#them with literal corpses behind them: we should get ice cream
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bycode · 2 months ago
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needless to say, she relates. still, as depressing it is to really think about how much of herself she puts into the job on a daily basis, buffy makes it hard to keep a straight face. whether allison wants to admit it or not, she's come to appreciate the dose of playfulness the other brings to their occasional, somewhat reluctant partnership. it's a breath of fresh air. & it's much needed in places like this, where the atmosphere is heavy to say the least. " that's what you get for not sucking at this. " it's the closest thing to a compliment she's given her so far, wearing a small smile & an arched eyebrow as she gingerly touches the tip of one of buffy's stakes before handing it back to her. " maybe you should consider one of those 'closed' signs. slap it on your door every once in a while. "
the mention of ice cream has her perk up a little. & the mint chocolate chip suggestion nearly makes her excited. " i could go for a scoop, " is a sentence she's never said after a hunt. but that scalding shower she's yearning for can wait. " & what exactly about me 'screams' mint chocolate chip ? " curiosity & amusement fill her voice as she starts walking to the car. " actually, let me guess. i'm not for everyone ? "
@serendpitous | cont.
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apocryphalfiles · 7 months ago
Static. Part 1
Keita Suzuhara
He was sitting, fully clothed, at a beach, watching the sunset as the waves crashed onto the shore. It was peaceful. He didn't remember last time he visited the beach. It had to have been when he was a child. He didn't have the funds for any beach adventure.
But right now he was seeing the beach again, looking at the twilight as the waves gently tackled the sand.
He wanted to get away from all stress in the world right now. Get away from political uncles, strange men, stalking blondes, Magic samurai, magic weapons or whatever.
He just wanted the briefest of breaks to calm his heart a little. Honestly, he hadn't time to decompress at all. And what were his thoughts about all of this?
"I thought I hated beaches."
It was a silly, nonsensical thought like that. Then again... it WAS a dream world. Of course he was to have weird dreams such as this in them.
Altera   "Really? What's there to hate about them?" Altera, wearing a two-piece swimsuit decorated with flowers that made it look more like a cute fairy costume than sexy, leaned over Keita while he relaxed, blocking out the sun. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and exhaled short enough breaths that it was obvious she'd just come from running across the beach.
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Keita suzuhara This was quite the unusual arrival for him. He didn't really know how to respond, or what to say. It was, quite literally, a surprise visit for him. What was she doing hanging out like this? He leaped back a bit, staring up at her.
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He asked, attempting to sound sorta cool.
Altera Kano   "So it's about appearances? But a bar isn't nearly as relaxing as a beach." Altera's back was illuminated by the orange-violet of the setting sun.
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"You don't need to overthink things so much. Here." She pulled something out from behind her back- a stick of blue popsicles with two servings, which she broke apart cleanly across the middle. "Sea-salt ice cream. They were selling it at the vendor over there." While she licked her popsicle, she extended her arm to offer Keita the other.
Keita suzuhara
"Quite friendly today aren't we?" He asked, reaching out to grab the other icecream bar. He'd taken melia for the friendly one, not Altera. Not that she wasn't friendly just... She felt less genuine than this sometimes.
He extended his tongue, licking the sea salt ice cream as he thought to himself. It was salty but sweet... Bitter sweet?
Altera Kano   "Am I not usually friendly?" She took a seat next to Keita, pulling her knees up to her chest and watching the waves crash underneath the horizon. "I just have a lot of things to worry about. Maybe I'm just trying to keep up appearances, same as you. The appearances of a corpse, so I don't upset anyone." She sighed lightly and bit off the top of her ice cream, chewing and swallowing.
Keita "... That's more upsetting than anybody else. Don't you get it most people don't want you to be a corpse. It's just you and some fuckos. You're always cutting your happiness short. It gets annoying, if I'm allowed to be frank."
He snapped back, taking a lick of his ice cream.
Altera Kano   "Maybe, but those 'fuckos' are the people I promised I'd save. They have a right to be angry with me." As she gazed at the sunset, without looking back at Keita, she smiled sadly. "If I were someone who abandoned my duties just because they were inconvenient, I'd be betraying myself. That's not what 'duty' means. It's not something you do only when it makes you happy. But right now, when no one else is watching but you, I think I can finally put that pretense aside, even if it's only just for now."
Keita "I see... Honestly, I think those bastards should leave you alone. Who is to decide they're the ones you owe a duty to."
Keita sounded relaxed as he looked at the setting sun, the sound of seagulls crying through the air.
Altera Kano   "I am, Keita. I decided it myself." Altera's smile looked a little sad. "But let's forget about that for now. We're on the beach." Altera stood up, threw her sticky popsicle stick into a nearby trash can- it hit the bottom of the wastebasket, hole in one!- and walked a few steps barefoot on the sand before turning back around.
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"Come on, let's use what's left of this daylight! Come swimming with me, Ani-"
Altera was silenced. The next moment, her legs and her waist up to her stomach stood, suspended, on their own- with nothing above them. Two arms fell to the sand first. It took a few more seconds for her knees to collapse. When her midsection hit the beach, it spilled all of its contents onto the sand, like an overturned plate of spaghetti, blood and ropes of intestines tumbled out of their open container and tangled up in her right hand.
Whatever changed, it was too fast to process. There was a shadow over Altera, and then, before Keita could react, she had already become that, and whatever was responsible had already returned to the sky where it came from like the recoil on a bungee cord.
Keita suzuhara
One moment he was experience a perfect beach dream and the next moment... Altera was a corpse in front of him unable to experience any sort of pain or happiness... Well- Maybe no pain was incorrect. Altera was immortal, Once she regrew her body this would be immensly horrible for her.
And yet staring at her corpse Keita didn't feel any disgust. He didn't feel sick at the puddle of gore before him. All he felt was a tear trick down his eye and a rage bubbling up within him.
Hate... He hated whatever did this to her.
Hate, he hated shackles...
He walked over towards Altera's lower half, and tried to scoop it up, blood getting onto his body...
"Dammit... WHAT THE FUCK!?"
He cursed, rage billowing to the heavens.
The sky was empty. Whatever monster or force had come down from the Heavens and done this, it had already blended in with the dark clouds gathering with the night. Where could he direct his hate? What would punching the sky do?
That question went unanswered.
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"Hey, sleepyhead! Wake up already!"
There was something heavy on Keita's stomach- too heavy. When he opened his eyes, Melia was there, sitting on top of him. Before he could complain, she pouted and got ahead of his insults with, "I tried shouting and pinching your cheek first, but you were out like a light..."
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"C'mon, Keita! We're walking to school together. No ifs, ands, or buttocks!" Angie was one bed away, her hands on her hips. She and Melia were both already dressed in their summer school uniforms.
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"Yeah, yeah. Like they said. Get your ass to school, Keita." Kurumi, leaning on the wall in the corner with her arms folded over her chest, supervised the shared bedroom where the kids who'd grown up in the orphanage slept. Since she was a few years older than the rest of them, she was already too old to go to Majin at the same time as them. "And don't stay out all night unless I hear you got a part-time job or joined a club or something. The go-home club is called the go-home club for a reason."
Turning her head away, her cheeks flushed pink, and she muttered under her breath in a low voice, "N-not like I wanted you to work at the castle anyway... it's not like I was hoping you would get hired and protect me at work or anything, dumbass... I don't need your concern for my wellbeing or anything..."
Keita   He found himself awake in a very harem esque situation. Seriously this was like something out of a manga he read once when he was 12 years old before he grew out of such wishy washy wish fulfilment stories... Probably. Yeah he totally grew out of them...
Then what was this? This was one of those fantasies he enjoyed so much, his hate dissapearing.
He blinked up at the girl sitting on top of him, face bright red. What... What the hell was all of this!?  
"H-hey get the hell off, all of you!? You're all crowding too close. Gimme some friggin' room to breathe alright!!!"
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"Fine, fine!" Backing off, Melia climbed off of Keita. "I told you, this was a last resort. Now c'mon, sleepyhead. We don't have all day."
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"Ehe, you'd better get up, or it's going to be my turn to sit down next!" Angie looked a little too excited about that idea.
Keita Angrily, he threw up his blanket, jumping to his feet. An anger mark appeared on his forehead as his teeth grew all sharp.
"No! Nobody needs to hop on me again! Do it and I'll kick your ass dammit!!!!!"
He leapt off the bed. "Seriously, what the hell time is it anyway?"
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"Time to go to school, dipshit!" A pillow hit Keita's head, thrown by an irritated Kurumi who noticed that she wasn't even acknowledged. "Angie and Melia are already ready. I'm buying you an alarm clock for your next birthday."
Keita   He threw the pillow back at Kurumi, quickly throwing off his pajamas and throwing his uniform on (Which was neatly folded to the side).
"I don't need a damn alarmclock alright? Just lemme set up one on my phone. Dumbass!"
Goddammit, he just wanted to get outta here already and start hoofing it.
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"Then let's get going! Last one outside is a rotten egg!"
These three orphans were like peas in a pod. Having lived together since they were kids, changing in front of each other was no big deal.
Melia ran downstairs, followed by Angie. That left Kurumi, who hung around for a few more seconds before shrugging and walking out at a leisurely pace to her own room.
Keita suzuhara HE sighed, running after the girls, trying not to break his neck down the stairs as he slung his book bag over his shoulder.
"Man... I can't help but feel like I had the weirdest dream last night... Fuck if I can remember what it was about actually waking up though."
It was a breezy 75 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The sun was shining in a cloudless sky, a perfect morning to welcome the school day. The buzzing of cicadas served as background noise as they clung to the trees the group of students passed on their way towards school.
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"Really?" Angie tilted her head curiously, but continued without pressing: "I had a weird dream, too. I was kung-fu fighting The Rock for the championship belt... but even after a training montage, I just narrowly lost. Tch." She hung her head in imaginary defeat. "And then to comfort me, yo-" Her cheeks suddenly flushed red, and she shook her head. "Crab dad took me out to ice cream!"
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"I dreamed about going to Italy and trying every kind of pasta dish." Not that she'd ever been there, but every girl her age probably fantasized about a foreign vacation at some point. Not that they expected that much, with where they'd grown up. Japan was fine, too.
The Majin school building showed up in the distance. There were people crowding around the gates.
Keita "Those dreams sound really fantastical. I dreamt I was at the beach with Aria when her body suddenly burst open. Seriously, what kind of sicko fetishist entered my dreams last night."
He complained casually, wishing he had half the normal dreams those two did.
A sigh escaped his lips as he started to approach the large prison he'd called a school.
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"H-Huh? Sounds like a nightmare, but... who's Aria?"
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"Is she a movie star? No, wait, don't tell me- she's from that anime you've been binging lately, right?"
