#then say episode 5 or 6 you can do the 2nd ring and then 8 or 9 have the 3rd and then 10 has the big samadhi fire reveal
redysetdare · 2 years
Looking back at s3 episodes and you’re telling me the story didn’t actually make any progress until episode 6 out of 10? that gave them 4 episodes to quickly get to their main point.... no wonder this felt rushed to shit what the actual fuck was season 3?
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
Can you expand on how they are implied to be closer offscreen than what is shown?
It's mostly in background details in a couple episodes!
First, episode 4: Miorine invites Suletta to stay in her room overnight to help her with her upcoming test (In the novel it's stated that Suletta doesn't yet have a dorm and has been staying at an on-campus hotel). We get a good look at her room (it's actually pretty small) during these few scenes, but looking around, it becomes clear that there is only one bed in the room, and during their conversation that night, when the camera angles back towards the living space, there isn't a 2nd mattress set out.
So they almost certainly shared Miorine's bed that night.
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Episode 8: After the founding of GUND-Arm Inc, Miorine starts researching the GUND Format and the history of GUND technology. We see her lying in bed, looking at her phone, with TWO tablets on the bed around her. One is hers, but the other? It could only be Suletta's. And by this point Suletta is living at the Earth House dorms, so she's still coming by to spend nights in Miorine's room even while having her own place to sleep. We don't see the room itself or where Suletta is in this scene, but they may still be sharing Miorine's bed.
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Episode 19: In the aftermath of the last two episodes, Suletta is shown lying in bed, burying her face in a pillow. But she's lying the wrong way, with her feet at the top of the bed with another pillow, presumably the one she normally sleeps with. The other pillow? Probably Miorine's, and Suletta is burying her face in it because she finds Miorine's scent comforting.
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The girl's dorms at Earth House show 6 bunks, with one pillow each. Suletta, Nika, Chuchu, Lilique and Aliya account for 5 occupants, leaving one spare bed (and pillow). Miorine is almost definitely doing most of her GUND-Arm Inc. work out of Earth House, and she probably spent nights there, sleeping in the spare bunk. Suletta, hurt and seeking any sort of comfort, steals Miorine's pillow from her bunk to take into bed with her.
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Most of the investigative work from this I got from these two tweets.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to take Suletta & Miorine's relationship the way it's presented in the show, and the pace at which it develops, at face value. But in light of Bandai's statement regarding their relationship, and some of the rumors (like the kiss scene), I feel like it's safe to say that Bandai suppressed the way the staff was allowed to depict their relationship.
Showing Suletta & Miorine sharing a bed, even in a completely chaste manner, was probably a no go. They definitely weren't allowed to show them kissing, saying "I love you" to each other and obviously the word marriage and the actual wedding were off limits.
So instead we get little background details like this showing they're closer off-screen than we're allowed to see. We get scenes in episode 11, 17 and 22 that are clearly supposed to be a confession, proposal and kiss, but the wording had to be changed and the kiss had to be changed to a more subtle intimate interaction. They couldn't show a wedding, have anyone say the two were married or have them call each other wife, so the staff added the "Sister-in-Law" line to make their marriage explicit without drawing Bandai's ire.
Personally, I think the staff wanted to have them kiss AND show the wedding on screen, but were stopped by Bandai. There's clearly some foreshadowing to a kiss in S1, especially with El5n almost kissing Suletta, and I wonder if they were originally going to kiss in episode 11. Their marriage and wedding is built up throughout the show, starting from the very first episode, and in episode 17 Suletta clearly talks about how she wants to have a ceremony with pretty dresses and matching rings. And just look at some of the artwork some members of the staff drew in the "unofficial" staff artbook showing Suletta & Miorine married or being intimately close once they were off Bandai's leash.
And then there's the song "The Way We Wanna Go", an absolutely beautiful song with a title befitting a couple moving forward together. It's got vocals by Clara Sorace just like The Witch From Mercury, Aerial Rebuild, Quiet Zero and Liberation From The Curse, all major themes for major moments in the show, but The Way We Wanna Go wasn't included in the show. I personally believe it was going to play during their wedding at the end of the show, but the wedding was replaced by the epilogue and the song was replaced by Houseki no Hibi in the process.
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livinglifeonpause · 5 months
Build Up: Final One
- oh shiz, this episode is 2 hours?? I hate watching live shows, but at least my babies Seunghun & Jeup are in it. - awwww, somebodys Umma's there crying already! - Bain looks good with that hair - why does my baby Donghun just never have clothes that fit? - mf'ing like :30min in and NOTHING HAS HAPPENEDDDDD WATERFIRE V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) 2 > 2 > 6 > 6 > x ( V12: Wumuti (24) (Solo?) 8 > 6 > 7 > 6 > x ( V7: Kang Hayoon (20) (Loud) 7 > 5 > 5 > 2 > x ( V17: Choi Suhwan (22) (X101) 3 > 4 > 7 > 9 > x  - for me, Suhwan > Wumuti >> Sunyoul >>>> Hayoon. - Hayoon's voice doesn't blend and I don't like that at all. it's jarring in a gross way. - it was fine and the song was fine. Like 6/7. - ew. Jaehwan. I would not bang you with those long ass nails like that. why dont stylists catch that kind of shit? PARTNERS V34: Park Jeup (30) (Imfact) 8 > 10 > 8 > 8 > x ( V20: Lee Donghun (30) (A.C.E.) 6 > 10 > 8 > 7 > x ( V3: Bain (22) (JUST B) 9 > 6 > 6 > 7 > x (orange hair) V11: Jeon Woong (26) (AB6IX) 3 > 4 >4 > 5 > x ( - UHHHHHHHHHHH, can you imagine Jeup as a casual cafe worker? Looking all sexy like that? pssssht. - but also that breaks my heart. Imfact deserved so much better. - in fact, so does A.C.E. (and CIX) - hahahah, Jeup saying "Jesus Christ" like that will never get old - also, I like when Jeup gets comfortable enough to be loud and goofy. I wish we got to see more of that in the programme. - again. WHY BAEKHO? get Bumzu up in there. Baekho ain't it. - Bain, baby. It's kinda hard to empathize with you wanting to debut with this team sooooo bad when you're currently on a world tour. - this isn't a good song.... - SO. Lets debut Jeup and Donghun, then lets debut Chan and Jun from ACE - OH! there's junnie! in the glasses. Also the Ab6ix kids I don't know and BX and Channie! - these subs are awful. WTF is Solar saying to them?? HUN-MIN-JAY-BIT V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) - 8.5 > 8 > 10 > 5 > x ( V36: Bitsaeon (28) (M.O.N.T) 5.5 > 3 > 10 > 5 > x ( V1: Seunghun (24) (CIX) 4 > X > 7.5 > 8 > x ( V39: Kim Minseo (21) (nothing) 4 > 4 > 5 > 6 > x ( - haaaaaaa! they showed Solar's shit for the producer example but not the Jaehwan song! - ighhhhhh, Seunghun grinning at Eunkwang like that! - Eunkwang just makes shit fun! asking them all individually. - Jay Chang is SUCH a fuck boii. - fuck you Jay Chang's voice. like damn. And fuck your foundation that's too light. - we only half way through and they're done singing. WTF we gonna do for the 2nd half? - the fuck did Jay randomly punch Minseo for? - oh look! Yonghee next to BX! - haaaa! poor Suhwan! Jeup did him dirty!!! but not really, Jeup's pretty pure, so I get him scheming. Like with the tea. He didn't want the camera time, he genuinely wanted to try the healthy tea. - Wumuti "doesn't want attention" psssssht! - okay, his little gay look before he answers his question is adorable. that feels real. - Jeup said "I'm not an easy person to be friends with" fuck. where is that one homie who did the personality things for the kids on The unit. I'd looooove that. https://theunit-mbti.tumblr.com/post/170622967698/the-unit-mbti-jeup-mbti - Suhwan seems like such a sweetie though! I guess he's a dick in real life! - awwwwwwwwwww, I want more truth or dare! - omg, it took me until the 2nd card to figure out why they have a "random" cut out of Bain just chilling there. - idk what the fuck Jeups laughing at, but I love his "ha hah ahha ha" laugh. omfg. - awww, Jay actually looks nervous when homegirl announces the results! - I want the moms to have labels. "Jeups Mom" If that's her with his sign, she doesn't have a wedding ring?? - as much as I want this for Seunghun and to see more of Jay, and even though I 100% want this for Donghun. I WANT THIS FOR Jeup MOST! :'( - Jay Chang crying FOR REAL! awwww! - Seunghun's like just chillin! ha! - Seunghun telling Jay to say it in english. Smart man!
yay BDU! stan Jeup though!
0 notes
gelo-p · 3 years
It may be a long request, but what memorable moments (scenes) for each characters from OddTaxi caught your eyes the most ? (included images as well) It will be interesting to hear it from you, as someone who reviewed each episode of this series.(and was fun to read) I can wait if this take some time to answer back, no need to rush(> ◡ 0) Honestly ,this show is so unique & such an underrated gem!! It's like you said: "DAMN. ODDTAXI WHY YOU SO GOOD"
LOL thanks, I’m flattered that you found my weekly ramblings fun to read ^^; I didn’t intend to review the series though. I was planning to just make a series of minor complaints about an otherwise good story, but... well. It was clear by episode 5 that the writing was deeper than I thought.
Having said that, here are my favorite moments for each characters anyway!
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Episode 8.
Suddenly acting all cutesy and embarrassed ^^;
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Episode 1.
I was just surprised to find that he’s in the first 5 minutes of episode 1.
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Episode 9.
Maaaaybe focus on catching Dobu? Also what the hell, 10k yen to assist on catching Dobu???
Slow clap. Brilliant, mate.
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Episode 9.
I did feel bad for him though. In his pursuit of fame, he’s bitten more than he could chew. This scene stood out to me for a different reason though:
Who apologizes in less than a minute???
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Episode 6.
It didn’t initially carry much weight, but once you realize he did this to try and remain relevant in the entertainment world, it’s kinda sad. Especially with Baba getting all the attention recently.
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Episode 6, ending credits.
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Episode 6, ending credits.
Contrast to Shibagaki, Baba is experiencing one hell of a high in his career. Can’t entirely blame him for not focusing too much attention on the N-1 contest anymore. This entire exchange with Shibagaki was so memorable because... it just shows how different their careers have become.
Also, just right before this scene, it was shown that
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Episode 3.
This scene where Kakihana thought Kuroda was talking to him was just hilarious. Not to mention once you hear him speak, you realize...
He’s voiced by this guy.
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Episode 1.
This annoyed the hell out of me. I thought this was one of those typical Japanese TV commentary panels. When I wondered if “Don-chan” might be Donraku, I thought of this scene and concluded “Nah, can’t be him. Would you act all calm - let alone appear on TV like that - if your daughter was missing? Nah.”
How wrong I was of course, but this scene has always stuck in my head.
Of course, the president of the agency being in the shot was probably meant as a clue of some sort... But we didn’t know that yet, did we?
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Episode 11.
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Episode 5.
This was just so awkward to watch. 🤦‍♂️
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Episode 9.
I still feel bad for him at the end of it all, of course. He just wants to move on and throws the ring away... but he realizes how much it cost. ^^;
(Finally, of course there’s also that scene with Kuroda from earlier)
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Episode 4.
This scene. I’ve ranted about it before already :v
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Episode 9.
Does this count? Of course we now know that this was actually Little Daimon, but at the time, I was so annoyed at how overpowered Tanaka was made to be.
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Episode 8.
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Episode 11.
Imai’s love for Mystery Kiss (well, Nikaido) is probably greater than all our love for ODDTAXI combined.
A true man of culture.
Big Daimon
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Episode 1.
Little Daimon
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Episode 7.
This was the moment I started considering that Odokawa really has nothing to hide in his closet. It would have been extremely risky for him, considering how straight of a cop (albeit a little naive) Little Daimon is.
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Episode 12.
This was a genuinely sad moment for me. Your brother, who you decided to punish evil with, was part of the evil you’ve been trying to punish all along. That’s gotta hurt, man.
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Episode 9.
Dobu’s actually quite a nice guy, huh? I mean, yeah, not really, but come on. He did let Kabasawa off with a life lesson instead of a more serious beating.
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Episode 10.
Really? :))
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Episode 12.
Also, I kinda refuse to believe Dobu would use his silhouette for the game. We couldn’t even tell who the hell ditch-11 was but suddenly *poof* it’s Dobu’s silhouette!
