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momentofmemory · 2 years ago
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it's only water, it's only fire, it's only love it's only slaughter, we're only liars, it's only blood
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moths-in-hats · 2 years ago
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—And I have this dream where I'm screaming underwater
Made for @theoraekenapperciation Day 4: Lyrics/Quotes
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theoraekenapperciation · 2 years ago
Theo Raeken Appreception Week 2023!
this event is for Theo Raeken centric fan works and will run from August 10th — August 16th 2023, it can be gen works or ship, all characters & au’s are welcome! feel free to send in an ask with any questions or concerns!
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to participate in this event tag your creations with #theoappercationweek23 and/or #theoweek23 or simply tag this blog @theoraekenapperciation — please make sure to read the rules found here before posting a work for this event
prompts : these can be mixed & matched however you please and if you don’t want to follow them that’s fine too!
Day 1 — pre-canon - it could be a scene from his childhood, one from right before he came to beacon hills, you decide — August 10th
Day 2 — rarepair - is there anyone who you’d like to see interact with theo more? anyone you think he would get along with? — August 11th
Day 3 — platonic or romantic relationships - how does theo navigate his relationships with the people he cares about? how does he show he cares? — August 12th
Day 4 — part of the pack - explore what it’s like for theo to be part of the pack, or his envy of wanting to be part of the pack — August 13th
Day 5 — season 5 and/or 6 - what was it like for theo during canon? how did the events that took place affect him? — August 14th
Day 6 — the first chimera - explore what it’s like for theo to be a chimera, how it’s affected his view of himself and his relationships with the pack, or maybe what it was like when he first became a chimera — August 15th
Day 7 — dealers choice! — August 16th
visual prompts :
Day 1 — emotions
Day 2 — contrast
Day 3 — expressions
Day 4 — lyrics/quotes
Day 5 — outfits
Day 6 — interests
Day 7 — dealers choice!
alternative prompts :
1) theo & family
2) theo & school
3) aftermath of the dread doctors
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wolfboy88 · 2 years ago
For @theoraekenapperciation week day 7: dealer's choice -
Theo Raeken Post Hell Moodboard
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transdunbar · 2 years ago
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theo appreciation week | day two: rarepair (theo/isaac)
i also wrote a little ficlet to go with this, set in my theo never leaves AU! there's NSFW content involved, so read at your own risk:
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slice-of-magenta · 2 years ago
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@thiamsxbitch maleo (malia/theo)
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fhaf123 · 2 years ago
Day 1-pre canon- it could be a scene from his childhood,one from right before he came to become hills you decide.
How Theo,Scott, and Stiles become bestfriends
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mmoosen · 2 years ago
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Theo Raeken Appreciation Day 7: August 16th - Dealer's Choice
from a white lily, purity and love for one who has passed, to a wild rose, resilience and self-growth
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invisible-storyteller · 2 years ago
For @theoraekenapperciation
I’m a bit late to the party but I finally finished my piece! I just couldn’t miss one of my favourite character’s week.
WARNING: There is explicit child abuse in this story! Heed the tags!
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pansexual-puppy-pack · 2 years ago
@theoraekenapperciation 's theo week 2023, day 6: the first chimera
i know it's late !! my bad !!
The heart that beat in Theodore's chest was a few sizes too big.
It was given to him by his sister, a dying wish she made as she froze in the stream. The nice doctors did the surgery—and took away his mean parents too.
Now, he was strong. Stronger than he ever was.
Theodore could turn into a wolf! He could have black fur and golden eyes, fangs and run on all fours.
But he heard things, now. The flies buzzing in the other room. The TV static. Electricity humming everywhere he went. Things people wanted to say but didn't want anyone to hear. The screams of the other patients.
Why did it hurt them? It didn't hurt Theodore all that much. One of them had wings! Why was she sad?
Theodore ran one night.
Through the woods of Portland, Oregon, Theodore howled and laughed and panted as he scampered through dry leaves and buried his snout in the snow.
"Theodore." He heard from behind him. The Dread Doctors found him too quickly. He wanted to play!
He looked up quickly and sat down, his tail curled around his paws. I don't wanna go yet, he whimpered.
The Doctor with the cane looked at the Doctor with three eyes.
"You will freeze if you do not come." The Doctor with the blank mask said. "You may transform when we return to the operating theatre."
Theodore looked at his paws.
"We must go." The Doctor with three eyes said.
"It would be a shame for you to freeze to death here, Theodore." The Doctor with the cane said.
Theodore huffed and stood to follow their buzzing forms, listening to them breathe heavily, clicks for heartbeats and creaks for movement.
Sometimes, Theo wished he had frozen to death that day.
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moths-in-hats · 2 years ago
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Moodboard: Scott x Theo
For @theoraekenapperciation Day 2: Rarepair
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theoraekenapperciation · 2 years ago
Theo Raeken Appreciation Week 2023 Masterlist
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[works posted for theoweek2023 are linked below with their creators tagged]
Day 1:
pre-canon ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
emotions moodboard/quote by @babygiriraeken
pre-canon ficlet by @fhaf123
Day 2:
rarepair theo/brett ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
rarepair theo/scott moodboard by @moths-in-hats
contrast moodboard/quote by @babygiriraeken
rarepair theo/isaac moodboard/nsfw ficlet by @transdunbar
rarepair theo/scott edit/quote by @momentofmemory
rarepair theo/malia fanart by @slice-of-magenta
Day 3:
platonic relationship theo & alec ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
platonic relationship theo & corey ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
romantic relationship theo/liam ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
romantic relationship theo/liam moodboard/quote by @babygiriraeken
platonic relationship theo & dread doctors ficlet by @spikeface
expressions theo fanart by @cdo499
Day 4:
quotes/lyrics theo edit by @moths-in-hats
part of the pack ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
quotes/lyrics theo moodboard by @babygiriraeken
quotes/lyrics theo edit by @pansexual-puppy-pack
Day 5:
season 5 ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
season 6 ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
Day 6:
interests moodboard by @mmoosen
aftermath of the dread doctors moodboard/quote by @babygiriraeken
the first chimera ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
Day 7:
dealers choice moodboard by @wolfboy88
dealers choice moodboard by @wolfboy88
dealers choice moodboard by @wolfboy88
dealers choice ficlet by @pansexual-puppy-pack
dealers choice edit/quote by @pansexual-puppy-pack
dealers choice moodboard/ficlet by @outcastpack
dealers choice ficlet [tw abuse] by @invisible-storyteller
dealers choice moodboard/quote by @babygiriraeken
dealers choice moodboard by @mmoosen
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wolfboy88 · 2 years ago
For @theoraekenapperciation week day 7: dealer's choice -
Theo Raeken as a Satanic Worshipping Warlock
(inspired by my re-watch of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
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wolfboy88 · 2 years ago
For @theoraekenapperciation week day 7: Dealer’s Choice
Theo Raeken as DC Comics Midnighter
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theoraekenapperciation · 2 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in the Theo week 2023 event!! It was so lovely to see everyone’s creations and I really am appreciative of you all <3
I do plan on coming back next year, but before then I do have a Christmas Theo event in the works that should be posted sometime soon so everyone has enough time to prepare!
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mmoosen · 2 years ago
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Theo Raeken Appreciation Week 2023: August 15th - Interests
The Doctors never let Theo study nothing but his mission, except the books of anatomy and experimentation the Dread Doctors wrote for themselves. Scientific terms became Theo's poetry and any kind of curiosity and intrigue was solely wrapped in his own body. Every day researching to ask the question: Just what had he lost from losing his own heart?
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