#then i have another one that's done but I'm waiting on the wig to come in
fyrewalkwithmee · 7 months
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Cherries and Wine Pt.1
Dale Cooper x Reader
This is a NSFW fic 18+ only.
Synopsis: You are undercover as a bartender at One Eyed Jacks and are waiting for your partner, Agent Cooper, to come and get you out of there. You and Dale ingest a mysterious liquid that heightens arousal. Shenanigans ensue ;)
Warnings: tension, descriptions of arousal, reader is working in a brothel, alcohol, poisoning, making out, SPOILERS if you haven't seen twin peaks.
Word count: 3.4k (I'm so sorry)
AN: I'm sorry this is so long idk what happened. If you find all this detail boring maybe skip to the next chapter which will be smut. As always if you like the story please like, comment or message me to let me know! Enjoy.
It was your third and final night working as a "bartender" at one-eyed jacks. It had been your idea to go undercover and had you gained valuable intel on Laura Palmer's involvement with the brothel. So after 3 long days, your partner would be coming to get you the hell out of there. He would be posing as a wealthy businessman travelling across the states on his way to a meeting. At the club, he would start chatting you up and take you into a private room where you would escape through the window. Part of you couldn't wait to see him and finally leave that godforsaken place.
Another part of you was secretly dreading it.
You and Agent Cooper hadn't left on the best of terms. Let's just say he wasn't overly excited by the idea of you being all alone, surrounded by unpredictable characters in a place that a murdered girl frequented. You understood his concerns, you really did. Cooper was a highly skilled agent, extremely intuitive and charming. You assumed he felt some level of responsibility for you being a few years your senior and far more experienced working in the field. But sometimes you felt like your partner forgot that you too were a trained professional. You needed to feel capable in your position, encouraged, not held back. He seemed to be that way with everyone else, so why not you?
You found yourself reliving the conversation the two of you had 3 days prior when your partner had dropped you off a couple blocks away from the club. Coopers eyes were filled with dread, he would have done anything for you not to get out of that car.
"I don't like this agent, I really don't. All of these men and the nature of the business, not to mention the club is out of our jurisdiction I-"
"It's going to be fine, alright." you interrupted his anxious ramble "Our plan is airtight, I just need a couple of days and if I don't find anything, come get me."
"If things go south you call us straight away okay?"
"Do you really have such little faith in me?"
"Of course, I have faith in you. It's just your first time undercover alone and it's a very delicate case."
"What you don't trust me? don't think I can pull it off?
"That's not what I meant. i don't want anything happening to you... for the sake of the case"
"Right well, for 'the sake of the case' I better go."
You exited the car slamming the door a little hard. Cooper looked regretful and like he was trying to find the right words to say. One last quip of encouragement that might ease the tension between the two of you, but nothing came to mind. His eyes met yours as you slipped off your trench coat revealing a slinky, long black dress that clung tightly to your figure. You were happy with the way you looked. The dress paired with some makeup and the long blonde wig you chose made you look exactly like one of the club girls. You handed Dale the trench through the window as he oggled at you wide-eyed.
"Having fun?" you snapped him out of his trance. "Sorry you look um... do you have your gun?" was he serious?
"No Dale I left my gun at the hotel" you said to yourself in your head mockingly.
You leaned over giving Dale even more of an eyeful than he already had and lifted up one side of your dress exposing your leg wrapped in sheer black stockings with suspenders that trailed up to reveal a lacy garter that held in place a tiny pistol. You decided to go all out with the undercover allowance given to you by the bureau. "I always bring protection. See you in 3 days." And with that, you dropped your dress and started swiftly towards the club leaving Agent Cooper in the dust.
You met with the club mother, an older woman who smelt of whiskey and cigarettes. You gave her big doll eyes as you told her a lengthy tale of all the clubs you've worked at and how all the men loved to get a drink from you, the girl who could use her tongue to tie cherry stems. Cherry was also your decided name and you had prepared a whole backstory so that you could seem as genuine as possible. You demonstrated your cherry-tying skills and managed to secure a role on the bar. She called a young-looking girl into the room and told her to help you pick out your uniform. As you went to leave the dimly lit room the woman called out, "Oh Cherry dear, don't think just because you're working behind the bar you won't have to also serve our clients in other ways. We all do our part around here." your stomach dropped, you assumed that the bar girls remained at the bar. You felt a wave of panic wash over you. What were you to do if some slimey man asked to take you into one of the other rooms? You would have to find a way out, but how without breaking your cover? You calmed yourself internally and turned to the woman, "Of course, not a problem" You said it so sweetly you could almost taste it.
Your first night had been quite uneventful. You served drinks, got chatted up and watched as the club girls worked their magic as the customers spent their money. You had no luck finding anything about Laura Palmer until the second night when a grey-haired man came and sat down at the bar. He had a down look about him which was strange seeing as most of the men who came to the club couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces.
"Tough day sugar?" you sauntered your way over to him as he gazed up at you. He straightened his posture and gave you a weak smile, in a thick southern accent he spoke, "Just found out one of my favourite girls was... well is no longer with us."
You lit up inside but tried your best to put on your best puppy dog eyes and gently grabbed his hand, "Oh no you poor thing. I'll tell you what. Imma make you a drink and you can tell me all about it. How's that sound?"
His eyes scaled your body hungrily and he smiled crookedly, "Sounds like a dream baby."
One hour and half a bottle of Jack Daniels later you had found out all you had to know about Laura Palmer's involvement with the club and you had pumped the older man with so much whiskey he didn't have the wits about him to ask you into a private room. He held your hands tightly as he slurred, "You're an angel baby." you giggled at him with a hint of disgust that you knew he wouldn't pick up on in his state, "No sweetheart, I'm Cherry." He laughed a boisterous laugh, "You are my new favourite! I'll see you tomorrow, I can't wait to get to know all of you." He finished his sentence eyes gaping right at your chest. "Oh God help me" you said to yourself, saying goodbye to the man.
Your last night couldn't have come quicker, you had gotten ready early to help pass the time and were in the bar polishing glasses when one of the other girls fittingly named 'Candy' entered. "You look especially pretty tonight. Someone special coming in?" You chuckled, "No one in particular." She continued, "Watch out for that man you were talking to last night, I hear he's racked up quite a debt with the club." she winked at you and went to serve a customer. Laura sure knew how to pick em you thought taking a deep breath.
A couple hours had passed and you found yourself constantly scanning the room eager to find Agent Cooper and get this over with. Your eyes met another familiar pair but to your dismay, it wasn't Cooper, it was Mr. Jack Daniels.
He made his way over with a confident stride and sat down in front of you. He grabbed your hand and placed a wet kiss on the top of it. "I saw you looking for me baby, this is gonna be a night to remember." You tried your best not to punch the smile right off his face, instead, you grabbed the bottle of Jack and went to make his usual when he stopped you, "Oh no my little Cherry, tonight we're having the good stuff." He called over Candy and asked her to get his 'special' bottle, he then began to tell you about how this spirit would make you feel things you've never felt before.
You pretended to listen but felt all the noise around you wash away when you spotted a tall man enter the area. He was talking to one of the clubgoers and nodded towards your area of the bar. They had a chuckle about something and he slowly made his way towards you. You couldn't help but check him out, starting with the shiny black shoes he wore. They were paired with a tuxedo that fit him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and long frame. As he walked closer and further from the dim lights you could see black hair slicked back revealing a strong jaw and cheekbones. He wore a pair of spectacles that circled a pair of deep dark eyes that locked with yours and you suddenly realised that the handsome stranger was in fact, Agent Cooper.
Your eyes widened for a moment and the old man went to look at what had caused such a reaction but you stopped him quickly, pulling his face towards yours. "wanna see a trick?" he nodded with anticipation and you grabbed a candied cherry putting it in your mouth and seductively moved it around using your tongue to tie the stem. You caught Dales's gaze in the process and to your surprise, neither of you looked away. He had a look in his eyes you'd never seen before. You finished tying the stem and held it between your teeth to show off your work. The old man applauded and went to speak but was interrupted by Cooper who had reached the bar. He leaned towards your red lips and grabbed the stem. He inspected the knot and leaned an elbow on top of the bar. He looked at you through his lashes, "that's very impressive."
His voice was low and smooth and it sent a jolt of arousal coursing through your body.
Is he flirting with me?
You then reminded yourself of the plan. Of course not he's just really committing to this alias. Not that you minded, Dale always kept your relationship strictly professional which was disappointing but you respected his boundaries. But at this moment, for the sake of the case, of course, you had a rare opportunity. You leaned towards him, exposing the cleavage your tight corset created, "Thank you handsome, you know this mouth can do a lot more too." he moved closer and leant both arms on the bar, trapping you with his size, "Is that so?" you bit your lip and looked up at him, fire in your eyes, you nodded.
He wore a mischievous grin that old you knew he was enjoying this as much as you were. "Well, how about you come and show me just how good that little mouth can be." His words shocked and turned you on. You had never heard Agent Cooper talk in such a dirty and suggestive manner, but you were loving it. You felt a delicious tension build in your stomach and your arousal started to form a wet spot in your panties.
The electricity swirling between the two of you was extinguished by the gruff sound of someone clearing their throat. you looked to your right and were reminded that your admirer was still seated at the bar, now with two glasses filled with a dark crimson liquid in front of him.
You had forgotten all about him, just now it was like you and Cooper were the only people in the whole world.
The older man turned to Cooper, placing one of the cups in front of you, "Sorry friend, but I've got Miss Cherry reserved for the night." Cooper lowered his head, "I see. Well, we won't be long." he reached into his coat and pulled out a big wad of cash, "How about you go and hit the casino and I'll have Miss Cherry back to you in no time." The old man stared hungrily at the cash. "Well that seems fair enough, you can warm her up for me ay?" The old man laughed obnoxiously and took the money. Dale clenched his jaw, hating the way he talked about you but forced a chuckle out anyway. And just like that, the man walked away not even uttering a goodbye. You turned to Cooper and whispered, "How did you know he needed money?"
"i did my research" he smirked
"well, should we get out of here then?" you gave him a wink
"Not so soon, we don't want to seem suspicious, let's talk longer." he grabbed the drinks from the table and led you to a quieter end of the bar. he moved in closer to you and raised a glass, he gave you a sincere look and spoke, "Here's to you. A great agent and an even better partner."
You blushed under the low lights finally receiving the approval you always wanted from him. "Thank you, Dale" You clinked your glass with his and you both took a sip of the mysterious liquid, eyes remaining locked. It had a strange, sweet taste and sent a tingling sensation down your throat. You weren't sure why, but something about it made you crave more...you took another sip.