I would have preferred if Tanaka’s story of sending a message was true. It would be much more believable. Then Tanaka sends another message to ditch-11 then and there...
And then Dobu’s phone rings. Surprised pikachu face.
Also, Dobu quit playing some time ago but was still Rank 1??? What the hell?
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Episode 7.
When Yano was introduced, I was amazed that they actually made him rhyme all his lines (or at least introduce some rhythm). Even the translation was keeping up!
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Episode 8.
He’s an asshole, but he makes funny faces.
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Episode 12.
Funny faces :))
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Episode 10.
Sekiguchi provides a very good example of how bad guys can use your social media data. This is practically a PSA.
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Episode 11.
I still need an explanation why Nikaido had to do the lifting WHEN SEKIGUCHI, A LITERAL HUGE THUG, IS RIGHT THERE. It’s not like he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty, he’s already filthy AF at the 2nd pic!!
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Episode 12.
About to be “arrested”, still worried about Yano’s rhyming. ^^;
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Episode 2.
Right off the bat, we immediately know that he... has his own share of secrets.
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Episode 5.
...But that he also genuinely cares for the girls.
...To some extent, as shown in that entire taxi ride :))
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Episode 3.
“Oh no.”
Obviously, anybody who shows interest in you, Kakihana, after you misrepresent your salary... probably should be red-flagged. Of course, we the viewers immediately know that she’s being tailed by her manager, so we have an idea that she’s being roped into it.
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Episode 8.
I can’t even-
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Episode 2.
This Nikaido - she’s seen some things.
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Episode 7.
Damn, probably done some things as well! D:
Also, that entire thing where Sekiguchi refused to carry Mitsuya’s body?
Nikaido is strong!!!
Idols are scary, man.
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Episode 11.
It’s saddening because Mitsuya genuinely wanted to support Nikaido. Had she not gone to the office that night, things would have been much different for all of us.
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Episode 5.
“Why is she helping Tanaka???” Of course, I thought she was Mitsuya at this point.
Also, she really loves karaage, huh. I wondered if that was a clue, but I guess not. ^^
...It’s not, right..?
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Episode 13.
Need I say more about this scene?
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Episode 1.
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Episode 1.
Also, that entire exchange about cassette tapes and Bruce Springsteen ^^;
“Damn these guys are old” LOL
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Episode 1.
I like how... rude he is :))
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Episode 3.
And so done with bullshit :))
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Episode 8.
I do remember when he sneezed while taking the photo, in order to hide the shutter sound. Smart :^)
Odokawa’s in a weird position because even though he’s the main character, I remember him more for moving the story rather than being a character, if that makes sense. Sorry! >_<
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Episode 13.
Of course, there’s the entire sequence of him flying his taxi... But again, that’s more of a nod to the story, not him. If it counts as “memorable scene involving Odokawa”, then there you go! That final sequence was just beautiful to watch. ^^
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Episode 2.
Shirakawa’s just a straight-up lovable character. I love that Odokawa can’t handle her XD That entire taxi ride scene was just brilliant.
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Episode 2.
And then she tops it all off with that power move with the front camera.
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Episode 3.
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Episode 10.
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Episode 13.
Where do I sign up for the Church of Shirakawa???
Shirakawa’s just too damn memorable for me. ^^;
Goddamn that was the longest ask I’ve ever answered. I hope my answers were at least satisfactory XD
(I didn’t realize answering this kind of question would be hard work :’D Compiling screenshots to make a somewhat objective point is surprisingly easier, huh)
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potahun · 4 years
“Wo Men De Ge” Archery competition /translation
Translation of some of the archery bits in this special edition of Ep.11 of Season 1, because it was hilarious at the time and this week’s episode in S2 made me a nostalgic bastard on main again. Starts from approx. 1:52 onwards and ends around 14:39.
MC Lin Hai welcomes Na Ying back, who makes her entrance by singing a song from Fei Yuqing. Lin Hai notes that Ayanga isn’t there yet (he was on the plane), so he would pair up with Fei Yuqing in Ayanga’s stead. 
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The order of performance in the Episode is to be decided via one round of archery and one round of draws.
MC: So let’s do it like this. The youngest ones here are our Shen Shen and our Yi Qiao. Therefore, you two have the right to decide. You can pick your opponents. 
ZS: I’ve already decided about my opponent. I believe everyone here knows the theory of Tian Ji’s strategy for horse-racing. The weakest *designates himself* should pick the strongest....teacher Hua Jian.
ZHJ: !! *sings while shaking ZS’s hand* You look deeply at me~
ZS: *sings in the same tune* Last time you overtook me by a whole lap~ (at kart racing)
MC (to ZS): So your picking teacher Hua Jian today, is it for revenge?
ZS: I’m....helping everyone to get rid of the strongest first. *laughs*
ZHJ: He fell for it.
MC: Then, Yi Qiao, he took your master away. What about you?
YQ: I think...how about teacher Keqin? 
LKQ: *waves hi*
YQ: I think he’s pretty strong too, so I want to have a match.
LKQ: I’m good at a lot of sports....except archery.
MC: Then, the next one will be interesting: Xiao Zhan. You pick. Do you want to go against me or Xiao Ge? Your pick.
XZ: Then I’ll pick....Teacher Fei. (FYQ: Ey. Alright.)
NY (to XZ): Yes. Elder brother (Fei Yuqing), he’s got hyperopia.  (FYQ: Aayy *laughs* XZ: !!!!!!!!) He won’t be able to do it. It’ll all be blurry -- he’ll just see a pile of circles. No problem! He won’t shoot accurately. 
MC: Alright. Then, Na Jie, I’ll accompany you. Alright? 
First group up: Zhou Hua Jian vs Zhou Shen (Zhou-Zhou shooting)
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Everyone shouts encouragements from the back of the room, while Zhou Hua Jian prepares to shoot. His first arrow scores a 5.
ZS: Wooow~
YQ: Not bad!
MC, singing: Aaaaahh Fifth Ring~ (Everyone laughs)  (T/N: It’s a famous song about Beijing’s ring roads that was a bit of a gag, called the 5th Ring Road Song)
ZHJ, pretending to be dissatisfied: The wind is too strong! Can someone turn off the aircon? 
Meanwhile, Zhou Shen struggles to even nock the arrow. 
ZS, laughing: Aiya...my arrow keeps on falling... (LKQ, watching him from behind: *snorts* Aiyo ya.)
After much struggle, Zhou Shen shoots a 0. Li Keqin stands up:
LKQ: OK OK! OK! OK! It’s better than I imagined! It’s better than your driving!!
Zhou Shen turns around to laugh back at him. Meanwhile, Zhou Hua Jian shoots his 2nd arrow...which also turns out to be a 0. 
NY: Ohh, which one is that?
ZHJ: No, no. That fell outside the target.
LKQ, standing up again: Zhou Shen! You can do it!
ZS, shouting towards the back of the room:  I THINK I CHOSE THE RIGHT PERSON. *cackles soundlessly*
ZHJ: You insult me! *laughs*
ZS: I’ve never participated in such a fair competition!! (ZHJ bursts out laughing)
FYQ: This arrow is an important one. 
LKQ (to ZS): A bit higher! A bit higher!
Zhou Shen shoots a 5. Much wow-ing and clapping ensues.
ZHJ, giving him a high-five: Whoaaa!! You’re too much, you! You’re too much! (ZS laughs)
XZ: Whoa, fate changed with just one arrow...!
ZS (to the back of the room): THE SCORES ARE VERY EVENLY MATCHED. *laughs impishly*
ZHJ: Alright alright. I’ve been too generous! I can’t let you win anymore.
ZS, leaning towards him: You certainly talk big. *cackles impishly* 
ZHJ, preparing to shoot: Whooa. OK! Here I go.
ZS, teasing him: It’s off, it’s off. A bit lower. It’s off, it’s off, it’s off...
Zhou Hua Jian shoots another 0 (it actually turns out Zhou Shen was right, it was way too high). 
ZHJ, laughing (to ZS): No matter where you shoot, you’ve won now. (ZS makes a face) What’s that expression for?? 
ZS: If I shoot above yours, I’ve lost. (ZHJ laughs)
Zhou Shen finally shoots his 3rd arrow. It’s a 3. Zhou Shen won against Zhou Hua Jian by 3 points.
ZS (to the others): Who would have thought I’d win on the account of the person I picked? *laughs*
Second group: Li Keqin vs Jiang Yi Qiao.
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LKQ (to the others): I’ll tell you, I saw it earlier on TV, everything else is unimportant -- the most important thing is the mouth. *does a big-lipped fish expression*
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ZHJ: Alright then, let’s have a look at how his mouth is doing.
Li Keqin actually does the thing with his mouth and shoots a very stable 7. Xiao Zhan proceeds to imitate the pose in an attempt to learn. Meanwhile, Jiang Yi Qiao is struggling.
YQ: Hold on, I’m shaking a little....
LKQ, laughing: Your mouth has to be like this. *does the fish lips again*
Yi Qiao tries it, shoots 3 arrows back-to-back and gets 0, 2, and 0 points respectively. Zhou Hua Jian and Zhou Shen are both dying at the back of the room.
ZHJ, standing up: You guys should check! *points at Yi Qiao’s last arrow on the wall* I’m sure a fly just died over there.
Meanwhile, Li Keqin shoots a 5 and a 4. Qin Shen Shen leads for the moment being, with 24 vs 7 points. 
ZS, clapping and welcoming LKQ back: Awesome, awesome, awesome.
LKQ: Ehhh, it’s all thanks to youuu.
Third Group: Lin Hai (standing in for Ayanga) vs. Na Ying.
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Na Ying goes first.
NY: Eh. *winces as she shoots a 0 point on the wall* Eh...
XZ: It’s okay, it’s okay!
ZHJ, pointing at XZ: Yeah, it’s okay, there’s him going behind you, there’s still him.
ZS: It’s okay, there’s still Xiao Zhan!
XZ: What if they all go off-track? *laughs*
Na Ying shoots her other arrows and they’re all 0s. 
ZHJ, laughing: Hey, they’re all way up there!
Na Ying’s arrows:
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LKQ: Great aim. All 3 arrows are around the same area... (ZHJ: If you move the whole target upwards, she’d be smack in the middle. )
For some reason, Na Ying nocks another arrow and slowly turns it towards MC Lin Hai.
ZHJ, from the back of the room: Na Jie, don’t direct your arrow at him.
MC, finally noticing the danger: Eh?! *jumps back and laughs nervously* Um...uh?
NY, smiling sweetly but in a vaguely threatening manner: Hehe. What I mean to say is...you’re up against someone old, so....
MC, reassuring but backing up slowly: No, no, no, I’ve got it. I’ve got it.
NY, still vaguely threatening: You get me, right...?
MC, with his arrow nocked (to NY): I know. *turns his head towards her* I’ll just shoot while looking at you.
MC Lin Hai shoots a 10 (full score) while looking at Na Ying. The whole room loses it, Zhou Hua Jian most of all. 
MC, half-collapsed and laughing (to NY): I...I was really looking at you just now! I just--
NY, in equal disbelief: My God!! You’re playing this hand against me...? That’s really too good!! Seriously...what’s the expression again, this is like playing the pig to eat the tiger!! Aiyoo.... (MC: I didn’t...!)
XZ: Is that a 10?? (ZS: Yeah it is.) *has a mental breakdown*
NY (to XZ): He went straight for that yellow eye! (XZ: He’s too good!)
MC Lin Hai shoots a 3 this time and takes a few timid steps backwards, backing away from Na Ying.
NY: That’s still very good. That’s still very good...
ZS, yelling into his hands: Lin Hai, have mercy! (XZ: Have mercy!!)
MC (to the others): I’m just building some foundation for Xiao Ge.
FYQ, with utmost comfort: First place confirmed~ (The others laugh)
MC Lin Hai’s last arrow is a 5. Fei Yuqing claps for him, while Na Ying makes a small salute, fist against palm. MC Lin Hai returns the salute.
NY (to MC): That was really cool. (MC Lin Hai bows)
Last group: Xiao Zhan vs Fei Yuqing
Before they start, Lin Hai realises that Xiao Zhan has some prior experience with archery because he did it in the Untamed/CQL. Na Ying proceeds to add to Fei Yuqing that he probably won’t win, because Xiao Zhan has the basics down. Xiao Zhan protests he was only playing around at the time. 
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His first arrow is nonetheless an 8. Everyone cheers. 
FYQ, smiling: It’s starting.
Xiao Zhan gets a 6 in the meantime. Fei Yuqing casually gets ready to shoot; he’s not even holding his arrow the standard way.
