#therapy game mini story
ccswife · 2 months
Oh No..
part 4: is it working?
pairing๛: kate martin x iowau!reader
synopsis๛: kate catches you watching your saved edits of her
warnings: slight angst (barely)
not a lot of dialogue in this one, but low-key proof read :D
It's sunday morning, and you wake up to a bright ray of sun in your face, peeking through the barely-shut curtains. turning over in your very, very warm bed, you notice the time on your phone.
as well as some notifications..
notification center
3 messages from bear🐻
[goodmorning star sunshine!]
[hows the hangover?]
[r u alive]
you reply to her texts and chat for a little bit. she admits halfway through your in-depth conversation about what you drank and what color your throwup was, that she didnt remember anything from last night. ANYTHING. your head was already reeling from the raging hangover you had aquired, and this made it ten times worse. you begin to play a game of eenie-minie-moe with yourself. "do i tell her? do i say nothing? do i ruin it? do i protect my own feelings?" after at least 7 minutes, you come to the conclusion to not say anything. hey, you know what they say! ignorance is bliss!
you climb out of bed and grab some clothes to go take a hot bath. bathes are very good on tense muscles, and aroma-therapy helps to ease anxiety, reduce inflammation and sooth headaches. it was about 10 when you hopped in, and you planned to stay there till the water got cold. after the fact, you showered quickly to wash the grime off and get the hairspray out of your hair. finally getting dressed into a comfy pair of sweats and a oversized shirt, you go to cook some breakfast. cooking breakfast always was a good thinking time for you, as it wasnt super busy in the mornings and you could stand there and watch the eggs or pancakes cook whilst contemplating every decision you have ever made leading up to that moment. todays topic was " what the hell did i do to get into this position with the girl i love!" and it did not dissapoint! feeling that the topic was actually taking years off your life, you decide to give yourself a kate break and call out of work for monday. you used the "im sick *cough cough* and i never take days off!" excuse and it worked surprisingly well!
after a calm morning and breakfast, you chilled on the couch and put on a random show for some backround noise. it was now about 11ish, nearning 12. scrolling through instagram reels, you get a notification that kate posted on her story. (yes, you have her story notifs on.) clicking on the notif, it brings you to her story.
you nearly dropped your phone.
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another woman....hiding her face..... LUNCH DATE?!?!?!?!? so shes seeing someone? you've never seen this woman in your life, so obviously a secret. even from you, her best friend. honestly, it took some life out of you. with everything going on between you two, you didn't exactly know how to feel. did you deserve to feel like this, like you had been "betrayed"? part of you knew that that was a little dramatic, but nevertheless still very valid. if there was one thing that Kate and the girls had taught you, its that your feelings will always be valid, whether they change or stay the same. these specific feelings made you lose your appetite, and frankly the will to live. aggressively turning your phone off, you get out of the deep crevice you were shoved in on your couch and make your way back to the bedroom.
"and here, I shall lay"
you dramatically say as you fall onto the bed, draping a hand on your forehead as you do so. you opt to watch "Crazy Rich Asians", just to believe-in some sort of love, and cuddle up in between the sheets. half-way through the movie, you feel multiple buzzes from your phone. opening it up, you see a bunch of texts from a very worried gabbie and caitlin. they know what happened last night, so the story she posted as alarming to them as well.
gabbie babbie wabbie
y/n are you alive
caity baby
we saw kates story
obviously its not u cuz ur not tagged
r u ok
gabbie babbie wabbie
lil harsh there cait...
caity baby
whoops sorry
but r u alive
get out of bed
gabbie babbie wabbie
answer pls we miss you and wanna know ur alive
caity baby
after scrolling through the messages, you liked a few and explained you were ok, and that you took tomorrow off and are gonna lay in bed for a while. they remind you to eat and be good to yourself and you reluctantly agree and promise to them that you'll comply. finally finishing your heart-wrenching movie, you fall into a light sleep. periodically you respond to your texts, as kate had been texting you quite normally. this includes all the regular nicknames and stupid jokes she always made. you'd be lying if you didn't love the normalcy she was exuding, and that it didn't bring you comfort in your relationship. it just solidified your decision to not tell her about last night, in order to keep what you two have now. you were sure that you could shove all the feelings down and support your long time best-friend in her romantic endeavors (not with you). at about 7 o'clock, kate asked if she could 'stop by' and obviously you agreed.
IF you were being 100% honest with yourself, you were seriously nervous. you hoped that you wouldn't slip about what happened and how you felt about the insta story. at exactly 7:16pm, kate knocked on the door of your apartment and you graciously let her in, immediately being engulfed into a bear hug. she had the biggest smile on her face as she pulled back to look at you.
"hello beautiful" she tucks a piece of hair behind your earn, rubbing her thumb against your blushed cheek. "I missed you today! it feels like its been forever" she pouts at you, doing her signature puppy eyes.
you giggle at her and reply in a blissful tone. "ive missed you too katie bear, how was your day?" pulling away from you, she starts to walk to your bed room, you following close behind. " it was actually really good! I had a really good lunch today. you would've died at how good it was. it was some Italian place downtown." she draws out the emphasis on 'really', and continues to talk as she plops on to your bed. " I went out with my friend nancy, she graduated last year and is interning at a dental place by school" you join her on the bed. "oh yea? is she a new friend?" curiosity killed the cat, but you tried to be as discrete as you could with the tone of your voice. obviously since she was talking about it, she is open to the subject. kate goes on to rant about how she's her new friend, how they met at a coffee place, blah blah blah. then she gets to the surprising part.
"-and then after we talked about edits, she mentioned how she has a whole folder of them! I dont think ive met anyone with a folder of women's ball edits! it was so funny, and then she mentioned how there were a few of me in it! I laughed so hard I-" after she said that you stopped listening and internally crashed out. never met anyone with that?????? does she not remember catching you???? it genuinely boggled you how one of the only people that remembers every single detail about you could forget that. deciding again not to say anything, you mentally join back into the conversation and give her 'mm's and 'ohh yea's to let her know you were acknowledging her rant. the conversation slowly turned into showing each other stupid tiktoks and reels. both of your eyes began to droop, and whilst laying on each other, the two of you fell asleep.
and together you peacefully slept, blissfully unaware of anything else happening in the world
a/n ◕‿↼ : wooooo finally chapter 4!!!! I finally got a laptop so this is way more fun and wayyy easier to do so im a tad bit more motivated. I know this one wasn't the most exciting and didn't hav much dialogue but there's a lot to come guys dont worry I'm cooking up some good chapters. love you pookies! enjoy pls🤗
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So hello...I kinda disappeared for a moment after Don's Canto was announced. After seeing that, I immediately remembered my list, and I wanted to remake it to be ready for her Canto. However, when I started to do it, and then I read shit tone of theories about her, and everything became confusing, and I am kinda procrastinated everything. But I'm back! And well, that's the mini list. It's all shady things that happened with Don in our main story and events. To save some time and energy, I only mentioned things that are definitely shady, and I'm certain 99% will play a role in her Canto, but it's still pretty chaotic.