"You never call me that." he furrowed his brows suspiciously, "well, now's a better time to start than any", you replied, happy that he wasn't still upset about the mission. "Hmm, I don't know. I think I prefer handsome." he teased. You scoffed at him and pushed his shoulder playfully. To anyone watching, it probably did seem like the two of you were flirting like any of the other people in the club.
You and Cooper talked for almost an hour, getting lost in conversation regarding the intel you had uncovered and news from the station. It would almost feel like a date if it weren't for the setting and talk about work. You went to take another sip from your cup to find that it was already empty.
A familiar buzz was starting to take effect, you assumed this was from the alcohol but it was mixed with another sensation. A faint burning pulsed through your body, forming an electric heat around your throat and neck, stomach, your breasts... you could feel that the wetness in your panties had grown rapidly into a puddle of arousal.
You hadn't realised it but all this time while talking with Dale you had become more and more turned on. Watching the way his lips moved, how his long fingers danced over the glass and combed through his hair... god that hair! You desperately wanted your hands to replace his. to grip and pull and guide his head lower and lower, to do terrible, sinful things. You had known for a while how much you wanted the older agent, wanted to feel his strong hands grip you, his mouth latched onto yours and on other places too. But this newfound feeling wasn't like anything you'd ever felt, it was a burning desperation that seemed to have a will of its own.
You suddenly felt flushed flipping your wig off your shoulders to help cool yourself. You caught Dale's eyes sneak a glance at your chest, but he quickly looked away adjusting the top of his collar and bowtie. You wondered if he was feeling it too?
Your question was answered when he spoke, "I think it's time to go" he sounded out of breath even though he was sitting down. You agreed with him, taking his hand as you led him out of the bar and into a softly lit hallway. You tried not to react but you could feel the heat from his body transfer to yours and fuel the lustful desire coursing through you. Your crotch throbbed from the slight contact and you moved quickly in search of an empty room. You finally located one and shut the door behind you, immediately looking for a window that would aid your escape.
This room was different from the others but you paid no mind to that heading straight for the windows. The temperature in the room was getting hotter as you both frantically pushed and pulled on the latches but to no avail. the windows were sealed shut.
"Did you not examine the rooms to prepare for the escape?" Dale looked wrecked, his cheeks were flushed and hair dishevelled, two strands hung teasingly over his glasses. "I did but this one was shut off during the daytime!" you replied in a panic trying again to push open the glass. "We're going to have to break it." Dale stated and began taking off his suit jacket to protect his hand.
Suddenly there were footsteps outside of the room and a faint knock on the door, "everything okay in there?". The door started to creep open and you did the first thing that came to mind. You shoved Dale up against the wall and thrust your mouth onto his. His body stiffened from the sudden contact but quickly relaxed into the kiss, he wrapped his arms around your waist pushing your bodies closer to one another.
A large man entered the room, security you assumed, "Everything okay?" your lips left Dale's and you peered at each other with wide eyes. You turned to the man and quickly spoke "All okay." He nodded and closed the door behind him.
You stepped out of Dale's grasp and started stammering, "Cooper, I'm so sorry! I wasn't thin-" but were interrupted by your partner grabbing and turning you so now you were against the wall. His mouth was on yours and he kissed you aggressively, slipping his tongue into your mouth, gripping the back of your head with one hand. you wrapped your own around his neck, pushing yourself into him, needing him closer.
Every move he made felt heavenly, heat and sweat building as you desperately clutched onto each other's bodies. Your arousal was at an all-time high and you instinctively ground your crotch against his quickly discovering that a hard bulge had formed in his pants. A delicious moan escaped Dale's throat before he broke away from your embrace, a slight look of embarrassment on his face. "We really have to go" he spoke desperately and out of breath. You nodded not really knowing what to say.
Cooper told you to step back as he wrapped his hand in his blazer and smashed the window. he got rid of any shards of glass and lifted you up so you could exit the room. You hit the grass outside with a thump and waited for Cooper who followed close behind. The two of you quickly made your way into the night towards the sheriff's truck which was waiting for you a block away.
You walked in silence, panic washing over you as your mind raced with a thousand thoughts about how you and Dale were ever going to recover from the moment you just shared. The cool air was a welcomed relief from the overwhelming heat of the club but nonetheless, you wrapped your arms around yourself. Dale noticed and shook his jacket making sure there were no pieces of glass and gently placed it around your shoulders. The familiar musk of his cologne overcame your senses and you were immediately taken back to your steamy exchange. His hands, his lips, his hair, the feeling of his arousal pressed against your own. You quickly felt the effects of the mysterious liquor begin to work its magic again as the fire in your veins returned, somehow even stronger than before. You were getting wound up and started overheating as your sex clenched around nothing in the cool night air. You looked to Dale. He was in the process of rolling up his white sleeves and had already removed his bowtie, popping open the top buttons of his shirt.
He was feeling it too.
You were so fucked.
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thevulturesquadron · 4 months
Okay okay I have many thoughts and I apologise if this is gonna end up very incoherent and disjointed but I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE AHHHHH
You know what the episode did very well (the writers, man)? Make the audience feel like they're taking crazy pills. There's this almost cognitive dissonance from the rest of the squad (Charles esp) with the way they say and behave because as Rogue stated "none of you were there". This is SO good in showcasing that you can be as understanding as you want, be literally a part of the same group... and STILL it's not enough because you didn't have the (in this case unfortunate) exact experience. The previous episode is a great addendum to this. The rest of humanity's (majorly the big wigs of course but you get what i mean) scared and at worst callous and apathetic reaction to the genocide. They're not scared because of what happened to those mutants, they're scared because of what Magneto would do in retaliation. Cooper is another example of how much actual experience can wholly change a person. She's not a mutant... but she was THERE. Erik and Rogue were there... right in the middle of it. How does anyone expect SOMETHING to not happen. You know who else saw what happened? Us, the audience. The latest episode felt frustrating and cathartic in the best way. It felt like decades of repressed righteous anger spilling in the most messiest manner, but it's OUT there. It needed to be said. Rogue's rant at the group before joining Erik, Erik's iconic "SHUT UP" line (yo lemme tell you istg i said the EXACT thing after that drivel Charles said). That's another thing that was so well done. Showcasing that no matter how well meaning Charles is... sometimes it feels like the dude's not LISTENING (Erik talks about watching a child be eviscerated in front of his very eyes, and I feel like all he's getting from others is an 'aw im sorry thoughts and prayers now can you please CHILL out') and does need this slap in the face. And the consequences keep piling up (the last big thing being what happened to Logan). Nothing will ever be normal and it's sad and scary and I'm very much looking forward to what comes next.
On a small note, showing how Roberto's decision was unsure with him trying to apologise to Jubilee and then his shocked reaction at her not wanting to hear him was so sad. It truly felt like a boy who only realised how massive of a consequence he's facing but just wanting his friend back.
I'm pretty sure I had more things to say and a more thoughtful way of saying them but anyway... 10/10. VERY ANGERING AND FANTASTIC. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LAST EP!!!
HI!!! ✨SAME!! 💜💜💜💜 thanks for coming in kicking the door down and shouting my way cause I needed that!! My brain has been stuck on a loop with the events in E9.
I love, love, love this episode exactly because of the strong emotions it made me go through. To see the division, to see where everyone stands, to see what matters most to them: what they are going through or an ideal? It. Was. So. Good! It was skin itching to see it at the same time. Each episode has continued to take me by surprise and go beyond my expectations.
I love how well the writers have been able to portray the difference between people who have been through horrible events, and those who have seen them ‘on screen’. Remember in episode 7 when Amelia said 'a survivor is the last thing I’d wanna be.’? Now it resonates even more than ever. It’s poetry. And yes, Cooper isn’t just someone who ‘saw it Magneto’s way’. No. She was one of the perpetrators caught in the middle.
So that when Scott goes around saying ‘Magneto is responsible for this.’ When Wolverine is out for blood - it should make you angry cause it feels like the crimes that Bastion has orchestrated are secondary to the X-men's agenda of 'righting a wrong'. Bastion is just a battle, another villain they need to defeat. But the call was coming from inside the house all along.
I’ve seen people online saying that this episode did Magneto dirty. But I think it’s the opposite. Magneto had always been capable of awful things in his pain and anger, but that’s not the point the writers are trying to make. The name of the episodes is ‘Tolerance is extinction’ - the whole point is to put the viewer in the uncomfortable position of understanding Magneto’s anger, but knowing his actions have big consequences, all the while making you lose your mind at how backwards and ignorant Charles' side seems. People are dying because ultimately his dream is more important than the people the dream is made for. And Rogue and Magneto are calling him out on it. The beauty of it is that Charles is preaching an ethical way where everyone matters, but how entitled and arrogant he must come across when everyone else around him is just ‘sacrifices he is willing to make’ for the sake of an ideal. It’s beautiful and awful that the cry for battle and survival is coming from the mouth of those that have nothing left but violence in them, while the champions of the just offer shackles and tell those that suffer to endure more for the greater good.
Yes this episode is supposed to make people angry and confused. And I think it succeeds.
If there is one less positive thing to say about the show, it's the pacing. You can feel that they were forced to put everything in just 10 episodes because there are a lot of moments throughout the show that are either missing or rushed. (For ex. in this last episode I would have liked to have scene with Rogue and Roberto on Asteroid M, in a similar fashion to what we got for the two X-men squads; just a glimpse at how things are impacting them instead of immediately seeing them in a 'villain guards' roles.) But I am not going to hold it against the show; from what they've delivered it reads a lot like cuts that they needed to live with.
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unique-high · 4 months
NCT 127 X S/O With locs
REQUESTED: NCT127 x S/O with locs
a/n: God, I'm sorry I'm just now getting to this. It's been on my to do list. But I'm finally here with it. But side note, each members s/o comes with a different shade of blue. I don't know the members well this is my first time writing a NCT 127 ot9 request so my reaction may not be as accurate to them.
side note: wasn't really sure how to write this without it being repetitive and boring but I still hope it's somewhat good.
another side note: I don't have locs so what I'm writing is based on YouTube videos I've watched and drawn inspiration from and also Pinterest.
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE, DAMN: I finished this around 6:35 am. The imagine went different ways, nevertheless, I hope the requester enjoys the brief moments between reader and ot9.
JOHNNY: you have been doing your retwist for a couple of hours in between sessions you'd watch Netflix, FaceTime johnny when he was on break from dance practice, ordered something to eat because you were too tired to even try to fix something to eat. And by the time Johnny came home you were just about done with your retwist.
“Oh wow.” Johnny said when he see's the color of your locs. “That color looks good on you.”
“You think so?”
“Oh yeah. It compliments you.”
