#theorizing so hard rn
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cgarttrailsandtails · 6 months ago
Purple accents? Doesn’t Nexus glow purple? He started that in the thumbnails before he started using dark star power. HMMMMMMM
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random-dragon-exe · 7 months ago
Okay, so I've been rewatching the OG FOP and I'm noticing some things. So looking at Peri's design, I find it slightly odd (pun intended) that he has periwinkle hair. Although it does lean slightly more on the purple side if you ask me.
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I mean yeah, he had that hair as a baby so that tracks and makes sense. Plus, he needs to have his own distinguishable color to visually separate him from his parents.
But genetically, how does that work? I know I'm probably thinking way too much about it, but I found something interesting upon rewatching some OG FOP episodes.
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Jorgen had purple hair when he was younger, and one thing of note is that he and Cosmo are cousins (which is revealed in an episode) which means that this may be where Peri got his colored hair from. Not to mention periwinkle is a subset of violet, which is a subset of purple. So maybe it's a recessive trait that Peri inherited from that side.
As for his eyes, some family members of Wanda's have purple-ish and bluish eyes.
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Considering that periwinkle is basically a mix of light purple and blue, I think this is how he got his eye color.
Again, I know that this is a bit of a long shot, but I just think it's an interesting set of details.
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15-lizards · 8 months ago
So in his subconscious Daemon only sees Rhaenyra as a child but Laena is a grown woman but dressed like she was in her youth…what does it mean
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autisticbokutoenthusiast · 7 months ago
ok the ticking clock noise during great and titles fight meant that great was about to make the "wrong"/"bad" choice right?? and then tyme came and made a choice for him?? like the ticking clock is relevant right???? and it was 11:01?????
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doomdays · 8 months ago
I’m not home right now so this is quick but I’m thinking about the teaser poster and I have theories that this is potentially either yet another season of Luther being exploited or finally a season of him fully owning his body (but what type of body he has in season 4 is still so unclear because he ends season 3 ‘healed’ from his forced body alteration but.. all the teasers so far include his body suit so 🧐). So I’ll be back for this later 💞
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matrixwhore · 2 years ago
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asterkatt · 24 hours ago
okay I said I was going to give more thoughts on act 5 of ISAT and then uh. I didn't. oopsies. but we're here now!!
I loved Odile's friendquest in this act SO much. one of my favorite things about the way the game handled Siffrin's actions throughout the entirety of act 5 in general is that everyone's reactions to him were so DIFFERENT. but not only were they different, they had reasons for being different. it wasn't just "Siffrin says something messed up, hurts someone's feelings, pushes it down, rinse and repeat". each "breakdown" was specifically tailored to be character specific. to fit in with how they've behaved in the story thus far, as well as how Siffrin feels about them/tends to respond to them in particular. with Mirabelle, it really was entirely accidental. Siffrin didn't even realize how their wording might come across in the moment. It wasn't him lashing out in any way - just him genuinely trying to cut corners. Odile?? Odile's was very different. it's easy to see that there's a lot of tension between Siffrin and Odile - more tension than there is with anyone else. Odile has been a thorn in Sif's side - constantly observing and watching and theorizing about why they're behaving strangely. I did the sus quest. Sif knows that she has the ability to figure it out. Consequently, they have to be way more aware of her than anyone else. (side note that's not entirely relevant to this but I want to bring it up - the fact Siffrin believes that her constant eye on him is because "she doesn't trust you" makes me sick. because that's not it at all. they might pretend it is. hell, she might act like it is. but it's not and she knows that. she knows it's because she's worried because she cares and Siffrin can't understand that.) so I feel like they took the "mistake" of messing up with Odile harder than they took any of the other interactions. because how could they be so stupid. how could they forget. how could he forget that she always figures it out.
so of course he lashes out. not only are they being faced with the same blinding mistake they've made over and over and over again, it's also a reminder that she doesn't trust him. (and why should she?).
and then she goes and makes it all worse by calling him a "friend". because they know that's not how she sees them. he believes that she doesn't trust him. so it must seem like she's directly lying to his face - and she thinks they're too dense to see through it.
I love that Odile doesn't back down. she doesn't shy away when they start yelling at her. she doesn't let it slide just because she made them upset (Isa and Mira both probably would - though Isa would try and get them to talk about it later). she pushes, because that's the only way she's going to get any answers.
the way you can feel her anger when Siffrin hits her where it hurts the most (without even seeing her face) is just AUHGSKJDHFKJSH. the writing of this game. the details. never cease to amaze me. I love the way she snaps back. she doesn't get angry, she doesn't yell - and yet somehow it hurts just as badly.