I am also going to make analysises of all her IDs and EGOs in two separate parts and what I think they will lead to.
I didn't write a lot about any theories because there are A LOT of them, but I would love to hear your personal favorites and promise to give my best opinion about them
Also to the person who wrote to me about Discord, I tried to find you, but it well there wasn't enough information for me to understand how, so if you are still interested in talking about Don, please just write me in Messeges.
Okay back to the List
That thing appears in her character description, in a list of particulars , and none of the other characters has anything like this. Also, her list mentions Delusional of Grandiore. However, she does not show any symptoms (yet)
2. Ferris wheel and Carnival
We already saw a Ferris wheel in form of windmill on her character art and carousel in the window of her persinal EGO art and now with a cover for her Canto, we can with certainty say that she has something to do with this theme. The closest thing to Carnival we saw in the City idb Oswald's 8 o'clock Circus. Which is extremely fucked up place and if Don is really was part if it I would be surprised that she looks so normal(both physically and mentally)
Oswald's ideology also has a lot of about wishes and performance, which could suit her character arc quite well, but with him being dead, I am not sure who is left to control Circus.
3. Eyes and dance
Two little hints from second Canto from which my obsession with Don began. We still have no idea what that could possibly mean.
I should mention that there was a theory that her eyes are cognito filters, but I doubt that.
(There were also theories that she's blood fiend, which is interesting.)
4. Deal
In Canto III Episode 10 we get a first mention of mysterious deal that Don Quixote made with Vergilius. It's important to mention that while he beat shit out of her she still argued about her point, but only he mentioned that "deal" she immediately backed up.
Second mention of a deal happens in Canto IV Episode 28 where sinners wonder outloud about their wishes that brought them to the Limbus and Don only gets "...". Which is fucking weird, because there were other sinners who didn't say anything, but only Don was singled out.
Also it seems like a person with whom she made a deal was Vergilius, which I'd already unusual because it's Faust who does this kind of job.
5. Old friends, rampages and distortions
Canto III Episode 19 where Don Quixote beats Sinclair to bring him to his senses and than says "Pardon my rash action. Often I would find myself overcome by fervor, rampaging much the same as a riderless horse. At such moments, mine old friends helped me to come to myself—by beating me senseless. ‘Twas, at times, the only remedy to the fever that had overtaken me."
And well, that's only time she speaks about her past, giving us this little story. And it sounds horrible. However, we can not deny that this type of therapy works in Project moon world really well. I mean, we just finished Canto, where we beat Heatcliff to bring him to his senses.
Actually, if you think about that, most of "rampages" in these games( excluding "panic" from Lopotomy) happen while characters experience Distorting or EGO corruption and surprisingly Don Quixote have some sort of experience with Distortions?
In Canto IV Episode: 53, when we see DongRang Don Quixote is the first to understand that he's experiencing Distortion. And then, in Risk Levels & Classifications, she mentions that Moses(the DISTORTION detective) sounds familiar to her.
Which makes us wonder if she or someone in her past experienced Distortions?
6. Miguel
Don Quixote's quote "Sueno Imposible" is a direct reference to the musical Man Of La Mancha, and Miguel is a main character of this musical author of the story of Don Quixote who trying to live up to his heroic life.
Also, at old sprites, she had MIGUEL written on the bottom of her coat, but it was removed from the model now. HOWEVER, on her official stand, there is still written MIGUEL.
And that kind of makes us wonder if her character arc could be more inspired by musical than book, or if her real name would Miguel. We still not sure, but it definitely should play a role in her Canto.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Last Words of a Shooting Star-141+Los Vaqueros
Heard you liked the first part, so heres this one!
Gn!reader, platonic!relationship
In the span of 5 months the team had lost all control of any other operation. Laswell let Price know it was time to take things easy. It happened when Soap and Gaz committed a few mistakes on a short operation that had happened a week after you arrival. "my men can do this." he protested, "No, and I can't have any casualties happen on my watch, you take care of your people and when all is good...I'll make and evaluation and put you back on the field. Take it slow." was all she had said. Ghost was furious, not even a 'are they okay' or anything, he started to understand why Alex had left.
3 months you had been gone out of their site. 2 months of recovery and many arguments between the team had occurred. 1 month of you being awake and fully conscious.
"it was all your fault. You had to get them away, didn't ya?" Gaz had spoken to a already upset Price. They had all been drinking that night. Except Ghost and Soap. Those two never left your side, if one had to shower the other would look after you.
Tears left his already tired eyes.
It was only to you that he had full conversations with, always telling jokes to see your eyes shine once more.
Every morning he would take off and prepare you breakfast, the same one you would make him when he was in recovery for a wound.
"This time I added my mums recipe, and that awful syrup we have." he'd say, earning a small chuckle from you.
"Where would I be without my mactavish?" your smile brightening your friends soul. "Not alive, for sure."
It was always a joke, that if either of you got injured the other would be the servant, and it was their duty to make jokes of the situation.
When Alejandro was in the room, he would like to butcher his Spanish.
"thats not how you say it, pendejo!"
God did your giggles bring joy to him
he would do anything that was too stupid just to get a reaction off of you.
He resented price for so long, until the night you and him talked about it, eventually you told him "it wasn't on him, or you. This time it was just a minor fuck up."
He drank a lot, he wasn't a drinker before, but now he is.
You rarely saw him, it was always blowing off steam or training with Ghost.
He and Ghost were secretly planning revenge.
Although he was upset at you, for reasons he still wasn't sure about, you always woke up to fresh flowers and get well balloons.
When he was upset about how he'd been treating you, he would usually go back to your room, and play your music. It was therapy for him.
I know people say he is all fun and games, but for a long time he wasn't. His whole demeanor had changed, and it was for the worst.
At times he let Ghost hurt him, he thought maybe he can earn all of the pain you went through this way.
He stopped crying once you woke up. But that didn't mean his heart ached for his best friend.
he blamed himself for it all.
Never did he step in your room.
He stopped smoking, swore he needed to clear his head, but in reality, it was you who smoked with him. His mouth in his cigar, a cigarette on yours. Telling stories and laughing.
You were a mini him, his best version of himself.
He behind everyones back caught the main guy, and while he was out "gathering intel for the hopeful next mission" he would go down to a safe house. For hours he would beat the shit out of the man.
Although Gaz blamed him for it all and for most he knew it was him to blame, everyone saw him calm, he slept better at night. Even apologized to Gaz for the pain he had caused.
While you were in recovery, he would ask the medical staff on updates.
He sent you flowers, but he would keep one, and once he would notice the flower was dying, he would buy more.
He added more security around base, men always stood outside of your room.
He installed cameras everywhere, and unfortunately he saw his team fall apart, he saw how soap was running out of energy, how Gaz walked into your room and cried, how Ghost though mighty and strong lost his strength, the person who was sunshine and hope soon became the kryptonite.
When alone, he would look at your file, and sometimes stare at pictures where you held enemies or evidence in your arms. Your smile wide, your team stood proud, "what a life you've lived, kid" he would whisper, regret coming back and making him cry.
