#then they turn around and go lets have u do a game w shadow as the main. multiple endings. and sonic shows up too.
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chisungie · 2 months ago
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thelikesoffinn · 1 year ago
been thinking about it lately and Ascended Astarion = Dead Dove content and I'm not sure that's really understood, even by the writers. when I finally got around to the character I decided to ascend him with, I was SUPREMELY disappointed by the conversations options following it. it seemed like the dialogue choices were trying to push the narrative on my character that they made this choice w/o considering the consequences and they are bound to regret it. the closest I could get to answering his question of "why did u let me go thru w it?" was "I wanted u to be powerful".
but with that character? my accept Bhaal durge? that isn't the reasoning. at all. (related: "what do u want as a reward?" "ur body" was the closest answer my character could give. otherwise I'd've answered "murder :))")
for context, this run was born of a conversation w my friend discussing supposed content no one had seen bc "no one's that evil". we thought, what's more evil than killing literally every npc? I failed the conceit of the challenge immediately bc I can't handle senseless animal cruelty in my games. killing children? fine (u need a mod to do this in BG3, but I am thankfully plenty delighted to use mods), killing a neutral animal npc? no can do.
so I started this durge (they are the only character that can come close to "killing" Gale with that first interaction) run with the intention of killing everyone except Shadowheart (only a cleric of Shar can truly kill Aylin) and Astarion (bc I need to smooch him). (and there is a mod for playing an origin character as durge, which would have meant playing as Shadowheart, but I MUST smooch Astarion and I don't tend to do het or female romances, unless I'm forced to (*sighs dreamily* oh, Garrus Vakarian). I'm just not interested in that set of equipment in that way, so may as well just make a durge dude.) somehow something went wonky and Halsin ended up joining us and I was so perplexed I just allowed him to stay. (he's meant to attack if u destroy the grove but free him anyway, but instead he just showed up that night and went straight into his Moonrise spiel. is it bc the wolf Silver never aggro'd me and thus survived???) so I fixed the Shadow Curse all while killing every single humanoid and hostile animal in acts 1 & 2. including Thaniel, which makes Halsin's talks later in act 3 of getting news from Thaniel and the Grove hysterical. idk what I did but I sure as hell broke this poor man.
(on a related note, Halsin will give out to u when u accept Bhaal, but will still give u the "u have exceeding my expectations, also we should bang" in the same conversation. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IT'S DARKLY FUNNY.)
in the conversation when Astarion is expressing surprise that u let him go thru w it, my durge is just like, yes my motivation is that I like to kill ppl :))). it's not a sex thing for him (that is separate from the murder!), but he's still fine w the outcome. yes, Astarion looks down on him, but that's fine! he's allowed to be wrong about that, durge doesn't care. so long as Astarion lets him kill ppl he genuinely just does not give a shit.
(I actually had the idea that if Halsin were to ever rediscover his morals and tried to leave he'd ask Astarion to turn him so Halsin would not have a choice. as I said, this durge *does not fucking care*.)
this is probably the only character I will play that would let Astarion ascend bc I enjoy dead dove SOMETIMES, but not always or in large doses, but I get so few dialogue options that convey that in an rp sense! I don't think the writers/devs REALLY took that into consideration, sometimes. like, yeah, there are going to be ppl making fucked up choices but surely no one would go THIS far! for THIS reason! honey, u need to look up the Dead Dove tag on AO3, there are absolutely ppl making choices for those fucked up reasons.
(and I understand the whole "this confirms to Astarion about sex yadda yadda". even if that's not Tav/Durge motivation, that's how ASTARION would *interpret* it.)
(oh yes, and also, don't let Orin abduct Yenna. it doesn't matter whether u find out in camp or the sewers, Grub will not survive. I was devastated. if I'd known, I would have made sure Halsin was available for her, but she won't abduct a party member or someone ur romancing.)
long story short, I want to play a durge that even ascended Astarion finds unsettling. that's the dream.
Hello there, duck!
Your run sounds delightfully evil! I wish I could play one of those, haha, but I'm too soft hearted. My one evil run with my durge Salira was ended before even entering the grove because I felt horrible after getting rid of Gales hand! Seriously, I can barely take killing the squirrel as durge, and I always save Alfira because I feel horrendous otherwise!
(Fun fact, on all five runs I've done Yenna just vanished at some point and grubs was left standing in my camp, which was like...eh?)
And yes, Halsin is always somewhat of an issue, isn't he? He's just running around, causing mayhem in peoples games because he seems slightly bugged out, haha. I had one run, where he wouldn't go to the spot where we save Thaniel because he joined the fight against Marcus at Last Light and somehow got stuck, for some reason. Same run, none of his vocals would play, which was also very interesting. Everybody would make noise when they climbed or got hurt but Halsin was always silent and just there! And in another run the dude really straight up hated me - he was so mean and snappy, I swear to god he wanted my Durge dead - and then he suddenly went: "Hey you're super cool and strong and I just want to gently fuck you beneath the moonlight if you'll let me" and I was like: Say what.
Regarding the dead Dove: I've talked to people of Discord before, and some of them mentioned something similar a couple of times, but personally, I do think the writers actually knew what they were doing here!
Of course, I do agree that it relies heavily on the regret notion and that it somewhat shoehorns you into a certain narrative corner, I noticed that too when I was ascending him for research - I hated doing that, but all for the asks, haha - but I thought it was really fitting for what it is!
The bad ending, that is. I know we all somewhat forget that because of how people view him as a character, but ascension is the bad ending. Even on an evil run, where your character may have considered all options, it is very likely that Tav hasn't accounted for one very important part of being a true vampire.
The obsession.
It's still somewhat mild in the game, though definitely there, but it will only get stronger as time goes on, and it will probably get to the point that the only escape is death. Either his or Tav's. So, in the end, ascension will come with an armload of regret and the writers were making sure we know that.
And, on top of that, even if we let him ascend in a pursuit for power - or in in your durge's special case: murder :) - we still cast spawn Astarion aside because he doesn't fit our needs, thus making it very clear to him that who he is isn't enough and his behaviour is the price we now pay.
It's pretty much the same with all the other companions as well - justiciar Shadowheart and ascended Lae'zel, for example. However, it doesn't bother us as much, because we have different expectations towards ascended Astarion than, for example, dark justiciar Shadowheart. We don't expect a positive narrative here, a narrative where becoming shady-shar's loyal subject isn't an objectively dumb decision to make, so we don't mind the dead dove as much. It's exactly what we've been expecting - and Aylin even warned us how Shadowheart would change upon becoming a dark justiciar - so yepp. This went exactly how we thought it would and this is what we wanted.
Astarion, however, is a somewhat special case, because his bad ending is, by far, the one that gets the most romanticised. He's so heavily romanticised by so many, that the bad parts nearly start to fade, even with those who don't like the ascended ending. It becomes just 'the other ending', if you will.
And yet, it's still the bad ending.
Ascension is the bad ending for a character that we've somewhat given up on. That we misunderstood so deeply, mayhaps, that we traded his entire being for power and, quite frankly, beauty. We showed him that he isn't enough, we let the boy run and hide the only way he knew how and now we're faced with the consequences and yes, it's really dead dove but...what did we expect?
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lifesver · 1 year ago
wasted so much time assigning the tcsm friend group/my friends' muses as ffxiv classes:
leland - paladin boy i shan't lie. just some guy with a sword and shield that is very devoted. he's your offtank that stands beside u and puts cover on the main tank or the healer or dps to take the hit and is like [coughing up blood with 8 vuln stacks] im good (: also bc standing in front of the squad w paladin protective light wings goes crazy. paladins aren't always the best main tanks but they are great support offtanks and have a ton of healing/shielding abilities like intervention. can take the heat off you by redirecting damage that u would have taken straight onto himself. tank stance called iron will (: he could also be a gunbreaker bc thancred sexy dumbass gnb energies but i just dont think we should let him have a gun.
connie - machinist or summoner - i just think that connie should get to have a gun that she built herself and also automaton queen to defend her who she also built herself. machinists are specialist dps that are not very tanky bc they're phys ranged but they do big numbers. they're versatile and mobile and also she gets a flamethrower and poison? also ability called wildfire teehees. mch whole thing is just rebelling against the lame people who dont want u to invent new shit but u do it anyway. i think she could also be a summoner bc she gets a lil carbuncle bestie. and yeah the weapon is a book but she can summon the primals like a big phoenix nbd. also a lot of party utility in that she can buff the team's attack and healing, resurrect people, and heal.
danny - dark knight - danny (renee's danny TO BE CLEAR) is a tank be so for real. the whole dark knight thing is no matter what i will always be with you protecting you. not to call him out but you have to be Inherently Going Through it to even be a dark knight. it's also like, the rebel tank class compared to the more royal guard types... their tank stance is also called 'grit'. their visual theming is all shadowy but in the most 'i love u i am ur tank' way. u can summon fray who is like shadow u to fight with u. u can put the blackest night on ur teammates to protect them. also ur invuln ability? it's called living dead and you straight up have to die to activate it and if the timer runs out without u getting healed u fuckin Die for real. but if you do enough dps to heal urself/ur healers care u you come back to life with even more dps
maria - white mage - white mage is a nature magic healer, who can channel elements and light, and is the strongest pure healer in the game. earliest whm quests are about going around healing dark places in nature and being in tune w the natural world. also got some holy energies bc ur abilities turn to bright light at a later level. uses light magic angel wings to protect their team and can summon a big flower that heals everyone. uses lilies to heal teammates, which powers up the b l o o d l i l y bar so u can cast afflatus misery and nuke an enemy after you do a certain amount of healing. whm rly like The Most Healer but also every whm i know including me goes a bit sadistic sometimes bc we do super big dps for a healer- anyway
donnie - gunbreaker - wait the truth is donnie is the sexy foolish thancred energy required to be a gunbreaker. ur weapon? a gun that's also a sword that shoots magic rounds that come from ur own aether/life force bro. gnbs have a lot of utility and are more dps-y thank some other tanks are. all the gnb mains i know are chaotic tbh. idk their abilities also go sicko mode w the names. demon edge? demon slaughter? no mercy? brutal shell? heart of light/heart of stone/heart of corundum? also superbolide is their invulnerability and u know what u do? u shoot urself with ur own gun go down to 1hp and are invincible for a time. gunbreakers are like bodyguards for hire in their story they are kind of doing their own thing and sticking to loyalty to their homies which feels donnie. to be fair i can also see bard bc musician moment but i also see dragoon bc chaotic melee player vibes. dragoons are called floor tanks for a reason bc they are tanking the floor dead-
johnny - warrior bc warriors pull up with their giant battle axe are feral and unkillable and then they hit that rage mode (inner release/infuriate etc) where their eyes go red and their dps skyrockets. they have literally so many mitigations that heal both themselves and their teammates that usually scale in healing by how much damage they do to an enemy. like mmm blood. delicious. im so for real tho when im healing a warrior in a dungeon they pull wall to wall enemies and i barely have to heal them if they're good. their abilities are called shit like shake it off, bloodwhetting, onslaught, berserk, primal rend, decimate, thrill of battle, overpower, u see what im getting at bro. also their tank stance is called defiance. ur just going sicko mode but also ur protecting ur homies.
ana - monk or warrior - i know that ana is A Tank but i don't know if any of them are truly The Vision. but melee dps are basically tanks and have the highest aggro so like. if the tanks die the boss immediately turns around to beat ur ass-- no but monks are very versatile. they are tanky martial artists who also provide team utility and have a lot of ways of healing/protecting themselves. all the monk players i know will be surviving shit they never should have survived i will tell u that. anyway i think she could also be a warrior bc warriors never die they have 50435345245 mitigations and they can also protect their their team. pain is nothing bitch-
sonny - scholar - sonny is giving 'tired but dedicated shield healer' energy so sincerely. scholars weapon is a book, their intellect, and a fairy summon that heals the team. scholar is a technical class with a lot of versatility and utility, can buff the team, can make em run super fast to escape boss mechs, can put down giga shields, can clutch save ur dumbass tanks life. can cover a lot of areas, do a bit of everything. i also think it's so cute to think of sonny w his little fairy eos/selene.
julie - dancer - julie is fr sure dancer bc everyone wants to be dance-partnered by her bc being dance partner means she gives you special buffs. and also she's hot. dancer is also super team utility focused, they do less damage overall in exchange for buffing her teammates, being able to heal and shield as well. very mobile, uses funky chakrams for weapons. playing dancer is hilarious sometimes im like [dancing and crying while my teammates are dying around me]
if danny gaines was here he would probably be machinist tbh as you can see i put effort in here-
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years ago
Obedient. (Shigaraki x f!Reader; NSFW)
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Commission for @kazooli​.
Shigaraki knows you are upset. Not that he needs to use his intuitive perceptiveness to notice your downtrodden mood -- you are, and always will be, an open book of emotions. 
You try to be on your best behavior. You always try. Nobody needs to see their teammate moping around the decrepit hideout when everyone has their own problems to deal with. It could always be worse, you tell yourself. And you need to stay strong for your leader. 
But he knows. Finds you pouting on the ripped up sofa, even though you are the one who should come to him when called. You look up at him with your doe-eyed, downtrodden expression, and Shigaraki’s expressionless eyes sweep over you before walking past. Your gaze lingers on his broad back, wishing you could reach out and grasp the fabric of his coat just to keep him around a little longer. 
He pauses in front of the door. “Come with me,” he commands, and you are on your feet before you even think to ask why or where you are going.
The exhilaration of walking by your leader’s side through winding streets is enough to keep your mouth shut. Better to be quiet for now, anyway. Better to move like a shadow, like Shigaraki’s shadow. It must be a mission. You keep your eyes and ears sharp and primed, ready to take on the next challenge. 
Until Dabi’s words ring through your mind and you feel yourself deflating all over again.
Shigaraki pays no attention to you. He leads and leads, guides you towards a destination only he knows, and you are grateful for the chance to simply follow. You try not to question him when he stops at a food stall. Two orders of takoyaki, spoken with a quiet, serious request. Your stomach grumbles and you grip it in embarrassment. When was the last time you ate?
The worker holds out your meal. Shigaraki looks at you expectantly, and you realize he wants you to take it. And you do, rushed and mousy as you thank the worker, and then you spend the next minute mentally berating yourself for saying thank you at all. You are a villain. Why would you thank a random nobody? You should be thanking your leader instead. And you do.
He offers a grunt and keeps walking. Your heart flutters at the sound. 
You end your journey on a rooftop. The building is not familiar to you, and you doubt Shigaraki knows it either. A random building with a roof that smells like asphalt and cigarettes. You take a deep breath as the wind wafts the takoyaki steam toward you, and your stomach growls demandingly. 
You wedge yourselves into a narrow space, hidden from surveillance or anyone who may come onto the roof. Your only view is that of Shigaraki sitting across from you and you are perfectly okay with that. Very okay with that, in fact, especially since his legs are forced to bend and rest on either side of you. Your only choice is to sit cross-legged for his comfort, and you try your very best to avoid staring at his crotch.
It’s right there in front of you. He just brazenly has his legs spread out and brushing along your knees and you shove the takoyaki into your drooling mouth to keep yourself occupied. All you would need to do is bend forward, and it wouldn’t be the takoyaki in your mouth anymore. It would be something else entirely, something musky and warm and solid, and you squirm in your spot as heat pools below your belly. 
Shigaraki silently eats the first stick of takoyaki and sets the box aside. You pause your eating and wait, because he has that pensive look in his eyes right now. His arms are limp and resting on his knees, and you allow yourself to admire his beautiful hands. Beautiful to you, long and slender fingers, blue veins peeking through pale skin, oh how desperately you want him to touch you - 
“So.” The word hangs in the air between you. You stare at him, obediently waiting for him to continue. He doesn’t look at you. “What happened.” 
“U-um … “ You wrack your brain as your anxiety builds. Did you do something wrong? Were his plans compromised? “I’m sorry, I don’t - “ 
“You’ve been looking like a kicked dog all day.” 
“Oh.” You muster up a weak smile. “It’s nothing serious. Maybe I was just hungry, or … you know. Present circumstances and all that.” 
“Don’t lie to me.” 
Perceptive. You don’t want to burden him. It really was such a silly disagreement with Dabi. “Really, it’s - “
He says your name. You look at him, transfixed by his solemn stare. His eyes are sharp, commanding. “Tell me.” 
And you do. Nothing at first, trapped in your throat, and then all at once.
“Dabi is just such an asshole,” you blurt out, and Shigaraki’s snort encourages you to word vomit. “He took me with him on a scouting mission and things didn’t go as planned and he kept blaming me! He said it was my fault and that - and that I’m … useless.” Your head hangs in shame as you stare hard into your lap. “He said I’m useless and that the League doesn’t need me. So I’ve been thinking all day about that. If I wasn’t useful to society and I’m not useful to the League, then ... “ You don’t know where your trail of thought was going. “I don’t want to feel useless,” you whisper. “I don’t want to hold anyone back. I don’t want to waste your time like - like right now.” 
Shigaraki waits for you to finish. He looks a little surprised. “That’s a lot.”
Your mouth gapes like a fish before you shut it tight and dig your nails into your thighs, hoping the pain would counteract your burning embarrassment threatening to swallow you whole. “Sorry. I talk a lot.” 
He eyes you with a calculated expression while you silently flounder in your awkwardness. “Come here,” he suddenly says, and your confusion makes him grow impatient. “Turn around. Back to my front.” He motions to the space between his legs. “Right here, puppy girl.” 
You nearly choke on your gasp.
Your body moves mechanically, too stunned by shock to make your body look anything other than enticing. You sit as he directed, back to his front, and wrap your arms around your knees as you try to calm your breathing. A gap remains between you, because there is no way Shigaraki would want you pressed up against him, except he does and you let out a startled squeak when he places his arms beneath your thighs, spreads your legs over his, and makes you lean back onto him. 
“What are you doing?” you breathe out, heart stammering in your chest as you soak up his body heat and pray to god that this moment will never end. 
“Testing out your obedience,” he off-handedly comments, and your clothed cunt immediately becomes flooded from the vibrations of his voice, the low rumble so close to your ear. His hands move to grip your forearms, and you jolt at the contact, all wired up with frayed nerves and anticipation. “I want to know what makes you think I’m wasting my time here.” 
“W-we’re talking about me.” 
“Yeah. And you know what I learned?” His mouth is close to your ear now. You shiver at the feeling of his breath tickling your skin. “I learned that you’re not at the top of your game right now. You’re drowning - “ He taps a finger to your temple. “ - from all of these fuzzy little thoughts in your head. And I can’t have an obedient puppy girl if she’s thinking too much.” 
“I - “ 
“Quiet.” One hand cups your throat, middle finger poised over your pulse. The hold is firm and encompassing around your neck. It makes you tremble with desire. “We have to get rid of those thoughts, don’t we?” His other hand brazenly cups your mound, and you let out the most pathetic sound of your life. “There’s a lot of ways to release pent up feelings,” he continues conversationally, fingers delving past the waistband of your bottoms. “I’m feeling charitable enough to help you out.” 