LKQ, quietly: Xiao Ge is probably gonna be really good.
MC: Xiao Ge, you can do it!
Fei Yuqing lets off his arrow and shoots a 10, while the whole room collectively loses it. 
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Everyone: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZS, looking like his soul’s been sucked out: Wooho ho ho.....A 10.......!
Fei Yuqing proceeds to engage in his own brand of celebratory dance:
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FYQ (to the others): Hey, this wasn’t a fluke...! *does a cute silent giggle*
XZ, feeling pressured again: Na Jie...!!
Xiao Zhan shoots his last arrow and gets a 4. 
NY: Good. Good. Good, good. (to FYQ) We’re already at this stage, actually, so you can just use your usual state of mind.
While Fei Yuqing prepares to shoot his 2nd arrow, Na Ying starts to sing one of his old songs to distract him, and he ends up getting a 0.
FYQ: Aiya. (the others fall down laughing behind him) Who sang that? Who sang that?
ZHJ (to NY): It’s definitely you who distracted him!
FYQ: Who sang “Nan Ping Wan Zhong”? *turns back around and prepares to shoot* I can’t let my guard down...
NY: Come on, I’ll do another song. “Yi Jian Mei |One Trim of Plum Blossom”. *starts singing with Zhou Shen*
Fei Yuqing gets a 0 again. Everyone collapses in laughter, while Fei Yuqing laughs helplessly. Xiao Zhan bows to him. 
MC (to NY): The song you’re singing, are you sure it’s not “One Arrow’s Gone?” (T/N: Also “Yi Jian Mei”, but with a different intonation)
Fei Yuqing finally returns to the table, laughing:
FYQ (to NY): The more you sing, the further away from the centre I get! 
NY, apologetic and laughing at the same time: Elder brother...Elder brother, I’m sorry...! Elder brother, let me tell you, I’m part of those who are a little mean in variety shows.
FYQ, singing the tune of a famous song: You’ve wounded me~ (NY, singing together with him: And yet just laugh it off~!)
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megaboy335 · 4 years
Mega’s Top 2020 Anime
The year 2020 is finally coming to an end. It’s been an unusual year to say the least. Coronavirus more or less almost cancelled the entire spring anime season, which lead to a strange anime schedule for the rest of the year since delays have trickle down effects to what was in the pipeline. To be completely honest, this was not a good year for anime. I watched only a handful of very good shows, and the rest were mediocre at best. The top 5 shows I talk about here are definitely worth watching at least.
So with the introduction out of the way, lets get into this. As usual this list is just my opinions. Don’t take it too seriously.
1) Kaguya-sama Love is War? (Season 2)
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The second season of Kaguya-sama took everything from season 1 and brought it up a level. The visual gags became more impressive, the voice acting was just as good, and the show is delivering sharper writing as we get deeper into the manga. 
Season 2 added two new notable aspects to the show. First, a new member to the main cast by the name of Iino. She adds a new angle to exploit for the skits as someone who adheres strictly to the rules. This often means Iino and Kaguya frequently bump heads. In fact how they interpret a situation can be entirely different, which creates numerous misunderstandings between them. Second, Kaguya-sama began expanding the skits into long form stories. There were a series of skits that form an arc spanning an entire episode, or in some cases multiple episodes. Episode 11 was the highlight of the season where Ishigami confronted his past to overcome the bad stigma surrounding his character. Additionally, the story added depth to his connection with Shirogane while making us realize there was more to Ishigami than meets the eye. Kaguya and Shirogane also both became a little closer as the tangled web of their schemes yielded unexpected results at times.
Kaguya-Sama has an ova and season 3 planned. I eagerly look forward to seeing what new crazy situations the characters find themselves in. 
2) A Certain Scientific Railgun T (Season 3)
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After waiting 6 years since the conclusion of season 2, the Railgun anime finally returned to adapt two more arcs from the manga. 
The first half was a Railgun version of the Daissheisai Festival arc. This version focuses on a completely different event in the arc with a story involving Misaki, Misaka, and Dolly. It pulls us deeper into the story threads established in the Level Upper and Sisters arc of what the scientists were doing out of the public eye. We meet the original Misaka clone and how Misaki came to meet her which adds a new layer to the current Misaka and Misaki relationship that we never knew. We see how Misaki is also a victim of the dark experiments occurring behind the scenes in Academy City. The experiment to turn Misaka into a level 6 was a very hype moment. Railgun’s Daissheisai Festival arc definiely hit all the right notes.
The second half of Railgun season 3 was the Dream Ranker arc. Like in previous seasons, I found the 2nd cour arc to be weaker than the first half. Indian Poker is a fun concept, but didn’t cleanly tie into the overall story. I also found it weird how special cards that can exchange dreams suddenly exist out of nowhere. Additionally, this arc brought it characters from the Accelerator spin-off which I wasn’t familiar with. It had a few cool and funny moments scattered throughout. The final fight at least brought the conflict to a satisfying conclusion. The only thing holding back Railgun for me like always is my lack of knowledge of the greater Raildex universe. Hopefully this won’t be the last we see of Railgun in animated form because I picked up the manga and the next arc is pretty neat.
3) The Journey of Elaina
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The Journey of Elania is an anthology-centric anime where we follow Elania on her adventures. The first episode is a prologue to how she became a witch and the origins of her ambitions. Episode 2-onwards follow a fairly straightforward template of Elania arriving at a new location. She notices something isn’t quite right or learns about something from a local. As the story unfolds, Elania often takes a backseat role and opts to watch things playout. An anime of this style always brings a mixed bag to the table with the kind of stories that are told within the universe. Each episode/adventure is only loosely connected through the main character Elania traveling to a new location, but otherwise they are mostly independent besides a handful of recurring characters. 
Naturally this format means there are both great and not so good episodes. There are bitter sweet tales, comedic, and even a few darker entries mixed within this show. In particular, there were a few standout episodes that cemented this show as something worth watching. Episode 7 was a comedy episode split into two halves. One half showed how two towns divided by a wall were ironically doing the same thing to the wall on each side. The second half recalled how Elania accidentally started a grape stomping tradition in a tiny village. Then there was episode 9, the darkest entry of the show so far, when Elania went back in time to help someone save their childhood friend. However, this person came to realize she hardly knew what her childhood friend was really like. Lastly, the last episode was unexpectedly deep where Elania met various alternate versions of herself and had to confront a dark version spawn from the events in episode 8. It showed how her journey can take all sorts of directions if events had transpired even a little differently.  
A high part of the appeal to me was never knowing what kind of story we would get each week. Was it going to be light-hearted? Serious? Would it focus on Elania or not? Her adventures were certainly full of unexpected happenings. The light novels are 17 volumes in and still going. I wouldn’t mind seeing more if they ever wanted to make another season.
4) Tonikaku Kawaii
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From the prolific author Kenjiro Hata comes an anime adaptation of his newest work under the “Crunchyroll Originals” label. The story is simply about a guy who is head over heels for his new wife and can’t get over how awesome it is living with her. Tonikaku Kawaii is a simple show that chooses to highlight the little moments between our main couple Nasa and Tsukasa. We go through all sorts of everyday events with them such as the act of buying a ring, a new television, bedding, and meeting each other’s family. All the characters are so earnest you can’t help but enjoy their silly banter. There is little to no drama here to drive the story forward. You just get to enjoy a newlywed couple discovering new things about each other as they go through everyday life.
However, at the end of the day Tonikaku Kawaii is far from complete and is honestly the type of show that likely wouldn’t make my list most years. It hardly scratched its overarching story during the 1 cour run. The thing that put it over the top for me was simply how likable each of its characters were. They all present their emotions like an open book and you come to enjoy the little quirks of each one. I was slightly confused at how this show became a “Crunchyroll Original” when anything by Hata would have probably gotten an anime sooner or later. There are plenty of other Weekly Shonen Sunday series that could really use an outside force to help them get animated. I can only hope it did well enough for Crunchyroll to consider investing into more from the magazine .
 5) Ahiru no Sora
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As usual, my list usually contains at least 1 show that began in the previous year. Ahiru no Sora is an anime that not a lot of people watched, but became one of my favorites each week. This is a 4 cour basketball series about a main character named Sora who is too short for basketball. Despite this set-back, he has a deep passion for the game imparted from his mother and wishes to someday find the same success as she did at the sport. The story begins when he enrolls in a new school and has to build the basketball club from scratch. However, the catch is the basketball team is basically non-existent. He ends up creating a team from a group of unlikely people: the ones who were bullying him. Ahiru no Sora presents a down to earth human side to the sport. There are no fantasy or supernatural elements found in this story. It follows a group of rough around the edges guys whose lives gets back in order through playing basketball together.
All of the main characters go through a decent amount of growth as their personal stories are explored, and Sora especially is taken through a series of events that allow his character to grow more than anyone. I was pleasantly surprised at how emotional it got at times. There was some real heart put into this series. In the middle of the show it genuinely felt the team had hit rock bottom. They lost a major game, the club room was lit on fire, and Sora lost his mother all right in a row. It was the recovery from that period and how each member matured from their experiences that solidified Ahiru no Sora as one of the top shows this year. The only thing holding back the show is that it's left incomplete since the manga is on-going (and actually on hiatus at the moment). I hope there will be an opportunity down the road to have more episodes.
Disappointments of 2020
1) Deca Dence
I enjoyed Death Parade, Mob Psycho 100, and Detective Conan: Zero the Enforcer was pretty good too. So I figured another original anime from Tachikawa Yuzuru would be something I would like, and yet Deca Dence barely resonated with me. I could never wrap my mind around the setting of the show where robots would enter an alternate world called “Deca Dence” for sport or how these robots had a human persona in the game. The humans were effectively NPCs in the game to the eyes of the robots. The show no doubt had a story it wanted to tell, and it certainly went through the plot beats it wanted to hit, yet I could never get invested in the show. I’m still looking forward to whatever Tachikawa Yuzuru does next. I’ll just consider this as something was not for me.
2) The Day I Became God
This show marks Jun Meada’s 3rd anime original project with P.A. Works. I understand that Angel Beats and Charlotte are flawed shows, but that did not stop them from being enjoyable for me. This unfortunately did not apply to The Day I Became God. At a base level it has many of the usual troupes you would expect from a Jun Meada title: the humor, baseball, an emotionally driven story. The place where this shows failed hard was having no backbone to back up the story it was trying to present. I enjoyed the comedy in the early episodes quite a bit and was somewhat intrigued by a subplot in the background that was slowly creeping up on the main plot. Ending each episode on a countdown to the end of the world helped to keep a looming sense of unease during the early part of the show.
Then in typical Jun Meada fashion, the plot of the show hit all at once. Episode 9 was the big climax where the subplot and main plot collided to send the show into its “true” storyline. The hacker kid who uncovered everything about Hina in the early part was poorly utilized and underdeveloped. So when he joins our main group in episode 10 for a short period of time, his presence makes very little sense. I can only describe that part as a 10 hour VN plot condensed into 10 minutes. The male lead Narukami has almost no personal stake in the story. Hina is hilarious in the comedy episodes, but lacks any sufficient character arc built up to carry her into the final section. Jun Meada is trying to sell this as a love story between Narukami and Hina, but I just don’t see it. Narukami spent at least half the summer trying to wow his childhood friend only to suddenly change at the last minute. It felt so haphazardly put together.
The Day I Became God is an extremely bare bones Jun Meada story. It goes through the motions of similar elements to his previous works, but comes out feeling emotionally hollow. While Angel Beats and Charlotte also felt rushed in the grand scheme, I can at least say he got the emotional aspect right. This will be remembered as one of, if not Jun Meada’s weakest title.
Top OPs/EDs of the Year
1) Jujutsu Kaisen Opening 1 - The song is great, but it’s the visuals that really sell this opening. Each shot is brilliantly connected to showcase how everything in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen is layered. There is far more than what meets in the eye in our surroundings. Curses and humans co-mingle more than you might think.
2) A Certain Scientific Railgun T Opening 1 - There still hasn’t been a bad Railgun opening yet. Flipside once again delivers a song that once again never failed gets me in the mood for the episode each week. The visuals highlight some of the best action moments in the arc too.
3) Black Clover Opening 10 - Unlike the other songs on the list this year, this a slower somber song. It always makes me think of Nero’s backstory and how the story was leading up to the fight versus the devil. The black and white aesthetic with rain conveys how everything is laid bare for this major story climax.
4) Kaguya-Sama Love is War? Opening - Just like how this season is more character focused, the opening animation is basically a 90 second skit. It never fails to get to get me in the mindset for the hijinks that are ahead in the episode. The song itself is also a great follow up to the previous opening.