The color you dyed your locs was a pretty Cerulean blue. After your locs were done, you added some cute hair jewelry some locs.
Johnny was checking out his hair in the mirror. “Do you want to dye mine so we can match?”
“Your stylist won't chew you out, will they?”
“If they I don't care. I want to match with my baby.”
MARK: he's seen you do your retwist before and knows how time consuming it can be. Mark would feed you and make sure you have plenty of water and when your arms get tired, he gives little massages. Your locs were bleached and ready for color.
“I have two different blues,” you tell your boyfriend. “Which one is your favorite, Indigo blue or baby blue?”
“Baby blue.”
“I'm feeling baby blue too.”
“Do you need any help?” Mark just wants to make things a little easier for you.
You happily nodded with a smile. Mark knew a little something about locs since you taught him. Plus, he saw this as quality time and another way of bonding with you.
DOYOUNG: “You don't gotta stay with me baby, it's gonna take some hours for her to get me colored, retwisted, and styled.” You tell Doyoung.
This was his first time going with you to a hair appointment. It was his day off and he didn't have anything better to do than drive you to your loctician and wait for you.
“But I want to stay,” he said, slightly pouting.
The salon was filled with other women getting their hair done too. One woman who was getting a wig installed gushed over you and Doyoung.
Your loctician gets you right and now it was deciding on the color. You decided to do the back of your locs sapphire blue and the front locs ocean blue.
Doyoung was on his phone most of the time, but he would check on you making sure you were good. He ran out to get you your favorite food since you would be sitting under the hair dryer for some hours.
“Do you think the colors look good on me?”
“They do. The colors just add to your beauty.”
“Boy, stop.” you laughed.
Doyoung playfully rolled his eyes saying, “I can't help it that my girlfriend's beauty is something magnificent.”
JAEHYUN: When he hears the 90s R&B music playing from the living room, he knows what today is. Retwist day. You spent a good three days preparing for this day. Giving yourself a prep talk because doing your own retwist wasn't for the weak.
“Tell me I got this, baby,” you whined to Jaehyun.
He kissed your forehead. “You got this. Just think about the end results. You know you're going to feeling yourself.”
You laughed saying, “You right. You right.”
Jaehyun kisses your lips this time and tells you bye since he is going to play basketball with the guys at the gym.
From morning until noon, you were still at your hair. You hadn't planned on styling it. Just a color and retwist. But you saw this cute style on Pinterest and decided why the hell not.
“Y/n I'm home.” Jaehyun yelled when he seen you weren't in the living room.
He goes to the bathroom,leaning on the door door frame.
“What do you think?” You asked eagerly.
You had your locs in two space buns. With two locs in the front out with gold hair jewelry. Your locs were powder blue.
“I love it. You look so freaking cute.” Jaehyun reaches out and gently tugged you to him. “But it's a shame it'll only get messed up.”
You give your boyfriend a look. “And what does that mean, jae?”
He smirks pulling you to the bedroom.
“Oh no.” you protest. “Not when I spent hours on this!”
TAEYONG: he helps you on the days you did your retwist. He took a class on locs so he could be able to help you. That's how dedicated he was to helping you. After you bleached your locs. You sat in the chair while Taeyong prepared you for the color. You were dying your locs luxe blue.
“So, do you have a boyfriend?” Taeyong jokes with you.
“Um, actually I do.”
“Can he fight?”
“You tryna fight my man, sir?”
“If it means taking you out on a date. Then yeah beautiful.”
He always joked with you like this while doing your hair. After the color and the wash. You talked about what kind of style you wanted to do. It was just something simple. A half up/half down. It was giving “New Me”
And your boyfriend had to take pictures to post on his IG. He made sure you looked good in the pictures because he knew you hated it when he took the most outlandish pictures of you and posted them. But to him, he thought you looked good in all the photos.
He takes a picture of you with the caption: GUESS WHO ATE?🤪
TAEIL: Like Mark, Taeil likes the quality time he gets to spend with you while you're doing your hair. He's curious though. He asks a lot of questions like “Why do you have crotch hooks sometimes?” or “How come you don't do a retwist all the time?” and you're always more than glad to answer your boyfriend's questions and explain things to him.
“Have you thought about what color you're going to dye your hair?” Taeil asks you.
“I was thinking Sky blue or Cool blue.”
“Sky blue would look lovely.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah! But anything on you looks lovely.”
Your face grew warm at his words. Dang, this man really knew how to make you feel good about yourself.
“Want to help with the color?”
“Sure. Just show me what I need to do.”
These were the little moments that Taeil enjoyed with you. Just standing in the bathroom applying color to your hair while you asked him about how he was feeling. You always made it a point to ask him about his mental because you know how draining his job can be.
YUTA: he was gone most of the day while you were busy with your hair. You would send him pictures letting him know how the progress was going and taking slight breaks when needed. You decided to surprise your boyfriend when he got home. Yuta once had a style where he had white hair with blue streaks and you wanted to recreate that.
You styled your locs in this cute little style with two ponytails and a side bang.
When you hear Yuta come into the apartment, you call for him to come to the bathroom. You were in the middle of doing your baby hairs.
“Oh wow.” he said. “Blue and white? Reminds of a color I had.”
“You were my inspo boy.”
“Yes.” you turned fully to look at Yuta.
He was busy checking out your new style. “This style is cute,” he said. “My hair is sort of long enough. Let's match styles.”
“You for real?”
“I want to look cute too, girl.” Yuta winks at you.
HAECHAN: “Just say you want to be my twin, y/n.” he teases you, poking you in your side while you're trying to apply dye to your locs.
“I really don't haechan.”
“Then why are you dying your hair blue like mine.”
“first off, my blue is a different shade than yours.”
“Still blue, y/n.”
“Electric blue.”
“Okay?” he poked you again. “Like I said, still blue.”
“Why are you annoying me while I'm trying to do my hair?”
“Cause I'm bored and If I don't annoy you I'll die.”
“Go die in the corner.”
“Y/n if I did die you'll be sobbing your pretty little eyes out.”
“Nah. Now go die.”
“No.” he poked you repeatedly until you burst out laughing getting hair dye on you and him. “Are you going to style the locs?”
“I was thinking of doing a simple, classic back ponytail.”
“Oh, nothing.” he smirks.
“Nah, I hear it in your voice there is something.”
“You're gonna have your locs pulled back. Maybe we can do something.”
“Something like what, Haechan?”
“It has job in it.”
“Oh, boy hell nah.”
JUNGWOO: You were sitting between Jungwoo legs as he helped you style your locs. You wanted a side ponytail and jungwoo was oddly good at doing them, he even could lay your baby hairs too. Your locs were midnight blue. Your boyfriend helped with picking the color since you really couldn't decide between sea foam green or midnight blue. Midnight blue was the winner.
“Okay, all done!” Jungwoo gives you the hand mirror.
“The retwist and style got me feeling fresh.” you turned your side to side in the mirror. “You did your thang. The color is so pretty on me too!”
Jungwoo smiles feeling proud of himself. “Yeah, I did that!” he pulls out his phone. “Here, let me take pictures. I have to show you off to the guys.”
“Don't. They may fall in love with my beauty.” you say all dramatically making your boyfriend laugh.
“How many times can a person fall in love with the same person? Cause honestly I've fallen in love you with you so many times.”
“Oh, really?” you tilt your head back to look at Jungwoo.
He smiles at you, bringing his face down closer to yours. “Really.” jungwoo softly whispered. “I never want to stop falling in love with you, y/n.”
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canadiannationalfox · 13 days
Murder Drones - J's Get Ready for Bed with me (from my deviantart: Missluckychan22)
(takes place before the pilot/episode 1) Another day of hunting had wrapped for the Disassembly Drone Squad. A fruitful day of slaying on Copper 9.
J lead her squad confidently, gliding on the icy air of the exoplanet. She called back to N who was at the back, "Come on, slowpoke! You really want to get burned up by the sun? I'd be cool with that."
N flew faster upon hearing that, not wanting the looming sunrise to come and cause him to boil away into a puddle of oil and molten metal.
V laughed at N's struggling as she easily kept up with J but held back a bit to not get in J's way.
Once they got back to the dead Worker Drone spire and the Landing Pod hideout, J lead the way in, flicking her elegant silvery pigtails proudly before dusting off her black utility-dress.
V had found an arm outside and brought it in to chew on.
N got inside and was about to go to the spot where he'd hang upside-down for when he'd sleep when a stern voice scolded from the leader.
"Uh where are you going, Dumbass?"
"Oh! I thought-" N began to his boss who he saw had her hands on her hips. His body language changed from being more cheerful to being slightly more timid, even tucking his tail behind him.
"N, it was extra windy today," J started with an annoyed sigh as she threw a fancy silver-handled JC Jensen brand boar-bristle hairbrush and accidentally hit him in the noggin with it before it landed in his hands," so I'm going to need you to untangle my wig before I go to bed."
J couldn't help but smile thinking of her cozy bed, she didn't care the others slept upside-down like vampire bats, since she didn't have to. She waited in anticipation, sitting down at the control panel chair, glaring at N, before commanding, "I don't have all day."
N came up behind J and started brushing the ends of one ponytail very carefully.
"Remember, 100 brush strokes for the whole wig. Not more, not less.. and BE GENTLE!" the bossy silver-haired robot girl instructed, "My very fancy wig is made of real human hair."
V couldn't help but snicker at N's predicament.
N averted his gaze from V, it was embarrassing that she laughed at him, but, it was his job and he didn't have a choice.
J, normally thoroughly enjoyed V making fun of N, but tonight she wanted to put the colleague she had more respect for in her place. J responded with a mocking tone, "Oh, you think you're off the hook? V, you're on look out near the door to catch any roaming drones."
N still silently brushed J's lushious locks, gentle and carefully.
V groaned in annoyance and responded, "Ugh fiiiiine!"
N continued to brush J's hair carefully, approaching the 50th brushstroke making sure that the left ponytail was completely tangle-free.
He asked with nervousness in his voice, "Is, uh, is this ok, J?"
J didn't respond, she was super annoyed with N asking if he was doing fine.
She crossed one leg over the other and continued sitting waiting for N to be done brushing her silvery tresses.
N started brushing the other ponytail gently. He was starting to enjoy his work, having weird flashbacks of brushing some strange but kind girl's silky black hair somewhere in a mansion. He smiled a little thinking about the memory of whoever that was because he could hear her pretty voice saying, "Thanks, N, you're such a blessed lad."
N brushed a little higher by mistake and caught a tangle.
