#then it would definitely look like a hidden garden :3
queenjunothegreat · 3 months
I told you all that Star Trek was my most self-indulgent fic concept, but that's not true. I can ALWAYS bust out my Kingdom Hearts AUs
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emiliaalonsosainz31 · 3 months
secret Feelings - OP81 x Y/N
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Y/N
warnings: nothing except pure fluff (maybe a bit angsty tbh)
Summary: Y/N is torn about confessing her feelings to her close friend, Oscar, during a birthday party. Despite her fears, she decides to tell him. 
Authors Note: Please note that English is not my native language, so please be kind. It hasn't been proofread. I am open to any suggestions, ideas, comments, or criticism:) Thx for reading <3 
Does he know? Does he not know? Should I tell him? Or should I wait and hope he figures it out himself? Would he even notice? Maybe he already knows and ignores it because he doesn't feel the same… Ohhh nooooo. We’re not thinking about that now, Y/N! This is Oscar – if he didn’t at least have some feelings for you, he wouldn’t be so close to you all the time. He wouldn’t always save a seat for you next to him, or put his hands on your shoulders when he stands behind you. He wouldn’t regularly try to make eye contact at social events to check if you’re okay, and above all, you wouldn’t talk on the phone every day.
I look beside me. Oscar and I are sitting in the garden with friends, celebrating a birthday. The sun is setting, and the last golden rays of the day shine through Oscar’s light brown hair. His cute side profile looks even better in this light. I just sit there and watch him with a slight smile on my face. Since he started driving for McLaren in Formula 1, he’s been traveling a lot, and moments like these, where I can just look at him in peace, are rare. That’s why I cherish this one even more. He’s living his dream, and I couldn’t be prouder of him! Oscar and I have known each other for about 1 ½ years, and I’ve had a small crush on him for just as long. Okay… maybe a big crush, but that’s not important.
He turns his head towards me and sees me smiling. He smiles back and takes my hand, which is resting on my lap, in his.
Oscar leans slightly towards me. “Everything okay, Y/N?”
I look into his eyes and nod. “Yeah, I can’t complain about anything!”
“That’s very good... yeah, really good. Um, I’d like to take a walk around the block before I leave later, just to stretch my legs a bit before I drive back to Oxford. Will you join me?” he asks with a friendly grin on his lips. I say I’ll come, and follow him out of the garden. Oscar offers me his arm, saying, “Would the lady care to link arms?”
“I’d never say no to that offer!”
I link my arm with his, and we walk a few meters in silence. It’s a very comfortable silence. I don’t think I’ve ever had an awkward silence with Oscar because he exudes such calm that you can just enjoy the moment without talking. It’s really good for me, and I notice that every time, as do the people around us. I’m very excitable and emotional. I talk a lot, and when I’m nervous or stressed, I can be quite exhausting. In those moments, Oscar is always my anchor. Even though I’m a very outgoing and extroverted person, I often need a retreat to recharge and feel safe. And that safe place is definitely the man walking next to me.
Oscar looks down at me with a slight frown, half-hidden by a strand of hair on his forehead.
“Are you sure everything’s okay? You’ve been so quiet and lost in thought all day. That’s not like you at parties,” he says with a slightly worried tone.
We’ve gotten closer over the past few months, but I’m afraid of losing what we have if I tell him I feel more than just friendship. I look away slightly, blinking away the small tears that come at the thought of possibly losing him. He stops, stands in front of me, and turns my face towards him with his hand.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Please talk to me, I’m really starting to worry, sweetie.”
I look into his eyes, which now seem very concerned. There’s no way out of this now, and I have to tell him. “Osc… I… there’s actually something on my mind,” I say, sniffling. A few small tears escape from the corners of my eyes. “Please don’t be mad or put off. I really don’t want to lose you, you mean too much to me. But not just as a friend, more than friends, if you know what I mean. I really, really like you. But I understand if you don’t feel the same way. Oh God, of course you don’t feel the same way, but I hope I don’t lose you because of this. Why am I even saying this? I’m just ruining everything. Oh God, oh God...,” I ramble, tears streaming down my cheeks. Oscar looks at me and starts laughing. First quietly, then louder. 
Wow, I expected many reactions, but not this. My sad expression turns into a slightly angry and confused one. Just as I’m about to turn and leave, Oscar grabs my arm and turns me back to him.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. That reaction wasn’t the best choice. But did you really think I didn’t know? It took exactly two weeks, and my friends were already telling me about the hearts in your eyes when you look at me. And from that point on, I couldn’t miss them either. And don’t worry, I feel the same way. I know how insecure you get with deep feelings. I’m the same way. That’s why I didn’t want to pressure you and just let things develop naturally between us. So no, I’m not mad, I’m not put off, and you definitely won’t lose me, quite the opposite. Did you really think I wouldn’t feel the same way?”
I exhale in relief and nervously wring my hands before Oscar takes them in his.
“Somehow, I knew you felt something for me because the way you are with me is different from how you are with your other friends. But I couldn’t be sure. And oh God, was I really that obvious? How embarrassing. I’m sorry. But you have no idea how happy I am that you feel the same way. I should have done this much earlier, with the whole open communication about feelings and stuff.”
“Yeah, there are a few things I would have liked to do much earlier...”
I raise my eyebrows questioningly as his face gets closer to mine. Oscar looks into my eyes and then at my lips. His gaze keeps shifting between the two. My heart starts to beat faster, and my mouth goes dry. His lips meet mine, and my eyes close. It’s an explosion of emotions, and I kiss him back. Our small kiss turns into more until we hear cheering and clapping from behind us. Oscar pulls away from me and laughs as he looks behind me. I turn around and see some of our friends a few meters away, grinning widely. They’re whistling and clapping, shouting cheers.
“Seems like this conversation wasn’t just overdue for us, right?” Oscar says, laughing as he wraps an arm around me.
“Yeah, and obviously I wasn’t as subtle with my feelings as I thought. Haha, I really need to work on that!”
“No! You never need to hide your feelings again, they’re far too precious!”
He leans down and gives me a very heartfelt kiss on the forehead.
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Your house is full of people but you are still waiting for him.
Part 3
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There were too many people and they were definitely too loud. Your house was full of groups of people scattered in different rooms dancing to some terrible music they had put on, laughing, joking and drinking and the only person you really wanted to be there with you was not there.
At least not yet.
"My room is off limits to all of you!" You yelled as you made your way through the sea of ​​people. "Try to enter and you'll see!"
You weren't sure anyone heard you, though.
You dropped onto the couch in the corner of your livingroom with a sigh as your gaze fell on Aaron talking to Jason across the room.
It came natural to you rolling your eyes at the sight of them; Aaron's smile bothered you more and more every time you saw him and Jason had drunk a disgusting amount of whiskey.
You really wished Robin had come but she told you her mom didn't let her out so late.
At least no one was using the pool outside.
"Hey, Y/N!" Aaron raised a hand to get your attention, yelling to be heard over the loud music. "Aren't you coming to dance with us?"
"No thanks! I'm fine sitting here." You answered quickly.
If you ever danced with anyone, they were the last people in the world you wanted to dance with.
You couldn't wait for that stupid party to be over and everyone to go back to their homes but since they had started arriving around 11pm you were sure they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
You found yourself looking out the window, scanning your garden where some guys were smoking and talking to each other, looking for him.
Because you were still hoping Eddie would show up.
You knew he'd said "maybe" and that didn't mean he'd come but you couldn't help but keep hoping because that hope was the only thing you were holding on to endure that night.
You weren't stupid, you knew he had said he wasn't sure if he would be there or not because of all the other people at the party, like Jason who didn't spend a single day of his life yelling "freak" at him when he saw him in the hallway and everyone who laughed when he did that.
And you wouldn't have been mad at Eddie or disappointed if he didn't show up because you knew his situation but part of you hoped that he trusted you enough to know that you weren't going to let anyone say something bad about him inside your house, that you would always protect him.
At that moment, you saw your cat walking between people's feet and when Aaron almost ran over her as he went to get a bottle of beer from the fridge without even worrying about it, you got up and quickly reached her, taking her in your arms and carrying her to the couch with you.
"I don't like this party either." You said as you put her back down after petting her head, receiving a "meow" in response, and your gaze returned to the window.
This time however there was something different.
A van you knew too well was parked across the road from your house, slightly hidden by a tree.
But it was there.
And it was Eddie's van.
You suddenly stood up as if something had stung you and you headed for the door of your house.
You felt the cool night air on your bare skin as you went outside and you saw the heads of the guys who were still out there turning in your direction, probably wondering if you were leaving your own party.
But you didn't mind about them, because Eddie was there now.
When you reached his van, you circled around it, to find him leaning against its side, facing your neighbors house so no one at the party could see him yet.
"Hey." You smiled.
He raised his head and a shy smile appeared on his lips when he saw you too. "Hi."
You always liked his smile but that one time it wasn't the same as always and you noticed it right away.
"You don't know how glad I am you came." You positioned yourself in front of him and from his expression you understood that something was wrong.
"I can't." He said as he began to play with the silver rings on his fingers.
"You can't do what?"
"I can't come in and you know it." He muttered.
"You're you. And I'm me. And there's a lot of people in there. And I'm sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry because I really want to spend more time with you but I can't. I can't if they're there too." He lifted his head and looked at you with his big chocolate brown eyes, reminding you so much of a scared puppy at the side of the road.
"It's okay." You whispered. You didn't know why you felt the need to say it, you just wanted that expression on his face to disappear, that broken look in his eyes to leave, and his usual smile that you liked so much to return.
"Don't be mad at me, please. I just came to tell you how things are. To tell you I really want to, but I can't."
"I could never be mad at you, Eddie."
He gave you that look again and you wanted so much to hug him, hold him close and tell him everything was going to be fine.
"I have an idea." You said instead.
"What?" He frowned.
"I have an idea." You repeated. "We'll only have to go inside for a second."
His eyes were still saying "I can't".
"Please." You reached out a hand to him. "It will be just a moment, I promise." Your voice was tender.
Eddie stared at it like a hesitant animal scared that someone might hurt him.
"Do you trust me?" You asked.
He nodded.
You smiled.
Then he grabbed your hand.
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As you guided him to the door of your house, speeding through your garden, Eddie felt like a lamb getting closer and closer to the slaughter, he felt like it was a trap.
He knew you would never do that, that you wouldn't let him in the house just so people could laugh at him but he couldn't shake that feeling that was telling him to turn and run away.
He squeezed your hand tighter and took a deep breath as he crossed the threshold of the door, entering the house.
He quickly noticed some people he'd seen before at school, some cheerleaders, some members of the basketball team from their fifth grade, Aaron and Jason.
Their eyes were all on him.
Suddenly Eddie felt like he was seven years old again, when the kids of his class invited him to a party and he only found out that it had been cancelled when he showed up.
Or maybe there had never been any party.
The only difference was that this time the party was real and everyone was watching him. Holding your hand.
Eddie wondered if you knew what you were getting yourself into, what stupid way you had decided to doom yourself.
You led Eddie through the flood of people seemingly heading to the other side of the house where a corridor led to the other rooms, still holding his hand in yours, giving him just that little bit of security he badly needed at that moment.
A hand on your shoulder suddenly made you turn around.
"What's the freak doing here?" Spat Jason, now in front of you, Eddie could smell the alcohol on his breath even from his position.
The voice in his head kept repeating the word "trap".
"It's my party. So I invite whoever I want. Who invited you, instead? Because I certainly didn't fucking do it."
Jason stared at you with his bloodshot eyes, opened his mouth to say something and then closed it, finding nothing to argue with.
"Exactly." You said before walking past him, not forgetting to bump your shoulder into his as you passed him and pulled Eddie with you, away from the music, the crowd and their prying eyes.
The last thing you saw before leaving the room was Aaron's gaze, cold and fixed on you, as if he was the one of the two who was mad.
He looked like a predator waiting in the shadows for its prey to approach or get distracted to spring forward and attack. For a moment you even thought that he would, that he would go after you.
But he didn't.
You only left Eddie's hand when you opened a door and softly pushed him inside and he immediately began to miss the feeling of safety he only felt when your hand was in his. He glimpsed a cat darting between your legs and sneaking into the room with you before I closed the door.
"It's a little messy but we'll make it right." You said as you sat on the edge of the bed in the room.
That was the moment Eddie realized he was in your bedroom.
It wasn't very big but it certainly was compared to Eddie's room in his trailer, and the walls were covered in posters and drawings.
It wasn't perfect but it was so you.
And maybe for that very reason, in a certain way it was perfect.
"Why did you bring me here?" He asked again looking around, realizing that finally he didn't need to scream anymore to hear his voice since in that part of the house the music was distant and muffled.
"You said you wanted to spend more time with me, didn't you?" You took off your boots and left them at the foot of the bed, then settled yourself with your back against the wooden headboard. "I have plenty of movies that we can see and we have all night since the others don't seem to want to leave." You added by pointing at the small tv in your room.
He liked how you referred to the people at the party as "the others," almost as if it was just you two and "the others" in the world.
Eddie thought that if a month earlier someone had told him that that day he would have been in your room, and you would have offered him to watch movies with you all night while in your own house there was a party going on, he would never have believed it.