Your endless stream of thoughts fizzle out as soon as he finds your swollen clit. “Thank you,” you sob, gripping his arm and gyrating your hips for more of his touch. “Thank you, thank you, thank you - “ 
The hand at your throat moves up to cover your mouth. “Shhh.” Fingertip moves lower, runs itself through the slickness oozing out of your tight heat. “Relax.” You whimper brokenly, slump back against him as he rubs your clit in feather-light strokes. His hand moves from your mouth and rests on your temple, fingers buried in your hair. “This is what you’re good for.”
Shigaraki is not an expert by any means. Sometimes he loses his momentum, rubs too hard or too slowly, doesn’t really know how to set a proper pace. But you have never felt more wet before. Never has your heart raced this quickly, never has a simple touch driven you to mindless pleasure. 
He plunges inside you unexpectedly, shushing you once more as you let out a wordless cry, and even through the pain of being stretched far too soon, you feel your pussy loosen to accommodate your beloved leader’s thick fingers. He works you open good and proper, thorough in his thrusting, forcing you to take him down to the last knuckle. You lie there and take it, moaning and writhing in his lap as he fucks your sloppy cunt. 
“Just let it all out,” he murmurs in your ear. “It’s not good to keep the bad shit locked away inside. Or else one day … “ His fingers ease out of your pussy and leave a trail of juices clinging to his fingertips. You try your best not to whine as he brings his fingers up for inspection. “ … It’s all gonna come pouring out.” 
You don’t know what he is trying to do. You don’t know what he wants from you when his fingers tap against your bottom lip, but your mouth falls open all the same to let him smear your juices onto your tongue. A pathetic, desperate whimper escapes as you taste yourself on his fingers. And you taste him. Your leader’s fingers are buried in your warm mouth and your stretched cunt contracts from dizzy exhilaration. 
Your tongue licks away the evidence of your arousal, and for one delirious moment you think you hear Shigaraki hum in approval. He pops the digits out of your mouth and you begin to ramble before you can stop yourself. “Y-you don’t … have to do this,” you shyly stutter, cheeks burning from shame as his hand drops back between your trembling thighs. “I was being dumb, I’ll get over it, you d-don’t have to worry about me like this - “ 
You break off into a choked gasp as he traps your clit between two fingers and slowly runs them up and down. 
“It’s fine,” he murmurs, lets your head fall back onto his shoulder. “A leader takes care of his subordinates.” 
A burst of emotions burns your chest at the statement. How could something sound so detached yet intimate? You wonder what this means to him. You wonder if he’s done this for anyone else. The very thought of it makes tears well up behind your closed eyelids, but you do not let them fall. This is your special moment with your leader. Here and now, he chose to take care of you. You focus on those words instead, focus on how full they make you feel, just as his fingertip rubs your soaked entrance and slips back inside with ease. 
“Just trust me,” he murmurs. “I’m gonna train this greedy puppycunt to only think about me.”
Shigaraki keeps talking. He is so, so chatty, and it is hard to focus on his monologuing through the sound of your wet pussy being played with so thoroughly and invasively. You bury your face in his neck to stifle the whiny demands on the tip of your tongue, ignoring your monumental need for him to stop talking and just kiss you. It’s a selfish thought. Your leader is speaking to you. You should listen, you should let him take care of you, you have to trust him, you have to chase the high and let go, just as he always does on the battlefield. 
“You’re doing so well for me.” 
A heavy pit of pleasure builds deep within. 
“Always so obedient.” 
The thumb buried in your hair strokes slowly. 
“My favorite puppy.”
Your pussy clenches, fighting to suck him in and keep him inside. 
You come with a shrill keen, trembling and shaking through your orgasm as Shigaraki’s fingers pump in and out, squelching and sloshing your juices as loudly as he can. Your mind is adrift, completely gone. All you can do is lay limp in his arms and breathe heavily, letting him settle your underwear back over your messy cunt. 
There is silence for a moment. Only the sound of your breathing. His hand settles over the top of your head properly this time, ruffling your hair in a movement that might have been accidental if not for the fact that Shigaraki never makes mistakes. “I like you like this,” he says. “No thoughts or worries. Just a properly trained cunt and an obedient subordinate.” You smile a little at that. If only he knew how badly you wanted to be used by him. “I decide who’s useful to me, not Dabi. You’re around for a reason, got it?” 
Your heart aches with happiness. “Yes sir. I’m yours.” 
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mxlti-fand0m-imaginess · 4 years ago
NSFW Alpahbet* // James March
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He makes sure he didn’t hurt you too badly, and he always kisses your wrists since the rope usually makes them raw.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of their partner’s)
Your ass. He thinks it’s really hot. And he loves to spank it.
C = Cum (where they like to cum)
He like to cum inside of you. He loves watching it spill out of you and make a mess on your thighs.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to watch you change whilst hiding in the shadows of your hotel room.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s pretty experienced in sex since he’s had some practice with The Countess.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He will do any position, as long as he can tie you up in it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is NEVER goofy during sex. He’s believes it’s a serious act, and he treats it as such.
H = Hair (do they like hair pulling?)
He LOVES to pull your hair. The sounds you make when he tugs your hair is like music to his ears.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not super intimate during sex, but he can be sometimes.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t really like to touch himself. If he’s horny he’ll usually ask you to blow him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s a sadist. He loves choking, spanking, bondage, everything. He loves watching you moan in pain. But he would never do anything extremely harmful.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He would do it absolutely anywhere. He loves the idea of someone potentially walking in on you guys in the act.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Whenever you bite your lip around him. It drives him absolutely crazy. It just makes him want to fuck you senseless.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never have a threesome. You are his, and his alone. He will never share you with anyone else.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves when you give him oral. He’ll thread his fingers through your hair and shove your mouth deeply on his cock.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is always fast and rough. He doesn’t really like slow sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He hates them. He wants to take the time to worship your body and make you weak under his touch.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves to experiment with sex. He thinks it’s exciting to try new things with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can usually last 2-4 rounds.
T = Toys (do they use toys?)
He doesn’t really use toys, just rope to tie you up with. Sometimes he does like to use gags on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He LOVES to tease you. He wants to have you begging for his cock. He loves when you plead for him to fuck you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t that loud, he usually grunts here and there.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You would be the only person he would ever show his soft side to. Yes he does have a soft side, he just usually keeps it hidden. But he feels like he can be himself around you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s a good seven inches.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a pretty high sex drive and loves to fuck you multiple times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He will only fall asleep after making sure that you’re alright and that you don’t need anything.
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beneathstarryskies · 4 years ago
NSFW Alphabet: Nara Shikamaru
This was not requested, I was just really bored.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Shikamaru is casual when it comes to aftercare. He’s not one for big romantic gestures, but he is very considerate. If he makes a mess of you, he’ll help you get cleaned up. He’ll cuddle with you and check if you need anything.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
    His brains, of course! His intellect is easily the thing he’s the most confident about. Even sexually he knows that he’s able to plan exactly how to pleasure you.
    On his partner, he’s actually sort of embarrassed to admit it. He’ll cheekily claim that it’s your tits, but the truth is that his favorite part is your neck. He never feels safer than when he’s curled up against you with his face nuzzled against your neck while pressing soft kisses against your pulse.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
    He really prefers to cum inside you (or a condom of course.) It avoids making a mess that he’s too lazy to clean up. Not to mention it’s the maximum amount of pleasure with the least amount of effort.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
    He has been thinking of ways to apply his shadow possession jutsu to the bedroom. He’d like to figure out how to use it to hold you down while he’s fucking you, that way his hands would still be free to roam over your body. He hasn’t quite figured it out yet, but once he gets an idea he’s definitely gonna want to try it out. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Shikamaru isn’t very experienced. Relationships are one of the few things he has struggled to understand. That being said, he has been able to use what little experience he does have to be able to figure sex out. He really enjoys thinking of new things to try out as well.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl is definitely his favorite. He loves to lay back and watch the show. However, he’s not very lazy with it. He’ll grab your hips to thrust into you, and he makes good use of his hands.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He tends to be serious and calculating in the moment. He likes to focus on getting you off as many times as possible. Joking around could just ruin the moment for him. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Here’s the thing, if he’s not sexually active (or if he’s on a mission) he doesn’t put any effort into it at all. He just lets it all grow wild. However, when he knows he’ll be hooking up with you, he keeps it groomed. He’ll keep a little patch of dark hair, but he trims it nicely.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Shikamaru gets flustered easily when it comes to emotions and romance. He’s shy about being romantic in the moment. It’ll take him some time, but he does open up more to it as his feelings for you grow. He’ll become more open with giving you compliments and praise during sex.
J = Jack-Off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t really jack off that often. It takes a lot of effort, and it doesn’t feel as good as being buried deep inside you. If you’re separated for a while, he’d rather just wait to be with you again.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise him! He will absolutely melt and get so flustered. He also really likes to be called “sir”. Once you’re in a serious relationship, he will develop a breeding kink as well. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His own bed. It’s comfy, convenient, and doesn’t require ridiculous amounts of effort to make it happen. He thinks sex should be something he enjoys to take the edge off, it shouldn’t just be more work. Spanking is something he really enjoys doing as well. Especially when he’s fucking you from behind. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It’s not really all that difficult to motivate Shikamaru when it comes to sex. It’s one of the few things in life he will easily take on without complaining. Just being there and desiring him is pretty much enough. However, going in with a little extra treat for him never hurts. He’d really be turned on if you performed a striptease for him. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Shikamaru wouldn’t want to do anything that could potentially bring harm to you. He also wouldn’t want to take part in group sex or anything like that. It was difficult enough for him to become comfortable with one partner. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He gives the best oral, and he actually really enjoys it so much. He likes trying things to see how you react to them, then coming up with the perfect combination to get you off. It literally just gets better all the time. (Be sure you tug on his hair while his head is buried between your thighs.) 
It goes without saying that he loved receiving just as much. He loves seeing your pretty mouth around his cock, especially when you get super into it and you’re practically drooling all over him. He loves a good show. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This really depends on the situation. If it’s been a while, he wants to take his time with you to draw out the pleasure as much as he can. Times when a mission has been particularly hard on him, he will want to be a little rougher to blow off some steam.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s not overly fond of quickies. They’re usually just clumsy and not as satisfying as being able to fuck you properly.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Experimenting is probably one of his favorite things about sex. It can be different every time with him. Usually there’s not a lot of risks involved, because Shikamaru has already thought through it all.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for many rounds and he tends to last a while. He prefers one long round over multiple shorter rounds. Sometimes he can drag a round out for a whole day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any of his own, but he would be down for trying anything you bring to the table. Just make sure you give him time to figure it out. Be prepared for a long preparation when introducing something new to him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease much, at least he doesn’t consider it teasing. He likes to take his time, which you could argue is a form of teasing. To Shika though, it’s the only way to properly fuck.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not very loud. He’s more of a low grunt and dirty whispers kind of guy. He’ll whisper filthy things in your ear about how good you take his cock and what a good girl you are for him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Shikamaru stole one of Kakashi’s copies of Icha Icha when he was still a genin because he had no idea about sex or relationships and really just wanted to know. However, he will deny to this day that he’s ever read a single Icha Icha book (even after you find the stolen copy hidden away somewhere. He will still deny it.)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s about 8 inches long, and has a good bit of girth. There’s a couple of veins that protrude when he’s hard, and if you press your tongue against them it will drive him wild.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is pretty high, but he has a lot of self control. He’d fuck you every day if he could, but when he can’t he just stores away all that pent up energy until he can fuck you again.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep really easily after sex. Like pretty much as soon as he’s made sure you’re good, he will just curl up against you and go to sleep.
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benevadeca · 3 years ago
forgot to post my part 3 lb!
i think the intro scene is rly interesting, bc from the other two stories we've kind of gotten an opinion of the house, so seeing it go from this overwhelming force to like. a shadow of its former self. and there's this person trying to fix it up, and even to someone who's trying to "save" it the house rebels against it / messes w/ her (all the wallpaper falling off after she'd gotten all of it on and was feeling smug of it). like ofc it's also just the house being reflective of what's put into it (rosa who's all work and no play, doesn't take care of herself and lets herself fall into disrepair / how her attempts at keeping busy to distract herself are very fragile and falling apart)
but it's still THE house! her throwing that wallpaper scrap to the floor and a floorboard literally kicking her in the head for it. only compared to the other kinds of things the house "did" to its former residents its like. almost tame? in comparison. less mind-games, more direct. even the house is perhaps tired of being what it's always been. even someone so drunk on their own misery, who's so against accepting others, can get sick of themself and want to change? maybe
GOD the entire "it's rent day" convo hitting COMPLETELY different knowing the full context of things. going in w/ the assumption that the world might be flooded but some things seem to be function, so yeah why not money ig! and elias' flippant attitude and "what about fish you need to eat" seeming like an deflection when it's really like. concern for rosa lmao. them being on very different pages
hhh the pink fllyod parody album
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OOF her convo w/ jen and jen mentioning the flood "they left- because of the flooding" and it's specifically when the flood is mentioned rosa just ignores it and doesn't talk until the conversation is pushed forward. girl ur denial is showing.
"you could try, it wouldn't hurt" with the hint of getting sick of this, like it's a conversation they've had before something she's been trying for a while. great worldbuilding for part 3 i rly wish it had expanded more on it!!
rosa talking abt the renovations "the house deserves it" GIRL what about YOU!!!
ok i am trying to think of timeline. so last time elias paid rent with real money was 12 weeks ago, her board had the last of her other tenants move out around then as well. but jen's paid her rent in "obsidian crystals" for a while? ("i've got about 10 of these"). jen met cosmos 7 years ago in a throat singing class.
also "everybody left when the rains came" not calling the flood what it was cool
also by the timeline of the flooding moving up itself it seemed very quick.
that there are two seperate scenes of rosa turning on the water and it being clogged before gushing out. gee i wonder what that's a metaphor for certainly not her clogged "chakra" channels.
UGHH her standing in the doorway and it being open for her and her turning away from it.
is it just me or did they use jen and cosmos' character models for her parents. like not EXACTLY but the white cat/long hair orange cat...girl ur issues <3 (also her DIY book girl u do everything urself accept help from others pls)
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ok genuine question cosmos coming and immediately giving jen weed. isn't weed poison to cats like i know this is fantasy anthropomorphization but poison is poison.
rosa getting excited abt cosmos and jumping up and down only to immediately tamp down on her own excitement. this cat can fit forms of repression you've never even heard of before.
cosmos mentioning "reawakening" wow of both rosa and of the house. getting to know the house, starting with the surface but it's after the scene of everyone having fun together within it. nourishing the soul of the house. also that it's in this extended portion of it, the greenhouse is i think where that empty lot was in part 2. from something lifeless and dead to something used to grow food for everyone to congregate in :) i love them.
rosa and elias' convo by the boat and it's elias saying "by tomorrow the water will be in the house" is the thing that rly makes rosa blow up at him. that's the thing she's trying to avoid thinking abt dude <3
the 3rd scene w/ her and water, the water coming out murky but after a bit clearing up again. wow almost like some outbursts are needed.
jen on cosmos "he's only here to help you move on" literally saying he came partly specifically to help rosa's friends stage her an intervention. that it was only the repeated upheaval of her (false) sense of comfort being chipped at that gave her the wakeup call she needed. when u can only escape the overwhelming prescense of ur fucked up nightmare house when ur friends hotbox it for u when ur not looking.
rosa's relation with the house really seems the most ambiguous. like with the previous 2 there was some like. explicit hostility mixed with possession. but for this one the possession is more like, dependence. and also greater self-awareness at least with self-to-house. like she's aware she's trapped herself and it's something she's settled into willingly, it's the outside she's in denial towards.
"i've been fighting this house for years", her asking the house, beseeching, "i want to leave", the studio apartment sign falling over when the house transforms into a boat. also maybe parallel the skylight opening up and the water rising to the house's level with the part 1 "a light on top of the hill, the envy for miles around" not much to see in a fog! the ground has risen up around you.
also random thing but the weathervane when cosmos first appears // it at the end i think they're both facing west? not sure what that means but something i noticed!
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cosmos name being expansive being freedom/limitlessness but distinctly cosmos which is defined as "The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole." distinct from the self-contained inner disharmony/chaos rosa (and all the protgs) inflict upon themselves/have inflicted upon them bc of their inability/refusal/denial of connection with others
the end song being sung by the part 2 guy....."a home is a place love and life can mix" "not some place you pour your life into" // his line "i've poured my whole life into this house!" UGHHH. Also fucking "if you're looking for a 3 story monstrosity" like yes three levels three floors three stories in an anthology. Shut the up
BUT YEAH the movie rly was explicit in all 3 parts with its themes/how the house reflected the owners (part 1: house reconstructing itself to chase some ideal "better" version of itself but in doing so made it more and more inhospitable (changing yourself to fit others) // part 2: putting on a flashy exterior, to the point of impracticality, and to the neglect of internal structural issues (failure to look at reality and take responsibility, and in doing so/attempting to push off your problems unto others will further isolate you which leaves you vulnerable to manipulation/dig yourself into the pit)
ALL of the parts having the general moral that, in attempting to abide by what society deems desirable/gives status, it's inherently doomed to fail bc you're chasing an IMAGE of something, something projected rather than anything actually attainable/sustainable.
also i do kind of go back and forth on my thoughts on part 3, bc on one hand i think it did a really good job, better than part 2, in like sinking the audience slowly into the character/reality disconnect (tho ofc the dentist revelation is the MOST slap in the face part of the movie lol).
but yeah, in presenting rosa in this very reasonable put-together 'stable' position as a landlord. like, the previous 2 were presented initially with having something eating at them/in fragile positions. but she starts out with having a "real job" with the failure being lack of environmental support- only, nope! she has the same issues the others had.
like yes she might 'own' the house, but what is ownership compared to real skills like fishing and gardening when the arbitrary structures of capitalism fall away? when it is community and industry and music and art that are uplifting?
but yeah kind of mixed feelings bc i do wonder abt the intent of having a her as the only one with a real "happy" ending, like i do enjoy the contrast between her / her tenants, that it was the free-spirit vagabonds who all had "useless" skills who were the ones who were necessary to uplift her. and it was both her initial position of, "affluence", and her kindness ('kindness' ig) ((in despite her lack of desire to face reality that she didn't just kick everyone out when they didn't pay rent)) that gave her the security to let people into her life despite her personal issues.
sooo idk compared to the other two parts, like the isolation of the others show yeah people need these supportive structures if they want to be able to keep themselves afloat*. so in a way like having the one who gets 'saved' even in an apocalypse it's a landlord lol. tho ig maybe in the end freeing herself from that title/changing the very nature of her identity and the house's identity (and physicality) adds to the house's change as well? lol it is only thru the abolition of capitalism and monetary systems that the house is freed from its burden as a status symbol ("house") and is able to become what it's always, in his blackened rotten beams, wanted to be ("home").