The three of them joined the back of the line that had formed to enter the school. At the front were men in military gear carrying rifles, checking each student in before letting them pass through the double doors into the shoe locker entryway.
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"The hell is this? Some kind of new check-in procedure? It looks backed up... what a pain... isn't everyone gonna be late for class now?"
Yeah who was Aria? What the hell was he thinking when he said her name like that? Was she somebody invented by his delusional brain? He rubbed his head, before shrugging.
He was going to say a witty retort when-
He saw a group of armed soldiers checking all of the students. He felt some cold chilly touch grip his heart.
"... No clue, but it gives me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach."
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maxineswritingcenter · 3 years ago
Heart’s Possession - MichaelxAdamxFem!reader Part 7
Adam and Reader grew up together and were high school sweethearts, after his death and learning about monsters, (Y/N) tries to move on but never forgets her first love. When ten years pass, what will happen when a familiar face appears?
TW: I’m sorry for what I must do
"Alright." Michael said as he walked back into the living room, "Message has been sent. Time and location and my words of 'defeat'." He air quoted the last word with his fingers.
The plan had been to trick God (easier said than done) into a trap. Jack had gotten an ability to absorb power from an incident where Dean has made him into a bomb to destroy God and his sister, Amara. The fact that God had a sister who was literally darkness was still mind-boggling. And then, Jack would be more powerful than God and could take him down.
Sam nodded, "Good. Now, Michael, after this, there's no going back. It ends. He ends."
The angel let out a long breath through his nose, looking down at his love as he spoke: "I know. I'm prepared for whatever he's going to do tomorrow." He faced the Winchesters again, "I will see to it that Adam returns. That the world will be as it once was." Sam and Jack slipped off around then to sleep before “the big day” leaving the eldest brother behind. 
Dean nodded, a smile twinging at his lips: "Ya know, what?" The couple turned to look at him, “You’re not half bad.” Michael smiled genuinely and nodded. He began tugging her towards the guest room when she slipped his hand from him. 
“I just need to talk to Dean for a minute. I’ll meet you.” Michael nodded at her words, pressing a kiss to her forehead and walking towards the bedrooms. 
When she looked back at Dean, he was leaning against the large table at the center of the room, sipping on a beer. He regarded her with a nod, motioning next to him on the table. Taking the offered spot, she smiled at him. 
“Thank you for believing him.” Looking back towards the direction where Michael had gone, she sighed: “Michael can be difficult, I know. But he really has changed.”
“Seems like Adam had a major effect on him.” Dean said, nudging her with his elbow. 
Thinking back, she nodded: “Yeah, Adam was just like that. I remember when we first met. Adam was this outgoing, brave kid. But he was the nicest and kindest. There were these four older kids who used to follow me around the playground, asking me if I slept in the graveyard or if I practiced kissing on the corpses.” 
“Jeez.” Dean muttered, grimacing at the thought.
She chuckled, “Yeah. Adam hadn’t been one for confrontation, these are the same kids who made fun of him for not having a dad. The kids were shoving me towards a dead bird on the playground, trying to push me on top of it. Then they were just... Gone. I looked back and I saw Adam just laying into them. He was yelling and punching.” 
“Kicked their ass?” Dean smirked. 
“Oh no, he got his behind handed to him.” She smirked, “He was like eighty pounds soaking wet at the time. Then when the parents were called, mine no showed, so Kate took us both for ice cream. And when I asked him why he would help me, he just smiled.” She could see his face now, his lip was busted, a black eye already forming, “He said ‘I wanted to help you’. And I fell in love right there.” 
Dean sat there for a moment in deep thought, “Look, (Y/N), I know we haven’t done right by you when we should have. And I’m sorry. When we get Adam back, I promise you we’re gonna be the family that he deserves.” 
“Thanks, Dean.” She patted his back, then made her way to the bedroom where Michael was standing in the corner like he was waiting for her return. 
“Come on.” She called softly, “We need rest.” 
“I don’t require-” 
“Yes, I know." She stood unnaturally straight with a serious expression, "You don’t require sleep.” After relaxing, she took his hands, leading him towards the bed. “But you need to relax your body. Your mind, if possible.” He smiled at her, rolling his eyes. 
“Am I sensing a break in your seriousness, archangel Michael?” She raised an eyebrow at him, draping her hands around his neck. 
“Only for those I love most, precious one.” His words caused heat to bloom in her cheeks, avoiding looking at his gaze. 
“Oh, are we shy now?” He teased, “So unlike you."
"Shut up."
Just before the sun was at its highest, three humans, an angel and a Nephilim made the trek to a beach alcove near Hastings. It was a peaceful place. The water sparkled in the sunlight, the only thing that dampened the moment was the overwhelming quiet of the place. No birds, no wildlife, not even a single mosquito.
They set up a spell in the alcove near the lake. The spell, as Sam described it, was just a glorified flashlight. All it would do is send up a beam of light and would alert Chuck where they were. They stood in a circle around the three metal bowls containing the spell ingredients, Sam "reading" Death's God book. (Y/N) gripped onto Michael's hand tightly, trying to steady her breathing as much as she could.
“Let’s light it up.” Dean said as he stood up from adding in the last of the ingredients.
Sam lit a match and dropped it in one of the three bowls on the ground with a few words of Latin. The bowls sparked to life, sending a bright blue beam of light into the sky. And then, the spell seemed to "fizzle out" and the beam was gone, the three bowls being thrown apart from the loss of energy.
Dean stared down at the spell in confusion, looking to Sam: “Wait. What happened? What’s wrong?”
Sam’s face was looking past Michael and (Y/N), Dean and Jack's gaze following. It was a gaze that made her hair stand up on end, like they were staring at the monster at the end of a book.
The angel turned them both around to stare at the man he called father, God.
Honestly, she wasn't sure what she was expecting. But the man who stood in front of her looked like just that: a man. He wore a tweed suit with an open jacket, his hair was slightly curled, beard touched with gray.
God smirked at the group, waving his hand. An invisible force blew Dean, Sam, and Jack to the ground, and the power had made her heart rate skyrocket. But the sweat against her palm told her that Michael was also nervous.
“Father.” Michael spoke sternly, as if he were back to being the soldier he had been.
“Son.” His father replied with the same lack of enthusiasm, “And, listen, I appreciate the heads-up about all this.” playing right into the trap.
“It’s always been my destiny to serve you.” Michael's smile was bittersweet.
“Yeah.” God drawled out, “The thing is, it’s kind of late in the game. You did side with the Winchesters. Plus, it seemed that you were also touched by humanity. That I can't forgive."
“Father, no.” Michael shook his head, “That was a lapse of judgment, I admit, but I swear I-”
“Save it!” The Allmighty's eyes turned a bright blue color, Michael's jaw shut tightly as the blast from his words hit them.
Then God smiled, a little chuckle in his voice as he turned to face her. While his eyes were kind, they still pierced into her soul.
"Ya know, I never would have guessed such an insignificant waste of plasma would be able to sink her hooks into Adam, let alone such a powerful being." His words were harsh, a dull ache forming in her belly. "The phrase God's mistake comes to mind and funnily enough; you were a mistake." He moved his hands in a spinning motion. "Just threw some bits and bobs together to make sure that John Winchester's child got a funeral; that was when the Winchester's weren't on my shit list." The ache in her stomach grew in pain, her teeth biting into her cheek to take her mind off of it, off of his beratement, off of the pain in her hand from Michael's increasing grip.
"But that's not your fault." He said sympathetically, "But it is your fault that Michael will be punished." The pain elevated in a sharp peak, bringing her to her knees with the loudest scream her throat would allow. Her insides felt like they were being ripped apart. She could even breathe long enough before another cry of agony ripped through her. She could taste blood and bile mixing in the back of her throat, bubbling with each scream. Michael was kneeling beside her, eyes wide and panicked. He pressed two fingers to her forehead, like he healed her and others countless times before, but it wasn't working.
"Sorry, you can't heal her." Chuck shoved his hands in his pockets, watching the show.
The angel looked to the others, seeing Dean and Sam struggling to get off the ground, held down by his father's will. They were all made to watch.
Eyes burning, vision hated with blood, (Y/N) could no longer scream. Life's blood violently projected from her throat as her body desperately tried to expel the blood filling her lungs.
Soon, the waves of red ceased, only a stream as she collapsed on the ground. Rocks digging into her cheek. Michael's trembling hands pulled her on his lap, tears trailing down his cheeks.
"No, no, no, no, please." He whispered through sobs, "Please not like this. I can't lose you, I can't-" He was cut off by a cough.
"It's so dark." She croaked as her vision failed. The white light everyone talked about, the one they would see when they died, was gone, nothing but an empty void.
“(Y/N)?” Michael whimpered as her body went limp. Then, as if to torture him more, as she took her last watery sounding breath she crumpled away into dust. 
The angel starred as his precious one flew away on the breeze, breathing erratically through his nose. He gritted his teeth tightly, going to stand even as his body shook. Staring his father down, he began to walk towards him. 
“I did everything you asked of me!” He shouted, pain in his every word, “I slaughtered thousands in your name, I murdered my own brothers. And you took everything that I had to show for it.” His eyes burned bright but before he could make a last mark on the world, God snapped his fingers. 
Michael then knew the darkness that (Y/N) had been so afraid of. 
Read the finale here!
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chayacat · 3 years ago
Devil’s Sweet Star (43)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
A lot of things happened last night, a lot of revelation especially, the whole thing having been concluded by a... wild night. You could feel aches everywhere, it must be said that you did not go slowly, you and Jed... I mean Danny. It will take you some time to accept this reality. All this time, this dear Jed, this boy who seemed shy, adorable and very concerned about the others, was actually the one who at night, was going to commit murders, but also come to see you, under the name of Ghostface.  It will take you time, but you will still have to adapt quickly. Because only one misstep and Only God knows what Danny will do to you.
You were still in bed together. You felt aches and pains along your body, and it's no wonder, with the beast sleeping next to you. He was wilder than when he was Jed. much wilder. He was turned towards you, his hair scattered all over his pillow, his face peaceful. You gently release a strand of hair from his face which made him react. And without having time to realize it, you find yourself glued to him, his arms blocking you like a child who hugs his teddy bear tightly. Luckily, you're not working today. But you still want to get up. You try to get out of your way but all you get is Danny's grunts and a slightly tighter embrace.
“Hmmm... stop moving.” Said Danny grumbling a little.
“You are slightly crushing me against you. And I want to get up.” you respond.  
“Why? You don't work today, if I remember correctly.”
“Yeah, but I can’t stay in bed all day. Come on Danny...”
