dreaming of you tonight
36 posts
I take requests whenever I currently only write for BTS, GOT7, and MONSTA X Masterlist (most pictures and gifs i use are not mine! creds to owners.)
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goldjaebum · 7 years ago
Letters // Jeon Jungkook (Part 5)
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word count: 364
pairing: jungkook x reader 
July 24, 2017
Dear Y/N,
I swear I’m going crazy. Lately, I’ve been seeing your face everywhere, but when I run towards you, you disappear into the face of a confused stranger. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve embarrassed myself, so now I just sit quietly in the corner of a coffee shop writing letters to you.
Jungkook looked up from the piece of paper in front of him at the sound of the door opening. He watched as a female walked up to the counter to order something from the coffee shop. Although he didn’t see her face, he felt as if she was just another regular girl. Jungkook diverted his eyes back to the paper in front of him and continued writing.
It wasn't until a shiny object caught his eye, that his attention went back to the girl. Out of the corner of his eye, Jungkook could make out a familiar looking ring on the girl's finger. He took one more look at her ring before jumping out of his seat and dashing out the door. 
As soon as he caught up with her he grasped her wrist and spun her around. He looked down at her, a nervous laugh escaping his mouth as he pulled her into a hug. Y/N’s scent filled his nose as he clung to her. 
Y/N, on the other hand, had no reaction towards the young man embracing her. She had frozen as soon as she met his eyes. She didn’t know what to do in a situation like this. Should she hug him back? Should she push him away? Or just stand there until he releases her? Y/N knew he wasn’t going to let go anytime soon, so she pushed him off and walked away.
Jungkook, puzzled at her actions, took off once again after her. Calling out her name multiple times, Jungkook grew tired and frustrated at Y/N to the point where he gave up. He stopped in his tracks as thoughts flooded his mind. What am I doing? Chasing after some girl who doesn't give a shit about me? When did you become like this, Jungkook?
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Letters // Jeon Jungkook (Part 4)
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word count: 223
pairing: jungkook x reader 
July 22, 2017
Dear Y/N,
I saw you, that day at the shopping center. And I know you saw me too, but you avoided me in whatever way possible. How come? I just want to talk... The thing is that I never thought I would be left wanting more. I thought this would’ve just been another one night stand, but no, it was more than that to me. I don’t usually stay after on a night like this, but you were different. There was something about you that attracted me towards you. Maybe it was the way you made an effort to start a conversation with me or the way instantly bonded together because of all the interests that we had in common. We talked for 3 hours, possibly more or less, I wouldn’t have known because I seemed to have lost track of time when I was with you. I just never thought I would be feeling this way. It could be just a phase, but I don’t want it to be just a phase. I’m willing to try things out with you, no matter what’s keeping you away.
- Jungkook 
You knew what he was talking about. You felt the exact same way, but you couldn’t do anything about it. At least not right now, but when the time was right. 
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Letters // Jeon Jungkook (Part 3)
“You’re the one thing I can’t stop thinking about.”
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word count: 300
pairing: jungkook x reader
A/N: I might’ve made the letter a bit sexual ?? 
It’s been almost an hour since you received this week’s mail, and for almost an hour you have been staring at an unopened white envelope sitting on the table in front of you. The letter was addressed to you, obviously, but there was one thing that was stopping you from opening it. The name, Jeon Jungkook, was written neatly on the top left corner of the envelope.  You guessed it would be another one of his descriptive letters. Since you knew what happened that night after the club you hesitated on opening his letter at first, but now your curiosity had gotten the best of you, and you soon found yourself reaching for the envelope. You fumbled with the letter, almost tearing it in two before finally getting it open. You took a deep breath before you began reading it. 
July 15, 2017 
Dear Y/N, 
So I guess you know what happens next in our story, right? I would say this was my favorite part of that night, and I loved every moment of it. Although it was short, it was memorable. You left me wanting more, Y/N. The way we stumbled into your place almost half naked by the time we closed the front door. How we almost did it in the middle of your living room before you suggested that we go into your bedroom instead. I loved the feeling of your lips against my skin and vice versa. Also, how you shivered from the contact of my cold hands and your warm torso. You, clinging onto me while your loud but soft moans filled my ears. Oh, the things you did that turned me on. I hope we can experience this again sometime in the future, but maybe with different feelings put into it. 