* (i saw another post talking abt this somewhere), and there are many structures in place that prevent this (that prey on the poor (part 1) and don't have any security nets for people who fall through the cracks (part 2) ((and that even w/ the 'pest' themes of part 2 that i'm still a bit meh on, i think the point is rather that regardless of who society deems irresponsible/blames for their own failure/is unwilling to engage with on a human level, no one deserves to be stuck in a place like where the renovator ended up))
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fruitcoops · 4 years ago
would u write about the night of remus’s first goal and sirius just WORSHIPPING remus
Did someone say 3200 words of Coops being comfortable around each other even while ~spicy times~ are happening and the start of a 3-part smut series? No? Oops :)
Credit for Coops/ Sweater Weather goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for smut, a rampant praise kink, and both people laughing during sex
The Lions were everything to Sirius. They were his brothers, his family, his whole life. With Remus on the team, that feeling had only grown, and celebrating a win with them brought a sense of euphoria that was unmatched by pretty much everything.
And yet he wanted to be anywhere but the locker room right then.
Talker and Remus were laughing on the other side of the room while the cubs chanted “Loops, Loops, Loops!” at the top of their lungs; Remus’ two goals had given them the edge they needed to crush the Badgers 6-2 in the first game of the season; Sirius was bursting with pride, but the wait was killing him.
His leg bounced up and down as he zipped and unzipped his duffel for the millionth time. Remus was flushed with victory and alight with latent adrenaline—Sirius felt a little guilty for wanting to pull him away from the celebration that he rightfully deserved. You’re beautiful, he shouted internally. You’re so beautiful and how am I supposed to wait a decent amount of time before dragging you home?
“The fuck are you scowling at?” James laughed as he leaned over his stall and smacked Sirius on the shoulder with his glove. “Hey, earth to Cap. We won the game, man.”
“I know, I know.”
“We won by a lot.”
“Your fiancé scored two perfect goals, I don’t see the prob—oh. Ohhhh.” His eyes widened and he bit his lip mischievously. “I get it now. Hey, Loops!”
“Shut the fuck up,” Sirius hissed as Remus looked over at them. His smile softened when he saw Sirius. Pretty, was all his brain supplied.
“Sup, Pots?” he asked, wandering over and running a hand through his hair.
“You two should head home early,” James said faux-casually.
Remus frowned. “I thought we were going to get dinner with the team?”
Sirius died a little inside at that, but it was fine. You’re the captain, he reminded himself. You have to be part of team events.
But I don’t want to, the hyped-up, besotted, and incredibly horny part of him whined.
“Nah, I’ve got to plan for…Lils and I’s anniversary. Also, nobody really made final decisions on where we were going anyway.” It was clearly a lie, but Sirius appreciated his effort.
“Okay,” Remus said suspiciously, drawing out the word. “Is this some sort of prank? Are you trying to get me to leave so you can fuck with my stall or something? If I find anymore shaving cream, I swear—”
“Oh, my god,” James groaned, grabbing Remus by the shoulders and giving him a little shake. Thinnest patience in the world, Sirius thought wryly. “Go home. Celebrate. Please get railed by your fiancé before his grumpy vibes seep into the walls.”
Remus’ eyes went wide and he looked down at Sirius, who was desperately trying to suppress a blush. “Wha—you—oh. Okay. Um, yeah, that’s cool.” His eyes narrowed when he turned back at James. “Bold of you to assume he’s doing the railing. Stereotypes, much?”
“That’s your issue?” Sirius asked incredulously.
James rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry. Please go home and get laid or do whatever it is you do to banish the cranky captain aura. Better?”
Remus glanced back to Sirius. “Are you ready to head out?”
“He’s been packed for ten full minutes,” James said, turning him around and pushing him toward his stall. “Go.”
“Was that really necessary?” Sirius sighed as Remus packed his bag in a rush.
“I could have yelled it across the room,” James pointed out. “Also, you should be thanking me.”
“Thank you for not being as much of an asshole as you could have been.” Sirius stood up and knocked their foreheads together. “You played really well tonight, by the way.”
“Thanks, Captain,” James teased, giving him a little push. “Not a bad start to the season, eh?”
“Not bad at all.”
“Baby, you ready?” Remus asked, his voice a little tight as he slung his bag over his shoulder. Heat flashed through Sirius’ body and he gripped the edge of the stall; next to him, James started snickering. “Shut it, Pots.”
“Have fun, you two!” James called as they headed for the door.
“I’m telling Lily you forgot your anniversary!” Remus shouted back over his shoulder while Sirius dragged him along by the hand.
By the time they made it to the parking lot, Sirius could feel his heartbeat in his ears. He crowded Remus against the passenger door and pressed a hard kiss to his lips, gripping his waist and grinding slowly until their breaths came in short gasps.
“Fuck, you’re so hard,” Remus panted as he pulled on Sirius’ lower lip. “Any particular reason?”
“You. Just—you.” Sirius moved to his neck and Remus keened as he nibbled along his jawline and throat. “You have no idea how good you look on the ice. That first goal was perfect, and then you got another one—”
Remus laughed, combing his fingers through the curls that fell into Sirius’ eyes. “Now you know how I felt for months. We should definitely get in the car or else I’m getting on my knees right fucking now and that’s going to be embarrassing for us both.”
Ten incredibly tense minutes later, Sirius was fumbling with the house key as Remus kissed his neck and slid his chilly hands under the back of his shirt. As soon as the door swung open, he spun around and dragged him inside, kicking the door closed behind them and all but slamming Remus against the wall.
“Have I told you recently how much I—hnnn—love that you’re a switch?” Remus’ breath caught as Sirius pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor next to their shoes.
“Ditto.” Sirius felt him wobble a little and grinned. “Sweetheart?”
“We should go upstairs.”
Remus sighed and let his head fall forward onto Sirius’ shoulder. “Since when are you reasonable?”
“Since we need a bed as soon as possible.”
“We do?”
“We really do.” Remus grabbed Sirius’ hand and they practically ran to the stairs, pausing every few moments to kiss or bump against whatever they left laying around earlier that afternoon. Hattie cocked an ear when they passed her, but she settled back down—it was far past her bedtime. They made it halfway up the staircase before Remus pressed Sirius’ back into the wall, kissed the living hell out of him, and pulled his shirt over his head. “Twenty more feet.”
“Right here.”
“Twenty more feet and I’ll get you off twice.”
Remus’ breath audibly rushed out of his lungs and a full-body shiver ran through him; Sirius took advantage of the pause to take his hands and guide him backwards up the remaining stairs and into their bedroom. “Is this how you always felt after games?”
“Winning ones, yeah,” Sirius managed as he pulled Remus’ belt off with a sharp snap. Remus’ pupils dilated at the sound, and he raised his eyebrows. “Are you okay?”
“Totally okay, but I’m going to be laying awake having a very interesting inner monologue later,” he muttered, almost to himself. “Whew.”
“You’re going to be too tired to do anything once I’m through with you.”
Remus bit down gently on the side of his neck. “Promise?”
“You’re so fucking kinky, holy shit.” Sirius’ stomach filled with butterflies and he picked Remus up—the bed bounced as he dropped him on it, hovering over his heaving chest. “I love watching you skate, you know.”
“You were incredible out there.” Their jeans and socks came off quickly until only boxers were in the way. He carefully lowered himself and Remus’ leg jerked up on reflex as he ground down in a hard roll. “So fast, so graceful. They always underestimate you.”
“I am not going to last if you keep that up.”
“Yes, you will. You know why?”
A spark of interest lit in Remus’ eye. “Why?”
Sirius leaned down next to his ear. “Because you’re good.”
“Oh, fuck,” Remus breathed, canting his hips upward until Sirius shifted so the heels of his palms pressed against those sharp bones and held him down. “My heart is beating so hard right now.”
“I know, I can feel it,” Sirius laughed as he moved to kiss Remus’ throat and collarbone, which caught the moonlight through the bedroom window perfectly and cast shadows on the left side of his chest. “Mon coeur. Do you have the lube?”
Both of them winced as Remus’ hand smacked against the nightstand in his rush and Sirius kissed his knuckles, rubbing away the redness with one hand while uncapping the lube with the other. He scooted down the bed until his shoulders fit between Remus’ thighs—his thighs, holy fuck, Sirius had almost forgotten about those—and ran a light finger down the front of his boxers.
Remus twitched as Sirius leaned in to mouth at the hard line of him and ran one of his hands down the soft skin on his inner thigh, but he couldn’t move much and that only turned him on more. He squeezed tightly once with a desperate, half-gasped plea, then relaxed as Sirius kissed the inside of his knee. “Deep breaths, sweetheart. You’re doing so good.”
“I am?”
“You are, I promise.” Sirius slid back up until they were face-to-face and began pulling Remus’ boxers down as he kissed each of his cheeks. “Hey. You scored two goals tonight.”
“I did,” Remus said with a foxlike smile.
“I think that calls for a certain degree of celebration.” Sirius pushed his finger in at last and Remus arched his back, practically begging him to push him down again with a silent challenge. “I promised to get you off twice, right?”
“You did.”
“Except you also won the face-off.” Sirius couldn’t keep a smile down as Remus’ eyes widened. “Think you can do three?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded, his eyes glazing over as Sirius added another finger. “I’m going to win every single game we play if this is what ha-happens do that again baby please.”
“Really? You’ll win every game?” Sirius crooked his fingers again and drew a low groan from him.
“Yes. Yes, every time.”
“I believe you’ll win, but I think you’d miss topping. I’d miss it.” Remus’ hands returned to his hair and tugged lightly until he kissed him. “You always feel so good, sweetheart, and I know you like being in control sometimes.”
“Are you calling me bossy?”
“Yeah. I love it. I love you.” The words were sweet on Sirius’ lips as the sharp edges of Remus’ smile smoothed out and he practically purred beneath him. The third finger slid in without an issue; as Sirius internally lost his mind, Remus rolled his shoulders back happily. “Ready?”
“So ready, c’mon.”
The first glide was immaculate, and it only built from there. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius’ chest as he moved—the frantic fuck-me-now adrenaline rush they had arrived with had begun melting away sometime during the last ten minutes, but Sirius still buzzed with energy and he felt the slight tremble of Remus�� anticipation everywhere their skin touched.
“Beautiful,” he murmured, running his hands down Remus’ ribs. His eyes were closed and his cheeks were flushed rosy red, mussed curls tumbling over his forehead and splayed in a halo against the pillows. “Look at me, mon coeur. You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen, like liquid gold.”
“Hopeless romantic.” Remus shuddered a sigh as their gazes locked and a well-placed thrust rippled through him. “Good?”
“Good.” Sirius ducked his head and laughed quickly. “I’m so fucking glad you have a praise kink, by the way.”
“Oh, really?”
“It’s the best. All I have to say is you’re taking me so well—” he lowered his voice to a satiny rumble and the tendons in Remus’ neck seized. “—and you’re a puddle.”
“I am, I am, just—just a little higher, please.”
“Look at you, using your manners,” Sirius teased. He obliged, though, and he felt Remus’ skin heat up beneath his palms as his knee pressed into Sirius’ waist.
“Oh, fuck off.” Remus shook his head with a smile and drew him back in for a long kiss.
Kissing Remus was something special. His lips were soft and demanding at the same time, growing progressively more urgent as Sirius picked up the pace and small sounds punched from his lungs.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Remus managed, tugging on his shoulder. Sirius stopped immediately, but when he went to pull out Remus placed a hand on his hip. “No. Stay.”
A tingling sensation washed over Sirius when he registered Remus’ change in tone. His voice was lower, smoother, brooking no room for argument. “Are you alright?” he ventured.
The corners of Remus’ lips quirked up and in a smooth motion, he flipped them over so he was straddling Sirius’ hips and kneading his chest with the heels of his hands. “There we go,” he said, tilting his head to the side and jutting his chin at the angle Sirius knew as hold on tight.
And then he just kind of…stayed there.
Sirius relaxed into it, settling his hands on Remus’ hips as he ground down a bit. “You can move if you want,” he said after a moment.
Remus’ jaw ticked. “I’m trying.”
Oh, shit, is it me? Sirius took his hands away, but he hadn’t been gripping hard enough for there to be light marks, let alone stop Remus from moving. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, I can’t actually…” Remus’ nose scrunched up and his thighs clenched, then quaked and gave out. “I’m okay, but I think my legs are tired.”
“From the game? Are you kidding?” Sirius leaned back on the pillows and laughed, long and loud. “Oh, sweetheart.”
“Shut up!” Remus swatted his chest, though he was laughing as well. “I can do it, just give me a sec.”
Sirius wheezed as the pressure on his chest increased and batted at his wrists. “Nope, nope, you’re going to break me. We can go back to what we were doing before.”
“I can do this.”
“No, you can’t,” Sirius snickered.
Remus readjusted himself and tried again—he rose less than an inch before the trembling in his thigh muscles took hold and sank him back down. It felt fine and Sirius was glad for the closeness, but he knew it would feel better if Remus let him turn them over.
After a moment of hesitation, Remus stared up at the ceiling and burst out laughing again. “You’re right, I’m so sore right now, this is ridiculous.”
“Come here.” He slid off him with a slight wince and Sirius sat up against the headboard, holding his arms out. He closed his eyes with a contented hum as Remus kissed his forehead and snuggled into him. “I’m sorry you’re sore.”
“It was worth it.”
“Do you want to take a break?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love cuddling with you, but I was promised three orgasms tonight and I’m still so horny.”
“Oh, thank god, me too.” Sirius guided him back to the mattress by his shoulders and grabbed the lube from where it had been abandoned at the foot of the bed. He slicked up his dick again and stroked Remus a few times as well before pushing back in with steady pressure. “Still okay?”
“Hell yeah,” Remus sighed, reaching out to trail his thumb under Sirius’ eye. “It’s always good with you.”
Sirius turned to kiss the inside of his wrist. “You’re always good for me.”
“That was smooth.” Slender fingers traveled up and tucked a stray curl back into place. Sirius hadn’t even realized it was in the way until Remus moved it.
“You’re obsessed with my hair, aren’t you,” he said, sliding his hands down to scratch lightly at the sides of his thighs.
Remus shrugged, though his hold tightened minutely. “It’s soft and it’s pretty.”
Sirius dragged his lips down Remus’ forearm, kissed the crook of his elbow, and then continued along his bicep and shoulder. His summer freckles were tragically faded, but the salty tang of sweat and Remus was more than enough incentive for him to leave small love bites in his wake. “You’re soft and pretty.”
“Hmmm, okay.” He didn’t have to look up to know what Remus’ face would look like—eyes closed, sated smile, light lines of tension through his neck and upper chest. “I love the sound of your voice when you’re turned on.”
Sirius paused. “Really?”
“Yeah. It’s kind of like thu—huh.” Remus shifted his position at the same time Sirius leaned up to look at him; whatever he did, it must have been good, because his mouth fell open in surprise. “Thunder. Um. Hmm. Can you…?” Rather than telling Sirius what he wanted, he squirmed for a second, tilting his hips up and making small, frustrated noises.
“Hold on—hold on, Re, what are you trying to do?”
“You did something really good right then and I don’t remember what it was but I’m so fucking close.”
“Yeah.” Sirius blinked away some of his own sex-induced haziness and registered the slight tremor in his hands, as well as the glassy look in his eyes.
“Oh, okay. Hey, lay back and let me take care of it. Tonight is all about you.” He pulled Remus’ hands up to his back and pulled his leg up around his waist, tracing the muscle divots lightly.
What did I do before? Sirius thrusted in with slow, deep rolls while he thought. He had been leaning to the side a bit, and then Remus lifted up slightly…oh. Smug pride filled his veins as he kept one forearm firmly across Remus’ navel and brushed the other hand over the top of his dick.
“Yeah, that,” Remus said weakly as he stretched his arms over his head.
“This is it?” Sirius added a little extra pressure to his arm and his dick throbbed in response. “Good job, using your words.”
“How close are you now?” he asked, running his palm around the head until Remus’ legs jolted around him.
“So close,” he whispered. “C’mon, just a little more, pleasepleaseplease.”
“I love you, sweetheart,” Sirius said, sliding his hands beneath Remus’ lower back and propping him up an extra inch for the best angle. “Come for me.”
His harsh grip on the sheets relaxed as he came, eyelashes fluttering and mumbling under his breath. Remus didn’t fall apart or seize up, just melted into Sirius’ arms with a low moan. Sirius didn’t even realize his own orgasm was approaching until he heard his name on Remus’ kiss-swollen lips and the world vanished for a moment.
When he came back into himself, gentle fingers were running through his hair. “Sweetheart,” he said fondly. He pulled out nice and slow, but remained a boneless weight on top of Remus.
“Hey, handsome.” Remus’ voice was scratchy.
“Congratulations on your first goal.”
“I thought that was just for the face-off?”
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woahitslucyylu · 5 years ago
NSFW Alphabet - Rio.
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GIF is not mine, credit to OG creator. 
He felt left out, so I made him one too! Everyone’s favorite money launderer is here with allllll his dirty secrets. Enjoy, frands! 
NSFW Alphabet A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Rio lives to take care of you. You hold him down and after sex, he’s just as gentle and compassionate. He will wrap you in his arms and remind you all the reasons that his success is yours too. A warm shower and a cold drink await you after most sessions complete with take out from your favorite restaurant. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Rio loves his lips/smile. He knows a simple smirk can make you melt into a puddle. He isn’t above using it to manipulate you in the best ways. A slow lick of the lips, a smug smile, or a soft kiss can buy him a few hours if he has fallen out of your good graces. 
He loves your hips and ass. Your curvy frame fits so perfectly with his slender muscular self. He loves to feel you soft against him in bed as he runs his hands over your curves - leaving your skin electrified under his touch. He loves the dip from your back to the top of your ass, the perfect place for his hands in all situations. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
Inside or in your mouth - he finds your willingness to accept him in the most intimate ways erotic. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Rio loves to make movies. His favorite angle is when you’re on the bed, back arched, and ass pressed against him and he makes you fuck yourself as he watches himself disappear inside you. 
“Keep going, mama. I didn’t say stop.” The erotic sound of skin against skin filled the room as you rolled your hips against him, moans slipping through your mouth. “You’re such a good girl. Look at how you take me.” Your praise kink is on overdrive as you come apart beneath him - another Oscar worthy performance. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
His list isn't long, but he knows what he is doing. Always the gentleman, you come first, second, and third - he will leave your body sore and sleepy with his expert skills. 
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Rio loves you from behind - he loves watching your ass bounce as he pushes into the mattress. He lives for you on top too. When you just can’t wait any longer, and you take control. He lays back willingly, puts his hand behind his head, and watches you sink onto him - the stretch makes you bite your lip and lean forward. He will pull you close - holding your throat with ever so much pressure and thrust into you - leaving you panting and begging. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Sarcasm, mild degradation, and dry humor are Rio’s calling cards and they don’t disappear in the bedroom. He will make you drip with his words, and chastise you for being so needy. As you grind against his jean-covered thigh, begging for more, he will reprimand you for making a mess - heat running through your body as he slides his fingers over you, feeling just how wet you really are. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Appearances are important, so he leaves nothing to be desired. He’s neat. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Rio spends his days playing a role and with you, the doors open and his real self tumbles out. He presses his forehead to yours and whispers sweet nothings as you greet him from his work day. He is content to watch you play Iron Chef in the kitchen as you talk about your days together. He finds the most comfort in breaking down the walls and letting you - physically and emotionally. 