J yelped slightly. She turned around and slapped N across the face, her injector tail snagging the hairbrush out of the only-boy disassembly drone's hand. She shouted, raw rage in her voice, "FOR THE LOVE OF JC JENSEN, N! CAN'T YOU BE GENTLE?!"
J held her hand over the spot where the tangle caught and she reminded N in a coarse tone, "Like I said, IT'S A FANCY WIG, N! Must I do EVERYTHING myself?!" She turned away from him and started brushing the semi-knotted ponytail super gently with the hairbrush.
N headed to go to sleep, since he felt both upset and embarrassed, wishing for someone that would be a better friend to him than V and J.
Once J was done detangling her hair, she climbed up to her room. Took off her dress and put on an over-sized white JC Jensen shirt to wear as a night-gown.
J climbed into her bed and turned to a photo of a girl with long flowing black hair and a bow on her head.
The disassembly drone woman took the framed picture off her nightstand and kissed the photo on the forehead before whispering, "Don't worry, Tessa. I will make you proud and the company proud."
The End
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kyletogaz · 4 days
I just saw that ask about Kyle with a girlfriend who doesn't know how to do braids.
As a mixed woman in her 30s, I feel embarrassed that I never learned how to do braids. I had a step-aunt who did my braids when I was little. I have had them done professionally as a little kid. Otherwise I went most of my school years with relaxed hair. I've tried to take care of my natural hair (3c-4a type) but I get so frustrated dealing with it. I'm about to buy a glueless wig so I don't have to mess with it anymore.
Now imagine Kyle having a girlfriend who always has "salon blowout" hair all of the time. She never lets him know that she wears a wig. She only takes it off in the bathroom then throws on a bonnet.
This goes on for a few months until he catches her mid exchange. He questions her about it. She tries to come up with some slick response only to cave and confess that she can't do braids. He offers to do them for her. He has her look for a style so he can get an idea of what she wants. He still lets her use the wig. She doesn't use it now unless he is gone for months at a time.
don’t be embarrassed, i can’t braid either and don’t think i ever will. i can do everything expect but that. i go right to the braid shop around the corner from my house lmao. and yes wigs are always a good solution imo
i wrote a lil mini fic under the cut lmao
you always keep your hair routine a secret because you don’t want kyle to know that you wear wigs. you don’t even let the man touch your hair, so how would he know it wasn’t growing out of your scalp in the first place? you’re also a little embarrassed because you can’t braid hair to save your life and you can’t tolerate sitting in someone’s chair at the shop for 6-8 hours.
one day when you’re in the middle of swapping wigs, kyle just barges into the bathroom, because he has to piss and he’s not going to another bathroom. he freezes once he realizes what you’re doing, and so do you.
“so this is what you’ve been up to,” he says with a look of amusement. he looks at the wig in your hand. “that’s a nice wig, sweetheart. totally different from the one you have now, but similar to the one you wore last month.”
“what!?” it comes out unusually high, because what the hell is he implying? “what do you mean by that?”
but you know exactly what he meant. he knows. he was just waiting for you to mention the wigs to him.
“it’s okay, you know,” kyle says softly when he sees how tense you’ve gotten.
you relax a little at his words, and even more when he gives you a dazzling smile. “so the cat’s out of the bag huh?”
kyle barks out a laugh. “was it ever really in there to begin with?”
his response sends you into a laughing fit because he’s absolutely right. you weren’t being subtle at all, if he caught onto it before you could confess. you even ask him what gave you away, and you’re not surprised when he gives you a deadpan look.
kyle has always been an observant man. he pays more attention to you than you think he does.
“wearing wigs is easier for me, because i can’t braid to save my life, kyle.”
there, you’ve finally said it.
you look at him in surprise when he asks you what kind of braids you want. you let him know right away that he doesn’t have to spend any money on braids,!when you have a perfectly good wig to use. he shocks you even more when he tells you he’ll braid your hair for free.
you laugh a little, because, “since when did you know how to braid?”
kyle learned how to braid when he was fourteen, he just never told you. “so, what kind of braids do you want?” he repeats.
you definitely panic a little because you don’t know what style you want. so kyle just shoves his phone into your hands and shoos you out of the bathroom. you take a little longer to choose a braiding style. but when you do, your man gets straight to work.
you take way too many selfies when kyle is done admiring his own work. and he definitely lets you wear your wigs when he knows he’ll be gone for more than two weeks.
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eryiss · 2 months
[Jet x Freed] Cubicle Capers - Chapter Three
Summary: Jet was meant to do more. He was meant to do something with his degree. He was meant to have a purpose. He'd taken a job at Grimoire Pharmaceuticals to work his way up into a lab position, but found himself stuck in a cubicle. Every day the same. At least he had a new boss coming. Freed Justine. He’d be like the rest, though. Boring, outdated and.. hot as hell?
Notes: Hi all. Back again. Work hours are over, let’s see what happens. Again, this was requested by @jethro-art. Hope you enjoy.
Links: Ao3, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Epilogue
Chapter Three – The Late Night
Quarterly reports were a necessary evil, or so Grimoire Pharmaceuticals said. For the bosses and big wigs, it probably meant a better look into how big their Christmas bonuses – born from the exploitation of the sick and dying, of course – would be. For the menial workers like Jet, it meant pulling an all nighter finishing paperwork that apparently just couldn't wait another day.
The work always got dumped on Jet's desk. He'd been new to the workforce on the first quarterly report session, and hadn't known that it was always better to dawdle and procrastinate in the office. A fast worker was always given more to do. As such, five years later, Jet found himself alone in the office, slumped over his desk with the intake reports for the entire state, forced to input them into their own separate spreadsheet which would compare how their new rollout of allergy tablets were doing compared to market trends. It was boring as all hell, and he would rather be anywhere else.
An empty coffee cup, and the packaging from a convenience store sandwich cluttered his desk. He would have wanted something more to eat, but fast food wasn't allowed in the building. It was bad for the brand image, apparently.
Bull crap. Jet wondered what health benefits the BBQ Ribs, cheese fries and chocolate cake that was served in the executive canteen had.
He nearly jumped out of his skin, spinning in his chair and brandishing a hole punch to throw at whoever had spoken. He had been sure he was the only one left in the office. Sure of it. But when he turned to see Freed looking down at him, it was obvious he was wrong.
"Hey, boss man," Jet said slowly. "How you doing?"
"Perfectly fine," Freed frowned. "Are you intending to throw that at me?"
Jet glanced to the hole punch. "Nah. Just like holding it. Like a, erm, fidget toy thing. I don't throw things."
"Right," Freed smiled a little. He did that a lot; smiling but not all the way. It was a good look – a little cocky, a little reserved – but it did make jet wonder what it would be like to see a full smile on Freed's handsome face. "Why are you still here? You know they won't pay you for work outside of your regular hours."
"Yeah, I know," Jet nodded slightly. It was weird. His old boss said that a few times, and it felt like he was rubbing it in his face, but when Freed said it it felt like an actual reminder. "But this has gotta be done, right?"
Freed followed Jet's wave of the hand towards the stack of papers. "That's quite a lot for one person. Shouldn't your team be helping?"
"Ah, it's kinda my thing to do the quarterlies," Jet shrugged, then glanced at the clock at the bottom right of his screen. "Eight o'clock's pretty late for you too? Get caught up in the paperwork?"
"Conference call. The board of directors wanted preliminary assessment of the figures despite the fact they're getting a full analysis at the end of the week. Entirely pointless," Freed sighed, his gaze still lingering on the paperwork. "Do you really expect to do an entire team's worth of work on your own. It hardly seems fair."
"It's fine. I'm like eighty percent done already," Jet shrugged. Freed kept looking at the stack of papers, then walked to Laki's cubicle and switched on her PC, taking half of the stack for himself before sitting at her desk. Jet watched him with bafflement for a moment as Freed logged into his own account. "You don't have to, man. I can handle it."
"You shouldn't have to," Freed dismissed. "This way, it's done twice as fast."
"Seriously I can handle-"
"If you don't do as I say, I will discipline you, Jet," Freed warned with that half smile on his face, and it made Jet's inside squirm with a desire he couldn't quite quantify. He simply nodded, forced himself to put on a grin that hid the weird effect the threat had on him, and gave Freed a salute before he rolled his chair back to his desk and got back to working again.
The next hour was odd, to say the least.
It started off as quiet, with Freed occasionally asking questions on how to work the spreadsheet in a way no other boss would have. They'd assume they knew better and mess it up, leaving more work for Jet to do in fixing it.
At some point, the quiet of the office must have gotten to Freed, because a local radio station began to play from Laki's computer, tinny and annoying but breaking up the silence. Jet hadn't thought of that. Someone had brought in a radio once with their old boss, and they'd gotten yelled at for distracting the rest of the workers. It had been a nice hour while it had lasted. Maybe Freed wouldn't mind music on a workday.
Then, the radio had a competition. One of those stupid competitions; they played a small sound clip and asked people to call in and say what they thought it was. Freed idly huffed and said the sound was obviously the clatter of a fork on a plate. Jet had gaped at him and told him he was an idiot because that was a spanner on a metal tray! That turned into a twenty-minute argument between the two of them, wherein Jet told Freed his business school degree didn't mean crap in radio competitions, and Freed threatened to make an hour-long presentation on PowerPoint on the importance of hearing checkups because Jet seemed to be going deaf.
It was fun. Really fun.
Also, the noise was apparently a spoon in a sink, and then their argument had turned into who was closer. Freed claimed he was right because his contained cutlery. Jet claimed he was right because his had something hitting metal. Neither relented, and their arguing continued as they worked.
Then, just as the working night seemed close to ending and Jet paced his cubicle to stretch out his legs before the final stretch, he actually looked towards Freed. His tie was gone, top button undone, and his sleeves rolled up again. Fucking hell he looked sexy when a little ruffled.
And Jet might have sworn Freed did the next thing on purpose just to drive Jet to a state of madness. Freed picked up a bottle of water and squirted some of it over his face, sighing as the cold water hit his skin. Jet could do nothing but watch as his boss ran a hand over his damp face and through his hair, ruffling it enough to look unkempt for the first time. Droplets of water ran down his jaw, down his throat with his overly pronounced Adam's apple, before sliding down his partially exposed and rather defined chest.
Jet had never understood the desire to lick a man until then. Christ; a dizzy part of his mind screamed to drop to his knees.
"You hot, huh?" He said instead. Freed turned to him, smiled a little guilty.
"I've been trying to get building services to fix the heating. It's ridiculous they haven't," Freed said in explanation.
"Yeah, that's not happening. We've been stuck in sauna mode for years," Jet laughed, glancing at the always-on heaters in the corner. "Gotta say though, late nights really are tough. Gonna need a drink after this."
