#then we had a team meeting in which our boss’s boss was supposed to come talk to us about some shit and we waited for her for half an hour
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leadmeastraylittlefairy · 11 months ago
april 😵‍💫
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anisespice · 2 months ago
Hey girl got a request,so like let’s say bonten is having a meeting with a new criminal organization gang that came in to come up with a deal,and while we are just sitting in the back looking at our new sparkly items Koko bought us,and the new criminal organization gang calls us out saying it’s disrespectful and rude calling us names..And bonten doesn’t like that one bit..So yeah I want them to react to that
hope it makes sense 😔😍🤺🤺
SAVE ME FROM MY WRITER'S BLOCK, ANON - HERE WE GO, NO MARIO. Hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting~!
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pairing: bonten x fem!reader
warnings: mature language, misogynistic undertones (from another gang), implied violence, guns mentioned, reader is criminally oblivious (love that for her), guard-dog!bonten supremacy, sanzu gets his own warning lol and i think that's it.
notes: yall. can you believe i actually wrote this in one sitting? without stopping?? wild concept for me, haven't been able to do that in a good minute *knock on wood*, but i hope you enjoy! more stuff coming soon ♡
tagged: @fantasycantasy , @spacegirl05, @neverlandlostchild , @darks-pet-shadow, @captaincyberqueen
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Upon the arrival of the recently developed organization, officially known as Kaiju, things already weren’t off to a great start. They were late, clocked at about twenty minutes past schedule. Excuses poured from them like a broken faucet, blaming their tardiness on traffic, which the members were willing to give the benefit of the doubt, some more than others. Then, they were unprepared. Scrambling about with their half-assed introduction mixed with a sloppily thrown together presentation, it was insulting at worst. 
Here they were, biggest in the game, offering an opportunity to help underground operatives make a name for themselves..and this is how they want to showcase their potential? Mikey waved it off when his number three voiced this flaw, merely chalking it up with inexperience–Everyone has to start somewhere, right? 
But. Finally came strike three. The one thing, the most damning thing they could’ve ever done to have mercy jump right out the window and straight to hell, was when one of their foolish members spoke ill of you. 
It was supposed to be taken as a joke, something controversial in a room amongst men, locker room talk if you would. Unfortunately for him and the rest of his team, Bonten didn’t see it that way. What was said wasn’t important, but the intent behind it was enough to make them hostile. And Kaiju would soon realize it too late despite no one laughing on that side of the room. If anything, the room grew colder. No matter who you looked at, venom consumed their gazes, a deathly aura building from their leader all the way to the advisors. The only reason no one reached for their gun, mowing them down in an array of bullets, was because you didn’t hear the disrespectful comment. 
All gazes shifted over to you briefly, sitting pretty in your little area they set up just for you. They liked having you close by, even during something so mundane as a meeting, watching you happily paint your nails or open up all the shiny new trinkets they bought you. Kaiju should count themselves lucky that you had headphones on, blissfully listening to music, not a care in the world.
And it was going to stay that way. 
By now, the dumbasses before them caught on to their grave error. Especially when Sanzu made a show of santuring over to you upon Mikey’s silent request, swiftly gathering you in his arms and carrying you to the head of the table. You squealed slightly in surprise, headphones slipping off your ears in the process as you held on to the pink-haired gangster, confused smile on your face. “Haru! You scared me!~” 
“Sorry, doll. Boss wants ya to sit right here.” Sanzu gently sets you down on your awaited throne, Mikey having made room by scooting his chair back, welcoming you with open arms. 
Still confused though not complaining, you merely shrugged before making yourself comfortable, snuggling more into the leader before putting your headphones back on. Mikey held you possessively, arms locked around you like a shield, placing a small kiss to your forehead. Message was sent; message soon received. 
Kaiju’s leader began blubbering out more excuses, reprimanding his subordinate in the same breath for saying such a thing about Bonten’s trophy wife–
Guns are drawn instantly and zeroed in on every last one of them. Stunned to horrified silence, as were his underlings, they all stood frozen in fear as they stared down multiple barrels in every angle. Koko scoffed, “You must got a death wish, huh?” 
“She’s no trophy, have some goddamn respect,” Mochi added, earning a sardonic chuckle from Ran. 
“Big ask from idiots who have none. Couldn’t even bother to show up on time, now they wanna make jabs at our [_____]. I say we’ve been more than courteous, wouldn’t you agree, otouto?” 
“Tsk. Let’s just waste ‘em. We’d be doing the streets a favor.” 
“Great idea,” Sanzu and Takeomi answered in unison, the former sounding twice as eager. 
The only ones placid were Kakucho and Mikey, one quietly observing whilst the other made sure you remained ignorant to the situation, angling you in his lap to where you were practically straddling him, phone still in hand as you watched a music video your favorite k-pop group dropped recently. The only sounds in the room were the panicked breathing of Kaiju and your melodic humming to the song. Mikey patted your head, satisfied that you were still your happy self. If any of those bastards made your smile drop even a centimeter, he would have their bodies fed to the dogs. With a small sigh, he and Kakucho eventually made eye contact. Then, he gave a small nod. “You were right. Should’ve killed them after that shitty presentation. Handle it.” 
Kakucho gave a curt nod, then signaled for Kaiju to be apprehended. With guns still aimed at them, leaving them no choice but to grovel for mercy, the Haitanis along with Mochi and Takeomi forced them to march out of the room, and to their inevitable deaths, not wanting to startle you with the sight of bloodshed so early in the morning.
Sanzu was already dialing up reinforcements to help with cleanup and disposal, face beaming as he practically skipped out of the room. Kakucho gave one last look to you, then Mikey, then politely bowed before closing the door behind him on his way out. You jumped slightly, the song ending right when the door slammed shut, making you lift one of your headphones and look around in shock.
“Oh, is the meeting over already?” 
Mikey reached up to thumb your lower lip, then reached up to playfully pinch your cheek. You grinned, gently swatting him away, so oblivious to the men you inadvertently sent to their demise all to protect that very smile. The former blonde shook his head, leaning on the armrest to rest his chin atop his knuckles. “No. Ended up being a waste of time. Don’t think you would’ve liked them.” 
You chortled. “Doesn’t matter if I like them. It’s your business, silly.” 
“Mm, you are our business, angel. And we like you more.”
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© 2024-2025 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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thebeast-dennis-etcetera · 1 year ago
Tipsy and Turned On
Gibbs X Reader One-Shot
Prompt: You attend an NCIS Ceremony and get a little too tipsy around your boss.
Part 2
Mentions: Drinking
You smoothed your tight dress over for the hundredth time in the last 20 minutes as Bishop ran around the little hotel room you two shared, looking for her earrings.
“They were literally on the sink just a second ago,” she cried out, exasperated. You looked at your watch, noting that you only had about 40 minutes before the ceremony started.
“Check by the mini fridge. Maybe you set them down them when you stuffed your face with the bag of peanut m+m’s.”
You checked your makeup in the bathroom mirror and put a thin coat of lipstick on before you heard Bishop’s triumphant squawk.
“Got em!”
Walking out, you saw her putting the earrings in while munching on something which you assumed was the m+m’s she was finishing. A loud obnoxious knock sounded at the door before it opened a second afterwards and Tony walked in.
“What the hell DiNozzo? You don’t just walk into our room like that. We could’ve been naked!”
“Darn, should have knocked 30 minutes ago,” he teased, making you roll your eyes.
“Are you guys ready? The ceremony starts in like a half an hour,” you heard McGee’s voice announce from the hallway. At least he had the decency to stay outside.
“Oh relax McFidget. It’s literally 3 floors beneath us. We’ve got plenty of time to grab a drink and meet some newly promoted probies.”
You spritzed a little perfume, grabbed your clutch, and walked out of the room, making sure to smack Tony on the way out. Abby and Palmer were already down in the lobby when you guys stepped off the elevator.
“Oh my gosh, your dresses are so beautiful!” she gushed while running over in her Doc Martens.
You returned Abby’s excited hug and smiled anxiously, which she caught onto.
“Yeah. The entirety of NCIS is here. Including SecNav.”
“Well let’s get you a drink then. Soften those nerves.”
The boys went to find your assigned table while you Abby and Bishop went over to the bar, each ordering a cocktail. After a couple long sips, you took a breath and tried relaxing. Crowds were never a problem for you as long as they didn’t include a bunch of higher ranking officials and their bosses walking around. You scanned the massive dining hall and spotted Vance conversing with some other man in a suit you assumed was important but wasn’t expecting to see the third individual in the conversation as well.
“Since when did Gibbs come to NCIS ceremonies?” you asked, as Abby and Bishop turned to look.
“Oh, I heard Vance is forcing him to be here since we’re suppose to be receiving an award,” Bishop explained.
So that’s why he looking exceptionally handsome in his full black and navy suit. He even wore a tie. The man definitely cleaned up well and you actually had a hard time taking your eyes off of him.
Ever since you started working with the team, you had been…intrigued by Gibbs but it never got past the point of checking him out a few times or shooting some harmless cheesy flirts that everyone would just roll their eyes at. He never gave any indication of being intrigued as well, let alone attracted to you in the time that you’ve known him.
“Alright. One shot and let’s go join the others,” you heard Abby say.
You turned to her and saw her sliding over two shot glasses for you and Bishop. Now that Bishop just told you that you were going to have to get up on stage, you needed a shot more than ever.
“Abby, you’re a mind reader.”
She just winked and clinked your glass before throwing the shot back. You and Bishop followed suit, both grimacing from the liquid flames pouring down your throats and followed her towards your reserved table.
“Looks like you 3 found the bar just fine,” Tony pointed out as you took a seat.
“Don’t you have some naive agent to be bugging?” you retorted. He smiled and gave a nod to some young woman across the way, proving your point.
“Actually, she’s a file clerk and I’ll be right back.”
He left the table in the direction of the blonde haired woman as you all shook our heads and laughed. A few minutes later you saw Gibbs walk over.
“Didn’t think you were coming Gibbs. You don’t usually like these types of events,” McGee pointed out as he took Tony’s spot beside you. Instinctively, you took a long sip of your drink.
“Vance wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
As if on cue, the lights dimmed and the SecNav walked onto the little stage area holding a microphone.
“Thank you all for attending our little get together. We have a few announcements and presentations so let’s get started. Firstly, let’s honor those that we’ve lost in our battle for justice. Agent Simmons….
We all listened quietly, occasionally nodding or clapping for different reasons but the thought of having to get up on stage soon was driving you crazy. You hadn’t even known your leg was shaking under the table until I you felt a warm hand still your movements. Looking over, Gibbs gave you a small reassuring nod calming and exciting you at the same time.
His hand had left but the warmth was still there, leaving your skin with goosebumps.
“So these awards go to Special Agent Gibbs and his dedicated team, if they could make their way over,” Vance’s voice spoke too quickly. Part of you just moved in autopilot, getting up and following behind Gibbs with the rest of the team following behind in a line. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you, judging you.
Luckily, the little bit of alcohol you had was kicking in, dulling the sense of anxiety but you knew you looked at your hands, they’d be shaking.
On stage, Vance adorned your necks with medals and shook everyone’s hands before dismissing you. It was simple and quick and you would’ve ran off the stage at top speed had you remembered how to act at such formal events.
The hardest part was over and now was time to relax, as you sat on the floor of your hotel room, doing your 3rd shot with Bishop and Abby.
McGee had left early with Delilah and who knows what pants DiNozzo got himself in but you, Abby and Bishop were having the time of your lives.
“You should try it, you never know, you might enjoy it,” Abby suggested from the couch.
“I’m not sleeping in a coffin Abbs! I’m already claustrophobic!”
“You know what you should do. Pretend to get lost in the hotel and end up at Gibbs’s door.”
Both Abby’s and my mouth dropped open at Bishop’s comment and she laughed. She was the only one I told about my slight attraction to our boss and now Abby knew too.
“Bishop, I can’t believe you said that! I thought we had a secret together!”