J = Jack/Jill Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Rio may rub one out, because work has kept him away from you. The movies you create make it easy to remember how good you feel. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Needy, begging - Rio gets off on knowing you need him. It’s borderline codependent shit, but he loves it. When you pout around the house, your shirt tight and in just your panties, huffing and puffing while you wait for him to finish working is one of his favorite things. He knows you’re a brat, and he indulges in your tantrums, edging you until you slide into his lap, palming him through his pants and whisper how much you want him in your ear. 
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Rio moves in the shadows, so it only makes sense that he fucks in them too. Late nights at the warehouse have you laid across the table as he fucks you - erotic noises echoing through the empty room or you slide into the backseat of the wagon, sinking onto him as Mick waits dutifully outside as you chase your release. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Rio lives to provide for you, so being able to fulfill every request - sexual or otherwise - is his motivation. When the bills are paid, you have more than enough money in your account, and you can’t walk from countless orgasms, that’s when he feels most successful. When you came into his life, success suddenly meant something different and taking care of you in every aspect is his reason. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Rio is illusive, so threesomes are out of the question. He is invisible, and you’re really the only woman he needs. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
You’re a brat and Rio tames you on your knees as he fucks your throat relentlessly. He gazes at you through half-hooded eyes, watching you gag as you open your mouth wider for him. “Mama, just like that.” His hands thread through your hair, pulling the strands so rough that you moan against him - sending shivers through his body. “See, you can listen, can’t you?” 
On the flip side, Rio loves to eat you. He enjoys the feel of your full thighs around his face as you rock back and forth. You were so apprehensive at first, but he reassured you, “Darlin’, if I die underneath you, it will be the happiest moment of my life.” The feeling of power, yet subtle submissiveness in the act of you riding his face is a powerful aphrodisiac. 
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
When he’s punishing you, he holds nothing back. You will feel every inch of him as he pushes you into the mattress or pulls you against him. Your skin will be marked and bruised, your ass sore from spanking - he will remind you he’s the boss. Yet, he has such gentleness when he’s reallllllly making love to you. His hands sliding over your breasts - just barely touching you as he kisses right beneath your ear, nipping and sucking as you moan beneath him. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
With Rio’s odd hours, sometimes a quickie is all you have and you will gladly take it any way you can. Sneaking away on lunch breaks is your MO and getting fucked raw in the parking lot by your crime boss boyfriend helps pass the rest of the day with ease. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Rio’s whole life is a risk, so it only makes sense that he takes calculated ones on with you. 
“When will they be here?” Your voice was soft in the dark car. “Not too much longer.” Rio threaded his fingers through yours - his thumb rubbing your hand reflexively. “Not too much longer, huh?” You inquired as you slid your hand over his jeans - feeling him grow hard underneath your touch. Your hands worked expertly to slide him out of his jeans - your mouth watering as you slid your tongue around his length. “Mami, now?” His dark eyes filled with lust as he watched your cheeks hollow - taking more in each time your head bobbed. Rio’s head laid back as you choked against his length, sliding your flat tongue, feeling each ridge. “Mama. Fuck.” His fingers pulled your hair - his tightening grasp directed your efforts as you felt him come undone - your throat filling with him. 
Sitting up, you wiped your mouth - a coy smirk breaking over your face as you realized Beth had been watching from the swing the whole time. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Rio can push you to your limits and he always makes sure you come first. You are more than accommodating and he spends his time worshipping you. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Rio is not a conventional lover, and he will gladly tie your hands - teasing you with the lack of touch while he stares down at you. “Oh mama, what do you want?” His voice rough into your ear as he rocks against your hips - his fingers expertly rubbing your clit as you struggle against the binds. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Rio knows how responsive you are and loves to leave you wanting more. A dirty whisper in your ear as you wait to be seated at dinner, his hand resting right above your ass, his beard rubbing against your neck will leave you asking for the check before you’re even finished with the meal. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Rio isn’t loud, but he talks. 
“Look at you take this dick, mama.” 
“You’re such a good girl.” 
“Darlin, I didn’t say you could come.” 
“Take it. You asked for it.” 
“How could you think you could move my pussy?” 
“Fuck yourself till you come.” 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Rio is a sucker for cheesy romance - rose petals on the floor, candles lit, a bubble bath in a heart shaped tub - he loves it all. The weekend spent in Vegas felt like a rom com, but watching your man be intentional with his choices and his time makes your panties wet. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
He may be skinny, but his dick isn’t. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Rio is a busy man and compartmentalizes most of his feelings, including his sex drive. He misses you constantly, but money ain’t going to wash itself, so he keeps his shit together. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Rio keeps odd hours, so he does fall asleep after, but it’s without guilt, because you’re snuggled right there with him. 
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halfway-happyyy · 4 years ago
oh my GOD i cannot stop thinking about going out for the night to hang out w friends and getting so drunk that when alex comes to pick u up u forget he’s ur boyfriend 🥺 and when he reminds you you’re like “!!!!!!! me !!!!! how did i get so lucky !!!!!!!!!” n ur looking at him like he hung the moon and he falls in love with you all over again bye this image lives in my head rent free i swear
what a soft, lovely thought!!!
As all messy night-outs usually begin, she had gone into it with the intention of keeping every single one of her wits about her. She had actually heeded her boyfriend’s advice for once- “one glass of water per each alcoholic beverage”, she had viewed his full figure leant against the threshold of their front door before she left, large hands placed in the pockets of his denim jeans. His worn t-shirt stretched across his broad chest and she was glad that tonight- unlike most nights, she would have him to sidle into bed next to when the evening ended.
“Come here kid,” He murmured. “Let me kiss you once more before you go, hm?” Her lips turned up into a wide smile as she closed the distance between them wordlessly. He had an innate way of holding her like she was the most precious thing in the entire universe. Like if he let her go, she might shatter into a million little magnificent pieces. He held her face in his impossibly warm hands as he kissed her like it was the last time he would ever do it again. When he pulled away from her, he was out of breath and he gestured to her purse on the glass coffee table in the front entrance, “Can’t forget that.”
She reached for it, slung it across her body, and smiled at him. “What would I do without you?”
A car horn blared in the distance and Alexander shrugged his shoulders, a smirk tugged at the edges of his lips. “Let’s hope we never have to find out, hm? Your chariot awaits, kid.” His blue eyes sparkled merrily in the low light of the glowing hallway lamp, and the delicate creases next to them spoke volumes of the happiness that he exuded on a near-constant basis.
She swallowed hard; her hand poised on the doorknob. “I love you, Alex- just in case that big old sky ever falls on our heads.”
“I love you too, kid. Please be safe. Call me when you’re ready to come home.”
“One more babe! It’s my birthday!” Her best friend tried on her best Vana White impersonation and waved her hand tantalizingly down a row of pink coloured shots.
She eyed them suspiciously; her world had started to spin on its axis a few moments ago, and she swallowed hard. “I’m feeling a little ill.”
Her friend giggled and picked up a shot, waving it beneath her nose. She watched the liquid slosh out over the sides, and land on her friend’s white dress, causing her to erupt in a fit of giggles. Her friend shook her head, oblivious to the stain blooming steadily in the gauzy material and hiccupped. “Nonsense. One of these and you’ll be back to tip-top shape.”
“You spilled broken down golfcart on your dress.” She hiccupped and pointed to the stain.
“You’re not getting out of this.”
She took a deep breath and accepted the shot from the birthday girl, tilting her head back and pouring the liquid down her throat. She shook her head and winced as the alcohol singed the lining of it like smoke. “Alright. That was the last one. I’m calling Alex now.”
Her friend’s pout turned into a devilish grin, and she shrugged nonchalantly. “Let’s see how many we can get in you before he gets here…”
In hindsight she could not definitively say why she had agreed to play that game but come morning she would regret it. She was seated at the bar with some of her other girlfriends when he arrived, and even though her ringer was on and loud, she had missed the three previous phone calls announcing his arrival. She was clutching a glass of water in her hand when she spotted him, and her mouth went dry. She leaned over to her friend, a bold move considering she nearly fell off the wooden stool. “Don’t look now,” She whispered a little too loudly. “But that may be the sexiest man I’ve ever seen in my life.”
Her friend’s eyes widened in excitement and she craned around to see who she was referring to. When she caught site of Alexander, her face dropped, and she let out a loud giggle. “Girl, that’s your man.”
She watched him approach them in horror. “My man?”
Her friend stared at her in astonishment. “Did your drink get spiked?” She leaned back and tapped the girl next to her on the shoulder. “Were you watching her drink?”
“My man?” She repeated in unconcealed awe.
Her friend gaped at her. “Yes! You guys live in a beautiful home together!”
Her eyes narrowed as she mulled this over. “Do we have dogs?”
Her friend rolled her eyes. “Yes, two horribly cute ones.”
“Good evening, ladies.” Alexander appeared behind them; his opposing figure cast a long shadow over the bar as he bent down to press a kiss to the apple of her cheek. “Hi, kid. Is there a reason you did not answer any of the phone calls I sent you?”
Her friend cleared her throat. “She’s uh… she’s in rough shape.”
Alexander nodded slowly. “Alright, let’s get you home, hm?” He helped her up from her chair and held on to her hand as she bid goodbye to the rest of her friends. “It’s a bit cool out tonight so I brought you a sweater,” He murmured and draped it around her shoulders as they took their leave from the bar. “We’re parked right outside, my love.” He held onto her elbow as they stepped out into the October evening, and opened her side of the door for her to get in. Once safely buckled up, he made his way around to his side of the car and climbed in. She still found it a little hard to believe that this specimen of a man was really her person. That somehow, possibly by the grace of god, she had managed to reel this one in. Stopped at a red light, he turned to her and frowned. “You alright, kid? You’ve barely said a word…”
She opened her mouth to say something, and instead of any actual words, she hiccupped loudly. “I had a lot to drink tonight.”
Alexander closed his eyes and dropped his head to laugh quietly. “Yep. I know.”
She hiccupped again. “We’re together?” She had meant it to come out as more of a statement than a question, and Alexander blanched.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…” She swallowed hard and squinted her eyes. “How on earth are you this attractive? Like are you even real? This could be one of those dreams…”
Alexander’s blue eyes widened, and he let out a breathless chuckle. “Let me stop you there, kid- you and I are together. We have been for over three years now. We have gone home to Sweden multiple times- my family adores you. We have a home, and in that home, we have tons of artwork and we make meals together, and we have Max and Sitka- and they are the best dogs in the entire world.”
She nodded her head slowly. “Okay then answer me this, you giant Nordic Adonis. How on earth did I get so lucky?”
Alexander was quiet as he pulled into the driveway in front of their home. “I ask myself that question constantly.”
He helped her from the passenger seat, and up the cobblestone pathway to their front door. Upon entry, the dogs in which he had just told her about wagged their tails happily at the return of their beloved owners. “Hi puppies.” She murmured breathlessly.
“They’re happy to have you home, kid.” Alexander whispered. “And I am too.” He helped her up the stairs to their bedroom and got her changed into her favourite pair of pajamas. He left her momentarily for the washroom and when he returned, he was laden with a glass of water and two Tylenols. “Open up,” He murmured, and she did as he was told. They fell into bed together, and she cuddled up immediately on his chest, her head tucked safely under his chin. Alexander hummed quietly to himself and kissed the top of her head gently. “I love you kid- just in case that big old sky ever falls on our heads.”
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cynergy-laughter · 5 years ago
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All! Fanfic #3
Garlic Tomato Bisque
(MC x Levi) (MC x Lucifer) (fluff, comedy) (mild language?) [inspired by one of the boys’ D.D.D. Chats where Lucifer was sick]
By: @cynergy-laughter
Word Count: 4,187
You really liked Lucifer, besides all the drama that happened between you two, he was a very sweet, dependable, charming guy. A bit of a sadist yes, but adoring. But now, you hear that Lucifer was sick, in bed, so that’s why he wasn’t at breakfast right now.
“Pfftt Hahahaha! Lucifer is sick?! Oh my gosh, this is too rich!” Mammon chuckles over his food.
“But Lucifer never gets sick, I don’t even think he’s had a cough.” Asmo said, frowning. “I guess there’s a first time for everything…”
“Just knowing that our brother, our eldest brother, is so vulnerable right now… it… shakes me…” Satan said, balling up his fist.
“Yeah, with mirth. You and Mammon are probably the ones taking the most joy in seeing Lucifer suffer…” Belphegor pointed out, “Not that it isn’t interesting to see our brother in such a state… interesting and worrying.”
“And on top of that, Beel is standing guard over Lucifer, it’s both adorable, and sad… to have the second youngest brother protect you… it’s entertaining all on its own.” Mammon snickered as he kept on eating his breakfast.
“Mammon, let’s not forget, Beel works out because of how much he eats, he could twist you into a pretzel and eat you if he wanted to.” You pointed out, making Mammon gulp a bit while Asmo straight up laughed.
“Ahahaha! Chalk one up for [MC]!” He giggled. “But Lucifer’s lucky we’re having a weekend off, otherwise he’d have to miss student council meetings.”
“Well, I’m gonna be playing my game if anyone needs me, which I doubt.” Leviathan said, finishing his breakfast, and getting up.
“Uh-uh-uh, Levi, you are on dishwashing duty this morning.” Satan reiterated. “Dishes, then you can go up to your room.” Earning a groan from Levi.
Soon, everyone finished breakfast, while Asmo and Satan went to go and deliver the leftovers to Beel standing in front of Lucifer’s bedroom door.
But while you were heading back to your room, you couldn’t help but think about Lucifer sick in bed. You wanted to do something for him, and then an idea occurred to you. You headed for the kitchen where Levi was still washing dishes and you looked in the fridge.
“Beel, shouldn’t you be watching over Lucifer’s room? Oh, [MC], it’s you… you come to laugh at my failed attempt to get out from doing the dishes?” Levi said, turning around.
“No, I was just seeing what we have, I was gonna make something for Lucifer for lunch.” You say.
“What? You do know Lucifer is sick, right… like if it’s a cold strong enough for someone like him to catch, you might catch something stronger if you catch it…” Levi tried to warn you.
“Well, he’s not gonna be visited by anyone if everyone is so scared of catching it… I wanna help him feel better.” You say, “I’m thinking about making him soup… but I know it won’t be enough…”
“Well… I heard that Beel’s gonna be taste testing anything that is for Lucifer.” Levi said.
“Yeah, I figured I would make Beel some too…” you trailed off and then you got an idea… “My grandmother’s famous garlic tomato bisque, and a patty melt, with 3 cheeses…” you say with a smile.
Levi blinked. “Patty melt?”
“It’s like a hamburger, but make it grilled cheese style…” you explain.
“Oh… oh wow… that sounds pretty good actually…” Levi said, “something that sounds so normie… sounds delicious.”
“Do you know if Lucifer has any allergies, or does he not like beef?” You asked, excited.
“Umm, not that I know of… I’ve seen him eating steak before…” Levi thought about it. “I think…”
“Close enough! I’m gonna make him and Beel a get-well lunch they will never forget!” You say clenching your fists. You then turn to Levi who seemed to be sneaking away. “Levi! I need your help. Would you come shopping for the ingredients with me?”
“W-What?! Why me? I have streams to do today!” Levi leaned back a bit because you were so close to him.
“Please? I really need your help, I’ll owe you some game time, it’s been a while since we did a livestream together.” You say, you held your hands together pleadingly. “If you help me, I’ll make you your own patty melt too…” now you tried bargaining.
Levi blinked. “W-What? You think I would wanna try one of your weird meat grilled cheeses? Just how old do you think I am?” Levi grumbled, folding his arms and turning his head away from you.
You frowned and sighed. “Okay… I understand… I guess I can ask Belphie or Asmo if they want to go food shopping…” you said as you turned to go and find Belphie or Asmo, when you were suddenly stopped by an exasperation from behind you.
“W-Wait! Gosh, don’t you know a dramatic pause when you see it? U-Umm… Will I get to be the first one to try one of your patty melts?” Levi blushed a bit as he crossed his arms and looked down.
You gave a small smile and held his hands, looking into his eyes. “I promise you’ll have the first melt I make.”
Levi blushes more as he was sharing this tender… normie… moment with you. He pulled his hands away in a huff. “Well, I guess I can spare some time and get to gaming later tonight… but next time, you’re gonna be helping me with a video game release livestream.”
“Deal! Alright, let’s get ready to get shopping to get ready to cook!” You say triumphantly as you grabbed Levi’s hand and rushed out the door with him.
-One Grocery Shopping Montage Later-
You spent a good amount of time shopping for the ingredients, you were happy that Levi had agreed to help you, you weren’t sure how helpful Asmo would have been, but you also knew that Belphie would have slumped down and took a nap while you began cooking. But there was a reason why you wanted someone to really help, and why Levi would be perfect for this.
“I also need a witness, a documenter of sorts.” You said as you put the groceries down on the counter.
“A documenter?” Levi rose an eyebrow.
“Well, this morning, Mammon and Satan were talking pretty mercilessly about Lucifer… I don’t know about Satan, but I wouldn’t put it past Mammon to try and sabotage this and make Lucifer more sick…” You explained.
“Well, in the group chat, Satan was talking about a book about poisons for demons…” Levi said, “So, I wouldn’t put it past either of them…”
“Now that you put it that way, I definitely need you to be my witness. I’m counting on you, Lord of Shadows,” you said, smiling to Levi.
Levi blushes and smiles, “You can count on me, Henry!” He said, clenching his fist, “I’ll go get my camcorder!” He said, heading on upstairs.
You smile as you took out one of your notebooks, and you flipped to a page that had your grandmother’s garlic tomato bisque recipe in. You learned your cooking directly from your grandmother on your father’s side, and she had helped you to keep her recipes alive. She always used to say that her ancestor’s cooking was like a love letter, it had a beautiful presentation, and was full of emotion in every part from beginning to end. You just hoped you could translate the recipe well without her this time. Suddenly, you jumped a bit, feeling a hand around your waist, and someone was pulling you in close.
“What’cha reading? Grandma’s Garlic Tomato Bisque?” Mammon read over your shoulder to which you closed the book.
“Mammon! Don’t do that!” You held your notebook over your chest.
“Heh, sorry, so, what’s all this? You making lunch or something?” Mammon asked, picking up some of the ingredients.
“As a matter of fact… yes, I thought about it, and I wanna make everyone lunch.” You say, “I’m making Patty Melts and my Grandma’s Garlic Tomato Bisque.” He said.
“Patty Melt?” Mammon asked, leaning on the counter, “Excuse me for living but what is that?”
“Picture a hamburger cooked like grilled cheese.” Levi said from the doorway of the kitchen, holding his camcorder.
