wouldn't really want to and that leo might not even know how to tie one AFSKJGHDF. do you think leo would add any other accessories or personalization to his school uniform? also, i was thinking, i totally agree that they'd both like the ignihyde uniform, especially nico because it resembles the bulky jackets he normally likes to wear! but i wonder what nico would wear for a dorm uniform if he transferred to ramshackle... according to one of silver's voice lines at least, they canonically don't have one, so maybe he'd just wear, like, a my chemical romance shirt and call that a uniform lol. or keep his ignihyde uniform and confuse everyone.
omg, i love the thought of leo meeting ortho and being inspired to make festus because of him. he'd definitely be so fascinated by everything ortho could do. as for the clubs, i saved this excellent post about NRC's clubs for reference a while back, and since no other existing clubs were mentioned in either of the camp vargas events, i assume that that's all of them. but afaik there's nothing that says leo couldn't start a robotics club, and i'm sure there'd be people willing to join! out of the existing clubs i can totally see nico being in the board game club, i think that'd be a lot of fun for him.
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peacheises · 3 months ago
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✮ I go by tons of names, like Haruhi, Adelíta, Esu, Maple, so on so forth. I don't really mind what you call me, as long as it isn't offensive! No racist, sexist, or any kinda stuff like that. (Silly nicknames are welcomed and encouraged though, and swears are allowed!)
✮ I use any pronouns, but I am afab and female presenting. Again, I'm not too worried what I get referred to as as long as it's not offensive!
✮ I do not discriminate. Boy, girl, nonbinary, muslim, christian, gay, bi, trans, I don't really mind or care! I'm much more worried about who you are rather than what you are. And as long as you're respectful to me, I'll be respectful to you. Even if we disagree on things. However, depending on which way you swing (specifically if you're more aligned with the right), I may politely decline any interactions beyond simple ones.
✮ I am a partial self-shipper and full blown OC x Canon shipper! If that upsets you, this may not be the blog for you!
✮ I love Soul Eater, Vocaloid, and Pokémon!
✮ My favourite characters are Death the Kid and Silver (the rival from HGSS)!!
✮ I am an avid shiny hunter!! (I have horrible luck though.)
✮ I am a minor, however on the upper end. I'm not 12, but I'm also just barely not an adult yet. I'm currently 16! I am aware a lot of my artwork of my persona does have her scantily dressed (think crops and mini skirts and big boobs because I have those) so if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to block.
✮ I'm very socially awkward, so tone tags are much appreciated!
✮ I use kaomoji unironically qwq
✮ I love peaches (the fruit), cherries, and all kinds of cheese. Especially grilled cheese. Oh and I like bread. My username is derived from this, I'm aware it can be read as peachee sex, but it's meant to be peach cheesex.
✮ DMs are always open and so are FRs! Please do not send me graphic images though, I've had that happen before.
✮ I am American! (Yes you can laugh at me.)
✮ I am learning Spanish and Japanese, but I have very limited vocabularies. So please be patient!
✮ Open for collabs and art trades! But I am very very slow.
✮ I have two cats named Ivy and Iris and I will definitely post pictures of them.
✮ I will defend Hatsune Miku with my life💛💛💛
✮ The colours of the Pansexual pride flag are my favourite colours.
✮ I dunno why you'd want to, but totally feel free to draw my OCs and persona! No permission required. (I will cry if you mutilate them/draw gore of them though.)
✮ I'm pretty trypophobic.
✮ I've been in the Pokémon fandom since I was around 5-6 and my first game was Emerald!
✮ Soul Eater has always been present in my life in the background, I've been familiar with it for years but didn't get super super into it until last December!
✮ The same could be said for Vocaloid, it's been present in my life for years but I didn't get super into it until 2019/2020ish.
That's about it! I'll update it as I see fit. I'm excited to get to know you all!
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shayberri789 · 6 months ago
So this would be a game set 7 years after the last story. Dustin is a determined, smart little bugger but he's also kinda prickly. He's like that cat that hates everyone but three people, but inexplicably knows how open the fridge and WILL steal your smoked salmon. He's homeschooling and a Runner. I'll tell what I have nailed down of the story (don't have anything linear like I do Amelia's story yet), then my Possible Idea for the backstory of the City, and then the game mechanic ideas I have floating around in my head
Okay so here are our Key Characters for this time, + Picrews cuz I just remembered I had them
Dustin, now 17 years old: (This picrew didn't have a lot of face shapes or light skin tones but he's intended to have his mom's nose, eyes, and hair but his dad's colouring. He also looks younger w this picrew than he does in my head)
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Hamish, now in his late 60s (this picrew I have has him looking... closer to his 50s tbh)
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Bonus: Young Hamish (He's kinda a minor character this time)
Kaitlyn (yes she's wearing Hamish's shirt. Despite being so important to the narrative, we see little of her unless the Player goes to visit her) (until the end anyway)
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Amelia (As an adult. Her hair should be a darker red)
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Alto, a runner Dustin teams up with later on. He's got an assassin Running style going on and knows a fuck ton of weapons, which he'll teach to Dustin as they get closer. 17-19 years old. We don't know his real name. (Usually wears a mask and he should have thicker eye brows)
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Rianna, a Civilian in the City. For some reason, she's aware of the time loop, and remembers all previous ones. Physically, she's 16-19 (undecided). Mentally, she's in her 20s. (She should have purple streaks/braids in her hair)
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She sews! And used to run a cosplay/makeup channel, but she hasn't been able to do that for (subjective) years because time loop. Also: lesbian.
Set 7 years later. Dustin is homeschooling and close to graduating. Amelia has been training him in Runner skills for years, but she's only let him go to the City in the last 2 years. She advises him to be on his best behaviour and earn trust with the Guild (on account of him being Chasm's brother, and an ex-Civilian). She and Dustin have grown close over the years, forming a true sibling relationship (or as much as you can when one of you is both 15 years older and also was born 15 years after you). Dustin has adjusted to having his dad be Old now but they are closer than ever, and Hamish (despite being less mobile due to too many years overworking his body; disability can be a bitch) is livelier than ever. Dustin is determined to complete what his sister started and rescue his mother.
I think the game would have 4 major acts (I will be alternating between using Dustin/Player/You, since you/the player play as Dustin): Act one: Tutorial/establishing act
Introduction to basic mechanics such as the cosmetic functions, and a tutorial-like mini-heist to sneak into a semi-abandoned warehouse in the Outskirts Town to retrieve something stolen from him in a previous run. Here we would learn a little bit of world building, meet Amelia and get a sense for both character's relationships, and learn how to do key Skills such as: sneak/crawl, jump, dodge, run, climb, and Fight using Improvised Weapons
part 2 of this act lets you into the city, where you spend as long as you want exploring and learning how to navigate in the city: The Disturbance meter and Sentries (more on this later), NPC interaction (both civilians and runners), Guildwork, parkour, how the City works, quests, resources, etc.
The main questline would have you taking on some minor quests from the Guild, which would introduce Alto briefly and show the pair are familiar with each other, but not close/friends. Completing the Main Miniquests will progress you until you meet Rianna, and realize she's aware of the loop. Dustin realizes she may be a key to either freeing the City of the loop, or getting his mom out, and so he agrees to run some missions to help her
Act 2:
the Guild announces a competition (I haven't figured out why they do this yet). I haven't quite figured out what the competition is for yet either. All I know is they have to complete some goal inside the City, involving parkour. The reward for second third place is an entire Loop period to themself. Second place gets a Loop and unlimited tokens during it. First place gets a Loop and a very familiar device which they claim is a reusable, permanent token. Dustin realises that the Guild must have some connection to the sentries: Because that is (an enhanced version of) the device. Amelia made for Kaitlyn, and lost (his one having been destroyed).
(This is also where its revealed to teh player that Dustin is an ex-civilian, though they may have guessed it already) (unless they've read the book) (It may actually get revealed later on, maybe Dustin reveals it to Alto later on?)
This is! Exactly what Dustin needs to save his mom! The only catch is the competition requires a participant pairs, and Dustin has literally no friends amongst the Runners (trying to keep his identity and relations to yourself is easier when you Don't Talk To People)
Alto approaches you and offers to help, but only if you prove yourself first
Then act two is the competition itself, which would have many facets and you can still sidequest the shit out of it. "real time" only progresses as you follow the main questline. Because game.
Along the way you befriend Rianna (whom you can recruit to do Tasks/gather resources for you, or you can place orders with her on Day 1, and pick it up Day 3 (this is why I am unsure about reentry rules; might be you need to send Alto to get it?). You can get special outfits/disguises to customise your appearance/help you hide from sentries, or you can incorporate gear into articles of clothing so you can have + disguise AND use the gear at the same time.