"Are you gonna sit or not?" You exclaimed, reaching towards him who was still standing, grabbing his arm and making him fall on the bed next to you.
And Eddie laughed, really laughed for the first time that night.
He laughed because he was grateful that you brought him there with you, that you didn’t leave him with the people at the party and he was simply grateful that you were a part of his life.
At that moment, the cat who had entered the room with you jumped onto the bed and walked slowly towards Eddie, her little paws sinking into the mattress.
The cat sniffed Eddie's hand and he giggled, then ran his ringed fingers through her fur as she began to purr.
You laughed. "Her name is Bones."
"What kind of name is Bones?"
"I found her in the trash can behind my house, some kind of monster had left her there. And she was just skin and bones when I took her home with me, that's where the name comes from." You explained as the cat curled up on Eddie's lap.
"Hi bones." Eddie said as he stroked the space between the cat's little ears. "I like her."
But I like you better.
"She likes you too." You smiled.
Eddie for a moment almost thought you were talking about someone else.
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You spent all night watching movies next to him, your shounders touching, going from horror to adventure to fantasy.
You didn't tell him how glad you were that he was there, that he trusted you when he grabbed your hand and that you would have happily spent the rest of your life in your room with him, watching movies and listening to the stupid but funny comments he made from time to time.
You hoped he knew.
You liked the way he interacted with Bones, how he spoke to her in a soft, calm tone of voice and how he gently petted her fur.
When you saw moments like that one, you wondered how people could think he was the leader of a satanic cult, how they could still call him "freak" even though Eddie was the complete opposite.
Sometimes you turned to him, finding the colored lights from the TV reflecting off his face and always the same thought would appear in your head.
He's pretty.
He wasn't in the same way that Aaron was, with his blond hair and green eyes, he was in an unconventional way, in a way that made you want to run your hands through his dark curls and look into his puppy eyes for hours.
It was after three in the morning when you and Eddie realized that there were no more voices, laughter and music.
You both walked out of your room, looking around and finding your house empty and in a complete mess.
Bottles and glasses were scattered everywhere, some even broken into pieces. Crumbs and spilled alcohol covered the floor. There were also some feathers lying around the room so probably someone had had a pillow fight.
"Great. Really great." You commented, already thinking that you would have kept cleaning everything until morning.
You were about to tell Eddie he could go home but he spoke first.
"Where do we start from?" He asked, walking over to the cushions on the floor and picking them up.
Of course Eddie wasn't going to leave you alone.
You couldn't help but smile.
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Part 5
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat
Love you from afar tags: @capitanostella @enam3l @saramelaniemoon @ang3lb44by @einkitty @themorriganisamonster @esme-viridian @daisyridleyyyy @whenshelanded @eggo-segual @comfortcharactercraze @callmeyn @expiredcum21 @unholyyylita @squidscottjeans @twilight-love-nochu-main @idkatee @bakugouswh0r3 @amira0303 @greatpizzascissorstaco @ebonybloom @emxxblog @lunaryasha @cherryobx @jasminelafleur @magicalchocolatecheesecake @tracymbcm @harrypotter-imaginees @eli-flower @mrsjellymunson @tttttttttttts-things @miabiar @wayfaring----stranger @princess-eddie @omgshesinsane @littlestarfighter03 @zoeymunson @tanyaherondale @bl4ckt00thgr1n @thebook-hobbit @eris-rose-86 @ly17 @jenuhlyn @ximi1315 @avocadotoastwithegg @lomljigg
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candycandy00 · 1 year
Could you right a zombie apocalypse au with dabi? I don’t have any idea about how it could go but always love the only one bed trope haha
The Trade Part 1 - A Dabi x Reader Zombie AU
Splitting this into parts because it was getting too long. Part one has no smut (but there will be plenty in part two, don’t worry!).
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Smut to follow in part two, strong language, violence, implied (failed) rape attempt, etc. 18+.
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The first time you saw the mysterious black haired man in the woods, you were convinced he was one of them. After all, in the shadows of the trees his extensive, deep purple scarring had looked like wounds. He’d walked slowly, almost lumbering. It wasn’t until later that you realized his unusual gait was due to him dragging a large animal behind him. 
When he emerged from the forest and into the sunlight, with you watching silently from the tree line, you finally understood that this was no zombie. It was a scarred man who had just killed a deer for his supper. 
From there, you followed him to a clearing by the road, where a rusty white van was parked. You stayed hidden just inside the woods as you watched him set up camp around the van. He drove plastic gardening stakes into the ground all around him, then wrapped some sort of wire around them, marking a perimeter. He then methodically tied empty cans in sets of threes to the wire, every few feet. It seemed like a lot of work, but it would definitely alert him if a zombie wandered into his area. 
He didn’t seem to have any system in place to detect human interlopers though, as they could easily spot the cans and step over them. Either he was foolish enough to believe he was completely alone out here, or he was confident enough in his ability to defend himself that he wasn’t worried. You hoped it was the former. 
He started a small fire, then went to work skinning and cleaning the deer. You took note of the fact that he seemed to have plenty of supplies, including bottled water. You couldn’t help licking your dry lips. You’d been drinking water from a nearby river, but it was unfiltered, and sometimes made you sick. You drank as little of it as possible, so it kept you alive but you were persistently thirsty. 
When he began cooking the deer meat, you had a battle on your hands to keep your stomach from growling loudly enough to give away your presence. You reached into your tattered backpack and pulled out the last strip of rabbit jerky you had. A family you’d met over a week ago had given you some wrapped in paper, and you’d made it last as long as you could. Aside from a fish you’d managed to catch in the river and three potatoes you’d dug out of an abandoned garden, the jerky was all you’d eaten in ten days. 
The deer meat smelled delicious, but you didn’t dare approach. You had to observe this man for a while first. He’d pulled several things out of his van, so it clearly had lots of supplies inside. If you could learn his habits, maybe you could steal from him. You’d certainly done it before, to anyone who seemed to have more than they absolutely needed. 
Eventually you retreated further into the woods and climbed into a tree to sleep. It was the only way you could rest while knowing zombies roamed about. The next morning, the man with the van was gone, and you cursed yourself for sleeping so soundly. 
Two days later, you spotted the man coming out of a convenience store that had obviously been looted already. It was in a tiny, empty town, and you’d crept in to look for food. When you heard loud crashes and bangs coming from the store, you ducked into an alley across the street and watched. 
The glass door of the shop burst open as a zombie was seemingly thrown outside. As it tried to stand back up, the black haired man stepped out of the store, holding an aluminum baseball bat. He pressed his boot into the zombie’s chest to hold it down, then swung the bat, smashing the zombie’s head with one hit. 
Two more zombies followed him out of the store, and three others lumbered over from nearby streets, attracted to the commotion. You felt a sense of panic, even though you were hidden and far enough away that you could easily flee before any of them reached you. Zombies in general did not scare you. They were slow and dumb and easy to lure into traps. You’d killed plenty with your hunting knife. But in groups, they could be terrifying. Any more than three at a time sent you into flight mode. 
The man was surrounded by five zombies, but he didn’t seem worried or scared at all. In fact, he seemed… pissed off. 
He swung the bat with a fury that made you more nervous than the zombies did, splattering blood and brains all over the concrete beneath his feet. When only one was left, he hit it over and over, long after it had stopped moving and its head had been reduced to mush. 
“Motherfuckers!” he screamed. Then he panted as he regained his composure. He shoved the bat into a sling at his back and went back into the store. Later, he emerged carrying a crate full of stuff. You couldn’t see much of what he had, but you were pretty sure he had found some useful items left behind by looters. 
He climbed into his van and left. This time, you were not alarmed by losing sight of him. Clearly the two of you were traveling in the same direction, and even though he was traveling faster in his van, he was apparently making stops along the way, probably to hunt. You’d catch up to him again, you felt certain of it. 
You decided to venture into the store. It was very likely that he had cleared any zombies from the interior, and it had been several minutes since the fight outside and no other zombies had appeared. 
Inside, the shelves were almost completely bare, save for some trash and items deemed too useless to bother carrying around - toys, a pair of foam flip flops, a cane that looked too flimsy to be a proper mobility aid. You got down on the floor and looked under the shelves. A fellow survivor you met two months ago had told you about this trick. “People tend to be in a hurry when they’re gathering supplies,” he’d explained, “so they end up dropping stuff. Some of it ends up kicked under the shelves and the people who come in later don’t think to check there.”
Beneath the shelf to your right, you found a package of expired gummy bears. You ripped them open and shoved a handful in your mouth, savoring the juicy sweetness. They were the best gummy bears you’d ever eaten. When you had half the pack left, you rolled it down and pushed it into your backpack for later. 
Under the shelf to your left, you found a bottle of shampoo that was open and spilling out. You grabbed it and closed the lid. There was still over half a bottle left! You hadn’t shampooed your hair in over a month, so this would be a luxurious treat.
You found a few more items under the other shelves: a single battery that would fit your flashlight (you hoped it wasn’t drained), a small box of bandaids, and (most precious of all), an unopened bottle of sweet tea. 
These treasures safely tucked in your backpack, you left the store and headed in the same direction you’d seen the white van leave in.  As you passed by the alley you’d hidden in earlier, a pair of pale white hands suddenly reached out from it and grabbed your arm. You jerked free, repulsed by the feeling of cold, damp flesh on your skin. 
A single zombie shambled out of the alley, arms raised in front of it as it reached for you again, mouth biting the air in anticipation of tasting human meat. You backed away from it as you slid the hunting knife out of the holster on your thigh. In most cases, you chose not to fight or kill zombies. It was messy and, even in the best circumstances, risky. Plus it was a pain to sanitize your knife in a fire before using it to skin the small animals your sometimes caught. 
You looked back at the store. Should you lure it in there and shut the door? But that would leave a rather nasty surprise for the next person who came along and decided to check the store for supplies. You sighed and pulled your backpack off as you continued backing away, keeping a modest distance from the zombie. If there was a struggle, you didn’t want to risk your backpack being ripped or damaged. It was sturdy and easy to carry, and who knew when you’d come across another one? You dropped it on the ground and backed a few more feet away. 
Once you felt you were in a good position (plenty of open space in all directions so you could flee if necessary), you stopped and waited for the zombie to get closer. Once it was near enough to almost touch you with its outstretched arms, you quickly ducked around behind it and shoved your knife into its ear. The arms dropped, then the body collapsed onto the pavement. You retrieved the knife and breathed a sigh of relief as you wiped the blade off on the zombie’s shirt. 
Poor bastard. He died in the most hideous lime green T-shirt you’d ever seen. 
You picked up your backpack and left the small town, excited to drink some of your tea later in the evening. 
It took you four days to find the man with the van again, and it was totally by accident. You’d followed the nearby river to a waterfall. You’d grown up in this area, so you remembered there being a waterfall around here somewhere. Figuring it would be a great place to wash up and use that shampoo you found, you followed the sound of rushing water until you spotted it. 
The waterfall wasn’t huge, but it was high enough that falling from it would probably be dangerous. The water at the base of it, near where you stood, was only around four feet deep, as you recalled. You and your friends would occasionally go swimming there during particularly hot summers. You remembered picnics under the shade of the trees that lined the river, laughter as you took turns running into the falling water. The memories made you feel numb more than anything else. 
As you stood there beside a tree, you heard a loud splash. You ducked behind the tree by reflex, then peeked around it to see the man emerging from the water. Had he been under for the whole three or four minutes you’d been there? All your thoughts suddenly froze in your brain when you realized the man was completely naked. Apparently he also thought this was a good place to bathe. 
His body was marred by the same deep purple scarring that covered parts of his face and arms, like a patchwork. There was something oddly mesmerizing about those scars. He was lean, with just the right amount of muscle, and his black hair glistened in the sun as water dripped from the tips and ran down his torso. 
As he stepped out of the water, you couldn’t help stealing a glance at the rather impressive appendage between his legs. Even wet and cold, it looked pleasingly large. 
The man walked over to small brown bag and pulled out a towel. How had you missed that bag? Regardless, he toweled off and then spread the towel on the ground and sat down. He pulled a can of what looked like beer from the bag and cracked it open. Then he pulled out a tattered paperback book and leaned over on his side. 
Was he seriously just going to relax by the river… naked? That’s when you noticed the handle of some sort of weapon sticking out of the bag. He certainly wasn’t defenseless. You’d seen his incredible strength a few days before. 
With a start, you realized this was a great opportunity to check out his van. It had to be parked close by, and the man clearly planned to be there for a while. You took one more long look at his well toned body before tearing your eyes away and heading back into the woods. 
The trees were tall and their dark green foliage nearly blotted out the sunlight above you. But there was enough light to spot a white van amongst the browns and greens of the forest, so it didn’t take you long to find it. 
You approached carefully, remembering the man’s tendency to use traps and systems to alert him of danger. The leaves were moist and slippery under your feet, perfect for remaining silent as you stepped lightly around the van to reach the back. Then your heart dropped to your feet. 
