#there are a bunch of really lovable side characters too who add a lot to the story it’s great
podcastlimbo · 2 years
Whats midnight burger? My interest is piqued
It’s a podcast about a dimension+space+time hopping diner that ends up at a new place in the cosmos every day, with the crew at the diner just. Having to deal with whatever the universe throws at them during the shift, be it helping out whoever wanders in, or dealing with weird alien/robot/human/space fascist threats (usually it’s both)
So here are three reasons why I love this show
Really fun sci fi writing!! Ofc there’s the typical space capitalism theme that’s explored in about every other sci fi podcast, but beyond that? the story tackles concepts like 4th dimensions! Black holes! Dyson spheres! How consciousness forms! Theories of evolution! I just love when shows go harder into the science part of sci fi, and on that midnight burger delivers
THE CHARACTERS!!! Our main casts consists of a space adventurer cook (the gadget guy of the group with A Lot going on in his backstory), a genius theoretical physicist (the brain), the waitress running the show (the newest member of the diner crew, her special power is she’s the only one who actually worked F&B before), a sentient old timey radio (taking the form of a married couple who I love with all my heart), and some guy named Caspar (the straight man amidst the chaos of everything). It’s such a well balanced cast of characters played be really talented voice actors, they all bounce off each other perfectly, they’re each so well-written and affect the plot in unique ways, with the writers unfurling bits and pieces of their backstories in a way that’s really compelling!!! 100/10 all around!! (On a side note, you know the writers care about these characters when literally the season finale is just 1 hours worth of conversaifons and resolving character arcs)
The themes - won’t go into it too deep bc spoilers but if you like stories that explore what it means to be human, our connections with others, finding purpose in an uncaring universe, you know, the good shit, this show has all that and more <3
So yeah!! Id highly recommend midnight burger - amazing characters, fun story concepts that teach you a thing or two about science and history, and a compelling emotional core. It’s such an underrated show fr
(Oh, and have I mentioned yet that it’s funny as hell?)
There’s only 20 episodes out rn, and s3 is coming soon, so now is the perfect time to catch up and give it some love!!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Gods, now you put me on the spot. I’m not that good with putting certain things into words so hope it turns out alright.
First I want to say that when it comes down to your Nanbaka answer, I totally agree. Hachiman is extremely hateable after all for everything that he has done and absolutely deserves your hate, though I didn’t pay him much attention while watching / reading the series and focused more on the much more lovable Building 5 (main) inmates. I can’t really say that anyone fell flat for me because I don’t generally look at characters that deeply. I love someone extremely, love them or hate them (sometimes but rarely extremely here as well) or think they’re fine. I know it’s strangely worded but hope it makes sense 😅
Now for the stuff on the characters we love. I totally understand your feelings of ‘must protect’ when it comes down to Seitarou since he really is so nice and precious and deserves so much better. I love the main group, they’re in no way my absolute faves but I really do love them and their dynamic. Your comment about Mitsuru is a big yes because I also love him immensely. In the past I’ve called him ‘a chaotic dumbass who you can’t help but love’ and I still stand by that. Especially when you see he does care for the others. With me, Hajime is just another character honestly. I do agree with what you said about him and it really is nice but since I’m a more of a fun-loving, free-spirited person, working with him would be far too stifling for me. But I’m glad you relate to him so much 😀 For me, my absolute fave is defintely Samon. He’s just so, so good and I really can’t help but love him. I also loves his relationship with the inmates because he gives off such dad vibes when it comes down to how he acts towards them sometimes. Also, I kind of have a protective feeling over him because of how clearly alone he is in so much. I haven’t read all of the manga so I don’t know how he and the other guards’ relationships progress but I do hope that he can rely on others more as time goes on. And you mentioned that you were near tears during the Building 5 arc, well I actually cried. It really was such a well-made arc and I hope to see more of that kind of stuff in the future.
I also love the HOMRA alphabet boys, though excluding Chitose. It’s so annoying because when it comes down to him, he had the potential to be quite a decent guy, a bit sleazy sometimes but still decent in his own way, but then he goes ahead and says and does some really questionable / creepy things and I just can’t stand behind that. And worst bit is I don’t know whether the authors intended for him to come across as bad (for the lack of a better word) as he is (at least for me) so there’s that as well. Also I’ll just add as a footnote that I don’t like Kusanagi for how he was towards Yata in being physically aggressive with him to shut him up. That was clearly intentional on the author’s behalf and that’s fine and good even since it adds to his character, just don’t like him for it. Also, I do understand where he’s coming from since he was given a lot of responsibility at such a young age (seriously imagine your best friend gaining immense powers when you’re only 21 and you then soon after having to start looking after a bunch of rowdy teens / young men) but that doesn’t make it good and I still don’t like him for it.
That being said when it comes down to characters I love I have the golden trio of Mikoto, Yata and Bandō. I love all three of them immensely and for different reasons that I hope to be able to explain clearly. If it ends up being too much, I’m really sorry for that. Yata’s been my fave since the very beginning, I honestly think I was about the same age as him when I watched the series for the first time so that might have also added to it. Strong cool character with a soft caring side is also just an amazing combo. Not only that but I also always understand where he’s coming from when it comes down to his emotional reactions (as someone who’s like that myself) and I really love his emotional intelligence. He really does always know what to say to help his loved ones (even if near the beginning of the series it might have taken some time) and it’s truly so beautiful. I also really love his development throughout the series and he truly is such a great older brother. Also, I just love his loyalty and honesty (considering those two are also important things for me). Plus his determination is so, so nice. I’m not sure whether you read the Lost Small World novel but in it he had to get his hands on a way of transport and he saw some older kids skateboarding and asked them if he could have a skateboard and they were like “Sure. If you can do this trick.” and even though it took ages for him to be able to do it and ended up bruised, he did it and acted like it was no big. I feel like there’s probably still stuff missing from this but he’s been an important part of my life for at least 6 years so yeah, there’s that.
Hopefully the other two are easier to less ramblely. I’m going to give you reasons Mikoto is one of my faves next because I also relate to him, as a fellow introvert and other reasons I’ll get into later. First of all the most obvious one (to me) he cares immensely about his friends (and also cares about innocents even if he’ll never admit it) and is willing to do anything for their safety. He also gives those around him the freedom that they want and as someone who isn’t especially a fan of being told what to do, I really appreciate that. He also respects others wishes, like when Fushimi left HOMRA in Lost Small World (I think it was then, I don’t remember the exact novel but Mikoto was totally chill with Fushimi leaving because Fushimi wanted that and that’s all that was important to him). There’s another thing that I also realised earlier this year which was kind of big. It just adds to his relatability in a way. Mikoto became the Red King when he was 18 and I also had a life changing experience in a negative way at a relatively young age (was slightly older so not super young but still young) so I in a way understand where he’s coming from. On a different note, I do also like that even though Mikoto is quite stupid at various points, especially when it comes down to doing something reckless, he still is quite smart and is good at figuring certain things out. This has no order to it so sorry for that and I hope this is the last bit. It’s really sweet just how soft he can be with those around him. Like he reassures you in this calm way and you know it’s going to be fine with hardly even saying anything and you just know you can trust him. He’s always been one of my faves when it came down to K but it’s only recently that he’s started meaning as much to me as he does so that’s why he’s part of the list now.
And finally Bandō, last but certainly not least in any kind of way. As opposed to the two above, I don’t really relate to him in some grand way even though we both aren’t the best at putting certain things into words and love doing stuff on the computer. I know I’m just going to keep on saying it but I just love how he cares and it was so sweet that even through all of his complicated feelings towards Shōhei, he still always had his back. There’s this personality type thing called the Enneagram and each person’s type has a tritype and Bandō’s tritype is called ‘The Rescuer’ if that name isn’t just him I don’t know what is. Not only when it comes down to physical rescuing mind you, he’s also just so supportive in all the right ways and really is so great. I wish more people in the series saw that and told him. Or at least one person and stood by their words. Not only that but man is *gorgeous* so that’s also just a really nice addition to all of his great personality traits. This paragraph is so much shorter than my previous ones and I hate it because I seriously love him so much but like I said, I’m not great at putting things into words so here it is. It might also be because there isn’t much canon material about him so I don’t have as much to reference. Though I’m still holding out hope that maybe one day there will be.
I’ll also add that I love Eric’s sass and just who he is, Fujishima is such a sweetie and the animals of the world (and people) are lucky to have him and I honestly have nothing to say on Dewa since we really did not get enough of that man.
Also it’s interesting that you said that Kuroh gives you the creeps. I never considered that before but do see where you’re coming from. Doesn’t really change my opinion on him since I do think he’s entertaining, but yeah, interesting to know. And it is a shame what happened to Shiro and I can see why you’d find him boring later in the series but I’m still glad he was still important to the plot until the very end. I have nothing to say on Nagare honestly since for me he just is another character. But I did like your headcanons of him some time ago so try not to be too hard on yourself. That’s all. Sorry that it turned into such an essay 😅 I’m not good with wording things concisely either so it turned into this. Hope you at least got some kind of enjoyment out of reading it and have a lovely day ahead.
Hey!! I'm so sorry; this is a late reply and it's done on my phone during my lunch break so it's not going to be as long, eloquent, or as nicely formatted as things are when I do them on my laptop so please forgive that!! But I definitely wanted to let you know that I loved reading these! It's fun to hear people's thoughts on the characters, even if their thoughts differ from mine in some ways, because there are some characters we see differently (for example, I do really enjoy Kusanagi) or don't mesh on every area about!! One, it's just fun to hear people talk about things they love and two, it gives me a new perspective on characters to hear others thoughts and why they feel that way about them, which is always cool!!
A couple of specifics - I completely get why Hajime might not be a lot of people's cup of tea!! He is very much a character I feel you either enjoy or don't, no real middle ground, and I can see all the reasons to dislike him!! But my ass is very much type A and slightly a workaholic so I do feel some kind of 'can relate, dude' when it comes to him, though I am much, much less violent (unless you count being violently people-pleasing, haha)!
And I loved how Yata was your first love in K Project, and I actually laughed at that a little but just because I was talking to someone else a little bit ago and had mentioned how Yata seemed to be everyone's first fave in K that I've talked to, except for me!! The trend continues!!
Thank you so much for sending this in because I can tell how much effort and passion went into it, and I truly enjoyed reading it so much!!
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retrogradedreaming · 3 years
Heya I’m back!
Okay so, here’s a bunch from the valentines asks so, don’t feel like ya have to answer them all unless ya feel like it:
3, 8, 20, 31, 42 lmao, 46, 50
Hope you’re having a great day!
lskdfjdskl thank you for sending so many, hell yeah i'm gonna answer them all!!!
3. favorite love song?
oh this is hard because i don't really like a lot of love songs. so hang on while i look through my spotify for something i've saved.
okay i'm back and after scrolling through 200 songs i found that i only saved like 2 love songs (if you'd even call them that), so i'll say:
difficult by peppermint ollie
feel good by gryffin, illenium, daya
appalachian wine by eleventyseven
8. favorite fanfic trope?
hurt/comfort!!! i like it broadly but i'm also just a sucker for sickfic (as long as it's not like...a stomach thing. can't handle those unless i'm in a very controlled headspace). there's just something about one character caring for another when they're really vulnerable like that and in a state where they're just not having a good time, not at their best...like, a lot of people don't want someone to see them when they're not feeling well, and i really like fics where a sick character shows this side of themself to someone who cares about them and receives love even though they don't feel lovable in that moment. i could go on about this trope until the end of time, i just love it so much.
putting the rest under a cut because it got long!!
20. sweetest romantic memory?
ugh okay i know i have a lot of them because @nycorix and i have been together for over 8 years now but every time someone asks i blank because i don't always pick up on romantic stuff and a lot of mundane things are very romantic and lovely to me. but honestly, it's just kind of a bunch of collective things. we were long distance for years before we lived together and when we'd visit (they lived in indiana and i was in massachusetts), we'd start the night in separate beds because we weren't out and then when everyone else was asleep, we'd go to bed at like 3am and sleep in a twin bed huddled together. we'd savor the time we spent going to anime cons because it was the only time we got to sleep in a king or queen bed and be able to be open about it because neither of us was out to our families. things they did like writing a whole travel itinerary for me the first time i traveled alone to see them. making chocolate for them for valentine's day (even when it got smushed on the plane and turned into a giant turd). little things like that all add up for me, so there's no one thing i consider MOST romantic.
31. guitar or piano?
piano! my pepere used to play the piano so beautifully, and i have several of his cds. he composed his own music, and one of his pieces is named after me. at christmas, i usually try to listen to his christmas cd at least once. he always played at the big family christmas party and everyone danced in the living room, and it was always everyone's favorite part of the evening. piano is relaxing to me, and sometimes it's the only music i can listen to that lets me focus. i like listening to other pianists, too, but pepere's music is special.
42. do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
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46. favorite liquor?
i don't drink, so i don't really have a favorite. i do like some - rumchatta and kahlua are my favorites, if i have to choose - but i can't even remember the last time i had alcohol, and i don't like it in general
50. what's your dream house?
at this point, something that isn't attached to other people's houses. i live in a condo, and i really just want to live in a house where i don't hear my neighbor's stereo system vibrating the place at 11pm. but dream house....i like cape style homes, two floors, somewhere that has a lot of privacy but isn't totally cut off from other people. also, a yard for my dog. also, it isn't my dream house, but i think it'd be so cool to live in an old mansion. i'd probably hate it and i'd never be able to keep it clean and i'd get lost in my own house but imagine being able to hide from people so thoroughly, like you have a party and you don't even have to interact or hear it because you're in the other wing. idk, my real dream house is just something big enough to separate me from other people if i want to be alone but small enough that i can be cozy.
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
Belladonna || 1
All Rights Reserved. © RandomBTSPrincessa, Tulips98.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Min Yoongi x Reader, Past Lovers! AU
Words: 3k
Genre: Heavy Angst, Smut 
Rating: This chapter is General up to NC-17, rating might go up as story progresses.
Summary: Your life has finally settled into a routine; keeping you far away from your home, friends, family and the man who broke your heart. Coming back home means facing him again and maybe you’re not as over him as you’d like to believe.
Warnings: (in-chap) Heavy Angst, mentions of a toxic relationship.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The idol used as the Muse for the lead is not in anyway affiliated with the work. The characterisation is a work of mine. Any asks or accusations against the work on the grounds of inability to keep fact and fiction seperate on the part of the reader, will not be entertained. 
A/N: Its’s rather sad that the disclaimer has to be added but eh, it’s a bad time for tumblr writing fandom and people are being very mean. Brush past that if you’re sane. Anyway, a very very huge hug to my best friends for screaming at me about this fic. A bunch of thanks to @softyoongiionly​ for hyping up the chapter! And a round of applause for @kithtaehyung​ for beta-ing the chappie!!
Happy Birthday Yoonfie baby!!
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It was cold inside the cabin, the air conditioner turned extreme while the outer windows fogged with condensation. Your head leaned against the pane, the thudding and rolling of the train wheels under you jarring your brain in your skull as you watched the world outside flash speedily by.
Trees, small gravelly roads, sign boards, sparse traffic here and there…and then rolling grasslands before the pattern repeated itself…redundant, normal, and soothing.
You sighed, a puff of white exhale clouding around your mouth while your eyes drifted back to the interior of the cabin. This sight was a lot more different, with different people having different lives, problems, worries…
A woman tended to her sniffling child, holding a handkerchief up to the girl’s running nose…a man spoke into his phone; harried and rushed as he more likely than not slurred a few words together…
It was when your eyes caught a girl laying her head on the boy next to hers’ shoulder, smiling serenely when the boy ran a hand through her locks that you turned around again, eyes back to watching the redundant.
There was nothing soothing about people watching.
Or maybe there was and it required some form of inner peace to find the charm in it.
You didn’t have that sort of inner peace; neither did you have the patience for it.
People watching for people like you was anxiety inducing…and you really didn’t want that burden on your shoulders right now. There would be enough anxiety waiting for you when you set your foot home.
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You turned coffee worn, blue light sunken eyes towards your boss, standing over you with his files clutched to his chest nervously. The sight was enough to make you chuckle. For all his genius, Kim Namjoon was just a giant fumbling through life. It made him a stellar boss and manager, but it also made him a wonderful friend.
“I just got your email for the leave application.”
You blinked up at your boss expectantly, face calm and relaxed. Of course, your brain had shot straight to overdrive, praying, wishing, and begging for a miracle that would allow your boss to refute the application.
A large red denied would do nothing to hamper your mood; at least it would stamp down the very intrusive tendril of panic that was already gripping around you.
You waited until Namjoon was done rustling inside of the folder in the crook of his arm. The white print out was placed in front of you, green letterings spelling ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED, scrawled on the top screaming obscenities at you.
You looked back at Namjoon.
“We don’t have a lot of work load right now plus you look dead on your feet. Some time away with your folks will be nice, won’t it?”