Rianna's questline lets you befriend her, but you also can start learning her backstory and begin figuring out Why She's Here and How To Befriend her. You need to get to a certain level of her questline to move into the next Act
Same with Alto: I haven't figured out his backstory yet, but his quest takes you outside the city more often. As you befriend him/train with him, he'll begin teaching you how to use weapons, which you can purchase from the Guild and upgrade with Amelia. Alto can run with you, so you have backup for dealing with hostile Runners and Sentries, can do certain Duo Moves in the city (unlocked as you train together), or send him to do tasks/gather resources (divide and conquer). Alto fucking hates the City for a reason we would slowly learn about, and as you go through his questline, you become closer friends and learn why and encourage each other to grow. Alto becomes invested in your quest to save your mom, and I think because he wants to break the City/the loop? I haven't figured out his story yet. Alto becomes softer too I think, and both happier. I don't want their friendship to be romantic, but it's still important to each other.
Alto and Rianna form a friendship, but its kinda loose as Dustin has to tell Rianna everything Alto says (Unless Alto chooses to write with City Implements)
Act 3 would be the conclusion of the Competition as it swandives into chaos. I think Dustin and Co figure out what's wrong with the City/dislike the reason for the competition, and maybe figure out a way to either free Kaitlyn and then later figure out how to save the City from the loop, or the Loop puts Dustin's loved ones at stake. Either way: Dustin goes tunnel vision to save his mom, and the other two want to free the city (different reasons) and this causes a fight. They split, and Dustin tries to save his mom alone and nearly fucking dies. Alto comes back to save him (I think part of this takes place during the Reset Period), and for the first time is able to see Rianna. Cue banter during a (mini?) boss fight (no, idk who they fight) as the three of them do Combat and then win, and then there's a cutscene where Dustin is reunited with his mom who is Very Confused why her baby boy is a teenager now, and who are these people? And Dustin is crying in relief because he's missed her hugs, and hasn't dared come back because he didn't know if she'd recognise him and he couldn't handle the pain. Anyway, they manage to get her out the City and what do you know! The City still shorts, but this time, the kids are stuck inside. (I also think maybe Amelia arrived to help them as well, so she's involved in the final act)
Act 4:
gang now will now to free the City somehow, in order to escape. The city has been shorted out, so Time is resuming like normal in here, and that means the freezing is technological in nature and connected to the Barrier. The team will have to work together, avoiding sentries and Civilians alike, and trying to get closer to the source. There's several cutscenes as they connect clues picked up in previous acts, which leads them to the Source. Cue the final fight, which has Higher Stakes because they can't rely on respawns (the player can, ofc, thx to checkpoints and automatically respawning there after dying, but its high stakes for the kids).
How the story ends depends on why the City got stuck in the first place
The Backstory I am thinking of
Rianna being an Aware Civilian is a Loaded Chekov's gun. The safety is off. I have to point it somewhere and pull the trigger. Therefore, Rianna is important to why the City is the way it is
Grief, love, and family (found and forged) are very clearly themes in these stories, so the reason the City is stuck should be related to these themes
It hit me in the shower (When Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce was followed by Dream by Imagine Dragons) that the Civilians are... kind of in an endless dream (sleep). And that reminded me of Sleeping beauty and I had an idea
Once, there was a mother who loved her daughter very very much. This mother was an incredible scientist, an expert in both quantum physics and bio-medical science and many other related fields. This scientist was researching preservation methods; stasis in a form: she wanted to find a way to prevent things from going off, place patients and fatally injured victims in stasis until they could be treated, put astronauts in stasis and send them to other ends of the galaxy without the worry of going mad from the travel. Those sorts of things. She very nearly had it figured out
This mother's daughter was very, very ill. There was very little hope of her making it to twenty, and there was no cure so far. The mother was desperate for something to save her daughter, but there was so little time.
When the daughter collapsed one Thursday evening and did not wake up, her mother panicked. She was terrified of her daughter dying, not when she was all the mother had. Desperate, she decided to fast foreword Project Preserve, and placed her daughter in Stasis - she froze all time in her Daughter's room. just until she'd found a cure, a treatment, anything to save her daughter.
The technology was highly experimental, and she'd not yet tested this iteration, but she just had no time. What she hadn't anticipated was 90% of the City getting stuck in warped time as well. The thing is, since it was outside her Stasis perimeter, the warping effect manifested in a repeating time loop (why three days? just chance. that's how the dice fell).
Knowing this was Very Noticeable, and terrified someone would come and disrupt the time warping, the mother created and erected a Barrier based on her colleague's project, which he had not been able to complete before he died. She locked the outside world out, so that no one could get in and mess with the very unstable science going on. To prevent the Civilians from causing Shit, she decided to make sure no one inside the city figured out something was wrong. She created Sentries; anything not tapped into the Timed Network, anything outside the city, was to be eradicated before it could disturb the Civilians and risk upsetting the City.
And then she left (OR she got stuck in her own time bubble and is frozen, unable to do anything. Haven't decided yet)
Either she created/left behind some Minions with some kind of intelligence to maintain the City/resets/evolve Sentries (which would act as minibosses), or the Very Potent energy after decades of Time Shenanigans and Powerful technology kinda infuses into the City, and the very infrastructure becomes somewhat sentient, and this rebels against the Gang.
Anyway, Sleeping Beauty Parallels:
Mother: maleficent (and the fairy godmothers) (she intended true mother's love to wake her daughter from an endless sleep)
the daughter: Sleeping beauty
The City: the castle Maleficent curses (remember; she covers it in vines and thorns to prevent the hero(es) from breaking in and freeing Aurora from her slumber? :D)
The Civilians: The castlefolk, cursed into an eternal slumber alongside their princess. Either they are also kept unaging 100 years, or they wither and die away. Depends on the version. They have a kinda half life here!
Prince Phillip: The gang, but specifically Rianna
I think Rianna and Aurora were close friends growing up, and a little in love. Rianna doesn't know what the mother did, or that Aurora is on death's doorstep. Needless to say, the discovery of this fact in Act 4 shakes her resolve a lot. It is Ultimately Rianna's decision which awakes Aurora from her stasis and breaks the Time Shenanigans.
As for the mother.... either she died outside without a curse, and the Major Antagonist turns out to be the heads of the Guild who don't want their profitable system to fall, or the mother is the final boss. And then I have to figure out how to resolve the whole thing with the competition/shady behaviour of the guild (with Amelia's devices) with this. Maybe there was an ally who wanted it all to end?
Regardless... I don't see a way that Aurora would survive. She's part of the sacrifice needed to save the city. Poor Rianna. Maybe I'll find a way to save her.
Also I think the reason Rianna remembers everything is because Kaitlyn, during the original Lockdown, managed to pull her from a the Stasis range, and the time shenanigans just glitched with the girl. Rianna has no idea the woman who seemed to drag her into a time loop is Dustin's mom, until the end.
So yeah. that's my current idea. Not sure it works
If I ramble (at length, believe me it would be a lot) about my most recent WIP (the city-in-a-time-loop one), would someone be willing to read it and please help me figure out a title
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rek1s-headband · 4 years ago
hi! figured i’d drop a request for you :))! Maybe some general bf hcs for reki and langa? Just in general how they would be as a boyfriend or how they would act in a relationship?
Hi!! Thank you so much for your request, I’ve been excited to do one of these. I hope you enjoy it!
➯ random boyfriend headcannons
➯ characters: Reki Kyan and Langa Hasegawa x gn reader
➯ warnings: none! Just some fluff for these two boys:)
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-Literally the most enthusiastic person you’ve ever seen. He’d be happy to just sit in silence with you because come on, it’s YOU. There’s no one he’d rather be wasting the hours away with.
-Your biggest hype man, EVER. You post something on Instagram? Get ready for a flood of comments, all from him. You could put your phone down for two minutes after posting, and you’ll come back to 99+ notifications of just reki commenting along the lines of “woah suddenly I’m on one knee” “DAMNNNN” and many, many more.
-Never leave your phone unattended around him. He won’t snoop, but be prepared to come back to your camera roll flooded with just zoomed in pictures of his face, his mouth, his eye, ANYWHERE. Mf is spamming your whole phone with pictures of him for you to come back to.
-He has to always be touching you in some way. Whether it’s holding your hand, your waist, a casual arm around your shoulder, there has to be something. He’ll put his hand on your ass sometimes while you walk in public.
-Honestly doesn’t even think PDA is anything out of the ordinary. Like, you’re his s/o??? Yes you’re in his lap, yes you’re in the middle of the skatepark, so what? You’re his, and he’s happy he can make everyone aware of that.
-I saw a post on here that said he would peel stickers off fruit and stick them to peoples’ foreheads, and I fully stand by this. However, it doesn’t just stop at fruit stickers. Anything remotely sticky, whether it’s tags from clothes, tape from a food box, even random sequins and bits of glitter he finds around, it’s immediately being stuck to some part of your face.
-Loves casual dates. Stopping by food stalls, browsing in clothes and game stores for a few hours, and skating around with you until it’s time to go home is a dream for him. Be prepared for day-long dates, because he will clear his entire schedule just to spend the day with you.
-His family adores you. His mother is always goading him to bring you over more, complaining that she misses her "honorary son/daughter/child". His sisters love you too. Any time you come over there’s immediately three tiny bodies shooting at you, grabbing you by the waist and dragging you over to wherever they’re playing. Reki tries to drag you away, wanting to have you for himself, but you always try and stay for at least five or ten minutes. Secretly, he loves that you get along so well with his siblings, going soft at the thought of how you would act with children of your own.