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Letters // Jeon Jungkook (Part 2)
“You're the one thing I can't stop thinking about.”
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word count: 212
pairing: jungkook x reader
July 8, 2017
Dear Y/N,
I’m still thinking about that night. Maybe not as much as last week but enough to have me wanting more. I remember the way your eyes met mine from across the hot crowded room. How you slowly made your way towards me, not once breaking eye contact. I remember the feeling of your warm body against mine, your hips moving to the beat of the music against my lower body. I remember the way your hands made your way up to my neck, pulling me down to you. I remember the feeling of your soft lips against mine. I remember every single thing that happened in that nightclub, right before we left together...
- Jungkook 
“Oh my gosh, Jungkook.” You mumbled under your breath. It had already been difficult for you to read the first letter, and this just made you think more and more about that night. You closed your eyes and laid back, reminiscing about that hour and how good his body felt against yours while you danced to the beat of the music. No matter how much you enjoyed that night, it was just a one-time thing that won’t happen again. And you planned to keep that promise for as long as you could. 
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Letters // Jeon Jungkook (Series)
“You're the one thing I can't stop thinking about.”
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pairing: jungkook x reader 
part 1 
part 2
part 3 
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Letters // Jeon Jungkook (Part 1)
“You're the one thing I can’t stop thinking about.” 
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word count: 170
pairing: jungkook x reader 
July 1st, 2017
Dear Y/N,
It’s only been one week since that night. I know we agreed to go on with our lives, but I just can’t help but think about it. “You have to agree, whatever happens tonight stays here, not to be spoken about. I want you to forget this night and go on about your normal life. Think about it as a summer fling, just don’t think about it at all after this. Okay?” I still remember those words. I still remember that night vividly, and after what happened I don’t think I can forget about it.
- Jungkook
You sighed as you put the letter aside on the countertop. You leaned back on the chair resting your head on the wall behind you and took a deep shaky breath. You too couldn’t forget that night. That night was the best you’ve ever had in your lifetime. It was adventurous, yes, but that’s all you ever wanted, nothing more. It would all be over anytime soon anyway. 
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Pretty Boy // Shin Hoseok- Part 3
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word count: 2109
pairing: hoseok x reader 
You were in a deep slumber when you were abruptly woken up by the sound of your mom yelling at you from somewhere in the house, and the sound of your phone ringing. You groaned, rolling over onto your back and rubbed your eyes. You reached over to grab your phone from the nightstand next to your bed. Squinting at the bright screen you read the caller ID before pressing the answer button.
 “What?” You grunted, struggling to sit up.
 “Are you alive now?” Jihye spoke from the other line.
 “No, this is my decaying corpse talking. What do you want?” You responded, running your fingers through your tangled bed hair.
 “We’re going to the mall, like every other saturday morning. Now get ready, Kihyun is going to pick you up in half an hour.” Jihye said, immediately hanging up and not giving you a chance to turn down her plans.
 Tossing your phone on the empty space next to you, you laid back down on your bed, enjoying a couple more minutes of peace. Unfortunately those couple of minutes turned into 10 minutes. Those ten minutes then turned into 20 minutes. It wasn’t until you heard a knock on your bedroom door that you snapped back awake. You quickly threw off the bed covers from your body and rushed to lock the door.
 “Yah, Y/N. Are you ready?” Kihyun shouted from the other side of the door.
“Uh, yeah, I’m almost ready. I’ll be out in a few minutes!” You rushed over to your closet, picking out whatever you could find, but making sure it matched. Quickly after changing your clothes, you brushed your hair before putting it up in a ponytail due to last nights bed hair. You finished doing the rest of your morning routine and headed out to meet with Kihyun.
 “Took you long enough.” He mumbled, then shouting out a goodbye to your mom as he walked out the front door.
 “Mom, I’ll be going now.” You followed after Kihyun, jogging to his car before he had the chance to leave you.
 By the time you and Kihyun got to the mall it was almost noon, but since it was still summer the sun was high up in the sky and it felt like you were slowly burning alive due to the hot temperature. Shoulder to shoulder, you and Kihyun walked to the food court where you met with the rest of the group. Usually on these days, you guys would just fool around the mall before getting kicked out of different places for being disruptive. Surprisingly you haven’t been banned from the mall just yet.