I also love the way Siffrin reflects on it - the way they acknowledge that "she was only worried about you!!!" because deep down he knows that their friends do actually care about him. the way Odile handles the situation afterwards as well - at the clocktower?????? I love that you can tell she's trying so hard to make the "right" choice to not endanger them when it's not what she wants. she doesn't want to leave Siffrin behind. If they weren't going to take on the King the next day, I guarantee you she'd be using anything in her power to figure out what was going on with him. I don't have the exact quote rn but at the end of the sus questline she mentions that she can't let something go when she finds it odd - and this is BEYOND odd. but she has to put the safety of the whole group and their mission first, and I love seeing that side of her.
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aiscapades · 3 months ago
thinking out loud abt recent discussions in the touchstarved/obscura fandoms :) literally just my own personal opinion !!!!!
i can't stop thinking abt cirrus bc he's honestly what i want so badly for the touchstarved LIs. it's what i wanted for count lucio.
i was reading y'all's opinions abt the touchstarved marketing and your concerns abt how the game is gonna turn out, and while i was understanding, i also was so confused abt .. where this sudden concern was coming from. and then i played obscura and i was like oh! i didn't know a game could be like this! i didn't know a demo could be like this! i had entirely different reactions to the obscura demo than i did the touchstarved demo
—and yeah that's comparing two totally different games, different studios, different projects. the touchstarved demo served to introduce the characters and the world and it did that wonderfully. it's satisfactory. it's not that they did anything wrong?? but i cannot deny they gave me two insanely different reactions. i was YELLING when cirrus was doing his shit. it was like what i imagine watching trashy reality tv is like. or like watching one of those poorly-made TV movies and just enjoying the ride. i was hollering and jumping out of my chair and GAWKING at the screen. like cirrus was real and he was really saying this insane shit and i was SO ON BOARD and selecting every insane option the game gave me. it was just so wild. and it was so, so fun.
so i thought abt it more and i was like yeah. i actually see where this concern is coming from. rss keeps their stuff so close to their chest that it's hard to tell what routes they're taking, how they're dealing with certain issues, how deep the character arcs go, etc. i have no idea how fucked up their version of monstrosity gets, and for a game that is ENTIRELY about monsters and monstrosity, that definitely gives me pause. we don't know anything. they drop hints and we guess and theorize, but we don't know anything. we know leander is fucked up. we know they're all fucked up. in what way? who knows. does mhin murder people as a giant crow beast every night? we don't definitively know. we kinda assume that based on lore drops, but we don't know. but then other studios are doing semi-regular q&as and dropping information into the laps of their fans on a daily basis (lost in limbo??? hello? every day i get a notif that they've told us something new, either abt ALL the characters or about the world). idk how early obscura devs have been answering questions but they're also doing something similar. but for rss you can send in questions and you're probably never gonna hear back. you can't just ask them what song the m5 LIs would sing on karaoke night and get a response 🧍🏼 they don't do that. which isn't to say it's WRONG of them—i'm not saying they're being bad game devs by any means—but it's definitely a different way to handle game development compared to these other studios we follow.
that lack of fan involvement and information sharing is where the concern comes from, i think. at least on my part!
i mentioned count lucio earlier and i want to elaborate why. firstly, he's my favorite character of all time. i've been writing a fanfic for him for 2 years, and it's nearly 200k words (i'm taking a break from it rn). like i love lucio as a character so, so deeply. is it because of the arcana game? no, actually. it's because of the POTENTIAL his character has. it's because of what the FANS have pulled from him and shaped him into.
the arcana was on the app store. it had such strict rules about what it could and couldn't be. and yeah i can rant about how dumb nix hydra is for taking the mico-transaction phone app route, but my point in all of it is that the devs failed lucio. i think they fumbled a lot, with the other characters as well, but lucio was their watch mojo top 10 biggest anime fails of all time #1 spot.
his bad ending shows him as the new DEVIL and dictator of the world??? and we got to see none of that. his whole route woobified him to pieces. he's just a lil meow meow. he's Baby. he didn't know better. he just made some Oopsies 👉🏻👈🏻 uh oh!!
like he was the main VILLAIN of the story and they turned him into a manchild. the wasted potential of this guy is insane. and i guess i saw that and thought "i can make this motherfucker so much worse" and i did that and will continue to do that. so have his other fans. people have rewritten his route altogether because it was so unsatisfactory.