Much like price, he kept one of the men that had tortured you
He took his sweet time torturing that man, sometimes he would forget blood was smeared on his body.
"¿qué es eso?" Rudy would ask, "mi almuerzo" he'd respond.
He would rarely be with you instead he would always busy himself cleaning your room.
One time some stupid rookie started playing Amor Eterno (super sad song in Spanish..thanks google,,,now its ME crying).
He started crying because he imagined a life where you weren't there, one where you had never made it out of the infirmary.
I don't think anyone understands how much you resembled his family, your stories where your family didn't treat you right and how you had found comfort in his family.
You so smart but so dumb when it came to common sense.
Much like his little sisters, they lacked common sense, good thing you knew more.
He would call his mom, asked for any soup recipe she can give. And he would make it for you.
"Una vez que comas esto, comenzarás a sentirte mejor." he would say as you were fed by him and soap.
After a while of looking he would find the photograph of you and his siblings. He carried it everywhere.
This man was the one who sneaked you out to go look at the stars, your excuse was "this is a comet that passes once in a lifetime, por favor rudy, si te gusto, harás esto conmigo."
He read to you after he heard from the medics you had night terrors.
You made him promise to not look for revenge, it was stupid and not kind. "You'll get hurt, hermano."
Yes at time he cried but it stopped very soon.
Rudy also changed, he wasn't so kind or at least he tried looking rough, this man has a kind look in his eyes so it was hard to change his stereotype.
As comfort he brought his blanket replacing the one the staff had given you.
Lots of hugs because he also needed reassurance of your current state, (don't you dare tell me he isn't like this bc I know he is)
He rarely slept, the bags under his eyes called him out. and after much hesitation, he slept, but only when he was around you.
The days he trained with Gaz, he thought of you. His best soldier and only family member (I know he has the other guys but the bond you and him had created was further from any of his relationships with the other men)
On some of your bad days he would go and collect a small flowers, it was a promise he had to fulfill, "if either you or I get hurt, we get small flowers and hide them in Soaps awful hair." "agree" he grins at the commitment, so small but so important to him.
One time he found out what price had hidden, so he followed him and once price was back at base, he took his round with the man. He made sure to keep him close to death and near life.
Every night when soap would go out, he would sing to you. "Gosh you need lessons Simon" you would joke. "as if your voice wasn't;t worse" he replied.
Beautiful boy was the one song you two sang when needed, only 3 times has that song been sung, and the next one would be at either yours or his funeral.
He hugged you without every hurting you, he told jokes and stories. The ones only he and the stars had heard, you like the comet were an anomaly, a once in a lifetime listener.
He showed you how to mask the scars he knew you'd be conscience about, "now lift the sleeve and turn it up a little." he instructed and watched as you got desperate and gave up.
"such loser mentality." "shut up."
A/n: I'm so glad you all enjoyed the first part. Thank you for reading this one too!
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~ Sem' System Intro Post ~
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So this is us! Info cards under cut;
Oliver Suraci - 🌿 - OS
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Cis male
Fictive(Source: Pokémon)
16-18 y/o
Azlo - 🍄 - TC
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No gender
Fictive(Source: OC)
Winged CatRabbit Creature Animal
No set age
Trauma/Pain keeper
Rabb1t i23 - 🐰 - R1
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Transmasc Nonbinary
18(Shares age with the body)
Canonically smokes despite the body having asthma
Knife collector
Likes fire
Noah - 📚 - TD
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Either cis or trans at any given time
Fictive(Source: Total Drama)
Human(Ghost/Siren sometimes but we don't talk about that)
Therapist that needs therapy
Sarcastic cynical realist
Likes reading(lmao nerd)
Ash - 🐀 - AIM
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Demiromanric Androsexual
Void animal
Sensory soother(auditory)
Sevyn - 🐕 - PUP
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He/Him/Good Boy
Pupplay Alter, idk
~ 1 d/y
Stim holder(tail wags)
Appellisian/Sexual Alter(in-scene only)
Fukase - ❤️ - FV
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Masc-leaning Pansexual
Fictive(Source: Vocaloid)
No canon age
Confidence holder(unfortunately /hj)
Pain manager
Ex-persecutor(got us admitted oops)
Pulls from songs a lot
🌲 Headspace 🌲
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Description: A cozy lakeside single story wooden cabin in a large forest in rural Michigan(pulled from a childhood memory). Slightly whimsical, think Cosmo Sheldrake. It's fully stocked, insulated, hooked up, etc. so bugs/climate aren't a problem. The forest is quite large, perfect for meditation or a calming walk. Alters who sleep have their own rooms inside the cabin, decorated accordingly including bathrooms and a mini fridge because it be like that sometimes.
💞 Inter-System Relationships 💞
Ash & Rabb1t - Platonic brothers
Rabb1t/Noah - Friends with benefits, smoke together
Azlo & Sevyn - Play together, be animals
Oliver & Noah - Bond over video games
Ash & Noah - Fan/Idol type beat idk
Ash & Fukase - Make music together
Noah & Fukase - Banter, get along surprisingly well
Sevyn & Noah - Noah is a dog person
Fukase & Everyone - Annoying /j
Noah & Everyone - Therapy
Sevyn & Everyone - Emotional support dog
➖️ End ➖️
Thank you for reading! Thought it was about time we organized ourselves ^^
Have any questions? Just send an ask(anon or not)! We're open to answering most things. Feel free to direct at all of us or a specific Alter. Thanks again <3 love you all /p
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gh0stlyfixation · 2 years
Part one
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Paring Simon Riley x fem winter soldier reader, uses she/her, using Y/N.
Warnings: none? Let me know. May have put you inside of she/her in some spots haven't written like this in a while.
A/N: This is set after End Game, Nat and Steve are still around. This does not follow any of the MARVEL plot and it's move of a love story than action-packed. Not sure how this will play out, may be a mini series or another longer series if y’all like this part. This is just a test run really, so please let me know what y’all think.
Winter master list
“By the United Nations, we hereby pardon James Barnes and Y/N Y/L for all forced crimes committed. Both parties have agreed to court-mandated therapy and the court place of residence. James Barnes will reside in New York and Y/N Y/L will reside in her chosen place of Manchester England. Each party will be allowed to resume work with SHEILD, the newly founded organization after the HYDRA overthrow.”
That’s how she found herself here, alone in an unfamiliar town with unfamiliar faces. She hated it but as part of her pardon, she’ll stay as long as she needs to. She looks up at the three stories building full of apartments. She didn’t have much but the money the government gave her, would help. After all, they did provide a place to live with the necessities she needed.
“Door 102.” She says quietly to herself as she twists her head each way. Her eyes land on the number 102, she searches for her keys, and in the corner of her eye she sees a masked man doing the same with his door. She doesn’t question it though. The tenant told her of her neighbor, a masked man, quiet and reserved, in the army never really home much, but Jesus he could pick a better mask.
It didn’t help she was an ex-criminal, all her red alarms signaled in her brain, but she was able to ignore them. The words have been wiped from her memory, she now holds her notebook of herself in her bag so she can lock it away and never see it again. She realizes she’s been staring too long and mumbles a sorry to the man before hastily unlocking her door and shutting it.