 After a while of playing around in the food court and being scolded by some old people that were seating nearby, you got tired of being around the boys. Not that there was anything wrong with them, but you see them literally everyday except for Sundays. You nudged Jihye whispering to her to go walk around with you. You let out a breath of relief once you got away before any of the boys noticed the both of you were missing.
 “I swear one day I’m going to end up beating up Hyungwon if he doesn’t calm down. Like I swear that boy is on something, he be hyper 24/7. I mean it’s funny but sometimes he’s just embarrassing.” You complained to Jihye as you followed her into a store.
 “I really would love to see you do that.” She laughed, looking through a rack of clothes.
 “They just really get on my nerves sometimes, except for Changkyun. Don’t tell anyone but he’s my favorite out of all of them.” You lowered your voice, looking around the empty store.
 “Yeah I lo-” Jihye stopped mid-sentence, pressing her lips together before smiling nervously at something behind you.
 You sighed lightly, “It’s Kihyun isn’t it?” You slowly turned around, looking up at Kihyun. “Hi.” You grinned at him, looking back at Jihye before nodding at her.
 The both of you ran past him and out the store. You looked back, spotting Kihyun a few feet behind you. You made a dash to the food court, looking around for somewhere to hide. You ran into a nearby restroom, where you knew he couldn’t go in and hid in there for a few minutes before thinking you had lost him. You opened the door, scanning the area for a sign of Kihyun. Once you were sure he wasn’t anywhere to be seen you walked out, slowly turning a corner while looking behind you. Out of nowhere Kihyun popped up in front of you, startling you.
 “Shit.” You tried to run the other way but he had already gotten ahold of you. He bent down, picking you up and putting you over his shoulder. “Wait, no! Kihyun, put me down!” You held onto him tightly, afraid he was going to drop you at any moment.
 “Gosh, you're heavy. Did you gain any weight recently?” Kihyun joked, pretending to struggle with carrying you.
 “For your information, I actually lost a few pou- Kihyun!” You shrieked, holding onto him tighter after he pretended to almost drop you. “I swear to god, I’m gonna beat your ass the second you put me down!” You looked peeked through his legs and spotted the group laughing at you.
 As soon as Kihyun reached the group he set you down, quickly running over to hide behind Minhyuk. You went after him, jumping on his back as soon as you caught him. “Buy me a smoothie and I’ll let you go.” You smiled innocently at him as he groaned and carried you over to get you a smoothie.
 After ordering and paying for your smoothie, you finally got off of his back. He handed you the smoothie, glaring at you most likely for making him waste his last cent on you. You giggled, grabbing the smoothie and turning around. It wasn’t until you heard a loud gasp from both, in front of you and behind you, that you noticed what had just happened. You gasped as well, bringing your hand up to your mouth. The second you had turned around you had bumped into a tall guy, but your eyes were on his lower body. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You took the napkin you had in your hand and went to clean off your now spilled smoothie off of the stranger. Before your hand went there, you realized what you were about to do and quickly pulled your hand back from the stranger’s crotch. You looked up, your eyes widening even more. “Hoseok! Oh my god, I'm sorry! I didn’t see where I was going.” You handed the napkin to him.
 “Fuck,” he mumbled, “no, it’s my fault I should’ve known I was about to bump into you.” He shook his head, wiping off the smoothie from his shirt and jeans.
 “No, it's my fault, let me make it up to you.” You looked up at him, embarrassed at the scene you had caused.
 “It’s okay. It's better if I go home and change out of this as soon as possible.” He gave you a small smile.
 “Can you at least let me make it up to you, later today or tomorrow? I feel really bad now.” You said, wanting to take this opportunity to get to know him better.
 “Alright, we can do tonight. Here’s my number, just text me and I’ll let you know at what time.” You smiled, feeling accomplished. You watched as he typed in his phone number.
 “So, I’ll see you later then?” He handed you back your phone, backing up from you.
 “Yeah, definitely.”
“So, what made you switch schools?” You and Hoseok were currently sitting across each other in a corner booth of a small ice cream shop. It has only been about half an hour since you met with him and it was going better than those other unfortunate times, like earlier that day when you spilled your smoothie all over him. You had gotten to know a bit more of his interests and found out that music, along with singing and dancing, was at the top of his list. Although you tried not to ask about his personal life, he had mentioned something about the past school year and you couldn’t help but wonder what was the reason behind his transfer.