“Oh? Well then, can’t wait to try it. You will let me know when it’s ready? You know, cause I am your first guy.” Mammon said, trying to get a rise out of Levi.
“Actually, I promised Levi he would be the one to have my first patty melt.” You said, earning a smirk from Levi, and a stunned look from Mammon.
“Ha! Now I don’t regret doing the dishes.” Levi smirked.
“No! No! I asked you to switch dishwashing shifts with me, I demand we switch back!” Mammon growled. “It should be me in your position!”
“You don’t get to change the game when it’s convenient for you! And plus, I got [MC] owing me a hangout day~. So that’s what you get for pawning off your duties!” Levi smirked back.
“Levi… the camcorder?” You ask as Levi set the camcorder up and pressed record on it as he continued the insult match with Mammon.
You sigh and shake your head as you began to start your cooking, starting with the forming and seasoning of the burger patties, making sure they were shaped like ovals so they would fit on the wide bread slices you had. All while you were cooking, you felt someone watching you, and felt someone’s warmth behind you, which you figured out was one of the other brothers, but you were too busy focusing on the patties that you didn’t acknowledge whomst was behind you.
“... And that’s why your feet stink!” Levi fired at Mammon. “They stink so bad, you got a Venus fly trap hacking!”
“Oh those are fightin’ words, your feet stink so bad, when you take your shoes off, the flies die!” Mammon growled as he got into Levi’s face.
“Could you two take your stinky feet somewhere else? [MC]’s trying to cook.” Satan said calmly as he was standing right behind you as you worked on prepping the soup.
“O-Oh… right, sorry [MC]…” Mammon said as he began to leave the kitchen.
“Oh! I’m sorry, Satan…” Levi shied away, following Mammon out the kitchen.
It only took a few seconds before the footsteps came rushing back into the kitchen.
“SATAN?!?!” Both Mammon and Levi shouted in unison.
“You two really are idiots. Letting [MC] cook all by themself while you’re having a little insult fest.” Satan said, smirking, trying not to laugh as he had almost got them to leave.
“You’re the one just standing behind [MC] just watching them cook!” Mammon growled.
Levi realized that they were in the presence of the last two people they wanted in the kitchen right now, so he had to be diligent. “Y-yeah! If you’re gonna be in the kitchen, you’re gonna have to do something to help with lunch.”
“Like saying how badly both of your feet stink?” Satan turned to them crossing his arms.
“THEY DON’T STINK!!” Both Mammon and Levi shouted again. It was at this point of your cooking that you had enough, you hadn’t even started on the bisque yet, and the three of them were standing around having a quarrel.
“ALL OF YOU!” You shout, causing them to turn their attention to you. “I’m already done shaping and seasoning the patties, and I need to start making the soup, if none of you are going to help me, then I need you all to leave the kitchen.”
Mammon, Levi and Satan looked taken aback, they didn’t see this side of MC before.
“Well, I wanna help, what do you want me to do?” Levi asked, walking up to you.
“H-Hey, I wanna help too!” Mammon followed Levi.
“... You know, if you didn’t make a pact with anyone here, you probably would have been in danger of getting hurt…” Satan began, “But… I guess we aren’t earning your cooking if we didn’t help… So you’re making tomato bisque? That’s pretty ambitious, especially for a house of seven.”
“Well, this is my grandma’s recipe, and I wanted to give a lunch that warms the heart as well as your mouth.” You said, softening your smile as you recruited two more brothers to help cook. “I wanna keep my family’s recipes alive.”
“Ah… that is noble of you. Well, I can start chopping the vegetables.” Satan said, smiling.
“Yeah, I’ll start cutting the cheese for the patty melts.” Levi said.
“Umm, I can start buttering the bread, and cook the patties!” Mammon said as the boys started getting everything ready.
It warmed your heart to see that you all were working together. You felt like the head chef, supervising the next three eldest brothers after Lucifer, and you all came together to show how you made the garlic tomato bisque. Eventually, you cooked the patties and started to make them melts.
“Thank you all so much for this… I really do appreciate your help, by the way, Mammon, Satan? Could you go and tell Belphie and Asmo that lunch will be ready shortly?” You asked.
“Why can’t Levi do it?” Mammon asked.
“Because I’m trusting you with this task, Mammon. And you too, Satan.” You replied, smiling.
“Understood, come on.” Satan said, walking out of the kitchen, with Mammon.
You smile and look at Levi. “Thank you so much, I think they were pretty behaved, but check the footage, just to be safe.”
“Of course. Oh, and don’t forget that the first melt and soup bowl is mine.” Levi mentioned as he began to play it back.
You kept your eye on Levi’s patty melt, not wanting to flip it too late or too soon. And at the first flip over, it was a delightfully toasted brown. “Yes!”
Levi smiles as he saw the joy on your face, but then as he played back the video, he noticed you had only made 7 patties… it should have been 8… were you not gonna make one for yourself?
“Oh Levi, here you go, fresh and a perfect toasted brown and cut in half, I hope you like it.” You say, handing him his sandwich and the bowl of garlic tomato bisque.
“Oh wow, it looks so good… thank you, [MC]!” Levi said, closing the camcorder. “And you’re in luck, I didn’t see any sabotaging, but maybe taste the bisque before you try it…”
“Oh right…” you said as you went over to the bisque and tasted it, and you got transported back to when you were sick in bed, and your grandma made you this soup. It made you fall asleep easier, and helped you feel better the next day. You remembered going down to grandma’s kitchen and giving her the biggest hug, cause you felt the best you had felt in your life.
“Hey… [MC]? What’s wrong?” Levi asked, lowering his head to meet your eyes, which he grew misty.
“H-Huh? O-Oh nothing… It just… tastes just like how grandma made it…” you shook your head and wiped your eyes.
“Well, now I’m sold and I haven’t even eaten yet.” Levi smiles, “By the way, how are you going to get past Beel with those sandwiches? He’s eating anything that comes in for Lucifer…”
“Well, I’m gonna cook Lucifer’s and Beel’s at the same time, but then, I’ll cut them both in half, and swap out one of the halves for another. So Lucifer can have some of Beel’s, Beel can have some of Lucifer’s, and They’ll both still have a whole sandwich.” You explained. “And I can show the footage to Beel to back it up.”
Levi blinked, surprised that you thought it through. “It’s pretty scary that you are this thorough… I don’t think even Satan is that thorough…”
You blush and chuckle. “Well, go and eat, everyone will be down soon.” You say, nodding as you shoo Levi off. Eventually, one by one you cooked the patties and grilled cheese’d them, and served them with bisque to brothers who also came down. Soon, you made the last two at the same time, cooking them side by side while the camcorder recorded you. You finally made a beautiful presentation, two halves of each sandwich indicated by ornate toothpicks, two colored red, and two colored orange surrounding but not touching the bowl of garlic tomato bisque. You put it on a tray and made your way up toward Lucifer’s room, where Beel stood guard.
“Oh, [MC]. How are… what is that?” Beelzebub said, giving you a smile, but then it dropped into longing. You swear you could hear his stomach growling.
“Oh, I made everyone lunch, and I made one for you and Lucifer.” You explained. “Four cheese patty melt with garlic tomato bisque, and water with lemon slices because… hydration.” You listed, giving a smile
“... You do know I gotta eat both because of Mammon and Satan. Right?” Beel asked, frowning with an eyebrow raised.
“Well, not necessarily, I cut the sandwiches in half, and swapped the left halves, the soup was made in the same pot and I tasted it. I have recorded footage as well. And even though Mammon and Satan helped, Levi and I made sure that nothing wrong happened.” You say.
Beel blinks, and took one of the plates offered to him and began to eat the sandwiches, he nodded impressed, and then dipped a half of the sandwich into the soup and his eyes widened in joy. “I need more of this soup… and this… patty melt… it’s like grilled cheeseburger… [MC]... I didn’t know you could cook this good…”
You blush as you saw Beel enjoying it so much. Suddenly, Beel opened the door. “Lucifer, [MC] made you lunch, you’ve gotta try it!” He said into the room.
“... Send him in.” Was all you heard.
“Go on in, I’m gonna see if there’s more.” Beel said, running off excitedly to the kitchen.
“There’s more soup, but there’s no more… beef…” you called out but stopped halfway because Beel was already gone. You went into Lucifer’s room, closing the door behind you.
“[MC]... what’s this I heard about you making food?” Lucifer asked from his bed in his dimly lit room, he sounded like he was suffering. He had never had a cold before, and it must have come as a shock.
“Oh, I wanted to help you feel better, so I made you a patty melt, which is basically a grilled cheese-burger, and some of my grandma’s garlic tomato bisque. She made me this when I was younger whenever I felt sick. And I always felt better after.” You said, sitting down on the bed next to Lucifer.
“Oh… I appreciate it, but I heard that Mammon and Satan helped you make it… I hope you understand…” Lucifer said, solemnly.
“Well, I served everyone else before serving you, and I don’t think Mammon and Satan would have eaten something they sabotaged.” You explained. “Please? I’ve been worried about you all day ever since I heard you were sick this morning…”
Lucifer looked at you and his face softened. “Well, if you insist that nothing’s wrong… it does smell good… although I’m not a fan of greasy food…”
“Don’t worry, the grease adds flavor to the bread, here…” you gave Lucifer a fork and knife, to which he started laughing.
“You know me so well.” Lucifer said, smiling, as he took the utensils and began to cut into it.
“You just strike me as the kind of person to eat everything with a fork and knife, you’re not exactly a hands-on eater… oh, and if you want, try dipping the bites you cut into the bisque.”
“... Well maybe I’ll try them separately first before marrying them.” Lucifer said as he was given a spoon as well and began to eat his soup. “Ooh… and you said this was your grandmother’s recipe? Your grandmother knows her flavors, this is delicious!”
“Oh good, I’m glad you like it…” you sighed in relief.
“I don’t like it, I love it…” Lucifer said, smiling at you, “Your grandmother would be very proud of you...”
You blush as you start to feel pretty warm yourself, it felt like Lucifer was holding your hand, or holding you close even though he continued to eat.
After Lucifer has finished his food and his water, he smiled at you, and slightly sniffles.
“Thank you for such a delicious lunch, [MC]. And thank you for such great company… didn’t you make some for yourself?” Lucifer asked, tilting his head.
“Oh you’re welcome! And no, I had a taste of the bisque, and I think that Beel might have eaten the rest of the soup… I’m just glad that you all had yours.” You say, shaking your head.
“I see… I suggest you eat as well, after all, you made us all lunch, you should enjoy your cooking as well.” Lucifer said, holding your hand. “You deserve yours.”
You blush and smile. “I will, don’t worry… now get some rest, and give me a message if you need anything else, okay?”
“Of course, I hope I feel better fast.” Lucifer said, but before you left, you went over and gave him a kiss on his forehead before leaving his room. Lucifer was blushing now, “Heh… I hope I feel better for your sake…” he said after you had already left.
You came out of the bathroom a few minutes after leaving Lucifer’s room to wash your hands, and your lips. Levi was right, you didn’t want to catch the Common Cold 2.0: The Sequel. You smile as you walk back down to the kitchen, and pull out your D.D.D. You were about to call for delivery when you went to the kitchen and you heard;
“Surprise!” The other brothers said as you gasp and almost drop your D.D.D. Mammon was holding up another patty melt while Levi held a bowl of what looked to be fresh garlic tomato bisque.
“W-Wha? What is this?” You ask, going up to them, not sure what to say.
“Well, Beel went Gaga for your soup, and he finished it off.” Belphie said as he pat Beel’s back as Beel blushed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, it was so good…” Beel said, biting his lip.
“And Levi noticed that you didn’t make a patty for yourself, so, he naturally told us, and we decided to go and get the ingredients to make YOU your lunch to us~.” Asmo winked.
“I-I just thought it wasn’t fair for you to make us lunch and not get your own lunch to enjoy…” Levi blushes a bit, looking down.
“You left your notebook in the kitchen so we kind of looked through it… sorry for snooping around your things… but we made you some fresh bisque as well.” Satan said, smiling.
“I hope this is up to your standards, and I hope we did your grandmother’s recipe proud…” Mammon said.
“Yeah, even though Mammon suggested we make this and make a market out of it.” Belphie smirked at Mammon.
You didn’t even hear what Mammon said to that because you were touched that the brothers had come together to make lunch for you. You smile sweetly and took the dishes from the brothers, set them down on the kitchen island and gave them all a hug.
“Thank you, all of you. You don’t know how much this means to me… thank you all so much! Especially you, for all of your help today, Levi…” you said, giving Levi a kiss on his cheek.
“Wha-WhoooOOOOAAA!! What was that for?!” Levi blushed madly.
“H-Hey! Why did Levi get a kiss?!” Mammon’s eyes widened and bared his teeth.
“Cause no one wants to kiss you, scummy Mammon~.” Asmo teased.
“No one asked you Fifty Shades of Pink!” Mammon growled. “And everyone wants a piece of The Great Mammon!”
“Yes, especially those three witches you still owe a debt to.” Satan smirks.
“You know what Satan, I’m getting sick and tired of your mouth, you always got something smart to say!” Mammon stepped up to Satan.
“Well someone has to cut through the idiocy that comes out of your mouth.” Satan crossed his arms.
Belphie snuck your food to you from behind their fussing. “You’d better eat while Beel doesn’t try to grab it.” He said, winking at you.
You smile and head to your seat in the dining hall, and you chuckle as heard them fighting as you are carefully.
“You know what?! I don’t need to take this from someone whose feet stink!” You heard Mammon throw out.
“What does that have to do with anything, Mammon?” Beel asked.
“My feet don’t stink!” Satan growls. “And that statement is irrelevant to the topic at hand, and is proving my point!”
You chuckle a bit louder as you try to calm yourself down to continue eating. “Oh I love it here… Never a dull moment with these brothers…
142 notes · View notes
whencartoonsruletheworld · 4 years ago
Disney but just the Queer Mood™ Songs, a full Spotify Playlist
Open to updates should anyone notice a song I missed!
Tracklist with specific lyrics that fuck us all up under the cut:
KEY: A general list of which songs resonate with people. The 🏳️‍🌈is for general songs; if you relate to a song but don’t see ur emoji beneath it, send me a message and I’ll add it!
🏳️‍🌈 General Queer Anthem  🌈 Gays specifically have related to this song  ❤️ Gay Men specifically have related to this song  🧡 Lesbians specifically have related to this song 💕 Bisexuals/Pansexuals specifically have related to this song  💜 Asexuals/Ace-spectrum people specifically have related to this song 💚 Aromatics/Aro-spectrum people specifically have related to this song 🤍 Trans people have specifically related to this song 🖤 Nonbinary/Genderqueer people have specifically related to this song  💗 Polyamorous people have specifically related to this song
Know Who You Are - Moana
They have stolen the heart from inside you But this does not define you  This is not who you are You know who you are...
I Wonder - Sleeping Beauty 
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder why each little bird has a someone To sing to, sweet things to, A gay little love melody I wonder, I wonder, I wonder if my heart keeps singing, Will my song go winging To someone, who'll find me And bring back a love song to me...
Mother Knows Best - Tangled
🏳️‍🌈 honestly this is just... a general song for some of our shitty relationships to guardian figures...
It's a scary world out there Mother knows best One way or another Something will go wrong, I swear
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know? I only bathed and changed and nursed you Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it Let me die alone here, be my guest When it's too late You'll see, just wait Mother knows best
Don't forget it You'll regret it...
Dangerous to Dream - Frozen Broadway Production
I can't be what you expect of me But I'm trying every day with all I do and do not say Here on the edge of the abyss Knowing everything in my whole life has lead to this And so I pull inside myself, close the walls, put up my guard I've practiced every single day for this So why is it so hard?
I can't dwell on what we've lost And our secrecy and silence comes at such a cost
I wish I could tell the truth Show you who's behind the door I wish you knew what all this pantomime And pageantry was for
It's dangerous to wish I could make choices of my own Dangerous to even have that thought I'm dangerous just standing here for everyone to see If I let go of rules who knows how dangerous I'd be?
Reflection - Mulan 
🏳️‍🌈🤍🖤- literally everyone requested this. everyone. so im just copy-pasting the entire lyrics sorry not sorry
Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride Or a perfect daughter Can it be I'm not meant to play this part? Now I see that if I were truly to be myself I would break my family's heart
Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know? Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I’ve tried  When will my reflection show who I am inside?
How I pray that a time will come I can free myself From their expectations On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself And to make my family proud They want a docile lamb No one knows who I am Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide? Must I pretend that I'm Someone else for all time? When will my reflection show Who I am inside? When will my reflection show Who I am inside?
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew - Tangled: The Series
🏳️‍🌈 when u realize u might not be straight lol
I thought no one could love me And how could I have known? I was wrong, oh so wrong
Everything I ever thought I knew Where I've been, where I'm going Everything I counted on turned out to be untrue Could've guessed, should've known, now I do
If none of it was really me then who am I supposed to be?
I guess I'm someone else now I wonder who I am
God Help the Outcasts - Hunchback of Notre Dame
🏳️‍🌈...yeah. yeah
Yes, I know I'm just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You Still, I see Your face and wonder Were You once an outcast, too?
God help the outcasts, hungry from birth Show them the mercy they don't find on Earth God help my people, they look to You, still God help the outcasts or nobody will
I ask for nothing, I can get by But I know so many less lucky than I Please help my people, the poor and downtrod I thought we all were the children of God
Belle (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast
🌈 when a cishet thinks ur interested smh
Madame Gaston! Can't you just see it? Madame Gaston! His little wife No, sir! Not me! I guarantee it I want much more than this provincial life!
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can tell And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned...
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid
🌈 SO many people requested this one guys it’s not even funny
Wandering free, wish I could be Part of that world
Betcha on land, they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimming Ready to stand
When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, Love to explore that shore up above?
One Jump Ahead (Reprise) - Aladdin
Riff-raff, street rat I don't buy that If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy? No, siree They'd find out There's so much more to me...
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin Broadway Production 
That I've been one rotten kid Some son, some pride and some joy But I'll get over these lousin' up Messin' up, screwin' up times...
Water flows under the bridge Let it pass, let it go There's no good reason that you should believe me Not yet, I know, but
Someday and soon I'll make you proud of your boy Though I can't make myself taller Or smarter or handsome or wise I'll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you...
Someone’s Waiting for You - The Rescuers
Be brave, little one Make a wish for each sad little tear Hold your head up though no one is near Someone's waiting for you
Always keep a little prayer in your pocket And you're sure to see the light Soon there'll be joy and happiness And your little world will be bright
Have faith, little one Til your hopes and your wishes come true
Stick to the Status Quo - High School Musical 
No, no, no, stick to the stuff you know It is better by far to keep things as they are Don't mess with the flow, no no Stick to the status quo
Into the Unknown - Frozen 2
I can hear you, but I won't Some look for trouble while others don't There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away
I've had my adventure, I don't need something new I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be? Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go
Where are you going? Don't leave me alone How do I follow you Into the unknown?