"Me too," Freed agreed.
And Jet, for reasons he'd never understand, spoke again without thinking. "We could go out when we're done maybe. There's a good bar down the street. Not exactly fancy or anythin', and it might not be up to your rich boy standards but-"
"I'd like to get a drink with you," Freed cut in, and Jet had to take a second to understand what he said.
When he did, he just nodded, and silently digested the fact that he was going to go and get a late-night drink with his boss. His boss who was sexy as all hell, terrible at guessing sounds from radio competitions, and had just made the last hour of work better than anything he'd done in the office for five whole years.
The walk to the bar down the street was just long enough for the small awkwardness between Freed and Jet to return, and Freed was having none of that. That was why he walked directly to the bar and ordered them both a large pitcher of beer to share and two-pint glasses. Jet grinned at him, and they walked to a small table in the corner of the room and settled.
Despite what Jet had said, the bar was incredibly nice. Modern in a hipster sort of way, with arcade machines and pinball machines lining the walls. It wasn't where Freed would choose to go, nor did he think it was one of Jet's regular haunts, but it was nice enough for one evening.
As Freed got accustomed to his surroundings, Jet downed an entire pint of beer.
Freed knew he was wandering into dangerous grounds with this. Jet was, by and large, his favourite employee. Through the few months they'd been working together, more and more of the office had been coming out of their shells, slowly and cautiously. Jet was the outlier, the front runner in being himself, and Freed had grown accustomed to the glimmer of fire that Jet had inside of him. Freed's eyes always were drawn to Jet, and breaking down the barrier of an employer employee dynamic could be a step too far.
But, Freed could handle this. He'd known Jet was handsome from the off. Maybe not in an Abercrombie and Fitch way, but who actually liked models? Jet was sharp, pointy and had a stern resting face. He looked like he could be nasty, but chose to be cheerful. He had bright ginger hair and pointy teeth and, were Freed to let himself think such things, Freed would love to run his fingers across both. He'd seen all of this from the first time they met, and he could control himself perfectly fine. Being at a bar made no difference.
He would keep things to manageable and responsible topics, make sure not to act on those split seconds where he saw Jet as a tempting friend and not his employee, and he would be perfectly respectable. How he could do that while also having fun at a bar, Freed didn't know.
"Rule one," Jet said, cutting off Freed's internal ministrations. "No work talk. Not at all."
"Fair enough," Freed agreed. "And rule two?"
"We take turns buying drinks. I ain't a charity, and I don't like it when people imply that I am. I pay my way, and if you suggest I can't, there's gonna be trouble."
"Noted," Freed nodded. "Are there any other rules I should know about?"
Jet grinned at him. "Not a rule exactly, more like a clause."
"Which is?"
"The loser has to go to the bar, buy themselves the largest pitcher of beer this place sells, go out into the beer garden, and tip the pitcher over their head."
Okay. Freed had a habit of getting into his head from time to time, but he was certain he hadn't missed whatever would make that sentence make sense. "Excuse me?"
"I got a lot of energy, y'know, and I'm kinda tipsy and just wanna have fun. I'm competitive, and I think you desperately clinging onto your dumbass idea that it was a spoon clattering onto a plate proves you're competitive too, so I think we should have fun," Jet shrugged, looking around the room. "We play every game in here that has PVP, and whoever wins the most games by the end of the night wins. Loser does the forfeit."
"And where did the forfeit come from, exactly?"
"Well, I was drinking and I was thinking about the game and then about how you squirted that water over your face and the two things kinda mingled together and then, hey, came up with the perfect way to put my boss man in his place," Jet grinned at him, and Freed tried to push down the burning pleasure that came every time Jet called him boss man. "But you gotta drink too. Otherwise, it's not fair."
Truly, as ridiculous and out of left field the demands were, it sounded like a lovely way to end the day. It had been a long, hot, tedious and endless day, and playing video games and forcing Jet to perform his own forfeit – Freed would not lose – was the perfect way to rebalance the scales.
The second Freed's empty glass was on the table, Jet took his wrist in hand and dragged him towards the nearest arcade machine. He explained what the game was and how to play it, as if Freed were fifty years older than him and needed to be told what a joystick was, and in a rather patronising voice, asked if Freed wanted a practice go. Freed smirked at him full force and a little tipsy, saying that he'd be able to pick it up soon enough. Apparently, Jet didn't know that in every city in the world there was some form of arcade hall, and it was one of the cheapest and easiest ways to pass the time, and Freed had gotten quite good at playing them.
One hour and twenty minutes later, and their completion had been a close run thing. Jet had a natural talent for arcade machines, and also had a competitive streak which refused to allow him to lose. Which was a shame, because he had lost. By three points.
"Oh dear," Freed hummed sarcastically. "That was the last game, wasn't it? Which means you have no chance of getting any more points? Which means you lost, correct?"
"Shut up,"
"Making you the loser," Freed continued. "The loser who has to buy a pitcher of beer and dump it over his head, correct?"
"Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do that," Jet shrugged, and his sharp little teeth made it hard for him to hide his smile. He was playing the role of unhappy loser rather than actually being one. Then Freed would play his role too.
"Oh I think you will."
"You gonna make me, boss man?" Jet jutted out his chin for that.
"I could," Freed leant in, and spoke low. The booze they'd both been drinking had an effect, and he used a voice seldom heard outside of the privacy of his own home. "But I think you'll do as your told, won't you? Even if you need a little push."
And, with a hand on Jet's lower back, Freed gave him a little push towards the bar. Jet made a show of slumping his shoulders, huffing, and walking towards the bar. Moments later he was holding a large pitcher of beer that sloshed precariously. They walked into the small beer garden side by side, Jet looking at the beer hesitantly as they did so. Freed took a seat at one of the benches and watched Jet with a patient expression.
Jet lifted to pitcher so it was eye level, then stopped. He looked at Freed as if expecting to be told he didn't have to do it, but Freed cocked a brow. "Would you let me get out of it if I had lost?"
Rather than answering, Jet sighed out a quiet 'dammit' and raised the pitcher higher. He clenched his fist, jutted his chin again, and poured the beer over himself in a quick, loud movement. A hush fell over the beer garden as everyone looked at Jet. Freed leant back, a cocky smirk on his face as he relished the moment.
It had been too long since he'd felt like this.
Jet looked at him, ruffled and wet and dripping. He was a mess, and had that look of determination that vowed a need for revenge, and that set a fire inside of Freed that he relished.
"We're coming here next Friday," Jet proclaimed, pulling his hair back in a delightfully tight ponytail. It would be fun to pull on that. Make Jet gasp just like he had when the beer had hit him. "And when you lose, you're getting two pitchers. One goes over your head. The other down your pants."
It was petulant, determined, and so entirely sexy that all thoughts of seeing Jet as a predominantly platonic part of his life died on the spot. Freed was just tipsy enough to not care in the moment. "I look forward to it.
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glassprism · 6 months
hi gp!! i love ur acc hehehe i just wanted to ask a rlly quick question! w/ all the tour announcements recently (matt&jonathan returning to the world tour and places like vienna, etc. having productions), why do you think cameron&co haven’t announced another US tour? like exactly how it used to be on bway but on the road? idk if im the only one, but i’ve been lowkey waiting for an announcement since bway closed bc i feel like there’s a cash grab opportunity there?? i'm surprised they haven't <3
Hey, thanks for enjoying the blog!
As for your question: my honest answer to "why hasn't a US tour been announced" is simply "because it's not related to the other productions", at least not directly so. Like, I don't really see how the announcements of a World Tour and the Vienna production starting up (it was announced a while ago) should mean that a US tour must be announced and if it isn't, then something is going on. To me, all it means is that the pieces fell into place for some productions and that they're still working on the pieces for another. (And it is a lot of pieces: you have to negotiate with theaters, find or build set pieces and costumes and wigs, get cast and crew and orchestra, build up hype and marketing, and so on and so forth).
And really, if you look at some of these productions, there are still gaps of over a year or more between them (and it has been less than a year since the Broadway production closed). In the case of the Vienna production, even though it was announced before the Australian tour had even closed, there was still over a year between when the news broke (January 2023) and when it opened (March 2024). This was also a case where the higher-ups knew the Australian production would be over at a certain date and that the sets and costumes would be readily available for the next production. As far as I know, the production is also only going to be in Vienna, not touring (which is a bit odd since the restaged sets are made for touring, but whatever), so that also means only one theater to negotiate and set dates for performances.
And in the case of the World Tour, again, this was something where all the pieces were set up and just had to fall into place: the Chinese tour was over, which meant sets and costumes are now available; the World Tour had been all set to go to China before it was paused to begin with, so now that restrictions are lifted, they can just take off from there; the World Tour has always been popular in China and the other countries in Asia that they visit, so there's demand; and apparently several cast members are available, so they didn't even have to do much casting. I don't know how contracts and negotiations are done in this kind of situation (it is a bit of an oddball one), but it seems it all worked out here.
That doesn't mean I don't think there will be a US tour coming soon, as you say it's a huge opportunity to make money, but I do think that they need to get all the pieces together. For one thing, I don't think it's going to exactly how it was on Broadway, either before the COVID shutdown or after it reopened; I think that it'll be close to the tour that ran briefly in the UK in 2020, with the Pegasus statue, reduced orchestra, some more modifications in blocking and design, that kind of thing. But of course, the question is, are there sets available for that and if not, they need to build or modify ones, have they finished negotiating with theaters for all that, and then the necessary time to drum up hype and marketing. That can take time!
And to look at a similar example in the US: look at when Phantom's 3rd national tour closed (October 2010) and the 4th one was announced and started (November 2013). If you want to argue that that's because the restaged tour was going around the UK before going to the US (which it was), well, the UK tour was still announced nearly a year after the US tour had closed (October 2011) and with an opening a few months after that (February 2012).
So anyway, that's my long-winded answer: one production starting up in one part of the world, doesn't necessarily indicate anything about a production in another part of the world. While it's all under the heading of Phantom and RUG, there are still many different people and many different companies working through all the different facets that go into making a show possible.
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mspoisoncoil · 9 months
Brain rotting about another thing, like, regarding my previous post.
I'm gonna go ahead and make it an x reader thing. Like, what if, the reader met buggy earlier. She is an orphan, she meets Buggy, they click, she see's Buggy as an Uncle and he see's Y/n as his niece.
Y/n actually has convinced him to be more of a good pirate, on the original town that Buggy was supposed to destroy in the anime, Y/n convinces Buggy not to do that and just rule over the island.