 “After my father passed away, my mom struggled to support my brother and I so we decided it would be better if we moved to a smaller house, but since we lived in a richer city all the houses were way above our budget and yeah, we ended up here.” You noticed how Hoseok was a bit hesitant before answering, and you immediately regretted asking that question.
 “Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.” You lowered your head a bit, swirling what was left of your ice cream around the cup with a spoon.
 “It’s fine, you were just curious.” You looked up, your eyes landing on that warm smile of his. Just now you realized how he rarely smiles, and you would love to see more of that. Maybe he has that billion dollar smile when he smiles wide with all his teeth showing.
 “What?” He asked noticing your stare. “Do I have something on my face?”
 “Oh, no, it’s just that,” You smiled slightly, looking up from his mouth to his eyes. “You have a really cute smile and I don't see you smiling often, so you should smile more.”
 “Oh.” He laughed, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth.
 “Aw come on!” You groaned, laughing at how shy he got from that one small comment.
 You and Hoseok talked a bit more, finishing up your cup of ice cream and getting up to throw away the remains. He too asked about your interests and your family, which was only fair because you asked. You also talked about your social groups, what you usually do on the weekends, and certain embarrassing situations. Even though this was only the beginning, you felt like you already knew Hoseok well enough to hang out with him more, but you weren’t so sure yet.
 “Hey, you know how you said you liked dancing?” You asked as you and Hoseok walked back to your homes. He hummed in response, kicking a small rock out of his way. “Do you think could teach me some moves?”
 “Okay, we can start tomorrow.” You looked over at him, not expecting such a quick response.
 “Yeah, just come over tomorrow. I had the garage turned into a dance room for me a few months ago, so there’ll be plenty of space.” He smiled back at you.
 “I'm excited now.” Pushing away the fact that you would be alone with him once again, you thought about what good would come out of this. Not only would you be learning more about dancing, but you will get to spend more time with Hoseok, and hopefully that won’t be over anytime soon.
 “I admit I’m pretty excited too. I may not be the best dancer out there but I’m good enough, and I’m glad to be the one to teach you.”
 “I’m sure you dance really good, better than me that’s for sure.” You both laughed, looking out into the almost dark sky.
 “Well I guess this is where we part.” He stopped at the corner of the street, facing the opposite way of where you were headed.
 “Right. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He nodded, taking out his phone to check the time.
 “Text me when you get home, alright?” You assured him you would be doing that before you both headed opposite ways. It took you at least five more minutes to get to the front of your house, and you quickly took out your phone. Opening the front door you finished typing a message letting Hoseok know you were home and sent it. You greeted your parents once again, before heading into your room. Throwing yourself on your bed, you let out a deep sigh before you checked your phone for a text from Hoseok.
 “Okay, good.” Was his response to you letting him know you were home. “Now, get some rest because you’re gonna be stuck with me for most of the day tomorrow.”
 “I mean, I’m not really complaining about that, but I am pretty tired right now so I’m going to sleep now.” You sent.
 “Mkay, goodnighttt :)” You smiled at that last text, before the weight of your eyelids knocked you out into a deep sleep.
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Things I Love About Day6
Jae: that habit where he holds his guitar picks in his mouth; his fingers; Cali boy English; the Icarus rap in Like That Sun; his spirituality and connection to his religion is really admirable; that time he agreed to trade Wonpil for two buckets of friend chicken and a box of boiling crab; his nose is so cute; the gold mine that is his old social media; yellowpostitman; his guitar names; his lame but endearing sense of humor; hashtag king; Jae has really nice legs; his little high pitched laugh when he gets surprised or excited about something
Sungjin: HIS HANDS everything about his hands, the veins and the big knuckles and the way he uses them when he talks and the way his fingers get all crooked when he plays guitar; dancing skills obv; Richard the bike; the way he looks in blazers; the way he looks in tank tops; the first time he cried at their concert; such a neat freak lol; he takes so much care of his members; how he opens his eyes super wide when he's mad; the chorus of like every song; super expressive eyebrows; his shoulders are so broad
Young K: he's in college and he studies accounting; his voice is so nice not just his singing voice but just his speaking voice like I could listen to him talk forever; so intense onstage and so soft offstage; his relationship with Terry; when they flipped the banner in Taiwan; he eats so much; that hand symbol he makes that looks like a six; the dangling earring he wears sometimes that looks like a dream catcher; all those breakup songs; that time they made him display his biceps on Chinese TV; the way he squeezes his eyes shut when he's embarrassed
Wonpil: SMILE oh my god his beautiful enormous ray of absolute sunshine smile is my most favorite thing in the world; Sofa; his hair is naturally curly; his relationship with his sister is literally the cutest most pure and wholesome thing in the world; he annoys the members so much lmao; his tattoo and esp the meaning behind it; "I like a girl who has a dream and pursues it"; his piercings are so attractive; the pink sweater; that one leather jacket; how he closes his eyes when he's playing keyboard; his voice pitches a little bit lower when he's being really serious; whenever he gets embarrassed he just gets up and leaves
Dowoon: he loves animals so much; daejang jjigae; the little "uhh" right before he answers any questions; his arms wow they are so nice; his singing voice is so nice and deep and so precious; he looks up to his members so much; Savage!Dowoon; he always tolerates Wonpil's skinship but also complains about it; that really intense face he makes when he's playing the drums really hard; how his eyes shift really fast from side to side when he's nervous; he has such a naturally calm and quiet personality; his ears get so red
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
First date // Park Jinyoung
that cute guy at the party last week asks you out on a date and he turns out to be just what you were looking for. 