5) Rent-a-Girlfriend Opening - It’s a colorful opening that highlights the best aspects of each character. It completely conveys what the show is about with some nice music. I love how fun and upbeat this opening is. It definitely helped to set the tone for the episodes each week.
....and so, that brings 2020 to a close. The North American anime scene is shifting once again with Sony buying out Crunchyroll. Hopefully the result of the merger keeps Crunchyroll as an entity alive. I’ll be curious to see how everything shakes out. In the coming year I am most looking forward to Chainsaw Man’s anime. The manga is quite an experience and anime viewers will be spinning their heads over learning how such a series was published in Weekly Shonen Jump. I think it has a good chance of being one of the most talked about shows in the new year.
Lets hope 2021 is a good one.
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gdwessel · 6 years
Road to New Beginning Tour: KUSHIDA Farewell 1/29 v. Tanahashi, NEVER 6-Man Match 1/30; 3rd New Beginning USA Show Added; NJPW & AEW Not Working Together (For Now), Jericho Joins AEW, Omega Doesn’t (Yet); Romero, Owens Stay; Naito in Costa Rica 3/30
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Strong Style Story Podcast Episode 48 on Pro Wrestling Only
Strap in, this is a long one, and the second time I’m typing this out because my stupid laptop rebooted without my say-so during dinner grrrrrr.
The full lineups for the Road to the New Beginning tour have been released. The biggest bit of news here is the scheduling of KUSHIDA’s final match in NJPW. It will take place on 1/29/2019, at Tokyo Korakuen Hall, and his farewell opponent is none other than IWGP Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi. If you’re going to go out, may as well be against the champ. Pity it took this long to get a singles match against a heavyweight, but what can you do.
The next night in Sendai, there is a NEVER Openweight Comedy 6-Man Tag Team title match, as Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Ryusuke Taguchi make another attempt at taking the belts from Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Taiji Ishimori. This show is not listed on NJPWWorld’s schedule, which is a shame as there are also two special singles matches, in which BUSHI & Shingo Takagi face off against El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru, respectively. It’s only Shingo’s 2nd singles match since signing to NJPW too. Maybe these matches will show up on tape delay.
There’s a lot more news to go so I am going to put the tour lineups at the bottom of the post.
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On the English broadcast of WK13, they mentioned that a third show was going to be added to the New Beginning USA shows in late January/early February. That has now happened, with a show on 2/2/2019 at the War Memorial Auditorium in Nashville, TN. Tickets will go on sale for that on 1/15/2019, and you can see the ticket pricing scheme here. NJPW also announced they are adding additional seats to the show at the Globe Theatre on 1/30/2019 in LA, and those will also go on sale 1/15/2019. 
From the onset, NJPW said that wrestlers who would come over are the ones who would not be working The New Beginning in Sapporo. We already know those lineups, and that takes out Tanahashi, Okada, Jay White, Bullet Club, Suzuki-gun and Los Ingobernables. It may seem like much, but going from those lineups, the USA shows will probably feature the IWGP US title match between Juice Robinson v. Trent Beretta, as well as possibly the previously postponed singles rematch with Hirooki Goto v. Jeff Cobb, and perhaps even the Yuji Nagata v. Tomohiro Ishii match teased at New Year Dash!! on Saturday. Stay tuned.
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Earlier today, All Elite Wrestling held a press conference / rally in Jacksonville, FL, for their forthcoming debut PPV under the AEW banner, Double or Nothing, in Las Vegas, NV, on 5/25/2019. Since many of the questions about AEW involve NJPW, I’m going to answer what we know about the relationship between the two: 
Not much.
In fact, yesterday there were reports that NJPW was very happy with the current relationship with Ring of Honor. For their part, Matt Jackson at this rally stated they were going to be working with Oriental Wrestling Entertainment, the Chinese promotion that took 2018 by storm, currently run by Dragon Gate co-founder CIMA, and featuring several other DG wrestlers who jumped over. Brandi Rhodes also made vague comments that they have reached out to joshi talents/promotions to work within their womens’ division. So at least in the immediate future, there is no current working relationship between All Elite Wrestling and New Japan.
As for the talents, AEW announced a bevy of them. Including, at the very end, the recently dethroned IWGP Intercontinental champion Chris Jericho. Considering AEW doesn’t start running officially until 5/25/2019, there is no reason I can think of why the rumored IWGP Heavyweight title challenge Jericho wants v. Hiroshi Tanahashi at G1 Supercard in Madison Square Garden can’t still happen. So wait and see on that.
One name noticeably absent from the announcements? Kenny Omega. So despite reports from Tokyo Sports that had more than a bit of kayfabing in it, we still really know nothing about what Kenny Omega’s next move is. It could be NJPW, it could be AEW, it could be WWE, it could be retiring and being a Twitch streamer. We’ll let you know when we do.
As I really have no interest in AEW, unless there is NJPW involvement, I won’t be reporting on them with any regularity. If you want to know more about the rally, check the interwebs as there are plenty of reports on what took place.
Just to flip the script a bit, we’ve been talking a lot about wrestlers who are leaving, maybe leaving, or retiring lately. Two wrestlers who have confirmed they are sticking around are Rocky Romero and Chase Owens. Both men tweeted out yesterday that they have signed new contracts with NJPW, so they will be part of the company for a while yet. Good for them!
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An announcement that may have gotten lost in all this: NJPW announced that Tetsuya Naito will be making a rare appearance in Costa Rica on 3/30/2019, at the 5th anniversary show for Costa Rica Wrestling Embassy. CMLL’s Shigeo Okumura will be there as well, although it’s not known if they will be teaming. Naito used to team with Okumura during several of his Mexican excursions, however he also famously turned on Okumura’s “Yellow Wave” to join Los Ingobernables on an episode of CMLL Informa. And the rest is history...
Finally, last post I mentioned that I wasn’t familiar with what character was whom in My Dad Is A Heel Wrestler, in reference to the special match during the 1/21/2019 Fantasticamania show (and it was also after midnight by then). I’ve seen been informed that the match, underneath the masks and costumes, will be Kazuchika Okada & Togi Makabe v. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Ryusuke Taguchi. Should be a hoot.
Tour lineups:
Road to The New Beginning - 1/26/2019, Saitama Wing Hat Kasukabe
Yota Tsuji v. Yuya Uemura
Toa Henare v. Ren Narita
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Manabu Nakanishi v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO] & Shota Umino
Tomoaki Honma & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe & Toru Yano [CHAOS] v. Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Ryusuke Taguchi & KUSHIDA v. Jay White, Bad Luck Fale, Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
- 1/28/2019, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Manabu Nakanishi & Ren Narita v. Yota Tsuji & Yuya Uemura
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Toa Henare v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO] & Shota Umino
Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS], Tomoaki Honma & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi & KUSHIDA v. Jay White & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Elimination Match: Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG]
- 1/29/2019, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Ren Narita v. Yuya Uemura
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Manabu Nakanishi v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO] & Shota Umino
Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Tomoaki Honma v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Jay White & Bad Luck Fale [Bullet Club]
Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG]
KUSHIDA Farewell Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi v. KUSHIDA
- 1/30/2019, Miyagi Sendai Sunplaza Hall
Toa Henare & Yota Tsuji v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO] & Shota Umino 
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Ren Narita v. Manabu Nakanishi & Tiger Mask IV
Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. El Desperado [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Tomoaki Honma & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens
Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & SANADA [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi [SZKG]
NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship: Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] (c) v. Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Ryusuke Taguchi
- 2/6/2019, Nagano Athletic Park Gymnasium
Shota Umino v. Yuya Uemura
Yota Tsuji v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO]
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Ren Narita v. Manabu Nakanishi & Tiger Mask IV
Tomoaki Honma & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Toa Henare v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Bad Luck Fale & Gedo [Bullet Club]
- 2/7/2019, Aichi Nagoya Congress Center Event Hall
Ren Narita v. Yota Tsuji
Yuya Uemura v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO]
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Shota Umino v. Manabu Nakanishi & Tiger Mask IV
Tomoaki Honma & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Toa Henare v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Bad Luck Fale & Gedo [Bullet Club]
- 2/8/2019, Mie Yokkaichi City Green Park Gymnasium #2
Ren Narita v. Yuya Uemura
Shota Umino v. Yota Tsuji
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO] v. Manabu Nakanishi & Tiger Mask IV
Toa Henare & Ryusuke Taguchi v. Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Tomoaki Honma v. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Zack Sabre Jr., Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. Jay White, Bad Luck Fale & Gedo [Bullet Club]
- 2/9/2019, Osaka EDION Arena Subarena
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Yota Tsuji v. Ayato Yoshida [K-DOJO] & Shota Umino 
Tomoaki Honma & Toa Henare v. Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens [Bullet Club]
EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Minoru Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado [SZKG]
Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] v. Taichi & TAKA Michinoku [SZKG]
Elimination Match:  Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Togi Makabe, Toru Yano [CHAOS] & Ryusuke Taguchi v.  Jay White, Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Strong Style Story Podcast Episode 48 on Pro Wrestling Only
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kristallioness · 6 years
21 Questions about ATLA
I was tagged by @atypicalkataangist. Wow, thanks for including me in this quiz! I've seen others reblog a list of numbered questions similar to these, expecting to receive some asks that they could answer in return. But now I get to do them in one go.
1) Who's your favourite male character?
I'm unoriginal and gonna say it's Aang. Not only because of him being the main character, but also because he was the first boy in the show who I immediately started to like (Sokka was second, Zuko was third in the beginning since he was a villain and I grew to love him more and more along with his character development), the way he balances his carefree, childish personality with his more mature, responsible side, his back story and peaceful culture.. Most importantly, without him, there wouldn't be the second half of such a lovely couple like he and Katara are.
2) Who's your favourite female character?
Katara. She's not only my favourite female character, but favourite character of them all, right from the start and until the end. The moment I saw her I fell in love since she looked really pretty and she wore a braid, just like me. Seeing what a caring, motherly, fierce personality she had (like mine) only fuelled my love for her.
3) What's your favourite quote?
Since Katara's my favourite character, then my first choice would be: "I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me!" Because that's sort of who I am and what I'm like, too. It's almost like a motto that I live by without thinking about it twice. I'm self-sacrificing and try to help my friends whenever they need it and as much as I can. I just remembered another good one, a quote that affected me on a more personal level. I'm pretty sure that only 0.0000000001% of the fandom would choose this one: "I don't care what I look like. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. I know who I am." The best part is, this is something that Toph says to Katara after she's been made fun of for her appearance by a bunch of prissy Upper Ring Earth Kingdom girls. How did this affect me? I started crying when I first saw this scene. Why? Because this was something that I'd been struggling with for years. I'd been bullied for my appearance at school. It used to make me feel worthless, unlovable, alone, probably also the reason why I turned into such a quiet person who doesn't know how to be around real friends. Hearing a blind, tomboyish, badass earthbender say what I needed to hear all along made me understand that it's not true - my appearance does not define my worth or who I am inside.
4) What's your favourite fight?
I knew you answered Katara and Pakku's duel @atypicalkataangist (and that one came to my mind, too, since it is one of my favourites because of reasons), but since I recently rewatched "The Serpent's Pass", I'm gonna pick Aang and Katara beating up that huge serpent. That was some awesome bending teamwork there! I went through all of the episodes in my head, and I gotta say that I also really like the duel between Aang and Zuko in "Bato of the Water Tribe". And one of the first ones where Haru and his father Tyro, along with the rest of the earthbenders, fight their way to freedom in the prison. The ending of that episode always leaves me with such a powerful feeling.
5) What's your favourite episode?
The big finale, "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang". I sobbed practically throughout the entire episode when I first saw it. The soundtrack playing in the end is so beautiful to listen to and it still brings tears to my eyes. This episode concludes everything the show set up in the most unexpected ways possible. I mean, did any of us foresee Zuko being crowned the new Fire Lord (after you watched the first episode)? Did our hearts break into a million pieces when Katara and Aang kissed and became a couple in the end? Enough said.
6) From which nation would you like to be?
I'm not sure whether this is cheating or not, but since the story of ATLA continues in the comics and during Korra's time, I'd really love to be from the United Republic of Nations. I just love how it's a nation of mixed cultures, I am in LOVE with Republic City (as well as its 1920's aesthetic) and the capital reminds me of my own (Tallinn is also near the sea, has a marvellous silhouette, 4 seasons). Or if not, then my choice would definitely be the Water Tribes. I've explained it pretty well under the description of this drawing of mine.