You very nearly grimaced at his words.
He was sincere, of course he was. Namjoon didn’t have a conniving bone in his body, but right now, you couldn’t help but resent his kindness, his mushy brain that railed against exploiting his workers. You hated the fact that he looked into your eyes and saw past the stubborn energy and caught onto the exhausted person underneath.
So you offered him a tiny smile, just in case the flicker of your crushing despair was made clear onto your traitor face.
“Thank you, Namjoon.”
He placed a heavy, tight hand on your shoulder as he passed by.
“Have a nice vacation, ____.”
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Usually, someone who was away from home, working their ass off, making something of themselves away from their family should ideally jump at the chance to take a vacation, to go home and see the family and friends they had.
Ideally…one should be happy at the prospect of going home.
So many times, however, situations were rarely ideal. Sometimes there were complications, convolutions, obstacles…
Sometimes people had no love in their hearts; sometimes there was nothing at all.
Sometimes, there was dread.
Right then, in the rattling carriage that carried you to the small town which had spawned your existence, you could sense the dread carving a pit into your stomach, roiling and curling like a wretched cat kept too long from sunshine.
There was no relief for the upcoming long sleepy times, no joy at the prospect of home food…of warm embraces…
There was just that god awful dread.
You hoped you wouldn’t throw up; though there was nothing in your stomach to hurl but for the coffee you’d pumped in you from the station café. You couldn’t keep anything else down.
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You had upped and left your home right after the end of your college life. Many things had come to an end with that particular period in your life. You had scampered and scrapped together enough courage to exit the hole that still robbed you of breath sometimes when you twisted and turned in your bed – sleepless.
You had left shattered pieces of your heart in your whirling escape of the town, the space that you had now the only light that shone at the end of the tunnel back then. Your family and friends, as supportive as they were, had never truly understood why you had nearly clawed away from that world.
To them, it had been the job opportunity.
And it was understandable…
The town, as well-knit and seemingly lovable as it was, was used to being self sufficient. The people there didn’t ever need to leave, they knew everything, helped everyone, and any problem one of them had was a problem for them all.
You couldn’t fit yourself in that mold anymore.
You had left – knowingly cut yourself away from that community.
Your friends had remained; some spreading out of course but they were still as much a part of that bunch as they had been when born.
You didn’t expect anything from them.
Not when he was also still a part of that community.
Your mind jerked away moments before conjuring his likeness behind your eyes, the ticket collector bearing down to save you from the torture of it.
Your fingers fumbled with the pockets of your bag, slipping the stub into his patient hands as he clipped and handed it back to you.
You accepted it meekly, folding into yourself again, eyes drifting back out the window and firmly tugging your thoughts away from your past. You had to prepare for what was going to come now.
Nobody expected you to come, you knew. It was a surprise to you yourself that you had found enough guts in you to pull this off.
Namjoon’s words came back to you.
Some time away with your folks will be nice, won’t it?
You weren’t going to hold out much hope for that.
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You found a cab almost immediately out of the station, the many cruisers that stood to one side eager to free you of your luggage and take you off to your destination. You gave your address shakily, hoping this particular driver wasn’t one of the townspeople. Luckily, the man didn’t bat an eye, instead nodding and quietly switching on the radio for the drive over.
You leaned back into the seats, arms grasping the strap of your handbag tight as the moment to face your family and close ones drew closer.
Objectively, your little hometown was very pretty.
Trees lined the major roads, small clusters of buildings interjecting the greenery to spread business to the good people. And as tense as you were, your mind couldn’t help but pick out the differences.
Boutiques were newer and flashier, the diners you remembered now expanded to add cafes or banquets. The town hall was an imposing as ever, only a new marble fountain added to the square in front of it now.
By the time your cab entered the section of the suburbs where you had grown up; your back was straight, neatly aligned with the window. If you had been dreading the homecoming before, it was all gone; replaced with an odd form of resignation.
You lugged your bags out and paid the taxi driver with cold hands, winding bloodless fingers around the handles to pull them up the drive way towards your open door.
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The house was full, open and bustling – a normal day for when your mother threw one of her success parties. She was one of the famous people in the town, her career as a landscaper and home decorator for big names making her in turn the man source of revenue and attraction for the town.
It had been both a source of pride and embarrassment to you in your teens. Mainly because your mother insisted on these parties each and every time one of her projects turned out well. But then, as you grew you realized that this is why your mother was important to the town.
She was more than half the money earned and the social events of the calendar.
Inside the house, small clusters of people gathered here and there, in the living room, the kitchen, the dining space. You stood at the door; feeling more exposed than you ever had here but moved in quickly, lest one of them notice you in the doorway and start blabbering about it.
Of course, the three big bags that you carried more than made up for it.
One of the groups of women nearest you turned their heads in synchrony, taking double looks as you passed by before the murmurs began.
How could you tell?
Well because, gossip usually lowers ones’ volume. And each group you passed stopped conversing before muttering arose in its place.
You cut across the living room to your father’s den. Here, there were all men, hands cupping your dad’s cut glasses of scotch but thankfully no one mentioned you dumping your bags right by the door and walking back out.
Your hands fiddled with your scarf, wondering where your family was in their own party but you were loathing asking one of the guests.
Even as you convinced yourself to walk over to one of the ladies by the window sofa, a figure walked past opposite you, a handful of trays of cocktail bites and glasses on them. You jumped, watching as the woman placed the trays on the coffee table, smiling at the people before she turned…and spotted you.
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Your sister’s eyes widened, eyelashes fluttering before quick steps led her closer to you.
“____?” She asked, almost checking if it really was you.
You smiled wryly, hand still tangled with your scarf. “Hi Sana, yes it’s me.”
“Oh my god!” She threw herself at you, arms wrapping around your neck to draw you into a warm and nearly forgotten embrace. You stood in her hold for a few seconds, managing to pat her back before she was pulling away, eyes glistening at you.
“Oh god, don’t cry,” you whispered immediately.
“Shut up, these are happy tears; my little sister is home! Hang on; I’ll go get Mom and Dad.” She turned on her heel before you got another word out, mouth parted as she disappeared into the house.
You stood rooted to the spot, hoping against hope she brought your dad first. You just knew your mom would start bawling and then all the neighbors and her social circle would start hovering like the pack of vultures you had the low opinion of them as.
It was unfair and very rude of you, yes, but you couldn’t help but remember half the rumors and gossip that had come from none other than these same people when you had first left. Sympathy or well wishes from them now, would only make you more disgusted.
It had made you keep your own mother at a distance, seeing as she was probably the source of their information.
Thankfully, you knew you could always depend on your dad.
A no-nonsense and rational person, he was only guilty of being extremely in love with your mother. You knew he only bore these parties for her sake and of course your sister, Sana’s.
So when you saw Sana come back, with both your parents you still heaved a relived sigh.
“____, my god, you’re really here.” Your mother was the second to hug you, your father following.
“We didn’t think you would make it this year too.” Your dad said.
“Yeah, it’s been hectic…a lot…for the last couple years.” You repeated the same lies you’d been spouting for two years now. You had spoken the same lines into your phone, in your emails over months and it came much easier while speaking them to their faces.
“Very hectic for a well-established firm, ____, you could’ve asked for a leave, I’m sure office policy allows that.” Your dad said in that logical baritone that rendered most arguments moot.
“That is actually how I got away, Namjoon insisted.” You said; not completely untrue.
“Well, I for one am very happy my little girl is back to me. You’ll stay for a bit, won’t you?” Your mother stroked your hair back from your face.
You smiled tightly at her, thinking of the weeks Namjoon had generously piled on you out of respect for your relentless working for two years under him.
You caught Sana try and push in, her eyes seeking yours even as your mother squealed in jubilation. “Perfect, we are going to have to throw you a coming home party.”
“Y/M/N,” Your father said lightly. “We are at a party now.”
“Yes, but ____ deserves her own night.” Sana put in before grabbing your hand. “Come on,” she dragged you away from your debating parents.
“Not a lot has changed I guess.” You spoke drily.
“Yeah, maybe, listen I think we need to –”
Sana was cut off by a gasp of your name, your head swiveling to see Park Jimin, one of your old friends gaping at you.
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It was a whirlwind of reunions and emotions as people gathered around you, astonished that you’d come back without any mention of it.
“Yeah, I – I guess, it’s a surprise.” You scratched the back of your neck awkwardly, going over the faces of your childhood to college friends.
Many things had changed while you were gone, true – to the town, to the people and even to your friends but one thing you were glad to see…they hadn’t cut you away completely. Yes, your interaction with them had been reduced to the odd Facebook and Twitter chats and the occasional emails and texts here and there but they still looked…happy to see you.
Park Jimin and his twin, Jihyo had been the first ones to come to you, Jihyo hugging you tightly enough to make you wince. She had been your roommate in college; she probably knew you as well as Sana did – maybe even better. She had introduced you to Jimin and the three of you had been inseparable throughout your college life.
Jimin had apparently been friends with one of your childhood friends, Kim Taehyung.
You were not so shocked to know he was now married, living next door to you with his wife, Nayeon. Sweet and charming, she hugged you like her husband.
“It’s almost like I already know you,” she explained to your unsure smile, “they talk about you so much.”
“Ugh, I’m already worried.” You cringed.
“They were all nice things don’t worry. We had to put down a couple old gossips down here and there, though.” Jimin came to defend his friend.
You glanced at them curiously.
“Oh yeah, it was just old gossipy hags around the town, don’t worry about it. People moved on from you pretty soon to a Miss Mina. She’s a spinster, which apparently is a sin.” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “She lives a few houses from us.”
“Also, I think your mom told that friend of hers, Dahyun to stop people gossiping about you. They were task-forcing the town. It was fun to watch.” Jimin added.
A sudden wave of affection for your mother rose up in you, before being quelled by the reminder that she must have done it to protect her own image.
You shrugged then, picking up a glass from one of the trays to take a sip of your mother’s homemade cocktail – fruity and simple on your tongue.
“Enough about me, what about you all?” you pointed at Tae and Nayeon, “Married with a house,” your finger moved to Jimin, “Sports coach,” then Jihyo, “Choreographer,” you stopped.
“What about the others, any news?”
“Not really, we are the ones who still live here you know. Plus, no offense to your mom, but I doubt folks would leave their city jobs to come to her parties.” Jihyo muttered; exchanging a glance of solidarity with you before her eyes widened suddenly.
“What?” you asked.
Her eyes quickly went to her brother, Jimin’s eyes a little more slow on the uptake but they widened too…before repeating the process – albeit comically – with Taehyung.
“What is wrong with you all?” You asked again.
“Um, ____, did Sana tell you -?”
Jimin paused nervously, refusing to look at you as he fiddled with the rim of his glass.
“Tell me what?”
He looked helplessly at his sister. Jihyo hesitated before placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Listen, ____, while you were gone” -
She broke off, her eyes darting over your shoulder and stuttering to a stop.
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In that moment of her silence, the conversation behind you was clearer.
Or rather, one particular voice was…
Low and deep – soft morning grumbles came back to you – muffled conversations from behind you made you turn around.
It was a voice you would know anywhere. It was one that haunted your dreams, one that crested the ache in your heart on particularly bad days…
It was one you would know beyond a void.
Min Yoongi stood directly across from you, in your home, undoing his coat and removing his scarf, conversing lowly with your sister.
Something she quickly muttered to him had him freezing, long nimble fingers stopping in the unknotting of his scarf.
And then as if he could feel your gaze, could feel your presence, the reason why you left everything behind looked straight up at you, eyes locking across a room…just like the day you had first seen him.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Game Review — Neo: The World Ends With You
In 2008 I played a JRPG unlike any other I had played before, or have played since. It was a self-contained story and for the most part I was okay for it to stay that way, though I was always curious what more could be done in the world, and hated how Square-Enix kept teasing us with the promise of a sequel that it seemed would never come. But now, 13 years later, that sequel has finally arrived.
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Overall Score: 9/10
My personal feelings on the story and characters aside, overall Neo: The World Ends With You lives up to its predecessor in terms of gameplay, writing, music, and presentation. Unlike other sequels which fall woefully short of their predecessors, Neo does a fantastic job of staying true to the spirit of the original so that older fans can enjoy it just as much as new fans do. For more detailed thoughts, head under the cut (and onto my blog for formatting purposes).
The Pros: 
The writing, for the most part, is excellent. Again, I have more personal takes on the story and character beats that I’ll delve into on a different post, but in terms of how the dialogue and flavor text are written throughout the game, Neo has shown that the writing staff hasn’t forgotten what makes The World Ends With You spectacular despite it being 13 years. The humor is on point, the character of the fictionalized version of Shibuya that was created is on point. Even just playing the demo I could tell that the charm was still there despite this being written over a decade later and I couldn’t be happier with that fact.
The music is, of course, phenomenal. There are remixes of tracks from the original game that are great, because I’ll never say no to a version of “Transformation” or “The One Star” or “Someday”. But there are also original tracks that are just absolutely beyond fantastic, such as “Kill the Itch” or “Last Call” or “Bird in the Hand”. One of the things that sets The World Ends With You apart from other JRPGs is its music, and how it’s composed to be music comparable with what you could hear on a radio versus being very identifiable as video game music, and Neo delivered on that front yet again with both the remixes and the original tracks.
The gameplay is another area in which Neo shines. It would be impossible to replicate the battle system of the original game, something Square-Enix showed time and time again with their numerous ports and remasters of it. The original game was meant to be played on the Nintendo DS, and specifically the Nintendo DS, in that it was created with the dual screens in mind. As a result, the two partner system just didn’t work on the numerous ports and re-releases, and it wouldn’t be able to work in Neo either due to the fact that none of the platforms it’s releasing on have dual screens. As a result, Neo’s battle system is very different, but also very, very good. The battles are still real time, and you still control all of the characters at once (I don’t think there’s a way to let the AI take over like with the partner in the original game, but I could be wrong on that), but this time they’re all in the same plane of existence and you juggle up to six of them at a time. Instead of passing a light puck to power up a sync fusion, you’re instead bouncing combos in order to work up a Groove, which in turn lets you Beat Drop in what is essentially a version of the sync fusions, albeit not nearly as specific to the characters as the sync fusions were. There were times while playing that having to balance so many characters at once got a bit much, especially when trying out new pins with different reboot times, but overall the battle experience is incredibly smooth and is a perfect rendition of what TWEWY battling should be like on a single screen. Battles aside, there are numerous other areas in which the gameplay shined as well. Starting in Week 2 you gain the ability to move around the map more quickly in a way which integrates the BGM as well (which is important given how much thematic importance is given to music in these games), and in Week 3 you get an even faster method of travel via telewarping around the map. Pins are back, and with a story explanation given for why the characters can use any pins they please, you get different pins to use and elemental affinities to consider when picking out your decks. A new Social Network feature not only gives you additional information on various characters, but also grants you new abilities and can help you keep track of who is who, as well as who has a relation to whom. Little features like this definitely add to the experience of the game and make playing it feel fun, which is always of paramount importance when it comes to video games.
There is a ton of content, which again, is pretty important when you consider that this is a $60 game. Like the original game, there are three weeks of seven days apiece for the main story. In a way, this can make it seem like the game goes by too fast (especially if you binge play it like I did), but also like the original game, there is plenty of post-game content to do as well. For one, we once again get a light-hearted parody bonus chapter in the form of “Another Day”. For another, there are Secret Reports unlocked by completing special missions in each chapter that provide extra background information, as well as an unlockable secret ending as well. So although the main story can go by fast (especially if, again, you just can’t put it down), there is still plenty to do once the main campaign is completed and that’s always the mark of a brilliant game as well.
Speaking of, the game really is difficult to put down. Five hours passed by in a blink for me while I was playing, not only because the gameplay was fun, but because I just had to know what was going to happen next. There were times when I figured I would just start the next day and then put it down, but the next day began with something crazy happening and I had to follow up on it. For a heavily story-based game, this is yet another necessary strength and the developers pulled it off fabulously.
For the most part, the characters were all fantastic as well, newcomers and returning vets alike. The original game shined in how unique it made its characters, and Neo does this as well. The returning cast is (again for the most part) IC but with notable growth in their personalities and demeanors, and the new cast is equally as lovable (or detestable for those that are meant to be detested). Again, since this is a story-based game, having strong characters is a necessary requirement and Neo pulls that off just as splendidly as the original did, with few exceptions.
The game is also beautiful to look at, much like (at risk of sounding like a broken record) the original. The comic book art style has always been incredibly unique and charming, and they integrated the 3D graphics seamlessly with the art style to create a truly beautiful marvel to look at while playing. The character design is also worthy of a chef’s kiss, especially when wise decisions were made behind the scenes to swap the designs of certain characters (namely, Ayano and Kanon originally had each other’s appearance, before a smart decision was made to swap how they looked). All in all, this is a game you never get tired of looking at.