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word count: 1164
pairing: jinyoung x reader
It was Saturday night and you were currently getting ready for your date. It was surprising actually, when Jinyoung had come up to you at your best friend’s party and smoothly asked you out on a date. You could tell he was a bit nervous when he asked you, but you found that cute, and obviously you wouldn’t turn down your high school crush so you said yes. He was very glad about your response so he stayed a while chatting with you before his friends dragged him away. You haven’t stopped thinking about him ever since, which was 2 nights ago, and you were pretty excited for this date.
You finished touching up the light makeup that you had applied earlier in the day, before standing in front of the mirror to check your appearance. You were wearing something simple, nothing much since it was just a casual date, according to Jinyoung. You walked into the closet, looking for a jacket, when just then you heard the doorbell ring. Grabbing a light jacket, you grabbed your mini wallet and phone from off the bed, before heading out to the front door.
You opened the door, revealing Jinyoung. He was dressed nicely, wearing a beige like top and blue jeans. “Wow, you look beautiful.” He looked at you up and down, smiling at how you both unknowingly managed to match.
“Me?” you laughed slightly. “I’m not much, but thank you. You look handsome as well.”
“Well I tried my best.” He laughed, a tint of blush creeping onto his cheeks. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, let me just make sure everything is locked.” He nodded, stepping in the house as he watched you leave to go check the backdoor. You quickly locked what was needed to be and met Jinyoung at the front door once again. The both of you walked from your front door to his car. Being the gentleman Jinyoung is, he reached to open your door for you before you could. You smiled slightly, murmuring a thank you to him. He closed your door walking around to the driver’s seat.
“So, do you mind telling me where you’re taking me?” You asked, looking over at him with raised brows.
“No can do.” He said, his eyes flickering over to yours for a split second before going back to the road.
“How do I know you’re not going to kidnap me then?” You looked at the expression on his face and laughed.
“Do you really think i’d be the type of person to do that?” He replied, a small smile forming on his face.
“Well I mean you never know what kind of person somebody might be. You might be hiding something and now you’re just waiting for the perfect time to just let it out.”
“Oh yeah, cause I’m totally a creep that just wants to get in your pants at the end of the night.”
“I mean if it was you I wouldn’t mind that.” You murmured, hoping he didn’t hear that.
“What was that now?” He looked over at you, smirking because he totally just heard that.
“Oh nothing.” You quickly looked away from him, feeling the heat rush up to your cheeks.
After a few minutes, you arrived to your destination. Your eyes lit up as soon as you realized where Jinyoung had brought you. You turned to him smiling, as he parked the car and turned off the engine.
“I mean the fair is a bit cheesy,” he laughed, “but i just thought you seemed like the type of girl who enjoys this kind of dates, so i thought why not.”
“You’re right, I do enjoy these dates. They’re my personal favorites.” You smiled.
“Well what are we waiting for then? Let’s go have some fun.” He grinned, opening the car door and getting out. He walked to the other side, grabbing your hand as you got out of the car. He locked the car, and turned towards you smiling. He reached down to hold your hand, intertwining your fingers together. You looked down and bit your lip, refraining yourself from smiling too hard.