-He loves playing video games with you. Sitting in his lap, the two of you could spend hours switching from game to game. One minute you could be burning down a village in Minecraft, the next complaining while Reki whoops your ass in Mario Kart. His mom brings you food for your breaks between games, and she’ll even stay for a few minutes to talk to you while Reki shifts underneath you, glowing red from embarassment.
-If you can’t skate, he would beg to teach you. If you accept, he goes all out. He’ll make you your own customised board just for practicing, making sure it’s absolutely perfert for you to learn on. But if you can skate, get ready for endless races and competitions to see who can nail a new trick the quickest.
-Adores when you come to S to support him. He loves looking into the crowd and seeing you there cheering him on before he goes into a beef. If he wins, he’ll race over to where you are in the crowd, picking you up and spinning you around, kissing you without a care in the world. However, if he loses he’s thankful you’re always there to pick him back up and make him feel better afterwards.
-Loves cleaning you up after a big fall, kissing your bruises and cuts better. He’ll carefully wrap each injury with care, telling you how brave you are, no matter how small the cut. Secretly, he loves when you baby him after he falls himself. Seeing you wipe away the blood from a new cut and place a small plaster on it with such tenderness melts his heart in a way only you could.
-Speaking of plasters, this man has one for every occasion. Princesses, pirates, aliens, cats, dogs, sparkles, stripes, you name it, he’s got it.
-The type to sneak you out at two in the morning to get a slushee with him. Honestly, he’s up so late making boards for people he just has no perception of time.
-Spams your phone with TikToks or other funny things that reminds him of you. It could be a very specific thing, or a flower or cloud. If he thinks of you when he sees it(which is fairly often), it gets sent to you.
-Talks with his hands a lot. He’s a very expressive talker, so when he’s telling you a story it feels like you’re right there in the story with him.
-Please just kiss him. His cheeks, his forehead, his hand, his shoulder, his temples, his lips. Anywhere, he’ll melt under you. Mf is touch starved to the max.
-Always knows how to make you laugh. His laugh is infectious, it could get you out of your darkest moods.
-Sleeps with his head on your chest, and one hand in your shirt little perv.
-His social media is like a SHRINE for you. His highlights, his posts, his stories, EVERYWHERE. He’s just so proud to be able to call you his that he wants the whole world to know.
-Kisses in the rain while you run home, skateboards in your hands after the weather forecast failed you once again. He’s just so happy in the moment that he can’t contain himself, so he’s pulling you into him in the pouring rain, kissing you hard while your hair gets drenched.
-You don’t need to steal his clothes, he will literally give them to you because “you just look so cute wearing them”. Occasionally, he’ll take one of your hoodies, and even if it doesn’t exactly fit him, he’ll still keep it near him while he sleeps so he can keep your scent close to him.
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-This man is so oblivious to obvious hints, but still manages to pick up on the smallest of details? It’s incredible, honestly. He could describe the exact colour of your eyes with the most insane detail, but he still won’t notice when you try and hint that you like him in the first place!
-You two have a bit more of a low-key relationship, but you’ll make your usual appearance in his Instagram posts, or on his Snapchat story with a casual caption like a simple heart, or “my love<3”
-Not very big on PDA, not because he doesn’t like it, but because he doesn’t think of it. However, when he does feel like he’s being too physically distant, he’ll link pinkies with you as you walk along, or rest his head on your shoulder while you watch a video on your phone.
-His mom adores you, which is why Langa despises bringing you to his house. You always seem to leave with seven of his baby photos from his time snowboarding in Canada, a new recipe from his mother that you complimented, another one of his hoodies, and more miscellaneous stuff that you don’t even know how it ended up in your bag. He has a little shelf in your room specifically for this random stuff, and he always adds to the collection when he comes to your house. He’ll leave a keyring, a small toy, a Polaroid, anything honestly.
-Loves dates that you can experience. The movies, aquariums, museums and the zoo are common dates for the two of you to go on, but other than that, he adores going skateboarding with you. He’s been improving, and he loves when you notice little things he’s been picking up on, whether it be a new trick or simply how he balances himself on the board.
-Adores old Disney movies. Yall will binge a ton of them in one day, having full-blown musicals in Langa’s living room. When any of the romantic songs come on, like “So this is Love” from Cinderella, Langa will stand up and offer his hand to you, as the two of you waltz around his sitting room, humming the tune of the song.
-Study dates are frequent with the two of you. If you happen to stay up late studying and fall asleep on each other, his mother will cover the two of you with a blanket, tidying some of your books and leaving with a smile, happy with the knowledge you were making her son the happiest he’s been in quite a while.
-Slow dancing in the kitchen while you cook is a regular. When a particularly sappy love song comes on while he stirs the pot, he’ll turn around and hold you close to him, twirling you around the kitchen.
-Reki constantly jokes that he is a third wheel, poking fun at the two of you, Cherry and Joe, and Shadow and “his little girlfriend back at the flower shop”. He’ll hang out of Miya, whining about them having to stick together since they’re the only two “lone wolves”. He’ll usually get a well-earned thump into the back of the head from Miya, but it’s still funny to watch the whole thing go down.
-Tends to be shy when giving you clothes, so instead of asking you to wear them he’ll leave them out in places he knows you’ll find them, or he’ll come up behind you and plop it in your lap, murmuring about how cute it would look on you.
-Please do this man’s makeup. He will sit so still for you, waiting patiently while you dab eyeshadow at his eyes, trying not to blink so you don’t mess up his mascara. He’ll sit there mesmerised for a few minutes, taking in how he looks, and simply whisper “you do this every day?”
-Evem though he’s not a very openly affectionate person, he is stuck to your hip behind closed doors. He’ll lie in your lap for hours, staring up at you while you mess with his hair, pulling it into little plaits and pigtails.
-I can’t even describe how the two of you sleep. It’s simply a mass of limbs, and no one knows exactly what belongs to who. Somehow one of yall will end up upside down, and-why is Langa on the floor??
-He could talk about his time in Canada for hours, and you’d just lie on his chest and listen to him. Every once in a while he’ll look down at you to see if you’re still listening, and his heart will melt a little every time he sees you staring back up at him, eyes wide with interest.
-This man NEVER gets jealous. You’d literally have to cling to another man for it to click in his brain that Oh. He doesn’t like that.
-He’s not big on texting, but if you call him he will stay on that call with you for hours, even after the two of you fall asleep.
-Whenever he falls(which is quite often), you’ll always have plasters on hand to help fix him up. He always flushes bright red when you kiss his cuts better, and never knows just what to do with himself afterwards.
-When he skates against tough opponents, you’ll always give him a kiss for good luck. Of course, this doesn’t stop you worrying, but you know Langa wouldn’t go out of his way to get injured. And if he does, well, at least he’ll have you there to kiss his bruises better.
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twink-between-worlds · 3 years ago
What headcanons do you have that you don't get to talk about?
note; i very much appreciate this because i have these all stored away and i need them out oh this is gonna get long, ill sort them by lu boy(the ones that actually have headcanons, at least) (just realised only like,,,3 of them have headcanons bc theyre my faves, oh lord);
Legend (we knew this was gonna happen); He's amazing at baking. Like, better-than-the-royal-chefs level of baking. He baked an apple pie for the chain once and now they won't eat any other apple pie, it was that good. He can sing really well, but he only ever sings the Ballad Of The Windfish. He can play a shit ton of instruments, not just the instruments of the sirens! Dude has amazing eyeliner game. Really, he's good at it. He actually has long hair, he just braids it and tucks it into his hat. He has a tattoo for each adventure he's been on, and he also has some sentimental tattoos. He and Ravio match items. Standard for a married couple. He's got severe anxiety, along with ADHD and he's on the lower end of the autism spectrum. Man will hyperfixate on things as simple as a colour. He loves bees!! and bees love him back!! he's a bee magnet. He grows flowers, fruits, vegetables...he only ever needs to buy ingredients for things he cant grow The tip of his right ear is missing, it got sliced off and he says it looks cool. He's lactose intolerant but that doesn't stop him.
Four; Dancing!! He loves it!! Part of him is a ball of energy, dancing burns that off very quick He has four (smaller) scars on his face, each one belonging to a colour. The scar on his lip is from Red, the scar on his nose is from Blue, the scar on his cheek is from Green, and the scar just under his eye is from Vio! He loves the taste of honey, it calms him down. He doesn't like the bees that make it, though, because he's allergic to bees. He'll sometimes just,,,starfish out in some grass and stare up at the sky. If it's daytime, he'll count the clouds, if it's nighttime, he'll stargaze. He's very expressive because of the colours His eyes change colour to match whatever colour is controlling the body. His favourite animal is a cat, simply because they remind him of Shadow. He grew his hair out because he kept seeing Shadow in the mirror when he had short hair. He loves painting, if he wasn't a blacksmith he thinks he'd be a painter. Out of all the seasons, he loves Fall the most. He tends to paint his nails black to feel like Shadow's with him. Vio has glasses, and whenever Vio is in control, Four needs to wear glasses too. The colours are all on different ends of the autism spectrum.