The back doors of the van were covered in wire lined with metal cans. It would be physically impossible to open them without causing a huge racket. You checked the side doors, and they were locked tight. You had some experience breaking into vehicles, though you were definitely no expert. You peered in through the window, only to spot more wires and cans tied to the inside of each door. 
You sighed and walked away, heading back to the waterfall. When you reached the trees you’d hidden in before, the man was pulling on a faded black T-shirt over his ripped jeans.  He looked good in them. He gathered the rest of his belongings into the brown bag, zipped it up, and walked off in the direction of his van. He passed within twenty feet of you, but you were perfectly still behind a tree. 
You waited for a while after he left, to be sure he didn’t return for something he forgot, then you moved close to the water, slipped off your backpack and pulled out a few items. A change of clothes, a towel, and the shampoo you’d been saving. You stripped off your clothes, leaving only the thigh holster with your knife snapped inside. You washed the clothes you took off in the water then draped them over low branches in the nearby trees to dry. 
Finally, you stepped into the water and dipped your whole head in to get your hair wet. The water was cool, but not enough to be uncomfortable. It looked crystal clear and clean, and it soothed the various cuts and scrapes you’d incurred over the past several days. 
You squeezed out some shampoo before tossing the bottle onto the shore and lathering up your hair. It smelled heavenly! Like fresh flowers and honey. You rubbed the lather all over your body, figuring that if men had been using one product for their hair and bodies for years, so could you. 
Once you were covered in soap, you went over to the waterfall and stood under it, letting it rinse you clean. It felt so close to an actual shower, you nearly cried. 
You played around in the water for a little while, then stepped out and dried off before dressing in clean clothes. You relaxed by the water, just as the man had done, while waiting for your wet clothes to dry. The sun, reaching you now that you were out of the woods, felt warm on your skin. 
You left back through the woods, but just before you broke free of the tree line by the highway, you heard the distinctive sound of someone walking. Someone alive. Twigs snapped and leaves crunched, the noise so close that you whirled around to look for the source. 
Two men approached from the direction of down river. You could smell them from several yards away. Apparently being so close to the river had not inspired them to wash up, at all. They appeared to be in their mid thirties, both sporting unkempt beards and long, scraggly hair. Both carried backpacks, rifles on their backs, and numerous knives attached to their belts. 
These were exactly the sort of people you tried to avoid. In your time on your own, you only approached certain types: women, families, small mixed groups that seemed to get along with each other. You never approached single men, much less multiple men together with no woman in sight. 
Usually, you were extremely vigilant. You always spotted other people in plenty of time to hide or flee if they seemed like bad news. In the early weeks of the outbreak, when you’d first ventured out on your own, you’d met a younger girl who was exceptionally good at sneaking around and avoiding being caught by the living or the dead. You’d traveled with her for a while, learning her techniques as well as how to use a knife. Since then, you’d always managed to evade danger. But today you had dropped your guard. Perhaps the shower had been a little too relaxing. 
“Hey there,” one of the men said, throwing up his hand in a wave. 
You debated whether you should make a run for it or not. They had rifles, so they could probably shoot your legs out from under you if they wanted to. You stood completely still, watching them as they got closer. 
“You out here alone, girl?” 
“No,” you said, trying to keep your voice firm, “my friends are waiting for me just up the road.”
You hoped they would believe the lie, that they’d rather avoid getting into a fight with a group they knew nothing about. 
“That’s funny,” the other man said, “we walked along the road for a long time and we didn’t see anyone waiting for you. Are you sure they didn’t leave you behind?”
His tone made it clear that he didn’t believe you. Shit. How could you get out of this situation? You kept yourself steady and replied. “Really? Maybe they parked in the woods. They do that sometimes, for the shade.”
“Good idea,” the first man said. “These trees sure do block out the sun. They block out a lot of stuff.”
“Well,” you said casually as you turned toward the road, “I better head over there before they get worried and come looking for me.”
You made it a few steps away, walking at a leisurely pace to feign nonchalance, when you heard fast, heavy footsteps running toward you. Glancing back, you saw one of the men rapidly closing the distance, holding up the butt of his rifle like a club. 
You broke into a run then, but you didn’t make it far. The rifle struck your head, your vision blurred and darkened, and you felt yourself falling over. You were unconscious before you ever hit the ground. 
When you woke up, you heard the sounds of a crackling fire before your eyes adjusted to the bright orange light against the murky darkness of the forest. 
You were lying on your side on the ground, close enough to the fire to feel its heat on your skin. Your hands were tied together in front of you with thick, coarse rope that rubbed your wrists in an unpleasant way. One of the men was sitting nearby, skinning a rabbit. The other, the one who had knocked you out, was standing on the other side of the fire, stoking it with a long stick. Your backpack was lying a few feet away from you. 
Afternoon had turned to dusk, still light enough to see without a fire or flashlight, but dark enough to make you wary. From your experience, fires in the woods at night were not the best idea. The glow sometimes attracted zombies, so only groups with enough people to keep watch normally lit them. You had stuck to small fires in the daytime, just lit long enough to cook some food or boil some water from the river. Zombies didn’t know to look for smoke.  
The two men didn’t seem to be conversing at all, so pretending to be asleep to listen to them was pointless. You pulled yourself to a sitting position, your knees pulled up in front of you. They hadn’t bothered to take your knife from the holster on your thigh. Had they simply not noticed it? Or did they think you were this little of a threat? 
The man standing at the fire noticed you were awake and flashed you a smile. It was a repulsive smile, accompanied by dark eyes moving over you hungrily. You could guess why they had taken you captive. You’d heard plenty of stories. You glared at him and steeled yourself for a fight. 
“We’ll have dinner first,” he said in his rough voice, gesturing toward his friend with the stick. “Then we’ll have dessert,” he added with a grin, pointing the stick at you. His friend chuckled. 
You suddenly felt like throwing up. These men were disgusting, with their leering stares and stinking bodies. The thought of one of them touching you for even a moment sent ripples of revulsion through your entire body. 
Shame it wasn’t the handsome black haired stranger with the scars. 
Wait… did you seriously just think that? Ugh. You’d been out here in the woods for far too long. 
You tried to stay calm as you assessed the situation. The good: you still had your knife, and your hands were tied in front of you instead of behind you. Cutting yourself free would be easy once you got away. You also knew these woods fairly well, and were accustomed to moving around in the dark. The bad: there were two of them, and they were clearly much stronger than you. They both had those rifles too. 
You glanced around, taking in the now blazing fire and the positions of the two men in relation to it. You almost smiled. This was nearly identical to a scenario Toga, the girl you’d traveled with, had told you about being in before she met you. And you remembered exactly how she’d said she escaped. 
You scooted over a bit, making a show of wincing and leaning as if your backside was sore. You needed to have both men on the other side of the fire from you. The one sitting on the ground cleaning the rabbit would be easy. The other was pacing back and forth, occasionally stirring the branches and logs in the fire. If you timed it just right…
There! As soon as the pacing man got close to the other one, and they were both across the fire from you, you suddenly kicked out both your legs, shoving your boots into the base of the fire. Sparks and embers flew everywhere, flames reached out like glowing hands and crawled along the ground, alighting leaves and twigs. The sitting man yelped and fell backwards, the other one cursed and backed away from the flames, but he was too slow. Fire danced up his pant leg as he screamed and tried to put it out by slapping at it with his hand. 
In the chaos you got to your feet, grabbed your backpack off the ground, and ran into the trees. You heard one of the men yelling for the other to go after you, then a screamed reply of “Fuck you, I’m on fire!”
Once you’d ran so far that you could no longer hear their shouts or see the glow from the fire, you huddled next to a tree and used your knife to cut the rope, freeing yourself. You holstered the knife and pulled your backpack onto your shoulders, then looked around for a hiding spot. The woods were getting darker by the minute, but that was an advantage for you, not them. 
Eventually you found a tree that was perfect, and you climbed it quietly and carefully. You tucked yourself against the trunk and nestled into the branch, an action deeply familiar to you by now. Around half an hour later, you heard one of the men run by your tree. By that time it was so dark that you would’ve been shocked if he’d spotted you. After that, you only heard the usual sounds of the forest as you drifted off to sleep. 
The next morning you didn’t climb down immediately. You used your high vantage point to look out over the area, scanning the woods for any sign of the two men. Would they give up on you, deeming you too much of a hassle to deal with? Or would last night’s events only make them pursue you more doggedly? You couldn’t be sure, but you also couldn’t spend the entire day up in the tree. After watching for a few more minutes and feeling certain the men were not close by, you climbed down to the ground. 
You headed to the river first to wash your face and fill your water bottle. You doubted you’d be able to start a fire today, for fear that the smoke would give away your location, so you couldn’t boil the water. You grimaced at the thought of drinking raw river water again, but you’d sip it if you absolutely had to. Having an upset stomach was better than being dead. There was maybe a mouthful of sweet tea left in the bottle you’d found in the store, but you wanted to save it for as long as you could. 
When ready, you made your way back through the woods and to the trees that lined the highway. You didn’t dare step out into the open. Too many dangerous folks traveling the roads. But you stayed close enough to be able to see the highway at all times. You rarely saw cars going by these days. The last one you’d seen, besides the white van, had been over a week ago. 
You walked through the edge of the forest, moving in the same direction you had been for a few weeks now. You didn’t have a particular destination in mind. You simply wanted to keep moving, keep away from people, stay near the river where you could always get water and sometimes even catch fish, stick to the woods where you could occasionally catch a squirrel or a rabbit. It wasn’t a great life, but it was all you had at the moment. 
You’d walked nearly the whole day when you saw a very welcome sight: the white van parked just inside the woods, several yards ahead. You were surprised that you’d caught up with him so quickly, especially after being slowed down by those two assholes last night. 
As usual, you approached it carefully. When you got close enough, you realized the back door was standing wide open. No wires or cans had been strung up. The driver’s side door was open as well. 
What the hell was going on? 
There was no way the man would leave his van like this. Even if he suddenly had to shit, he wouldn’t leave his stash of supplies completely unguarded. Had he been attacked? The image of the two men flashed in your mind. The black haired man was strong, but they had guns. They could have forced him out of the van. But in that case, where were they? 
You circled around the van from a distance, looking for signs or clues as to what had happened. You strained your ears to listen for footsteps, but you heard nothing. Could the man have been attacked by zombies? Maybe he stepped out to pee, was suddenly surrounded, and had to run deeper into the woods to get away. 
Mind racing with possible explanations, you decided to watch the van for a little while, in case someone came for it. After nearly an hour, the woods were getting dark again. If you were going to make a move, now was the time. You took a deep breath, then walked over to the back of the van. You peered inside, and to your hungry, desperate eyes, it looked like the holy grail. The entire back of the van was filled to the brim with supplies. 
You climbed up into it and looked around in wonder. There were cases full of canned goods, bottled water, snacks, and even a few packs of beer. There were boxes with things written on them like, “bandages,” “batteries,” and “soap”. Curiously, there were several boxes of black hair dye. It almost looked like the storeroom of some convenience store. 
All of this was too suspicious. You didn’t dare grab a lot of stuff. What if the man really did have to suddenly relieve himself? Or had to run from zombies but was circling back around to his van? You decided to be cautious and grab only a small number of items, things he probably wouldn’t even notice. Then you could watch the van from an afar and grab more stuff if he never came back. 
You opened your backpack and shoved in two bottles of water, a can of peaches, a can of pork and beans, a bag of potato chips, and two chocolate candy bars. The carbs would come in very handy. You’d had so little energy lately. Pleased with your choices, you zipped up your backpack and pulled it on, then turned to exit the van. 
You stopped dead in your tracks. Standing right outside the van, staring at you with one hand on his hip, was the black haired man.  He looked at you with a deadpan expression and said, “Looks like I caught myself a thief.”
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nottoonedin · 6 months
what.... please elaborate i do not understand but i wish to....
So, I'm guessing you're asking about this post, where I speculate about Ivan's relationship with the dog-alien?
Here's a post where I talk about what "The Dog Alien Incident" is (or at least my interpretation of it).
(Long ramble/analysis/theory below!)
Now, this^^ was my interpretation of the scene before Round 6. But then Round 6 came out, and:
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The MV shows Ivan seems to have some sort of relationship with the dog-alien. They definitely seem to have a deep level of trust. I mean, the alien is allowing Ivan to touch its teeth, and even going as far as LETTING IVAN LIE IN ITS MOUTH!? (Which like???? Go off I guess??? You do you??? But why would you want to??? He was tempting death at this point).
When I first saw this, I immediately jumped to conclusions and was like "Oh, he's insane, he's just like Luka, he planned this out, he was trying to kill Mizi-" because I was literally just recovering from the event which was Round 6.
But, now that I think about it, I don't think I stand by that theory anymore. I don't think Ivan would actively try to kill Mizi. I don't think he ever hated Mizi, as they've been shown to be quite friendly in their interactions, unlike Luka is with Hyun-woo.