there's overlap from the arcana in the rss dev team. do i think touchstarved will be the new arcana? nope!!!! but am i also worried they'll play it safe because they think the fanbase wants conventionally loveable love interests? yeah. i absolutely see the concern. it's very real and very there. does red spring studio KNOW we want truly monstrous characters? do they? we're just hoping they do.
leander doesn't have to be just like cirrus. none of them have to be anything. but i do want them to be monstrous. i want to FEEL something the same way i feel something when cirrus orders me onto my knees. like not even in a kinky sexual way. i want to be shocked. i want to hesitate and think "what is this character doing right now? what will i do right now?" i want to be confused and shocked and pleasantly surprised and also horrified. i want the adrenaline high i got while playing cirrus's first chapter. it was like my cptsd was triggered in the best possible way (lmao).
and it's not even about that.
lost in limbo is more fantasy romance than it is horror (save for the goddamn voidbound holy fuck!) but i know that i'll enjoy the game anyhow because i love all the characters. why do i love all the characters? because the devs tell us about them. they don't even have to spoil the game. i know amon smells like chocolate and has a fake southern accent (HELLO?) and that ara can't sing. lost in limbo could be the corniest fucking game and i would still love it because i'm already so attached to the characters.
the reason i turned to lost in limbo and obscura is because my excitement for touchstarved waned. because there's just a once in a blue moon post and it's likely it'll just be a "backers have new updates!" post. which isn't said to shame rss or backers !!!! that's normal and fine and valid!!!! do that!!!! i just mean rss is BARELY giving us what we want. we're stranded in the desert dying and rss is trickling water droplets one by one to each of us. lost in limbo devs are pissing fresh spring water into our mouths at firehose speed. is rss bad for this? no. they're not doing anything wrong. but a natural consequence of their marketing strategy is that fans will move on. i still love touchstarved. i'm going to play it. i'm reblogging fanart and fanfics. i'm posing the mormon leander theory. like i'm still here and still very much active but touchstarved isn't on my mind the way lost in limbo & obscura are.
ravenstar games tells me gael would fail the trial in the tale of orpheus and eurydice and i'm like holy fuck??? holy fuck!!!!!!
would ais? would mhin? i don't fucking know.
and what about elyon and sen? i know they're DLC bonus LIs and they don't need to be fleshed-out as soon as the main LIs. they can be on the back burner until touchstarved comes out. this is fair. but what about them? we know nothing other than 1. elyon is rich because of brothel money and 2. sen is an undead warden? (like a prison guard? like the ppl who watch over vere? i don't even know that for sure) (we also know their flowers but that's barely anything). meanwhile lost in limbo is sharing info about cécile and lázaro as often as their main love interests. they're not forgotten about. i can't even make a mc for sen's route because i know nothing about her!!!!!! which hurts my heart because i love sen. i love the idea of sen. it's the first time a female love interest in one of these games is 1. my type but also 2. not exactly like me (ara i love you but we are twins).
they're impersonal. they are 2D concepts we try to fill out.
maybe rss will tell us the LIs go-to karaoke song after the game releases. or maybe they won't. but there are just so many benefits to sharing that kinda thing and bonding with your fans in that way. that's my whole point. it's not "i need a steady stream of touchstarved content pumped directly into my veins 24/7 or i lose all interest" it's not that!!!!! obviously not because rss doesn't do that and i'm still here. this is my most active blog! i'm having a blast here because the fandom is sick as hell. we're vibing, doing our own thing, and it's great. but rss feels very distant. they are the senobium and we are residents of lowtown wondering when or if things will ever be different. if we're going to have a good day (lore drop or new art) or if things will just continue on as expected.
to reiterate: this post isn't about how rss is doing something wrong or bad or that ravenstar games/rotten raccoons are sososososo much better than rss. rss doesn't have to do everything other studios are doing. that's not what i'm saying. this is just the reality of what rss is doing vs other devs and how i PERSONALLY feel about it. i love them i would literally strap a bomb to my chest and demand my loved ones' credit card info to disarm it for any of these studios/games. i am a fan and i'm hopeful and i want to trust in rss so so so so badly. i want the very best for them. i want them to create a great game and be successful. i want them to be creatively fulfilled and proud of their game. on their own time, their own way. really and truly!
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lady-menrva · 3 months ago
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On a more serious note, Nico being treated as this gay icon is some of the wildest shit in the fandom, which is saying a lot. IMHO it feels like a tight slap in the face of all those authors who've put in so much time and beautiful effort to ensure that their queer characters are well-written and free of tokenism, homophobic undertones, amatonormativity and ableism; all the ills that festoon Nico as 'representation'.