“Oh don’t worry Y/N. I knew something was going with you and Gibbs wayy before Bishop told me anything.”
“What?! There’s nothing going on! And Bishop shouldn’t have said shit.”
They both laughed at the horror in your face and you prepared yourself another shot.
“You should do it though. I overheard heard him talking with Ducky about you. He didn’t say it exactly but he thinks you’re interesting. And for Gibbs to say that, that isn’t normal.”
“But I don’t even know what room is his.”
“202. Right down the hall,” Abby stated, already ready for your excuse.
“No one is saying go in there and force him to have sex with you. Just go and see what he does. If he escorts you back to your room, maybe he’s not interested. But if he invites you in..”
“What about Rule 13?”
“You know how many times we’ve broken that rule? It’s almost funny that we still have it. Come on, hurry before your buzz goes away and you chicken out.”
The both of them practically pulled you up and dragged you over to the door.
“Here are your shoes,” Bishop said, putting my heels in my hand and pushing me out.
“Wait, you guys can’t just kick me out of my own hotel room-
Your statement was cut short as they shut the door in your face, both could be heard giggling on the other side. Looking down at the heels in your hand, you decided against putting them on for fear you would faceplant if you tried walking in them and slowly made your way down the hall.
198, 200, 201..
You stood in front of 202, seriously wondering why you befriended those two. Well, it was now or never you thought as you knocked softly 3 times. A few seconds went by, you swaying slightly as the tequila did its job before the door opened up.
You were genuinely surprised at seeing Gibbs answer the door in nothing but a white tee and boxer briefs, you almost forgot the line you had planned.
“Oh. Is this not my room? I could’ve swore it was..” you probably slurred at him.
“Do you normally knock on your own door Agent L/N?”
Shit. He knew. Maybe. Maybe not.
“Do you know what time it is Y/N?”
You made a move as if to look at your watch, which you didn’t have and heard him sigh.
“It’s 2 in the morning. Have you been at the bar all night?”
Holy shit, it was that late? You were for sure going to have the worst headache the next morning.
“Yes.” Your answer was short, but your tone was almost a question. You don’t know what you were saying anymore, you honestly forgot what he asked you.
“Can I come in?” You blurted, hoping he wouldn’t turn you down. He rubbed his face in exasperation and opened the door wider for you to step in. Holy shit. Holy shit. You did not think you were gonna get this far.
You stepped into his room, noticing that all of his lights were still on and the tv played softly.
“Have you been up all this time too?” you asked, setting your heels down on the little loveseat.
“Just going over the case.” He closed the door and walked over into the bathroom. You looked around, seeing the case file spread across the little desk and the queen bed beside that looked untouched.
You weren’t sure what to do now. You do know that this tight dress you’ve been wearing for hours was starting to become very uncomfortable and this plan was looking dumber and dumber by the second.
Gibbs came back out of the bathroom and grabbed a water from the mini fridge before offering it to you along with some pills you assumed were aspirin. “Drink.”
You listened obediently and gave the bottle back to him, the both of you staring into each others the entire time. Then for whatever reason, you walked over to his bed and plopped down on it, practically moaning at how nice it was.
You almost fell asleep right then and there but then felt something drop onto you. Opening your eyes and looking down, you saw a pair of sweats and a faded USMC shirt lying on the bed.
“You’re not gonna escort me back to my room?” you asked him curiously.
“Do you remember your room number?”
You thought about it before answering honestly.
“Then I can’t escort you back to your room. Go change.”
Whether it was the liquor that made you do it or just something deep down inside that gave you the courage, you got up from the bed and pulled your dress zipper down your back, pulling your arms out of the sleeves and letting the dress fall to the floor.
Turning around, you brought your eyes to meet his and watched his icy blue ones stare right back. “What are you doing Agent L/N?”
“I don’t know.”
You took a couple steps closer to him, the cool air making you shiver slightly and just stood there. He didn’t move an inch but you watched him slowly look over you, his mouth moving to slowly lick his lips, sparking something in you.
Taking a chance, you put your arms around his neck and brought your body close to his, noticing how his hands immediately found your hips and his head dipped to meet yours in a deep kiss.
It was better than you ever imagined and between his mouth moving against yours, his hands gripping your skin tighter and the way he pulled you in closer was giving you enough endorphins to pass out.
When you both pulled away for a breath, you smiled. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
“Oh really?” His voice was husky and lower than usual, making you close your eyes.
He nuzzled your neck and wrapped his arms around your torso but made no attempt to bring you to bed.
“As much as I’d like to continue this further, I want it to be on a different occasion,” he spoke in your ear, kissing just below and releasing his grip on you.
Bringing your arms back down, you looked away and stepped back. He was quick to pull your chin back up to look at him.
“What about dinner at my place tomorrow?”
You just nodded and he gave a small smile, leaning down to kiss you again, making your head spin.
“You change. I’m going to take a shower,” he said, pulling back and heading into the bathroom.
You took a huge breath, letting out all the tension and multitude of emotions. You changed into the clothes and just sat on the edge of bed, absent mindedly watching whatever movie was playing.
A few minutes went by and you felt your eyes getting heavy, the alcohol and everything that happened in the day suddenly making you very tired. Knowing you weren’t going anywhere, you crawled across the bed and slipped under the covers.
“Y/N. Wake up.”
You opened your eyes to see Gibbs sitting on the bed beside you, now dressed in sweats and the same t-shirt but his hair was wet from the shower so you couldn’t have been asleep for longer than 20 minutes.
“Chug this, then you can go to sleep,” he said, handing you a small bottle of water. You smiled at his kindness and sat up. As you drank, he turned all the lights off, only the tv illuminating the room and joined you under the covers. You placed the now empty bottle on the bedside and scooted a little closer to his warm body. You weren’t sure how much intimacy to give but you were perfectly content when he moved his arm so that it rested under your head and pulled you closer.
You thought about how the nights progression went on and decided you’d actually have to thank Bishop and Abby.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years ago
Hotch x reader - soulmates
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Hi, Soulmate AU anon again. I was wondering if you could do the AU I mentioned with Hotch x FBI!Reader. Maybe she's been working with the FBI for a long time, but they haven't been able to talk until she has to join his team for a case. It's up to you 😊 - Anon💜
Soulmate AU: the first words your soulmate says are tattooed somewhere on your skin
You looked at the ink on your shoulder in the mirror with a small frown on your face.
‘We don’t need anymore help.’
What’s what it said, and you wondered what kind of person your soulmate was.
You always wondered that, were they rude? Nasty? Maybe they just didn’t like new people?
You had no idea, but so far you had never been able to find them, you knew the rules. It wouldn’t put names on your skin, or anything that could help you find our soulmate, it would add the next sentence that wasn’t a name or location.
It was strange, but everyone was used to it.
Even you, and thankfully yours was easily hidden by the fabric of your shirt, so no one aside from you and your parents knew what yours said.
You always made up some lie, because you didn’t want to admit that your soulmate seemed rude and horrible.
But you couldn’t think about that now, you had to rush to work because you were being placed with a new team since they needed a new agents for their team, and you were the most qualified.
You followed yours boss into the meeting, and you looked around, standing there with your arms crossed as you looked around, and you felt an intense gaze on you so you look at him.
You’d heard of him of course.
Agent Aaron Hotchner.
Everyone had heard of him and his team.
Most people would be overjoyed to be working with them, but for you it was just another team who needed your help for a while.
While your boss spoke with his, you walked over to him and stood in front of him.
“We don’t need anymore help.” He said.
You hummed a little, flicking your eyes from his to the two people behind him talking away then back to him.
“We don’t get much choice in this Hotchner, so we either work together or we don’t, I don’t care.”
His eyes widened a little and you cracked a small smirk, leaning against the table.
“I always wondered what my soulmate was like. I suppose you aren’t so bad at least you’re not a criminal.”
“How do you know we’re soulmates? You don’t know what mine says.”
You laughed a little, giving a small shrug.
“Maybe not, but the face you stared at me in shock for a split second kind of gives that away.”
You tugged your shirt to the side, pulling it down your shoulder to show him the words before you billed it back up.
He did the same, showing you his collarbone which held your exact words.
“So what does this mean exactly?” He asked.
You shrugged a little.
“No idea, I guess we can either choose to act on it, choose not to, whatever really. Right now though, you have a missing agent, and I’m the one who’s going to find her.”
“How long?”
You looked at your watch.
“A few hours of you give me access to everything I need.”
He nodded and held out his hand.
“Aaron Hotchner.”
You shook his hand.
“(Y/N) (L/N).”
And you worked quickly, it didn’t take long to find his agent safe and sound, and now all you had to do was find their unsub which was harder.
With Garica and you, it took another two days to find them, the small group of unsubs working together, and they were quickly brought down.
And now you were standing over them as they did paperwork.
“Will you be working with us on more cases?” Reid asked you.
You shrugged a little.
“Not my place to say.”
“Yes, she will. For now.”
You titled your head back to look at Hotch and he gestured for you to come up so you did.
“Ooo someone’s in trouble already.” Derek smirked.
You rolled your eyes and tossed your pen at him before you made your way up, following Hotch into his office.
He closed the door and looked at you.
“So, we’re going to be working together for a while, so… what do you want to do?”
You sighed a little, shrugging.
“I don’t know, I mean I’ve dated people and all yeah sure, but this whole soulmate thing? Everyone has one perfect match seems a bit far fetched.”
“You don’t believe in soulmates?”
You shook your head.
“No I do, obviously. But I’m saying I don’t believe that your soulmate is your supposed perfect match. I’ve seen unsubs who’s victims were their soulmates, victims who’s abusers where their soulmates, tell me how that’s a perfect match.”
He sighed.
“I suppose it isn’t. So I assume you don’t want to do this whole soulmate thing?”
“You do?”
“Well, I have a son, and I was married and we weren’t soulmates. But soulmates don’t have to be lovers do they?”
“What’re you saying?”
Hotch smiled a little and held his hand out to you.
“How about friends? Then we just see what happens?”
You smiled, clasping your hand around his.
“Friends. Then we just go with the flow really.”
He nodded his head in agreement.
Neither of you knew what was in store, but at least as friends you could decided if it’s what you wanted and not jump into anything like everyone else does
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dr-futbol-blog · 10 months ago
Home, Pt. 1
Home (S01E09) gives us insight into the characters by delving into their subconscious. The misty alien entity enters the minds of the characters and constructs illusions from their thoughts. The illusions lack a sophisticated understanding of our world. Unlike the others, Sheppard is noted to be capable of manipulating his fabricated reality, which also gives us another level of insight into him while at the same time allowing him to hide parts of himself from both the audience and the other characters.
It has been suggested that Sheppard was able to do this because he lacked any real ties to earth and had no desire to return there, unlike the others. In Letters from Pegasus (S01E16) he claims not to have family back on earth, which we later learn is not exactly true, and in this episode he notes that he had spent 11 months in Antarctica prior to their departure. But -- and I'll return to this topic in the future -- his strong ATA gene also seems to make him mentally different in various ways. For one, he is able to sense or get a feel of the ancients just by being near them. But I also think that it was not just window-dressing that there was an active stargate in his subconscious mind in Doppelganger (S04E04). He is wired differently.
The episode starts in the real world, on the planet of the mist.
The team is really starting to gel together, all of them getting to become familiar with each other. While we meet them in medias res, again we get an indication of Sheppard and McKay spending time together apart from the others (and more than we see on screen) in his line "You talked me into coming here because you thought those energy readings indicated the presence of a civilization." This is the first, but it will not be the last time that Sheppard agrees to go on a mission and to drag out said mission way beyond its expiration date just to please Rodney.
Again, they walk hella close even though this time they're not even alone together:
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On the planet, we see John check out hot and sweaty McKay.
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Where in the previous episode Underground (S01E08) he was quite unabashed about his gazing at the other man, we also saw a change in him toward the end of the episode. His interest had suddenly become more serious. You can see it here.
