#then me goes
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marsmarten ¡ 9 days ago
moon upon the itsy bitsy spider au
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AU where Khonshu zeroes in on Peter and decides “yeah. i’m nabbing that one.”
peter gets possessed by khonsu and made into a patron of his along side moon knight, who are definitely and 1000000% not at all thinking of smooching the other. totally.
i’m writing this AU with @majorstumbles who is an amazing creator, everyone please go check out their stuff bc we will be posting more moon upon the itsy bitsy spider content pinky promise <3
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beholdthemem ¡ 2 months ago
My fellow bitches under 5'5. Whatever the money, do not take a job working at a middle school. A fellow adult tried to put me in detention last month and would NOT give up until I showed her my badge proving Yes, The School Hired Me To Work Here. It's not meant for people our height.
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afterthelambs ¡ 4 months ago
"In another life I would have really liked just dancing and making inventions with you"
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gossippool ¡ 6 months ago
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*steeples hands under my chin like i'm sherlock* so you see,
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clarasoswinsoswald ¡ 11 months ago
the unbreakable connection between me and a song I heard in a fanvid over ten years ago
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geezmarty ¡ 3 months ago
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(bellara/taash) nerd/jocks lovers rise up
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iid-smile ¡ 3 months ago
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you've always been interested in how nanami was part danish. it was only a small percentage, but the genes were obviously strong, still standing two generations later. he wouldn't consider himself bilingual in the language, especially since he only knows a few words here and there. he can say hello, he can introduce himself, but that's about it. or that's what he lets on anyways.
his secret comes to light when you snuck up on him while he was moving furniture around the house.
you don't doubt his strength, and he's not all that clumsy to get hurt, but accidents can always happen. just a little bit of skin managed to get caught underneath a surface. you were close to approaching him, but at that moment, he had a small slip of the tongue.
"kraftedeme..." he mumbles under his breath. if there's one thing you know, what he said definitely wasn't anything nice.
you're not all that heartless to not check up on him before you investigate, looking at him with the most innocent expression you can pull off. "so... what does that mean?" this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. you've never heard him verbally swear, but for him to do it in a different language was even better.
usually, nanami knows when something's up, or when you're planning on teasing him, but this time he doesn't even know he's said anything out of the ordinary. "what does what mean?" he questions.
"cra- crafdeme... kraftdem..." you only had a barely audible sample to go off on, but it's already clear enough what you're trying to pronounce.
"don't say that, love." conflict runs over his features, clearly concerned over you picking up on his use of foul language. he's been way too confident in your lack of understanding. "you weren't supposed to hear that."
him avoiding your gaze was something he never did, unless it was under one condition. he's flustered. "why?" you try your best to stay within his line of sight, holding onto his hands so he can't escape or walk off anywhere. "just tell me what it means!"
he won't be able to leave until he tells you, and that's not going to happen for a long while. what a mess he's gotten himself into.
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punkitt-is-here ¡ 6 months ago
dipper is a weirdly special kind of character to me because I was that type of kid, the one who wanted to grow up too fast and got irritated at their sibling not taking things too seriously and never wanting to seem childlike. i connected heavily with him, and honestly the entire arc of Gravity Falls being in part about him learning to just be a kid really helped me in the long run. it was a great wake up call seeing a character so similar to me at that age learn to finally stop trying to be an adult before i was ready.
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lesbian-disaster-academic ¡ 1 year ago
i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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illusioncanthurtme--art ¡ 16 days ago
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So... how's outpatient therapy at the mystery shack going?? :')
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96z ¡ 8 months ago
hey let's have this conversation again since the like/reblog ratio is getting SOOOO much worse. if you like content, reblog it. the people who follow you cannot see when you've liked a post, unless your likes are visible and they are routinely going through them, which i assure you they are not. by reblogging content, you are making it visible to other accounts. fanart, gifs, edits, etc. may be fun to make but they are very time consuming and it is much appreciated that if you enjoy them, you take the brief moment to reblog them to show that appreciation - and it helps. as fun as they may be, it is often kind of discouraging for posts to not do well because for every one person that reblogged it, five left a like and kept it pushing
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freakcliff ¡ 3 months ago
many things about the chronicles of Narnia made me irrevocably insane at the small age of six years old but one of the big ones was the bit in prince Caspian where caspian blows susan's horn to try and summon help and it summons the pevensie kids like. that's crazy ok. that's insane. imagine at 12 years old you're given a horn thats purpose is basically summoning divine intervention & then years later someone blows it and summons YOU . I'm crazy !
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duckysprouts ¡ 3 months ago
if you were at your worst, if you’re a villain or a screwup or whatever, there is a goth man dressed as a giant bat who keeps coming after you, bothering you. he sabotages your journey of self destruction over and over. ur ready to give up but he won’t let you. you think, today he won’t come. today he will give up on me too. he never does.
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prlssprfctn ¡ 2 months ago
Jason Todd arrives to the Gotham after being brought back alive for the first time, and while building up his career as Red Hood, visits Harvey Dent in the Arkham. They talk in a surprising peace, discuss this and this, and Jason even shares some of his insane ass lore, because, honestly, who is going to believe Harvey Dent?
And no one doesn't.
But there is a problem. The next time Bruce Wayne visits Harvey, Harvey randomly drops a bomb on him by saying that he is so, so glad that their Jaylad is back, and he grew up so much, looks so much like Bruce now! He even tries to assure him that, you see, yeah, Jason was dead, but he crawled out of his grave, and then, the Lazarus Pit fixed him!
Bruce thinks Harvey finally had reached the end of his line. Like, low-key, the last stage of insanity.
Harvey: God, he is still so well-mannered. I feel so pleased that he came to visit old me first, though. I always thought I was his favourite over you.
Bruce, laughing awkwardly, while asking the medics to add some new medicine to Harvey: Ahaha, yeah, that sounds like our Jaylad.
Harvey: Super happy for him, seriously. I mean, look at him, getting himself a new career as a Red Hood. That's our son. Feel a little bit bitter that he is into Al Ghuls family now, but that's fine.
Bruce, frowning, because Harvey isn't supposed to know about Al Ghuls and their connection to Lazarus Pit or about Red Hood: Uh, had J-Jason said something else to you?
Harvey: Oh, damn, we spoke for the whole night. He was pissed at you, though. Like, for the Tim guy, whoever he is.
Bruce, turning to the doctors: ...Maybe, uh, give me the same pills you gave him. I feel like I need it, too.
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theparadoxmachine ¡ 1 month ago
I know some people were salty about Bilbo in the Hobbit movies not wearing the same thing that Ian Holm Bilbo is wearing in the prologue scene of Fellowship, and I hear you. That kind of attention to detail is always wonderful. And I know some people think the explanation that since the voice over is done by Galadriel, she probably just didn't know what he was wearing is a copout.
However...I do enjoy picturing everyone sitting around listening to Galadriel tell the story, and Bilbo starts tugging on Elrond's sleeve and whispering to him like
"Elrond...Elrond...that's not what I was wearing that day."
(being patient with the elderly) "It's okay, Bilbo."
"I didn't even own that waistcoat yet."
(getting exasperated) "It really doesn't matter, it's fine."
"It's not fine. It's wrong. Tell her she got it wrong, Elrond."
(questioning his life choices) "I'm not going to do that, Bilbo."
"Why not?"
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timoluke ¡ 11 days ago
I bring a kind of “athletes are human people and not commodities” energy to sports fandom that guys who talk about sports on tv and the internet don’t really like
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