Danny grumbled again, letting you get up before complaining even more when he heard his phone ring. He got up, before taking the latter and looking at who dared to disturb him so early. It was his boss Mr Hembrook. You could notice that a twisted smile appeared on his face, as if he already knew why his boss was calling him. And in a sense... you also have your little idea about it.  
“Hello? In 20min? Yes of course Sir why?... Are you serious? Yes, yes, I go there right now. Okay, he's going to be happy to see me... You too sir. Good bye.” said Danny before hanging up the phone and looking at you with a wide smile.  
“What did he want?” you ask even if you already knew the answer.  
“Wilhelm is at Hoggins' villa... they have just found his body. And my boss wants me to go there to get some information. And help Wilhelm if possible.”
“I suspected it a little. You must be proud, all this time you made everyone believe that it was Hoggins who killed McKellan and made up everything to make it look like a Ghostface murder... and there... You literally turned everyone's brain upside down.”
“That's what it's like to be me. I have had plenty of time to improve since my first murder. I made mistakes, adapted my modus operandi according to the situation, and I created my own signature. I confess that I didn't really like attributing MY McKellan's murder to Hoggins, but I had to draw attention to him. In addition, this moron brought me everything I wanted on a silver platter.”
“You mean everything you found on Hoggins was true?” you replied surprised.  
“Honey, I am a criminal, but I am a journalist first and foremost. Everything I found and showed you on Hoggins is true. I can't really have fun falsifying documents that need to be published in the newspaper. Otherwise, my boss will suspect something. No one fools him so easily.” He responds before getting up and head to the wardrobe to pick up clean clothes.
“In this case I come with you.”
“Oh? Do you want to see in what state I left this bastard? You know that curiosity is an ugly flaw... but if you insist, I'm not going to say no. And that way you can reassure yourself about his death.”
You both have breakfast quickly; you get dressed and Danny took his bag that contained his journalist's belongings. You could see in his office another bag, surely the one in which he put his Ghostface’s outfit and others. You leave the apartment to get into Danny's van, setting off for Hoggins' house. It's going to be weird to go back there for a murder, when that's where the reception was held. An unforgettable evening. During the ride, you discussed everything and nothing as if it were one of your usual days. Once he arrived in front of the hoggins' house, Danny parked, turned off the engine and took your arm before you went down.
“Remember what was said last night. For everyone, I am Jed. So, no missteps, otherwise... I would be obliged to make you assimilate them... in a less diplomatic way. Oh, and try to pretend you don't know anything. Let us avoid drawing attention to ourselves.” He said before letting you go.  
You leave the vehicle and join Wilhelm in Hoggins' office where his corpse is. When you arrive in the room, a vision of horror, and a desire to vomit, took you. You turn your head by refraining from vomiting, indeed, we can say that Hoggins is dead. Danny has accomplished his little revenge with perfection. The latter was talking with Wilhelm explaining the reasons for your presence. After all, in the eyes of the law, you are a civilian, and civilians do not have to be at the crime scene.
“Are you okay Miss? If you want to vomit, you have the toilet which is just the room after from the left. Anyway, the owner of the house is no longer able to do or say anything against you.” Said Wilhelm looking at you.  
“Yes... Thank you.” you simply respond.
“Well... we can say that he was more than creative this time. I knew he had imagination but here, it's too much for me.” Said Danny.  
“The worst thing is that this bastard leaves a little note. He was the one who killed McKellan! he used Hoggins as a scapegoat. Goddamnit !” replied Wilhelm, hitting the wall next to him.  
“It cannot be said that Hoggins was a saint... there was quite a bit of evidence against him too. I think that Ghostface knew this and that he used it. This guy is always spying on his victims...”
“This is not wrong Olsen... this is not wrong. In the meantime, I thought I could end McKellan's murder, and in the end, not only it’s not the case, but I also find myself with Hoggins' murder on my hands! I'm going to smash that dirty little asshole if I catch him!”
You see Danny making a discreet but sneaky smile behind Wilhelm, something you shake your head slightly at. He had done this not only to take revenge, but also to make fun of Wilhelm. You wanted to hit him on the shoulder, but it would be useless. what is done... is done. And then, like Danny told you earlier, it's better to avoid attention on both of you.
“He literally crucified him. And turn that cross over to make him a demon. It’s really twisted. Maybe a follower of religion? One of these... Satanists? In a sense it would not surprise me. Given all the blood he sheds.” said Wilhelm.  
“Maybe... or maybe not. That's the problem with Ghostface, he knows everything about everyone, but nobody knows anything about him.” said Danny.  
“I find it strange ... he seems to appreciate you well Miss. Because all those who tried to harm you are dead.” Replied Wilhelm, looking at you.  
You look at the two men, not knowing what to answer. Danny made you understand that you had to quickly find an excuse or something to say. Otherwise, suspicions will arise on you. It was inevitable and real, Danny killed everyone who got too close to you and threatened you. Think pickle brains, think!  
“Great...as if McKellan and Hoggins hadn't been so... horrible, I had to attract the most twisted murderer in the city.” you respond, faking an annoying face.  
“All we have to do now is know why. it's not like you've been living here for a long time, and Ghostface had started his murders long before you arrived. But here, it seems that he is tired of attacking small fish, he wants to catch the bigger ones.” said Wilhelm looking at the reverse cross.
“Go find out what big fish he's going to attack next time... Me... You... or the mayor.” said Danny, taking notes.  
Wilhelm and Danny exchanged a look that meant everything. A cold settled in the room. Don’t forget that these two men do not get along at the base... If you didn't understand why with "Jed", now that you know the reality of things, with Danny, it didn't surprise you in the end. Still, be as close to the one who wants to capture you... you really have to be twisted to play so much with fire. Both took notes, observations of the crime scene, and recorded hypotheses about what might have happened.
It was demoralizing to see how Danny was making fun of Wilhelm, knowing himself that he’s the perpetrator of this murder. He knew how to lie, that's for sure. You were sure that he convinced himself of his own lies. After a few hours, you and Danny end up leaving the scene, Danny "promising" to notify the inspector if he ever had any information. On the way back, you look at Danny pouting like a child unhappy that he didn't have an ice cream.
“What?” Danny finally said.  
“You should be given the medal for the best liar in the world. And the best actor too. You act as if nothing had happened and you provoke the inspector without thinking that there will be no consequences or that he will not suspect you by saying this.” you respond.
“Ha ha I know Honey I know. I was born with this talent as an actor. It's innate in me. And the same can be said of you.”
“Except that compared to you it doesn't make me happy to lie to people. And I pray that no one will ever discover the truth.”
“Oh, you can. Because if it happens... I'd know where it came from.” replied Danny.  
You take a lunch break to eat, as usual, at the park and then around 1pm, you quickly stop at the newspaper, while Danny aka "Jed" or "Jeddy" according to Mattew, reports to his boss. It was fun to see the locals where Danny was working, you were the first "civilian" to go inside, at least to go up to the office. Usually, when you deliver the cakes for the newspaper, it’s the security guards who take care of receiving the packages.
Mr. Hembrook greeted you warmly it was the first time he smiled like this. From what Danny told you, he wasn't the type to joke about, he was someone very serious about his job. But, outside, no one knows how he is. After a few hours of discussion about the article to be published on Hoggins, a discussion in which you took part, you both leave the Roseville Gazette’s building and get back in the van.
“So? What do we do now?” you ask.  
“Well normally tonight I had planned to... find a new victim. Or start this article. But you see, I don't want to. I want to spend a quiet evening, without work, without murder, just you and me. So... What would you say about a short trip to Zanesville just you and me? there are many more things to do than here.” Danny said with a bright smile.  
“Oh, you're doing a rebellious teenage crisis again? the one who only wants to have fun and nothing else?”  
“Ha ha. Really funny. I may have been a model student, but I knew how to have fun. Okay, so? it's yes or no, Miss Rainbow...” replied Danny chuckling.
“Hey! You promised me to not call me that.” you respond, hitting him in the arm.  
“Correction, JED promised you to not call you that anymore. Not me. So?”
“...Fine. But promise me to tell anyone about that.” you said sighing before laughing.  
Danny restarted the van and set off for Zanesville. The road was made in music, and even being himself, Danny still had the same musical tastes than when he was Jed. Indeed, Zanesville has more to offer in terms of entertainment than Roseville. A big city has everything, but it will never replace the tranquillity of a peaceful small town. You looked through the window at the various shops, restaurants, libraries, and even the arcades! there were also shops that sold CDs and films. Basically, there was everything, in addition to grocery stores and small supermarkets.
“Ready to have fun?” asks Danny.  
“Ready!” You respond smiling.  
I hope for you that you know how to hold out until late... very late. Because there, with Danny... you're not ready to go to bed anytime soon. Oh no you're going to be awake all night. Let the party begin!
Until your body lets you go.  
(I think I'm at my... 6/7 run of Road 96 and I still never get tired of it! the good thing about this game is that each road is unique, even if we know the different answers we can give, we can create multiple situations that can lead either to our arrest, our death, or our freedom. It's a game with a gripping story and also very endearing characters. Well, I must admit that Zoe now... as soon as I see her, I want to kick her in the head. She's not a bad character, and I know she doesn't do it voluntarily, but she always puts us in danger every time we meet her. And after a while it's just irritating. I hope you’ll like this chapter like the other ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya! )
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years ago
Good Omens - I Was Given Four Rules to Follow ... I Broke Every One: Chapter 3/3 (Rated PG13)
Summary: When Warlock Dowling is summoned to the old South Downs cottage of Aziraphale and Crowley to help clean out their attic, presumably after their deaths, he is given four rules to follow.
... He breaks every single one.
Read on AO3.
January 15th –
He opened his eyes!
He opened his eyes and looked at me!
After hours of waiting in the dark and in the cold, despairing every second and wishing I was dead myself, he opened his eyes.
But it came close to being all for naught because I almost died myself right then and there.
It was good to see him with his eyes wide open, but the golden eyes I loved so much are gone. 
These new eyes are white on white, the pupils infinitely dark, the irises torn. They stare without blinking. They look into me, into my soul, it seems. They connect to the love that runs deep within me, to every touch he has ever left on my skin, to every promise we both made. 
But they do not recognize me. 
Am I, at all, familiar to him?
I don’t want to reject him, whether he knows me or not. But those eyes unnerve me.
There’s so much about them that’s innocent and frightened.
So much about them that’s desolate and dead.
We literally spent the morning just looking at one another.
I would give anything to know what’s going on in his mind. 
What does he see when he looks at me? 
I want to reach out and touch him, but I’m afraid. I know it won’t be the same. He won’t be warm, won't be comforting. What could be worse than a dead copy of a once alive and loving creature? I don’t know. 
But whatever this is, it might be. 
He won’t smell like Crowley. He won’t have his cheek, won't have his soothing voice. It’s almost as if I adopted some wild animal and decided to make it my husband.
