#then my sister started. and she doesn’t do it sweetly
Fuck her
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corroded-hellfire · 7 months
Scout's Honor - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collaboration with my dearest @munson-blurbs
An As You Wish story
Summary: The annual Father-Daughter Girl Scout Square Dance comes around but Eddie and Steve are saddled with some car trouble.
Note: Everyone needs to go thank Bug for this incredibly adorable idea!
Words: 2.1k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Can’t live with them, can’t…convince them not to go fishing on the day of their daughters’ Girl Scouts events. 
Eddie and Steve had promised you and Nancy that they would be home in time to take Eliza and Mia to the annual square dance. 
“We’ll get an early start,” they’d said, ignoring Eliza’s insistence that she won’t go with her father if he reeks of fish. He’d just laughed, kissed her cheek, and reiterated that he would shower before the dance. 
Maybe you’re naive for believing him. And yet, when the phone rang and Eddie’s sheepish voice explains that Steve’s car broke down—codeword for ‘we ran out of gas’—you’re wholly unsurprised. 
“I always made fun of Wayne for fishing.” Eddie muses, the payphone crackling as he exhales. “Called it an old man activity. This is what I get.”
You grit your teeth, hand clenched in a fist. “Just…get home,” you hiss, hanging up the receiver and massaging your temples. 
Who could have ever foreseen such an outcome?
While you’re stewing over the men’s incompetence, Mia remains levelheaded—just like her mother—and proposes a solution. “What if Luke and Ryan take us?”
Her suggestion is almost certainly rooted in her crush on your younger son, but it proves to be a worthwhile idea, nonetheless. Eliza’s face lights up, and before you know it, your five-year-old is dragging her brothers from their room. 
“Please?” She pouts sweetly, batting her doe eyes up at them. “Daddy and Uncle Steve can’t make it, and we can’t go all alone.” She lays it on thick, knowing full well she doesn’t have to—the boys would do just about anything for her. 
Ryan and Luke raid Eddie’s dresser drawers for flannels, finding the ones that he had nabbed from Wayne’s trailer. The girls don cowgirl hats, excitedly giggling as they climb into the back of the minivan. It’s still strange for you to see Ryan behind the wheel, but your heart swells with pride as you watch him double-check Eliza’s booster seat before pulling out of the driveway. 
At seventeen years old, Eddie Munson spent his Saturday nights selling cheap weed at high school parties—many of them, ironically, thrown by “King” Steve Harrington. 
At seventeen years old, Ryan Munson is spending his Saturday night taking his little sister and her best friend to the Girl Scouts square dance. 
“Everyone buckled?” He calls back, already knowing that they are. Still, he waits until he receives a chorus of yeses before he drives off. 
Luke turns around from the passenger seat. “Now, do we have to make a perfect square?” He keeps a serious expression, much to Ryan’s amusement. “Like, what if it’s a bit oval-y? Do we get kicked out? Do you two get banished from the Girl Scouts?”
Eliza and Mia are both used to his nonsense, and they burst into a fit of giggles. Ryan cracks a smile of his own, eyes trained on the road. 
Precious cargo and all that. 
When they arrive at the old VFW hall, the girls immediately pull them over to their group of friends. It’s a sea of young girls and their dads—and some moms—but nary a big brother in sight except for the two Munson boys. 
Ryan barely has time to feel out of place. The emcee, a middle-aged woman with bright pink lipstick and a too-wide smile, grabs the mic. 
“Welcome to our Father-Daughter Square Dance!” The room erupts into applause, quieting down only to hear about how this fundraiser supports the Girl Scouts of Indiana. The scouts repeat their pledge, which is met with more cheers, and then a western tune bleats over the old sound system. 
Eliza grabs Ryan’s hand as the emcee calls out instructions. Mia is a bit shyer with Luke, but they still manage all of the steps without stomping on the other’s toes. 
“Liza, I’m sorry Dad couldn’t make it,” Ryan says between songs. 
Eliza gives him a small smile. “That’s okay. It’s kinda cooler to bring my big brother.”
He grins. Just wait until his dad hears that. 
As everyone is getting into position for the next dance, a new song comes on that has more banjo than Luke has ever heard in his life. 
“Oh, yeah. We’re definitely in Indiana,” he says.
Mia chuckles as she peeks up at Luke from beneath the brim of her straw cowgirl hat. A blue ribbon on one of her red pigtail braids is loose so Luke reaches down to fix it for the little girl. Mia’s freckled face blooms as red as her hair. Luke pretends not to notice, not wanting to embarrass her. The big crush on Luke became obvious when she was three, and now at ten, it’s still hanging around. The fifteen-year-old Munson boy thinks it’s flattering and only ever teases her if she starts it first. 
“Ready?” Luke asks, offering Mia his hand.
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“But I didn't realize any of this until I was standing alone. In a barn... wife-less. Now, you can imagine my disappointment when it suddenly dawned on me that the woman I love is about to be kicked out of the country. So, Margaret. Marry me. Because I'd like to date you.”
Both you and Nancy hold your wine glasses, neither moving a muscle as you watch Ryan Reynolds catch up to Sandra Bullock in a New York City office building. An empty pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream sits between you on the couch, two green-smudged silver spoons resting inside. 
With the men out fishing, Ryan and Luke out with the two girls, and Natalie watching the rest of the kids over at the Harrington house, your place became the ultimate Mom’s Night In for you and Nancy. A chance to drink a little, gossip a little, have some snacks and watch some romcoms. 
Your peace has finally come to an end, however, when the front door bursts open and two men who reek of murky water, bug spray, and gasoline come barging in. 
“Jesus, Steve,” Nancy says, face pinching up at the foul odor wafting from your husbands. 
You wave a hand in front of your face as if that will make the smell dissipate any faster. 
“How were the fish?” you ask, turning your head away to give your nostrils a fighting chance.
“We caught a grand total of zero,” Steve says with a sigh, his black fishing boots looking comically misplaced on him. Neither of the men look natural in fishing gear. But when a guy from work offered Eddie the use of his boat for the day, he found he couldn’t turn it down. 
“Did you bring the fishing poles?” Nancy asks, sarcasm lining the amusement on her face.
Both men give her an annoyed side eye before Eddie looks around and takes a step towards you.
“Where are the girls?” he asks. 
“Ryan and Luke took them to the dance,” you tell him. “They should be back soon.”
Steve grimaces and claps a heavy hand down on Eddie’s shoulder.
“Eliza’s gonna kill you.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows and spins to meet his friend’s eye.
“And Mia won’t kill you?”
Steve grins. “Not if she got to dance with Luke.” This is the only time the man has ever been thankful for Mia’s crush on the Munson teen. 
Front door still open from when the men barged in, Ryan, Luke, Eliza, and Mia walk inside, laughing and talking over one another. Ryan is giving Eliza a piggyback ride and Luke has Mia’s too-small cowgirl hat perched on top of his head. The moment Eliza’s wide brown eyes spot her father, she demands answers. 
“Daddy, where were you?”
Ryan gently lets her down and she stomps over in her beige cowgirl boots, stopping right in front of Eddie. 
“Liza, I’m so sorry,” Eddie pleads. “Our car broke down. We tried everything we could to get back in time—”
Tears build up in Eliza’s eyes and Eddie feels his heart constrict in his chest. It might as well be Eliza’s little fist squeezing it.
“You were s’post to go with me!”
Eddie sighs and runs a ringed, smelly hand over his face. “I know. And I promise I’ll go next time. But I’m glad you got to bring your brothers. 
“Did you have fun at least?” Steve asks from behind him. 
Mia nods emphatically and both you and Nancy have to bite your lips to keep from smiling. 
Eliza nods in agreement, although not as enthusiastically as her friend. “Yeah. And Ryan is a good dancer.”
Luke smirks, and if Eddie were looking at him, he’d see the devious glint in his eye. “Not as good as Dad, I’m sure.”
Loud snickers come from you, Nancy, and Steve. Eddie’s jaw drops open as he looks around the room. 
“I can dance!”
“Yeah, Dad?” Ryan asks.
“Lucky for you, we’re all right here to witness it,” Luke says with a shrug. 
Eddie scoffs and shakes his head. “There’s no music. And I don’t really think my Metallica is easy to groove to.”
“We’ve got my Billy Joel—” you start.
“Or my *NSYNC!” Mia adds. 
“No,” Eddie says. “Thank you girls, but no.”
Smirk only growing larger, Luke pats his father on the shoulder. “Lucky for you, we’ve got just what you need.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow as he watches his son take a CD out of a Target bag he was conveniently hiding behind his back. 
“How was fishing, by the way?” Luke asks as he wrestles with the plastic engulfing the case.
“Pointless,” Steve says.
“Your uncle didn’t bring enough bait,” Eddie added. Steve is about to refute but Luke speaks before he gets the chance.
“But you would have, Dad? Does that make you a master baiter?” 
Ryan is the only one who is unable to contain his laughter. The joke goes over the girls’ heads, but you give your son a soft glare anyway. Never mind that you found it hilarious, just as you know the other adults did as well, but sometimes you’ve got to be the parent. 
Luke shrugs it off and pops the finally-freed CD into the stereo and the sound of a bow sawing over fiddle strings fills the room. Your second-oldest nods his head to Eliza.
“Go ahead, Lize. Show the old man how it’s done.”
“There’s not enough room to square dance in here,” Eddie says.
Without even so much as glancing at one another, you and Nancy get off of the couch and push it back, making plenty more space in the living room. The two of you smirk at one another and Nancy crosses her arms over her chest.
“Y’know, I don’t think it’s fair that you guys get to reap the benefits of your daughters being Girl Scouts without putting in the work.”
A grin grows on your face as you see where Nancy is going with this. 
“Yeah,” you agree, “maybe you don’t need more Samoas this year.”
Eddie’s face falls, and he looks at Steve, who shrugs in defeat. Gotta hit the guys where it hurts: food. 
“All right, show us the moves,” Steve says.
Mia grins, a bounce in her step as she takes Eliza’s smaller hand and walks to the middle of the floor. “Okay, me and Liza will be partners. Just watch us.”
Steve furrows his eyebrows and looks between the two girls, one with now-messy twin red braids, and the other with a light brown cowgirl hat atop two curly pigtails. 
“Wait, if you two are dancing together, who are Eddie and I dancing with?” he asks. 
Eliza giggles. “Each other.”
“Nope,” Eddie replies. “No way.”
With an over dramatic sigh, you shrug your shoulders at your husband. “No dancing, no Samoas.”
“Damn those little coconut fuckers,” Eddie mumbles under his breath. “All right, big boy. But I get to be the guy.”
“Sure, we’ll play pretend,” Steve quips back. It’ll be a miracle if they both make it through the first dance alive.
Eliza and Mia begin to go through the motions, showing their fathers what to do. Everyone is laughing as they do-si-do and hook arms to swing each other around. 
“Did I earn my cookies yet?” Eddie asks once the next song ends.
“That’s up to your daughter,” you tell him with a shrug. 
Eddie looks at Eliza expectantly, the big puppy dog eyes that he passed down to her working their magic. 
“Almost, Daddy. You gotta dance with me first.”
“Now that, I can do.”
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xetswan · 1 year
Youngest Shadow- Confirming Us
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One | two | three | four | five | six | seven
Bella stands by me, getting herself ready for what she’s about to do. It’s the end of the school day and I suck in a deep breath for her. I can not believe she’s actually going through with this.
She starts walking towards the Cullen’s. She makes eye contact with Edward and he immediately gets the message but Rosalie grabs his arm. Bella already disappeared in the trees that bordered the school property. Rosalie says something to him but Alice shakes her head and removes her hand, also speaking. I obviously can’t hear them from here.
Biting the dead skin off my bottom lip nervously I try my best not to cough. Of course I’m still sick, not as bad as yesterday but still up there. Just without the fever.
I watch Edward finally get away from his foster siblings and go to my sister. It feels like my breathing has been shortened. I have a feeling he won’t do anything to her but there’s always a thought in the back of my mind.
“Hey, you okay?” I turn and it was just Angela. “Hm?” I raise a brow. “Oh I was just asking if you’re okay. Since you were pretty sick yesterday.” She smiles, putting her hand on my back causing me to shutter. “I’m better, still sick.” I look away to cough. Her touch makes my chest squeeze and I don’t notice the two staring at me from across the lawn. Or at least I act like I don’t.
“Aw, I’m sorry.” She pouts moving her hand to my shoulder and I nervously laugh. “It’s okay, did you find your prom dress?” I change the subject, her eyes light up in response. “Yes I did. Did you? I wasn’t able to ask since you were so bad yesterday.” She takes her hand back and I felt like a corset was being taken off and I could actually breathe again. “Ah, that’s amazing. I don’t know if I’m going.” I shrug.
She takes my hand and that one feeling comes back. “You have to it will be so fun. And since we don’t have Bella coming we need at least one Swan sister to come.” She tries to convince me. That sentence throws me the wrong way though, I know she didn’t intend it to but I don’t know.
“We could even match colors. My dress is like light pink.”
“I mean if you’d like me to I will.” I tell her with a small smile. “Light pink is such a good choice.” Another voice rings to my right side and both of us jump from the person. I mentally curse once I see who it is. “Oh, um… thank you Alice.” Angela grins at the other girl as I glare at her.
“So, [Name] how’d you sleep last night?” She turns to me and my lips press together angrily. Angela seems confused.
“What an odd question to ask.” I say through my teeth.
“Really? I just wanted to make sure it was nice since Jasper and I left before you woke up.” She sweetly says, my eyes widen.
“I slept fine.” I roll my eyes.
“That’s good! Angela? That’s your name right? I’m going to steal [Name] here for a second.” She doesn’t even let the girl answer nor give me the chance to deny. Taking my arm and dragging me away. I look back at Angela apologetically.
She waves me goodbye, furrowing her eyebrows as she was just as confused as me.
We get into a car where I’m in the backseat, Jasper was in the driver seat. “What was that!?” I pull away from her, my face scrunched with anger.
“Shh.” She tells me and I grunt as I push myself backwards on the seat. “Is this a fucking AA or something? Here to tell each other secrets?” I cross my arms.
“Why are you so mad at us, darling?” Jasper turns to look at me.
“Why are you so obsessed with me?” I rebuttal.
“Well, you obviously know what we are is that your reason?” He ignores what I had just said. “No I’m just- I’m confused!” I exclaim.
“You’re both together, in a relationship. Immortal I might add that I am not. What do you want from me?”
Their gazes soften. “[Name], you’re our missing piece. You’re ours. You have been for years we only now found you.” Alice tells, still smiling. I think back to my dream.
Their missing piece…
“You still aren’t answering me correctly. Give me an explanation, a good one that doesn’t sound like you’re crazy!” I exasperated.
“I’m some missing piece, whatever! But why me? You don’t know me!” I hold myself trying not to get emotional from how overwhelmed I feel.
“We know more than you think, love.” Jasper says, i glance over to him, motioning for him to keep talking.
“We’ve had this feeling for years, we knew you as humans, [Name]. Years and years ago. You’re the one who would get through our fingers. Your past lives have popped up. And they will continue to do so until you fall for us. You won’t remember until you-“ he cuts himself off, Alice’s eyes bored onto me. “You won’t remember.”
I sit there for a minute in complete silence.
