#then she wouldnt leave me alone for an hour or two
whateveriscatchy · 4 months
every time i come home to my cats running towards the door, i am floored by how much these creatures love me
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vixensbrainrotts · 9 months
Young and Beautiful — Hanma Shuji
Content: Imagines
Warnings: vaguely sexual tension, nothing nsfw though
Summary: you decide to take boudoir pictures, and pleasantly surprised by your (very) hot photographer.
Vixen’s two cents: hello! This started out as an imagine but i realized i dont really like writing imagines (it feels so unstructured), so have this little scenario instead. Also, whilst rereading this i realize that Shui seems a little creepy and i swear i dint want him to come off like that?! It was a hot idea in my head, idk how well that that translated, lmk about it! Remember my REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! Also im still on the hunt for moots for proofreading and triangulation in case anyone is interested please contact me!!
When your auntie told you to go and take boudoir pictures, you thought she was talking crazy and waved her off with a polite smile, but she wouldn’t let up. “You’re as young and beautiful as you’ll ever be! Take them for yourself when you’re old like me! It might seem awkward but it’ll be worth it!”
If you would tell yourself from a week ago that you were had booked an appointment to the nearest place, you would have fainted. And if you would have told yourself from 4 hours ago, when you booked that appointment that you would eventually have to step INTO the store too, you would have freaked out. Screw that, you were freaking out now.
You had considered turning around and running about four or five times, but that little voice in the back of your head going pussy wouldnt leave you alone. In a burst of confidence you entered the shop and were met with a surprisingly comfortable atmosphere, and a cozy interior.
You scan the shop for a few seconds, deeming it good enough not to run out of right away, before a tall, slim figure emerged from one of the Backrooms. He wore a lazy smile when he came to you, clicking away at the computer on the desk before asking “Are you my boudoir at 4?” In a smooth, low voice.
You nod shyly in response, fidgeting with your hands a little. He chuckled in response “Don’t worry love, I won’t do anything- this is my job after all.”
He led you to a studio type room and handed you a robe. “Over there.” He said, and a long index of his rose to gesture to a little changing cabin in the corner of the room. “Ill go get everything set up for us.” And with that, he left you to freak out in the changing rooms because fuck he’s hot!
When you emerge again he’s already handling some sort of lenses to the end of the cameras, lights and props set up and ready to go. When he looks to you, you grow shy again and tug the robe a little tighter around your body. He sees this and nods reassuringly “It’s normal to be nervous, sweetheart.” Which only makes you more nervous.
He notices, but chooses to ignore it as he guides you to one of the chairs that are set up. “Now dont worry too much about anything. Just do your thing, ill do all the magic.” You sit, admittedly a little more relaxed but still stiff and he huffs with a smile. “Relax girl! You dont want these looking like pass photos do you?” And that makes you giggle a litte, finally loosening up again.
“There we go. That’s better already. Want me to talk you through it, distract you a little? Do you think that would help?” Eyes are soft but his gaze burns straight through you. “I think that would help, yeah.” And that makes him smile a little.
“How old are you anyway? You look very young- I don’t normally get a lot of girls your age.” He lifts the camera and clicks something on a little machine that begins whirring lightly in the background, producing little qualms of smoke. “I uh, im twenty two. Don’t get me wrong I would have never done this on my own accord, but my auntie, she said that id regret it my whole life if i don’t do this and all such things.”
Whilst you had been explaining, your robe had started slipping off your shoulders. You had noticed but found it the most natural transition into the inevitable. Getting more comfortable, you decided to throw your legs over one of the seat’s armrests, leaning back a little, getting comfortable, as he had advised.
“Thank your auntie for me then.” He whispered underneath his breath, the shutter clicking softly.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
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Stay-At-Home Spencer
- ever since your daughter was born, you and Spencer have taken it in turns to become a single parent while the other parent travels for work
- you offered to stay at home and care for her every time the team needed to travel somewhere because you felt that Spencer was far more useful to the team than you were, but he insisted on splitting it equally
“Considering I couldnt physically assist you in carrying our daughter for nine months and then birthing her, I will spend the rest of our lives doing everything I can for her, and for you.”
- to begin with, both of you stayed home because you were recovering and Spencer made it his job to take care of both of you
- if the team really needed Spencer, you pretty much forced him to go because without him people could literally die, but he never left for more than a night or two
- but as soon as you were well, you were desperate to get back to work after being on maternity leave, so you took the first trip away
- which meant for the first time, Spencer was alone with and solely responsible for his daughter
- needless to say, he was terrified
- although he had paid attention to everything you did as a mother, it seemed that when he tried the same things, they didnt work because he wasnt you
- he also found it fascinating that although your daughter was only a few months old and was perfectly fine whenever you left the room, your daughter had somehow figured out that you were completely out of the house, and she was distraught
- for a solid hour, she cried
- Spencer tried everything, he tried feeding her, burping her, changing her even though she didnt need it
- eventually, he found the greatest solution: pulling funny faces at her
- he realised this completely by accident, he happened to pull a particularly contorted stressed face when she burst into tears despite another attempt at cheering her up, and suddenly she was in fits of giggles
- so he pulled the face again, and she was giggling more
- he lifted her to sit on his raised knees on the floor, bringing her closer to his face to try out some more strange expressions, all of them had her laughing in the most wonderful way
- in that position, she realised that she could reach out and grab some of her father’s hair, which she did
- Spencer was surprised at how gentle she was with him, considering babies often grab things with a lot of determination
- for the rest of the day, he tirelessly pulled different facial expressions until it was almost her bedtime, and by then Spencer’s face was aching
- he had a cloth on his shoulder to catch her drool as he held her in her new favourite place: where she could reach his hair
- you had been texting Spencer at every chance you got to make sure things were going well, but you knew better than to call, just in case your daughter was napping
- unfortunately, one person who didnt think of this was Derek Morgan
- you had been in the bathroom when Derek suggested the team needed Spencer’s help, and by the time you were done peeing the phone was already ringing
- your husband picked up the phone on the second ring so that it disturbed her as little as possible
“Hey pretty boy, we need your help.”
- Spencer could tell he was on speaker to the entire team, and he hoped with every fibre of his being that there wouldnt be anymore tears from his daughter
- he then heard your voice in the background whisper-yelling
“Spencer has a bedtime?” Derek chuckled.
“Not him-“
- and as if on cue, the little baby in Spencer’s arms squealed with delight, as if she somehow knew people were talking about her
“Oh SHIT! Im so sorry kid!”
“Dont worry, she’s calmed down and ready for sleep after her bottle. What do you need?”
- and so, as Spencer bustled around the kitchen, using his shoulder to hold the phone to his ear while he held his little girl with one arm and prepared a warm bottle of milk with the other, Spencer discussed and essentially solved the case for his team
- “Oh, by the way, pretty girl says she loves you.”
- ah yes, Spencer was pretty boy and you were pretty girl to Derek, always
“Tell her I love her too!”
“Pretty boy says he loves you too.” Derek repeats to you, and Spencer knew you were smiling without even having to see you
“Good luck with the kid, kid.” Derek said sweetly.
“Thank you, good luck with the rest of the case. Look after my wife!”
“We will!” JJ called out.
- with that, Spencer ended the call and began to give your daughter her nightly bottle
- he sat on the couch, holding her gently and admiring her features
- her tiny hands with the gentlest grabby fingers, her perfectly round cheeks, the feathery hair sprouting at the top of her head, and her eyes, your eyes
- once she’d finished her bottle, Spencer walked to her crib and rocked her a little in his arms, humming softly to her until she was fast asleep, and then placing her in her crib
- he tucked her blanket around her and moved a stuffed animal beside her, which she immediately grabbed ahold of in her sleep
- bending down to place a kiss on his daughter’s head, Spencer whispered goodnight to her before leaving the room
- he collapsed on the couch, exhausted beyond what he ever thought possible
- his phone vibrated on the table and he smiled tiredly
You: hey love, everything alright? x
Him: today has been wonderful, but we both missed you a lot! little fairy is sleeping now, and I think I’ve been inspired to do the same x
You: ahhh! you’ve done such a good job, congratulations!! you’re a stay-at-home dad now hahaha. and you finished our case today! you definitely deserve the rest. I’ll be home tomorrow! sweet dreams my angel x
Him: hank you sweetheart. I cant wait to hold you again. I’ll dream of you x
- Spencer didnt even have the energy to move himself from the couch to the bed, he simply shifted slightly so that he was comfortable, and passed out
- a smile lingered on his face as he thought about what you’d said
- a stay-at-home dad, you’d called him. he liked that title
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cxhleel108 · 6 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: OAKELY SAVE ME!!!