The man recognizes her from the news he’s watched, an ex-criminal that was tortured and granted a pardon but also a hero who brought down Thanos. What in the hell is she doing here? Now that he was retiring, forcefully, medically discharged, he had nothing to do. The girl intrigued him, he wanted to know more about her kind, not that she’s a different species, just the serum and its effect, but he knew damn well that was classified and personal.
Simon showers and sits down on the couch and pulls his laptop out and sees if he can find any information on her, why is she here, this is creepy, he thinks, fuck what else can I do? He yells at himself but he continues to look her up.
The winter soldiers, James and Y/N have been pardoned following specific guidelines made by the United Nations. Those have been kept confidential but we are glad to see they are free as the crimes they have committed were forced by brainwashing, manipulation, and other tactics of fear. We know James “Bucky” Barnes was captured during World War Two and Y/N Y/L during the 50s, both in and out of a cryo freeze preserving their body’s as if they haven’t aged a day. Congratulations and may the rest of their lives be peaceful. A news person spoke.
Simon scoffed, her life will never be peaceful, she’s been through hell and back. He doesn’t know what to expect of his new neighbor, the last ones were quiet, and he hopes she will be too. He knows the walls are thin so when he hears the phone ring he thinks it’s his, but stops when his phone doesn’t light up.
“Hello?” her voice spoke, it was on edge, “I’m fine Fury. I'm supposed to be at the base tomorrow morning to meet Natasha … yes, thank you for letting her come, it certainly makes things easier for me … Fury? Really?” He hears the slight humor in her voice but knows that her face is stoic, it had to be. “We’ll tell Steve and Bucky that I’m fine and to stop worrying. They can call me a whine..” You grumbled, “okay bye.”
Fuck these walls need to be thicker, Simon thinks. What base is she talking about. It certainly isn’t the British base. Is there a SHEILD base? There was, about 20 minutes from here know that he remembers.
She glances around her apartment, it’s furnished, at least. Needs a few decorations. Maybe Nat can help with that, not now though I need to sleep, it’s late. She wonders to the bedroom and thank the heavens there were sheets and a comforter. After changing into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt she hops in and quickly falls asleep.
Simon sat in the quiet reading a book he picked up from the shelf, this shit is boring, he says to himself. That’s when he hears faint quiet screams, mumbled almost. His ears start to perk up and realizes it’s the new neighbor. Fuck these thin walls! Something could be wrong. Simon argues with himself but when the noise starts getting louder he runs to her door and knocks, but no answer. He twists the knob and thankfully it opens, she needs to fucking lock her door, what is she stupid?
No, because she can kill someone in point two seconds. But he runs to the screams and finds her sweating in her bed. A night terror. He knows how to wake one up properly without a fight or struggle, he nudges her arm hard a few times then lightly once she starts to calm down, “wha-what- who are you?” She scrambles to her feet, pissed that she let her skills out the window. She tugs down her sleeve and Simon sees metal flash by her now covered hand.
“You had a night terror. The walls are thin and the door was unlocked. I’m your neighbor Simon.” His voice was soft and deep.
She stands there for a moment, embarrassed at herself. “I’m sorry.” she tells him
“It’s no problem, um, I have them too. I'm ex-military. It happens.” He says, trying to relate himself to her.
“Oh, well maybe we can help each other then.” she shyly says. What the fuck is wrong with you! Why are you getting shy? She yells at herself. Simon smiles slightly under his mask, she doesn’t notice though, “you know when we start to scream? So we don’t wake the rest of the building.” She explained clasping her hands together in front of her.
Simon looks up at her and nods, “it’s probably best. Do you have an extra key?” He asked. She nods and looks for it on her nightstand that she threw her wallet and essentials in. She hands it over to Simon and he takes it in his hand. He pulls out his ring of keys and picks off the extra key to his door and hands it to her.
Ig’s silent for a moment but you sit back down on your bed. Does he know who I are? Who doesn’t, I’m all over the news. “Do you know who I am?” she quietly ask. She needed to know.
He looks into her eyes, “You're Y/N. I’ve heard about you.” He tells her honestly.
“Are you scared of me?” She thinks it’s a ridiculous question,
“What they say on the news, what your crimes were, what your capable of, doesn’t make you who you are. We both killed hundreds, but it doesn’t make us who we are. You’ve saved the world, give yourself the credit for that.” Simon tells her.
Who knew i’d be getting a pep talk from a stranger. You think. “You don’t know me though, what the news says, you don’t know the half of what I’ve done. I’m dangerous. Unpredictable.” She say.
He does not doubt that she's dangerous and unpredictable, he doesn’t know her and she’s right. “Well now that we’re neighbors and I no longer have a life, I hope to get to know you. Your the only interesting person around here anyways, besides that old man who’s constantly screaming at the kids down the hall.” Simon tells her.
“What? Don’t have any friends?” she tease, your face still stoic.
He rolls his eyes and gets up. “Go back to sleep.” He walks out the door back to his apartment, what the fuck was this feeling? Happiness? No, I rarely feel that. Is he a friend now? Fuck. What the fuck?
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kidfoundonstreets · 6 months
ill try to keep it brief 1/20397
lovebrush chronciles is an otome game deisgbed by team/company I AM ACTUALLY NOT SURE DESPITE YOU SEEING IT EVRRYTIME YOU ENTER THE GAME HOLD ON neteaze games (passion of gamers) and it is about altnerate universes, time fuckery, and school life.