Then I start laughing. “Okay I played into this for a little bit. I actually believed it, I believed my sister too! Is this some sort of prank or something?” I shake my head. “This is good, really. You had me. But knock it off.” I go to open the door but it won’t open.
“Hey, let me out.” I play with the handle and the two just sit there. “I said let me out.��� I order, now using to hands.
“[Name],” Alice goes to touch me but I go up against the door. “Don’t touch me.” I smack her away from me and a shock goes through my arm. I gasp not only from how cold she is, even though I already know she is. But something actually shocked me. Not a normal metal shock but like a taser went through my arm.
“We’re telling the truth.” Jasper says lowly, I just scoff.
“Okay, sure and I’m a fucking werewolf. Do you know how crazy this sounds!?” I throw my hands into the air.
“Yes, yes we know.” Alice sadly replied.
“I want proof.” I simply say. “I want to see the speed shit or whatever.”
They look between each other, nodding.
“We can do that but we have to go to an excluded place. Do you trust us enough?” Alice asks me. I sit there for a moment.
“We need a yes if we leave this parking lot.”
I roll my eyes, “yes.”
And in a quick notion we’re on the road, exhilarating passed the speed limits.
I grip onto the handle above me.
Then we come to a stop, we’re in the forest. “We gotta do some walking.” Jasper warns me, I just nod.
He finally unlocks the child lock he had put on and I get out. I leave my backpack inside the vehicle. Alice and Jasper stand next to me on either side. We start up on this hike trail. We walk in silence. None of us tried to start up a conversation.
“Watch your step.” Jasper warns me and even with that warning I somehow trip. Luckily I don’t fall. My face warms up in embarrassment. They don’t say anything, don’t even crack a smirk or anything. Sort of making me feel better about it.
Then Jasper starts going off trail and I stop in place. “What are you doing?”
“Excluded place, remember, Darling?” Jasper reminds me, I look around trying to think of a way to get out of this. “Right.” I whisper, realizing there isn’t going to be one. I buried my own grave here.
“I’ll be right behind you to make sure you don’t fall.” Alice tells me, trying to reassure me.
I don’t acknowledge what she said, just following Jasper.
It was long until we get to this small spot. “No one’s around.” Alice tells Jasper who nods shortly.
My nerves start rising, I play with the sleeves of my sweater.
“Okay do you have anything else to ask?” Jasper asks and I shake my head. “Just do the speed shit.” I tell trying not to sound panicked but that doesn’t work.
He snickers and Alice stands next to him. Then he’s gone and I feel a tap on my shoulder. When I turned he was gone again. I look straight and Alice was gone too. A tap on my back this time and they’re both behind me. I squint at them and then Jasper is gone again. Now hanging on a tree branch.
Alice grins.
He jumps down, it was a high branch so I gasp. Almost going to run to him but he stands with perfect posture.
“Do you believe it now?” Alice teases me, my mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out. “I… I um”
“Are you scared?” Jasper questions me, going back next to his lover.
“Would you be in my position?”
The two laugh. “Yeah, we would.” Alice sighs.
“Well, oddly enough I’m not. I want to know more.” I tell them.
And for the next few days that’s what we do. I learn more about them.
Barely passing by Bella but we both subconsciously knew that each other got our answers.
And with learning about them came.. loving them. Both of them. I never thought I’d be with two people- vampires?
I guess no one thinks they will be with a vampire.
I knew I’d be in a relationship no one would understand in my family. Like being with a woman most likely. But in this odd polyamory love affair I would’ve never guessed.
They were gentle with me. Like a doll.
“Jasper usually has trouble around humans. That’s why he kind of looks like he’s in pain. But with you. It’s like you’re one of us. We still have to treat you with fragile care. Nonetheless you’re made for us.” Alice grins, holding my hand as we walked together on that same trail. Jasper had to help Rosalie and Emmett with something so he couldn’t join us today.
“Do you think there’s something with my blood?” I look at her and she gives me a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“Well you guys drink blood. What’s so different about mine?”
She breaks out into a small laugh. “Nothings different it’s just how we are with you. It’s been like that in all of your lifetimes. It’s how we know it’s you. Well we normally know because you always look the same. Same first name too.” She explains, my mouth going into the form of an ‘o’.
“You’re cute.” She gently bumps into me.
And no matter how many times I ask them about my past lives, about how I acted they never answered.
Always saying “you’ll find out when you do.”
It was very frustrating.
“I can see into the future, visions. I can see what a persons up to at this very moment. The future can change though. It’s not always accurate.” Alice tells me and I raise an eyebrow.
“Did you know about Bella and your brother before they came about?” I tilt my head.
“Sort of. I didn’t want to pry.” She says. “Can you do anything special?” I turn to Jasper.
“I can manipulate your emotions. Sort of like an empathetic person. I feel your emotion instead of you.” He explains.
I tilt my head, wanting to know more.
“How come you didn’t do that to me when I was angry with you guys?”
“I didn’t want to have this relationship based off of me manipulating you. I wanted you to feel everything, think for yourself. Make your choice. You’re worth waiting a million years for.” He takes me hand like Alice is but takes it up and kisses it.
I smile to myself, glancing down at the ground.
“We want you to come over and meet everyone.” Alice suddenly says.
“Your sister will be there too.” She adds.
I blink a few times, my chest tightening. “Uh… are you sure?”
“Of course.” Jasper chimes in.
And I felt like throwing up.
The thought of meeting their family made my heart thump quicker than normal.
“Okay… I’ll do it if my sister is there.”
“Great, we will pick you up tomorrow.”
Today I brought my motorcycle myself this time. So I drove home myself. And getting there Jacob and Billy stood outside talking to my dad. Well Billy sat in the car as Jacob was going to get out. I’m guessing to take out the wheelchair.
Getting off my bike, I take my helmet off as I walked over to them. “Hey, squirt!” My dad shouts over to me and I wave.
“Hey guys!” I smile. Jacob comes over and pulls me into a hug. Billy was a bit standoffish but he smiles and greets me as well.
Jacob walks away and goes to set up the wheelchair, Billy gets himself up to sit in it.
That’s when Bella gets dropped off by Edward, Billy and him make eye contact and Billy seemed nervous.
Okay this chapter is a little shorter than normal. I had some things happen so I’ve been busy. But I’m hoping to have two chapters out on Sunday.
And a few requests done.
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autumnscribbles · 8 months
secret pt.2 | c.f
summary: y/n decides she needs to come clean to her sister about her relationship with Conrad.
word count: 900 ish
a/n: IM BACK!!! feels so good to be writing again i’m sorry this took so long! some people asked to be tagged in part 2:
@maybankslover @maybankprincess @lonelywitchv2 @fangirl-dork @gulphulp (thank you guys so much for the support ily)
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You stumbled down the stairs, bare footed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you entered the kitchen. You grinned when you noticed Jeremiah cooking pancakes on the stove.
“Since when do you cook?” you laughed, leaning against the kitchen island as you watched him.
“About since you were in love with Conrad,” he winked.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” you blushed as you tossed a grape from the table at his head.
“Oh, sweet y/n, of course I do,” he grinned over his shoulder. “She doesn’t have a claim on him, you know.”
“I know,” you sighed heavily. “But you know how she feels about him, Jer, she’d hate me forever.”
You wanted to confide in Jeremiah about what was going on, but then Belly suddenly stepped into the room. Your heart sank slightly at the sight of her, knowing what you were doing to her was wrong.
Not a day went by where you didn’t consider ending things with Conrad just so you didn’t have to hurt your little sister. Despite this, you couldn’t let him go. You knew you couldn’t keep living like this, you either had to tell Belly soon, or end things with Conrad.
You laid on your bed, your skin soft from the salt of the ocean. You rested your eyes gently, basking in that feeling of relaxation when you lie down after a day at the beach. You were startled by a slight knock on your door frame. You opened your eyes to see Conrad, smiling at you sweetly.
“Good swim?,” he asked, noting how comfortable you looked.
You nodded sleepily and sat up, patting the bed for him to sit down.
“I think I have to tell Belly, like, today,” you told him, already dreading it.
“You’re probably right,” he agreed, grabbing your hand gently. “Do you want me to be there with you?”
“No,” you groaned. “She’s my sister, I should be the one to tell her.”
Conrad wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer and pressing his lips to your forehead. He knew you were anxious, but that he couldn’t mend the situation.
“She loves you,” he reassured. “Even if she’s upset, she’ll come around.”
You looked out your window and saw Belly sitting at the edge of the pool. You knew this was your chance, and you needed to stop putting it off.
You went outside to meet her, taking a second to breathe in the cool night breeze. You could do this.
“Hey, Bells,” you said cheerfully as you sat next to her, putting your bare feet into the water.
“Hey,” she smiled. “What’s up?”
“I, uh,” you started. “I have to talk to you about something.”
“Okaaaaay?” she sang, raising her eyebrows up at you tentatively.
“So,” you breathed. “Conrad and I have sort of been…seeing each other since the beginning of the summer.”
You couldn’t look in her eyes, your gaze rested on the pool. You tried to let the subtle waves and the reflection of the moon comfort you.
“What does that mean?” Belly asked.
“We’re dating, Belly,” you confessed. “I was scared to tell you because I know you like him too, but it just sort of happened. I really, really like him.”
Belly’s eyebrows went from raised to furrowed, as if she was trying to make sense of what you just told her.
“Are you doing this on purpose? To hurt me or get back at me for something?” she accused.
“What? No! I would never do that to you,” you defended yourself.
“You know I’ve loved him my whole life, y/n,” she cried, voice raised. “Out of everyone, why does it have to be him?”
“Belly,” you sighed. “Please don’t do this. It just happened, okay? I’m not trying to hurt you.”
“Well, you are,” she deadpanned.
You were trying to stay calm, be the rational one. You weren’t trying to hurt her more, or make things worse. Despite the fact you were frustrated with her immaturity, you were determined to be the bigger person.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. “But Conrad and I are together, you’ll have to accept it. Trust me I thought about ending it because I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Then why didn’t you?” she yelled, startling you.
“Because I love him, okay?” you exclaimed. “I’m stupidly in love with him, and I can’t just throw that away.”
Belly’s face softened, and it gave you a glimmer of hope. You knew she adored a good love story.
“You are?” she asked.
“I am,” you confirmed. “It’s not just a fling, I wouldn’t do this if it was.”
“I guess I can’t come in the way of love,” Belly admitted, reaching her hand over to rest it over yours. The pavement around the pool was cold, but Belly’s hand was warm and comforting.
“I love you, Bells,” you told her. “You know that. If you’ll hate me forever, I won’t be with him.”
“I can’t do that to you,” she said, shaking her head. “You deserve an epic romance, and if Conrad’s the guy, I just have to accept that. Maybe it was always you that was meant to be with him, not me.”
“Ever thought about Jer,” you smirked, nudging her with your shoulder.
“Shut up,” she laughed. “Or I’ll throw you in the pool.”
“Only if you join me,” you teased, before you grabbed her hand and pulled her in with you, both of you squealing as the water hit your bodies.
“We’re okay?” you asked, wiping the water from your eyes.
“We’re okay,” she smiled. “Now go kiss your boyfriend.”
“Race you inside!” you screamed as you climbed out quickly, her screams of protest behind you.
The sound of her laugh in the summer air made you feel whole. You knew things were going to be okay now.
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mydearesthrry · 1 year
the end - h.s.
a/n: and just like that, harry styles love on tour is over. thank you for the memories. hoping and praying h stays happy and safe and healthy always. enjoy nearly 600 words of me being emo also none of this makes sense and it’s so so shit but I had to post something im so sorry
🎀 warnings/cw: angst. fluff. harry crying
🐇 pairing: fem!reader x harry styles
💐 wc: 583
summary: following the final show of love on tour, you reassure harry that it’s time for him to rest now.
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“C’mere Bunny,” she whispers in the muffled quiet of the dressing room. Harry was sat on the opposite side of her on the couch, and she knew to give him space at this moment in time. Harry was fully soaking everything in. Every ounce of love, support, every atom of appreciation he felt, he was allowing it to happen in the safe of his dressing room, no prying eyes there to watch one of the most vulnerable states he’s been in besides his love.
He looked up from where his head was in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Her heart broke when she saw his face. Watery eyes, splotchy redness covering his cheeks, and pink pillowy lips damp from him flattening them into his mouth. He crawled over to her without a second thought, resting his body from his waist up on hers, twisting to bury his head into her neck, the tears falling at an even more rapid pace.
“Bunny, ‘s the matter?” YN asked, her lips pressed to his sweaty mop of curls, pecking soft kisses to his head.
“‘M jus- I dunno, I jus- I feel so loved, and I feel selfish that ‘M leaving them when they’ve given me everythin’ I have… I jus- It doesn’t feel… right?” He let his insecurities float around in the stale air of the room, wincing at the quietness that seemed to amplify now that he let his thoughts roam free, thoughts that he knew would now spill into his girlfriends.
“You— Harry, you saying that is more selfish than you leaving. Baby, do you know how long we’ve been on tour? Truthfully, do you?” She asked, a look of confusion blatant on her face as she pulled his head from the crook of her neck.
“I- no, time doesn’t really… ‘M not good at that stuff, Lovie.” He hung his head in shame and sadness.
“H, we got Peach in May of last year when she was a kitten, a few months before we left, and guess what, H? She’s stayed with Mum and has had babies, and my sister had her baby in June, a week before the tour started, and he’s turning two this year. So many things have happened, Baby, you’ve just been so caught up in this tour that you aren’t allowing yourself to see them happen,” She whispered, knowing he needed a little ounce of tough love in this moment. “You have to let yourself rest.”
“‘M so tired, YN.” His voice cracked, and she felt the tears begin to whir behind her eyelids.
“I know, I know baby, I’m so tired too, but you can rest now, my sweet love. It’s time for us now. You can— we can rest, and we can go anywhere y’want. We can go home, if you want, or we can stay at the villa, even. It’s just— it’s time for you to rest.” She allowed herself to get emotional, wanting Harry to know that he wasn’t in this alone.
“Thank you,” Harry whispered. “I don’t… I don’t deserve you, at all.”
“Bunny, you deserve more than me. You deserve everything that’s good in this world, sweet boy, and I kick myself every day that I can’t give that to you. I love you more than I can even explain, Harry. You’ve changed my life and have saved me, time and time again.”
Harry shook his head. “There’s no one above you. You’re it for me, I swear on it.”
“I know, H,” She smiled down at him. “I feel the same way. I always have and always will.”
“Can we go home?” Harry asked sweetly.
“Of course we can, Baby. Wherever you want. I love you.”
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lanadelreyismyfav · 9 months
Hiiii could you pls write a show! Percy x fem Reader? Like let's say she's Annabeth's half-sister and like he at first doesn't really like her but then he's like "Oh wait she's actually not that bad" and just sort of developes this kinda (very) obvious crush on her?
Ofc I can!!!