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• Girl…
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• Yeah you CLEARLY do!
• “Moangate” is crazy😭
• Outfit time uno!
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• I don’t understand what the vision was here.
• Luna obviously me and Bea have gotten close cuz she’s not annoying??? You the only bitch here I don’t like!
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• Girl he just poured his heart out to you was this necessary😭😭😭 (It was)
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• Gag her.
• Having the “Mr. & Mrs. Challenge” during Casa Amor is so….chile ok.
• Outfit time dos!
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• Ok y’all had me scared with whatever that bikini was but this is cute!
• Oh I need that black top Bea’s wearing right fucking now!
• I don’t want everyone to think Shawn’s my man now but I’m also not finna play stupid as if I don’t know the answer to all these questions. See the problem they’ve caused me?
• Claudia being an RnB girl oh exactly mother!
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• Get his nasty ass Bea!
• I’m crying Max did all that work just for Luna to pick another nigga my god she’s such a shrew.
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• Well I think the fact that I don’t fucking care helps!
• Oh my god I don’t want any of you niggas LEAVE ME ALOOOONEEEE!!!!
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• “Which boy are you most into?” Where is the “No” option?
• Outfit time tres!
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• This is so cute if only bae could see me in it💔
• Oh so NOW Luna is sorry for everything? She so lucky I’m a nice person🙄🙄🙄
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• Wow…that’s never been done before!
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• Imagine doing all this just for the girl to be like “Lol Imma still sleep alone tho, good night!”😭😭😭
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• We…we just…we just did that????????
• Claudia asking me which boy I’m most compatible with as if she don’t know the answer stop fucking playing with me.
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• Mind you I already had all of that in Oakley before they started trying to fuck with me.
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• Anyone with half a brain could see that…like what?
• Can we just do all that stick or twist shit now like FUCK I’m over it!
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genderless-naper · 2 years
a gift for you
bangchan (skz) x gf!reader
synopsis: he got you a gift so you dont feel alone
lowercase intended !
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chan has been spending much more time away than he’d like to admit. in between producing, practice, and other scheduling it wasn’t like you had room to complain to him. he came home late and left early the next day.
although you tried your best not to let it get to you, he knew. he knew that you started to feel distant. he knew you were feeling less happy. he knew you were losing sleep trying to stay awake for him. he knew and it made him feel terrible. he explained to his members whats been happening between you two after they cornered him into confessing why he was acting so weird lately. all he had to say for himself was that he ‘doesn’t know what to do to make it up to you’
half of the members looked mad at him for treating you this way, while the other half looked at him with pity. minho shook his head and replied, “she cant be in a relationship with someone who’s never there”
“i tried to make time for her but i cant. our schedules are too different”
minho just looked at chan like he was the dumbest boyfriend in the whole world. he easily couldve been considered it.
“if you cant be with her physically then give her something so she knows youre always with her”
chan was more confused by this than the times he tried to film tiktok videos with the members
“but she has everything she ever needs, what could i give her?”
minho rolled his eyes, “if she had everything she needed we wouldnt even have this conversation. you need to figure this out on your own. you know her the better than we do”
for the next few days chan pondered on what to give you. he spent hours in his studio on amazon rather than producing trying to find a perfect gift. soon he realized he was running behind schedule and needed to leave for a skzoo photoshoot.
when he arrived he set you lots of pictures. pictures of the members, of the plushies, of the shoot set, and more random things. he always sent you pictures wherever he was. he was happy for you to see them but that quickly changed when you left his message on opened without a response. he was hesitant to send one last picture.
he sent a picture a picture of him with a lifesize wolf chan plushie along with a message, “please dont be mad, you’ll make wolf chan and channie sad” you giggled at his immaturity. you liked his selfie and responded to his text, “im not mad chan, i got busy doing the laundry” he called you once he was done with his part of the shoot. you were happy to finally be talking with your beloved boyfriend.
“you know chan, wolfchan looks strangely like you a lot. i mean look at his dimples! and his little curled piece of hair. theyre just like yours!” chan smiled at your thoughtfulness and asked, “do you really think he looks like me?”
“of course, you two are like twins” in the distant you hear chan’s name being called and so you ushered him to get back to the shoot. he wanted to say no but you already bid your goodbye and hung up.
all the members got a gift basket of their represented skzoo. chan stared at the wolfchan in his basket and instantly remembered your comments on their resemblance. he decided to take the basket home to you once the shoot was done.
he ran into the bedroom and pulled you into a tight hug, “i got you something special!” you raised your brow curiously, “is it that basket?” he replied with a nod and quickly sat you on the edge of the bed. he placed the basket on your lap and sat on the floor in front of you all while smiling from ear to ear, dimples exposed. he ushered you to open and look at everything.
“okay okay chill, im opening it channie!” you giggled and ruffled his hair to calm him down. you took out the wolfchan, and chan took it from you and peppered it in kisses. he handed it back while his grin widened, “there, now you’ll always have a part of me with you y/n!” you could’ve practically melted by how cute he was being. you nodded and hugged the wolfchan tight while showering chan in thank yous and kisses.
you never spent your days alone after that. where ever you went wolfchan went as well. when you missed chan you would talk to wolfchan. he was always there for you and warmed your heart.
oftentimes chan would come home from the studio just to see you tucked away in bed hugging the mini-version of himself tight to your cheek while you were fast asleep. he was glad that you appreciated it as much as he appreciates you🖤
ahh wolfchan is such a cutie patootie. i finally got mines today and i love him so much ahh. everything abt him brings me mega serotonin vibes
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haleyhunwritess · 2 years
hiiiii!!!!!! i am recovering from anorexia where i had to get hospitialized cuz i wouldnt eat i was wondering if you would be able to write something for me i love your writing so so much i hope you have a amazing day tommorrow or to night or when ever you read this
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You're Enough.
a/n: Oh no, love. I'm so so sorry you had to go through that. Please feel free to message me if you want to! It took me a very long time to write this because it hit a little close to home and while I haven't been diagnosed with an eating disorder, I've noticed for the past two years that I've been starving myself in a very unhealthy way, and my doctor said I show signs of body dysmorphia, so it took me a while to write this and it may not be what you wanted so i'm so sorry but i really tried my best to write this. I really hope that you're doing better now<3
warnings: angsty, implication of an ED, stressed!reader
“I know, baby, I know.” Bucky sighed listening to her cry on the phone.
“M-make it go ‘way…I have so much work left...” She mumbled as she tried to sit up. She quickly laid back down when her stomach started to hurt even more.
“Bubba, I really wish I could.”
“Why can’t you make it better,” She continued to cry loudly, “You always do.”
He could feel his heart breaking as he listened to her cry, beg him for help, “Sweetheart, I would love to help you, I just don’t think I’m close enough to do that right. I wish I was there to take care of you…”
He felt guilty for leaving her. He didn’t have a choice in but it still pained him to listen to her crying because she was in so much pain. If Sam wouldn't have called him for help then he would’ve stayed with her.
She was still in school but she's supposed to graduate next year. She'd been dreaming about going to graduate school to get her masters. But lately, she felt like she was suffocating trying to get good grades. She'd been trying her absolute best but sometimes it felt like it wasn't enough.