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(Would translate these properly if I knew Korean, but alas.. Maybe in the future, I'd actually love to learn the language-)
So, looking back at Ivan's relationship with the dog-alien, I think they were just friendly? Like, Ivan would just go hang out with the dog-alien whenever he wanted, just for some quiet time away from the other kids, since the place that the dog-alien(does it go by another name other than "dog-alien"??) resides seems to be secluded and hidden from the rest of Anakt Garden. I think it was just coincidence that Ivan found Till and Mizi together in that area (Mizi could have wandered off, perhaps to find Till, or Till was trying to follow her?). Ivan may have just stayed watching in the shadows just to see what would happen out of pure curiosity.
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Another thing!
Ivan's friendship with the alien (as well as him being allowed to roam freely without a collar) could have benefitted him in allowing him to escape the Garden with Till. The alien seems to be a guard dog of some sort (which could explain why it attacked Till, or it could've been just attacking Till because why the hell not-), and if it trusted Ivan enough, it's not surprising if it would let Ivan (and Till) pass by it and out of the Garden without alerting the AG Guardians.
Long story short: Ivan's very weird, but not as batshit insane as our favourite mentally-and-physically ill blondie, Luka <3
Hope this explains everything..?
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poketcg-art · 2 months
Hello! Been following for awhile now and love your blog and I wanted to know: what cards on your blog are the most popular i.e have the most notes? I'm guessing the more "cursed" and weird cards like the original moomoo milk have the most. It would be cool to see a ranking so far.
Tumblr mobile does have a short-term 'most popular posts' section hidden on the blog front. Most popular from the last 3 months seems to be Perilous Jungle at 1200 notes.
But I do know for a fact what the most popular card is! Fairy Garden at 13,666 notes. I think its because the card breached containment and non-fans were sharing it for the aesthetic.
Right behind that would definitely be Caterpie at 6592 notes from that one time the blog was on the Tumblr Radar!
I'm honestly surprised at the sheer amount of cards that never breach a hundred notes. Most actually don't! And Moo-Moo Milk has only 638 notes.
I tried looking for Bonsly because I'm sure it has more notes but that post seems to be uhhhhh gone? Like I can't even find it? Maybe Tumblr thought it was too spicy.
Edit: Here's a link to Bonsly
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inkchwe · 2 months
𝖒𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡ requests are [ OPEN ] 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 genre key: 🤍 - fluff, 💟 - smut, 💙 - angst, 💌 - smau, tags
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𝔩𝔢𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔤
cafe au lait 💌🤍 | establishedrelationship!au, the guys being Dudes | when a bad day can be solved with a coffee from the love of your life, you know you have it good.
lips of an angel 💙 | exes!au, established (previous) relationship | He's not supposed to be calling you in the middle of the night after months of silence. And yet you fall back into the same feelings like nothing has changed.
so high school 🤍💟 | basketballplayer!heesung, nerd!reader, tutor!au, high school au, oral (f + m receiving), penetration (all characters are of age!), light choking | You and your boyfriend are complete opposites on paper—you, the girl hidden inside a book, and Heeseung, the star of the basketball team—but it feels so right every time you’re together.
drabble series: ii (🤍). v (💟).
𝔰𝔦𝔪 (𝔧𝔞𝔨𝔢) 𝔧𝔞𝔢𝔶𝔲𝔫
fire meet gasoline 💟 | college au, popular!jakeau, simp!jake, frat au, oral (f receiving), fingering, penetration | jake sim, the head of theta tau's fraternity, was definitely not someone you’d take interest in at first glance. but the way he looks at you, defies your thoughts, and makes you think he may be worth the attention.
dancing with our hands tied 💟 | brothersbsf!jake, minor age difference, college au, friends with benefits, secret relationship, light choking, semi-public sex, oral (f + m receiving), fingering, penetration, unprotected sex (please practice safe sex folks) | What began as a simple friends-with-benefits situation with your brother's best friend has turned into something deeper, and you now find that your emotions are more complicated than you initially thought.
drabble series: i (🤍).
𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔰𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔫
three men & a crib 🤍 | established relationship, soontobedad!sunghoon, married!au, pregnant!reader | Sunghoon is wasting time not building the furniture in the nursery, mainly the terrifyingly intricate crib his pregnant wife ordered. What else can he do besides call Jake and Jay to help him?
drabble series: iii (🤍).
𝔶𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔧𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔴𝔬𝔫
drabble series: iv (🤍).
dream daddy (enha!hyung line) 🤍 | singledad!enhypen | teaser. ch. 1 - heeseung. ch. 2 - jake. ch. 3 - jay. ch. 4 - sunghoon
all in the craft (enha!ot7) 🤍 | basically enhypen with grandma hobbies | teaser. ch. 1 - heeseung. ch. 2 - jake. ch. 3 - jay. ch. 4 - sunghoon. ch. 5 - sunoo. ch. 6 - jungwon. ch. 7 - riki.
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𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔦 𝔰𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔩
drabble series: v (🤍).
𝔧𝔢𝔬𝔫 𝔴𝔬𝔫𝔴𝔬𝔬
enchanted 🤍 | cinderella-ish retelling, royalty!wonwoo | Life as the housemaid and an inconvenience to your family is not what you wished for, but Wonwoo brings a new, royal perspective that turns your world around.
drabble series: i (🤍).
𝔨𝔦𝔪 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔶𝔲
drabble series: iii (🤍).
𝔵𝔲 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔥𝔞𝔬
drabble series: iv (🤍).
𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔩 (𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔬𝔫) 𝔠𝔥𝔴𝔢
guilty as sin 💟 | coworker au, friends to lovers au, semi-unrequited love au, oral | Never in a million years did you think you would have a crush on your friend and best friend's boyfriend. But sometimes what is in your heart springs up at the worst times.
biker boy 💌🤍 | semibadboy!au, friends to lovers, college!au | When the semi-bad boy falls for the bookworm, romantic and silly shenanigans ensue.
loml 💌🤍 | semibadboy!au, friends to lovers, college!au | A continuation of the biker boy smau (a collection of fluff in the form of instagram stories).
not a bad thing 🤍💟 | friends to lovers, light drug use, fingering, oral (f receiving), mutual masturbation, penetration, cockwarming | Just because you've been friends for so long doesn't mean Vernon isn't keeping some secrets from you, and you're determined to confront him about it.
high & dry 🤍 | hogwartsaltior!au, dj!vernon, gardener!reader | Vernon is good with his words behind a microphone and with hundreds of students listening to him. Why is it so hard to talk to one girl in the gardening club?
drabble series: ii (💙), vi (💟),
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𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔡𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔪𝔦𝔫 (𝔱𝔞𝔢𝔰𝔞𝔫)
drabble series: i (🤍).
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𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔧𝔦𝔥𝔶𝔬
drabble series: i (🤍).
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for a link to all of my old writing, look here (x).
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robinsno1lesbian · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫!𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟐
(𝐫.𝐛. 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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neighbor!robin x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: some more older!neighbor!robin headcanons/thoughts.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1500
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content! (MDNI), implied age gap (reader is 18+!!) , finger sucking, fingering, oral, strap ons, orgasm denial, overstimulation, thigh riding, semi-public sex, not proofread (let me know if i missed anything!)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: since some of you wanted a part 2...here we are! (part 1) inspired by/for @lightvixxen because this concept is what gets me through my days <3
neighbor!robin definitely loves to watch you suck her fingers clean after she's fucked you.
she loves the way your tongue slides up and down her digits, cleaning her up.
"such a greedy little thing, taking my fingers like that"
and sometimes she will purposely push them down deeper, watching the way your face changes at that.
robin loves spoiling you;
she always leaves little things in your room while you're out so you end up finding them when you least expect them.
you're just cleaning up the mess under your bed when suddenly you find a little bag with the sweetest set of lacy lingerie.
but you know exactly what to do with it; putting it on underneath your clothes the next time robin comes around.
so that when she chooses to undress you, she will find the little gift she's given you.
"i see, someone found the little present? fuck i knew it would look good on baby"
and of course, she has to fuck you in your new underwear.
minutes after the reveal, you're already spread out on her bed, your legs wrapped around her hips while she's thrusting into you with her strap.
"that's right baby, taking me so well...you look so pretty like that"
she simply loves to fuck you while she can watch you.
like that, she can keep an eye on every little reaction you might have, all while she has her strap buried in your throbbing cunt.
you love to watch robin work in the garden but you love it even more when you run up to her and ask if she needs any help.
you know damn well that you're not helping at all (you don't even know that much about gardening) but watching her doing all the hard work...oh lord-
it's even better when she leans her body against your, her front against your back, puts her hands on top of yours and guides you.
"see? that's how it's supposed to be done. yeah just like that...good girl"
her words, richly layered with double meanings are enough to drive you crazy.
but guess what? that's not all robin has to offer.
because the further she leans against you, the more aware you become of the bulge hidden beneath her wide shorts, that's now pressing firmly against your clothed center.
and she knows by the way your breath hitches and your lashes flutter that you've felt it.
"if you keep doing such a good job i might reward you later, how does that sound?"
you don't even bother to hold in the sinful whimper that follows
she just loves to take you with it; hitting your g-spot so well, while you're turning into a babbling, drooling mess for her, moaning out curses and her name mindlessly.
she just knows how to push your buttons a little too well.
obviously, she uses that fact to her own advantage...
...whispering dirty things in your ear at those little neighborhood gatherings, touching your thighs at inconvenient times, walking past your while you're out with friends, her hand brushing past yours.
you love sleeping over at hers, feeling her hand moving down your body in the middle of the night or early in the morning.
that feeling is enough for you to spread your legs beneath the blankets, mumbling tired curses when her fingers reach your clit.
all while her other hand is covering your mouth.
"the window is open, you know that don't you? want the whole street to hear how good i can make you feel?"
all she really wants is to hear your desperate whimpers. attempts of keeping it quiet but failing miserably.
she loves it when you ride her thigh; showing her just how desperate you are by the way your bare center glides over her skin, coating her in your arousal.
sometimes she yanks you back by the hair because you're just sobbing against her shoulder and she can't see that pretty face of yours.
"look at me when you ride me like that pretty girl. keep your eyes on me, yeah?"
i just know neighbor!robin loves to edge you.
"you cum when i tell you to, understood?"
but, god, it's so hard when she has three fingers pounding into you all while she's talking to you like that.
she doesn't stop until you're practically begging to cum and when you do, she will definitely use that as an excuse to fuck you through multiple orgasms in a row.
"oh but you wanted this, didn't you? now you're gonna fucking take it"
she knows how much you love it when she gets like this.
"you're loving this so much. i can see the way you're dripping all over me. enjoying every second of me fucking you like this. such a dirty slut"
she definitely enjoys fucking you when your house is all empty, making memories in the most inconvenient of all places.
bending you over the dining table and pressing your head down whilst she's thrusting into you.
"can you hear that doll? am i making you feel this good? fuck you've made such a mess..."
sometimes she can't even believe it when she looks down to find your thighs covered in your own wetness.
going down on you in the shower, with one bare leg thrown over her shoulder for better access.
your hands in her hair, just for something to hold onto while she's fucking you into oblivion.
against your own front door, just minutes after your parents have left.
"i promised i would keep an eye on their daughter while they're gone. should probably get started right now don't you think?"
the two of you could literally fuck for hours and you most definitely will at every chance you can get.
and it is not often that you have the whole house to yourselves for the weekend, but when you do it's heaven on earth.
"i want to hear you, baby. talk to me. am i making you feel good...? yeah...?"
she loves it when you can be as loud as you please without anyone hearing.
but there are other ways to achieve that...
sometimes she drives out into the woods with you, only to fuck you in the back of her car and hear your moans for her.
"don't you cover that pretty mouth of yours. no one can hear us out here"
the two of you spend hours out there, you cumming over and over on the backseat of her car while you’re bouncing on her strap.
“kiss me, come on! wanna feel your pretty lips on mine while i make you cum”
robin knows exactly that you can’t. not when you’re completely fucked out like that.
although you try to do it anyway.
the kiss is all tongue and teeth, with your open mouth pressing against hers over and over again.
“poor thing…can’t even kiss me anymore that’s how good you feel. pathetic”
the obscene noises of your squelching pussy and skin meeting skin fills her entire car.
robin loves to take your panties away after she has made you cum.
she loves to see the way you squirm and change your posture to find a way to hide your situation.
how desperately you’re trying to hide the fact that you’re bare under that little skit.
other times, robin sits you down on her lap while you’re watching a movie together.
it starts out as an innocent gesture; she just wants to feel you closer to her.
not long, whatsoever, until you’re rubbing yourself against the length of her leg.
she will pretend not to notice, waiting to see how far you’re willing to go.
and you go far.
just a couple of minutes pass and you have one hand behind you on her stomach to hold you upright, you’re eyes have fallen shut and she’s bouncing her leg against your crotch.
another time, robin walks in on you riding one of her pillows.
she left you for less than 10 minutes to take a shower but apparently that was enough already.
you immediately shove the pillow away from you. you try to hide what you’ve been doing but it’s too late, she’s caught you already.
she’s got a towel wrapped around her lower abdomen, allowing you to see most parts of her body. her hair is still wet and she’s looking at you with a raised brow.
“i-it’s not what it looks like i was just- i was-“
before you can finish your sentence she steps in your space and grabs your chin.
“is that what we’re doing now? humping my pillows while i’m gone?”
humiliation is running through your veins by the way she’s glaring at you, your hips rolling over the pillow on their own accord.
she still has a hold of your chin when your eyes meet again.