Go the Distance - Hercules 
I have often dreamed of a far off place Where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me
And a voice keeps saying This is where I'm meant to be
I am on my way, I can go the distance I don't care how far, somehow I'll be strong I know every mile will be worth my while I would go most anywhere to find where I belong
Tomorrow - Annie
🏳️‍🌈 - betcha didnt know disney had an annie movie did u
The sun will come out tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow There'll be sun
When I'm stuck in a day that's gray and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin and say, oh, The sun’ll come out tomorrow So you gotta hang on til tomorrow, come what may...
Learn Me Right - Brave
Though I may speak some tongue of old Or even spit out some holy word I have no strength with which to speak When you sit me down and see I’m weak
We will run and scream you will dance with me We'll fulfill our dreams, and we'll be free We will be who we are, and they’ll heal our scars Sadness will be far away...
Strange Sight - Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast 
You stand in the light You're wrong, but you're right And my heart's beating wildly Strange how I'm scared but delighted Afraid, but excited too
I will understand you Strange how I'm drawn to the danger I reach out my hand to you
If you're caught in the shadows and turned all around Lost in the darkness, you will be found If you hear my voice, follow the sound Cause I'm here to guide you home... 
I Don’t Dance - High School Musical 2 
🌈 ❤️ 💕 okay so if you weren’t here for the high school musical tumblr revival you may be confused but listen... it’s about being mlm... 
Step up to the plate, start swinging
I wanna play ball Now that’s all, this is what I do It ain’t no dance that you can show me
I’ve got what it takes playin�� my game So you best skin that pitch you gonna throw me, yeah I’ll show you how I swing
I can prove it to you ‘til you know it’s true Cause I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too You’re talking a lot, show me what you got Stop, swing!
Kiss the Girl - cover of The Little Mermaid 
this version is sung by a girl so 🧡💕
There you see her, sitting there across the way She don't got a lot to say but there's something about her And you don't know why, but you're dying to try You wanna kiss the girl
Yes, you want her Look at her, you know you do It's possible she want you too There is one way to ask her...
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - The Lion King 
An enchanted moment And it sees me through It's enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you
There's a time for everyone if they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with yours
And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight? How it's laid to rest It's enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best
Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast 
🏳️‍🌈- a lot of queer people tend to empathize with “beastly” characters so we all latched the fuck onto this movie huh
Just a little change, small to say the least Both a little scared, neither one prepared
Ever just the same, ever a surprise Ever as before, ever just as sure As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time, tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change Learning you were wrong...
Healing Incantation - Tangled 
Heal what has been hurt Change the fates' design Save what has been lost Bring back what once was mine
So Close - Enchanted 
A life goes by, romantic dreams will stop So I bid mine goodbye and never knew So close was waiting waiting here with you And now, forever, I know All that I wanted to hold you so close
Oh, how could I face the faceless days If I should lose you now?
So close to reaching that famous happy end Almost believing this one's not pretend Let’s go on dreaming though we know we are So close, so close, and still So far...
If Only - Descendants
A million thoughts in my head Should I let my heart keep listening? Cause up 'til now, I've walked the line Nothing lost but something missing I can't decide what's wrong, what's right Which way should I go?
Every step, every word With every hour I'm feeling in To something new, something brave To someone I've never been
Will you still be with me When the magic's all run out?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me Don't know what I'm feeling Is this just a dream? If only I could read the signs in front of me I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Wherever You Are - Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 
🏳️‍🌈- out of context could be interpreted as romantic, esp since the credits version is a duet (🌈 💕) but the original context is friendship so honestly it’s very 💜💚
I'm out here in the dark, all alone and wide awake Come and find me I'm empty and I'm cold, and my heart's about to break Come and find me
I need you to come here and find me Cause without you, I'm totally lost I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far I can only dream of you
But when the morning comes and the sun begins to rise, I will lose you Because it’s just a dream, when I open up my eyes, I will lose you
I used to believe in forever, But forever is too good to be true I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far
I don't know what else to do Except to try to dream of you And wonder, if you're dreaming too Wherever you are
I Won’t Say (I’m In Love) - Hercules
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 💕
If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I've already won that
Who d'you think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and heaven to ya Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through ya Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you feel And who you're thinking of
I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl!" Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling
This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love
At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love
Endless Night - The Lion King Broadway Production 
🏳️‍🌈🤍 🖤 
Where has the starlight gone? Dark is the day How can I find my way home? Home is an empty dream, lost to the night Father, I feel so alone
When will the dawning break, oh, endless night Sleepless I dream of the day
I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine
Set Yourself Free - Tangled: The Series 
There's much more inside of you than anyone can see And now the choice is yours Life waits beyond the doors So step on through, the time has come And only you can set yourself free!
No one else can tell you what to do Or who to be! No one gets to say if you will stay or go
Look inside your heart and find the key... And set yourself free!
Bound up by your worries Trapped by your mistakes Forced to play a role you never chose Why not test your limits? You've got what it takes Let it out and follow where it goes
No more letting someone else define you to a "T" You know that you are strong You've known it all along So seize the day, let down your hair You’ll find a way to set yourself free!
So look to the horizon Open up your wings! Fly away to find your destiny... And set yourself free!
Speechless - Aladdin 2019 Remake 
Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under
Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!
Written in stone, every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending "Stay in your place, better seen and not heard," Well, now that story is ending
Try to lock me in this cage! I won't just lay me down and die! I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky!
I’m Still Here (Jim’s Theme) - Treasure Planet
I am a question to the world Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms
You don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be
And what do you think you'd understand I'm a boy - No, I'm a man You can't take me and throw me away And how can you learn what's never shown Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me, cause I’m not here 
And I want to tell you who I am Can you help me be a man They can't break me As long as I know who I am
They can't tell me who to be 'Cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleepin' While I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies That I'll never believe!
Crossing the Line - cover of Tangled: the Series 
🏳️‍🌈 🧡 tfw when u are DONE with that fuckin closet 
This has to stop now This thing where you think that you've been my friend And don't even hear how you condescend The way you've always done
How I've tried to jump that great divide! But I've never got the chances you were given You don't know how much I've been denied Well, I'm not being patient anymore
I'm crossing the line! And I'm done holding back So look out, clear the track, it's my turn! I'm taking what's mine Every drop, every smidge If I'm burning a bridge, let it burn! But I'm crossing the line...
Let it Go - Frozen 
🏳️‍🌈 listen. i do not have to explain this one. you all know exactly why it’s here. we were all tiny gays in 2013 losing our shit in the theater for no discernable reason why. we know
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know!
Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door! I don't care what they're going to say!
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all!
No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free!
I'm never going back, the past is in the past!
Let it go! Let it go! And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone!
This is Me - Camp Rock 
🏳️‍🌈 🧡 💕 🤍
I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say But I have this dream right inside of me I'm gonna let it show it's time To let you know It's to let you know
Do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark? To dream about a life where you're the shining star
This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I've found who I am there's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be...
Breaking Free - High School Musical 
🏳️‍🌈 🖤
You know the world can see us In a way that's different than who we are Creating space between us 'Till we're separate hearts But your faith it gives me strength Strength to believe
Soarin, flyin There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach If we’re trying, yeah we’re breaking free  We’re running, climbin  To get to the place, to be all that we can be  Now’s the time, so we’re breaking free
True To Your Heart - Mulan 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈
Baby, I knew at once that you were meant for me Deep in my soul, I know that I'm your destiny Though you're unsure Why fight the tide Don't think so much Let your heart decide
True to your heart You must be true to your heart That's when the heavens'll part And, baby, shower you with my love Open your eyes Your heart can tell you no lies And when you're true to your heart I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
Someone ya know is on your side can set you free I can do that for you if you believe in me Why second guess what feels so right Just trust your heart And you'll see the light
Never Knew I Needed - The Princess and the Frog 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 💕
For the way you changed my plans For being the perfect distraction For the way you took the idea that I have Of everything that I wanted to have And made me see there was something missing...
My accidental happily ever after The way you smile and how you comfort me with your laughter I must admit you were not a part of my book But now if you open it up and take a look You're the beginning and the end of every chapter
You're the best thing I never knew I needed So when you were here I had no idea You'd be the best thing I never knew I needed So now it's so clear I need you here always
Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas 
🏳️‍🌈 - colors.... rainbows.... yea
How can there be so much that you don't know? You don't know...
You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew
How high will the sycamore grow If you cut it down, then you'll never know And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon For whether we are white or copper skinned We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains We need to paint with all the colors of the wind...
I See the Light - Tangled 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 - you would not BELIEVE how many of y’all requested this one
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight Now I'm here, suddenly I see Standing here, it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be
Now she's here shining in the starlight Now she's here, suddenly I know If she's here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go
And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything looks different Now that I see you
Strangers Like Me - Tarzan 
🏳️‍🌈 🤍 🖤- that moment when u find another queer person and ur like “holy shit”
I can see there's so much to learn It's all so close and yet so far I see myself as people see me Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there
Come with me now to see my world Where there's beauty beyond your dreams Can you feel the things I feel Right now, with you Take my hand There's a world I need to know...
Why Should I Worry? - Oliver & Company 
🏳️‍🌈- we’re queer, we’re here, get used to it 
Why should I worry? Why should I care? I may not have a dime But I got street savoir-faire Why should I worry? Why should I care? It's just be-bopulation And I got street savoir-faire
Why should I worry? Why should I care? And even when I crossed that line I got street savoir-faire
Welcome - Brother Bear 
🏳️‍🌈 pride parade amirite
Everyone's invited This is how we live We are here for each other, happy to give All we have we share And all of us we care
There's a bond between us nobody can explain It's a celebration of life We see our friends again I'll be there for you I know you'll be there for me, too So come on!
This has to be the most beautiful The most peaceful place I've ever been to It's nothing like I've never seen before When I think how far I've come I can't believe it And yet I see it In them I see family I see the way we used to be...
The Great Divide - Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings
I'm on your side Let's take this ride And together we're facing the world Doing things nobody's done before And the great divide doesn’t seem so wide anymore
With You by My Side - Tangled: the Series 
💗 - tangled the series was so close to being canon polyam istg
Now; now more than ever We must stick together united
If we're destined to head in our own different ways Let's make the most of these sweet final days Why not go out in a glorious blaze
There's nothing I couldn't do Not with you by my side What in the world would I do Without you by my side...
Love Will Find a Way - The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride
🏳️‍🌈 🌈
In a perfect world One we've never known We would never need to face the world alone They can have the world We'll create our own I may not be brave or strong or smart But somewhere in my secret heart
And if only they could feel it too The happiness I feel with you
Like dark turning into day Somehow we'll come through Now that I've found you Love will find a way I know love will find a way
Space Between - Descendants 2
🧡 never have i ever seen gays flock to a song faster
And you can find me in the space between Where two worlds come to meet I'll never be out of reach Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between You'll never be alone No matter where you go We can meet in the space between
Even if we're worlds apart You're still in my heart It will always be you and me, yeah
If I Never Knew You - Pocahontas
And if I never held you I would never have a clue How at last I'd find in you The missing part of me...
In this world so full of fear Full of rage and lies I can see the truth so clear In your eyes So dry your eyes
If I never knew you I'd be safe but half as real Never knowing I could feel A love so strong and true
I thought our love would be so beautiful  Somehow we'd make the whole world bright I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong All they'd leave us were these whispers in the night But still my heart is saying we were right
I’d Give Anything - Tangled: the Series 
🧡 rapunzel’s sad breakup song
So if you find that you're in darkness or despair Though you won't turn to me please know I'll be right there Name any sacrifice, I'll pay the price that's due Cause I'd give anything for you Yes, I'd give anything to relive everything we knew...
Someday - Hunchback of Notre Dame 
I used to believe In the days I was naïve That I'd live to see A day of justice dawn And though I will die Long before that morning comes I'll die while believing still It will come when I am gone
Someday, when we are wiser When the world's older, when we have learned I pray someday we may yet live To live and let live
Someday, these dreams will all be real Till then we'll wish upon the moon Change will come, one day Someday soon... 
No One Is Alone - Into the Woods 
Mother cannot guide you, now your on your own. Only me beside you, still you're not alone. No one is alone. Truly, no one is alone…
People make mistakes Holding to their own  Thinking they’re alone 
Someone is on your side, someone else is not  While we’re seeing our side, maybe we forgot  They are not alone, no one is alone...
I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) - Moana
🏳️‍🌈 🤍 - it’s about the self-acceptance binch
Sometimes, the world seems against you The journey may leave a scar But scars can heal and reveal just Where you are
The people you love will change you The things you have learned will guide you And nothing on Earth can silence The quiet voice still inside you
I've delivered us to where we are I have journeyed farther I am everything I've learned and more Still it calls me
And the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me! It's like the tide, always falling and rising I will carry you here in my heart, you remind me That come what may I know the way
Show Yourself - Frozen 2 
🏳️‍🌈 - this one was claimed immediately by the queer community and we all have a stake in it but i do want to point out that i got this from a LOT of 🤍 🖤 💜 💚
I have always been a fortress Cold secrets deep inside You have secrets too But you don't have to hide
I've never felt so certain All my life, I've been torn But I'm here for a reason Could it be the reason I was born? I have always been so different Normal rules did not apply Is this the day? Are you the way I finally find out why?
Oh, show yourself Let me see who you are... Come to me now Open your door Don't make me wait One moment more!
(Come, my darling, homeward bound) I am found!
Transformation / Beauty and the Beast (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast Broadway Production 
We are home, we are where we shall be forever  Trust in me, for you know I won’t run away from today This is all that I need, and all that I need to say  Don’t you know how you’ve changed me? Strange how I finally see  I found home, you’re my home, stay with me... 
Finale / Let it Go - Frozen Broadway Production 
🏳️‍🌈 this makes me bawl so it gets finale
There’s so much I longed to say Then say it all, beginning with today It’s like a dream I thought could never be  Elsa, you’re free 
Here we stand in the light of day Let the sun shine on 
I take this warmth within and send it up above Goodbye to dark and fear, let’s fill this world with light and love And here surrounded by a family at least  We’re never going back, the past is in the past 
Let our true love go  Let it go!
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kisekinodrabbles · 4 years ago
helloo! i'd like to request something for the prompt game please :D kasamatsu + band!au + strangers to lovers + dialogue number 14 if that's okay? thanks, sam! and welcome back~
ofc!!! i tried to keep it shorter but im a bit rusty w my kasamatsu hehe hope u enjoy! wc: 2.3k
Kasamatsu admits that balancing his band and college work isn’t exactly an easy task. Between late evenings spent at gigs and all nights at the library, he is on the brink of his sanity, standing right at the tipping point. He yawns as he enters his nine am mandatory calculus class, another mistake made in his overconfidence that he would somehow be able to get his shit together.
You, on the other hand, are a closeted fan of his band, sitting three rows behind him in class. Every Tuesday and Thursday, you watch him drag his feet in and his hand lifting to his mouth in a yawn. Quickly, you duck behind your book as if Kasamatsu would ever give you the time of day. The brunette is well-known on campus with his successful group and good looks, not to mention he also dabbles a little in basketball while also maintaining a decent grade point average across all his classes. Triple threat, they call him.
When you first came into class and saw him there, shocked is an understatement. You’ve been following his band his high school from across the country. To see him in the flesh, so real and so human with his tired eyes, it almost feels like a dream. One you hope nobody would ever pinch you awake from. Thus, you made it your goal to be there before him every morning, which is a feat in itself. Kasamatsu may be grinding through the night and falling asleep in lectures, but he’ll be damned if he shows up late to class.
Throughout several weeks, you’ve seen girls come up to him left and right, shot down almost immediately by his intention to focus on the professor’s words. He lets them down easy and makes it clear that he pays thousands of dollars to study, not play IRL Tinder. This man gets sexier everyday.
You take your time packing your things when class is over, mainly because you’re too distracted watching Kasamatsu do the same. He is blind, or chooses to ignore, the whispers and shy glances thrown his way. Perhaps this is why you haven’t approached him yourself. You’re just one of his many admirers, a stroke in the massive painting of his life. Sighing, you pick up your pitiful self and make your way to the dining hall where you’re supposed to meet your friend for breakfast.
When the two of you settle on a table, you begin your weekly rambling about how beautiful Kasamatsu looks in the morning. Moriyama, being the good friend that he is, nods and listens intently.
Moriyama is an intriguing character. The two of you met because he had tried a line on you. In your perpetual state of flustered embarrassment, you had stupidly confessed to him: “Sorry, my heart belongs to Kasamatsu Yukio.”
In another twist of fate, he revealed that he had actually gone to high school with the guy and knew him pretty well.
“You know I can introduce you to him, right? No need for all this pining and drooling from three feet away.”
“It’s not the same,” you argue, “he’s practically a living legend on campus. I’m too intimidated to even breathe in the same air as him.” Your obsession has perhaps taken you too far, but if you expect to continue being his fan, the last thing you want is to scare him away.
“You’re so overdramatic,” Moriyama rolls his eyes. Coming from him, this sentence means a lot.
“What? It’s not my fault Kasamatsu’s so hot. He could bang me so hard backstage then pretend I don’t exist and I would still pay to watch his next show,” you groan, spooning yogurt into your mouth.
In that moment, several things happen. Moriyama’s eyes widen and fly behind you. Footsteps sounding at that same spot suddenly cease completely. You, realizing what possibly just happened, feel the heat flare up your cheeks.
Kasamatsu, in his sleep deprived state and probably completely delirious, had stopped in his tracks. His head whipped around to the source of the comment, finding Moriyama sitting with someone who looks distinctly familiar, but he can’t quite put his finger on it.
Before Moriyama can even finish his sentence, Kasamatsu is already blurting out. “Okay, maybe I’m crazy but did I just hear you say that out loud?”
You want to crawl into your hole six feet underground and never see the light of day again. Ducking your head, you don’t even want to chance a glance up. The utter mortification is chewing away at your bones and you wish you could just evaporate into thin air.
Moriyama quickly interjects with a quick laugh, “Hear what? Also how have you been, man? I haven’t seen you in forever. Come join us for breakfast.”
Kasamatsu’s brows pucker. Maybe he really is going insane. And horny. Which is a very bad combination. Nevertheless, he slides into the empty seat next to Moriyama. He stares at you for a few seconds, squinting, before snapping his fingers. “Oh, I remember now. You’re in my calculus class.”
He knows you? “How do you know me?” you squeak, cursing your fangirl self for losing your voice. You never speak up in class, always choosing to come up to your professor for questions at the end of lecture. You’re quiet and tucked away behind him, so you never expected him to recognize you.
The smile he sends you is blinding. Even with shadows under his eyes, he still looks gorgeous. “You’re always first to arrive and last to leave. Figured you’re a hard worker in class and probably acing it.”
Your mouth dries. Kasamatsu noticed you. He actually noticed you. “Oh, um, I’m okay. I’m okay in class, I mean.”
“The question you should be asking is her name, Kasamatsu,” Moriyama scolds, smacking his back.