Right, so starting of with Homophobia, here's a great analysis someone did (The original post is here)
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Tokenism: Some of the older fans have pointed out how Nico's 'big reveal' came in HoH, which was released in late 2013, and how this aligns with the spike in LGBTQ+ allies (around mid-2013). They theorize that it was done for popularity, and given how hard Rick is trying to milk Nico rn, the theory may have weight. Besides, his crush on Percy...no hints given (please don't come at me typing stuff along the lines of it was planned since PJO...like "oh ThE cRuSh HaD hIntS". Honestly, no? In PJO, originally, Nico did things for Percy out of platonic love, which can be, and is just as deep and beautiful as romantic love. Period. What's ironic is that in PJO, Platonic relationships routinely eclipse romance in terms of writing, dynamics etc.) Plus there's also they way he acted around Juniper and Annabeth, but that's so controversial these days that it can't be discussed without people calling you a homophobe...
Amatonormativity: To be fair, plenty of characters would have been better of without a relationship, but Nico is definitely up there in there 'doesn't require a SO' list, especially when you consider his emotional baggage, internalized homophobia, trauma etc.
Ableism: Oh Nico, you have mental health issues? Not a problem! Have a healer to heal you yikes *wow*. Also, I'm taken aback by the way his mental state is treated by the narrative.
Then again, Solangelo is another issue I don't want to talk about (I've ranted about it at length), and it just helps ruin Nico as representation even more.
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pianostarinwonderland · 4 months ago
maybe skully isnt dead 🤯 [half copium half srs]
listen. ik ive been on copium for a while. ik we all are, ive seen twitter, tumblr, and everyone’s tags on my posts when they reblog
BUT PLS HEAR ME OUT. IM SO SERIOUS RN WHEN I SAY: if u wanna be technical about it, if u wanna stretch it out somehow, you can argue that the game never outright states that skully is dead, only that the skully we met was from hundreds of years ago.
“but mamsir pianostarinwonderland, how in the fuck can that be???? we HEARD that invisible kiss” LET ME COOKKKKKK 🔥🔥🔥 I SWEAR EVERYONE, I AM COOKING U JUST HAVE TO HEAR ME OUUUUUUUUUUUUUT— knocked out
Ok serious time, let me mansplain to you all the possibility of Skully being alive
Establishing first of all, Twst has kept Skully's nature vague
Simply put: we don't know if Skully is human. In his live 2D, Skully's ears are completely covered. Even in his illustration, we can barely see his ears. It's an interesting design choice. However, in his chibi (which wasn't revealed until Episode 5), we can see his ears aren't shaped like a fae, but are round like that of a human.
However, it's pretty hard to think he's human either, when we consider his "moshi, ne moshi" greeting in Episode 1 and its connection to the supernatural. Voiced, to be noted. Exactly what kind of creature he could be is currently unknown, but because this part was voiced, it's something we need to pay attention to at the very least.
In regards to his mortality, the only clue we're really given is Skully himself saying that he may never meet us except through Halloween, which implies a lifespan similar to a human or something similar. But Skully doesn't know how far into the future that the cast is from. Heck, does he even know of his nature?
Now, addressing that invisible kiss...
I feel like this is the main thing that told all of us that Skully is long gone. Heck, if you catch me in my right mind, I might just tell you that yeah, that should be enough proof that Skully is dead! Little signs from the dead such can manifest in similar ways to what Jamil and Leona sensed: hearing a kiss and feeling a kiss on your hand.
(unfortunately i'm not in my right mind so you're getting my dumb reasons why i'm arguing for otherwise)
However, if Skully is gone, I find it interesting that this is the way they decide to show it. We already know from the very first Halloween event that ghosts can manifest all year round in Night Raven College due to the high concentration of magical power in the area. Outside of that, they cannot be seen. If they really wanted to confirm with the audience that Skully is a ghost, they could have had him appear as such at the end, when they all returned to Night Raven College.
But they chose a scenario where people can draw a lot of conclusions from it: Is their senses getting fucked over as they wake up? Are they still reeling from the magic of the book? (though rationally, we know that Leona is not one to be easily stunned, so the first question is at the very least easy to dismiss)
I've also seen some people theorize that he's using invisibility magic during the invisible kiss scene. And well, while I find that funny, it makes me wonder if he could be some other kind of spirit that's not dead. Like an undead of some sort, which the residents of Halloween Town are. Heck, Azul's card line about Skully talks about how he seems to fit right at home with the Halloween Town residents. Again, we don't know Skully's true nature, but the possibility of him being a species that can turn invisible is interesting.