the game begins introducing itself as a regular otome school life sim (my condolences to the fans who fell for william first sight only to find out hes not an actual love interest trust me i see u i feel u) but then WHAM BAM!! just when u thougut ur girl best friend was lookin kinda cute she gets X_x in this summon circle and you jump in to save her only to find out youre now in a royal cage surrounded by people that needa sacrifice you to save themselves from their own doom. oh and youre not in your own world anumore good luck have fun
so now here goes the different plots and paths with the love interests. the way i playrd it was as they introduced it, which was ayn aklaid lars claerence. no cael route yet which rips me apart every night. the love interests seem to have consistent values throughout most universes despite all of their diferet upbringings which i find pretty cool considering schoollife and royaltylife are two completely drastic diferent things, and also i nejoy how mc is written with more character and an amazing design to match the rest of the beautifully drawn cast
on that topic the art is GORGEOUS. i have never seen such beautiful detailed art in a game before and i assure you it will not disappoijnt. the graphics and smoothness of the game are especially a great touch. THERES A MINI STORY FOR EACH CARD BTW SR AND UP ITS SO GOOD becasenit feels as if the creatoes actually put care and give a shit into whar theyre writing and drawing and even in little events the absolute quality and depth of the cast shines theough its just i cannot express how much you need to play tjis game if you like dating sims ITS FREE TOO??,×*#&@ IMSO SAD WHY ID OBEYEME GETTING SM ATTENTION WHEN THIS IS SITTJNGHERE HUH dont get me wrong i too was in that hole but trust me brother there is only one man worth it there and obeyeme sure as hell isnt gonna do it justice with its 200+ chapter peobably plotline
anywya its 11 pm and ibhave no idea how to organize this post so ill just go through the cast
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he is my plaything
ANYWAY ayn is so maahh hes the stupid cat that sleeps on me at night HE USED YO BE MY FAV AND WAS EXACTLY MY TYPE OFF THE BAT ITS SO IRONIC HES MY LEASY LIKED NOW but hes still very good and god you need to see this
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^^ bisexual dilemma
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i like him as a side piece, he has a nice personality but it doesnt stick out to me as much as the rest but i heavily respect the enjoyers of him
Aigh now
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HHHRHRGGGHWH HHRGGBW WHWHWBW W SLSOPE9282B3BDND BSHSJW W GHENRBR .R FJJGGW HJ W..B GHN.F. H . THROWSUP aklaid my dear my darling ! i lvouou my little STARBOY my favorite my self sacrificing devoted prince who acts soo nice but is the cause of his own decay. smooochh I ADORE HIM dude one time he almost dies and mc is like "i am so sorry" and hes smiling qhile saying "nono! this is the happiest ivebeen" GET THERAPY
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lars is my favorite lesbian
im onsessed w him hes always fun no matter where he is and yet they still dont dumb him down the moments where hes serious only add to his character his charm is unexplainable his rizz unatainable you could never
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my TRUE favorite lesbian
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i have run out of images but cael caught my eye since the beginning and i dont know whats wrong with him is he my parental figure my wife my side piece my worst enemy my hater my lover my killer my doomer my caretaker my one-time-leave-you-for-nine-months
i genuinely cannot stand him hes the one who i always run to and check on firstin efents and stories not claerence not lars not alkaid but fucking CAEL.
i cant help it maybe in the end my heart really belongs to him because im still waiting for his route and for him to show moreemotion and maybe break down or slowly go through the agony of learning to accept love despite everything despite you
this is the only part i feel a little uneased about in the writers hands.. they are very capable hands.. but will they do him right.. hes so stupidly simple but not it makes me grit my teeth and die
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jeonkooki · 1 year
Warnings: none
Jungkook looks after his girlfriend after she brakes her hand.
Immediate Support:
Jungkook rushes to her side as soon as he hears about the injury, canceling his plans and making her his top priority.
He helps her get to the hospital, staying by her side throughout the check-up and offering comforting words.
Setting Up at Home:
Jungkook ensures their home is safe and comfortable for her. He rearranges furniture if necessary, clears clutter, and makes sure everything she needs is within arm's reach.
He sets up a cozy station for her on the couch with pillows, blankets, and her favorite snacks.
Meal Preparation:
Jungkook takes on the role of chef and prepares easy-to-eat, nutritious meals that don't require much cutting or use of her injured hand.
He makes an effort to learn her favorite dishes and surprises her with them from time to time.
Assisting with Daily Tasks:
Jungkook helps with everyday tasks like brushing her hair, tying it up, and even assisting with dressing if necessary.
He patiently opens jars, bottles, and packages, not minding when it takes a few tries.
Entertainment and Distraction:
Knowing she might get bored during her recovery, Jungkook plans movie marathons, game nights, or reading sessions to keep her entertained.
He introduces her to new hobbies or helps her continue with existing ones that don't require her dominant hand.
Medical Care:
Jungkook takes her to follow-up appointments and makes sure she's following the doctor's advice for a smooth recovery.
He keeps a close eye on her medication schedule and any physical therapy exercises she needs to do.
Comfort and Emotional Support:
Jungkook is an expert at providing emotional comfort. He listens to her frustrations and fears, offering reassuring words and cuddles.
He knows when she needs space too and respects her boundaries.
Encouragement and Motivation:
Jungkook is her biggest cheerleader, always motivating her to stay positive and reminding her that this setback is only temporary.
He leaves inspirational notes around the house and surprises her with small, thoughtful gifts.
Adapting to Challenges:
Jungkook goes the extra mile to adapt their daily routines to accommodate her injury. He may even learn to do some household chores he's never done before.
He becomes an expert at using voice commands for smart home devices to make her life easier.
Late-Night Talks:
Jungkook cherishes their late-night talks when they're both relaxed and vulnerable. He shares his own stories of overcoming challenges to remind her that she's not alone.
These conversations often lead to deep bonding moments that strengthen their relationship.
Celebrating Small Wins:
Jungkook celebrates every milestone in her recovery, no matter how small. Whether it's regaining a bit of hand strength or accomplishing a task on her own, he's her biggest fan.
He may surprise her with a mini "graduation" ceremony for when she's cleared by the doctor.
Exploring New Ways of Intimacy:
Recognizing that physical intimacy may be limited during her recovery, Jungkook explores new ways to connect emotionally and intimately.
He learns to give relaxing massages and showers her with affection and compliments.
Planning for the Future:
Jungkook takes this time to plan exciting adventures or future goals they can work towards together once she's fully recovered.
He assures her that he'll be there every step of the way, no matter what challenges they face.
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authorofthemoon · 1 year
Finally playing Gotham Knights after putting it off for so long and I'm having a really good time. I heard some bad things about but it seems like it was being overheated for no reason. It's got some problems gameplay wise the movement can be clunky and it's easy to get caught on things so it can be annoying to walk around.
Combat is really fun though, in partial to Tim and Barbara but Jason's guns are fun. It took me a while to figure out Dick's playstyle cuz it relies on Momentum usage. But the skill trees are fun but I hate that the level cap keeps me from getting everything until new game plus which tbh I don't think the game needs a new game plus.
Characterization wise, I think it's pretty good. Even with all my knowledge of the batfamily, I still consider myself a casual Batman fan. Jason's design is still odd but I get they needed to differentiate between all the boys, Dick being tall and lean, Tim being a little rat boy, and Jason being built like a T. Still, I like how everyone's written.
Tims autistic coding is though the roof and I love to see it. I knew Dick had some bisexual coding in this game but it's super blatant lmao. The bisexual Blüdhaven mug, the 'gorgeous gorgeous people' interview, the 'Tim AND Dick are going to pride' email. Also, male civilians will call Nightwing cute it's just so much lol.
I liked getting to know Barb since I didn't know a ton about her before personality and I like how they dealt with Jason who's in therapy.
It's really full of fanservice and has the same vibes of Wayne Family Adventures in a good way. Not to mention all the pride flags in West End.
Only big complaint is that there's not a lot of story stuff or side stories imo. There's 8 chapters of the main plot and only 3 side cases of different villains that I did a third of the way into the game. I did a lot of side stuff before and became quickly overleveled which sucks cuz the cap is 30. Also I know it doesn't work in this universe, but I would like Stephanie Brown and Damian to be in the game. Duke and Cassie would also be cool but that would be so much.
I'm hoping this game gets a sequel and they can Tears of the Kingdom it and just reuse a bunch of assets and the engine to really expand on the second game.