Once getting your tickets, which was not easy considering Jinyoung wouldn’t let you pay half, you chose to go to the games first and then the rides after. You went from booth to booth, beating Jinyoung at almost every single game. You could tell Jinyoung was getting frustrated, he wouldn’t accept the fact that he just lost at a game of shooting.
“This isn’t fair,” he pouted, “you have way more experience with this than I do. It’s embarrassing that you’re beating me at almost everything.” He looked around, trying to find something that he could at least beat you in.
“Aw, poor Jinyoung can’t handle the fact that he’s a sore loser.” You looked up at him, tilting your head to the side and frowning.
“Yah, there has to be something in here that you’re not good at.” He stared down at you, squinting his eyes at you. “You know what maybe next time, i’ll take you somewhere to do something you might not be good at.”
“Oh, so there is going to be a next time.” You smiled.
“Well I sure hope so, cause if not then i just made a huge fool of myself.” You both laughed, stopping at a food stand to get something to eat.
For the next hour or so, you continued walking around hand in hand with Jinyoung, getting on different rides and getting to know more about each other. The whole time you were both actually having fun, you hadn’t noticed how long it had been and how late it was getting until he mentioned it. You both agreed it was time to get going, but you were a bit sad that this date ended so soon. You had fun with Jinyoung so you hoped there were more dates sometime in the future.
At the end of the night, when Jinyoung was taking you home, you both decided to stop by for some ice cream. You enjoyed a small talk with him, getting to know each other a bit more before deciding to head home. When Jinyoung dropped you off at your place, he walked you up to the front door, where he leaned in for a small but sweet kiss. At that moment, call it cliche, but you felt the sparks and fireworks go off all around you as you enjoyed the small moment. “I know you said you don’t kiss on the first date, but i just couldn’t let this opportunity slip by.” Jinyoung said, his lips brushing against your lips. “And, i really hope you take me up on that second date.”
“Only if i get to choose where we go next.” You replied, a small smile forming on both of your faces. He quietly let out a “goodnight” before placing a second kiss on your lips, and heading back home.
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Shin Hoseok- Pretty Boy Series
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part 1 
part 2 
part 3 
part 4
part 5 
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Pretty boy // Shin Hoseok- Part 2
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It has been about five weeks since the first day of school, and you could say it was going pretty well, asides from all the work you were assigned to do in a matter of days. It was Monday, and there was only one thing you were looking forward for. Pretty boy. It was harder than you thought to befriend him. Hell, you haven’t even said a word to him. So far the only thing you knew about him was his name, Shin Hoseok. He was a pretty distant person, and the only group of people you have seen him talk to is Jooheon’s and Hyunwoo’s group.
You and Jihye walked into art class, being the first ones in the room. You both took a seat in the middle of the room, watching as the rest of the class slowly came in, one by one.
“Hey, have you already finished that english project?” Jihye asked. You turned around to look at her.
“You’re kidding me right?” She shook her head slowly. “Do you really think i would finish that early? I mean she just gave it to us last week and i’ve been so stressed to even start it.”
“Dang, well i just assumed since you usually do your work and turn it in before the end of class that-” She stopped mid-sentence looking at your expression before pressing her lips together and leaning back on her seat. “Mhm okay, i’ll just… i’ll be over here if ya need me.” You laughed slightly, shaking your head and turning back around to face the front of the room.
“Class, have a seat. I’m just going to take a few minutes to explain this project and then you can go back to whatever nonsense you all do.”
After the teacher finished explaining the project and mentioning that he was going to assign partners, you turned to Jihye with a sour face. “I really hope he puts us together,” You looked around the room, most of the people here were just here to get their art credit for their high school year and not because they loved art, “or at least with someone who actually does part of the work.” She nodded in agreement.
“Y/N and-” The teacher looked at you and then at someone behind you. “Hoseok.” Your eyes widened slightly.
“Holy shit.” You said quietly, turning to face Jihye. “Tell me i didn’t hear that right. Did he just pair me up with pretty boy?” You whispered.
“Oh my god Y/N, this is your chance, go befriend him and find out more about him.” Jihye smacked your arm slightly, making you jump.
“Aish, why did you hit me though?” You said while glaring at her.
“Oh, I don’t know, just felt like it.” She shrugged. “Now go to pretty boy.
You smacked her back before getting up to go over to pretty boy. You walked slowly to him waiting for him to notice you before you got there.