He looks, and then forces himself to avert his eyes. He looks deflated, almost sad here. And he very much keeps not looking at McKay after this which is even more noticeable on this planet that has nothing on it to look at. He literally forces himself to look at nothing to keep from looking at McKay (and we are emphasized this not-looking by how both the DHD and Ford are placed between them).
The context here is that Sheppard is having to be the boss of him, the leader. The way he very softly says "Alright, then let's call it a mission" shows that he's not entirely comfortable with it, he's not quite sure how he's supposed to be navigating the situation. Like it's a suggestion, not a command. He also starts explaining himself to McKay, giving him reasons why they really should be getting back.
So, Sheppard attempts to keep a distance. But he can't manage it. After they dial the gate and McKay suddenly gets excited about the energy readings, Sheppard not only approaches him when he could well have made his inquiries from where he was standing by the gate, he walks right up to McKay, right up in his face. This was 100% unnecessary. For some reason, he just wanted to get close to the man. He's not even trying to look at McKay's device or using any other pretense for why he approached. He also utterly forgets his earlier apprehension and is suddenly real animated.
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My guy.
This is also the first time of something that we see a lot in the first season but not so much later: Sheppard short-circuiting McKay's brain by saying something unexpected. The dialogue isn't usually correctly rendered in transcripts:
Sheppard: How much is a lot? McKay: What, in terms of joules or ergs? Sheppard: In terms of... lots. McKay: Well, lots and lots. What the-- Enough to open a wormhole back to earth!
They omit the middle part that expresses his utter bewilderment. This is a theme that repeats. Sheppard is forcing McKay to think of things he had never thought of in a way he had never thought of them which is definitely one of the reasons he comes to like the Major so much. McKay is so smart that he is rarely challenged, and Sheppard does it so effortlessly, in effect hacking his brain.
Also, they sure do be looking each other in the eye for a long time here.
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Again, upon returning to Atlantis and in a meeting with Elizabeth, when Sheppard quips "You said it wasn't fog" his tone of voice is not in the least argumentative but is actually pretty flirty, like catching McKay contradicting himself is the most adorable thing he's ever witnessed. Accompanied by this, what can only be described as a seductive look.
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Sheppard also only really relaxes, leaning back in his chair, once he learns that McKay doesn't actually want to leave Pegasus unless he knew that he could come back. So satisfied, he's suddenly fully on board with Rodney's plan. See his subtle look at Rodney as he leans back, smooth operator that he is.
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A bit later we learn that he also does not want to go to Earth. In fact, he pretty much refuses. He can't even meet Weir's eyes when she mentions "home," it seems very much like he no longer considers Earth home.
Also, uh.
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Was it absolutely necessary for you to be sitting next to the DHD with McKay grunting and breathing heavily under the table while he was removing the crystal, Major? Good god, the parted lips, the shifting in the chair, catching his breath before he can start talking, putting both of his hands quickly on the table and then deciding he doesn't actually know what to do with his hands right then, interlacing his fingers and pulling them back on his lap. Or... over his lap. As it were.
Please give me an innocent explanation for all of this because I just. Can't. There's even innuendo in dialogue with plugging things into empty slots with McKay making eye contact with Sheppard when he says this like we needed contextual help with eroticizing this scene.
After this, Sheppard actually zones out for a bit. Like he's in a completely different world while the others are having what is a pretty important conversation around him. Military leader in charge of the security of the mission. Where are you?
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Not looking at McKay, that's for certain. Not looking at anything at all. But oh, his mind's eye is clearly seeing something, this is made clear with the raise of the eyebrow. Also, we know that he's thinking about McKay here because this is supposed to be when he's doing mental math to calculate how long it would take for them to come get McKay by jumper.
Also important: Sheppard is not the only one with flirty rejoinders and sultry looks here.
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Like what is this if it isn't flirting? What?
And then there's the disappointed look on McKay's face when he ever so subtly implies that he might require some assistance on the planet and Sheppard swiftly pawns the task off to Ford. Where he is sitting right now, Sheppard does not think he should be alone with McKay on the dark, hot, sweaty, foggy planet. Like, he's not getting up from that chair for a while if you know what I mean.
But on more serious note, the episode actually comes a full circle and returns to this topic toward the end:
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Sheppard makes the calculation because he actually has no intention of leaving Rodney stranded on an alien planet. He would have gone to get him even if it had taken 800 years.
Continued in Pt. 2
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elisysd · 8 months ago
17. I was tame, I was gentle til the circus life made me mean
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - Taylor Swift
It hadn’t been easy to contact Jean without you knowing, but he had managed. That’s the reason why he was sitting at the terrace of a parisian cafe, waiting for your colleague and mentor to appear. It didn’t take long before the man with glasses that he had seen countless of times before, finally showed up in front of him. 
“I can’t say I’m surprised to hear from you,” Jean said, taking place in front of him while a waiter appeared to take his order. 
“So I suppose you know why I asked if we could meet.”
“It’s about Y/N, right?”
“She doesn’t admit it but she misses working with you.”
“And she is missed by the whole team. She was doing an amazing job but it’s not that easy, believe me. We tried to talk to our boss, we tried to contact the trade union to see if there was something we could do, we negotiated… but it is out of our hands. From what I gathered, the sport service would be ready to have her back and pushed in that direction but it is the higher ups who don’t want to hear anything. They are scared for the reputation of the channel,” Jean explained as Charles huffed. 
“Bullshit. Complete bullshit. So they have no intention to give her job back despite what they told her?” Jean’s face dropped down and Charles instantly knew there was something that he wasn’t saying. “What?” he asked. 
“I know they sent an official contract termination letter to her. She is going to receive it anytime.”
“She moved out, she lives at my place now.”
“Yeah, she communicated the address change. Congratulations, by the way. Treat her well, she needs you. Now more than ever,” Jean sadly smiled, patting Charles’ back as he got up and prepared himself to leave. Charles just nodded, unsure of what to add. The only thing he knew was that you would be devastated once you would get the letter. 
He arrived in a silenced apartment, curtains closed and without any sound that could lead him to you. He checked his phone twice, in case he had missed a text from you, but nothing. He called your name but only silence answered him. He tried to call your phone and finally heard a distant buzzing coming from his office and a voice, your voice, swearing, followed by muffled sounds. His feet carried him to the door where he attempted to open it, without any success. You had barricaded yourself inside, which worried him. 
“Y/N… baby, open please, I know you’re in here.”
It took him a few minutes to convince you to unlock the office but when he saw your glossy eyes, he knew. And the letter lying on the floor only confirmed his instincts. 
“They… they fi… fired… me,” you stuttered in disbelief.
“Come here,” Charles opened his arms wide, letting you fall into them as he pulled you strongly against his chest. “I’m here. I’m right there.”
Your sobs broke his heart as you broke down and soaked his shirt. 
“So, this is all over, then? With a letter? Something so… informal. I mean, I don’t know what I was expecting. It’s just… I don’t know.”
“You’re in shock.”
“All my blood, sweat and literal tears went into this job. For Luc, my grandpa…me. And for what? Look where I end up. With nothing besides broken dreams and shattered hopes,” you nervously laughed and Charles fidgeted. He was scared to ask but he had to.
“Does.. it change anything… for us?”
“What do you mean?”
“Listen, I want you happy, I want you thriving and if I’m holding you back… no matter how much I love you, I don’t want to stand between your dreams and yourself.”
You stared at him and sighed. 
“You’re the only constant in my life, right now. The only light in my life. If you leave me…  I don’t know what I will do. I love you. You’re my happiness,” you reassured him, putting a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you. He nodded, shyly.
“Maybe… I could offer you something. I need someone who knows the media inside out to help me build my brand. And listen to me fully before you turn it down. You could work from home, you wouldn’t have to follow me everywhere. You could have your own office. And Lorenzo is working with me on this and he, we, could use your input. You would be a great asset.”
“I’m not sure mixing business with pleasure is a good idea.”
“Think it through before giving me an answer, alright?”
“Would you hate me if I wasn’t following you for the next races? I need to sort everything out. And I need to think it through.”
After Monza, Singapore came rather quickly and Charles would never admit it out loud, but he hated the distance between you. At least physical because if the timezone and his schedule would allow it, he was finding himself chatting and texting on the phone with you. It had earned him a few jokes here and there from his team and from Pierre, but he had just shrugged them off. You seemed to be fine which, instead of reassuring him, was worrying him. He started to know you well by now and he knew you were one to keep everything for yourself because that’s how you had always moved through your life. You weren’t used to having someone to rely on and it would keep on taking a little more time for you to finally understand that it was okay to lean on him when times were rough. But you would get there, Charles was sure of it. 
Meanwhile on the other side of the world, in Monaco, you hadn’t taken a day off despite being currently unemployed. You had wrapped up any loose ends you still had in Paris and made sure your whole life had been transferred to Monaco. Sure, it seemed precocious to take such a big step in your very new relationship with the Ferrari driver but it felt right. And you always trusted your gut feeling. If it seemed right, then it was right. As for your work situation, it was a simple conversation with your best friend that had struck a new frightening but oh so exciting idea. 
“And what are you going to do, now? You’ve never been one to stay on the sideline,” she had asked you. 
“I don’t know… to be honest, I’m lost at the moment. My whole life is in shambles and just the idea of trying to think of the next step is giving me anxiety attacks.”
“So… that means no more motorsport action for you, then? As a media person, I mean.”
“I don’t want to give up on that but I don’t know how to go back to it,” you had admitted.
“Freelance journalist? I know it doesn’t pay much but at least you could choose for whom you would work…”
You had stayed silent, completely frozen for what seemed to be minutes for your best friend, as the wheels started to turn in your mind and a newly found excitement made its way in the pit of your stomach.
“You’re a genius, you know that?” you had smirked. 
“That’s what people usually say of me. But seriously, what are you thinking of?”
“Something big.”
Following the conversation you had worked on your plan, on your own, without talking about it to anyone. You wanted it to be bulletproof before starting any conversations. So you had kept it to yourself until it was finally ready to be talked about. You knew Singapore was a busy weekend for everyone and it would have been the GP you had been the most excited about to cover. But you weren’t there and you had to deal with it. Charles had a lot of work and your exchanges were fewer and fewer, both of you being busy. So the only person you contacted ahead of the weekend to have an opinion on your project was Jean. 
“Y/N… what a surprise. How are you holding up?” he asked.
“Good. Better than I imagined I would be. I’m not calling for chit-chatting.”
“I thought so. What do you need?” you could hear the smile in his voice.
“I have an idea, a project. But I don’t know where to begin to make it happen. I thought you could help me.”
“I have a few minutes to spare. Lance Stroll canceled our interview last minute.”
“It’s always fun,” you sarcastically commented. “I wanna launch an independent media. More like, I want to interview people from behind the scene in motorsport. I was thinking of people like Hannah Schmitz or Susie Wolff. Not drivers. People that make the sport. I was thinking of a podcast. Something independent. Something that is me. I know that I could sell the idea to some media and maybe some of them would be willing to pay me for broadcasting it but I don’t want to work under someone anymore. If working alongside people like you and Marion, if dating Charles taught me something, it’s that I’m more than just capable of doing my job. I’m good at what I do, I have ideas,  have experience, I have passion. I’m just not sure where to begin,” you explained in one breath until the line was silent, making you wonder if Jean was still here. 
“Where do I sign up for this?” Jean finally said. 
You smiled. It was all you needed to confirm that you were on the right path. 
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If all seemed to go well for you, it wasn’t the case for Charles. Singapore had been a mess. He was happy for Ferrari but it was a bittersweet feeling. He had tremendously helped Carlos to win and if he wasn’t expecting from his teammate a profusion of gratitude, he was still expecting at least a word from him. Instead, he had been thrown to the wolves as soon as the race had ended and the comments about him being a washed up driver hurt. Especially when his teammate wasn’t saying anything to try to appease the situation. 
The only thing that made him feel slightly better was hearing your voice, filled with anger, when he came back to his room, completely exhausted. 