Also please tell me if I wrote anything wrong this is my first time writing so it might not be the best and if you have any tips I would love to know 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Something about you
this is a Percy Jackson x fem reader 🫶🏼🫶🏼
It was a very sunny day at camp half blood. You and your sister Annabeth had been there for a while and she had became friends with this boy, Percy Jackson he always kinda shrugged you off so you didn’t really talk much
“Hey Y/n would you mind getting some breakfast for us” Annabeth asks you with a curious look on her face
“Sure what do you guys want?” You ask
“Yeah can you just get us three breakfast sandwiches” Annabeth asks you sweetly
“Sure I’ll be back” you say leaving
“Bye sis!” Annabeth says as you leave
“Bye!!” You say back
You start to walk to were they are holding breakfast on your walk you start to think to yourself that you kinda wish that you and Percy could talk more he seems nice he just never talks to you you think to yourself, You make your way into to the breakfast you pick it up and you also get one for yourself because you are also starving
So you start to walk back to the cabin,
(Time skip ⏭️)
So you got back to the cabin and you walk in to see Annabeth and Percy talking to each other
“Here you guys go” You say
“Thanks so much Y/n I really appreciate it” Annabeth says
“Oh your welcome it’s no problem” you say back
“Yeah thanks Y/n” Percy says which kinda surprises you he’s never really said anything to you before
You stand there in shock looking at him for a second before answering again
“Y-Your welcome Percy” You say still shocked
He notices you staring at him
“Take a picture it will last longer” he says back to you in a flirty way and he chuckles to himself
You feel yourself get flustered at his words
“Maybe I will” you say back winking and laughing to yourself
He blushes a bit and smiles
You go back to your work you were practicing for capture the flag you wanted to win
“I’m leaving you two can talk for a while if you want” Annabeth says leaving you and Percy alone
“Ok be safe love you” You say back
You and Percy sit there for a while in akward silence you can feel his eyes burning into the back of your head but every time you look back to see is Percy is looking he looks away he’s starts to get bored so he decides to make conversation
“So you practicing for capture the flag huh?” He says softly trying to make conversation
“Yeah I don’t wanna lose” you chuckle to yourself
“Your competitive like your sister” he says smirking
“Yeah we are kinda alike in some ways I guess” you say kinda shrugging
“You need some help with that?” He asks smirking a bit
“Yeah” you kinda blush to yourself
He walks over to you and you were drawing out a plan for capture the flag on paper he takes your had into his and helps you draw you feel butterflies in your stomach you’re never felt this way towards him before it’s all very new to you
Percy’s perspective
Geez I hope she doesn’t think this is weird I never talk to her and now I’m helping her and grabbing her hand (I’m sorry that sounded really weird)
Back to your perspective
(Time skip ⏭️)
So it had been a couple of weeks since you and Percy were alone together and had a moment Percy couldn’t stop thinking about it and he started to talk to you more and hold the door open for you just little things like asking you if you need help or getting you food or even bringing you a little gifts and flowers he was so sweet to you
He definitely had a crush on you and you liked him back
So one day he came to you and Annabeth’s cabin
“Hey Y/n I was wondering something” he asks looking nervous
“Hey, sure what?” you say back curiously
“Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?” He asks very nervously scared of your answer
“Sure I would love to” You say back smiling and blushing a bit
All the sudden you hear something
“Aww you little love birds” Annabeth says teasing you two
“Annabeth!!” You say annoyed and flustered at what your sister is saying
“Well I’ll pick you up at 7 for ice cream?” (Sorry if you’re lactose intolerant 😭) Percy says blushing a bit
“Sure that’s perfect” you say back smiling at him
-The end
I hope you guys enjoyed the story, I hope it was ok
I hope you guys have an amazing day love you guys byeee 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Little mouse part 2
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Paring: Aemond x reader Warning: dirty talk, NSFW themes
Part 1: HERE
“I am not done with you, little mouse,” Aemond’s words echoed in your mind since that day he cornered you against the wall
Every time when you remembered the dirty things he purred into your ear you felt your skin burning 
You imagined his words coming true and your hand moved slowly down your body to your wet pussy, trying to satisfy your hunger for the young Prince, but it was pointless. Your inexperienced fingers weren’t good enough, you came whispering his name into the silence of the night, but you felt empty and unsatisfied
Aemond totally ignored you since that day like if nothing happened and you started to think that you only imagined the whole encourter
One day Helaena asked you to serve a dinner for her and Aegon 
But when you came with a roasted lamb on a plate, Helaena was nowhere to be seen
Only Aegon sat at the table, already slightly drunk
You usually tried your best to avoid being alone with him, but you couldn’t retreat, because he already spotted you
You put the meat in front of him with a polite bow, waiting to be dismissed
But it didn’t happen, you felt a harsh slap on your butt instead
“Fetch me more wine, Y/N,” Aegon slurred and you yelleped at the sudden contact 
He usually ignored you, but it seemed that today was your unlucky day, because when you started pouring wine into his cup, you felt his hand wandering up your leg under your skirt
You jumped a little a spilled the wine across the table, Aegon completely ignored it, his hand wandering higher on your leg, looking at your terrified face with a wicked grin
You didn’t know what to do, you simply couldn’t slap the Prince across the face
Suddenly you were pulled away from Aegon by your waist, your back bumped into musled chest 
“Keep your hands away from her brother, if you want to keep them,” Aemond threatened behind you and you sighed in relief
“Oh I see, wrong brother was about to finger you, doll,” Aegon smirked and watched his brother with amusement in his violet eyes. He has never seen Aemond reacting like this because of a woman
“Get out of here,” Aemond commanded and you shivered. 
You quickly ran away but you bumped into Helaena on your way out 
“Y/N, where are you going? I am sorry, I am late, the spiders were whispering so sweetly, I had to listened to them,” she said dreamily, not aware that you look so frightened 
“I wanted to surprise you and have a dinner with you and Aegon,” she pouted her lips. “What happened, why are you going away” she asked you. 
“I... I spilled some wine on the table, I felt embarresed,” you quickly made up an excuse
“It doesn’t matter, Y/N. It means less wine for Aegon to drink,” she laughed and happily turned you around and dragged you back to the dinning room. 
“Oh, Aemond, I didn’t know that you would join us,” she said confused when you two walked back to the table. “You are sitting on Y/N’s chair, we need another one,” she said, panic seeping into her soft voice. 
“No need, sister. Calm down, she can sit here,” Aemond said calmly and before you had a chance to react he pulled you onto his lap, sitting you on one of his strong thighs.
You gasped quietly when you felt one of his long hands wrapping around your midsection, securing you on his lap
Helaena clapped happily, laughing from ear to ear, completely oblivious to your discomfort
“This is exactly what I wanted,lovely dinner with my favorite people,” she giggled and you smiled softly at her, it was rare to see her so happy these days. 
“I would have invited you too Aemond, but I thought that you were in Penthos with Vhagar,” she smiled at her younger brother and you felt happy, that he didn’t ignore you lately, he just simply wasn’t at the castle for some time
“I came back earlier, I have some unfinished business here” he simply said and Helaena happily nodded and turned to her husband
“If I ever find my brother's hands underneath your skirt again, I will kill you both, little mouse,” he whispered into your ear, his fingers digging deeper into your side and you shivered when his lips brushed against your ear.
Before you had a chance to say something your awkward dinner was interrupted by Sir Criston Cole, calling the royal siblings to their father’s chambers, it seemed that his grace was getting worse. You felt bad for king Viserys, but you were glad that you could escape from this situation. 
In the middle of the night you were tossing and turning in your bed, dirty thoughts about Prince Aemond filling your mind once again
You loved sitting on his lap but on the other hand you were embarressed to do it in front of his siblings
You liked the feeling of his musled chest against your back, or the feeling of his hot breath on the sensitive skin of your neck
Your hand once again traveled down your body, squeezing your already hard nipple softly, quietly moaning, imagining that it was Aemond’s hands on your body making you feel good
Your other hand traveled further down into your undergarments, slipping easily into your slick folds. You sighed desperately, knowing that your fingers were not enough, but you kept going, feeling that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomac 
“Aemond,” you moaned quietly, your fingers pushing in and out of your soaked pussy, filling the night with wet sounds. 
“Since when do you call me Aemond and not my Prince, little mouse?” Aemond’s deep voice startled you, making you freeze. You slowly turned your head to the right, looking straight at the young Prince. His eye watched you hungrily, he looked like a god when the moonlight was falling on his beautiful face, but the look in his eye was devilish.
Part 3 
Tag: @moonmaiden1996​
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childesglove · 2 years
Did You Cheat On Me? Revenge Taste Bitter (Part 2)
Summary: Childe thought you had cheated on him and he decided he was going to take revenge, even if it hurts both of you. Now that he realised he made a mistake, how can he ever fix this?
Read Part 1
Tags: Angst with comfort, Hurt, Implied Violence, Reader has anxiety attack, not proof read, verbal abuse, a lot of screaming
You turned and leaned against the door, breathing heavily as you felt the weight of the world crashing on you. You parted your lips and an ugly sob escaped you. You covered your ears in an attempt to block out all the noises but it did nothing to silence your thoughts.
Your heart ached so much it felt almost physical. You haveso many questions but all you could do was curl yourself into a tight ball.
Like a hammer striking a fragile mirror, reality shattered the memory into a thousand sharp fragments. All the lovely images of him smiling sweetly at you, holding you tight and making you feel safe shattered.
It was a painful reminder that he was not the one.
He was just a passerby in your life that left a scar that would take forever to heal.
You stayed in the same position for what felt like hours before you started packing your clothes.
With one last look, you left this place that you once called home.
The same day
Childe was lost in his thoughts, he was growing restless as each moment passed by, he couldn’t forget the look on your face when you left.
He felt sick and twisted for making you cry even when you were the one that betrayed him. He was supposed to feel happy, triumphant even, yet all he felt was emptiness and a sense of dread.
He doesn’t even know where that dread came from.
“ Lord Harbinger, a man that claims to be a friend of Ms y/n is requesting an audience.”
“Let him in.”
“Urm, Hello. I’m Matt.” A nervous-looking man entered, his eyes darted around as he licked his lips nervously.
“You dare..” Childe’s eyes narrowed coldly as he recognised the man, it was that bastard that you cheated with.
“I think we have a misunderstanding here!” Matt widened his eyes as he put his hands up in an attempt to calm the harbinger down. “I am Y/n’s childhood friend, I recently just came back from Sumeru to visit my family.“ The poor man was talking like a machine gun as if a bomb is about to set off.
That feeling of dread is coming back again, Childe stared at Matt, waiting for him to continue.
“Y/n is just like a little sister to me and I am really happy she found someone.” When he mentioned you, Matt’s eyes softened for a second. “I wanted to explain to you yesterday but you looked like you were ready to kill me..” he smiled sheepishly.
“What..what did you just say?”Childe’s mind was a whirlwind of panicked thoughts, his instincts screaming at him to find you and beg for forgiveness but he didn’t even know where to begin.
Everything made sense now.
The way you looked so hurt, confused and offended when he confronted you.
“What have I done?” Childe muttered, his face contorted into a horrified expression.
He messed up.
When he went back to their shared home, he was greeted with nothing but emptiness. The house was silent, not a trace of you was left behind. Your matching mugs, the plushies you insisted on keeping, and the photo frames of you and him were all gone.
A letter was left on the table.
Dear Ajax,
I went against my whole family and friends to be with you, and I really thought it would be you in the end but turns out, my mother was right. You were not and never would be that man.
I wished I’d never met you, you make me feel sick.
Hope we never meet again.
As he read, Childe’s hands began to tremble as he clutched at his chest, trying to hold himself together, but the emotions were too overwhelming, raw.
His face was twisted in agony, tears streaming down his cheeks as he read and re-read the words on the page.
He can’t believe he fucked up so badly.
It felt like yesterday when you pressed yourself against his back, whispering how much you loved him. The way you kiss his ears, giggling as you watch his ears turn red under your touch.
Each time he came back from the battlefield tainted with blood and all worn out, all he wants is to see you, hear you call his name so sweetly.
Yet all of these are gone because of his foolishness.
Part 3?
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Desire & Duty (2)
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2. The dragon has three heads
Summary: You marry both your siblings
Pairings: Aemond x Targaryen!reader x Helaena
Warnings: Medieval ASOIF Customs, canon incest, cursing, polyamorous, incestous polygamy, Aemond is loving towards girl on girl love jiji, breeding kink, fingering, oral sex, cum eating, overstimulation, (poor reader (poor my ass I want to be her)), whatnot, might miss some warnings because this is some lengthy smut 
Wordcount: 2.5k 
Notes: uufff please PLEASE be considerate of me, I truly struggle with writing smut, I really do, I hope this can scratch your itch, because DAMN THESE TARGARYENS ARE HORNY, they are fire made flesh after all
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“Are you scared?”, Helaena asked gently, taking your hands in hers. You nodded. Helaena knew about bedding, she had two children, but you didn’t
“When we… make love, it doesn’t hurt”, you whispered, “it is always sweet and tender, but I’ve heard men wield their cocks as they wield their swords, plunging them into you until…”, you whimpered, but she only smiled sympathetically
“They can be gentle”, she whispered, “it all depends on the men wielding it”, she giggled, “Aemond loves us, he will be gentle and kind”, she smiled, and you smiled back nervously, you wanted to believe her.
She caressed the back of your hands with her thumbs, and you connected your eyes. You felt a tingle in your lower belly, and wondered if Aemond was going to join you at all, because if he doesn’t… you had no quarrel with having yours and Helaena’s wedding night
But as she seemed to think the same, the door of your chambers opened
You had decided to stay in Dragonstone for the first week after your marriage, it was the easiest for you all, meanwhile, a message had been send to King’s Landing, informing the small council and everyone in the castle of the marriage of the King, and that now there was not only one new Queen, but two.
And you were going to spend here a week to not face the backlash the news were going to provoque
It was a little cowardly, but the sole prospect of spending not only a night but a whole week alone with your two partners, made you tingle with pleasure
Or rather…
Aemond stood by the door, looking at both of you with what you assumed was desire, deep deep desire.
He told you he knew about Helaena and you, but that means he was going to allow it? Did he plan on having separate nights for you and for Helaena? 
“Don’t let me interrupt”, he whispered kindly, and you smiled
“You are not interrupting”, Helaena said sweetly, “I was just easing our baby sister, she is a little nervous that is all”, she explained, and Aemond’s eye perched on you and you blushed
“Are you?”, he asked softly. He walked until his side was taped to the one of Helaena’s, she leaned into him, gave him a sweet kiss on the side of his mouth, “she is still a maiden, our little one”, she purred 
“I was counting on it”, he said lowly, his eye blown out, looking like the one of a predator 
“Tonight will be all about her then”, she said happily, and you found yourself very shy
“It doesn’t have to be!”, you said quickly, “it's all about us”
“It's alright little one”, Helaena whispered, leaning over you, “right Aemond?”, she giggled, he only smiled and nodded
Oh how many nights he had dreamed about this moment, having his two loving sisters all to himself. Having them on his bed, all to himself. 
Separating you two seemed like a crime punished by the gods, it was the both of you, together, with him, the dragon had three heads
Helaena kissed you sweetly, making you lean down to the mattress below you 
You let her open your robe, and started kissing you down your neck, to your collarbones, your hands started caressing sweet Helaena, the robe was thick and wouldn’t let you feel much, but here came Aemond, sliding his nimble finger over your sister and undoing the straps that held her robe together, underneath she wore a thin shift, just like you. 