7) Which element would you like to be able to bend and why?
Easy, I'd pick water since my 2nd choice when applying for university 5 years ago was to become a doctor. I'd like to use my healing abilities to cure people and my graceful waterbending to battle bad guys like Katara!
8) Favourite animal in the Avatar Universe?
I'm probably unoriginal, but I'm torn between the sky bison or the dragons. Oh, and the ostrich horses!
9) Who would you like to be your teacher and why?
I'm thinking it could be either Katara, Aang or Zuko, in this exact order. Katara and Aang would both be really supportive and I consider Zuko to be really wise (remember what he said to Korra before departing? he learned so much throughout the years).
10) What was the saddest moment in the show?
I have an entire list of the scenes/moments that made me cry, let me check.. *reads* Which sad moment made me cry the most, I'mma pick that one.. Okay, I can't decide because there are a few, let me name them: * the ones that stand out the most are all 3 finales * when Katara thought that her mother was alive in the swamp * when Aang enters the Avatar State and wants to kill the sandbenders, but Katara doesn't run away and instead grabs his hand and pulls him back down into her embrace and they cry together * Iroh singing the lullaby to his deceased son on his birthday (my parents have always said that one of the worst things a parent can live through is the death of their own child, so when I saw this scene, I understood what they meant and started crying) * Jet's death * Aang unlocking his heart chakra * almost the entirety of "The Awakening" (because everything seemed so hopeless and going the wrong way, when Katara and Hakoda talked), seriously, this is the most depressing episode in my book and that's why I love it so much * Sokka talking to Toph about how he's forgotten what his mother looks like and Katara is the one who's taken her place * when the invasion fleet was defeated on the Day of Black Sun and Katara knelt down beside Aang to comfort him * Zuko and his uncle Iroh's reconciliation and his speech to Team Avatar before they departed
11) What was the most shocking moment in the show?
You answered the same way: Aang getting shot with lightning. It came out of nowhere. When I saw Katara's face full of hope I thought that now they were going to make it since Aang had the power to face the Dai Li as well as Zuko and Azula. In a split second, everything changed and took a turn for the worst.
12) What was the funniest moment in the show?
There are so many good jokes, how do you expect me to pick just one??? Okay, umm.. when Sokka tried to fight against the villagers who believed too much of Aunt Wu's fortunes with logic and rational thinking (I can relate to him, poor Sokka).. How Aang messed up and unintentionally made Katara upset by insulting her instead of giving her a compliment when they were lost in the caves. Or the time Sokka and Katara had to pose as Aang's parents to go to the principal's office after school.
13) What was the most unforgettable moment in the show?
Maybe the whole scene before Zuko's coronation starts, "Peace" playing in the background, we see friends and family reunited, happy, alive. We witness something few of us could've predicted: the last person we ever thought, who went through and learned so much, is crowned the new Fire Lord. It's such a victorious moment and never leaves me without emotion.
14) Which one is your favourite book?
I have a weird system concerning this. Book 1 was sort of like the start of their journey, the world was slowly being built and introduced to us. Book 2 became much more serious, the characters gained more depth and the stakes began to rise. When I thought it couldn't get any better, I was proven horribly wrong. Book 3 became far more emotional than I ever could've imagined. So it's like my love grew with each book, and I kind of love the last one the most for this reason.
15) Who had the greatest character development in the show?
Everybody developed so much, but I'd definitely say it was Zuko. At first, I didn't really care much about him. Just another villain trying to capture someone for his own personal gain, I figured. But that all changed when I saw his back story in "The Storm". I started to look at him from a completely different angle. I began to understand where he came from, why he was doing this. I saw how much he struggled, how many wrongs he committed. The climax was when he faced his own father and told him: "No! I've learned everything! And I've had to learn it on my own. Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history and somehow, the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was! The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation! They don't see our greatness, they hate us! And we deserve it." This is what he learned by spending time as a refugee in the Earth Kingdom, by witnessing firsthand what his nation, what this war was doing to others. And he was determined to set things right by joining Aang and his friends, teaching him firebending and stopping his own homeland from going down this path.
16) What do you love most about Avatar: The Last Airbender?
The story that Bryan and Michael came up with. I have NEVER cried so much, laughed at so many original jokes, heard such gorgeous instrumental music made by Jeremy Zuckerman, the raw emotion behind the voice actors.. every little bit is what makes this story and this series so amazing, fulfilling and perfect.
17) What do you hate most about Avatar: The Last Airbender?
I don't hate anything about the show per se, perhaps more about the way the fandom can act sometimes.
18) With which character do you identify most?
Like I answered in question 2, Katara. Her personality reflects mine the most, we share similar values in life, I love her family (Hakoda and Sokka) because they have such loving relationships with each other (Katara and Hakoda made me emotional several times, and they only had a few scenes together!).
19) Is Avatar: The Last Airbender your favourite cartoon/anime?
Ever since I discovered it, and I think it'll remain as my favourite cartoon for the rest of my life. Nothing can ever impact me as much as Avatar has.
20) Would you want to be the Avatar?
Thinking just how messed up our own world is right now, how my aggressive eastern neighbour has occupied parts of 2 independent countries, how helpless and angry I feel that I can't do anything about it - Y E S. I want to bring peace and balance back to our world, too. And if I had my own loving, supportive partner (like Aang) by my side, I'd do it again in a thousand lifetimes.
21) What's your favourite ship?
I personally ship everything that has been or is currently canon. My OTP is obviously Kataang, though I'm also one of the few friendly multishippers out here. Which means that I don't mind seeing beautiful stuff about Zutara either, for instance. (Seriously, you should check out my tag, there are so many lovely gifsets there, be it romantic or platonic.)
To sum up, thank you once more for tagging me! I'm not gonna tag anyone specific, but if any of you would like to do this, too, then go ahead! It was really fun to reflect back on why I love this show so much.
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claritinpopsicle · 4 years
January 3rd, 2021
Sunday // 8:42 p.m
I woke up at 12:40 ish today which is honestly horrible since i sleep sometimes in the morning between 7:20 a.m and 7:50 a.m. I am going to sleep earlier today since I have to wake up at 8:30 for online school. The idea of going backl to school exhausts me, especially since the next two weeks should be jammed packed leading to the end of my 2nd marking period. I am going to do my self-test in 10 minutes before I eat dinner and finish it up afterwards. It’s only 10 questions anyway and they should be directly from my chemistry textbook. That is due tomorrow at midnight but I should just finish it today anyways. Then tomorrow I will start my stoichiometry lab report. Something I’ve realized is that my teacher just cares about page count and lots of details/explanations of concepts. Like, it’s difficult to get 100s on her lab reports but I have gotten one and mostly higher 90s just by excessively elaborating on concepts. They’re easy anyway and if I get the purpose, procedure, data sheet, and conclusion done tomorrow (those take like 2 hours max, in total), I can do my concept elaboration throughout the week. The report is due on Friday. Other than that, I have to do a summary of a video and article (also for chemistry) which is due on Friday and I can finish if I can give myself 3-4 hours for it this week. I am also going to review the current chapter we are on in my Dynamics of Health Care in Society class because I have it tomorrow and the only way to raise my grade in the class is if I can do well on a quiz. I am praying that she’ll give at least 2 quizzes before the marking period ends so I can raise the grade to a B (I failed a quiz because the rules were only lower case which ruined my grade). Other than that, I am sad that I wasn’t more productive with my break. I expected to begiun studying for my HOSA event since it is at the end of January for me but I’ll be starting today + tomorrow. 
I spent today mostly in my room, on my phone, doing my nails, and just not doing much at all. I have been awake for 8 hours but I’ll probably sleep in 3 or 4. I just did my nails but they look pretty ugly, I like how I usually do them but tried some black french? tips... they suck. Me and my friend are going to get acrylics next weekend anyway so it should be okay anyways. I have also been thinking of shifting again, I’ve been on a break for 4-5 days now and I have been too focused on my dr. I’ll probably get back into affirming and chilling out. Also, I really need to take a bath soon because I got these lavender epsom slats from my friend as part of my late Christmas present. She also got me this engraved ring that says “you’re my person” on this chain and it honestly does not look cheesy so I love it. I’ve been chilling though. I have been trying to figure out if I going to write a wattpad though; I have been having maladaptive daydreams since I was a child and I was thinking of turning one into a wattpad book (royalty, light house and dark house, powers, the king and queen have wings, enemies because i don’t think you take your power seriously and i think you take this too seriously to tolerant friends for the better of the people to lovers type dynamic, family betrayal, and a lot of other stuff but i’m seriously considering it). The problem is I have never tried to write one of my universes down so I don’t understand how I would even start and like idk. I have been trying to find some cool wattpad original stories today though; I haven’t really been on wattpad for a few months since I have basically switched to archive of our own, livejournal, and fanfiction.net for most of my fic reading. However, I remembered I had a lot of original stories that have been on my TBR for a very long time so I am planning on making a dent in that. I started reading Forever August which has been beautiful and cheesy (I’m only a few chapters in but I love that the MFC is Indian since I’m Indian and we get like 0 rep) but it also reminded me why I got bored of wattpad stories so easily. idk. I really want to read some dark academia/royalty/spy/government-involved/academy type (not all thats just a jist) original stories which actual good characters... I might just try to find a marauders era fic that fits that (I read kitchens by lumosinlove and some other royalty au marauders stuff recently and they were so good) tbh. That reminds me that I have been meaning to make a fic recs list for harry potter and some other fandoms... that would be long but so worth it honestly. Okay, I’m gonna start my work, eat dinner while watching Bridgerton (I’m on episode 5 or 6 and it’s amazing like I am in love with the diversity and plot lines) and the finish the work, do some review, wind down and sleep. 
- V
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breotch-blog1 · 7 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by @gizzwhizz
Rules: Answer the questions you’re given at the end, write 11 of your own, and tag 11 people.
I’m so bad at doing these, mostly because I feel like I’m so boring why would anyone want to know about meee? lol but I love all you peeps so I’m going to try my best to talk about myself more  ♡
I’ll tag @saturnvalleycoffee  @prompuff  @dirtyhecker
1. What is your favorite TV show and why (cartoons and anime count)?
I guess it would have to be FRIENDS. It’s been 14 years since it ended and I STILL watch it. It was the first show that really made me bond with my mother and sister since that was the only thing we could all watch together. 
2. What is your favorite thing to do on Saturday night? 
Play video games! I spend all week communicating with people for my job, the best thing for me is to unwind and not be sociable lol. 
3. Any games you’re excited for this year?
Shadow of the Colossus looks beautiful I cant wait to experience the remake!  And i mean helllooooo Kingdom Hearts 3 please!? XD
4. Do you have a book that you’ve read over and over?
I’m going to be THAT person and say Harry Potter. No other book phased me the way that series did. It left a huge impact on me growing up and holds a lot of special memories  ♡
5. Who was your favorite teacher?
I was lucky enough to grow up with a group of really strong and confident ladies who mentored me throughout my years from 2nd grade through 10th grade. They were all friends together and so I spent time with them growing up even when they weren’t my teachers anymore. 
6. What is your favorite piece of trivia you know that most people don’t?
I can’t think of a random piece of trivia at the moment, but I will own at Disney Trivia :)  Its actually kind of scary. I also have a weird knowledge of Movie/Video game orchestra soundtracks, so if the Jurassic Park theme or Metal Gear Solid theme were to start playing, I would know instantly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. What’s your favorite season?
Winter.  I love snow and how quiet it can get  ♡
8. Have you ever traveled to another country? Is there a country you’d like to go to?
I’ve been fortunate enough to travel with my family since I was able to walk. I’ve been to the Caribbean Islands, France, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Spain. I am dying to go to London, Thailand, or Bali
9. Have you made any friends through fanfiction/fan art/fandom in general that you don’t think you would have made otherwise?
I have FFXV to thank for that :) I’ve been in a couple fandoms now where I had never talked to anyone or no one ever reached out to me. I’m incredibly shy, but when it comes to supporting others and letting them know their content is amazing, I try my best to tell them (it’s the least I can do after all the hard work they put into creating something!) And this past year, for the first time ever I’ve spoken to sooo many incredible people! Mostly it’s been them reaching out to me and me trying not to be a blubbering gushing dumb dumb. If it wasnt for FFXV I don’t think I would be friends with these people, and I’m so grateful that they reached out to me :’)  (you know who you are!!)  ♡ ♡ ♡
10. Do you listen to Podcasts, and if so what are your favorites?
Yessss!  Love a good Podcast!  So I had finished one a couple months ago called Dirty John.  If you love a good Crime/Thriller story, this one made me zip through it all in one day.  It’s only 6 episodes long, about 45 minutes each, and it tells the true story of a psychotic man that charms his way into different women’s lives. It’s fricken insane! Deals with a lot of dark stuff so please read up before you listen if that type of content is hard for you.