I guess that's my mini review of Gotham Knights months after it's release lol. Again, I reallt hope this game gets some kind of sequel with more villains and just all around more story content and maybe more characters. Cassie, Stephanie, Duke, or Damian would be really cool or hell, if they're the new characters somehow.
But yeah thanks for taking the time to read my little opinions for whatever reason I really did just wanna talk a out this game.
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basil-is-adorbs · 1 year
Since youre a sunflower shipper I thought I'd share my opinion here. I hate it when people say that sunflower is too toxic or traumatized ot be fixed. Because it feels like they missed the game?? The game is literally about moving on, forgiveness, acceptance, making a new future for yourself but recognizing your past, embracing the truth- I'm not saying I want sunny and basil to immediately start dating or anything (that would also not fit the games theme, because it's also about taking your time, about trial and error as visualized by the omori fight) but if they were to have feelings for each other it would really fit the story because it would take them time to accept their feelings, emotions and it would take time for them to move on, and that's ok.
Sorry for this mini rant but seriously sunnflower just makes sense ok??
Hellooo, I am finally home and can reply to this!
I agree with you. We see that the game implies that Sunny and Basil cares so deeply for each other, even after their fight in Basil's home, since Sunny is dreaming up Basil hugging him. Based on these things I think they are willing to stay in each other's lives and keep being friends.
And like no one knows what actually happens after the game, and that is the fun part. We get to make that up for ourselves.
I myself hc that Sunny and Basil's friendship have to start from scratch after the truth comes out. They will have to get to know each other again(as well as starting therapy) and like 1,5-2 years(or maybe even more) later they will start dating because why not? I just like their friendship and their dynamic in the game and I just want them to have what they had back, and be able to heal together eventually as a couple. They are so adorable together!
And if people don't see it the same way as me, if they like to imagine they start dating soon after the truth comes out or hc either of them in a relationship with someone else, or not any relationship at all, that's also fine.
Although what is not okay is when people go after sunflower shippers for liking the ship. If sunflower is a ship that doesn't work for them, okay move on then. Let us sunflower shippers enjoy the ship. if it works for us, it works for us.
Last but not least; traumatized people deserves love too <3
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raw-law · 4 months
thank you L for encouraging me to share my dramatic life i think i will occasionally save these stories as i remember them✨
starting off with "how the FUCK did no one catch on that i was autistic" a series of mini stories from like- elementary school.
so when i'm like 6, my mom got custody over me during the school year (we will get into when/why they weren't living together and got divorced in another story) and that meant i had to leave behind my old tiny small-town school where i spent kindergarten. a lot of schools have this like- open house thing where kids can see their new classrooms and such, and i was at this open house, sitting at a desk in my new classroom and not looking at the other things around the room. so obviously the teacher comes up and asks how i'm feeling, and i respond by looking at her VERY seriously and ststing that i was "very concerned" about the upcoming school year. small reminder, i was 6.
around 2nd grade was the time i got SUPER into pokemon. like i was utterly obsessed from the moment i watched a couple episodes on my mom's ipad before bed. i liked many pokemon, but if i had to pick one, i would have picked pikachu. my mom got me a small pikachu plushie as a tooth fairy prize (there's an interesting story there too, believe it or not) like about the size of a hamburger. i LOVED this pikachu plush (and still do) and carried it with me everywhere. i cuddled with it every night. i had a frantic meltdown any time i didn't know where he was. and that was my first comfort object. i kept carrying him with me up until like 6th grade, where i went to only taking him to things like therapy or doctor's appointments because those places are scary, yet i still need to know where he is to feel okay.
the second comfort object was this pikachu jacket my mom got me from target one day because i begged her to. as soon as i got home, i Immediately put it on and went to watch one of the pokemon movies with it zipped up, hood over my head, my knees to my chest. my mom still has a picture of me from that day. and good god, i wore that jacket EVERY day, carrying little figures around in the pockets, and NO ONE could get it off of me. even in the middle of midwest summer. and as such, it got super ratty and dirty, but i refused to let it get replaced until mom finally just had to do it because it was 'unsalvageable' as she put it. keep in mind, maybe somewhat odd but excuseable behavior for a young child, but i had this jacket up until 7th grade when my mom finally managed to wrestle it away from me and replace it.
i have more similar ones but this ask is getting godawful long, i'm cutting it off now lol.
-rainbow dash
my god.. this is. very amusing.
i feel like any child with an oddly sophisticated vocabulary and an odd obsession with pikachu should automatically be suspected of having the autism™. it's just too on the nose at that point.
i guess i can use this as an excuse to relate and share some weird things i did as a child.
i think i brought up the mancala set i had before in another ask, but i don't know if i properly emphasized how much i really liked that game. because, i think when i was around 7, i met a girl who liked mancala as well, so we would only ever play that each time we saw each other. i wasn't good at talking to other kids my age, so playing together was the only way we could really have conversations. it was just easier to communicate through the game. but then one day, for a reason i can't remember, i got really mad at her halfway through a game, pulled the board to where she couldn't reach, and started playing the game by myself.
she then proceeded to stomp on my foot, say i was stupid, and she refused to play mancala with me ever again.
i'm not sure if that was proof i was autistic, but at the very least i knew it was when i realized i liked girls. so.
i suppose i haven't changed much.
I'm very sorry, but I can't relate...I'm very neurotypical, so.
But I did rather enjoy listening to both your life stories. RD, kudos to you for managing to weasel a little of Ryuzaki's back story out of him. I'm very proud of you for that.
And I'd love to hear more of your stories, RD! Feel free to share them anytime, or when you're comfortable too.
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You have any headcanon about the cupcake pan and glasses in Sun’s room
This video https://youtu.be/kMysHC7Wemo 18:02
(doesn't need to see the video cus I know exactly what you mean)
In my fanfic.
But to make a long story short.
Like... There are several AR emails from Luis, and even if a lot of them didn't get released in AR.
The name Luis DOES come up in Security Breach in Vanessa's therapy tapes.
Which leads me to believe that these emails are things that Luis has sent her...
And I'm quite confident the cupcake tin and possibly the glasses belong to Vanessa specifically. There are like over ten of these Luis sends to Vanessa, but I'm just showing the important ones:
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Moon and Vanessa always have a strange relationship. As in... Moon is the only one who directly reported to her in-game. He actively punched Freddy and dragged him to parts and service where Vanessa was waiting for him.
Moon is also the one to automatically kill the Player if you decide to "go check the main stage" near the end of the game like she suggests. And before the patch, when you died, a mission objective came up that says "Plan A"
Sure, all the animatronics listen to Vanessa, but with Moon, it always feels far more direct. Probably cause the Glamrocks just kinda all roam the place, and Vanessa as an NPC summons them to attack, but they don't seem to have something specific like Moon bringing Freddy directly to Vanessa does.
there's also broken glass in Sun and Moon's room, and that is a huge red flag to me because of this:
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Not to mention, There is a questionable model, that COULD be a thumb screw, but we don't know for sure... Which is also a red flag, because...
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Do I think Vanessa is living in Sun and Moon's room?
No. Not necessarily.
Do I think that she tells the Daycare Attendant to hold things for her?
and if Vanessa is Vanny, there are two spots in the game with Vanny Graffiti where a bed is....