What have I done?
January 16th –
All day long, he tried to move, grunting with the effort of struggling to stand up and get out of bed. He didn’t speak words; he just groaned. I wanted to help him. I wanted to pretend that he was simply convalescing after a horrible illness. I wanted to bathe him and dress him. I wanted to sit him down in front of the television, prop up his feet, and feed him brandy and ice-cream. I wanted to put this chapter behind us and get on with our lives.
I wanted to make believe him dying had never happened.
But I’m not that good an actor.
He behaves exactly the way the old woman warned me he would. He reminds me of a child.
I never wanted children.
This is the ‘in sickness and in health’ part of the marriage package, which I agreed to without hesitation.
Never mind the ‘till death do us part’ portion.
This comes with my vows, and I will honor them.
My love will help him. I know it will.
Can I really do this, or am I fooling myself?
January 17th –
I’m trying my best to take the bad with the good.
I managed to get him to the living room sofa. His legs were stiff, and he couldn’t seem to bend his knees.
He had been declared dead-on-arrival because of the injury to his neck. But I wonder if anything else is broken. I wasn’t really paying attention to the doctor when he went over the extent of Crowley’s injuries. After I heard the word dead, I tuned out.
I should get a copy of Crowley’s hospital records.
But if his legs are broken, how will I deal with that? Will the potion magically fix everything? It brought him back to life. Could fixing broken legs be more difficult than reanimating a corpse? What is the extent of the potion's effects? Do I need a secondary potion of some kind to repair internal injuries?
Maybe I should call the shopkeeper back and ask.
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
He stumbled numerous times and fell on me. I did my best not to cringe at his touch or accidentally drop him. But those eyes, so close to mine, were like looking into a nightmare. I could see through them to the veins and arteries behind, the blood inside them black and unhealthy.
The fourth time he stumbled, though, I got the feeling that maybe he was falling on purpose so that I would be forced to catch him.
I even thought I saw the shadow of a smile cross his lips.
I watched him as he sat in front of the TV and renewed his passion for The Golden Girls. That show had been one of his favorites since he was a small boy.
He sat so still. 
He didn’t swallow. 
He didn’t appear to breathe.
The only time he moved was when he looked over to where I sat, I think, to make sure I was still there.
He sat for hours and watched TV. 
There was nothing else for him to do.
I fed him salad for dinner, let him stay in front of the television instead of making him go to the dining room table. I didn’t see any reason to move him. He leaned down and sniffed the cold lettuce leaves, but he did not eat.
Neither did I.
January 19th –
After a full day of limping him around the house, Crowley is surprisingly steady on his feet. He can make it from the bedroom to the living room sofa by himself. It takes him a while, but he can do it.
His body is still in rigor, but he seems to be getting more comfortable with it.
I should be jumping for joy at his progress. The more mobile he becomes, the less dependent he will be on me. Every day that he improves, even a little, he is closer to becoming the man he was.
But I don’t know how comfortable I am with that anymore.
January 21st -
He doesn’t sleep. And now that he doesn’t rely on me to get around the house, neither do I. I know he sees me as a parent-figure, so he won’t hurt me. But he’s such an alien creature. Not like the old Crowley at all.
It’s strange having this version of him around the house.
When Crowley was
Before the accident, Crowley was so independent. He didn’t need me, didn’t need my help with anything.
But now, he needs to be near me all the time.
I understood there would be a change in our dynamic, but it’s such a striking change that it’s difficult to get used to.
I took a shower for the first time in days. I left him in the living room watching TV, but when I finished and opened the curtain, there he was, standing there … staring.
I fell asleep for about an hour afterward, and when I woke up, he was kneeling beside me, again staring at me.
He’s always staring.
What does he think about doing when he stares at me?
January 22nd –
I finally broke down and gave Crowley a shower. He didn’t stink, but there was something about him, something that smelled … well, I can't seem to find the words to describe it. 
I just wanted it gone.
I’ve seen the injuries to his chest numerous times, but I haven't paid much attention to his back.
When I saw them, I almost threw up.
And he noticed. 
He heard me gag. 
I gasped, held in my urge to be sick.
He turned to face me, and for the first time, he had an expression on his face different from his blank one … but also different from that smile I thought I saw when I was helping him walk around the house.
He looked hurt.
January 27th -
Each day that he improves, I debate telling our friends that he's here. I know they miss us terribly. But in the end, it would be too cruel. He’s not himself anymore. He never will be. Most days, I curse myself for doing this to him. My motives were selfish. I wasn’t thinking of anyone but myself when I made the decision to bring him back. 
I wasn’t even thinking of him.
Our lives are unrecognizable. We’ll never travel the world like we'd planned. Who knows if I’ll make it back to my bookshop? Should probably shut it down and have my books transported here. The way things look, the rest of our days will be spent in this cottage. 
I have to be okay with that.
But what about Crowley?
If you asked rational me if I think he wants to live this half-life, with no potential to be anything other than a human puppet, who only barely resembles the man that was Anthony J Crowley, I would have to say no. Absolutely not.
But I can’t turn back now.
What am I expected to do? Poison his tea? Smother him in his sleep?
Would attempting to kill him even work?
And what about his soul? 
If there is a Heaven, I surely pulled him out of it with my cock-eyed plan. What if there is no going back for him? 
I can only hope that my love for him is enough to keep him from hating me when he’s able to comprehend what I’ve done to him.
February 1st –
I’ve finally gotten him to eat – bits and pieces mostly, bites of vegetables and corners of bread. It doesn’t seem like he likes it, but he eats it, and that’s good. He eats because I tell him to. It shows that he trusts me.
He’s more self-sufficient now. 
He showers and brushes his teeth on his own. He picks out his pajamas and dresses himself. Sometimes he tries his hand at making the bed. He is attempting to be more vocal, but he has yet to say a single thing that isn’t a grunt or a moan.
I’ve been looking up the subject of speech delay on the Internet, trying to find ways to help him learn. I came across one website in particular with fun, creative ideas. I started making flashcards of consonant blends and one-syllable words. I felt so accomplished, so hopeful, like I was actually doing something positive toward the goal of moving us forward. I felt confident that after a little work with them, everything would be all right. I was so excited to show them to him, but then I realized …
… I have no idea if he can read.
February 3rd –
I tried calling the old woman at the antique shop in Soho to ask about the effects of the potion, but the phone has been disconnected.
I guess they went out of business after all.
It doesn’t matter. Nothing appears to be broken. Or maybe it’s that he doesn’t feel pain.
I was teaching him how to cook, hoping it would bring a bit of the old Crowley back. We used to cook together all the time. Honestly, we weren't all that good at it, but that didn't stop us from trying. We had just gotten the hang of a decent souffle before ...
Anyway ...
I started him small. 
I had him grating cheese. 
Seemed simple enough. The grater stands on its own, so not much to juggle. But he pressed too hard, ran the grater over the backs of his fingers, scraped off skin. He didn’t so much as flinch. I think it bothered me more than it bothered him. I bandaged it up and, without thinking, I kissed the wound. I looked at him in utter shock …
… and he smiled.
My heart leapt.
It’s so nice to see him smile again. 
I never thought I would.
February 4th –
I took off Crowley’s bandage, and his wound from the cheese grater is gone! There’s not a trace of it left!
I guess that answers that question.
I should be relieved, but it bothers me, and I don’t know why.
February 21st –
Today was the most unexpectedly intense, depressing, and wonderful day all at once.
It started when Crowley woke this morning. He got up before me and tried to make me crepes. I had no idea why. He hadn't tried to cook by himself before, didn't even show an interest in cooking without me. He burned them, himself, and the stove all in one go. The fire alarm woke me, blaring in my ears. I managed to get to the extinguisher in time, but poor Crowley looked heartbroken over his ruined pan of blackened food.
Then, before lunch, he wanted to go outside. I think he was trying to sneak out, but I caught him jiggling the front doorknob (he has yet to master the bolt - thank God). When I caught him, he slammed his hand on the door in frustration and sprinted for the back one. I followed him, knowing it was locked and that he wouldn’t be able to open it. When I reached him, he was trying to wedge his way out of the old cat flap. (Note to self - board up the cat flaps! I don’t know why we kept them. We’ve never owned a cat.) 
I patted him gently on the shoulder and asked him what he needed. He stood up and groaned, moving his mouth and wiggling his tongue, making nonsensical sounds. When he couldn’t say what he needed to, he pointed out the window to the garden. I assumed he wanted to check on his dahlias. I’m a disaster with flowers, and, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to keep them up the way he could. 
Of course, it's one degree outside. The poor things are frozen solid. They're not even flowers any longer, I don't think, but the frigid remains of what they once were.
But he’d had yet to show any interest in them, either, before today. 
I shrugged, repeated that I didn’t understand. He pointed more forcefully, jabbing at the window with his index finger.
“I don’t know what you're trying to tell me, my dear,��� I said. “Do you want to go for a walk?” 
I've taken him walking around Soho a few times. I've been trying to tie up loose ends, decide if selling the bookshop is the road to take. I wrapped him up in a full-length coat and scarf with just his eyes peeking out. I guess he enjoyed it, but he’d never asked to go outside. He shook his head and pointed again, this time at the dying rose bushes that I hadn’t had time to deadhead. I didn’t get it. I shook my head, and he stormed off to the bedroom.
I followed him there, but he blocked the door.
I could hear him inside, moaning. It was horrible. It sounded like pain and embarrassment and frustration, all rolled together. And I couldn’t help him.
He wouldn’t let me.
I tried to lure him out several times, but he didn’t come out till dinner time.
And when he did, he was dressed in a black Bergdorf suit.
Crowley has dozens of expensive black suits, and he looks stunning in all of them.
But this suit.
This suit in particular.
This suit had been hanging front and center in his closet.
Because it was the suit I had planned on burying him in.
It threw me for a loop, dragging me kicking and screaming back to that day I found out he had died, before I’d decided to try bringing him back, before I knew that I could. I took out the suit to air it. I guess I hadn’t put it back with the others because there it was, standing before me with the living corpse of my husband inside.
The sight took all the air out of my lungs.
“Take it off,” I said quietly, trying not to alarm him, but how was I supposed to explain to my somewhat dead husband that I didn’t want to see him dressed in the suit I had planned on putting him in the ground in?
He looked confused and shook his head, opening his mouth and groaning.
“Please, Crowley,” I begged, hoping he would hear my anguish and understand, “take it off.”
He stomped his foot and shook his head, the way a petulant child would. It should have been cute, but I couldn’t handle it. I've had issues getting used to his looks lo these many weeks, but for the first time since he came back to me, he looked dead.