Another good Podcast station is “The Moth”.  If you check it out, I highly recommend It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times.  Only 9 minutes long, this is a beautifully heartbreaking story that had me ugly crying in my car during traffic  ♡  The Moth has a library of other short stories that are wonderful to listen to as well!
11. Is there a movie you could always watch and never get tired of?
Ever After ♡ The Lord of the Rings ♡ Harry Potter ♡ The Lion King ♡ The Fountain ♡ 
Questions for the people I tagged:
1. We all have our annoyances, what is your biggest pet peeve?
2. What is your favorite food item?
3. As the only human left on Earth, what would you do?
4. What is one of your favorite smells?
5. Name one of your guilty pleasures ;)
6. What quirks do you have?
7. If you could live in a game or movie universe, where would you most like to live in?
8. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?
9. Recent google search, what was it?
10. What is your favorite Disney movie? (If you don’t like Disney, what is your fav. movie?
11. Are you currently addicted to any video games at the moment?  And if so, any recs?
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erza-mj · 7 years
Episode Prompto
i though it will be useful for all the writers in the ffxv community to have a written record of all the stuff that appear in Episode Prompto in chronological order ;) 
You’re Welcome
Prompto production code: Unit 05953234
Research log 722-VII-6th
Research log: Year 722, Day 189. I received a proposal regarding a way to improve the infantry’s performances by leaps and bounds: Outfit all the troupers with magitek cores. Preliminary tests suggest sublimating daemons for fuel will result in an unstable infantry unit for the field. If the calculations he provided are correct, though, this could solve all our problems. The Deadless Project marks the advent of a new age. No longer will our soldier fall on the field of battle. The Empire shall rise, and soon, all the world shall bask in our glory!
Research log 722-X-21st
Research log: Year 722, Day 294. I acted on the proposal mentioned in my log of Day 189. My attempt to infuse the troopers magitek cores with daemonic energy proved successful. Only in the most basic sense, however. While the soldiers are indeed deathless, they are far from fit for fighting. Thus I’ve decided to take a different approach: rather than relying on daemons to power the magitek infantry, why not use human instead? Frankly, I had never considered employing my fellow man in any magitek-related experiments. But countless men and women succumb to the plasmodia each day. Rather than let them die victims of an ignominious disease, why not help them ascend to nobler heights? I’ve lost many a comrade on the field of battle, and I’ve no intention of allowing any more of their deaths to go in vain.
Research log 722-XII-5th
Research log: Year 722, Day 339. Another Day, another mental breakdown. All my test so far have resulted in the former soldiers suffering ego deaths. Today, however, I developed a new hypothesis: I will continue to sublimate daemonified humans to harvest the miasma, but if a sense is the source of these snags, why not inject infants with the plasmodia instead? We’ve little time. If we are to combat the Lucian threat, we must explore new options. I too, will set aside my personal misgivings and do what I must for the empire.
Research Log: 723-III-11th
Research log: Year 723, Day 70. I pondered how I might found the necessary number of infants, and then it downed on me: why not make them myself? If I clone them from my own genes, I can eliminate the pesky process of breeding them. Mass production remains a pipe dream for now, but I’m confident a can create a massive infantry once the process picks up. If everything goes according to plan, the empire will boast a million-man army in no time at all.
M.E. 723-XI-26th
A New Hope
Construction finished today on the first magitek production facility. Rising military star and leading authority on magitek Verstael Besithia has been selected to oversee the plant’s operation. Reports say Besithia will relinquish his field duties in order to serve at the compound full-time.
Research log: 724-X-24th
Research log: Year 724, Day 297. Mass production of the magitek infantry was a success. We’ve overwhelmed the lucians with our numbers and surrounded insomnia. But to rest on our laurels now would be unthinkable. On Occasion, harvesting the plasmodic miasma produces some “side effects.” The daemons born of this process have been disposed of on sight-until now. How foolish I was to let these sublime creatures go to waste! What they lack in adaptability, they make up for in sheer power. I realize now that I ought to channel my efforts into exploring the true potential of these daemons for the sake of the empire. Perhaps this has been my true calling all along.
Research Log: 736-V-3rd
Research log: Year 736, Day 123. It seems my laboratory is not nearly as secure as I once believed. Some thief – likely a Lucian- made off with one of my experiments. Absconding with a single infant will do nothing to enlighten them of the grandeur of my research. That said, I will see to it such incident never arises again. I’ve posted magitek troopers around the facility and instructed them to keep a vigilant watch. It is their home, after all.
Research Log: 745-XI-21st
Research log: Year 745, Day 325. Today marks a momentous triumph for our great nation. The Glacian herself graced us with her presence in Ghorovas Rift, and, through the combined efforts of the magitek infantry and my precious daemons, we killed her. The resulting causalities were great, but these sacrifices afforded us something far more valuable than a few units. With the data I collected, I intend to begin developing a new magitek weapon codenamed “Godslayer.” Soon, all the Astrals shall bow before me and the might of my magitek. Soon, they shall know my wrath.
M.E. 745-XI-22nd
ATTN: Research Chief Verstael Besithia
It has come to my attention thet the Glacian’s recent assault was quelled by your magitek infantry. As commendation for your service to our great nation, I have approved your petition to increase funding for your research. Your Work is the centrifugal force that will propel the empire beyond our borders to greatness on the world stage. I eagerly await further reports of your progress.
Emperor Iedolas Aldercapt
 M.E. 746-VI-3rd
Prototype Numbering Instructions
In order ro better monitoring the large number of new magitek models enetering production, the Imperials Defense Council motions to reform the coding system as follows
- Troopers: 5-digit model number + 8-digit production code
- Infants: 4-digit production year + 8-digit production code
I’ve been assigned to Chief Besithia’s lab! Not many people can say they’ve worked under the supervision of a living legend. I mean, this is the guy who saved the empire from eternal winter. He’s practically our savior.
My boss pulled me aside today to issue me a “special task.” Said it’s “highly confidential” and that I’m the only one qualified for the job. But how? I barely even know my way around the compound. Well, whatever the “task” is, I’ll deal with it in the morning.
I found out what my “special task” is today- and frankly I wish I hadn’t. if only I could unsee the things I saw today… I really ought eat something before I go to bed, but that shit totally killed my appetite.
I had the honor of seeing His Imperial Majesty in person today. To think His Radiance would travel all that way through the ice and the snow just to observe our progress… if the Emperor is putting all his faith in magitek, then so should i.
Just my luck. One of the plasmodium samples strted leaking, and your truly was the blessed with the “privilege” of cleaning it up. And then my boss had the nerve to yell at me-as if the whole thing were my fault. If he wasn’t to criticize the real culprit, he ought to look in a mirror.
 So thanks to yesterday's fiasco, my boss made me throw all the remaining plasmodium samples into the incinerator. What a waste of resources! My boss told the chief we used them in a series of experiments, but the thought of lying about what happened doesn't sit well with me at all. The whole thing is eating me up inside.
M.E. 755-VII-25th
Termination Report
ATTN: Research Chief Verstael Besithia. The Following specimen have been eradicated: 0755-06000326 0755-06000327 0755-06000328
0755-06000329 0755-06000330 0755-06000331
0755-06000332 0755-06000333 0755-06000334
0755-06000335 0755-06000336 0755-06000337
0755-06000338 0755-06000339 0755-06000340
0755-06000341 0755-06000342 0755-06000343
0755-06000344 0755-06000345 0755-06000346
0755-06000347 0755-06000348
All 23 samples listed have been incinerated to avoid potential daemonification of personnel.
 So I ended up telling chief Besithia the truth about the other day. Here I was, ready for him to tear me a new one - and he ended up praising my loyalty instead! Everyone made it sound like the chief was some kind of hardass, but he seems to be a really reasonable guy if you actually take the time to sit down and talk with him.  
M.E. 755-IX-18th
Proposal for Operation:Countersign
As deputy High Commander, I hereby propose a large-scale assault on the Lucian capital of Insomnia. Preparation are to begin next month. Our future is far too precious to entrust to our enmy. We must retrieve the Crystal and the Ring of legend, only then shall our worl know true peace.
Deputy High Commander Ravus Nox Fleuret
 Another one of the plasmodium samples started leaking today. How does this keep happening!? Clearly someone isn't doing their job. The worst part is that some of the researchers seem to have been infected. I need to get out of here ASAP.
There's a rumour going around the lab that those "leaks" from before weren't accidents at all. My buddy says he thinks the chief is actually trying to expose us all to the virus. I don't want to believe it, but...
The whole compound is crawling with daemons these days... I shiver every time I turn the corner. What the hell am I doing here? When can I go home? 
We are all... Together, we... Insomnia. As the ultimate... we... Thank you... Farewell...
Research log: 756-IV-8th
Research log: Year 756, Day 98. Finally my daemon-infused magitek armor is complete. I have christened my creation “Diamond Weapon”. It has exhibited an extremely unstable psyche, immediately unleashing unmitigated horrors upon activation. It’s destructive capabilities, however, are indeed beyond compare. Not even the “impenetrable” Insomnia could withstand its onslaught. Why, the Crown City would fall in a mere matter of minutes. The Stone of Legend will soon be mine. To think that, in less than a month’s time, the Crystal will be mine to play with as I please!
 M.E. 756-IV-8th
Diamond Weapon Report
ATTN: His Imperial Majesty Iedolas Aldercapt – It is with great pride I inform Your Radiance that development has finished on the new deamon armor. Codename: Diamond Weapon. I encourage Your Radiance to visit the First Production Facility at Your Radiance’s earliest convenience. I am most confident the final product will prove to Your Radiance’s Liking.
Verstael Besithia
Chief of Magitek Research
 M.E. 756-V-21st
Report on Unit SAS-0822
After several years of experimentation, we have finally succeeded in fusing mammal and magitek. Although we are still conducting various tests on Codename: Barbarus, the unit should be functional enough to fend off would-be intruders until development finishes on Unit XDA-1002: Immortalis.
 Research Log: 756-VII-9th
Research Log: Year 756, Day 190. At last, my life’s work is complete. Not only I have found a way to preserve the ego, I’ve also managed to sustain that consciousness through the sublimation process and transfer it to my magitek troopers. The prototype has proven slightly less powerful than the Diamond Weapon, but this presents no real problem. After all, one’s consciousness can be transmuted again and again and again. All that remain is to fully surrender myself to my research and become my own final test subject. I will conclude my mortal life by offering a word of thanks. Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, your assistance has provided invaluable. You have my eternal gratitude. It is through your aid that I completed my work and begun my ascension to an existence beyond divinity.
 thanks @ace-of-babes-98 for the ones that i missed 
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An introduction to Pretty Film Fanatic & a 33 film questions tag!
Hello. This is my first post on Pretty Film Fanatic. I’m not exactly new to blogging, but this is my first attempt at writing a film blog. I wanted to share the prettiest films I know. This is not only so that others may benefit from some recommendations but so that I have a visual collection of films I’ve watched. Creating this blog has made me absolutely euphoric and also ever so slightly nervous. With that said I thought I would do a quick film related ‘tag’ as my first post so, that you could learn some more about me, and get an inkling of what is to come. I came across this tag on: agreatmovieblog who in turn found it from thebookishunderdog. I have not been tagged, but I thought it would be great fun to do this! However, I am only going to do 33 questions to make the tag slightly shorter. 
1. How often do you watch a movie?
I try to watch films as often as possible. But lately, I have only been watching them on the weekends. I like watching films with company and I usually have someone to enjoy them with me on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. 
2. What movie genre are you particularly fond of?
I really like period dramas, I really like weighing up historical accuracies and noticing interesting interpretations of the aesthetics of the time. I am also a fan of the social realism film, even though, I really love getting lost in films that are more fantastical than realist. 
3. What was the last movie you watched and liked?
The last film I watched and liked was probably a British crime thriller from 1962 called, Don’t Talk To Strange Men. A cautionary tale about a young woman who starts a relationship with a man in a phonebox and naively knows nothing about stranger danger. 
4. What was the last movie you watched and hated?
Probably...  2017′s Rings. The acting was really poor, and there was no plot difference to The Ring, except it incorporates more modern technology. I really liked the Japanese version of The Ring. But, these sequels are usually not very great. 