“good girl. keep doing that. i wanna see how much of a mess you can make”
you might be robin’s pillow princess for the majority of the time but when you have the chance to give her pleasure it’s everything.
her soft moans and the way she holds onto your hair causes you to rub your thighs together in anticipation
“oh you’re doing such a good job y/n. yeah- yeah right there- fuck good girl”
you always know that she’s the one who is in charge tho.
the way she’s guiding you and grinds down on your tongue leaves not the shadow of a doubt.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
comments and reblogs are always appreciated 🫶
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geddy-leesbian · 10 days
start of my FE Serrennedy AU :3
Goddess, he was so stupid. What was he thinking, chasing a bandit down through a hole in a wall and then down a mysterious tunnel all by himself?
In his defense, what he did had made sense in the moment. If he'd stopped to call for the knights, the bandit would have slipped away. And it was just one thief! Leon would have easily struck him down in a one-on-one. No, the problem was that as soon as the tunnel opened up into a large open cavern, there was a demonic beast. Leon was not ready for that. Why would he have been? He's right under the church! Surely there should be some kind of magical protection keeping these nightmarish monsters away from the monastery. 
Or not. Definitely not, because he definitely did get his ass handed to him by a gigantic worm. He did put up a pretty valiant fight, giving the creature at least one gash in exchange for each bruise and bite wound it dealt to him. It didn't even kill him, it just left of its own accord after one well-timed thrash of its tail left Leon lying on his back with the wind knocked out of him. It could have been one hell of a story– the underdog Leon fighting a demonic beast all by himself and escaping with his life! And it would have been, if he wasn't down in some fucking cavern where no one would ever look for him. 
But he is. And a bite wound is bleeding heavily. He feels dizzy when he tries to get up. He'd survive this if he was anywhere else, with a light magic user able to heal him, or even just someone more run of the mill with a cloth to slow the bleeding and keep him stable until an actual doctor could get to him. 
All alone, goddess knows where, he just lies there and tries not to think about how much everything hurts and how cold he is until he finally slips out of consciousness. 
Somehow he wakes up. He's alive? There's still some pain, but he feels it fading, the hurt being replaced by the pleasant warmth of healing white magic. Someone else must have seen him enter the tunnel and got help before it was too late.
“Thanks…” Leon manages to open his eyes, and is shocked to see a tan stranger kneeling above him, mending his wounds with white magic. A stranger. Not a knight, not one of his magically gifted classmates. He panics and his right hand gropes at the… ground? Floor? trying to find his sword. “Who the hell are you?”
“I could say the same to you. Barging into someone else's home, swinging your sword around like you own the place… Bit rude, no? Tell me your name first, intruder, then maybe I'll tell you mine,” The stranger's face twists into a mischievous smile. “One of mine, at least.”
“If I'm a rude intruder, why are you healing me?” Leon gives up on trying to get his sword, it's not like this is a fight he could ever win. He doesn't even know where he is. Just that he's underground and can hear running water. “Could've left me to rot or finished the job yourself if you were impatient.”
“Because you don't seem like an intruder who came here with the intention of causing trouble for the inhabitants of Abyss. You seem like a garden variety idiot, not the type I kill if I can help it. And! Your uniform, you're a student at the Officers Academy. I might get myself a pretty penny for bringing back one of their precious students in one piece.”
“Fine. I'm Leon. Who are you and where am I?”
“Oh. Oh! I know you! Of you, at least. I'm Luis. You're Lord Marvin's adopted kid, right?”
“Yeah,” Leon stares at Luis's handsome face for a minute, until something clicks into place. “I think I saw you once. You're Spencer's adopted son, right? What are you doing down some horrible hole, Spencer must be worried sick about you! We should go back to the surface and get you home, with two of us we'll be fine even if we run into monsters.”
“Home? Spencer? I'd rather die than go back to him. This is my home. It's not a hole, and it's not horrible. This is Abyss. A hidden little city beneath the monastery, a refuge for those who can't live on the surface. Surely you've heard rumors? Maybe heard about the savage mockingbird, the handsome leader and protector of Abyss?”
“Uh, that does ring a bell. Isn't he like, a hardened criminal? Gang leader that's murdered a whole lot of people?”
“I suppose that isn't incorrect, I have done that.”
“You?! How did you go from a noble house, a student at the academy with a great future, to this?” Leon looks at Luis, completely appalled. “A criminal hanging out in a den of other criminals, even leading them.”
“It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you someday. But for now, you feel like you can walk?” Despite Luis being prolific enough as a cruel murderer to have earned a reputation and a nickname, he helps Leon to his feet with all the gentleness and care of the monastery's kindest priests. When he looks down at himself, he sees the lighter wounds that weren't worth healing magically were still expertly bandaged. “We should get you back up to the surface before anyone notices you've been gone, I'm sure you'd be in a lot of trouble for sneaking off to explore–”
“I wasn't exploring!” Leon interjects. “I was chasing a thief. He got away when the monster attacked.”
“Ah, one of my lackeys. Still, even with your noble intentions I get the feeling your activities would earn you one hell of a lecture for doing something so reckless. I suggest you sneak back into your bed, hide your injuries, in the morning say you're tired because you didn't sleep well, so no one has to know what you were up to.”
“Doesn't that defeat the purpose of you saving me? If you want your reward, you'll have to tell someone about it.”
“Forget the reward. This is just… Some charity work.”
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annawrites444 · 8 months
Drabble For Cabin 4🌿🤍
I myself am in Cabin 4 and I love just coming up with headcanons for other fellow children of Demeter! This little Drabble/blurb is going to be fairly short but I'll try to write down anything that I can think of :)
As a child of Demeter it's a given that you feel an indescribable connection with the Earth and the nature that surrounds you, especially when you're at camp. I like to think that every child of Demeter would have like a varied specialty/gift relating to nature. But like all people (and plants) no two are exactly alike. For example one kid might be really gifted in aiding the growth of plants at an alarming rate, basically making them shoot up like beanstalks and can bend plants to their will. Another kid might be talented at using the various benefits and aids that certain plants may offer, so if they wanted that could make use of the poisons and healing benefits of the plants that favor them.
Everyone in the cabin has a little potted plant or area somewhere around the cabin with their birth flower. 💐
I like to think that the "language" behind gifting flowers means a lot to them too. For example if someone gifts their crush a red rose which signifies romance, whereas yellow roses are commonly associated with friendship. So I definitely see a child of Demeter putting so much thought and love into any flower arrangements they give to loved ones.
For the physical cabin itself I picture all sorts of vines covering outside walls and campers let them get a bit overgrown since they love how it adds to the greenery and the look of the place.
On Valentine's Day you can 100% expect every type of flower (specifically roses) to be growing or on display around the camp and even throughout the surrounding forests going as far as the borders.
This may be a little off topic but I would love to see a child of Demeter X child of Ares, I just think it would make for a really cute relationship dynamic. <3
now while we can assume that springtime is definitely a child of Demeter's prime, I can see all of the gorgeous scenery surrounding the camp as these campers take creative liberty and show of their skills a little bit.
I have a feeling that the emotions of a few children of Demeter might influence the surrounding nature. for example if a camper got broken up with and they go home to their garden (as a form of therapy), I can see the health and growth of the garden reflecting the pain and spur of emotions the child of Demeter might be feeling.
I think that a lot of people might view children of Demeter as level-headed and more "calm" out of all of the cabins, I disagree. (same goes for children of Athena). Just like nature children of Demeter can be devastatingly brutal and beautiful at the same time. I think their emotions might be more hidden at times but they're definitely very strong and emotionally driven people. If nature can be unpredictable so can these campers.
A/N: I actually really enjoyed writing cabin headcanons if you have a certain cabin request don't hesitate to send in a request and I'll answer asap <3
Thank you so much if you've read this far :)
<3- Anna
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eliteseven · 1 month
You said that Serena would give SH gifts she'd have to store in the city away from the cloister. What if she remembered where she kept them once they got in the city and were walking around? Her and Serena looking at the little stash of gifts?
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I think the three of you should get an award for all having this brilliant idea 🥰 I was so amused, seeing these back to back in the inbox lol
Um, that would be the cutest moment ever?????
(Also the bit about Jaheira's kids getting into the stash has me dead lmao)
In Act 3 when they’re in the lower city- and Shadowheart comes across some old graffiti…and she realizes it’s an indicator for her stash????
An old pressed night orchid, a couple of books Serena gave her, letters Serena slipped into her hand as she was leaving (complete with Serena’s lipstick mark where she signed her name) (Shadowheart definitely spent a while holding that letter to her chest)….all nestled into the concealed part of the wall hidden by loose bricks.
They’d be so emotional. Shads with her shaking hands, laughing softly at the letters- at how nervous yet eager Serena was, at how she hasn’t changed even a little: still romantic, still enamored with Shadowheart, after all these years. Just…even more, now. Serena would be so touched to know Shadowheart kept all the gifts. To know she gave Shadowheart even a modicum of comfort in the hardest time of her life? It would bring her so much joy.
And maybe they get to read those letters and books together, that night when they camp. Maybe Shadowheart traces her fingertips over the elegant script, all about how she adores Shadowheart, and then kisses Serena’s hands- a quiet and reverent thank you for her love, even way back then. Maybe they lie together in Shadowheart’s tent and kiss like it’s their first stolen kiss, out by the gardens, just out of view of the guards and the guests alike.
Maybe they fall asleep in each other’s arms, and Shadowheart realizes she’s always had someone who’s loved her, even when it felt like the world had forsaken her. Someone willing to storm the house of grief with her, willing to get her parents back no matter the danger. She isn’t alone, like she thought, and she never was.
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OC Deep Dive Tag!
Thank you, @eternalwritingstudent, for the tag!
I did Kia last time, so let's do Neia this time!
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Swimming! She lost her shield brother when she attempted to escape a horde of giant spiders by throwing them both into the river - neither of them can swim, and he, already weakened by spider venom, drowned. She won't go near running water now.
Do they have any pet peeves?
She hate hate HATES being talked over. Let her speak! She has valuable stuff to say too!
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
What's a bedroom?
What do they notice first in a person?
What weapons they're wielding, if any. Do they have hidden weapons? How dangerous are they? How fast can she take them down?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
About a 9. She's pretty used to pain.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Absolutely fight. She's always ready to throw down, whether it's necessary or not.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Technically she only has her brother, but she considers her shield family as actual family, so she has two brothers and a sister left. Medium family is best family!
What animal represents them best?
A rattlesnake.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Bread. Specifically orc bread. It's hard and crunchy and it hurts her mouth. She hates bread day.
Have they broken any bones?
Oh absolutely. Almost all of them. She's pretty sure she has a broken rib right now.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Twitchy. Always looking around. Incapable of holding still. Hand on sword always.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
She prefers the stillness of night, so definitely night owl
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Bread is gross. Orc bread is so gross. But she loves lembas!
Do they have any hobbies?
She likes helping Alanya in her garden. Does that count?
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
She doesn't do surprises. People gonna die.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
No. What's jewelry? Oh, the fancy stuff Elves wear? Dumb. Shiny.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
She doesn't write.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Boredom and fear
Do they have a favorite fabric?
What kind of accent do they have?
She wears the rough accent of Dol Guldur, but there's still a tinge of music in her tone.
TAGGING @leahpardo-pa-potato - @captain-kraken - @i-can-even-burn-salad - open tag!
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swanmaids · 8 months
aredhel/vana, rated e. for @imakemywings <3
There was a reason Írissë had never sworn herself to any Valar. Acolytes, she grumbled to herself, made the worst adventuring partners. 
And she’d been looking forward to the trip for ages! Tyelkormo had made it sound so exciting when he’d pitched it to her. Let’s spend a few weeks in Oromë’s Woods, he’d said to her, he’d show her all of the hidden parts that most were unable to find. They could explore all of it, it would be so much fun. 
But only two days into their trip, he’d woken her with an apologetic smile. Oromë had spoken to him the night before, apparently, and wanted him to go to the temple in the heart of the forest that day. Yes, alone. No, he didn’t know how long for. Sorry. Then he’d sped off on his horse, leaving her to pack up their camp. 
“Yeah, really fucking fun for me,” Írissë called aloud to the near-silent forest, “You prick!”
The forest said nothing. 
What to do now? 
The Woods had lost all appeal. But she didn’t feel like going back to Tirion either. She’d been promised adventure — or at least entertainment. 
In the beginnings of the Woods they had passed a diverging path: one way led deeper into the forest, and the other towards an orchard planted by Vána, which Írissë had never seen. It wasn’t quite the same as a weeks-long expedition, but she supposed she could pass some pleasant hours among the fruit trees while she planned her next move, and Vána’s maia handmaidens who tended them were said to be very beautiful. 
It was as good a plan as any. She mounted her white mare, and headed back to the path. 