Aemond could cum from the sight alone of you two kissing and touching each other 
Helaena was getting greedy with you, and Aemond didn’t like that, but he guessed it was better for her to relax you for what's to come, Helaena’s hands made sure to lift your shift to uncover your lower part, and you felt weirdly nervous, now that Aemond was here, but he seemed to be the most excited one of all of you, so you guessed it was going to be alright.
Aemond kissed Helaena’s neck, as he caressed her softly, gently, removing her shift, releasing her breasts he wasted no time in caressing them, groping them, as he kissed and nibble at her neck making her whimper sweetly, but she didn’t relent her work on you, coming down to your own, she trapped one of your nipples in her mouth while she pinched the other, and then viceversa, you moved against the bed, wanting more, needing more, but you didn’t want to be greedy, but now  you had two spouses instead of one, you needed the energy, and having this passion within in. 
Helaena kept going down until she had your pussy at her tongue’s reach, she wasted no time in starting to devour you, and you moaned needily. Aemond released her, and instead turned to you, still fully clothed 
“Aemond”, you called, but you didn’t quite know what you needed, you just needed him to do something, you reached for him and he leaned in. You grabbed his robe roughly
“I get it”, he said almost proudly, he disposed of his own clothing, and then he was next to you in a second, but you were lost in the pleasure Helaena was giving you.
She teased your entrance as she lapped at your clit, and you whined because she already knew what buttons to push to make you pliable in her hands. Aemond leaned in and kissed you, for the second time ever, and you enjoyed the way he devoured your mouth
You moaned on his mouth when you finally Helaena made you cum on her tongue and fingers, your legs already shaking, but somewhat you knew this was only the beginning
Helaena resurfaced, looking down at you with lust-blown eyes, Aemond couldn’t resist and kissed her, tasting you in her mouth, and whined needily 
“She is all ready for you”, she whispered against his lips, and Aemond gave her a last open mouthed kiss before they both turned to you. You were already melted over the mattress, your mind confused with pleasure. 
Aemond placed himself between your thighs, and loomed over you with pleading eyes
“My love”, he answered
“I need you”, you begged, and he nodded, grabbing your night shift and sliding it off of your body, now you were totally naked under his hungry gaze, and the one of your sister.
“You will have me”, he promised like a prayer. He kissed you again, sweetly, needily, as he accommodated himself. When he released you, Helaena was there right by your side, one of her legs coiled with yours, making you open wider for Aemond, her hand caressed your breasts softly. Her mouth found yours, as her fingers found your clit. You draw a high pitched moaned when you felt the tip of Aemond’s cock in your entrance
“Relax for me”, he begged, but you couldn’t be more possibly relaxed 
“Be a good girl and relax for your big brother”, Helaena whispered teasingly, and you whined in need, as Aemond pushed a little more, entering you. You needed something to hold on to, so you kissed Helaena hungrily, your hand found Aemond’s 
He squeezed reassuringly, as you separated from your sister and looked into his eye
“I love you”, you whined, “I love you both” 
“We love you too”, he assured, finally seating himself to the hilt within you. it was a pressure you had never felt before, you never felt so full, so terrifyingly good, “fuck”, he cursed when your walls squeezed him tightly, like a fist, and he whined, wanted nothing more than pound into you, but he knew he had to take it slow
The sensations were so strong you didn’t even realize tears fell down your eyes until Helaena wiped off of your cheeks gently, with beautiful wide eyes and a excited smile
“I love you Lena”, you whispered against her lips, calling her by the name you did when you were little
“I love you”, she whispered back, and kissed you gently. 
Aemond draw himself back, and then he thrust back into you gently, making you whimper
He looked at you with love and devotion, you both were everything to him, the only thing he ever loved and wanted, and now he had you
“You are ready, love?”, he asked and you barely nodded, he started thrusting into you, slowly, but sensually, giving you time to feel every vein and ridge on his cock, he was big and thick, not that you had anything to compare it to 
But you felt incredible, like you were made to fit this way, so intimate, the sensations were so intense you held onto Helaena for dear life as Aemond thrusted into you, every time with more hunger, rougher, with more need, but you felt like you needed it that way, rougher, more, more powerful
But Helaena was being neglected, you found her intimacy with the tip of your finger and she opened herself for you automatically, Aemond watched it all and he felt like he didn’t have enough hand to be with you both like he needed to, he placed one of his hand on Helaena’s belly and the other one on yours to feel himself deep inside you
“You both are needy little things, uh?”. he mocked, when your sister started to draw delicious sounds of her pleasure, given to her by your hand. But he had to be a part of it also, he was also neglecting her, so he helped you bring her pleasure using his hand right besides yours 
In a second she was twisting and moaning right by your side, and Aemond didn't stop his assault on you
“I’m going to cum inside you”, he promised, and he smiled widely, “give you my baby”
“I want it”, you moaned, “I want to have your babies”, he smiled sweetly, looking down at you
“You do?”, he asked, pleased, you only nodded
“That’s my girl”, he said pleased, leaning down and kissing you gently, he then leaned towards Helaena
“What about you”, she only looked back at him with hooded eyes
“Let’s see”, she whispered, with her pussy stuffed with your fingers, she cummed shortly after, but as you knew her, she could give you a couple more before she was truly tired, you? not so much
It was silly to think you’d cum in your first time with Aemond inside you, but you did, it came to you and washed over you like a tidal wave, unexpectedly, and he whined and moaned when you squeezed him even tighter. 
“Fuck”, he felt embarrassed, the night had just begun, but he cummed inside you, planting his seed in your womb 
He came out of you and dropped to the bed, and you were all just three panting messes, you all trying to catch your breaths, chest going up and down
You felt… strange, you felt a warm thick liquid dripping down your thighs, Aemond’s seed
“Hey”, Aemond cradled your cheek with his hand and made you turn to look at him, laying right next to you, “are you alright?”, you only nodded
“yes”, you whispered, but you felt Helaena’s wet kiss on your neck…
You were right, this night wasn’t over, even if you felt like you couldn’t even talk, she slid back over you, and between your thighs
“Lena please, ah!”, you whined when you felt her greedy tongue lapping at your entrance, taking the rest of Aemond from you, “oh please”, you begged pathetically, your legs shaked around your sister, and exhaustion tears fell down your cheeks.
Aemond was there to clean them off, and kissed you gently, softly, but he got up, his cock, hard again, ready for a second assault, but not for you, he grabbed Helaena by the hips, and started thrusting into her, hard, fast. Helaeana whined, and moaned against you, making you whimper 
“I’m going to get you both pregnant”, he threatened, sounded like a threat, it sounded like his dream to you
“Please”, you begged, as Helaena feasted in your sore cunt
“Fuck”, Helaena’s curse make you giggle, it was unusual for her to use her mouth for such filth. You wondered if they had had sex before, they seemed so connected with one another, and with you as well. You knew Helaena was seasoned in the world of bedding, with Aegon, but still, they worked together as a whole.
Without even realizing it, you were cumming on Helaena’s tongue, again, and you believed you had died or something, everything felt different, everything felt surrealistic, like you now belonged to another dimension where only pleasure existed 
Helaena followed after you, finally releasing you and letting you catch a break, before she fell over you, grabbing onto you tightly as Aemond pounded into her relentlessly 
You caressed her tired frame, finally exhaustion kicking in, but Aemond seemed like he was a man possessed by the warrior, determined to make you both his, planting his seed in both of you.
And with a last long thrust and an animalistic growl on his lips, he made it. 
He released Helaena, and he leaned in, dropping kissed in both your naked intertwined bodies with devotion 
he grabbed a cloth and gently he cleaned you both, you only held each other, exhausted, tired, you both let him take care of you, even went as far as taking you and accommodate you inside the bed 
“Only one rule”, he warned, you both looked at him from over your arms, “I go in the middle”, he demanded with a smirk, you both smiled and welcomed him between you, were he laid like he belonged there.
“This is what is like with the both of you?”, he asked dreamily, once you had accommodate around him, one of your legs wrapped around one of his, and Helaena’s on the other, your arms touching each other over Aemond’s chest, all thee cuddle together, where you belonged
“Now it feels like we are complete”, said Helaena, and you couldn’t say different, because it was true, now it truly felt like you were complete with them both
“It does”, you murmured happily, completely satisfied, and punched yourself in you mind to ever doubt this was going to be anything but amazing, pleasurable and fantastic.
How could it be any different? if you had your siblings, your spouses by your side?
How could you ever doubt that?
“And we have a whole week ahead”, he whispered
“Tonight was all about me, tomorrow will be all about Helaena”, you teased, and Ameond only smiled brightly, so did Helaena
“I’d like that”, she confessed
“I love you both”, Aemond whispered, “I always did, and I always did”, now it tasted different, because you were not in the high of pleasure, you were in the aftermath
“I love you too”, you said at the same time
You and Helaena already confessed your love to one another, but again, this felt different, it was Aemond involved, but again, now you were complete
“How do you think the court and King’s Landing will react?”, asked Helaena, she sounded doubtful, and scared
“Everything will be alright”, said Aemond
“They will accept us”, you said again, “as they did Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys”
“The dragon has three heads” 
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nostalgiclittlespace · 2 months
hi marty!!! if your requests are open, can you do william afton caregiver headcanons with tons of fluff please 🥺💗 he's my fictional caregiver and i love him so much... he means the world to me....
thank you so much!!! :D
Of course!!! I headcanon Springtrap as one of my fictional CGs so I got you ;). Here’s some for Peepaw Willy! ⬇️
(Tried to leave this open for Movie! or Game! Afton)
Of course he is called Peepaw Willy when you’re Little. XD. Other CG names for him would probably include dada, papa, and bunny
He on the other hand calls you sweetheart, love, darling, and dear (he’s very British 😄)
He loves reading to you while sitting in a rocking chair.
Speaks so softly and gently 🥰
If he has to work, then he’ll bring you along! He give you lots of tokens to play the arcade games, coupons for snacks, etc.
But if you’re feeling clingy, then he’ll let you sit in his office with him.
Speaking of the office, he keeps tons of your gear in there. Pacis, toys, coloring books, snacks—the works
Lets you sit on his lap while he works
(He’ll even pet your hair or rub your hands with his thumb if he’s deep in thought)
If he needs inspiration or opinions for designs, then he’ll ask you! You now what’s appealing to kids and will make sure nothing is too scary looking.
Lots of your artwork ends up in his study or around the restaurant.
Would probably show his affection through gifts. Any gear/toy you want, he’s going to get it for you!
You of course have plushies of every animatronic. They’re your friends!
He definitely does different voices for the characters during playtime or stories. He has lot of practice from working kid’s birthday parties in the Spring Bonnie suit
William says he “isn’t as young as you used to be” but if you ask him sweetly (or whine enough) he’ll play tag with you, piggyback you around, etc
One of William’s favorite games is hide and seek.
You guys have lots of tea parties too
For your sake, he would let you dress him up, put glitter and stickers on him, etc
He tucks you in every night you’re regressed. Makes sure you’re all snuggly, checks your closet and under the bed for monsters, and kisses your forehead.
He’s a very calm caregiver. He’s experienced with working around kids of all ages and personalities from Freddy’s and his own kids, so he knows what he’s doing.
Doesnt panic during meltdowns or tantrums. He lets you cry it out if you need, and waits until you’re ready to be touched before giving you a very big hug
If you’re just having a bad day in general, he’ll make sure to do something special for you. Baking a treat, playing a game, etc
If you struggle with crowds or overstimulation, then he’ll bring you to Freddy’s after hours to play. (Pre missing childrens incident)
He doesn’t do that too often though, because he wants to be sure that you get a good nights sleep too!
Movie! William would have Vanessa as your babysitter. And she’s such a sweet big sister!
Game! William on the other hand…he wouldn’t let Michael watch you in a million years. Even pre-bite of 83 he was fairly irresponsible. Henry is a far-better suited babysitter
That being said, you’d get along with the Afton children well. You’d see them around the household, at Freddy’s, etc
(Being a Caregiver has definitely been good for Will; he’s starting to remember how to be a better father too)
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Thanks so much for the ask! I hope these are good! 💜💜💜
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ghoststyles · 1 year
Fairway to Heaven - Part 5
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WC: 6.3K
“No, you’ve gotta keep this arm completely straight when you go into your backswing.”
Briar pouts and rolls her eyes at her boyfriend. This is the second time she’s joined him for 9 holes; the first session ending in a spat, since Harry is so anal and Briar never listens to anyone’s advice.
While their relationship is stronger than ever, the pair quickly learn each other’s quirks now that they spend most of their time together.
Briar finds that Harry is ALWAYS on his phone. Though he doesn’t have social media, he spends a majority of his day responding to emails and taking client calls. There have been numerous nights where Harry creeps out of bed to make a call, or is nodding along as Briar tells a story, only half listening.
Weeks before, Briar planned a small weekend getaway for the two of them; nothing big, just some quality time away from the toxicity of the club. The two of them are sat at Harry’s kitchen island, Briar on her laptop and Harry on his phone.
“I have us booked for 3 nights at the Ocean Suites,” Briar says. “Do you want to do any excursions while we’re there?”
Harry is typing furiously on his phone, “Whatever you want, baby.”
“Ok, I’ll sign us up for jet skis. And then I’m gonna go on a date with Pedro Pascal. I hope he bends me over the kitchen counter,” Briar smirks, knowing Harry isn’t listening to her.
“Mmm, that’s nice,” Harry hums. A beat passes, “Can I ride on the back of Pedro’s jet ski?”
“You are such a dick,” she laughs.
Briar returns to the cart, opting to be the passenger princess for the rest of their outing.
“You gotta keep your arm straight in the backswing. Meh meh meh meh meh,” Briar mocks him as she sits down.
“What was that, Birdie?”
“Nothing, let’s keep going,” she flashes him a sweet smile.
“That’s what I thought,” his tone is clipping. “We can go home whenever you’re ready, my love.”
“No, you can finish,” Briar insists. Harry stares at her, opting to take a deep breath instead of making a smart remark. He wonders if she’s getting her period soon. He wouldn’t dare ask, knowing the consequences having asked his sister once when they were growing up.
Harry joins her on the cart, stretching one arm behind her back and using his other hand to steer. As they start moving, he lightly pets at her shoulder, to which she leans away from.
Harry slams on the brake, whipping around to face her, his jaw locking.
“Is something bothering you?”
“No, Harry. C’mon, finish your last hole.”
He takes another deep breath, his knuckles now white on the steering wheel. They continue on. On the other side of the path, the course’s beverage cart girl is approaching them.
Harry politely flags her down, pulling off to the side. Briar scowls, unsure why they’re stopping. Harry gets out of the cart, walking over to her cart. He leans on it, placing his hands on the top, just like he does to Briar’s. A fire lights inside of her as she watches the encounter unfold.
“Hi, love, could I grab two bottles of water from you?”
“Of course! Do you have an account here?” she smiles up at him sweetly as she hands him the bottles. He transfers them both into the same hand as he grabs his wallet.
“No, just visitors for the day. Been busy for you?”
The girl, probably the same age as Briar, takes the $20 Harry hands her, nodding to answer his question. She attempts to give him his change, to which he waves her off.
“Thanks, love. Cheers.”
He saunters over to Briar in their cart, uncapping the bottle before handing it to her. She gives him a tight lipped smile. Harry pulls the cart back on the path silently.