Kasamatsu pinks sheepishly. “Sorry, yeah. I’m Kasamatsu Yukio, by the way.”
Idiotically, you blurt out “I know” before your name. When you finally introduce yourself, you also clarify, “I’m a huge fan of Blue Devils. I mean, I’ve been following you guys since like high school. Absolutely love your music.”
The man actually reddens even further, but still he beams proudly. “Thank you! That’s crazy. Have you been to our shows?”
Almost all of them. “A couple, yeah.”
“We have one tonight in an actual venue. Are you coming?”
“Ah, it was sold out before I could get a ticket, actually.”
Kasamatsu blinks, “Oh, you’re more than welcome to come. I can get you a pass. Both of you—if Moriyama’s interested.”
“That would be amazing!” You grin, “Is there anything I can get you in return? I don’t want to just accept a gift from you for free.”
“Well, if you are good at calc, I wouldn’t mind some extra tutoring,” he suggests with a teasing grin.
Moriyama rolls his eyes, “Just ask her out instead of using tutoring as an excuse.” The two of you sputter, face colored a dark shade of red. You’ll kick his ass when you get the chance.
That one mistake turned out to be the greatest opportunity of your life. In addition to attending his show that night and meeting all of his bandmates, each one more good looking up close than then other, you manage to have weekly study sessions (you’re holding off on calling it dates) with Kasamatsu. The two of you take turns booking rooms at the library to cram, which mainly consists of you reexplaining concepts to the man. Although he isn’t a bad student, he’s also still struggling a bit to keep up.
“Hey” is what you hear before you feel a warm surface press against your cheek. You look up to find Kasamatsu with a steaming cup in hand. Gratefully accepting it, you catch a whiff of freshly brewed tea. You take a sip and smile. Black tea, no sugar. “Just the way I like it.”
“Noticed you never add anything to your tea,” Kasamatsu says almost proudly.
You raise the cup to him in thanks. Both of you go through your usual routine—you focusing on reviewing material for next week while Kasamatsu pores over his notes from this week, occasionally poking you to ask questions.
Honestly, a big part of you still wonders if this is all a dream. This guy you’ve been crushing on for years is sitting in the flesh right across from you. You peek at him from time to time, watching the way he frowns at his book. His blue, almost grey, eyes shine underneath the flickering lights. Even the way his lips curl unhappily is cute.
When he catches you staring, you quickly drop your gaze back to your laptop, missing the way he smiles quietly.
“Will you come to our show this weekend?” He asks as the two of you pack up.
“Ah, I have a shift at my part-time job.”
He looks surprised, “That late?”
You shrug, “Food never sleeps, I guess. It’s at the burger diner by campus.”
“Oh, are you guys open late?”
“Close at one.”
He nods, “Maybe I’ll see you there after then. The guys usually get really hungry after a gig so we can drive some business your way. I’ll make sure they tip well too.”
Your heart warms at the thought. It’s a thoughtful gesture but you’re even more thrilled at the prospect of seeing him. “Sounds good.”
True to his word, Kasamatsu brings the guys to your workplace at midnight after their show ended. They order quite a spread, practically everything on the menu. Kasamatsu goes as far as to help you carry orders to their table. You shoot him an appreciative smile.
Over the time your friendship has bloomed, Kasamatsu has been nothing but a gentleman. He walks you home to your dorm if you’re studying late into the night. He meets you in class with a muffin or a cookie from his early Starbucks runs. Surprisingly, he begins placing himself next to you each session. “This is better anyway,” he mutters. “Two birds, one stone.”
His vague words had you tilting your head in question.
“I don’t have random people coming up to me to sit with me and, well, I get to enjoy your company.” It’s a nice thought—him enjoying your company, that is. He had blushed a little when he realized what you said, but chose to direct his attention to the slides pulled up before him, missing the way you hide your smile behind your sleeve.
Now, you hear the rowdy boys chattering on as they devour their meal as if it’s their last. They speak through mouthfuls of burgers and fries, but you find the sight endearing, mainly because you’ve never seen Kasamatsu so relaxed. It’s quite refreshing really. Your attention is piqued when you hear one of them ask: “So doing it tonight huh?”
Kasamatsu retorts with a “shut the fuck up” and flings a fry his way. The way the other guy wiggles his brows suggestively has you freezing. What if he was meeting up with someone tonight? What if he was going to do the deed?
Somewhere in the distance, you hear the faint cracking of your heart. Of course, Kasamatsu is popular. It’s no surprise he’s got his nights covered as well. You sigh dejectedly, feeling the hope inside you crumble into dust. The rest of your shift goes by rather uneventfully, but you try to avoid going to their table too much, lest you hear more details about Kasamatsu’s planned tryst. The man himself steals glances your way, wondering if you’ll be checking on them anytime soon.
“Your check,” you smile as you set the bill on the table, “I got the owner to give you a discount since you guys ordered a good amount.”
All of their eyes seem to sparkle as they thank you in unison, their synchrony almost puzzling. As you move to pick up the bill and change, Kasamatsu catches your hand before you move away. “What time does your shift end?”
“Half an hour. Why?”
The other guys are already packing up their things and giving you little waves as they exit the restaurant, leaving the two of you alone. “I’ll walk you home, it’s late,” he murmurs, fingers still wrapped around your wrist.
“Oh, you don’t have to! I usually take the bus back anyway so it’s no big deal.” You want to confirm whether he had plans that night anyway. You’d hate to be in the way of that.
He shakes his head, “I insist. Also, um, are you doing anything tomorrow?”
“Catching up on studying most likely.”
“Oh,” he pauses, “if you have time tomorrow night, do you want to catch a movie with me? Maybe dinner after?”
You blink at him in surprise. Now that you’re looking at him properly, you notice that his cheeks are several shades darker than the red neon glow of the diner sign. He’s shifting on his feet and his other hand finds purchase on the strap of his bag, fidgeting with the material. “Um, like a date?”
“Y-yeah,” he stutters slightly, his throat moving as he swallows. “Sorry, I probably should’ve made that clear,” he coughs, “b-but if you don’t want it to be the we can also go as friends.” Perhaps you’ve tortured the boy long enough but you can’t help but relish in his awkward chuckle as his hand lifts to rub the back of his neck nervously.
Biting back a huge grin, you nod. “It’s a date.”
Kasamatsu’s eyes light up and a pleased grin spread across his face. “It’s a date.”
The hollering outside the building has the two of you whipping to face the window where his bandmates have their faces pressed up against the surface, laughing and smiling to congratulate and embarrass their friend. Kasamatsu flushes, “I’ll see you later to pick you up.”
You nod but he’s already out the door, leaping to kick his friends away. “You stupid idiots!”
Laughing, you watch as the group makes kissy faces at Kasamatsu all the while the man fruitlessly attempts to shut them up. He really is cute.
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houseofoddballs · 3 years ago
My (Hopefully) original AU!
Alright... so the monsters are trapped underground... right?
With very little to no light... right!?
This boy is almost a literal shadow... almost...
(I might do some character sheets for Gloom and Pitch, but I suck at drawing so who honestly knows. Feel free to send in asks about my AU and it's characters, I'll gladly answer!!)
Also, I was totally inspired by @llamagoddessofficial's Ao3 "The Danger That Lurks Underwater" book! Check it out!!
So, picture this...
Before the barrier fell:
Having just escaped the creature in what frisk was now calling "The Ruins" They clutched the small flashlight close to their chest, it was their only defense mechanism after all.
The creatures down here were... interesting... The light went out. Sending a firm hit to the top, the light flicked to life, and Frisk could resume thinking. "The light down here was was scarce, almost nonexistent, which made the darkness everywhere, all consuming, But the monsters seemed friendly enough.
The ones in the ruin had been childish, playful even, and Toriel was so sweet that it was almost suspicious. The smaller monsters however, had laughed, and seemed to make a game of avoiding the beam of your flashlight while coming close enough to tug at the edges of Frisks sweater.
'Crack' They jumped and turned around, shining their light on where the sound had emanated from. That branch was so big, how could something have snapped it like it was nothing?
Frisks breath caught in their throat as they kept going with the unmistakable spine chilling feeling of being watched. Frisk yelped a bit as they almost stepped off into a cavernous pit, the beam of light in their hand scanning wildly for the source of a deep chuckle from the forest.
But it did find a way across... It was a rickety bridge that looked straight out of a horror movie, the thick wood that made up the floor and banisters was rough, looked as if some one had tried to sand it with a meat pulverizer, and it was littered with deep scratches here and there into the wood. The poles on either side of the bridge felt almost ceremonial as Frisk stood at the edge of the bridge, contemplating any other alternatives.
"H e y . . ." The voice was deep, it was a deep smooth- no, hollow baritone that made Frisks heart stop and blood freeze. The air was thick around them, or was it the darkness? At this point they were the same thing, as they looked into the pit, honestly considering throwing themselves into it.
"D o n ' t y o u k n o w h o w t o g r e a t a n e w p a l? T u r n a r o u n d, a n d s h a k e. m y. h a n d." Mustering up the courage and cursing themselves as they turned around, their flashlight beam disappearing again, but even without it Frisk had little trouble seeing the monster that stood before them.
A skeleton.
Dark was an understatement, He was darker than the suffocating void that had consumed everything, and seemed to be almost absorbing it, and from the tendrils that seemed to cling to him from the darkness it was hard to tell what was him, and what was the pitch black.
He was short, still about an inch taller than frisk (Who was already the size of a sixteen year old anyway, thank you Progeria...) and when they made connection with his hand the bone was soft and smooth, warm and cold at the same time.
Then the hand slipped away, and everything went white.
After the barrier fell (aka: how does (Y/n) begin to fit into it?):
Sans had to admit, as a prankster, the surface was fun. He mostly moved between the shadows and scared the living daylights out of the humans he happened to come across, he had already run across more than one awkward situation, but the payout was so worth it, especially when it was you.
he loved visiting you the most, you were absolutely terrified of the dark, so to have stumbled upon you awake in the middle of the night was a one in a million chance. He loved the way your eyes went wide and darted around the room unable to see the edge of your bed, let alone the doorframe, the way your heart raced, it was exhilarating to hear and sans itched to press his nonexistent ear to her chest to hear it as the fear swirled and swelled inside, the way your breaths came out erratic and short, it was mesmerizing to him, but his favorite part was the small tears that pricked at the corners of your eyes.
He knew it was sadistic, but it's not like he actively tried to make you cry. He just loved how defenseless you looked, how helpless, how easy to protect you looked. he fiddled with the drawstrings on his hoodie, where the other Sans's had hoodies that puffed out and mad them look softer, more round, his was very thin, and made hid almost none of his shape, if not for the slightly thicker, soft, almost spandex, black tank top he had on underneath the definition of each rib would have protruded out a bit.
He sighed and pulled something out from the pocket of his shorts, they were still the classic sans shorts, but they were all black, a couple of seams the only indication that a stripe had been anywhere on them in the first place.
You see, this had become somewhat of a nightly ritual for him. He would spook a few people, play bogy man for a bit, then come and watch you as you woke up briefly from one of your regular nightmares, and after you fell asleep he would watch you some more until morning, and only then did he leave you, but not without leaving some dark chocolate on the table... it had originally made him chuckle, but the first time he saw your absolutely ecstatic childish reaction to the small treats he had left you, his heart 'melted' and he found that he couldn't stop.
This night was different however as a more menacing shadow materialized in your closet. Sans growled, of course red pitch was here to intrude on his little night light. Pitch was, well him, but Pitch was more openly sadistic and cruel with his pranks and likes, he also liked to flirt almost violently. To put it shortly, if sans gloom wasn't leaving you to sleep through the night on your own, he sure as hell wasn't about to leave you alone at night with Pitch.
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raindduks · 4 years ago
trio trouble
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p a i r i n g :: shinwon x reader (kinda)
g e n r e :: angst, werewolf! au, suspense
w a r n i n g s :: major character death, alcohol, syringes,
s u m m a r y :: The moon shines brightly in the night sky, all but a sliver illuminating your path as you make your way through the brush. Briars constantly poke and rip at your stockings, a chilly breeze worming its way under your sweater and behind your ears. The air is crisp, tinged with the smell of dead leaves and foliage. Normally, you would be all about this.
Normally you aren’t running for your life. 
w o r d  c o u n t :: 4642
a / n :: cross posted on ao3, please check it out there as well! i have the same url on both!
The moon shines brightly in the night sky, all but a sliver illuminating your path as you make your way through the brush. Briars constantly poke and rip at your stockings, a chilly breeze worming its way under your sweater and behind your ears. The air is crisp, tinged with the smell of dead leaves and foliage. Normally, you would be all about this. 
Normally you aren’t running for your life.
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The night didn’t start like this, in fact your friends had decided the best thing to do this Halloween would be to venture out to the abandoned mill on the outskirts of town and drink until the sun rose or you keeled over - whichever came first. You walked towards the mill, dressed head to toe in autumn colors and a themed sweater because it was cold outside and you were not about to freeze to death on Halloween. You carried a twelve pack of ale, happily moving towards your destination. You noticed that the others arrived before you, and a cheer went up as you approached.
Wooseok, already a little tipsy, shouted when he saw you approach - “YEAH! MORE BOOZE LETS GET IT!!” - and swiftly disarmed you of your goods, raising them above his head as he marched towards the stash of various beverages off to the side. Yuto and Hui looked up from where they were stationed by the fire, waving at you before returning to their conversation. Shinwon and Hongseok were watching a furious debate between Changgu and Jinho about something the younger had said about the older's “costume for the evening,” which was just Jinho in a beanie. Apparently, Changgu thought he had dressed up as a 7-year-old for the occasion. Hyunggu was passing around a bowl of candy, grinning all the while. Yanan stared into the bonfire, watching his marshmallows go up in just the right amount of flames. You grinned.  
The hours flew by in a haze of smores, sweets and - of course - shots. Hongseok and Jinho told scary stories around the fire with Yuto cowering behind Wooseok and Yanan. Each story was more ridiculous than the last, but that didn’t seem to matter to Yuto - if it’s remotely scary, it’s enough to send him running. You felt a pleasant buzz settle in just under your skin, negating the chill that had crept into the air. You shifted closer to Shinwon, the pair of you content to watch the show. As it got closer to midnight, you heard the man sitting next to you pipe up, 
“Why don’t we play a game of Truth or Dare?”
The group, a happy level of tipsy, agreed. Dares ranged from eating rum-soaked marshmallows and trying to jump the fire, with truths being anything from childhood memories to dirty little secrets. Wooseok turned to Hyunggu, “Alright, truth or dare?”
Hyunggu smiles, “Dare.”
Wooseok’s mouth crooked upwards, “I dare you to go into the basement.”
The color drained from Hyunggu’s face as the group egged him on. 
“I’ll even go with you. Gotta make sure you don’t chicken out,” Wooseok offered.
Yuto looked frantically between Wooseok and Hyunggu before quickly interjecting - “Me too!! I’ll go with them, too..” You’re pretty sure he didn’t want to be left at the mercy of Jinho and Hongseok who would try to scare him even more than he already was. 
You watched the trio disappear into the dark stairwell at the far end of the floor, shadows having long since enveloped their features. The conversation continued on. Minutes passed with no sign of the trio. Everything was fine, if not a little tense as you waited for your companions to return, until a blood curdling scream echoed through the mill. Everyone froze, looking at each other for answers. Hui was the first to stand, loudly proclaiming he was going to go down to check on them. One by one the group followed. 
The stairs creaked on the way down, but you could barely hear them over sounds of bones grinding on each other, low groans and broken screams growing ever louder the further down you went. Tension settled in the air and you felt yourself unintentionally creeping closer and closer to Shinwon. You clutched at the back of his shirt, desperate to ground yourself. He turned back to face you, and a small smile crossed his face. You felt some of your unease slip away into the darkness. 
You stepped into a large room at the bottom of the stairwell, eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. Once they did, you had to physically hold back your scream. The walls were bare concrete, lined with dusty boxes and peeling labels. Most strikingly, the room had a large upright operating table in the middle, complete with lights, stainless trays lined with various medical tools and a plethora of leather restraints. Upon one of these trays was a set of three syringes, two of which were already emptied. 
The third was currently being injected into a screaming and thrashing Hyunggu. 
Two hooded figures stood on either side of him, one forcing him back against the table as the other plunged the needle into your friend's neck. You locked eyes with him, paralyzed by his fear. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Hongseok move towards the table with a loud shout. The hooded figures turned his way, dropping everything they held before they sprinted out of a door on the opposite side of the room. Hongseok started to chase after them, with Changgu and Hui not far behind. Shinwon rushed to Hyunggu’s side, desperately trying to keep him cognizant while Yanan worked to undo the straps holding him to the table.
A growl echoed through the space, stopping everyone in their tracks. 
Out of the darkness stepped a large blond wolf with piercing amber eyes. He towered over Hongseok, staring down the man who looked poised to bolt. The wolf seemed neutral, content to stare down the man in front of it. The tense peace was shattered by Hyunggu’s groans, and the wolf turned his attention away from Hongseok to Shinwon who was cradling Hyunggu’s pale and flushed body. He moved towards them, but Hongseok quickly put himself in the wolf’s way once more. 
This did not make the wolf particularly happy. 
Suddenly, there was a dull thud echoing in the room as Hongseok collided with the boxes against the wall. He fell limp to the floor, and Hui rushed over to his side. You could see the faint rise and fall of his chest, which gave you a modicum of peace knowing he was still alive. During all the commotion, another wolf had stepped out of the shadows, growling lowly in his throat. This wolf was raven black, his fur taking on a navy sheen under the lights. The black wolf approached your side of the group, stalking towards you. You backed up until you hit the wall, breath shaky. Yanan stood next to you, looking frantically at the rapidly unraveling situation. Soon, a figure blocked your view. 
Jinho stood in between you and the wolf, eyes hard and resolved as he turned his head just enough to speak back to you.
“Get out of here.”     You were frozen in place, eyes locked with the beast. You couldn’t seem to move no matter how much your brain screamed at you to high tail it out of there. Luckily, Yanan did not need to be told twice. He forcefully grabbed your arm before dragging you back up the stairs. You stumbled over a few of the steps, legs still stiff from fear. You weren’t sure where you were going to go, or what was going to happen to you friends but you knew you needed to leave. You emerged onto the dusty main floor of the mill, constantly checking behind you as if you could see anything in the thick darkness. Barely there streams of moonlight filtered in through the windows, casting small pockets of light onto the floor. The fire the group created earlier had died down considerably, making the room seem impossibly dark. Yanan was unbothered by the lack of visibility, as he made a beeline for the exit, your hand securely wrapped in his.
“Come on, we’re almost outside,” His words are almost lost on you. 
 A sickening crunch echoed through the mill, and you felt bile rise up in your throat. You knew that couldn’t be anything good. Your mind raced through all the possibilities, and you could hardly keep your feet under you. You wanted to just collapse and cry, adrenaline exhausted and the cold worming its way in under your skin. How would you even get back? And what happens when you do? The wolves could probably track you wherever you went, and it’s not like the authorities are going to believe you. Who would? What would you even say? That two of your friends are missing, one of them was injected by two complete strangers hanging out in the basement of the old mill - oh, and the perpetrators ran away but before you could pursue you were stopped by two massive wolves? Anyone would think you’d lost it. 