The orchard was beautiful. Dozens of trees were almost bent under the weight of so much ripe fruit – plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots, and many more that Írissë had never seen, and couldn’t name. Írissë had imagined only a small group of trees, but the trees were only part of a great green meadow that stretched beyond the horizon – it would take at least a day to cross it. Bare-breasted handmaidens lounged amid the scene, feasting on fruit or gossiping or practising at some craft. One was entertaining a small group with a stringed instrument, picking out a tune that Írissë recognised as one of Elemmirë’s better known compositions. 
She sat alone beneath a plum tree slightly secluded from the rest of the scene, set her horse free to roam the grass, and watched in silence. 
“Please don’t sulk so loudly here,” a sweetly melodic voice said from somewhere unseen, interrupting her thoughts, “you’ll turn the fruit sour.”
Írissë jumped and spun around. “I wasn’t even saying anything!” She cried in her own defence, before looking up and meeting the eyes of the speaker. 
She was wearing the fána of one of the Eldar, but there was something about her that reminded Írissë of a birch tree or a reed. She was tall and long limbed, dark hair spilling down her back, and inkings of vines winding around her arms and legs. She was clad in a grass-stained linen shift, and her feet were muddy and bare. 
Vána the Ever Young was smiling down at her. 
“No, I suppose not… but your thoughts are written all over you.”
Írissë was not sure how she ought to respond to that, so she did not. Vána went on. 
“I know — you wanted to spend some time with your little friend, but he ran off to fuck my husband instead. That’s tough, but worse things have happened — and it’s definitely not worth upsetting my garden over.” 
Írissë smiled, in spite of herself. Of course Oromë’s wife would not be ignorant of anything that happened in the Woods. “What do you propose I do instead, then?” 
Vána smiled back. “Stay a while! There is beauty, food, and entertainment here. You’ll find this is far too lovely a place to be grumpy in for very long.” 
The Valië had a servant bring them a sort of picnic. There were rice balls filled with acidic pickled plums, pale-fleshed peaches bigger than the palm of her hand, an ice-cold bottle of plum wine with two cups. It was all predictably delicious, and she ate quickly, sucking the dregs off her fingers. 
But Írissë was surprised by how much she enjoyed the company. Perhaps her tongue was loosened by the wine, but she found herself laughing easily around Vána as she listened to her describe her appreciation for a new Vanyarin play based on the Ainulindalë, or some of the antics of her favourite maiar. It was true what people said — that she was somewhat flighty and silly, but it was a harmless silliness, and one that Írissë suspected masked a shrewder mind. Once the food was finished, she realised that her earlier mood was gone, and she felt entirely better.
Perhaps she shouldn’t have been surprised when Vána poured the last of the wine into her cup, drank it in one mouthful, and pressed her sugar-sticky lips against Írissë’s. But in truth, she was caught off guard – which was not a feeling that was familiar to her – , and could scarcely respond. 
The Valië pulled back, a slight frown marring her pretty features. “I’m sorry,” she said, “did I misunderstand you? Did you not want…” she trailed off. 
Írissë looked at her again. She looked at Vána’s girlish wild beauty, and thought of her unexpected kindnesses that day, how she had gone to lengths to cheer a strange Eldar woman she had never met. 
“I did want it,” she said, “I do.” 
This time, Írissë leaned forward and kissed her. 
The picnic basket was cast aside, the empty wine bottle rolled away, and Vána laid Írissë down gently on the grass, still kissing her. Vána’s lips were soft, as Írissë surely knew they would be, and tasted of the wine and the fruit. As Vána began to trail sucking kisses over her jaw and down her neck, Írissë felt as though she had drunk the whole bottle of wine herself. She felt light and heady. She felt as though she could do anything. 
When Vána’s hands began teasing at the hem of her tunic, a question in her eyes, the feeling only intensified. Írissë nodded, perhaps over-enthusiastically if Vána’s little giggle was anything to go by, but she could not care. Vána pulled off her tunic, baring her breasts; and Írissë, not wishing to wait any longer than she had to, tugged off her own pleated trousers and fumbled with her shoes, leaving herself in only underwear. 
Apparently the stained shift was the only thing that Vána had bothered to wear that day – she tugged it over her head and revealed her naked form, just as pretty as the rest of her. The vine drawings covered her entire body, wrapping around her breasts and torso. 
Írissë didn’t bother pretending not to stare. After all, the Valië was openly staring at her. 
“Can I take these off, too?” she asked, gesturing at Írissë’s underwear.
Vána’s tongue flicked out over her lower lip in appreciation once Írissë was finally naked. “Touch me if you wish,” she murmured, rolling over so that she was braced on her hands and knees, body covering Írissë, “but there’s so much that I want to do to you.” She bent down and kissed her again, hard, as though she wanted to devour her. 
Írissë thought suddenly that she wouldn’t mind being devoured. 
Vána skimmed a delicate hand down her body, leaving gooseflesh rising in her wake, before she reached between her legs. She skimmed over the dark wiry hair that covered her pubic mound, making an interested noise, and reached down, skimming her fingers over her opening, where Írissë knew she would find her wet. 
Vána slid her first finger in easily, Írissë’s body opening up for her as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Gently, she stroked her thumb over the nub of her clit, making her shiver, and Írissë found herself rolling her hips upwards towards the contact. 
A second finger followed. Vána slid the fingers apart, then brought them together, in an unpredictable rhythm that made Írissë pulse hot. And when she stroked one particular spot inside of her, she gasped, and felt herself burning. Adjusting her position slightly, Vána pressed the heel of her hand against Írissë’s clit as she stroked her from the inside out, and Írissë ground downwards, the small of her back arching off the grass, needing the contact. 
She hadn’t even realised that her hands were thrashing about amid the grass before Vána reached up with and caught them both with her free hand – it would have been a surprising show of power for one so seemingly delicate, if it were possible to forget that Vána was a creature who had sung the universe into being. 
“Perhaps I ought to summon up some vines, to hold you down for me properly,” she murmured, and Írissë heard herself whimper. 
“Hmm. It’s certainly something to consider…” the Valië continued, but Írissë scarcely heard her, because Vána chose that moment to grind her palm harder against Írissë’s clit while rubbing against the hottest spot inside of her, and her vision turned white as she came. 
Afterwards, Írissë, still naked, gratefully ate through three sweet nectarines that Vána fetched her. She was hungry again -- she was starving. Which felt a little unfair, she thought then, as it seemed that Vána had done all of the work. 
“Um,” she said, “I’m sorry – that I didn’t –” she felt uncharacteristically embarrassed. 
“Don’t worry!” Vána said airily, “it was more than my pleasure to take care of you.” Then she gave her little grin again. “Of course, if you’re really upset about it, you could always stay here a little while. I’m sure you can make it up to me.” 
It seemed that Írissë had found an adventure after all. 
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Golden Pince-Nez pt 3
Last time I came to the decision - entirely logically and data-driven and not at all because he made an incredibly rude comment about one of his servants - that The Professor was a hack, his life's work is founded on a lie and he either commited or is complicit in the murder of Willoughby Smith.
I also came to the conclusion that he smokes too many cigarettes. (1000 a fortnight, you know over a year that's 26,000? And he's getting them imported from Alexandria? Guy has a problem.)
Stanley Hopkins had gone down to the village to look into some rumours of a strange woman who had been seen by some children on the Chatham Road the previous morning.
Was she stumbling around blindly, because I feel like with the prescription Holmes described, she's going to find it very difficult to get around on her own without her glasses.
I had never known him handle a case in such a half-hearted fashion.
Let's play: Is Sherlock bored, or does he dislike the conclusion to this story?
Even the news brought back by Hopkins that he had found the children and that they had undoubtedly seen a woman exactly corresponding with Holmes's description, and wearing either spectacles or eye-glasses, failed to rouse any sign of keen interest.
So she definitely exists and has been in the area. But Holmes doesn't seem to care about that, possibly because he already knows it must be the case and therefore this is of little concern.
He was more attentive when Susan, who waited upon us at lunch, volunteered the information that she believed Mr. Smith had been out for a walk yesterday morning, and that he had only returned half an hour before the tragedy occurred.
Man goes for walk. Vitally important information. It means that things may have occurred in the house without his knowledge, or that he might have been involved in something on his walk without anyone else's knowledge, such as meeting up with our lady with bad eyesight.
He was, indeed, a weird figure as he turned his white mane and his glowing eyes towards us.
Why are his eyes glowing? Eyes are not supposed to glow, Watson. Does he have tapetum lucidum? Is he a werewolf? Is he a demon? Has he finally smoked enough cigarettes that he has merged with the cigarette and now he is literally smoking?
Holmes stretched out his hand at the same moment, and between them they tipped the box over the edge.
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Second recorded incident of Holmes knocking things off tables like a cat.
I don't know what the cigarettes have to do with all this. I feel like it's going to be obvious. The only idea I can have is that he's part of some sort of artefact smuggling ring and every two weeks he gets a massive batch of 1000 cigarettes but hidden in the package are antiques. But why would that affect his appetite? And clearly he is getting all 1000 cigarettes because he's smoking all day and night. And why would that require Holmes to smoke like fifty in a go before?
So there must be something in the cigarettes? Are the rolling papers money? Are the rolling papers ancient documents? But then he smokes them, so that makes no sense either.
“Yes,” said he, “I have solved it.” Stanley Hopkins and I stared in amazement. Something like a sneer quivered over the gaunt features of the old Professor. “Indeed! In the garden?” “No, here.” “Here! When?” “This instant.”
You solved it by knocking some cigarettes off the table?
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^Holmes and the Professor, probably
I mean, obviously he has connected the dots, he's Sherlock Holmes and he is controlled by the almighty god-writer of his universe who's feeding him all the lines. But still. What can you work out from knocking cigarettes off a table? Did they fall wrong? Or was there something on the bottom of the box?
“A lady yesterday entered your study. She came with the intention of possessing herself of certain documents which were in your bureau. She had a key of her own."
So far, so not what I thought... this is not in keeping with my thoughts that the Professor dunnit.
UNLESS she was looking for evidence that he was a fraud and had previously talked to Willoughby about it, then when he refused to help her - loyal to his employer as he was - she took matters into her own hands.
Her possession of the key intimates that she has at one time had access to this desk. She's one of the previous secretaries that was let go for creative differences. Creative differences that were The Professor being a fraud, obviously (I refuse to believe this man has any academic ethics).
SO using the key that she kept after the termination of her old employment, she snuck in using her knowledge of the household and its schedule. The Professor came upon her and killed her, but knocked her pince-nez off and under the desk as he did so. No clue what he did with the body... put it in a crate of cigarettes?
THEN Willoughby comes back and asks if she came to see the professor, enquires about the allegations she made. The Professor says 'Oh no, dear boy. She hasn't been to see me, and she was a vary fanciful girl. You know what women are like.' Because he's a terrible person.
Then Willoughby finds the pince-nez, recognises them from his previous meeting with the lady and just as he's putting it all together STAB in the neck from the professor, but this time there isn't time to hide the body, the maid, Susan, is already there. the Professor hotfoots it away and leaves Willoughby there, forgetting all about the pince-nez still clutched in his rapidly cooling hand.
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There are still some holes, and the cigarettes still make no sense and we have no body, so habeas corpus isn't exactly satisfied. We habeas pince-nez instead.
I could just read the story and find out, I guess.
I really want the professor to be a fraud. I want him to be totally discredited and disgraced. I want it so bad, you guys.
The Professor blew a cloud from his lips. “This is most interesting and instructive,” said he. “Have you no more to add? Surely, having traced this lady so far, you can also say what has become of her.”
This might seem like he genuinely doesn't know what's going on, because he doesn't seem worried. Or, per my hypothesis, he's just an arrogant bastard who's convinced he's smarter than anyone else in the room.
“I will endeavour to do so. In the first place she was seized by your secretary, and stabbed him in order to escape. This catastrophe I am inclined to regard as an unhappy accident, for I am convinced that the lady had no intention of inflicting so grievous an injury."
Really? Random lady we don't know did it? That would be very unsatisfying. 'Guy dies in room holding glasses belonging to the person who killed him' isn't a very intriguing murder mystery.
"She ran down a corridor, which she imagined to be that by which she had come—both were lined with cocoanut matting—and it was only when it was too late that she understood that she had taken the wrong passage and that her retreat was cut off behind her. What was she to do? She could not go back. She could not remain where she was. She must go on. She went on. She mounted a stair, pushed open a door, and found herself in your room.”
Ah, that's why the shortsightedness is relevant. Should have guessed that was connected.
This is where the Professor kills her and stuffs her under his bed right, then smokes a million cigarettes to cover up the smell of her rotting corpse?
(I'm grasping at straws, let me be)
“And you mean to say that I could lie upon that bed and not be aware that a woman had entered my room?” “I never said so. You were aware of it. You spoke with her. You recognised her. You aided her to escape.”
OK, that was like my... second theory last time? He's complicit in aiding the murderer.
Again the Professor burst into high-keyed laughter. He had risen to his feet and his eyes glowed like embers.
Demon professor
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Y'know, if he went into higher education and got tenure.
God that show freaked me out as a kid. Could not watch it.
“She is there,” said Holmes, and he pointed to a high bookcase in the corner of the room.
OK, I know I suggested he was feeding her and that was why he was eating so much last time, but she's really been hiding in his room this whole time? Behind the bookcase? I guess she can come out when no one else is there, but she's just been living behind the bookcase this entire time?