“Ready to trade me in already?” she cocks her head at him. He blows a puff of air out of his nostrils.
“Drink your water, Briar, I think you’re having a heat stroke,” Harry responds, not giving into her jab. She’s poking a bear and doesn’t realize.
“I bet she’d call you Daddy. Or maybe she likes sir,” she smirks to herself.
“That’s it. We’re leaving,” Harry presses the gas, blowing past the last hole. When they get to the cart return, Harry hastily grabs his golf bag and her hand, dragging her back to the parking lot. Harry is seething, trying not to rip her skirt off and spank the shit out of her in front of the whole course.
He throws his bag in the back, leaving Briar to fend for herself and open her own door. She scoffs.
Harry doesn’t even wait for her to put on her seatbelt before he’s reversing out of the parking lot, his arm stretched out behind her head rest. She loves when he does that, but she has to uphold her stance. She’s already committed to getting a punishment when they’re home.
He doesn’t say a word to her the whole ride, not even linking their pinkies like he normally would. She stares out the window, wondering what he’ll do with her.
He pulls into the garage, again, not even attempting to open Briar’s door. He heads inside, ignoring Gus who greets them at the door. Briar silently slips off her shoes, preparing to make a run for it upstairs. She needs a shower, anyway.
Harry watches her bolt up the stairs, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Briar takes her time in the shower, deep conditioning her hair and shaving her legs and cunt. She hums to herself as she towels off. Opening the door to Harry’s room, she’s met with Harry sitting calmly on the edge of the bed, his golf outfit still on, surrounded by an assortment of… items.
He beckons her over to stand between his legs. She slowly approaches, fiddling with the hem of the towel. He grabs her hands, kissing above her thumbs.
“I’m going to give you a chance to apologize to me,” Harry says gently, staring up at her. “How you spoke to me today made me very upset.”
Briar looks past him to take note of the various gags, plugs, paddles and ropes. Her spine shivers, bringing her attention back to him.
She says nothing.
Harry is stunned.
He shrugs, rising to tower over her. He rips her towel from her body, holding back a groan. She made her choice.
“On your knees, head down. I don’t want to see your face or hear that fucking mouth again. Not a word.”
He grabs a ball gag from his supplies, and wordlessly places it in her mouth, tying it off behind her head. She hates gags; they make her feel claustrophobic.
He unbuckles his pants and removes his briefs, kneeing on the bed to settle behind her. He spits, watching the liquid drip onto her cunt. She squirms at the sensation.
Briar whines; clenching around nothing. Harry still hasn’t touched her. He spits on his hand, grabbing his prick and pumping it a few times. He lines himself up, pushing in slow and steady. He exhales, almost purring.
“Gonna fuck this little cunt. Don’t really care if you come or not,” Harry says blankly. He snaps his hips forward, a guttural moan coming from Briar.
He thrusts harder, knowing he’s completely filling her up. He reaches beside her head to grab the tiny paddle. He winds his arm up, delivering a sharp smack to the side of her ass. The skin reddens deliciously, and Harry is already holding on by a thread.
He gives her two more smacks back to back, tears now leaking from her eyes. He spits on her once more, this time, over her asshole. He massages his middle finger around the tiny hole, making Briar squeak and writhe away. Harry grabs her arms, holding them behind her back. He presses his middle finger in slowly, feeling her clench around his digit. He times the thrusts of his cock to be opposite of his finger, making sure one hole is filled at a time. He feels her cum, but she remains quiet.
“Such a fucking brat today,” he says, in between grunts. “Running your mouth so much, it’s like you want to be punished.”
She keens, arching her back even more. Harry wishes he had his phone within reach to take a picture of the site in front of him.
On his final thrust, he buries his finger and cock in her at the same time, releasing into her, his thighs quaking. He pulls out, watching his come drip out of her. He scoops some up with his finger, smearing it around her abused pussy.
“Fucking wrecked. You’re a proper mess for Daddy, Birdie.”
Harry moves from the bed to his ensuite, washing his hands and grabbing a towel. Briar collapsed onto the bed like a rag doll, her eyes closed. He unties the gag, making her tongue fall out of her mouth after it. She opens her mouth, unlocking her sore jaw.
Harry tends to her, cleaning her up with the damp towel. She whines from sensitivity. He jumps back on the bed, lying behind her with his arms wrapped around her.
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” Briar says faintly.
“I know y’are, Birdie. Don’t you know you’re my best girl? Couldn’t ever dream of losing you,” he whispers in her ear, breath tickling her neck.
Briar rotates, burying her face in Harry’s chest. She feels embarrassed. Harry’s never given her any reason to doubt their relationship.
“I was cranky before we even left this morning,” she murmurs, her lips on his shoulder. “And I think I’m getting my period soon.”
Harry smiles into her hair, knowing he was right.
“That’s okay, Birdie, just let me know next time when you wake up guns a-blazing, mkay?”
They’re quiet, and Harry starts to doze off a bit.
“Your finger felt so good in my butt.”
Harry cackles at her bluntness, “Thanks for the feedback.”
Briar’s first day back at Wynnewood came too fast. She got used to being doted on by Harry and coddled by her uncle.
She’s preparing her cart for the day when she hears Cam come up behind her.
“Hey, B, how you holding up?”
“Hey, Cam, I’m doing better! Just lucky something worse-off didn’t happen.”
Cam hugs her, rubbing her back gently, “All the members have been asking how you’re doing.”
Briar’s heart swells at that. She truly loves most of the people she serves.
“A few of us are going out tonight if you want to join! Might be nice to get out. You’re more than welcome to bring Harry. I don’t think anyone will pay it any mind.”
Briar is silent, not sure how to answer.
“I gotta go back inside, but text me if you want to come.”
“I will, thanks,” she smiles earnestly.
She returns to tending to her cart, wincing as she squats down to clean off the wheels. Harry spent the morning inserting an anal plug in her for the first time.
There were some tears, but she took it like a champ. Harry took his time preparing her for it, mentally and physically. Her phone chimes as she stands back up.
🦊: How’s your 🍑?
She laughs at his emoji. At least he’s learning.
🐥: It wants your 🍆
🦊: Be good.
She sticks her phone back in her skort pocket. She’d love to bring Harry out for a staff outing, but what if someone snitches on them? She doesn’t know many of the other staff members well since she’s out on the course by herself most days.
She’ll bring it up to him, but she’s not sure how he’ll react.
“Hey, Birdie, how was your day?” Harry asks as Briar walks through his mudroom with Gus.
“It was good. Went by quickly,” she yawns. “Hey, so, Cam told me a bunch of them are going out tonight. She said you’re more than welcome to join.”
Harry moves his lips to one side, processing what she said.
“What do you think? I’m happy to do whatever you’re comfortable with. Do you know everyone that’s going?”
“That’s the thing. I’d only know Cam and Isaiah, maybe a few bar backs. Not sure if people that’ll be there are likely to snitch on us.”
“Do you…want to invite them over here, instead? It’s supposed to be a nice night. I can go to the store for some alcohol. We can order in for some food, too. Might incentivize the people who don’t know about us to keep it to themselves.”
“Hm, I like that idea,” she smiles, moving to stand in between his legs. “That’s really thoughtful, Daddy. Thank you.”
Briar texts Cam, and the plan is on. It’ll be about 15 of Briar’s co-workers. Many of them she’s seen around, but just hasn’t gotten to know. When Harry gets the OK, he sets off in search of seltzers, beer and some liquor. Briar spends the afternoon making sure everything is tidy.
Harry is extremely clean, so she mostly cleans up her own mess. She also turns one of Harry’s guest bedrooms into Gus’s oasis, complete with a sound machine to drown out any noise that could upset him. Harry arrives back home around 7, and immediately sets up his outdoor kitchen, stocking the cooler with ice and drinks.
Briar plates the food they ordered from the local sports bar down the street, being sure to write out little signs for each item. Harry lights a fire and turns on the string lights that surround the patio. They stand back and admire their work.
“Our first time hosting a party, Birdie!” he high-fives her.
Her co-workers start rolling in, Cam being the first, luckily. She stands post at the door, greeting them as they walk-in, being sure to introduce them to Briar.
It’s not as awkward as Briar thought; many of them seem super cool. Harry bonds with a few of the bar backs and bartenders around the practice putting green, while Briar hangs with the girls inside.
“Briar, your boyfriend is so nice!” a server, Lydia, beams. “Thanks so much for inviting us. Let us know if we can pitch in for food or drinks.”
“Yeah, he’s great,” she smiles shyly. The other girls disperse amongst Harry’s living room and patio. “And don’t worry about it, we’re happy to host.”
Lydia leans in, “Don't stress about Harry. I’m dating someone from the club, too. No one really cares.”
Briar is relieved, but now she’s curious who she’s dating.
When they all get outside is when the drinking games and shenanigans start. Harry can hang for the most part, but he definitely doesn’t miss being a 22 year old shithead like these guys.
They’re quickly running through the beer and seltzers, turning to taking shots of straight liquor. Briar’s head is cloudy, her eyes a bit droopy. Harry smiles, not ever really seeing her drunk before.
She’s loudly telling stories, yelling over the music bumping from the speaker. Harry nudges Briar discreetly, hoping she’ll talk quieter. The last thing he needs is Maureen popping over to see him hanging with people half his age.
She’s in the middle of her story when she spots Caroline walking through the door. “Caroline!” she shrieks, almost tackling her. Harry smiles, rising to his feet to give her a hug.
“Hi, Harry, thanks for inviting me,” Caroline says, surveying the rest of the group. Some are dancing, and a few are just standing by the fire.
“Feel free to spend the night if you don’t want to drive home. Briar told me you don’t really live close by anymore,” Harry says.
“Thanks, I appreciate that,” she smiles, waving him off as she grabs a drink.
The night goes on and everyone is having a blast. A few have gone home, leaving an even mix of girls and guys. Harry makes sure to survey everyone and assess if they’re okay to drive.
Briar pulls Harry inside to his living room, only to find Caroline making out with Max, one of the bartenders.
“Caro! What the fuck are you doing?”
Her eyes widen, darting back and forth between the guy and Briar. She stands up slowly with her hands up. “Briar, it’s okay. Asher and I broke up about two weeks ago.”
She looks down, unable to process this. She rushes over to Caroline, effectively pushing the bartender away. He looks at Harry, and Harry gives him a shrug in return.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve been right over there…”
Harry backs out of the kitchen, heading upstairs to check on Gus.
“You’re so happy, Bri, I couldn’t bog you down with my shit. You were right all along. That relationship was out of comfort, not love. I think he was even relieved.”
Briar hugs her, “You’re never a bother. You’re my sister, and I should’ve been there.”
“It’s alright. I promise, I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Briar says, shaking her shoulders. “As you were.”
Max reenters the living room, so Briar shouts, “She’s all yours!”
Briar heads upstairs, assuming that’s where Harry went. She finds him laying on the guest bed next to Gus, watching My Strange Addiction.
“Gus likes TLC shows,” Briar laughs. Her phone flashes that it’s 12:47 AM.
“Say the word and I’ll send everyone home,” she says, leaning down to run her face through Gus’s fur.
“I’m good if you’re good, baby.”
She stands there for a minute, before grabbing Harry’s hand to show him she still has her plug in. At this point, it’s become part of her.
“Dirty Birdie,” he chuckles softly as he fiddles with it. She leans in to give him a kiss.
“Okay, come down soon, alright?”
“Mmhm,” he says, closing his eyes lightly.
Briar smiles, closing the door gently, knowing he’ll probably fall asleep up there.
Back downstairs, Caroline is still cozied up with Max, and the rest of them are out by the fire. Cam yawns, stretching her arms over head.
“I think we’ll all get going, Briar.”
“Aw, thanks so much for doing this, guys. Harry and I just aren’t ready to put ourselves out in the open.”
Isaiah hugs Briar from the side, “No worries. Your secret is safe with us.”
Briar walks them all out, making sure they get into their Ubers and cars for the sober ones. She’s starts to clean up, Caroline still lingering in the living room.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“It’s okay. As long as you’re okay,” she smiles, picking up empty cans and cups.
“I think Harry is gonna shack up in the guest room with Gus, if you want to sleep in his bed with me,” Briar laughs.
Briar peaks her head in the guest room, summoning Gus to go out to the bathroom one more time before bed. Harry is half on the bed, half off, his party outfit still on. She tries to lift his long legs, but they’re basically deadweight.
She gives up, taking Gus downstairs, finishing the ‘closing duties’, as she and Harry call them. She locks all the doors and shuts off the lights, opting to leave the cleaning for tomorrow.
She’s still tipsy, so she grabs two slices of pizza for herself and Caroline. Caroline found Briar’s drawer, snagging a pair of pajamas. She squeals when she sees the pizza in Briar’s hand.
“Oooo! And this bed is so fucking comfortable. I won’t wanna wake up tomorrow.”
“I know. Sometimes he has to drag me out of here,” she hiccups, taking a bite of the pizza with her eyes basically closed. They throw their half-eaten slices on the side table and slide under the covers.
Gus lays comfortably at their feet. Caroline speaks up, “These are clean sheets, right?”
“Ugh! Of course they are! We’re kinky, not unhygienic.”
“Just wanted to check!”
Around 5:10 AM, Harry jolts awake, confused why he’s in his guest room. Gus is nowhere to be found, so he stands, internally screaming at the pain his back is in.
He tip toes to his room, only to find Briar, Caroline and Gus cuddled up together. He smiles, not minding at all. He grabs the half-eaten pizza slices next to them and heads for the stairs. He hates being up this early, but he’s not sure he’ll be able to fall back asleep.
Hobbling down the steps, he groans at the mess left behind. He loves entertaining, but hates the aftermath. He empties the trash and recycling, grabbing a fresh bag to go around collecting the scattered cans and bottles outside. He spots a few cars still parked out front, relieved most of them got Ubers.
He hears the slider door open gently, and looks over to see Gus running out. Briar shuffles after him, her hair every which way and yawning hard.
“Morning, Birdie,” he says, kissing her gently. “Sorry I was a bad host at the end.”
“It’s okay. When I came to check on you and Gus, I knew you were a goner. I thought you were about to start snoring with your eyes open,” she laughs, wrapping her arms around him. “Caroline and I had a sleepover in your bed.”
“Did you now?” He smiles, knowing already.
“Yeah, she’s a better cuddler,” she teases.
He squints at her, swiftly lifting her up and throwing her over his shoulder.
She squeals, “No, no I’m gonna yak!”
Harry chuckles, lowering her to the ground. They head inside to finish cleaning the kitchen, listening to some slow classic rock songs.
Harry can get used to Sunday mornings like this.
Caroline leaves, letting them know she’ll be seeing Max again. Then, it’s just the two of them.
Harry reached around, pressing on Briar’s plug. She mewls, lowering her head to his chest.
“Just gonna leave this in all the time now, Birdie? So I can see that pretty little hole all the time and use it how I like?”
“Yes, Daddy. All yours,” she starts to scratch down his chest over his shirt. “I want you to fuck my holes.”
Harry groans, throwing his head back. His cock begins to chub up, pressed against her thigh. He hoists her above his shoulder and carries her to his room. Caroline kindly made the bed they’re about to wreck.
Briar gets on the bed, quickly ridding herself of her clothes.
“How do you want me, Daddy?”