Actually that's another thing... If Vanny IS Vanessa, then there's even more connections to Vanny and Moon on top of the Vanessa thing.
In the Burntrap Room, there is Graffiti on the Wall of a Vanny Head. Next to that, is a bed, with Moon's star pattern on it.
Along with another copy of the Arcade Machine of Balloon Boy World. A mini-arcade game which I'm sure the Fnaf fans know houses "Eclipse" in Sun and Moon's room.
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What does this mean for our Boys?
I don't know.
But they have a lot of connections to Afton via the Dancing Rabbit Lady and Security Guard then a lot of people want to admit, and I think that we should keep our eyes open in RUIN for those connections.
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bossbutch · 1 year
indie video game i liked and have thoughts on cool wow
friend of mine was streaming Cartomancer Anthology the other day, (a grab bag of indie games a la haunted demo discs and such, themed after the major arcana) and one of the games included really clicked w me. in a way i wanted to talk about
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it's the game themed after the high priestess card. the tldr plot is you're The Seer and you have to help people think through their problems. you do this with the main gameplay, a puzzler sorta like lights out, where you rotate and then place a shape, all the tiles in that area flip states, and your goal is to make enough of them black.
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i think splatoon 3 (released after cartomancer) has a pvp game kinda like this? it's not difficult to understand, and the puzzles are pretty comfortably "not brain melty but not trivial" which is a nice place to be. what really struck me was how well it fits the story. each character you help has puzzles that fit them and their trouble. the first I noticed was a novice alchemist, who is frustrated over how much they still have to learn- their puzzles are all broken versions of the shapes on your cards, slightly too small for them to fit properly. the librarian who is worried about time management and organization has mini-puzzles in cramped spaces. etc
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the character Problems are all low-stakes my little pony style things like that- one character wants to pick a different career than their mom wants them to, one is worried about whether their job will have made a difference after they die, one is passive and conflict-averse. I'm not necessarily a fan of like, fiction-as-therapy (this is not charitable at all lol i cant think of the proper term) but it fits the fairy tale aesthetics of the whole thing, and its not offensive or anything, the underlying philosophy is fine, its just a bit twee. and sometimes you're in the mood for something twee! or at least i am. a specific philosophy thing i really liked isn't said directly, but almost none of the puzzles have a "perfect" solution that will turn all the tiles black, and sometimes progress requires getting "farther away" from your goal. woah hmmmm how do those relate to what the characters are doing. i like it a lot okay. the actual puzzle gameplay couldve been anything at all- hidden objects, or match 3, or nonograms, etc- and a worse game would have it be arbitrary, but it's not. ..you see the connection you see why it's cool and why it works
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the aesthetics and style- also good. between puzzles there's an overworld that does that delightful 2d-characters 3d-environment thing seen in like "paradise killer" and "smile for me" (and "sewer rave", which shares a developer!). and that's always great, the character designs are all great, it's lovely. they have multiple expressions and do the squash-stretches, and they all have unique nameplates with little designs (which i dont have a screenshot of, gah). theres just a lot of care put in. its nice.
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i was struck ok? i fell in love. it happens. shoutout to weird little indie games. shoutout to @slitherpunk
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maaikeatthefullmoon · 6 months
The Holiday Diaries - Day Three
Continuing for my darling friend @tismrot and hopefully being a bit more entertaining today.
Wow! It turns out that, whilst I’m in Norfolk, he’s in bloody Egypt! Paddling in the Nile. Deep in it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
So, while I’m mentally adding golden beads and bells to Nelly’s tabard (I’ve named The Elephant In The Room, she said it was ok), he’s completely ignorant. Nelly is obviously so magical only I can see her.
Meanwhile I’m also realising I’m still a hopeless romantic and touch starved who lives in a small town…and will probably still be exactly that in 12 months’ time…24 months’ time…48 months’ time etc etc etc. How the hell would I even meet anyone?
Magpies are finally flying around in pairs! It’s my only small superstition. I always recite the rhyme ‘one for sorrow, two for joy...’ when I see them. In fact, my ‘I finished trauma therapy’ tattoo is going to be based on this rhyme. Booked it last year (when I still had money), it’s in September. It’ll be a chest piece of two magpies with some treasure & some more macabre animal skulls. Currently managing to put away £10/month and secreting away the occasional extra bit. Will need a lot more by September as it won’t be cheap but trauma therapy was HELL and the tattoo commemorating it was something the therapist & I actually discussed at length. She encouraged it. Along with my writing. Seeing the magpie pairs today made me think about it.
Went to a massive charity shop today because he needed jeans. I’ve lost 30kg in the last year (not in a healthy way, I won’t share my method) and nothing fits anymore. Managed to pick up one black fem top and one grungy neutral top and a great pair of formal/suit trousers from the ‘mens’’ for super cheap.
Even more excitingly is a collection of Edgar Allan Poe stories
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I checked the records for a copy of Everyday but all I found was this monstrosity *argh*
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We went to a cat cafe. It was lush. They had grumpy sphinx cats. Yes - Grumpy. Sphinx. Cats. And retro 80s & early 90s stuff like carebears, rainbow brite and mlp. And loads of old console games. It was mad and I loved it.
Then there was beaching. I REFUSED.
There is one beach in the UK that I like: Calgary Beach in Mull. Other than that, I do NOT like beaches. I can’t actually think of any beaches in other countries that I like. And I used to live in the tropics. And went down the Gold Coast (Australia) for a month on holiday as a teenager. So this is the closest I got to the beach today:
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My feet did not touch the sand.
Did a mini rave when we got back. Which segued into a rock party.
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I can’t listen to the normal radio. What’s with the country revival? What’s going on? Help!!!
Still can’t write. I still suck. Been researching for the proper book. But nothing I write is any good. What if I never am again?
I’m out at the entertainment again now. Can’t afford nice drinks, but never mind. Must be his paddle in denial using up the budget. @tismrot, dollface, hope my insane-yet-inane life amuses you 😂
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saijspellhart · 8 months
I get so shy about asks...my last two (not you, different people) were never answered XD
anyway, I really love your writing! I just finished a 20 chapter fic about Kaiba (gradually and a little reluctantly) adopting Yugi because his grandpa died, and then Anzu dies (she's his GF in the story) so Yugi gets really sad and breaks down
I'm going to write a part 2, of basically Yugi going through therapy while living at Kaiba's house, could I PLEASE have some fluffy head canons of Kaiba and Yugi at the house while Yugi is experiencing depression? Basically he's suffering a bereavement overload (AKA he has trouble grieving for 2 people at a time)
Maybe just Kaiba..."trying" to be a dad, maybe Mokuba helped him with experience, but idk how that would go
I know you're busy, but if you have time, this would be rlly appreciated, and would help me a lot in writing my story!! thank you!
Well, given that I also lost three loved ones in my life, all in the same year, I can definitely empathize with the grief overload. I can say that some of the things my husband did to comfort me really helped. Even if they were small acts.