Last year, she failed two classes, and almost failed a third one. She couldn't figure out why it happened until she got diagnosed with ADD. Her doctor talked to her about taking medication and getting treatment. She explained neurodiversity, and how late diagnosis like this often affects your grades and work.
During summer, she tried to make up for it all but she got a little obsessive. One time, she nearly went 3 days without eating anything because she was too focused on an essay that was due soon. Her stomach hurt so much on the fourth day, so she tried to eat something but ended up getting sick and throwing it all up. She drank some water and got back to work. She was at her desk for hours until Bucky finally forced her to take a break.
As soon as she got up from her desk, she nearly passed out in his arms. He had to hold her up while her head was spinning. He'd been so worried, so scared. He helped her to her bed before getting her something to drink. She took a few sips before confessing that she hadn't had a thing in days.
She'd been doing much better with his help lately, but every now and then, she struggles to have even one meal a day. She'd always had a complicated relationship with her body and food. But it felt like it had been getting worse lately.
If she was in this much pain before Bucky left, he never would’ve left her alone. But now there’s not much he could do besides try to cheer her up with sweet words of encouragement over the phone.
“Hate being alone like this…hurts so much…” She mumbled, pulling the blanket over her head before bringing her phone back to her ear.
“Bubba how about you get some rest and I’ll try to figure something out so you’ll feel better in no time, yeah? How does that sound, baby, is that okay?” Bucky had a plan that might help her feel a bit better until he comes back.
She mumbled a quick yes before hanging up the phone and slowly falling back asleep.
After a while, she woke up to someone gently stroking her hair. At first she leaned into their touch but then she realized that Bucky wasn’t supposed to be home yet. She quickly pushed the person away and sat up in her bed to see who it was.
“Hey, it’s just me! Don’t panic, sweetheart, Bucky called me and said you weren’t feeling too well?” She relaxed when she realized it was just Steve. She slowly nodded, lying back down and curling in on herself. The pain had only gotten worse.
“Poor baby, it’s alright, everything is going to be okay! I brought you some food and something to drink so you’ll be feeling better in no time.” She quickly shook her head, and covered herself up with the blanket again. The thought of eating anything right now was enough to make her feel sick.
“Bubba…you know you have to eat, love. I know you’re very cozy right now, and I promise we can cuddle soon, but darling you know food is very important too.”
She quietly sniffled at his words, feeling a bit overwhelmed. She knew he was right. She didn’t enjoy feeling this way, she knew how unhealthy this was for her. But her brain wouldn’t allow her to agree so quickly. She just started fidgeting with her thumb instead of answering him.
He gently lifted the blanket up, “Look I brought you a few snacks and some drinks. There’s all kinds of different things, bubba, even some chocolate! We can start small, like something to drink first. Your throat must be pretty sore, bubs.”
She thought about it for a second. It couldn’t hurt to drink something. It would help her feel a bit better. She slowly nodded and got up, her back against the headboard.
Steve smiled at her, and opened up the bag he brought with him. He dumped everything onto her bed, making her eyes widen at the amount of food and drinks he’d gotten for her.
He noticed her reaction and decided to put a few things back in the bag, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. These are for you and I to share, don’t have to finish it all by yourself. Plus I just wanted to make sure I brought you a wide selection of snacks and drinks to choose from.” He knew she had some sensory issues, especially when it came to food. She wasn't exactly picky but some textures just didn't feel right in her mouth and she preferred to steer clear of them.
She nodded and looked down at some of the drinks that were on her bed, along with the snacks. She tried to tell Steve which drink she wanted but her throat was so sore, she couldn’t get the words out. She decided to just point at one of the juice boxes and mumble a ‘please’.
“It’s okay, bubba, you don’t have to talk. I know it hurts. It’ll be okay soon.” He popped the straw into the juice box before handing it over to her, “Alright you get started on that juice box, I’ll find a movie for us to watch.”
He took his laptop out of his bag and turned it on. He quickly turned on one of her favourite movies, then placed the laptop next to her.
“Alright I’m gonna have a snack, bubs, I’m feeling a bit hungry. Would you like to share one?” She shrugged, not sure what to say. He grabbed a sleeve of cookies, before moving over to sit down next to her, “It’s okay if you don’t want to, bubba, you can still have a little bit if you’d like though?”
She watched him open up the package and take out a cookie, offering it to her first. She quickly shook her head and turned her attention over to the movie. He kissed her forehead before taking a bite of the cookie, “Oh bubs, these are really good. Are you sure you don’t want some? I can split this one if you’d like?”
She thought about it for a minute before hesitantly nodding her head. He smiled and split the cookie into two, making sure he didn’t get any crumbs on the bed. He handed her the other half, watching her take small bites, “You're doing great, love. Bucky loves you, you know? I know he can’t wait to come back home and see you.”
She smiled at the thought of Bucky coming home soon, while finishing off the cookie. Her throat felt a bit dry from the cookie, so she took a few sips from the juice box before putting it back down.
She moved closer to Steve, resting her head on top of him. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him, “How are you feeling now, bubs? Stomach still hurts?”
“A little bit…” She mumbled, smiling every now and then at the movie.
“What if I cut up some fruits for you in a little bit? How does that sound? Maybe some strawberries for my sweet girl?” She blushed at that but nodded her head, “Alright then, I’ll get that for you in a bit.”
“T-thank you.”
He smiled, giving her a kiss on her forehead, “Come on, get comfy, love. Everything is gonna be okay.”
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 6 months
I'll Look After You - Part 5 - Bucky x Y/N
The next few minutes after their first kiss was filled with many more. Nose kisses, cheek kisses, forehead kisses, just about every inch of Y/Ns face had been kissed. She giggled, his mustache tickling her. 'I have to go now, I have to work remember?' she said between giggles. Bucky thought it was just about the sweetest sound he had ever heard,he never wanted her to stop, and he certainly did not want her to leave. He spoke to her between kisses. 'No (kiss) dont (kiss) leave me (kiss) yet (kiss) I'm not (kiss) done.' Y/N had never had someone treat her so adoringly before. She could get used to this. But for now she had to obtain some sense of decorum. She gently pushed him away by his shoulders until he was lying back on the bed. The look he gave her was absolutely sinful, until she backed away from him. Then suddenly he looked like a five year old who just had his lolly-pop stolen. 'I'm sorry. But I have to go get ready for work. I'll see you soon.' With a smile she blew him a kiss, smart enough not to get too close to him again incase he grabbed her and stopped her leaving again. She walked away as he smiled back at her 'I look forward to it.'
A few hours later, Bucky was bored. He had waited as patiently as he could, but Y/N still had not come back to his cublice. He knew she was near. He could hear her lovely voice as she spoke to other nurses and patients. He's certain he heard her walking with another soldier, helping him with his physical therapy. 'That's fantastic Lieutinant, you're doing a lot better since yesterday.' 'Thanks Nurse Y/N.' 'Lets try with me just holding one hand, you can do it.' He could imagine her sweet smile as she held the young Lieutinants hand, encouraging him to take more and more steps. Bucky again felt that little flame of jealousy. He knew she wasnt interested in the young soldier, but he was jealous that he got to hold her hand and see her smile while Bucky just lied there in his bed bored. When's my physical therapy. I need a lot of physical therapy. He thought to himself.
Another hour went by and still no Y/N. Bucky was giving up hope when his curtain was pulled back and there she was. She wasnt alone though, Dr. Andrews was with her. 'Good afternoon Major Egan.' the doctor reached to shake Bucky's hand. 'Afternoon Doc.' He looked to Y/N, she smiled while walking towards him. She stayed quiet as she checked his vitals while the doctor read Bucky's chart. Finally Y/N spoke 'Everything looks good Dr. Andrews.' 'Fantastic. How are you feeling Major?' the doctor asked still never looking up from the chart in his hands. 'I'm okay, ribs still hurtin' though' Bucky said. 'Well that will take some time. Usually 6-8 weeks until full recovery. But I'm happy with your progress. I see no reason to keep you here any longer.' The doctor finally looked up at Bucky with a smile. Before, this would have been great news to Bucky. But that was before her. Now the thought of being discharged was worse than crash-landing in occupied France. 'What? Really? I thought I'd still be here -' 'I'm not saying you can get back in a plane, but your typical Air Exec duties should be manageable. We will have you back in two weeks for a check up. Nurse, you'll get the discharge papers ready please?' 'Yes Dr. Andrews.' With that the doctor left.