“Take it off!” I screamed. I ran at him, grabbed the lapels, trying to tear it off his body. He held me, pinned my arms, and I could feel his renewed strength. I hadn’t really let him touch me before, but now I knew that if he wanted to, he could probably hurt me.
I stared up at him, realizing that he was hovering above me, and I was lying on my back on the floor. My heart stopped. He had never looked menacing before. Even in death, he seemed so innocent. But now, he looked like a monster. He had a piece of paper balled in his grasp, and he tried to make me look at it, but I couldn’t take my eyes away from his face – pale and cold and lifeless, regardless of the fact that he was my Crowley.
He stared at me, trying to speak.
It hit me like a pile of bricks.
That’s exactly what he was doing. 
His lips were moving in exaggerated, grotesque ways that shouldn’t be able to turn sound into words, but they were.
“A … Az … Azi …”
Crowley blinked and shook his head.
“Azir …”
“Aziraphale?” I asked in awe that he was trying to say my name.
Crowley laughed. It was a glorious, hollow, frankly frightening sound, but I couldn’t help smiling when I heard it. He put his fingers to my lips. 
I guess he didn’t want me to steal his thunder.
“Azzzir-uh-phale,” he said, smacking his lips. “I … lo … I lov …” Crowley swallowed again, closing his eyes, trying to make the words in his head match the movement of his lips. “I … love … you … Azzzir-uh-phale.”
Crowley tapped again at the paper on the floor. This time I did what he wanted and looked. He had torn off the current page from the calendar and was poking at a box circled shakily in red. I peered down at it.
I could have cried.
“Our ... our anniversary?” I asked, looking into his broken eyes. He sighed, nodding.
It was our anniversary.
He’d wanted to make me breakfast in bed … for our anniversary.
He’d wanted to get me roses … for our anniversary.
My husband had wanted to do something nice for me … for our anniversary.
My husband had spent all day teaching himself how to say, “I love you, Aziraphale,” because there was nothing else he could do for me.
My husband remembered our anniversary ...
... even when I had not.
June 4th -
Five months-ish later…
I can’t believe it! 
I cannot believe it!
Five months later and we’ve made it! Despite the odds. Despite the difficulties and the heartaches. Despite every time I thought about giving up, here we are.
We spend our days wrapped in each other’s arms. We watch TV. I read books out loud - he sits and listens. Crowley is re-learning how to drive, and I’m on the hunt for a new Bentley. Our lives might not be what they were before, but they’re perfect for us.
We’ve managed to go to the city more, spent a few glorious nights at our flat in Mayfair. We've even interacted with one or two of our old friends. It's a wonder what some foundation and blusher can accomplish! I told them it was a medical miracle, and they believed me.
Because that's what Crowley is.
A miracle!
Okay, maybe I am tempting fate. But maybe fate needs to be tempted from time to time! 
His vocabulary has expanded immensely, and a hint of his old suave confidence has come back, along with the muddy accent I so often teased him about.
I am finally at a point where I am optimistic about the future.
Because I’m beginning to think that there might actually be one for us.
August 13th –
I woke this morning to a strange squealing noise. At first, I thought it might be the smoke alarm again - odd since we got the cooking situation sorted, I thought. The longer I listened to it, the more I realized it wasn’t the smoke alarm. It didn’t sound familiar at all, so I didn’t worry too much about it. As long as an errant sheep didn’t get hit by a car, there was really no reason to jump out of bed and investigate. After a few minutes of listening to the goings-on outside, I determined that wasn’t the case, so I considered going back to sleep.
But then I noticed that Crowley wasn’t laying beside me in bed.
That isn’t too unusual. He’s normally the first one up on any given day. I just curl back into a ball holding his pillow to my chest until he returns.
He always returns.
The squealing wasn’t really that weird. I’ve thought for the last few months that we might have rats. Or squirrels. Or possums. I’ve heard that same squealing a few times before. But seeing as I can’t find any evidence of rodent-caused destruction anywhere in the house, I haven’t been too aggressive about hunting it down.
My stomach began to growl. I guessed I had been asleep for longer than I thought. Instead of returning to bed, I decided to make some waffles for breakfast. So I got up and went out into the kitchen.
That’s where I found Crowley.
He was crouching on the floor …
… covered in blood …
… biting into the spine of what used to be a raggedy old Maine coon …
I looked at him.
He looked at me.
He grinned his old, sly grin, licked his bloody lips, and said, "Hello, Aziraphale. Can I get you a cuppa tea? I know just how you like it."
He winked at me, and my heart stuttered.
I may have a problem.
Those are the last words on the page.
A page where the ink is smeared from tears, and the edges crusted in blood.
I haven’t seen Aziraphale or Crowley in decades. They used to send the occasional letter, but those stopped a while ago, and they never call. But something tells me neither of them ever left this house alive.
I’m afraid my time, too, has run out. I came to this house alone. But huddled in the darkest corner of the attic, I hear footsteps coming closer, a sour voice on the wind calling my name …
Ka-thunk …
“Warlock …”
Ka-thunk …
“Warlock …”
Ka-thunk …
“Warlock …”
“Warlock Dowling!” Crowley calls, barging into the attic, footsteps heavy on the worn floorboards. “Are you recording another one of those Clip-Clop thingies again?”
“It’s TikTok, Nanny,” Warlock replies, rolling his eyes, “and no. I’m reading a story for my YouTube channel.”
“Well … you done getting a costume together or wot?” Crowley asks, changing the subject, saving face that he actually understands anything Warlock just said. “Adam and his hooligans are gonna be here in a minute. Aziraphale is gonna have kittens if you’re not ready to go Tricks or Treats!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Warlock says, gathering up his camera. He loves Halloween with a passion, but he’d been eyeing this one journal in Aziraphale’s bookshop for some time now. This video he’s been putting together promises to be epic - the crowning achievement of his burgeoning story channel. Most horror story channels get their material from the Creepypasta Reddit, but he has a unique source of original material … when he can get out to Soho, that is. “I’m coming.” He pulls the lapels of the leather jacket he’s borrowing for the evening together in front to tighten it up. 
It’s slim fit as it used to be Crowley’s from back in the day, but thirteen-year-old Warlock still swims in it. 
Warlock marches to the door under Crowley’s watchful eye. Before he can make his way through, Crowley stops him, slipping a hand underneath the jacket and rescuing an extraneous prop - an antique journal.
“Have you been snoopin’ through Angel’s old manuscripts again?” Crowley asks, wiping the cover clean. “You know how he feels bout that.”
“I know,” Warlock admits sheepishly, “but my audience loves them! I get thousands of hits off his stories! Besides, I put my own twist on them, freshen them up a bit.”
“Do you now?” Crowley asks with an unamused eyebrow notched.
“Why didn't he get them published?” Warlock shifts gears before the lecturing can start. “He’s an amazing writer!”
“He had his reasons,” Crowley mumbles, flipping through the pages. After skimming a passage or two, he puts it down on a pile of similar journals, a shiver sliding down his snakey spine. “Oof! Those things’ll give you nightmares.”
“They should terrify you. He’s murdered you in every single one!”
“Ah, but he does it with love.” Crowley grins wide enough to swallow his whole face. “It’s an honor.” 
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vivthesleepyhead · 3 years ago
Matt: *closes a cabinet*
*a crash is heard behind the cabinet door*
Viv: What was that?
Matt, speed walking away: The sound of someone else's problem.
Viv: Y’know, maybe things aren’t so bad. I’m here. I got the nice ocean breeze. Just alone with my thoughts.
Matt: Hey, Viv.
Viv, annoyed: GODDAMNIT!
Viv: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Matt, nervous: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Viv, smiling: Let’s write Matt a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass... that… I call… my brother.
Viv: Matt, what is the ONE thing I asked you NOT to do tonight?
Matt: Raise the dead.
Viv: And what did you do?
Matt: Raise the dead.
Matt: Viv is not a morning person. Or a night person. There’s really only about seven minutes a day you are fun to be around.
Viv, smirks: The best part is you never know when they’re coming.
Matt: Change is inedible.
Viv: Don’t you mean inevitable?
Matt, spitting out a bunch of pennies: No, I really didn’t.
Viv, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Viv, pissed: You read my diary?
Matt: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Viv: What are your three best qualities?
Matt: I’m hot, I have soft hair, and sometimes I cry because I love my friends.
Matt: Where are you going?
Viv: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.
Kidnapper: We have your child
Viv: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Viv, exasperated: Oh god, you have Matt
Matt: You look mentally ill.
Viv: I am. Let’s go.
Viv: You’re my brother, I would do anything for you.
Matt: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Viv, smiling: Absolutely not.
Matt, trying to upload selfie: Why cant trees give off something important like wifi??
Viv: So fuck oxygen, I guess.
Matt: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Viv: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Matt: *slams books down in front of Viv*
Matt: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night.
Viv: You could of said literally anything else.
Matt: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble.
Viv: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this now.
Matt: I’m 80% awesome 20% water and 100% handsome.
Viv: That’s 200%.
Matt: I’m twice the man you’ll ever be-
Viv: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Viv: And I started thinking.
Viv: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Viv: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Matt, very concerned: Are you ok?
Ghost Viv: What’s up? I’m back.
Matt: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead
Ghost Viv: Death is a social construct.
Matt: Fight me!
Viv, standing behind them and holding a knife: *mouths* Do not.
Viv: You’re charged with…..breaking into a pet store?
Matt: I thought the animals might be lonely.
Matt: When's the last time you slept?
Viv: Uh... a few days ago, I think.
Matt: A few- how many?!
Viv: Uh... *starts counting on fingers* I need more fingers...
Matt, exasperated: What you need is sleep!
Matt: You use emoji’s like a straight person.
Viv, in shock: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Viv: *Answers phone.* Hello?
Matt: It's Matt.
Viv: What did they do this time?
Matt: No, it's me, Viv. It's actually me.
Viv: What did you do this time?
Matt: That’s illegal, right?
Viv: Why do you care? Are you a fucking cop?
Matt: No-
Viv: Then shut the fuck up.
Matt: Who hurt you?
Viv: *snorting* What, do you want a list?
Matt: ...Yes, actually.
Viv: You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds.
Matt, excited: We're going to McDonalds if I don't do my work?
Viv, on the verge of tears: NO-
Matt: honk.
Viv: WHAT.
Matt: HONK.
Matt: Remember what I told you.
Viv: Don’t be a cunt.
*Viv and Matt playing minecraft*
Viv: Oh no, oh no, oh no-
Matt: What’s wrong?
Viv: I did a thing.
Matt: You regret the thing you dID-
Viv: *screams*
Matt: What the fuck did you do- *sees mass of aggravated Piglin* Damn it-
Viv: *screams again*
Viv, looking at a selfie of Matt’s: I hate this photo.