Harry is unbuckling his pants from the other side of the room.
“Mm, I think I want Hole #1 first.”
She cocks her head. Her mouth, she guesses?
She kneels, waiting for him to approach her. He stands at the foot of the bed, so she readjusts so she’s laying down, giving him a perfect view of her plug from his vantage point. She waits for his approval to start. The vein on the ridge of his cock looks enticing.
With her palms flat on the bed, Briar extends her neck to gently swirl her tongue at the tip of his cock. Closing her eyes at the taste, she welcomes him in half way, giving her mouth a delicious stretch. Harry places his hand on the back of her neck and snaps his hips forward, sending his cock straight down her throat.
Muffled, she screams, contracting her throat around him. He completes three more thrusts before pulling out of her, a string of her saliva connecting her lip and his tip. She peers up at him, her eyes landing on his dimpled smirk.
“Being such a good girl f’me.”
He pushes her head down his cock once more, gathering her hair into one hand. He uses his other hand to hold her head against him, brushing her nose against his pubic bone. He feels that familiar rumbling in his lower abdomen, so he pulls her off by her hair.
She sputters, looking up at him again. She doesn’t wipe her mouth of spit, because she knows he likes too see her fucked out at the end.
Harry joins her on the bed, laying his head right at the headboard.
“Come have a seat, lovie.”
Briar’s pussy twitches in excitement. She climbs on him, lowering herself on his mouth gently. He wastes no time diving in, making Briar clamp her legs around him in her crouched position. Harry opens her legs wide, and bends his knees, so she puts her hands behind her to rest on them like she’s in a crab position.
She’s already sopping wet. All Harry has to do is touch her for 30 more seconds and she’ll be begging to come. Paired with his intense licks and intrusions to her quivering hole, Harry reaches underneath to play with her plug. He slowly pulls it in and out of her. Her eyes roll back in her head.
He sticks his middle and ring finger into her cunt, feverishly thrusting them in and out. Paired with the plug going in and out, she’s a goner. But it isn’t a regular orgasm she’s feeling; it feels far more intense. She and Harry make eye contact, and he smiles, leaning his head back slightly with his mouth open.
Briar starts howling, and before she knows it, a rush of liquid shoots out of her, directly onto Harry’s whole face.
“Oh my god, Daddy!”
Harry returns to her cunt, lapping up the liquid, determined to make her do it again. He starts up the same process, this time quickening his pace. She reaches that feeling again, this time somehow more intense than the last.
“Again, baby. I want it.”
With a pathetic whimper, she releases again, this time mostly on Harry’s chest. He hasn’t shaved his chest hair in a bit, so the liquid pools deliciously in between his pecs.
(adding pic for science ....)
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“Daddy,” Briar whines. “I can’t hold myself up anymore.”
“Okay, Birdie. Turn around for me. You’re gonna ride me facing the other way so I can see that little plug.”
Briar musters up the strength to turn around. She lines herself up over his cock, sinking down slowly. The plug slightly wiggles out of her as she moves, so Harry grabs it and pushes it back in.
She starts bouncing and swinging her hips around, trying to find that spot. She has a feeling Harry isn’t going to help her.
Though he loves looking at her ass, he wishes he could see her tits bouncing in front of his face.
“Baby, grab y’tits for Daddy. Want you to touch yourself how I do.”
Briar grips her tits; she’s not the most well-endowed in that department, but she has a solid handful. She lowers her neck to try and lick at her own nipple. She hums, swirling her tongue around the sensitive bud.
She ceases bouncing, sinking all the way down onto his cock. Harry reaches around to press on her lower belly, feeling himself inside her.
“So good, baby. Your cunt was made for me. Who’s cunt is that?”
“Yours, Daddy! Don’t want anyone but you,” she cries.
Harry groans, finally thrusting into her. He feels her clench before releasing again. A little liquid seeps out, but not nearly as much as the last two. His girl is proper worn out.
Briar is drooling; her mouth hanging wide open from pleasure.
“Stick your thumb in your mouth, baby. Know you feel empty.”
She does it, suckling immediately. She doesn’t know how he reads her so well. She’d prefer his thumb, but this will do.
“Daddy, pleathe,” she whimpers.
“F-fuck yesssss,” Harry hisses, finally feeling like he’s about to come. “He we go, baby. Take my cock. Take my load.”
“I want it, I want, I want it!”
With that, Harry releases, draining everything he’s got in him. He feels like a hollow shell of a man. Briar drops down, her sweaty forehead resting on Harry’s shins. She clumsily turns around, his cock still lodged in her. She lays with her head on his chest, a little grossed out by the dampness.
“Daddy?” She says softly.
“Hm?” He asks, eyes closed.
“I thought you were gonna fuck my… my ass,” she trails off.
He scratches her back, “still think you need time, baby. How’s Daddy gonna fit in that tiny little hole?”
She laughs, clearly still feeling floaty. He zeros in on the stickiness surrounding them, so he encourages Briar to pull off of him, despite her protest.
“I know, baby. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
To get away from prying eyes, Harry invites Briar to one of his other country clubs, Ashmont. She’s not familiar with this club, or any of the members or employees. For once, they can be themselves in public.
For dinner, they’re in their nicest clothes. For Briar, a fitted, black dress and strapped heels; for Harry, an all black suit with yellow tinted sunglasses. He looks delicious, and Briar is struggling to sit still.
They talk about her MBA program, and some of the things she’s learning. Harry listens intently, asking follow up questions. Harry tells her about new investments and how Niall made a fool of himself in their last meeting by calling the CEO the wrong name several times.
The couple are sat at a lounge-style table, away from view of the rest of the patio. They’re pressed together, enjoying their wine and appetizers. Briar is feeling bold; clearly having learned nothing from her punishment earlier in the week.
She starts to move her hand up Harry’s thigh, moving dangerously close to his crotch. Harry clears his throat, grabbing his wine glass and taking a large sip.
“Birdie,” he begins. “What’re you doing?”
“Nothing, Daddy,” she says softly.
“If you don’t stop moving that little hand, it’s gonna be tied up for a long, long time.”
“Is that a threat?” She looks at him, gingerly sipping her wine. “Will you excuse me? I think I have to run to the ladies room. These panties feel too tight.”
Harry has an iron grip on his wine glass as he watches his girl go to the bathroom to taunt him. He counts to 25 before standing up and following her to the loo.
The bathroom area is ritzy; a large chandelier hanging over the waiting area. He cautiously opens the ladies’ room door, finding the hand washing area empty. He looks behind him before stepping inside and locking the door behind him. These country club biddies can wait.
He looks under the stalls, spotting Briar’s strappy black heels. He walks over slowly, dress shoes clicking on the floor. He lightly knocks on the stall door.
“This door will be off it’s hinges in a moment if you don’t open it.”
“Daddy? Is that you?” Briar says with fake surprise as she slowly opens the stall.
He stares at her, his jaw locked, “Whatcha doing in here, Birdie?”
Briar bites her lip. “Nothing?”
“Mhm. What do you have on under your dress?”
Harry reaches for the hem of her dress, pulling it back before letting out a groan. Her perfect bare pussy absolutely dripping.
“Daddy, can you touch me? Then I’ll be good throughout dinner?”
He nods, rolling his eyes. Upon making contact with her clit, Briar’s eyes close, her head rolling to her shoulder. Harry kisses down her exposed neck, holding back from marking her. He rubs around her clit, paying more attention to the left side than the right. She keens at the sensitivity.
Briar begins panting, and puts her hands on his shoulder, “I’m close, Daddy,” she chokes out.
He circles the nerve endings a bit more, before they hear a knock on the door. The sudden attention to the door and Harry’s sloppy rubbing of her clit make her cum instantly.
Harry smirks, kissing her neck. “I think someone wants to be caught one of these days.”
She rolls her eyes, smoothing out her dress. She opens the stall while Harry stands on the toilet seat so no one can see his shoes.
She hustles to the door, unlocking to find an older woman, her frown lines prominent.
“Sorry about that, not sure how that got locked.”
The woman continues past her, entering the stall next to Harry’s.
Briar sticks her hand under the hand dryer, eliciting a loud noise throughout the bathroom, giving Harry the opportunity to jump off the toilet seat and make a run for it.
They leave the restroom hand in hand, giggling the whole way back to their table.
They’re about halfway through their second bottle of 1982 Gaja Barbaresco, when another couple stops at their table. The man reaches out to shake Harry’s hand, and Harry rises to meet him.
“Harry! How are you? It’s been ages since we’ve seen you here,” he bellows.
“Jonathan, so good to see you,” he shakes his hand before turning his attention to the woman. “Annalise, I hope you’re well,” he gives her a kiss on her cheek.
Harry turns to introduce Briar. “This is my girlfriend, Briar,” he smiles. Briar smiles at the couple, extending her hand to both of them. Her stomach starts to swirl at the word ‘girlfriend’, still not used to the term to the people outside their bubble.
The men begin to chat, Briar tuning them out until her ears perk up at the next words out of Jonathan’s mouth.
“I thought you swore off Wynnewood after Camille called off the wedding? What brought you back there?” Jonathan asks.
Harry’s eyes widen, not daring to look in Briar’s direction. He hadn’t yet divulged that part of his life to her. He presses his fingernails into his palms to self regulate.
She’s not naïve; Harry is 41. He’s bound to have had serious relationships in the past, but an engagement? She feels he should have shared that with her by now. She’s successfully tuned out the rest of the conversation, opting to look at the floor.
Jonathan rambles on for 10 more minutes, Harry anxiously nodding to everything he's saying. He lets up when the hostess interrupts to let them know their table is ready.
Harry sends the couple off, before aggressively dragging his chair to be directly next to hers, their knees touching. He places a gentle touch on her thigh.
“Baby, this is not at all the place I ever wanted to have this discussion,” he says quietly, a subtle shake in his voice.
Briar is silent, unsure what to even say. They’d spent hours talking about any subject; sharing each other’s deepest secrets, or so she thought. They spent hours in his hammock planning her future animal sanctuary and retiring together in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. No where in that time was a fiancée mentioned.
To have the best evening and months spent together come crashing down in a matter of seconds; Briar can’t stomach it.
He is unsettled by her silence. His spunky, firecracker of a girl who always has something to say, is silent. He takes out his wallet, hands shaking and leaves $600 to cover the bottles of wine and the appetizers that have gone uneaten. He firmly guides her out of the restaurant to his car by her elbow, scared that if he lets go, she'll bolt.
He’s taking huge strides in the parking lot, before Briar drops his hand and begins falling behind. He feels a twinge in his heart.
“I don’t know if I can go with you right now,” she says quietly.
“Baby, I— I need to get this out in the open. Tell you everything. Absolutely everything,” he pleads, his voice cracking. He places his hands on his head to ground himself. “Please, come with me. Let’s go home.”
Tears are threatening to fall from his eyes, his breathing getting more labored. There is more to the story than Jonathan revealed.
She silently agrees, slowly walking to the passenger side door. She opens it and slowly sits down, leaning her head on the window sadly after she shuts the door.
Harry’s knuckles are white as he grips the steering wheel, feeling like he can throw up at any time. He gets them to the house in record time, jumping out of the car to help her out. She welcomes his assistance to step out, but doesn’t take his hand when he offers.
They go inside to his big comfy couch, the scene of their first connection. They sit adjacent to one another, a full foot of space between them. They haven’t been this far apart in ages.
After a few excruciating minutes of silence, Harry speaks up, “Do—do you want me to tell you everything, or would you like to ask me questions?”
She ponders, staring at her finger nails. “Questions,” she whispers.
He nods, staring at her intently. She can take as long as she’d like.
She swallows thickly, “Tell me about her.”
“S-sure. Camille was the first woman I dated after college. We were introduced by mutual friends from when I studied abroad in France,” he begins, his voice wavering. Briar’s expression is blank, waiting for him to continue. “She’s a model and an editorial writer for a magazine there.”
“How long were you together?”
“We were together about nine years. Things got very serious, very fast. After a year of long distance, she moved to the US, since I finally got my green card through work,” Harry clears his throat.
“We lived in several cities around the country, but spent most of our time in New York. We moved back to this area to be able to have a home and be close to friends,” he inhales.
“I proposed to her when we closed on our house. This was about 8 years ago, around the time I joined the club. We planned the entire wedding at Wynnewood, and three days before, I found a letter on our bed with the ring sitting beside it,” Harry sniffles, not wanting to cry.
“It said she was pregnant, but just couldn’t see herself raising the baby with me — or in the US. She moved back to France, and I’ve barely heard from her since.”
Briar's eyes close at the word pregnant. She reopens them, willing herself not to cry.
“I just know I have a son and that he’s 7 years old,” Harry exhales, staring sadly into Briar’s eyes. Her heart sinks below her feet. “I wanted to tell you so many times. I promise, I did.”
Briar’s heart breaks into a million pieces as the man she thought she knew falls apart in front of her.
@daphnesutton​ @pandeebearstyles​ @anxiouswaterss​ @gem1712 @stylesfever​ @awesomenavy​ @crazygirlinthisworld​ @butdaddyilovehim-hs​ @luxiorchive​ @alchemxx @narry-heart
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unicyclehippo · 1 year
For the one-word prompts, glutted?
post 67
the hound lay at the entrance to their hideaway, glutted on scraps and slumbering, content, under laudna’s stroking hand.
it was, it had to be said, a wretched thing. what skin it had was mottled and torn to reveal grey flesh; what grey flesh it had was ravaged and split to reveal bone; what bone it had was brittle and cracked, missing pieces of itself to reveal the hollow hurting ooze of marrow and shadow; what shadow it had menaced in eye hollows and the depths of a growling throat, it was a flicker of dark purpose linking bones and ragged tendons. it was also just kind of gross. the shadow bled out of the hound as they rested, a creeping pool of black that was starting to be soaked up in the hem of laudna’s new skirt. she didn’t seem to notice, or maybe she didn’t mind. long pale fingers scratching behind a tattered ear.
‘does it have a name?’ imogen eases herself down at laudna’s side, a full plate for them both to share in one hand. she uses the rock wall for help instead of laudna’s shoulder; that would only end in disaster or dislocation and she figures they’ve both had enough ouches for the day.
two pairs of inky eyes blink over at her. the hound growls, low in its chest.
‘don’t be foolish,’ laudna chastises. for a moment, imogen can’t be sure who she’s talking to. ‘this is imogen. if you growl at her again i’ll unravel you.’
it ought to worry her, the way laudna’s been talking to them. pate, the hound. and it does, a little—the scolding, the rebukes, the dismissing. it doesn’t matter if pate dies, he’s already dead. let me throw him, let me use him, he’s mine i made him. that coiled tacky knot of pride and disgust. look at what i’ve made.
imogen lifts pate onto her shoulder and settles their dinner on her knee.
‘it’s alright. it’s brand new.’
‘no it’s not. it helped kill a judicator.’
imogen hums, nods. ‘and you told it all about me during the fight.’
‘well. no, but,’
‘so how could it know?’ she clicks her tongue st it and, when it lifts its head, curious, she pats it. it was cool to the touch, something imogen was quite familiar with, and slimy. if tar had a dead cousin, that was what the shadows were fashioned from; it left a grey film on her fingers that laudna groaned about but imogen only laughed, burned it away with a flicker of lightning. ‘are you going to name it?’
laudna grimaces. pats it a moment longer before her fingers curl around a black current of energy, a leash, and the hound sighs and collapses in on itself. when it’s over, there’s nothing left but a black stain on the rock.