Buggy says it's not flashy enough until Y/n says that if he rules over the island and govern it properly, she'll dress up similarly to him and perform in his circus shows. And it is something Buggy wants so bad. So he does, and Y/n dresses up in a bodysuit clown outfit, it was colored like Buggy's, blue and white with hints of yellow and red. Y/n wore a corset, the bodysuit's color being blue. The corset being red with one side having white stars and the other white stripes. Having a white frilled turtleneck collar, the the edge that laid on her chest shaped like a semicircle coming up to her shoulders, small pompoms attached to her frilled collar as a replacement for buttons, colors switching between red and yellow. Bishop sleeves having white frills at the ends. Her legs being covered by white lace tights, her foot wear being heeled ankle boots, the colors on her left foot being being red with yellow stars, the right foot being colored blue with white polkadots while her hands were covered by white gloves.
Make up being done by Buggy himself, it was like Buggy's make up. Y/n wore a clown nose, being hit on the head by Buggy for the little stunt yet at the same time being praised for looking like "the flashiest man to ever be flashy". Y/n wore a blue wig, Buggy tying it into the same pigtail hairstyle he has, soon after helping Y/n put in yellow eye contacts.
When Y/n performed, the crowd went wild with every trick their whole circus performed. The final act being Y/n doing acrobatics and pulling stunts on the audience. The island was actually being taken good care of by Buggy and his crew, with Y/n helping once in a while with work.
Now, Buggy will still have yanderes on his a$$(Crocodile, Shanks and Mihawk) but does Y/n have them? Yes, she in fact does. Her yandere's being the rest of the anime cast. Yeah I know this is sort of boring, but the thing is, Buggy and Y/n doesn't really take it all that seriously. They're clowns okay??
But how would Buggy meet his yandere's and how does Y/n meet hers? Well, three years before Luffy set sail and he met Buggy, the clown duo would sometimes take off on the sea with some of their crew, the two clowns have visited Alabasta, adventuring in Alubarna and into the warlords famous casino. Y/n had coaxed Buggy to changing into normal clothes as to not gather too much attention, Buggy giving in when Y/n promised to perform in the next circus event on their little island.
Buggy sat on one of the stools, leaning on the counter of the bar. A rather relaxed expression painting over his facial features as he waited for his favorite and only niece, brows arched as he waited rather impatiently until a certain blue-wig wearing teen came hopping to him, wearing a white blouse with a pastel green strap square top dress, the skirt having a white checkered design. The girl's wig styled into low pigtails with her yellow contacts still in her eyes. Bouncing up on the stool next to Buggy with a smile as someone followed behind her, a chaperone that volunteered to look after Y/n, coming from the island they governed. Y/n stared at Buggy's outfit, proud of her work. The man wore a similar white blouse with a Navy blue vest over it, silver floral patterns intricately weaved onto it. The top paired with black pants, Buggy's hair was tied up into a ponytail, done by Y/n. The man wore a replica of Y/n's necklace.
Buggy scolded Y/n slightly for being slow, turning to her chaperone with a displeased frown, said chaperone averted his eyes while sweat-dropping, feeling a little down at their current rulers disappointment. Y/n quickly stood up from her seat, taking her Uncle's hand before dragging him somewhere around the casino. Her chaperone hastily trying to catch up with the duo.
The three were making a little noise, not enough to get the attention of the entire place, but enough to catch the attention of anyone within a ten feet distance. Y/n laughed as she continued dragging Buggy, the man grumbling but not fighting back while his niece's chaperone slightly yelled at them to slow down.
Y/n ran past a towering man and a tall woman, hand in hand with her uncle as she squealed when she tripped, bringing the big nosed man down with her. Buggy instantly shouting at his niece the moment they sat up, Y/n's chaperone helping them stand up and awkwardly standing beside Buggy with his hands tucked behind his back.
The trio was not ticked or bothered by the stares they gained, Milo, Y/n's chaperone was used to it. A certain warlord planted his eyes on the scene, eyes stilling on the vest wearing man with blue locks. The woman beside him was focused on the teen who only giggled at Buggy's scolding.
(Let's pretend that this is before Buggy earned his debt with Crocodile)
Okay so that's out of the way, how would Buggy meet Mihawk?? Well that's easy.
Another scenario:
It was rare but he did it, Mihawk had left the grand line, choosing to wander around East Blue. He had stopped on an Island, eyes roaming around as he noticed posters were stuck on the walls of a few buildings. Featuring the words "Circus Day!". The ever stoic man listened closely to the conversation of a group near him, taking note that they talked about a "King" and if the "princess" would perform today.
Curiosity piqued and feeling bored, the man decided to pay a visit(very unlikely, I know). Finding himself staring at the blue haired man that announced the start of the event, judging the outfit of the guy and the way he looked like a clown, unconsciously running his eyes all over the clowns facial features, devouring anything his outfit revealed to the world like a starved man. Catching himself humming shortly at the sound of Buggy's voice. He found the performance boring but nonetheless stayed, hoping that the clown from earlier would show up again, only to be disappointed when he didn't.
He was pleasantly surprised when at the final performance of the night, the man he was patiently waiting for came back out, yelling out that the final thing would be done by his one and only niece. Mihawk frowned when Buggy went out of his sight, his hands twitching as he held back the urge to stand up and follow the man. His eyes soon landing an a woman with the same blue hair that Buggy had.
Mihawk went back to the grand line with a newfound memory, the first and most valuable to him being the blue haired clown that announced the event and the second being said clowns niece who looked like the man he wanted to see the most in that event. Mihawk made a mental note to go back on the island after awhile. Now having a yearning to see the silly and unreasonable clown that caught his attention and planted an unidentified feeling in him.
Okay so that's that, and do I even have to explain how Buggy met Shanks??? But like, imagine that in the future, when Buggy and Y/n are getting chased by their perspective Yandere's, they stay on this island. At this time, Y/n had eaten a devil fruit, the DF being called the Fake Fake fruit where Y/n can make illusions that will feel real and actually is real until Y/n reverses or undo's her trick.
So while they're getting chased, Y/n Yandere's doesn't actually know that Y/n is Buggy's niece or that her blue "hair" and yellow "eyes" were real. It had been about a month after they narrowly escaped Buggy's captors. With the help of Y/n ofcourse, so on the island they stayed on, they made a plan.
Y/n never wore her beloved wig while they were loose and still running from their captors. She was a natural actor and played as a patient and quiet woman that couldn't lie. The complete opposite of how the real Y/n was, and being the icon that he was, Buggy was also an expert at acting. Y/n used her devil fruit to change her Uncle's appearance.
Changing his long, beautiful blue locks into short and clean dark brown hair. Changing his eye color to black and changing his nose to a regular one, no matter how weird it felt. Buggy acted like a complete gentleman on their stay on the island they had stopped on, keeping calm and composed whenever trouble brewed. Again, a complete opposite to how really is.
Let's hope that when a certain yonko and two former shichibukai visit, they're cover doesn't get blown up.
Yeah that's all, I'm calling this the "Clown!Y/n" Au just incase Authors wanna write a fic about it👀👀
(PLEASE DO😭😭😭💀💀💀)
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more-than-a-princess · 10 months
Happy Munday! Just a few quick things, plus some cosplay photos from a recent convention (under the cut, in order not to clutter the dash with OOC content).
I am still accepting starters for this starter call! I'll close the call on Saturday, November 18. Until then, I will not have a cap on starters beyond writing one per mun/blog. This will likely be my last starter call from now until the beginning of 2024, so if you'd like me to write you a starter that isn't attached to a meme, this is your chance! I will still share memes when I have the time in my schedule to start new threads, but for those of you who don't like memes and prefer starter calls, this is the best way to interact with me through the holiday season.
I'll be a little quiet around here from today until Friday: I've got two long days in the office and then I'm celebrating my wedding anniversary on Thursday after work (with a considerable amount of food and champagne), so my writing and chatting time will be limited this week.
That said, I've finally had some time to look at my cell phone photos of my costumes from my last anime convention. I'm still waiting on photos from my private photoshoots, but in the meantime, I'll share a costume I haven't posted here yet. I predict some of you may recognize her (hi Bubblez!).
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Did you know that I've either played or watched my husband play both AI: The Somnium Files games (because watching me try to play through the somniums is a stressful experience for everyone involved)? Now you do!
Actually, I've had my Boss costume for about a year now and I haven't been in a happy place with it until last month. Admittedly, my dress is a bit oversized after I lost weight and I need to take it in in a few places before wearing it again. That's the only thing that has stopped me from doing a private photoshoot with Boss.
In any case, she was my favorite out of the games and one of the very few (maybe only?) character I cosplay as who is older than me. How is this woman in her forties? I thought I had amazing skincare and genetics but Boss is on another level.
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The jacket and gloves are both leather, with the dress made of a cotton/poly spandex and the boots being custom pieces that I ended up repainting to be a closer match to my jacket. The Ai-balls are from Lemon Penguin, who loves Uchikoshi games and produces a few Uchikoshi-related items to vend at conventions (and they conveniently end up at the cons I attend!).
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But let me say: I love this wig so much. It was a custom piece after I was hating my own styling attempts, and comes with her 'hair donut' ponytail holder, her slicked back tendrils, and a stubbed ponytail that keeps the weight of the tail and wig lighter on my head. When I get a professional shoot of this done, I definitely want more shots of this incredible wig from the back.
And finally, the AiTSF cosplayers I've met at conventions have all been so friendly and kind! I had to miss the photoshoot this time around but I participated at one at a previous convention: we were a small group but we were mighty. Even if we either weren't recognized or called by some other character name (I get Misato Katsuragi in this one quite a lot. Ironic, as I also have a Misato costume).
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toadeyes-miqote · 3 months
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Dollfie Dream Sister - Alphinaud and Alisaie
I been waiting for more info on this.
Now Alisaie can join Hylnyan OC's party for adventures (still short of a proper healer for Full Party though)
More photos of semi realistic dolls(sample / youtube video screenshot/ Volks instore sample display) below the cut. Stay out if you can't handle the way they look
Volks JP site Volks US site if you're getting hands for Alisaie. There should be links to partner stores if you want to find stores on your shores to order from SquareEnix US Alisaie Blue Alisaie - Alphinaud
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Alisaie is using moulded gloved hands likely in order to stick the Aether Medium ball holder through it to hold better than fabric gloves
Alphinaud is closed mouth head while Alisaie is slightly open mouth (kinda like Luka Megurine)
Magnetic stickon ears like Frieren and SAO Asuna ver Titania
Do I need to be concern about resin eyes since mine use acrylic?