The Neutrals:
Despite there being a wide variety of pins to use (especially since any character can use any pin), there actually isn’t that much of a variety in terms of what the pins actually do. This is partially due to hardware restrictions; in the original game they could have sound based pins because the DS had a microphone, and the touch screen also allowed for different types of inputs as well. But current consoles don’t offer as much in terms of gameplay ingenuity, and as a result you get a lot of pins that are basically just clones of each other, which is a little bit disappointing when you compare it to the original (especially since I haven’t discovered many iconic sets yet, a la Darklit Planets or Brainy Cat etc).
While there are a ton of characters in this game, there is much, much less emphasis put on the citizens of Shibuya who aren’t involved in the Game, which in turn makes it feel like there are less memorable side characters than the last game. For the most part, the citizens of Shibuya are basically relegated to just being possessed by Noise, and that’s it. Whereas we saw their lives carry out over three weeks in the last game (such as Makoto’s evolution in both his social and professional life), here we don’t really get to see that, which is a bit disappointing as well.
The battle gameplay, while very fun and smooth, does feel a little less deep at times than it did in the original game. While in the original you had to learn to balance Neku’s pins with his partner’s psychs, here you’re basically button mashing in a rhythm in order to get the gauge up, which can get a bit tiring if you do a bunch of battles in a row. The fact that the Beat Drops aren’t unique to the characters like the Fusions were is another thing that, while not a huge detriment, still feels a little less special than the Fusions did in the original game.
Neo is a lot more plot-focused than the original, which was more character-driven. Don’t get me wrong, the original definitely had a plot as well, and Neo does care about its characters. But while the deeper aspects of the plot were discovered post-game through the Secret Reports in the original, here the plot intricacies are front and center. And while the first game spent way more time developing its characters and focusing on their inner struggles, here the character issues are mostly pushed to late game in order to focus on the plot. It’s not bad, but it is noticeably different.
You still don’t get to actually see the characters in the clothes you dress them in. While this makes sense (it would be way too much to program in), it’s still a bit of a letdown.
The fashion brands don’t really feature into the plot or world at all, with the exception of Gatto Nero because of who created it. Again, it’s not a huge deal, but I enjoyed how you could see which brands were most popular in different areas of Shibuya in the original, and how you sometimes had to boost the popularity of the brands via doing battle with those pins or clothes equipped in the original in order to clear missions. It made the brands you were wearing actually matter, versus just being fun flavor text.
The Cons:
The time travel mechanic, Replay, is probably the biggest con this game has to offer. While it does have consequences that I won’t spoil here in the very final act of the game, for the most part it completely negated the stakes for the vast majority of the game, because you knew that even if something terrible happened, Rindo would be able to go back in time and fix it. I was never worried about what the characters would encounter as a result of this, except for in a few instances where something bad happened after Rindo had already used his power for the day. This is a noticeable downgrade from the original game, where there were no Do Overs and Neku and the others had to live with whatever consequences the Game had in store for them, which made everything feel that much more dire. In addition to lowering the stakes, though, Replay also loses points for the fact that having to do the same events with slight changes over and over felt like padding. In particular, in the endgame there is a segment you have to go through about six different times, and it felt maddening. While I do feel like Replay was a homage to the Zero Escape games in that it works remarkably similar to Sigma and Phi’s SHIFTing ability (and Fret even calls the Game “the escape room from hell” which again calls to Zero Escape), for some reason it felt far more like a chore here than it did there, possibly because you couldn’t Jump at will here like you can in Virtue’s Last Reward.
I’m personally not wild about the adult/teen romances that were implied in the game, even though thankfully neither of them seemed reciprocated. Namely, Kanon viewed Fret as a kid given that she’s an adult and he’s a teenager, and Shoka never really thought about her relationship with Ayano that deeply even though Ayano seemed pretty in love with Shoka. But even though these relationships weren’t reciprocated, the fact that they were present at all is still something that I’m really just not wild about, and made me feel a bit uncomfortable while playing. (And yes, I know that Ayano and Shoka are said to be sisters in “Another Day”, but the subtext surrounding Ayano’s feelings in specific in the main story is so blatant it’s essentially overt text. I don’t want to get into it here since that delves more into spoiler territory, but I really just was not wild about it at all, especially since that’s the most blatant lesbian rep this series has given us thus far, which is disappointing to me, a lesbian.)
I don’t want to dive too much into this here because of spoilers, but: Neku. From his English voice acting to his writing, he was disrespected up and down in this game. Truly a massive disappointment in every sense of the word, and so he deserves a Con point all to himself.
There is a noticeable lack of minigames in Neo, as well as a lack of variety in the wall missions. We only had one instance of Reaper Review (that I encountered at least). There was no Reaper Creeper, nor was there Tin Pin Slammer, though both were mentioned. As someone who loved Tin Pin Slammer, I was so sad to see it not present at all in this game, and there wasn’t even a suitable replacement for it that we could play on the side, either. As mentioned above, the battles can get a bit boring after a while, so the fact that there weren’t minigames to help break them up truly feels like a detriment to what is otherwise a very fun game to play.
Fret’s Remind ability was a chore every time I had to use it. You had to hold the joysticks at certain positions and if you couldn’t solve it fast enough, you had to reposition them all over again. Maybe it’s just the Switch version that was having the issue, I don’t know, but I found it incredibly finicky and hard to control, which made me dislike every time I had to do it despite loving the little drawings that Fret conjured up when he used his ability.
In cases where Noise could interrupt your entire party at once, I found that I was unable to use pins a second or two before the interruption came. This was most notable with the elephant noise (fuck those elephants, me and all my homies hate those elephants, there were TOO MANY ELEPHANTS in this game) and the final final boss. Again, this could be a bug exclusive to the Switch version, I’m not sure, but it was annoying as heck regardless.
All in all, whatever complaints I may have, this game is extraordinarily fun and a wonderful sequel to an even more wonderful game. I’m incredibly happy with it and I’m glad that it lived up to expectations, particularly considering how long it took to arrive. Now we just need to wait 13 years for a third game. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready.
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Top 20 2021
My Favorites (updated)
Hello my readers, it’s been a while since I just posted something not related to a headcanon and I am doing one right now. I just wanted to take a bit of a break to just get SOMETHING on here on my days off work. Plus I’m just trying to find my groove when it comes to writing again so hopefully this helps me just get back into the mood of making a post more often lol. I wanted to revisit this topic for a while just because we’ve had a lot more events and a lot more alts in the game were added. And I know for a fact LifeWonders reads these posts in some capacity because I have meme’d an AR into the game with my top picks from the last list I did for Christmas 2019. No I didn’t. I’m just joking around and I know LifeWonders doesn’t read this.
Anyways rather than just make up a list on the spot like last year I decided to use the Housamo Sortmaker (Link: https://club.housamo.xyz/sortmaker/ ) to try and make a list that’s more revealing to what I was thinking at the time. Since I talked about 20 characters ish last time I’m just gonna read from my 20th place to my 1st place spots and try to justify whatever I was thinking at the time. Anyways-
20: Marchosias and Susan: This one was a surprise for me if I’m being honest but I’m just gonna blame the fact on Shukou’s recent involvement with LifeWonders in the form of Live A Hero and how Ryekie and Mokdai live in my headspace rent free whenever I think about the characters in that game. Maybe we can see about getting some LAH headcanons since that’s a LifeWonders property too). So out of all the characters Shukou drew for Housamo why did I pick Marchosias? Easy, it’s been 4 years and this poor man has yet to receive a proper alt or any kind of skin for that matter and I think that it’s a crime. Sure he’s not my favorite but he’s definitely grown on me because he’s just a gentle dad kind of character and his design has grown on me over the years. I just hope he doesn’t get left behind since he has a lot of really interesting and potential things to look forward to in the future given how the main story has unfolded.
19: Shiva/Algernon: The helmet heads are together because DAI XT quickly became my favorite artist for Fire Emblem Heroes and I really just like their designs. DAI XT just knows how to draw robots, armor and muscles well. Also Chapter 11 with Shiva you can read into some interesting perspectives. I don’t want to spoil any of the untranslated content for anyone who’s waiting for the official english translation. But if you are curious Roureem has a blogspot where he posts summaries of the newly released events.
Link: https://housamosummaries.blogspot.com/
18: Cthugha: I love this goober so much. He’d constantly try to act super sentai just trying say good morning everyday. He may not be very bright but that just adds to his charm and honestly I enjoy how he always tries to play the hero in a lot of scenarios because it’s refreshing when they implement him after a bunch of heavy hitting story stuff. I’m not gonna spoil too much about it but I will say he’s more than welcome after everything Chapter 10 and 11 put the reader through.
17: Mineaki: I’ve made a post about him being one of my least favorites way back when I first started this blog and let me just say how times have changed and I’ve learned the value of not judging a book by it’s cover. I still think there’s something a bit off about Kowmei’s style for his characters, but Mineaki has definitely grown on me. He’s a caring instructor who does watch out for his students even if it’s not always in the most direct way possible. Not to get into too many spoilers he’s got a lot of intrigue around him as well and I am curious to see his role get expanded down the line.
16: Ded: Housamo is the reason I really like christmas. The Christmas stories despite following a similar structure to each other do tend to be my favorite stories. Ded himself is also just another good dad character. He’s also two guys for the price of one, so I mean… you know… you’ve got the forever ask your other dad situation. There wasn’t much thought put into this choice I just like santa as a concept because I think the outfits are cute, it’s always nice to get something for people you care about on Christmas and Ded is the perfect embodiment of both sides to Christmas.
15: Shinya: Everyone we need to manifest buff Shinya for 2021, this is not a drill. This is legitimate. We must make Taromati’s and my wish come true. To be more serious again he’s just a sweet and gentle character. He’s also drawn by my favorite Housamo artist. Their characters always just look so naturally good. I’m just surprised he hasn’t gotten much of an alt given he’s perfect material for Valentine’s day. He’s just a soft boy and I would love for him to be in more things because I just enjoy seeing him.
14: Jacob: I have to be honest Jacob is on here because every time I look at him he just gets more handsome to me. I wasn’t all that impressed with his introduction and we don’t know much about his background but I’ve just been drawn to him more and more. Maybe it’s just because he’s drawn by GomTang? I just like looking at him and I can’t help it. To speak a bit less crass he’s another gentleman kind of guy and those are always nice.
13: Shennong: Yeah I like the doc a lot. Firstly, I’m a huge sucker for big bulls and Shennong fits the bill. The white fur really adds to his appeal visually and the purple horns give off a bit of an unnatural appearance. Shen feels like someone who’s been touch starved and alone for a long time given how he acts as a character and when we actually hug him I just lost it. He always has others well being on his mind so he’s not afraid to jump in and help, or give a much needed lecture about when you need to take better care of yourself. He just comes across as very well balanced overall.
12: Heracles: I won’t lie- at first he didn’t interest me much. He looked incredibly plain when among the rest of the cast and he seemed like the typical “bait” character since the banner had Echo, Barguest, Gyumao and Snow. But after reading the translation for Valentine Time Slip I was taken aback at how much of a gentle giant he turned out to be and I just really liked his interactions with the others in that event. And honestly his special quest from that year was one of the more unique ones given the slower pace and more romantic vibe it had. After the event warmed my heart I did a complete 180 and I just knew I really liked him.
11. Yasuyori: Before I start praising him I feel I have to justify why he didn’t quite make top 10 and it will have some mild Chapter 10 spoilers. To be as vague as possible his resolution just didn’t vibe with me at the end of Chapter 10. Like it wasn’t a bad resolution and it was the right choice to make but in my opinion there really wasn’t a moment I felt was clear where he made a choice for himself. Everything just sort of happened around him and it felt like he didn’t really do much to improve his situation. To an extent I kind of see that being the idea given his origins and the story he’s based on and there is some semblance of him coming to terms with himself alongside his isolation being portrayed pretty well, but I just wasn’t satisfied with it as much as I would like to be. With that out of the way, oh my god I just want this boy to never stop smiling and I just want to give him hugs constantly please he just deserves to be happy!!! Yasuyori is a character who’s got a lot of baggage and he’s just trying to find ways to properly cope with his trauma and not repeat past mistakes and I just really like that idea. His role in Xmas 2020 (sorry I just forgot the name of that event, but its when he gets his alt) was a much better representation for his character in my eyes. I’m not gonna spoil anything like I keep saying but he isn’t one to disappoint in future appearances and I just hope this lovable lug keeps getting the support he deserves.
10: Hephaestus: A spicy way to start the latter half of the list. I just want to give this lad a hug and tell him he is worthy of love. But at the same time he is a little shit… and I love that. I can’t fully explain why I grow a paternal instinct in me seeing this grown man sob about his mother but I just do. I want to keep him safe and give him all the affection he wants. Though I am aware a lot of Hephaestus’s interest in his parental figure is… questionable. I am just gonna say I would accept his love for what it is and he just wants approval.
9. Shuten: I’ll be honest I have no proper reason for why I like Shuten so much. He’s just a cool and reliable guy. He just seems like a go with the flow kind of person most of the time and he’s a bit more direct than most of the characters which I always appreciate. Plus I have an unspoken bias for naop guys in Housamo.
8. Durga: While not number 1 on this list, I still really like Durga. She’s quirky but not to an annoying degree, she’s determined and definitely very confident in her own abilities. Her growing to be more sociable throughout her events is something I enjoy seeing because it really creates this sense of growth.
7. Kyuma: I get a lot of people don’t like Kowmei’s art but I really think we should look past it because Kyuma is one of the sweeter picks. He’s someone who just wants to prove himself for his own worth and not what David can provide, but David is part of him and it just creates the potential for a good arc. Plus this boy is unintentionally smooth and will just take your heart when possible. I honestly want to see Kyuma more in events because he’s honestly the jock that carries 3 of the 4 brain cells. He’s also the last one without an alt so I’m just hoping he gets one in 2021 because he really deserves one in my opinion. (Also fan art makes him really cute).
6. Tomte: Tomte is relatively new but honestly his event in 2019 really endeared me to him. I’m trying to be spoiler free because the best way to enjoy these stories is for yourselves but let me just say his arc in the event was really endearing to me and much more than I was expecting. His fan service is also incredibly hammy and I love it. Visually Tomte is one of my favorites, I love his multi colored hair and starlit pupils cuz it makes his otherwise more generic look have some flare. I knew I liked him out the box and when I read about him in the summaries and can’t wait to read the official translation for him. I was just very endeared.
5. Tetsuya: Tetsuya fucks. Moving on…
Jokes aside this one’s a bit simple. I have no shame in admitting I think he’s attractive and his whole resistance towards wanting a relationship is cute in a weird roundabout way. When he says no I just want it MORE. I just really like duo haired tsunderes.
4. Kengo: Kengo 3rd alt 2021. Please LifeWonders I need my favorite Summoner. He’s a bro and that’s what counts. Kengo has got your back, not afraid to rely on you, a very fun and dynamic guy. Sure he’s not that bright when it comes to making plans or any book smart, but there are times where he’s the best at being able to read the room or just understand what someone needs to hear even if it isn’t always what someone wants to hear. His bullheaded nature is actually one of his redeeming qualities because it’s nice to just not overcomplicate things and just understand what’s actually going on. Yes the early story didn’t do many favors for him but to me the events, especially the later ones, do much more work for his character. To me, at least.
3. Ashigara: Ashigara is best bear, and I will defend that stance in 2021. The main thing that draws me to Ashigara is that I can see a bit of myself in him. He gets very emotional when he gets left alone, he’s very loud when with his friends, has a tendency of speaking his mind- just someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. I also appreciate that in spite of the negative he isn’t someone who backs down when the going gets tough and in a few instances he’s able to hold his ground physically at least.
2. Wakan Tanka: Love at first sight. This ray of sunshine still persists as the number 1 husband, but number 2 character. Firstly I am a huge fan of the partial beast aesthetic. The buffalo ears and the horns  are absolutely adorable. Secondly he’s a perfect body type; he’s not too muscular but not exactly flabby. Third he is just so positive and I love that. He’s someone I admire and wanna hug.
1. Taurus Mask: The more things change the more they stay the same. I’m still a big Taurus Mask fan for all the same reasons as last time. I just… relate to this boy. He is an incredibly shy boy who uses his public persona for confidence. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it’s like we’re soul bros!
So yeah, my tastes haven’t changed in a year and a half.
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werewolfsquadron · 4 years
Hey! You’re my fav rdr fanfic writer. Got any recs now that I’ve worked my way through everything you’ve written! Thanks!
oh gosh, yeah do I have fic recs (and thank you for your kind words about my fics)! Fics are in the order they are in my bookmarks, so they’re pretty much in reverse chronological order. I’ve tagged those authors whom I know are on tumblr, but I’m sure there are others that are here that I just don’t know about. 