5. What is your fave movie of all time? 
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) A romantic, social realist, operetta. This film will feature on this blog within the next couple of weeks. 
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6. Your fave guilty pleasure movie?
Every Christmas I rewatch Gillian Armstrong’s 1994 version of Little Women. I find it really gets me in the Christmas spirit. I’ve watched it every Christmas since I was 5. It is one of the first period dramas that I remember watching.
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7. What movie have you watched a million times already?
I have probably watched Devil’s Bride quite a few times, as it is on Netflix and I very almost presented a presentation on it for my English class which very much involved the portrayal and treatment of witches during the witch-hunt in europe.
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8. Are you the type who watches a movie on its first day of showing?
Not really. I will if it is on at my local cinema and I am really excited about it. I prefer to buy the film later on, when the digital copy is cheaper than the cinema ticket.  
9. Do you use fandango or prebook movie tickets?
I’ve never really used fandango. I prebook movie tickets if I am really interested in seeing the film on the big screen. 
10. Movie House, Bluray or download?
Sometimes Netflix, usually I rent films in HD via Amazon Prime, and download DVD films using Cinematique. I like watching films on the channel TalkingPictures because they show some interesting films pre-1980. I was never particularly impressed with Bluray, but at the time of its popularity I did not have a Bluray player. I tend to find films to watch via MUBI and the search for the film begins from there. 
11. How often do you go to the cinema to watch a movie?
I go to the cinema to watch a movie perhaps once every 3 months. 
12. What are the movies that made you cry?
I do not really cry at films. But, films that elicited an emotional response from me were: The Color Purple (1985) directed by Stephen Spielberg. 
“Me and you, us never part. Makidada. Me and you, us we have one heart.” 
Honorable mentions: Nobody Knows (2004) directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda, Lilya-4ever (2002) directed by Lukas Moodysson and Au Hasard Balthazar by Robert Bresson. 
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13. Do you watch foreign films?
Yes. I am particularly fond of Korean thrillers, Japanese dramas, and French new wave. 
14. What are your favourite foreign films?
Anything from Jacques Demy’s ‘Romantic Triology’, I also really enjoyed Agnes Varda’s Vagabond (1985)  about the life of a girl wandering her way through French wine country. 
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15. Who are your favourite directors?
I would not say I have a particular favourite director. I tend to judge individual films on their own merits rather than on the idea of the auteur. That being said I do enjoy the styles of Ozu and Wong Kar Wai. 
16. Are you particular with movie scores / soundtracks / music?
I do think a score of a film really brings the film together and can help separate the world of the film from real life. 
17. What movie soundtracks can be found in your ipod? 
I do not use an iPod anymore but you can catch me listening to Michel Legrand’s soundtrack for Umbrellas of Cherbourg on Apple Music. 
18. Have you ever watched a movie alone in the cinema?
I think I find watching movies with company far more comfortable than alone. It is always nice to share the experience with another, and have someone to talk about the film with afterwards. However, I once went to an industry day at the British Film Institute where at the end, they showed Four Weddings and A Funeral (1994) in order to showcase an example of cinema with a distinctly marketable British identity. I think my friend was running late to meet me. So, I stayed to watch it alone. Richard Curtis films are something I can take or leave though. 
19. Is there any movie that’s changed your perspective on life?
I would probably say Last Life In The Universe (2003) by Pen-ek Ratanaruang. The first time I watched it was significant to me, the 2nd time I watched it was a poignant time too. If it taught me anything, it is to be appreciative of people who connect with you in life.
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20. Your favourite comic book movie?
Probably, Tekkonkinkreet (2006) in Japanese dub. I enjoyed the film despite differing art style from the manga, it was still nice visually. A good coming of age film about brotherhood. 
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21. Do you read movie critic reviews before watching a film ?
Not really. I tend to take what critics say with a pinch of salt. Of course there is artistic merit in a film and that can be judged. But, generally... I’d rather decide for myself whether I enjoy a film without any influence from critic. 
22. Do you watch the movie before reading the book or vice versa ?
I’ve absolutely zero preference when it comes to this. Sometimes I may read a book that had a feel film adaptation and find extra details that were not included in the film. That is always fun.
23. Favourite Drama movie? 
The Day I Became Woman (2000) directed by Merzieh Meshkini. An Iranian film about the experiences of three different women in different stages of their womanhood and societal constraints put upon their identities. 
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24. Favourite Western movie? 
 Meek’s Cut Off by Kelly Reichardt a film about a group of settlers been led down the Oregon desert, by a guide who might actually be lost. 
25. Favourite horror? 
The Tennant by Roman Polanski. 
26. Favourite Sci-Fi?
This is not really a film, but an episode of an anthology television series. Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone. But, particularly the episode Number 12, Looks Just Like You (1964
27. Favourite war movie?
I would probably have to say La Grande Illusion (1937) by Jean Renoir. A pacifist film about the futilities of war. The film concerns a small group of prisoners of war, who are of different nationalities as they attempt to escape from their imprisonment. The film celebrates the universal humanity that transcends national and racial boundaries and radical nationalism, and this in itself should prevent political division amongst humans. 
28. Your least favourite movie of all time?
I would have to say La Grande Bouffe (1973) It had a bit too much gluttony and bodily functions for my liking. I understand its satirising consumerism and bourgeois decadence... But, it made me feel squeamish. 
29. Ever made movie reviews?
I’m going to write some with this blog!
30. Favourite movie quote? 
“Give me the bat...”  - Jack Torrence from The Shining (1980) 
31. Favourite song in a musical? 
Moon River - Breakfast at Tiffanys (1961). Or, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Meet Me In St Louis (1944).
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32. TV series, books, computer games or movies in order of interest?
Movies, T.V. series, books, and computer games. 
33. Lastly, if your life story was to be made into a movie, who would you like to portray you? Who should be directing it and what would be the title?
Any time someone asks me this question I never know the answer. I think I would like to be in some kind of technicolor playing some kind of beautiful, richly dressed high society girl. I’m not sure who I would want to portray me. I would want the plot to be as far from my life as possible though.
So, that is me. I’m so excited for what is to follow. I will be back soon with a review of a film. 
If you would like to do this tag go ahead. I’d love to see your answers if you do!
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argonapricot · 7 years
1: Name - Julia
2: Age - the number of protons in an argon atom! My favorite element! That didn’t even occur to me until just now and I am delighted.
3: 3 Fears -
1. Plane crashes
2. Dementia
3. Bad things happening to pets
4: 3 things I love -
1. elves
2. Dvorak
3. making fun of you
5: 4 turns on
1. Linguistics
2. The end credit music from Attack of the Clones
3. Girls
4. Chord resolutions
6: 4 turns off
1. Sex
2. Existentialism
3. Depression
4. Logistical complications
7: My best friend - three of alex in a trenchcoat
8: Sexual orientation - homosexualism
9: My best first date - I’ve only had one! Unless you count Mackenzie Week which wow I sure don’t yikes
But yeah, the actual first date was cute af we were adorable and drenched
10: How tall am I - not tall enough
11: What do I miss - so much all the time, god. Having it be a normal and socially accessible activity to play pretend when you hang out with friends. Having a girlfriend, lol. Playing outside in the yard, my brother being a tiny little puffball. Being an impressive child. So many childhood things actually I’m an enormous sap. Not being depressed?
12: What time was I born - 7:02 in the evening, I think
13: Favorite color - poorple
14: Do I have a crush - um i have like 7 I’m bad at getting over people
15: Favorite quote - “the answer is six” - alex, that one time the answer wasn’t six
16: Favorite place - it’s a secret!
17: Favorite food - academic vigor
18: Do I use sarcasm - no of course not
19: What am I listening to right now - the clock trying to guilt me from across the room
20: First thing I notice in new person - whether or not they are painted green 
21: Shoe size - 9/12
22: Eye color - Brown! Maybe like ¼ hazel
23: Hair color - also brown! It gets lighter in the summer, the sun bleaches it a bit.
24: Favorite style of clothing - gay
25: Ever done a prank call? - I used to prank call Clarissa every time I called her in like middle school, but it was always super obvious that it was me I think
27: Meaning behind my URL - my favorite element, paired with a handy dandy alliteration fruit that I enjoy
28: Favorite movie - Alex making a fool of herself
jk it’s I guess Lord of the Rings but I’m honestly so bad with favorites especially movies
29: Favorite song - I’ve been listening to Hurt by Johnny Cash a LOT lately, for fictional angst purposes and also it’s just a really good song
30: Favorite band - the Grady Knights Philharmonic
31: How I feel right now - sad that I’m only on number 31
32: Someone I love - Lee Pope
33: My current relationship status - so single you don’t even know
34: My relationship with my parents - good! I have great parents they are great!
35: Favorite holiday - I’ve only actually been to a Tu b’shvat seder once, but it was so incredibly rad and it’s a good holiday I approve of it.
36: Tattoos and piercing i have - none
37: Tattoos and piercing i want - none?
38: The reason I joined Tumblr - to get in on that sweet pjo fandom action
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? nah bro @alphaj8de hi five
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - I exchange “goodnights” with someone if we end a conversation by going to bed?
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - quite possibly!
42: When did I last hold hands? - I hold hands with Tolkien every day of my life
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Depends on how slowly I get out of bed
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? - yeah
45: Where am I right now? - on a couch
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - fanfiction, probably, since all of my good caring friends are Leaving me to go to Party College, or alternatively Very Far Away And Stupidly Cold Stupid College
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - I like my music neurotically soft
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - for the next like two months
49: Am I excited for anything? - college! Hannah’s lake house! garbage on the internet! 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - I rarely tell Everything to anyone
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? - I suck at fake smiles, and can only maintain them (when called for) in three-second bursts
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? - I hugged Benjamin earlier today
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - I would stand there like a tool.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - YEAH @cognitivelyagitated I can’t believe you took advantage of my eighth grade self like that and I can’t believe my eighth grade self was that stupid.
55: What is something I disliked about today? - Discord crashed and my online friend was not online.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - *mumblemumble*
57: What do I think about most? - characters doing Things
58: What’s my strangest talent? - I have the power to make sleeping possums knit
59: Do I have any strange phobias? - macaroni and cheese, also certain noises that make me flip out and cringe
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - I can go both ways!
61: What was the last lie I told? - the answer to that sarcasm question
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - what is communication
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - I don’t devote a lot of energy into having opinions on ghosts or aliens one way or the other.
64: Do I believe in magic? - sometimes
65: Do I believe in luck? - I mean luck is just the concept that sometimes good things happen and sometimes they don’t? So yeah, the experimental probability of good things that happen is a thing.
66: What’s the weather like right now? - hot and humid
67: What was the last book I’ve read? - I’m in the middle of like four books right now, the last one I finished was I think A Conjuring Of Light? In the shades of magic trilogy, which was hype.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - no!
69: Do I have any nicknames? - julesliaia
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? - I broke my arm in seventh grade
71: Do I spend money or save it? - both!
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? - no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? - there are some pink things visible on the screen where this is being typed?
74: Favorite animal? - I like all kinds of cats
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - watching Episode 3 of IDOL Drama Operation Team
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - why would he have a last name
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - I can’t think of the best answer right now
78: How can you win my heart? - elf appreciation
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - my name would be nice
80: What is my favorite word? - right now, sepulchral
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr - I don’t really rate tumblrs!
82:  If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - stop! being stupid! stop being mean! Help the planet and also other people! I don’t know
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - no
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - being able to sing well would be nice
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - are you spending your time responsibly?
86: What is my current desktop picture? - Yosemite
87: Had sex? - y
88: Bought condoms? - n
89: Gotten pregnant? - n
90: Failed a class? - n
91: Kissed a boy? - n
92: Kissed a girl? - y
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - I think so, yeah
94: Had job? - y
95: Left the house without my wallet? - y
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - n
97: Had sex in public? - nah that’s your gig
98: Played on a sports team? - I was a part of the Lucky Clovers soccer team in like 1st and 2nd grade
99: Smoked weed? - n
100: Did drugs? - n
101: Smoked cigarettes? - n
102: Drank alcohol? - some! on special occasions
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - n
104: Been overweight? - n
105: Been underweight? - n
106: Been to a wedding? - Yeah, a couple!