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...at the best she could never have been handsome, for she had the exact physical characteristics which Holmes had divined, with, in addition, a long and obstinate chin. [...] And yet, in spite of all these disadvantages, there was a certain nobility in the woman's bearing, a gallantry in the defiant chin and in the upraised head, which compelled something of respect and admiration.
Watson: She was ugly, but for some reason I still respected her. It was a very confusing situation for me. This has never happened before.
It's okay, Watson. We all know you're a shallow bitch sometimes and we love you for it.
“Madam,” said Holmes, “I am sure that it is the truth. I fear that you are far from well.”
Yeah, because she's been stuck in this room with the chain-smoker for over twenty four hours and he hasn't cracked a window. Honestly impressed she hasn't suffocated.
“I have only a little time here,” she said, “but I would have you to know the whole truth. I am this man's wife. He is not an Englishman. He is a Russian. His name I will not tell.”
Secret Russian! Did not see that coming. I'd ask if that's why the imported cigarettes, but he was getting them from Alexandria, wasn't he? Although there's probably an Alexandria in Russia, there were like fifty gazillion Alexandrias. Every time Alexander the Great stopped somewhere for the night, he called it Alexandria. Now there was a guy who like the sound of his own name too much.
For the first time the old man stirred. “God bless you, Anna!” he cried. “God bless you!” She cast a look of the deepest disdain in his direction. “Why should you cling so hard to that wretched life of yours, Sergius?”
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You just said you weren't going to tell them his name? I get that's not his full name, but still...
Also, this does not seem like a happy marriage. Not least because no one seemed to know he had a wife and he was hiding her behind the bookcase. Not traditionally a good place to keep one's spouse. Although I suppose it is more original than the attic. Professor Coram/Sergius beats Mr Rochester on that point, I suppose.
“I have said, gentlemen, that I am this man's wife. He was fifty and I a foolish girl of twenty when we married. It was in a city of Russia, a University—I will not name the place.”
Thirty years is quite a big age gap... I feel like even at the time it would have been larger than average. Also, is she trying to hide things or could ACD just not be bothered to come up with a Russian sounding name?
“We were reformers—revolutionists—Nihilists, you understand. He and I and many more. Then there came a time of trouble, a police officer was killed, many were arrested, evidence was wanted, and in order to save his own life and to earn a great reward my husband betrayed his own wife and his companions."
Firstly, I have now decided that this story is the sequel to Oscar Wilde's play Vera; or The Nihilists. Also, he's a Snitch. I knew I didn't like him. We all know what snitches get...
“Among our comrades of the Order there was one who was the friend of my heart. He was noble, unselfish, loving—all that my husband was not. He hated violence. We were all guilty—if that is guilt—but he was not. He wrote for ever dissuading us from such a course. These letters would have saved him. So would my diary, in which from day to day I had entered both my feelings towards him and the view which each of us had taken."
So, she was maybe kind of cheating on him? Honestly, they both seem a little terrible. although they might have just been good friends. It's a little ambiguous.
Also, the name of the love interest in Vera; or The Nihilists is Alexis, so... like... Is this deliberate? Admittedly that's not his real name... sort of... but still.
“I must finish,” she said. “When my term was over I set myself to get the diary and letters which, if sent to the Russian Government, would procure my friend's release."
But would they though? Would they? Maybe I'm cynical, but are they really going to let one guy go from the gulag just because you sent some letters purporting to be from him saying 'no, we have to be nice little nihilists and not kill people'? You're placing a lot of trust in a government you literally were attempting to undermine and overthrow because you believed it was corrupt.
I'm just saying.
"With this object I engaged an agent from a private detective firm, who entered my husband's house as secretary—it was your second secretary, Sergius, the one who left you so hurriedly. He found that papers were kept in the cupboard, and he got an impression of the key."
So, I was right, one of the secretaries was involved!
Also losing, but if you cut up all my theories and put them together you can sort of Frankenstein the right answer.
Still no explanation for the cigarettes, though.
She tore from the bosom of her dress a small packet.
I assume that this did not involve tearing her actual dress and she's not just standing there, tits out, from here onwards. I have to assume that, although the wording is very dramatic, I feel like that would be mentioned.
“Too late!” she said, sinking back on the bed. “Too late! I took the poison before I left my hiding-place. My head swims! I am going! I charge you, sir, to remember the packet.”
Anna, what have you done?
I have saved Alexis.
(There may possibly be 1 person who understands this... if that's you, hi! Thanks for existing.)
AND THEN, after she dramatically dies right in front of them from self-inflicted poisoning, there's a hardcut to them chatting on the way home.
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"When you asked me to believe that she walked along a narrow strip of grass without once making a false step I remarked, as you may remember, that it was a noteworthy performance."
That does explain the grass, but not the cigarettes. Did you use the smoke to find the hidden room by looking where it blew?
"I therefore smoked a great number of those excellent cigarettes, and I dropped the ash all over the space in front of the suspected bookcase."
I feel like you didn't need quite that many cigarettes to do this. But also, dropping ash all over someone else's carpet is really rude. I know the Professor's a dick, but it's not like he's the one cleaning up after you. You just gave that poor housekeeper a horrible job and I bet she doesn't have a vacuum cleaner, and even if she does it's a manual one that requires pumping or something like that.
"...by upsetting the cigarette-box, I obtained a very excellent view of the floor..."
You definitely did not need to knock the cigarettes off the table to get a good look at the floor, Holmes. You have on several occasions in the past literally just fallen face first onto the floor to examine it without bothering to say a word. You knocked those cigarettes onto the floor because you wanted to.
"Well, Hopkins, here we are at Charing Cross, and I congratulate you on having brought your case to a successful conclusion."
Not sure how successful it is to turn up with an extra body rather than a prisoner, but I guess the killer found justice??
Not exactly what I'd class as success. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess.
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Good for you, Hopkins!
"I think, Watson, you and I will drive together to the Russian Embassy.”
And Alexis was freed from the gulag, Professor Coram/Sergius died from complications due to smoking and his work was never complete, and everyone else lived happily ever after. Apart from the dead people, who were still dead.
Never would have guessed betrayed Russian nihilist wife trying to free her lover from the salt mines. But really, in hindsight it's so obvious 🤣
And the next one takes place in a famous university town. Is it Oxford or is it Cambridge, that's the question.
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grigori77 · 7 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 86
Matt: "Don't ask." Yes, probably best ...
Maps! Yay! I love maps! Oh! Czepeku! I love these guys! Nice! And now the costumes make sense. Matt: "What's happening?" Yeah ... we're with you. And now he won't say their name ... Marisha: "Say it, bitch!" LOL
A Luxon D20 with a LIQUID CORE?!!! OH MY GODS ... so cool ... O.O
Liam O'Brien delivered a truly BIZARRE Jester impression there ... cue OG turn from Laura to show us how it's really done ..
Oh yeah! Fearne's in another dimension ... so where is she?
Perception check? Nat20! Nice ... oh yes, US the portal still there? It is ... oh thank fuck ... in she goes ... and she's BACK!!!
Yeah, actually sleep sounds good. They really need it. Goodbye mist form, but still ... like they really are on the verge of exhaustion ...
BTW I am going quietly nuts over Marisha's look tonight ... it's genuinely adorable ... :3
Through the mouth? Is that an EXCUSE, Fearne? Are you being sneaky flirty?
Yes! Anchor a line with the rod. Good idea. It WOULD probably pay to check this out. Be a good retreat point if needed ...
Oh yeah, good point. Would that transfer thing be a potential beacon for Otohan?
So Imogen gets an extra Sorcery point? That is pretty cool ...
Ah yes, Chetney's tools. Affixing a piton for thd rope. Meanwhile Fearne takes the tethered Immovable Rod ... while still a leaf sheep sea slug? Not gonna work ... no, Orym takes it while she guides him through ...
Wow ... Liam STILL doesn't know zll his stats that well ... XD Messy ...
They're trying SO HARD to make Matt accidentally describe this as passing through a weird magic butthole ... XD
Travis: "Chetney's leaving to pursue his fortunes elsewhere."
Aha ... so they ARE on Exandria? Interesting ... but WHERE?
Turning into clouds while still in the water would probably be a bad idea ...
Discussing Fearne and Werewolf Chetney's "sexy time" ... yeah ...
On the shore of this strange lake ... ah yeah, Nature Check! Smart ... pine-trees ... higher altitude ... this is VERY NEW to them ... interesting ... are they on Tal'dorei, perhaps? Near Vasselheim, maybe? THAT would be interesting ...
Mist once more ... heading UP!!! So what do we see?
T-shirt shenanigans ... oh Samuel, you are playing with fire ... XD
A village! Nice ... heading down again ...
Street level! Here we go ... well into the evening ... the place seems to be abandoned ... strange ...
Dusty empty general store ... looks like it's been empty for a while ...
FCG suggests they're in an alternate dimension ... unfortunately much what I was considering ... not that I LIKE this idea any ...
Overgrown gardens ... yeah, another suspicious sign ... some of the buildings are collapsed ...
Ria'doin village ... Lake Umamu ...
It's somewhere in Marquet? Issylra, maybe? Hmmmm ...
Ashton checks out the most expensive house ... which seems to have been ransacked ... but a long time ago ...
Imogen picks up shoreline pebbles snd loose bits of wood from the town.
Grim Psychometry! Here we go ... no joy ... hmmm ...
Chetney joins Ashton, starts checking the house for hidden rooms, etc. Small compartment under the bed, but already emptied ... yup ...
Laudna finds mention of people disappearing ... a whole slew of families leaving ... no, DISAPPEARING ... rumor, conjecture ... then nothing? Weird ...
It's all very X-Files, really ...
FCG casts Speak With Animals on a local bird ... oh, he really does HATE birds, clearly ... talk about trauma ... XD
Matt Mercer ... master of creepy looks ... LOL
FCG has to mark off a Stress Point ...
People walk into the lake? Oh boy ... yeah, this place is CURSED!!! I fucking knew it!
Chetney DEFINITELY wants to sleep here now, just to see what happens ... yeah ...
Aha! Yes, is Imogen picking anything up with her telepathic abilities right now? Nothing ... hmmm ...
Deciding to sleep in the expensive place. It's serviceable fir the night, at least. Setting in ...
Oh dear ... worst time for intrusive thoughts ... XD
Examining spoils ... a Ring of Life Awareness ... whoops ... well THAT'S not a good thing at all ... does thr Ring have tracking? Crap ...
His new feat? Oh yeah, his deal with Nana Morri ... of course ... Master Craftsman! Ooooooòoooooh ... O.O
First watch, Fearne and Chetney ...
Nothing happens ...
Second, Orym and Imogen ...
Orym is attempting to communicate with Caleb Widogast ... oh fuck me it WORKS!!!
CALEB!!! THE DIRT WIZARD LIVES!!! I mean obviously WE know this already, but still ...
Imogen casts Sending to Caleb ... and it WORKS ... then tries to Send to Keyleth ... fuck, it worked AGAIN!!! Sweet!
Catamaran Reach in Issylra! Yup! They were right!
Okay, so she's gonna try snd meet up with them? That's smart ...
Awwwwwwww ... such a sweet moment for these two ... :3 Orym DESERVES a break, so he needs this.
Holy fuck, it's Jester! Oh my gods!
Yeah, she is as adorable as ever ... I love how she can just keep it up now with Unlimited Sendings ... XD
Orym tries to get through to Dorian ... gods I want this to work SO BADLY ...
No response, but he's sure he heard something OUTSIDE?!!! He thinks it might be Dorian ... oh fuck! Creepy horror movie vibes! DO NOT GO, ORYM!!!
No, Orym is just GOING TO THE DOOR ...
Laudna sends Pate to look for him ... literally CHUCKS HIM out the window ... oof ...
Yes, this is a super creepy situation and NOBODY should go ANYWHERE ... and now Ashton can hear something ...
Oh right, of course, clearly there is something IN THE LAKE that's trying to draw people in ... they need to IGNORE THIS FREAKY FEELING!!!
Hunter's Bane? Oh, smart ...
Chetney and FCG are going to investigate ... for fuck's sake ... and now more of them are going ...
Yeah, this is all going south SO FAST ...
Imogen casts Detect Thoughts ... oh shit there IS something IN the fucking lake! Great ...
Liam: "We are in Derry, Maine." Of fucking COURSE they are ...
Imogen tries to Command them all to return to the house ... it works, but not on Ashton ... CRAP!!!
Laudna sends Pate after him ...
And now the other two are going in again! Shit! And NOW Matt decides to call a fucking break? SERIOUSLY?!!!
Welcome back to SHEER FUCKING PANIC!!!
Imogen tries to hold onto Orym ... strength check? Somehow he STARTS TO BEAT HER in that, so they're now BOTH going in! Aaaaaaaah!!!
Fearne tries to Scorching Ray all of them ... but they're ALREADY underwater! Crap!
Laudna sticks her head UNDER THE WATERro try snd see boats? Hmmmm ... amazingly, there are FOUR sunken boats here! Wow ...