Twilight; A lot more feral than everyone wants to believe. Responsibility who? He has sharp canine teeth for obvious reasons. His hair is dyed brown! He loves any and all animals, it doesn't matter He's always telling Wild that he's proud of him, the kid needs it. He also has autism, because my autistic ass is projecting. He's strong, but Shad can pick him up easily. Twilight's good at wood carving. He chews on bones. we discussed this. He mauls things. also discussed. He chews on his hair sometimes, or his necklace. He can outdrink the entire chain. Twilight blacks out after two pints but is entirely coherent and doesn't even sound drunk. He has green eyes, fight me on this. He's a big brother to every kid in Castle Town. He's a total fucking nerd and honestly he isn't ashamed of it. He has more piercings than he lets on. well thats,,,all i have. man i need to find headcanons for the others.
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sunflovverharry · 4 years ago
Driving Home for Christmas
a/n: hii! i wanted to make this a super cute dad!h during christmas fic so i hope you enjoy! this fic is a part of @goldenbluesuit ´s christmas song fic challenge which i’m honored to be a part of! It's the first fic challenge I’ve entered and I’ve been nervous to post something along with all these other amazing writers, but I'm excited to post this little piece centered in the dad universe. Happy reading, and remember to read the rest of the entries as well (which I’ve read some these past two weeks and they’re fab!) <3
pairing: dad!h + y/n
warnings: none! just a cute dad!h piece
word count: 3.8k
Harry was loading the trunk of their Audi, putting all their packed suitcases and bags of presents in there. The car was smack full as this year they had another addition to their family, waiting patiently for her mum to feed her before they left the city. It was snowing heavily and Anne made sure they knew they didn’t have to drive up today with the weather making the roads worse than usual. Y/n also told him a hundred times it was his decision as he was the one driving. Harry didn’t budge though, telling his mum they would definitely be there by tonight.
This year's Christmas celebrations were being spent in Cheshire with Harry’s family seeing as they were with her family in Nottingham last year. They’ve found it works best this way rather than splitting it up to go both places every year. After four years together and buying a house at the start of this year, y/n thinks this might be the last Christmas spent out of their own home. They have their two cats (Nellie and Sunny) and having their first child it might be time to start celebrating the holiday at their own house.
«Babe, did you remember to pack the board games?» Harry heard his girlfriend ask from the threshold where they had hung a mistletoe and had Harry not been busy trying to make everything fit, he definitely would’ve turned around, ran up to her and gave her a big smack on the lips. He settled for giving her a thumbs up not swirling around as he was too busy trying to figure out how he could make most of their things fit in the trunk, thinking it was just like a game of tetris. While Harry had been doing the heavy lifting and packing; y/n had put a cute Christmas onesie on the still tiny body of their daughter, definitely small for her age but she was eating like her daddy so where the weight went they had no idea.
Olive was a generally happy, cuddly baby who more often than not reached for her dad over her mum. It didn’t bother y/n that she was a daddy’s girl, knowing how much Harry loves children and now that he has his own he’s all over her. She finds the two cuddled together on the sofa, their bed or the armchair in her nursery at least a couple times a day. Her phone is now overflowing with photos of the two and she’s hoping to put together a photo album for Harry’s birthday filled with them - knowing he’d cherish it forever.
Half an hour later they were pulling out of the driveway. Harry had checked multiple times that all the lights were out, the doors were locked and the alarm system was functioning properly. Olive was smiling as she sat still in her car seat behind y/n. She had wondered if sitting in the back with her daughter would be better, but decided against it. If she got fussy they’d stop at a gas station and she’d move to the back.
The couple was tremendously excited to bring along their little bundle of happiness and get to show her off to all of Harry’s family and friends. Of course, his family have seen her when she was a newborn but living quite far away most of them only get to see them once or twice a year. It’ll change the dynamic of how they celebrate the holidays for sure, but it's a positive change. Anne will spoil her rotten, just like she does to y/n when they visit - making her tea whenever she wants some, washing their dirty laundry (which y/n didn’t care that her mother-in-law saw her underwear cause she didn’t bring anything too scandalous) and heading to the shops when they needed even the smallest thing. Really, y/n thought she was too kind for her own good. At the same time though, y/n always did play a good host when Anne visited them - spoiling her with the comfiest bed sheets, making the food for every meal, not wanting her to lift a finger as if she was the queen.
Olive was eight months - a fairly active one at that - and loves to crawl everywhere, especially to follow her mum or dad around the lower floor of their (way too big) house for only the three (five) of them. Since the pair hadn’t brought Olive with them for such a long drive, the longest being an hour, they were anxious to find out how she’d react to being confined over a longer period of time.
Half an hour in and Olive was babbling away to the teddy bear in her arms (she got it from her nephews when she was born and has been attached to it since) as Harry and y/n talked about how excited they were for their daughter to explore her daddy´s hometown and how his whole family and friends would fall in love with Olive even more. With their little girl just starting to sleep all through the night in her own room, Anne wanted to make sure she got her own room at her nana's too, so apparently she’s cleaned the office and made it into a makeshift nursery for her granddaughter.
Y/n doesn’t know who’s more excited to see all the familiar faces, the family that’s become not only important to her in the last four years, but now also to their baby. The last time they visited Cheshire, y/n was barely two months pregnant and as tough as it was to keep it hidden from Anne for another month, they managed to keep it to the two of them (with just a handful of slip-ups). They were sure Anne knew they were having a baby with the small smirks she gave y/n and harry when she didn’t want the wine - Harry keeping to non-alcoholics in solidarity with her - which was unregular for her, normally jumping on the thought of having a glass or two after a long day.
“You know mum won’t give her up after she gets her hands on her right as we walk through the front door? Might want to hop in the back and get your fix before we get there.” Harry let out a chuckle with y/n joining in knowing just how true his words were. Anne was a godsend of a grandmother, taking Olive in her arms doting over her until she’ll start crying for her daddy. Though everyone gives her all the attention she could wish for, no one could ever do what Harry can. He’s her favorite, no matter how much I wish I could be.
Another half hour later and we were making our first stop at a local gas station in Aylesbury. We were about a third of the way in, but the weather was getting harsher with the snow falling harder and the wind picking up just a little bit. While Harry filled the car up with gas and made sure Olive didn’t start fussing, y/n went inside to get a couple snacky items for the three of them and a filled up cup of coffee for her boyfriend. Coming out of the station she could see Harry in the back with his love bug, bringing her out of the car seat as her cute little wails haltered. She was due for a feed, so they found a secluded space to park so no one would stare at her while breastfeeding their daughter.
Sitting in the front passenger seat with her daughter attached to her nipple with her baby daddy sitting in the driver's seat next to her they spent the next twenty minutes singing along to the Christmas songs playing one after the other on the radio.
Y/n had always loved this time of year - the snow, the songs (which - admittedly - she listened to throughout the entire year), the decorations, the joy and cheer. With y/n and Harry moving in together a month before Christmas, only half a year after they first began dating, they had a mutual understanding for how they would go all out with lights, trees and decorations both on the inside and outside. Though their house was gated with a high fence along the perimeter of their entire land. The trees lining the driveway all the way from the gate to where the gravel road extends into two, one leading to the garage and the other to the front door, were now lit up with strings of light going through them. It was only the beginning to their decorations, but it couldn’t be seen from the gate. More lights were lit along the house, windows were accentuated by red tape creating squares with spray along it, making it seem like snow on the glass. Though there aren’t tons of colourful lights, outside at least, the inside is littered with different colours, shining and sparkling along the staircases, mantels, dressers, counters and tables.
Olive felt like there was something new to look at, touch and be amazed by in every room of their house. As the clock sets seven in the morning, like clockwork, Harry hears Olive’s wails for him to get her out of the crib so she can move around. He kisses y/n’s forehead as he lets her sleep for another half hour to an hour like every morning before pulling on a pair of boxers and some pajama pants if it’s cold to get his daughter from her nursery across the hall.
The two of them were like two giggling girlfriends when they finally saw each other for the first time that day, not being able to keep their smiles from their similar lips. Walking downstairs Olive points at the garland wrapping the staircase and every time she sees it, a small sound of surprise and excitement exit her puckered lips. Harry talks to her about how good her mama is at decorating their house and how good it looks good for Christmas (he only helped her put up decorations, following her direct orders). Y/n had a certain way she liked to decorate and with this being the first Christmas in their house she wanted everything to look perfect.
Coming into the kitchen after turning the dimmed lights on low to have some lighting in the morning dark they had a little shimmy along the floor. Olive babbled along with Harry’s singing and mumbling to her explaining how the buttons on the walls turned on the different lights. She probably didn’t understand or care about the lights, but the two continued singing and talking about nonsense along the way. In the kitchen, Harry made her a bottle she demanded having before getting started on the omelette he makes for him and y/n every morning he’s home without fail.