Y/N was suprised. She thought Bucky would be delighted to get out of here. She was delighted for him. Sure she'd miss seeing him every day, but it was better for him and his mind to be away from the infirmary and the sick, injured and possibly dying. But the look on Bucky's face was not excitement. If anything, it was sadness. 'Isn't this good news? I thought you would be delighted. Yes its a shame you cant fly yet, but the weeks wont be long going by.' She figured that was what was bothering him, being at a desk. She tried to get him to look on the bright side. 'You can still work just take it easy.' 'It's not that I dont want to go back to work,' he said eyes boring into his hands. 'I just don't want to leave here.' 'Why on earth would you want to stay- oh.' she realised then. As he looked up at her with his baby blues, she realised he didn't want to leave her. He would willingly stay in this hellscape of an infirmary, just to spend more time with her. Nobody had ever liked her that much before.
He felt awfully vulnerable. He didn't like showing people he cared. 'I dont even feel it' being his frequent go to catchphrase. But he did feel it. He felt it for her. He needed her to know that he cared about her and didn't want to leave here. For fear of not seeing her enough, for fear that she would forget about him when he was no longer her patient, he wasnt sure. He just wanted to be near her. She made him happy, and happiness was in shrt supply these days. She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. She placed her hand on his cheek and he leaned into the touch. 'It's a pity you want to stay in here, with you out of the infirmary and no longer my patient, I thought maybe you'd want to go out sometime. But if you dont want t-' 'Yes!' he almost screamed, making Y/N jump in suprise. He quickly composed himself. 'I suppose that would be nice, I could take you on a real date, not like that terrible excuse of a date you had with Croz.' Y/N lightly hit his shoulder. 'Be nice! And besides it wasnt really a date, not like he picked me up or brought flowers or anything. We were just two people at the same place at the same time having a drink together. Besides I'm almost certain he's married.' 'Well I'll still show you a better time than he ever could, no doubt about that doll.' With a teasing glint in her eye she smirked, kissed his cheek and got up and walked away. 'We'll see.'
When Bucky was discharged around an hour later, he wanted to come find Y/N again to discuss their date. Their date. Bucky still couldn't believe it. He was going to go on a date with Y/N. He found her at the nurses station. 'Hello there gorgeous.' he leaned against the desk. Another nurse standing near by heard him and started giggling. 'Hello Bucky, finally ready to get out of here?' she smiled while giving daggers to the giggling nurse. 'Not quite. We have to discuss our date first.' 'What date?' What date? Had he dreamed it all? Was he sicker than the doctors thought and his mind was running away from him? 'Didn't we say when I leave here we-' 'You never actually asked me out. You just said you could take me out. And said it would be better than a date with Harry. But you never actually asked.' She was teasing him. Making him work for it. He admired her for it, and he liked playing this cat and mouse with her. 'Well, I'm sure I could find the time in my schedule to take the lovely nurse who helped my recovery out to dinner.' he smiled his most seductive of smiles, making butterflies appear in her stomach. But she had to play it cool. 'I'm sure you're awfully busy Major, don't worry about me.' 'Well I do have some extra time on my hands now that I'm unable to fly.' 'Well I would have to check my schedule, and I'm often booked up far in advance.I work long hours and of course there is all the special attention I like to give to my patients.' Her smile was sinful. The way she looked up at him from her desk, pencil between her teeth, it was sending Bucky wild. 'Ah yes, your special assets are very important to the patients here I'm sure of it. Perhaps they would survive without you for one night though? Maybe Friday?' It was then her expression faltered to one of geniune dissapointment. 'I'm working the night shift on Friday.' 'I'll swap with you!' It was Nurse Giggles, had she been listening the whole time? 'I'll work your Friday night if you work my Saturday night? There was actually somewhere I was hoping to go on Saturday night so you would be doing me a favour.' Nurse Giggles was suddenly in Bucky's top five list of favourite people. 'Are you sure?' Y/N said. 'Absolutely!' Y/N turned to Bucky, seductive smirk back firmly on her face. 'It looks like my schedule is now clear Major. What did you have in mind?' 'You leave that to me doll. I'll pick you up at 1900.' With that he winked at her and walked out the door. He was going on a date. A date with Y/N. All he had to do was plan the date. He had to plan the most wonderful date in the history of dates. Bucky's hear sank to his behind and his stomach did several backflips. Oh shit.
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Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss x Daughter reader
Another request thank you fir commenting!
Summary: Would you do one where Hotch and Prentiss get a call from the police station because their 16 year old daughter or son (Reader) and got into a car accident because of drunk driving (Reader didn't get hurt)
Third person pov...
It was 9.30 pm, the team had finally caught the serial killer they had been chasing after for 5 days, he had killed 10 men and woman and 3 children, the case was draining for all the team.
As soon as they got on the plane they had fallen asleep apart from two people Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss.
They were up talking about the case and their 16 year old daughter who was home alone, they hoped she wouldnt get into any trouble.
Of course they were wrong 5 minutes later Hotches phone goes off and he answers the call. "Hotchner" he says it was a police officer calling.
"hello am i speaking to Mr Aaron Hotchner?" he asks, Hotch looks at Emily and puts the phone on speaker so she could hear as well.
"yes that is me" speaks Hotch. A empty pit forms in his stomache did something happen to his daughter.
"i am officer Bing calling from Virginia Police station, i have your Daughter Y/N Hotchner here for underaged drinking and drunk driving, when will you be able to collect her and sign the necessary papers?" he asks, this made Emily snd Aarons eyes widened as they hear what happend.
Emily then chooses to speak, " Is our daughter okay?" she yelled into the phone, Hotch grabs her hand calming her down.
"yes she is okay, only a concussion and a couple of bruises the other driver was perfectly okay and is not planning to charge her" says the officer.
"okay thank you for telling us, we will be there to collect her in a couple of hours, we are currently come back from a case" explains Hotch before the call ends, Then two Parents sit in silcence.
"That's our daughter alright" Says Emily jokingly, but sees Hotches face and wipes her smile on her face, she could tell he wasn't happy.
"I can't believe her, we leave her for 5 days and this ends up happening" Hotches mutters angry as Emily quickly messages her daugter.
Emily: Your Dad is very pissed
            Off with you Princess.
I kind if guessed that from his :Y/N
Voice on the phone, i dont need to
Be a profiler to know that Mum.
Emily: Dont get sassy with me
Not trying to sorry Mum :Y/N
Just hurry please, i dont want to
spend anymore time here in this cell.
Emily: We will be there in a couple
Of hours Honey.
Emily then put her phone away and laid down her head in Hotches lap and legs on the seat next to her, Hotch smiled at her he knew she had messaged Y/N.
Hotch watched as the plane flew in the sky, they still had an hour left until he could see his daughter and make sure she was okay.
Time skip...
When the plane landed the two quickly got everyone into the different SUVs ans began driving to the police station. "Where are we going Hotch?" Asks Reid from the back seat as his Boss speeds through town.
"Y/N is at the police station" he says simply, eyes on the road, knowone said anything for the rest of thw drive, when they both got tocthe station they ran in and up to the desk.
"Emily Prentiss and Aaron Hotchner for Y/N Hotchner our daughter" Yells Emily scaring the guy at the desk, he then lets them through and the parents run to Officer Nings desk where Y/N was sat.
Their 16 year old daughter had a bandage wrapped around her head, a couple of bruises on her face and arms bit other than that she was okay.
Emily breathes a sigh of relief as she pulls Her daughter in for a long hug the girl quickly hugs her mum back just as tightly.