“If he won it’s because you decided to sacrifice your race! You made the call! Ferrari’s strategists weren’t smart enough to think about it! And you only missed the podium because they fucked up your pitstop! Again. If they hadn’t, it would have been a 1-2 for Ferrari. And the fact that Carlos prefers to praise Lando… it pisses me off! Lando isn’t his teammate. He should go back to McLaren if he prefers to work with him, then. Seriously. You don’t know how much self-control it takes me to not hop on the platforms and tell people who insult you to go fuck themselves. I’m proud of you, for what it is worth. And I love you. And I miss you.”
“You know it is sexy when you defend me like that.”
You laughed. 
“You’re delirious.”
“Maybe a little. I’m exhausted and hot. But I do know that I have a sexy and brave and smart girlfriend. I'm very serious and clear-minded when it comes to this topic. Enough about me, I want to forget this race. How have you been?  We haven't talked much lately.”
“Well… I’ve been busy.”
“Busy with?”
“Creating my own media.” you stated, proud of yourself. 
“Oh… wow… well. You haven’t told me, I didn’t know that was something you had in mind.”
“ I wanted to plan everything first and go through the administrative documentation. What do you think?”
“I think that I support you at one hundred percent. If you need anything, just tell me.”
“Thanks Charles. You know, it’s you who gives me the strength to achieve that. If I hadn’t met you, I don’t think I would have ever been brave enough to try something like that.”
“You would have been. You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re amazing and I don’t think there is anything you can’t do.”
“There is one thing I can’t do and that I need you for.” you chuckled, always feeling a little awkward when he was putting you on a pedestal you didn’t think you were deserving. 
“Ask away.”
“Do you think I could come with you for the Austin GP and stay until the end of the season?”
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Author's note: I wish I could have managed to release this chapter sooner but I went to see The Eras Tour in Wembley (and it was amazing omg take me back) and then spent some time with my boyfriend so I yeah, writing has not really been possible and I'm so sorry. Bu the good thing is, I have so many ideas for this story and I'm very excited to write and share them. So it means that updates should be more frequent now!!!
Don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. Besides the fact that I absolutely love to read you, it helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
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rageprufrock · 2 years ago
Hi Pru, this is a career question... I am in my mid-twenties, female, not quite the most junior employee at my organization but treated often as one. The workplace is highly male-dominated, competitive, the older supervisors sometimes hilariously old-boys'-club, and the younger men (my age) mean well (feminist, etc.) but have their own territories to defend. For complicated reasons I cannot leave. I knew some of this coming in but am ashamed to say that
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You’ll love this: my response is so late because I too girlbossed too close to the sun and have accidentally reached mid-senior leadership status at my organization and the past month has been the most hilarious cluster of fucks. Insert clown emoji herey.
I have a few thoughts on this one, and hopefully one, or some, of these are helpful as you're navigating your early career.
To address your most immediate question: is it meant to be this hard? I think "is it meant" or "is it always" are two different questions, and each with branching answers completely dependent on your field and profession. Some are notorious for early career hazing--banking, medicine, etc--and then the answers are that the suffering is a feature, not a bug, for these industries (this can be debated ad nauseum but you know what I mean), and then for many, many other professions, the answer is that while it's not meant to be this difficult, it still is, and that it's all we can do to survive it.
But setting aside the macro issues, of whether the role itself is objectively hard or if the environment you're in is objectively sub-optimal, the more nebulous and inescapable thing is that each one of us, individually, in our early career are undergoing one of many puberties and all its attendant implied indignities. I find it weird that culturally we don't talk about this much--at least not in Western or the Eastern cultures with which I'm most conversational--but think about it: in the first five to ten years of your working life, you're often simultaneously navigating a staggering number of life-changing systemic shifts that have a tectonic impact on your lived experience. I
For a lot of us, beginning your life as a working adult means you're likely moving out of your parents' home, which adds a huge amount to your mental load and financial burden.
For a lot of us, these early professional jobs are also the first time we're operating in a performance-reward system for which there is no clear rubric or understandable progression monitoring--there aren't any grades, and I can't tell you the number of people who I've spoken to in my career who have been shocked when they're told they're being put on performance improvement plans even though they thought they were doing fine.
It's like being sent to college with no class list, textbooks hidden in eight different departments run by varyingly helpful people, while trapped in an inescapable group project run by someone who seems just as frazzled as you are, and told "okay well you should need to bring me your completed degree by EOD Thursday." This doesn't even take into account your genetic assignment to play this entire game on hard mode by failing to be a cisgendered man in the dominant cultural demographic.
People who've had multiple jobs and career changes can attest, every new job, no matter how seasoned you are, is fucking exhausting. It's almost a joke among my friends at this point how often I change jobs, and every single time I do, there's at least a six month run where at the end of every day, I'm fucking spent. I couldn't calculate 1+3 if my life depended on it, because I've spent my working day so furiously trying to read the professional tea leaves and figuring out what the actual fuck I'm supposed to be doing--which, funnily enough, is never as clear as you would think! Even if you are at increasingly senior levels of responsibility! It's really fun and good! Your boss's boss's leadership team meetings? Surprisingly similar to when I used go get coffee during my break working at an ice cream shop to complain about our customers and equipment and boss! It's amazing how no matter how much changes, everything stays the same!
So I think in the end, my answer to your question is this:
Is it meant to be this hard? Depending on what you do, maybe.
But should it be this hard? Of course not. Life is short and lush and wonderful, but already so filled with challenges, and it's a shame that being rooted in capitalism, we're all forced to participate in a system that's so unbending and unforgiving.
But does that mean it's going to be forever? Or that you can't survive and thrive and have fun in the process? Absolutely not.
However awful you feel, however bad the job is, it doesn't have to be forever. This role you're in now may be just what you need to find your next, better, better paid opportunity. And maybe that one won't be the ideal for more than a year, maybe two, but that's why you keep an eye out and a keen focus on what you want, and what's most important, and like a shark, you continue to move and grow as you get clearer on where you want to move and how you want to grow. The person I was at 24 could not have imagined the person I am at 38, and I'm guessing that the woman I am today can't fathom who I'll be in another 10 years. Whoever she is, I hope she's still choosing to do hard things and--to the very best of her ability--having a good time in the process.
It's okay to cry about work. It's okay to cry at work, even though I strongly recommend that you do this huddled in a restroom in privacy because otherwise it gets messy--fairly or otherwise. It's okay and normal to do these things. It's okay and normal to feel like a fucking disaster, to feel--or to in actuality!--be categorically failing. It is okay and normal to hate and love your job, and to love money and hate the work. There is no right way to do this, and the only wrong way is to give up on yourself, or to create a situation where you cannot have the freedom of your choices or your future.
It's also going to get easier with time. Even if you don't feel it, every day you're getting more experienced, more confident, more discerning. Those microscopic, atomic changes in you accrue, and I'm sure if you're honest with yourself you can already identify how even today, you are a stronger, more capable person in your professional context than you may have been just a year or two ago. Even if you don't mean to do it, just the experience, the bruises, the callouses from throwing yourself at the brick wall over time will rewrite the person you are--if you do this with your eyes open and intentionally, all the better.
Five years from now, ten years from now, you might still find yourself crying about work. But hopefully you'll share the good fortune I have been privileged enough to have, and find yourself the type of good friends who say, "don't care during work hours, it's beneath you to give them the satisfaction--cry later," and actually have the wherewithal to follow that extremely correct guidance.
So anyway, it shouldn't be this hard, but it is. The good thing is, you're better and stronger than it is, and you can look forward to the day you get to look over the shoulder at all the worlds you've conquered as you get ready to do it all over again.
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parislovesf1 · 2 years ago
Personal photographer | LS
Social media AU | Lance Stroll X photographer!reader
Warnings: unedited & kinda rushed, cringe?,
Part 1/?
yourusername posted a photo!
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Liked by astonmartinf1, formula1 and 36,079 others
yourusername Monaco, you were a dream!! still can’t believe I have the privilege to combine both my love for travelling & motorsport while getting the chance to working for @astonmartinf1 💚✨
@astonmartinf1 started following you
@formula1 started following you
@yourbff you have no idea how proud of you I am🥹
@username omg mother is finally working her dream job!!
@username my prediction is that y/n becomes a wag within the next year or two🔮🧘🏻‍♀️
@username our hard working mother is where she belongs in the world, humanity can finally heal✨
@astonmartinf1 happy to have you part of the team💚
@Astonmmartinf1 just posted a photo!
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Liked by lancestroll, fernandoalo_oficial and 638,907 others.
@AstonMartinf1 bit of an appreciation post for the teams golden boy, we’re all so proud of you for managing to score your 3rd podium so far this season while still recovering! @Lancestroll 💚
@LanceStroll 💚
@username proud of you Lance!
@yourusername a future wdc in the making I reckon 🫶🏻.
*Liked by @lancestroll
@username idk what’s more impressive; Lance casually beating out the other top teams 3 whole races in a row, while still recovering from his wrist injuries or his cars pace with its new upgrades !
*Liked by @astonmartinf1 & @yourusername.
@yourusername posted a story!
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Viewed by @astonmartinf1, @yourbff & @lancestroll & 107,942 others
@astonmartinf1 mentioned you in a story.
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Viewed by @lancestroll, @yourusername & 472,905 others.
First person POV.
“holy shit” I breathed. The offical Aston Martin formula 1 account had just reposted your story for their employee appreciation post of the week. I’d barely been working 6 months full time for them in their media and administration departments.
They had already shown me so much love since I began my journey and I just new this was exactly where I wanted to be. I set my phone down as i lay on the plush hotel room bed, hair up in a towel & back to the headboard. Lost in my thoughts, head swirling with gratitude for the life I was now living.
A loud ding from my phone which has been sitting on my lap brought me out of my daydreaming daze, my eyes lightly scanning across the screen to the new notifications.
I could not believe my eyes, he had to be kidding right?
There was no way he decided to do this on his own accord me, I mean we had talked once or twice during media duties or in passing at the motor home. Small exchanges of polite smiles and quiet hellos before morning meetings or in the cafeteria on lunch breaks but I would’ve never bet my bottom dollar on something like this happening.
@Lancestroll liked your photo.
@Lancestroll started following you.
I screamed, giggled and kicked my feet at the thought of having one of my literal biggest F1 crushes follow me on Instagram.
What was I too do now? act like nothing happened?
Am I supposed to act like I didn’t just turn into a giant giggling mess because my boss followed me back?
Requests are now open in my DMs if you want one, sorry for being inactive. I’ve got a lot of projects coming soon, they’re just all in my drafts. I also habe not figured out how to organise my works on here in making a master list etc or how to layout some of these ngl lol.
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poundfooolish · 3 months ago
So I've been having a right miserable month of work, going into week 3 of daily 4.5 hour working calls with a tech vendor who is completely and utterly baffled as to what the fuck has gone wrong with our upgrade, which was supposed to go live a week ago but due to, again, the literally unbeforeseen fuckedness of the situation (They brought on a guy last week who was overjoyed and excited about getting to add two or three paragraphs to his blog about our problem, and I have watched his joy and his smile leave us in real time since) we haven't even had a functioning test environment to hand off to QA
And as a result my boss is. Very deeply unhappy with the situation, and has capped off the last two 4.5 hour meetings with a thirty minute speech about not only his disappointment, but his mounting conspiracy theories regarding the vendor using us as their personal test sandbox, and how we really need to stop wasting time and finish this job before the new year (lol. lmao. Sure.).
But yesterday he decided that we need to start the meeting even EARLIER. We've been starting our meetings at 9:30am (Preceded by a team meeting sans the vendor so the project manager and my boss can be sad at us), but now he wants to start the meeting at 8:30, so about exactly when I log into work.
And as he makes this decree and sentences us all to even earlier mornings, he realizes: He has accidentally scheduled us over the IT Holiday Party. But he can't. Bring himself to outright say 'never mind attend the party'. And admit he's fucked this.