When they finally got back on the road the snow was coming down heavily and the only thing they could see were the lines of cars in front of them on the M40 pushing the break every few seconds before accelerating again moving only a couple meters before breaking again. Y/n didn’t have a lot of patience in traffic - or in general - and quickly became annoyed making Harry laugh at her telling her to calm down (she wasn’t even the one who had to drive through this horrible weather). This lasted for another forty-five minutes before the snow let up just a little bit and the cars seemed to roll along the road like normal.
“I didn’t think driving home for Christmas would take this long. At least, I hoped it wouldn’t.” They’d been on the road since nine thirty this morning and now, two and a half hours later, they still have at least another two hours left until they’re at Anne’s. It wasn’t unusual for y/n to call Anne’s home, having stayed there for weeks at a time during the almost five years her and Harry have known each other. Harry isn’t unknown to calling y/n’s parents’ house his home either.
“I know. Wish it didn’t have to take this long and I’m sure little Ollie is going to get antsy soon. If the weather continues like this and we don’t have to take more than one more break, I think we’ll be there within three hours, but if we run into traffic, we might have to take more stops along the way.” Harry wanted to move along quickly to get to his mum’s before Olive’s nap time around three, if she didn’t end up sleeping in the car. We knew when we decided to drive in the morning that Olive would probably stay up the whole way, too engrossed with the cars and lights along the way to ever be able to fall asleep.
“You know what we should do to keep her happy for another half hour at least?” Y/n turned to look at Harry with a smile grazing her lips. “Play some Christmas music! She loves when we sing and dance around the house.” Playing the memories of hearing Olive’s belly laughter through the house while Harry and her danced in circles around her like another pair of idiots.
Putting on the same Christmas song list they’ve played since making it together all those years ago, the first song coming on shuffle being Santa Claus is Coming to Town. The noise was at a comfortable volume so they could still hear Olive if she started fussing though it’s unlikely and for it to not be too disturbing for Harry’s driving. With Olive seated with her back to them she couldn’t see her mummy dancing in her seat while they sang along to song after song, but she heard her parents’ voices singing out to the songs she’s heard oh so many times before.
“This is accurate, huh?” Harry snickered as Driving Home for Christmas began playing through the speakers.
“You don’t say.” It was one of their favorite songs and it fit the scene they were in, driving home for Christmas, excited to see their family, singing along the slowly getting better traffic. Looking around at the cars next to them, most of them looked to be families also driving home to be with their families for this year's holiday celebrations.
The rest of the drive was filled with more singing, two more stops for Harry to give his baby some cuddles and walking around one of the local Tesco’s they stopped at to get some more drinks and snacks. Olive was waving at everyone walking past us and talking all kinds of gibberish. While y/n grabbed the snacks, Harry had Olive walking along the aisles in between his feet while holding her little hands in his following her around the store.
A quarter to three they finally made it to Anne’s home, reversing into the driveway so they could get their baggage inside easier later in the day. Y/n saw Anne open the front door in the rearview mirror when Harry was pulling in the last meters. There was a bright smile on her face when we got out of the car. The snow had laid thick on the ground up north and the slick ice underneath made it harder to walk without having to make sure every step was carefully thought out.
Just minutes later Olive was already crawling with her little legs all over her grandma’s home, interested in anything and everything she could get her chubby hands on not seeming to be tired at all. They decided to forgo her nap and hope for an early night, which isn’t likely with everything going on around her. Anne was on granny duties right away telling the pair to sit down and relax with the tea she had prepared while she took care of the baby. There was no doubt she loved the attention from the person she might not remember from this summer but quickly became attached to, almost as much as she is to her daddy.
Harry found his place on the sofa, head in y/n’s lap and feet hanging over the armrest demanding her fingers curling through his locks. It wasn’t surprising to her that he was tired from driving the entirety of the way in traffic and tightly packed snow at times. Sure, if needed he could have stayed awake, but with his mum taking care of his little love he didn’t care much, falling asleep to his other love combing her fingers through his hair. It didn’t happen too often that they could have a cuddle in the middle of the day - just the two of them - with Olive needing their attention at all hours of the day so when the opportunity arose he wasn’t going to turn it down. He admits, though this is nice as well, that a naked cuddle in bed would definitely top laying on the sofa with his mum and daughter running around them. Maybe tonight, he thinks, as he finally falls asleep to the sound of Olive’s giggles.
As nighttime inched closer and Olive’s bedtime was passing them in the chatter and laughter, y/n told Harry to get their things from the car while she nurses Olive before getting her ready for bed. While they took care of their daughter, Anne made a nice spread of cheese and crackers for them to indulge tonight while catching up on everything that’s been going on in their lives since the last time she visited them in London.
Harry found Olive’s bag first, choosing a pair of christmassy pajamas from the mountain of clothes they had brought for her. Y/n walked upstairs to the nursery Anne had set up, seeing Harry already unpacking her bags into the cute vintage turquoise chiffonier Anne had bought from a neighbour only a couple weeks ago immediately falling in love with it.
«Would you like to have a cuddle with daddy before bed, Ollie?» Y/n firmly believed her daughter needed the nightly cuddle from Harry, just like she does, to fall asleep. She was already reaching out for him with her nimble hands waiting for him to take her in for a snuggle in his arms. There was no armchair in the makeshift nursery like they had purchased for Olive’s nursery back home where they always sat but Harry made it work. Anything for a cuddle with his baby growing way too quick for his liking.
It was no secret Harry loved babies and that only heightened when he had his own baby. With how good Olive is and how lush it’s been having a baby around and it not be just the two of them, he had thought about what it would be like with another baby around. Another little love for them to have, give Olive a sister or brother to play with. He hadn’t said anything to y/n about the thoughts he’d been having, not knowing if she'd agree with him. It’s been eight months and when they had talked about it before they agreed on a maximum of two years between their children.
Only a couple hours later they headed to bed themselves, ready for a good night's sleep before another long day tomorrow. Harry had been debating with himself whether he was going to mention babies to y/n or not - ultimately ended up with yes, he would mention it. Now they were finally alone with y/n resting her head on Harry’s pillow, her fingers delicately drawing patterns on his chest.
“I have something I’d like to discuss with you.” Harry’s voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper, not wanting to ruin the calmness around them. He wasn’t nervous so to say, but he felt his pulse quicken the tiniest bit at the thought of getting turned down. Y/n turned her head to watch Harry as he pulled her in as close as he could without suffocating her.
“It’s been lovely having Olive, right? Seems like it was meant to be to have a baby and during the holidays it’s been so fun watching her so interested in everything.” Y/n murmured her answer. She had loved having a little one to care for and to fill their days with joy over the last eight months.
“Well, with how well it’s been going with her, I was thinking we could talk about having another little one? Maybe discuss it a bit. What do you say, let's make Ollie a big sister?”
“I think we might be well on the way to making her a sister, bub.” Harry turned his head at lightning speed hearing her words, not knowing if he heard her quite right. His open mouth and big round eyes weren’t something she saw often combined as she wasn’t always the best at surprising him, but this time she was sure her secret had come as a big shock. It wasn’t as if they had been trying for a baby either, only forgetting a condom a handful times when they were too in the moment to care for it.
She found out only a week ago, thinking she could keep it to herself until Christmas day. It wasn’t difficult to hide it from him, not struggling with morning sickness and only craving sweets as if she was on her period. Knowing they had agreed on the number of children they wanted - four - she wasn’t scared of him reacting badly.
“You’re not joking, right?” Harry smashed his lips onto his girlfriends when she shook her head - no, i’m not joking - kissing her slow and long, showing her just how happy he was. They spent the night talking about how thrilled and excited they were to expand their family with more children and how great of a sister Olive would be. Baby names were flying between them, agreeing to never naming one of their babies after a city, but rather continuing naming them something more unique than Chloe or Adam.
The rest of the holiday spent up north with Harry’s family was relaxing and lovely all around. Playing board games, exploring the city with Olive (who was way too fascinated by all the snow), family dinner parties and having fun with friends they didn’t get to see all too often. Olive was wiped out after opening her presents on Christmas morning and spending all her energy on all the toys she got and the paper ripping she played with (more than the toys to be honest).
This year had been special for the family and Christmas was just the same. Olive was lively and it made y/n and Harry exhausted with everything going on, but they wouldn’t change it for the world. After all, Olive was their little girl and soon there would be another little love in their family. Trying to keep the pregnancy from their family and friends was easier this time around as she could blame not drinking alcohol on her breastfeeding and decided they would keep it hidden from everyone until the last possible minute.
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ronans-sepiaphotograph · 4 years ago
Since @andrews-jort-loving-pipe-dream made the post of Andrew having hobbies and it's been a month that these have been sitting in my drafts so here you go-
Andrew and embroidery:
It's one of their sessions when Andrew eyes the plate of his favourite chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa and Bee sitting with her eyes gleaming. Uh oh something is up, is what he says to himself.
"Come on Bee, say it" "what makes you think I want to say something?" "Bee" "well you got me"
She doesn't get to the point in the next half an hour or so. Yes, he's happy Bee. Yes, he did not forget to feed the cats. Yes, he still hates Neil. Yes, he talks about his feelings sometimes.