What if Kaiba found a sufficiently mind numbing game that they could both play to distract from the pain? (When I was grieving my husband and I played Borderlands 2 together.) What if Kaiba and Yugi played Kirby’s Epic Yarn, or Yoshi’s Woolly World, or Secret of Mana, or Pokémon. Games that are cute, and uplifting, and great two player games. And something where if Kaiba gets competative, as he does, it would be ridiculous and hilarious given how Cutesy the games are.
Or there could be moments where Kaiba brings Yugi a hot cocoa, with like ridiculous frills, mini marshmallows in color Star shapes, with whipped creme, and chocolate shavings, and little wafer cookies. Etc. Just such a rich person cup of cocoa. So incongruent with Kaiba’s uptight and grumpy demeanor.
You could have Kaiba cook him dinner, and totally botch it. Like accidentally cooking a meal that’s all potatoes. Mashed potatoes and french fries. Or a grilled cheese with a side of Mac and cheese. Ya know, just like silly things that are basically the same food twice, but Kaiba doesn’t think about it because he normally doesn’t cook food. Or maybe he cooks Yugi some dinosaur nuggets, and before Yugi can acknowledge the dinosaur shapes, he drowns them in molten gravy.
Kaiba could bring home a book. Something random. And just unprompted, start reading aloud from the book. Softly, with a tenderness so unlike his usual manner.
He could buy Yugi a nightlight. People who suffer from loss can often suffer from night terrors. Maybe the nightlight shines little Blue eyes white dragon shapes on the walls. Very on brand for Kaiba.
Maybe he buys Yugi a “Snuggy” the blanket with sleeves. Then grouses and mutters when Yugi doesn’t use the sleeves. But he sees Yugi use he blanket anyway and cocoon himself inside it.
Depression kinda makes you not want to do anything, especially grief depression, so Yugi might not be responsive during all these things. But it would be small feeble expressions, or subdued body language that would show Kaiba the things he’s doing affect Yugi.
Anyway, I hope the ideas help. Good luck on your Hurt/comfort fic. I’m sure it’ll be amazing. I think you got this.
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monsterkong · 6 days
Work Culture That Doesn’t Suck: Lessons from Todd Kuckkahn 🚀
👋 Hey Tumblr fam! Ready to talk about something that affects all of us? Today’s topic is workplace culture—specifically, how to make it not suck!
I got the chance to chat with leadership expert Todd Kuckkahn, and let me tell you, this guy knows what’s up when it comes to building engaging workplaces. Todd’s on a mission to change how we think about leadership, and here’s why you need to know about it!
Todd’s Leadership Journey 🌱
Todd didn’t always plan on becoming a “culture crusader” (as I like to call him). After 17 different jobs and dealing with his fair share of toxic work environments, Todd found himself drawn to the world of leadership. His experiences with John Maxwell’s leadership program opened his eyes to what could be: workplaces where people are treated like human beings, not cogs in a machine.
Crazy concept, right? 😜
The Power of Core Values
When it comes to leadership, Todd’s big on core values. These aren’t just buzzwords—they’re guiding principles that shape everything from decision-making to team dynamics. Todd’s top 5: Optimism, trust, honesty, enthusiasm, and teamwork. These are the values that help him transform struggling workplaces into thriving ones.
One of the coolest things Todd does is help teams figure out their own values. It’s like having a mini therapy session but for your company. 😅
Why Culture Still Sucks in Many Places 🤷
Let’s be real—too many workplaces focus on numbers and profits and forget about the people who actually make things happen. Todd’s message? Care for your employees, and they’ll care for your business. Simple as that.
Changing the Game 🎮
Todd shared this one story about a company that was in total chaos—CEO passed away, toxic culture, and then COVID hit. It wasn’t pretty. But through hard work, Todd helped turn things around by focusing on trust, communication, and actual core values.
So yeah, culture change takes work, but it’s not impossible. And no, bringing donuts every Friday doesn’t count as fixing your culture. 🍩 (Though, who doesn’t love a good donut? 🙃)
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chipadequeso · 2 years
i found a 2022 spanish production of falsettos. um here's comments because i don't like it!
jason's too over-acting and whiny i don't like him.
trina's amazing!! her voice is godly . every trina i've seen is so well-casted... whizzer is in my heart too and marvin is pretty good
they broke mendel's character into ... two separate characters..... i dont understand why they chose that??? i dont really like it
1. mendel like the psychiatrist that appears from song one is a woman?
2. after im breaking down this guy appears (he's mentioned in everyone tells jason to see a psychiatrist) and he's trina's new boyfriend ... it's an interesting choice i guess?? i just really dont care about him during a tight-knit family reprise like who are you!!! your conflict with marvin makes no sense you dont know the guy you just tell him it's your family now without no previous stuff the obc gives you!!!!!!
marvin at the psychiatrist bad bad hate it. part one turned into a conversation . like literally practically word by word . part two is replaced (bc this mendel is not trina's gf ...) with a two sentence thing about gay sex ??? part three is ok . it's not a mini-opera if you only sing in 1/3 of the thing!!!!!!
"just because you failed as parents" ".....GET THEE TO A PSYCHIATRIST" became "BECAUSE YOU ARE BAD PARENTS!!!!" "you will go to the psychiatrist!!!"
also they dont say psychiatrist they say psychologist . those are two different jobs guys
in the this had better come to a stop coreography marvin is fucking going through it man he's suffering it so bad . it's expressive and all but i like the more subtle "im repressing it because im stubborn" things c borle and michael rupert got going on
AGAIN ... "smile trina ill help you mend!" BECOMES "trina, live and let live!" where's the psychiatrist having a relationship with his patient soo disappointed
no jason's therapy . THERE IS NO TRINA'S SONG / MARCH OF THE FALSETTOS. you just go fucking straight from i'm breaking down to tight-knit family (reprise) to trina's song reprise. huh
after the chess game it goes directly the games i play. i genuinely really like this whizzer
marvin hits trina is fine? no i am so dumb. also NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU NEW BOYFRIEND!!!!! STOP COMMENTING ON STUFF!!!!!! after the hit there's like ONE second and there's no tension and we're already starting with i never wanted to love you.
act 2 starts with "2 years later" and miracle of judaism. huh!!!!!!! and they dont tell us who the lesbians are!!!
there's some cheerleader girls in miracle of judaism cheering for jason he's distracted by them
the pace in the act 2 is all off!!!! there's missing songs just like in act 1 but here there's no high building up that breaks when whizzer falls sick . it's just uhhgh
no bar mitzvah . just a birthday. hate hate hate
the you gotta die something coreography is amazing ngl . there's a guy in black acting as the death and he dances with whizzer and throws him around leaves him on the floor when he tries to grab him just woahg . it's similar to the thrill of first love one too ..
marvin carries a crying whizzer to the hospital bed and what would i do? is him sitting down to him next to it .
no jason's bar mitzvah though bc no jewish people no bar mitzvah...
someone threw roses at marvin and whizzer and i agree
thats it i really really dislike this. good voices and all but the story is all over the place and it's by far the worst production i've seen bc of EVERYTHING they removed..
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