Moving on, we have what Dire Crowley stated about Skully
At the end of the event, Crowley tells us that he found Skully’s portrait while rummaging through the storage and shows it to us and the 11 boys who went inside the book
What he tells us is that Skully J. Graves is a NRC graduate from hundreds of years ago, before Crowley was Headmage. Note that he only was appointed for the position 100 years ago; the Skully we met is at least from around 200 years ago. During his NRC years, Skully got to share Halloween to NRC. It was a hit, and when he graduated, he spread Halloween all over the world in his travels.
I'd like to take a little detour first to discuss something that's been weighing on my mind: Some people have thought that Crowley is lying to us when he speaks about Skully and his achievements, but... I don't see why he would lie. For one, there is a decent chance that Crowley might not have gotten to see Skully. Even if he did, it's even more unsure if he was involved in Skully's affairs.
However, there's one main reason why I do think that Skully got to live a fulfilling life instead of facing an overblot that killed him or some other tragedy. I'd like to dedicate a longer post to this matter, but to make it concise, I think through Skully, Twst is starting to establish something new regarding their history. I think that historical teachings, folktales and stories, and rumors that are well-known tend to be lies or twisted truths. Whereas those that are obscure and not known are actually what occurred. Skully is called the King of Halloween who's done so much to spread the holiday to the world, yet not even NRC students, who should be the first to know considering that Skully is an alumna, know of him. Although there may be other reasons why that's the case, I like to think that at the very least, Skully's obscurity indicates that he did live the life he wanted and succeeded in working for a future that generations after him can enjoy.
Anyway, that actually isn't the main point of this section of the post, but I kind of want to air that out first. The main point is that Crowley only really said that Skully is a former NRC student from hundreds of years ago who traveled around the world to spread Halloween. But he never told us where he was buried or whether he saw his ghost roaming NRC. He never said anything about Skully being dead.
He probably said the hundreds of years ago bit, carrying the assumption that of course, Skully may have passed away. But we have to remember that we have long-living species in Twisted Wonderland. Fae that were students 200 years ago are very likely to be alive now. Crowley himself is a long-living creature, having been Headmage for 100 years. I think with that in mind, it's important for him to emphasize that Skully's gone if he really is. But he never mentioned it. Therefore, there is a good chance that Skully might just be somewhere else. That or Crowley just doesn't give a fuck where his alumni go, and I might be thinking too deeply about the absence of certain words. Honestly, that's a pretty good chance too.
Lastly, we have the scene where Jack Skellington gets shot down but survives it
Here's where it gets a bit more into speculation, but you're going to have to hear me out.
In the movie, Jack Skellington gets shot down by the military for impersonating Santa Claus. When the Halloween Townspeople watched it, they all despaired, and the mayor started declaring to all that Jack has been blown to smithereens and proclaimed him dead.
But that's not what happened: we find Jack landing on an angel's statue, alive and definitely not blown to smithereens.
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And considering that Skully is still very much twisted from Jack Skellington... do you think the writers are pulling a similar move? Making us think that he's dead, just as the townspeople thought he was dead, only for us to learn eventually that he's alive.
This of course depends on what happens eventually in the sequel. From the way things are proceeding, what happened in the Lost in the Book with TNBC is events prior to the movie, and we could very well have the sequel be set during the movie events. (If you ask me, I kind of doubt that actually. I feel like Skellington got inspired by Skully's love for Halloween, enough to stay true to his identity as the Pumpkin King, which would mean the movie wouldn't happen the way we know it. So if anything, I feel like TNBC 2 would focus less on the actual movie and more on the side games where Oogie takes over Halloween Town and even kidnaps Santa and other people, but I admit, that's a stretch, especially considering that we will get Santa giving Halloween Town a taste of Christmas)
Of course, this post is really just to let some of my copium out. Rn, it's still safe to assume that yea, Skully's dead. And though I am coping hard for Skully to be alive, with the way Twst treats the dead, it's not exactly a bad thing. Ghosts continue to stay in NRC like they're living people. They honor the dead, and let the dead live among them. And even if he is in the afterlife and not stuck in the mortal plane, I have faith that Skully did live a fulfilling life that may have been forgotten but clearly changed the world. :'D
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disasterjolt · 6 months ago
drdt ep 13 spoilers 👍👍 not too major but still smth in it
ik everyone’s talking about eden with the fork In the flashback that’s got me in a. AUUUGHGHGH???? Hold rn too
I just wanna talk about this scene rq
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first off, the emotion w/ the voice acting was SO GOOODDDD bravo to Zel w/ that 👏👏👏
second, eden’s moments like these is the reason i like,, don’t ever believe she could be Arei’s killer. I saw some people still suspect her in the comments and i just? i cannot see it in my heart that someone like eden, who believed in Arei that she could improve as a person AND was basically her first friend, would even kill her unless she’s a lil messed up in the head.