Blackwater - gaslight (@gaslightwestern on tumblr): Noir AU, ongoing but almost finished. Arthur is a private detective, John is a bar owner during prohibition that hires Arthur to look into a murder. Does a super impressive job of capturing the noir tone in writing while not being cheesy about it. Lots of intrigue, mystery, and also Arthur and John being lovable dumbasses. John manages to be a homme fatale while also being his normal impulsive, dumbass self. 
Hard times come again no more - dilangley: Arthur survives the end of RDR2, and encounters John again while John is in Mexico during the events of RDR1. Complete. Really unique for Morston in that it takes place when both characters are older, and really well done. You get to watch Arthur and John build a life together, and survive what would normally be the end of their stories. The epilogue made me cry.  
I’m a Rover - anotherbird (@the-other-bird on tumblr): I’m a sucker for a post Blessed Are the Peacemakers fics and this is no different. After being suck in camp healing, Arthur decides to go for a ride and John refuses to let him go alone. Oneshot, so complete. Lots of feelings, and Arthur and John being unable to communicate them to each other because they have no emotional literacy. It’s wonderful. 
Hell Be Comin’ Round That Mountain - moonoverwings: There’s a frustrating lack of trans Arthur content in general, but especially with Morston, and this is one of the few, if not the only, fics I’ve found that just nails it. It’s ongoing and hasn’t been updated in a bit, so could be abandoned, but what’s there is great and still worth reading. Characters are well written with great characterization, and they really nail the “idiots in love” trope with these two. 
Golden day blues - Yuu_chi: Reincarnation AU where John tracks Arthur down after they’ve both been reincarnated into the modern day. Complete. Lots of complicated feelings and struggling with being alive, and the boys fistfight and fuck to deal with it. It’s good. 
Nothin’ - helvel: helvel’s got a bunch of great fics, but this is one of my favs. Modern AU where the boys are resting out in a shitty motel room after Blackwater, and things progress from there. Oneshot, so complete. It’s the unsaid and implied emotions, both good and bad, that really make this one for me. 
All of Them Wolves - thegoodreverend: AU where Arthur got out of the life earlier, and is living a peaceful life as a trapper up until John shows up in his house. Complete. Not only is this fic emotion heavy and full of the good feelings, but it’s got some excellent banter and John and Arthur feel in character throughout, even though they haven’t met each other before in this AU. This fic is definitely one of my favs. 
Lost Country - iridan: A coffee shop AU with a twist. Finished relatively recently. Characters are all so well written, and it doesn’t shy away from the darker or heavier parts of their characters. Arthur is a bartender/reluctant barista at Dutch’s bar/coffee shop, and Charles is a long haul trucker that’s started getting coffee there in the mornings. Arthur owns a small ranch and has a collection of rescue horses, and it’s wonderful. 
Come and Lay by My Side - boldlygoingnowherefast: When things start going downhill, Charles convinces Arthur to leave the gang with him just before the bank robbery. Complete. Some wonderful Charthur moments, but also looks into why leaving the gang would be so damn hard for Arthur. 
Up Strawberry Way - grantaire_dont_care: Charles and Arthur go on a hunting trip that doesn’t go as planned when they get discovered by O’Driscolls. Complete. I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort, and this has that in spades. Plus some great Charthur moments, especially in terms of having someone who actually cares about Arthur being there when he’s hurt. 
Out of the Dark - sky_daybreak (@shady-tavern on tumblr): A time travel fix-it where Arthur gets a chance to start over and try and fix the events of the game (and, y’know, get together with Charles). Complete. Not only does it have so many wonderful moments and heart-to-hearts, but also doesn’t try to pretend that everything can be fix. Some things still go wrong, but there’s happier endings for a vast number of characters, and Arthur gets to see much of his family safe on a ranch together. 
Dust and Devils (On My Conscience) - catwrites: An AU where Charles is a werewolf. Oneshot. I’m a sucker for the supernatural, of course, so this is one of my favs. Charles is keeping his werewolf status a secret, but Arthur finds out early in the fic, and that influences and colors what’s to come. 
Scars Are For the Living - alliancedogtags: AU where Arthur is shot in the final mission instead, and Charles comes back for him. Complete. Found this originally when I had just beaten the game and was looking for AUs similar to what I already had in my head for BALTWIO, just to see if someone had already done it. Arthur isn’t shot by Dutch in this one, but he does get brought to Charlotte’s place. Lots of sweet moments and that good hurt/comfort, and Charles and Arthur get to live a happy life together, which is the important thing.
gen or other ships:
Blessed Are the Hearts that Bend (They Shall Not Be Broken) - Disishistory: During Blessed Are the Peacemakers, Hosea goes after Arthur when he doesn’t show up after the meeting with Colm, and Micah tags along, which goes about as well as you might expect. Complete. Plenty of tension and hurt, but also has those comfort elements and found family feelings.
Soldier, Poet, King - nerdytf84fan: A long fic that looks at the early years of the gang, from just after Dutch picks up Arthur to, more recently, John’s introduction to the gang and Arthur’s breakup with Mary. Ongoing, but has been pretty steady in terms of updates. As with every fic on this list, the characters are well written and feel like themselves. Also full of found family feelings. 
Quest for Arcadia - nerdyft84fan: An Arthur/Albert Mason modern AU fic, where Albert visits Alaska for a photography project and ends up meeting Arthur, who has recently gotten out of prison after taking the fall for one of the gang’s crimes. Complete, and has a second fic full of (relatively) low stakes stories about the epilogue of the fic. Full of both really sweet moments and really heartbreaking moments. Albert still, even in a modern AU, finds himself getting into trouble with the Alaskan wilderness.
If Your Well is Empty - pipdepop (@pipdepop on tumblr): All of pipdepop’s fics are wonderful and definitely worth a read, but this and the second fic in the same series are some of my favorites. When Arthur’s hurting after Eliza and Isaac’s death, Hosea brings home a coonhound puppy to help ease the hurt. Complete, since it’s a oneshot. I’m a sucker for Copper fics, and this one is no different. Plenty of puppy shenanigans, but also some really heartbreaking moments that Copper helps resolve and turn towards healing. 
Nothing But A Note In A Symphony - pipdepop: A post Peacemakers fic, where we see each gang member’s thoughts throughout the worst of Arthur’s recovery. Complete. Really heartbreaking at moments, but ultimately really sweet, especially since it ends with a really nice Arthur & John moment, and has a follow up tag about Hosea and Arthur. 
Birdshot & Bone - magistrate: John and Arthur try to rob some O’Driscolls, and it does not go well. John breaks his leg, Arthur gets shot, and they get captured. Complete. I’m constantly in awe of magistrate’s characterization, and this has that plus all that wonderful hurt/comfort goodness. Plenty of John and Arthur arguing but ultimately caring about one another.
A Matter of Preservation - charlock221 (@charlock221 on tumblr): An Arthur/Albert Mason fic where Arthur agrees to be a bodyguard for Albert. Complete. Lots of wonderful Arthur and Albert moments, but also some tension as well. Includes hurt/comfort flavor later on in the fic. 
Brothers - gaslight: To borrow the fic’s summary, explores John growing up but from Arthur’s perspective. Complete. Really gets in deep with all those complicated emotions of the early years of the gang—from Dutch’s manipulation and Arthur’s feeling put to the side to the way Arthur and John absolutely would die for each other. Plus, there’s John being an absolute wild child which is always a fun ride, especially when you see how that carries into his adulthood. 
sorry about the wait! life has been ridiculous and I only now had time to go back through my bookmarks. I’m sure, too, that there are some fics out there that I’ve loved that I just forgot to bookmark, so don’t take this as an exhaustive list. and then, lastly, anyone should feel free to reblog this and add on their own recs—this list is just my taste, but I’m sure there are plenty of other wonderful fics that I either forgot to bookmark, never saw, or just didn’t check out in the first place because I wasn’t in the right headspace at the time. 
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witchesoz · 3 years
After Oz: Journey back to Oz
Journey Back to Oz is a 1974 animated movie, "meant to be the official sequel of 1939 The Wizard of Oz" and "very, very loosely based off The Marvelous Land of Oz". Talking about this movie is weird... It may be because I watched it on Youtube, and on Youtube there are several parts missing but here's what I can say...
  The first thing I noticed was that the animation is off. The animation of this movie is quite strange and weird at some moments. Once you get into Oz and you have witches and talking animals and the like you actually forget about this bad animation, but in the beginning, when you only have humans around, it is hard not to notice how... weirdly the characters move and talk. Especially Dorothy. Another big flaw of this movie for me is an overdose of song. Oh by heavens, there are songs everywhere in this movie! Every time a character is introduced it will have a song - EVEN A BLOODY SIGNPOST THAT APPEARS FOR JUST ONE SCENE AND HAS NO INFLUENCE ON THE STORY WHATSOEVER!
    I think this overdose of song is explained by another flaw of this movie... It tries too hard to be a Disney movie. It doesn't feel like an Oz movie honestly. When Dorothy arrives in Oz, the movie becomes eerily similar to Alice in Wonderland. The long dreaming/hallucination sequences with music reminds one of the Pink Elephants of Dumbo, or of the many early Disney animated shorts. And a lot of the backgrounds look a lot like they would fit in Sleeping Beauty. But as a result it feels more like a Disney movie-rip off than an Ozian adaptation. Especially given that, for exemple the main villain here, Mombi, looks like your typical, traditional fairy-tale witch, (and they also completely changed Glinda's design, for whatever reason). As I said earlier it is basically The Marvelous Land of Oz, but without Tip/Ozma and without Jinjur, just Mombi and Pumpkinhead (that is now Mombi's servant, kind of replacing Tip). Also no Wogglebug, and the Sawhorse is now a merry-go-round horse lost in Oz (according to my research this was due to having the Sawhorse being mixed up with a character from "Merry-go-Round in Oz", the last of the Famous Forty. As a result the story feels a bit too simplistic at time, and the movie too long - they padded it with songs and dreaming sequences and flashbacks a bit too much.
    But this movie has some good things to it, I will admit. Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse for exemple are really good sidekick characters, lovable and funny (not like Dorothy, who's just as blend). The other big plus of this movie is Mombi. On one side, yes, she disappoints a bit as a villain - she is your traditional fairy-tale witch (and even said to be the "cousin" of the Wicked Witch of the West, to reinforce the idea of witches being one big family), she has a pet talking crow that never reappears, her design isn't inventive at all, and she lives in a house that can't be more cliché... And yet. And yet she manages to be a very entertaining villain: the scene where she thinks of all the things she could inflict to the travelers, walls of fire and floods, is fascinating, for example. She is well "played" if I may say, but even more than that, it is her master plan that really makes this movie. Because you see, Mombi's plan is to attack Oz with an army of green elephants created by magic. And it works, it works very well. It feels strongly Ozian (elephants are quite common in Oz), and it allows for many wonderful pictures - Mombi riding the elephant at the head of the stampede, for exemple ; or my favorite picture, Mombi "cooking" the elephants in a pot from which wriggle all the elephants trunk like tentacles or snakes, in fact Dorothy thinks they are snakes and the crow adds mischievously "They're not quite cooked up yet"... These are the kind of fantastic picutres and imagery an Oz movie need. It also allows to reuse one of the most troublesome plot points of the Land of Oz: in the book, the heroes use mices to defeat the army occupying the Emerald City because they are a bunch of *girls* and *girls* are of course afraid of mices... Long debate opened here. But in this movie, the mices logically make the elephants afraid, since everyone knows elephants are afraid of mice. It is a brilliant re-using of the original book!
    In fact, it seems in this movie that everyone fears the Green Elephants - when Dorothy goes to her friends Tin Man and Lion, they are all the more ready to help her, but at the mention of magical green elephants invoked by and controlled by a Witch they start having hallucination sequences and refuse to help Dorothy... almost as if the green elephants were Ozian boogeymen or fabulous monsters dreaded in all the land, and I absolutely love this idea. And yes, in this movie the Tin Man and the Lion both refuse to help Dorothy in the end, and prefer to stay in their own kingdoms, safe. I was expecting that to simply prepare their final arrival at the end, triumphant, here to vanquish Mombi... but no. They never come. In this movie, they now become cowards ready to let their friend the Scarecrow die by the hands of Mombi. Some like it, others don't... I'll let you judge. (But at the same time it allows more ground to help develop Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse).
     *spoiler part* This movie also introduces an interesting idea - when a witch die, all of her magic dies with her. Which means of course that the death of Mombi (because the rose trick Mombi used in the book is reused here, for dreadful effects), all of her curses and her army of elephants disappear. But it also means that Pumpkinhead, who was born out of her magic, also "dies" - and I love this idea, I loved this scene where they discovered that Pumpkinhead couldn't survive past Mombi. It was a really clever and almost *realistic* take on the magic and the rules of Oz. Of course, it all got ruined in the end by Dorothy's tears magically awaking Pumpkinhead, because apparently "faith" is stronger than magic... Which has some fair ground, but should be developped in another way.
         Anyway so as a result... I am mixed. As an adaptation of Oz, it isn't faithful to the Oz books and it feels too far away from the original aesthetics, with too many cliches. As a movie, it is not a great one - animation off, padding problems, too many damn songs. But it has a good voice acting, a very good one - and it is logical given that a lot of the voice actors are actually famous stars. It has some striking imagery, as well as some good and interesting ideas - and a good villain. So yeah, it can be worth watching, but it can be tiresome to watch, so if you do, hang in there.
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annalyticall · 4 years
Anime Newbie in her Twenties Ranks her First 10 Anime
With the recommendations of my sister @ging-ler​ and friends, I started watching anime just over a year ago and within that time I’ve watched a total of 10 - some clocking in at almost 200 episodes and some with only 12. I told myself a while ago that once I had finished 10 anime shows I would rank them like some Anime Newbie WatchMojo list, so, here we are. Really this is just an excuse to force more of my unwarranted opinions onto unwilling followers.
I should also preface this by saying I don’t think any of the anime I watched this year was bad, and I enjoyed a lot about every show even if I ranked some low. However, the top three anime on my list are the ones I would recommend to anyone following me even if they don’t watch anime.
10. Death Note
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Despite absolutely loathing the “protagonist” since episode one, I really enjoyed the first half of Death Note! The story was intriguing with all of its wild twist and turns and I found myself immediately invested in what was going to happen next. Unfortunately, after the death of who I thought was by far the best character, the show seems to go off the rails as it introduces new characters and contrived plot devices in the second half that were frankly hard for me to care about at that point. The ending was satisfying but I forced myself to sit through a lot of painful meandering to get there.
9. Cowboy Bebop
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Cowboy Bebop was the first anime I watched as suggested to me by @mcsherrybr​. The smooth and jazzy art, atmosphere, animation, action, and music were all a lot of fun, as were the lovable ragtag group of misfits that made up the main cast. I enjoyed myself a lot while watching this western/sci-fi melding pot of a show, and I only ranked it so low because the last few episodes were a huge disappointment to my found-family-trope-loving heart.
8. Violet Evergarden
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Violet Evergarden, following the story of a child soldier learning to love, is absolutely beautiful to look at and listen to. The music in this anime is, for me, THE best music from any show on this list. This is also the only anime that made me sob several times while watching it. The collection of short episodic stories that explore the deep facets of human love and connection are incredibly resonant and will stay with me for a long time. However, the strength of the small story arcs made the rushed overarching war story and finale weaker in comparison. Similarly, the memorable characters introduced in the one-off side plots were more interesting to me than the cast of rather bland reoccurring supporting characters. While I will remember a lot of great individual moments, I can’t seem to remember a single character’s name besides Violet’s, but that might also be due to being one of the shorter entries at only 12 episodes.
7. Hunter x Hunter (2011)
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Going from one of the shortest anime on this list to the longest, Hunter x Hunter was an great and engrossing story during the entirety of its 160+ episodes. It’s colorful and playful, but can also be very dark and at times even heart-wrenching. Because it contains so many distinct arcs, there is a wide variety characters and stories to get attached to, and some, like the Chimera Ant Arc, I even cried over. But this also left me with issues regarding the pacing. The show has great action and introspective moments but will often drag with long drawn-out pauses between fights to explain simple concepts (though I understand that’s a common trope in old shonen anime in general). The world-building is rich but also caught me off guard with some strange ideas, and admittedly not all of them I liked. Some eccentric characters and concepts rubbed me the wrong way and ended up hindering my enjoyment of the show. Overall though, it was a lot of fun and I left with a few more endearing favorite characters, like Leorio and Killua.
6. Erased
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Also a 12 episode anime, Erased was amazingly impactful for how short it was. Even as I followed the unfolding murder mystery, I was also touched by the meaningful themes and kind-hearted characters I met along the way. The already-strong story is accentuated with great symbolism, art, and music. The only problem I had was with the mystery itself; I was able to tell who the true killer was within the first 4 episodes, which didn’t lend itself well to suspense and I spent the remaining episodes frustrated that the main characters couldn’t see some obvious clues.This is a minor problem, though, since the finale has less to do with mystery and more about the morals and resolution of themes that I felt was satisfying.