Office Bing then takes Hotch aside and begins signing the papers for his daughter to be released, when he was done Emily had finally let go of Y/N.
It was now his turn to hug their daughter, the man does he brings her close to his chest and hugs her tightly. "You worried us so much when we heard you were in a car accident Princess" he said pulling away from her.
Y/N looked down, she could bear to see the disappointed look hisnher dad's eyes. "I'm Sorry Dad" she mumbled, the Agent then lifted her chin.
"I know you are, we were just worried, don't you ever do that again" he told her, this made tears fall down her face.
For the first time that night after the accident she cried in her Dads arms, only now realising how she could of died and how dangerous what she did.
Y/N cried and cried for hours in her Dads arms, Her Mum soon joining them in their hug fest. The family off three soon let go and the two bought their daughter outside to where the Team were waiting still confused.
It's wasn't until they saw Y/N that they realised she did something, JJ and Morgan were soon running over. "What happened arw you okay Honey?" Asked JJ
"Did you do something awesome kid?" Aksed Derek at the same time.
Both looked at each other before glaring. "Derek, she could of died" Exclaimed JJ
"Like you can talk JJ, you wanted to know as well but of course you have to be the mama bear" Exclaimed Derek the two continued to argue making Y/N laugh.
The 16 year old was happy to have her family surrounding her making her laugh like always. Their argument soon git everyone laughing even Grumpy Aaron Hotchner.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, I had lots of fun writing it. As usual sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1023
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dorkydiaz · 2 years
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YOU WERE LIGHTING FLARES [1.3K | alternate universe| bmtb fic] {ao3}
a/n: she's hereee everybody!! i know we are generally losing our collective shit over promo and cast content-- but let me take you to another universe for just a moment. for @buddieau i know thigs didnt go as planned really, but without signing up for this i wouldnt have finished this and i love you both so much <3 both titles are from waking up slow by gabrielle aplin. this will be about 7 chapters i believe, all about this length each capturing a different moment in their relationship in this universe. enjoy <3
CHAPTER ONE: I COULD BE YOUR FRIEND Buck wasn’t one to often get deeply invested in their patients. He would connect with them deeply, leaving him emotionally wrought, but not in a way that was investment. 
Bobby had told him that their jobs stopped at the glass doors. Athena chewing him out. But it just had been something about how tiny the baby had been. Is. He had cradled her all the way to the hospital, feeling some sort of kindred spirit in her. 
He understands why they don’t go past the glass doors. He really does. There’s just something aching. 
“You know, I  have a friend up in the NICU. I could ask him about her?” Maddie offers over the takeout containers that Buck brought to the hospital with him after his shift. 
Buck just shrugs as he sips his coffee, “I don’t know Mads, Bobby made it pretty clear-“ 
“Well, what if you were to happen to be here, and happen on the floor… it’s 4 by the way," she smiles as her pager beeps and she takes a last gulp of coffee before taking off back to the ED, calling “See ya at home Ev!” Before she’s gone. And Buck is alone in the nurse break room. He pushes his last few bites of breakfast around in the container before eating them and throwing everything away and leaving the room, weighing the idea in his head. 
He stands in front of the bank of elevators trying to decide if he wants to go up or down. With a rush he pushes the up button before he can change his mind for a tenth time. 
He carefully follows the arrows and signs pointing him toward the NICU. He feels far too big and clumsy to be in this wing. Where fragile beings are just learning what it’s like to be in the world. Surrounded by such innocence. He didn’t quite fit in with his raucous and reckless life. 
He's finally standing in front of the window, carefully looking to see if he can see her. 
His eyes land on her in the incubator, and she seems even tinier than he remembers, even though it was only a few hours ago really. An eternity, and twice her lifetime for her and a blink of an eye for him. she has a hat now which settles something within the aching, but the myriad of wires and tubes add a new sense of worry. he’s never felt like this before. 
He just watches her chest rise and fall. Hands shoved in his jeans pockets. He still feels out of place, being six foot two, and all muscle. But there is a part of him that is truly and fully invested in everything about her. Wants to make sure that she finds her people, that she’s happy and loved. That she has someone to love her like Maddie loved him. 
The nurse comes by to check her vitals and Buck watches him closely, knowing the nurse can do his job but wants to see if he can read his expression as he checks her over. He catches Buck watching and after he makes some final notes on her chart, he exits the room and comes face to face with Buck. 
His arms are crossed, the sleeves of his soft gray shirt pushed up his forearms underneath his light purple scrub top. The tiny stethoscope hanging around his neck, a tiny monkey holding tight.
“Are you her father?” he questions, skepticism already lacing every word. 
And Buck nearly jumps out of his skin even though he saw the other man coming and even suspected that he woul be spoken to. That question wasn’t what he expected. The notion of it even, “Oh god no! I- I’m just-“ 
The nurse’s right eyebrow starts expertly climbing his brow as Buck stumbles.  
“I'm um, I'm a firefighter-'' he shucks the left side of his jacket a little to reveal the emblem, “I’m on the team that brought her in yesterday?” Buck tries, “I’m the one who held her all the way here.” 
The nurse softens, “And my sister, she- she’s the one who said it would be okay for me to come by- Maddie, she’s a nurse down in the ED-  I’ll leave if it’s not, I have pretty much gotten what I came for anyway, I am so sorry.” Buck rambles, fidgeting and looking over his shoulder. 
The nurse starts smiling, and Buck had never seen anything like it. 
“You’re Evan!” There’s a sparkle in his eye that could rival stars in rural Montana. 
A blush creeps across his cheeks, “You know Maddie,” he states, ducking his head and digging a toe into the linoleum. 
“I'm Eddie by the way, I'm guessing she’s never mentioned me by name?” 
“No,” he shakes his head, but then snaps his fingers, “but she did mention a NICU nurse friend!” 
Eddie laughs again resting his hands on his hips casually. 
“She’s tried to convince me to let her give me her cute firefighter brother’s number, I don’t know how many times.” 
“You can have it if you want,” Buck blurts, then covers his mouth, “Oh my god I’m sorry.” 
“It's okay.” Eddie runs a hand over the back of his neck, “You can have it. I just- I’m not ready to date yet?” 
“You can call me Buck by the way, Maddie’s the only one that calls me Evan. Well she does and my parents but-“ 
“We don’t talk about the parents,” Eddie says in the same tone that Maddie does and Buck laughs. It all feels like a breath of fresh air after the shift he had. 
It feels like Eddie is waiting for Buck to deny him something because of what he said, but Buck just takes his phone from his back pocket, opens a new contact and holds it out to him. Eddie smiles a little as he carefully takes it and enters the number. 
“Text me so I have yours okay? I gotta get back in there.” 
“I will. Bye!” 
“Bye Evan.” 
He looks into the nursery again just to make sure her chest is still rising and falling steadily and waves at Eddie one more time before rocking on his heels, and smiling like an idiot all the way to the elevators. 
Maddie is barely in the door before Buck launches into a rant, “Maddie how could you not tell me you’re “NICU nurse friend” is possibly the hottest man I  have ever seen but you have also offered him my number, on more than one occasion, unbeknownst to me. You had ulterior motives!” 
“So I see you met Eddie,” she says, dropping her bag on the floor and toeing off her shoes. “He needed it to be on his terms, or at least think it was.” 
“Yeah, he uh mentioned not being ready to date, what’s that all about?” 
“Not my story to tell. but I hear you have his  number so you can ask him yourself.” she just grins and opens the fridge to grab a glass of juice before she crawls into bed. 
Buck is laying in bed staring at the ceiling when his phone buzzes;
From: Eddie 🩺 Hi. 
A blush creeps across his cheeks and he smiles. He quickly schools himself because he just met the man. But there had been something about him that made Buck want to crawl into a warm bubble and live there with him.
To : eddie 🩺
shouldn’t you be sleeping 🤨
From : eddie 🩺
Couldn’t you say the same for yourself?