She PULLS ONE UP out if the water ... oh fuck she's BROUGHT IT TO FUCKING LIFE!!! And it can talk and crawl around ... bloody hell ... as is THE ROPE ATTACHED TO IT!!! She sends both to collect the others ...
FCG's going down to try and help ...
Weird underwater growth? Oh for FUCK'S SAKE it's some kind of twisted monster! Lovely!
Damn, it's COLD down here! And it's starting to have an effect on EVERYBODY down here now ...
Oh shit it's fucking HYPOTHERMIA!!! They are in DEEP SHIT right now!
Bones. Lots of bones. Yup, this is definitely NOT GOOD.
Mind Sliver? GO IMOGEN!!! 16 points of Psychic damage to this ... THING ...
Fearne bamfs out Mister ... who DOES NOT HAVE WATER BREATHING right now! Crap!
All but Ashton manage to snap out of the trance ... lovely. They are back in control but VERY MUCH lost in darkness and icy cold right now ...
Form of Dread! Undead pirate style! Sweet! And they DIVE!!! It's all gone very POTC with the crew of the Flying Dutchman ...
Dimension Door! Nice one Mister! FCG is now free ...
Laudna (pirate voice): "Arrrr! All aboard the Queen De Rolo!"
Imogen stand again, more psychic damage!
Blood Maladict! Chetney does some damage too ... it does not have blood, but he does hurt it. Now he's swimming for his life ...
Orym makes pushing attacks and succeeds ... he's got some "breathing" room ... and he sees the bones ... tries to grab a skull, but it manages to grab him again in the process! Crap ...
FCG grabs the boat's bough ... grabs his coin snd tries to Turn Undead ... BOOM!!! Unfortunately the creature manages to resist ... but LAUDNA IS EFFECTED TOO!!! Shit ... Nat19! Oh thank fuck ... she resists because "she's a dope underwater captain." XD
The rope grabs Chetney and pulls him up. Laudna: "Give yerself to the Kraken!" LOL ... He unleashes Turmoil and Blasts the beastie ... POW!!!
Marisha: "This is THE BEST SPELL and I'm so glad I took it!"
Now she's trying to frighten the thing with her Form of Dread. Travis: "You CAN intimidate this kelp!" Whoa, a fucken NAT1!!! Jeeze ...
This has become SO VERY SURREAL ...
Shocking Grasp! Go Imogen! 12? Balls ...
Fearne tries to swim in to rescue Ashton ... that's a SHITE roll ... yeah, he is just TOTALLY obscured still ...
Orym breaks free, and now he can BARELY make Ashton out ... wait, HOW THE FUCK did he just move like that? He slashes through snd now Ashton's free ... but he just starts trying to claw his way back in again? Fuck ... Orym tries and fails to break him out again ...
Chetney swipes with Turmoil again ...
Fearne tries to snap Ashton out of it ... NO JOY, and it's BECAUSE OF THE HERO'S FEAST?!!!
FCG tries to flip the coin underwater ... and loses it! It sinks ... but then ACTIVATES!!! BOOM!! Somehow that manages to break Ashton out of the trance! Yes! He books it!
Laudna breeches the boat back to the surface!
Big boom! Everybody run! But YES!!! That's a good point! They need to stay and warn about the thing down below ...
Crap ... the bost and rope are NO LONGER alive ... they swim back to the shore ...
Well, at least they're all out again ...
Balls ... they can't send any more messages ... Chetney carves a warning on the dock. A very obscure warning ... hmmm ... oh, leave the skull for people to talk to?
Orym (spooky voice): "Dead gnomes make no toys!"
They're all so tired ... wait, they're going BACK IN?!!! Hmmm ...
They set up signs matking where yo go, then go back in ... the creature is not there at this time, so they can safely go back through thd portal ... back jn the cave, then ...
Laudna sets up for a watch ...
Orym wonders why Dorian didn't answer the stone ... oh no, don't do that to yourself, wee man.
Wow ... Laudna is having a weirdly profound existential conversation with Pate ... hmmm ...
Oh for fuck's ... DO NOT talk to Delilah, Laudna!
Disturbingly, the ruthless evil bitch is actually giving her some pretty good advice ... oh boy, and here comes the seduction, right on time ... back off, Delilah ...
Laudna: "Are you Pate?" Oh boy ... thankfully no ... oh for fuck's ... now she's SEEING HER ...
Thank the gods ... FINALLY a long rest ... morning comes ...
Oh fuck, greasy takeout sounds SO GOOD right now ... damn you, Ashton ...
Going up sounds like the smart move ... yes, as Orym's saying, "stay curious."
Leaving an arrow to follow ...
A Ring of Protection? Nice. The Tiny Tank (aka Orym) takes it ...
Laudna puts the Harness on and drains the other ring ... whoa ... she gets a permanent 2 extra HP! Sweet ...
Time to climb ...
Group Athletics Check ... great ... 2 Nat20s? Automatic success ... phew ...
FCG tries to Scry on Ira ... the connection fails ... interesting ... communications are once again buggered ... even more interesting ... seems like the Latticework is blocking the signal between worlds ...
Bane-worm? Crap ...
The tunnel just ENDS? Balls ... it's just a hard compacted collapse, no way through.
Oh yeah, can Ashton do something about this? Oh wow, he's doing it ... Ashton activates his Shard and goes all Dragonball Z again ...
Sweet, our boy is now a burrowing GOD ... that's VERY COOL ... he just powers his way STRAIGHT UP ... and surfaces headfirst into a massive dust storm ... he goes back down ... SUPERHERO LANDING!!!
Chetney ATTACKS ASHTON by chucking his chisel at him ... and HITS!!! Oof ... he just POPS IT BACK OUT and stabs it VERY DEEP INDEED into the wall ... that is VERY COOL ...
So they're going up? Okay ... he carves another diagonal tunnel for them up to the surface.
Still a storm up here, but lighter now ...
Scry balk is dark ... phew ...
Imogen tries to reach out to scan the area, Ruidusborn style ... now they have a path, but may also have broadcast their location ...
So goals ... find the Friends of the Volition ...
The Scroll? Ah crap ... read it! Put the protective magic up ... now they're theoretically undetectable ...
Imogen leaves a triggered message that can only activate if an ally passes by ... a Mind Egg? Hmmm ...
So now they're walking through the chappy dust and wind ... charming ...
A vibration in the air? Oh hell what's THIS SHIT?
EVERYTHING'S lighting up? Oh fuck ... IT'S A FLARE!!! FUCK!!!
Imogen and Fearne and now just PULSING OUT ... weird shit ...
It passes and Fearne's still glowing but Imogen's gone ... crap, she's HOVERING IN THE AIR and just SUPERCHARGED ... she snaps out of it and drifts down ...
They BOTH now have 15 temporary Hit Points? Awesome ...
Ashton is just CRUISING THROUGH THE GROUND ahead of them. Like a land shark ... O.O
Eventually he pops up and changes back ... and now he is A WRECK ... great ... TWO WHOLE POINTS OF EXHAUSTION?!!! Holy shit ...
FCG casts a 4th Level Greater Restoration to bring him back up to health again ...
Fearne turns into a direwolf and scouts on ahead.
A carved valley? Hmmm ... oh, an actual CITY ... that's Kreviris, then ...
And that's it for the night ...
Phew ... at least it's s chilled out end for once ...
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lewis-winters · 1 year
If Easy Company is in a Zombie Apocalypse, what would be their choice of weapon and how will they fight?
1. Dick Winters
2. Lewis Nixon
3. Harry Welsh
4. Ronald Speirs
5. Carwood Lipton
6. Buck Compton
7. Don Malarkey
8. Joe Toye
9. Joe Liebgott
10. David Webster
Uhhhhhh last zombie media I consumed was Last of Us and there wasn't really much? zombie fighting in it (bc the focus was on the human condition)? so I am... gonna valiantly try.
1) Dick Winters - I mean. The man wants to be in control at all times. He has multiple weapons for sure. Rifle, of course, classic. But he has multiple knives hidden on his person and an emergency pistol in his belt. He probably prefers the knives + stealth, though, especially if zombies are attracted to sound. If he can kill quietly and quickly, he will. But he just strikes me as the kinda person who just. Would avoid places like cities or crowded towns in the first place and be very strategic about where they'd go? Sure, it's inevitable that you'd run into some festering, shambling corpse somewhere while hunting for supplies but if he has a choice, he will look for the road of least resistance. Even if it'll take twice as long.
2) Lewis Nixon - man's still alive? Dude, the boy has no will to live as it is. He barely survived the first wave by the skin of his teeth. Probably missing a hand after he got bit and Dick refused to watch him turn or murder him. Lewis did not fire a single bullet during the war what makes you think he'd be the same now? He has a knife. That's it. He barely knows how to use it, doesn't want to use it. When in the thick of an attack with the group, he's always in the middle, surrounded by the others, or at the back, where he's most protected. It's a group choice, because he's better at logistics and keeping everyone together. His whole mind is a map, he knows where they'd be safest for a time. Really good at sweet talking and trading with other groups too. He spends half the apocalypse drunk as all hell, but he's otherwise useful. When alone vs. zombies, he'd rather take his chances running.
3) Harry Welsh - something you can find in a gardening shed, probably. A machete? Or a pair of gardening sheers? something that, when you look at it, reminds you of home and is in great juxtaposition to all the gore dripping from it. maybe even a kitchen knife. or, if you want something really fun, a fireplace poker? or the body of a lamp. those long thin iron ones with a strong metal base? sans bulb and shade, dripping gore everywhere. he swings things around aimlessly, whatever gets caught in his path is an unlucky son of a bitch. there's a method to the madness, of course, but... well. even he doesn't know what it is just yet.
4) Ronald Speirs - my dude was in a military base when shit went down, buddy's in a TANK. ok, I kid, but yeah. Rifle. and various pistols........ lowkey? could see him as one of those. end-of-the-world conspiracy theorists pre-apocalypse, who was very much vindicated when the dead started to rise. man is THRIVING in this apocalypse, because he's a weirdo like that.
5) Carwood Lipton - huh. probably a repurposed javelin or something? i hesitate to say sword, because he's doesn't strike me as the sword type, but he definitely strikes me as a 'hit something very hard until the head caves in' kinda guy? or tbh just something boring and reliable, like a sawed off shot gun. he has only a limited number of bullets, so he's not gonna be using it a lot. I imagine when it's manageable, he's using the OH I KNOW. HE HAS AN AXE. YES. boy's from virginia he's a lumberjack for SURE. and that was the first thing he picked up the second the hordes started advancing. he uses the axe when it's manageable, but when the going gets tough, he gets everyone behind him and goes to take out as many as he can with his shotgun. but he works best with a team who has multiple other weapons, for sure. i could imagine him taking the forefront, whacking some zombies, and trusting explicitly those behind him who're offering support thru gun power, not to accidentally shoot him with a stray bullet while he's taking down zombies close range. it takes a lot of trust to do this, I feel. and he has a lot of it. maybe too much.
6) Buck Compton - BASEBALL BAT WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE. NEED I SAY MORE. probably has a few grenades on him as well that he scrounged up. he's got a wicked aim.
7) Don Malarkey - man's still alive? he's barely holding on. he had a gun, but they took it away because they feared he was getting suicidal. he gets something back later on, maybe a revolver, but only a limited amount of bullets. he has a small k-bar knife. but that's about it. sometimes, a very primal rage takes over him, and he can do some damage with just his bare hands, but those moments grow fewer and farther between the more they go on. ya know? life's hard in the apocalypse. before all that of course, he used to be real good at mixing gunpowders and making home made pipe bombs. but ever since skip died. well.
8) Joe Toye - mans has a SWORD and you fucking KNOW IT. it can be anything your heart wants. a katana? sure! a broad sword? whatever you say goes babey! a fucking... claymore? YES!! ALRIGHT!!!! I'm too enthusiastic about this bc I am not above admitting I find Joe's arms hot. all I'm saying is those arms? made to swing around a sword. yes they are. and he's a fucking pro at it too, you just know he is. i dunno if he has his amputation before, or during the end of the world, but both paths have many implications to them, and they'd be interesting to explore.
9) Joe Liebgott - SO FUN FACT ROSS MCCALL WAS ACTUALLY IN FEAR THE WALKING DEAD his character gets shot and killed by Marines and then he turns into a zombie. poor guy got his throat slit. he just wanted to help :((( anyway. Lieb's designated get away driver of the group. his car is the weapon. he's run over HORDES of zombies before, and he'll do it again! he prolly keeps like a small handgun as protection when he's waiting outside for the rest of the group, keeping the engine going in case they need to make a quick getaway.
10) David Webster - a MIRACLE this boy is still alive. he took archery as an extra curicular while he was in Harvard, and he liked it enough to keep up with it until his 3rd year, when it all started. man is constantly picking up arrows after himself. scrounging for new ones. I say... in formation he's definitely at the back, with Nix and Don and they cover for him a lot since he's long distance. but in a pinch he can whack somebody good with his bow. one of those heavy duty hunting ones, too. on his own... well. he probably sticks to high places, or hidden spots where he can get a jump on zombies or anyone else, before they can get a jump on him.
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