So instead he starts trying to get us to bow out of this extremely early meeting we scheduled, constantly sending messages like 'are you coming to the party? please make every effort to come to the party. Are you sure you don't want to come to the party?' I'm pretty sure he also tried to coerce one of my coworkers into picking me up and driving me to the office because that's what he does when I tell him 'no'.
My boss. Knows. That coming into the office for me is a 2-3 hour fucking Event. I have to take a bus to take a train to take a trolly to take another bus and if I miss that last bus (which runs once every 3 hours) take an uber into the office. I do not come into the office on a dime I have to plan extensively for this shit. And I also usually end up not getting anything Done.
So today, three hours into the meeting, that my boss already knows I'm in because he also joined at 8:30am, he goes 'Oh.... Shawna did you decide not to come to the party??'
Ram, if I dropped everything and left that EXACT moment, I would arrive at the office when it fucking closed. Obviously I'm not coming to the fucking holiday party, FURTHERMORE, it is real fuckin brave of you to spend the last three weeks berating me for wasting time and borderline accusing me of not doing my job At All, only to try and twist my arm into leaving a meeting you arranged, for a fucking holiday party.
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ziteyra · 2 years ago
A good soldier
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 and Chapter 3
🐟 Synopsis: You get to meet some other members of Team Phoenix in person but the tension between you and Quaritch still doesn't seem to be gone.
🐟 characters: Quaritch Recom, Walker Recom, Waynfleet and Zdinarsk Recom (🥳)
🐟themes: same as the last chapter. A bit of cursing, roughing around but nothing serious.
🐠Note: heyyyy. Thanks for all the likes in the last chapter ! Didn't expect that (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ so I just followed the formula of the first one and wrote all fo this in the middle of two night. Ahahah hope you like it. Feel free to suggest any more themes or ideas ! Love y'all 💙
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Sorry that's it's so short btw
Enjoy this awesome edit I found on insta which motivated me to continue 😁
Tagging: @babyduk213 💙
"This is Lyle Wainfleet, my second in command. "
You nodd in the general direction of the multiple blue recom soldiers that entered the room after Quaritch. Of course you had read their files and overseen their medical transitions, but seeing them in action and so alive was something quite different.
After the tall and smiling Navi Soldier squeezed through the small door frame, two barely clothed female ones follow him on foot.
"And these two beauties are Walker and Zdinarsk. One lethal with a grenade launcher and the other just with her mouth." Quaritch grinned as he introduces the last two and closed the door behind them. "They'll be holding my hand, while you, little scientist do your beloved tests. If it doesn't bother you of course. "
"Glad to finally meet you" you note "but I believed we would be doing the tests alone. It's quite fragile equipment I've got here anyway."
"And we too have quite fragile equipment" Lyle laughed out loud, "no need to worry about us little one, we just need to give the boss a few quick updates on the Sully situation."
" Still y/n for you Waynfleet. I suppose if you keep this quick we can arrange something." you say judgingly looking up and down the two woman. They both make themselves quite comfortable around Quaritch, nagging him with their tails and playfully hissing.
It was definitely no sting of jealousy you were feeling, that would be embarrassing just after a few days of knowing him. But at last he was one of your textbook idols, come to life again. Not yet as impressive as you made him out to be but still quite fascinating. And at last, your hero.
"Now you got my poor little scientist all railed up Lyle. She's on our side don't forget that, even if you have a hard time remembering sides." Quaritch quickly shifted his attention towards his team and let you start your testing.
While they were talking about ground locations and basic intel you took various samples of both his blood and hair.
While he didn't seem bothered by the tests at all you could see his tail twitching every time you got closer to him. His eyes were pinned onto Waynfleet while he was talking but just out of the corner of your eye you could see his cat like ears turning your direction wherever you went. Almost lost in the mesmerising patterns on his body only a slap on the head brought you back to reality.
" And why the hell should we trust her boss. She's like that Valentine woman back from base. We shouldn't be talking about our intel right in front of her anyway." scoffed the women named Walker while inspecting you from head to toe and showing her exceptionally long teeth.
"She ain't got no other choice Walker. And y/n knows that I'll be her worst nightmare if any of this information leaves our little group, isn't that right." Quaritch menacingly answered as he waved Walker away with his hands and pulling you even closer to him. "Do you understand?"
With a loud metal clunk your tablet fell to the ground while Quaritch face was only a few millimeters away from yours. Again you thought, but this time you weren't planning on being humiliated in front of his other teammates. At last you were supposed to be part of the team. As you knew their body and anatomy, probably better then they did themselves, you just needed one good pull to gain your freedom again.
"Damn that little scientist has claws." laughed the last woman Zdinarsk who up until now, hadn't really spoken at all.
"Lt. Quaritch, Sir , we are all members of this operation here and you shouldn't be questioning any of our loyaltys under any circumstances." you say while picking up your tablet hoping to regain at least a bit of dignity.
You quickly brush past him, as we was still frozen in his place holding his Braid with both of his hands.
"It was a pleasure working with you soldiers but I really must be going now."
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nocompromise-noregrets · 17 days ago
five good things
Time for one of these, I think, partly because it's been a good couple of weeks, and partly because Last Cat Standing is in the veterinary hospital overnight (or possibly for the weekend) because his kidneys are starting to fail and they want to give him IV fluids and meds to try and stabilise him a bit and help him feel better - so I need a bit of distracting. (although as I typed that sentence the vets called me and apparently he is tolerating the drip well and with some meds/supplements and a special diet he should be fine...)
I had my 25th anniversary at job number one on 1 February and had a very enjoyable evening out with my best work friend/work wife, although I had to do an hour and a half of work first - I walked up into town to meet her at the end of the Saturday event she was running, only it did not end on time because there had been a booking disaster and twice as many people showed up as there was room for, so I ended up getting drafted in to help out (in civvies, and loudly protesting that I was supposed to be going to the pub with my friend XD ). Ah well, I put it on my time card XD I was also made a fuss of at the staff meeting on the Monday, and our boss (who is from Suffolk, as am I) made up a little quiz for everyone else on Suffolk dialect phrases, which we read out in our best accents and made everyone guess what they meant XD
I have gained a duckling! Our most recently-qualified archivist has been floundering a little in the wider team because they're all idiots and she's sensible, and my best pal who is her manager asked me to take her on for a bit of mentoring, and to give me a hand with the ridiculously complicated task I've managed to get myself landed with. She's been absolutely invaluable and we are getting on like a house on fire. I've spent my entire career studiously avoiding any managerial responsibility, but supervisory/mentoring? Yeah, that I can do.
Also I had a call this morning from my manager, slightly frantic and very apologetic for calling me on my day off - we have committed to doing a project for one of our major depositors, funded by them, because they need to move out of their offices and have loads of stuff that needs to come to us. One of our colleagues was supposed to be doing it, but about three weeks in, he's become ill, and we need someone to pick it up while he's off. So my manager asked me, since I've been advising our colleague anyway, and suggested I take the duckling with me as it will be very good professional development for her. So we start that on Monday, I think. This will make me look Very Good Indeed. XD (I am Flexible and Experienced and Mature and Sensible and Willing to Help Out at the Drop of a Hat even though I Did Not Particularly Want To Do This Project Myself. Go me.)
I have also just made us look Very Good Indeed because the papers I've been cataloguing about the proposed (but abortive) reorganisation of local government in the 1990s have just been very useful indeed for the consultant who is advising our employers as the whole thing has come up again, in more or less the same shape as last time (work in this job long enough and you realise there really is nothing new under the sun) and he was very impressed with how efficient and knowledgeable we were (I was XD ) and fed back to the Deputy Chief Exec who is likely to be the new Actual Chief Exec when the current one retires in May. She already likes us, but that was a very useful boost. *buffs nails*
I saw Soul Asylum the other week and they were GREAT! The venue was packed at first sight, it was absolutely wall-to-wall people as soon as I got in the door, but I realised after gently pushing through a few rows that it was because everyone was standing at the back like idiots, and further towards the front it all opened up. I ended up in the second row right in front of the singer, and I had a fantastic time. Eighteen-year-old me, who listened to the Gravedancers' Union album almost non-stop at university, is DELIGHTED.
I have been going to the gym for about five weeks, faffing about on the weights machines, and actually rather enjoying myself. Loud music (Måneskin, it's Måneskin) on the headphones, as many machines as I can actually get on when they're not being occupied by people sitting there for ages between sets, about an hour/hour and a quarter three times a week, and I'm feeling better about things already. I don't bother with the free weights or floor exercises or cardio, because I still cannot make myself do cardio and being perceived while moving is still utterly offputting, but I'm thinking that maybe I might be able to trick my brain into a brisk walk on the treadmill sometimes eventually. I go on the way home from work on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I walk up there and back on Fridays, so that's a bit of cardio/warm-up and cooldown, so it kind of works as it is, and my poor crumbling bones are getting a little bit of support.
Speaking of my poor crumbling bones, I FINALLY have an appointment to talk to a consultant about hopefully getting the infusion treatment for my osteoporosis, which is once a year or so, rather than the tablet-with-ridiculous-conditions-once-a-week which my undiagnosed probably-ADHD-but-at-least-executive-dysfunction has struggled with for over six years (which is why my bones are as crumbling as they are). I had my scan last July, the GP referred me in September, I was sent an appointment for January in October, which was then cancelled in November because they had 'reviewed my information' and decided I didn't need it or something, but then in January I was invited to book another appointment online...only to be told there were no appointments available, but about three weeks later I was sent one for the first Tuesday in March. Here's hoping! I was talking to my friend (who is a very organised post-doctoral researcher in public health management and specialises in nudging people to make healthy choices) about it, and she was making all sorts of suggestions for remembering the tablet, which...I just, I just can't, reminders don't work for me because I'll look at them and forget immediately, and then I explained the full ridiculousness of it - have to take it first thing in the morning, once a week, on an empty stomach, can't eat or drink or lie down for at least half an hour afterwards...and she was like 'oh yeah actually okay fuck that, that is RIDICULOUS' and then we got talking about how it really does sound like I probably have ADHD but given that we still haven't got the missus a diagnosis after about three years of trying, and I can generally cope with things better than she can, I don't know if there's any point even trying to get diagnosed. But anyway.
I am collaborating with the same friend on the most DELICIOUSLY angsty and bittersweet fic series and having an absolute whale of a time with it. Our writing styles and processes are very different, but it is just such a joy batting ideas back and forth and hammering the stories out (with absolute glee every time we think of a plot point which will make our four readers howl XD ) and developing all manner of plot-device characters into actual fully-fledged characters and generally having a marvellous time.
I am also having a MARVELLOUS TIME pinging ideas back and forth with @malkaleh on her Gold Cage ROP-'verse and a large and sprawling thing taking in all manner of characters from all manner of sources which will never see the light of day because it's ours (and would make no sense to anyone else at this point XDDDD ) but we are enjoying SO MUCH. <33333333
And people seem to like Alyssa, my very-young-and-very-out-of-her-depth personal-assistant-to-an-absolute-chaos-demon-idiot, which is GREAT - I know people are sometimes a bit leery of OCs, but I couldn't not write her and I'm so glad I shared her. One of the readers who talks to my friend regularly sent her a picture with the caption 'I feel like Alyssa will have something to say about this' or words to that effect, which my friend then sent to me, so it seems like the Alyssa-'verse is spreading XDDDD
Anyway, that's plenty to be going on with. And Last Cat Standing is still standing and there are things that can be done for him, so that is also a Good Thing. <33333333333
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ncisfranchise-source · 3 months ago
Even before we’d seen one minute of NCIS: Origins, we had a major question we needed the show to answer: How would it address Gibbs (Austin Stowell) killing the man who murdered his wife and daughter? Well, the prequel shows just that in the second-to-last episode of 2024.
Ahead of the fall finale, the team works a case with a link to Pedro Hernandez. And while Lala (Mariel Molino) is worried about how Gibbs might react to possibly coming face-to-face with the man—and promises that she will find Hernandez—it turns out that she doesn’t need to be. Gibbs already killed Pedro months ago, and now Lala knows!