Matt: I’m hot as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly.
Viv: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something.
Matt: Up to kindness.
Matt: I'm going the fight the next person who insults Viv.
Viv: I hate myself.
Matt, pushing his sleeves up: Alright, square up.
Matt: We have fun, don’t we, Viv?
Viv, pulling her hair: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Matt: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Viv, confused: …And you came to me?
Matt: Am I in trouble?
Viv, crossing her arms with a frown: Take a guess.
Matt, nervous: No?
Viv: Take another guess.
Matt, smirking: So, Viv, do you have a crush on anyone? *referring to Ash*
Viv, misses the hint: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
Matt, dramatically: They called me a fool.
Viv, sick of Matt's shit: They weren’t wrong.
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hyperionshipping · 4 years ago
Late night walks
I really didn't do the whole late night walk justice did I? Oops.
Day 3: Late Night Walks
Messenger walked in dead silence. Occasionally, there was the rumble of car streets away. He clicked his phone on, it read 2:15 A.M. he clicked it off. “I say we head down to the waterfront,” he said, cutting the silence. Scout shrugged. He was just as restless that night as Messenger was.
“Do ya’think anyplace is open right now? ‘Cause I could go for somethin’ right about now.”
“You-” Messenger shook his head. “McDonald's probably. The closest one’s back up in town. We’re in downtown Scout.” he just groaned, head thrown back.
“There’s a convenience store on the road to the waterfront, why don’t we stop there eh?”
“Alright!” Scout was already walking faster, leaving Messenger to pick up his pace.
“Hey bitch, slow down!”
“You’re walkin’ too slow. I’m hungry, and I wanna eat before I die.”
“I hope you do die, so I can dance over yer corpse.” Messenger snorted as Scout turned around, walking backward.
“And I’mma push you right into the water. The mutant fishes’ll get ya!” he threw his arms up, as Messenger kept laughing.
The poor cashier. Messenger and Scout walked into the gas station at 2:30, leaning onto each other as they laughed. “That dude didn’t fuckin’ know a thing!”
“Well, I do know one thing. I’m gettin’ fuckin’ ice cream baby!” Messenger beelined it to the small freezer, peering into it.
“Ugh, ‘course you’re gonna. It’ll melt before ya eat it.”
“Can’t hear you~!” Messenger hummed, grabbing a drumstick, gasping. “Oh my god. Scout! Scout, Scout, Scout. They got Dibs. Do you want one?” Scout peered from the candy aisle.
“Seriously? I haven’t had those since I was a kid. ‘Course I want one.” Messenger grabbed two of them, closing the freezer and making his way to Scout. Scout held 3 different candy bars.
“Add a 3 Musketeers to your pile.” Messenger grabbed the silver candy bar, dropping it into Scout’s hands. “I think a sandwich too? You want a shitty gas station sandwich?”
“I said I was hungry, not that I wanted a whole damn meal.”
“More sandwich for me.” Messenger walked away to get a sandwich. He knew they’d been sitting all day, but he didn’t care. He picked up a simple ham and cheese sandwich. Scout trailed behind him. “Drinks. We need drinks.” Messenger went to the wall of drinks, picking a random soda. Scout did the same. They both were looking for the caffeine more than anything.
When they went up to the register, the cashier looked at the items, then to the two males. “Is this-?”
“All together.”
“Okay.” the “y” was dragged out as they rang up each item. “$21.35,” they said as Messenger reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He paid for it.
“No need for a bag, we’ll shove it in mine. Thank you.” the cashier just nodded, watching as Scout reached past Messenger to grab one of three candy bars. Messenger put the other items into his bag, keeping the ice cream out. He handed one to Scout, popping the top off of his. “Eat up, ‘cause they’ll start melting.” Scout handed the candy bar to Messenger, opening his own carton of Dibs.
“Ya, ya. Can’t believe you talked me into gettin’ ice cream.”
“Scout, it’s the perfect time to eat ice cream. Now. Do you still wanna go to the waterfront? It’s still warm enough we can probably sit on the dock next to the boat launch.”
“Mhm, ya. I still gotta push you in.”
“You do that an’ I’m gonna pull you in little man.”
“I’d like to see you catch me. Push ya in so fast I’m at the other end of the dock.”
Messenger and Scout sat side by side on the dock. Messenger’s boots were by his side, socks shoved into them. His feet dangled in the water as he ate the sandwich he’d bought. Scout was eating the last candy bar he’d gotten. The two had been telling random stories that came to mind. Messenger sipped his drink as Scout started on another tangent. “Look. I’m tellin’ ya. I think, if we worked together we could make that tie-dye suit a reality.”
“Scout, I have never seen Spy do laundry at the base. He wears the same one suit when he’s there.”
“Bullshit, he’s gotta change it at least once.”
“Dude, he sleeps in it. You wanna tell me Spy sleeps naked? Jus’ like boxers and that’s it? ‘Cause you know he doesn’t. We both know he sleeps in that.” Scout waved his free hand.
“No way. He’s got some fancy sleepin’ suit. He does sleep with the mask on. Swear on it! Seen it myself.” Messenger punched Scout’s arm, gasping.
“Scout, yer a fuckin’ genius! While he’s sleepin’!”
“Huh-” he shook his head, “uh, ‘course I’m a genius. You should tell me what you’re thinkin’ though.”
“He’s absolutely the kinda guy to have some fuckin’ rich dude sleeping suit. All we gotta do is sneak in and steal his normal suit, and we can tie-dye that bitch.” Messenger paused, “I can sneak in. You’d wake him up,”
“Would not.”
“Would too! The point still stands. We catch him on a night he goes to sleep early, and then I go to steal the full suit, and we like, go ham. I don’t think it’d show up good on his darker suits-”
“We could bleach it. That makes clothes fucked up too.” Messenger was grinning now.
“Oh my god, Scout that’s literally so much better. Scout, do you know how fuckin’ pissed he’d be?” Scout nodded.
“Enough that I think you an’ I better start runnin’ before he wakes up.” Messenger flapped his hands a few times, already thinking ahead.
“Scout. Do you wanna do that? Do you wanna even try it ‘cause I wanna do that. Not tonight of course. It’s gonna be late by the time we’re back an’ we won’t have time but, like, the day after or something.”
“Oh, you absolutely know I wanna do it, Messenger.”
“Sweet. Okay. Well! We better start back. I gotta bring some supplies to the base.”
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rvnjun · 7 years ago
nct 2018 reacts | their idol crush gets made fun of by an mc
warnings: idk if this is a warning but the reader gets made fun of for their looks sometimes genre: angst but all fluffy paring: nct x fem!reader a/n: I didn't add gifs because i'm lazy and my computer crashes when I try adding more than 9 gifs to a post
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Taeil would be playing with his hands, he was very nervous, it wasn't easy being on the same show as the person you've been crushing on forever. His ears would perk up when he heard your name mentioned. “You look like a frog trying to walk on two legs,” the mc said while watching your dancing. Immediately he felt his heart drop. He looked at your expression and felt his anger boil, it was obvious that you were hurt. “Hey, dancing isn't easy, you should try it,” Taeil spoke quietly while looking at his hands. He looked up to see you smiling brightly at him
“How can a leader be so quiet and reserved? Shouldn't it be you to peak up and not your members?” the host asked after another membered explained the album and not you. “Well actually during comebacks someone gets assigned to remember what to say about the album, its not always the leader,” Taeyong defended. He could tell you seemed hurt and he didn't like seeing his biggest crush offended. The host nodded in response, he didn't expect Taeyong to defended you like that, he was intimidated. Once the camera were off you'd go over and thank him for sticking up for you.
“I literally didn't know that you were in this comeback. Where were you in the mv and where are your lines?” the host asked while looking at you. Truth be told, you didn't know why you didn't get many lines nor why you didn't have much screen time. “I really don't know,” you mumbled while looking at the water bottle in front of you. Johnny nodded his head, he knew what it was like to work so hard for something and have it still be out of your reach. The hosts laughed “Apparently there is something very wrong with you,” he said while trying to move on to the next topic. Johnny rolled his eyes, he placed a reassuring hand over yours and gave you a calming smile. “Don't listen to him, okay? Even though you don't have many lines this comeback you shine brighter than your members,” he encouraged. You nodded your head and tried to calm your beating heart. Johnny's words really helped you and you made sure that you needed to hank him the next time you saw him
“If we are talking about looks here than Y/N is definitely at the bottom,” the mc said while laughing along with the others. Your eyes widened, you were surprised to hear his words. Yuta was too, he had always had a crush on you and thought of you as the most beautiful women he had ever met. “No, Y/N would be at the top,” Yuta corrected while sending the mc a deathly glare. You giggled and sent a smirk over to mc. Yuta couldn't help but laugh at your new found confidence
Your Korean wasn't the best and you'd be the first person to admit it. Despite knowing about your lack of Korean speaking skills you didn't like being made fun of for them. However making fun of your speaking seemed to be what every host did, it was their favorite thing. Ten had noticed this, throughout the entirety of filming the host would reoccurringly laugh at how you said things or when you forgot a word. By the end of filming Ten noticed that you weren't speaking as much, he would feel extremely bad so he approached you and said. “Y/N dont listen to them, its not easy learning another language. I bet none of them can speak 2 languages (or more).” You smiled at his words, he had a point. “Thanks, Ten,” you said with a charming smile. Ten would nod and decide to help you for the rest of filming, he didnt care if the fans noticed
“And you are the main vocalist? How in the world did that happen?” the host asked after listening to you singing your favorite song on your new album. You were clearly taken back by his statement, you had been called a terrible vocalist before but always by angi fans, never by a host. “And you are the main host? How in the world did that happen?” Doyoung sasssed back while sending the host a glare. You giggled at him causing his heart to flutter. The host simply looked at the floor and burned red in embarrassment while everyone laughed at him
Kun was standing next to you while your members talked about your new song and the highlight parts. He was already extremely nervous because of this comeback and being next to his crush made his nerves 10x worse. “I keep forgetting your not a 6 membered group and that there is 7 of you,” the host said while gesturing to you. You had taken a hiatus because of health problems and this was your first comeback back. Kun couldn't control his expression, his faced formed into confusion before it went to pure anger. Once the camera were off and you guys were leaving Kun leaned over and whispered in your ear “Don't listen to him Y/N. Sometimes I forget you aren't a solo artist because you shine so much compared to your members,” he winked at you before walking away. You brought your hand up to your heart and tried to control its rapid beating
Jaehyun awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while the host started asking questions about his personal life. When his ideal type was mentioned the host brought up if any of the other girls on the show matched his ideal type. Truthfully, he wanted to answer yes and mention you but of course he knew that he couldn't do that. “Well I can tell you this, it isnt Y/N,” the host added while making everyone laugh except for you and Jaehyun. Jaehyun could tell from your expression that you were hurt, being made fun of for your looks was a recurring thing for you on variety shows. “Actually, I was going to say Y/N is the closest person to my ideal type,” he said making your cheeks turn crimson
Winwin didn't know what to say or do, all he knew was that he wanted to stick up for you. He looked at the hosts before choosing to not speak up yet and instead say something later. Once the filming was over you were mentally and physically exhausted. “Y/N? Id like to apologize for not sticking up for you earlier, I should have said something,” he said with an apologetic smile. You shook your head “Its okay Winwin, im glad you said something now,” you said making him feel much better, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Uh, here is my number. Call if you need anything,” Winwin said before rushing away to his managers
Jungwoo took a bite of the ice cream and continued to walk with a skip in his step. Today was a good day, the sun was shining, he got ice cream, and he was able to film a show with his idol crush. “You know Y/N, I wouldn't eat on camera if I were you, you look like a donkey,” the mc said while they changed the cameras out. “Oh,,,okay,” you said while tossing the cone away. You felt sick to your stomach, why hasn't someone told you the truth before.”Y/N,” Jungwoo mumbled while walking next to you. You looked away, embarrassed to be called a donkey while in the presence of Jungwoo. “Don't listen to him, you look perfectly fine, stunning actually,” he said with a cheeky grin. You giggled at his words and thank him. Jungwoo placed a short but sweet kiss on your cheek
You followed close behind Lucas, he tall stature and broad shoulders helped shield you from the harsh winds. He had told you to stay behind him, that he could lead the way back and you felt bad. You wanted to be able to help out more but you were already sick due to the lack of food and the freezing rain. Byungman had insisted that you and Lucas go and find some wood but what eh didn't realize that a huge storm was going to hit. Now you two were stuck in it while trying to get back to base camp. After what felt like hours you were completely worn out, and it was noticeable. Your fever had raised and you kept coughing. Once you got back Lucas was beyond worried for you “Y/N you're so useless right now and you're literally the ugliest thing i've ever seen,” one of the guests on the show said while laughing. Lucas scrunched his face up in confusion “She is sick, id like to see you try and walk 2 miles in this storm while sick. I think she still looks beautiful,” Lcas said while giving yo a soft smile.