5. Demon Slayer
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Demon Slayer is gorgeous. The stunning art style, fluid animation, and breath-taking music are all valid reasons to watch it, but the main character Tanjiro and his unwavering devotion to find a cure for his sister-turned-demon Nezuko are the reasons to stay. Tanjiro is unbelievably gentle as he shows even the evil demons he has to slay a hard-fought kindness, and it’s those tender moments between all of the amazing action sequences that really elevate this show for me. The issues I have lie with the rest of the cast. While I love some supporting characters, like the pig-headed Inosuke and the stoic Giyuu, others have very niche personalities that can get annoying if they’re on screen for too long, which they definitely tend to be. Still, the bond between Tanjiro and Nezuko is so strong that it gets me through even those dragging scenes.
And it’s written by a woman!
4. My Hero Academia
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Hey so this might come as a shock for anyone who’s followed me for a while: My Hero Academia is not my favorite anime! I do love it a lot - it’s the only anime on this list that has inspired me to read the manga, write fic, and buy merch. There are so many lovable characters and exciting arcs in this show that there is bound to be something for everyone to enjoy, both inside and outside of canon. It’s a wonderfully paced and animated deconstruction of the superhero genre and besides its deeper themes and commentary, there’s also just a lot of endearing teenage goofin’ to be had, and the show balances the tone of these two almost-equally engaging aspects of the story fairly well.
The downside, for me, is the show’s sexualization of female characters, especially the teenagers. With the likes of pervy fellow classmate Mineta, it’s a flaw that’s hard to avoid and takes up an unfortunate amount of screen time. There are in-universe characters that protest against this behavior, and the female characters are still well-written for the most part, but that doesn’t make up for the canon material including it at all. It’s not a huge part of the show but it’s present enough that it really knocks the ranking down for me.
3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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Out of my top 5, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the only one that is complete. Because of that, I can tentatively say that so far, it is the best completed story on this list. From beginning to end, the pacing was perfect - the action never dragged, the characters were never unnecessary, and the plot twists were never unearned. I found myself more invested than I thought I would ever be for the large cast of characters, and everything, including its ending, was satisfying to watch. The animation is fluid and lent itself well to the most impactful scenes, especially involving the flame alchemist Roy Mustang. It’s also written by a woman! Really, the only nitpicks I have were with tonal problems - serious moments would sometimes be ruined by too much slapstick or visual gags.
As I mentioned before, my Top 3 are shows I would recommend to anyone who’s unfamiliar with anime simply because they’re good solid stories with almost no distracting anime tropes. This is a good place to start.
2. The Promised Neverland
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The Promised Neverland is deceiving; on the surface it looks like a sweet show about a bunch of adorable kids playing together in the spacious green backyard of their quaint orphanage. Once you finish the first episode, however, you will quickly discover that there is definitely something more sinister lurking under the surface. This show is an expertly executed dark horror/thriller that always had me on the edge of my seat. The cute aesthetic never distracts from the suspense, in fact, it adds to the discomfort when the horrific visuals and expressions are contrasted against the character designs. I loved all of the characters, including the antagonist, who manages to be just as sympathetic as she is menacing. The sound design and music are also beautiful and adds so much to the rich atmosphere. I am definitely excited to see where this series will go!
1. Mob Psycho 100
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ONE, the creator of Mob Psycho 100, said the single word he used for the concept for the series was “kindness”. Kindness shines through so much of this story following the life of Mob, a super-psychic kid that just wants to fit in, and I adore every second of it. While many shonen anime stories force the child protagonist to get stronger, become more powerful, and fight in battles against hostile adults, Mob Psycho 100 says “that’s stupid. Kids shouldn’t have to be traumatized by immature power-hungry adults. The only strength that anyone should pursue is strength of character, motivated by self-love and love for others.” And it says it with the most beautiful animation I have EVER seen in a show. The simplistic character designs mean the animators can have as much creative freedom as they like with expressions and movement, and they absolutely use that freedom. Humor is a large part of this mostly-comedy anime, but it makes the serious and introspective scenes so much more important when they do happen. The shifts between these two tones never feel awkward or imbalanced.
Mob Psycho 100 has inspired me to become more experimental and joy-seeking with my art, as well as just become a better person in my own life, which I can’t say for many other anime or many other pieces of media period. Even though a Season 3 hasn’t been officially announced yet, I can still safely say Mob Psycho 100 will forever hold a special place in my heart.
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bandicoot88 · 4 years
My Cyberpunk 2077 thoughts...
Gonna go into some spoilers, which I’ll hide under the cut, tho for now, I will share what I thought of the game. I finished my original playthrough a while back now, and did a second, with my same V but with a few different choices (and going back so I could take a bunch of snaps in photo mode, as you may have seen!)
  The game is definetely overhyped tho. Did I enjoy myself? Yes, but the game could’ve been better had it been worked on either more, or taken a step back... and made sure the game ran nicely. There are problems with it, and I’ll share this video here from videogamedunkey who does a good job of explaining the good and bad:
    The length of the game:
  Too short. For about 2 days I was doing side quests only to look for Brendan and Theo, voiced by Bryan Dechart and Ameila Rose Blaire, and even then, I felt like the story just... ends. When I went to do the final mission, I actually didn’t realize it was the final mission. It does say a point of no return, and I’ve experienced that once before in a game, but I just thought it’d be a really long mission, not the end of the game.
  There’s too many side missions I feel, and as mentioned in the video, a lot of copy and paste kinds which are boring, while some are worth doing, but you can’t tell which is which until you visit those locations.
  Game machanics:
  I’m an easily confused person, but I still felt like the game doesn’t really explain... much. All this tech, upgrades, add-ons, abilities, weapons, hacking, and WHY THE FUCK AM I OVERHEATING!? Like... did anyone else feel overwhelmed? I’d be hours and hours into the game, and I still didn’t know what did what. Heck, there’s stuff now I still don’t understand, like... consumerables. I never use them, EVER!
  I just find them kinda pointless, and they’re fucking everywhere, which is probably my problem because I pick EVERYTHING up. I just wanted the game to explian things better. Even BOTW just throws you into the wildness with little to go on, but it’s easy to pick up and understand once you know how (yes, I know the games are totally different, but CP77 could’ve learned something from games such as that on how to introduce players on how to literally play their game).
  Did anyone actually craft in this game? I crafted very little, and by that I mean I crafted a few grenades to use. I thought weapons could be upgraded, but I was wrong I think, and legendary weapons could be crafted instead? Either way, I never found enough material to craft anything legendary, and with how often I looted... something ain’t right there.
  Selling stuff:
  On PS4, it’s a fucking nightmare. It’s sooooo slow. It would’ve been nice to have an option like ‘sell all commons/whites’ or selecting multiple items and then go ‘sell’. But no, you have to sell each item individually, and with how the game performs on PS4 currently... yeah, not fun.
        The story:
Confusing. I got the impression that Arasaka were the bad guys, since y’know... killing Jackie, the son killing the father, etc. Then Takemura enters the scene, thinks we’re the killers, then we both get attacked by robo ninjas, who I haven’t got a fucking clue are, and then... Takemura is trying to save me. When it said ‘finish him off’, I thought it meant Takemura (I think I ignored the prompt, thinking Takemura would die in that moment).
I also kept getting confused on character names within the Arasaka’s, namely Saburo and Yorinobu, constantly getting lost on what and who Takemura was referring to, but I think that’s a me problem and not the fault of the game.
  I still have yet to romance someone, but my first encounter with a romancable character was Panam. Little did I know... that she’s straight, so my female V cannot romance her. So. Lame. There’s 4 romances in the game, and we’re limited to 2 per gender? Judy is nice, but I really liked Panam... Why not just make them all bi so from a player perspective, there’s more choice? That’s what Joytoys are, with Skye and Angel as prime examples. Just put the gay/lesbian representation in game elsewhere, but not with romancable characters that are limited, because that’s just lame to me. AC Odyssey didn’t have that problem... It’s really not difficult. According to a YouTube comment on Kerry’s romance, in the Cyberpunk board game, Kerry was bisexual anyway, so... what gives?
Character deaths:
I hated that Jackie died. Seriously? That lovable goof giant just killed off in the most anticlimatic and lame way? If you’re gonna kill off such a great character, at least go out with a bang. The guy didn’t get enough screen time and he was such a lively character in the doom of gloom of Cyberpunk’s world.
It also sucked that T-Bug and Dex died too. T-Bug... how did she even die? The game doesn’t explin anything, and the way she went off comms like that made me think that we’d see her late, as I didn’t realize she was actually dead for a good while, expecting her to make contact at some point.
As for Dex... yes, he did screw us over, but I still liked him. The way he talked, his voice, his style... I just felt he could’ve had more to give.
Then there’s Takemura, another death that I thought had to happen, but the game fucks him over by giving no indication that he could’ve been saved. According to the PS4 trophies, it says 0.8% had Takemura get his revenge for Saburo’s death near the end of the game, so... hardly anyone knew he could be saved.
They couldn’t have done like a decision that could’ve saved him? If they didn’t want to make it obvious, fine, don’t label literally “save Takemura” and “leave Takemura”, but have a decision there at least. Or, explain at some point in the game (maybe near the beginning) that following what the mission says doesn’t have to be taken so literally. When gamers are told by a mission on what to do, they do. How would we ever know to crawl in a tiny hole and find Takemura that way? Again, I assumed we’d meet up later, waiting... waiting... Hanako makes no mention of him whatsoever, and eventually I realized he was dead. Even called him on his phone to confirm it. So lame...
  Smelting legendary weapons:
  I think I accidentally smelted down Johnny’s Revolver, and I fucking loved that thing! The damage, the sound, the awesome reload animation... So now on my other playthrough I’m gonna try and not mess that up. How on Earth are Johnny’s clothes non-sellable/smeltable, but his gun is? How do you mess that up!? Let me mark certain weapons so I don’t accidentally sell them. Again, CP77 can learn from other games...
  Buying cars:
  I’ve bought... one car, and I hate that buying cars are labelled as side missions. Why would I want to buy a hoard of cars? I’m not made of money? I can’t just spend 22k on a car I don’t even really want, especially when I got Johnny’s car, and the bikes of Jackie and Scorpion. Just... have a single place where you can go to buy cars instead of littering the map. I read somewhere that buying cars is the Corpo path only, but I’m not sure?
  The endings:
  I think the ending I got was a common one. I understand there are 5 endings? I chose to go back to Earth and... eventually die I guess, because I didn’t trust Arasaka. I picked the other choice to see what happens, and I wish there was some explaination. You’re just stuck in some program, waiting for a body? If one will even be available? I felt like both endings kinda sucked, and dare I say, the ending you can get much earlier sitting on the roof was oddly more satisfying to me, because you get an actual cutscene with Johnny, and overall, it’s just a nice heart to heart moment. Sure, it’s sad, but there was emotion. The other 2 common endings just felt empty to me. I still have to watch the other, more rare endings.
  Okay I’m done. This is mostly a big rant, but I did still like the game. It just wasn’t ready for release, even after 8 years, and it did had problems, outside of bugs and performance issues.
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thebeauregardbros · 4 years
Can you tell me about Yakuza 0? I've never played it before and would like to read your thoughts on it.
This review is spoiler-free!
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Despite what you might assume a game about a bunch of tough muscley fighting dudes, the amount of moral philosophy in this game could rival a 3-part episode of Star Trek: TNG in terms of surprisingly deep and emotional thought. The struggles the protagonists go through has a huge emphasis on honor, keeping your word, taking responsibility for your actions, standing up to things you think are wrong and persevering no matter how much pain, suffering and threat you personally go through all in the name of trying to be a good person, and emphasizing that the mental fortitude to stand for your convictions is the true strength, not just brawn. Character development is absolutely fantastic and I feel like it’s impossible not to fall for these main characters by the end of the game, no matter how weird or even pigheaded they might seem to you at first.
(Trust me, moral philosophy is probably my biggest autistic hyper-fixation. They did this shit GOOD.)
Another major reason I really love Yakuza 0 is that it takes an unusual setting to the normal person - the incredibly political, dark, yet surprisingly realistic setting of organized bullies, criminals, and the uneducated brawn and bad-attitude baddies of the world and try to show them as worthy of more as humans like you and me than just trash that should not be seen or touched. The amount of humanitarian outlook on these people and the humanitarianism of our protagonists is absolutely heartwrenching and beautiful. Despite appearances, anyone can be a good person - this seems to be a major message in this story which I just find absolutely beautiful.
The yakuza definitely have different rules to their world, and that is one that’s built on violence over paperwork, especially when it comes to showing eachother the extent of their passion about something. I feel like it’s an excellent way of portraying the difficulties any normal person goes through with their mental health while struggling to do the right thing in a very direct and relatably painful way that anyone can understand.
The story deals with not only the importance of preserving life and protecting it with surprisingly pacifist ideologies, but the aesthetics in align with the idea that no matter how dark the world or your life feels, happiness is always an option.
Why you might love Yakuza 0 even if the plot doesn’t sound that interesting to you:
Tons of minigames - I think about 28~30 total. That includes 4 actual vintage SEGA arcade games! There’s also tons of gambling games like black jack and shogi, fishing, rhythm games, bowling, fighting tournaments, pool, darts, stock car racing, doll dressup.. It’s very hard not to find at least one you’ll like!
Tourism. Yakuza 0 has such an incredible amount of visual detail to every nook and cranny of every corner and unseen alleyway in the town maps that it feels just absolutely insane to me. The devs didn’t need to put in all this detail but they did. I could legit spend hours in first person mode just looking at everything. On top of that, every restaurant in town has a detailed menu describing each item despite the fact that all food items are just generic healing items. I think there’s even a bar where the bartender will go on a spiel talking about certain drinks after you order them. The atmosphere really makes you feel like you’re truly taking a vacation in another place. Great for when you’re longing to see new scenery while being stuck at home all the time during COVID.
The amount of optional side quests is absolutely insane. According to a wiki there’s a total of 100 side quests in all. If you’re a fan of JRPGs or a fan of completionism, completing them all gives you a ton of extra content and side-stories that can sometimes be just as gutwrenchingly wholesome or tragic as the main plot, or otherwise be great comic relief.
Speaking of comic relief, this game is notorious for it. The main plot can be incredibly serious and stressful and the devs know that can really wear down on the mental state of the player after awhile, so seeing Kiryu dance at a disco in the most lame awkward embarassing dad way possible, or see him pick up a phone in the most ridiculously over-dramatic way for no reason, or see Goro sing lovey-dovey pop songs is just something that will absolutely kill you with laughter and joy and give you a refreshed break you need to help you be able to keep continuing on.
Big fan of seiyuu (Japanese voice actors)? The karaoke bar lets you hear your protagonists’ gorgeous singing voice. You can even invite some side characters and hear their voices too!
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Despite the plot having a huge emphasis on how important the morality is of not killing, fighting animations are often totally lethal. Goro canonically fights with a knife and a bat by the end of the game. Both characters can use guns, swords, poisoned knives, baseball bats and other lethal items as a weapon. One of Goro’s main fighting animations is snapping a dude’s neck. Kiryu threw a dude out of a high window. Kiryu shoots at dudes with a gun in a high speed chase at some point and none of these instances are ever addressed in canon plot as having blood on the hands of these characters - no matter what, the people hurt by these things seem to be able to stand up fine later on like nothing happened. Even the main characters can get shot by an actual gun 20 times in a row and shrug it off by shoving convenience store food down their throat. It’s super dumb but absolutely hilarious in it’s unaddressed B-Movie esque hypocritical nature and became a huge in-joke with the fandom. Despite these Goofy Video Game Logic instances, the main plot (specifically the cutscenes) are all extremely realistic and well done. Actual members of real-world Yakuza say the story is pretty accurate to reality.
One of the minor characters is obviously a trans woman but is misgendered constantly by other characters, including the protagonist (though this may be a translation problem), and is the only female character in the game you can fight and have to fight in order to unlock Kiryu’s endgame fighting style (though he remarks he only fights her because she looks like she can handle herself in a fight). She does end up joining up with you as an ally afterwards without changing anything about herself so that’s a positive, I guess? SEGA is aware of fans’ dislike for transphobia and have removed a lot of transphobic content from their re-releases of future Yakuza games, as well as shown the protagonist, Kiryu, as a huge LGBTQ+ ally.
Things you might like or otherwise want to check out relating to the same story style of Yakuza 0 I personally highly recommend:
Kyou Kara Ore Wa!! (aka, "From Today, It's My Turn!!"): Absolutely hilarious gag comedy with surprisingly heartwrenching drama and incredibly lovable in-depth characters. It’s about highschool delinquents in the late 1980s (same era Yakuza 0 takes place!). The two main characters remind me a lot of the protagonists of Yakuza 0 in that one is very straight-laced and honorable while the other is more prone to dirty tricks but still does the right thing in the end. I personally recommend reading the manga above all because adaptations cut out a lot of details that I feel add a lot of depth to the characters, but the OVA anime is pretty good on it’s own and there’s a hilarious live action TV show adaptation if you like slapstick.