I have a fear of leather/pleather flaking because I already lost my BJD's Leon Kennedy bomber jacket and swat vest that way. As well as some of the gloves the company sells....and some of OC's boots from another company but I don't care, I know what I'm in for. Shoes are my curse even in IRL. Everybody barefoot here. Humidity is the true evil *****Alisaie wear a lot of leather/ pleather so take care when doing shoots with her and storing her clothes. She's likely to share clothes with my Elidibus cosplayer and wigs with Hylnyan's OC. Glamour is the endgame people!!!
Size of dolls to Yoshi-P
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Dollfie Dream series are usually done with anime style eyes(well yeah mostly anime characters) and they are light posable vinyl dolls with an internal skeleton(I could be wrong about the older ones).
Y'shtola, the twins and Team Nier's 2B and 9S uses semi realistic art style and eyes (compared to Iplehouse BJD but that's a different story. If you're familiar with Cy Girls or Hot Toys you know what I mean when you scale them up)
I wouldn't mind if FFXIV crew was done as 1/6 because I have a full party wanting to recruit them as well especially Thancred. I totally have a 1/6 size bar for him. Aether medium ball holder. Take note if you want to buy hands for her (or for her to throw hands)
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Ears be magnetic stickon
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I really like that they are using a light blush on the dolls. It kinda goes with my minions' no/minimal blush style.
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Alphi is a good looking lad.
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his drone shooty things Nouliths that comes with their own clear holder for posing.
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Based on Live Letter on youtube
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Volks instore sample display at Doll Point Akihabara
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Alphi's eye color! Why do I see shades of Aymeric in this face?
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Summary - The adult male Scions will be a challenge to do because mature face, vinyl and stuff ( boyish G'raha might be possible). Thancred and Estinien would be tougher. The Rose of Varsaille Super Dollfie Andre resin bjd weren't exactly in my style sooo..... But Hijikata....Hijikata.
They are gonna be such good friends.
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gluevah · 5 months
Yall I'm so excited rn
I have another American Girl project doll coming in the mail, thanks to a very generous redditor who let me have her basically free after getting her in a lot with some other dolls.
This one is in ROUGH condition.
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Photos from the redditor's post. The button sewn onto the body has been removed with no damage to the body, so that's cool!
Her hair is, obviously, a whole nightmare. I can't wait to detangle it (after washing it because it looks a lil gross tbh) and see if it's salvageable. If it looks bad after I've tried everything I can to fix it, I'll be doing my first re-wigging! If her wig isn't too bad but the ends are scraggly, maybe I'll give her a new hairstyle.
Of course, her leg has come off, but it's still there which is great! I'll just restring all 4 limbs to make sure they match. I have hemostats now so I can get em tighter this time! I want to take her limbs off to deep clean her body.
Toying with the idea of making her a modern girl and giving her a new name and customizing her a little after the actual repairs are done! Maybe some freckles or a mole? I don't want to change the eyes, because that scares me, and I don't want to give her makeup, because I just don't like the heavy makeup look on AG dolls, personally.
This is just a rambly post to get out my excitement and to talk my way through the list of things to do and possible ideas for this doll. I really love fixing them, and I am so excited to add this one to the family regardless of whether she ends up mainly a restoration, or a restoration + custom 🥰
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Oh No! Here Comes Trouble - Ep 10
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I mean it's a valid point. None of the other spirits have asked what happens to them when Pu Yiyong does his magic brush thing
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I KNEW IT! Well done to everyone who has been following my liveblogs and didn't say anything when I wildly guessed this in episode 2
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I can't wait for them to have a conversation about this
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I'm assuming at some point they're going to explain why everyone calls her One-per. Did she score 1% on the police exam? She did tell that story about how she wrote all the answers on the wrong sheets one time
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I'm so invested in these two
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I love everyone just assuming they're all in a relationship with each other. But listen, my dude, polyamory is a thing. Don't judge!
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I mean they do keep ending up on top of each other like this
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I hope he continues to be weird about this. I love him.
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Ooh I thought the last case was over but the last case isn't over. So the woman who said she locked the kid in a box but didn't kill her was telling the truth? OOH was she covering up for her daughter who did the murder? That would explain why she had the hair clip. The plot thickens!
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You have never cared about a lack of evidence before
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Ah, there we go. She doesn't want to jeapordise her upcoming promotion.
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This wig is very distracting
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Wow that is some epic manspreading
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I would honestly love to see that
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Aww no is this another case involving kids? I hoped the last one would be the end of it
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mercurygray · 1 year
So, I was naughty and asked Mr Juno for two random numbers between 1 and 50. And he gave me 22 and 41.
Tongue and Peach 🤣 its all his fault. For any character of your choice (although I dare you to do Dick or Lewis for this one)
Juno xx
I realized I hadn't written anything for Lew in a bit, so here we have a little postwar naughtiness for him and Eileen.
Los Angeles was beautiful at this time of year.
At least, that's what people kept telling him, the cab driver and the production assistant and the director, but Lewis was beginning to have some doubts that he'd ever get to see any of Los Angeles at all, at the rate movies got made. And there wasn't much to call beautiful on a studio backlot.
The woman he was here for was still in makeup. That's what people also kept telling him, as he arranged and re-arranged himself on a studio chair. Someone had brought him a cup of coffee, but coffee was the last thing on his mind - or the supposed beauty of the city of Los Angeles.
What he wanted was Eileen.
"Oh, Miss Hammond? She's still in makeup, sir."
Sadly, however, the rest of the world now wanted her, too - Eileen Hammond, the darling of the camera, contracted to Paramount for the next ten years and however many pictures they could put her into, ready to make all that good press sing for them. At this point it seemed like she'd played everything with everyone - a comedy? Done. High drama? With flying colors. A war picture? She'd done several. Noir? No one could do femme fatale like Eileen.
Today's offering was some sword and sandals epic, the men tanned and armored, the women in long, flowing Roman dress. He wasn't sure what Eileen would be wearing in this scene - she was, as people kept reminding him, still in makeup.
"Well, hello, handsome."
Here she was, finally - the woman of the hour, finally out of the artist's chair. And what a picture she was. Dark hair styled into an impossibly high wig, decked with fake jewels and purple and pale silk - designed to be noticed and dressed to be seen. "Hello yourself," Lewis said, rising from the chair to greet her only to be gently pushed back into it.
"I'd kiss you, but then I'd spoil the look," she said quietly with a smile. "But I'm so glad you could come." She turned back to the waiting crowd of technicians. "All right, Fred, your Empress is here. Where do you want me?"
The assistant gestured. "Just here, Miss Hammond."
Miss Hammond, Miss Hammond, Miss Hammond. Never 'Eileen' or 'hey, you.' She was a god here, and it showed. There was an air of effortless command - the certain knowledge that she was a star.
She took her mark on the fake stone pavement, a small fan slowly blowing the oyster silk of her dress forward, against the back of her legs, and throwing everything into sharp relief, the small of her back and perfect peach-rise of her ass.
God, her ass. Lewis quickly and strategically removed his hat and rearranged himself in his chair. Hot, here, was it?
He couldn't hear a word of what was said - he was too distracted. When the director called cut and everyone moved again, Lewis rose from the chair and met her behind the camera. "Miss Hammond, I need you to know you are putting me in a bit of a bind, wearing that thing."
Eileen looked down at her dress like she'd only just noticed it. "Oh, am I? How nice to hear, Mr. Nixon, when you've been putting me in a bit of a bind by phone three nights a week."
Well, she had him there. But phone sex was one thing and real sex was another, and he'd been dreaming about that ass for the entire plane ride here. "Maybe we can find some time later to work that out? You know, amidst your other appointments."
She smiled, a private expression just for him. "Why do you think I had them put your chair there? I'm going to require it." She leaned in, her voice a whisper mere inches from his ear. "There's a line I was doing yesterday with William about finding better uses for his tongue and I couldn't stop thinking of you."
Words momentarily escaped him, and the only thing he could manage for a moment was a small noise of delight, which seemed to please her. She looked up at another passing assistant, the Empress once more. "Dora, can you be a dear? I expect Mr. Nixon needs some ice water. He's looking a little hot."
"Of course, Miss Hammond, right away!"
He could only glare as she carefully flounced away, back to the cameras and the director and the whole mad whirl, waiting with her back still strategically to him, his hat still strategic over his pants, while the chirpy little co-ed came back with the water. "Have you gotten to see much of Los Angeles yet, Mr Nixon? It's beautiful this time of year."
Lewis resumed his review of Eileen's ass and tried to play it cool. "Yes, it rather is."
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3wisellamas · 11 months
SCC Halloween Week: Freeform
It was no secret that Cap'n had spent a LOT of time roaming the streets of Cyber City.  The boombox seemed to know every neighborhood like he'd lived there all his life, and especially like he'd spent every Halloween of his youth trick-or-treating there, with how he somehow seemed to know exactly where to go for the best candy.
His services didn't come cheap, however, and he held out his hand to his companions as they returned from their latest doorstep.  "Come on, pay up."
"Cap'n," K_K started as they passed a chocolate bar to him, which he wasted no time gobbling down in seconds, "why don't you just trick-or-treat with us?  It's a lot of fun!"
"Yeah!  Way more fun than havin' to pay your 'candy tax,'" Sweet sighed, passing him another candy bar and looking down the rest of the street.  Their bag still wasn't quite full, and with their hastily-made agreement to give the proceeds from every third building to Cap'n in exchange for his vast knowledge of the city, it likely wouldn't be for some time.
"Me?  Dress up in a silly outfit," he said, pointing out the frayed wires poking out of Sweet's scuffed case as part of his zombie costume, and the bolts and cheap wig on K_K's head, "and ring doorbells to beg for candy?  Please, I'm a businessman."
"You just have us do all that instead," K_K giggled.  They didn't mind Cap'n's candy tax as much as Sweet did -- there would be plenty to go around by the end of the night! -- and besides, dressing up and trick-or-treating was fun on its own.  They'd do it every day if there weren't only one day of the year it didn't get them strange looks, or chased off of porches with a broom like that one summer.
"Just do one with us, Cap'n?  Please?  I want someone to see your costume!"
Cap'n snickered.  "Costume?!"  He'd accompanied his bandmates in his usual hoodie and skinny jeans, the only addition being one of those paper masks from the concert the night before.  He literally looked no different from how he normally did.
"Yeah, your Cap'n costume!  I wish I'd thought of being you for Halloween too!"  Tugging on Cap'n's arm, the boombox reluctantly followed him to the next door, where the trio rang the bell and waited.  Eventually, an old Plugwoman opened it, the bowl in her hands overflowing with tasty treats which they gleefully helped themselves to.
The Plugwoman squinted up at Cap'n through thick glasses.  "Oh, you're another one of those kids who got the masks from the Trash Pile!"