To: eddie 🩺
Oh no
R u someone that like uses actual grammar while texting
From: Eddie 🩺
Is that an actual question?
To: Eddie 🩺
Uhh yeah
From : Eddie 🩺
Yes. And if only there was punctuation for you to indicate that you were asking me a question…
To: Eddie 🩺
Oh. my. God. 🙄
good night
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lunart-06 · 10 months
I just imagine hinaegi spending christmas together and how they would take turns on who to spend it with. The first year they decide to spend it with makoto's family (the thh kids, komaru and maybe some friends makoto made on the future foundation), Hajime is nervous out of his mind, he spent weeks in advance searching for the best gifts for everyone, specially togami (even tho makoto assured him everything would be okay.) he enters the room fucking sweating, but everything turns out to be amazing!!! The vibes are just so cozy, and even with the initial nervousness, Hajime feels like he's home in a few hours, he gets to hear a bunch of stories of makoto from the others, be it the stories from his childhood that komaru tells everyone while makoto hides his face in embarrasment, or be it the little facts about the killing game that the friends accidentally slip up, Hajime instantly feels guilty, but makoto quickly pats his cheeks and moves his attention elsewhere, overall, amazing! good food, christmas songs, cozy vibes, an amazing christmas.
so, next year they decide to spend it with the jabberwock kids, and makoto is super excited, he goes out with a big list of gifts to buy for every single one of them, and well.. hajime is also super excited! but at the same time, he wonders how it will go, dont get me wrong!! he loves all his friends with his entire heart, but they are a bit intense, so he will calmly tell everyone to act AS GOOD AS THEY CAN, and when the christmas party starts, everything seems to be going well, they are all at a table and stuff, until an hour passes and hajime CANNOT find makoto anymore, hes being passed back and forth to every single one of them, Hajime wants to spend some time with makoto only to find out Ibuki took him away and is trying to make him play the guitar, he grabs makoto and takes him away, only to look around the next second and find Hiyoko trying to paint his nails while she taunts him on how he would look much prettier if he cut that ahoge off, hajime tries again, but he gives up after a while of competing for his boyfriend with his friends, its hard, and with nagito tho.. he wouldnt leave makoto alone the WHOLE night, hajime is absolutely ehxausted the other day, while makoto loved it! well, they'll never have a boring christmas.
I want them to have a christmas together, just the two of them, after the second day. But sadly Makoto was still duty bound as the new headmaster and Hajime still needs to check on and handling his classmates and the island. So they just spend the 3rd night via video call, talking about their own days wether it be something mundane, embarrassing, or very privately embarrassing to the point one has to ask himself why did he even have to tell that one while the other just laugh on their seat.
Or just reminicing the days, doing some small vents and just be openly deep and vulnerable with one another knowing the other would never judge them for it, afterall, they're on the same boat in the burdens of the world and reliability.
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bridgyrose · 5 months
Ladybug, Snowfall or Fallen Petals for the bunny suit drabble (I don't know what a reverse one is)
(A reverse bunny suit basically covers everything a bunnysuit doesnt while leaving everything a bunny suit covers exposed. That said, have some snowfall)
“You want me to wear… what?” Cinder had asked in almost a half gag at what Winter had asked her to do. “I know you were put in charge of my… rehabilitation as Ruby put it, but… you cant be serious.” 
Winter rolled her eyes as she held a red bunny suit in front of her. “Its just for one night and you wont be alone. I promised Weiss that I would be there to help-” 
“And so now I’m supposed to wear that because of a promise you made?” 
“Its for the spring festival that Vale is putting on.” 
Cinder sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I dont see why I have to wear that for a festival. Its so revealing and… crude. There has to be something better to wear.” 
Winter sat the bunny suit down next to Cinder. “Part of your rehabilitation is to help where its needed. And right now, Weiss needs help making sure we have enough people for the… bunny cafe… that she’s putting on. The suit is required, but she is allowing stockings for your legs to be covered as well as sleeves for your arms.” 
“I dont see how this is supposed to help with any of that.” Cinder laid back and looked over at her prosthetic arm, still self conscious about the scarring that came flush with the metal along her shoulder and chest. “There has to be another way for me to be better, right? Maybe I can rescue a few cats out of trees or help someone cross the street.” 
“Then dont do it for Weiss, do it for me.” 
Cinder sat up. “For you?” 
Winter looked away to try to hide her own blush as she cleared her throat. “Like I said, you wouldnt be the only one wearing something like this. Robyn, May, Fiona, and Coco have also volunteered along with Ren and Jaune. Besides, its supposed to be fun and you’ll only be required to be there for a couple hours.” 
“That still feels like two hours too many.” 
“Just… think about it for now.” 
“Fine…” Cinder watched Winter leave the bedroom and shut the door before she got up and picked up the bunny suit that laid next to her. As she held it up against her, it seemed a lot more revealing than what Winter made it seem to be. Though, she had to admit, she did see the appeal of wearing one, even if it wasnt exactly her style. 
She grumbled a bit as she found herself stripping down and putting the bunny suit on, her skin shivering as the cold latex pressed against her. The outfit fit a lot more snug than she expected it to, not that she didnt really expect it to be snug against her. A sigh left Cinder’s lips once she finished dressing, the scars along her legs, arms, and chest all still visible and stood out against the outfit. A cruel reminder of the life that she had lived up to this point. 
Leggings and sleeves would certainly hide most of her scars, but the ones along her chest where the grimm arm had attached to her… Cinder started to strip the outfit off herself, nearly disgusted with how she looked. Every scar a reminder of what she’d been put through, the pain that she felt when Ruby purified her of that grimm that was killing her from the inside out, every scar practically engrained with the identity of the person who put it there. 
“Everyone has scars, you know,” Winter said as she walked up behind her.
Cinder flinched at Winter’s voice and started to get dressed again. “But not everyone has to wear them as blatantly as I do.” 
“No, but this fight has left us with our own share of issues. I have to keep wearing my brace, Ruby’s missing an eye, Weiss has scars all along her arm now, Emerald has scars along her face from when you nearly killed her… but we all choose to wear them proudly.” 
“Its still different.” 
Winter sighed. “Alright, then how about this: wear the bunny suit for as long as we need it and I’ll make sure your scars are hidden.” 
Cinder paused as she pulled her shirt over her and looked at Winter. “And how do you plan to do that?” 
“Makeup will still do wonders to hide most of your scars we cant cover.” 
“Fine,” Cinder said as she finished getting dressed. “Help me cover the scars first and then I’ll decide if I agree.” 
Winter pulled Cinder into a hug. “I promise, I’ll do everything I can to keep you comfortable.”
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riddlexmattheo · 2 years
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Imagine Mattheo letting himself get tortured to protect your safety and hiding place from rogue death eaters that want to use you as something against Voldemort but little do they and Mattheo know you are being personally protected by Voldemort himself
Voldemort: Y/N you must rest you are pregnant it's not safe to be lifting all of those heavy things I will get the elves to do it
Y/N: yes my lord
Voldemort: Draco my boy help her back in bed
Draco: Yes
Draco: Come on Y/N lets go get you in bed
*A few hours after you have fallen asleep you hear a commotion downstairs
EX-Death Eater: Give us the girl or we kill both of your boys
Voldemort: Really
Mattheo: Father Don't
Tom: Father listen to Mattheo she is carrying the future of the family her protection comes before anyone
EX-Death Eater: Bye-Bye Riddles * Leaves Mattheo and Tom behind*
*you are asleep when of a sudden someone comes through the window you start to scream but stop when you are slapped unconscious*
Lucius: Why would he threaten the young Lords and then disappear
*Draco runs into the room with a worried look*
Draco: Because it was a trick they have Y/N
Mattheo: No no no*runs upstairs*
Draco: It's useless to let it go Mattheo
Voldemort: Leave him Draco he has every right to be worried after it is his child she is are carrying
*Moments later all death eaters show up in the Malfoy manor*
Lucius: What are the others doing here??