‘we shall have a menagerie soon,’ laudna jokes. her mouth stretches in a pretty smile. her eyes stay locked on her lap, her twisting fingers. ‘pate, mister, the dog.’
it startles a chortling laugh from laudna, that really wonderful one, boisterous, gleeful. ‘that’s wicked,’ she scolds, grinning.
imogen grins back. ‘i love your laugh.’
laudna’s eyes widen. she laughs again, nervous. glances over to the rest of their party clustered closer to the smokeless flame, orym with his sister. when she looks back to imogen, shadows slink through her shadow-black hair, and secrets creep behind her eyes, soft and hazy. ‘m-my laugh?’ she asks, softly. ‘truly?’
‘yeah. always. i like how you can tell how genuine it is.’
laudna ducks her head. ‘i have always enjoyed yours as well.’
‘i sound like a horse,’ imogen grumbles. laudna nods, very sweetly, which earns her a gentle slap on the shoulder. ‘you’re ‘sposed to say no, imogen, you don’t sound like a horse,’
‘darling, you do. it’s very…’ laudna tilts her head to an uncomfortable angle. ‘cute,’ she says slowly, word awkward and uncertain, like she isn’t sure of it, sure she should be using it. ‘it’s - well - it has always been such a treat. you don’t laugh nearly enough, in my opinion.’
‘i don’t remember laughing before i met you.’
laudna smiles again, eyes soft. it’s sad and a little awful, to admit it, to think it—surely there was a time, some friends when she was younger, but the memories are staticky with hurt and fear piled over them. there’s something so nice about laudna, her cheer of course, but also her teeth, her chill, the way she can reach out and menace someone to their very soul. with laudna at her side, hurt and fear can’t do very much.
‘i was considering truffle. for the dog.’
‘yes! it has such a prominent snout, perhaps it was a truffle hunter in another life.’
imogen settles their dinner plate between them, moves so she can be close to laudna. tuck herself into her side, almost as protected as she had been, wounded, shielded. ‘i like it.’
‘but you don’t love it.’
‘i just don’t know if it fits.’
‘no? hmm. i’ll give it some thought.’
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krikeymate · 27 days
Leave The Light On
A gift for @atcarpenter: a sweet post-6 scene.
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Tara tries not to think too hard about the fact she’s an adult, crawling into her sister’s bed, and that her answer to Sam’s sleepy “do you want me to leave a light on?” is yes.
It’s kind of hard to sleep in a murder apartment. Especially when the blood wouldn’t wash out. All faded dark stains that could be anything at all, if not for the size and the splatter and the memories.
And Sam had tried! She’d really really tried, with every combination of cleaner under the sun and scrubbed until her hands were raw. Her phone history a graveyard of tried and tested methods left wanting, the carcases of containers spread over the floor.
She’d have kept going if Tara hadn’t put a hand on her shoulder and told her to give this one up for a lost cause. It was pointless, they both knew it.
Sam had looked at her, so frustrated, jaw tight and hands trembling. She hadn’t said a word, but Tara knew what her eyes were saying.
I need to fix this for you. I need to erase the past.
But she can’t. Tara knew that better than anyone.
“It’s okay, Sam. Really.”
It’s not.
It’s a constant reminder, inescapable. It’s a demon haunting their halls, fingers like knives, curled around every corner and hidden in every shadow. Waiting to strike.
She doesn’t remember the last time she slept easy, the last time she could breathe.
It feels like forever ago, the days stretching ahead into an endless nightmare she can’t wake up from. Ironic, given she can’t sleep at all.
That’s what her therapist says.
That’s why she wakes up screaming in the night from ghostly figures looming in the doorway. Laughing at her. Mocking her. Taunting her.
There’s no escaping the way they’ve seeped into her home and her bones.
So Tara runs to the one safe place left, her sister’s arms. Just like when she was a child, seeking sanctuary from the monsters under the bed and in the closet. She’d never thought to ask how you hide from the ones in your mind before. Now it’s all she can think about.
And Sam. Oh Sam. She never complains. Never says anything more than “come here” and “I’ve got you.” She never turns her away, not like before, when they were kids-not-kids anymore, separated by closed doors and secrets and absent fathers.
Tara had wanted so badly, for years, to grow up. Now she found herself right back where she started.
Nothing had changed. Everything had changed.
But it’s hard to be upset when Sam wraps her arms around her and mumbles “I missed you” so sweetly.
Tara shuffles under the covers. “I didn’t go anywhere?” she replies, confused, turning to face her.
“I missed holding you,” Sam clarifies, eyes opening to peer down at her sister. She smiles at what she sees. “You’re always so busy being strong, you never let me do things for you anymore. It’s… it’s nice to know you still need me… ‘Cause I still need you.”
The words blurt out of Tara’s mouth before she can even think, honest and reactionary. “I- I’ll always need you… You’re my big sister.” She feels shy to admit it, tongue heavy and uncertain. But something tells her she’s not alone in this. “And you scare all the monsters away. You always have.”
Sam smirks in response, smug expression on her face, looking wide awake despite the late hour and little sleep she’s been running on these days. “It’s what I’m here for. What could be scarier than me? Nothing!”
It makes Tara smile. She buries her face in Sam’s shoulder to choke out the laugh bubbling up before it begins, exhaustion pulling at her. “Especially before you’ve had your morning coffee,” she jokes.
Sam responds with a nudge in her side, fingers brushing over ticklish skin protected only by the thin barrier of an old worn t-shirt, one of the few survivors from Sam’s teenage years repurposed by a pining little sister desperate for a hug. And now she gets both.
“Not all of us have your superhuman metabolism,” she teases back. “Waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed at daylight.”
“You’re right,” Tara says with a sigh. “Some of us aren’t old. Abuela.”
Sam’s mouth drops in indignation, arm tightening around her waist. “I can’t believe this. You come into my bed, just to insult me?”
Tara looks up to meet Sam’s gaze. “You love it.”
The room is silent for a moment, and something shifts.
“I do,” Sam speaks quietly. “I really do.”
Tara bites her lip. She has to look away, the intensity of Sam’s stare feels almost too much.
“I wouldn’t change a thing, y’know?”
Sam hums in acknowledgement, letting her find her words.
“Everything that’s happened to me… I wouldn’t take it back. It put me here with you, right now. And th- that’s where I want to be. Nowhere else.”
The words are hard to say, but she forces them out anyway. Be honest. That’s what her therapist keeps saying. Let the feelings out. You’ll feel better.
Well, she doesn’t-
“I love you, Tara. So much.”
Okay, maybe she does feel a bit better.
“I love you too.”
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abbatoirablaze · 5 months
Surrogate Luna, Chapter 24
Word Count:  2.1k
Warnings:  implied fantasy smut.
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“Hey…are you okay?”
Cinna nodded, smiling up at her friend, “yes-I just-it’s amazing to see how all of you have accepted me and my pups into your pack…”
“We may act like barbarians, but we are a very accepting group,” Nat smiled sweetly, “and anyways, you’re our luna.  Our pack has waited what feels like forever for you.  I don’t know if you noticed or not, but Bucky isn’t willing to compromise about things that he’s passionate on…and one of those topics is his mates.  He’s had offers for years to settle down with someone and for us to have a luna, but he wanted to have faith that he’d be okay…that he’d find the right one eventually.”
Cinna bit her lip, “I noticed.”
Yelena nudged her, “you’ve made our alpha very happy…I’ve never seen him like this.”
“N-not even with Steve?”
“It was…different with Steve…” Nat admitted softly, “not bad different, but they were young pups.  And Steve’s father wasn’t accepting of the pairing…and neither was his pack.  But we all get along well with the Stark pack.  He’s been kind to our alpha, and vice versa.  We are glad that he chose you!  He must really love you.”  
“Can I ask something, Nat?” she asked, “will-will you be honest with me?”
“Natasha is always too honest,” Yelena laughed as she continued on with their stroll, “don’t test that theory.”
“Do either of you think that it’s odd?” you asked, “we-we haven’t heard anything from Steve and Sharon…but they seemed pretty intent on war when we were at the Stark pack summit.”
“I think that if it was meant to be then it would be,” Natasha replied thoughtfully, “Sharon is a bully…but not truly powerful.  I think she’s only kept Steve around because she feeds off his power with her mark…but I don’t think that she’d truly last in a war.  Our pack would crush hers.  And I think that deep down, she knows that.  She’s an idiot, but not wholly suicidal.”
Cinna nodded, taking in the information as they started to come up to the training grounds, “you know, if you are interested in learning how to fight or protect yourself, we could always teach you…and believe it or not, Clint is a sigma.”
“A sigma?” she asked, her brows popping up in surprise, “I didn’t-he doesn-“
“Doesn’t come across as one?” Natasha smiled.  Cinna nodded, “we know.  Alpha Barnes…Bucky-he has a program for sigmas and omegas…anyone that really wants to better themselves at ignoring alpha commands during battles…Clint was a test subject of sorts.  He found out that if a designation is put in the right conditions, they can actually ignore alpha commands…”
“H-how does he do that?”
“It takes years of training!” Clint admitted, practically appearing out of nowhere, “we’ve been working on it since we were pups, because I had been taken as a POW in a war with another pack.”
“Clint was actually from a pack in the Midwest,” Yelena admitted, “our pack rescued him when he was what…eight?  Ten?”
“Six,” Clint corrected, “my pack was wiped out…Bucky’s father was the one who rescued me…me, Bucky and Natasha all came up together…”
“And then we got stuck with Yelena when my parents wanted another pup!” Natasha teased as she grabbed her little sister and pulled her close.
Yelena playfully snapped at her sister, and the two siblings smiled, pushing away from one another, “so, luna…what’s on the agenda for today?  We’re having a pack feast tonight, so-“
“Another one?”
“Alpha Barnes believes in celebrating life,” Yelena smiled, “our pack dynamics are a little…different than most.”
“I’ve noticed!” Cinna smiled, “but I love it here, and so do my pups…so I’m not complaining!”
The drinks were thrown up in the air, chalices and glassware clinking wildly as the roar from the pack put butterflies in Cinna’s stomach.  She looked at Bucky and couldn’t help but swoon as she saw Saradia snuggling into his chest.
It was far past the three-year old’s bed time, but she’d wanted to be part of the festivities, much like Peter and Stevie, who were both animatedly talking with the other pups next to their own head table. 
Bucky reached out with his free hand and Cinna took it, longing to touch Bucky at any chance that she could. 
“Looks like you may have a new shadow, alpha!” Cinna teased, gesturing to her daughter who was basking in the fact that Bucky was holding her, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen my fiery little sigma so attached to anyone…”
Bucky smiled at his mate, “I want a whole pack of pups, omega…I’ve always wanted that…and I think that Saradia sees that and feels safe with me.”
The three-year-old, who was trying so hard to stay awake nodded, shifting so that she could look at her mother. 
“Hello little one…”
“Our pack, momma…”
“Yes baby…this is our pack…”
“Daddy pack.”
Even knowing how close Bucky and her had become over the past few days, Cinna was still surprised to hear the words uttered from her lips. 
“Yes baby…” she smiled softly, her other hand reaching out to stroke her pup’s cheek.  She looked up at Bucky, “maybe I should put the kids to bed…it’s late.”
“Whatever you want, omega!”
“No, momma!” she begged, shifting out of Bucky’s arms and towards her mother, “wanna stay up…like Peter…”
“Peter and Stevie need to sleep too baby!” she cooed. 
“Uh uh!” she giggled, shifting out of the alpha’s arms entirely before running over to Peter and clinging to his side while she watched him interact with the pups from Bucky’s pack. 
“I-it’s nice…you know!” she admitted after a second, “seeing my pups together…having all of them here.”
Bucky reached out and was gentle in how he pulled his mate’s chair closer, before shifting her onto his lap.  He pressed a few soft kisses to her neck before she turned to look at him.
“I’m happy that you’re happy, luna…”
“I’m home!” she sighed softly, nuzzling against him, “home and with my pups…and my mate…how could I not be happy?”
Cinna looked up, broken from her thoughts of her first night there, “I’m sorry, what?”
“We were asking if you wanted us to get the pups down for a nap before the festivities?” one of the caretakers asked. 
Natasha giggled from beside her, nudging her, “you thinking about your alpha over there?”
Yelena rolled her eyes and left the group.  Cinna’s own eyes followed her, and that was when she noticed what had pushed her into a trance like state.  Bucky had been play-fighting with Saradia, Peter, and Stevie, showing them how to use the stick swords, laughing as he talked about the old, civilized way of fighting with a sword and shield. 
And the kids seemed like they were having the times of their lives, each of their little faces lighting up as they poked the big alpha with the fake swords while he attempted to outmaneuver them. 
But she had noticed the sweat that had formed on his tan, developed abdomen.  The droplets and how they had paraded between the ridges and valley of his deep cut abs. 
Her pupils dilated as she watched his form. 
‘Take the kids in!’ she whimpered softly, not bothering to spare the entourage a look.  They were quick in removing the giggling children.  She noticed the surprise on Bucky’s features, and how he was about to ask where they were taking the pups, until he saw his omega’s face. 
Until he smelled the scent of her arousal filling the air around him.  He smiled, stalking towards her, ‘omega…’
The simple call of her designation was enough to set her soul on fire. 
She growled at him, and he growled in response.  His chest heaved as he breathed in deeply to catch her scent, ‘smell so sweet, omega.’
‘Need you, alpha!’ she purred, feeling the butterflies moving from in her stomach to a tingling between her thighs.
‘Can smell you!’ he exclaimed, sweeping her into his arms.  She moaned, and her eyes closed as he pulled her into a searing kiss.  
He growled yet again, and cupped her ass, squeezing the fleshy globes, ‘gonna put a pup in you, omega…’
‘Put a whole litter in me!’ she begged.
‘Never gonna stop!’ he growled between kisses as he slid his hand down her thigh and pressed her against the wall.  She moaned, feeling his hardened length only sheltered by his denim, ‘gonna keep you full, luna.  Gonna build up our pack with so many pups…’
Cinna was shaken from her thoughts when she felt a set of hands wrap around her leg.  She smiled, seeing that Stevie had run up to her and was hugging her. 
Peter and Saradia were close behind, attacking her thighs with just as much energy as the alpha pup. 
“I made it first!” Stevie proclaimed happily.
“That you did, my little alpha!”
“Well, I got here second!” Peter grinned.
“Also true, my sweet little omega.”
“I made too!” Saradia frowned. 
She leaned forward and picked up her youngest, perching on her hip.  She kissed her cheek, “and my fearless little sigma…how could I forget you?”
She giggled as Bucky joined the group, fake sword perched on his shoulder, “I lost all my little soldiers…”
“Momma!” Saradia smiled, as though it were the most obvious thing.
“That’s right, little sigma,” Bucky grinned, pinching her cheek, “We always protect our omegas…especially our mothers and pups.  You three were right to come protect your mother…because I’m going to eat her next!”
The pups giggled as Bucky dropped his sword and scooped his omega into his arms, before peppering her face in kisses.