"There's been so many of them tonight already.  I wonder who made all those masks, and whether they know how many people love them!"
Cap'n paused.  Behind his own mask, he blinked a couple of times, before finally pulling it off his face, replacing the sunglasses he'd been wearing over it.  "Well look no further!  Great resemblance, huh?"
The Plugwoman stared up at his face, adjusting her glasses, then belted out a laugh.  "Oh, you wore another one underneath!  That's very clever!"  She gave Cap'n another chocolate bar for the joke, and sent the three on their way, wishing them a very happy Halloween.
Glancing down the street at the other trick-or-treaters, Cap'n smiled -- about half of them were indeed wearing his masks, even over more conventional costumes.  Once again, he was a hit!  
Barely supporting himself as he leaned onto his knees, he spoke through laughter, "This is the best god damn thing we've ever done."
"Better than when we found that McDarknald's manager's house and egged it?"
"WAY better, K_K."  As they headed to the next house on the block, Cap'n caught them, warning that all they'd have were circus peanuts and apples, and recommending they head on to the next block instead, where a few of the residents were sure to have full-sized candy bars.
"Jackpot!"  Sweet held out their bag to receive one of those full bars, only to meet Cap'n's knowing gaze back on the sidewalk.  "What?"
"Candy tax!"  
"Come on, that was the second house!"
"We skipped the circus peanut house, remember?  That counted!"
"Oh, go make some more masks of your own face," Sweet shouted, picking up one laying on the street to throw at him.  It seemed that, as the night wound down, so did their popularity among the Darkner youth as well.  "...Man, I don't wanna be the one who has to clean all these up a second time."
As if on cue, a Werewire roughly tapped Cap'n's shoulder, motioning for the trio to face him.  At his side was a Poppup, wearing the same badge that designated them as a part of Queen's troops, specifically the division that policed the city for her, but unlike their companion they'd thought to at least put in a little effort for the occasion, slapping a bunch of star-shaped stickers onto their dolphin head, in the shape of some constellation or other.
"HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN?" they chirped, holding up one of Cap'n's masks, another one that'd been discarded by a trick-or-treater and left to float along the streets.
"Did you three make and distribute these around the city?" the Werewire signed with his long fingers, causing Cap'n to shudder, wishing he hadn't taken his off to lay claim to them.  "Do you know what the fine is for littering, especially all over the entire city?"
Raising his hands up to defend himself, Cap'n sputtered, "Yo, we didn't do any littering!  That was all those kids who wore 'em for their costumes!"
"We would rather track down three people than three thousand."  
Sighing, Cap'n shrugged, glancing to his bandmates for support, though they were just as taken aback by the entire situation as he was.  "Alright, ya got us.  What do we owe ya?"
"Normally the fine for littering is three thousand Dark Dollars.  However," he motioned to the stars on the Poppup's head, "given the holiday, Queen has decreed that fines may also be paid in candy.  Three large bags should do it."
Looking sadly down at their bags, the trio handed them over.  "We good now?"
"Yes.  You are free to go.  Be sure not to litter again."
"DONMAI, DONMAI," the Poppup giggled, turning to resume their rounds as they chowed down on a pouch of fruit snacks, and the instant the cops' backs were turned Sweet, Cap'n, and K_K all relished the chance to silently jeer and make faces after them.
Sweet couldn't do much aside from tugging at one side of their speaker, and instead turned to Cap'n.  "So, you...know any more good neighborhoods for candy?" Unfortunately, however, they'd pretty much canvassed the entire city, and one by one the streetlights dimmed.  "Or...maybe we could do something else tonight?  We could do a haunted house!"
"All we gotta do is go back to the shop," K_K replied, smiling, and the other two shivered.  "I heard the ghost again while you guys were sleeping.  I think they slimed our sound studio too."
"...We really gotta call somebody about that."
"Who we gonna call, Sweet?"
"I dunno.  Somebody.  Cap, you got any ideas?"
"Nah.  Let's just sleep on it.  If we can.  Those chains are loud."
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
Hi mun! Hope you are well :)!
I'm very curious to know what your OCs (both female and male) do when an important ball is coming up in the Demon World.
For example: the ball that Karlheinz does during the Lunar Eclipse ����, the Autumn Ball 🍁🍂, the Halloween Ball 🎃👻, the Winter Ball ❄️, or some other important ball that the other demon clans celebrate. To be more specific, how do your OCs prepare for events this important? What kind of dresses/clothes would they wear and where would they buy them from?
Ohhhhh golly. Okay - this will be quite a long one. I will put everyone under the cut, along with breaking it up by Universe to help.
I will say that - as far as 'buying' things go - I have no real answer for that. I am not much of a shopper myself, so I am not really familiar with any kind of actual store that does dresses or like makes special clothes.
Thank you for this ask! It took me days to put it together, but it was so much fun to think of! I hope you enjoy it~
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Preparations for Yuuki, as time has passed, have gotten easier(?). Instead of Kanato just telling her - "hey you're going to this with me" - it's now more Reiji tells her there is an event, and she must tell Kanato. So, she gets to be the one that has to convince him to go.
She loves parties. After getting through the first couple, and loosing those nerves, she loves getting dressed up and parading around the dance hall. It doesn't even bother her that other demons are around - she just loves being dressed up with Kanato. LEM does a better job showing this.
Now being my oldest OC - I have actual commissions of her from special events. Ones like the Hallows Eve Ball and from the LEM series. For her those, really once she chooses Kanato - her options of clothes are whatever he picks out. She looks cute in strapless dresses - so Kanto normally picks out those. Frills and bright color are great too - but he is found of purple on her. Yuuki's original style of dress was close to a Pastel Goth vibe when she came to live there - but since dating Kanato she isn't too picky, its whatever he wants. For a time he tried Lolita style clothes - but they didn't suit her.
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He was invited to a ball!? In all seriousness, Yuki is like the third or fourth after thought for Laito. He really does not think about him, let alone think about bringing him to a ball. If he does go, it will always be last minute, and it will always be as a game for Laito.
Prepare is not something he gets to do. If it were up to him, he might try to find a nice button up and a vest - try to look presentable. However, it's never up to him~ so in a dress and wig he shall be. Whether that is in an actual dress to be with Laito as a 'date' or in a maids outfit so that Laito can force him to be shared around with everyone. Laito normally keeps him in longer dresses - going for a innocent look rather than an overly sexy, since Yuki is a man - and doesn't have breast to accent.
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As she gets older - Kanato still dresses her. While now she wears Lolita for work - when it comes to almost anything else, Kanato dresses her in clothes reminiscent to those like Cordelia used to wear. Long straight dresses. Something draped off her shoulders. Accenting her chest.
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He is probably the most professional of his family - and as such he takes balls quite seriously. He never waits until the last minute to prepare, and always arrives on time - but tends to leave after a round of socializing has been done. While he understand their importance, he is not a party kind of guy.
As he's gotten older, Isabella has made this easier. He loves nothing more than seeing her dressed up like the queen she is - so that makes him stay a little longer. He typically will dress in royal attire, if not in a suit at the very least. Kanye carries himself seriously, and dresses the way he wishes to be seen.
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If he isnt the center of attention - he looses his sh*t. So, needless to say, Yukio dresses like he's the bell of the ball - cause he is. Like his mother, he will spend hours getting ready. Trying on multiple outfits. Throwing a tantrum because he doesn't feel pretty enough. Barge in on everyone else getting ready to complain about lack of clothes. He's just a total pill really.
As he's gotten older, Silas has helped this. While still vein as all get out - he only really needs Silas to say he looks good. He wants everyone to envy them as a couple, more so than himself. So he's calmed down as far as throwing a fit - but still dresses like the most extra person in the room.
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Sweet girl - she wishes that she were allowed to dress herself. However, Kanato sees her as his Baby Doll - and dresses her up in the most extra Lolita and high society cute clothes he can. Getting ready for her involves Kanato basically ordering her a new dress for very event. He tries to get her in something new, which makes her closet the biggest in the house. Kanato will have familiars help her get dressed - change his mind - put on something different- change it again - the cycle repeats. He also likes to match her if he can, that way he can parade her around the ball showing off their matching outfits.
This causes Yukio and Yuuki both to be annoyed. Yukio, because he is an attention hog and has loathed Rini since she was born. Yuuki because she wants Kanato's attention, and has been jealous of Rini she she was born. Rini - while loving her father deeply- does wish he would allow her to do things on her own.
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He. is. that. B*tch. He owns any outfit he wears - to the fullest. Skye has a plethora of fake breast that he can use for any type of dress. There are even dresses he can pull off without them. He is not afraid of any type of shape or style of dress. If he likes it - he's going to wear it and make it work. To prepare he will spend hours getting ready. If the event is important enough he'll take days. Going to the spa - getting his nails done - facial - the. works. Skye ensure that he is the topic of conversation at any event - and if he isn't he makes it so himself.
It is a recent development that Karl has started presenting him as a date - and Skye takes that very seriously. If he is going to be seen with the most powerful man, he's going to look the part. Karl has allowed Skye to start picking out his outfits as well - so from time to time he will have them match.
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The actual bell of the ball. Calli has been dressing in gowns her entire life - and she loves it. So much so that she barely wears pants - as she feels that dresses are skirts help her feel free. She has attended a great number of balls and event sin her life time. However, with her father being a relaxed as he is, it's not that she needed to over dress.
As such, Callista has learned to dress elegant and classy, while still not being restricted of movement. She is a fan of modest clothing over ones that reveal too much. Loves to have layers and textures - longer ones are better for special events, but she is normally in dresses all the time.
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She will never be anything more than a maid in the Vibora Kingdom. This is something that I have talked about with @the-sloth-woman, since the Burai I use the same as hers. So, there is no scenario that she would 'change' the way she dresses. That being said - different uniforms could be used for different events.
She prepares like any servant would. Assisting with set up, in the kitchen, doing really what ever Burai ask of her. She is his personal attendant, so if he is feeling like it - he could have her dress him.
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The Twins
I know they are not official yet - but I wanted to think about them and try to figure out what they would wear. They have different styles from one another.
She loves to show off her body, and wears dresses that show off her breast / back / legs - really where ever. Showing off skin makes her feel more powerful - when she is all ready a powerful woman. She also loves accessories, sun glasses / hats / jewelry. She is the boss, and shows that off every chance she gets.
He - while still keeping in fashion, prefers comforts over anything. He doesn't mind showing skin - but it will hardly look professional or formal when he does. Designer comfy pants are his weakness, he loves the feel of them. His outfits are also simple, compared to his sisters. He even counts as her accessory more times than not.
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Yet ANOTHER new costume and NNT cosplay #3! A quickie but a goodie >:3c
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