Voldemort: Now everyone listens carefully my son Mattheo's girlfriend
Death Eater: *whispers mudblood under his breath*
Tom: Who said that
Death Eater: I did
Voldemort: And what may that be
Death Eater: Yes my Lord but she is a mudblood
Tom: Only Publicly
Voldemort: What do you know Tom
Tom: She is adopted but she is pureblood her father is the legendary Theron Amidala family one of the original magic families to ever exist I don't think this kidnapping is for revenge I think they have a whole other plan her and it starts with her death
Lucius: Wouldnt that make her your daughter Bellatrix( Mattheo and Tom's mother is not Bellatrix in this story)
Voldemort: Bellatrix?
Bellatrix: Yes she is and we have both known for a while
Tom: Her dying can be that bad
Mattheo: Yes it can because I only told you part of it
Voldemort: Then what is the other part?
Mattheo: Her blood alone can unlock all 17 blood magic artifacts with her blood and if all of them are unlocked completely chaos will happen and maybe the end of the world
Voldemort: Now everyone listens carefully your job is to find her and when you do I don't care who dies just don't make it Y/N boys you stay together
Draco: My Lord your arm
Voldemort: I know where she is, boys
*Time skip 4 months later *
I have been stuck in this tower being beaten until I couldn't do it anymore but it all stopped two weeks ago cause luckily enough I had gone into labor and I'm happy they didn't take her away all of a sudden I heard screaming and fighting moments later I heard the cell door open
Y/N: who is it
Tom: It is me muddy
Y/N: Tom *Y/N hugs tom *
Tom: Grab the baby we don't have much time
*We both Apparte back to the manor Tom grabbed the baby and walks into the nursery and the first person to see me runs to me
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Mattheo: Are you Ok? Did they hurt you badly? Where is the baby?
Y/N: I missed you two she is with Tom
*Y/N faints out of nowhere*
Bellatrix: She is just tired get her to bed my boy we can all talk in the morning while we go kill the others who laid a hand on my little girl
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hotchfiles · 2 months
rewatching season 1 and 2, I get why Haley is upset with hotch gone and working long hours but me personally my dream is marrying a man who leaves me alone to do my thing and is also crazy about me when I'm back like I would be a 10am pilates girly no questions asked
no fr i keep telling people this what was missing for haley was a bit of adhd !!!!! like with my object permanence issues i wouldnt even notice him gone, he would be back and i would be like hey babe !!!!!! that was quick !!!! (he was gone for two weeks)
i still think the whole issue was jack (poor baby i love him but), haley probably lived her life more independently before being a mother and with a kid it all changed and she needed him more
that wouldnt be an issue to me bc i wouldnt have a child !!!!
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1800-page-not-found · 2 years
Okay sooo I’m a big lazy perfectionist soooo
How about Lisa,Layla,Faruzan trying to make me go outside for non-perfectionist reasons
Look up for females
Pick one and have fun with it
Look down for the males
How about Albedo,Tighnari,Venti trying to make me go outside for non-perfectionist reasons
(seperate) Lisa, Layla, Faruzan x lazy perfectionist reader
Summary: They drag your ass out (im sorry i still dont really understand but i tried 〒v〒)
Lisa sighed. You were being very difficult. Here you were, sitting on a chair attempting to correct your mistake. From an outsider point of view, your painting was a complete masterpiece but to you, it was absolute shit. You could see every single wrong on it. "Cutie, if you don't go on a stroll with me to collect overdue books, I will zap you." she said in a sweetly menacing tone.
You freaked out. "I-I can't! Don't you see? This flower here is too dark compared to the others!" you had run out of your paint color that you mixed earlier and tried attempting to recreate the same color, but it was either too dark or too light. It was very stressful.
"OW! Lisa! stop shocking me!" you cried in pain. Lisa was beyond pissed at this point. She grabbed you by the collar and started dragging you out the door as you clung to your chair. "NooOoOo Lisaaaaa.." you sobbed as she dragged you outside. Finally letting go of you, she turned around and crossed her arms, furious.
"Maybe i should leave you here hmm? Do you want that?"
"Then be a sweetheart and help me collect overdue books"
"Its too far..." you groaned.
"I wasn't asking" she smiled in yet again, a menacing voice.
This time, you could see sparks practically radiating from her. Scary... maybe it wouldnt hurt doing this right?.. plus you're doing this with her so it can't be that bad...
You got to see an even more terrifying side of her when someone didn't return their book.
Layla had fallen asleep while you on the other side of the room was busy finalizing a report in your astronomy class. You too were studying in the field of Illuminationism, and you were finalizing a report due the next day. You sighed. You've been at this for more than two whole hours and you couldn't think of how to wrap your essay up. You had a decent grade (I'm not sure how the Greece grading system works since the Akademiya is based off an ancient school in Greece i think), but you still wanted to push it higher. studying just took so much work and energy. You're still way above average so its good enough.
Someone, who you assumed was Layla (since she's the only person in the room with you, that'd be weird if it wasn't), tapped your shoulder excitedly. Ah right. She had this different persona whenever she slept. it was a bit odd at first but you got used to it. "Yes Layla?" you turned to her.
She was staring a bit too much at you as she smiled. "Lets go out on a walk!" she exclaimed. Now?? at 1 in the morning? You raised an eyebrow. "Layla, its too dark outside, what if we get ambushed? You have a vision but i don't." you frowned
"I'll go by myself then!" she grinned, skipping to the door. "No! Wait hold on, i'll go with you" you sighed giving in. . You were also worried she might do something dangerous if she was alone. Her sleepwalking persona was quite the character. Leaving one last glance at your unfinished papers, you stepped out the door where Layla was, practically glimmering with happiness and energy. Running after her, you tried your best to tire her out before you tired yourself out.
Finally, after what seemed like a millennium, she decided to head back. The only good thing that came out of this was Layla giving you many ideas how to finish your essay. Perhaps skipping a few classes wouldn't hurt right?.. Perhaps you could feign a cold..
Faruzan was knocking on your door impatiently. "Y/n!" she called multiple times. What time was it?.. 5 in the morning?..you sighed. Why was she even here?..
"If you don't come out here right now i will break your door down!" 'she sounds like a mom' you sighed. "We have to go explore the ruins today!"
Oh. right. ruins. You, still half awake, could not process her kicking your door down and carrying you to the ruins fast enough. "What?..sand?.."
sand. "FARUZAN." you screamed in a panic. she dropped you on the ground, scoffing. "Its madam to you, y/n." she crossed her arms. the coarse sand beneath your feet, the sand under your clothing, the sand in your eyes. It felt awful. You ran like the speed of light to the ruins, where it had hard cool stone underneath the shadow. Dusting yourself off, you glared at faruzan. "Faruzan." You started. "Once we finish this, i'm switching my field of study."
"You can't do that!" she frowned. "Respect your elders!" she hit your head. "Ow!" you yelled, stomping off to somewhere within the ruins.
You were lost. Perhaps this ruin was solely a maze. "Faruzan?" you yelled, hoping for an answer. shhhekkkk. shheek. You turned around, petrified. There standing behind you was a primal construct, preparing to attack. Damn it. You really shouldn't have seperated from Faruzan. Especially when you wielded neither weapon or vision.
You cried running from it. You ended up (barely) in one piece by the end of your ruin adventures after promising to stay with faruzan and calling her "madam" from then on.