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - ………..probably on some late nights, but that’s terrible and I feel ashamed and sad
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - n
109: Been outside my home country? - twice! Once to Spain and once to Mexico
110: Gotten my heart broken? - There have been a couple instances of vague heart breakage idk
111: Been to a professional sports game? - during TIP camps, yes
112: Broken a bone? - y
114: Been to prom? - I was busy Killing It at Carnegie Hall
115: Been in airplane? - y
116: Fly by helicopter? - n
117: What concerts have I been to? - @queer-sighted took me to a Fall Out Boy concert two summers ago, which was lots of fun! I’ve been to a lot of ASO concerts that Mom gets tickets to for producing the show, and a bunch of other classical music occasions, and some concerts that I’ve played!
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - yeah. like. a Lot.
119: Learned another language? - I learned some okay French
120: Wore make up? - y
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - y but virginity is dumb
122: Had oral sex? - y
123: Dyed my hair? - n
124: Voted in a presidential election? - I was too young!
125: Rode in an ambulance? - n
126: Had a surgery? - yeah, on my foot in second grade
127: Met someone famous? - my crush met Selena Gomez does that count
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - only a tiny bit
129: Peed outside? - of course
130: Been fishing? - I’ve stood near some people who were fishing sometimes
131: Helped with charity? - I’ve worked on a lot of tikkun olam projects? And volunteered places? And donated tzeddakah? I don’t know what specifically constitutes charity.
132: Been rejected by a crush? - only very indirectly I have the forthcoming romantic initiative of a slug
133: Broken a mirror? - no
134: What do I want for birthday? - ummmm books and mamamoo I guess? Maybe a new tablet
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deweyfinn21 · 8 years
Song Lyric Challenge
Tagged by: @fb-phe13 (You seem to be the only person who ever tags me in stuff)
Rules: Write down the first ten songs that come on shuffle (no skipping, no cheating) and write a favorite lyric for each song. (I’ll try to include YouTube links to all the songs I can, because idk if all of them are easily available because I have a lot of recordings of local bands because Apple Music includes everything and my parents have over 5000 cds downloaded onto it)
1. Everything You Ever - By Neil Patrick Harris | From Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog | (Spoiler Alert! It’s the last song from the “show”) | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4Pk5LSZ9EyI | “Now the nightmare’s real.”
2. We Can Work It Out - Originally by The Beatles/Cover by Big Time Rush | From Big Time Movie | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R9BwI0MA5js | “Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong.”
3. Voices Carry - Originally by ‘Til Tuesday/Cover by Vitamin C | From Sky High | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8rRtMuVM6oc | “When I tell him that I’m falling in love, what does he say?”
4. Next to You - By Ninja Sex Party | From Strawberries And Cream | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc1BFZrK3uo | “Now I’ll be next to you, masturbating slash having a threesome with Claire but still masturbating.”
5. Bump in the Night - By Allstars | From Scooby Doo | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UsKhSrryFCY | “You cannot run and you cannot hide yeah you gotta face it baby things go bump in the night.”
6. i2i - By Tevin Campbell and Rosie Gains | From A Goofy Movie | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G8SeCOYnbLU | “If you’re ever lonely stop, you don’t have to be.”
7. The Way I Do By Dylan Saunders, Meredith Stepien, Joey Richter, and Denise Donovan | From Starship | (Spoiler Alert! It’s from the 2nd act of a 2 act play) | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vnVMgGPABsc | “They say you can’t feel with a heart made of steel but you can’t say that steel ain’t strong.”
8. I’m Still Standing - Originally by Elton John/Cover by Taron Egerton | From Sing | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VHP5mO_kpHQ | “And if our love was just a circus you’d be a clown by now.”
9. Galavant Recap - By Ben Presley | From Galavant Season 2 | (Spoiler Alert! This comes from the penultimate episode of the show.) | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S8-C76h8Bwo | “Gosh so much to dump up on your doormat in our half hour sitcom format.”
10. Johnny B. Goode - Originally by Chuck Berry/Cover by Mark Campbell | From Back to the Future | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RelL4BS2lEQ | “He could play a guitar just like he’s ringing a bell.”
I’m supposed to tag people, but I never do because I’m on mobile, don’t know who’s already done this, and which of my followers actually interact with me.
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tvbelle · 8 years
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This turned out way longer then I was expecting.  Probably won’t make sense. Just a bunch of thoughts strung together to show my appreciation for 2 of my favorite shows.  
Today has been surprisingly emotional for me. I have been really enjoying all the love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer today on the 20th anniversary of its premiere. It is a huge part of the reason why I call myself a child of the WB. Buffy was a huge part of my childhood. My first memory of Buffy was a season 2 episode where the Scoobies are in the cafeteria and the spaghetti turns into snakes.  I hate snakes and spaghetti is my absolute favorite food, so I have no earthy idea what made me watch this show that made my favorite food turn into something I hate. I remember going over to friends houses after school to rewatch the latest episode, and calling others during the commercial breaks or once the episode was over.  I have a claddagh ring that I have had since I was in 7th grade (I’ll be 30 this year) that I wear everyday because Angel gave Buffy one. David Boreanaz was my first real celebrity crush- poster on the wall, a little book about him I got a book fair at school (probably in elementary school), and I went to see “Valentine” in theaters.  I had Build-a-Bears named of characters.  I had a weekly planner and once the year was over I remember cutting the pictures out to keep. Many many years later with social media I was able to connect to one of my favorite singers over Buffy-  Hayley Williams of Paramore we are both Team Angel. However, my proudest moment it probably when I heard that the WB was turning into UPN that I wrote a letter to my local WB station to ask if there were going to continue to carry Buffy and everything else. I did get a very nice letter back and was so excited that I was still going to get to watch my favorite show.  I still have the letter… somewhere. My favorite episode is “Surprise”. My favorite seasons are 2 & 3.  Season 1,4, & 5 are good. Season 6 & 7 are my least favorite.  I have this weird aversion to season 7 though, I have no clue why.  Even after all of this it is still really hard to say what kind of impact this show had on me.  I think Buffy has probably had more of an influence on me then I realize.  Seeing this strong woman who saved the world a lot proved to me that women can do anything.  I am proud to have been raised on Buffy.  
Because of Buffy my favorite supernatural world is vampires.  Which brings me to another part of my life The Vampire Diaries. I am as much of a child of the WB that I am an adult of the CW and that is due to TVD. I remember watching the premiere and maybe even the 2nd episode and thinking I didn’t think this show would be for me.  Too much like Twilight, hahaha.  But I continued to see the promos and was intrigued but never enough to tune in.  Then once all the shows went on winter hiatus the CW aired all 10 episodes in one week and because I was avoiding studying for finals in college I caught up.  I was officially on the TVD train after that and have been ever since.  Thursday nights were my nights- TVD at 8 and Greys Anatomy at 9. If someone called during those 2 hours they were out of luck because I was not going to answer, my mother can attest to this.  If someone texted I would maybe respond during the commercial break. There has never been another show that took me on an emotional rollercoaster like TVD during seasons 2 & 3. Every commercial break I was either laughing, crying, or screaming, all in one episode. Because of TVD, started to realize how much of an impact television has on my life.  I joined twitter and tumblr and realized there are people like me.  These people made me feel normal for obsessing over a show.  These people introduced me to new shows. During a time when the CW was failing TVD and these people kept me tuned in to the network which introduced me to a new TV world- the Arrowverse.  Just like Buffy my favorite seasons are 2 & 3.  1,4, & 5 are good.  6 & 7 are my least favorite.  Season 8, however, has really reminded why I loved this show and I am glad it is getting the send off it deserves.  
As much as Buffy made an impact on me, Caroline Forbes is actually the TV character I would be if I could. She has grown so much as a character.  Becoming a vampire made her a better person.  She is a strong, sassy and emotional vampire barbie, who is just so great.  Oddly enough several years ago there was a Buffy movie remake being tossed around but wasn’t going to involve Joss, and like most I immediately said hell no.  But then I heard Candice Accola’s name thrown out to be Buffy and had a really hard time then saying no because if anyone was going to do it I would be okay with it being her.  Even more so when, I think, “The Downward Spiral”  aired during season 6.  I remember thinking how much Caroline reminded me of a Faith/ Buffy mix.  
So THANK YOU to two amazing shows that had made me who I am today.  
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Manga the Week of 2/19/20
SEAN: February. I can’t believe we’re still in February.
ASH: It really does seem to be taking its time this year.
SEAN: Fantagraphics gives us the 2nd volume of Kago’s (has he dropped his first name?) Dementia 21, which promises to be disturbing in many and varied ways.
ASH: The first volume was pretty great, in true Kago fashion, so reader be warned.
SEAN: J-Novel Club has dabbled in shoujo light novels (Bakarina), but at Anime NYC they announced a big push to start a shoujo LN line. The first of those is out next week, I Refuse to Be Your Enemy! (Watashi wa Teki ni Narimasen!). It’s from PASH! Books. The premise is quite similar to Bakarina: the heroine realizes that she’s the villain character in an RPG… but she’s not the villain till she gets married! When her future husband shows up, she decides to RUN AWAY!
MICHELLE: Sounds potentially fun.
ANNA: Running away from husbands is a good trope.
SEAN: J-Novel Club also have Banner of the Stars 2, Cooking with Wild Game 6, and The Greatest Magicmaster’s Retirement Plan 4.
In print next week, Kodansha gives us Drifting Dragons 3, Eden’s Zero 6, Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest 3, Gleipnir 6, and O Maidens in Your Savage Season 6. That’s more print than the last four weeks have had.
ASH: I’ve been meaning to give Drifting Dragons a try now that it’s available in print. I’m a volume or so behind, but O Maidens in Your Savage Season has been consistently excellent.
SEAN: The digital debut is I’ll Win You Over, Sempai! (Senpai! Ima Kara Kokurimasu!), a 5-volume shoujo series from Nakayoshi. A girl has lived a life when she’s always confessed successfully and never been dumped… till now. Still, she persists… because if she just keeps confessing over and over, eventually he’ll say yes! This seems like the sort of series that had better be very funny or it may be excruciating.
MICHELLE: Forsooth.
SEAN: Also out digitally is GE: Good Ending 2, Living Room Matsunaga-san 7, Lovesick Ellie 10, MabuSasa 2, and Shojo FIGHT! 9.
MICHELLE: Yay for more Lovesick Ellie and Shojo FIGHT!.
ANNA: I need to get caught up.
SEAN: Seven Seas has four titles, all 2nd volumes. We get Arifureta ZERO’s 2nd manga volume, How to Train Your Devil 2, the 2nd (early digital) volume of Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA, and Nicola Traveling Around the Demons’ World 2.
ASH: The first volume of Nicola Traveling Around the Demons’ World was an absolute delight! The second is high on my list to pick up.
SEAN: Tokyopop gives us the done-in-one volume Dekoboku Sugar Days, another BL title from Gentosha, this one from LOVE xxx BOYS Pixiv. A boy who always had to be protected by our hero as a kid is now all grown up… and huge! Can there still be any protecting? What about a confession?
Vertical has the 7th Arakawa Under the Bridge and a 2nd Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro.
Viz gives us Downfall, an Inio Asano title for those who think Dead Dead Demon is too light and cheery. It’s depressing, realistic, and no doubt excellent. It ran in Big Comic Superior.
MICHELLE: I’m sure it’s excellent, but I just can’t handle depressing these days.
ANNA: Me too, I’ll stick with the cheerfulness of Dead Dead Demon.
ASH: I’ll definitely be reading this, but will need to wait for the timing to be just right.
SEAN: Also from Viz: The Drifting Classroom Perfect Edition 2, Golden Kamuy 14, Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt 13, Ran and the Gray World 6, Tokyo Ghoul: re 15, and, most importantly, Urusei Yatsura’s 5th omnibus.
ASH: Ooooh, I’ll be reading quite a few of those, too!
MELINDA: I still mourn what Ran and the Gray World was in its first volume.
SEAN: Yen On has a 10th volume of No Game No Life, the first to come out without any delays in ages. They’ve also got Log Horizon 1-11 out digitally, meaning every Yen On series is now available in both print and digital. Hooray!
As for Yen Press and the manga end, no debuts, but we do get Interspecies Reviewers 3, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Familia Chronicle Episode Lyu 6, Kakegurui Twin 5, Overlord a La Carte 3, Re: ZERO Arc 3 Volume 10, The Royal Tutor 13, Silver Spoon 13…
MELINDA: Silver Spoooooooooooooooon!
ASH: Silver Spoon is a terrific series.
SEAN: …Skull-Faced Bookseller Honda-san 3, and Tales of Wedding Rings 8.
ASH: Looking forward to spending some more time with my Skull-Faced friend.
MELINDA: I’m here for Skull-Face.
SEAN: That’s quite a bit. Anything tickle your fancy?
By: Sean Gaffney
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