weirdalar · 2 years
these count as sexy lingerie. to the enlightened mind.
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weirdalar · 2 years
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weirdalar · 2 years
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weirdalar · 5 years
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jenny holzer
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weirdalar · 5 years
“I believe that I have a kind heart, but there is a pit in it that is so black that only the people, who’ve hurt me when I loved them, live near it.”
- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #117 // @loveactivist
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weirdalar · 5 years
I wanted closure. We all want closure. Something that tells us that it wasn’t our fault, that there wasn’t anything we could’ve done differently, and that it’s okay to move on now. But I didn’t get it - not from you. Sometimes you have to figure your own shit out. You stop waiting for that apology or whatever is you’re waiting for, you just pick yourself off the floor and force yourself to get on with your life. You find your own closure, with or without them.
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weirdalar · 5 years
The sea calls upon vengeance, for I am buried somewhere in her.
Channing M (via de-morte)
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weirdalar · 5 years
“Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness.”
— Lao Tzu (via witchbitchwrites)
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weirdalar · 5 years
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weirdalar · 5 years
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“Sometimes I think we’d all be better off if the people who mean well would just creep away and die.”
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weirdalar · 5 years
lokean affirmations™
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weirdalar · 5 years
Cherry would find a letter in her post that was left mostly unmarked, sealed within a plain paper envelope and addressed with clean, scratchy print. Recognizable to her, of course, was the name 'Alyr' in the corner; it had been sent from the Iron Forge post office, stamped with their corner seal.
He had put off writing to her after... much, admittedly. After December, he had taken to not reaching out to anybody for some time with one thing leading into another and a variety of stresses hitting him all at once. He described the events in plain detail, nothing more than a few sentences. An incident taking place early December within the Darkshore (no detail on what, but context... was possible), a tough breakup, and weeks after each that had led to not wanting to leave the house.
It had bottomed out when rumors of azerite appearing in Northrend began to surface, and he explained a brief trip there that involved... "quite a lot, admittedly, quite a lot..."
From there, the letter had dwindled and he wasn't sure what to respond with. There was a certain awkwardness that came to him with how long it had been since he'd contacted Cherry. Guilt, too.
He ended it simply-- an earnest message that he missed her, had missed her companionship and input, missed spending time with her. Hoped she was doing well, and, above all, wished to see her if she had time free within the next coming weeks. He'd be in the Boralus area, and if she had time, he'd like to meet with her, catch up.
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weirdalar · 6 years
What kind of pokemon are you? How do you do the things you dooooo
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You represent the GRASS type! 
The Grass type is all about life. Whether you're watching nature grow, or allowing the seeds of a newfound friendship to blossom, Grass-types focus on the creation of things, rather than the destruction. Like a study oak, you're a patient individual, though sometimes your relaxed demeanor can border on inaction. You enjoy personal relationships, and always are one to give a gift to a friend, or jump for joy at the smallest display of kindness. You truly like to believe in the best of people, it seems. This attitude is noble, but it can get you into trouble, Grass-type. You need to remain in control of your day-dreams, and make sure that your emotional compass doesn't lead you to harm. If you can maintain a smile through the grit of the world, then good things will surely sprout up in your future!
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You represent the STEEL type!
The Steel type is all about innovation. Always looking for the next big breakthrough or discovery, you can never seem to sit still. Your dedication for projects can be overwhelming to some, but your security in yourself will serve you time and time again. It is important, Steel-type, to remember to treat others with delicacy. While the world of tools and systems may follow strict, unyielding logic, others are not so simple. Your straightforward method of interaction should be mindful of others' feelings and desires. Perhaps, like the systems you enjoy creating, you can create new ways of interaction with dedication and excitement.  
thank you @patiencekindnesscourage for the tag!!! turns out cherry can do 4x damage to alar, oops! quiz here!
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weirdalar · 6 years
A terrible thing had been done to me, but I could also be terrible.
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weirdalar · 6 years
I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil.
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weirdalar · 6 years
A single gif that shows something about your character that very few know. Make it vague and mysterious. 
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tagged by the always wonderful @patiencekindnesscourage 💖💖
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weirdalar · 6 years
you cannot fathom how loudly the chorus in my head sings when you are beside me. i can hear music again after believing i had gone deaf to everything beautiful.
Noor Shirazie (via godsize)
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