i think that’s why i like eden so much it’s because she actively is that good person in the fanganronpa. okay sure the whole fork thing rn ain’t doing that any justice, but i think her actions as a person are genuine, in comparison to David and Levi who were ‘good’ people for different reasons, and it’s just kinda hard personally to see that all go down the drain with her killing Arei.
Genuinely i think a lotta theories are rlly good!! and I can understand why they’d theorize her being the killer, but its just so hard for my heart to even think about suspecting her as the killer, at least in a malicious way.
dawg i think i just really like characters like Eden 😭 if smth big and crazy’s finna happen w/ her, esp with the whole fork thing revealed, I feel like it’s way too soon if she was the chapter 2 killer, there’s defiently more planned with her prolly
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flightyalrighty · 9 months ago
So Shadow was unconscious for 2 days meaning he most likely woke up on day 3. Bugs have been out in the world for at least three days then. Either GUN doesn't know there's a problem yet or Rouge never got the chance to tell Shadow.
Shadow 100% falcon punched someone on day 3 after hearing the "Go crazy go apeshit" words and booked it seeing how the other person's blood is still dripping and he's got an open bleeding wound of his own. The fact that the wound is still there and the blood is still dripping from both sources means it happened not too long ago. It's still day 3.
Sonic is covered in vicera on day 3. He's talking like nothing is wrong. It hasn't even been a week yet. What the hell does the rest of the world look like rn if this is day 3 😭 I know the bug is most likely doing a Larva to Adulthood speedrun (haha speedrun ha...😭😭😭) in Sonic rn but the world can't be that far off from him.
It feels like we're getting both sides of the spectrum here. Shadow with the delayed effects because of his blood and Sonic with the advanced effects because he's the living embodiment of adrenaline and doesn't know how to ask for help. Makes it hard to grasp what the rest of the world is gonna look like when we see it.
Also I saw that talk about the yellow fur. I was wondering what that was for a while. I'm voting it's from Tails. You said Tails wouldn't leave Sonic alone even if he's 'sick'. If Sonic's this far gone already I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to get a hold of Tails at least once :( Doesn't mean the kit is dead though. He's got the added advantage of being able to fly away from trouble. He could always strand himself at the top of something if Sonic's 'sickness' got directed towards him. Holding out hope Tails isn't dead yet 🙏 Might be the only person with the most insight in what's going on rn seeing how he's got personal experience with it :(
A lot of good theorizing, here! And yeah, you're pretty spot-on with that timeline of events. Honestly I'm not sure what I could possibly say to add to this! I feel bad for not being able to reply with too much, but, y'know, I don't wanna spoil anything!
Thank you for reading, and for paying attention! :]
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thequasarwinds · 2 months ago
BTW out of curiosity, what do you think about the whole "Wooly killed Mr. Fox" theory/implication based on the official Amanda the Adventurer song's music video?
(thank you so much for the ask btw! I LOVE getting asks about my fandoms and AUs!!)
I actually really love that theory! As I think it’s even more evidence towards the whole “Wooly being forced into bad stuff by Hameln” thing! But not only that it also could be evidence towards how we personally interpret what those creature things are. I think I’ve seen some people theorize that the fox is supposed to represent Joanne possibly In general I’m a HUGE sucker for the “kind and gentle soul forced into doing something absolutely horrible (bonus points if they’re meek- extra bonus points if they’re a child)” trope
My twin is actually the main Wooly person and is itching to answer any Wooly questions so I’ll give the phone to them
(The following is my twin)
gonna tag myself real quick @seasonalmoss
anyways I like the theory! My thoughts are very disorganized rn so lemme just list some random stuff off, feel free to ask for specification and clarification!