"Andrew, what do you think about doing something in your past time?" "I spend my past time being perfectly productive" "Watching Bake off while eating ice cream doesn't really count" "Fine, what proposition do you have?" "Embroidery" "what the fuck?"
Bee chuckles lightly as she hands him a package. There's various types of needles and colourful threads and a few pieces of cloth.
"what am I supposed to do with this?" "Sew things, whatever you like" "and who'll teach me?" "That's upto you. But I think it will help, and you can learn and knit whenever you feel anxious or not okay. Give it a try?" "Fine" "and you give the things you make to me or Neil or any of your foxes" "they're not my foxes" "but they call you theirs, don't they?"
Andrew doesn't know what to say so he just pops a cookie into his mouth, and eyes the box of colourful stuff Bee handed him. It's too much colour and he hates it already but he supposes he can try.
Bee wishes him good luck and Andrew leaves. If he Google's embroidery tutorials on YouTube while sitting in the Maserati, nobody has to know.
He secretly begins practising. And it's not hard because he lives alone and it's Neil's last year at Palmetto. But they visit each other often.
He's frustrated initially because the needle hole is so goddamn small and half the time when he's trying to sew he's just stabbing himself with the needle. It takes him a good two weeks when he can comfortably sew with a needle and threads. He's out of the cloth Bee gave him and he doesn't know anything about embroidery or whatever.
So he steals one of Neil's hoodies when he's visiting one time. Neil won't notice anyway because he wears Andrew's clothes most of the times. Andrew latches the chest of the hoodie into the wooden ring and locks it before turning to his box.
It's an old wooden box he's had for a while, which is currently filled with threats and some beads and needles, all neatly arranged. He had threads in a ton of colours but somehow he likes it.
He picks up the white, grey and pink and grabs a pen and draws rabbit ears on the hoodie. He secretly smiles to himself. He begins to sew and it's grey and white patched rabbit ears with pink in the centre. It looks entirely adorable. He's quite proud of it. He sends Bee a picture before keeping everything away.
He strategically nonchalantly keeps the hoodie in their room so Neil will pick it up.
He obviously does. He's beaming and smiling so wide when he sees the hoodie and the little rabbit ears on it.
"Andrew, did you learn to embroider?" "No" "Andrew" "yes" "I love it, they're adorable" "shut the fuck up"
Neil gives him a thank you kiss. Fucking junkie.
He now wears the hoodie most of the time. Andrew is so annoyed after a week or so he just grabs a couple more of his hoodies and attacks them with his needles and threads.
Soon, a key and then a fox and then a cat appear on Neil's hoodies. Neil can't stop beaming with happiness after Andrew shoves them in his face. Neil looks so happy, Andrew hates him more.
"you should do it more it's really pretty. We should get matching ones" "324% junkie"
He does not oppose the idea.
Renee is so proud of him when he tells her that he's doing this. She tells him to make patches and put pins on them so he can put them anywhere. He just hums in agreement.
After a month, he has a lot of patches made. He gives Bee a few, who instantly pins one of the smaller ones to her dress (it's a bumblebee) and one to her bag and neatly keeps away the others.
He makes little fox faces all while hating the foxes as he knits them aggressively. He has to remake one because it's eyes weren't placed properly.
The foxes meet at Abby's the following Thanksgiving and Andrew drops small packages in various places throughout the house, with everyone's name on the nearly wrapped brown bag.
It's like a game because he literally drops them anywhere. Kevin finds his on the lawn, Matt and Dan's is in the trunk of Matt's car (he finds it two hours later), Allison's in her bag and she searches the whole house because she's the last one who hasn't found hers. Aaron finds his in his coat and so on.
They all collectively beam at Andrew when Wymack tells them who they're from. Of course Bee had to tell her dear friend that Andrew embroidered now. He doesn't mind actually.
All of them get a common fox face and then other things that definitely did not remind Andrew of them. They absolutely geek over each other's patches
"Ally you got a heel" "And Boyd got boxing gloves" "And Kevin got a queen pawn"
He makes them their respective pride flags
Andrew hates them the most that evening.
They all post on their social media about their patches being pinned. Allison's dress, Dan's jacket, Matt's Bandana, Kevin's travel bag, Nicky's refrigerator (he stuck a magnet to it) and Aaron's goes on his phone (Andrew made it for him and Nicky, it's a bunch of Gardenias) (Gardenias symbolise family)
Andrew does not absolutely stop. He makes them when he's anxious and happy, and he enjoys it. Not that he would tell anyone. Bee is so proud of him that he threatens her that he'll stop.
Neil knows he's happy when he sees his foxes all proudly sporting Andrew's creations on their stuff. Neil's bag is covered fully. He actually whines to Andrew about where to put the new ones. They go into his binder that he made for his family of foxes.
For their anniversary (Andrew denies calling it that but anyway), Andrew embroiders two pairs of armbands with a garden of flowers.
They all mean things to him. Family. Friendship. Moving on. Resilience. Loyalty. Truth. Love.
Neil is speechless when Andrew gives them to him.
"I love it Andrew" "400%" "Wasn't it 324% last time?"
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mintenochian · 4 years ago
what other people want added to Minecraft: g u n s
what I want added to Minecraft
-For multiple biomes, but mainly for the forests.
-Songbirds would add SO MUCH life to the otherwise quiet areas of the game
-Ravens and crows would be awesome and could use some of the parrot mimicking AI
-Cardinals in the snow biomes would bring a GORGEOUS pop of colour into the white atmosphere
-Seriously we need something to populate the sky, parrots do NOT fly like they should
-nests in trees, can find eggs in them
-doesn't really add a use but fun new feather types would be cool
-technically still a bird but would go really well in covered rooftop forests and snow biomes
-we're already getting larger avians added in the form of vultures so why not more large birds?
•Mice and / or rats
-absolute precious babies
-sadly would go well with owls :(
-with cave update coming we need adorable rodents scurrying around
-lil bastards could make mouseholes inside of blocks
-will they be tameable? idk.
-adds the necessity for cheese
-MOJANG this is a MUST, this is a NEED
-You literally have pigs, chickens, cows, and sheep spawning in forests what the fuck
-Deer with spotty baby fawns??? Yes
-Young bucks with different stages of antler growth? Yes
-Fawns frolicking in flower forests bc they feel safe
-Stripped wood appearing on trees where bucks scrape velvet off their antlers
-Being able to collect sets of antlers when they fall off periodically (would NOT be attainable by killing the deer, you have to wait for them to shed)
•Elk and Moose
-Same vein as deer
-Bigger, much bigger, neutral instead of passive, less shy
-Snowy biomes
-Better additions than fucking llamas tyvm
-Sidenote but savannahs could also really use some endangered deer-like species to help raise awareness for their status
-Mojang plz
-Adds nuts to Minecraft ;)
-Black, grey, red, and mixed colour squirrels and breeding
-Brings life to forests like songbirds and deer
-Mojang bby you literally already have a neutral bear in Minecraft why have you not reskinned it for grizzly/brown/black bears?
-Bear caves
-Hibernating mobs
-Brings more use to the beehives and bees, bears could be attracted to any area that has more than one bee hive with honey
-They NEED the ocelots and cats update
-More wolf types (red, timber, snow, black, etc)
-Actual wolf packs (the AI would be difficult to program but the doges are worth it)
-Please let the howl at the moon, if foxes get to say ringdingding all night long wolves deserve to be allowed to howl
-More dog breeds (I know that there's no reason for domesticated dog breeds in Minecraft but ACTUALLY THERE IS)
-Hunting dogs like springers that can jump and run faster
-Foxhounds :D
-Most Important Goodest Boy: Herding dogs like collies and sheepdogs
-Herding dogs could be found in plains where cows and sheep spawn and create herds
-Instead of having to pen up and enclose your livestock you could form herds of cows and sheep
-Your Goodest Boi herding dog would protect them and move around with them when they graze
-Just soft peaceful minecraft tingz
•Salt licks
-Something SO SMALL but would make SO MUCH HAPPINESS
-Drawing new cows into your herd by putting up a salt lick
-I'm soft
-I guess salt would be a new ore???
•Bird feeders
-idk I think it would be cool
-excess seeds used for SOMETHING
-The coolness of wolves, the chaos of foxes, the cunning of cats
-be gay do crimes
-can open chests (trigger trap chests to catch them?)
-Fantastic little shits
-Not tameable but will trust players like foxes do
-I know it's a lot to ask and it would be hard to make them look good
-But??? Imagine a tiny lil garter snake in your garden
-unlikely but would be so fantastic
-please Mojang we need this so badly
-imagine the ships? The bridges? The bell towers and everything?
-super easy to add, just reskin vines and add a string crafting recipie
•Butterflies and Moths
-Bflies could be a unique mob to flower forests and friends with bees
-if moobloom is added they would all be BEST BUDS
-get it "buds" ahahaha
-help with flower polination but just gives a TON of life to flower forests
-We literally have lanterns in minecraft why do we NOT have moths? Such a cool aesthetic addition.