Below, co-showrunner David J. North breaks down the key episode and teases what’s ahead.
I have to say congratulations on the full season order!
David J. North: Thank you, Meredith. I really appreciate that. Yeah, we’re really excited about that, the pickup and doing 18 and we’re breaking the rest of the season as we speak.
We get the moment that everyone had been waiting for in this episode with Gibbs killing Pedro Hernandez. Talk about showing that at this point in your approach to that scene since we’d only had flashes of it and what led up to it on NCIS.
Well, of course we’ve been building to this for a long time and months ago when we got into the writers’ room, this was one of the top moments that we were building this season around. It’s such a huge part of Gibbs’ life and the lore of Gibbs. Gina [Lucita Monreal] and I, obviously having written on the OG NCIS for so long, have dealt with storylines around it, but really there was a lot of unanswered questions as far as what happened once Franks [Kyle Schmid] showed him that file. In NCIS canon, it’s just kind of Franks showed him that file and then we see that it was done. But here we really wanted to get into ground it in the reality of what would’ve happened, which is this was still a killer that NIS and no other people authorities could find. So how did Gibbs do it? And you kind of see that for Gibbs really did it by sheer will and in the process learned that he himself has ability to be a great cop.
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Robert Voets / CBS
So Lala now knows what Gibbs did, and this comes after she promised him that she would get Pedro for him. What does this mean for their relationship and continuing to work together?
Well, I think it’s interesting because Lala is herself a character who is far from a goody two shoes, but she’s also someone that needs to trust the people that she works with. And when she told Gibbs, I’m going to get him, I’m going to get Hernandez, and I’m going get him for you, Gibbs didn’t say anything. He didn’t tell her the truth, which is that he already got him. So that’s something that Lala is going to have to wrestle with and whether or not, Gibbs as a partner on her team is someone that she can trust moving forward.
The question of the story of her and Gibbs and Lala’s relationship continues to loom large. So what can you say about that relationship, especially after that voiceover at the beginning of this episode with Gibbs’ “You wonder if she thinks about you at all”?
Well, I think that the undercurrent of there being an attraction between these two characters of Lala and Gibbs is clear. I think sometimes we meet people at different times in our lives and the timing isn’t right, and that’s certainly the case with Lala and Gibbs, but there’s a magnetic pole between them. As far as the story of her, everyone’s just going to have to stay tuned. I will say that by the end of the season they’ll know much more.
Does it have anything to do with Rule 12? Never date a coworker?
Yes, it very well could have something to do with Rule 12.
So you just revealed that Randy (Caleb Foote) was supposed to be protecting Shannon and Kelly, and it is of course inevitable that Gibbs finds out. But talk about introducing that secret of Randy’s at this point.
Well, Randy is the type of character that until episode eight, we’ve really just seen the lighter side. He’s someone that brings a smile to work every day, but I think we’ve all got things that we’re carrying and on this show we really want to try to develop each character and keep them as real as possible. I mean in Gina and I’s minds, these characters are so rich and we really enjoyed exploring that. And we knew in canon that there was this character Mitchell who was killed and is what brought us into this of realizing Randy, what that would be like to know that you stepped down and another agent was killed. And we were really proud of Caleb’s performance in that episode and moving forward, seeing what that will do for Gibbs and Randy’s relationship because at this point Gibbs still doesn’t know.
What can you tease about what we’ll see there going forward? How much are you going to see it weighing on Randy that Gibbs doesn’t know?
Well, Gina and I kind of feel like this is something that Randy worked through largely in that episode because the reality is, had Randy been there, the same thing would’ve happened, just he would’ve been the agent that was killed. But at one point we will build to a point where he and Gibbs can have the conversation. But I don’t think it’s something that Gibbs would hold a grudge over
We see just how much Franks cares about his team and Tish (Tonantzin Carmelo) in this episode, but he’s pulled in two directions because he’s worried about both. How much is that going to continue, that pull for him between the two different parts of his life?
Yes, that’s absolutely going to continue. And for Franks, it is. He’s constantly at a fork in the road and he’s also at a fork in the road with what to do with his own folder that he has on the man that assaulted Tish, whether or not he can let that go like she’s asked him to.
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silver-rings-and-rabbits · 2 years ago
I've just finished chapter 9 of Open Heart Second Year and wanted to share my thoughts at the halfway point (ch 10-11 are another world entirely). It's a long post and probably repeats all the arguments that have been made since the original release...but I'm gonna post anyway.
When Second Year started, I couldn't decide which romance route to take. I genuinely restarted the first chapter several times, but EVENTUALLY I settled on Ethan. And...I got bored. He was there all the time and I just didn't feel anything like I did in book 1 (the opera scene had me in a chokehold for a while). Meanwhile, Raf had apparently broken up with MC and had a new partner which was leaving me intrigued on how it would go (sweet naivety before I saw the ch 10 draft). So during the first hiatus, between ch 8-9, I replayed the whole lot for Rafael.
The difference is stark. For two people who aren't allowed to be together, MC and Ethan sure ended up spending a lot of time alone together. They sure held hands a lot. MC sure had a lot of extra flirty dialogue. Yet Rafael appears briefly every couple of chapters to talk about how he would risk his life for another (I should have seen the signs sooner) then disappears back to his new partner that we still know nothing about. Most of the pining for Rafael was in my imagination and personal interpretation of the scenes.
Players were willing to justify this with 'Ethan is our boss' and 'we work on the same team so obviously they will spend time together'. Bryce and Jackie are our best friends or partners, Jackie is our freaking ROOMMATE and we don't see them at all?
Furthermore, we have two brand new characters in June and Baz and barely spent any time with them because Ethan had to be front and centre. I would have happily spent diamonds to get to know either of them one-on-one. But no...
An idea: instead of Ethan having a professional diamond scene every chapter (patient's house visit, visiting the art gallery, making a pictagram account), this is where June or Baz come in. Especially if Ethan also had a personal diamond scene in the chapter. Open Heart was popular because of its diverse cast after all (including Ethan, yes, but there was someone for everyone in book 1).
FURTHER furthermore, one of the 'plots' of this book was MC teaching their own intern, Esme Ortega. And we had a diamond scene to take her with us on Diagnostic work, a diamond scene to mentor her around six chapters later, and...a few quick scenes of MC giving her some work to do. That's it. Because even though being a mentor is part of MCs job, it's not nearly as important as Ethan's screen time.
I've played all four romance routes, and obviously Ethan's had the most content (his romance route v platonic route is night and day!!). Raf's route was completely empty to the point where it made sense to me that MC was in the hospital with Ethan all the time because they didn't want to spend their free time sitting at home nursing a broken heart. But Bryce and Jackie's routes had no reason for that. There's almost no reason to play the chapters without them and it's no surprise their fans started dropping away. All the signs pointed to one LI being killed off, but the other two didn't have anything to hope for either so why stick around?
Chapter 8 is the baseball game and we get to spend time with Bryce and Keiki, AND practice baseball with some friends. Probably the most friend group content we saw since the chapter 5 music festival. I enjoyed being rude to Landry (again, my MC is too stressed and upset at this point to spend energy being nice to him) but I didn't like how my response to him determined how the two sides interacted. Just because I'm rude to Landry doesn't mean I don't want to meet Sienna's med school friends at Kenmore. We then get to go back with Ethan for dinner or go home alone. I don't suppose it would have killed PB to put some kind of friend group scene in as an alternative? They did in book 1...
Chapter 9 is where the emotions really pick up as we have Kyra's cancer getting worse. Man, I love well-written angst. When MC is overwhelmed and has to calm down in a supply closet they are discovered by...June. Who at this point is becoming the villain (despite the fact this plot line would have only made sense if you were romancing 1/4 LIs).
Another idea: we get to choose which LI discovers us, just like in book 1! We could have a rare moment of softness with Jackie because it kills her that she can't help the situation. It could have been the catalyst for Bryce to look into radical gore-tex surgeries as a last resort. Or we could have had a painful heart-to-heart with Rafael, maybe MC being standoffish because he's their ex or open and desperately wishing Raf could comfort them as before. The possibilities are endless, but we can't waste time (or money) on those guys.
Speaking of Rafael, this is the infamous chapter ending:
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Like a punch in the heart. But possibly what hurt more was the fact that chapter 10 opened with - of all things - a time jump to a few days later with the Senator coming to Edenbrook!! Because that's the Diagnostic team which is the only thing that matters! In fact, Rafael isn't mentioned until around two thirds of the way through when the narration - of all things - casually mentions that he is in fact moving to BRAZIL. More fool me, I thought he was just moving to another state, but no. Another freaking country. There is no way that would have been an easy conversation, especially on his romance route, but it's yet another conversation that happens OFF-SCREEN for the reader to be hastily informed later.
Book 2 began with a recap that omitted Rafael completely, despite the fact his superhero complex was going to be 'plot point' of book 2. Luckily he does appear in the next recap but this scene has been retconned with him saying 'I'm moving to Brazil' (if I remember to get a screenshot of that later, I'll post it).
PB tried to justify all this with 'Open Heart is a mature story...exploring themes of heartbreak and loss' (and some players will still believe that), but it never was. If it was, we would have seen the break-up between MC and Rafael, we would have been able to talk with Raf about his suspension in detail and how it was affecting him, and we would have SEEN THIS VERY CONVERSATION. But all the resources went into Ethan and his parents, Ethan and his morals, Ethan cooking a chicken.
I get it, he was a big moneymaker. I myself contributed once upon a time. But that doesn't justify throwing out the rest of your characters. (My school sold out my year group to get some money, and in doing so lost all credibility with a generation of girls). Like I said before, Open Heart was good because of ALL it's characters that we had grown to love and PB now wanted to chuck those out. Unless a LI had absolutely 0% interest, you write for them or you don't put them in the story (and we all know where that leads us: single LI books). Why alienate Bryce, Raf and Jackie romancers when, for all you know, they might be Sam Dalton's biggest fans? (The biggest book I can think of that was releasing at the same time as Open Heart). This whole thing was a stupid, stupid decision by PB and it has nothing to do with Rafael.
I hope there were people on the OH team who knew this was a bad idea from the start. I hope the higher-ups started sweating at the reactions to Sora and the ending to chapter 9, and I hope the smart ones on the team felt unbelievably smug about being right.
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fizzingwizard · 4 months ago
work stuff
silly stuff: I have a new phone I hate it =) not really but I bought one that was cheap so I can't find cases for it, and I was just used to my old setup so now everything's diff... It has this horrible material on the back which is impossible to stick anything to! so adding my beloved phone ring hasn't worked. Tried hot glue gun, Elmer's glue... it does not stick lol.
ANYWAY, I covered in Moomin stickers and my coworker goes "EHHH you like Moomins?"
me: "yeah!"
her: "But... you're so cool!
x'D Idek what she meant. I'm not cool, but I've been told my whole life that I come off serious. I don't really know what to do about it, I'm not serious person at all, but people decide lots of things based on random stuff to substitute actually getting to know you. And they conclude I'm serious. I can only guess that's what she meant by "cool" lol. It was very funny to hear myself described as "cool" at all though. If only the kids from junior high were there!
less serious stuff: not gonna get into buuuuut GUESS WHAT WE'RE MAJORLY UNDERSTAFFED AGAIN! aaaaand stomach flu is going around, so a bunch of teachers have been out sick. I'm fine! Which is so great because I get to go to work and pick up the slack :) so fun. Since we're understaffed, we've had to ask for help from another school. We've had to ask a lot the past few months because of the understaffing, and this week, with the addition of illness, it's been even more.
So there's a teacher from the other school there in the afternoon (actually an admin, not teacher), and as she's leaving I thank her for her help (we had a tough afternoon today, the kids have no mercy lol). She says: "I like coming here... but not this often." x'D It wasn't impolite, and I don't blame her a bit... She has her own work and they've had a bout of illness at her school too. She shouldn't have to come over here and help us, especially not so often. But what can I do about it? Why tell me? Does she think anyone listens to me x'D because I promise they do not! I'm here every day, covering for coworkers, as well as looking after my own class without one of my coteachers because she quit in September. All that kind of comment does is make me feel like guilty, like there's something else we should be doing? Browbeating people for getting sick? Cloning ourselves so we can meet the mandated teacher-student ratio without help?? I would LOVE to not have to ask for help from the other school but I literally cannot do anything about it.