So I personally think that the Mr fox stuff is more symbolic than anything? I don’t really think he himself actually did it? But I’m also not against the idea, and it makes sense. But so far there’s not much in the canon of the games themselves to imply that he did it, at the very least it wasn’t him alone who did it. But for the most part there isn’t enough evidence to suggest that he actually did it, and I like the thought! But I’m holding off on saying anything definite until we get further information. I do think however no matter what it is, it’s symbolism for who Wooly is as a character and how that effects how he is with traumatic events (I can definitely explain this because I’m actually not saying anything negative about him, it’s more sad if anything :( ) and more importantly how his monster works and how it works in tandem with how Amanda’s entity(s) works. (plural since I think there may be something more “possessing” Amanda then just her Monster, at the very least I think that her creature is just a small piece of a larger puzzle if that makes sense, this could also apply to Wooly?? But uh- that’s a whole other thing im not gonna get into it)
2. As my twin already said, even if it’s symbolic or not it’s proof on Wooly being forced to do awful things entirely against his will, and that says a whole lot about him, his relationship with Amanda, and Hameln as a whole.
3. In general the entire thing in my opinion proves many things, shows many things and it’s all entirely too sad :((
4. I would say a lot more but I’m trying really hard not to just go on entire side rant about that scene in the official music video and Wooly as a whole. I’m really bad at…. Not doing that? and trying to simply summarize my thoughts.
(Quasar now- just wanna say I generally agree with her- just assume anything one of us says is something the other thinks as well when it comes to theories)
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bigboobshaunt · 6 months ago
The thing about PLZA theorizing rn is that, with only one game in that subseries out, it's pretty hard to define what a Legends game is. Yeah, Legend Arceus dealt with time travel, but time and space were themes of the Sinnoh titles, so is Legends Z A guaranteed to follow suit? I guess not...
Kalos' themes, for like 5 minutes, were life and death, so is that why Lumiose City is going through a "Redevelopment" which could be akin to a renewal, so in a sense it'd part of that cycle?
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anulithots · 9 months ago
off topic but like scattered thoughts:
i don't know if you know this but what they're chanting during the game (龙阳之好 — meaning longyang's interest) is basically a phrase that refers to gay relationships. this has to be intentional. right. right. right. anyways if you'd like you can learn more about lord longyang in this brief wikipedia page
cheng xiaoshi's basketball flashback thing with lu guang is peak queer cinema. casually called him his partner and made a profound metaphor on trust on the spot. no one is doing it like him. icon
the captain's (i think his name was hong bin??) accent changes drastically when he's around his family — i don't live in china so i can't pinpoint which region it's from, but just think of it as the chinese equivalent of a country accent. skfjd just thought that was a cute detail
embarrassing but for like the tiniest moment but with the dramatic sunlight and the gentle music i fr thought that implied that hong bin was chen xiao's first love... my stupidity knows no bounds
when cheng xiaoshi is 'in the body' of another person in the past, how much of his emotions are his, and how much of them are the other person's? ...this calls for a character psychoanalysis
okay thank you for listening to my rant. sfjdskfjkfjsj going to scream into my pillow now
EPSIDOE THREEE THROUGH FIVE ARE SO EMOTIONALLY DEVESTATING, IF NTO THE MOST EMOTIONALLY DEVESTATING EPSIDOES IN ALL OF CINEMA (I'm weak for parents singing lullabies and providing comfort that ends tragically. I never stood a chance.) /pos
OKAY RESPONDING TO YOUR THOUGHTS! (sorry if this seems disjointed I'm going through an 'execuative dysfuntino floaty-float cloud rn... yes feeligns I know how to describe those.)
OHMIGOSH THE GAY CHANT. YES IT HAS TO BE INTENTIONAL. THey just get more queer the more you watch. Their shop literally has their ship name.
The manhua exists.
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If this isn't the most queer platonic/gay thing I've ever seen... I don't know what is.
OOOH and I have to tag @celestialsun123 and @mylee-sketches in this just for that point GAY BASKETBALL CHANT WOWOWOO
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This ep was also just like... very queer. SO queer. the most queer coded thing I've ever watched in my life (they wanted to convince us we were safe, that this would be a fun little gay time travel show.)
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Holy herbs. You know what? The censorship just made them more creative and this is more queer than if it were cannon (just shiguang in general actually... it gets even better as you go on)
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ANd the shorts as wellll... also Qiao Ling literally asks Lu Guang 'so what do you like about Cheng XIaoshi?' Like she's honestly the biggest shiguang shipper of us all.
The accent thing IS such a cute detail yess. The way that entire town was written with so much life and little things, each character having depth and intrigue from the get go... only for... episode five.. . and ... *ugly sobbing*
(Especially Chen Xiao's mom. I've honestly rarely seen parents written as well as they are in link click.)