-helps fill both the daytime and nighttime sky
-fourth member of BEST BUDS
-just soft baby
-i love birbs okay
-the only avian who does not work for the bourgeoisie
-10 million of them please
-they give great hugs
-adds so much atmosphere to the night world
-We have milk
-We have, presumably, goat milk
-Quit being cowards and add butter and cheese
-Butter churn job block for villagers
-V funny bc they have no arms to churn with?? Oh well
-Something decorative and beautiful that could 1) liven up beaches and 2) have snails and crabs inside!
-Mojang plz do not add sand dollars to the game people already don't know how to tell if they're still alive before trying to take them home
-Imagine something as massive as the ender dragon but peaceful. Allows you to stand on them (idk how but make it happen Jeb)
-Being so deep and far out into the ocean, and when the moon is high in the sky and you're sitting in your boat, you just hear the beautiful melancholy sounds of the whales in the distance
-Idk if y'all know this but the glow squid is a bad idea
-Dream buddy you fucked up, please use your influence to get in contact with Mojang and have them redo the vote. People would have so much regained respect for you if you tried to fix your mistake.
-Also why does a speedrunner get to tell millions of people what mob would bring more life to Minecraft? He's only playing the game for 5 minutes smh
-Jellyfish could literally do everything the glow squid is going to and look better for it AND possibly be neutral instead of peaceful
-Not much to say but it would liven up the frozen water biomes a bit
-You already know why
-Imagine giving a new home to all the Club Penguin players? Legendary.
-Gender doesn't exist in Minecraft but we all know penguins would be hella gay
-I think they would be cute
-Never going to happen since passive mobs are generally real life animals but it would be so cool
-they can hold hands
-brings life to the rivers
-super cute
•Frogs and possibly toads
-Swamp gods
-Absolute mad lads
-maybe grow from tadpoles
-wouldn't do much but needed
•Fairy Forests
-NOT Twilight Forests. Not a new dimension.
-Just gentle hidden groves in forests
•Big cats
-Tigers, lions, bobcats, panthers
-Literally anything that could finally add a strong predator possibility to savannahs and jungles
•Zebras and Giraffes
-Shy and skittish
-cannot ride (their skeletal structure is NOT MADE FOR CARRYING HUMANS)
-Super cute tho, brings much needed life to savannahs
-The better llama
-Can honestly just be a reskin
-brings much needed life to the desert
-spits and wears carpet and forms caravans like llamas
-Easier to add to "jungles" than monkeys
-it would be really cool if we could just get a Rainforest biome
-King Julian stans awaken
•Red pandas
-we need them
-cuter than normal pandas and you can @ me
-better idea than sloths or koalas
•More Eldritch Horror Hostile Mobs
-Fun fact time
-The enchanting table language already has Lovecraftian references
-"phnglui mglwnafh cthulhu rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagn" is literally a quote from the enchanting table
-translates to "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
-Bet you didn't know that fun fact
-aNYWAYS add the Kraken to Minecraft instead of the shitty guardians. Thanks.
-imagine how cool it would be to see lights slowly extinguish as something terrifying and dangerous slowly moves in for the kill
-torches get extinguished and can get relit
-if not relit fast enough Something will be waiting
•Ice statues
-We have giant fossils and ship wrecks and cool stuff like that but please imagine finding a GIANT humanoid ice sculpture in an ice spikes biome
-maybe bones inside to show you that... That wasn't carved or naturally generated.
-Not a mob but a decoration block
-Found in temples, mineshafts, and caves
-implied to be the remains of miners and explorers
-also implies that every skeleton you kill has some backstory since they look the same
-Not real world star maps but completely unique to Minecraft
-chance for LOTS of fun references
-The stars are your only companions in an apocalyptic world where you are the last of your kind
-Space is gay minecraft is gay thus minecraft space is gay
-we have butter in this list
-we have salt in this list
-popcorn. That is all.
And finally
-mostly a joke but would be a cool crop
-100% a reference to Hatsune Miku the creator of Minecraft
DISCLAIMER: I recognize that mobs are added to Minecraft to serve a purpose within the game and that many of these mobs would be better in mods and such, but I also feel like many of these suggestions would really bring so much more life to parts of the game that really need it. Even if they don't serve a huge purpose, they would still be really amazing additions imo.
I would love to see the ideas and suggestions that other people have for what they want added to Minecraft, please TAG ME if you make a post like this, I wanna hear and read it!
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darkdevasofdestruction · 5 years ago
Where they take you on vacation - 7 Brothers + Diavolo
Found out the edits are made by @devilgram​ who has such a beautiful blog and posts so many Obey Me! things that are so cool! You did a great job with all the edits! <3
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Lucifer would like to take you to Romania, mostly because of all the stories of the great Wallachian ruler Vlad Tepes/The Impaler and wants to find out more about his ruthless yet effective methods of insuring no crime happens in his country ( and hopes they will work on his brothers too ).
Apart from the gorgeous landscapes from the mountainside, the possibility to go to the seaside, or see the different types of regional architecture ( like the unique Black Church ) from different cities, he’d also like to get a full experience of the language, the music, the traditions ( customs, clothes, foo ) and feel for a day like a native from the old ages. 
Even more, he’d find it very nice if you were to try out one of the traditional outfits, and would take a picture of you at the mountains, on a nice field, and put the developed picture in his coat, looking at it whenever he is working and misses you.
He can get pretty salty about the fact that there are still people who believe the Bran castle is Dracula’s true castle, instead of the Poienari fortress and wouldn’t hesitate to express his displeasure, but would appreciate the castle and everything displayed there nonetheless.
Also, would be the first to go to the Horror house, holding your hand if you get scared, and would feel incredibly proud that you trust him and feel safe around him, but would get such a kick out of using his demon form while at it, to scare the actors there.
His whole aesthetic draws people near as if they would actually approach a vampire royalty, which allows him to puff his chest out in pride, so hey, you’re dating a vampire now!
Would take you out at the fanciest restaurant, just to feel how the life at this place is.
Would love to take long walks on the beach at the sea, your feet in the water, holding hands, and just admiring the moon and stars while waves are your music.
You’d mostly stay silent and enjoy the atmosphere, but sometimes you talk a few words, and that’s when Lucifer is the most relaxed, calm and tender.
He would saying that he loves you with such ease for the first time in so long, and the kiss on your forehead would be so soft that it brings you more butterflies than any kiss ever could.
Lucifer looks so ethereal in the light of the moon, it’s almost like he’s glowing, and when you tell him, he’d actually blush softly, before chuckling and stroking your hair, not denying, nor agreeing with your statement.
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Mammon loves to spend money and grab it, so what better place than Las Vegas?
He’d love for the two of you to dress super fancy and flashy, in matching colours if possible, go gambling, scam people and experience the luxury night lifestyle, go to clubs, loud music and expensive alcohol and all that.
But Mammon isn’t all about the flashy and exciting night time, instead, he would mostly love to just see the world with you by his side, and his goals is to make you happy, to he does everything he can to go sightseeing with you and reads in advance about whatever places you could visit and tells you some fun trivia about the place, he’s treating you to the fanciest food and drink places, and would spoil you rotten when going shopping, loving to see you do a little catwalk for him every time you get out of the changing booth.
He’d definitely insist on buying super cute animal Pyjamas.
He’s a huuuuuge fan of the “His Queen/Her King” trope and loves showing you off as much as possible, so get matching Tshirts or jackets and he would be SOOO proud and would laugh confidently and proud all the time, his arm around you, saying how cool you two are together and all that.
He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he honestly doesn’t believe he’s good enough for you, but when he sees how your dazzling smile is always directed to him and you cling on his arm whenever you watch the Lights Show on the big buildings, see the beautiful fireworks or watch the impressive singing fountain...Well, he can’t help but blush and kiss your forehead, feeling butterflies in his stomach.
He’s the kind of guy who would spam his DevilGram with either couple pictures in different places you visit, or just cute pics of you or you two messing around, and his account is actually very popular for the #CoupleGoalz trend.
At night, he would like to either cuddle with you and watch a movie, or go drive through the city at night, watch the night lights, and go on a cliff, stargazing and chatting openly about everything, because honestly, this guy is always dismissed and insulted by his brothers, it’s always a relief and a fresh air when he can be himself and just...Talk with someone. 
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Levi is the biggest weeb in the world, so the first place you’d visit together is Japan.
Anime conventions, wearing cute kimonos while going to festivals or roaming the streets of Kyoto or Akihabara, couple cosplay (Henry and the Lord of Shadows), buying merch of your favourite anime/manga/game, going to Vocaloid concerts, buying the newest Ruri-chan figurines, trying out new video games that just came out and so on.
Actually wants to go to a Pokemon cafe and fangirls SO much about all the cute pokemon themes there.
He would get you all the cutest Pokemon plushies, especially if you’re not all that into Pokemon but want to share that interest with him, so expect a Skitty, Vulpix, Shaymin, Eevee and all its Eeveelutions, Milotic plushie, while he would already be collecting plushies for the rarest Pokemons, but he’s incredibly happy that you want to do this with him.
He also gets an Ekans just for the Lolz and let’s out his tail, mostly for troll purposes, but it makes you laugh and he could swear his heart stopped beating and his cheeks were redder than ever.