“Hey, Hoseok, I'm Y/N, your partner.” You introduced yourself once you were standing in front of him. He looked up from his smart phone, giving you a small smile.
“I know who you are.” He sat up, placing his phone down to give you his attention. You let out a quiet ‘oh’ and sat down in the seat in front of him. “I mean you’re the loudest person in this class and you’re very talkative.” He let out a chuckle.
“Well I didn’t really think I was that loud.” You laughed slightly, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. He nodded, pressing his lips together. “So..” You trailed off looking down at your fidgeting fingers.
“We should start thinking about what we’re going to do for the project.” He took out a sheet of paper and a pencil. “Since the plan is to create a portrait of the other person, we first need to spend a week ‘outside of class to get to know each other’ but we don’t have to do that, we can just draw each other and turn it in like that.”
“Oh, yeah.” You clenched your jaw, annoyed at the pretty boy sitting in front of you. He is obviously not interested. Fuck this is really hard to do. You thought. “Well let’s just hope we get a good grade, right?” You smiled kindly at him, he nodded and went back to being on his phone. You stood up and walked back to your assigned desk, from where Jihye was keeping an eye with you.
“So, how’d it go?” She asked, her hand under her chin supporting her head.
“I don’t know anymore Jihye.” You sighed. “He was nice and all at first but then when it got to the project he kinda just like shut down and said that we don’t have to get to know each other for this project.”
“You know you can’t just give up like that, maybe he has some trust issues or something that keeps him from opening up. The point of this self portrait project is to show what that person is like, to reveal their feelings or whatever.”
“Oh i'm not giving up. I'm definitely going to figure him out, somehow.”
About half an hour passed and you were released to go to your last period. Fortunately you also have Hoseok in that class. Maybe you could get him to do something with you, or at least talk more. You waited until the biology teacher finished teaching the lesson to give Hoseok another try. Today’s lesson was short and went by pretty quick, which left just enough time at the end of class.
You looked around the class, trying to find Hoseok so you could go up to him. He wasn’t in his assigned seat so you checked in the back where the lab tables where. You spotted him in the back corner with a tense posture. You quickly made your way over to him, slowing down when you were near. You looked down at the paper in front of him, your eyes widening slightly.
“Woah, did you draw that?” You took the piece of paper in your hands, admiring the work he had done.
“Yeah, i did.” He took the paper back, looking down to avoid making eye contact with you.
“You draw really good, you know.” You leaned on the table, your eyes flickering from his art to his face. You noticed a slight tint of pink on his cheeks and a small smile on his face.
“Thanks, i’ve been told so before, but it’s not much you know,” he finally looked up at you, letting out a deep breath, “just sketches.” He pushed the sketchbook towards you, allowing you to look through his work.
“Are you kidding? These are amazing!” You flipped through the sketchbook in awe. He had drawings of landscapes, mostly random things, but the thing that caught your eye were his most recent sketches, mostly of the same girl. She looked familiar but you couldn’t quiet put your finger on it.
“Oh, not those.” He snatched the book from your hands, placing it back into his backpack. He stood up picking up his belongings before turning to face you.
“What’s wrong with those? I think they’re pretty good, but who’s the girl?” You asked, looking up confusingly at him.
“Uhm, just someone i’ve noticed this past week.” He walked past you, ready to leave the room since the bell had already rung.
“Wait! Do you think you could show me those again sometime?” You called after him, grabbing your backpack and running over to him.
“Sure, just when i'm finished, okay?” He responded.
“Sounds good to me.” You stopped walking, letting him go his own way. You smiled to yourself thinking, today was a success. Yeah we didn’t talk much but i still got him to talk to me, and hopefully i can get him to befriend me sometime. I just hope i get to figure out what attracts me to his mysterious self. 
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
Pretty boy // Shin Hoseok - Part 1
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It was the end of your first day of your last year of high school. Senior year. This year is supposed to be filled with good memories of fun times in class, new friends, prom, significant others, etc. That last one you decided to put aside, you weren't really looking for anyone at the moment and you really didn’t want to get into a relationship that might ruin your year.
Walking into your last class you scanned the room full of familiar faces, all people who you have spent the past three years with, stopping on a certain someone. Her back was faced towards you, familiar enough for you to know it's her. You smiled to yourself, walking over to her.
“Best friend!” You yelled out, causing her to turn around. Her eyes met yours, her mouth breaking into a wide smile.