Rookies: A story about an impossibly determined formerly disgraced highschool teacher doing absolutely everything he can to be the best teacher he can be. Part of his journey is helping reform a group of delinquents who have self-sabotaged themselves into having their baseball team - the one thing they cared about - disbanded. The delinquents constantly fight the teacher off, believing him to just be another adult putting on airs instead of truly caring, while the teacher perseveres no matter what to prove them wrong. A manga and live action drama - both extremely good.
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eshithepetty · 5 years
wholesome mp100 things:
(Because I really like to ramble about this show and I just thought I'd compile some things I appreciate about it):
Bottling up feelings? Nuh uh, bad idea, better have realistic and well paced development of you opening up more and learning to accept your emotions, kiddo.
Self!! Respect!! Not just learning it in a 'oh, I love myself, flaws and all' way, but the actual process of trying really hard to actually be proud of oneself, even when it's hard to see yourself as anything but terrible. It's all in the gradual changes and small moments of taking your own feelings into account!!
An actual adult? Actually acknowledging?? How actually fucked up all the shit the kids of the show have to go through is??? And going out of their way to lessen their weight of responsibility, and to protect them and offering them comfort, like,,, yes please!!!
'Huh...? You want? World domination?? What a ridiculous concept. What are you even going to do with that? People need other people, dummy. Honestly, you're acting more childish than the actual children here.'
Everyone!! Is!! Equal!! Yes, you may have god-like powers that could literally fling me into the stratosphere and I might be an actual sewer rat incarnate, but as people?? We all still long for the same validation. We all have the same rights. We're all human.
Not?? Sexualising any of the female/kid characters? Tbh, I don't really feel at my best giving points to a show for this, since it shouldn't be that surprising in the first place, but still, and I think this is easily overshadowed by all the thirst Bones has for Reigen, but that's the thing! They're putting all their (tbh not that creepy really and in character) fanservice into one grown man and that's!! Really great! Thank you Reigen for being our sacrifical lamb
On the subject of not sexualizing kids, Tsubomi, Mob's crush, while being portrayed as very pretty, is not sexualized at all either, and Mob's fantasies about her entirely consist of them just,, doing stuff like holding hands and walking home together?? Not even kissing or anything like that??? It's just so innocent and cute, gosh... also the fact that Tsubomi and the rest of the girls aren't stereotypes, but have their own lives that don't revolve around the boys and interesting personalities that are very distinct from each other, even if they don't get as much screentime as the boys :> (also, Tome being a protagonist in the Reigen spin-off manga!!)
Dealing with anxiety and dependency and manipulation/abuse, when you're an adult?? I honestly can't say I've seen too much of anything concerning this anywhere,,, Serizawa is so good
And all the adults for that matter!! All the villains! Their redemption arcs are all about intergrating into society again and learning to have a realistic worldview and all around getting well rounded as people. That's pretty inspiring, imo!
Also, Reigen, an adult, realising that he was being unfair to Mob, a kid, and specifically saying he was 'caging him in', instead of using excuses like 'trying to protect him" and trying his hardest to fix his life and mistakes before confronting him, and when he does, doesn't expect Mob to accept or forgive him or want to be friends with him again?? And tearing up for the first time on the show just from being a called good person by him,,,? That was honestly so tearjerking and pure and that arc made me feel the full range of human emotion.
Speaking of Reigen, the fact that all of his friends, for the longest time, are a bunch of middle schoolers, and that he has basically fathered them all is such a funny, yet heartwarming and also a bit sad and complicated thing, all at once, to think about.
The body improvement club!!!!! Super supportive and protective jocks, the absolute opposite of toxic masculinity. Thank you ONE for bringing us this gift.
The fact that every one of Mob's friends would likely kill, or at least give a very stern lecture to anyone who ever tries hurting him is amazing and sweet. The same goes for Mob, a big pacifist at heart, putting his strict morals on hold and fighting just for the safety of his friends, and sometimes even strangers or enemies. They're all just so protective and I absolutely love it,,,,
By the way!! Mob!!! I love that he's not a stereotypical cinnamon roll protagonist who is always pure. Like, he has his dark moments. He has hurt people. Sometimes, he's geniunely scary. But the fact that he's so aware of his faults and how much damage he could inflict, and thus tries so hard to better himself every day and to always stay on good morals, and always strives to understand and help people above all else, even through all the suffering he's gone through and all the power he posseses, is what truly makes him so kind and lovable. He's just.... grown so much. I'm immensely proud of him <3
Power of friendship, but done right, because they don't use bonds as some convenient power up, but rather primarily as a tool for character development, that, in turn, helps them become better and more stable and capable people ^^
The fact that the protagonist getting stronger in this show doesn't mean them gaining more power or becoming more book smart, but instead entails them learning to better understand people and to let others understand them as well so that confrontation can be as civilized and nonviolent as possible and become a better tool for helping everyone involved improve themselves is such a direct yet nuanced way of presenting how solutions can be made to real world problems and conflicts, and it's just such a different aproach to the usual shonen aesthetic of power being the defining factor on deciding who wins or loses.
In fact, a lot of the time there is no clear 'winner' of a fight. Sure, we certainly get to understand which side is stronger physically, but the impact those factors play into the characters' mental states and development is usually very removed from those results. A character technically winning can result in them plunging into a meltdown full of self loathing. A character losing often brings a very positive change in their life. Those experiences change the characters in different ways than just winning - positive or losing - negative.
The message that you don't need to be special! Everyone is fundimentally equal, so you being more or less special than anyone else is just flawed as a mindset. Reaching for the top is alright as long as you remember that the thing that matters the most is just trying to be kind.
Mob being widely recognized as autistic in the fandom!! A lot of characters having the capability to be seen as neurodivergent, actually. But even if it isn't intentional coding from the creator, all the messages about how people expressing themselves differently doesn't make them any less human or valid, how conventional isn't always the best, how being empathetic can manifest in wildly different ways and also the reoccurring theme of dealing with trauma etc. are still very much there and impact the narrative and characters a whole lot.
How the story was even able to become so popular, despite the nature of ONE's art!! Also, how the anime creators decided to stay faithful, even tho they had the opportunity to change the art style to something more conventional and not go as hard as they did, but nope, they admire and respect the source material and clearly have so much passion for this project, putting all kinds of talent and creativity and effort into every episode!!! They seem like they're having a lot of fun with it, and I'm very glad.
(Feel free to add more!!!)
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE NXT 9/18/19 Review
Well, it is finally here, our first NXT episode that aired live on USA. It was stacked, and they put on a hell of a show. I wasn’t that much of a fan of one part of the show, but plenty matches were awesome. The show felt like a genuine sport, the way they went from match to match without a promo at all. That style is perfect, and I think that they will do well in the upcoming Wednesday Night Wars. Here is my full review of this weeks NXT.
Io Sharai vs. Bianca Belair vs. Candice LaRae vs. Mia Yim for #1 contendership to the NXT Women’s Championship: When things started out, everyone just got a change to hit some of their signature offense, with lots of huge moves and breaking up pinfalls. We saw some awesome power moves from Belair, flying from Sharai, some crafty shots from Yim and a lot of heart from LaRae. We cut to commercial after a huge Moonsault from Sharai to Yim and LaRae on the floor. When we came back, we saw a huge power of doom spot, with Yim superplexing Belair, Sharai German suplexing Yim, and LaRae powerbombing Sharai. We then saw a shower of finishing moves over and over, with Yim hitting a Code Blue, and Belair nailing LaRae with a KOD, but Sharai broke it up. Sharai went for a moonsault to LaRae, but Yim pushed her off the top rope and into Belair on the outside. Yim then got LaRae on her shoulders, before LaRae nailed a poison rana and hit the lionsault for the win. 
After the match, Shayna Baszler came out with her cronies. They all surrounded LaRae, and just kinda intimidated her. 
Grade: A-. This match was so good that I could hardly keep up with my notes. Everyone was flying around and killing each other with unbelievably awesome moves. We saw some awesome character work in this match as well, showing how desperate everyone in it was for a title shot. That belt is a hot commodity, and everyone should care enough to want it. LaRae was also the best choice to win this. They need a white meat babyface who is just lovable and awesome to beat Shayna. I love this booking, and this was an awesome first match for NXTV. Match of the night
Sean Maluta vs. Cameron Grimes: Grimes nailed the double foot stomp right away as Maluta charged him and got the win.
Grade: C+. Squash? ... Squash? SQUAAAAAAAAASHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Roderick Strong vs. Velveteen Dream for the NXT North American Championship: The two started things out with some technical exchanges, with Strong looking to put Dream on the mat right way. Dream showed off some of his technical prowess as well, and also seemed to be firmly in Roddy’s head. As the match wore on, Strong started to work over the back and the ribs of Dream by driving him into the apron and barricades. Strong then worked Dream over in the corners, with some hard strikes and various backbreakers in the middle of the ring. The two then dueled for submission holds, with Strong trying for the Stronghold, and Dream going for a sharpshooter. The two then battled to the outside before brawling back into the ring, with Dream hitting a nice comeback sequence for a near fall. Dream then hit the DreamDT for another near fall, and it looked like he was getting desperate. Strong fought back into the match with a brutal high knee to the face, and then tied him up in the ropes, nailed a series of hard forearms, a huge back breaker and then a tiger driver for a near fall, with Strong reversing the kickout into a Stronghold. It was tense and took a while, but Dream got to the ring. After that sequence. The rest of the Undisputed Era came out to get Strong’s back. They all talked trash, and Strong pushed Dream into the ref and took him down. Dream then hit a Dream Valley Driver, and started to fight off the Undisputed Era, only for Roddy to nail a high knee and End of Heartache, but Dream kicked out! Dream then hit another Dream Valley Driver, and went to the top rope for the Purple Rainmaker, but Bobby Fish distracted the ref and allowed Adam Cole to superkick Dream off the top rope and Roddy to hit another end of Heartache for the win. 
Grade: B+. This was a really good match, with a lot of drama towards the end and a finish that wasn’t too screwy, so it’s still acceptable. Dream and Strong put on a really good match with a lot of exciting spots and good looking hits. Strong deserved this win, because the Undisputed Era deserved to hold all the gold. Undisputed Era controls NXT right now, and it’ll be interesting to see how things proceed from here. 
Pete Dunne vs. Arturo Ruas: Ruas and Dunne immediately went to the mat and tried to get good positioning. Ruas quickly tried to lock in an armbar, but Dunne got back to his feet and started to pick away at Ruas’s limbs. Ruas did hit a nice looking sequence of a knee to the chest followed by a kick to the face. At one point, Dunne caught one of Ruas’s kicks and started to attack the toes and feet, and he used that to take control. Dunne nailed an awesome release German suplex, stomping on the hands and then a kick to the head for a near fall. He then nailed another kick to the head and an x plex for another near fall. Ruas then fought back with a kick to the face and a german of his own, but also a near fall. Dunne then took Ruas down with a triangle, and bent the fingers until Raus tapped out. 
Grade: B. Good stuff here, a fun technical match that went into some striking to keep things fresh. Of course the outcome wasn’t in doubt, but Ruas could be a solid talent in the future. The division is too star studded now, but I see him in the future. I’m interested in seeing where Dunne goes from here, whether that is the midcard or the main event. 
Xia Li vs. Aliyah: Vanessa borne was out with Aliyah. Li showed her agility right in the beginning by flipping around to avoid Aliyah’s offense and then taking her to task with some kicks. At one point, LI went for a spring board dropkcik out of the courner, but she botched in and fell to the mat. She then beat Aliyah down with a series of kicks, before taking her down with a windmill kick for the win. 
Grade: C. This would’ve been a C+, but the botch lowered it a bit. It was mostly a squash, and I was happy to see Li get a win. Sucks that she messed up though. 
Kushida vs. Denzel something: before the match happened, Imperium showed up and attacked Denzel. It was just Alexander Wolfe, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel, until they nailed Denzel with a Doomsday European Uppercut. Walter then walked down to the ring, much to the delight of the crowd. Walter then got on the mic, and vowed to destroy anyone who didn’t respect the tradition of the ring. However, Kushida came out to interrupt him. Kushida got on the mic and yelled at them for taking time away from him. They tried to attack him, with Kushida holding them off for a while, until Wlater got a hold of him. Kushida was able to nail a kick on Walter, and then booked it to the back.
Grade: B. The segment felt a bit sloppy here and there, but I am really excited to see Walter on NXT proper. He is awesome, and so is Kushida. I would love to see that match. It seems totally awesome, and Kushida just may have a shot at winning. Kushida is just as big of a deal as Walter, so it’d be interesting to see if Kushida is out next UK Champion.
Lio Rush vs. Oney Lorcan for #1 contendership to the WWE Crusierweight Championship: Lio Rush is back! After Bobby Lashley ditched him, he is back to being an awesome wrestler. Right at the bell Lorcan destroyed him with a huge European uppercuts in the corner, and eventually a blockbuster for a quick near fall. Rush then countered out of the Half and Half suplex, before nailing three suicide dives in a row. Rush hit some nice offense on Lorcan beore scoring a near fall. Lorcan quickly forced his way back into the match and locked in a half crab, but Rush kicked Lorcan away. Lorcan then hit Rush up with chops, and a huge slam for a near fall. Lorcan then tried to throw him into the ropes, but Lio bounced off the bottom rope and nailed a stunner for a near fall. Rush then went for a frog splash, but he landed on his feet and tweaked his knee, allowing Lorcan to nail a powerbomb and lock in a single leg crab again. He then transitioned into an STF, but Rush made the ropes after a long sqeuence. Lorcan then went for a chop to the face, but Rush countered with a series of strikes, only for Lorcan to fire up and nail several chops to the face. Lorcan went for a running move, but Rush caught him in a standing spanish fly. He then hit the frog splash and got the win. 
Grade: B+. I was a bit unsure about this match, because Rush didn’t start out by moving as fast as he normally does. But I can attribute that to some ring rust, because they ended up putting on a really really good match. Rush is a good babyface in peril, even with Lorcan remaining a face throughout. Lorcan looked badass, but Rush looked resilient. Great way to convey their characters, and it was a really fun match. Welcome back Lio. 
Matt Riddle vs. Killian Dain in a Street Fight: They started out with some violent power moves from Dain, but Riddle answered him back with some suplexes of his own. Dain quickly grabbed a kendo stick and beat him down on the floor off to the side of the stands. The two fought outside, and Walter decided to just run out and attack Riddle. Imperium joined in, and then like everyone in the tag division ran out and started to brawl. Dain and Riddle got back into the arena, with the locker room following them. Security started to try to separate Dain and Riddle, but a bunch of the wrestlers beat down the security. During the scuffle, we saw Killain Dain give a crowd a suicide dive. Then the show just ended. 
Grade: D. I’m not into getting a whole bunch of adds that made it seem like there would finally be a resolution to this feud, and then a bunch of randos got involved and stopped the match from happening. I’m sorry, I love Riddle and Dain is good too, but the booking here was garbage. They need to settle their differences eventually, and it should’ve been tonight. 
Overall grade: B-
Pros: fatal 4-way; north american championship; dunne vs. ruas; imperium attack; cruiserweight match
Cons: there were so many commercials in the first hour; li vs. aliyah; main event
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Hey! I hope I'm not being a bother (I'm about to be a big damn bother) but... I just saw your inspiring Sheith phrases post and all the quotes + your little bit of meta about it made me all misty... but here's the thing. I'm VERY VERY new to the fandom... and to Sheith... and I have NO IDEA what half of those quotes are from or are referring to. Can you help me out with some of them??? No-one I know ships Sheith so I don't know who else to ask!
Hi there Anon! Thanks for the ask!
And first of all to get this out of the way, you are not a bother. When you ask someone to talk about something they are very passionate about, it’s like getting told Christmas just came early. I’ve really wanted to be a more solid part of this fandom, but my shyness sometimes gets the better of me. So every question/ask, etc frickin’ lights up my day okay? Okay!
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So I’ll break down the quotes the best I can for ya! Some of them are a little older and it might be a bit difficult to pull up the information for that. If anyone out there knows anything I’m missing better or has a link, etc, please feel free to share that with this post!
Also, since you enjoyed the meta, you might also like my post The Boy who Never Gave Up. This really outlines a lot of the background information shown in the series for Keith and Shiro that give rise to a lot of these quotes!
Alrighty, here we go!
This will be a VERY LONG POST with LOTS OF PICTURES, LINKS AND QUOTES so I will be putting in a cut here to help!