I'm a little ticked off for a bunch of reasons, but it boils down to there's just not much appreciation for those of us who are sticking it out and covering for others. It feels like when people are absent, the people who show up to work get the brunt of the disappointment and the dissatisfaction. It is always a scramble trying to make everything work out and it's stressful.
We don't perform as well in suboptimal conditions... That's as true for pre-K as it is anywhere else. Yes kids deserve the best always but teachers are only human. Just because you throw in random admin stuff or teachers from other rooms who don't know our routine or our kids doesn't mean now everything's going to be fine. Ratio is not everything. If you see a problem, maybe instead of complaining or lecturing about it... help out?? lol smh. This happened with an event we did recently, where there was a fuss by some people that things were not progressing as smoothly as they're supposed to... Surprise surprise, one of the teachers who was supposed to lead it had just quit :) everyone else on the team were FIRST TIMERS. The only one who wasn't a sub!! But they got lectured... it wasn't there fault. Hard to say whose fault it was - ideally, if that happens, someone in a leadership position would say, "OK, that teacher quit, so the new team is all newbies and will probably need some advice so they know when to get stuff going with this event." But our boss isn't really involved in teacher activities and has enough on her plate. There isn't always a team leader on campus either. The rest of us are all equals and we aren't keeping tabs on each other. That's not our job. Soooo... no one noticed, basically, until it was almost too late.
But the reason things went wrong there is because of understaffing. Not any teacher being lazy or careless. And today a bunch of stuff went wrong. Because we were understaffed, there were big changes during the day as another teacher called in sick and another went home in the middle of the day also sick, and it threw a wrench into the rest of our schedules. As a result, things that usually get done in a certain order were scrambled through or misplaced. Despite that we were all doing more work than usual. I did cleaning duty for both my coteacher and myself because she had to stay in the nap room for a long time. I also wrote in our class journal (required) and worked on stuff for the next event. AND I wrote half of our students' daily messages (also required) and my coworker did the other half. Usually we do those messages during classtime. But I had to cover for another class during the time I typically write them. We would have then written them after lunch, but our sub was the teacher who went home sick, so we were under ratio and had to scramble to recalibrate so stuff could stay legal. We ended up very behind and couldn't write the messages. So that had to be done during afternoon prep as well. Because of that chain of events, neither of us thought to refill the diaper bin. Probably also because of us that chain of events, the teachers on duty at naptime didn't finish writing all the naptimes in the kids' journals. Which is an easy fix, but became a lecture?? We KNOW what to do. We do it just fine every day. It is NOVEMBER. School year started in April. It does not occur to you that perhaps things got missed because our day was bananas?? (Nah definitely because we suck lol)
I took a 30 min break at 3:15 pm. I went and got a drink and read a book. I didn't take any break yesterday. I'm supposed to get one hour. It's not even a paid hour. If I'd done more classroom organizing today I would not have had even that 30 min. But heaven help us, someone had to walk out and pick up a diaper for one student because of my laziness. Lol.
The expectation at this job is really becoming "constantly work and don't take a break" and I'm so not here for it. I know I keep saying I'll find a new job and never do but I am going to I swear...
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animaljam67 · 1 year ago
My work had a team meeting last night and i dont think one specific attitude in the workplace has ever pissed me off more than what my boss did.
For context- i work at a chain consignment/resale store. There are 9 other of the same business in the PNW and surrounding area, but the one that i work at is the busiest . we get people coming in from north and south along I5. as far south as redding california and as north as eugene oregon. keep in mind this is also the only resale shop in my town. there are few in my county. and basics none in neighboring counties, that have similar populations.
a month or so before i started working with them, one manager quit and a bunch of girls went with her. pretty much all of them. we have all been told it was “girl drama”. and they had to hire all new staff. so everyone working- EVERYONE WORKING- is in training. even my manager who works in store, who for the first few weeks of my time at the job was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to hire, interview, train, make schedules, try to manage back to school rush, and deal with firing as well.
In all- all my coworkers and myself definitely need to use this time of lull with a sufficient amount of workers after the back to school stuff to reflect on what works and doesnt work, what we want out of our jobs and vise versa, and make gameplans about how we can improve the flow of the store.
for reference, we have already been trying to do what our boss- who is the store owner, she lives in utah and came in to our store on one occasion for 4 ish days- wanted us to do. there were “task priorities” and “stations” that had been layed out for us, the girls who have watched the training videos know. though, like myself, most of us havent seen any videos, or havent gotten to that one. we were dealing with record amounts of buys. like, hundreds of bags were being processed a day. usually, its supposed to work like this: customer brings their bag in. they fill out a buy slip with all necessary information, label their bag, and leave it with us. within the next hour or so, we will have went through everything in their bag, figured out what we wanted and why and what we would give back to the customer. we text them, they come in (same day), and get the rest of their clothes, and the cash or store credit they earned. if they dont come in to pick it up within 48 hours of our text to them that their clothing has been processed, we will automatically donate what we didnt want and give them store credit. ive tryed to give people leniency when they cant come in to get their bag in the allotted time. i once had a woman an who had dropped her clothes off the day prior and they hadnt been processed yet, and i didnt know when it would be. she was pregnant and had to end up scheduling some sort of bloodwork in the hospital, her husband would have her car and she was planning to use the bus to come to our store to get her cash, but because she would have to take the bus to the doctors office to have the work done, which would take much longer since it would be across town across multiple busses, she likely couldnt come in on any other day than that present day, and i also didnt have a single clue when her buy would be processed. i personally know how long it takes to ride the bus anywhere- especially when you have to get off one route and get on another. i was hoping we could either figure out a way to process it today and she could come in or a way to hold that cash for her, since she expressed the need for that rather than the credit, which is understandable. many people come in frequently and they use the money they earn as gas money. it makes sense. but i was the only person up there. in the front. after i picked up the phone for maybe the the 2nd or 3rd time into working there. there were customers in the store, so i couldnt go to the back to ask my manager what to do. i said we would call her back later in the day, when somebody else was coming in and we could have an answer for her then. i wrote this all down on a piece if receipt paper and as soon as i could i rushed to the back to give the slip to my manager and tell her the situation. she said she would, later. im not sure if she ever did.
this problem and other ones like it wouldnt arise if we held any sort of control over the acceptance of buys. we have a strict open-to-an-hour-before-close-every-day-but-sunday schedule to bring in buys. my manager will sometimes call it herself when its midday and the bag area would be overflowing and there was going to be only three girls working for the rest of the day at the end of the hour. and technically, per our owners rules, its actually supposed to be all open hours, 7 days a week, and you stop PROCESSING buys an hour before close. ????????????
keep in mind ive worked there for a month and still have not been trained in buying. i do what is basically the equivalent of a dishwasher job and was hired for much more than that. i do warehouse work for the store, while also helping customers. girls who were hired right before me or even after me are progressing further in training and even being put into shift lead positions, but i spend every shift tagging, racking, and hanging clothes. i see every article of clothing that goes into that store. i see what sells and what doesnt. i see what we have surplus of and what we need more of. i see the duplicates. i see the 7 cropped tight fit ribbed baby doll sleeved t shirts in every color of the rainbow. im the one who has to untangle the tank top straps because there is more hangers of the rack that it can actually hold.
but, to get to the main point of this post, is how my boss interacted with me in the meeting.
We showed up, clocked in, and were handed self assessments. we start filling them out but we stop and are told to gather around my manager’s phone on facetime with the big lady. she opens the conversation with talking about how we were a family, and that she had spent the year of 2020 (when the store was closed) reflecting on what a family really needs to function and what it means to be a job that people want to work for. she also offhandedly said there was also a period of time when no one wanted to work and “aghh if any of you girls did that like ughh i dont know” and quickly went on to start explaining her personal “magic”. she frequently told us that she is working her dream job because of us which whatever it meant something to me the first time she said it but after the 4th i was just like … okay you love your job and making systems and cool alright you live in utah whatever.
she also talked about breaks- and specifically how if you are going to vape or smoke you MUST clock off because she is not paying you to smoke or vape- and thats her magic in caring for us and making our lives a bit better.
but after her spiel about the culture of the workplace she went into going over the assessment we were given, explaining and asking the group for our answers to the questions. and i talked the most out of anyone in that meeting.
this was pretty much how the whole thing went. question- whats your personal magic/what are you confident in at your job? silence. i answered- im confident in my ability to tag and rack efficiently. Cool! anybody else? (crickets) … i answered again- i think [coworker’s name] has a great ability to organize, not only in how things should get done but what big things need to get done. if theres a big pile of unsorted clothes she’ll go through it.
at one point she skips a question asking about what she or our other manager could do better. and i dont mean like, it was printed and she didnt read it, she didnt allow us any floor to speak on what we thought she could do better. and when i brought my answer to her next question- which is what could WE be doing better- back around to what she could do better, she didnt respond to that part of my reply.
this is what made me lose hope for her to ever listen to me-
at the end, after going through the questions and the breakdown of how a store should be set up (as in whos doing what when) and me providing valid criticisms to her structure to which she responded “this system has worked and works at the other 9 stores so thats how it is going to work:)” and she was sending us off with some wise words or whatever, she talks about how if we want something to be changed we should speak up for ourselves and that we should tell her if she could do something better and that communication is key for communities.
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anonnluvver · 2 years ago
brett with a very shy reader ? most x readers have a too bold personality for me to relate too lol, gender is unimportant and just headcannons pleaseee :) ty
HIII OMG YALL REQUESTED A WHOOOLLE LOT AND IM SO SORRY IVE TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO THEM BUT I PROMISE I WILL! I’ve just been so busy lately but I’ve finally got some free time on my hands so be ready for looots of posts. ANYWAYS let’s get to it, thanks so much for requesting! (Btw this one is a long one…and cheesy)
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Brett x shy reader fluff(gender neutral)
“Deep breathes, okay. You can do this.” You quietly whisper to yourself, nervously fiddling with the seams of your shirt. It’s the first day of your new job in the shadow government at Cognito inc. taking one last deep breath and push the doors open walking up to the front desk. “Hi, im Y/n. Im new here and someone named Reagan said to ask you for instructions.” The secretary just looks you up in down with the blankest expression you’ve ever seen and simply said “go to the 2nd floor, conference room.” You awkwardly look away and thank the lady. Geez so much for good first impressions. Following the mean ladys instructions you stand right in front of the conference doors and give it a quick knock. “Come in!” You hear a women shout. Opening the doors you see who you assume is your boss, Regan. “Hi, I’m Regan your boss . Since of now you are part of the task force.” That was super brief, you thought. You’re a little shocked at how quickly you had been assigned to a job. “Oh um okay, well when do I get to meet this team of mine?” You question her a little scared to meet the rest of your co-workers. “Ah sorry I called you in a bit earlier than everyone else just so you could adjust to your office a bit. I’ll show you the way there then you’ll come back here when your done settling down to meet everyone else.” Regan walks you out to your office and leaves soon after. Your body slumps and your bag falls onto your desk as you sit down. “Well this hasnt been too bad. Regan doesn’t talk too much, which is kind of awkward but I mean so am I.” You talk to yourself in your small office hearing your voice echo a little on the walls from the emptiness in the room. Well I guess I should start heading back I’ve been here a while, sighing you stand up and hesitantly go to the conference room once more. You open the doors to find more people sitting down at the large table in the conference room, all suddenly turning their heads to look at you. In embarrassment your face flushes a little and you look at the floor awkwardly. “Oh, sorry everyone um hi I’m Y/n.” You quietly introduce yourself. “Oh my gosh!” *SQUEEL* “You must be our new co worker!” *gasp* You sharply gasp, surprised by being pulled into a tight hug and squeezed up into the air. Your face grows even hotter and flustered not knowing who is touching you or what to do. You look down to see the person hugging you so tightly and see a tall and really attractive guy. And suddenly your even more flustered if that’s possible. “Brett how many times do we have to tell you, you don’t hug people who don’t know you.” Reagan sighs tiredly, clearly this isn’t the first time he’s done this. “Oh! Right sorry… I’m just so excited to have a new addition to our gang!” He quickly puts you done and apologizes. “Y/n you can come sit down with us now, everyone just introduce yourselves normally please.” Wow, Regan already seems done and the day just started. “Oh okay.” Shit, well where am I supposed to sit? You look to the right and see that weird guy who hugged you patting the seat next to him. You just quickly look away and sit next to Regan on the opposite side from him. You don’t mean to be harsh but you’re just nervous to be close to him. And strange enough he looks sad you didn’t sit next to him. “Alright well I’m Andre Lee, the tasks force one and only biochemist. I also got the good stuff-if you know what I mean wink wink.” He elbows your side while dramatically winking. “You are such a weirdo Andre.” The next girl rolls her eyes at Andre “whatever, I’m Gigi Thompson, best looking one here and PR of the media manipulation department. I’m sure you’ve seen my work because I am everywhere.” She laughs at her own flattery. “And I’m Glen Dolphman, Cognito Inc’s supersoilder and responsible for managing the company’s arsenal.” He says while firmly saluting to the American flag. “Oh and I’m Brett Hand! And uh I guess I just work here.” He laughs awkwardly at the last part as it seems he doesn’t even know why he’s here. “Okay now that everyone has introduced themselves let’s get to business.”