“No, daddy!” Saradia said quickly, trying to push Bucky’s face away, “you don’t eat momma.  She’s luna.”
“That’s right!” he proclaimed, pressing a kiss to Saradia’s cheek, “your mother is our pack’s luna…do you know what that makes you?”
The boys laughed from between Bucky and Cinna, shaking their heads at their baby sister, but Bucky nodded as he plucked Saradia from Cinna’s grasp, “that’s right, Saradia.  You’re a princess.  You’re daddy’s little princess and princess over the whole pack!”
Her eyes seemed to light up as Peter looked at Cinna, “princesses don’t exist, do they, mommy?”
“Of course not!” Stevie laughed. 
“In Europe, they don’t go by pack leaders,” she reminded them, “they do call them princesses and princes…if we ever went, Bucky would be a king, and I would be queen of the Barnes pack…just as you two would be princes and Saradia would be a princess.”
“I’m a prince!” Peter smiled. 
“That you are,” she grinned, “come little pups…I came to get you because Natasha and Yelena reminded me about the feast tonight!”
Stevie’s eyes lit up, “another one?”
“Yes, another one…come on…I need to get the three of you bathed and napped beforehand.”
“But I’m not tired, momma!” Saradia whined.
“But if you nap, you can stay up with me and mommy…and Peter and Stevie,” Bucky reminded her gently, helping out in his own little way, “you can stay for the whole party.”
She seemed to think about it for a second before nodding, and reaching back out to Cinna, who was mouthing a quick ‘thank you’ to him. 
Bucky watched as Cinna got the kids all lined up and headed towards the packhouse.  He felt his inner wolf howling at how she walked away from him, hips swaying.  He breathed a deep sigh and paused. 
His brows furrowed as he noticed the sweeter scent. 
“You okay, alpha?” Sarah asked as she rejoined him after putting the swords away. 
Bucky nodded, “I just-my luna…she smells sweeter.  Have you noticed?”
Sarah shook her head, “sorry, Buck…wasn’t sniffing your mate…who knows…only time I’ve ever known her to smell sweeter though was when she’s about to go into a heat, or when she was pregnant…”
“I mean, you two did have that romp at Tony’s summit,” she laughed, nudging the alpha, “who knows indeed.  Maybe the Barnes pack is about to see their first heir through their alpha and luna.”
She laughed for a second, but stopped when Bucky’s eyes snapped to hers, and the realization hit him. 
“She’s been here four months, Sarah…” Bucky said quickly, eyes going wide, “I-she hasn’t had a heat since the night we sent each other into a breakthrough one…”
“Well shit,” she smiled, slapping the alpha on the shoulder, “looks like the Barnes pack might see it’s first heir after all…congratulations, Alpha…”
“Holy shit…” he murmured to himself, “i-it’s really happening…”
“So,” she smirked, “when are you going to tell Cinna?”
Chapter 25
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @mrsevans90
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itsliyahhbih · 9 months
Ambivalent Love Pt 2.
Sum: You and Hobie are both Spider people who met at HQ, always tend to go on missions together and have been friends with benefits for 6 years. After a victory celebration you’ve started to realize you want more out of him, but Hobie doesn’t necessarily get it till you stood business.
Warnings: None for this part, hope you enjoy ☺️
“...I don’t know Hobie..” Hobie feels as though his heart just sank to his ass and kinda looks at her shocked. “Alright..My bad, have a good rest of ya day luv’.” He goes to kiss her cheek but he stops and just walks out the door. Y/n closes it behind him simultaneously and lets out the biggest gasp for air ever, as if she held her breath the entire time, but really she was just fighting back tears. Soon as she let that gasp go she broke down crying and leaning on her front door. Y/n sits there wallowing in her tears, the numb feeling , the feeling of regret and heartbreak for hours after that.
Five days passed by and no one really got her to move. Not her best friends, not even her mom or dad whom she was really close to...So eventually her sister stopped by too when she finally got the time from her busy lifestyle and after getting so many messages from the others about Y/n.
“Y/n honey, I know you wanted him to make the choice you were hoping he was gonna make..but he didn’t okay?” She rubs her sisters back softly as Y/n laid on her. “And I hate to be so blunt with you during this time of need, but at this point maybe it’s what you need..Y/n you’re an amazing girl. You’re so talented, smart..beautiful inside and out.” She smiles and sits her sister up wiping away her tears. She gets up from the bed and goes to the bathroom to start her little sister a shower and picks out an outfit for her. “My whole point is behind this, if he wanted to he would , okay? And he would’ve by now I can assure you of that! I mean maybeee ! Just mother fucking maybee he is misunderstood and there’s some underlying issue behind this, who knows!” Her sister throws her hands up looking at Y/N then walks over pulling her up. “But he isn’t communicating that with you and fulfilling your needs emotionally and mentally. Are you really gonna keep sulking around over this man who isn’t doing the same about you?” She pulls up Y/n from out of her bed. “Your New York needs you honey, you have a job and a life to live..So start living it for me okay? ” She smiles sweetly at her sister and finally, Y/n cracks a smile back and speaks “you’re right Sis...I think I just, I don’t know. I needed the time to process and sulk. To have that crybaby era. I don’t get it much as Spider woman. ” She stands up “Y/B/F is definitely going to get on my ass once she sees I’m up and functioning again because I let myself be so down” she lets out a heavy sigh with a bit of a laugh “But I deserve it after all the crying and venting she had to hear these past five days
,and here you come, only taking 45 minutes.” Her sister smirks and shrugs looking very proud of herself. “Yeah what can I say, I got the older sister touch.” Y/n looks at her sister unamused , about to give that actual attention and reply, but she doesn’t. “Mmmhm I bet you do!” Y/n speaks sarcastically and takes her stuff heading to the bathroom. “Give me like an hour to get ready!” Her sister blinks rapidly and looks at the time “An hour?! Y/n we’re just gonna go work on the Atom adjuster !” She waits for a reply back , seeing she doesn’t get one she does a silent scream and stomps towards the bathroom door when it closed, then goes to sit in Y/n’s living room to wait. “Fucking hour..who says I got an hour? What the fuck you gotta look good for in a lab..” H/S/N rambles on and turns on the tv sitting in wait.
Later on that day what turned into what was supposed to be a few hours of working on this turned into Y/N deciding to stay in the lab overnight to work. H/S/N hesitated to leave her alone, but she knew this was a bit of a better coping mechanism than what Y/N was doing previously. Couple hours into her work night she starts to yawn a bit “I think ima need more coffee and a snack this time.” She glances up at the time seeing it read ‘3:42’ “Yeahh I’ll ignore that” She walks to the kitchen area, placing her mug under the Keurig and popping in a new K-cup to refill her cup. She sits at the table inside the small kitchen and scrolls through her phone waiting , then suddenly she hears some small bangs in the distance. “Great and I didn’t even have my 5th cup of coffee…” She rolls her eyes and walks out the kitchen down the hall towards the noise. “Alright IF , you’re Y/B/F and I just didn’t notice you asleep in your lab that’s my fault ,but you better speak now or forever be webbed !” She calls out in a sing-song tone, then her spidey senses tingle.
She slightly jumps as she turns her body around and moves back to web the intruder down. As she does so she shoots a web to turn on the hallway light “Hobie..” He looks up and smiles weakly “hey there beautiful, mind putting me down..I just came here to talk, Luv’..please just let me talk.” Y/N crosses her arms and leaves him in the webs. “You have the floor..” Hobie looks at his placement on the wall then looks down at the ground to see his feet aren’t touching the floor “Yeahh, I don’t know bout that one love” She rolls her eyes and walks over using a laser outta her suit cutting him down. “Hobie, start talking before I throw you outta here..” she turns away from him, her arms back to being crossed, trying her best to remain cold with him.
Hobie watches her for a minute and bites at his lip piercing a bit “Lover.. I’m sorry, okay? I’m ah pure idiot and as thick as a brick when It comes to you. Our friendship, our relationship..It means the world to me Doll, you..you mean the world to me darling.” She still doesn’t turn around and hobie looks a bit shocked “Y/n, please could you just fuckin’ look at me mate!” His tone raises and he walks over turning her around “I’m not the one to beg and you know this, but I will sit here and beg for you. I fucked up. I made you feel gross , I’m sure of it.. like you’re just a lump of ass , and you’re not ! You’re gorgeous, I miss your nerdy comments over physics, I miss the fangirling at my concerts...I just miss having you at my side.” His eyes wander around thinking of what to say to her “You’re so optimistic and smart Y/N , I admire you for who you are, and I want you to know.. I was a bloody coward for not being able to say this to you sooner. I miss you at my concerts , I miss seeing you in the morning in my boat! Swallowed in my t-shirt as you make food! " Hobie groans and walks up to her grabbing her face “I’ll break any rule for you, I’ll sound like a gushing idiot right now if I have to, but love I need you back…” She tries not to make much eye to eye contact with Hobie. She’s never seen him like this, so vulnerable and actually expressing his emotions to her..It’s making her insides flutter, her knees go weak. Hobie’s her weakness..She tries to remain cold but she can’t help but muzzle her face into his large warm hands becoming putty in his hands..”Go on..say what you really want to say Hobs..” Hobie rolls his eyes slightly and chuckles “Oh you’re getting ah’ kick outta this aren’t cha’…” A smirk grows on her face and a smile grows on his..
A/N: To be continued…🖤 Pt.3 is the last part and fair warning, there will be Smut. Thank you for all the love, support and your patience! 🫶🏼
Link to part 3 🫶🏼
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kayleighjennifer · 2 years
Birthday Party (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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You can’t help but watch Alexia as she sways her hips to the beat of the music. She’s celebrating her 29th birthday and her girlfriend Olga planned a surprise party.
You don’t really get why you were invited, Alexia and you used to be very close, always having a flirty relationship and a few make out sessions, until she suddenly got a girlfriend.
Since then you only saw each other when your sister Ona forced you to go out with them. Your conversations with Alexia were cut short and you can’t help the ache in your heart, every time you saw her.
When you first met you’d truly thought that you two were made for each other. To be honest, everyone thought so, even Eli, Alexia’s mother.
“You know, you can’t kill Olga with your eyes”. Alba sights next to you. “I can at least try” You both chuckle and you accept the shot she gives you. “I’m truly sorry Y/N, I honestly don’t know why she choose her over you. It’s obvious that she loves you too” The younger Putellas gives you a look, filled with pity. “It’s okay, I’m slowly moving on”. You lie to her easily.
With that you leave Alba alone and get on the crowded dance floor. You knew that Alexia hated that many people in one single place, so you’re asking yourself why the fuck it’s so full. Olga must at least know Alexia a tiny bit.
“hola cariño” You turn around at Alexia’s voice and rise an eyebrow. “You have a girlfriend who would love to get called like that”. Alexia start to grab your waist to dance with you. You simply accept the touch. “It’s not the same with her”.
You decide not to push Alexia and just dance to the music with her. “Let’s grab something to drink” She says and leads you to the kitchen counter which is used as a bar at the moment. “I will just take a vodka shot please”. The captain nods and pours two of them.
You rise your eyebrow at her, “Since when does the la reina drink alcohol?” Alexia can hear your smirk even without looking at you. “You only turn 29 once” She drowns the shot and you copy her, quickly getting more refills.
You somehow get into a conversation, which doesn’t seem to stop. To get more privacy, you decide to move it to the terrace. “God, when did I loose you?” Alexia turns you around so that you can only look at her. Her words make you feel something, you thought you’d never get to experience again.
“When you choose Olga over me Alexia”. You decide to tell the truth. She sighs and takes your hands in hers. “I am truly sorry. You just never made a move, so I thought that you didn’t like me” She breaths out. Due to the fact that you’re so close to each other, you can feel her breath against your lips. It sends shivers down your spine, which makes Alexia smile.
“I am sorry, I was just too shy to ask you out. Do I still have a chance?” You look up to her and try not to get lost in her hazel eyes. Alexia starts to smirk at your question and pulls you close by your waist. “Hm, maybe. But maybe I should show you what I was always thinking about when I touched Olga or she touched me. I couldn’t help it but always think about you cariño”.
By now your lips a nearly touching but a caught from behind you interrupts you. Your heart drops at the sight of Olga looking shocked at you. “Oh hey Olga, can you get me another Martini?” Alexia asks her sweetly and much to your surprise Olga nods and goes back inside. You look shocked at her.
“Don’t look at me like that amore and let me give you a little preview of tonight”. Alexia smirks and captures your lips in a bruising kiss. You can taste the alcohol on her lips. You try to pull her even closer to you, causing her to moan. “Easy, I’m the boss my love”. She breathes against your lips.
“Mhm, I think your little girlfriend is waiting for you”. Alexia rolls her eyes at your comment and you get back inside, parting your ways when she goes to the bar and you return to the dance floor.
Slowly but surely, you feel the alcohol kicking in and you start to get loose. “I see that you’re enjoying yourself cariño”. Alexia breathes out after watching you from far. “Would be more fun with you”. You smirk at her and she bites her lip, trying to stop herself from making out with you in front of everyone.
“Then come, let’s go to yours” Alexia takes your hand and leads you outside.
“Uhm well, have you ordered an uber?” You chuckle at both of your clumsinesses. “Oh” Alexia facepalms herself. “I guess we’ll walk then”. You love night walks and Alexia knows it too.
You walk about twenty minutes to your apartment and catch up on everything you’ve missed. Eventually there is some heavy teasing from both sides, also leaving both very aroused
When you arrive, Alexia pushes you directly against the wall, kissing your lips harshly. “I wanted to fuck you since we met” Alexia breathes against your lip and you kiss her again.
Both of you explore each others body with your hands, drawing moans from the other one. “Let’s go into my bedroom”. You smirk and Alexia follows you.
“Oh we’re gonna have so much fun” Alexia chuckles out as she sees the huge mirror wall in front of your bed. You turn around to her and see her beautiful brown eyes darken, looking nearly black. “Bet”
You start to make out again, until Alexia pushes you on the bed. Holding your wrists in her one hand and her other hand is quickly removing your beautiful dress. “God you look so beautiful, just for me”. Her words make you blush heavily.
Her lips leave marks and bites all over your neck and boobs, marking you as hers. You’re a moaning mess under her and try to somehow get any friction. “Be patient amore”.
“Please Alexia, I need you” You start to beg, the burning desire slowly getting too much. Alexia removes her clothing shortly after, leaving the both of you in just your underwear. “Hmh I still feel like we have too many clothes on, don’t you think?” Her teasing turns you even more on, if possible.
She takes both of your bras off and starts to leave wet kisses all over your body. She stops at your pantie, quietly asking for permission. With your nod, she starts to remove it with her teeth, making you moan loudly.
She pulls her underwear also down and repositions her pussy above yours. Teasingly slow, she leans down, your clits colliding with each other.The friction makes you and Alexia moan at the same time. She starts to move, grinding your pussies against each other.
You push Alexia down by her neck, capturing her lips and letting her tongue explore your mouth. “Y/N you’re so perfect. Look how your body is made just for me”. She smirks and you moan.
“Alexia I’m, I’m coming” You pant out. “Awe, I know cariño. You’re already shaking babygirl”. Instead of slowing down, Alexia increases the speed, making you come hard. She quickly follows and collide next to you.
“That was wow” You turn to her and she moves you closer to her. “I know”
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