It’s good to have you back / It’s good to be back
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This quote comes from S01:E01 - The Rise of Voltron. It’s the first moment in which Keith and Shiro share dialogue together. Especially based on everything leading up to it, (Check out my post here for more on that), the tone here is very gentle. There is almost a hushed quiet to it, like you’re looking in on a private moment not meant for your eyes. There was something very sweet about it that just stuck around.
It’s killing me when you are away
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So this is a really interesting one that I don’t believe was every officially confirmed by the team behind the show (someone correct me if I’m wrong here!) but a bunch of very dedicated fans picked this one apart into something that stuck with us ‘till the end.
Again in  S01:E01 - The Rise of Voltron, we find this nearly directly after the quote above. When Keith takes Shiro and the other Paladins inside his Cabin, he shows them a bunch of notes, pictures, and assortments of other knowledge he has collected over his years alone, which led to him finding the Blue Lion’s location. However, while he is explaining his notes to everyone, there are glimpses of little sticky notes on his board. Fans looked these over to see if there was anything one these notes that was legible and this led to a really awesome post that you can view here.
The main conclusion was based on the lyrics from “Sugar” by Maroon 5, in which the words are
“I just wanna be deep in your loveAnd it’s killing me when you’re awayOoh, baby “
And the theory is that the note says“Just wanna be ‘something’ and it’s killing me when you’re away”
The something part implying that either A) Keith forgot the lines, B) The lines are a bit NSFW and so were changed slightly, C) Little column A & B? Keith was a little embarrassed and shortened it a bit.
This is all further supported when we’ve seen time and time again how much Keith adores Shiro and when we found out that Keith waited TWO YEARS on hopes and prayers waiting on his friend to come back. That would kill me too…
Shiro loves you baby / #He’s looking at Keith
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This amazing piece came straight from Chris Palmer, one of the awesome story artists for Voltron. He posted this image with the words “Shiro loves you baby.” and one of his hashtags was #he’s looking at keith.
You can see the original post here
This, of course, made most of us explode with happiness. Not only was it freaking adorable, it told us that more of the people behind the scenes were quite possibly as invested and/or becoming as invested as many of us were with Sheith (A term which Josh Keaton himself stated he would like to coin for the ship pairing if it hadn’t been claimed already)
Many of the people who work on Voltron have posted something Sheith related. It’s a little hard to pull out specific pieces now as a lot of news and discourse has buried a lot of the original posts, but we’ve been very blessed. We’ve had official fan art, team members favouriting and commenting on fan art and lots of little snippets here and there that hinted that this was very possibly going to be canon.
Just like in The Legend of Korra, Korrasami became a thing later in the show. It was stated (I do not have a specific reference for this, mind you) that while the ship wasn’t originally intended, as the characters grew together with the show, the audience/fandom and with the team creating it, it just blossomed and the characters built a life they never expected. Oh, and many of those same people are working on Voltron~
Ninja mullet finds his true love
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Straight from the spunky and lovable voice actor for Pidge, Bex Taylor-Klaus posted this while watching Keith find Shiro for the first time in ages in S01:E01 - The Rise of Voltron. Of course, we were quite excited to see this.
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While this one didn’t quite catch on, it’s still pretty freaking precious. Sadly I could not find the original link to these.
Patience Yields Focus
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This is a phrase that pops up quite a bit through the series. Each time delivered from Shiro as though this has been advice he’s given to Keith over and over, probably beginning from back when he worked with Keith in the Garrison. While it’s a lovely and wise quote all on it’s own, it’s most notable because of:
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This scene. In S02:E1: Across the Universe, Keith brings this up as he is searching for Shiro to come to his friend’s aid. When he hears Keith use this line, Shiro’s asks “That really stayed with you didn’t it?” His tone and expression implying that this meant quite a lot to him. THIS then led immediately to our next awesome quote:
If it wasn’t for you, my life would’ve been a lot different
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Immediately following Shiro’s amused surprise that Keith kept his wisdom with him for so long, Keith replies with this. From what we know, Shiro has been Keith’s mentor, best friend, sole supporter, and guiding light for as long as he’s known him. Even if it had never been meant to be romantic, the sheer warmth in Keith’s tone reveals a deep affection for just how important in his life Shiro has been to him.
This one’s for you, Shiro
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Forced to take the reigns of the Black Lion to keep Team Voltron going, Keith utters this vow before he charges in. Giving the touching moments leading to him taking up of mantle of the Head of Voltron, the fact that everything he does in what he rightfully believes is Shiro’s place, he does for Shiro is heartbreakingly touching. No matter what, Shiro is never far from Keith’s thoughts and he guides his actions from his heart.
Shiro is the one person who never gave up on me. I won’t give up on him.
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Facing the loss of his best friend yet again, Keith dedicates himself to finding Shiro who had been lost to the vastness of space at the end of the epic showdown with the villain Zarkon from S02:E13- Blackout and said this line in S03:E01 - Changing of the Guard. Heartbroken, Keith sees the other Paladins of Voltron working their hardest to move on even without Shiro at their fore, and in his pain he assumes they’ve forgotten him. When Princess Allura suggests that it is finally time that they look for a new Black Paladin, Keith staunchly refuses to even consider the idea and lashes out. While we’ve seen many hints at just how important Shiro is to Keith, hearing something so honest and direct was very sobering. As this thankfully worked out in the end, it’s less somber than it was, though no less meaningful.
And, at this moment, your friend desperately wants to see you
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In S02:E08- The Blade of Marmora, Keith undergoes a trial as the result of the Galra fighters discovering that Keith himself owns a Galra blade having once belonged to one of their own. The trial is as much physically brutal and exhausting as it is mentally so. Watching over the trial, the leader explains to Shiro that the suit Keith wears will put him through another part of the trial, showing his greatest hopes and fears. With this quote, it was revealed just how deeply Keith adored Shiro and just how much he feared abandonment from him. When the false Shiro hologram turns his back on him, Keith is prepared to give up everything to keep him from leaving, even if that means losing his chance to discover his past. The word ‘desperately’ really struck a chord along with the rest of the episode, showing just how unwavering Keith’s commitment to Shiro was. And when the real Shiro came to Keith’s side, prepared to fight off the entirety of the Blades to see his friend to safety, we knew the feeling was mutual.
How many times are you gonna to have to save me before this is over? / As many times as it takes
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S03:E06 - Tailing a Comet -When a wounded, exhausted, confused, and demoralized Shiro is finally brought back after his mysterious disappearance he shares another quietly intimate moment with Keith. Checking up on his friend’s wellbeing, Keith tells him that the rest of the team would love to see them when he is able, the silence that follows feeling heavy with words he won’t add to it. When he finally turns to leave, Shiro somberly asks Keith just how many times he will have to save him before their fight is finally over. After a quiet pause, Keith smiles and answers him. “As man times as it takes.”
This was actually the quote that inspired me to finally work over my shyness and make a blog. I had been silently rooting for Sheith in the background for ages. But this just really tipped me over the edge. Keith and Shiro’s relationship was never loudly proclaimed or thrown around with flowers and parades. It was this quiet constant, that was always present. They had been through so much together and through countless battles, loss and struggles, their unwavering and mutual commitment to each other was honestly humbling. And that made this scene / quote all the more special for it.
Beloved Mentor / Nothing was worth Shiro’s pain /Guiding Light
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Actually for this, I’d like to turn to one of the awesome meta writers for our fandom @dent-de-leon (I highly recommend following them if you want to see some quality content. I know I’ve really appreciated their insight and jived with what they say!)
Dent-de-leon has an amazing master post that they made with a TON of the interview and inside quotes we’ve gotten from all of the amazing people behind Voltron. As I feel it would be a disservice to the awesome post and the time that went into hunting all those bits plus the sources down, I’d like to just link you to it HERE!
You made a promise to me once. You told me you’d never give up on me
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Ohhhh boy, we got a lot from S06:E05 - The Black Paladins. When Kuron, the clone of Shiro who is essentially Shiro in nearly every aspect is controlled by Haggar in an attempt to rid their presence through mutual destruction, we are treated to some of the most heartwrenching scenes we have seen throughout the entire series.
Forced to fight his beloved friend in what could have been a fight to the death, Keith never once gives up on him.
In an attempt to shake Shiro out of his mind control, Keith reminds him of the promise he made to Keith long ago.
I love you
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I don’t think I’d ever seen a love triumphs over evil trope so potently built up and displayed. With an absolutely heartbreaking performance, Steven Yeun had most of us staring dumbfounded at the tv/monitor wondering if we had just hallucinated. I personally have watched this over and over and even after the millionth time it still makes my chest ache. At the very end of his rope and facing destruction at the hands of his most beloved friend in the whole universe, Keith bares his heart and we mourned with him just as much as we celebrated something so beautiful.
I will never give up on you, but more importantly, you can’t give up on yourself
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When Keith and Shiro are falling to what appears to be their demise, we see something that most of us has been excitedly imagining for years. It’s been clear how important Shiro has been to Keith all his life, especially at the Garrison and there are so many amazing headcanons, comics, and other gorgeous pieces of art depicting what the fans have dreamed up to their lives before Voltron. All we know is that something powerful and meaningful had to happen to inspire so much loyalty and love from someone like Keith. During this scene we see Shiro offer his vow of his own commitment, but also of how important he finds it for Keith to believe in himself as well. This has been a constant theme between the two since the first episode. And seeing this sent most of us into a whole new wave of tears after the initial shock of “I love you.”
You found me
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S06:E06 - All Good Things. With multiple threats ended, the ultimate sacrifice of the Castle of Lions to save the universe and the knowledge that Shiro’s spirit has been in the Black Lion and that we’re left with the fading body of the clone that fought Keith, all things seem to be hanging on a thread. But with the clone essentially being Shiro with the exception of the mind control and Shiro’s spirit still without a body, Allura demonstrates the amazing and mystic power of her Altean heritage and recovers Shiro’s spirit, placing it inside the clones body and finally uniting them body, soul, mind, and memories all together into a single entity. Calling back all the way to Season 3 when Keith vehemently vowed that he would find Shiro, to when he breathlessly whispered “you found him” to the Black Lion when Kuron was fading in his dying breaths, Shiro brings everything back full circle. Cradled in Keith’s arms, Shiro leans into him and softly tells him. “You found me.”
Cue the crying all over again.
You’re Everything to Me
And after this long and wonderful journey, we’ve received yet another beautiful quote from the team. In an interview with the Main Story Editor Josh Hamilton today from the Let’s Voltron official podcast. He quotes:
Q: So a lot of people were asking, he says “you’re my brother.” A lot of people were saying is that literal brother or is that just a you know, brotherly figure?
JH: It’s–a lot of the time the words don’t matter, it’s like the way you say it. You know what I mean? It’s like, he says you’re my brother, you know, and when he does eventually say “I love you,” those words matter. It’s like “you know you’re my brother, you’re everything to me.” You know, that brotherly love. So it’s hard for him. But no, literally? I hope I’m not spoiling anything, but no.
I think that says it all here. What a gift. I know that scene in the Black Paladins meant a lot to many of us. But hearing this just left me absolutely speechless. In the best of ways. Tears of victory!
And with the hint that we will be finding out more about Shiro and Keith’s past in the Garrison along with all of the events leading up to here, you can bet we’re all eagerly awaiting what we’ll see in Season 7.
But man, it’s been so, so worth it. For many of us, these two mean so much more than just a simple story. And that in it of itself is quite the gift.
Thank you Anon for inspiring me to put this together. It was a wonderful way to spend my night
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fairlywonderful · 6 years
GOT7 Fan-fic. Rec.
 So, since I’ve read like 80% of fics in the Got7 fandom, I though I’d do a fic rec, to help you (potential reader) and so that I finally can have a list of my favorite fics. These are not all the fics I’ve read, just the first ones that came to my mind. Also most of it consist of JJP, but I will add more pairings as I go! This list is not yet complete, I’m working on completing it, it just takes a lot of time to search for these fics. None of these fics are mine, all credits go to the amazing authors! The only things that are mine, are the little reviews after each fic! Good read! :)
M = Mature / Explicit W = Trigger Warning ♡ = fave
                                           !still under editing!
Jaebum / Jinyoung
* M - Anteroom by minhyukie
Summary: How do you act around your ex with your child in the other room? It’s been almost a year and a half, and Jinyoung has yet to figure it out.
Review: soooo goood!! It’s extremely angsty but its so worth it! The growth of the character is portrayed really well, the side characters are awesome and such an important part of everything, I loved it so much! Also kid!yugyeom is always a plus! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - Jaebum’s Color Theory by pepijr
Summary: Jinyoung is a film studies professor trying to get promoted and Jaebum does his best to help.
Review: Alright, in this one Jaebum is the cutest but dumbest human being. Like he’s really dense but it’s so on point and it’s so lovable it’s unreal. Everything is perfect about this one.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
*M - Meet The Parents by pepijr
Summary: Jinyoung loves Jaebum, and Jaebum loves him back, but a single note makes him question everything.
Review: It’s a continuation of Jaebum’s Color Theory, thank god the author has decided to bless us with more of this universe! It’s still ongoing but it’s just as good as the first one if not better! ♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - The Park Family Recipe by pepijr
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung meet after six years with a lot more baggage than they remember.
Review: Another single dad!Jinyoung au (well kinda, Hyunjin is his little brother but he takes care of him). Jinyoung has a lot of problems but orphan!Jaebum is ready to fight for the family he choose. 
*M - bdsm quiz by okjb
Summary: jjp take a bdsm quiz and come to some interesting self-discoveries
Review: this one is pure smut lol
*M - Nora’s Dairies by pepijr
Summary: In which Nora makes sure that Jinyoung and Jaebum meet in every life.
Review: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
*M - Take All Of Me by fishcake
Summary: It has bothered Jaebum since the day he could comprehend it.
Review: We need more omega!Jaebum in our life. ♡♡
* M - bloom by subsequence
Summary: Jaebum may have learned to accept his role as future king, but accepting this new role — the thought makes him sick to his stomach.If he could have, Jaebum would have chosen any other way to present as an omega.(Or: Omegaverse Arranged Marriage AU featuring Princes!JJP and a cast of loudmouth extras.)
Review: So good???? Like this one is right up my ally, I just fucking love everything about this one. Seriously, do yourself a favor and read it. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* M - Playboy by comingbacktoyou
Summary: Jaebum's intentions are obvious. Jinyoung doesn't get the hint.
Review: HOLY HOLY OH MY. Jaebum is a producer who's desperate for dick, Jinyoung is a new artist acting all prude bUT JUST WAIT FOR IT. Cute Markson in the bg. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* M - The Tiger and the Duke by foxxing
Summary: Im Jaebum is the richest man in the country under forty, content to mess around and skirt the headlines as a cutthroat businessman and casual playboy. Park Jinyoung is a graduated English Literature major, content with (in Jackson's words) his boring life working at a restaurant and writing poetry. When their worlds collide over a spilled cup of coffee, Jinyoung learns there's a lot more to life than the secrets of his past and the safety of library books.
Review: This one is literally a JJP classic. Long af but sooo worth the read. The characters really just grow on you, even if they are dumb af sometimes :( also GREAT SMUT
* M - Wilder by Sugarbowl
Summary: Newly graduated, Jinyoung is determined to try new things. New parties, new boys, and when Mark asks for a favor, even volunteering as a counselor at summer camp. But new experiences can get complicated, and he quickly finds himself a little out of his depth.
Review: Another classic. I live for the sex scene in at the end. Jaebum is confused and doesn't know how to stand up for himself and Jinyoung is jealous af but also kind of insecure. But they make a great pair together :'). ALSO great smut (!), awesome Markson and cute af Yugbam plus a bunch of great Kpop cross overs (!!).
* M - Charade by Sugarbowl
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung walk parallel paths in many ways, but Jaebum isn't interested in their intersection. Jaebum struggles to support his young son on his own, while everything seems to come easy for wealthy, charming Jinyoung. But when they're forced to partner for a project, Jaebum finds himself a bit more willing, and much more in need.
Review: Another great fic by Sugarbowl. It's still ongoing but this fic is so beautiful. Both Jaebum's and Jinyoung's feelings are portrayed extremely well and the way they come together is beautiful. Plus kid!Yugyeom is adorable. ♡♡
* M - Citation by KingJackson
Summary: When the one book he needs for an important term paper has to remain in the campus library, Jinyoung catches the eye of Jaebum, a library assistant.
Review: Another classic. Jinyoung is dumb af in this fic, I literally was on the verge of screaming while reading this. But luckily Jaebum is soft af, so everything works out in the end :DD Great smut is always a plus! ♡
* M - Flux by foxxing
Summary: Jinyoung doesn't love him back.
an AU where jaebum and jinyoung have been best friends for their entire lives, and where jaebum has always been irrevocably in love with him but somehow, jinyoung just doesn't seem to get it.