“Y/N you look like a lifeless corpse,” the host said with a laugh while pointing at your makeupless face. You looked at him with wide eyes and hid yourself behind your hands. “Im sorry, let me go apply my makeup,” you said while turning around and returning to your room. “Y/N I think you look even more stunning, if that's possible,” he smoothly flirted without realizing. The hosts were surprised by his words, just like you. “Oh my, thank you Mark,” you giggled while removing your hands from your face with a new found confidence causing Mark to smile proudly.
You sat in the chair and played with your fingers while you waited to be called back on set. Biting your lip you did your best to hide back the tears but it was really hard. No one liked getting made fun of for their looks, especially not in front of their crush. You looked up and wiped your tears when you heard someone in front of you cough. “Hey Y/N,” Renjun said while he looked down at you. “Hello Renjun,” you simply said before looking back down. You tried to hold them back but they kept falling.”Y/N don't listen to them, you're a beautiful girl, there literally isnt a single flaw on you,” Renjuns words took you by surprise. You looked up at him with light pink cheeks. Renun sighed and cupped your face in his hands before wiping your tears with his thumb. “I mean it”
Jeno held the microphone tighter than usual, his eyes were burning holes into the camera and his poster was picture perfect. “Y/N, you read the wrong line, who invited you to be the guess mc?” the other mc asked while staring at you. Jeno furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at you. You lightly laughed and tried to keep a smile. Once the camera were off you rushed away so you could cry. “Y/N!” Jeno called out while reaching for your hand. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him with a wry smile. “Don't listen to him, you did great,” he said sending an eruption of butterflies in your stomach
Haechan scoffed at the hosts joke. “Its not cool to make fun of someone for something they cant control,” he said while sending him a sharp glare. The host looked back at Haechan “What did you just say to me?” he asked, testing the younger boy. “I said dont make fun of someone for something they cant control,” Haechan snapped back. You watched from Haechan side with a glint in your eyes. No one had ever stuck up for you like that. “Thank you haechan, I mean it,” you mumbled to him before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. Haechan watched in awe as you walked ahead, his hand went up to the spot where your lips once were and he beamed
You yelped slightly as you slipped on the floor, your hand reached out for something to hold onto so you wouldn't fall. Grabbing Jaemins forearm tightly you caught your balance. You sent Jaemin an apologetic smile, he had been helping you out all day. “Wow Y/N, dont you think Jaemin is tired of taking care of you, its like he is babysitting,” the host started to laugh at his own joke, others joined in. You stopped and looked over at him. Jaemin didnt mind taking care of you, you were his biggest crush and he liked having you cling to him. “Please dont put words in my mouth, I dont mind it at all,” he said with giving you a soft smile
The host stared at your beat red face, you were in the middle of trying to think of a reply but couldn't come up with anything. Instead you opted to sutter out a incomprehensible “yes.” The host rolled his eyes at you before looking at the producer “Why did you invite her, she can't even answer a simple question. How are you a idol?” he tried to play it off as funny but you were very much hurt by it. You knew you were shy and awkward and you did your best to get over it. “I think her shyness makes her even more cuter,” Chenle piped up out of nowhere. You sent Chenle a thankful smile, no one had ever stuck up for you like that, especially not a cute boy
Jisung watched in awe as your body moved to the beat perfectly, he was completely mesmerized by your dancing. Once you were done you smiled proudly, you had noticed the way Jisung was looking at you and it made you feel all giddy inside. “And you call yourself a dancer?” the mc asked while giving you a sharp stare. Jisungs eyes widened, he didnt even know what came over him when he spoke “No offense but she is the most amazing dancer id ever seen.” Once Jisung realized what he said he glanced over at you and saw you giving him the biggest heart eyes he had ever seen, he put his hand up to his mouth and tried to hide his growing smile
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i-am-the-entertainer · 6 years ago
RevieWBY Volume 6, Chapter 5: “The Coming Storm”
Right off the bat I wanna say this is a very well-structured episode of RWBY. Besides some nitpicks with the pacing of certain scenes, we got a good amount of character interaction/development and intrigue to make things satisfying, although not gonna lie, the Cinder vs. Neo fight was a plus. So let’s take a look at this now, shall we?
Who Wants Ice Cream?
Okay, who called it?
Literally everyone, like even if we had confirmation that wasn’t her in the opening there was no way they would keep her off the show for any longer.
They definitely didn’t disappoint with the fight. I’ll admit, it was a little clunky: the pose physics weren’t quite as clean as they could have been, but overall it was better choreographed than the fight from the premiere and most of the fights in Volumes 4 and 5. It’s the kind of PvP fight that, dare I say it, Monty would have animated. Cinder and Neo’s actions made sense and weren’t awkwardly slow at all. There was room to breathe where we could take in what was happening in the fight, and it wasn’t just pathetic punches but legitimately awesome moves. However, the build-up to it was a little rushed: I think it could have run a little bit slower, that would have made a nice contrast to the sudden fighting frenzy and in turn build up anticipation.
Remember how I said Cinder being completely alone spelled interesting consequences for her this volume? Case in point this chapter: Neo posed a considerable threat, almost on par with Raven––and remember, Neo doesn’t have the powers of the Spring Maiden behind her, so the fact she was able to hold her own against Cinder for quite a while is impressive. It was only when Cinder was able to regain her focus that Neo saw she was outmatched and back down.
Hey Look! A Corpse!
And of course, with every fight we come to the slower part of the episode. Well, it would be slower if it weren’t
The reveal of the dead bodies and the apparently horrible occurrence that happened at this farm was very well done. We get a sense of unease that permeates the rest of this episode (that cellar tho), a continued idea that no matter where they go, team RWBY isn’t safe. But at least this point, they have each other, and we get the team partners going off on their own for a healthy round of character development.
First off, we get some Blake and Yang moments, and the promised angst between them. The angst comes from Blake’s inclination to feel like she is obligated to “protect” Yang after what happened in Volume 3. This is a very good choice for Blake’s development, even if we know from the episode it’s the wrong choice: Volume 4 and 5 seems to have taught her that she can’t keep running away when her friends get hurt, but she now believes that means she has to protect her friends. Of course, Yang spent most of Volume 4 and 5 learning to trust that she can fend for herself even without her original arm, so it’s understandable that Yang finds Blake’s inclination to protect offensive. This is the beginning of the conversation that needs to happen between them, the one everyone hoped for, and I can’t wait for its eventual (hopeful) resolution.
And then we have Ruby and Weiss looking for food. It’s nice to see them interact in this way: Volume 5's reunion was a little more about Ruby and Yang meeting up. Here we get a little more about the fallout from Ozpin’s story in Chapter 3, which I appreciate because, like I said, that’s the kind of reveal that needs to affect the rest of the show. If Weiss wasn’t already unsure about returning to Atlas, she’s even more unsure now, knowing their efforts to defeat Salem are unlikely to take them anywhere.
Lil Miss’s accent was a little all-over-the-place this episode. It felt like they established her accent as something like “southern belle” in Chapter 2, but here it sounded a lot more British at times. Probably could have been honed in a little more during recording sessions.
I seem to recall Gray said a while ago that Neo has a voice actor, but her gestures in this episode suggest she is simply mute. If that’s the case, I think it would have been more interesting if she can talk and just chooses not to. Then again, she could be saying “You want me to talk?”, sort of lampshading the fact she hasn’t spoken an actual line before, hence Cinder’s annoyed “Right.” So I’m curious how they’ll handle that communication barrier thing.
Someone noticed the fact that Neo looks significantly different outside the bar (tattered clothes and the hat and all that), whereas she has her original appearance right up until she shatters outside the window, suggesting that it was actually one of her mirror clones that fought Cinder in there. This is a nice touch, but I wish it had been a little clearer. It looks like there are a lot of little details CRWBY sticks in the episodes that you don’t notice, which should be the nature of all animation but it adds another dimension to Neo that I didn’t get at first viewing.
Someone else said Neo’s return is a plot hole because she has no reason for being here.
...okay first of all, that’s not what a plot hole is, and second of all they literally give you the reason in the episode. She’s there because she’s mad at Cinder for what happened with Roman.
I’ll be honest, her new model in the Maya engine didn’t look great when she appears in the bar: her hair color looks kind of dull, they could’ve made them stand out a little more. Also, the model doesn’t appear quite as detailed as the original, I’m not sure if it’s because they rushed the model to production or the amount of detail in the original model couldn’t be done in the Maya Engine. But the choreography of the fight was good enough that I didn’t particularly care.