Though something seemed…. strangely…. human about those wolves… 
You wrenched yourself out of Yanan’s grip at the exit, breathing heavily. He turned around, sorbet pink hair catching the moonlight and making him look almost ethereal. His expression was a mixture of confusion and exasperation. 
“What are you doing? We have to go!”
You shook your head frantically.
“We have to go back for them! Wooseok, Yuto, Kino… I think they’re-”
Before you could finish your sentence a growl sounded from behind you. You whip around, facing the decrepit building. A lithe white wolf, much smaller than the other two, padded through the doorway. His eyes are a bright blue, a complement to the deep crimson dripping from his maw. You instinctively started backing away as the wolf approached, hand outstretched behind you desperately searching for your companion. A bruised and bloodied Hui appeared in the doorway behind the wolf, making eye contact with you. His face twisted into one of surprise and then frustration. 
“What are you still doing here? Get to the car!”
The white wolf whipped around to face the new arrival, suddenly able to choose between meals. This time you don’t need Yanan to take your hand in order to start running towards the street where you all had parked. The two of you took off and Hui disappeared back into the darkness of the mill. You felt a rush of relief as you saw the cars come into view. Then, you felt your heart drop as you remembered that you left your purse and keys inside by the fire. You cursed under your breath. You could only hope that Yanan had driven here and still had his. 
It didn’t matter anyways as a large shadow burst out of the brush, cutting off your path. The two of you skidded to a halt as you came face to face with the large black wolf for the second time that night. The wolf paused for only a second before charging at you. You ran into the woods on instinct.
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The moon sits high in the sky now, and your legs ache at the continued strain. Your outfit isn’t the best suited for running through the woods, and you weren’t exactly ready to run a marathon at the start of the night. You have no clue where you’re going or what will be around the corner, but you know you need to get back to safety somehow. 
If there even was any safety to be found from three massive wolves. 
You’re ready to collapse when you stumble over a large tree root, scraping yourself up even further as you hit the leaf-covered ground. A groan sounds from behind you, and you scramble to your knees in search of the source.
You strain your eyes to see a mess of wavy brown hair and broad shoulders leaning up against the side of a tree. You gasp, moving over to get a better look at Shinwon. He opens one eye, and his pain twisted face immediately softens into something more sweet. A gentle smile adorns his face as he looks so warmly at you as you panic in front of him, hands flitting around him as you check him for injuries. His previously cream sweater is torn and deep crimson marks adorn his chest and right arm, and his face is almost unrecognizable under all the dried blood. You move your gaze down further and freeze.
Your knees sit in a growing pool of blood, and it doesn’t take a genius to know that the mangled mess that was - is - his right leg is the source. Shinwon doesn’t take his gaze from you, instead opting to cup your face with his hand. You feel tears escaping from your eyes, mingling with the dirt and grime that had built up there. You let a sob escape you as you feel his thumb softly swipe across your cheek, his eyes just as gentle as they always are. You don’t need words to know what he’s feeling. You never have.
You shake your head once, maybe twice before turning into his hand, holding it in place and trying to memorize the feel. You choke out, “We - We n-need to- hic - to get out of here, I can, I can, I-”
Shinwon shakes his head and cuts you off. “They’ve already got their eyes set on me, and you’re not in any position to carry me out of here. Hongseok maybe,” His smile brightens as he forces a huff of laughter out of you. You can’t help it around him. He’s always able to lighten the mood, even in a time like this. He reaches into his pocket with his free hand and places a set of keys in your hands, carefully folding your fingers around the warm metal. You shake your head again, muttering a string of noes, as if the gravity of the situation finally hit you. Tears ran down in droves, obscuring your already limited vision. This can’t be happening. You’re going to get him out of here. You’ll find your friends and get them to come back and grab him, get him help. He’ll be fine, if maybe missing a leg. He’ll be alive. You can, you can, you can..
You can’t. 
You’re not strong enough to carry Shinwon out of the woods on your own on your best day, and certainly not after all you’ve been through. Hell, you aren’t even sure where you are right now. A sob rips itself from your throat, and then another. You bring both of your hands up to wrap around the one still against your cheek. Sobs wrack through your tired frame and you can vaguely hear him gently shushing you. You stay for a moment like that, memorizing the feel of his hand, his warmth, the gentle tone of his voice. Deep down you feel something break inside you and this moment flooding in to fill the cracks. A thin line of gold to repair something incredibly broken. You shift, touching your head to his shoulder instead, hand still held between yours. You take a few deep breaths. 
“Shinwon, I can’t just leave you here.” You lean back just enough to look him in the eyes and you catch a faint smile on his face. 
“You have to.” 
His eyes convey everything in that moment - love and acceptance and peace. That look tattoos itself onto the back of your brain, and you instinctively shake your head again. It feels hollow somehow. An empty protest. 
“No, I’ll bring Hongseok back and everyone else. We’ll get you out of here, I promise. Just keep yourself safe okay?”
He relents, the odd softness in his eyes more prominent now. “Okay.” Pause. “Okay. I’ll wait here. Take my keys; you’ll need to get to town somehow and it’s not like I can use them. You know which one is my car right? The red hatchback?”
You nod, grip tightening around the keys he gifted you earlier. “Yes, it has those stupid dice hanging from the rearview mirror.”
He huffs out a laugh. You cherish every second of it. “That’s the one. And they’re not stupid - they’re cool.” 
“Whatever you say.” 
He closes his eyes and leans back against the tree trunk, once more absorbed by the shadows and foliage. He sighs in either relief or acceptance - you couldn’t quite tell - the smile on his face relaxing for just a moment. Shinwon rolls his head to face you as his eyes struggle to reopen. 
The normal teasing quality to his voice is absent as he formulates his next words. 
“Take care, Y/N. I’ll… I’ll see you soon.” 
Your throat closes up and you can only nod. He removes his hand from yours, nothing more than a gentle tug that tells you to release him. He closes his eyes once more, his breaths coming slow and steady. You stand and you can feel the pins and needles coming in to make their home in your legs from kneeling for so long. The adrenaline has mostly worn off by now, and exhaustion takes its place as you try to force yourself to leave. You don’t want to. You feel every part of your soul telling you to figure something out. That this can’t be the end, that you can do it somehow. But the better part of yourself knows this is the only option. 
Good night, Shinwon. I’ll be back soon. I - There will be time later, I promise. I promise. 
You can’t bring yourself to say it, but you hope he knows. Knows all the words you’ve left unsaid, even now.  
It takes everything you have to turn away from him.
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You don’t know how long it takes you to get out of the woods, but the moon is well into its journey by the time you emerge. Somehow you’ve managed to circle back around to the road leading towards the mill, albeit quite some distance away from where you started. A howl rips through the night air and you freeze in your tracks. Two more fire off in quick succession, and you relax. They appear to be from far off, so you can continue on your way for now. 
A pair of sweet brown eyes crosses your mind.
You don’t want to think about what they may be howling about. 
It is not lost on you, as you traverse the dimly lit road, that you are quite literally headed into the den of the beast. You could always turn around and try your luck walking home. Though, you’re not sure that you’ll ever be safe knowing what lives in the woods just outside of town. No, the car is your best bet. At least then you’d stand a chance of outrunning the damn things or hitting them hard enough to make a getaway. You grip the keys like a lifeline - hard enough to cut into your palm. You suppose they are a lifeline in a way. 
You don’t think much longer as two figures burst through the treeline into the light a distance away. One is holding the other up, an arm wrapped around the other’s midsection as they move forward in a sort of disjointed lockstep. Your body instinctively tenses, ready to bolt at the first sign of danger. One turns back to face you and you almost drop to your knees in relief. Changgu seems to be in a similar state. You pocket the keys as you hurry over to where they are, immediately placing your other arm under Changgu’s. You move Hongseok’s arm over your shoulders as gently as possible, trying to encourage him to lean into you as best he can. Sweat moistens his skin and through the rips in his shirt you see blackish purple bruises blooming across his torso. 
Hongseok struggles to open his eyes, but when he catches sight of you his lips twitch in a ghost of a smile. Your eyes flit over to Changgu, searching for something you’re not quite so sure you want to see. He shakes his head. Hongseok is injured - that much is certain - but it doesn’t appear to be life threatening as of now. He should get to a hospital soon; he must be exhausted from running so long. Changgu also looks worse for wear, with a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin. You don’t know how long he’s been half-carrying the larger man, but it can’t be too long or else he would be much more winded. Or not. Changgu is a lot stronger than you give him credit for. You could call him the strongest in the group if not for the man currently hanging between you. The three of you continue on your journey - silent for the most part. Neither of you wants to be the first to speak, to break the subtle understanding hanging in the air. You’ve seen some shit, and right now you just want to get out of this mess alive. 
Four or five street lights down, a small - distinctly human - figure stumbles out of the brush. Jinho notices you before you have a chance to call out to him. He runs over, taking his place next to you.
“I can take him for a bit if either of you get tired.” 
All you can muster is a curt nod of acknowledgement, and even then you stumble a little. Changgu forces you to stop, waiting for you to catch your breath.
“You should take a break.” You try to protest but Jinho inserts himself in your place, shouldering the weight of Hongseok with a grunt. Hongseok winces a bit as he shifts, his body a bit more lopsided due to the change in height. Jinho locks eyes with Changgu, nodding before continuing forward. You walk behind the trio, doing your best to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. By the time you make it back to the mill, it’s nearly sunrise. The sky is darker than black, and the stars seem to taunt you with their mirthful twinkling. You’ve rotated out carrying duty for Changgu, and your pace is significantly slower without him. Hongseok didn’t notice. 
As you approach the line of parked cars, you notice movement behind a black sedan. Hushed whispers float on the wind, 
“We have…… “
“Can’t leave yet…… “
“ No choice… car… ”
“ … OW!”
Changgu seems to recognize the welp, and calls out, 
“Yanan? Hui? Are you there?”
You watch Hui pop up from his hiding spot, eyes wide with relief as he spots the familiar faces. He rushes over to you, navy blue hair almost glimmering in the low light. Yanan approaches with him, quickly rotating out with Jinho for carrying Hongseok the rest of the way to the car, where you gently prop him against the side. Hongseok winces slightly as the cold metal hits his back, but his eyes don’t open. He needs to get to a hospital, and fast. Yanan slouches next to him, leaning his head against the door. You notice the deep crimson that stains the right side of his head and the collar of his sweatshirt. Yanan glances over at you and offers a smile. 
“I’m alright, don’t worry! It’s not as bad as it looks.”
You give him a look of disbelief, but don’t press the issue further. He is well enough to help carry a man twice his size, so that has to count for something. You turn your attention to the three men huddled nearby, 
    “What do you think they’re talking about?” 
    Yanan follows your gaze to the group and shrugs. “I don’t know, probably how to get out of here.”
    Your blood runs cold. “What do you mean?”     Yanan looks confused, “We have to leave? Did you forget there are three crazed wolves chasing after us?”
    “But they’re---I mean we can’t---They---” You struggle to find the right words. You aren’t sure your friends have put the pieces together yet, or if they’re simply more focused on survival at the moment. You deflate, your voice barely higher than a whisper, “But what if they’re our friends?”
    Yanan’s face softens and he affectionately pats your head. “They would want us to be safe.” 
He’s right.
    The trio come back over to the car. Hui speaks first. 
    “Okay, all of our stuff is still inside the mill, so if we want a chance at getting out of here we need to go back in there. But, we don’t know where Shinwon is and we don’t want to strand him here. No one’s seen him since we split up, and we don’t have time to wait -”
    You vaguely hear Jinho interrupt him and the pair start to argue back and forth, but you can’t really focus on the scene at hand when another swims across your vision. The memory of a hand pressing a pair of keys into your palm hits you so hard it nearly knocks you over. It’s been a few hours at best since you left Shinwon, but it felt a lifetime away. His final words block out the world around you, begging you to leave. Pleading for you to go on without him, no matter how hard it was. Without thinking, you fish the keys out of your pocket and hold them as carefully as you can in the palm of your hand. 
    You don’t notice it, but suddenly everyone is quiet. Their attention is focused solely on you. You gear yourself up to speak a few times, but each time the words die on your lips as helplessness takes over. Changgu is gentle when he catches hold of your wrist and asks,
    “Y/N, those are Shinwon’s keys, aren’t they?”
    You snap out of your reverie just enough to look into his eyes. The softness present there makes you choke back a sob - they really look so similar to his - brokenly nodding at him. Your mouth forms around the words you fail to say once more, until your tongue catches two:
    “I couldn’t..”
    Suddenly the eyes focused on your shift downwards, and Changgu nods. He takes the keys from you, face set in a determined line. 
    “We have to leave. Now.”
    No one tries to argue with him. In fact, they all exchange a glance and rise to their feet, wordlessly going about the motions. Jinho comes over to comfort your shellshocked frame. Yanan and Changgu work to lift the still breathing Hongseok to his feet. Hui takes the keys from Changgu and goes to find Shinwon’s car. You barely notice any of it. You’d been comforted by the idea that you could possibly go back, that Shinwon isn’t lost to you - not yet - and that there was still time. You deluded yourself into thinking that you weren’t the last person he would ever see, and that you would be able to get Hongseok, or Changgu, or anyone to help you bring him back. The rush of finding your friends was enough to push the thoughts of his gentle and desperate eyes to the sidelines, but not enough to completely erase them. 
    You were grateful as Jinho helped you to your feet and ushered you into the backseat of the red hatchback - “You know which one is my car right?” Of course I do, do you know how my heart soars every time I see that rust bucket? - sandwiched between Yanan and himself. Changgu squeezes into the trunk space since Hongseok occupies the front seat. Hui climbs in last, taking a moment to situate himself before looking in the rear-view mirror at you. 
    “Let’s get out of here.”
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autisticoolatta · 5 years ago
Brooo!!! Tell me more about character design!!!
ok so. i will tlak ab my science team bcs hyperfixation <3 they range from human passing to so very nonhuman but none of them are really human ! this is going under a cut because it is so very long
darnold is most human , he looks p mcuh normal but he consumes things that should absolutely kill him VXBSB.. hes around 5′7 , i draw him w a square-ish shape language bcs hes intelligent and relatively sensible but round corners cause hes v kind !! i hc he enjoys old-timey fashion so i give him a bowtie & suspenders under his labcoat ! he also gets dimples bc cute. 
gordon is p human at first glance but if u look closer he has slightly pointed ears and his canines are a little longer than average. he also has retractable claws like a cat , benreys like wtf didnt you say it was weird that i had claws ? and hes like nah its weird you cant retract them. also its barely noticeable but gordons hair moves veery slightly when hes emotional becayse heehoo. hes around 5′9 and has a relatively wide rectangle silhouette bcs hes hard-working and trustworthy ! post-game he mostly wears comfortable casual clothes like sweaters and knee-lenght shorts. dresses like a dad :^)
coomer mostly looks like a regular friendly old guy , but he has a buncha cybernetics hidden under his clothing bcs of course he does ! the extendo-arms are visibly metallic but his leg enhancements are mostly internal. hes 5′4 and has a v much circular silhouette ! friend-shaped !! he wears kind grandpa clothes.. shorts , hawaiian shirts , vests etc ! and yes he wears crocs <3
forzen is also pretty human-passing in terms of appearence , though he Can and occasionally Does subtly shapeshift.. and she also consumes things that would be so deadly to humans. like motor oil and rocks :) hes seemingly immune to bullets and has fangs but only sometimes. shes 6ft tall and her shape is p much square ! he wears an outfit v similar to his military uniform bc everyone was like dude get some new clothes wtf. so she was like FINE *buys near-identical red beret , fishing vest , huge backpack , camo pants and boots*
tommy.... WAY too tall 2 be human. hes 7′8. taller than gman. his silhouette is very tall thin oval :) round edges again bcs hes kind ! hes lanky but a lot physically stronger than he looks. he also consumes inedible things like computer keyboards. he has fangs , his eyes glow in the dark and he can use sweetvoice to a basic extent ! he also wears suspenders and bowties along w comfy baggy clothes like sweaters & chunky sneakers or crocs ! he also wears a lot of chew jewellery and he loves patterned socks :) he also uses a cane because being SO fucking tall isnt v easy on yr joints ! he uses crutches on worse days.
bubby is. also very tall but nowhere near tommy. hes 6′5 ! he has noticeably very pale skin & neat rows of pointy teeth (altho some are probably chipped). they also have almost-clawed fingers , v pointy shape language with a tall thin rectangular kinda silhouette. theyr not v physically strong most of the time so theyre pretty scrawny. his strength works on cartoon logic tho so he can be strong sometimes if it makes the situation funnier hebfhebr.. in-game he wears p much exactly the scientist uniform w no added stuff , but post-game hes like oh shit ! i casn do what i want now !! and goes out and buys a shitload of leather jackets and chunky shoes and gets so many piercings. awesome. the piercings & studs on their clothes also add pointiness to his design :^) oh and ! they use crutches because spending most of your life suspended in goo isnt very good for your muscles .
gman ! 7′5 so also inhumanly tall. he has pale greyish skin and is pretty clearly not human , he also has fangs & his eyes glow perpetually he Cannot Turn That Off. he doesnt necessarily eat inedible stuff but he has uncharacteristic reactions to foods , like alcohol doesny affect him at all but he drinks a pint of sparkling water and wakes up in a hollowed out tree stump in the woods at 4am 2 miles from his house. he can also teleport , make himself invisible for a limited time , levitate , and shapeshift ! he has a tall thin rectangular silhouette similar to bubby , but a little wider bcs hes more imposing & strong. when hes not in one of his 50 identical suits , he wears dad clothes also; hawaiian shirts & shorts and of course... socks & sandals.
finally benrey ! he4s so small. simply small as fuck. hes generally around 4′4 , but he doesnt really have a consistent height bcs hes constantly shapeshifting because he can. they also shift their weight occasionally and their hairstyle is never consistent at all. they have pale greyish skin , the face shadow ofc is permanent as are their eyebags , and he also just . doesnt have a nose. he can smell he just doesnt have one. probably has no ears either. he has a round silhouette but sharp uneven teeth & generally p messy hair , cause hes unassuming and laid back but Can fuck u up if he wants to. which generally they dont bcs they dont actually like being in physical conflict much at all. they use a wheelchair post-canon bcs dying does that to u <3 he doesnt mind tho , he and tommy deck it the fuck OUT w stickers. he wears casual clothes like hoodies and sweatpants ,  and has a seemingly endless hat collection... chullos , helmets , ball caps , beanies , you name it ! i usually draw them with a specific hat based on the situation , like im doing an animatic of the callmecarson spelling bee and benrey has a ball cap that says “im a keeper” with a pic of a bee on it. awesome
OK THATS LIKE ALL I HAVE tysm for letting me infodump BSKJKD... if u read all of this im proud of u <3
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