PFT YES YES I ALSO THOUGHT HONG BIN AND CHENG XIAO were supposed to be queer coded in that scene. It's very vibes.
Theorizing on how Cheng Xiaoshi's emotions work when he's possessing people
with some theories behind it, and lots of notes and anlysis that are... in the works (I'm on my second rewatch of season one but I'm silly and keep rewatching the same scene six times before I watch the next... rinse repeat I've been rewatching for a half a month now.)
LIke the layers and layers and layers in this show are insanneeeee.
Also boba tea:
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and... screenshot collection (It's so hard to screenshot shows holy herbs. I wish the manhua adapatation of the first season - where it's all the same as the show - was available online)
(not goign to include any spoilers)
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....and I reached my image limit.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 1 year ago
i love thinking about apollos anatolian origins 😵‍💫
It stews in the back of my head too :3
There was this really good podcast on Spotify I found about Ancient Greece, and I listened to his Apollo episode first (because I honestly can't stomach the ones who paint him as 'terrible assaulter'/'epitome of the patriarchy'. Can't stand it. Seriously, there was this so-called 'feminist' mythology podcast i found and I Noped out of there as fast as I could - she didn't even mention Eros's involvement in the Daphne myth! She immediately went 'Apollo: the man who doesn't know the meaning of No' and I was like I'M OUTTA HERE.)
(It's very hard to find good Apollo content out there when you have educated yourself on what he's actually like :( )
(At least you immediately know those people didn't do their research shrug)
Thankfully, this one had a really good, really in-depth discussion about Apollo; his origins, his domains, his myths, ect!
On my first (and only rn) listen I was like "damn i need to take notes on this sometime" that's how in-depth it is!
Here's the episode link if anybody is interested, btw!
What's cool is that he said that before Apollo came along, oracles and the like weren't as common in Greece - they existed, because Gaea was a thing - however, when he was imported in (possibly also with Leto! She has Anatolian origins too!), oracles became more of a thing as Apollo's popularity skyrocketed!
If you look at the number of Oracles Apollo had, you'd also notice that a lot of them are in Anatolia (Turkey today)!. Didyma, Miletus, Claros, ect ect! I think this just adds to the theory that Apollo's main origins come from Anatolia! When he moved to Greece, oracles came with him!
Which is so cool because in my drafts I currently have a picture of a webchart I made of Apollo's (many) domains, and I narrowed down the ones I think are his Big Ones - and Prophecy is one of them.
Very cool that Prophecy has always been part of him <3
Also, Apollo has many cities he is the patron of in Anatolia - Troy is obvious, but the island of Tenedos was his too (his son Tenes founded the city there), and he was the patron of Miletus (the city where he met Branchus btw for my Branchus fans out there)!
And going to Leto real quick, her migration from Anatolia religion to Greece's is probably represented in the Hymn to Apollo! Sometimes myths about wandering from place to place were meant to symbolize the importation of a god (Aphrodite floating ashore of Cythera, for example), and Leto...well, she was doing a lot more than the typical wandering in the hymn, but it still fits!
Some versions say she was guided to Delos by wolves from Hyperborea, others say Boreas helped her escape Python, still others claim a rooster was present when she finally was able to give birth and thus became her sacred animal (also she apparently gave birth to Apollo as a wolf? I don't quite remember which version says that but it's something I've heard XD).
Also Delos was very self-conscious about Apollo being born on it because it was afraid he would judge it for not being up to typical island standards XD
Moving to Apaliunas now! He's a Hittite god, but I haven't been able to find out of what :( The main piece of evidence we have of his relation with Apollo is Troy - Apaliunas was the god of Wilusa, who has been found out to be another name for Troy! There was a treaty signed between Wilusa and another city, and the representative of Wilusa's name was commonly translated to "Of Ilios" - and Ilios was another name for Illium, aka Troy.
(Fun fact: The son Apollo had with Ourea was named Ileus, after Troy! They are but a footnote in mythology but I made them Important in my Troy fic XD)
Plus, Apaliunas's name was connected to the Hittite reflex of Apeljōn, which scholars have theorized to be an early form of Apollo's name - remember Apollon? :D
Apollo also has connections to various other deities - the Italian Etruscan god Apulu (Aplu), the Celtic god Grannus, his Egyptian equivalent is Horus and his Phoenician one is Resheph! He's also been identified with Baldur from Norse mythology.
Apollo be wearing that trenchcoat, and he is wearing it well XD
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