We got an anime-like moment with Ruby darting to get the food. That’s good: I was hoping they would go for a more anime vibe this volume after mostly reserving those moments for premieres in the past.
Overall Thoughts
Good chapter story-wise, and a nicely choreographed fight at a moment when I was wondering “When are they gonna do another fight?” We also got some legitimate character development and interaction. So yeah, I’m happy. That said, I thought the animation was a bit subpar this week. Characters didn’t seem to walk around in a natural way, and some of their stationary poses looked weird. I wouldn’t be too surprised if the time spent on Chapter 3 affected production on the rest of the Volume (Miles did tweet that Chapter 3 was the most complicated episode they’ve ever done), but this was such a well-done episode otherwise I can’t say I actually care all that much.
(like, RWBY was never known for much besides the fight animation, the characters, and the story)
One last thing: I’ve been seeing reviews that are saying “these episodes are bad because these are cliches: they’ve been done before.” Look, if I’m being honest I’m not mad if RWBY makes a story choice that’s not particularly original, so long as it serves the overall show in a positive way. And since some folks are more inclined to think negatively of RWBY, I can’t say I agree with them when they say “Moan groan just one cliche means this show is bad.”
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Pretty Boy // Shin Hoseok- Part 3
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word count: 2109
pairing: hoseok x reader 
You were in a deep slumber when you were abruptly woken up by the sound of your mom yelling at you from somewhere in the house, and the sound of your phone ringing. You groaned, rolling over onto your back and rubbed your eyes. You reached over to grab your phone from the nightstand next to your bed. Squinting at the bright screen you read the caller ID before pressing the answer button.
 “What?” You grunted, struggling to sit up.
 “Are you alive now?” Jihye spoke from the other line.
 “No, this is my decaying corpse talking. What do you want?” You responded, running your fingers through your tangled bed hair.
 “We’re going to the mall, like every other saturday morning. Now get ready, Kihyun is going to pick you up in half an hour.” Jihye said, immediately hanging up and not giving you a chance to turn down her plans.
 Tossing your phone on the empty space next to you, you laid back down on your bed, enjoying a couple more minutes of peace. Unfortunately those couple of minutes turned into 10 minutes. Those ten minutes then turned into 20 minutes. It wasn’t until you heard a knock on your bedroom door that you snapped back awake. You quickly threw off the bed covers from your body and rushed to lock the door.
 “Yah, Y/N. Are you ready?” Kihyun shouted from the other side of the door.
“Uh, yeah, I’m almost ready. I’ll be out in a few minutes!” You rushed over to your closet, picking out whatever you could find, but making sure it matched. Quickly after changing your clothes, you brushed your hair before putting it up in a ponytail due to last nights bed hair. You finished doing the rest of your morning routine and headed out to meet with Kihyun.
 “Took you long enough.” He mumbled, then shouting out a goodbye to your mom as he walked out the front door.
 “Mom, I’ll be going now.” You followed after Kihyun, jogging to his car before he had the chance to leave you.
 By the time you and Kihyun got to the mall it was almost noon, but since it was still summer the sun was high up in the sky and it felt like you were slowly burning alive due to the hot temperature. Shoulder to shoulder, you and Kihyun walked to the food court where you met with the rest of the group. Usually on these days, you guys would just fool around the mall before getting kicked out of different places for being disruptive. Surprisingly you haven’t been banned from the mall just yet.
 After a while of playing around in the food court and being scolded by some old people that were seating nearby, you got tired of being around the boys. Not that there was anything wrong with them, but you see them literally everyday except for Sundays. You nudged Jihye whispering to her to go walk around with you. You let out a breath of relief once you got away before any of the boys noticed the both of you were missing.
 “I swear one day I’m going to end up beating up Hyungwon if he doesn’t calm down. Like I swear that boy is on something, he be hyper 24/7. I mean it’s funny but sometimes he’s just embarrassing.” You complained to Jihye as you followed her into a store.
 “I really would love to see you do that.” She laughed, looking through a rack of clothes.
 “They just really get on my nerves sometimes, except for Changkyun. Don’t tell anyone but he’s my favorite out of all of them.” You lowered your voice, looking around the empty store.
 “Yeah I lo-” Jihye stopped mid-sentence, pressing her lips together before smiling nervously at something behind you.
 You sighed lightly, “It’s Kihyun isn’t it?” You slowly turned around, looking up at Kihyun. “Hi.” You grinned at him, looking back at Jihye before nodding at her.
 The both of you ran past him and out the store. You looked back, spotting Kihyun a few feet behind you. You made a dash to the food court, looking around for somewhere to hide. You ran into a nearby restroom, where you knew he couldn’t go in and hid in there for a few minutes before thinking you had lost him. You opened the door, scanning the area for a sign of Kihyun. Once you were sure he wasn’t anywhere to be seen you walked out, slowly turning a corner while looking behind you. Out of nowhere Kihyun popped up in front of you, startling you.
 “Shit.” You tried to run the other way but he had already gotten ahold of you. He bent down, picking you up and putting you over his shoulder. “Wait, no! Kihyun, put me down!” You held onto him tightly, afraid he was going to drop you at any moment.
 “Gosh, you're heavy. Did you gain any weight recently?” Kihyun joked, pretending to struggle with carrying you.
 “For your information, I actually lost a few pou- Kihyun!” You shrieked, holding onto him tighter after he pretended to almost drop you. “I swear to god, I’m gonna beat your ass the second you put me down!” You looked peeked through his legs and spotted the group laughing at you.
 As soon as Kihyun reached the group he set you down, quickly running over to hide behind Minhyuk. You went after him, jumping on his back as soon as you caught him. “Buy me a smoothie and I’ll let you go.” You smiled innocently at him as he groaned and carried you over to get you a smoothie.
 After ordering and paying for your smoothie, you finally got off of his back. He handed you the smoothie, glaring at you most likely for making him waste his last cent on you. You giggled, grabbing the smoothie and turning around. It wasn’t until you heard a loud gasp from both, in front of you and behind you, that you noticed what had just happened. You gasped as well, bringing your hand up to your mouth. The second you had turned around you had bumped into a tall guy, but your eyes were on his lower body. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You took the napkin you had in your hand and went to clean off your now spilled smoothie off of the stranger. Before your hand went there, you realized what you were about to do and quickly pulled your hand back from the stranger’s crotch. You looked up, your eyes widening even more. “Hoseok! Oh my god, I'm sorry! I didn’t see where I was going.” You handed the napkin to him.
 “Fuck,” he mumbled, “no, it’s my fault I should’ve known I was about to bump into you.” He shook his head, wiping off the smoothie from his shirt and jeans.
 “No, it's my fault, let me make it up to you.” You looked up at him, embarrassed at the scene you had caused.
 “It’s okay. It's better if I go home and change out of this as soon as possible.” He gave you a small smile.
 “Can you at least let me make it up to you, later today or tomorrow? I feel really bad now.” You said, wanting to take this opportunity to get to know him better.
 “Alright, we can do tonight. Here’s my number, just text me and I’ll let you know at what time.” You smiled, feeling accomplished. You watched as he typed in his phone number.
 “So, I’ll see you later then?” He handed you back your phone, backing up from you.
 “Yeah, definitely.”
“So, what made you switch schools?” You and Hoseok were currently sitting across each other in a corner booth of a small ice cream shop. It has only been about half an hour since you met with him and it was going better than those other unfortunate times, like earlier that day when you spilled your smoothie all over him. You had gotten to know a bit more of his interests and found out that music, along with singing and dancing, was at the top of his list. Although you tried not to ask about his personal life, he had mentioned something about the past school year and you couldn’t help but wonder what was the reason behind his transfer.
 “After my father passed away, my mom struggled to support my brother and I so we decided it would be better if we moved to a smaller house, but since we lived in a richer city all the houses were way above our budget and yeah, we ended up here.” You noticed how Hoseok was a bit hesitant before answering, and you immediately regretted asking that question.
 “Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.” You lowered your head a bit, swirling what was left of your ice cream around the cup with a spoon.
 “It’s fine, you were just curious.” You looked up, your eyes landing on that warm smile of his. Just now you realized how he rarely smiles, and you would love to see more of that. Maybe he has that billion dollar smile when he smiles wide with all his teeth showing.
 “What?” He asked noticing your stare. “Do I have something on my face?”
 “Oh, no, it’s just that,” You smiled slightly, looking up from his mouth to his eyes. “You have a really cute smile and I don't see you smiling often, so you should smile more.”
 “Oh.” He laughed, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth.
 “Aw come on!” You groaned, laughing at how shy he got from that one small comment.
 You and Hoseok talked a bit more, finishing up your cup of ice cream and getting up to throw away the remains. He too asked about your interests and your family, which was only fair because you asked. You also talked about your social groups, what you usually do on the weekends, and certain embarrassing situations. Even though this was only the beginning, you felt like you already knew Hoseok well enough to hang out with him more, but you weren’t so sure yet.
 “Hey, you know how you said you liked dancing?” You asked as you and Hoseok walked back to your homes. He hummed in response, kicking a small rock out of his way. “Do you think could teach me some moves?”
 “Okay, we can start tomorrow.” You looked over at him, not expecting such a quick response.
 “Yeah, just come over tomorrow. I had the garage turned into a dance room for me a few months ago, so there’ll be plenty of space.” He smiled back at you.
 “I'm excited now.” Pushing away the fact that you would be alone with him once again, you thought about what good would come out of this. Not only would you be learning more about dancing, but you will get to spend more time with Hoseok, and hopefully that won’t be over anytime soon.
 “I admit I’m pretty excited too. I may not be the best dancer out there but I’m good enough, and I’m glad to be the one to teach you.”
 “I’m sure you dance really good, better than me that’s for sure.” You both laughed, looking out into the almost dark sky.
 “Well I guess this is where we part.” He stopped at the corner of the street, facing the opposite way of where you were headed.
 “Right. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He nodded, taking out his phone to check the time.
 “Text me when you get home, alright?” You assured him you would be doing that before you both headed opposite ways. It took you at least five more minutes to get to the front of your house, and you quickly took out your phone. Opening the front door you finished typing a message letting Hoseok know you were home and sent it. You greeted your parents once again, before heading into your room. Throwing yourself on your bed, you let out a deep sigh before you checked your phone for a text from Hoseok.
 “Okay, good.” Was his response to you letting him know you were home. “Now, get some rest because you’re gonna be stuck with me for most of the day tomorrow.”
 “I mean, I’m not really complaining about that, but I am pretty tired right now so I’m going to sleep now.” You sent.
 “Mkay, goodnighttt :)” You smiled at that last text, before the weight of your eyelids knocked you out into a deep sleep.
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