“Y/N!” Jihye ran towards you, engulfing you in a hug. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too!” You laughed lifting your head up from her shoulder to see your other friends staring at both of you.
“You guys literally just saw each other like two days ago,” Kihyun complained, “and i haven’t seen you in weeks. Where’s my hug?”
You laughed, letting go Jihye to hug Kihyun. Kihyun is your guy best friend. You met him in the beginning of freshman year when you got paired up with him to complete a project. It would seem like you were the one who did most of the work but you both did an equal amount of work and got a high grade. Even though the project was only 2 weeks long, you found out you seemed to really enjoy his company. You thought he was a caring, sweet guy, and sometimes he could be a little too over protective, but that’s what you grew to love about him, and you were glad you did, because he turned out to be a great best friend.
As the class settled down and the teacher started talking, you started to zone out, staring at the chalkboard at the front of the room. A few minutes had went by when you felt Jihye kick the back of your chair. You spun around, facing her and raising an eyebrow at her. She nodded her head over to something at the front of the room. You slowly turned back around, your eyes landing on a tall figure who was talking to the teacher. The guy had dark hair, dark eyes the shape of crescent moons, smooth white skin with plump red lips that made you want to kiss them.
“Woah.” You let out, mesmerized by the looks of the pretty boy. Your eyes were fixated on him, watching as he took his seat across the room. He sat there doing nothing, arms crossed, jaw clenched as he glared at the back of the teacher’s head. He looks too pretty to be a bitter guy. You thought. I wonder what’s up with him.
School was finally over. You walked out of class with Jihye by your side and the others in front. They chatted on about as your mind wandered back to the pretty boy in class. You didn’t get a chance to see where he went as he had dashed out of class as soon as the bell rang. You looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before you left. You sighed in defeat, walking out the front doors into the warm sunny August weather.
“Hey, Y/N. The guys and I are going out to eat, you want to tag along?” Jihye asked. You thought about it for a minute before nodding.
“I could use some food right now.” You said, your stomach growling loudly as they laughed at you. You walked along with the group, getting into one of their cars before they drove out.
“Are you okay? You’ve been awfully quiet since class.” Kihyun nudged you. He looked down at you worriedly
You nodded. “Yeah i'm fine, just thinking.” He raised an eyebrow at you. You sighed, “okay, okay, i’ll tell you later though.”
You finally arrived to the little diner that had grown to be your little hangout place. You found this place with Kihyun one friday night a few years ago. The place had the best milk shakes you’ve ever tried, and Kihyun agreed. You walked in, greeting the waitresses that already knew you so well. Taking a seat at the back of the diner, you looked over at your favorite waitress motioning for her to come over. “Eunsol!” She smiled, walking over to take the tables orders.
“Same as usual for everyone?” She asked, scribbling down on her little paper pad.
“You know us so well.” Changkyun grinned at her. She just laughed and walked away.
“So, how was everyone’s first day?” Hyungwon asked, looking around. A chorus of goods and okays were heard.
“Well my day,” Minhyuk started, “was great.” He tried to maintain his smile, but failed.
“Oh really, how come?”
“Well I may or may not have gotten myself a date.” Everyone cheered and congratulated him, seeing as how it was his first date in a while.
The door to the dinner opened, causing everyone’s eyes to travel to the newcomers. The table gasped slightly, quickly turning back around to face each other. Your eyes were still on them, the pretty boy and the school’s two bad boys. Lee Jooheon and Son Hyunwoo. The table instantly broke into whispers about the two boys, but you were too focused on pretty boy to even bother to listen to what they had to say.
“Wait.” Jihye screamed whispered. “Why is the new guy with them? Like I heard rumors about him being expelled from his old school because he almost killed some kid in a fight, but i didn’t think it was true.”
“What? You think just because he’s hanging out with Jooheon and Hyunwoo makes the rumors true? I mean, I don’t know about you but I feel like it’s something else.” You stated. “And i'm going to find out.”
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
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“this award belongs to the people all around the world that shine the love and light on us by the millions and make BTS proud” ♡
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
this part makes me so happy
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
small things to do that make your mind feel clearer
close all your internet tabs except the one you’re using
delete all your text messages
delete negative people from social networks
throw some things away. just throw them away
tidy your desk. make a blank surface
drink 3 glasses of water
open the curtains
wash your face and brush your teeth
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
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goldjaebum · 8 years ago
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me @ everything 
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