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junkartie · 10 months
Like normally i wouldnt worry too much about her symptoms rn but my vet told me she had a very small amount of candida in her crop and that he felt there was an underlying illness like a cold that was causing her to feel even worse. The illness should be cleared up rn and given how minor her thrush is it just doesnt seem normal how bad her symptoms are. Im really hoping this is just because shes extremely small for her age and that she’ll get past this in the next two weeks. I dont know. Im not a bird expert but i think i have done everything i can. I fill her warm water bottles every hour and try and add some humidity in the air. Trying not to leave my house much just in case the worst happens because i wouldnt want her to go through it alone
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
More BNHA AU: the first time Peach asks Plum to use her perk on her, she’s had just the roughest time of it, somehow separated from Plum and Grey, they get back home safe after debrief and she just needs to be close to them and have her brain turned off. She’s embarrassed, can’t hardly bring herself to ask for it, even Plum recognizes how rough Peach must be feeling and doesn’t tease her (much). First push is to get Peach to fully honestly ask what she wants, then goes from there
She'd faced a foe that bested her, not physically, that wasnt their game, no this villain got her away from the others, a nefarious woman she'd bested before but not managed to catch. Her quirk just seemed to be the perfect counter to Density, and it was pure luck that Peach survived the interaction. She'd come too close, walked the line of life and death that day, not that the other knew.
It was not a quirk that left you with physical wounds, though she had sustained damage from a knife, the weapon of choice her foe used, it was minimal, treated by the medical staff, and she was released to return home. Home to the empty apartment, to her life where she endlessly worried her quirk would crush the life out of the ones she loved, it could very well do that to her own body, built to withstand that kind of force, let alone those of a semi-porcelain man and a agile little woman.
She sat up on the edge of her bed and tried to shake it, did her best to be positive but this was the drawback to a skill she was so adept at using. To do her job, and do it well, she needed to be able to turn good things into bad things, to turn up density. Her brain was use to it, and couldnt help but look at these people who she liked as if they didnt need her, nor want her around. Hours passed, no sleep, no rest, just ruminating on the inevitable. They'll leave, and she'll be alone again with no directive, no reason to keep moving to be better, to be happy. It sunk further in, under her skin, the two days after the fight neither Grey nor Plum heard from her, they'd been granted time off to recover, normally theyd text or meet up. But not this time.
It was Plum who passed her team mates apartment block at sunset, returing from the shops with groceries, glancing at the window, curtains closed early. That was...unusual. Peach had so many plants in her home, they liked the light, why'd she shut the curtains so early? suns still out... even if only just for a little while longer... It wouldnt hurt to stop in, she'd texted her and got no response, though that wasnt too unusual for her, she was never great with phones.
The knock spooked Peach inside her home, she'd not left the house for 48 hours, hardly slept, playing old videogames to try to distract herself, but it didnt work, she just seemed to slip further into chaos. "let me in." Uttered through the door, Plum heard her get up and move to it, but the footsteps stopped, she heard the hesitation, had to coax her to open the door. it cracked open, the sheer exhaustion on the womans face evident, dark circles under her eyes, looking less than well. "You look like shit." "Nice to see you too." Plum pushed the door open herself, past peach into the apartment, seeing the state of her space. It was usually quite tidy but some dishes sat in the sink, a couple of unopened letters on the kitchen counter, laundry thrown over the back of the sofa where she'd clearly been hiding out on, empty cups and a blanket strewn about the place, game on pause. "Well...you want to make dumplings tonight?" Something was wrong here, Peach shrugged, knowing Plum couldnt cook, this would fall to her, a job she didnt have the energy for, but went with it, too tired to argue.
There was hardly any time to question or pry, the little woman who'd barged into her home put the lights on, grabbed one of the aprons hanging to one side, handed the other to Peach and asked what she needed. This forced her hand, kicked her brain to be productive, rattling off items and ingreients, all of which Plum could find, she'd been here before, they cooked together a lot. While the bigger woman made a start on rummaging through the things her partner had bought, being handed tools and seasoning, Plum was quick to run around the place with a brisk pace, picking up laundry, tidying areas, gathering things to be washed up. She couldnt cook, but she could clean, starting to do the dishes beside her companion as she chopped through herbs and hunted in her fridge for half a winter radish she had meant to use for something and never did.
The house went from dark and unloved to a warm inviting home very fast, plum put music on, chatting away to her stoic companion as she wandered aound pointing to plants asking if this one needed a water or not. She struggled to ignore the tired expression, but kept things light. Before long the pair sat and watched a show, plum demanded a comedy, ate together, and sat back on the now tidy sofa, close, shoulder to shoulder, slumped back comfortably. there was no way the little woman was leaving tonight, she didnt ask, didnt give her paetner a chance to argue, went off to hr bedroom and rummaged, retuning in pyjama shorts and an oversized shirt, hair up and out her way, asking where a nail file was. The situation amused Peach a lot, she kind of loved the presumptuous and pushy nature that came with suh a small human, something not many would display with her, but plum was not afraid. She directed her to the bathroom cabinet and watched her leave her line of sight. The show was mindless, but it felt nice to be in a home with someone around. all the doubts and fears she had for the last few days were harder to hear, and though they kept their claws deep in her, having a little person sit and put her legs in her lap, reclined as if this was where she belonged. There were no words, the girls just...clicked, felt right. Peach had only felt this was with Grey prior to this, mind wandering, hoping he was ok, he got quite hurt during their mission, but seemed to text her some stupid memes, he seemed ok, resting.
The girls stayed up, night creeping on, plum dozed off in no time, but peach still struggled, watched from the corner of her eye as the woman tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, before picking her up. Plums dozey state registered being carried, peaking up at Peach as she put her down in a now made bed, pulled the cover over her and turned to leave with no words. "You not coming to bed?" The bigger woman paused, glanced over her shoulder, tried to give a reassuring smile. "Nah, can't sleep." She nearly left but the rush of someone behind her grabbing her arm stopped the paces. The girls gaze met, plum had scrambled out of bed to catch her, still standing on the edge of the matress. "I can fix it, you just have to let me. You know my rule, i'm not using my quirk on you like this without permission." The pool of light from the doorway backlit the bigger woman, making it harder to see her expression, clearly weighing out the offer. Plum continued. "You need to sleep."
She was surprised when Peach left the space, turned the TV off, hit the lights, and returned to her room taking a step back towards Plum after a pause. This was difficult to admit, that she needed help, that she had to reach out to someone and take their hand back up. Her pride struggled, faltering as two fingers hooked her hand, pulling at it. "C'mon, just say it." the request hung in the air, Peach did not fight the other woman peeling her shirt off, nor pulling her to the side of the bed she tended to sleep on, knowing her, enough to know that she hated to sleep with her watch on, nor the soft worn bangles she often wore, removing them while waiting for an answer. "You worry too much." The first thing peach could manage to say, trying to ignore the tight chested feeling creeping in, once upon a time she'd be suspicious about this, not know what to do with someone showing concern, but...maybe she'd grown a bit. "Maybe, but someones got to make sure you're ok." There was no fighting Plum, her gentle coaxing got the other woman to sit down, neither able to tear themselevs away from the situation, nothing else mattered right now. "Fine. Just...please make this stop." there was something fundamentally broken in that request, she'd been so preocupied with the fear and tension of what happened, at this point Peach would do anything to just shut her eyes and not think endlessly about the hypothetical horrors. Little hands drag her to get comfortable, lie down, try to relax a little more than she was, the tension in her shoulders visable. This however was a big deal, Peach had never asked for help outside of a mission, even during fights it was very clear she had a need to handle her own, to do her job and do it well. Plum was so tempted to tease her a little, to rub this in, but the lack of energy in her partner, the sheer void that took the plae of her usual snarky personlaity was disarming. This was not Peach, this was a shell of herself, whatever happened during that last fight, it got to her. Their lips met, a soft, comforting moment, after a few seconds plum let her quirk loose, and peach felt the weight of everything start to fade, becoming a distant feeling, her own density dropping, she'd been lugging around more weight than normal, being so stressed for so long was like a 48 hour workout after a battle. She ached, every fibre in her burning from finally being let go, but it was relief. The last thing she recalled was feeling her company curl up aganist her in the dark room, hearing her whisper calmly. "Dont think, just sleep." to which she was compelled to do. You can't argue or fight a quirk like that, not in her state, there was no energy left in her to even try, not that she would have.
Relief was sweet. Plum felt the woman beside her switch off, the breathing got heavier, the weight of her arm over her waist not abnormally heavy, just nice and normal for her size. She needed this.
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