Regans voice just fades out slowly from your head as your distracted by a certain someone. You just stare at him in confusion and curiosity, Brett seems like such a strange yet normal guy. Though as your staring at him you can say he is really cute. Lost in your thoughts you don’t even notice when Brett catches you staring at him at first. He smiles at you and you quickly look away in embarrassment.
Eventually the hours pass you by and your first day on the job was over. You’re glad it was nothing crazy but planning things and paperwork. Reagan promised you’d be safely at the office, just for your first few days. You collect your things from your office and head to your car in the parking lot. Content enough with your first day you decide to get a quick pick me up at Starbucks. You sit at a table by yourself waiting for your vanilla with extra sweet cream foam cold brew, your regular. “Oh hey Y/n, it’s me Brett!” You look at up from your phone in surprise. Brett stood smiling right in front of you. Immediately filled with awkward nervousness you look away from him and down the the table. “Um hi…” you quietly respond to him, clearly not matching his energy. Brett immediately frowns with sadness. “Hey, I’m sorry that I hugged you without your permission. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I was just so excited to meet you! From now on I promise I’ll always ask before touching you.” Surprised at his apology you look up to see him smiling sweetly at you. You feel your cheeks warm up and little and you start to smile just a little. “Thanks, I really appreciate it Brett.” You finally spoke to him while making eye contact! Brett’s eyes light up with happiness, just glad you accepted his apology. Before either of you could say anything else the employee called out your order. “Oh that’s me, sorry Brett I have to go now but um it was really nice to see you.” You grab your bag and coffee and wave goodbye to Brett. Finally at home lying in your bed trying to sleep, you find yourself staring at the ceiling unable to stop thinking about something. Or more like someone. You couldn’t get Brett Hand out of your head and it was unbearable. What was so intriguing about him to you? I mean surely you cant like him you just met. I’m sure it’s just cause your excited about having a new friend. Yes of course, that’s the answer. All these thoughts rush through your head for the next few hours of you sleepless night.
You wave lazily at the front desk lady on your way into the office this morning, tired from you lack of sleep from last night. You drop a few things off at the office and report to the conference room shortly after as Reagan directed. You walk in and it’s just Reagan, seems like your a bit early. “G’mornin.” You mumble and take a sit next to her slumping tiredly in the chair. “Woah you look just like me, what’s wrong?” Reagan questions your tired face knowing it a little too well. You slowly lift your head off the table to look at her with half closed eyes. “Hm? Oh sorry, im just really tired. I couldnt sleep last night and I forgot to get coffee this morning too.” You slur and mumble all your words but it’s clear enough for Reagan to understand what your saying. “Ah I get that but my question is, why were you having trouble sleeping?” And before you could fumble over your words trying to make an excuse the answer bursts right through the doors. “Hey guys! How’s it going?” Brett’s energy is way too much for you this morning so you just put your head back down and doze off as Regan and Brett talk for a bit. Yet before you can fall asleep Brett calls out your name. “Y/n, look up.” “Hm?” You hum and left your head of the table once more to look up at whatever Brett wanted. He was holding out a coffee to you. You wake up a little from the shock and slowly sit up straight. “Is this for me?” You look at him confused. “Yes of course, I swinged by this morning to get you it. it’s a vanilla cold brew with extra sweet cream foam!” He gleefully beams at you. “But that’s what I always get?” You look at him stumped “how do you know my order?” Still confused you question Brett. “Oh well I I remember what order the employee called out yesterday when I saw you.” He smiles once more and you gently reach out your hands to grab the cup. And suddenly your sense of touch heightens when your fingers brush softly against Brett’s as you grab the cold cup. You share one last look with Brett before he quickly jolts up. “Oh! I just remembered I should go find the others. I know they’re here probably just running late.” He smiles and heads off to find the rest of your co workers. You just sit there starring off into space from where Brett last stood. “Hey Y/n” “hello?” “Y/N!” Regan yells at you to wake up from your day dream. “Oh regan, sorry I spaced out.” “Yea I could tell. Now let’s get ready for another stressful meeting.” You fully turn your attention to helping Regan prepare for the day.
Once again the work day is over and it’s time to leave as your walking out to the doors of your office you’re stopped by a certain someone. “Hey Y/n! Great work today.” It’s Brett. “Oh, thanks Brett…” fuck you’re internally screaming. Why does this guy make you so nervous? Hiding your face from Brett inevitable feeling the heat flush to your cheeks once more. “Um by the way, thanks for the coffee. It was really cool of you.” Cool? Gosh I sound like a dork. You internally beat your self up for your stupid choice of words. “No problem! Anything for a pal.” He giggles a little from his own statement and winks at you playfully. “Okay we’ll see you tomorrow Y/n!” And with that you both exchanges waves and goodbyes. Once finally out of eyesight you mentally face palm and groan into your hands. Gosh. That was embarrassing “Honey, I just saw that whole thing and whooh that was awkward.” You quickly turn around to see who saw your embarrassing display with Brett and it was Gigi. “Ugh I know but I just can’t figure out why I’m so awkward around him.” You cringe at just remembering your interaction. And yet you find yourself weirdly comfortable talking to Gigi. “Mmhm I think I know exactly why.” She just gives you an all knowing look up and down. “Really? Please tell me why.” You plead do her to enough you so you can just solve the issue already. “It’s because you like him.” “WHAT?” You accidentally yell out in shock covering your mouth quickly. “I mean, why do you say so?” This time whispering so no one near could hear. “Honey it’s written all over that little face of yours.” You groan loudly at her claim. Could that really be the reason your social skills suck more then usual when talking to Brett? “But I just met him, how could I already like him?” You ask Gigi since she seems to be much more knowledgeable in this aspect. “Well I couldn’t tell you. After all how am I supposed to know why YOU like him? All I know is lover boy seems to be developing a few feelings of his own.” And with that mind breaking statement she leaves you alone with just you and your thoughts. Brett like me?? No way. Not in a million years. These words echoing through your head the whole way home. Throwing yourself over your bed with exhaustion more over your conflicting emotions rather than your heavy work load and eventually passing out.
A few weeks pass and your now comfortable in your new work environment, strange but now familiar. Yet one thing has not changed, the awkwardness you feel when around Brett. And yes those feelings Gigi talked about have not left one bit, in fact you’d say they’ve grown over time. Brett’s nice gestures always make your stomach flutter with butterflies and your heart face like some 3rd grade crush. “Y/nnnn, Come on! He clearly likes you, why not just make a damn move already. Everyone in the office practically knows already! It’s so obvious.” Gigi shouts at you while your just trying to enjoy your sandwich. You asked to have lunch together not a therapy session… “Gigi shhh! Don’t say that so loud!” You sigh and put your sandwich down “look, I like him sure but we don’t know for sure if he does and-“ “OH PLEASE!” Gigi cuts you off abruptly shouting and throwing her arms in the air. “He’s always extra nice to you and trust me Brett’s already way too nice. Plus he’s always bring you little gifts all the time.” She huffs and rolls her eyes at you. “Whatever Gigi, I’m not making any moves so sorry to dissatisfy your office romance fantasies.” You roll you eyes back at her and clean up since your lunch break is over leaving back to your office and go finish up some paperwork for Reagan. “Oh I will get my office romance wether you want it or not.” Gigi talks to herself planning a ‘special’ surprise for you.
*KNOCK* *KNOCK* you sigh getting up from your chair to open the door to your office. “Oh hi Gigi, Reagan, What do you need?” You see the two girls standing in front of your door. “Hey Y/n we were hoping you could help us find something in the chemical closet.” Gigi asks in a weirdly high pitch voice. “Sure,what is it?” You ask wondering what it was they couldn’t find. “Oh follow us then we’ll tell you”. So you follow Reagan and Gigi to the chemical closet and go inside. “It’s called fizzyflupflurp acid.” You can hear one of them trying to hold in a laugh behind you “Really? That sounds kind of stupid.” But before you can say anymore they quickly leave in a rush saying to just call them when you find it since they’re so “busy”. Huh, weird. But I mean this whole place is weird. You just think to yourself as you look through the various viles for ‘fizzyflupflurp’ acid. Suddenly you hear lots of giggling behind you and hear Brett stumble into the closet falling right on to you. He lets out a grunt from the impact of you two colliding and before either of you can get a word out you hear the lock click and Gigi and Reagan giggles burst out into laughter. You push brett aside and rush to the door trying to open the door but it’s locked, pounding your fist on the door in frustration when it doesn’t open. “Let us out!” You yell at the other two behind the door. “Yeah, What are we locked in here for?” Brett chimes in. “Oh I think you know why you’re in there. And we’re not letting you out till one of you spits it out.” You can just hear the smirk on Gigi’s face. You freeze in fear and feel your face turn completely hot and red. “Gosh no.” You breathlessly whisper to yourself not wanting to turn around and face Brett. “AH OKAY I ADMIT IT,” Brett suddenly yells out “I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE STALKED YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA TO LEARN YOUR FAVORITE THINGS.” Brett winces as if you might yell at him for what he’s done. “Brett what? No, this isn’t what this is about. And that’s not a horrible thing Brett im not mad at you for it but it is kinda weird…” you sigh preparing yourself to ruin your small friendship with Brett and make it awkward for the rest of your career. “Then what is it about?” Brett asks confused to what other secret needed sharing. “Well it’s… it’s- gosh um” SPIT IT OUT ALREADY internally yelling at yourself to get it over with. “I like you.” You say extremely quite almost enough for Brett to not hear. “Oh well I like you too Y/n! You’re a great friend, that’s no secret.” He laughs at you for your ‘silly’ secret that he just doesn’t seem to understand. “No, Brett. I like like you. As in romantically.” You muster out clarifying things for Brett. It’s silent. Way too silent that you look up to see his expression and he looks so, shocked? Panicked you start apologizing “look Brett I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I jus-“. Oof is the noise you let out from being knocked back into the closet door. “Brett?” “I’m sorry, I know I said I’d ask next time before hugging you but I just really needed to this time.” He whispers softly and your heart just melts. You hug him back tighter than ever happy he isn’t upset. “I like like you too Y/n” he quietly says nuzzling into your neck and gently squeezes you reassuringly.
I AM SO SORRY I TOTALLY READ THIS REQUEST WRONG I DONT KNOW HOW 😭. well regardless I hope some of you like it but I am truly sorry anonymous hope you can forgive me🙏.
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