He secretly got you a maid outfit and would love to see you wearing it, but he’s too embarrassed to actually say.
He would blush SO much seeing you in a kimono with a nice hair pin and a fan, while going to see the Sakura trees blossoming and you look like the Sengoku type of heroines from the dating sims he plays so much (to get experience and not fuck up with you), but somehow, you’re so much beautiful than any CG he’s every seen, no matter how gorgeous the art is.
He would get lots of packs of Pocky and despite not saying it out loud, would put a pocky in his mouth and you’d get the hint and munch on the other end of the pocky, in the end kissing him softly.
Levi.exe stopped working.
He would love taking pics of you alone, because you’re so beautiful, and would edit them to look as ethereal as possible, if you want, to even have fantastic backgrounds, and would take pride in how popular your DevilGram/InstaGram is.
He also changed his Lockscreen to have you with your hand in a half-heart gesture, while yours has him with the other half, so whenever he looks at the clock, or sees a new notif, he sees you smiling, with a cute kitten filter.
His Wallpaper is the two of you kissing, edited with a few hearts, sparkles and a little “I love you” written in cursive in a corner (you edited the pic and suggested you both use it, but he denied, so you changed it yourself for him too, while he was busy gaming, and he liked it so much that he couldn’t change it back to Ruri-chan.)
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Satan would choose England first for so many reasons!
He’s such a perfect gentleman and seeing everyone so polite and chivalrous there makes his heart bloom and would up his gentleman shills even more, wanting to impress you and make your heart skip with everything he does.
Loves to take you to different castles, see in real life everything he read in books and saw in movies or TV series, and he’s so mesmerised by the beauty of everything that he forgets he promised to be your guide, but his bright smile and the way his eyes sparkle in curiosity and glee make up for everything.
Besides, he’d definitely go back to you and explain in very precise detail the reason for his fangirling.
He’s a little nerd so bookstore dates are a huge YES, and more - CAT CAFES where you can read at your heart’s content. HUGE YES.
You’d both get our of there with tons of books that you will read together, cuddled up under the blankets while enjoying an aromatic tea that Satan prepared for you, together with some nice scones.
He’d want to go with you to Shakespeare’s grave, Dicken’s house, would like to see anything involving the Romantics and so on, since he’s in love with British literature.
Satan wants to go see the Harry Potter theme park so much, and would buy tons of merch for the two of you, and wants to go in full Hogwarts robes and wand with you.
Would take a gazillion pics of you together, that only you can see since it may ruin his reputation with his brothers for geeking out, but he’d love it if the universe was actually real.
He’d also take you to King’s Cross to take pic near the wall where you get to the 9 3/4 Platform.
And no trip to England could exist without a visit to Sherlock’s house, pretending to be detectives, and at Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum to admire all the figures and potentially take troll pics with them.
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Asmo wastes no time in taking you to Paris, of course!
And the first thing you do is have a coffee at the restaurant located on top of the Eiffel Tower.
He would, throughout all the trip, take tons of selfies EVERYWHERE, and aeshtetic pics of either you alone, him alone, or together.
He’s a Devilgram and Devilr celebrity, after all!
Loves going to all the little cafes and drink a hot beverage with you while looking and judging all the passer-bys, how they would never compare to how beautiful and fashionable you two are.
He takes you to the Versailles Palace while wearing the most glamorous outfits, and despite all the pics taken, he will tell you stories of when he visited the place long ago, and more, will tell you of the paintings displayed, since he’s rather knowledgeable.
Asmodeus will take you everywhere, but first, the Lafayette Galleries, all while streaming every second there, to shop everyone how amazing the place is.
Would pics the both of you sooo many pretty brand clothes, new skin care routine and make up products, that you almost wonder where he has all the money from, especially to pay someone to carry them back to your place.
Would take you to a lingerie shop where he’d make you try on all the cutest outfits and would buy them all, especially because he thinks they will make you more confident and wants to make sure you never thing bad of yourself, because if you’re dating him, then you’re obviously the most beautiful being he’s ever seen, inside and out. (he doesn’t count here, of course)
His wallpaper is a selfie of you two smiling and making a peace sign, from the top of the Eiffel Tower, seeing all Paris in the background, at evening, with the beautiful sky and the night lights all over.
Would take you on a cruise on Seine, serenading and drinking a glass of bubbly champagne, admiring all the buildings and the happy people sitting on the banks of the River, enjoying the scenery.
And of course, there’s no perfect trip to the City of  Love without some very tender and sensual love-making, with so many compliments, praises, soft touches and gentle kisses from Asmodeus, followed by a relaxing bath with milk, honey and rose petals, scented candles, bubbles and ambiental music, and of course, a lot of cuddling all night long.
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Beelzebub would want to go to Italy, since it’s the country with the best human food, and what better place to eat it them its home country?
Would actually love to go sightseeing with you and seeing all the pretty stuff there is.
He appreciates the architecture, statues and paintings of every historical place, loves to find out more about the country’s history and traditions and would like to take scenic pictures of all the places you visit...
And make a couple album where he puts pics with either you alone or together.
It’s his most treasured possession and nobody except Belphie knows about it, and while he is happy that his brother is happy, he would say it’s so cheesy.
Would have fun when doing the classic “Pushing the Pisa Tower” picture, would like to sing when you go on a Gondola ride in Venice, and pretend to be a gladiator at the Colosseum, while you’re his Caesar.
If you get him a necklace or a keychain, he’d never take it off and has it as his lucky charm, kissing it whenever he misses you or wants the day to go good.
After he understands how the food is made, he’d want to make it himself, so you cooking together would be so cute and fun, and the way you see the love and tenderness in his eyes as he looks at you laughing, while your face is covered in flour...
He’s such a precious and soft baby, and he loves you so much.
Also, he’d love to carry you around just for fun and because he loves holding you close to him, so either bridal style on on his shoulder, you say it, and he’s gonna do it.
Will also like to take lots of short videos with you two, just fooling around, giggling, laughing, making jokes, kissing, pretending to be kittens, having flour fights and all that, since they’re beautiful memories and whenever he’s sad, he watches them and he forgets the reason he was sad in the first place.
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Belphegor would take you to New Zealand, because he saw how beautiful and green the landscape were, thanks to the Lord of the Rings movies, so he wanted to see what would be like stargazing on such a flowery field, or sleeping in a Hobbit hole.
He’s pretty sleepy all the time, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t take you to see the big cities as well, eat out, shop for souvenirs and so on, but his heart is taken by the simplicity and peace the countryside and forests hold.
Belphie would actually like to have his head on your lap as you stay at the bottom of a tree and read, much like Froddo Baggings would, waiting for Gandalf.
It’s a guilty pleasure of his, but he wants to see ‘Gandalf’s’ fireworks, and when a festival like that happens, he’d hold your hand tight, having a soft smile on his face and a tender look in his eyes.
Despite not saying it very often, he will confess his love for you.
It’s barely above a whispers, but it’s genuine.
It’s simple, small, but meaningful and beautiful nonetheless.
As you stargaze on the field, he’d tell you the names of all stars and constellations that you can see, and would tell you some trivia he knows about them.
Would take a few pics here and there, but his favourite one is one where you two are on the ground outside, both your heads on his favourite pillow, while looking at each other, both of you having such genuine and pure love in your expressions.
If he ever wakes up earlier than you, and likes to troll a bit, he’d get his tail out and tickle your noes, smirking at how cute your half-asleep reactions were, but would play innocent when you ask about it, only kissing your nose to make you forget and reassure you that it was only a dream (it wasn’t).
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Diavolo is so easily excitable, despite his age and title for the next Devil Lord, but honestly, he wants to take you to Iceland to see the Northern Lights that you spoke so fondly about.
There are so many pretty things to see in the Devildom alright, but none of them quite as fascinating to him as how the sky lights up with so many different and beautiful shades of green, blue and pink, it’s almost unreal!
Who would have thought that the Human world could hold such natural wonders?
He could have sword you were a witch or something, and just wanted to impress him with your magic, as if charming him wasn’t enough, but this beauty makes him behave even more like a child, leaving him speechless and breathless.
Diavolo would kiss and hug you, spinning your around so many times, if you allow him, you forgot to count, which is his way of thanking you for showing him this place and he’s honestly just so happy that he can share this precious moment together with you.
You tell him some old stories about how they say the ancestors’ souls watch over everyone from up there, and that even the animals who died have their souls there, living in peace and quiet.
Despite knowing it’s obviously not true, the tales humans come up with are so creative and make so much sense to their beliefs, he’s genuinely fascinated by all these old stories and would like for you to tell him more.
Iceland’s landscapes are also to be taken into account, and Diavolo will take thousands of pics of you literally everywhere, just because you’re so cute and he’s so damn happy and wants many memories together.
Would like for you to take a selfie with his phone, while at the Northern Lights, and would make Lucifer frame it so he can have it on his desk whenever he’s working, and whenever he gets bored, tired, or just misses you, he’d gaze fondly at the picture and would occasionally kiss it.
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