Review: Another fic that makes me scream. LIKE SERIOUSlY WTF. My heart ached so much during this fic :( But as always everything works out but man, this was an emotional ride for me. ♡
* M - Compas Calling by Sugarbowl
Summary: Prince Jinyoung is destined for a lifetime of luxury, until he's shoved in a trunk and accidentally abducted. Im Jaebum clawed his way out of poverty to captain a pirate ship and... not much else, actually. Jinyoung could be his first real treasure, if Jaebum could just figure out how holding someone for ransom actually works.
* M - A certain Romance by foxxing
Summary: By day, he's a top-rated babysitter. By weekends he's an x-rated escort. These things are generally kept separate, until the day his weekend regular gets his phone number by recommendation and calls for an emergency babysitter. The problem is that Jaebum doesn't know that Junior the escort is also Jinyoung the babysitter.
In which Jaebum and Jinyoung know each other in the biblical sense but maybe want to get to know each other, too.
Review: okay this fic is like really hot and kid!yugyeom is back at it with being adorable :')♡♡
* Unless by gotchick
Summary: jaebum had always been mark's best friend, while jinyoung was mark's kid brother. (high school au)
Review: Really cute au, the progress of growing up is portrayed well and realistically. (Spoiler! Honestly I live for the scene where JB throws a pillow on Jinyoung's surprise boner to save him :'DD )
* M - Wildcat by foxxing
Summary: No one really talks about it, but it's a well known secret that Jaebum’s real vice is racing cars. Dangerous and incredibly illegal, street racing is the one thing Jaebum is good at (besides being the nation’s first pain in the ass) and has never been caught for. How he does it, nobody knows: Jaebum's been caught for drugs, for stealing, for fighting, but it seems like the one thing the police can never pin him down for is the one thing he loves the most.
He represents everything that Jinyoung can't stand, and Jinyoung hates him.
Review: this is some A+++++ smut right here. ♡
* W - the grandfather paradox by symmetrophobic
Summary: Jaebum locks himself in a cyclic normalcy of work, home, life, and the two people he now loves most in the world- his husband Jinyoung and six-year-old son Yugyeom. So when a mysterious teenager shows up in his life and messes all that up, to say that he's just a little displeased by the change would be an understatement. But Jaebum soon discovers there's more to this quiet, truthful boy than meets the eye, and knows that he has just about four days to find out why.
Review: Amazing fic, but my heart hurts so bad :(((((((((
* M - Prove it by Got7hearts
Summary: For as long as he can remember Jaebum has always been there, protecting him and taking care of him like the big brother he never had so what happens when Jaebum is pronounced an alpha and Jinyoung an omega and the air between the two suddenly shifts.
Review: Great A/B/O fic and hot af smut!
* Of duchebags and pretty boys by schoetheisrealaf
Summary:  "Dear Dog Biscuit, Since you seem unable to understand the sign that clearly indicates that this parking space is to be exclusively used by the staff of this facility, I’ll kindly explain it to you again: Until you’re an employee of the state who works his ass off for society only to get shit wages and the worst working hours you CAN’T USE THIS PARKING LOT, SO FUCK OFF! Apart from that, have a nice day. PS.: I hope you don’t have sex for a year. :)"
You steal my parking spot all the time and I was just heading out to leave a strongly worded note under your windshield wiper but oh no you're hot AU Starring Jinyoung the kindergarten teacher and Jaebum the (arrogant yet dorky) business man
* M - lagoon by gotchick
Summary: in elegant terms, jaebum is jinyoung's sponsor. in inelegant terms, he's jinyoung's sugar daddy.
* M - Walls of Glass by hakka is_shadow, katamari
Summary: The city's social structure is firm and unyielding--Alphas at the top, Betas in the middle, and Omegas as pliant, broken servants to the Alphas. When Im Jaebum, the heir of an old Alpha family suddenly finds his social position flipped, he's thrown into a world of intrigue, deceit, and as the very unwilling servant to an even more unwilling Park Jinyoung.
* Come Soflty (to Me)  by Sugarbowl
Summary: Jinyoung is new in town, and Jaebum is trouble. 50's AU
* M - Spoor by maledict
Summary: It wasn’t odd, to present so late, but that wasn’t the problem.
Review: I don't like to read canon fics, but this one was a great one.
* an apple a day by moonlikeyou
Summary: Doctor Park Jinyoung, star of Seoul Medical Centre's paediatric department, is used to being treated by nothing less than starry-eyed adoration and respect. So, its no surprise that when Im Jaebum, a surgeon with maddeningly pretty twin moles, kicks him out of "his" operating room, Jinyoung gets a little mad.
Okay, maybe more than a little mad. But it's all Im Jaebum's fault anyway.
* M - Taint Me by Got7hearts
Summary: Jinyoung is seventeen when he falls in love with Jaebum, who is eight years older than him.
Review: Jaebum with piercing. That's it. ♡♡
*M - This Christmas (I'll give you my heart) by schoetheisrealaf
Summary: Jaebum and Jinyoung have a fight at the supermarket in the morning. Jaebum and Jinyoung find out they're arranged to be married in the evening. Jaebum and Jinyoung fall in love, but only in time.
Shouting match over the last Christmas goose at the grocery store AU
Review: This is super cute. Best while listening to Confession. :'3
* M - Smoke and Mirrors by hakkais_shadow
Summary: This was not the birthday present that Im Jaebum was expecting...
Review: Mafia au and hot af smut... ♡♡
* M - I Don't Fucking Care (At All) by wonwoozi
Summary: “Your boyfriend’s hot when he plays.” Jackson mumbles to him as he slips an arm behind Jinyoung, hand finding purchase on the edge of the wooden bartop, his fingers gripping the ribbed edge.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” Jinyoung replies instinctively and gives Jackson a routine jab to the ribs. “And that’s my line, by the way.” He adds as his eyes trail over to Mark, sat behind the drumkit with his face trained into a concentrated smirk, smashing every beat perfectly, hair positively dripping with sweat.
“Not my boyfriend either.”
* M - keep me warm by subsequence
Summary: The problem is that Jaebum...isn't a cat. At least, not entirely. God, sometimes Jinyoung wishes it were that easy, wishes he could just leave out a bowl of food and water and maybe get his laptop keyboard used as a napping spot when he was supposed to be working and have a simple owner-pet relationship.Instead, Jinyoung has a romantic entanglement bordering on codependency and the worst case of blue balls he’s ever had.And Mark had said that getting a cat hybrid would be good for his blood pressure. What a joke.
Review: Another amazing work from subsequence. Every time I read the part where Jaebum swats at Jinyoung’s dick, I just can't stop laughing. :’DD♡♡♡♡
*M - Human Nature by cutiepiemarkeu
Summary: Jaebum accidentally summons an incubus and his boyfriend Jinyoung walks in on the two of them almost getting their freak on. Arguments ensue and JJProject are stuck with an incubus they can’t get rid of - but how do they deal with his attractiveness and the overwhelming urge to have sex with him?
Review: This is a 3-some featuring Mark. But the smut is so good, honestly. Really worth the read. ♡♡♡♡♡
Mark / Jackson
* The Prince Who Never Laughed by seitsemannen
Summary: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, lived a beautiful and kind prince named Mark, who after his mother's loss never laughed again. That was until he met the brightly smiling apprentice of a glassblower, Jackson Wang.
Review: Such a great and quality fic! Honestly, this was such a good read I can only recommend it! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* Twist by KingJackson
Summary: Mark knows Jinyoung. Jinyoung knows Jackson. Jackson hooks up with Jinyoung who also hooks up with Mark. Mark goes to hook up with Jinyoung and ends up also sleeping with Jackson. Jackson sometimes hooks up with Jaebum, but that isn’t important right now.
And they say romance is dead.
Review: All right so this fic is one hell of a mess, but a mess sent straight from heaven! The main pairing is Markson and Markjin (it's complicated) but there's end game Markson and JJP, plus Jackson is an angel sent from heaven in this one! Don't let the pairing discourage from reading this gem! ♡
* Private Show by Got7hearts
Summary: Mark likes to put on a show and Jackson loves to watch until he's been caught.
Review: A+ smut.
* M - lapis lazuli by gotchick
Summary: in which mark is a businessman and jackson is a fencer.
Review: great fic with rich kinda arrogant but kinda insecure mark plus lots of smut!
* M - Playhouse by seitsemannen
Summary: All sorts of rumours surround the handsome Wang heir and the good-looking servants of his household, but no one seemed to know for sure, as no matter the price, the members were not willing to give the secrets of their Master up.
Mark doesn't care for celebrities or rumours, except the one that says the Wang household pays several times more than the usual servant's salary, so when there's a job opening at the House, he goes for it. In the days and weeks spent at the House, Mark gets to know the members and finds out what of the ludicrous rumours were true and what weren’t. What he did not know to expect, however, is how good friends he would become with the other members of the House, and what’s worse, that he would fall in love with Jackson Wang.
Review: THE BEST. Multiple pairing but mostly Markson. Still ongoing but sooooo worth the read. also, long af. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
* never felt clean, your timing was perfect by jflawless
Summary: i. jackson is five years old when he’s convinced he’s discovered the secret to love. it’s not much of a secret, he thinks, watching his parents exchange blatant “i love you”s only to quietly prove it later in subtle actions.
you like someone. you’re nice to them. they like you too. it’s the simplest thing he’ll ever do, he thinks, falling in love. a lot easier than tying his shoes or adding double digits or reading without his mom there to pronounce the really long words.
Jaebum / Jackson
* Just Smile Again by riots
Summary: Jackson's been lowkey nursing this crush for years, but he never meant for Jaebum to ever find out. Mark and Jinyoung have other ideas. Also, they're terrible friends.
* Face by jibootyjimin
Summary: @defsoul has started following @jiaerwang
(or an Instagram au in which famous Chinese rapper Jackson Wang acts like a complete fanboy over idol singer Im Jaebum)
Review: ♡♡
*Secret Little Rendezvous by seikou
Summary: "It's all fun and games until your favorite idol notices you."
(or: Im Jaebum is an Idol and Jackson Wang is a Fanboy.)
Review: ♡♡
* Fluffy Tales by wildandsexy
Summary: Jackson Wang’s Definitive List of Things Im Jaebum, Roommate, Cat Hybrid and Grump Extraordinaire Does and Does Not Like:
DOES LIKE: • Hoodies • The one table on the library’s second floor by the big window (direct sunlight all morning) (it’s basically heaven on Earth) • Nap time (usually at 11am) (and 12pm) (and 1pm) (and 2pm) (and 3pm)…
DOES NOT LIKE: • Waking up • Being awake in general • Not being asleep • Jackson Wang
Jackson Wang's new roommate doesn't even hate him. He 'nothings' him. And that's just something that Jackson can't live with.
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isagrimorie · 6 years
[January Meme] - Discuss leading ladies in Sci-Fi TV
"Discuss leading ladies in sci-fi television shows. Compare, contrast, who do you lovel who do you not?" via @cleoselene
I’ll limit this to a few shows: Star Trek DS9, Farscape, Firefly, Fringe, Doctor Who, Star Trek Discovery, The Expanse, Legends of Tomorrow, Person of Interest, Killjoys, and Star Wars.
Breaking shows down further:
Space SciFi:
Star Trek, Star Wars, Killjoys, Farscape, Firefly, and the Expanse
Under Star Trek I’m going to focus on Deep Space Nine and Discovery and for me, I’ll pick Kira Nerys as the main leading lady, and for Discovery there’s Michael Burnham.
It’s interesting to look at both of them coming from different eras in-show and IRL. DS9 is the first time Star Trek tries something a little more complicated. (Not that Trek hasn’t done it with TNG but DS9 tackles things in a more in depth way, due to being a station with a set of recurring characters).
Kira Nerys was a rebel, a freedom fighter against the Cardassian Occupation and sometimes she also gets called a terrorist. It’s not something Kira shrugs off too, she knows what she did in the name of freedom. She’s very clear eyed on that. If DS9 were written immediately after post-9/11 this would never be allowed.
Michael Burnham is also a character of her time, where Kira embraced the morally ambigous side of her, Michael's comfort level with violence and the number of people who died because of her bad judgement sits heavy on her shoulders.
She’s not used to that, she’s a Starfleet Officer, and as a Starfleet Officer who grew up in Vulcan it’s not a prospect she grew-up with. Michael had a set path, which was derailed.
Kira and Michael have different-life experiences and upbringing. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, just different. Kira grew-up in fighting a guerilla war. Michael was traumatized at a young age and grew-up in a very emotionally locked down household. Michael struggles to find her feet between the two, maybe three worlds she straddles over. Michael chooses to be Starfleet.
Kira didn’t want to be Starfleet and only started softening on that stance later in the series.
ATM though since Kira has a finished story, and because she’s stayed with me the longest, Kira edges Michael out a little.
Star Wars This is another formative show but it’s only really recently that I’ve become really invested in Star Wars, with one caveat. I’m invested in the animated arm of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
But! Princess Leia is the OG and she’s the template of most of the fantastic women in the ‘verse.
This top spot is shared together with Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka was Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice and is instrumental for making me like Anakin in the way the Prequel movies failed to do. The other reason why I love Ahsoka so much is because of how she developed from a really snarky kid to one of the best characters in the Star Wars ‘verse. She has a rich history and an incredibly enigmatic future.
Space Opera
Farscape: This is such a fantastic, zany and colorful space show. It’s grand in scale and the acting is phenomenal. Everyone is fantastic here and then there’s the Radiant Aeryn Sun, a soldier who grows beyond what she knows and becomes such a vibrant character on her own.
Firefly: Space Cowboys, it’s only one season and as things go now I am glad we only have one season. This show had a lot of women but for me, the stand outs were Zoe Washburn and River Tam.
Killjoys seem to be a spiritual successor of both Firefly and Farscape. It’s another zany show with twists that surprise me, and really really interesting world building. It is also a space show where the lead is unquestionably a woman, Dutch. A former assassin slave Princess who forms complicated and complex bonds with people.
Hard Space Fi
‘The Expanse' has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to complicated and complex women. I haven't started season 3 but I know the season adds on with more fantastic women with their own stories and agendas.
Chrisjen Avasarala is one of the more fascinating people in the show, she is a seasoned diplomat and politician who always took an "Earth First" approach. This comes in conflict with several characters on the show who each have theth own agenda. There's Naomi Nagata a' Belter' who wanted nothing to do with fights and causes and slowly re-learn 8 to be one.
The Expanse is such a rich and vibrant story that I think everyone can stand shoulder to shoulder together in the number 1 spot.
The Douglas Adams Sci Fi
I mean, not really but I don’t know what else to categorize both Doctor Who and Legends of Tomorrow
Legends of Tomorrow
Zany doesn’t even cover this lovable show. It started out kind of a mess in season 1 and then slowly the writers threw the rule book out and what started out as a story with a standard squared jaw hero (Rip Hunter) and an unfortunate love story (Sorry Hawks) is now one of the most queer friendly and irreverent shows. The new lead of the show is Sarah, a former assassin and she leads a bunch of misfits accidentally breaking time to save time.
Sometimes they make the Doctor’s exploits... who am I kidding, they’re almost the same level of crazy.
Doctor Who
Speak of the devil, and the Devil walks in the form of a shape-changing ancient alien (at this point) eldritch and their Blue Box. To use the TV Tropes parlance: Doctor Who is the Trope Codifier. Doctor Who is space show, a time travel show, it can even be a procedural. Doctor Who is not stuck in one genre. It can be different things in every episode.
The force of Chaotic Good in their universe, and because of the Thirteenth Doctor, Doctor Who joins the list. Thirteen is a continuation of the Doctor we know but she is also someone new. Thirteen is a work-in-progress. It is interesting, in a list of ex-assassins and soldiers as protagonists, the Doctor has the highest body count of any heroic character I know.
SciFi Procedural
Olivia Dunham started as a fantastic character with her own flaws and complexity and enormous badass-ness... until the moment the showrunners lost interest in her and started favoring Peter Bishop over Olivia. I still love her but it’s tempered by the knowledge of what happens to her character in the later seasons. Olivia deserved better. Astrid deserved better. Nina deserved better.
Peter Bishop took a lot of air and it annoyed me that the final shot of the show is about Peter.
Person of Interest
This show is so good. The final season might have dropped a ball a bit but man, I didn’t expect what seemed like a normal CBS procedural turning into a prescient, grounded cautionary Sci-Fi story.
It also is a show with a phenomenal set of characters and one of the best antagonist turned One of the Team characters in Root and then, later Sameen Shaw. If Fringe has superpowers and weird science Person of Interest is in a bit more grounded reality with one key difference-- Artificial Super Intelligence is real.
The show predicted the Snowden-NSA a year or two before it exploded, and it predicted that US elections could be tampered with.
So in this draft—- it’s really hard to choose, I love each of them for different reasons. Some stand a little bit over the others. This is a bit of a cop out, I know but I do love them all!
So, uh, DRAW!
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